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r. :'. I ' - t SS.'.V'-.:-'- - Spring J)ai(t) Herald iv.o. r ' VOL. 3 NO. 2y. EIGHT PAGES TODAY BIG SPRING, TEXAS, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1031. W MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED Pltfe88 oClub Boys' Calves Fancy IIa ourity Bring Prices Farmers' Queen I Wl That Old Hat! Out For Air Record " . H Buy At Home Train Strliek Poison Liquor M Many Attend -- E & - lUf HO zzz 1 TOWN Proponent Is By Gasoline MsiiiiiiiiiiiBisiiH Is Held Cause Beef Feeders' iT A L K Club Speaker Truck; 1 Dead Of Boy's Death Session I Here I "SSI SSSSSSS1 SSSSSSSSSSSSSST ' jf. By nEnOY Lnrf Walks Garftiiri ' 1930 Republican Nominee Driver Killed,, Locomotive To BnMcr0 Caiiblc's r Governor nl Lions Iiiigiiieer mill Fircnmu AflcrWrdek;AksTo Calf, For One.polnt In connection with the J Weighing 952 Pounds, Luncheon J c IFny Die ilt'sl; Expires clly .till project that apparently Placctl First ahoufilbe made plainer has to do 1 Con E. mill) Talboh repub TOLEDO, 8 .T" Melvln DAW AS. May A . I W. aiay wage- t f 1& IiAWAPA fllUm- - 17 (Ititntiiso Cnclnnd mHa.A A largo crowd was In attendance. Willi scales oi uniuiiyui" lican candldato for governor last - i McCormlck. 22, Sylvnnla. O, driver bo employee on m today that Vrould of sso B. Garland today nfler a truck In at tho livestock field day be- urnmer, agency manager of the a truck was killed and J lil U I. A .... 4 ..... nlliAK a...... V. job. ff- amm' .muni iiw uiiu .wf '""Sit. ,vuiiP tvuu..I. ing hcld'al tho United Stales Gov- Southland Life insurants Conjpiany Mann, engineer Br ncon)Dtlve and E 'overturned near therov ernment experiment ' J station here, apostle purchase by Texans' W. -- pltv'a ttollcv ha been and and for ln;old, fljyman, wore probably I rc- - .Tha products.) A coroner's verdict sold death seeing Hereford calves nnd yearl- the city manager haa pledged that of Texas manufactured fatally hurt near hero today when llilli.il frnm 'itr1nlrln-c- tnlkntinfi - ong steers which have been subject- MINI- was the principal spraket- Friday at MeCormlck's truck, 1,000 " i It iiltJi continue to pay a carrying liquor (? ed to feeding; experiments during MUM wago of a dollar per hour tho regular luncheon of tho Lions gallons Of gasoline, struck the train y&' m hMf.1 : 4 Short walked to Garland after the the winter, purchasing rl,ih Vol.1 at tli Rolllf. i exploded- - and stock for (killed labor ;( and Iwreck, .found his Injuries were TlntUa V WhfilAV ,1l.-rl- niVi.nl (Sa that ,of members of Calf not the Feeder BVsTVT H: - . serious and asked permission Cldb a n Four-I- obviously, of the Southland company K W ...... f .1.- - 1 of the t This, would not af w icav jut a ...Ull.wiiiiv 114 1110 s..f mm p. wuiimiu Clubs. the regular wage scales re- Kinney, district manager of M Sanderson Wife loll sm feet Worth,' WILIJAM MKNNKN The mornlmr session was snent quired by carpenters, brick raa rtrattcn Company, Fort liiiiK a V J7S- - Officers found him dead when im:.v Frigidatre dlstrlbulont Dr James' '"ft"""1 ,T": rAo, " Judging twenty calves of tha . sons.tplumbri, and other who iAcoused In Death Most every newspaper rcadsr Is they attempted to awaken Mm. lM?AnntFrf. i i ., Starllnn.Bt ri---- .i..u j vet "unions. R. Barcus, and J. C Hinds, super ...... A4l!a iiicmucri, una auctioning...inem ha local y with the surname of this Hurley, 18, MercYdes, will fj . Intcndcnt of" the Orest Went Jtefhv' sB'Cl . it: "t If Tfliolinnfl 'i'nl"lr Tx, at' to local buyers. VI tempt to stt a iTew Junior fllaht - -- i bidding Ing Co., were guests of the club UU llUbyUJlU an (orlh e 22 yaw pwaldent rec n.M- r...Ki-- hi i..i i Any contractor for the A .lt ord from the Paeino to ths Atlantic In addition to Col Talbot i of Menncn cqmpony Newark. Fire Following won tlnt plACCi Bnd brousht U0M city hall Job would, naturally, 1 WM .UNPERSON. May 8 ..piMlrs Xhe coast. have" '- - figure labor at the existing WlicfA Col. Talbot was Conducts N. J Itccentlv he was a special tperhundred pounds when, auction-- fltt-a- ness'e May Sharp0 was In Itit lila iri1fa nmnalvn aa rtlbers guest the West Texas Druggists Blast Destrous was purcnasea uy ine tweti-wat- er local wage scales. i (all - of cuii gover-- J here today charged with mur- . ..AAliilfKH la. OH the Republican homlnce for; ,tBHU.IUIUIl 111 I...! VVIIICIIIIVIIInHi.aHdnn t..lAIK),., Cotton Company. Two ' "Tex-an- dei In ronnrctloh wl the death lleiwould to figure on nor ,he stressed theIdea of s having come from tfi&n Antonio calves, of Wood row Itoblnsojl. also have Monda? of her husband, W. "fcftlcfus Block Iiv However, In no for Texas." In his speeches, he with Wllijam Oclise, head of the More.Bllls welghlnc 7H and 718 pounds, cqurm V nslnc local men. ?harp Officers said analysis of ttt)r oase'SyoUld the city allow d skilled stressed the Importance of Tcxans mi San Antonio Drug company, ed the top price of $10.50. They lH LP) d 1 c Sharp poison HOUSTON, Fire, patronizing manufacturers HH1 1 i viscera reveal) Drug company Mav4 were purchased by the Whlto moozxr 10 wor k, tor less man a uui 1M Vm Mrs Sharp arrested last ntghh At the Dehrcns explosion lar'pcr hour. amr producers. Since that time he wii luncheonMurlng the convention he by an in the West Are Rptiirned House grocery of Big Sprjpg, ? Q has carriod his campaign for the bvas prescntrtl with lh hat you see O ray section gf Houston destroyed through J. n. pickle. Cltj'nfflMala a.ferd that we promotion of s Industrial clr- - High Speed$Ia&e , mm wearing in ine pjeiure, una oiu a bloqk of business houses and An animal of Barker makaHhls matter clear for infor clcs to every city in Teasx Hts talk - w hat. declared to have been the caused darago estimate.! at (50,000 Tcii'Indietinents B'riug Scs Caublft plar-e- aecondi Hubert Jlay- - mation of local Craftsmen. today was along tht.t line A By highest Prtcc(J Stetson available The blast lifted the roof off n wortlrn q Hereford placed Thlrtj-Sftrnt- u Texas $ Pacific J mi when was flrat'purchased years bakerj. blew Joo Iala, ZO, out the Sion's Total .To third, while that of .It. L. Powell ' i e NEWS ITEM: Colorado, May 7 "It Is deplorable," he declared Express ago, has a purported history that back door, painfully burning and Eighteen was fourth. Powell's calf weighed Representing Colorado at the "that Texas ranks thlrt ninth In Trains is Interesting and Mr. Mennrn had Injuring him.' The flamea spread 782 pounds. per capita wealth, although till . West Texas Chamber of Commerce Atttcitttd Pitu t( placed It In a private museum he quickly. Cause was not determin Indictments returned by the May Six Premiums In Lubbock May state tnkefllhe lead In production f Members of crews on two fast In Six premiums, amounting to J80 convention H.,13 Rebecca fitepp of Trenton vvai maintains. Two bullet holes It ed. , j, V. c ..viiiuiwui.ic-i- . express reported fine record term grand Jury Wcro Increased to paid "and 16, will be the Colorado 'Muni- iiui named Cfddets of Agriculture at trains arc said to have been Inflicted dur t will b the winners. Prizes ''It Js the case of Texans feeding for spfd via the Texas & Pacific eighteen Thursday afternoon when 15, $10 $5 are cipal 'band, under direction of Hoy the S6th Farmers: fair at the Un- ing a fight In Hoy Bean's store at j of and offered by Hester, and an entrant In the "My Die cow and the other fellow milk- thliweelni !? mo pmcc wncrc ten true bills were brought la byl the Chamber of Commerce- on tha ing iversity of Missouri. . Langtry in isai To Cap Wild Home Town" contest. her." One train, ten cars of cantaloupes. Uesn held forth as "The Law West Effort the bogy. Eight Indictments had college plan of grading. Similar He discussed the condition of the mnile the Kl Paso to Fort Worth of the Pecos." been jctUrned prior to Thursday's prizes are offered by the Coopera- cotton declaring Rutf-et- a 1 3 pii Spring has a band that goes market, that trl pin hours minutes, leaving The picture above recently was Wellet For Today report- - tive Oln & Supply Company for did not purchase a bale from EI Paso 11W2 p. m. Under the name of tho Municipal Liner at Tuesday and tent to Shlno Philips by Mr Men-nA- f. Immediately .after ronortlnir nroduCtloh or total rain. Tha l the United States' year, and Large reaching p. - decid- fmnA'flt nn( Inu,uLfr.- , ailnnntt.-- last that FoiTWorth at 1215 m In na- - OLADBWATEIl, May 8 M4) Thursday, tho grandJury adjourn- prize winners hsd. not been . . .l ..;B...nVH .. It s appearing several i.t it l,.i...l,.! !...-- i.,-factj.n- wounejusy. ... 18, bus-ie- d in1 ..It.. Ihf Anntlnn11v rttV-.- ed until May unless iflgent this afternoon, ed by 'the municipality it is, . -- 'viwimiiy hn.lwin T dten HnrroUn, Sinclair oil company to ,,,c.i.. i I ' llrlM lehabilltateduiiisuch an; omuh.ui.,iJ cars Ol .!. to premiums. supported at all. h? vuiriiiiK icvtn ...i.t.t U -- production superintendent, said lncss arises before that' date. In addition these . v ,. rantnlnimM n.l . .lll,.lcu""ru extent that American markets had' Runs Aground ,..,.-- ..j. ..u ..TV wa, aim ". J hero today that an attempt would Of the ten Indictments returned ,a bonusof $52iO hard been mads 9Qtl 4 t l KV . .. ' .Through, the coming summer, bf5" llJuwd. . jutu nMlMov,WU Jir LUI. WUT LV lb, made to cap the wild Sinclair Thursday, only two of them were up by spectators to be. prorated mmiih. It would j Ini n i1mVet.e stresscu inp fciaiemeni wai elert the distances In 13 hours SQIJwi VJrtA114-- r I No, 1 well late today made pubm: by county Officials. among owners of Sajvesnot In the tMn g Cole beforo can't do anj-thln- unless the Paso , 'n community to have n npri.y7mrlu Vriil'iia.l Ilnu.thllnu,s' laying El at 10M l x He said a pew capping device Mack Williams was IffiUctcd for winning class. o 4, JPOp'C Want" IL yi m Th0rsUy anj JLUllli) XJ hunrl nln fr n.ihll. rnnMrta ' rfachine Fort was being constructed at Kilgore. burglary, and N. L. Siffletnd q, C. Tlie animals' Vere graded by A. an '.'The help for Texas Industries senccrsj In Soft Mmr; Worth at 12:15 t. m. Frldav. Tlie recently claimed nine WlUtyiwro Jointly Indicted foithe U Smllh.'beef speeUtlit bffrexai-A.rrCoTre- como Twtans. Texans trlpfftm The vrlULwtll MWotaanekic tL the . numerousmut 'rom iS'ol 'iftro to Dalrd was' made lives an explosion was follow?, same offense. . arid Ttoy Wlman. ,or T"xa products in ev-- In Distress In 2 hours- - 20 Camp whjn ,foecajdons sjtebr as the W. X C C !musl a,k minutes. Attend ed by fire. The flames were extln- - Of tiny remaining eight. Ihree were head JHiyer for SWjft and Corn- - conventlon whlch "lilance If the lasting prosper- - Englncmeh and trainmen are an- - for forgery, two violation of the and conventions NiqW YOnjC. May 8 (.Pi-- The ttSfuishcdrWednesday. The well con- - . for , n.ine. mect-hcr- a nd agrIculluial clr- - xlouslv AWflitirtcr fhn Mtntft.' r . from lime to tlms-- we "' nnm1 Mpucd flowing out of control. "ran inw, one jar uurning mun--..ii TAy' were BllclloneU ..Dy C'Ol elM tu D widespread." Cunard line's gigantic steamer loupe freight movement from'ftrij:- - Week Al property, ag- - need n band often Three Pcrioils of 5- ' gaged and two for Smlthey of Big Spring. mscuumng tuo uecrcasc pop- - - ona and California. Tha first "hlnrlc - in Derengarla, carrying )S3passen- r r .7 I gravated" assajilis. The aggravated Th'. ulal,on .r rca(ly."!Vtstirc(l ; Aid for o nro.um for the mornlnc .Wouldn't we have lpoked grent ,; smaller towns. Col. Tal irprs. tilowlntr through n hnnw foir oi cantaloupesi. was due Here late useault cases will be sent in county dispensed with. At the closo bot two reasons, Oxcsl- tadny. 9 Negroes wa' tlpt"t Lubbock bidding for the cltvl why and rain, ran utrrdund In soft mud they said. Cantaloupe trains Ltids Asked Drown In court forlrtol. District J(Wke Fritz of the aje a luncheon was served had d i no?, ctinvcntlon vitthout hnmlT "en's drifted to larger cities. ni nn .i.i.ihi k.nn.i ilarc titu1nt the Southern Ici ' It. Smltn dismissed the petit jury at the farm. ,Qno of them was tho ! Utllltifcs cokipany's that citizens. hnv !.!.in,i,v Urge plant. ' Total number of oy Scouts nf ;GuaajdupeMver for the fjrst week, today. The aTtcrnoo'n wsslon opened patronUlrtghome mer--j . riie mott equitable method f'had null rs.n..i iir. n'ru.'r. i.... said1 ' the Buffalo Tralla Area who haye Criminal week wIl open In a talk hv OIHb Webh. aaslst- - tenants. The other was that ftjillsiv Aft I 1 supporting a band through' thet t tin linse ! fint n notified fiffjclals they will attend SAN MARCOS, May 8 .P-lf- lgh inci coun-aionua- y morning ai iu ,nl to the president of the Texas ft small 'Rutj a hn ,own na" rollcd bring In new In- - agrueiueni. ueaeneo th annual' summercamp, to be lax. crod o..fl -- t. ,,,'.. wairrd of the Guadalupe river o'clock. Pacific Hallway. He was followed - .dusues, smoHCfctac). and . - to be mgnfcilml soniehp- paj As fl Fokker Planes lljld- this year on the Kingston swept nn automobile away at n by J. M. Jones, chief of tho, divis- ranch lni Madera 'canyon. haS' night, ' rTT.l ,, crossing near Ourene last ion of range animal' husbandry. fc -- plan H to "buy "William-ion- , Snrv.v nt .1. a.ii i.J 4ftioots I, ,,. It n -- reached .272. Marcos J. negrops Troopers Guard As i.ni WASHINGTON. May 8 JPt claiming the lives of three Texas Agricultural 'Experiment - U Frl-da- uatlon Jaotl,ca"' l"". Texai then the South- UUIIU1 J.'' Lfy area flcljl executive1 sjitd y discloses the startling r - Agreement pro- negrp occupant or me car nest, stii vraias j" on of Another inaiairsinsa Ifiun n !mlf fltitnii flnn. cedure In on returning from a trip to Injuries and Conferees Seek To program consume Texas Awarded Scout At and mainten- jdldland was rccoverlnj from Tills afternoon's Includ r making any use of liwioxans ance of n Scri at EYibUrr nllnn Pecos, Barstow, and Stan exposure. e,d a. statement of tho feed lot per a. v ton. offered throuch exiitancA of di. (""" r ' Ltemporarily wltYidrawn from pas 1 . End Mine Trouble formance of of vlsfon "i-i- enlnntement of Industries must Meeting1 boy thra0lots caltw nlr mall terminal .i Tonight senger oArryintf was reached today The camping perod for each AmnriUo which have been fed at tha experi at our own airport. 'follow, theji the manufacturer will will be one week. The. first per- Prrmlpnl of here 1.b by Anthony bommeree EVAHTfc. Kv.. Mav 8 UP) Con- - ment farm, as as some able to advertise natlonatly Fikkre .nL to begin 8, Carry well brief al tllfli.a Tit 01 iod, June already has Fair to Parly of mane FVt1J.1IM1.1 Jk.IV ... jr. nieinira Department officials, kerences toward permanent settle discussions upon the subject of beef iick&s goods. Col. f.l 102 --alimpd.- Elrfitv-lw- o will " Big s'prlng . 1 0 hnv Is furnishing roop 1. win receive the "Lagle The progrnm announced bv Ciar v ' - City ment of labor difficulties progress- cattle feeding by livestock spe negligible s"?tt!.ui: 'fpe OS j 150 to Mexico amount of nlr Scout hdnor, this YounoQalstant Seer-ta- attend second weekvind iiiaii, & Texas Shorn evenlmr at. a,Cncc M. wcTjt. thii es here today as an Imposing array cialists, of the IT S.'department of or ' .three four ittunds a daji Most meeting of the Court of Honor Inmf third 8-- UP) A-i- Col- - ..- -, .- ,. rnnimarr. fnr Anh a. AMAIULLQ. May Wlfbur pf state trocpeiOHstbod guard At agriculture ant Texas or me mail placed on thq iflilp ...... the First i. Mr. Williamson urged. thoso In j " Presyterlan church. Volyes certain lerondlllonlnc 'and general' manager pX Harland a grawraury rcaifmed In lege. Iferav comes de dreis shdes despite A htiYnhftf h.il-.- . Q ,. " a position to give boys opportunity C Khwk. ttt ; from San AnRcIo ni?f Tju .. .. sir. m.HI -- -. a .n.l.... so Demontsratlon' btt.ef. 'We Tcf8.'' ,3, he. htie mnimenance Amnrlllrt NewsCloPe and nrriilent quiry Into troubles which far ilnts. ar inforh Jd. '""B unorus .win oe conjerrcu on difficult , - Trl-Stat- e , . .' . producing using imirr VhlU It is fnrt.II- ?fJ!?!!.lh! of the FaJr Aoclattorr have claimed five Uvea. A meatciittlng demonstration by f1 told of scouts. ' 1 ' ,ior mc wectoro nowy"t.!?mm. '"u - Young , , ai R. superlntendi-Ti- t of. specialist . coi- said. muc time will n, r- - ..i7-- wll take 160 penplp on A B.OfKrmlle B. Chllders, Roy W, Snyder,' meat of We venture many flmli. jib yullul1 p!'! mnile iruiu cn3 "hw vuiifin--iw- V r. T that - - be pro-- l wauiinc'l ui A.AM. cr- himi 4.1- .lljC iiiuv fll- ia required to carry out the Journey, cofting $20,000, Jut to In the Black mountain mine, center of Tex,as College extension - njuch .air malt as Is being lliu HarJ at hlJ 6ff,M n the a Pc sent though ram ..cpa.i.i.i-.n- . ...falftAa A1 vlte' Of Mex the disturbances, said a number of vtcn and the V S. department 1 rom Texas produces the bulk pf ...r .w.iro. .u .roI(yim bulldlnC. President Ortiz Jlublo of ncie could be sent and In Wtt Texas Golfers To th-i- t -- sn. " Ihe wool, the is set at Jlos-to- emphasize the woik wljl ut AfiAM- - M Wo to vlsli the Amarlllo exposition man find ratiirnc.1 in uork. agriculture, will bring r: creased patronage tho -- market ft IIV11 VH.III"pifnin fstlitA S..l Uftit sen at.,. $If lc and that, every $1 wo get Chifh at Iitihh.ocl; untiertaKen leiay" ur tlfl - also were. reportel brew' to a close would help those'uslng it. ."for Soon without will Ije marksmanstilp, .Jo con fall. " . " ITroublcs for tljewnoduct wo must pay $S Tlie planes will not gojnto full ducted 'n safely under Ulrectbn of 1 law. It Ms sponsoring a speflal Ing at the Panisey mine In another The yearling steers which .havo on r it (or I.UnnOCK. May 8 wrvlce until IhJ. program bceiH . leo,ve Maynart county been fed by he farnvemployea bfl the nlr mall habit' Hie finished product (P Annrox! to. NatlAnal 'train that will Amvlllo of the this 1 A nov dollar In circulation In nJ'nuitely three hundred olfers, out. . Vilfi 18, ypond live days In, Mexico. Ih- - winter were on exhibit. Tha (tteera .r . community xn be multlpUed by eluding soma bf the best shot mak-- f TMHv rive Fnkker )ane hwnu ; aluding two at MexIco.Clty. and rrr Ilousloit Zookcepcr' have been fed in three lots during elKlit. he pollucd out. cr in icxas, are execicu to pnrll-jwcrarr- in 11r.11 y.?rti temporprm o liijrn May 21 Two ozen on tnore a Period of 110 days. One lot .has Leo V. Brothers In clpate in thpscvenlh West hv 'Tt nd fifties territoryserved by the ' To ITncoinu Citizen recelved"n 'of ground mllo - dlsoitJng the condftfon of annual wounded r0mtnlslon Roy Help in ration . . .. a.. r- - . .. Scouts to the O, exasjm-nic- .'11c ueciarea, "tvei 'tileiui.ftt ox inslnlfinanr: ,f.h wll) avo represenHtlvUfiv 4 1FBUS, CUUUUJCCU II1VUI Ull C4H5 - .. Round Up Stray Dogs Denied New Trial w n to diversify, yet here May 'Problems tn" train. - ' ' "! " ' er Hfina Nagel, locally termed "tTie ..... ,fj- . . Iwp do nUt'warrcafo market for ills ne iuurnaneni win ue conducted If President Ittiblo accepts the in 'iirnim. cuiiuiiri.A.,. ihiiilui...,.. luiiu iuuuts- r oaro tile Luhboclc doiiHtrv wlllI,la" CH1CAOO, May 8 (.T-- V. Pfwlct ke. ot ir Club! Mr. And Mrn. Shirk ! . vllatlon. Hawk has hinted ha 'TlS'i.1 TZ..i:rSt-n- d alfalfa nay nnd the third lot to Ilnv Scouts wlH assist the , Ain- V VJT cokriro four-wgt- 1 P0: lit, ! VVUI.U J . - - whlrh offern liar-- construct n $150 000 coliseum Bni al (receive UrothPrfl. nmrivictii! tt n i,iitri.-- ....v department in rounding up njitp uy UlsciiKsInt; agrl- - at)d a puzzling Plant Flowers In Park :....,. -- v.,, iv,c.iin. inaL inviuuiun. the nutnber. of ards of traps '- ...... 1 - QfrAlfrrct (Jake) MntfTc dogs, runnlngpfrec - '- - --'" - cottonseed meil. cottonseed G.COO-jan- stry without " '' - government brought rT! l r,.,.' Tie 4lenor report .T f ,cultural iirwlucw raised in Txns.lnnd bunkers. Tha c"vrse r..smio lair 10 "J a "iff and alfalfa hay. TrtWm crime t - ami . -- . censo In lolafion of the tie 1 , if.,,i ' CoJ Tnl reputed to ba one .pm-tlpst,- Thfniijair.....,.....- - Mn.NiiV.K 3ilv Uf. , Kent. i,r - IH,'"'a 0lV 0PW' arci' of the ...,.T c fpllbn for the Mexican pre. be Judged and i$w trial hen t0daif and foimal- dftUncliso-feature- . "..,.. v - only 32 oanmnir fn.orles lrr Tex-- m West TcXis. Entries are bliW rWrWflOtlicr lias '. Th iffirg'S? elmoji this aHer-- - ImpiUonS ' " HU svt-- i : iTZ-- , ... . t been!""'" umv- - UU. l ..i," It Jcars , employing only ,250 persons. ceived dallW Dennl.JLavender, niy Park. .. 1931 exno-ltlo-n and .1aJi(a Vducu. MUI 'niehijr- - po. -. i . the Uzed. Iqokcdl"00" ' Isll-vlm- n "' . . .., ., and for a time.lilngs Ul" Vu Every form or foodstuffs r In Dallas, win be defend ng is bm oi im- '' - C"..,,7 l.. . "r."r--- r. :,":- uio new ouiunnKn . Fort markets. Sixty daya were allowed Ilrnh-- ' .1,1. , m..,. M11 1. ... ., hnnfiAU. iniktho tairni Of 3.stnr. ""K iw iimuwiim iu Vl.lvv M,,i, .,,ie stout tfnlmla trainer '7 .h. nnnt? "Avntilii - s -ercOL Tli rllm.11 IlawK ti A number of prominent Ilere- 'era' nttorne-- to Tile a bill of ex- lpVgf.oven oil . V, by th.m Just Outh of the In this way Scout, win vnl Were dropped' U en, aa lh He - - ceptions, ;, -- Career prellent of fair tho other day. Naget said- ,roru.or.uer. inciuomg 1. vu- seafood consumed in Is ' spcr nicy j, - 192 and i. 1 shlih1,. l,a, Pa""nR iruKiu tooir tho Job unwillingly" In ana IfxasL - the to the park and planted spod "The 'federal has"" Jiowa'u couniy. jpns ( ped In." l)o declared. Distingiiished Service piita lust-nfte- r a loss of $19,000 had been been enough In mo to M. Gist of Odessa, were In. atteBd- - Col Talbot has axmiploto list of was kfnd to rile Cross puN-lc'th- ".sijouts an- - sustnln)d and Ilia association de- ance. Found In Trashi This spot, accordlng.tp John1 Vof-- aiways.are bccOme.a cltlron, now thaL tho Ifonor To Mothers Vcyery product manufajirured In $40,000 year un-il- - !... .1... .itV - -- .l.niA.1 xldtlrflii .In frooil tllfnatoe the In flebt. The first portation charges have been Among visiting college officials and the narre 6f the manu ...1.... nianagement fair lost experts TT'as " QUANAH. May A Dl9!.0 bluebohnets each'year. - conirr 6 his the dropped, and I'm tickled pink to and agricultural were O. : Ur,ged By Governor facturer. He cited example jjfter tlngulshcda Service ross was $17,000 n)orc, and everybody uu up. W.Barnes. Texas Livestock. Mar I. example himself take them wherlje had beejj able to found In a trash bIW here by sov- - admission, even Hawk Immigration office rmtlfled keting Association or me eucrai , bring - "The. AUSTIN, May B LP) .(Jovernor n Texas buyrr and a Texas4cri j,oya playing in ft lot ".But the'- second 4ear. Hawk me become citizen In 90 Farm lioard. Fort Worth! A. vacant adopted gate I could a I. V Stalling today Issued a proclama- uiuiiuinviuirr recently.. The owner ofathls most New'Commoh P. tfreliaser5 Bill fffe rolley of a free days. Well, In Just exactly 90 days Smith, beef specialist A.4M. col- "When the timeiriirr.comes, he said, a mllllonpe6ple spe- tion calling on Tqxans to observo valuable award made by tho Amfr-ca- n He ratractcd half B0V, m goV, to bo a cltj, lege: Roy W Sandrrs. meat - Mother's" Day Sunday nnd request- "when we demand the things that government during tho late to the fair during the week andRan cialist. A AM. college; M T Pavne, ing that church services then be Texas produces and manufactured, war Is 4elnT nought by Dr. W, K. 1-ac- made $22,000 prfL By sponsor--L late boys club agent. A.sM. col- "devoted to mother." Ihfli we shall aee the Hma when Ihurman, adjutant of the local P d BeforeLerfslature lng entertaldment. attractions, he iyo Grande City Fire lege: T B. Wood, district agrlcul-- , " V, - - business conditions in this state American Legion, post. So far as paid the fair out of debt that year tUVl agent, A.AM. College! E. R. will reach the pfBk " is known no Hardeman county and erect Its first permanent Threatens Merchants Eudaly. A &M College: Ollle Webb, n Tia PiiHiia Plared MaytS-CTOts-- V At tho 'concision of Col. Talbot's soldier received AUSTIN. new "com conservation laws, and "makes the buildings. He now 100 acres In president this honor. The - has assistant to the of Unf Under Martial Law talk, a short business 'session was name dn thl mqn purehaser'Lbill was before tho precisions of these laws jenforce.- exposition, grounds, with mod-fr- P.IO GRANDE, CITY. May 8 UP) RNJway; - cross was destroyed the Texas & Pacific J. If. -- 9- held. by tho burning of state legtslalurirtoday, to repla.ee a able." It was offered, tlio.statcment tninrnVi'Vnents. all bald for. The-- Valle hardwaro building division of range the'trash. "experience ' Jones, chief of the SAN DlteClQ Calif , May 8. (;P- - On the suggestion of Marcos J measure 'passedby the 41st legisla- said, because has. denv The only jnlng the fair neetis was destroyed and the entire busi animal husbandary. Texas Agricul- (com- - Marital law was declared In Tla Williamson, field executive for the CKMKTKItY DONATIONS ture around which the proration onst rated that now Is a new- coliseum, and Hawk ness district threatened for a time tural Experiment Station! Johnr sev-cr- al act) Juana, aero.j tlie Mexican border Buffalo Trails Area', Boy Scouts of The following donations to tho fight has centered for the past mon purchaser hastily drawn expect to milld that this year-o-ne, here today by fire which Inflicted Simpson. assistant agricultural-'- following Lcemctery .fund were to-- months. aa It6as, does not contain adequate Madi- from here today the death AmrrlcxiLdhe Lions Club will chal. announced of larger dimensions11 than damage totaling $(0,000. Defective ) "ilav liv jfitin Introduc- and necessary ma - ifeoNTiNi'nii on i'Ann of noqtie, Sablda. QuIJano. private lenge tho Klanls Clu"b and tha Tlo- - Onl.l i...'.iih.. Simultaneous, with its facilities .and son. Square Garden. wiring was blamed. . Q 'td-th- e Pj-rl- e prompt secretary mayor of the city. ary i;iud to a abseball came. The Jim Mott,$3i Bradshaw, tion statement was issued signed chinery for Its enforce - . ,, QuIJano .was slfbt last night when procee'ds from the games will be $5; J, s. Cherry of Los Angojcsv by. a, numferr of leading Independ- ment." , iimvi Sikv Ain Jeiinin-z- s Purchases - a "group of malcontents attacked fusedtfor a fund tocnable several ent oil' operations. Nanies otu the Thet statement . continued that . BRIWEPORT. Conn.fi3NS- l- the mayor and his patty. Boy couls to attend the annual statemen't Included B. A Landrcth Tom Cranflll, prominent Independ Whert two men wero Irijuved by Interest Iu Grocery., Tlje Weather . CIIAltGl'rFII.KI) . C. P.ooS?r, Worth: ent, had attacked thw proposal,' al. In summer eqcantpment. and F. Fort Jack a fall from a broken scaffold A C-- C . Brid-well,- two.-ear- s COLF.MAN TO Mi:V.T. Cltargea of dettroylng mortiiaged B. Robert. MreckenrldgeLj S: " though ago he sponsored a remoto part of tha city, an un' JamfS U. Jennings, who has o3C ,COLI2MAN,,Tcxas. May 8 1101 nOKS TO V'AX'V' property haVe been filed In Wichita Falls. B. F. FlyVm. theorlgtnal act. In answer to him, telephone climbed a been an employe of. the Family WEST TKXAS Partly Justice known worker tonight, Saturday fair, C. V. Terrell, cjialrman of Vie Maurice, son. of tr. andMrs. Hof Pface Cecil C Colling court Wichita Falls; "3. D. Collett, Fort Ihe statement said "there Is no dis- pole, cut In on a wire, and called Service Laundry, has purchased an colder Texas railroad commission, will A. Drake, loft Kl J niraln.tinilKar Ytrv.1l. & Wprth. "of others, an position, to 'railroad this or any oth- ambulance, compan- Interest In the Gro- rf In the southeast portion. last nlfttU for Paso; and a number an whllo his I ot -- j do-str-o TST TKXASTloudv. weak at tha annual chamber whero he hag enlisted in the' 17. S. White ralvei, examining trial, sold to be Independents. er meirHir-- through, Jiut only a ion gave first aid to tho vlQIms. cery, 1310 Scurry Street, It was commerce banquet hero next Tuca Navy. He bond was set $300. According to this 'statement, the yial" forme? measure, so having received of announced today. show era tn tho eat"rorMin entertained friends at a tilt at the one a' fracture poitlon toplsto. day. Chas. obtnbes, president of S o'clock dinner at his home and a Hjis alleged lis destmyetf by bill contains the necessary provl enthusiastically supported by Oran-- the spine. Then the telephone Jennings will be associated with in the west jl ofLdAy iwrtly c'oiidy, 4 the W-- Texas.cnamDec 01 t;om host of friends' were at the train to burning, a, par upon wMch tlieru slona .to supplement las. common nn, Mian 'DOi-0- uuregaruea wmi men went about their work with- B. N, iRalph in the operation eeolr t merer, will "attend. 'see him off. was a mortgage. purchaser act, aa well as. seneraiympunlty. out revealing their names. 3 tha business. iiorliias ana nonnwes o '

(5 O I &

811UNG. TsDtASL. DAILY HERALD .JTWDAY, MAT 1UL PAUirwo THE JHG -- . n POWERFUL EIGHT OF UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTOW U Uto CK?irf aatsaaiMar at sfswin aty, m at Galvestoiila Bassk suaist jHwrttoti;" rrsaek HVaj s iaali sJsAalfJSBms1 Specker At State O, sHh, of tKe PWRIRfjL areajwajejejssaw ttaMtsi Li M Trust Ce Ce enltteer ray arte wW Downed In ' Baxkert' Meeting PvA- - , - ii.1' 4aCTsaaaaaaaaaaMaaMaMaftaflb Merrke the D M 4IUIIHHH, '"t- tMj & ,' 'fy.V 'Lf'" a.Rsn. Mr. "Trust and A i (p-W- ti'' 'A Hei" BtMw, coaMnleetoiier ot esj.l ifi SAN AJKHELO. Teaaa. May 8 Ja agriculture; Paul B. rae, , .. ...,-- . . baakUf ati Austin, address; jom ViMsj&'J" ijiiBiV' s ivis-rT- r Tiff'f'ffflfol1M'rTyWSM I Ul Oovernef Ttee Sterling will trop, on Legllttoi and W. M, 16th address) the Texas Bankers Asso- of rott Worth ciation convention here May 13, M'Tsssrsss. B.,f to tlmore, "Modern Bond Protection the opening day, according an for Banks." GALVESTON. May .. Black Bill announcement of the complete r WANT: JUKI US ' L An address on 'the third day will WOMEN ON Harris weakened In the sixteenth program here by George E. Webb, - sVVsK. be by J. Rogers', cashier siJSSdbHCaflknSii- issaV f- 'srl k&'W" ' 'Atvi lo- mad C W'-i-t- inning yesterday and Fort worth n ji 3ifTrisiMiSjsapi LHHsf sss k iVftk&sv PsrS sJisisis general Chairman In charge of SAN ANTONIO, May 8 up r c of the First Btate Bank of Mart .slipped OYfwVivu nin to break NsjarBM3IjBssBBHPV tStr' BlA sisisA cal arrangements. 'Advantages Be Antonio club women era, seeking game sh.BlMsW;a. of the rim extra inning of the HP9VPss2lstfBjisSCLHsSSAMSBsBa ,i H A full three day program of bus tween Country Banks;" T, J. paid- - the right to serve on juries. Reso- leason here iness has been mrnnged, ending well, Uniton Nat- - lutions placing the San Antonio Mother noth Dick MeCabe and Harris with committee reports, resolu lonal Bank of Houston. "A Bav ofkromen'a organliatlona on record I, pitched, masterful ball, being alr- - tions, celecUon of meeting place Hoje for the Cotton Farmer;" C. as favoring Jury service forwomen Appreciates tight in the pincnes. Harris hu iheS and election of treasurer and pres- C. Walsh, Federal Reserve 0IUnk In the jitate of Texas and; furnkjh-e- d himself to blame (or not winning ' ' HHesisisisisisisisisisftHHBBM GSti N V ident. of Dallas, Tubllc Funds aa Bank Bexar county reprcsentatl.vefcJI'n by a shutout for In the sixth after ''Vi''ViB"sVssHi The session wilt convene at D;30 Depos(tH" and Fred W. EllsvAirth. the state legislature. anything that you give her. Moore walked. Hani threw Dal o'clock May 12, Following the in lie be more . -- But will thnn kn'CjPl'8 sseriflce past first base pTT? t , ; m, sjsJsmH 1 vocation by Rev. Grady Tim WmmmmmmmSmmm pleased If you choose a prac-Ile- al the ucep isjv mons? Angeto pas- 11 gift. into rignt neia ana Dotn " ' " San Methodist , -? .1, 'tallied. Tie Cats counted In the o "Vi' tor, Mayor Brown F. of Ban . - ' , -- v "" . , AaHB ' Xt Ixteenlh ntt Brwn and Perry ..rr,'.. V. .JT ' Angtlo will welcome the visitors. We have Costume JtwelryMSl r hitand anth-- hit. mlii-- In with A John Q. McAdanU, president, of f'i SafetyT Deposit B($;esP error, brought across iuadaUt rruO'htt re- af other fin thtnv the University of Wlntera, Texas, wU make his and it multitude The Wsthlnston hat a boatful of soma of thi most powerful oarsmen In the west this port Sterling will speak gifts that she witl like. rfate. year. Herrs the training Lake Governor Worth .000 005 000 000 000 2 t vsritr on Wsthlnston, Seattle. Lett to right: Henry Schmidt, bow; Don In the morning. Speakers and 'enter 'r Pt Williamson, Herb MJorud, Den Morris, Alton Phillips, Gil Bowtn, rjClOlJLD a burglar your home . 011 OOO COO Polly ParrOtt, John Ginger, sUoke, and i day In- Galveston t00 000 0 I Curley Harris, coxsvdlol r their ibJecU the first . clude! W. A. Klrkland, ncarcS-fo- r ISA! , 1?S1 AND loot, would he J. & w. t of the First National a, SI'UUS 10. SAX ANTONIO In the eights for a winning rally. Safely Anieniltncntft) 20 mile per hour, could be slapped Bank of Houston, "Do Bank Mer 4 SAX ANTONIO. May & UT Shreveport . . .923 000 0OCV-- 5 11 still within 45 feet of the? point gers Mean Better Banking?", utciu Donasj ana otner papers FISHER 41x- J i 00Q 201 -S 9 "5 iJivcn Hills . Quality Bulli Wlchlta Fatti Spuddens Avrrcamt- Houston Truck where brakes were applied. Frank Holland, editor Of Farm and j The Store That five-ru- n Miller. Erlckson. Hill, .... lend to defeat the Sar. Wood. and Ranch, "Marketing Surplus Feed SPI?CIALLY valuable to you? Or do you keep 307 Main Antonio Indians here lfr$ yester Rowland; Durham. Payne, Hauscr The senate took cognizance of AUSTIN. May S VT "Sasfty on the Hoof," Herbert Prochnow. ' day. and Funk. the necessity of certain emergency Bank of Chicago, in a : ? - seems (b slbgan First fNallonal jrHEM Safe Deposit B&tt ? The tribe started fast by scoring t Ftrit" also be the trucks being exempted from speed "Bank Management;" W. U Pier, In opening of legislators who have devoted four run th round a limitations, and wroPe Into the bill president, of Stockyards National YOUR1 bank, where Ihcy are safe? the result of two timely wallops for Amarillo Choseq much time this session to truck Bank of FortoWorth, "Changing Norris Denounces extra by provisions which would allow fVMlitltlnna" J bases Orr and Hamilton bills. them to operate ' Inning a of at 40 rnllea per In- fn the sixth couple By StatefDoctors As to some of the safety nour Speakers the second' day Wv Specialize in Protecting first wnen on an emergency "run. vice-pre- " Prize Editorial three bagger 'counted for three clude: Ct I Hufstedler, si ' features: As amnded In the sen- However, It - runs for the Spudders.V would limit the weight dent of First Natlonal.0 Bank of Such Tiling, at Low Cost to You- BEAUMONT. May J (UP). --Dr. ate the oil! would remilre every oi sucn irucKs to. 6,000 pounds. Tom Estell was sent In to relieve truck to have aa a part of Hal cacn Rocksprlngs. "Better Bank Man WpCOOK. Neb, May 8 CP-T- he Carson but shared the sam fate John H. Foster or" JloUston was commercial truck driver agement In the Sheep and Goat equipment a first 'class fire extin-- 1 would be requested : priic-vtpnln- g editor- elected president of the Texas in nM.iir, Pulitzer and Hoy Walker finished up. gulsher. drivers be Section;" W C Blanks, president T h e . From- Ne- Rtate Medical Association holding Tnlck would drivers' license. ial, "The Gentleman Score by Innings: b-- of the Central National Bank of fiy convention, required to sound their horns t Effort were made to braska," tojlay was denounced Wichita Falls 003 420-- 10 iqT.T Its annual here since require 3an Angelo, "Random .Observa- 0y Tuesday. fore approaching nearer than 200' persons transporting exntow Vnlted States Senator George W San Antony 410 100 181 5 tp"i tions of a Cornfield Banker" W-F- . West Texas National Amarillo was selected aa next i unicr vnucm. . .ana int ammnblo rubi Bank Norrts. whose reelection Inspired fslwlst' Ulltlv .. nvanitHikH. -- . - . fm '"i I. Grphart, -f (! . w t a. ecuaie nmcnumeni proviucu procure snec Inl n, of the the editorial, aa "ah intuit to the ,j)n Ertelf'Wnlker and HnSHu5n r defeating nrmll. .t tn First National Banlt of Louis, "flio Karik licro You Feel at Home" """ I"". brakes on should f unc-- ; each, - St Intelligence or ev- - Fort Worth and .Waco, that trucks valid for one. trip bnli- but patriotism and tion so that machines, traveling at,thc failed. "Handling the Investment Aecoont ery Nebraska-- eltlsen ." dther officers nnmnt fnr 1h en. of a Bank;" Ben Young, - 1. - E. gomp- I JKU.IWS SIIIIM'tins S itilog' year Were- .C. II. Harris. editorial, wrmt ny & OT- The inarics BBAlTdDNT. May' - The Pwt Worth. W. Mar- - S Byekman, editor of ' the Kre- - J. Torlettc, .rr made two In a row over llh. A. C. t Long, iammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm raont. NeM. Trlbun(. mu tead by f and San the Exporters teeterdsy with a prtsldenta: lW'man Tay- Senator Norrls for the first time, victory. Meadow pitched eod Kori wortA. exectjtlve secre-- law niKni. Sail the (ievrnth. tfttll when errors'it. H- - Beall Worth. KrcJimarti editorial. v.hkh was by Hlfcgtns ur" t, Port. and Bennett got him AlOQrc tf. 11, lfcn- -r .'" .""""" nujrn i. ...)v :ki: ::;:,, ,.: . vpp s , ef th board ,i,,i '- - x":,0t "n- VV-.- V myfinr rignt wain of trustees Of r. Illd tonal ."fUcrt. th third MallckV. was Cin study 1ft background oX Stta- - -- chard distrcU of Lazy of .u - JSi -- .... in nt Molecules ,h, I- - No .- df(t T, - .'" l. :'. Lr-- fii.UIfi " " "i M nnw.r la. MLr)llt- ..'. u inNOI V - - - . " ,'n FTven lanuurs. ' ". --- r". Oi T. AmarlUO. "It skL J Wrt: . 1. . ' ' l7"nVlnarL thkd dis Every wi.i trict; fiqfin 1L Burleson. SArt An- - time Nwrfs . baftf WjDaUai 011 001 ilie- 13 1 !Anio. power or lambasta the -l h dktrteti C P. Yeogrr. 1 tnist rJJ'aHsiMnt . . 000 9-- -2 2 Corjuts d lobby. Nebraska' pets same ChrtsM. IKk 1st rial, and the Iradftw. WrMde. Mmtjetie and u. u. ijuogeon. Waco, i:th dis- .MuftmMit out nf hi antics that vTodd; Malkkly, MalleU and WUc a small fcuy gets out of) sklng al trict. The convention sent a mrssace dog on aivalteycat When he shies - HUMBLE hoFSTON K SPOKTS S .eora-- . of good cheer to President S. P. aoricKoaiat a 8,-- The present HpUsToK. May Brooks of Baylor Wa-c- o. v'J Helton University, a ...... j't-- y ... aloes made UjeJr .nine hits who V 111. : tontpht a victory 8 to Today yPfliwil fin- The editorial Norrls . jeounl for of session was - w- - calld n,5 over Shreveport, Three of Jake dressed by W. C. i Instrument of revenge,--' for Dr. MacCart of uA.4.Mf;vi k pitcher allowed 6nly (i 1.1 V 1 braska people against eastern J'nAtx's nine liochester, Minn, on the subject vil 11 ft isLLILIKWKmrmmr V tereste. (hits, but the Buffs scored folir runs of "The Cancer Problem. : --- t -- . "It Is sad comraentao'," the '& . .F v ;.-- Nebraska senator said today, "on ., the Intelligence of any committee A 0t war iinos in u line eaiioriair any New v literary merit." V i . i. You'll Like to Trade At : CUT BATE GBOCfiRT Dress 109 W. 997 Conveniently locafif.at 2nd. It'll pay you to trade there. adv. 9 'fi' :; for VISITING HEBE . andJ OIL Mr. and Mrs. C K. Borers baby of El Paso are the guests of tSf Mr. arid Mrs. C- - P Bogers. ' Mother ' friction-fighter- s'' tTS REP0TAT10N theye all! M'ether 'will be exceptionally wellplca-?-d If yourcmeqiherher wfti one of our fine dresses JYEUJIESEIIVED on HAlktfs Day. ,k mmm . i .Of crepe, georgette 'and chiffon... In a )va ' J irtrATiyi TjI "!fTT rlety of printed atterna and sojtil colors, BIadcDragkt Eautl To Tb the newer stales and colors for summer Briits-- Eipcctitioiu 09 a SIZlJg TO 48 Maa Who Tried lL ) "I bad heard of It so much, t ,. $10,75 - Oil men call it "cut". . .Bub . u thought there must be some rood ?J.0fl a, In It," reference to Tbedford's . Blsxk-Dnuig- ht by Mr. W. J. Rog- ."t ers, a well-kno- Bristol manre-sidln- g In that city at 1X8 Pens viW, s Avenue. Mr. Bocns tald ho had fzmtS&Bft": call it what you these been utlRg Black-Draug- ht fifteen years, when needed, and conxid-are- d It "k splendid rwntdy," h "One day,"' said Mr, Rogers; 0m&$Qf friction-fightin- g mole-- m "when I needed a laxative, I active, BK.ST "THE l'WCK TO SHOP AFTER AI.Lr 4 ' have been glad ever since that i did. as I found It to be u recom- - . mended a! splendid medldne for Select. Star Brand Shoes For Mother btUousnea and constipation. exiles the only tKe "I nave to be outCa, lot, with the are part of position I hold, and seem to be"? ewily constipated. This makes me hare dizzy spells; my bead feels dull and X feel tired and worn-ou- t. to. make;. But after I take a lew doses of crude we use 997. Black-Draug- I feel fine, tutt of m W JsW .N4' ; IsK Vxu S& i i nm. Q pep. Black-Draug- ht .has bean You're juit the ' e Quite a help to me." lype Ltf Thousands of others have rs--C lift ported the relief of many disagree- able symptoms, due to constipation, indigestion, bUlousnrsa, following their use of this medicine. ;

Fair-Mode- ' Science knows that all ninttcr Is fnadc up of nOfJk i J Thli Fashion l is d ' WrA ilAli J little invisible bodies called niolcculcs.Tbcy'rc JHi-sssL-lls- !' truly fsflH pfeLAt viVadibuf Iftterpretation M v in continuous motion sqiuc fait, some not il Above all " 1 ' of the-ne- style In footwear, sky: m so 8lotv.QIn crude, else, you wanl . , 7 To. - Jast, and some petroleum saaVaWCnsainaitsAn... .., ,- r--f mt, - it's the middle ones that arc bon friction-figbtcr- s. one thing in n motor oil ImHimUon, BtikKHngsi u Sea Sand kid. Delicate com p j if "Jbey're tlie only kind we use in 997. plementary Jdeal . S f trlmmln. Tlveu'wc take tlics raw ami refine H 1) Il 1 r.ccruits . A 1 for mstaSRK tbcm, drill tbcm, realign tlrcm. Result: A 6a&fy ' fa wearn'ow. Your Car T If aHe9j2aOTV y sA - new high "in boiling pqints 997 Fahrenheit. That's what Humblc's' Tl , o . Tills guarantee? a protection heretofore nil-- - o Hard to Start? 997 gives you- . attainable against heat andloss and insures Let. us SYNCHRONIZE your Ignition with our low oil consumption' True to their name, SYNCHRO-NQMETER-. Itwon't Break new WYNN friction-fighter- s stick to even down It checks 997's their job, your IgnlUon th the "Nth there's mora thart you'll ever hq've degree. We also give when heat pert generator, starter,' in crdnljcasen and battery service. A your DEUTO BATTERY FOR - That'ji why will show such low con- EVERY NEED. 997 . E. KIMBERLIN K sumption. Thai's why it's so stable a lubricant E W ' S SlfoK STOKfc jh tlft, SUr Brand Allocs Are Better at all nuitor tcmpcraturesTIiat's why, all over iServiee Station ffl Jrdcx Runnels ; " il. T mil Mm, JJ M Jnd AScurrjrV l'hone 61 UistP i.t-- .1 -J t lVHOKE-UU- All Leather Star Brand NIGHT I ... Shoes for all the JswilV Its agood number HUMILE OIL. AND REFINING COMPANY - :r-- r- . a &-:- - J o- , o '

Vf X a. jp FBIDAT, MAY 8, Ml. 1MB BIG SPRING. TEXAS. DAILY HERALD PAGE THHKn First Baptist Church Sunday mora Sang" J, C peUftaM; True-I- t cross and since the Christian em Bnfttit Mememtiker. vi And Saturday Night Mother's Day Ing. Grant, Bar! Furr. Three Resolutions blem of true Christian Workers is Expression "Just XJke Mother" June H'nes. nowhere visible on the shield ef Holtl Ahhhhi Mother $ Matinee Picture The evening service will be ee-- or To SAng, "Helping Mother" Juniors, Passed By WCTU forts of the wets, hor Is thcro like- Day Social kl Church Music Pupils Program Plans votcd to a Mother's Day program, "Mothers Hairpin" Bettle Carol ly to be, anil since these wets have ? being prepared by Mrs. R. L. Oo Wood. y District Convention "stolen the llvtry or Heaven to Present Recital million. The program will consist Song, "God Bless Our Mothers fight the devil's battle." therefore The Homem.ikeri flumlnv fch(ut For Churches of musical numbers, by Day" Choir. bo It resolved that we protest Class ot thePirt Bapflsl Church MR- - readgs During the recent convention of Pantomime, "Mothers of Men" ngalnst misuse of the sacred name. assembled frtr h Day pro-irra- X Mm. Oreanna' lllnei and MM. '" children of the congfcgallon and a Wom- Mcther's Mmes. R. E. Day, George Gen- the Sixteenth District of the Crusaders, and go on record as un Thursdnv artrmonn ( ih Porttj. who are closing Special music has been prepared pantomime, "Mothers of Men." Mr. try, R. E. Blount. W. R. Hlnes, an's Christian Tempcrance.Vnlon alterably opposed (o oTteburch, Jlma expression and activities with tie group captains . tfcelr classes in by several 6f the eiiurches for a dominion will be the reader and Homer McNew, W. G. Orenoaum, In Big Spring, the members drew such an organization and pIcdsrclhoslcssBs. teno. will present their pupils In Cornell-so- up three resolutions expressing Mother s Day program Sunday. Mrs. Bruce Frailer will have Mary Louise hums, Ruth ourselves to work to counteract the Mrs. - Joint rtcltal at the high school Joyce Blankenshlp, Bettle Lou their stand on various questions. Ira Thurman the At the First Methodist Church by activities of the wets that thereby levotional auditorium tomorrow evening at 8 efilos itirgo of the music, assisted Dell U. A. W. service Frn Smith there .will be at the morning Amnion, Fay WhaleyA Mrs. George Davis was made weumay claim the youth of our gave a reading W. D. clock. Tubllc Is cordially In service; rs? Larson Lloyd. Haywoodj2R. E, Mrs Cor Jibe by Mis. V. H. Flcwellen, Wright, Blllle ehalrmarrbf the committee to latid for prohibition. nelison. - accompanied by Mrs. Har- td. i p v Mrs. Joe Faucett and Herbert Kea- The Program will be as fallows:p. Blount, Jr., Chas, Scogglns. draft resolutions expressing the Whereas our hon6red and belov- ' " . . : . ry Stalcup ot the Piano, sang. Tha fj)low!ng numbers will be Jr lon. The male quartet will also trip. Com Thou Almighty Bcrtedlctloh Rev. Day. thanks of the organization for the ed Senator, Morris Shepherd, iiuth i "Flowers For Ynu. Mo'her Dear" frlvenr render a 'number. The minister, Klix&XCholr. O stand which Senator Morris Shep- or of the national constitutional Marguerite Reed gave a reidlng. the Rev. W. O. Bailey, will Scripture oyer for prohibition In , rak Pi Qulxle Bea herd has taken, against home brew. resolution the Mrs. TJruce Opening Numbers: Tables , Krnrler tendered a spe , on "What IS Man." King. Two of Bridge To were Mmes. R senate, which was carried by a Wall, Hall, The Crowd's All Here" Jfl-- assist her named cial plnno selection Mother's Day-Zil- lah Mae Ford. L. Owen. C. E. Talbot&J. M. Choate. vole of G5 to 50, has presented to "Kello, 'Hawaii, How Are You" At thfciirlsllan Church E. B Entertained Informally Corsages of xweetp'ap were giv Bethel wHl sing a solo at the morn- Children's Messags Nora Qtrit W. R. Settles, Travis Reed and J. Congress a rerolutlon for abolish By Eukblce Club . fl a V en q Taylor, Dorothy Deen Hayward, M. Manuel. a At Atsrt A pAt I a a J it in .vi v.snini' MnihiOs ami a 'Not Oullty- - ing service", "Mother, lly Dear." Two tables of Bridge players ' The choir, directed by Mrs. I A. Patsy cRulh . BUlcup, Margarette The contents of. the resolutions resolved that"the convention of theYi"?1 :or.,, ' l''"nlea to JackUjtflaluV were Informally entertalnedThurs- - ftneher. Mi i. 11. Rriiuan. Eubanks. will sing an anthem Hatcher, Betty Lynn Hatcher, An" folWw: . sixteenth district of the W.CTU UKJT Bfc lll-- l IIUII1S Cora BrownfUld My na Douglass. .Marcarette VYCUIHK ui. 4ua. Whereas the Search Seizure here assembled, May (I. etpres Refreshm'n's (onilsllnir of an-- "Songs Mother Used to Sing." Elnor Beth. Parsons. and Elmer Brown" Mrs. Wlllard Read will sing the Jenkins, Letfa Mae Miller, Mix Law Is a vicious law, put over bv their appreciation and glv unre Telfood.and IJinrli were served to t, Joy Fisher mad high -- the following . Traw-for- d. Powdered Her Nose" I solo parts. The minister, the Rev. Adams, iu n. .mount, Jr.r, the wets, therefore be It resolved fltt'n" cooperation In their Mmes W. score, T. A &mMothers Hqur ot Rest," D. R. Llndley, will preach a Moth Molhir Is Never Too Weary" a that we go on record aa being on-- of this" most entrnc- - J. Robinson. M C, Those nresenfwere Mmes. Wm. D. C, UiupJn Varcelle Martin ers Day message. Marcelle Martin. oosed to the present Search an M"e t lo make the United States Hatch. A. T TaviI. F. Cuihing, H. G. .Vhllney, Joye4 -- O. n n ottomitig Prayer . 8t&ea.bog At the evening service the male The Love .Jn Mother's Hearl--- seizure iviw ami mat we petltm t America a dry nation, Iwls. J. smner M. L tvl Flshef, Fisher, Julius Eck 1. Kuworeeque" Dvorak Blllle Maa Bernard Governor Ros-- i Sterling lo l P. MyiMili. " U Martin, S. C. quartet of the church. Steve Baker. Fahrtnkamp. haus," B. Young1 and V. Van ale-- subml' June Hlnea Virgil Smith. C. M. Shaw, and Dr Song, "Why We Lpf e Mother" J. us repeal next special Bennett, P Pr'. e. K R Beckett .T. son, ai caQor in' nu.T.Y RKYNOIsDS HKUE O. - "A Foolish Utile Maiden" C. D. Baxley, will sing, "On Cal Emogene Lay, Francis Bledsoe, legislature. Stephen Trai- Reed, Rt E. A. millvl nvnnt,l4 rnrmrrlv G-t- I "Mother's Hairpin" . ... l.. ". Dav. Iner, KolTlit. V. v. C vary." Corine Mlttel, Francis . Douglass, ltn..u...Y.iririiiUk.. iiiurr innnL. ,!..uily vrar . 11. TrinM r. fM M. O TO TYLBK ,. ri.....i. ...I....I W. H Betty Carol Wood At the Presbyterian Cflurch, the Dora Ann Hayward, Edith John. Bryan, igo the orlclnfl rruaader m-'i- Willi'. nurlinnfin. L S. Pil-- WalUN . .. Mrs. W. J. the former SprIni: Wednesday night for a terson. Ida Gentry. Osborn O'Rear, ; Maxima's Birthday Rev. John Thorns, of the Presby. son, Lois Whitehead, Betty Ann Miss Carolyn Earley. Thursday naloons from 10.000 towns by mn visit, C Slrebbog left . .0 j,7 hinlnesi Pred Stenhrnr Ivie A, Harris. I If...... terlan Church of Coahoma, will Jenkins, Dorothy Lay, Josephine for Tyler, where Mr. Bryan has avalanche of praver and puhll-- t V. Kelen Browning 4 Dorthea noden ah- - Mlttel, Betty sentiment an'd organlred Wom- dsms, E. Potter, Roy Pearce, R. .peak at obth services In the Womack, Lottie Lee gone as superintendent of an rill re the TO SAN ANGKI.O . I .Edgar Quest Million, J. O. fjine, Irrf-Ji- . ,VCaalor OH" ence ot the pastor and will deliver Williams, Emily Stalcup, BllUe by, O. Rowsey, an's Christian Temperance Union Thurman, finery Just built F. Jtr. "'li Agnell and daughter U .1. P. Dodge. . 'Dr. Johnson's , Picture Cow a mothers day message In the Mercer. W. T. Bolt, James Wil Allen, nd whereas today a organlri . ii Rlclnldson. Cha. V Quest W Reese Mrs. Dora Roberts wl nn Vave Saturday mornln" K BIvIpts, W D. Cornollion, G. Edgar W, o - II. III morning. liams. L. Qrant, Bobble McNew, Hon of wealthy men hn had the .'n-sel- ( Marjorle Damron and others, r where- lhv will Havwanl. Hirry Stalcup, J T, Charles Murray, Nil Mortan and Mrs. M. N. Melner will sing a Ralph Lamar, Sid Robertson, Jack Mr. Bryan wa s formerly In discourtesyto adopt the same 'rp" t 'hcr's Day with their son Mrfelody Of .Englemann t- - '' Ouckwor'h, III itce Frazler, John Lore" George Sidney are stars In "Caught solo at the morning service and the HulcKyrt, Ray Wilson, J, C. Clark, charge ot operations at tha 'Great name, entailers, and Is working I". ) (rnii(ir who Is office manacer f 5E-ea- of Spring" . .Q ..Crocker Smllh, fildnev Wood. ' Cheating," wow of a picture that choir will sing an anthem. The w r. cornel ison. West here, controlled py bring back liquor, therefore be V Co I ' ' Aliada Pamplln a refinery ' Texas Public Servlco will be the feature attraction ot to connreeatlon will sing several of. "Mother" Marguerite Reed. the same Interests. resolved, sine the word Crusaders her' , I 'The Egg" the Old fashioned hymns sung b;w Mother' Steve Fprd Jr. Is sacred to all Christian worker' Mm, Joe Copland accomoanlet! ' ' Browntleld morrow tBaturday) night's matlnrc Cora tee JO p. their mothers. Duet, 'tnrlnclni? niosiatru" Alt CUT RATE GROCERY ind the erois of Christ Is synon Visit bv her mother MM. Lnnls. and Secret" bill, opening at 11: m. at the her . 'Billy. Keeps A The Rev. R. E. Day Is expected Mary Staicup, Blllle Frances Qrant OpeMs Saturday mouj with the name. Crusader, am fUT'ATE GROCERY tlster, Mrs Nettlo Krrshner. nt Kits. -- Jean Porter to return to Big Spring tomorrow "Great Mothera"-Ha- xeI Smith, at 109 W 2nd. Quality groceries at ilnce the wet organization callln" "- v rmnl opening day. 100 Balrd, Is visiting In Ft Worth. I $on$ and Dance Selected occupy Ihe pulpit of Trio, Kong prices themselves) wear no I "Mlnulc" . Paderewskl He will thf. "The That Mother low adv. crusadern W v Tvler and other points InPthe esst. I iunc iiir .... ( It's Never Too Lata To Mend" Barbara Scherubble Taking Dolla Picture" PLAY "The Deaf Grandmother Cora Lee Brownfleld Qucanne Hloes. "One Of Thog Awful Children" Scene Livuig noom Marcelle Martin Characters: Last Rose Ot Slimmer" The GrandmotherJune Hlnca The Grandchildren-Bet- ty CaroV'X ... e "Itiel The "Soldier Song" Stelnhelmer Wood, Jean Porter. , Marjorle Damron Mrs. Jones Marjorle Damron "Snow Ball" Cora Jones Cora Lee Brownfleld Betty Carol Wood Mrs. Brown Marcelle Martin. "Between Two Lovers"...... Daly VMIa CaffotU" . Daly F.U.N. tlub Plans UxVlmmH'llvMmrntjMbil - i June Hlnea "Waves Of Danube" IvanOvlcl Theater Parly For "Haunt, Of The paries ...... Crosby Senior Members Helen Browning "Maybe A LlttRT Choi" Tlie members of the F. U. N. Club jean met Thursday evening at the home j ?TI-..- . nA T V.,w.ln Wftt of Mary Gehe Dubberly for a social L. ' Winner ami buslnessmecttng. Plans were I ' --. ., . HHHH.HHHll...,.HHHJii .. nu cluh I stizaaa uiwii made for entertaining the Scherruble seniors with a theater party on the "Opportunity" f., punbTtr evening of May 18. "Wadln' In Da Crick" DunBar Tha following members were Marjorle Damron present. (Margaret Bettle, Mary TA Perfect Utile Lady" Alice WllkJ, Lena Kyle. Mary Pet-tey- , ' ." ,. Jean Porter $ Imogene Runyan, GUnha Rose Sprlng-In-A-Hurrj- '" cWmds "Mistress Black. Polly Webb. Zlllah Mae Waneus Akupe June Hints fpord and Veda Rbblnson. "Pretty Sunshine" o,..Oreenwold The next meeting will be with "Valentine Parly" Matin; Zlllah Mae Ford. JJelty Carbl Wood "Over The Waves" ., RpM Mr. anlaMr. Henry 'Eehler bAVJeJ "Bluebird Schiller niovra to wyicr 10 mine ineir Dorthea Roden hdhie- - Mr. Fehler, who was con VVlld Flowera Waits- - . . . . .Bilrdey nected with the Great West Refln- - MsrJorlDmron & June Htn c.ry, has accepted a poslMon-wlt- CHALLENGER JUNIOR Dan.e Military Buff a refinery In Tyler Jean Pprter .t Blene Kllllngswarlh i . y "Trjals Of 8chool Life" , SAVE SATURDAY Marcelle Marlln at the , CUT RATE GROCERY o "Red Rldlne Hood" . .Le Grand It's convenient.' Stop as you go to ' Betty Carol Wood A Mrs. Porter or from the P. O -- just across the "Edelweiss Glide" .Vanderbecklstreet adv RADIOS. SpecidSatmday! Red Goose TRAVELS FART


g , Lis mtf The coft-ect-fiftin- 1 is m I- - V vl y . f A ' Ml alhieawen m T1 wW5Bw&Ktft$y-?.Mw- isisisisiBk. H . W ' ES Complete '' ' -- 4" W ' with & f F0R BOYS yw-- W GIRLS AND j tubes

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oGrid Utah Super-Dynam- ic Licensed by RCA chil-XJ- Speaker TJUNDREDS o steps, mile upon mile, L drcn'i shoes walk, run, kick, scuff and , I But RED GOOSB shoes are built to sorul scrap? clearrtcli tone of a big sejt, the size of a large mant;l punishment. They're rtjlc pf nothing but the . The 1 best leather, specially tanned.to resist wear.Ther'rc "clock . .. that's, the Challenger Junior Famous . engineers corrca in form shaped, to guide the growth of designed it , . . expert craftsmen built it . . . Now Ward's The most remar- tiny feet from babyhood to manhood and -- kable children1" youjig offer it' at a low price that will delight the thriftiest lover of young womanhood, radio program NevT3-gan- g con-Hens- er . . . super-sensitiv- e. over .broadcast. Come in, fering tlie children and see our wide radio. Keenly selective On station WRR broad- each Friday assortment of attractive styles. , improves volume. It receives short wave length ..i nlng, at 8:30 a --tii cabinet burl walnut front o clock. casts! Smart walnut veneer with TVer balftbtfun of having feet" w it-- ' panel, uetjhait now tor yoyr aen, Dearoom or living $1.95 ' 2.95 $3.95 ,. Bi sjsjBUjsjsjpaj-- i QBMMBBBMBiiMMMMPWmIMai . room. You'LTsavel 'll..1? Ft o o

Vl3 . oavo Jtwt received' a 'number of Interesting netv ' typos of Ladles; Shoesi Low Heels, High Hcels,ia the lFopuIar Sunimer, and Spring Shades. , , i zr ' M e 1 1 i ng V f er's PHolte 280 "TV. Main at Third ' 3rd & Gregg St . o BIG SPRING --..s ?' - vm o O , o o 1 FRTOAV, MAT 8, ?AGE TOUR THE BK3 SPIUWO. TEXAS, DAILY HERALD 1931. 'villa. MvaUafet tot. feat eaf tfca 2mJ of Boutin boHl . - Hanllula hi tktt la Ms W Smimg Jfc7y 17rvM th Tr4r- .ltMIMM WtSmtA Bit or never n . DAILY CROSSWORD we Vy surer two Uw M4h aft ha bean la fOllOc PUZZLE any, twiit tlK Tke K ef Feblishsd Uundsr mornin public U at feewtor r! at DtHm, Uva ch aftarnoon xctt Saturday art hi record an open book: broad low wJMctw-ati- l. f the oea whom I eH, Hove, th)k to the "ran. ' BuncUr by the voter ar growing mot dl ACROSS elirtl f ,Yevttwy'a ftsMr J. jfr el Hr cut ln curtain, clearly e UI " ie?lcr, 1, Rmbrar window ef what I eiTeclly xn. la iff I" bio HrniNo iicimld. inc. --Jasaem in a hand at eve pitted dally "with professional poll a. kind ot neat utta coast feaed to H th doctor consulting' understand each other, ad their Coltagttett Mny lienor u(tn hi RobirtW. Jacob. Dualntss Uinmt ticlans. . flavor HorBAtSMrtQTTlf Hi Cublo mstte? room. conversation and was a marvel of point ftwhen h relel a ia Sena Wndll Dfdlchfk. Manaiclna: Editor Addto those attribute, the 4, Mftvinr part Itlngworm SciwitwJ.W.Eall.Bedc tor IiohVroek ef fact cells It. ItTiad keen ray Intention, In the conciseness and compression. 0vlvUm. N, NOTJCU TO BU USC K I UK It H recently leaped In' t, Oerm II. Compound To data Texas' tmty wesson that Trailer has , Tnoe opposed C" event of such ucces a had 4 sens. Subscribers d.Mrln addrtsa O fX. e P Lo1p ther I When the woman scribbled some AUSTIN, Texas, May , OR thlr to International prominence through 'T. up RES T B el-- tor, MlM Margie Neel ot Carthage, wilt stat In tbtlr ruft II. rortabl r achieved, io lt mo down In an arm" thing on a scrap ot paper and Senator J. W. E. H. ehand plJ ana his work on tho Bank II. Jleterant sssissslsa S A Friend ot ha not taken over the Yl to pre- ommunication com in oia for Interna' 10. Addition (o a WssslV up chair, light a cigarette, and recline having glanced at It, nw addressts. tionai settlement, and ona can W II. net Charters, Beck Of DeKalb, chairman ot the side. building It. Implement n at my ease until such time a Char-- crumpled It and threw It Into the committee, have u(flri 110 W. Klrat at. readily tee that he would be a candl it. Pprlte for remove senate finance T2S 11. ma! ana T ing ten should enter hi consulting waste-pape- r basket, I knew that I move to elect him presi Ttlrpkoiirat 'and IM date who undoubtedly could defeat haveJMT HNc t vie fruit room. started a piper Pita ,. had the key to whatever, otherwise dent pro (em ad Interim of the Tex fcarrtptlan flafea Hoover. It. New Testa. IT. L- rurrowfkr -I did not might Daltr IWraM Already one nationally-know- n po meat spell' carry out thl program cryptic, cipher It contain. as senate. V, Mall Carrlsr HI T E RER channel litical commentator has mentioned Inr et sWannJ It. Inclpsur for in run. (Lnte that night I recovered it There was torn speculation as -- On Tear UtD 16 00 Asher conrtnUg myself had BIT Months 1171 1114 Traylor as a nrosnectlve Democrat. tl. Decad I had seated In the deen and found that the woman to who would terve as rrcsldent Dims arm-cha- ir TIM'S Thr Months ...... 11 lit 11.11 Ic choice In the next few months' h 17, ltlnlng II. Spanish wide. and comfortable which merely"' written upon It the figure pit) tern of the enale during th On Month ...... t 10 t 10 It. j'enTtent faced hi desk, when, glancing Idly one, and four moughts. Ten thou- Witt, Ueuten Grocery jutd Mwhet will be heard about considerably 1L Viscous black H AT IMU H T AST E D 10. Tlushy clump 3rd session, Edgar NalUaal . round the beautiful old room, my sand. The price of a girl's life, as senate' ruoNE ilea llrratatl lr-cant- Texas Democrats could male on llauld SI. Likely ant governor, and tho ll o v R E 111 Taiss Oalljr I'rtta 11. Flnalng vole e rMn e e rMa eye fell upon, - kiMaeltJt. Hank lllda. Dallas.iku. of the smarten mor in their his II. Observed i and promptly noted, I knw from what I'd heard. Ami Officer, on numerous occa- Txa It. Turfs 17. SpUshed lha great heavy was lm- - FREE DKIilfVKKY Intsrstat Hid Kanra. rity Mi tory by Insiatlne that their deleratea 11. Malls p1epsBsopsBh1en II. Light variety velvet curtain It then that I thanked the slons allowed members of lha sen "to the next national convention go 40. mitters of a color which hung on either tide of the pulse or tile Power that had rent ale to try their hand? at presiding .ty 42. displacement play-actlri- g Utn,t6n A,. d , of tt. Illrd's horns' II. Interprets 1 oil. Battat window by which I had entered. me, melodramatically Senator Berkeley 'of Alpine, au- ,"""".first duty Is to r - of bodiir arcJialo 41. Attempt 1 This trial! tt, UaMulln An Impulse urged mo to conceal If you will, behind my cdrtaln ) SATURDAY rDri lion-sll- y orirans Hold fast thor of the clgarct tax amendment. all th nw Ihst's fit to print (t. Oar nam DOWN 4. myself "ot and fairly 16 IL by for slack. s. serious behind one them, and Later, Jjhen Charters was alone, Um. tutran llii chair nosslhlv more utiblaStd enmg il. mattahls 41. SPECIALS any consideration, Including I. Northwestern Ardor study my man bfore he eavr me. hl face tucned from We. his eyrinnn any 0f (he other member out own rplnlonttio threads' In a f I. At Indian . Implement for Its editorial HOW'S 1'rojectSng removing Exactly what I might gain by covered by his hand, I stepped side of Senator Hardin Of Stephen IJ. J, IJ at eas ' hiding-plac- e Any trrontout rtflsctlon upon the (fom rprmer,",. ere galleries seds thl I did not know. silently from my and, - ebaraettr standinr or reputation rf 17. spell. It. Style of ar. I. Mythical IS. Italian rlvsr Probably the Idea wa as he looked up, was between him DRESSED Hens, any person, firm or corporation Inr tl font cMtectura laland 11. Hub outj, the reult a may Cereal trass II, rark In th I. Drunkard K. Heasons and product of William' training. and the window fc home dressed, lb, ., which appear In inr lsu or t.v liG b irnwi liqueur 'Jl0CKy I. IJke Vocal solos anct this nsper will ehetrfully ror HEALTH flavored ounfatna better II. of trie year spent In the To the hour of his death he must reeled upon belrg brovKM to the I. Pueblo Indian 10. Kspens with anil II. Kind ot tre 7. rrevented 10. Deadly pal atmosphere and environment of hava believed that I hadOthal mo- LEARN FROM MY CiANOVA Coffee, attentlin of th manacetnent th 1IUIM it. - rt to. I. Former llou J. Cereal crookdom. I did not so much ment stepped silently Into the room 1 lb Tb publisher ar not responsible IVUrber. IL liar in a manlan 41. Dctds argue, a feel, would ' ?4c for copy ommlraloti. typcirraphlcl different queen IS. Letter ot th that It be a from the lawn without 1toman house, vetting sound thing to God It so. arrer that mar occur further than it. I. Japane .alphabet do, probably giving I thank that was not 'CANOVA to correct to the neit Issue after It bold god II. rigpea porwlta IT. Native metal me some advantage over my lo EXPERIENCE Coffee qj Is brought to their attention and In &iVtr tlm. or man The morning my arrival at 2 1j2 1bs ,?... .MC no cas do th publishers hold sK. - rL.u- -. rather the whom J nfter ... .. 2 e hoped dining-roo- thtmilffl tlshfa f ft r AmvmmwmH rl'AUvWMaais J glgyjw 7 l 0 2 J would be my victim. the Monastery enterlnn the further than th amount received AUTItKITIS gf Rising frpm my chair und to display myself tomy HINDS Honey and Almotid by spaca -patients, them for the artoal cot. straightening It cushions, step- and to play my choa-e- n Cream, th IS It is a ound belief In medical I o C rlnr error. Th right ped oOo ....,., to reject of edit all advert circle that fW more there is writ- behind the curtain that was Part of a person Irresponsible ilz OtlC Using copy All 'idfsrtlilna orders ten about a Oiseate. the leu posi- ' nearest to the desk, settled myself amU eccentric to the point of on I til 7 arsyafceptad a baal only tive knowledge thcf Is about It Ml f a comfortably aa I could, and luaflcy. I come face la face anJ MKStnnn rilRAnnciATEDrilUM ThoUEh appears nam- - draped the curtain In of me evtWdow can scarcely write the : this like a front I Iluy a )CAinUln Vcn for the Tn Asaoeiated rress Is eiclumelt aox- , i Fortunately It was not only entitled to th ute roe nnhiiratinn - " ' In l easy to understand m with untrembiing nana i Graduate! of all new dispatches credited to Positive information can be tersely voluminous, but hung from a curtai- ctne race to face, I say. with m: n-pole u ILSI.'a'iK".1!? .c",1.l,'',5 ln ,hI ,u,fd conjecture, that stood out a foot from daughter Rosemary iS Per Cent Oft on mut of neVety be the top of the window. Rosemary" I gasped. In utter "l HAVE found tnat usinc Kel- CAKTEIl TEN8 I waa comfortably amazement, Incredulity logg' Aix-JlRA- regularly is the lleatloitv of special dispatches ar gvmeritati e and hence voluble. . ensconced. litter 1J5 Spors wfth- - way to keep tha members also reserved There are "tons" of medical lit- - Zl -- a.!.3 completely hidden, both from Had I become Insane Indeed surest .. 98c being- con- Pen .erature on And yet. !!E in and without, and perfectly aafe. For the girl, sitting end imillng of my family from fl.STXt. arthritis. in the user have .strictly modern snwe of scientific but could see nothing. This disabil- opposite to nie was Rosemary's stipated." Millions of 1 - Kellogir's All-Bra- n WfMtWfMlf- fhftrat IA .1aff. ll.tfh ity t remedied latef. by taking out self na Rosemary must have been found that F5 pocket-knif- e guarantee suro relief from both A Hopnlo End War Iknown about the dieac my and cutting a bad she lived. Club '! In temporary nnit recurring' con- CMQUOT a fold Arthritis Is defined na .Ifuxao small tilt ot the curtain not seen her fare when she Glriger Ale ..,. 17 C TN nEMINDlNO tht a here It bulged In toward me win n the consulting-room- , for stipation, o If Inland of uncertain ortirm. affecting the I' ahd drugs, ns rule, havo - vtorra mo- - when Chapter was out of the had, at tha, early moment, 'tcarr, Pills a MILK. 6 mnll commuiee inai structure ot one or more of the to bo taken In mounting doses 9C.' dern warfare means defeat ll RrSj room. to move the cnrlnin. and did hot cans xxi JC for joint, producing deformity and they becomo useless. pf its participnnta. UndersOreUry,of funcikm. " Ye. I reflected, undoubtedly my cut the tiny s)lt until she had gone or MILK. 3 largo of State William It Castle put hi, Arthritis i one pf the oldest Impulses had been a sound one, I out of the room ' KeHoRR's At,LDH offcra 9C,, finger on the onehard, ease might. If I choso, hide in the house Thl wn a girl who mlaUVbe of you natural, cuafo relief from can ... uvC material conditions of whlel? there is dizziness, out hope any - until a, real air of mystery would any age from IS lo 2l or 23. and so the headaches, the the fact that holds ra) for record? It affected animSk lflnr- accompany FRENCH'S Bird those who bellexe m an before snan surround my discovery; I might. t mazlngly, o miraculously like toss of energy that IO enduring appeared on earth. TlW constipation. And also fur- Seed, rUp ...... IOC worm peace. . ronti rrmain of reptile wit- - tucky. by remaining where I waa. Rosemary that, at the age of IS, $ bear plans nishes iron, Avhich helps put Sausage, The secretary maXing tpeech lo existence of this condl-- overhear with benefit to my she must have been nosemnry') rl'HE Iork l6? h$ Vs tlhe t CharterrPand (5blor in checks and lips. , Indianapolis, ripreseed himself ,tn conversation between Indistinguishable twin and double Lb IDC I Machado or Gryde; I might, by a say, Rosemary Try it with milk or cream, thus Mt of the old stone age eutfered or J had lived FRANKFURTERS, 5ZZZZs5:ZZE! waiting, watching and jlsLenlng thus to last J fruits qr honey added. Use it in 1 Q - dlCMe ,f" must she hae been the JLOC Certainly ,the nations are begin- iJIT cooking too. Lb. more .uiTEcyptUna, learn which of his female staff detail. niug clearly to realize that t i i i i i were the. At all grocers, in the war means Dr. Ralph Pemberton, who has ail 'Frisco Fanny and Louie Almost I went to her and took CiEESE, today defeat for all pap Lady, believed by William to be , package. Madey Kellonf uctpanu. means made numerous studies on the nih ii her In my arms. tVvmerlcanl, Ib,,..'91.6JLC it defeat because son in Rattle Creek. wnrlH-l''- - respectively his .own and his Almost and for the first tflne il meana sooner or later . .. ..-- . T , m.i aruinus ailllct- " tM ,. f.H.1,. .! .. . wife. since Rosemary BACON, wide economic depression a " "" nd died I broke ITrT such ,m. .Trl. ,. . . Tr""'. And at least could choose my dovin Sliced, Lb, ... 90rioC we have present time Dur. " at Bij Percioal Chnsioplier WrerL. Akor of I ahd lot control of voice Nand aflhe h own dtamatic comment for con- lips and nK war there is itremendc.tm.'"'-0''rt''m'- ' fears. ,$, VEAILoaf. - aterln fronting him. and starting that iiosemary; . . Jf- UlaUon and indu'try. a .tlmulauonl? Sd P" Lb, ,.. -- Xvl !I1b,2F ssssssssssssP'! MYSTERIOUS reign of teirOr which I hoped to (Copyright 1930, by Frederick A. .Tfae which raise .roducUon far beyond , . , ssssssssssssWZJ 'L!?,,??. f!"i WM Inaugurate ' . Stokes Co) fl normal consumption, Z BS TOEE DELnTXT and the 1 - According' to hi dally custom. wm.n. i. . i .. Mi..i responsible, SYNOPSIS- Limey Doc" Si-- ,the railway stallon. but onlv enter. All-Br-a- n v.. " d' exactly a Williams II. William had A llfei for a soul Crtmoelllne; proccs-- aa maav of Vnow ,, mon.jfGunman Ortde, 'Spider" ed It when. In the dlstanfi! saw - u. - T?i kold me, man bustled- f1j m tI?p "j'"'" u jrprraenisll'111a large cco- -i schfiht and Chink Dorson who an approachlnj train. the Chartey nomlc problem. In as tf into the room and set about his As a of fact, thl simple di,far many, had.idnaped John Wayes daugh. mattrr - Tho lime afternoons by the afternoon's work. . . . "thritiscan- ot and Important was to ?lCm aie hI " EnR-n- fact presented ?M a bUrdefl to' l" tniM " . C ugges;ea.io me ny William Nor was II Jong before was lis- the world more than a century u,i Th... ., ..... M "'"n3 I agj themsehe, J , " J tening, breathless Art peo and to society. a Xe """,". .v" " "!' ro". with Interest aecldcnVof Invention kept The amount of dl'aWUtV ..T.nt .J1 . 'V; lne '"ncneon nour, into wie great and boiling IndlgnatlohV to wha,t ple from recognlting its caused .;.;."": T ?' truth. jby arthritis I several greater! that ounded The Moh- - wa obviously a plot between htm etwaor .Napoleonic time ZZ'.L".., by2.?.S.,.".treat- - Pr ine the wart man mat caused tubefculosis. ajstery Nursing-Hom- crossed the and the relathe of on of hi pa- found France badly beaten' and Eng-- i ... i 'ntrtt Vye has dropped his Kokus ,.,7.i ground ahd gardens- nonchalantly for3 of Pokus Thr. h. -' tients. She murder that iana wtoriow to Ml outward ,Ied , thiu rn:,rt,- . " fam'"r St.CIalr. the better and sat awhile e.ea,t "Day hy day In ay, price, are Retting and botttT." Wo arc ablo yt comm.tte. carry ' on a in a shrub patient cery letter to mjt Jil purpose. Ifis bery near the houie Not for nothing had I associated through a hjvccl;il arrangement to ofter ou again bur wonderful bargains lor Sat- i Mr and-Mrs- Williarri, half-pa- j detecthe st C .7 Z ,7 . has .reaUy dne good At one after carefully .with, listened to. and watched. urday only. - the problem Fumnvoa him to England after studjipg William' sketch ploh I soma pf the worst and wickedest "?- Alt . wimZPiP!"Vr'!Jntirm UNuranmr uom- dlscoverinc Simwi.j Orj'de and mere .and industry ere crippled Dr Mnchado in -- charce of a FKESH, SOIU) STJCING, Th great fleet Was supreme on Tomorrow "Athlete. root nuiaing home which the pair v the -- . but the treasury, that sup- hac entered, singly, as' patients 19c ported wal BANANAS, doz... BEANS, lb 5c the fleet empty I,n England- - Wave d&coT;rs the , THRIFTY0 iTl Th parallel bewren England s murder of ScKIitt who fcas been eondltin then, in !?18 1 in- new" FKESH and posing a ah English gentleman, ' structive. England t quick recovery by Dorson. the quarrel presum- : tne .Nfijoieonlc wars was due ably being-- Oier tife loot in the FOOD POTATOES, lb. 4c SQUASH, lb. 5c vWfflyin BUYERS ... to the rise ot the factory" kidnaping case, Thus of ...... I dlesne "your (o Steam power was a hew thing Irt the the me.n Waye had marked for For Saturtlaj ajjtl Monday we call attention No. 2 Can ., 18c world. By trebling productive pow dea'th, jnUrderer llke- - Flat Cans . the being the .fact that you can liuy Q er and maWnf huge new mark-- li y wtse vow. Pineapple No. 2 1-- 2 Can 28c. doomed by a similar ' available, it made It possible for' iiy u noni.v COONS No. 2 1-- Britain to e 10,b'ars 35c No. 2 2 liquid her terrific war" HOLLYWOOD- -- No Indi P&GSoap, -- p, better Chapter 40 SPINACH 13c ucui sua bo w-i- a greater pros-- ra'ipn cf the shortage Can SPINACH IKmO.V!i NE.MKSIS e lie Can perity than (he hI ever dreamed of screen tiflent can Kunerys Pfckles, gallon 60c of before. f)e had than the A FTER a couple of minutes of SInct 1918 no such new fa or listening for any t 0RANGES,.doz. 20c has ncreasing fre- - sound ln hat 15c .. APPLES, doz. 27c appeared England lconous a vrvpt ncro-j,an- u en Katliff's Chili, large can ... aaln .uencv "'" 1 - ,...,, m a .frightfully expensive war. which studioswithcoll ,fr1 'hen".room, and. I admit with) belnr farced to admit the truth of .--j iShame. sat for awhile and Vloated p. mm. ...u,1 UU1CI .u.. 1U1I . . V Chili, 20c Mr Castle's that there can WE upon .I. Walker's large cah remark the loan of atar tne nwoualy distorted face; Sauer Kraut 3 tor .3S& be no - victor in modern warfare iftd featured play-- OJ ,ne ,r OI i"emary murcrer- LIKKYS " Yet the Mme leasoa would hae' Good Enough Coffee, 75c been learned a century ago if it had It would And the wicked jay of my heart PEARS not been for th n ftfm can 22c TOMATOES, cans 25a steam enione t h e rr aren't was Increasedappreciably by th Raisins, 4 pounds, 35c i the gTeat British coal fields. nought bright though! that itJietis In punishment ANY KIND Small (i tor '&' The instructive truth was hidden Ught to go lof that ery crime- - and not of one then. Today (t CATSUP rannot be Ignored Irt round o they goj (TJ his mrlad other'-th- at this TBorden's Milk, enlarge cans 25c MILK, large, S for . .25c ;'.14c Kit faet there lie more f hope f it und quite 3, enemy of mankind had met his wrld peace than ip ail the ttgh (fate NO. 2 CAN ' O o treaties nd in'ernati- rta nrad Nagel .It; vr 0,fr n,r diamond that Pork&Beanj 25c agreement ever ' na PEAS, 2 25c tiS"E NDQMlB fas been underi,r"y 'luarreietl, and that he cans v for tl M'. M these many jears'r"" '" murderd, an t It was AimiratixriL ' I' K l,i t th aw rage fan i Justifwd in '.through their theft of my Hiamond IIOH OPINIONS' the imprvsaion Uatk works for 'that Momr had died. ' ONE I'kgV all the 'Number On;" t whispered htu6st Nafera been bor Pnlmolivn ltP,i.l tfiivv n - OF OTHERS lw-- j mom thaa any eper player Nnirr On. mt npttit, and -38jtf ' -'- '- V iiabs 230.' my 1 Coffee ""V Th lendiaj of talent la. in motkiclla h" 'h ' l'':',' Case, decidedly advantajilninf tnieonieas wa rceri and con I HOMNY, 1 . . . . it shame Table P.ears, No. 2 l-2.- 25c for 25c RAISINS; 4 lb. pko.28c A Fest Toxnn actor an studio. The roorArttion But In UoM dav I Best ' in the jboth 1 ; : a ?- - jxucUr he kf,the' mere H&ttoW not really a sane rrwon ulie star 'Macaronitrr or irhitv IIo,hi h for, the wider is the Alt And .now for Number .Two 20c pAd Bread and Butter Pickles, jar : 13c trllditioa of hi face, and veee tof Evidtjatly fEhMik Do son MATCUESnmr box ,2S Snachctti . v. llovcti ? 'an Ancele Tim L 1. JMUjans. i . lmade a search preabmably for the ...V WZTH. .poUUCAUy-mid- l - VV1- - SPUDS, One grade wnile they last rOWDEliKI) OK uiitmtf TftV&lri wnalahaaA)..t t ! 'iwf stnaio. wMcTriRIelir kipitnnod-i- a xhssnobi v.1 irUn' iL t i -- smtary, papers. . , SnuOl c ,hitB $n Idle. becVUke of lack w,lh scattered 50 lbs; 75C - ...... rood., rhahcs for, a rnn! w a vehicle, nofSinly profit PicMng up. In my 4 SUGAR. imT.- , l ...... i. i. "t rebpa a k Bloved hand. 6c Grape uice HPo e ' .'. 'Quart ,. next on w of baelOwa . , ., b a. VW, n1ce. but also UnefiU "" the, ot which the 4 25c T 0ll,ffRptMDuU'rn:' Styia il tarblank. and Uklng a pwicIV from my .j!reen Beans, pounds for TJOLD "nTEDAI i o ' me. IltUe attention has paid by tlHP pocket, ' bn rival' plture. I wrote In block capitals' B -- AlaK'c an Angel I'notl .Sf V"1 f4mr 'SKI PERISH ALLViHOP)OUBL.E- - Borden's Iililk, small cans 25c r Oountry!! r"0 . , migh' pcIMy iK.I.VrKItEST ON; I.W toT.MB.NT CH08R CHICAGO CRINK Cake Flour Cake at Home t .e uccor to President Universal - Tfustard, gallon "75c" 31. Herbert, Jem Jotn Bert, com- BIONED. CHINri DQR&ON" 1nT' JparatlvDly unknown, to Warner's for This document I attached to the KEK. SIZE CKlfrEAK The,ma'f --J'lvtn Traylor, onedfThe Defert Song," and l wp re-- lapel of Spider Schjiti) coat, by ' CASH AND NO DELIVERIES 5VT Limit ;t!! ""rf irM s "M,"e,w " nfd to hU studio along with ajmoan of the stickpin from his lie, PEP" Wc Post Urdu um 10c li! li16 bjoker IHbandsom profit, a singing star' Surely this Avould put be British THESE PRICES iTft r Uie prMii,"c'r are n-- ', ThAtopieture. fallovvtag by Rlo (Scotland Yard In communication r.fm?,e m,8t,f k Wto K-0 and with the American police and V!..T ? I" other. hlU. .Vegetables Baby . ' SUGAR" wlft J'jovght. sae him a name that meant mo-- would, in conjunction with Dor-- Fresh Best Beef PAPER i.r 25c Zvy h.U:-J.?f- l uM two , . . ,0 hlm w Ayte. - -- , . "' nfter "Alt aon's fingerprint and the andnv- ..v. ,..jU,,ly prevailing at'tjuiet on th Western, I Wccproduce our own milk and cream! MAXWEIM 1IOUS.E YTZ?2V?tT' eb'ne? f.W 8 V" cTmVanlllKaid Yard? put thehalte?abouti Th. LT. swa ln anu M 'eadlly loaned Dorabn's nfcK ' tif - . ltL7.,,AI,Ten"lL5OMUp" ?enneU hna Ann Hard- Meanwhile- - I joust ' Ket secretlv - 1 lb lbs 85? Vng Coee 32i are ter - - 3 thnJrt gWate. hate appear- ind safely aw aj from the scene of THE K Cox a'athe. YjDvn ciioicj: cut PUItTS.COUNTBY ,'htt,T ".?, " " more frequently for other studio Ithe crime, for .were I to be arrest- - 'mo- - wn, -. -. ZTf. li7 lor but now are to cd on suspicion. I might be Identi- .- .- .- -. .-- "'"be " STEAKrfb. . r'J BUTTER, llh ....., 25c adl0:1 Booseielt. kept at .horns mole consist fied, and I well mlKtL eVen "thouish tdYounc arfti the other m.n,K-- proved my innocence., of this a ' now prominently mentioned, thej I ' 0 LONGHOKN 'YELLOW Paramount has loaned Ruth Chat-sTf.5.- 1" to crime, f lad myf otf extradited to' are,X?,,nf com to.terton to and Nancy America vnd returned, for life to White House EGGS,2doz 25c CHEESE, lb .25c viand a better.Qarroll to SamSel GoWwyn for chance than Traylor the Jail whence I had escaped ' : r: 'Street Scene" Walter HuaW nf Departing wift!y .and safely "The Bct Place To Buy or Sell" Pork I , . , Ma buslnrss man; the' First National, ha played for most ' salt country . from the silent ho've. I walked to " .want a business man ln of the nfffinr ' ' ' rj--r :. g , ...... Mm0ni. I SAUSAGE, lb. . ,.15c BACON, lb , , ft....u nuncin.i me uepres- - ,..fiMt.... : i -. iuu uiter did as a contract star at J. fio- Trailer now lives In Chicago; PROFITABLE ;B..jPickle,.Prop: after the miserable showing ' Fox. with a sbfirtnee of feminine encourage mdro homo nihiuifiicturo d products. Wo carry made Some pf the player get a sfir names, reque'ftU borrow from jIMp Beans, Greens and by a New Yorker In. 1928. the Dem f ' 1- . of 'the rental of thler servi- nthep fctlldlea flmfh nm Ann No. 1901 S. ScurryPhone 576 Canned Chiokl'ii raised nnd jiackgd In Hw'ard Coftnty, ocrat will do well to to ces-over r.Iur - G turn the their contract salaries Harding. 6eneieve Tobln. Sidney t Traylor wa Ken-v- - 11 wonj BJt born In Thus Debe Daniels made more In Fox, Jeamtte MacDonald,.and Joanj Wo handle all' Howard County Baby cef raised and fed here. Help our farm- ky and got hi In business support No. 2 Camp Goleman " Urt of Douglas Falrbank In' Uennett. The latter two. after mak- - ers.... Trade at.horne?. Q i TeaJ"; tere would be no danger, "Ileachlng for the Moon" thah she Ing picture there.jslgned contract. - v T555 - . I" $


MARKETS SOCIETY and and ' FOODS WOMEN'S INTERESTS CLUBS uiiiiiw'L',,. HHFHVBVQrWVVInMqiV n ntwufv 'i nt wifl ii nm Buswmiimi - -- fcr .. E.S.A. Mknwcrs and '"SJlTjQ UthWard ReUcof.Pa8tt Simple to Sunshine Friends Given Picnic Prcicrtied In Lunches Tempt At thoCity Park Hitching Pott v Give0 fl PiT. A. Names Fickle School Appetites Girls The Epsllcfn Slcma Alnha Soror Again There's useless ornament 011 ity and friends enjoyed 5 picnic at 11.. K....11. ...i.i- - tuLtf the City evening. -- lliu i.guiviiuuii uiwiiiK m. Park Thursday llp? NewOfficers means mora to tho oldtlmcra of Picnic Plans 'were nleo mado for a call Big Spring today than any other Pak edbusiness meeting Monday eve CtEKflr u Et-le- r. - T:' decoration on the whole lawn. ning at the home of Mr. Frank Tomorrow! f "f" It dates back to the days of Spend Evening Enjoying 0 Orifitml by Mrs. Lcc horso-draw- Pliy n vehicles. It datea Thos present wete; Mr. and Wo offcrt you great 6avhiRH on tfio highest Quality that-t- o IlcminisciiccB Willi w earners nil uu uy farther back than tho Mrs, Frank Etter, Mr. and Mrs. Meats and Groceries. Our list of satisfied customers day ot a horse-draw- ii water Mrs. L. C It - McDowell, Jno. Martin, Mr. and Mrs growing daily. o 4 o supply. Dahme, Frank Boyle, Fronted Mel- l',,Thfl'jirogrAni iiio ornament is ' mo iron ton, Ircno Knaus, Valllla True, " ot lh South Word hitching post on the cast side. One ot the most delightful of Fresh whlfch yesterday nftet- - the Marie Faublon, Georgia Kirk Dar WTA mtt Everybody has seen It there. many courtesies shown Mrs. J. I. noon at thcqschool consisted of arf vis, Kittle Wlngo, Mildred Creath, Squash Per Lh. But not everybody knows that McDowell during her brief visit In Mrs. Fox Stripling, Roberta Gay, 69 rj original composition oy wr. Jte Is pipe A giv- Weather, it a plcca of Iron from TWsKBBf ' t V mSmmm Big Spring wa a welner roast Edith Hatchctt, Lol Cochran, ntltlsi "Musical court-tioui-o 'r' v water well dug on the en at the City Park Tuesday eve- Mary McBlroy, Clara Cox and Red Pennant CoraN42 12c i" am." square, In tho city's at ning. '- - Iv5T'TrWil7s7s?sll n r Eil'lKnKVsTsTsTsTsKJMkTl , Dorothy Driver. ."n During lh(? business teuton Mrs. tempUto get artesian water, I rr Picsent and former members ot 2 1--2 . Emqry Duff resigned president, 'Wtll located south of No. "- ai The was the Sunshine girls Sunday school - Mrs. Wayne vlce--t suc- Powell's delicious pie and HOMINY . . and Hlcc, first the present flro station, Ha class of the First Presbyterian EAT . Can . 9c . president, was voted In as new cess meant much to thd city. church, with the Bible Study class, cakes. adv. president Mr. A. I Cone, "Who Is That was before the days of tho Libby's , met for an evening of reminiscing. 17 leaving tho city, resigned as secr- Alderman family who built tho PEACHES 1--2 etary ArthurQ31klna Mr. McDowell claims the dlstlno , No. 2 Can. and Mrs. was water work;, .iH the water Big Uo, of having member ot her - ib elected as secretary. Spring had for domestic pur- B- program cTa feel thaJ"once a member al was opened "with a poses was bought from a carrier ways a "member," so a the years SALMON 1 Wading by Da Alva McAltiter, .who peddled It up and dbwn the lie ? - -- 1? passed tho class membership never, . Music 16- "What Means Me," 'The streets In barrels. decreased. j following children took part In the The well-digg- .struck Only By JOSF.l'HINr; B. OIIISON ketchup ami pour over the eggs. fresh play; Mary.) Concensus of the gathering was Jacqueline FawotJane. sal- t- Clay Read recalls the Director, Home Eeonomlcs Dept, Serve on buttered toast. Per Lb. .8 .''. fairy? Max-In- o thattf aalthful and Very efficient Cucumbers Kathleen underwood; was 400 bf solid Ilctnx Company Sandwiches: .It feet IL J. Creamed Tuna Fish teacher Mrs. McDowell Influenced Milter; Mlsa Mufftt, Dorothy clean fcalt, he say. Yet 11. was Planning luncheon for the chil- cup tuna fish; 2 tablespoons but No. 2 Can tay;'no-Pep- , allO Uvea for good and directed 25( Nettle Jean Carter: not the that dlscoucngcd and having It ready wWn ter; 2 tablespoon flour; 1 2 tea- . salt dren many Into useful paths of activity, Tomatoes 3 for . HlatjElUcoat, Audrey Cone; Jack Big Spring; It was an accident they home hungry from spoon flouri teaspoon 1 1- -2 come.' 12 salt; the work of the class a whole andJIII. Heater DiAn and Carol to digging apparatus. Some school Is a problem con- cup 3 tablespoon preserved a the that milk; having alway abounded In deeds No. 1 Can.. Wftods; Jack Horner, John Philip thli)g mysteriously happened to stantly confronts mlllions'tbf wom- sweet gherkins, chopped; paprika; of loving kindness. In words of Tomatoes , 4 . 24c Miner; uoy uiup, Ashley Drawer; tut Jh the bit fell In- en. And about this time of year dash of Worcestershire sauce. for .... rusa-ln-Boot- - good cheer and virtually radiated First In trit doush. Thtn In Blllle Much Fletch- we'll was ' - to he and the well the task becomes evert harder, Steam fish ever hot watct- until many Indians, Janice Slaughter, Ina veg MelMjuttcr, sunshlno to small, dark cor the ovcrw You can bt turt Van terj abondoncd. since fresh Spring fruit anil heated. add flour and ncrs. ' Barnard, Cofycp Wurdock- - JMty the. water ran yet procurable In Cook of perfect bkingj in using Spaghetti Camps 10c ' For. wbJle ot, etables are not salt, then milk. 'until thick, JJooley, Mart& Vllllmsor2selllh down thotreM, until Its salt!-- most markets, and children are tlr-- and add tho chqp1cd ghcVkln. ft Those who participated In thl' happy were: Ag- William, Dorothy Ward, Iteta May ncs began to affect the trees, ling of the foot! 8 served through the Spread buttered toast with a laer occasion Mjsscs Can Blgony, Lydla Ann,, puff. .Betty near, nc piace wiicre ute long winter month, of fish, cover with sauce, a second nes Curric, Elizabeth Craln. Elzle "BAKING Pork and Beans 8c , Teasler, Marthn Cochran, Virginia Crawford Hotel now Is. To eave The schooVrflay lunch Is a most layer of toast, and more fish and Jcanctte Burnett, Bernlce Earlcy. IT Queen. Mildred Barlow; soldiers. tho trees and toJteei from mak Important meal, too. Whjle little ssu.ee. Garhlth Wfth paprika and Naomi 'Lee. Irene Knaus, Alma POWDER Earl MeAlplne, lUndell Elklna, Ing an unnecessarily deep gulh surprises In fhc way ot new slices of njcklcs. Succkart, Kthlly Bradley, Gertrude IAV Head , Otla Minor, Wendell Woods. Gradv acrosa thd street, the well wM dlahea. or cold ones dressed up a Peanut liutter Cutlet'! 1 cup pea- Andreo, Walker, Vnlllla Lettuce 50 W. Gdolsby, Dick .JmmlroolR Bob 2 Tnie, Mesdame J. I. MpoweI, plugged' and forgotten. bit are Invaluable. In making if a nut butter; 1 cup h6t milk; tea. No. 1 v Schultr, Donald Groom"; boya' Mr, Read says that ff they had 'bright and harpy oecajlon, the spoon salt; pepper; sliced btead. - W. Crenshaw, C. W. Cunningham; SPINACH chorus, Harold Neel, W. D. Hard- - gone deeper they might, have menu must be and Mix peanut butter. with hot fnllk T. S. Currle, Harry. Covert, Harry Can . .. . .s . . 9c ty, Dan Greenwood, Hugh Ham- - struck oil. As It. Is. a fine bed should Includo a generous amount scasonlngs.X)rop slices of Covert, Jr, R, V. Tucker. Robert - and Stanley, lett, Morris Bates, Bobble Jean of salt 1 known to bo there. As of the milk so necessary for grow- bread Into this mixture and fry In Park, Herbert- Florence No 2 Jtylea, Boy Knapne. - Jlt wa. the town had td(yalt un- ing children. ' 2 .'tablespoons hot fat. Garntah McNew, Dalfon Mitchell, L. Cj 25 ounces for 25c SPINACH Can ,. Mc-Cre- lie The mystery package was Wojj-b- til the Alderman came .and . Below are a number of easily with pickle or stuffed Spanish Dahme James Little, Marshall MM Paxton'a .rooms for havlng-th-e J, P. Wntklni, O. Dubberly, i i i 'i-T- i . vi-t- bought up' the present site of prepared lunches that have been olives. , .. m i ' a i 1-- 2 moat present. " J. B. Delbrldge, V. Davis, Emory jro t i No. 2 mothers tho Cltv Park and found water worked out with buy mother In Drop Cookie! 2 cup shorten-- J. SPINACH . . 14c The to Cj 1- Duff, McDonald. .Can . association voted allow enouKh for the city out there. imlnd. And they have been care (np; 2 cup nugar; 1 egg; cup Mrs. Ada Banuey to run the. fully planned to appeal to the chll flour; 4 teaspoon soda; 4 tea- 1 cafeteria next September If she dren, too; spoon ground clovA; 4 teaspoon 25 to wishes do so. Cream of Tomato Soup nutmeg; 4 teaspoon cinnamon: 3 SUGAR Lbs. $1.29 ' - The following mothers and Buttered Toast tablespoons sour milk; 1 2 cups teachers were presentr Mmen.tO- - I Pineapple Plnwheel Salad Rolls rice flakes; .1-- 4 tup nuts; 4 cup Fresh Mlllrr, M. Neel, Garden Club Groom. Fred H. H. Milk raisins. v Pasteurization Per Lb. H. Earl Glaser, J, D. Crouch, A. I.- Cream shortening with sugar, Green Beans IK complete. H Wood. P. lielace, B. N. Duff, and add well beaten egg. Sift flour, 8 Rutherford, D". u. Jamleson. it. M. Hels Talk On Creamed Eggs on Toast soda, rrround cloves, nutmeg, cln at 145 degrees! Wilson Compound Edwards, If. P. 'Wood. U I. Low, Apple Butter Muffins or Rolls namon. and add alternately with Lba 95c II. Bockhold, O. W. .MiiK or vocpa . Ira MGarristt. sour milk. Then add Rl Flake Pasteurised tnllk Is not BOILED Galii A. .Brenlmsm 0 .Hi Harrlx, V,'. A that have been crumbled with a. milk, gjftit, micro organisms dan Underwood, O. Ai M. Flower Boxes Cooked spaghetti In Tomatb Sauce FRUIT Murdock. J. rolling ptn. Add nuts and ratslns. KfrousF to health, are , removed 'i any in stock 58c Haj-ley-, Salod-- ' f E. (CSftoatler. E, C. Waldorf Drop b.yjjjf teaspoons on a grcartd when milk I raised to a' C1 lett'. Jess Slaughter. I; II. Hamlett BrOwn Bread Sapdwlchcs Made baking snect una naxo in a npi ture of UJ to 145 drRree, held B. Itohuind Ap fpr period of -- 48 Ibd. Extra It. E. Guji, Deo Foster, W. U Bates. Mrs. F. With Sandwich Relish ovcn-4- 25 to 450 degrees, for 8 tfre a definite time f. and then cooled rapidrWto a low FLOUR . High Patent $1.12 It. E. Paylor, A. II. Elklns. U II. pointed Highway Deiin Milk to 10 minute. This mskfa about I T., O. II. ;i. temperature, Thl proect PURI- Lamar, Jletcher. ..,', two- - dozen cookies. I x and known a PASTEU- . J. C. Mltttl. .J. J. Barlow, tificqtion Clmirinnn Gleamed Tuna Fish Sandwlchfs FIES 24 lbs. .Extra Jpo M. Fnucett, J. E Terry. Ellon Bakifd Apptca with Currant" Jelly RIZATIONS FLOUR . rfigh Patent 68c Harry" Harry, t Gould. H. S. Faw. C D. Baxlei'. W - Cookies Mr. Hurt and son. Dairytriiid Pasteurized, May lie Black, S. K Eartey. The Home Garden Club met, at Jr, and Mr. M. K. House left thl P. niee. J..V the Cfubhoiue Ordered from Your Grocer or from. Webb, and Ola Mae Keller Outlets afternoon for Abilene Mp peml Fc? Dot. Mles and i LU i.h.ii Peanut Butter and Flora Bell Williamson. tudlc,,1 P'f ?.? Hot Rolls Mother' Day with their mother Bananas 1 ' window, Lettuce Salad with RUselan and grandparent. W Morgan euggrated that the ' s ii ' Mr. ' f Wett Side Baptist fern were good for boxes iot ex- v, Dressing . M.H. Coffee Lbs. 93c ' Sliced' Oranges' with CocOanut POtoffJcc 1 Opposite, Minister Offers His posed to the cttbn'x winds; that all Products -- 6 boxe Should contain a trailing Drop Cookrts the 10 Resignation to Gmrcil vine, such as vnca or wandering If llilk CUT RATE GROCERY.., "Home of Dalryland Pasteurized" Old , your Spuds Lbs. 22c Jew, o Xall over the qutsldc and Opening Saturday. .Callfor o qf I'lnwlieej V. Phono 110i 404 E. 3rd A called conference West Sid" soften the outlines. She suggested I'lnenpple SaUul: hag of Brown' 'Cakes adv. Baptlat church will consider at 8 foliage plants, or evergreens alicea pineapple; 1 small Jar pea Saturday night the resigna- that o'clock be planted' In boxes on the north nut butter; lettuce. Powell's delicious pie and FoIgerpCoffee Lbs, 79c tion of Rev, E. L. Whltaker as Spread a slice; ofA chlUed pine EAT side rather than flower planta cake. - adv. pastor. Q" which required much sunshine. apple with- peanut butter and cover w t ..Rev. Whltlker. pastor for seven with a seeond slice. Cut Into Qua- For blooming plants, nasturtiums. - " ' Baptist conee Lb.- 42 'month of the newest petunias, crrinlunfjr and lantanfi' rter,' and arrange on a bed of roiger church' of tho City, tendered hU to fprm plnwheel. Place a were named for boxes. The apeak-e- r a Limit relagnatlon Saturday night clwry In the center and garnish la; also reminded her listeners that x lis. regular monthly con-'fern- mayonnaise dressing 2'2 folUwlnthe the boxes shoulc) be painted the with salad Sugar '1,2 Lbs. if the church. The resign.-'",- 1 'color mixed with a little pineapple Juice. ! 'of the h'ouie and that 'the - tldn wa to be effective upon will Creamed Kejrs on Tooat: 4 hard 6 Bdxea ' flowers should provide the ron MiMVhATlifJi MATCHES trastlng note. In a 'few case thej cked eggs; 2 tablespoons butler: 1uq Star :i5c v.1 Consideration o,f the resignation 2 .tablespoons flour; 2 teaspoon boxen could bo painted , Wlt(Ethe ' g at teaspoon 4-l- m" postponed May - salt: JM Worcestershire! b. 'utll shade, but the Idea- Is " large representation contrasting 1 tablespoons which time a the of' thFTioxtrs be fSaucer ctip milk; PRESERVES 68c - that contents 1- aCoId membership ex- tomato ketchup! -4 cup buttered Bar of the church I' the conspicuous note and that the U-a- '.' .pected to be prQrnt rt crumbs. t boxes be Incopspleuou. Witter, and Small Van; Thp club hns not U appointed a Melt add flour stir CATSUP Powell' dcliclpus pic and , EAT ... . B..1 blended. Then add salt, " J.I. . I A MB lll . until wrll Camrs cake adv ' v;n4WorMmhlr Buice and milk., ventlon In Dallas. Mrs- - . .,.., ,,J. ... , member volunteer r"""V"'" wm.it. nun i...i...t. Large "Jau wio "" &. CATSUP BE , Camp's . MILK SHOULD cmtld po. . """. CUT RATE J8q Sir H. F RcWilns wa earned ; I'hnlrman for Ifoward Founty In Fancy Hulk ; ADDED TJO WAFFLE-- movemrnt iff beautify to , Rice Limit 3.11m. - 2 Ills PRtlt of the- BAvkhead Highway Self 9 ' khruba. ,. MACARONI Par BATTER GRADUALLY native flower ad The r.lub' votfil to'tirtjourn until; - t SPAGHETTI Pk? 6c e fu?tTlirudtty In September. Service JL n Mrs. Morgan nsked the member 'TnlsMethod Insures Smooth, 6-- Llfht, LumpICSS Batter ;o epjn mind the flqerj.how.lr,! (SilOCERV & MARKKT VrnminK flower durine. tho iumnr Opening Saturday May MARKET SPECIALS Eve'ry cook know that It la risky ml be ready, to enter eltller garden i:U0 Scurry " s . to nour nil tK milk at onco into tne nower or pohwi Pian'n when-makinc- ; BACOClb, flouV waffle. In spite- ' ; Phoio 4G5, Srftoked ...... 18c of viRopus stlrrinsr the baiter will VroniMl C.hib tnvaniuu luiuuui luiui'n o FREE DELIVERV CotTee roasted in bulk also in Takto In Three "NucoaJBUTTERJb; 19c vnlv'M risk. Even the most "skilled iN'etv Members ...... n operator-aCnnno- prevent variation t Paramount Tomato wa 25c ".a"..".."".!!- - a. 1 -- I., if The Pclroleim Blldce Club Soup.., for. 109 by Mrs. Woffort, Hardy 2nd WSSft cofreo beVriraroTvecntcrtalned Pork Sausageib. 15 underdone. Such, Thursday afternoon with an at- - Vftjfclable W done and soma Paramount varla-tractiv- ' In ' variation in the roast causes e party at her horde Iteltsli...! lb...... 20c (ACROSS FROM THE PnSTOFrFICE) V Baby Beef STEAiQb . ! . 25c tlon in flavor. Washington. Place. The house w9 ... .' - many ItCnIliinK this, Uill Bros., in'.dtcotnted with verbenas of ! ., Brown's Paramount Sweet J C King's fi! F ef .San Francisco, perfected and pat" color. . Chips. .Qt. .. FR i Cre-am- : nted that roast every Mr. Monroe Johnson, Mrs. W. D. LoZ y BUTTER, lb. , .. 32c and"-Mrj- ' " - cotTco berry evenly, py nutomaticlMcponatd ll.'S.Taw were CahdrKisses T J "r- control, only a few pound at a taken In a new members of the Mncaronl and (an Individual itcfi.) tinm pass throuch jn'ciuh. - Spaghetti... i for 25c a (uii ciitlrclwB full), Salt PORK. lb.. 15c Which heat is also itutomaticallyl MrsV McDonald made hlph score (o every ndilia.visilor on - ' When tho coffee final y on . t .controlled. for member and Mr. Tally made Sjieclal nri with cvocj- J . iiurchase . y price all Vreh - leaves tho roaster, it is hlRh (o'r KXirtu. nolh received Fruit nnil VrRctables. OPENING DAY tiniforja in color and roast and .'" 'Conic early, while is plenty of ft j0VPjy cHl;leOjar. OPENING DAY 8D there Elves sraoiicioua navor in uio cup . .lellclous plate lunch was that no other cofjeo can equal. curst and ..Come and mv mir Iftr'nln parking space. you ...,1in th fniiowine couuter. No matter, when or where members: Mmcs. J. H. Klrki'ftt-rick- . "buy mil Bros. ColTcc,. it "in as Aftstln. J,Johnsnn, A. complete in ita exclusive Bob It 9 fresh and Tnlley, IWl.,Hurlc. I. F. Pflley. flavor Kjtd aroma a wncn tccamc Jolmson, from, tho roastcrs.VThls is because W. D. McDonild, Monroe FRVERS MW.9 - Ben ' LeFevro. P. II. liberty, ! UI1U Bros.- CotTco is in racked Jpnea, .h. vacuum a' process that takes air, Mitchell droves aniPMts I)m.MMl and cleaned whtcK destroys coffco flavor, from The next, meeting will be wUh ready for tho skillet. o air-tig- Groves M . Contin- the can. The orctinary ht can Mrs. Mitchell doe 'not keep cotTco frcsh Hill ental Camp. No. 2. j Bros. Coffee is sold everywhere. Ask t Duckworth m Stock lor it bji name and loan for the Aral, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Matthew A1t) n Clean, Fresh trade-mar- 'iavo moved to the East Texas ol GROCERY t the k on tho can. U.N,, Ralph J. II Jennlnr 205ain BiSprj)M Bros. Coffee, Inc., Kansas flelds and will make their homo ai .. Hills and Missouri.; Cm) Tyler. They" visited' friend Clt, t rtlatlvca In U.rcckenrldce cnroule... a $ o v BIG gHUNO, TBXAS, DAILY HERALD COMrfiKKiwrX frWDAY, MAY 8, 1OT1. PAGE SIX i V m M, Inolutlr S, . aartlcea. f, . & Chrlrt AwiMiaia arrreea Ill MetA NoeHletr Railway VALIANT INVAU Ml 1 p. prao- - p. m. CM ''KSKSffiHMNHMHHHfflflllllfBJIMflHflHii Holy Mass c.l Kunr at th Thura4ay, m., choir wny WW M: o'clock a 19 a, m. Ilea. CatNTMR Preachlnc I p. ,aa. U hM at (IWI)-- month) , eJJtrrt Prayer arVIe.WadnnaaWv a. art. a Um YOUNdSTOWN, O. I- Saaaataaaaaaeaaaaaaa rrlday, I p.'ra. Boy Scout mt-ln- K IH, Grant! It4t4 meallna. ( ditto M at the MUST rHKSftlTKMIAN Protptrlly prayer aervlo dally! nlna:. J , tame ltee, for the traneactloet of though bedfast from a aertew UN Mid-wee- Wd-ntid- ar peopUa prayer K. U. Omm l'"l y 4:30 p. m. k atrvlc. ioiinar rnettln;. such huaewws aa may properly nets, Tony Urunlttl shot twroe at a Seieata aa4 Raaaela I p. m. Sunday tervlc I p. vvrniiia. cow Sunday Bchool :4 ju m. FIRST CHHISrtV" m. omy, Prtachlna; ervlcet, Baturdayt, I Mfore the meeting, including burglar who InVaded tho aJctc reont , Mornlnr worehlrM-l- t a, m. D, H. l.ladley, I'aelor iii the election of Board of Directors The Intruder escaped without any Bttwr Chruiun j:ndeaor - 7 Flftlt aad (curry CHURCH OVTHB AlZARKMV i i ' consisting of nine members, to loot. p. m. llaat Klllk aad loan; Mn. E. K WhIUker It visiting sen during the ensuing year, or 1 renin orlilp I p m, Church tchoot l:S a, ra. Rer. Thoma Akera, I'aatar ssssasssssmemmmmmsat Woman i uxinarr. Monday, I Mornlnit worthlp 10:4 a, m. Sunday School 45 a. tn. ntr parents in liccton. until their successors are duly p. m.n Junior Chrlillan Undeavor Z JO Preach In a: 11 a, tn. t elected and qualified. Thos. Cefjee MidT&eek Mrvlcea, Wednesday, p, TO. 1'renclilns each Sunday erenlnc PUBLIC NfiTICE J. T M. D. CLOTD, p. m. . Intermedial Chrlittan AdtaVor, N. V. P. S. p m, Sunday. i P m . Nollca It hereby Blvert that on Secretary ATTORNEY roritTii tiikut nPTisT senior Chrlillan nodeavor; 7 Weilneaday, lfy SOth, 1931, at 10 . a. II, Hackee, Patter p, m. TP.MPI.H MIIVI.I, a Phono M taa p. Serrlcet Friday. P tn. In City o'clock a. m., the regular annual Paarla aad Ilvenlnc worthln, in. i Ja- - West Texas NatXBMr- - Sunday School tl a. m, Woman a Council. Monday 1 p. m federation Club House. Max mMing of tho IloarU of Dlrcctort Bleeding SoreGums I II X. 1. U, tralnlnc ttrTlctr 1:11 Church nlfht, Wedneidi), 1 cObt, director. Mth- - Texas and Pacific Northern IP. ra. p rrt. rvjllway Company will biheld at I Kvenlne? TroriMU t n. in Thuttday p . Chvlr practjea, I the office of company If you really want oulck. certain a Monday w. m u, at '' n u:str.Y ii:moiuii, jhctiiouisi' the In the Sunday meeiinr and lastlnir relief from this moat 43 .All not otherwlt. del "W"""'" first n. m.i first Monday. builnaaa 0 UU'.I Utk ikd Uneka 81a. Cty of nig Spring. Texas, tor the Marble matte ..rele.I ...... i miatlnars; ictond and third Mon & a.m Sunday Bchnol, disgusting disease, just get a bot- i"..j - ... . maattnpa...... v- - ST. LUTltnnAX transaction of tuch business as Ignaieu i"w( omh.- ..''nk.t 11V ii.,VIIIll . A,tllpv...... In tfundaya. PAtoi II a m. Mornlnir """" day, circlet: fourth XV. terrlce, may propeny come tle of Leto'a Pyorrhea Kemedy and MONUMElviTTS 'very Mond afternoon. monthly tnittionary mtetiDca. a. Baehaehaeker. Pa.lar 7 P.PV npwortlv Leacue. i Dtiore tne fiHi mbiihhiht Tuetdayt m FHIk 1 T" boatd. use aa directed. LeWs Is always W II. Halle. a at l,.p 4jIIonln( and Narlk Urtrar llreela pn.i:venlri aervlce. l,atN mt'iu-iir.- Morning worthtu 11 a. tn. Kunday Hchool 10 a. in. guaranteed. Cunningham and PSill- - ROY V. WHALEY tVartb Srarrr Catiuuic t,, , Forther notice Is hereby etven 1 m. lie I'raaele. (I. l. third Wundaj-a- (U u. Uermoo hour ll):J0 a. m. AaaKMIIUY OOtl 3L Hu(k1v Sch.ul- - H'a Ikr I. 1'. tltCU' OP that the regular meeting of ip. auv. Phone M CM iJiiMtwter ervlce II m. at. fkaaiaa. lalUa eaeahlarl II.. IIIWIIHSI..!.. . Wrat P.arlk SI reel annual a 7 IVesiMn . 1 p illd-wee- k gervtcea. ThuraJay S P I" Holy man (April to October wedneida, in Midweek t Sunday School mi a. ni. the stockholders of the Texas A C,tenl"E aertlre Wednesday .Tumttf t a, m. I'uifr hireling Holy nun iltt Sunday In the JREG'LAR FELLERS P " t.gn- - I a m. Chicken Merryjand by Gene Byrnwi 1 eague rrtce. p. ra, monini day b l a. in. Holy matt llait Sunday Of thi . . iwhiki,..:. it rt 4 .. R. K lr. Ialr Chrlillan iiecmna Haruraay iv uik ni m, to :19 p in VAITIN POIt Sunday Shool I Vj a Cl.rlallan dftctrliit, Sunday 1 tM Preuliimr II a m. Y --S hour hfo fULHMMHEAD! WttN ONt Ol" renlnr rVlre l. nL Chtr nnettte.mt rrlday IJv m, ( the Y WANT TMIM HAPPY CHICKIMV mtettna Wedaetflt. t M , 1'rajer !' CHICKEN ' I Mao J a tt'll lit I lU'.lltv aaaUk FOtOlNNtR. what nuthih'to Italy Ma.i iM'rll, lo October In WltK t iiiint'ti ok t iiiiht .tHti n a ii ' RlNta OUT THE J IikiiIh 'rirj'- - HUUler Holy Mt Uatt Sunday of the N for;'. rrrlralkVaad Mala rrmnlhl 9 St a m y i tliiil study t 4 a. m. (loty Mm iSnmibePtn March WlSHBONC. Hrtinn and worahlp H a m. Kimn and wrKIP tf h Jum.r TcataUBK Ua Z.li JU ni. Uilm Tralnlnc "ta " i P TT7T i M Fancy Statfonery Ijidin Clatt uHij1y Plain and Em'bojseil Commerria) Stationery u P WeJdlnR Stationery 1 k Mourning Stationary ut!T ailiH IHl'IIHT VUltjtw Ct,f , tt?A 1 U Ukllaker. I'atar Annheraary IJV Uetl I'mMk Birth aid Kufday ll a: w 4 r& Announcement I'rra. Mna aeftjh- - 1 a a. OIIOO.N H r e 0 efiiw T--i Prlhtjnt K Oftlcr Supptf aeftlUcfft P r tnntpany X- - V 0 r nvVtinj-i- la Phone Si JU KThlrJ pt Ql)l MXigiwClxt' " SQWBK . ritiirrwriM kimpm. ."" -- tit. Hrl Ii Ceell Vm, lll.t... -- - gggsagcag?g . II tlaril. Malier In Ikarae t lrjr: tllolnie DR. C. D. BAXLEY SON-IN-LA- W e'lllk aad llaaaej , PA'S cvThis Was To Be Sun'MT erWre II a re Expected C by Wellington a 1 JA ' ChJrh ?"il lc)d " IhMltM. I .11 ' , - ...) t QUTE ( -- ) he-m- KETflRNING Office . VE5 DEAR THE UTTUE RUxp THE AUrTTOP A h ll b i a! somethih's (5crrr ee to r O rvovjtr AROtfT'TMttV ALLOFU5 o mo SPUING PR-U- H- JflMai Hher Illdg (in RDLK 2AMrAFFORp7,0e st lter TVTUED Sue-iali- (hm-m- TJ V DR. REA. fXBe-- L mi r--J WM5. A PR1NCE55, V.W1M' IM TH SAHE HOUSE vHH r Hotel l. married At Craufortl -- H 1 BARONESS, OMMOMERlc ThU VccU' Mx-cla- l p 8ARONHSS ( nOKMINtyj- j H fl Monda,Ma 18th len' Hjlf ilra Tic up ? r ' ))HOsBi s-- -- CC 1 - ) SaaaaH ONE DAY:-ONL- quality t(nd Service -- k. I ' . BBSaaaa .- rT SIum-- s nspalrrd while uu ualt 0 COSJ5fI.tATION FP.Ktf I'M run shok 3ifor Pr rte. prominent Arijfrlcan M K. Third Sr.e iaiirt in the science of Inter na' medicine. authortte4 b the Stats Official Me4Ral Bx.vjner--i anient NaUooatlUilitao' TrSf.Inc Camp, Has special diploma In dl O 987 sranes of children Treating Call for Correct Time v , S a, m. mv o eases Ithout surgical operation. m. to 8 p. &v . y kt,m Dr Rra tpecialliea In stomach W J&vMwm, rLmuwxJim'Jumn m Sv'Qf rF h fliy ,wmJ& illlHlllllllllliPil liver antt Intestinal Uae. a . J) complicated with other fSleaaes He 987 docj not. operate for chronic ap pendicitis. Rail atones tiomach ul 1 cer tonsluT Smalt tumors tkin 5'qu Ml., t u r - i,f i cancer tuberculaa pfand hemor Can' ii.. t,i ij rhoidt,. artcoJe, eh treated with Trademark HtB Applied Kor iMyja VVU the fcypodermlf Irje'i,ojt method. SELL DIANA DANE U 8-- Patent Oltlce mjsJ'Father Gets Steamed Up by Don Ve'ry effecthe and qulckb' Jone Flowers f tj Dr experienced pracfl with u - ; 9 f.eat i -- tjmr In medicine and applies hi H e r a 1 cL--j JX FCG4C HirAeoc- - VWC ft? VOi fort m the lnteret thoee dl tt iT's-tiAQ- to ran., S4X IPTNA1 OLD WD, MP, , teases he qualified to ' Mtz,GLYTne-ccvlcvs- t pot -' :, GSETLEtZS MtovB j beat treat nomea, at tu?Ase- wv axuw, has on of the larpfit VOSSlBO SB UOV& WITH . AND HE A WtPOWEfl, ( ' vwtw riKwL BLOOD Jlf indhid Want Ads I" ,r . y ecrrtuec cierzjc revr2, had. 1 t UaI practices In th State and ha r ,5t'i if 1 J 1- . had ear of experience In rllagnoa- - u!aiikV4, fy oif enough r IsaT'' "T- tng and treating special UUeaaea. I'hone Your At to He Insist that th-r- e U on!XYone ' 72U 729 aj to treat and tlfit In ,dieae . the r,g t Ma-- and that when the dfseasf is once full) under e'ood the most Important quetln i tn treat it suoceafull. v,hich car on.v b done by phe who 1 expeil 'rasing enced and hat the neceaaary medi cinea and equipment available rii4il1ir If ailing and not getting any bet' eoplo , ter see Dr. Rea t - " L Al- this time de P - - lay do not help )ourcaue ihe Just piolong your lllneat Consul, ijrIntints atton and examination free to I those interested Married women "JORDAN'S i.;e J :J come with thetr hutpandt and chll ixety n If v H.HB dren with their parent - CiPrinlep, m- M Offlc hours 10 a m to I p m. Stationers PrArliea'Dro. Medloal Labors lh.n8G 113 V. lsttf tory L& V . U.fl WKtW IH.; Mlnneapo!. Minn, mce ntZf kii - JaSaaaaaBsaalMsssaaL . 1S34 adv i - " - 0 f - ' "T-r- Tradeniarii SCORCH Y SMITH Itettnered ? fr II e'etettt lt re Uncle Sam's Eagles by. John C. Terry fl " --l

tr a

I LPeRPECTl HIM squan bound WRBAvnuioroato Sentai mS Z Sh'lookUtmere'stvie' ' ' OeAMTTTU H l TO CDMETM1S WAY- - I howl 92fimLrff& kmrSXS -r- fH" ',S "fcfH''VV' Yi SOMETIMES WE. DO AL J-- T

waaaasaT r Evciq Gieghound . Ticke- t- Means betteT service

a rt at big SAVI NQ e. adO . A. rraitrii.nfj, ilenutered IJOiVIER.r.Wi' O 1 Offl -- ROUfcDTRIp 'j"" Blackard Makes An Enemy by Ff ecU-rfiche- r ONE-WA- Y FARES W I 111 II i . . EXCURSIONS THlrJd-JD- E MS To DO IP (VE WHW" MHRj I W HfLErte W MR.Ht?OPEE f IT AT LAST TiCTS ullUiJ J oW as TJIAT DIRTY BlrCKARD : tES T srlH ' . - tWOWEP. STARTS UTTtVJG irJTO BuftiMSSS ( A-- ,. ' Abilene . S1.20 M STOI.EH A TrlOUSWD , )) VVlJ AT . THE BOOKS I A THOUSAND POLLAR.' T TKV INGr TO FRAMC WAIT I.s Angeles $29..ri0 TO ' ,.0. I . l IBOUT SEIUWG THAT STOCK JS 5IN? A ARS OP TIRrAS 'lin1-- 1, BOND S KMSSINQ AND TVMS ' TO SEND METo SAIL' VMEU,He rAlNUTE. . ., Fort .Worth 10,(50 Kansas CltV 17.rV A Dolt nr V . . X HEROOWHtlVeGOTHOTVlAUToAPG: R HAS BEEH "FIXEO TO SH0V7 WoMT OQ lTi OLP AS Ar.ffA V ' , Psb . v 13.00 New York City 11.30 AccoUN I 3 '- Waco .tjw..8o; St? Louis . . '21.311 BftAcKAR? -y . ' O WW IS To WATCH v - A VT AeelDEcJtAAWV cv MRiTlE. Dallas J1.8o'. rhiraVn) ; in KtGflT mscfweRR) r s Houston 'iJ.tiU Nui Orleans 23.93 Beaiiniont 3.80 Detroit 28.30

fSQUTHLANDl CAfeL AGErffFOIt DETAttED fGREYHOUKDl t INFORMATION -- ' S ff '& xWHssaaaak (T "A TnZI J AsafSSSaaai ' w Comfortable, modern buses J S j BsaaaaPaaiassSBBaaafJ hr Conveoieot daily schedules aaaaaaaatsMllaaaaaaal

Trrninah " WaaaUaf 6CKAWF0K1) HOTCL I'hone 337 . $

- ' ' a . ' 5 . " . . M ". I . a. I f v '"' 1 e ,' . . ' " ? ". FRIDAY, MAY MttL . vmam, .. - ... . - -- ... no tkxab, iuily m r -- r n ' hduld 1GS8EVF


Word Yofir Ad ATTRACTWELY-T- ell ALL About It-P- lace Your Ad For Se&er4 Days - u

' " - , . . r ' ' zo & V Vrv Apurtmtnts You Often Make A Bearded Nine Defeat? Local , - r ( AUUl FOUfl-roo- furnished houM. High- - 12 ' house. on Main; ,a land - j i I. or Iurnthd apart- , hunt. Irlee rlgltt' IIarvy U I Uli. l'hon Ui or ill. vBirdie" 14--0 11 'T Club TT Ah .'WlltArl p ONE- - two- - and apartments; Nwht'Game CUltI l.vl V i ". ? j t prlrata balha, light, cti; special Jv.tW r "tea weekly, Call and se them. Iir.l With A Want Ad! me spring ...... 000 coo ooo o rAya of giant projector, "but there Summary; Two baso lilts, La- Is Just something wrong with IL ' rwo-an- apart-ment- a: , It -- . JLvUijUt furnished jw ' Fleur, Faust, Hardier; three base coming-ou- II rJl rythlnii paldt.rtnt rea ,' Two Tjviiiers docsnt scemjlght to bo t The-v ' o hits, Hickman, Pauit, Hardier; tp Uie parte whon Its' to be! aonable. 1101 iscittr C, polf time I r nookuiikJliheriiitte, In parlance aj"blrile" la made homo runs, Hipp; eacrlflco Jilts. cpming in from It,"" tlllBAKFBT when the hole la In o On Insertion - apartment; mado one Williams; a.jlen bases. Williams. balh and bedroom stroke lesa par... 13 The "old marsler ot.daya wfllch 8o Lino . r comfortably furnUbedi It week: than Biffe(JHard0Iiii Cruz 2; double plays. L. Madison to Water have' brushed fey better for! all blUa paid. Enrage I'hone when-yo- ' I .rVPC, Williams to Faust to ailck- - ilss o 1091 J Often place a Want Ad Alexander docsnt believe toil 1 .you secure reaulta man; left on bases. House of David that , TWO- - nicely (urnlalied after only one night baseball will ever replace Successive Insertions arvd Insertion? You cancel your ad...-- . 8, Bljr Sprintr 6; winning pitcher. that Bucket thereafter: apof tirtentu; close in; not ana you Night Contest of tho burning suns. BY BOBBY r cold water; light and water re elyen a refund for unuaed iiaruier; losing pitcher, Crouch; CAMPBELL Jo Line Too Cool ' Mln. 20c) paid 101 QT 6th St. I'hone IX lniertlona..iand you.Va made hits, off Croucffl 10 hits and seven ; or apply at Ell Qrrgg. "blfdte." , . runs in five Innings, off Pottir Baseball," he declared. "Is a Although this department By ihe Month: Tlllli:i: roomi and JifHnta hath, ,j' Madison Only Home Boy eignt nits and seven runs In four daytime sport. The sun brata down the bleirest rrtirt nf ihA niche JX Line Iilrnlahed; garoga; fivi water 4 Innings, 'off Hardier flv nn armi and Just puts something Jn game between Houso of Ql paid 111 ltunnele. v hits and tho David v Ainc 10 iarncr iwo no runs In eight Jnnlngv Alex- ihem. It's cool out here tonlcht. ocnrueu uoys nnu local aggre- 10-- pt off tne Advertisements set In NlCi:L.V furnlehed three or four ou Can nnd A cool race room Apartment; water; gar- Safeties ander 1 hit and ho runs In 1 In- breeze Isn't much In. gation last evening from the tick- fr light 'type at doiible hot ning; OUL rate. H age. JI5 peri month. Apply ltOO Struck bv Crouch 3. bv cntlv for whipping baseballs et booth outside the por'als ot j Bcurry. I'pone lt-- 'Phone By CURTIS BISHOP Potter 1, by lfardler B. by Alexander across the lot." Dusty Diamond, what we saw waa Waii( two-roo- .i? Ad ONKrndm apartment, Clouting Crouth and to all i, base on balls, off Hardier 2, off Walter Johnson was the greatest enough to convince lhat It'a bette,t; Closing apartment or three-roo- arart-men- t. l.tS'sicfelsSV X Potter Hours a corners of the lot and faking advan- Aleanxder 1; umpire, Merrick and nltcher the major league ever to play baseball In tho daytime, 7 .Dally., 12 Noon- - all furnlehed; cloee In. S02 Your do something When i, '...... Johneon. I'hone 4ti or aee A. V. tage of the Inability of local out- B"ber. . know, Alexander said, and else the Saluray c,,, 8:30 P. M. "I may be T hadcs of night lowered. Be- - Maifleld. Deata Storage Oarage. fielders to Judge their files Un- partial. ..but don't- are TWO aparunentafor rent, furnish Want Ad der the baffllntr llo-hf-. Iha 1Tn.. think I am," he declared "Walter siaci ncing tne loser Dy nine new ed: not and coia writer; tigaragej of Davlif team, from Benton Harbor, Grover Cleveland alwnys had the disadvantage of baseballs, we awakened today with ' Use one and half block from bunlneee playing with a weak club There mat Durneu. we espoo Your ectlon. J03 Houth Nolan St. I miciiiRan. aeieatea tne ciUD,or local 7 cri aoni rs mind eyes, 1). lMdlne Thofie (7. Thursday night In We first Aii arc those that think Matty was the daily the but nine new n I InOOn L best But, Unlike Walter, baseballs are nine new baseballs, j. Telephone TllltKl:-roo- apartment, furnlehed moonlight contest ever slaved In aTHCAUHUCI UUtOll he had or unfurnished, Clone In, Apply Vie Spring, 11 to 0. Hardier pitched the ndvantage of crack snnnort be a m. or p m, Call 700 Hell, phone 1KS-- eight Innings of scoreless ball for' hind him. I never saw vibe" Ilubc' Jutt TWO rooms, bath nml kltchenetta; the visitors, and turned over like Night Spbrts pitch." CroVer Cleveland nMxander 11)00 0 the 'Zti' unfiirnllied (iregg JUST ANOTHEIt BASEBALL SfORY reins to the great Alexander In the Alexander didn't have a great slated to start last night's contest. 7Wor729 Rooms & Board ninth. Two mot), rcachedolst before y IlOIUtV many thlngi to say nbout either The emphasis Is placed) on the 29 . IHccing Glntl ,. CAMl'IIKM. To He On SiccrH' Knsin.. wie jgrmcr major league star settled Onner Cleveland Alexander .Uthur "Whalnman"' Shires or "skueil" He has been Idle fpr ght noOMHT hoard and tnirO'lry II K0 dpwn and retired threo men in a Ufrosnt care VDlzzy" Dean 'In fact his remarks days, due, no doubt4o an old Alex or rooms 50. (or nlftht baseball, al week. I! 509 Uel, DEAN BEARS A. V h n( . n. wercnt ones lhat clthiO Shires or ander custom So Tic was sched phone CSS SHIRES COMPLEX "" thfif-- II.IIpab. i. crovwl - hun-- Dean uled to do a A I estimated- at four i . i ...... wmld relish before the morn- bit of mound duty for Ji:itHi:V tnllk row Kith )nung calf lly 1JILI, PJSJfKKK drfd pco'flc Mw the Dm" ing meal his bearded brothers here last Mm J (' I'hllltpe, 1C inllee nouth ""'" roU BhlresV if on Hn,Angelo lt)wlma AclatlsSnortaMrltcr chVcoT'p VrdfSnal fir 8'u" unucr Ihylr own ps JJ "UJicvcr met Alexander night However, wheff Alexander W-O- said, oii DALLAS. May 8. ne of Xe4erV feTgesth'0"0"1- - huc !'" Pwn-,- t 'hut cr)"t play baseball cached the park, another pitch ANNOUNCEMENTS Hon 30 baseball tran twlrler of with words Dean, In my opinion. er started warmlpg up. Tho veter- set storle .this BcasoalW.ttO Ath lheJanf,V f'ly ihe big show been passed along by BUI s' Is another of (hose flashes In the' an was duo to be bench ttdden an- If UNKL'ItNIHIIlJU hp'ue. Scurlock. ground to bellc """""" raual WKicur, ami iar '. gtr clolo. In, sports - ih. Ttim.rti went pepper - rjlo express- - pan, He other night. Incidentally hn no ' nau uupiex, nuo (urnlehed editor of the Beaumont Jour- come through the rison through their .fc- has rccelvctl a great Personal n apartment. nal. William Englishman, Jor Steers. OfAgnmo to tho delight of tho fans. m&FH&Erm??i. rd this opln--' amount of publicity. K5t when ou longer Is playing manager of tho -- v I'hone It7. chunky course has old n1 souinpaw now he that ilnx of mahy or whom were never able to WsWsWsW&SiA0 Thursday o;et It on paper he a House of David club. He did MAN ' giilng MOUCItN houee, bath, uin Dca Moines in home town boy trjing to play pro- hasn't done and wife to Ft. Worth. ileeplng parch, garage, loo the Western league, Is guess the custodian of the ball Igit as he sat great iritfnag t twirl a half Share expeners with car owner Scur. tho central fessional baseball for his amount" aaylnnlng inference hanged ry character In the plot home Sovwi Huns n the House In the ninth, but it was mediocre xi Calt at town team, ST( -- but hlsrtroteetlon In Vseafrv V 1. SOI Denton M UNKtm.MSHliD room nnue-- r englishman wni with Beaumont Touching Crouch for seven runs Ph. j f Orts Oiatlon chunking. Even so, Samuel Sain, itrictiy In dfelrabtei Dallas Is assured since1 he happens David Alexander (Irs modern: part of 1530, but falling to win. to and 10 hits In Xbi Irst five Innings &r & bcnch before twirled his ball wanted to hit against tile veteran Public Notices part of town Phone 1013-- J or bo Policeman Hlgglns' boy. VS for the House so Apply at K0S ltunnele t. Beaumont mokuls packed and ship- and follow lngcUp by slamming Pot- he night of David club In badly that he shifted the lineup a eight k:Y.i..jri here eight day?, last night. Aa he I'HO.NB and let ua do your TilltKU-roon- ped Englishman to Mobile In the ter for hits and the same came in the ninth and went in replac II, i furnlehed house for mjtiJrtyiim I walked - laundry. Rough dry, with flat rent. Telephone tit. Apply 309 . Recen'tly the number of runs the visitors kept WkmZLLisM c x a fldcr, ti Ihe motttvl he was ing Bruce Kesbltt In the batting - work ilnlehtd Se lb , Qullte and j,nn torin r irst. Beaumont club received a letter UD a continued bombardment of with his eyes Cheered by the crowd that had order, I. C. Ttnsley did the Same. blanketa, lie each; aervlce. SVWIams, showing come out to set1 the cdntest. Mack Erley. too State. Fl'llMSJIKt! houee. overstutfei!flirom Mlltsn Stock, Mobile mrtn base hits. Hipp, LaFlcur, a living room fulle. ltrll-A-W- a ager, offering to sell BASEBALL 'and Hickman connected for three glitter Alex went up In 1011, and he Bill Olscn. the keener of the LAUNUUT wanted. eatlafactlon bed: garairel 20 K. the Exporters than month. rtJOI sure-lir- e safeties 1 mahy a youn- came tback down In 1930 He keys at high school, In- guaranteed. ll Jonneon Uth 8U I'hone ISI-- a southpaw for a fanev esch during the contest tholpcal sum. Tho - WHERE THEY PLAY 'Madison was the 6nly local play ger baseball doesrtt' say much about his record formed yesterday that he bow has UNFl'HNUSHED house: Exporters ere Interest- IHsVpWiHBs Jhuinlpsi Services player He doesn't even himself Into a fledged Water line 6 bath, breakfast nook; built-i- n eu until they learned that Stock, un- WHERE THEY ARE er to merit more than one safe blow. has take fun at the leaiurrs, electric range! hot, cold aware that Englishman has been his second-singl- e of the night com- 5 for the 1nV confidence when he talks of the Steer Stadium And that there will ' WHAT Y 3 SPECIAL PRICES' NOW water: shades on wlniWwe; irmr. turned over to Mobile by Beaumont THE DID ing off Alexander In the ninth In ALEXANDER lost, still looks great pitchers of organized base- be grass In the sod by next yean age; oppoelte Illxh bcliool. Thohe .M.n'i IUlf Sole ...... II or via the gratis route, was trying to ning. , of the major ball Ho rrtade only one reference Olscn, Incidentally, has had his Ladlee Half Bolea ....too iui iii ? leaguer. Plain, to 20 fears he spent (n the ma- head set On having; field sod- vItubbr lleela 40o sell him back to the Exporters, And RESULTS VESTEHDAY The fifth and the ninth marked the that Ladlea Leather Top Lift ..:5c Duplexes 31 that's why Englishman Is now wfrh "Xexaa League J the summit of the House of David 'Old Pete" Is far from satisfied jor circuit! ded with grass before the grid-stc- rs tUIOE HOSPITAL 107 E. 2nd '''W Des MolnecMajbe the laugh la on Dallas t. Beaumont 2. fury, the Bearded Beauties scoring with 1)1 present lol, ' ."I mlsihe erowds," was his start pranciiig around it next "1 Is, year. CAHI'ENTKR-ad- d cabinet maker, duplex. I room Beaumont and Mobile, for the oth Wichita Falls lOi San Antonio S. four runs In each frame. In the don't know what Jt hs said soli declaration regarding the best "With water on hand and I ana garage to. (ha, . Rcreen door, porches, etc. We tide. Location er day, Englishman limited the To- - Fort Worth , Galveston 2, (16 ln- - fifth with Crouch on the mound In reference to playing beneath the part of his life. (CONTINUED ON PAQE f) guarantee We can fill the bill peka to mugs;. doubled to right to With hOneat speed and the way Kltty.Flfty Cleaners club four hits ami beat the LaFleuf center you want .UNFURNISHED Demons, 8 to 2. Beaumont and Mo Shreveport 3, Houston S. begin the Inning, Moore singled to it. rnone in. brick du- - spot, Eiex; modern: automatic heater; bile can us four hit games anv dav the same Hickman slammed Woman's Column 7 floor;; reasonable in the weekV American League out a three' base hit as Cramer de- fi;.,.A William. Jl Main over Announcing fhone 171 or Chicago 1. Detroit 6. liberated which wa the ball! HE11STITCIUNO 1J7I.W. - find Oreismaklng: alterations. Motelle Texas league nlavexa are trvlni- tn CievelarW' . St Louis 10. and whjlch was a firefly guessed llesuty finoppe. I'hone !(, Pe- BuaJness Property 33 solveVa new myatery. They are un- - Two scheduled. wrong. Fausl was safe on Bass' troleum Uulldlng apie to unaersiana why the St. mlscue, , ltoim followed with a KINO Hit were set and dried Itc; nUSlDENCff and atore formerly Louis Cardinals returned -- nitiv" National Leguc three base hit to left field after Uiampoo occupied by Montgomery Qro-cer- j, Important , cj haircut !&: lie. Ph. Dean to the 4, In- Bidding had forced Faus,t, and four, 1ISI. Mrs. 711 five blocka west Craw, Houston Buffaloes. Vet CDiclnnati Chicago 5 Ul addition Nshors. Abrame. of ford Hotel on Third Street, See erans in Texas league claim nings). runs were across the plate. 110.SK MK.NDINO ox uie8 ' J Stripling. West Texa hank Dean's pitching ability Is good Louis 11. 5, After Two Out UltCJiAKlNa and .A I.TURATIONS aa St Pittsburgh , i Mita LEVEitirrT as anything under the big tent to- Brooklyn at Philadelphia, rain In the ninth the visitors bdenn UNITED Unt GOODS STOJIE day. He proved It last week vhen Three scheduled. a, hitting" orgy after two were out at lCl'ratT flng walnir Itc. 1C01 AUTOMOTIVE he stepped off a Jraln Irr Houston Harrison rolled out. Iteed to Hicks, Owen, phone 120 and few hourrf later had white- to begin the inning, Faust poked out washed the Wichita Falls Spudders, LEAGUE STANDLVdS his second extra base hit of the ev 6 to 0. allowing three hits. About Texas League ening, a daublc to left center. Bidd EMPLOYMENT Used Cars 44 ing filed tfut to Cayo S the only solution so far la the Card- Team. W L Pt who had rellev eNe'e inals are keen for tii TturrntnAa Fort Worth .,. 15 789 ed Cramer In center field. Hardin SPECIAL PRICES f. A.' ...... PAID win fin,- - ,i ri- -. Houston i i ,oou ..l,.. 10 uu AL.U MODEL the Texa lesni. uuuuiru icii iieia,!. vviiJiams poKCU Wtd-Fcm- ale Pinn " Help 10 MAIIV1Nbatb HULL ure Dean Is the boy to carrv thcL?n"ns - ' 879rout, a Texas Leaguer to right, and New r, - .500 Cut 9 " then Hipp put qne Rate Location Buffaloes through, Is eon.lBcaunlont-- m th shadow middle-age- " J m rtunncls for It the ' WANT d lady to go to sensus of players he will win twentvSan Antonio ,...., .....10 11 .476 Of a signboard- - tn left field that Texas " - or more games this season. Wichita Fails CT,. 7 12 .368 Bruce Ncslltt hail to light a match. o NAMED Galveston. .,.-.- , i u --Jju to nnu, juoorc struck out to send mAfcHICKSinrormaiinn ran ill orth nun- - hrcveport r, , 0 14 .300. the, Inning after LaFleur had slngl-- neis spring T . si, nic ROSCOlE Dean, like Art Shires, has plenty ' ICUI n BEAD of confidence In his baseball abil- American Learue' I The onK' local threat to score GROCERY ity. V T.ypr T- --. During , sport Team , .- - . 'rnrne... tn... ih-... fifth ..,....,Innlnw,.!,. -- FINANCIAL ItOSCOE. May i., .....a n.... "J ..V W.-2n- d Hlck sheets were full of stories concern- Cleveland . 12 .632' C. 109 . Across O. Ql. .'.... 7 and Madison both connected for. v frorii P. ' strong factor on Ploy-bo- y ' I tho Roscoe ing Dean and what he Intended New York ...,.,.'. ,11 .579 singles. Poor bsse running on the '. chamnlonshln foot. to do against major league Phllsdelphla 9 7 .563 part, Money to Loan 14 ball team bat .'.. tatter's chowever, resulted In .FORMAL OPENING SATURDAY of J929 and again on the term. But spring h passed on, eDetrpit . 11 10 .624 the Big Spring catcher betnjfothrown - runner-u- p team of 1930, ' tROMPT was elect- and Dean Isiback uithe Texas i tKonmKvu . iU ,500 out trying to steal third, Cruz, local ' ' ' Q AUTO LOANS ed captain of 1031 fft iJ the team at a league much'to the regret of oth-r- r Chicago B 10 .474 shortstdp, stole second and f rr par on immediately Tour meetuig of all third In, wysnuis ere mad at ethl office lettermen held vm. clubs, for the boy can really' UUfllUII C 11 KUiine iirst inning alter receiving a terday. mammoth-ICE-refrigerate- d St Hicks will be playing hi plica. St, Couts e .353 base on balls, Ml I- Medl'bn, p COLLINS GARRETT third ii - Hicks, New Southern SpeciaVMs-- and lasjt year hext season. He Wrltine of Kdf.4vinf1ifjtt,wk -- ..tr and Neabltt went out ln row to LOANS AND INSURANCE has twice i been placed on the. class aa Dean and Shires boast, . ' side. llXftt BeeonrJ . Phon l B this retire the honor roll of Texas hlrh school Altln Jenkins, captain of the ' --, . W Pet Faust, House David shoftstop,! . . QUICK P players, as Tnt of counter keeps foo'd ffesh andnippetizing . AUTO LpANS a halfback. Oklahoma AM college track stt uls ' .76? and A. OQarcla. Big Spring "Hltnij Hicks succeed Woodv Jones who team Isnt so Umld ronrcrtilnr hlx ChlcagiP .1 ..?IfII .647, baseman, featured th" fielding of' graduates this rpring. ubUlty. ."Sew .611 o MI.N. MIENBR IJtter men track KissmUr at tork ll the evening with pretty catches.; jfoodu who will mak-l?- B tht; inakca Is freth-ncs- s PHOB 19 tll-- MAIN assist the captith In lay meet, Jrnklni ana some of his d578 rausi ran lar over to nis right Jtndij Itjs flavor.of that tbm spctizinp.?..It their natural astrong tcahi for the 1931 sea- huddles were ftewntown n Pittsburgh 9.11 threw af-- j Jjiat rnakes them wholesome. Tliere'a nothing so dependable as ICE In son fnv ..,...', Tfeabltt'out at flrstbae a n?e Malcolm Jones, half, Scott Murs before the meet started. Philadelphia .., r, 7 10 .412 u nau seemed lhat "the Big good refrigerator to preserve these essential qualities & . SALE -- (OH Duncan, tackle, Alfred Carter, Suddenly, Jenkins excused himself Brooklyn . .. 6 12 .333 Springir left fielder had necured a tnckle. Carl Coleman, gua'rd, O. J and dashed Into n Jewelry store. Clncln'iatt -- ...,.. 2 13 .1171 safe hit. Garcja, flung his glove tn The addition of this display is, therefore, importance K nlorker. niard. KlmMn .t A 'counter of tji few minutes later ho returned front of a hot liner In the eighth. to every horrje manager in this city. We are-- most happy 'to make this euuiounctSu, w Household Goods 1Q.C E. Long, hnlf, Delpha NIxTceri- - with a new watch chain. "I Justi House of David A"B CO A E ---" tCr. OAMia DAY nH ment signifies willingness OnilnW tTnmlrlntr. ?.,..,. thought M purchnse tO . 5. because it a on the part of the store's management to Uct6n a chain for William. 2b ... 3 3 ? .4 0 mrmumm McCoilum will coach the the'vvatch I am going to win today Tea lAruo. Hipp, cf ...,..,...6 adopl modern merchandising methods which are of definite benefit to cuMoaiersc SjQOO-met- Dallas at Beaumont. W. rtovif furiltur. onT0,,m tnr ''ls fourh In the rare,1' contrllitit-e- d . . .0 tak. and Vr. Shrevrpoit a Houston LaFhur. rf all work. - Jenkins. That night, Jenkins Moofe, If , . . Texa Furivltur Co. at ..6 Thon 101 had Jhe watch tp go with the Fort Worth Calvcslon. Hickman, ,1b : 3 tt K buy, cast-of- MANY Wichita San Antonio, 10 sell or trade lluy f GOLFERS chain. Fallot Harrison, 3b . & 2 61 clqthlng. shots and aW a repair hat. Fnust, 4.5 2 0 furniture, trade workvfor TOURNEY "Plnkv1, American T'agun P " . The Htn thing of alue, I) VT Fur-nlt- IN Take It .from Frank Hie Bidding, e ,. .. vfo o Co. 0t W. 3rd, lihon 194 gins, former University of Texas New York at Chicago Hardier, n ... 0 0' Philadelphia St .5 v LUBBOCIC, May 8 -A- pproxl-mately athlete, Is'glad Philadelphia at Louis Aiexandei, . he the Washington p 0 0 0 Southern Special thrr hundred lri--s in. Athletics farnied him to the at Detroit. FOR SALE & Dallas eluding maim In, Boston at Cleveland. aX4U H m I 3 some of the best shot Steers the Texas league. Hlgglns 48 ltlj! iT 100 ? il ers In Texas, are expected to pa Joined ths Steers last week Blgprlng after Nnllonul League V spending pn the Athletics Bass, 3b , 2 0 2 1 o Counter; Miscellaneous Biooklyn PhllMdelphln ... Display - ".- - bench. Manager Morse Immediately at Garcia, 3b 0 s, ,w,2a&V?j&&t.,jiMunnuwii luuritaiiicni St Louis ...,.,,.2 ieo p Jhere May 21-2- e put Hlgglns on third base, and at Pittrburgh. Cruz, ss ...,..,.. 1 0 Purs i . ' - . hr t Uebane Cotton Seed iiiv iDurnanient will be got awaytto a grand start. - Heed, ss t....2 0 uscB cruaiicd ice and patt for cooljng. Its generous shelfcspace permits . . Plant toe IlestL Cfcer the club Hlgglns' Is tickled over his chance I Madison, rf Q Available at Lamar Feed Co Lubbock. 'country Melluxlist CluirVh ....4 a well arranged display of a largo variety of perishable foods. Its pat- - 1 w and course wmen oners to .see action, each day. He gave To Hicks, lb . . .0 1'lantera, Qln Co.; II bushel Mo four water .....2 . cnted system of air circulation prevents drying out of meats, vegetables, uuweru uouniy rarmer only. hazards ami n puzzling system of up, two .eeasopa of football at the Spoiihorjlloy, Scoiilt. Nesbltt. If ... '.,.2. 0 10 5' I. U CaUble l'hon 1029 traps university of Texas'Tn de- If 2 P o and insures original .' and bunkers. The vard order to Cranvar., 0 f!a7or. , course Is reported to be one ofchie velop his baseb'All talent, and at the Another Boy Scout troop is to Caj-o- cf ., ..'. 1 0 0 k. Wanted to Buy 25 sportiest In West Texas. Entries ond of his school dajs, was award 13 formed here. Martin, 2b ...,,,,,1 0 WANTl'D are .being received dally. Dennis ed a nandsome bonus to sign with Officers Df the Slrst Methodist 0Ma'dl8on,a2b .,..2 0 Clean rag suitable for Lavender, now attending. S. M. U.. Connie Mck. Hlgglns has 'always churcrf have voted to .sponsor a Payne, o 0 wipingcttnmachlner). 60 ...... 2 per lb, Hlg win be defending champion. been a. dangerous hitter, and it is troop and a troop commute will Hhotcn, o . ..1 .0 nmiiis; nctaiu. . "f Southern Ice aiid Go. evident his fielding lias Improved be foimcd" presently. Crouch, p , ..l 0 I "ll e, , Ulililiesr night Downtown since hla Southvmt conference and Potter p '., 0 Q 0' 17 ..2 - . . . & RENTAL cut hate aitocEnr Dallas sandlot days,, Trank Is a ON SATURDAY AT of the-- Associated Gab & JKIcctrJc Systcni It's convenient! across brother to the famous "Qx" Hlgglns, Cut Hate. Grocery 27 0 6 A- - Just from W -- tj tjie P. O. Slop In Saturday For-- former conference you'll bo given a bag of King's Ss,ln xxx .... llnemart Long-BOrn- 12 purchaso il Apartments wi'viiiuKAjny ativ and captain ot the Kisses with each 50 Tlnsley xxx , - 26 football squad. and k package of Iliovvn's Cakes, (xxs) Sain fonNesbyt ln Plh. Those who really know prefer WE N1CULY furnlehed apart-- Irs. Frank Hamblln is vlaltlnM The hew Dallas infield can nlav opening Day, Bat, May .8, JOp W. (xxx) Tlnsley Cayo In at tOS 2nd .for th. men! U SC v'auveg ln ynicago, inoat any shot 214-- Xr on ths later Works, 2ud, dr,J . Hous of David., .210 Old lt1 i C Q l ,

vi FRIDAY, AtAV 8, 1WL BIG SPIitWCrTT ' S. DAIL HERALD WT iPAO EIGHT THE t T ExSoWfer Will Fir AM Kit UffM v Gm. BiW. AUM O (mmcciI r Kwijilit Many Attend Fsk- - Every Awtumufcift ftT2&2& Wire WWmmI SkfH--k ' mosssy" wty h 1m eteoid the fetter r I Higher II May 8 U1 A first aid rtaUesfe: hete recently.. Me SAM ANTONIO, May 8 OD--A (Cb.MTINUK'l) EIrASO. kMw fiL PASO. Mav 8. tT Can birds 2 - fltllM PAOB n every auto- was picked up on charge be- , I Mother soldier's medal, ttrat to be award kit should be carried In a of which ollfcht on lcctr(cally-harged- Priced -! WL!Mk agent of Texas A Pacific Hall- opinion YV, E. ing the United illegally cd locally,liaa been received at the mobile. In the of Slate uninsulated wire bo shocked T Eighth Corps area headquarters way, Frank Wendt. agricultural Ixng(ellow, first aid life saving of Stmonear claimed to have entered li! can lender ag- Th. nni,r Thv and will be presented to Clcophu agent, Midland; W. W. Evans, ficial or tne jicu I'ross. the United State legally la Now certain1-condition- For example, If GORDON V York, C Burnett, former member of the ricultural agent, Lamesa, 9 More than 1.000,000 persons prob but had no paper to prove thev're too affectonate Drefses - SIxty-tRcon- agent, Qolo- It. "Whllo Was being d Sen Ice squadron, at Foster, agricultural ably will be Inlurcd n automobiles he Interview- Itccenlly a pigeon was brought Urooks Field at a date to be rado; Mr Clark, agricultural agent, year and between 30000 and ed by Immigration officials, hi HOSIERY this to the otflccCo! ant electrical com. Marked' MM J. Sweetwater. 40000 killed, he Mild, and a first car waa stolen. Three men, who pany and wing feath- picked here, sans tall 7 Burnett, who now reside In Tul- Following Is a list of Hereford aid kit will nave the live of some. Slmoncar had up In El ers, all burned way, and Indisput sa, Oklahoma, was awarded (he calve Jed during the winter by the He advises a generally accepted Paso, were later arrested charged ably lifeless. was the bird Down She is sure to appreciate They waVc Evidence medat T?ivInK two younjr wom- club poja and girl and sold at auc- antiseptic, a itlmulnnt for shock, a with theft of thccar. had a bath, and, feathers still of Hosiery No lodged In Jail taken a Gift en from drowning In a San An tion today. Thu nahie of the owner, roll of bandage, some ndneslve wet, had nllghted. on a high-tensio- n 4' has enough. swimming pool August 14, woman ever tonlo the weight of the animal, the placu Hosier and a smill pair of scissors lino, alongside a row of his fellows. JL t- - She will like them bet- 1916. Ini Inn nnti.hip mm IHm mir. fn addition io the automobile"? On another parallel line wasnn-olhe- r lturpttt asked pres- Fort Crockett Planes ter If they are from Al- has that the chase price per humlfcd pounds I stendaru equipment. row of pigeons Engineer T" entation take place at Urooks fluid givrn Ixjngfellow hnsyMudletl first iW Practice Willi Kelly were not prepared to say n "neck M. Fisher's? for she ceremony bert andplans for the will Buster 80S. tenth, Harrdy In police and flro department i Ing" party took place,but explained Gor- Cauble. ( jvill know they're be mide by Lieut. Col Henry 11. Ardy grocery, $92? throughout the United Slates, e.nd P" Jthe pigeon who was al) wet got tool rirWvr don's, n those summer riitggett. Xtrooks field comman- tluster Cnuble, ,814, Dugs Itros during the WoiM War assisted the .ivi fuiiu.iiuAuty n uiir-- close to another on the opposite' shades: i H der sroeery. W0, roveMflnent With first am proo- - Thlrty-sl- x planes from the Third wire An electrical cut rent waa Th reward was announced soon Itafker Cauble, 7M, ninth Hoku4 ntor Attack group at Fort Crockett re-- J made, arid a neat electrlcutlon con oft r the rescue, but the design PoktU grocery. MM - cepuy spent a aay practicing wun summatcd Terrace IVbble for the medal was Just recently 818 Keiiy ncid planes, proparalqry to JJuch contacts and Closedeurrcpts, Atmosphere llocheile Birkr Cuhle. second Set approved 11m hotel. Ihitth Coimril Seeks taking part In th annual air corps It was explnlncd. frequently occur Cafe Moth - - i WW Mystery larker Cauble W8, lxU. Shorn i to be held in tha Cast amonj pigeons and larger birds. o Clair Tan To Prevent Flomla On Mdy 11 f Fairway Caress Quaimli Rainfall sml Jenkins. X8.23 the Third Attack For Hunter. Cauble 832. first. Sweet plams and ISO planes from killy Month Alnnc 1 Inches water Cot'on Oil" Co. $1050. UltAOY. Tetas. May S (,T)'-Plar- Field will take ofr for Chicago DK, BIUTTIE S. COX Of service weight, Dayton, New Yrftlt and Washing-to- n B Henry Hohlnion, BS thirteenth art belnc considered by E Chlropniclor and Mosh i&J&Q, to join an nlr fleet which will X Chiffon QUAN'AH May S .T-T- blal Shnrrs and Jenltfp. Jonss. ma) or, anil members of llooms and 4 J If total 07? pUncs. Henry RoMason. 002. the council to prevent further National llnnk Hid;. r rainfall iHrtin, April for .Quanah fourteenth city ' llr.t sad vktnttr emooateti to 4.10 lne"h rtoberU Cash Store. MSA tlniit Irmihto the nffeaiilonAl Otflw 1'lvine 427 $1.35 to $2.00 es. Willi 1J0 inches falHng on the Woodrtw Rohmifm, 814. twelfth dcMruetlve visits of the meaulor-- r IVOMK.N' PllUSS MEET He. Plume 1201 2M4t White House Clroccry. $10.50 lWib nnd ordlnaitly lutlesi Itrady HOUSTON, May SullThe Texas WooUrow ftnblnsOn. 718 to public square, con- - April's precipitation .brings the eleventhICk th Woman's Press Association will "7 mot. Whit IIouiw ftocerv. $10 SO Yhc present plan Is to spend venp here May SO and 21. Mrs ure for th taat vn -- ' j..-- i fi,vn ts, tM aK viu m!. "t Vf Mamie Wynne Cox Dallas is 'Jlhasitjo nvwths begianlos OotoUr 1. to' '""" ' of and straighten somo pt , inrhe. Of tbi amount 3i)ln,!7B,u"M,Gro,j:'"'"V..!" brush and tliffipresident. VHIISSI X dt bt, Ibcrt sixteen h ervoKS in tne stream tnys aiding " SI4 Mf loch hav fallen this yer-andL,1,,- 71 Illon ra Orecfry. i&SS. in the llod control. A committee DAL'GltTKlt llOUN CAMPBELI toi inches .niruwt dosing three ; war appfnted to consider the Mr. and Mrs C, V Warren JAMES ner months of ino ThU does not In- - SJn'B,ta'"orth Hi IX 2nd (Uatcnlcnt) the birth of risi -- pwn. o.jjtrl, lude S0 che of snow hlch fsll morning 1'IIOXK 400 VE Dgl.IVKIl March. "I'SJ. !S-,n- '". , .rorlw u'Hftdv-And- y ,b Jim in.. k. -. i. - ,u VX' l'UO CHANGES F1LKO z: . J3B" 1 o. ":, "..:, ".i n I. Powell in. possession n many wir, and MiRrlcultuml - Charges of of Intotl - prospects are ery Hnku-PoV- u nroeerr $H eating liquor have been lodged, brlnbl 006 tt. U Powetl. eighteenth, Uiickalew In Ju- - , any prettier ont this seetten Whe'at and pthfir igalrm Charles h. stride than Shores and Jenktns. $A. & Co. length) ca- - t ot Trains are In exctllent comlitlon lite of ( Auto Supply Repair athlete b 1 I PowdU. 7&i feurih. Olar- - Jbe Peceycjru. Budcet Bttnar ra xetllne field In stupe It. court i Water Satihdtr Orocery. $1 The City whedute wHJ Hrr lfttttfln n I feed '!ating. ant1 enrf lUick'aTcw waived examlnlne o lvtrae i ji Ifth. get back underway afternoon .ome fields have already been ..c,iir nr f.mii.-u)- trial iKJStlKUKDor'fioM TAHE U this Clrencft Saunders Clrocerv $10 with the Mexican Tiger pialiu,Pan.tei. Opening . S T? nlrtateenlh, PilMi- - at In the ground, it shouldn't Mralght Qi ' n Ehol Crass tMA co4Mt the' v SVlggly. $793 v m hrd matter now jj,.t. Th.- - .r.w Miih 20 Years Willie rWlJryHEehol 5SS ' Huslneas Cv Jcoahpma at sotoe time botueen pHCllf Knnhlcs HoiKton 4ent. f In This ngt eth.,,Plgglv-I!gl-v $7 85 216-2- 18 W. 3rd Xf.i,. IlleU. ease Is drivtaS nd P' Sttnl'.8'trnBl to BrO.ik Reconls i.kt u.s no Ypim .. T. ami ta wankers wm Prl MOVI.VG STOKAGi: ..i.iVi. .. nK---- -, n Coahoma 'Mr ami Mrs W Cotter ui ...v - - A nt s It of .."". MO meet at Qeah6ma rulj1 n."-- 1 vjj 3vMtwnr.r IB- nftVT. R Slbow cffnlmunity announce y. nl arvnu.. , ui.-i- i utii .... .ufc' HOUSTON". May i TVsice inriM'v thel PEKING r they uyyit has been going to "TT.. ""' "TV "T. beginning of 11 suaartha, me nt birth of a son. Thursday Jnchitletl uro dark fco-oe- . ..P" - or ht5bl and or.kn.S --0,,., ,K."-r- a for'f- and long at . sh.lt. i man- - ' Houstcd as r print with the Sweet.ter.footballc.ub .. '- -" 'ootfee or a topping for griddle G tRATlNG . nHd DR. AV. It. HARDY Mceo Sport 'be an4 . All Kinds oV Auto Repairing Dresstip tjpes . S?.i cone in Bker.' FI.elln. " " I1FVTIST ' t r by be I,haV'nM,h' l) l JOIB.NEL Snnmnue.SSufw bTthat en.ironmVnt of berth th,oT',0" Formerly JiSi.' the ,,, cu.tems collections l"? --- - laMt whn Petroleum" llldg. State Rondeil Warchoti spena nr coITee- - Priced: Sreat. gnaster. win . ttHll rin Hm mMiiht A fnr- .r; the current 80 dyr these .. ? -.- ,, "-,-- IMIONE 3CG 100 N'oljjn rhono 79 Of wgn we in nn his scnooi ntn- - Tr; iMins totaledamore than $200Oft! 41 - i i "VS"'- c .svbb ainnBii lainwi inuuniic XOO v &L6.75 Tr ,K--'i ,lL H2 of this amount vn . , ,. $14.75 "! .GREASING water to fill hi shoe""'4f that w? W. contributed bv one shipment 0f WASHING l elected1 " thir--Y-J SalsadO apd, Ure ts held. He has been nurar eontling ef 40 0P0 bs.e; $18.75 eanUln of the iMl.COseoe new. r " Brake Service boj-- s and It agslnrue rule for i BU'SI NESS-- capUin of the 1BI Xoaco the ThSnTy Maoaltr of the nurht A White John Pjdpe C; Eck Lovelace Plowboyi to play in the Sweetwa nTDT?nTftDV Red or CAQHUnM! ter backfleld So iwsi Uu .h,,,,, Nb - I ,vr...r r breabint'Vo - H mt.toiltre.1j,, a ys on 'I r. .. VQHtSS LAU -- .... .- -. sz.?--- t- ur, r.. I ...... , ii oowq ana as a retail na a u. biiiuiou many month, agita wlU K:;ricic , b nock Carlo Madin Carnation II ec t$e benefit of hi d , hen Dentist upon W lus m.. chM.rhore the Cridlrtt It tf Petroleurn Bldg. Lounging Paiamas elt If Hick isnt la a llflrrt. --... a)t - rearb spring- urutorm nexi ear a j. he .,H Wr Phone 231 Wmi m rkW wou'd much he remain at t, t., F-R-E- nrefer Same The lights,,L.. bothered all of.' -E Itoscoe for the ret of his das them, so they sold Of fast 5 i ' . We understand.' thotigh our color prints mrm Hut they didn't bother the gtr BROOKS Select your Mother's Day source of information m) be receipt' to any great exten with small pocket nnd Crone CecH Held P.uby candy at a Collins Bros that and carna- trim In contrasting GLASSES are representngfethe store and receive a .Smith local is tion FItBE (reg, 3&; value) colpr. rkt StaHTw Eret Are a flniwi high School at the state" meet atU Rodpprs, Smith &-C- Austin, Ileld Is Bill Stevens mile WOODWARD SlCh lo's to 'O's DR. AMOS R. WOOD man and a bad one at j43 llpnor Mother Sunday not that I'ulillc Accountants a 117 East Third Street The fftrl happen to b the district Attornejs-At-Lat- r uear A carnation'. tennis champii?. and depart for Audits. Systems Income Tax SI Austin- - with a strong racquet un- 901 Western fresene M' Bids general Practice hfjUl tttt arm. Held should he not Order Catidy NOW any O der San Angtlo Texas Courts t - become Imbued with the same Hind NrfitA- Earn llOUSE tTtOCKS -I- n of fee. ng that the besketbaU K Sn Antonio ( Fort Worto ri',hcr UJdg. Collins &ros, St6ri and gregation did, when f imided llnenes ... Sh' 14 I'hone3H 40s. . Austin should do well In the ' San Angclo to t1 atate mile engagenlent. ma 'lr1e 3l There get your carnation ' be better filers but the) ifi: p EARLf SUNDAY MORNING fetHJIlT FHOCKS R IT Z) In piques Charm-Ini- r Daily dresses fa'r the MM RI mMscS and younjr M r matrons. Sites H Z? tilh to 20s. d1 HRAU) (f Price J) 1 o MIDNIGHT lyfATINEE Today And Want Ads SATlltDAY, 11:30 P., M. JJUQ MOOCWWUO ITtMIU ' Get HOLLYWOOD Tomorrow 1T.TK II.F.tm III.DG.- - 11(10 MC'UIUtY ST. I'hone 73 I'honeMJoj SHOPPE RE.SU L'TS hhCOXD AM) UUNNELS At A. U. GARDNER m-- T. jcPhonc Your Ad. to I'hone 132 w v1 A nnd a '209 1-- 2 175 .728 or 729 Main IMone e,rJ- - '" ' mBB5w f MMiMJMWWWMWnMaMJMaaiMMBaHBjMMMan? lirnlns aRaln.t X l.tha klnktrl

DAVENPORT 'OITERS B l arrh crlnin. TOMORROW! . L.4ST CHANCE Tomorrow - ?: mIv lias iijf-- I l. y 'led tlu Special Groups of , ' ! I errat " . TOWINANEW'DRESS yt rit dclectUcs Mothrr's B SILK. Day O " ) Put y.diir suggelibiuinZ ' DRESSES c the box in our store ni. &M $7,do rjj

$10M JFear 4 FoM;6r JToniorrotv is your last clianq6to sn'RKCst aTpcw namo for our store and a Rood xlngnii for our baMiiess. Firat Others to $18.75 prize for tlio bcslstiKKCstlon is a new Dress your iSQpMRr- - 4 on choice of lour entire stock. Second best will receive a CHEATING ' palrcof shoes their choice of nny shoe in the house, t H OKrHUiQCNCX j and third ill be a new pair of hose. Isn't the Cheating - .Mptlief's Day. .. Why not let us help jou . It.sQaUingC.ght;; .,, if in least one do so ' choose a dress for Motter IF lou do not have one, come to nibble's.. As-- a spellal con- jou liacii't turned at sliRcstloit venience we will be open Sunday morning:.. . tomorrow for the contest absolutely closes at 0 p. m. fn Some going to win a newdress. WILL IT BE New beads. Jewelry" Bags. .rslou k" ' !"'"" lyou have not placed your order by thai time, do so; then,,. oncjs Lingerie.- - rrZM . . Scarfs, Handker- ' nd ,Make Mother's heart glad with, your gift of flowersijj you? chiefs, Qloves and H(j tw,sr;..i. 'ot U"!1" r .CUTFLOWERS POTTTED PLANTS 'sbriV' Georie w Charlie - Harris' k : MURRAY . t, MTENNKn ,Dorothv-cfiru- rsizrtfpzgm Economy. Shoppe &Klt4IKj'wp .rtEJh. .' o " i, j'fci . Q - r nd Phone 1083 J701 Scurry SU- m8,"8 o .MAjaiKMihi-i'injunn- a

c '. bp

i. ' -

"J"3r0CiUMEXXVt BIG SPRING, TEXAS, FRIDAY, 8, MAY 1031. NUMBER 32 Beef Cattle Feeders To Gather Here JMday Girl In Feeder Club Ranks I.C.C. Examiner Unable Kiddies Of Ackerlyr Rhythm Band HOME- to Say m Field Day At TOWN Wljen T.P.N. Recommendation U.S. i Farm ' , ?i H - .mmmm sssBri Will T AL K Will Be Given to Commission Attract W P . ' Many By BEDDY i t (Special To Th Haraldl s.1K BSfaHII WASHINGTON, k 'flBBHMfc'.jM Bon dl$sue Kept May 7 Exam- Feeder CJnh Ilcrcfords To .'I 70 ijasHkaKL. I laaasapaH iner II. . VA tll, bespectacled man walked) M M John Davis, of the Inter- t. HBHiiL state commerce c Be Auctioned; Test ..into the city secretary's offlco ycs-- 1 'nrrw, commission, who "(("t.erday 'morning ns your humble scr-- Alive In Face of i presided at the hearing at Lubbock of Feeds Ends -- on tho v .. . virrt. happened to be hanging; application of the Texas! around. Pacific Northern on proposed rail Annual field day wlll'bo observed Adverse Ballot ....j lunik, uv iiuii iiuiji MH .(Jrillg oarjarJfeflsalaaaaKili . TSiaSjBafsjjBafsjjjjjjjjjjafn irlday ot the United State gov- o Vega, to- .vr 'lieU was unoplo to predict ISaraBBBS'SaaSBBSnNRnl ernment experiment . m thercpresentntlv of the day report 2.t3 WaSJaVBBBaBSBBl farm, ono firm that ah nually mailed the com Jut when his on the milo north of Big Spring, with a 'T ease will be to B plete 'audit of the city book ah J I AUSTIN May 7. The ready present to the Under direction of Mr B nuso display of Mao Robinson jot Robinson chapel coromunlly although Stanfleld group pu Hereford calves Accounta. Nelllo the catt ofltli ,h. -- nn.i..iinn rnmmieslon. briefs filed Jn this of primary which have been fed by Cluh hero I the only rl w.ll exhibit a baby beef Friday at the Feed- - i? ho application have oil In plls of Aohcrly school has attract M.1IU- CJt,. r "XZfnn a highway bond been the boys and officials the . Tv n( ill. i .....rlm.nl term I...... hamli of the body ed much attention In public gather Development df of farm dur He pulled out the completed Midlt Iksuc failed of the necesJary two-- J federal since ing the winter months. hero with "Wllks,'' ten mfinQjj old Hereford calf, which wll be among prll 1. ings of Howard and coun City Manager Smltham came In to those Judged and Friday. mirui majorcv for pmagn In the Dawson The day's program will oncn s.ld at auction In view Of (ho ties. Tho leader, shown fagjng the at "nskfthfl 'City secretary for imc house Wednesday by 12 voles. There volume of testi Potash Deposits 9 3flf a. m., and will close In the mony presented by other members. Is little Miss Jackie af papers. ifWe're going Jo try to build months M Nellie Mar brought about by feeding home were 83 ayes and M hoes recorded. several score ternoon with a meat cutting dem- - Watts. She Is also soloist, . .cecity hall and don't plan to Robinson bought from the Wllkin j grown feeds, Including 1,315 2 Immediately before the vote wa llncsae. and the slrt of the briefs a at the .. - ...... rale i . . onstration by Roy W. Snydor, i. 4 subsequently age of alx years. Other members, the tax rater said me city mnnngcr rancn In western Hownrd pouifjls of ground mllo, 1359 cloed ItcprcienUtlve Deck of Fort submitted the exam State's Object meat specialist Of A.AM. "n re- from left to right, to the auditor, county this Hereford calf Uhc! paunrtsof ground hcgarl, 31Z l--l Worth, one of thodeadlng advocates" iner feels that addltlonat time Is are Laverne College. Cooksey, Tolsy Ttaspberry, Quanah Loca) butchers hayirfJeen. named him "Wllks." a nickname pounmrof cotton seed meal -- which forthe bond lsiu, cli.ingcd his vote quired to study the situation. It Is issued to Gene Pendergrass, I la Margaret AUSTIN. May 7 (INS)-- R. B an Invitation attend this "AH of which litis report shows' 'for the animal's native ranch- - 'cost a total of $29.03 from aye to no and when the vote not expected, therefore, that any Of Coleman, Catherine Reese, Gragg, state labor commissioner, parr the program In particular you can do," the .auditor replied' 'Vllks" weighed 410 pounds flktj Mls Hoblnson will have this calf wan anntnnred. moved to reconsfder. definite action can be taken before Marje The day will Green. 'V. L. Butts, Dean Coleman, announced today representatives of W featured bv forthwith, raonins ami purcnaaui ror on exhibition tomorrow at the gov- una sprrau on me journal, Keeping midsummer. A 20 lix u Wanda Hinson, auction of Hereford caiYJ!pwr-- 1 J30. now 800 tho ac-- or some time after the remtt Is Klva Ruth Or a. his department had been detailed fltdB,l Lamb hI- -a - tS lie uclRlis nbout rrnment farm when all Club resolution alive for further niui.il uaLaha uccu leuJ ay nino rpeul-bTZ- - o - placed an ham, Tl. A. Guthrie, Hattle Craln to negotiate for Immediate opening conversation ended there and pounus. feeders win .show their fat 'calves, n. ff- ,.. rt the ha ids of the commis bers of the Club, rTJie and Raymond Green, who also of Mtash fields adjacent to Odcs-sa.v- n Feeder Calf com the audftor went ahead wUh KIs con- this iuu per cent increase in Which win be judged and aac-- "ra memoers, Kenrcseniatives sion. Interveners will be permitted posed of eight boys and one, girl. ference with City Secretary Stgwart wtlcht of the baby beef wasitloned. Lohg of Wichita Falls and SherrlH to file exception In case thev are plays a ukulele and lings. All these Ector, Midland and Crane youngsters are six years of ex- - counties, The calves will be on display at .. .! of Bcllevuo veiled nrenent. Slierrlll. raissatlsfled with the report, a aTe c was the farm prior to the 'auction. M the auditors response to A committed to vote,for the these are all received an 14 five, who are seven and eight This the first step, he said, But the, TiJ?T. XI M? WA resolutlonJa"'r 9 In 'develop of lhe calves, It l expected, will bo Impromptu man- - TJ1 -- rrtfrVV X had paired with" Long argument on 'he application be They recently 'played In Lamcsa his movement to every remark of the city ILlJUrXJ. IWll VA jLVLJLJll. J nrfTU and declined win soiqgiocauy and record prices are affsr struck us as lending addition XJJ ta break the pair after Lont had heJJ In Washington. and have been Invited to Big means of bringing more avenues of - spring employment toTexaa workers; expected. al weight to the figure Submitted C1TIZENSH1PEUBANKS' TOPIC been forced to attendee session by , Thirty Hereford yearlings, to board of city development ucn It Is known, according to a which the a 'UJl ""i"1"! sterling' and have been fed lit three-lot- s by the and citizenship by the city man- rrr aa Am rrryt'n Wheatley Lions To Hear statement from Gragg, that a large pie UPjVrrr"irnUIIVj airrisM government farm officials, wjll not,- UJLiOO X-R- development company ager, showing why and how the pro- Al illUi O OaUULl Ijnir was accused of "hldlntr out ay holds leases ' W. on tracts near Odessa containing be sold at auction, hut will be ship posedcty hall bond issue cgn be . . (.to.keep from breaking the pair. Hef Col E. Talbot Giant An obligation honestly - ,. well .pcd to Fort Worth markets. waa voted and Issued without raising the consurt- ed credit condition iibi Htv tutl lir. wn at III ra.il.MA. mm. I defined deposits of potash. It announced toaay Dy Tea lvcaung, tax rate or valuations. mated Is proof of good cltlzenship.-declare- W Genera. Sterling and Col W. E. (Bill) Talbot, who Representatives of the labor depart ,.,- ZSLXLXZYJSS?... W ment, manager of the farm. , L. A. Uubanks, manager - ...... ,., u wneatiey almost broke his door Was the republican candidate for Aid were aispatcnea to confer tr ..case and the bankers could fore-oQw- n governor fTube May with holders of the leases, In an Afternoon As mentioned a few days ago In trying entrance last summer, wilt address of lhe netaU Mfrchant3 AssOcIa see calamity lo,hls attempt to begin The afternoon's program, which many or us neea o no . a In the future that Long said Sterling the Lions Club Friday at Its rcgu Induce them to uiis column wreck, nn?ftmcnt will follow a luncheon, will be fea- n.l.lnt n..r..lV. mn ftillv with'""" """ " I""""1""' muK our nation and they diked ho was acting uncU author-- lar luncheon meeting In the Settles' operations Immediately. He point- fr icredlt men of the country,!.'.Ih an ad r tured by by J. N". Jones. Twail workings of our cltyTovernmnt. cai.eu a nan on creu.i. anu cause.iUy of a rM0lution passed by the' Hotel, President H. S. Faw nn Cancer Work ed out that conditions; of world talks dress Thursday before the Cltl -- "-- trade Indicate there Is an of the animal husbandry depart . . tiousc uirecung me arrest of mem- - nounced sg r - . Following publication of the state- - Va" '.""Wf'tf?", ,00' i)ein3,ioosenea somewhat and busl- bcrs not attending th. Ion Mr Taboll Is agency manager of demand for potash and all ment of Texas A.AM. College, 'and """'? : s r. 01le Webb, to presi- raent that this bond Issue could be V hess on the uptrend ond we sterling s'ated he also had an in .ou(niand Lire insurance Com of Its and these prod- assistant the ", area,i- Dr. Lanritsen Supervises ucts floated without raising the tax rate Ull'i ". learning again to live on our In- opinion from the attorney general's p&y He Is here on business, con do not come In competition dent of the Texas f: Pacific RalK . . . . It, was one of a series of .address Comn nnil.nilf nur nhllfntlrtn..- -...... Asscluhling with American products. way. There will e other short or renditions a lot of ggople scratch- ...- - -- m.1,,...ouice saying ne nact authority to fejlng with J. V. Whaley. district of new other es e. - ' ed their heads and asked "how In by local business and profession not to Wo had got- compel Long to attend, a(nt. amtejDallas v. Whaley. local Apparatus The labor commissioner said his talks, can .you build a city hall Jncn ueiuivims ciass, teh to where'. wo were not honest Long ronlC(i ,he spartment agtnt.of the Southlamf&ompany. efforts to catalogue the Undevel- Mr Jones will go Into detail re thunder Mr. Eubanka said with from oped garding feeding; without any money. ourselVs and our creditors TH McGregor of Astm. one of J ' natural resources of the vari the results of the All laws jire .based on right: and Just as soon as wo be-- I1Y ous of program which l.hs been strictly iPL a ' " ' ' ihe again the chief opponents the JAMKS E. HIMOMAN section the state and to V Of the people Cltlztnship Is based good of bond Lqcnl or employes ''.Which, of course, was clear off citizens then and then 'sue-- The scssJon ere Child Suffers Inlernhjlonal News Service Staff compile a 'fit industrial and observed by of 'the farm on the complying with the laws of only will good tlmeS!return tormwh,n enterprises this year. ------. Representative Pcttch offered res- Correspondent manufacturjng needed ,L - ' a Second Injury While M.-- a country. n Is " 7.-- morning Then if cltizensh Credits are jot based solely on olution directing the Speaker to lav PASADENA Calif., May Re have elicited prompt and definite Duringthe Payne, - -- (based - on the laws and laws' uro financial wv. i- now state boy'sclub speak, 4NoJalJ-'Yti1 can't build a city worth but moral rlMcs sue warrants rfo the arrant of h -r. Going iflcr Floicen eurciiwworit to. do . carried B information- lis is undertak- aaentwlll .(based rights, - fllayia hall It ''" take ex on then honor comestand we believe thatU0 credit Is sent members whd were hot llr..ThU with tba.Uaond jnlWon-vol- t ing the task 6f .brlnilrliflKele- on on ihajtart bj dob boy In " In, Honor' honesty. preeaer-reeae- r actly Joo,004 means To be extended on moral risks by the re- aroused opposition from several Flower apparently bear a Jinx ray tubo constructed at California portunltles to the attention of In the movement. a good citizen voU must be Konesr ad vestors, said, tailer where ond dollar 4i extrmlr.! vocates of t.hc rerplutlon. The hdus for Lincoln Hlnsch, Jr 3 2 years Institute of Technology here, may he . The task he has A. L. Smith, extension beef cat '"J-hel-- . . : - . .... foriuriitely. ls?n-- a Is where makes Its forvsecurity. So nine-oi- set for himself, Gragg specialist A.AM. College, will But. the city credit our citizenship then l liar if niiri.r-- - - - .nil in.n..i., - uiu. n son ox J A. Minim, msniippr bring scientists a step nearer In declared, has tle of appearance e - ut i 1. - -- - . . .- - - .....,.- ... - position lb? Issue bonds to that have two types of is u4iru on a rauo or iu 10 l. now fv after lunch nn.t Mnim.t oi uu.....iionicomcry Ward &. Cam- - their ffforts to combat cancer evoked widespread Interest ludge this calves which have Tieen - Trh amount wllhdut Inerfaslne- the nte clllzens,ood and bad, The coun some finance companies: '.nil hnnk lh .- -. m. .,,. u-- ,i Danv store he.r. The "grant Uibe Is 1 feet long and fed by the club members. Short 1 i..i sent cltvxWate or mereasmc urO- 111? basically sound because the arc forced 'by law to demand se.ltwo members who hurt hull The' child Is In Dallas about three feet In diameter. la talks will be made by I. B. Cauble. nslrnl sufferlnc - It perty valuations for tax pufjioscs. of the people are the good. cuiltlrs but the great credit ex- that they refused to attend. from a fractured leg and a mlnor& replica- of the world's" largest X-- prominent Jlereford breeder of p juprighU honorable t, tensions are made by rrrer- - ray Howard county John Slropaori. v retail Ptch withdrew, the n.oi.iiirmlconcuMlon caused when, he was! tube also at the Institute Students Get and nd this- Is er Midland Is following the practice t'P class the credit us chants. In which class do you pre-jaft- Iteprescntatlves Anderson and 'truck by an automobile bn the Dr. C C Laurltsen. scientist. assistant Texas and 'pacific rail- people to - Worth-Dalla- that the city of Itlg Spring proposes ,tnS W cf?1"1 granting fer tc. the ROod moral risk cltl- Ab) ton of San Ant&nlo, and other: Fort s p(ke Wedne supervised the assembling ofthe ; way agrlcuKuralagent. W following If the city hall bonds Bre,lonT' ni1 Integrity are the basic zen or th citizen who stays on Jay as holeft tho Hlnzch tn new apparatus, as well as Boy To Speak ,1W" or JUstm.de bitter attacks tire tactics car Message voted Native rock from a atone civilization and the United wijnin me law out so near the edge' of betfnd Issue proponents father blue bonnets for his daddy lire original tube. From Hubert Hayworlh of Coahoma, quarry"15 miles east of Midland Is Slates of America v.s founded by that he is not a good credit risk Deck indicated an effort would bcl Lincoln' had lust recovered from The second y apparatus was club member, will open the day's " civilized people - being used as for new-- that were honet Morally, the man Who- will not to brtng fracture the bone, recelv-agal- n constructed to enable scientists and program on the purpose chat the w"1', made' the bond Isiue up of collar with a talk street paving program there Local themselves and their fellow pay aPjUst obligation is not a cood when proponents had mar-- ed w.lrcn he fell while gathering leading physicians to carry tin ex If the Feeder Calf Club ar.d show. officials propose building a reln-mnn- - Then we find that an obllga-- ' citizen. Alibis do wot pay Some haled their force rosea. ' tensive experiments which they g Each of the club members trill honestly forced concrete structure and jslng'."on consummated Is' pcpple live on alibis anj this class Representative parron Sher-- j MT. Hlnsch, who his hoped will result In success The 7&f make reports of their feeding op- of with family, of Sood citizenship. Is not the citizenship original was troek from nearby quairU. hauledProof that our fore- man had paired, with ReprescnlatHeihad spent several days InCFor' tube mado primarily Dr. Brooks erations. & by local labor and used In the con- - Founded On Credit fathers had anticipated when they Adklns of Gilmer Barron did not Worth and Dallas on business and or me stuuy of X- - S.P. Signing auction of theclub members' was The atru'ctlon by local labor. America founded by credit struggled for supremacy over vote. He said Adklns was in a hos- - visiting relatives, returned here rays. Scientists and physicians, Diplomas for Baylor calves will be held at 10:?0 o'clock . got a (Columbus loan from a lady of an unknown land and pltal. Wednesday. Mrs Hlnsch is with nowever. discovered from expert Graduates In the morning. Midland's policy In choosing "local .financier so that he could niake the worked out, a Constitution built on Several attempts by opponents to the lnlired child. ment3'.the powerful rava could nen. A'large crowd of Howard County Ocrnss I., .... ,...... --jz a JiboV,. Is to require that all who re.trlp the uncharted water fair dealings. aiurnil 1119 IK1IPU etrate tumor In any part of the farmers and Big Spring business resf-jan- resolution WACO, Texas'. May 7 (UP) celve Jobs must have been a d discover this country. Credits NowhercJn the constitution do Ono proposed that X1S0RO9.M he'T in7 Vr-tr- , body. Hence, the second tubo waa - men are expected to visit the . . . . m.J From death-be- d In fark of the county since January 1 'have continued In .America until ..i .....tin.X .n.,... l,. '., A.i .t .. na .. nnin""V I"f.t assembled to permit exper- his the Baptist 'dent Mii.iiaiiunIn.l.li ui an aiim inrrrica in me amendment mo ""' further during the day. , . day. Sanitarium here Dr. S. P. Brooks, Jihis Without credit Me arc or 'subterfuge. So, tf you want to'nmount due Montague couity as Its Open Auto Supply Ca iments in cancer research, leaving The government farm cattle and. bankrupt, hlgh-poten- - president of Baylor Mrs. Joye Usher, president' of th qnr present financial be a cUIzenof the highest type, be.share of the JU2.000.000 On 1T(1 Slrcct the' first lube free for those fed by the club boys wll fet Is lue Third y University today Issued to the City Federation. Informs us our Cgdltlon not caused by over- "Do unto others as you'f&sed Vo reimburse countlrs for nai experiments. nn exhibit at. all hours during ths of yesterday, or by machinery taking would student body a "message from statement that th'Pluctlon have thenv do unto A.ou."ifunds expended on fhe3tnln Inolj,, tv, n..tn & Repair Co., Director prexy." day. Federation planned "abandoning" ,lno Place of labor but by tho pinclv l'Ain-riiTl""a- was 70 !. 2f6-1- Dr. Laurltsen directed the num. ictWTiNi.nN I'stem It table. to 8 W. 3rd ilreet. Is belmr ODened Dr Brooks, suffering Among prominent men who will? the clubhouse on the cvjirthousc An ping out oi me now tunc to pro- with can amendment business" bv Eek- IvhIuph and be here for the field day ate, E, W...... ,.. : . . cerous Infection and given only block, as the library a .:. ... duce S Vamiitm Thla-- wa ilnna wlllil ka well there X ii. uj umxmwy iirpreseniauve I.johnny Price, who have con - ' V " WM. .,.. Barnes of the Federal Farm uoam. ta Inaccurate. been a mercury vapqr pump two weeks to live, told Dean 'W limature from appropriating funHlnected with the automobile scrvlc which S. Allen to Fort Worth, and Ray WeeM. Two Indicted Grounding nay wuinru bo wnen "tell the students I had Of from general revenue to the business hei' foe more than eiiicientiy mat a good" night, but tell catttfbuyer for Swift A Co. She tells us the federation ha bonds tn the last stages fif vacuum were don't them experi- was defeated. Lalnl contemr tyears. I'm better I have In Mr. Earnes will grade, the plana for 'forming" a CoUnty Feder- reached was only one-on- e for 'Internal val- T7 - 1 . 'ed the amendment would prevent i Fred Eaker will be In charge of there to ment farm animals andplace a ation and enlarging the library, 01m. hundredth millionth of atmos- formation the contrary" On Pro Count r011'"Mrithfll''B"I,llurff 'ro'm '""y'ng a tax wo mrcnanicai uepartment- - A fin Out on the camrxia the . word uation on them. and that thero are no definite OniDS on ing phere :cft tn the giant tube, thus i rral or perpnal property topay station and stocks of tires and sped, - plans for disposing of the club. - lltiA creating almost a, perfect vacuum from mouth td mouth to stu bond, but, that It contalneil bo offered. Tube gathered, under1-th-e house. If It Were disponed of In- so powerful are rays dent! oak. trees 'nothing to prevent the legislature YuuiuwzinK service aisp IS included the which campus debtedness against, of course, would E;lil True Bills Hctiirnqd emanate from the y that shadethe of. Texas' Seen lokKcr bays Prejudiced, from making appropriations frm' In' t!l(e firms operations. tube that Institution hlghjr Garner 'be cared for. . By May It Is hung In a concrete vault with first of learning . v Trrm Gruul Ullgllll'Cr llCCOUlUlCIlllcd ilnc Brnr:,t revenues finer me mo A feeling of sujn.cn.se replaced ney walls nearly a thick, sheclvt Jury nau oeen cueciati Three Men Perish When frt cnatter of basebalj track pros- - Let s hope a much htrr er libra Hasty Order Another amendmeni by IJilrd to with lead two inches thick. Ex- - ani ry may be peels, yuletly students passed tor As Speaker filmed here H Is noth hold the election 1?32. Ship Rams Tub Boat (remo caution Is necessary In ex ' Nng sfcort of pltlfnl that wo have The Howard county grand Jury aniT front classes. WASHINGTON, May 7 (JJP) Instead of191. also was defeated, - pertmentlng'witb, the strong X The rteteran beean the no a library tlri Indicted S I "ttntf L, V, VP)-Tlt- ree rays, ponalhle educator fad'lUes fir of Everhart Anthony H G designer bond advocates asserting the need NEW YORK. May 7 as It' b to create, a alio and usefulness a city of uypum on Fokker. cf men were Believed tak ofsIgnlBg 423 dfylomai at the TJioinnson, jlIo that nrjoriy- Weilnesilay 35 planes for relief pVensI'hg tint lhe to have perish, arc of .electricity from the per uay mc from this merits. churXes of posaesslon for&alo which were temporarily uA 250.000 - rate ot to. uespite warning lro and should be held, ed today when a t eastern steam four volt transform!- I GonirHents iremoved election as aon as ...... fmr 1,1.,,,9 r,,hv.l.l.n...... a tlial...a.. t.,,ua mam. gr Washington, uile. of Intoxicating liquor, follow frorjl passenger service .by possible declared' thousands ship )iner New York rammed and v.hichsupplyopower for the tubaJ j. .leu b-- , - ed all his strength to f lgTit off the Far It from Us to belittle thej ing their arrest Tuesday. qrucr of the commerce department of persons had riot paid sink- the turtboat Trlmount In a More hazardous, however, are the! UUntlbok ne their ti deadly djsesje. But smiling grim- vanani .eiroru of the Federation i two men were among several Indicated taxeA and that any vote in 1031 heavy fog In Long Jsland Sound. rays created "by the - that ie would not be ly Dr Brooks said Can't disap Jt"has led the way In Initiative an cited by members of "the sher- crew-nun- . tube. o "I, EL PASO. May 7. John Oartvar would not be Th missing were tougboat In order guard those '' satisfied with ....,. - fair. and labor In many Instances department, assisted feder- ih.'"w .I..V. m- working I point tne grauuaies. of Uvalde. Democratic 4a'der faMfe and iffs by jf '"IWIIUIHB Representative Burns of Brady d - with the jtrument from , has pioneered tho library. al Officers In OCT to restore the ulanea tn trrvlp. rays, (fned At noon physicians said Dr House of Representatives, win be alregly a raid conducted an amendment to tie the O The steamer, carrying 300 pas- stray the vault Is with pledge co- Brooks' condition was practically speaker. In the? opinion And 'lght hero we ony Tues.lay. after an Inspection. reimbursement and the 1100.- - sengers. Including Floyd Gibbons, lead.' Lead absorbs the powerful the next or rporation unchanged. Congressman E. or assistance we may Iich of the men was Indicted for He said the Industry 000.000 construction Issues togrthef 'war correspondent, was not damag rays more readily than other met-- It. Thomasen ot , a position to In selling liquor M. M, aviation the 16th "tancVbe'ln offer to Wood so that one part could not bo adopt-ed.an- d ed. dfitrlct. 1 - C. must have jfroteJtlon from "hasty1 . IfONTINUrUKjlN I'AtlB i) inlarglng- and strengthening the E. BepdeF Tlcy were rrai the other defeated was Senate' Committee Congressman Thomlston has re ' in the It Jbraiy. ed this morning and new bonds tactics future and he Gen- 76 to. 39. Ignores Cannon Plea cently returned from VYaaMtijrton eral MotorS ta.led." his) .arranged. Company, leading Vollnit for submission were U WASHINGTON, May 7 and he declares thai irom' .cotw stockholders In tli Wl The '. Beifty Wiir Fqtalfy, , ine inuictments were among h,..u.n Adams oKllouston, Adams of Jas Sterilization of Mentally" senate campaign funds committee ferencea with volltcal leaders dherii eight by branch of the Is . , returned 0he grand jury Fokker comoanv. per." Adamson of Denison. Albrltton today laid aside UUhop James he confident that the Dmposts Mother and Children waa , ' WednesdAy afternoon. THe body understood to be supporting oYorktoV-n- Anderson of San An protest against the com wlllrganlze the next Hows; ad - him In Injured In. Crash was back In session- today. this contention,' ionic. jTiuoru mittee's authority to Inquire into aarner win be speaner. 0 I. U. oriiaivesion, iiyu Defective Urged By Texas Gecn, ngro, was Indicted Fokker said the depattment'a ac of Decatur, Bradley of; Houston, his use of fund In 128 campaign. "I believe that a Democrat wilt 5T PALLAS, Jtfoy 7 for assault with Intent to murder. uoq m banning tho planes Bryant of Memphis, of The, go With be elected in Ohio to suce the t)Harold was from JJurns body decided to ahead Dean Foltz,flvr mpn(hs old, died HI chargey he .shot Marshall passenger service was taken on the Hyntsvllle, Canienfer of Bay City, the hearirfc. late Speaker Longrth."' Mr. ," ', Gordcn with a pistol, . dvlce of two "Longwatth's. r.snsa ."' t n here today, and Iris vounir en?lnni nr traven of Marshair, coltrin of Ma Medical Men at Convention When trfe hearing 'opined Bish Thomason said. - nothr, Mrs. Harry Flotz, and JV C. McFJrOy and Jess McElroy of whohi "was plainly hostile and this, C0xoof Paris Cunnlhghnnr of op Cannon asked his letter protest race In the last election wasstd lax wefo the-- tbfte otntr children, Doris, Anna .Indicted for rhlcken theft lrpjuuiceii, Eastland. Daniel of Crockett. Davli Infe the hearing be made part of dlcate that no Republican, wjth f ind Doland, wf re In a serious con-- ' Another Indictment charging" chlcTi. The department's order, made of Brownwood, Dodd of Nash, Dow- - BEAUMONT. - Texas, May 7 The section adopted a 'resolution the possible exception ot Mrs.o Allc en was record. i lltlon a of an men returned, but the par public Monday MliPcertaln ques- ell of Lullng, Dunlap of Klngsvllle. Sterilization of thp mentally defec Miss Burroughs, Richmond, Roosevelt Longworth, cola b a.re.ult automobile ty Vus calling on the house of delegates, Ada icplllslon pn FortWorfh-Dalla- s not been arrested. tions In regard to Duvall of Worth, Dwyer of tlvo was advocated before pub - elected from the. district now, I un the maintenance of Fort the executive bod of the .Virginia, treasurer of the anil- pike.- - ' O Theodore Adlrl aniPJudd Wash the planes had arisen.. It Said San Antonio, Finn of Sunset, Forbes lic health section of the Txas association. committee In Virginia, In derstand she has refused M Ington, negroes, to Smith . .All, lived at Borgef, were Indicted for there was no reflection on the n 6t WSather'ford. Fo?d of McGregor. State Medical Assoclatioh. in an appoint a committee to Invest! 192S, was the witness ON 1'AOsl 1 aggravated first called. tCOMTINl'IlD . ' Harry. Folic. Mrs, Foltz' husVand, assault as an aftermath of ho craft. Gilbert of Ci'co, CTrogan of Uberty, nual convention here yesterday, by gate state sterilization. She Insisted on first reading a ma- - oi a rigni 'iney wilt be tr ed In "I am flgMltjg for the Hatchltt of Wichita Fulls. Harrison Dr. O. L. Norsworlhy of San An- "How w c can cancer" wars rec- - W. tiding In another county ' future of control prepared statement Into the ,tfihochine, waa uninjured. court, 'ho aeronautics Industry Foklier of El Paso, Harrison of Brookshlre, tonio, pr. John S. Turner of Dallas, the topic of today's moat Important ord protesting the committee's au Another Indictment charging a,U said today Just before entering 1n Rerzlk of Englc, Hi of Laredo, and others. teranal lecture, given by "Dr. John thority. Her statement, like Blah uv CORRECTION a loniooue men was returned acalnst other conference with commerce lllnes of Linden. Holden of Ip-caste- The sterilization operaUon Is safe, Ct Xloodgood of Baltlmorje. 'Sec- op's cited' court decision. 'The Weather. Maurice Allen, arrested Tuesday a man not under arrest. Department officials. I lofts nU of Houston. Hows- - easy, "positive, and painless undor tional meetings are 'being held' by . Chairman Nye quizzed her many de-- . P1 HI. ... , . by members of the sheriffs Judge Frltx R Smith was hea i .1..ifiv can ley of Albaro', Hubbard of New Bos local anaesthesia, true section waa various divisions of 'doctors. Ap- Burroughs flatly re WEST TEXAS: y iwcoi io.vrrnrueni tlmes.Ulca rHtf " nattme'nt and federal offlcets, and ngnon-Jur- cases In district court It any moment We up transporta ton., Jackson of EL Paso, Jones of told, America spends huge Stt"ms proximately 700 meniBees of the fusing to give .the committee any warmer tonight, FrMsjr , - . lieM'by federaf officers, waa not today. The petit Jury, which ..re- tion by gro'dnding planes In a hasty Center, Jones of JouijJanton, John hogs, cattle, dogs and association are attending. testimony, usually saying '.'I decline cloudy ami warm m coimeted with thet)ew Drop Inn, ported for tho first time during the manner Jt will 'be a terrible blow son of Cartuo springs, Johnson of even garden seed, Dr. Turner point- The convention closes today. to ansrer. tlon. ' xaAnageiV to- May term, ' the E. E. Crow, said Wednesday, again waa for American aviation. We , mutt Dalhart, Johnson," Omaha, Justls ed out, but hi done little toward Amarlllo. Fort Worth ahtt Waco Nye finally announced she would EAST TEXAS l WV' day, Allen had s cabin at the dismissed until Friday mMnlng W have protection from such tactics of Corslcanj. ICaytonPf San An- - purification of the hlvod .sjreara of are ch,Qt .bidders for next year's bo cited to the senate for test and, north, tonlsjbi. ld, " - . cats. Craw . o'clock. In the future." O.N V'AQU her citizens. - partly ciouuy ana wx J (UMT17UI.U I) meeting-- u

V & ' 0 ) y M4 -!- - f

t --flj&a&Y. x mpuup . ftat rHKiqywwo,iccA.v' -' fb. BsMVie)lJsi SBSSr SSJSJSi tlSSM totHctoMt it Jssms OHft,s W ssjst inaca ssif". wH'tV Js1ippSipsW UCjC. CwM Often H Be Csse. wMJtero SBerv WSJ) fcJ 9JB 99. 2?J?Jtt?2Z$ ft HS? Refiner T ftw Ita asssw Mwmmmt Tn VJS, SW W far SMUtii tMtry soctaU trHh th Waaiah For CK Thm SWtW "PS .S LxaemcK oervK Built In Jtne ry In th Mtx4-corK- ihw. InJm'M TrtMsWl Fr ? imiist irew nasi 'for the Moutray eald h expected th Fr mofktk. ttuwrts ay IMt ( , 9hWETT Ecooemy Bhopp. AV. a vl the Testa A new would b In operation NEW YORK. May (UP) 060 bale against 4W.0W yer, arvlM plant WASHINGTON. May UTl-- Jl- y County Oil Pool moving T,006 two year ago kt9M.M0 Paolfto lUllway within 90 days. While American cotton la and automobiles tVm'ewi 'Going U1 Renew Your t Into world consumption low three years ago. This made th to duced freight rales on Soviet now offre livestock men ef fkdih at a shipped In ABILENE. Texan. May t rat and stocks of th Amtrican tal distribution by domestic con- by rail between Mints Conctirn Whether Right section. W. R. Dnte. by Fifty Automobiles th were approved by here today.rral By Purification ha bn started stapl ar consequently larg, In- sumption plus exports 618,000 In southweit Tunncy agent, pointed oi;t . E. W. Moutray, pioneer ffeit Tex- To Bring Oklahoma year, 683,000 the Interstate commerce commis Or Wrong' Say$ Livestock trains now aro icktui-- dian cotton Is moving Into con- February this against s, Any will UN Independent oil operator, on a sion today as a means of helping 2 p. m. Monday-- ! and ues-day- nhrsktaii tkat as Delegation to W.T.C.C, sumption In relatively heavy vol- last year, 518,000 two years ago and here at Purification Ms Sys near meet motor n. Worth Tues "Perfect t Kasolln and light oil refinery ume and stocks of Indian cotton 491,000 three years igrp In th ssv-e- n the carriers truck anlvlng In Fort - MOSCOW. May 1 (UP)Oene tem ia Nature's FsmtMfcfa ot Hawley. In aouthern Jonea county are those a months the season Aug Iteductlons were acDrov- day and Wednesday mornings tn LUfcnOCK. T?as. May r (INS) materially leu than of front Tunney, who explained he 1 PerfKt Htaltli" rid to handle his own, and ti ed on hauls up to 600 miles. that for lh cattle to be In penf Wfcrot A motorcade of approximately flf year or. two ago, according to the 1, to Feb. 28, the total distribution sportsman not an econo tlmo yourself of chrsnle Mncsnts that I In that area " Exchange serv- by was 3.037.000 bales this New rites, which the southwest "a and and ready for opening of the mar ty automobiles loaded with officials New York Cotton India mist," United prior re iMdcrastninc THr vitHtvT The plant will be located on a ice. probable year against 3,483,000 last year, ern roids. propoaed lo put Into told the Press Icet. and member of the western Okla It appeals that the ' to his Leningrad that Purify your entire systei by talc tract, and will have capacity world carryover of cotton ago and 3,031,000 rect on ten days' nonce, wm appiy departurojor Mr. Daniels Is c" Vnjr Cafotabs. homa Chamber of CommerceOwlll Indian lworvcara is going con- lnt'w1" a thorough course of of 1,000 barrels of crude oil a day from producing assembling tho Soviet Union "a tlemen of the Howard. - com- lo Lubbock May IS to attend next July wilt be 400.000 or 800.000 three yeanrago. and wrong." "$ IMe or twit ltttkior Hnrai- Mouftay said. Manufacture of GOO, plants Louis, City, cern, right or nu ...., i the West of Com baits les than last July and infSt. Kansas uiasscocK weeksand ace how Nature r gasoline and all of TexaaChamber world, heavyweight value of relflcatlons merce convention, accord- 000 or 70.000 less tharv. two years , All f6ur Cunningham A philips Des ifrjfnrs, Denver, Omaha, The former Doinllng out Jp them""the wards you with health. t will be In the annual visited llRht oils Indcd ing to advices from V Mllburn. co, while the wortd oarryoer oCJ Stores are featuring drug price's on Memphis, New Orleans, Houston. champten and his wife this new service, Calotabs purify the blood by plant's output, but no J Lenlngrnd today They will pro- - lubrlatlnf . couon win dc me largesi page 4 Adv. Dallas and Oklahoma City, to tho kidneys, 'avre, Qkla mna,A:r of th Okla Hmencan you a suggestion for liver, stomach ell will be made he mW tine 1931. destinations within a radius of 500 cocd later to llelslnKfors. Stocl Will trade and bowels. In 10 cts. 35 wtll homa organization. name for th Economy end cts. The Initial construction cost During February, consumption A new dress for a new name for miles. holm Berlin and New York,, which a new Packages. All dealers. (Adv,)) approximate $28000, equipment to The Oklnhomans are comlni:, Shoppe for a new dress Adv, Vftlhum said, to evidence, their In India totaled ffiOOOO running the Economy Shoppr. Adv. Tho ICC. also held that the they plan to reach before June i new-Up- c bubble and pack- Include Sowlll and friendship for West er lower and a satherinir; to the 5 Doing: by Gene Byrnes' 4, Texas to learn of W rnanfollow REG'LAR FEELERS Nothing Hawley oil field p.i - i - 0 rd la operating the'-Wca- t Texas - hi- i Under development, the . i j prel coop- 1 -- production of the llawlev chamber and to offer their 3; I ZA total Inter- - h r at 1000 barrel eration en mat'.en of mutual field is estimated Oit. They wtll be accompanied by dally this production romlnaT from.! upper a' bond and wilt stage a parade Im- the and lower Tannenin upon plant will the mediately arrival. unit. The bennr i t Vhcren and Frailer' No. l.Ktpei A tlrc. pair shoes and pair hose wrmih recenOy flowed more Than a new name for the Economy N-- ; uh-d- St , A - V sliiH' 600 barrels of oil In seven hours snort. uv yyVN ,' test Humble Is taking; re- F'So rl 2.:.r stricted production In the field, at th rate of twelve barrels per day ThU Week's SpccUl Men's Half ?olc 15t up per welt "J Service Is a the Quality and Moutray president ShoM repaired while yon Ewmo Olll Corporation, the fior wait aunbll Company, with Production UNITED SHOE SHOP county vice-pre- In "fount and 309 Y, Third dent of the Wood petroleum com pany which absorbed the old Jlpttt-ra- y Qll Companv With his asxv elates, he has JJ productnp wells In Callahan, Throckmorton and 987 Call for Correct Skin Like Velvet 8 a. m. to 8 n. with Nefc Pdtcder 987 No moie ugl) shine when you use XyCLLO-OL- Face rodder New French procet makes it atay 0 J PA'S SON-IN-LA- W . B Heavy Yords ,Dy Yeiiingion longer and prenj large r'r YQU-'Ca- n 8mJothet ftneaf 'purest Kiwrtrr ' known It cploritvg nwter Is v SELL- - proed b the Vnrted ?tatrs kln JSS?w Never irK rfr p V look Wl " V Never makes omplfxifn I ''mmiM( , AS wvEr?JTO BE A 0AR6H1 ( W t JJ HuWPAlr1 4 ' pa-t- Try Herald T?JjL22i7r r i but aiwai outhful io;1! rR ' MELLO-GIX- ) CunntnKhart 4 ' Philips Ad Want' Ads

DR. p. D. DAXLEY o Plume Your 'Wto , Jitil'VU.. .sW. VC. i -- ' jyl ., sSi l Dentist 728 rv'! Office 504-tO- S Letter nher Uldg.

teasing I ; M JEfc- - articular mm Ml mSi M 4 1 ftf3 ir Fancy Stationery ill coplo Plain and Embossed Commercial's tatlonery with Wedding Stationery Mourning Statlcftiery PRINTING Tsltlhc Cards fTT'JPSasrrWgJllM3.M- - mL- I Birth and Anniversary ssliV rKas3r Csff3 tut !Nd - lihl lfcl-- - ' " Announcements JORDAN'S . ar v' GIBSON . c APrinlcjrs E Fot rrtntlng iiTOfflce Supply' J Stationert DIANA-DAN- T"de0 .VSxIiw -- That Makes It More Difficult! by Don Flowers Company Ph. 486 113 fy 1st y Phone S 111 E. Third fy. -- . V t r " - J (v CEBZA'viSf V0t!T" " I II ll I . . MR. $IYTH AJatrr HAVE &U7 7UIMK, DIANA-WH- IF JJ lit. fiVIRRy NO t. Dooley's-RKShitvJouL- W ' orvea. Uea$on? for. 'I r FozMMOHeyi Bur Vdu've THESE AFTSO. ALL. IT'S OLVWAI AMARdVla HIM? I S9& I T AIRSAOW GOT V - ( J PWCTiVGJS- IPSA THAI HtS W 7 "sSsVC T J . V$7 MR. AMi) Yx JL &t ' xJK il1r T BETTER. BRAN FLAKES W

1 Nv: . ) v y k a!-T- mv -- ; j I Jk I ''fI f V f i tieM "31 W X I J J. v I tr AJ g ALSO COME IN A i! i BETTER PACKAGE

TfZ famous Kello-g- 'a VAXTITE bag guai& tho frr)incs iuI floor of Kcllogg'KPEl BranjFlakcs, Brings Uicm: golden flakes oren-lret- h lo'jour tabid v Just artother reason liy KcUocra arc truly Better Trsdtmark IteKlsterra , FJafcejJ-'Yo- u Bran gcMhc marvelous flavor of PEPJ. SCORCHY SMITH U, a' Hsttot Offlj Last Word In Efficiency by John C. Terry The nourishment aflic vicM plus jusl enough y bran to . 2? I, J CAH-IWI- LlI laxative. . YS.MR.SMnM.T4AT PURSUIT PLftHE IfTHAT'S GREAT WMATlSrtill) UMillLlliUl'l FW- 1 TrtINK lU BE ABLE. "KoM, SURE YOU mi i mm- - "ci, r A great treat for cliildrtn and fine for them. tSTWE FASTEST W$.AVE ATPRESEHT - TO A SRUADROM WVvANDER5 SHIP 1 TO MANAGE TilE EQUIPMENT EXPLAIN EVERYTHING -- ANDJ A LOOPAMTENHAMOUNTO) PRACTiCi J FULLY JSk TWES ABOUT IW-- WE ARE HOPtrlG R UEUTEHAAT t -- IT ALSO CARRIES WrW BUTICAH IMSTR.UCT YOO Healthful and vholesome. . -- ' rfF WEitHERECAMSfr A 190- - Tats IS .BEoUT , IN THE WING AMD A OPMPAaTUMING UKIT SEE A LOT IS NEW TO ME- - BEFORE LEAVErftfB EftOlPED Ufn . (iTBSSSSWVl - PA.PCO'? St-- 1 "Enjoy, foP breakCast' lth milk or cream, gerve REGUUTTIOM -- THAT VOU IM SIGNALS THE rORVOJ IT IS ARMEP.ToO, J . IW? iftl Mrnr-- k rrls 60 CWroNE OF Bran-Flake- s wW E" for lunch. Eat Kellogg's PEP for a late AS IT VV0UI.T) BC IN WARTIME ! . Vrivui 'iv. ii'r. ..r'i'ii i v 1.11 BROADCAST STATtOM. SEARVOUR OBJECTIVE. snack. tVdd fruits or honey for exlra zest. TMEN BY v$ EEPING VD0R OUTPUTMETER READIMG A MAXIMUM , Order llie OM'-FItESI- T package W CAN FLY DIRECTLY Made Kellogg G from.)our grocer. by in Baltic Creek. rfeS TOWARD TIE TRAH5-MITTlM- STATION - V& CALL IT THE, IT IV - J HOMING DEVICE' '"IL mft (vfsmlsS X "X. M VJ X 4&W fc V ssV BRAN FLAKES toK"coj Ml

Xradonark itcgttltrci) by fiOMERHOOPEE U s .'i'ni uttu The gld Master Fred Lochcc VOUkWCWJ WHKT .WOULD HAPPEN FH00PEE1 ITS YOUR U?E WIMGB TOOlSllr IC VniIRP TftA SOFT TJ3 STAND UP tP sue wAhts to talk WASJia rJ,5BAHD;DOMrVDUif SPVVED &VL'' tT? YDli HELET EARN VTrYOU FOR YOUR PJGMTS IfA NOTj ItUtAnE TO tAg' Stttb BETTER SET HOUSE, GOT e; ctyilK-ri- u - uTHISX STOCK SO FAST HED BB W7"' ? BW?X WW,VEVT HIS tQUKor.v: AC in i . A COUPLE? OF GOOD HIKN WEEK1. YOLfVE GOT SOIAE,TyiNCt TO SY HVi (AEWLSaTOOK CA OF ILL TELLTIINT CATflSlV SOWfc TtlNt f u - . DUUUUItLUNU m About rr.HMJEVh- voui 10 thkt LMlGHtD WT HS SOWESLET Hl.. X GeTTllROUfiQ UJW HlfAHEU. . . . At-- tfmii - w- - y .. M-lt- AtAlIC ...... 'MYbWft...... OOIM& to IX) L.U. rw . w RUM AU.CN;K tKtPtwr wv.-- . THlK HGS BEN RASSLtH WVJlrA YOU HE.P H6 PV.Ef.5 ff IT VJASMT TOH - CYCU0ME V. HOOPEE J I WANr ?R0BfXBW BE UJORWG- TO TALK TO PUSWH&' VM MUE OK Vnil- ' 1 -- - ftf" . A " (T- . """ rti- UJEELBAKUJ J I i imllllHSIMrfIfylM0N' "71 ur xfSs. I3 Ml

1 ( u I o r3t 52--


3 FRIDAY, MA 8, 193i; . t fV THE BItf SFftlNG HERALD PAUK rHKCIt

slra that an auditorium of larger pany was interested In athletics might be protaMMty of such nja Howard 'Pioneer capacity than 1,200 bo Included. He O District Meet A Hew Crowd and suggested an effort bo made crease," said Mr Rosgan. tiring Room fn$l$ Large . declared the bringing of large con- t arrango the auditorium so trial 5",:MilsssssssssssssssssMl ventions to.lhe city means business basketball could bo played In It. Mr. Smltham, pointing sat, Alt for the merchants. II. Clay Read a." Id that "I object of (he figures he had quoted total OfWCTUIn Mr. Smltham said he had been to the comparison of Big Spring Mr Reagan c t Karl, - -- Of Citizens no tht toM i Mrs. Akin Simpson Tells How She Achieved advised that the Han Angelo nudl witn Han Angelo. If San Angelo that "insofar as the prrstnt atatirs 1.800 had on 1.800 Blue Room torlum, which will Mat had auditorium scalinc we of the city a flnsncei Is coneeined A -- And Silver At That Price been filled but twice ami that many need ono that will eat 2,000 Session Here Favor Action 1 there will be no tnx Increase. Of e1 1,plli citizens there felt n smaller audi J. A. Yorbrouch. a lender amnne - urse, ro ono ever knows what Mrs. Akin Simpson, pf t,uthcr. It cream. Tha door and window B - toriunl would have sufficed employes of the TAP shops, said emergencies may arise won tha tiifrd rrize In Class No. 1 facing had a light .coat of cream Why Compare? he believed practically all of thai Stale President Appears on Living Contest, spend I)ifi Mr Smlthnnl also pointed ofirthnt of tho Boom paint. Wo used putty on ' Project Thoroughly "We'll 1)6 bigger and belter than body would fnvor tho Issue, nddlnn the city now Is $50 a ing spent 110.10. them for spending week i'rograni; Dr. Html under f50. Sho V cuswctl San Angelo," Lnmor Interject that they had not understood as for what ho termed charity Sho Improved room by re a filler and catejHcm another coat' In Tuesday' ham labor,' her - ed. yet why the clly hnll, auditorium 75 $2 for work Speaks Tonight and remov- of cream point and also painted the Mass Meeting glng mn that th arranging the furniture C. and fire station had been left off City could do without, but Is boards, i r T. Watson asked whether new hsvlnz ing ii largo, trunk to provldo more tho Improvement prograny v.ottd In done First annual convention of tho '"The doors casing stops MI; property not now on tho tax rolls Iqprovlde the men with money room, Shtrmade her room lighter reeded .;, Following thorough discussion of March of last year. V reed i to their In preference fclxteenth district of Texas celling Ivory they were added. , would aid In making a bond sssue families $o by painting dark io he proposition ft cuwd.of citizens Mr. McDowell to extending straight charily let & Women's Chrlsllnn TeWerance In "I had possible without raising tho tax and making the wajls lighter had at' hind's of pictures 'jflU flV vlffch completely filled the district L. S. Iheni He -- nldflhl Union was held today Pres- oq rate. Mr. Smltham answered 'that McDowell, said that he should be taken at the color. tho library table' They were Courtroom Tuesday evening voted comidr-ifttlon-. byterian Church, ,ui flvo pieces of new properly would hadn't given much "lought to the Into mentmnlng th with the district In al Men coopeinjtora In the moved and I put on It a gasohnt. 1 unanimously to begin of project but that ho favored nctlon amount that would be spent In this I circulate reacli total tat valuo of J367.0O0 bul lea president, Mrs. Thomas D. Murphy. Luther Homo ncmotistrntlon Club lamp, a small calendar, noma books .pcuuons mo ooaru cuy being manner In the as presiding asKing oi 'his had not been taken Into con taken "for moro reasons five months period officer The theme of spent a total of $31.05. Mm. S, L. children's story books and some commTsslonrrs to call an election than one. Wo need to provide cm ilhal would be nredeft to erect tho tha was 1 1 Idcratlon In his figures, thin al convention "Observance Lockhart and Mrs. Lawrence An other little things for children for the Purpoio of voting on a pro plovmcnt for men of our city 'proposed building and Enforcement., Not Repeal." derson won first second prizes took out the old pillow and walli 'owing for decreases In valuations and posed bond Issue of 200 000 with property Tlicro Is no question of tho need1. n, pictures I a other Mrs. Clauds de Van Watts, Aus-rtl- In this same class last year. and added a new pillow ct which lo erect n city hall, flro sta "We'll soon have n new railroad for an auditorium. In view of Renew stato president of the organlza Mrs. Simpson describes what she and chair cushions and new. pic Ion And auditorium building. lax levy not, Jour Health I Uxt." Mr. said. that our would turps to harmonize - lion, was present ana matte several did In her own word: Ai with the walls The Action iollowcdgtalk by a c- w1' cre oughf "My Ilv ng room Is a southwesrf "My husband made an end table This young gentleman bears a Mr Philips railed on members of'"'"' 'J, By Purification talks, during the sessions. mong number of ?ltlrens Including Rev to speak. to be cny objection,' remarks,) she wet room with window on the porch and magazine rack combined out name that most every resident of 'he audience her said that h n 8 It Hughes, L S. McDowell. Dr O, Ellington per B. i.cacan, who arrived late, said Any physician was abnormal and another on the west side. It of the top of an old kitchen sate Howard countv knows. He Is the Dr E said that will tell you that mother ah mother E O Ellington. J: A. Ynrbrouch haps he hnd been a little too strong i clly hall was needed and that the "Perfect of tho Sys- nd two strongest organ- - was originally furnished with a I bought varnish for It and ho also son Mr and Mrs. W. Phillips Purification that tho it J Shine Philips, B. Rcngnn. City tli- - ucscnt fire station was in the mos tem library table along thePeast walLa varnished two straight chairs. Jr, of tho Moore community and n his support of bond Issues In is Nature, Foundation of Isatlons of women In Texas today, Q Manager V. R Smltham, Sam see Jangcroua place it Could be located Healthy Why welt-know- last hut Cnuld not why. with Perfect not rid Texas BTomen's large wardrobe trunk against tpw "I had a mirror which hadnT of the third generation of a se-- j the Federation of Lamar. E. J. Mary. Ray WIUcox, J need of the building to Obvious. It ''I'd hato to taxes Increased yourself of chronic ailments that Clubs Parent-Teache- r' As-- west wall; a duofold bctn framed. I tried to get It Howard county family. and the .Ms G Kuvkrndnll and others. ihould not be built, when tax l" a, olnt where It would bo cheap are undermining your vitalityT In northwest and a framed in town could not he-- J name be--( aoclatlons received their training In the corner bur is Donald Everett and he Ma Philip said the. board of city er tp rent a houso than to own It," Purify your system by tak- W.C,T.U. tiJ chlffarobe against the north wall. cause was an oval shape. 'Mv came one age 'cvles would not ho Increased. cntiro the old and deserved be ii full jeur of February development of which he Is chair Mary ho added, saying he was not pres ing a thorough courso of Calotabs. called IU daughters. "I began by rutting the table be husband made mo a trytme for It 17. V Mr. man had been confronted with the 12. the ent at the. board of city deVelop-- onco or twico a week for tween two windows and remov- ottt of cotton rope which he rolled Donald Kverolt J Isry, superintendent of several In response, to a question con1 the has three uncles uablcm of relieving unemployment Cosilen Oil company not 'nicnt meeting when It voted to ree weeks and see how Nature re- ing the trunk. Tho duofold, I put and plaited. We painted It grey, two aunts and two crand parents refinery, cernlnfr the indifference of West 'n the Cltv. Paving 'more streets ling Hint his rnmpany paid practl ommend Ihe project. wards you with health. against 'the nqrth wall parallel with My mother rave ma, the gasollncilh Howardcounty. grartdnsr- - Texas to the organization, sho re- His was considered, he said but aban -- ally coun "I don't believe It would be safe Calotabs purify the Jblood by ac- It. lamD, valued lit 210. Mv husband's ents are Mr and Mrs. W Phil all ItMates lo Howard plied that XVtt Texas hail always J. tioned became properly owners how-- at nil tn go Into the matter with tivating the liver, kidnevs waits and celling were in mother gavomo a plcVute. My lips, Hi's ty Instend of the rlty tlrclared, stomach had a strong dry vote and for that The fir mother was Miss were not In a position at this time building the Idea that It would not Increase; nnd 'bowels. In 10 eta. and 35 r.ts. bad condition. The paper was old neighbor, Mrs. Lockhart. gsve me Pearl Mason, i u. that he hoped the reason It Had not been so well daughter of Rev. and lo pay their portion of pavjng costs would be erected. Ite said tnxci. We ought. to feel like there Packages. All dealers. (Adv.), ind had soiled spots on It but war a cprd for my pillow Mrs. n B now In his com. worked, until recently, Maion. Okla IQ. well fastened to tho wall. The firs' My Improvements amounted to hnma formerly county. Auditorium of this was suggested tt f Mrs. Watts said that this was thing we did was to cqyer the soil- f 10 10 In all. Itemized they nrc "It to that there was city n her second trip to West Texas. Her ed places with "newspaper Then kalsomlne for wnlls and celling a that" needed WINDOWS FAlRVIEir-MOOR- E place SHOP A IJITTONIGirr AT THK nARROW ftrst trip was during the wnr when UfiO; doore, M cents, for Its people- lo get together I put on a coat of.blue kalsomlne pultv t& Ihls We he sold Liberty Bonds In Post. nd with a sponge daubed the blue cretonne for pillows. 47 cents' was it. then began The Unsettled condition of the grey making pleasing, moulding and door casing stop a city auditorium ft rl1 with silver a It) ni.MfcU AVlltTK We" .weather made the ti rnout titdele 1.70; varnish, 4(1 cents; sponge. 2S hall snrt eenfenl fire tfn'tntv effect The unpalutedcelllng war The libmc demonstration club met i.'. .. ' gates to the convention smaller painted with cream kalsomlne. picture $18; lamp supplies raueu in :."'?;Air. smltham and Ainyot tL-- n was expected. Pecos, which ffts; wltn Mrs J. W Wooten Monday, Pickle, obtained figures on finsn SPECIAL E, bought. moulding and painted MV Allgood 1 SO years old and oldest organiza- Mrs. demonstrated clsl condition r.f the- city nnd fohnd maKing cheese There were several 200 000 Is tion of the district, sent pa dele- Kennedy of Kojse. Laird of I.ufkln that f Inbonds could he members ns well as visitors present. sued without Incrcsdng' le,-ral- e gates. Bnlmorhen. the youngest tisscter of Henderson, McGce of the vciy i Geo. Tho member were; Mrs J W. Woo. or valuations Therefore, we Window Display mmm&Er union. ftafit Mrs Berkslrcsser. Garner Tyler, McGregor of.Austn, Moffctt MpJ ' "Mrs. B. Mrs o (en, Mrt O. C RroUghton. ro recommending sunn roll Wcsterman and of ChlJlcothe, Pope of Corpus Cfirls-t- l, that JSH Gabrn Hammack. Mrs Earl Phil upon. wIMi 9 XBBJBJBJBHrrrff N." C. Hulster . r. - bond Issue he voted thr , Ilamsey of San Augustine, Sat- lips. T M Bally. Rny Devotional (CQ.NTIXUBD 1'flOM PACK 1 i Mr , Mrs. condition tint only local Ishor h' tcrwldte of Odessa, Scott of Swcct,,m)th M HoWa-u- Niw(on; Mrs This Week! 0 The .meeting we s opened with a candidate." used at minimum waves nf 40 rentr nvnack per hoyr for unskilled nnd $1 devotional by the Re?. John The election of a Democrat to ,..,. ,. ,. ...., ..,.... -- . an h.?.- j.p S. place y:r,zz""T:yo(OHole iirsveley I'nlton , per hour for rkllled labor, and that want joii In sen our window dUplajs this week) Always Thorns, of Coahoma Mrs I succeed Longworth would the Junction. Tarwater Center irh. ..,. M w t'i: tinusuall)' president Republicans tic t ocrfl materials be used Insofar ar i'iir pride hut thlti iveek they show fina fflerchandlsa Snj8hHUjgMI Patterson, of,the hostess Democrats and In a f:C,LAU0;eV?"en.0L?.r."";l..Mrn J W Fry.h Mrs. timertu " Hint we know )ou'l like In quality, In design. In price! Mako ... -., possible union, gave the address pf welcome for control of the House with the ...... - (White. Mrs. Lester Newton, Mrs It n poln' to come by NOW and see these fine Dome furnishings assisted hv Mrs. XV. Tl! Settles. power belonging to the Jonesboro, Wlggs of Paris. ".Wyatt '"the board of city development balance of J. T. Rogers, Mrs J HUoden, E re JH Farmer-Labo- r Young Welling has no Iron In Ih fire except to treasurer of the district Mrs. lone member. Mr of Stephenville. of II I,acy, Mrs Birch. Mrs, Dewey M. White, of Midland, made the Thompson cotfnts on deflection ton. lievo unemployment." he added - Phclsn. Misses Alts Newton. Robbie be- not voflng- i "We are bringing this matter response. from the regular Itepubllcan ranks Present and Jackson Cleo Rrlcerof Sulphur Springs, Long of ntI liarian fore the people, giving them thefl One qf the nwit Interesting fea- to swing the (lection to Garner. FOUR-piec- c Walnut FIVE-Picc-e in - Falls, The writer did not levn when fac's we have obtained.' Bed- Breakfast WICKER Rocker tures of the day's program consist- At To Ilooocvrlt Wichita Sherrill of Bellevuc. the next meeting will be Hit It will i " Heard Suite-9-flora- rose beige with red and ed of reminiscences of Frances E Governor Franklin D. Iloosevelt bo announced In next week's Herald'i grange room Suite yanity Room l dec WHlard. founller of the W.CTU. of New York will probably be the W T Strange. Jr, local architect. green trim; cretonne next Democratic nominee for presi- type of building dresser, bench and 4- - by two people In the district who Relation Mr. and Mrs. Elmer While spent outlined the that orated, gray cushion Q CA ' had seen and herd Miss Wlllard dent, the new congressman .from could be constructed at ft cost of v, combination $15.95 Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs a poster bed. scat lOU talk. They were Mrs. Homer this district says. He declares his J. H. Boden, pot more than S20O.O0O. displaying Markharrt of Big Spring, and T. S receAtrl? through the East con- CONTINUED KltOU PAC1B 1) rough sketch of exterior and inter measurements, plan design ' Nettleton. of Midland Both made vinced him that the New Yorker Falling to pay when you receive Miss Opal Popham spent Satur. ior and .enjoyable talks. will be a heavy favorite whenthe Credit la ordering on dishonesty, If He said he .had prepared the - djv with Mlr Robbie Jackson, -- Mrs. W. O. Smith, of Dallas, one Democrats meet. you fail to make satisfactory ar- aketehei nf his own volition with th'e a capable man out upon anyJone. , of state directors, who la In "Roosevelt is and rangements after you find you can Dean obllcatlon TftREE rH . p(ec Hambrlck was a victor lM ! . TWp charge of fairs and exhibits, gave would make n splendid president?,,' not meet the obligation. "I dont' think we should build Living tlv the home of Mr E. M. Newton last - Room Ing Ttaom Sultt a talk on "My Crusader Mother" Congressman Thomason says, al- Since credits form the basic fi Sunday evening. this structure unless there tl a de- Bulte of two A - RROW of tapestry. which-wa- s R y- greatly enjoyed. Mrs though he Indicates that he is not nancial structure of ouV country. inaud for it and tbat rests, with the straight chair ta George W. Davis, pf Big Spring, decided yet In his own opinion asj then it behooves each of us to shoul Miss Gussle Mas Corblt knent ircupie, iu Air owaiiKc. and dlvant rose raraftiiiine CoM toe particularly o dls- - to be best candidate' The architect, declared thatj pattern, I director publicity for the who would the der our fart of the responsibility Thursday night with Mis! Claudlne tractive - IhV Party "building materia! costs are now jacquard $145 SThe Mess . iriqiipoK on wiuxen. cduld nafne. and keep falthwlth forefath- , Store Sells for suite $185 ' t,nrstian oiu; UCCulIQUgh. that ahlp," Opportunity ers and pay oi obligations. lower than at any time since lht The closing hour of the morning The Democrats have an excellent When credits cease, then will out Mr, Mrs. While spent world war and that savings could and Elmer condition." 205 RunnclH Phone 850. y,rneetl-- ij was devbted tq reports opportunity to name, the next presi- America, become a l'nd of Nomads Sunday night with Mr and Mr. E. be made because of this e - Uie officers and dele- and citizenship will become worth-resi- . ' Indications are, however, he: added, from district dent regardless of whether Hoover M. Newton. -- gate of locti unions. Mrs. Thom- fls renominated, Mr. Thomason de V that costs of some material soon cjr as D. Murphy, president, nf Mid- clares. GabVa will be. on the upgrade, du jo de- t Mr. and Mrs. Hammack government land: Mrs. A. M Cant, of Midland Congressman and Mrs. Thompson wm. spent Mon- mand created by the. and Billy Harold, program corresponding secretary; Mrs. W are Waving this week for Europe, Giant day night with Mr. and Mrs. W 1100,000,000 building and It. Settles, treasurer: and Mrs. members of a party of mayors and G Jackson and family,'' a 'arger eastern rrojects such as .the George W. Davis, director of pub their wives who will be guests of Empire state building1 and John D c? gave raditjli village, licity, dlstrlc. reports: to;d the French government on CCONTtNUBD KltDM PAniS II Robert Merrlek spent Thursday Rockefeller.. Jr's " llJ.000 f of the need of the union for money. tp Paris Tho French government night with Dean Hambrlck which will call tor tons of the dues were als. how dollar divided Is extending the courtesy In return - iteel. and the Importance keeping an When- terrific power Is Inducted of for the hospitality shown Cos re and Iqto the tube, tho produced Mr. and mJT E. M. Newton and " nuim eye on politics of the city as ' Manager Sml ham. with a the Belief!?, the French filers, when can be detected through t,he thick daughter. Alta. visited Mr. and Mrs cl!v Well as the nation, in regard to the they made a tpur of the United J.. H. Boden last Saturday even, detailed financial statement of the walls of tho vault, and the 'lead IJ'l-lU.I.W-- prohibition question. Ity before him save figures show. -.- States last year. The mayors of all lining of the chamber. If the full Ing. ..-.. Mrs. Ella G. White, t Balmor-he- a, ng how financial affairs ara In cities whero they wer;e entertained force of the y tube wero to be report. -. shape bond Issue made a Mrs. John and the mayota of all cities In this exerted It would probably destroy Ml- Tlllhv T.tif iA.1,1 l'.lri... uch that the Thorn, of Coahoma, reported for country named "Paris" have been day night with Miss Gussle Mae'ou'd De 'tucd without raising the th'e evcryining witnin many feet. union. In Coahoma. . a or aiuniiona.- Invited. Congressman Thomason Dr. MUllkan Qorblt. rft'C STANtJ RD COV1T, 5a5a-- The morning session was dis- Ila also pointed out savings mat "4 ttaef A. Mllllkan. eminent , . ...vn,,tH K eff-t,- t In missed for a luncheon honoring the of the filers' visit there. pr.nob.rt. - ...... Ihe Itisiirshce . B scientist. ana as.ronomer, com - . . visitors at the Sett'es Hotel Secretary ,. ., j.. ,, .J , bv r and n other was ttlrouh Ilrtalns mented - : 1 Memorial Sen Ice 0. - " -t- ruction of the proposed build- f P " OtnCoiD Congressman .Thomason' offlco carried on" Tui V tt j Emer The Afternoon 7nectlng opened organized In Washington XXZl White. 'ng. ' has been fle-li- Dr. Milikan stated that the 'hew - with a memorial service, folldwed l - nf and is open daily, attendfpg to mat -- . -. I r. jn!.lfl..- lln,nl... " ' leading ,u..k. imii.-...... , re-- America by an address by Mrs. Claude, de ters fpr citzens of this' djstrlct. Ha ii...t..w.ufc, iu .... M T?r-- r e m7 submlttl hv Mr. Smltham on ' - one, was designed for cancer re- , de- - r Van Watts, state president, stress- retained Mrs, Jvate George, secre ,..,. .''. ":":",rv. A....i f h. lu,rd of cltv r Ing tha need of Increased membe- isearch. If futthcr tests prAve sat vrlortment will be found else-- A, tary to Congressman Claude. Ifuds isfactory in combatting cancer, Mrs. M. L, and family o rship and more work by thtr'tndl-- secre-tar- y where on this page.) business cpncerits ' peth for many yeaxs, as htr tubes of similar tvne nrobablv will 31 vidual Unions. Ca . spent Saturday Rev. S. R Hughes expressed de DEUVEHY, V37.1 a. be IpsUlleff in hospitals through- - Hammack s'sro'.N v3 ' TJe meeting was concluded with Citizens otjhc district having might with Troy Newton I out tha United States, he said. TO a business session the government nrc VABaasHMl RETFTRNTNG - business with 't?t aAa1 rtlnnlVa have liqnglit 1 The evening Krylce will cont- ml(ed by the congressman to determine the" sultiibllitvof hivh .? .ZJOwnt spent Sunda RIG SPRING a menee at 7 o'clock With n Loyal .. write or wire him at Washington. potential X-ra- fpr therapeutic Miss nclle Rogers. Sno-iKli- st r-- T"emnerance Union Conference. give X)P. nv,A. p He said his. office there would worK has been carried c,n at the which will be conducted hy Mrs. J. Immediate attention to all euch J2dward .Marian spent Sundayi At Crawford Hotel 27,G05 Chevrolet Adam's, secretary -- California Institute of Technology." W, slate . communications, with Alton Chapman. Mniwlqv, May The evening tecture will he clven Dr. Mllllkan said. "In this ' 18th t original' hlgtvpotCntlnl ' by Dr. J, W. Hunt, of McMurrv the Woolen spen ONB DAY ONLY y designed by Morris Sunday with mt?(3r; WssMsMMBsasW College, of Abilene, who will speakL installation Dr Marion New'tbrfl :ol pn' high-tensi- ' ft nVlnMr VT C C. Laurttscn In the 5 . vxs .t ! CONSULTATION FREE .y lfmrn tn tvaa nmA !& .11 following out of town visi- Bond a The ... Mr and Mrs. C H, Ijicy and t ."5 tors Ijad registered by noon Mmes. r.i .r.t.in. e. 11..1 i Dr. Rea. prominent American I ICtIT Dl M FHY PANrLTttt'CK, "3 5 Gl well-know- Sum,ay Wr. r, compoted of several n "nt, W. O. Smith. Dallas: Geo. ,Jter-strexe- l'?m"'In' ""I Specialist In the science of Inter (Continued from Page One California phyilclans wr' V'J' Jacwon and xamny. Nell n Westerihan anil N nal medicine, authorized by thei - tonloTlCclTcr DTllaa, LTe, were sum 1 .. m I sir's C. Hulster. of Balmorhea: A- - J of of Eden. results .. Jf. If Jjfel t clently satisfactory, to '?," ' t... rfin UCllni rtAtlliriVln 'Norwood. B. W Urunion. 3. 'O. Lemeps of Rainbow, Leonard of the medW'"i' Vs Vsllnnsl H tsrv Tra n niTT Geo McAllen, IJIIeyof Conroe, lockhart board to justify further ''"tc Has' ipeVia. . O. Gossett, HarrV Adams, F -- -,- - d.rJOma IndXT ff Mc-- or - -; -. - , . thfJut-n- Brown. J. M. Wttlt" C F Cewden of Lubbock. McCombs cf Dallas, laci lues ami plans for tho erec- " i chll(,rcn, Tl'eallng dis Prominent among the ds of . cars Snd trucks require oul$)a mil (mum" TA ..', . , i and J. M. King of Midland. Thel Dougrtld of BeaUmont. McOMI erf lion pt radiation fobpratory next iwitps wiinoui surKJvni ii.U ronrrrnsyiialng largr.flrrts of Clictrolels nf scttIci attention. iTlisl they gle salls- - nign-iensio- n "'""" - Paso. of Goliad, Mathls. of io mo v laboratory. -- -- Bev Mr. and Mrs. John Thorns. Martin. mn'lZnri... Dr Ilea specializes in stomach . are Dlspy- of the leaders of JLmcrlcan 'Taclory low cost .... scrictocrcccptitinlly Houston, Mehl pf San Antonio, Met. hbusjng the y the have beent e$Pr' ' S5?jS!,d Coahoma, T. S Nettleton.cldland: Mm spent llw mil Intestinsl diseases. 'Mr long periods of timr, , calfe of San Angela. Moore of Texas cpmpleted. Without Interfering Cil . . ... "L ...... Industry. In fact, "3 otiftantllng. , Mmei, P. T Walter I day Mr, .' Pui, City. Morse of Houston, Munson of with other w$rk In progress, the afternoon wit.. and Mr. f buiineu firm haiti piircliaietl a total Bootlfe. B. L. McDShald.A JV HailCV "Ilced. . OB'P"T""rnuv liciaio ryi T Nsturollr, ear with such a Tine record ' - I Canfll. O. P. ClarU and S K. Diltz. Wharton, Murphy cf Livingston, second tube, whljhQrflll bo used ex- jpendlcltls, gall stones, stomachiwn.t.rul- tJ 27,60S Chexroltt cam and truck. j " Tl of economy represents on extremely wlo Nicholson of NccUcs; Olsen of clusively for therapeutic Invest! . leers, tumors, Port ,., i tonsils. Small shin of Sweetwater. in...,..,..., eitt-i- i..,.i... , ,, any;, so'i Yoakum, O'Qulnn of Beaumont, gation, has been installed In the ub9 .iia ivunftiiiu rtiuii), i AnK Tlie reason for this prefcreneti lies. In Investment for buyer! Ipcialt High-tensio- night with priil Mrs. Dale C, V. BOGKftS Patterson of Fort Worth, Petsch of n laboratory," Jtr. " .fr' Willi the uiiexrrlleil economy of Choreic l when you eonsldrf the luspy Sdmntagrs TO AUSTIN '""""S'.Stroope of lg Spring. 'holds, varicose Vf'ns treated C. P. Rogers, local attorney, left Fredericksburg, Ratllff of Haskell. stated. ui hypodermic rniecuon meinoa cars and trucks, as proirU by official , that Chevrolet ofTcrs above anil he-u- ml Reader of San Antonio, Rountree .. rionnn ,...,.ill., qulclily today fox Austin, where he will ar- vv.v..v JVer.-to- Very effcCtlTC and done. cost recorl. These records show that economical operation. Come tn'nm learn D Jackson d f-- J. " .... of Ufynn, Sanders of Nacogdoches "The new apparatus allow' n- - 'xperie-ne'e- pVactl gue the appeal of Jim Martin, giv- .Vl LhtTl,,h Wr' antJ ' SO pxilcM to the gallon Is n common occur- what these advantages ure what ijhey en a 09 In Savage ot Dallas, snelton of San' the original y tube to bo Uoner In mcdlolne.' and' applies his year rcnterieo this userf"f!"t'T"" N""C- - rence aiming Chevrolet cars. That oil mean In terms of style, comfort, safely, couniy tho Marcos. Smith of Elgin, Sparkman to .onduft rcsj-nrc- work forja(P cffoCts In the interest'of those dl-- f for murder of LaVello Is cilremejy low, Tliat Cbcrrolcs reliability anil value. Glpson, befoFc the board of crlmln-a- j of Italy. Steward of Tcague, Strong ?..Ln. goodJ? eipcnse of of vestlgate tho A large crow,I enjoyed 'a b!Uf"'!ed. to.J.aJ 3 appeals. Slocuni. Sullivant Gainesville. :!!!' around .I..,, ... i .. He has one of the largest Individ Itfo, Towery COCCsDO, i. I e TThe appeal Is based on errors al- - Terrell of Del of Ath volts and for physical nnd i.in us practices State, ond has errt-Tur- M. L Howland Sunday afternoon. legedly made by District Attorney of Modlronville, Va" blologicay research," Mtgikan add- Ifad jears.of experience n"dlagnos J ' Zamft of Tioga, Wagst'aff of Abi- ed. !ng treating special dlssafees 1VEW lli:VItOLF,T GeorgeMahon In his argument of .' Alia fe ton. nnd SIX lene. Walker of Vernon, Warwlftt of Ho staled further, the Wtan Hambrlck, He Is one, f the case. that Instl Harmon Hambrlck rind Aloha ltow Insists that there only The? tireat American Value Canyon, Wclnert of. Seguln, West tute does nnt rlnlm In rinvA ,lln. war lo.treat diseases and that Is or urownsuue, waco, land and Miss Clarice Hambrlck'Cftt. 2 Meals Day, PJenly wesiDrooK oi kovercd a "cancer cure,"' He play Midway, the rig' t way, and that wien the t Against pointed out tho tended a at last Frl .that 'aim disease is once runv understood. AVir Low Prle.e CbtTnt r V.r pclcM tnm tVU to trarh . Water, Helps L atln day night. All of them reportrd'the linn tM. Stomach Akin of Princeton, Alsup of Car perfecting nnd experimenting with A the mosC important qucstlorf Is to elMU, $3$3 Ii, SS90. taiw dvllvvr.! price. and tfflM,' All p-Mangcr -car art J trurh chaaala prlcaa "Since drink plenty water,' eat play a good one. t I triage. Deck of Fort Worth. Bounds the equipmentassemhled, although irrai u successfully, wnicn ran f., lllut, MklUssta, Al truck bor price f. .a. lodUuvspotu, 14U Special quipmni tturn, 2 good meals a day and take Ad- of Hubbard, Brooks of Bagwell, thlre havo been some casrs treated only be done bygone who Is experi - v lertka now and then, 1'vo had no Mrs. C3 C. Brougbton Is reported 1 iiurns or urauy, ciaunchtof Snyder, wlflch were selected by the medl enced. lias ma necessary meui-tine- s C. "De- - en the sick list this week. ant .. trovple with my stomach," Coombes of Dallas, Cox of Groes- - cat board. . equipment i . 0 and available. Forest. bclt, Dale of Bonham. DeAVolfe of "The .California Institute of It ailing ana1 not potting any bet- .UnllkeTither Adlerlka Ooldlhwalte, t - ., Mr.,iv meJne, DonnrlL of Hlllsboro, TtcftWgy ha. nothing to do wltlf ,.n . ter see Dr Rea this time; de- .'..' ,.,' at acts on vBOTH upper and lower ElUott of Thorndale, Farmer of the medlcai -p- JJf- hi Uh and cause, they Scoyotir -- below bowel, removing poisonous lication.; of the lays do not help your ruler V waste Fort Worth, Farrar of Waxahachle. tube, aside from furnishing tli., $L$' lust prolong your Illness.' Consul. which .caused gas and other stom- FeYguson of Burnet, of Mew Ant.lnH... .u.l. . - - Just'ONB-spoonfu- Flatter Jailor? and examination fres to ach trouble. l ro? Castle, Fuchs' of BrtrU-a- m, Giles deration. Ji " gas, mtenard " those Interested. Married women lleves sour stomach and slcklof Austin, aood.nian of Franklin. few patlenta selected, medl the kick list .this wcckn come husbands chll KingpChevroIet Cojnpany ' - bythc a''.".."'- with their and headache.- Let Adlertka give .your Qraves of Qeoreetown. Oreat house board, as suitable subjects have dren with their patents. V rtomach and bowels a REAL cloan-- , H 3rdand Johnson. St. B,BSP''tMSi Texas Phoa. 657 of Fort Worth, Hanson. of Tyler, uciu uiven ircaiment. om ma smith visrron Offlcv hoUrVlO a. m.'to 4 p. m and see how good you'f eel! Cun- - -- , mi Waco. HefleJ- of Cam-- tut has no authority to accept Qeorce F. "JlmmVe' Smith, for. ,Drs: Rea Bros. Medical Labors.: ,S 7? ningham Philips, eron. Holloway -- jc - dnifittts. of LonrvUw. Ho, hlhe- - rt iini,. h mer, Shyder newspaper publisher; tory.iMlnrjeapolls, Minn., alnoe 3fD. Bllof. rlv. , mni,. . kins of qonxalcs, Hughes bf Dallas, clarsd. ' - was 1"B1C Spring today. 18M. ay. O ii c "V

O . o. i o i. Warn IMfrlj-JTyt- , 1W! BK3 SPRINC. OKAS, jT SERAID AG OUR A Big Spri ry Ifunit DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE siundsy morning ant rbllh4 xcpt Saturday and HOW'S recti rttrB6n ym ACROM olutlon f Ssturdss PwmH H. Bia HMtlNO IIPllAtD. INC. L Serpent K. Amian tluslness Dramatis r M. Itobtrt W.Jeob. Mta sal " APlEPTMEG0 Finest Wndll Bedlcheh. ManagingMirEditor WW Help WHEEL composition THE ' HEALTH PjlT M A JMM K P It NOTICB TO SUUSCHIUKH8 19. 1. AIH Snring High School; '.Jif-t- - Subscriber dlrlng their addrets Ttsllral w 19, Dttlo for (Tlolled by the Students of Big chanced will plfJc stat In their It at sparingly elTLRE LATORS taking oS communication both the eld end It Part of a doer nih w HJrmti, It. Blngl thing It riaxlbl rubi 17. Marked with GtABJAlrtlf j"c L pip The Wheel Office! 11 W. . f J.A cr HUGGINS' '!" an asterisk: G tt HOUR AT MISS Trleknet Tai cm! T8 Instigates A EjlTBlIffA NMo R A Chatter Here CaUstM 1. (Rolled by she atu4ent of f abarrlptlnn nlea .! XJHvMfeM It Kyesi Scotch P A LlEjSlTlfT AJNJN E, P 'w4 O.llr lleffcU IX. Cngllth ssnd 1. Kxcent BAILS.) Excuses Of Every Kiutl Prcscntetl By Pupils Mall Carrier SURGERY IN TUBERCULOSIS hrtis It Ways of each Teeaday by .., which begin Turns up th access or rubllahed the On Tear !ii? lco NrfT&o the heart, It 0 E transit tudenta of ,Wr Sprter High MoresoThqite 8IX Months i. SIT st.u WoMt even before esrth T.E kgeNT J 1.1 1 to the Individual Largs of SenJ Shakes ewjrtesy of Thraa Montba ...... II U are the most ac- !. rats jaaPtE R otu l. Pecompos School throujh th DESK LETS YOU SEE MUCH On Month I ,H Is born, the lungs floating lc EjBR T it khs Bprlng Dall slerald. tive organs In the body. r XI. European BIA D S E ft E Jt Carry on Wf Natlaaal vaUty DlSALT Boy Editor ..1..... Gerfrado Martin About Dally IIreutlI'reia A as 1 life In the rlter A Qeanstd with Tilings y Txa long there It Long fish L T E MMS E A It Aasodato Editor Cecil McDonald "Oh where In World is my didn't even speak to anyone. Oh eantllr Dank Oldg. lW. "" body they contract and expand Domettlo fowls LTO water after the Hid:.. Kanra U ; It ' washing Columnists excuse from Oh, here Interstate DllT.nit 20 11. Frtnch river RlAlYMslElElSlfBElAtR ,,.. home? It well, these clocks Just can't be (DyLudlliiRijc) minute. 47. 110 N Michigan At. Chicago. 170 from V to times each Covtr Look anrrttv Lucille Rlx, Jacoellae Ruffner Is) Miss Hugglns, you have no Idea Lexington Are. N Tork City Like the heart, too, they respond it Unsbl to find 4. Ulacksmlth'a Reporters) Carmen Oompton, depended upon." It to. Kind of tret or Vegttabl furnac what a headache had yesterday) paprr'a duty It to prist to increased physical effort 'by a th way t Nancy V. Joaes, L A.. I May get Lit excuse for being Tbla drat Of a mean or tnruD Scatters It. Metrlo Una. Dnwe,R. It was something fierce. Ma'am? I By LUCILLE RIX all th newa thife (It to print hon. proportionate Increase In the rate It II. Solitary t rV ineasurta Wright, Hudson Henley, yesterday Oil "And so the Queen of May and fairly to alt. unbiased by low natnr U. Ubantalnt Orirt 1. Jr, How comeT Oh X suppose It was absent afternoon? first stir and Intensity of movement Emo- 17. F.tlsts t Thet rrench Worth Vanatta, Fred Koberr. BUI my excuse home, was crowned and everyone lived ant consideration, n Mneludlnc (ion comb. form t Tablet II. Unlit sitting up so late studying tpe oth sure, here Is from - tional and disturbances by Peru -- own editorial opinion.- strains It -, J Tjrp measur ArilOelal Vanatta, Oalherlno Van Open, explains everything! aco happily ever afterward." At It7 11. Fruit pre-r- 17.It itepllet It bar er night T.M It You "VifV. upon have a like effect on the heart and t Alludes rttr In a Vera Debenport, Bob Kidwell, everyona M mwy, Any rronout reflection th rre . my from California came to I guesg the lungs 0 Ct Medicinal Ity th aid of tram "HI there! What do you want Aunt character, standing or reputation ct tH.ThOreek U plant 19. Those who IS. Wing Louise Hayes. see us kshe Is only staying two CetUlnly (o Kaij"lt'.Mlai JJr tu- 41. Web-roote- with my excuse? Not the second tV9 any person, firm corporation When an Individual develops Asslttant el. d cnjctur NegatlT which msy atrxar In any Issue of mtnlsur It a twhen you have days and I got permission to stay Wlngo. Eh really did. seM!ite5 cor- berculosis It becomes Important to b'fd Alataaehusstts adverb PrlodT That this paper will b cbttrfultr tt r now Lamb's pea ". cap IT. at home. Cti! thank you that on one else would hav'"aS upon brought to rest the-- lungs, for rest, good food Ingredient of It A king of Math! You did! Well, I want to rected being tb t nams It Ignited ttratl My "Oh please don't say nol I Just tempted with such a little help. attention of th management and freih air arc the "core of the sealing wax IS. 11. Eltmes everyday but I'm afraid- to. Ascended rmsnsles coins It Ouldo high Editorial must have a permit to go home Arftl from the talk about the villa Th publishers ar not responsible disease. 4t Old Icelarmi It Thing mama Just will not write me an Scare it writings 19. Myself the seventh period. L, have to fix the May Fete seems to havpfbeen for copy emmletlon. typographical Of these, rest Is most Impor. 47.t. I IJ. Rd excuse unless she knows where I 0e Peru Incllnetl walk Mark of a 10. ot my very successful, Everything tasked error that msy occurttnrtber than In many ways 4t Proflls It DOWN It Juice a KEEl'INO YOUNO am which seldom." dress to the May fete. No Ma'm to In Issu It tant and the hardest "Mow la good to me. was very entertain- correct th tftxt after 4. 1. Publlo notices n.h-tfr?- g tending Perhaps the most prevalent opln this Is the only day I have for It, It I brought to their attention and In to achieve. rer.hrjJ tt U. of th "un, Misa iiuggins, win it be ing because It waa so do pnbllther hold t Tk a chair bird past Una ' Ion that young people have or old necessary to get tardy, May If Oh my! But I won't have different from n eas th The sufferer from tuberculosis It 4, a excuse? peopp they are narrow time to do It after school. I have anything We've had In a long "time usually put to Bejl and kept there is that t was only three minutes late! Oh many farther than th amount Vcelved 4 rrfthded And to get my history notebook. Well, and there were so girls "and g s crankis we by cor-rin- as long as his SIscase Is active I2.!3 I6 I7 1 heard the ilre alarm and Mop k than for th artuai trace ' IBIK tPl0 " tats old people maybe I can do Ii before school In so few boys. Ail Of which goes to th error. Th right Is This In Itself rests the body and Yet there are many ped to watch the fire truck go by. reject very And the morning I hadn't thought of show that girls can put anything to or edit all adver the lungs. But at times more rest who are considered active Isn't that rxcuso enough? Oh, oyer they try tising copy All adrmtalng orders spry their age and who pride that" If hard enough. ar accepted on tni only. for the lungs Is required, and then for thanks a lot I'll tell 'em just how It ou may themselves on being as young a was when I grt up to home room," hSay do I get an "excused' or "un MRMRETI rilK ASJOCIATKI) I'HIUS we have recourse to surgery. Owing (o lhe fact that all ot Tn they ever were. T want to get my excuse chang excused" absence for home room the Th Associated rress Is xclatlTlr tbesurglcal treatment of tu girls have been exceedingly busy n titled to tn ur for publication of lungs surgery Is Which type do you want to be ed from unexcuilcd to excused. You period? Ohi we had a fiat' Yea berculosis the - with the May boys of all news dispatches credited to when you grow old?- The latter, of see X forgot my excuse home Ma'am we'd been "riding around' Fete and the tn employed for Its Indirect rather from tho It or sot otherwit credited this course' Then now is the time to this morning. when got my but had started, back to school with various Jobs for . DojV and alto th local news pub than effects. . ZZIEZI But I Week, there hasn t been so very fapr Alt rights repun-Itcatlo- n think seriously about what you are' report sixty-eig- on it. when we developed this chronic herein. for Thus, while In acute appendicitis Hi card with a -- of special .dispatches all to be when you become old. Now Is trouble. What did we do? much time for classes this week. art the appendix Is Surgically removed I remembered thai that extra three tire also reserved- - 31 I gg the time to begin to train yourself points would fix me up so I Why we walked exactly seven Anyone would think that' .school and the disease literally ended okah: hasnt' been keeping so good, but no right then anil there. In tuberculo- 112 Into that type of person, tot Mamma to write me an excuse blocks to a garage to get someone : TlvAaltlu t.K ?!( Iri one had time enough to even relax. ....mH.I noon. Oh you. Miss Hug-gin- to fix IL I was Just worried to sis of Hi Inns whatever aurclCaT at thank now (to you Is Is te broadmlndedness. Avoid becoming I really needed those three death for fear I'd miss two peri wnat uirik aoout'tnatT ipfocedute followed not de z And another thing that kept Presidential TrCes signed ttyremove the diseased part narrow irM'oUr thoughts or "set" In points. " ods' lnatead of one (Th, I have 'up i-Sfii.i- from school was getting-materia- l but rather to assist the bodv In (your ways of thinking and acting. 'Are wo late again? Impossible! math next period. Well Tit do my EZZiZ , for the essays all of the Sen "T. . planted by President better mustering Its defense forces ,One ,of the chief reasonayoung-'sters- Yesterday I set our clock at home part to see that It doesn't happen that old people cranky Is iors are supposed to write but Hoover has now taken Its. piste j against the tuberculous prtwess. that are exactly with the school clock, and again. Oh there's the bell; Jets because the nothing Is aren't going to. All In all, It's been on the White House eHunds along. There are several different oner-- latter thinks today It I s thirty . inlnutes off. run --for it." 'pcrmissable Unless It was a very busy week, but I could stand wtth trees planted by other prcsl-atbn- s performo? In the treatment done Ma'am? Why I couldn't have been Arid J It goes from day to day ' herftyiey ere young. your-,se- lf many more Just like It, dents. Mr. Hoover, who planted? an ,of tuberculosis of the lungs. Which-el- Train tlilrty minutes walking two blocks! for such Is life high school life. ZZZE: zk4 u- to conceive new thoughts. Do thf3ptb.er day, has. received Je,ver one is chosen depends upon 48 v. N6 Ma'm I didn't stop one time . M. N. I. certificate of membership la the the condition of the patient and the 4f mtt not be adverse to every new thing. We had lots of entertainment last to be dni by looking Into week too. The Luncheon Club army enrolled by the i stag andform of his disease. Thls ot Si the and seeing the change American Tree Association and, ln-- i matter which operation Is S5T ""mSHk future the city presented their comedians 13uto .XiSA are to be made. Some people ANNlTAL MAY to, cidentally. has set n excellent ex- - perfoniiei) it uUlrrvate oblectle Is that FIRST FETE . and kings the High School stu only In present back-.war- ample for his fellow-citizen- s, prunaruy to secure auaea rest. or exist and look dent body and a good time was had (he Such pebpl have become by all. They even presented' a big Many presidents lung affected and to help . I . s mm hae plinted T" BMMWB old whether they "twenty " the White grounds. botfy'S in healing process. are or PESENTED problem to us, trees on House eignty. lie has either come to a SUCCESSFULLY Not iar from Mr Hoovrr'a tree 11 1 1 1 Istandstn or Is Reclining In life, .one planted by Presldent'RooJcvelt'! TomorroM let Tuberculosis 1 I If there anything we ."need Iwkl New things the things thak Inter. more auditorium, A distance away Is one etf ltt H 11 Mae of House of Ford, came than ah I can't little hH jest youth no longer appeal to him. In a setting far more, beautiful the, think Just what It would be. And out by President Wilson. Within Is the looking than most people expected of the Into the halL. She was Immedi especially view by President It forward people preceded after evrvone waa so is oneQilsnted with minds that are active and high school auditorium, the first ately by Ruby Joyce and crowded the night McKlnley. Farther away la one myx&'Z$& Dora Blankenshlp, at Friday entetv Bif Percival Cliruioplufr Wren. Aulherof alert who remain young. annual Mayo fete of the Big Srftlng Ann Camllle tainment. As the saying goes the Begin looking high school was presented for the Inkman and De Ly Davenport, spectator Xs something appealing Into the future were packed Into the There now and preparei yourself physical' approval ot a multitude of patrons. flower girls, who nonchalently Tod about thhttprexldentlal VWMUOQtfM) BUSK auditorium like sardines. bad ) iWSTEWOUS WAYE ly and menially you may al- The stage was transformed Into strewed rose petals In the path of that we couldn't have had A tree Is a living memorial, more that a large WML ways be.yOung. O. M. a garden scene through the use of the queen. The weight of the municipal auditorium. A whole lot intimate, somehow.Othan a granite 'KLEfe STNOPSI$ When John Waye (brilliance and success of one. " queen's train required the use of , gTass cloth, trellises entwined with more of the doting mothers and fa or a We hope i ' shaft brosze tablet. gt. Clair's daughter, itosemar)-- Limey Slmpn, an English doctor, MOTHER'S DAYr gTrenery, paper wlstorla and rosea, nine demure little misses as train the custom Is continued. ' By BOBBIN COONS thers could have seen their '"dear dies, insanely muttering the name and his gang. The formal settlmr aside nf Mnth. potted roseplants, and garden bearers. Those' children who serv daughters had such a thing been HOLLYWOOD - Douglas Falr-- J f. . 1 of a man she calls Jimmy, her nwnlng deeply, and scratching er's Day In this country Is"ErTji re- furniture. The pillars of the audi ed In. that capacity were Anne Bell true. .jDanxs, jr, a man who has f dei and Mary Nell Edwards, Robbie achieved stardom long before the cent although the idea may be trac torium ,were made beautiful With ance against her kidnapers. Aft- Haven't heard of. that outfit for Ivy anfl t of Louise Plner. Janet Robb, Jose age when his ed back to ancient times, The festoon of reamers TOmmle Hutto and Jake Pickle -- er her death, following re- a long time." tWe knew the.name, phlne Ttmmons. Jerry Hodges, tou-Is- S reached her pwearjnjr of the carnations originat rainbow colored crepe paper. had a very .exciting battle., duel or P O R T father lease in exchange ,for the St. of course.) memory Ann Bennett. Mary Gche Leej. something - ed in. ot William HcKln--l vrhe trumpeters. Charles nussey to that effect Wednesday top billing, real- - . Clair family diamonds.- St. No. and you ain't like to," ley. the twenty-fift- h Lorena $trc-oks- chapel fv ma d.i s jatr president of)and William Dehllnger, who were at hour. .From what I could hi become a denizen of lhrCW-derworl- smiled Uncle. the always While the May Queen proceeded callir-- r about It. (screen In United State's.' Who wire drAssed In royal blue Vtln cos- tho oblect u to debut first making It appear "Restln up', murmured William. flower In down the length of the hall each neck, as this honor of Jils. mother. tumes, Founded their 'bugles 'to for thtlhit,... other. in the .. . but formally tr. Ohio, V ...... e SLA that he. has sMIdded , And "thus "Columbia Jail. two oft A Philadelphia Sunday School mally begin the program. Stcye spot ll'chts revealed the beauty of owing to...ine tact mat tney doiii-wer- And Mr. RtS Jekylt A con- - losing his Identity. FTom them. Doc Simon and Chink Dor- the costume. dress and slip blindfolded fell ev- Hyde - i"""' orviui momtri d. fom, Jr, lloyal Annoopcer. was Her the blows (, fidant of crooks known a eon, Five-sp- stretch. sAld Un- On May 9 President fy. pers were pf pastel green. on desired spot. Yc-r- Wilson Issued dressed Irt rich purple nnd white, Her er)' where but tho .g Ioug "Uncle," who has" helped' him to. cle . "Spider Schllti pnly took a proclamation ttaln heayliy'cmbroldered with e By Alan Gould was 13 then, re- .. setting aside the k, announced eacJi princess n she wai eacape-- prison term one year . B.ut I gues Doc second In May - - gold equlns In a The went a big picnic bates he did not Suhday as a "Pub- was heralded by the- trumpeters, fsh design. I on Friday William deserve, Waye hopes tp learn Libey-- work his ticket. He's got lie expression of our love and rev- - - yeiiow-green- . hue or the jrtiliion night Quite a fe.w of the member McGann. b 1 u The elcht princesses were be- The University of Pennsylvijiiya s about the abductprs of his daugh- a pull and he's got the dought." erenco for the mothers of our1 comlngiy gowned In Instep length train resembled greatly the ever-changi- of the Royal Court were tlieje. Irish dlre- - . weeping athletic reffrftns. put into illlHBWBlllB ter. Assisting him are a clever Mrs. Williams H. William drew cuuniQ-- a o lor-- color o'f water, and the Reilly, I've never seen so1 much , wh6 'served mis km Degiruung rardf n party dresses of pas'el effect spring-- so appear to' tor pair. Mr and a mtghtly'bdw at a venture. an annual pastel In food, to ex- this far theffielder Falf detective Mother's Day gandy. Their beauty of figure, shades Introduced. the but due the number of vou thins? - didn't-las- t have brought about a very gratify- com-- H. William, who .in mat "Tell a alwavs sot me Mother Dayls now widely cele CTace, poise of- carriage, as wide border at the end of tho train tremely hungry boys, the food bank as ! Vuessln", and ing reaction. Without lowering any J part of tlft er relating to the Uncle," she qbeojved. "and brated through the' country. well as tho distinctiveness of their might have beerr Interpreted as the long. Some one we won't cf the Red and Illun ancient pres- inain wnener soapyMmon got Schools usually celebrate It on Fri typvs. added much to thensplendor growth of colorful plants under mention his or her name acted tige on the .fields com- K Sneront' that big sparkler cut Wvor sold It day and business organizations on the sea. The Queen's sceptre was peculiarly, that Is, our hoard " tlon, U the!iA reins STSeJfin-m-of young Doug's of the whole occasion rather W at whole." B Saturday of censors bat starring vehicle, 'I Like Your berore the second Sun- Princesses Vera of the House of mndftjof emeralds and rhinrstonea decided that he or she ArOund Philadelphia 'they rfalk ' "What, the St. Clal? slflner The day of May. In some states some and wd designed to match: the did. The only time that "It" aqttd Nerve." Chapflr 37 Unsettling Uncle, deserving prisoners MISS WINGO'S THANKS about "going amateur" and being Sun?' mued . are pardoned crown. The only piece of Jewelry sociable was when the lunch was That first screen bit of th young- -- rn,l...d-rtn.- -- G obliged FKOM 1'NCI.E" I held my in hope. nnv.. &yn. i. wo re-. "It was a stupendous task to worn ewas unpacked. And my, my, a to "play her students." Nat ster's was nsjtde when MCGann. go-- AfUE breath wuuiw siuiuuKn MlssSvlngo by lltr Majesty a wide such things Patiently gradually, the "Ahl I always said Limey Doc ally celebrate only one day a year, put on a Mayynrte." de-- clamor waa never seen before urally the new order of has jlng to the, Fairbanks home to take and wristlet of rhlncstones and was and over-reache- d we. director, aald In an Interview is entirely possible .- -. -- AVrllUo couple mp.W( headway Slmnn himself that should make every day a Mo- Islgned to probably will never be seen again. its critics. It ,i.. i r.., have?, match the crown. The In" the of V m,Tu- " ht friends, until t time." continued Uncle. I told him ther's Day; as far as our love and Monday, "And I could not only piece of Jewelry worn by Even crooked the dainty little- fin- that time 'abolishment .LTr - f my Her training tables and spring i lOtball ?!K.rn nM.nft.iv KngthUhey were accepted without he'd bought a white elephant appreciation is conccr-'- d. The best accompllahrd part of It with- Majesty was a wide wristlet of ger. Can you imagine that? . gang we out the- -' whole-heart- ed cooperation practice will be reconsldere-d- But. t&. -- i . question as a consisting of when he Cowed It to me. Who'd friends wH fever have will be rhlnestonea and emeralds which house-cleanin- g lt. ofjbu Iblng, and no our mothers. We. whose ot the grrl wbo partidpatrd In Rlby Is go-ta- g on the whole, the McGann first photographed him wbt W d,a Jfe, the Question mothers was made And presented to her Seems that Smith crook-.asked- It, their, hard work and loy- Pens'' - dls-lV1- of ? "Who'd Cut up and no are living shotlld "give them For by to Jceep on going In baa had the effect of raiting Straight,- then rrTkenip. 6 "isfocjacy it thelr Mlv Kitty Wlngop director of Just right ' .in cl' dom- - questions Very pleased living. alty, I wish to thank them. I (Ma thing" . morale. . solving, the one Into thV dthV. The wno took no one Into their asked? flowcrs while they are There the pageant: called tennis. Sucrl ' wish to them also for Freed of the discord and actual s by aaflderce..and made a very great hith himse If. e v is one thing we are all blessed thank the Coronation swatting ability Is something to be bit of film still treasured T IZrV Mother. lovely flowers they gave me." strife that marked the last football Jr. preceded hy i.v.t'dxal of tnmy? Spider SehlluVkn Chink 'Dorson. with, and that 1$ a As the Queen reached the steb proud of. Guess she'll KSLdown to r., It. we It eU - Miss Wlngo also tendered ber ap- pcason. tt seems certain the boys.l yjari hi forrnCl entrance? to the " b.ttor fot v" a cle.wJ.Oh. It to some million- Upon which ho the impro- Austin and outswat everyone down preciation to M1im-- s Cox entered will have a better account of ,them- .acting profession. that was more'toan a mere, or Rajah when Clara vised garden, Master John. H. Lees there. It won't hurt our feelings a Programs Gvtirtcla and selves under the guidance of Prof piclon as to the Identity .of the'the s over.' says Giten& and Kirk Dails Mrs. entered the garden gate bearing llttleiblt. We hope that she does Harvey gang we wer Vursutng, - English Doc Simon, In his big way Frank Kttrr whk asslstand-'w- a but If she doesn't she's done .'"some- J. Hartnan ther youthful ALIKE HUT DIFFERENT I had at the qrown upon a while satin Pil- meeting 'You adys yOU AP Assemblies Invaluable In working, out the thing" anyway wo our Pew football edach The '"Like father. Irke son,' applies titlned the honor of all the won't. 'and low. 4Ier MaJsty knelt before His .and offer hrr . . to methods of the pest have wSi force, in MeGann-- estimation "V"1 distinguished denizen of the won't 'try.' 'WelU well put it details of the program; Frank Highness, Clnv. heartiest congratulations. v . . v i In MaM .. ,.,? - Archblshon William unqern-oria-j hit light 0 appeared. ito the Ea.rbankee- - , ,m cDiu.suiruc n om anu. jv wno..- Are Interesting Ilojle for his work, with the ton of thc?House T A of'Rlsnkcnshlp CrntMa ar t V KAan we Uncle,' Simon; ing to the teacher Mho ere was bit compel!-- - - .w. - , vm. wyv. Both are fend cf practical lokes.1 '""W lo nigner reveis. aisoi""1. siyi nnn i rf frets; qultea of rrrbablv will need to bru-- h un on Ihv.hlinA ov', " ,u"rM ,m " mv past week stu nt' helped by ctiusuglng their -- la- "S V.S liion tor ,he 'cA 0' commission-mayo- r th humor on the '""u: - nctiuaioianct! uuruic "i'i For'the the Ih, $ t b'oe)ung when the call for football w btt'.DffUj. Jr. has more fjerious PtUfneil. lawy- and politicians, 4Mh't K?t themselves Jallel for an botlv of Dlcr Snrlnc Hlch dents to taCe. part nnd by allow, J nnd the offjea of among " "i"i-on- ii p. ",",!'", (im-u- young c cs out next Se Member remark momer),ts tnsn his father, '" ")PW ucn eminent n ic has enjoyed programs given Oeach Inr Mifue. Irrogulnrltle, In their ','T.ti1.'" !r "Z?" Wi''""itt.e gentlemen u. uui n"v. rn,i ' ?mr- h-- t i tA . PtlheeChlef A. I cannot sotak for myself. routine, for a few days; to Mr. """MUm Week. Such speeches! Some HarcCR.' v Th. faUuirj for hiBttnretf r'nr- Montan lay at lhe regular assembly period :.'," " 7' 7.""' We dfche a thing. diverged.' Attornev f can testify that the acting of Wil- - of! lll.tnUrnsi.lr. tor his Mdendl.l Vt,C"'T.n Ih boy Just can help It if they haven't , this ganw? m th"wttdstd. HJ'U?- Patrick by the different luncheod clutft ck ' 'bT' b,ir h; i fi'ams . ' ' , ,, .M"",)nff say- - exrept lo-- I- Hlnky Dink Heniw, Bd' H.' William and bia wt was ell;-- th. M" P Pm. witty afootbtflljin yi on. to lo't'lictl pur-"''- this gallon Ir realrl (nr,'1" IT',' wo aroiirHl handy for boys who writiu sketohmg -- Conklln.. as flije as anythln'jj ever done on Tuesday th'c Rotary' Clu had) program end to ZLll? glrllK"': such people as Mr. cults, and Obut8t.hh6uV. J'n9 lL.?!". the sitber of a modern tW-K- "want to it aroufnJ in their i wotlcetl Cfilcago chiefly by me stage. his tltilo spent In prcjiarntlonii and Mr. Gcnry ktek. with eauai zal " chargQ and It. Reagan, president,! bdythe Ford, Ih ti have, ar , f hopes The- - closest of observers, would dressed colonial double up They t'rare tine. We will no Both hav extremelv wmnlne d- - rMt our founded on the Introduced the speakers. V. T. tho pnigrnmt I't Mr. Olsfn, Sir.rleoatumo from laughter. and with powtlerad hair. :'mlUon-d4U- .enfyelopegdlc knowledge have swotn (hat they were a gftvel Wood, Mr. Wright cant help It if they're good', nature fmnsed WorK untH;fll .'scnaHtiaa. ( nul" of Uncle. thor Strange and Shine Philips nnd for bulldf me bu w veary oughly bored of Idle gossips. j Irig II10 steps unreti minuet aftrrjWhlch she caught a There won't be.anvhlni; radical rAit Of .the two BlrGann eonflderd PQt weeks and pair vory Interesting talks. leading up tn tho announceu them' there and thrie's our cours we ?111" talking for the ot timing, and rtth of the following nothing they cafi do about It. Some 'about football Of TjCMt jr by ftr (j,, nj sxtr.'lnoaW l1 Yorjt. San Franci sake The'Wedhevday Luncheon' Clubj stas,e nnd for tho lieaiitiful May number 11 portraying the snlrlt nf use the Warner system, jjfi fourfe, never pretgnu- - "" emm, woicn th we$ wheily Indifferent to the subject of had charge Wednesday and after! roir WHICH uero ueU; to Turn- - of the boys were wittyfcnd some of X' l&irn-- oniWSi "- - "nr ' - -- litem what tf under- - Pgji aiMltd-.t- o be BUr;. ' "p'--f' etw,enroied" onveratinrr." .... Jihc "membera Introduced them- mlo Hullo. r.nKr !"&' fjStu? ","! them were silly, iyjt a few 2 sorne la - ' Ob one we et I I seawielv breathed, and for oc- I d w o ver.yR-KUho.d.- &' really business, '.' with variations 'It "ha'l Irxiependenee to another charac oeeatlon. all off the selves, giving; their nams nnd K It. Jig. feif- meant using anyway, to: disguise my ex- - J-'-. Penn has been Out iteristlc of' both. Doug;1 Jr, s coa-T'-"' BUho .'Ayps, 'awl thence, want ofbctter for cupation. It. Rabbins gavo an Krnwnle HPiuliavv, nnd th. other lll" Dutch Folk Lore. ur an yo- can ' ' - 'RV Janeiro, on of sigmoer. !U aldWl In dernrn-tln- p; f Indian Spring of It be a great feeling, tp be a 4e that about Stonily in fear that he will be au " the trail aicitement, ueigneu account ot trip to the Broad 1k)s hIio the 'must whlte-lave- 1620. French Hvtnlni; Festival, me li that. I'm .on the ciound. i ar - wi of r knawn to "Well. wll,.UnoIe,'.' yawned Wil way or In Mrtdnmes RncU-hol- d, nnd commissioner, a city policeman. 6r f.r rxui lauuiui- f.ifa.r KM America towns to tioi Ford. the .c,unp with the bov 'of run kidnaplng-for-rarro- 'a a side llam. "TheJ" ougt to of listened Springs. Mr. Strange explained Edwnrdo, Scotch Highland Fling. The a mayor! Just of the, thrill aisflUirted Hi present pietut 't the type l'lner for the help costumea think rn i mapping out a prograw for Ue that rriad Dons;, Sri famoua llcht. to. yoik for when you talk you cer- omo plans for city municipal they gave) In drroratlng the sUgo for each nf the numbers one would get to walk up to Mr. ' lBe ' , were very wall up ex- fa'. I adventurou comedy-U- ut he hsi-- It was In the lovely city of Itlo tainly say something." , building. andouditorlum, and to all the wnrked and "Tiny Reed or Dr. Wofford Hardy Look IJ6e"Llneman Ita'rf any made the "Yea, three bright Kiwanls club gave a pro spem? money cited much comment among the End fine him reckless at "buainecs" which mlghude Janeiro that William 'ttieyjwas Thjs parents, who time, . for drlig Still in bis esrly thirties. remind of;ha father's .style! fgequaiaianee of the Individual wholboja." tald Uhcle "and Gunman gram on Thursday. Dr. J. it. Har-- nnd work to mako tho a lookers-on- and vsgrancy. I believe".the com- band t rrnt Probably th helghth nouiucreu. (mini" iwm j was uficonfcclously to lead us to Gryde. Young Jimmy, you.know. cua led songs and Marcos WIH success. . of the col missioners had such a thrill as this. the part of the great lineman b APritEXTICKSIIIl tueceas. ? was real unhealthy for" all their Habison gave a tnlk. orful performance ever presented They probably brought Ice cream ' - Debenport and Evelyn of the ' fllle'd white the taken McGann, l&ctdent' This was a brilliantly elevjl- nnd enemies." FrldavJlhe talons Club was repre-scntci- l, in Wff Sprlnglwna reached in tho cones with tho money. Well, that's at l'nlverslty(pjl Jt has House of Mfrrrljl were gowned In 16 - Gryde . . .. fU, B. portrayal of (h Indian Spring of a pretty away Pi'Uburgh. He played four yeiwisjly. years of working and wait- Unscrupulous, doctor, a Portuyuese Let's new Gunman Faw, the president, canary yellow good way to do with ' which set off thofr 1620 e on v. tnree at lng to achieve b'la ambition - wnese Didn't ho shoot up the Fratelll charge Marcos when the lights throughout surplus ifloney happens tb the last rt dl named Mano Jlaeniuo. bad and Williamson Spanish type of, beauty. uope-pea- ; . . Pale hluo' the hall Vferc told him o? the impres- has risen cifcre "eounureiiy family, that tme?' . murmured the body. lowered and It I'm not guilty. . t'tkle. T rect.He from still tr.ile waft. entertained student gowns which accentuated he mad.e on Rill Alex- to movie eumeraman. As dling on a large scale and the William. Mtmuay tne medals their iiKiun on Miaw, as sion had tniffi from and awards bl.ohde beauty were worn by iminrii viauuii ander. Georgia Tech s.coach. In the to, his present post UrHraceable poisons, of VYn. Did v6u knOw he's Doe were presented the girls who repre. the an Indian Bravo, who sang In beau- Of.course there mutj!be a great sistant director, Princesses Msryfef the' House Of game In 1920. A feature r hts clients friends or SimeftV son? 'And Frisco Sented the school In n ac- tiful contralto "Pale Moon" to be thrill In arresting people, Just at Atlanta lneorin!ent .'. Pcttcy and Mary Gene of tho House lut "Olll doesnl remember It hny and several Spanish verslonsAreienemles. hig'hlv Insurtd relatives, Fs.nny'8?' , , tivities during J the past week. answered byPaullne Helton, the imagine getting td wear a' il Fnlr-jo- of Dubberly. Princess Lucille of. m vlvldlv than I. do.'' responded to his credit already, but th r aged and wealthy testators, sure." lied William. "Had boy. They were, Rijby Smith, .tcnnls; imuan princess, who sang rrv hat and having --your picture diido ' the Houoe of illx looked very lt-- Ifirman. "That was'wlthout dotlbt banks picture now' tepresenta hjs! Dlsappe'arirlg from Rio, this rrTan Younr' Jlmmv." Gcneva Slusscr, La Verne Stewart, the Waters of .Mln'netonka" In so- In and afte all th"at even get - charming graceful in a gown toughest game of- football I big chance. . fled to Chicago, where he wont to "Be another Fosnfano If he don't, elothlnp,. and Rosemary Du,tf, and prano. . measures of the blooming countenance in the Qt the of green while Alternation ever played. u ieaftlh and. in due course. aPifared get put on the spot first,'' observed foods, A .few weeks ago Dorothy Princess Louise of "Indian Love-Call- Were sung by dally paper! What a llfel What a Mrs. House, greatest George Garreye ts txpectlnp at Uncle, "or" if double-ero- Driver and Killah Mae placed the of Flowers wore a pale each of three girls; . life! "Tech had one of Ut Uncle's. he doesn't,, Ford plnk'whlch teams,including Flowers and Har- her mojher, Mrs. Kean. of Abilene, And Uncle, one evertng. perfect Louie' the Ladv." . second In the Abilene tennis tour- set off her blonde beau- Spring, of Today ' o ty charmingly. and lan, two of the hardest hitting to come In today accompanied by ly sober, but as nearly drdnk as It "He In stir, too?" asked V Mrs. nament and received their medals Orchid was Worn At the end nf the dances repre-- , $IERRA'I'BLANCA Garago- hacks I ever tried to atop. They Mrs- - Henry Saytos, Sn, and hers was possible far;, Uncle to become, William. Monday. by the Princesses. Louise, of the sentlng the Spirit of Yesterday, blacksmith ahop opened here. , House'c-- t had Flneher. an in daughter, Mr" Russell Sanford was In expansive and reminiscent Nope. Runnln' with the Hudson . Hayes and Lucille of the the Royal Announcer announced . '' RLANCA-Grou- nd ANSON Tovlng progressing both of Abilene , BIERRA Is House, of Bishop which added great- theOln. At (She end of the half. mood Dusters till Pop comes out," the Spring of Today whereupon the rapidly e broken for new WJIllama building. ly to beauty. on Highway No. frorn .trailing by goal. Even so. gs)l-w- knew, sharp "When he does, guerfj he'll see their The jewela girl ' we were a field I stepped back Into this' town towards Hamlin: ' ' going scored a, all season ,but tied Race, by Syra- question would have received short Europe,, eh? With the. big "spark: favored by the prlncessess were me Then ,we;dt and ' ' aiDum and the mculefn glrHook touchdown In the last half, with cuse. & answer. As usual, when Uncle-wa- lr In his 'Docket. Wondef. where though It were but the miserable crystakt, their only; other orna- her place ns entertainer and team-mate- s yengeance Tiny Hewitt, doing of the ball-- r Harman's included alone with us three crooks ot high he cached it?" mused William as hope of on these devils ments being beautiful wrjst lor- - Gene nandley, as m6t who my Rosemary. the arrying for u oi.'tackla plays In .lerb Stein, center; est grade, William, led and gently he yawnca again. had murdered ages. v modern girl,. was dressed In black - advance of about Tom Pavles,0 halfback; Holleran, held the conversation. -- -- ' Arf! smiled unci knowingly. velvet TIM'S- an uninterrupted shorts made very attractive - m won by, 10 to quarterback who went Into the We talked of ships and 'sealing- I cannot 'begin to describe how I Strangled! Four men! liut only After the eight princesses had by large Grocery and Market We. finally . white peatl buttons and game ' ex o TVaye'a vengeful-dreams- a . Tech with a broken arm; wax, and cabbaga and kjngs of felt that nlnht. I far 4b taken thclr.poll tlon on th steps wide black suspenders. Her blouS rilONE ItM That was GeorgiaTech pnly de-- and Hewitt, later captafh of the crime particularly of the latter. I was almost happy,,, fir hope Meanwhile, .tomorrow, leading up. to' the trslllsed garden. was mada wfth a Peter Pan SU'RaanetatH. Anon- - WlHlaiH tho "cure." collar. "FRKB fitdf 19S0. Jitt was undefeated! West Poa eleven. Uncle mado HusIorf(J.o the dawned In my darkened soul even takes drink Her Majesty, May Queen I, ZUlah DKLIVEB-- o.

U' k A - ... , gyioYMwi. THM BKJ SPRING, TEXAS, . HERALD FAcncnvi r-tfa- f I fly"bmjuu'.&ocLvUigjuLCLuJb - tv 9ltvji m fpafe, Mae fW Crooned Queen Of High School May Fete S.S.S. Club Girh Local Delegate From t Three Hundred High School. Elect Judith Pickla THEQJJEENOFTHEMAY 0 B. of K. T. Leaves Spring Brides and Bridal At New 'rjSirls President For Houston Meet Take Part In Lovely The S.S.S. Club met Friday after--. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Crunk left Play an noon at tho home of Bella Duff for today for Houston. Mr. Crunk la a Showers Important a regular meeting and elecUon of ueiegaio irom tuo iocsi organiza- - -- Pageant IJonoritig Queen officers. Judith Pickle was elect- tion to the national convention of ed president and Frances Stamper, lcBaMMupsas8ssssssssssyyssBssBsssssssssssB (no Brotherhood of Railroad Train- Roles in Week's' Activities reporter. The club will devote its men which meets In Houston Com- CoreMtiim lercnioiiics followed by Colorful and time to sewing. mencing with Monday and lasting Many Lovely and Attractive Parlies Tendered Local 'Original Pantomimes Ending in Three 4 QLoyely refreshments were served for tho duration of tho month. to Wynell Woodall, Mary Ruth sssisisisislsisisisisisisiBsH Mrs. Crunk will return after a Pfcwlywcds Before They Leave to ' : )Nvi? Maypole Dances Dlltz, Frances Stamper, Lois M ifM&Hli&jtiKKr few days go back to meet SSSlllSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlH asd Mr. Reside Elsewhere Whitehead, Lucy Bob Thompson, H fflMftKO&sNHssPBslssK '.' Crunk for a visit with relatives and and Judith Pickle. frlendr In that part of tho state af 55w BY 0. R. T. . Spring showers April brides have been custom originated Tho next meeting will be at the ter the Convention Is over. for as abundant ,Abeutiful Friday evening wheri, in home of Mary DUtz. q lately heavenly fam- Ruth- as the showers for which the month is the1 High. School auditorium, pupils of Bit: Sprint: Vr a the the I':1MJF: W. - j- M. I ous. Mrs. Robert F. Schernierhorn,. who was 'Miss Dorothy asyftir u v-- e I ssPissssssH high' school crowned their May queen and spent the evening "iV issVPssssssssssS Oxshecr before her marriage, and Mrs. Chas. H. Conncll, in a' May fete of spring dances and sports review, before MethodisJ Program For B Who was Miss Cora Ashley, and Mrs. Lloyd Wasson who her majetty. waB Miss Muriel McClcskcy, have been the recipients of Ziliah Mao Ford was the pretty and popular queen, F.ttyi&. " "' ' ' wIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIbH ji;VCi'- - S H'rslslslslslslslslBssf Women Meet parties during the week. whose wentity was kept a fie Coming WCTU l One of the daintiest parties was given Friday evening programs were '' crct until the lp''rV;C ' ' 7 SslsililsililsH by Miss Lola Belle Stewart and Mrs. Randall Pickle at Miss distributed just before the Social Calendar '55 At Stewart's home at 1110 Johnson street Mrs. Lloyd Was - IBssSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlBSBSsi Church ceremonies commenced. Convention ilCV' K son was named as honoree. She" and her princesses Most of the spring's crop of And Club Notes Sii6nnnnh Wesley S.S. Class were selected by a vote of the District Church Activities brides composed the guest list faculty as representative Meeting to Meet WKMmUti . Jft 'isT aVssssssssssssBssi Has Social Meet niul .Monday In Big Spring Oft I ot this party. Senior girku Miss Kitty Win Tho TrfplV'Four Club will meet Good Program ForComingWeek The hostesses carried Out a snrlntr go was the faculty member re with Mrs. Robert Winn. Wcdncauny & r color scheme of green and white sponsible for most of the The Susannah Wesley Sunday in All their party accessories and hard work behind the scenes Tuesday The first annual convention school class of the 'First Mcth6d- - Monday In tho delicious punch and cake. The Progressive Bridge Club wMthe Sixteenth District Of the Ist church had a party honoring The First Baptist Church la sup The honoree received many lovely $ and the planning beforehand. t !.,...... wmmm uiucv wtui iursiwnqry rui&. Women's Christian Temperance mothers and friends, at tho church posed to meet In circles today but and useful gifts, among them a The lojrer and Upper halls of the iuii;: Union will bo held in Big Lprlng Friday afternoon. i no report has been turned in. check for HO from her father. The blah buCfllng all-da- y following guests at- school were crowded The ttactus Club meet Wednesday, In an session The following program was ren who could not with eager parent will with dered, tend gifts also; and Impatient Mrs. BUI Taste at 1210 Sycamore. beginning at 8:30 In the morning. with Mrs. Edith Dow Cordell The (East Fourth Bantist Church sent Mmes. Monroe school children almost an hour be- rAll meetings will be held In the dressed as a page" announcing the will meet Study conduct- Johnson, Georgo Handley, .Elmo for fibe Wasson, Vrvlati Nichols fore the doora were opened. The The City Federation will meet at Presbyterian Church. numbers: r ed by Mrs. 8. H. Morrison. and Misses 4d sassaVssassassassassassarasasVVssassVssassasB 8mg. "Blest Tie." Efclyn Merrill, Valera Sllgh. Polly chain of the auditorium, which Js, tno club nouse 3 a Murphy, Mid' Ba the resifty, at o'clock for Mrs. Thomas D. of PULf "QPPhv r-- felfrVssVlVssVssVesassVssSsI Trlbute-t- o Mothers, by Miss Ver v Webb, and Cliarlsle Moseley. in nothing more than a repoft on the recent sixth district land, president the district, will gymnasium, were arranged of bena Barnes. The, Christian Council will have Those auendlts the party were: ' around convention. preside over the meeting. Many a mission study program nt the . rcjom o Reading, by Dorothy Bell Rlggs. Mmes. Clarmco Wear. Warner the walla of the with, the local women will part,among pace take Solo, by James Underwood, with church. Keece.Xnrson Lloyd, Ralph Rlx, Joe in u center aevotea to the The Eastern Star will meet tc-- mem .airs, u. u. presi periormers. me was Mrs. Houser at tho piano. McCeath, Robert Schermeftiom, L. auditorium night In the Masonic hall. isisssssassasssm st r jsTirstnltii 1 dent of the local organlzauon, who .m iflr j sir ssssSjBsssm1 Ml Chorus, The Ladies Aid, by Misses The First Methodls W.M.S, and E. BncIJ. Frank Merrick, Arthur far too araall to hold the crowd. 111 It give the address of welcome Joyce AngeM the Birdie Bailey W. S. will meet Pickle, Harvey, Currle, ie hoped thsfsome arragement can The "31 Bridge meet, Glenn Croft, Loretta Rlx. Robert Club will fond Mr. George W. Davis, local Billy together at the church at 3 o'clock Jlmmle Jennings, M, be made for the May Fete, If l with Mrs. Moss. Marie Arnold, Betty Eddy, E. Whiteside, Frank wno win speax in Bess Shive, Dorlce Helptlng Balk. for a joint Study of Turn Tqward Clayton Stewart, Jack Kllway.. D. doei become an annual custom, to the morning on Citizens- ti "Christian - Margretta Weaver, Peace." E. Bishop, Sidney House, Merle be held out of doors. would be The Modernistic Club will meet Photo by Bradshaw Helen Norman. It hip.-- 'f- Solo, by w . a lovely arid Jean Hardy Flewellen, Stewart. and colorful picture with Mrs. Warner Neece. The program follows: with Mrs. Chas. Morris accompan The Presbyterian Auxiliary will Misses Elizabeth Northlngton, would become an Increasingly pop- 8:30 Meeting of executive board. Ziliah Mac Ford ist. have Bible Study conducted by Mrs. Mamie Hair, Luclle Haley. Mrs. Shine Philips i Lucille ular attraction. wilt entertain 9:00 Registration. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ford Harmonica selections, by J. B. Littler. Rlx, Ozell Nell Davis, Kather-In-e the Tuesday Luncheon Club. Walter Orrf - Informal Variety 9:30 Convention called to order uoore. BetUe, Cecil Ivand and Mabel by president 0 Original monologue, by SL Mary's Episcopal Auxiliary! Eddy. The charm of the Friday eve- Wednesday Miss Jean Worship service conducted by Royal Neighbor ette will with members of The mothers of the bride ning's performance lay partly In Justamerj Bridge Club Pickle. meet the and The will the t. W. M. -- groom, Its informality. The con- Mi. Tho hostesses were: Mcsdames hurch for a social meeting and Mrs. I, E. Wasson and Mrs. numbers meet with Mrs. R. C. Strain. Whitfield, San Angela. N. W. sisted of a variety of pantomimes, Uwen Recital By Croft, Morris, W. A. Miller, Cordell, supper at the Parish House at McCleskey, wereaUo present, Crusade Hymn, "Give To The Herring, Myers, Delhinger, Shive, all. will present. . would have been monotonous If which the members bring The Bluebonnet Rridge CluT will Winds Thy Fears," Paulsen, Throop Eubanks, their own suppers. Miss Hair's Party they had 'remained on the same meet with Mrs, Shive. Mr. And Mrs. Loty Frank CE. Crusade Psalm. 146th. tin, Chadd and Blankenihlp. i Mamie gave delightful level, of beauty, dignity or Hair a either Prayer," Rev. R,. L. Owen, pastor A profusion of wild 'flowers Was The Altar Society of St. Thomas' bridge party Thursday evening hon- ' They did not and will A rfcltal. attractiveness. iilss Jena Jordan entertain host. . . . musical elven bv C A. used In decorations, Delicious re Catholic Church will meet at the oring, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. H. ConneU the audience had no chance, to the Triangle Club with a luncheon Big Spring "W.C Lotz and his pupils and several freshments were, served to the fol on . grow at Welcome From rectory. at her home Runnels street. tired before the end. a the Settles Hotel. T.U. Mrs. L. S Patterson. readings', waa the occarlon of a spe- - By On Reagan lowing claSi members and joiests: Pink and white waa cqlor The burlesque Parsons the of Robin Hood In From District iV.CT.U. Mrs. W clsjlgathering of the Royal Neigh. "Hilltop" dimes, w. u, uaiiey, A Myers, w, Wednesday scheme this hostess used throughout Sherwood The Bridge Club will meet! J. his Forgst of four easily, Ideal R. Settles. ft oora Thursday evening In the By Ktelyn Miller Plerco A. Underwood, Walts, R. E. Morris, an all-- the party decoration, with pink ver- upset trees, was Improved by wiw . Lodge The WCTU. will hv the l'iner. Response, Mrs, J. M. White. Mid Rooms at the Settles Hotel, (Alfred II. King, Inc ) A. D. Franklin. Bob Eubanks, W. A. day district meeting at the Pres- benas as her house flower. obvious fun players In giv- which hcautlfulry . of the land were decorated Miller, W. D. McDonald, Jack Chiu-ch- , Mr. and Mrs. ConneU were pre- The Intcr-s- Bridge Cactl and a glrj with stringy byterian ing it. The solemnity ofHhe Indian Club will Declaration of Principles by with Canterbury bells and Indian Hodges, G. E. Fleeman, Arthur sented with a set of sherbet glasses spring 1620 was by meet with Mr. and, Mrs. "Joe Mc-- hair! of enhanced the Frances E. Wtllard-M- fs. Jfoble blankets apd other spslng wild Pickle, A. C. Yeager. W, G. Rlggs. Settles Luncheon as an honor prize. Mrs. Kllway lowered lights and try dignity of Geath. Read, flowers. The publishers live In New York Felton Smith, Victor Flewellen, B. made Mgh score the women Coahoma. probably they for the player?, in addition to flie Frances E. WlUard Aa I Knew" The program opened with a song have learned all P. Lovelace, J. J. Throop, W. O. v CI tib In Session during the evening and was given Wa-(er- The will meet beautiful rendering of ""By The a Arno Art Club with Her Homer Markham, Big of greeting to Royal Neighbors know about Texas from' wild west Thompson, J, Short, F. II. Miller, drs, Ira Thurman was hostess to a candy dish. Mr. Garner made Mrs. lira. the so explains why they J. of Mnnetonka,J' by Pauline DavldiWatt Spring! Mr. T: S. Netllcton. Mid and their frlcTids, "Purple Rib- movies that Schull, A, Q. Hall, W I. Dalton, E the Settles Luncheon Club Friday hlgh'for the men and was given 4 Melton. , land, bons.' decorate the paper cover of a book F. Houser, Joe Pickle, Tennle at the Settles Hotel In, its .regular deek of cards. Whether.the best number on the The Refinery Club will meet with about Dallas with prickly pears. Franklin, Horn, Rudder, meeting. The guests were: Mr. Mrs. Bliss, My Crusader Mother Mrs. W Tho following additional num- - John J. andrs. program was the Scotch Ilghland B. B. The prickly pears represent the Fox Stripling, Deals, Pete Mrs. G rover Cunningham was Chas. H. ConneU, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- O. Smith, Dallas. oers composed the program: quar-te- Sarah Fling or the Military Huff, was story Just about as much as the Jbhnson, Muigrovc, Stockton, Mike the only guest bert Schermerhorn, Mn and Mrs, meet Hymn Lead On O KlngJEternal. "Good News." Song. "My Caro- F. to The Bebekahs will tonight Mtringy-halrc- d girl on the cover Kin-ard- , present bard decide. The 'dancing in Christian Cltlacnshlpf- - Mrs. lina Home," Mr and Mrs. Lotz. Williamson, James Currle, J. A. Those were Mme. Ho Warner Neece, Mr. and Mrs, Lar- both was at the Odd Fellows hall. rfrpresents tho beautiful heroine, a M. B. L. W. McNew, C Cunningham, son 'oyd, excellent and above the George W. Davis, Big Spring. Quartet: "Street tParidc " Read J. Manuel, R. Zlnn, mer W. ' Mrs. Clarence Wear, MJsa average of tho evening, It was Training Youth In Ways Of It is a story that ought to appeal Croft, Davis. Hattle Crocsett, Edith Bruce Frailer, Albert Fisher, KUziAth Northlngton afld Miss The O.U.R. Clul&tlll have alt-- ing: "America" by Mar Pond. - plain to see, also, that the physical an Temperance Mrs. W. Adams, to every woman In Texas, especial- Bow Cordell, B.'1L Settles, W. M. Drover CunninRham. Ira Thurman Mabel Eddy, and Messrs. Jack day moeUng with Mrs. IX Hlgga- - J. Mandolin Solo, by Donald Alston edueaUon class had had the most II. ly every for here is a Paulsen, D. F Painter, Stem, haw.i - nd Oar'n.t a Hodges and Lee Garner. a eon. Commence. Quartet, "Yorkstown March," Read-lng:"- practice of any group on thefloor Children's Dedication of beautiful Texna girl who become (.- a. smve, Harwell, m. uuieir Hour Little Glrl'a Secret.' Evelyn ii ' it drill'jnovements the toast of. America and Europe. G. n, Haley, Lusk, G.' It had an White Ribbon Recruits SUte Solo, "Sing Me to J, S. True lllie Thursday (Lawrence. Sleep' Sh rllmtx n Yilc-- that Dallas. precision. i President, Mrs. Claude de Van by Mis, H. F. Williamson,. C. E. Talbeit. The E.S.A. Sorority will have a Lotz. thought has beencllmblng Chaney, C. M: Frances, R Eight rrince4tes Watts. Austin. Violin duet, by Aula Alston and ctoi John The princesses, picnic at the cltf park. with tier, a muddy vil KtngeChas. Morris, J. M. aucett.' who were Vera W.C.T.U. song. 0 Mr. Lotx. Rending. "The Mortify looks,llke Debenport, Mary Pettey, Louise of luce when sheVeturnn to It. D. FJBlshop, If. W Shtrtes. Tlngle.l Mrs. E. E. Fahrenkamp and Mrs. Rejxjrts district officers. ing Mistake" by Sylvia Pond. Trio T Hayes, Mary Gene Dubberly. Lu-cili- a -- "Hilltop" Is essentially a story of C. M. Watson and Mils Verbena' Omar will the Noon Tide Prayer Mrs. Lucretla Ripples," quartet, sweet . iwfrs, Evelyn Pitman entertain silver Dallas and of little-tow-n snobbery Barries. Our Thanhs Jllii,' Louisa Fl Triangle Bridge Club with a night Majors, El Paso. Lullaby." Duet by Mr. iSid Mrs. Merrill and Lucille Bishop, were as potty. ' Reports of local unions. Thoso who have) known Dallas lovely group Lotz. from Its beginning will recognize for a a of girls, as one Reading of minutes of morning, Reading. Henpecked Hu- - was as "The many of the Hading" characters be Ladies' Auxiliary could ask for. Luetic Rlx The Petrpleum Bridge Club Receim 12:30 to 2. bondi by Mr Lotz. Violin, duet by ' graceful as a flowrr. Some of nW' cause they are said to be thinly Gracious Welcome! meet Mrs. Wofford Hardy, Luncheon at Settles Hotel. Mrs.'Xotz and Aldn Read A In Business Session though with Alitpn. veiled. The heroine, of course. U them rather looked as thev Wednesday Aftrrnoon ing, "That Boy, Jm" by Mary Change, Meet Hour were walking a tight rope. We 2'PO Memorial entirely fictitious. We are deeply appreciative of the ex- The South Ward P.TJi. will neet SfTxct. Evelyrt Lawrence. 1 n- -t ,, .. W.. iUm - tfould not help thinking wha n .. . incfer ! mi iiuuui.4.... uwv inn (h.. f pressions of greeting and good will which & 3 o'clock. . State'. President' address Mrs. At tne c.osc....or tne numners. ice v us good practice tills was the ,,, ,n T w, The Ladies' auxiliary of the B. of came to jesterday our openlnrday. for Claude de Van Watts. were srp-e- " . - cream nnucne ou.r r K.t. T, It will be our earnest endeavor to merit dings to come, try- , nvfme iven R. met for a biurtness session n and much Jiiore The Thursday Luncheon Club un Open tyrum. s ouowing: wr ;,,, a continuation of that good will and anrti,.rs. - , - l " ,hM1 ,t Is, com "ajid log on one's- componnrp. reported. Election of offlccs. know The Friday afternoon1 voted tt friendship. Our merchandise, at all times archlbUhqp irriAT" iiuniccri jr ehu .hf of rise to, fame and change the hour of Tneetlng (Rom Ills highness, tho Installation of officers. MoN'nJr. Mr., nnd Mrs bination the will be chosen with this In mind, b( Tonf Rw of n beautiful girl plus the 2:30 to 3 o'clock "William Clayton of the House The Home'Cardon Club will meet Reports of committees. Williams and Donald. Mr anil Mr fortune for the summri o Blankenshlp, was tfte only for next fconventlon inrv of n Mtv whom everv Texan months. - . if you were, unable W call yesterday nt M)e club" house at 3 o'clock. Invitations L. L, Bugg, Delbcrt. RT and Jim plenso come week see Big o"f f . Tl- - Knows Is Inftrcsted In "makrsJ About 1G members attended the this, and' member of the Heading minutes. n w T. T.. ' nnd l mic uuek, r. unu jiri, on Spring's mewest ahop for ladles and chll-- i cast. He stuck it out tor the hon Friday Adjounfinent V " ""&l,b,(P fM the meeting. , f be nd La Fon, Mr. nnd Mrs".'W rr. ' i 4ren a or of the .school, 'thougrr ho will Tho Child Study Club will meet Wednesday Evening, -- -- .i T.. r, l .r. ,y l.ft Of W. Cartoll Harnett, Jr., son .of prdpably nVver-'ge- t much sym- Sbng nd praise conduct-'d"b- v xf,. Tl,rr. I. ih, .lauehtef as Hoetese unannounced. service .u.. J"" DrO 'Mrs. W. C. Harnett, pathy TUg .Sprint M?r ' B,rry 'Mirter. who and has as he desbrves. ministers. ZUwPttfwZ and i.bH been transferref from BartlesvUlc.' Hollywood Shoppe iMJUtenani-Kovrrnu-W r Spring Address. Dr. J. H Hunt, presi .. .. -. i .vo v Flower ClrN The Big Study Club will V. n. ixjit.t . Okla? ar. ir. nitm',...., - lm... to Paola. Kansas. Mr. Burnett . The Utile flower girls. Ruby meet at the Settles Hotel. dent of MtMurry; Co)lfrj Ak... Cl,AlKril,17 HHIJ.. Gardner, Owner AilTuamml.k. iiy iwiin, I I. U. UI .....1,1 An h. Is with, the Phillip Wpellno Co. A$ Joyce HWnkcnsUIiw our ""."'.- m " .".-"- and Dora AA special music canons Hall nnd Jesi-- Mar- .j ' ? ' i 1-- tNw Pierco 4tlII 209 2 Main Phone 175 Do Lys Davenport and Camllle The Congenial Club will moet with Slogan. YorU Sun and Entertains For v Inkman. wero a tho most original Mrs. Hugh Duncan. Offering, U Griffith, Gordon Buchanan. V performers the eentng. ThTlr Hynw-Rl- eQ Be Tho Tie. T, H Z!m"""f ,.. And of K. E..ly nnd Hclty Te. Rr? ::::: j lttfiiilivc The North Worth P.T.A. wltMiavn ISencdlotlon. li VI ' -- Fpnnp iwyr u iiuj"iiuui,-i- purpose was more to be ccn than i. II. tatilh 'inf :"" pen Friends At Bridge (but a' picnic at the illy park. . . 'ffiftaj rThn'nSrrnnbiMon" m"r' tt(cUve with to see, they lost no opportunity - n " --h In they - K siting ui the parents as - Midway In- w -.- M. - Mrs. SethnParsons entertained at, proceeded leisurely down the audi- The Pythian Sisters will meet at School .... - i t n 1 riAB. UCIUK lUlKtHI i .mm.. ' tne una tonignu isnugc rriuny aiiernoon nonoring torium. '. Mrs. Horace Rragan. her new sister-- difficult well per- in-law, Of'alPthe. roles ? for WlUierspoon's prlir-- and Mrs. "Albert SL Bar-nc-tt formed, we want give ci&llt to Mrs Steve Ford will entertain tho The closing program of Mid A. Vnucban and Charles and Billy. Kathlen to' lr'i&,jr&ss5the Unnlng pray, "Jute." , of, Dallas. Hurry! 'Hurry! Hurry! Informal Sub. the iralnbcarrrs, Anna Dell Ed way school was glven Friday eve- C. nurnV to reprint he The was decorated with " j Open Mary j Tho pcrrnl4lon hruse wards, Ilobblo Louise Plner, Janet ning. Misses Florence Va.n play In full provided yellow Iris and lavender Wild Rohb, Tlmmons, Jerry Saturday Vivian. Alston' "Jute." .'The Josephine The following certificated .were Pond. Emorv Smith. Southwest Review" with a hradl)n-e- r flower. o Hodges. Louise Ann Bejfiittt. Mary Tho Honr&Demonstratlon Cotincll awarded: five penmanship; 15 Ahla Alston, Zelma Leibftter, Only a few more days kvlll - fo that Is no small distinction in Mrs. Reacan and Mrs. Bamett Gene 11 and meet In district court rooni.- gpld ClKra Allisof?. Bfllley, Jose Lees., Lorcna rooks - pins for penmanship examina Clara. Lowrcy's Introduction guest prizes. Evelyn Itself Flora were p rented with Mary .Nell Edwards. Handling tions; ten gold pins for pupils mak nhlno Bugg. Mary I.iw Dallas negro a. prize West Jtugg, Elnjo on the work of .the Mrs. Shine Philips received Ml on of these heavy trains with- Side Women ing Highest averages in . their renoy.' Merc. John J plnyeti give th play a background for making high score and Mrs. To Win a New Dress --- out, .toe Dlivldson.T-ewt- s Hall separating It from the queen Gather for Meeting grades throughout the year; seven Martin, in the Southwest that makes It for high cut dis- Smith and without falling to properly attendance certificates for .pupils ami Auyf II. ild reading. Those presents were Mmes. HorJ play lt,to all onlookers speaks well Tho West Side Women's Mis being neither .ebsent nbr tafdy dur The contents of this numben.'have iee Reagan, Albert S.. Barrett.! for the coopcratton pf these Ing school year : range UnUcs to ar- sionary Society met at the church SlnVi On For a .wide Bowie Homer McNew. Shine Philips, J. D Vomcn! will to think Only a itxv days ouiKUr. The gracious quern Friday afternoon, for a meeting. Tho following program was giv Trij 0 chitecture. Biles, Garland "Woodward, Irn You have fast. utn ahowea poise tact, tfic speaR) them- and that Airs. l)f Bring ira tne aevotionai en: playlet, "The Elepltnnt Booby Tnlia nnd East Bowie knives for Thurman,', Frd Keating. Robert and bomo woman will be given first prize of a w(U fu- " ' . . curl-oil- s bw be of value tp Jier In the Tho numbers discussed plans for Saw Folk dance by primary room 4 .... selves, unless ontf is rather Plner, M. M. Edwards, H. S.FaW. ture. In With train-bearer- Jolly- - Schcr-merhoc- n dfess for her sdggestlon for a new name and slogaa her dealings her raising funds for tho society and Song, Farmer Lassies" by Mr sand Mrs. Robert -- P. is to their origin, in which and MlsC!ar Pool. H tnnounced Ulbe reading for the twelve girls. Readings, "Ink" by are lending tomorrow to case we refer him to this article. I . for our store. Another will be given a pair shoe - Mn.l M 3Tnu.--. Amft. Queen's Costume next moeting. Sf June Hargravrs, "Chums" by Eu- be gone on n thref-wVek- s trip to The articles on architecture are f., i.v. ....f. '. ...l . , nf-- . . stock and another new The queen was beautifully dress- W. H. McDan-le- l. native to the. tjQUthwes Orlllo vlsltinir eon. 11. S. tli6 cliQlce,.from our entire a Thoso present were Mmes. It. W- - irene Patterson and New Yok and olKr eastern strictly are their n - - ed .In a costume, sym- D, C. Murphy. "The. Billy Kitten.' by Marshal points. and therefore- atrlcUy out of tho or Faw and his family over the week- pale of hose. Dearlng, E. Tate, O. - bolical of spring, with kUppers to Yates. They expect Jo meet Mr. Sehmer-iior'n'- dinary. They grew out of an aitl Und, o v match; It. E, Hull. R. L. Campbell,, and J. . 'Her train, of chiffon S 13 Negro song'. by12 small boys b'rothcMn-law- . H. A. Sher Atchley. Mrs. J. Robinson. ar- sequins In a largo McElroy and L. M. Readings, "WOien, I Was Little" by man, In Tulsa and go with him the by David dt. Williams, a Dallas Planning Institute. fish design harmonizing Mj. Abble Mrs published fn iiiagazlne 0 by (X of soft wcte-fake- - Melvln Logan. "Utile Willie's Hear. or way. in chitect, this The articles ari lllustrateil Weed In as new mem- remainder tne vrnrwi 4 colors, waa lent "for the occasion by Ing by Edythe Wilson, "The Vil the east the will visit Edwin sevcral,months ago. v four photographs' of old Texas Harris' vlpV bK5 of-th- e Mrs. Wllburn garcus.fwho It i lage Blacksmltlfl by Dorothy Soefmrehorn, who Is lif school In RoscooJJeWjtt, presjdent houses of Individuality. These pho- lJ as the queen of the Cotton Palace Dorothy King, of San Marcos, for- - Hutchlns. "The Secretary" by six Brown University. North Teias Chapter of the A.'L tograph!! are eloquent In themv In Waco, The queen's crown waa rrferly a member of the Herald staff, boys. Drill by twelve, girls. A ' &, hits contributed to.thls'erles, selves. - . Economy shoppe a lovely and becoming headdress of has accepted a position with the comedy drama, ."Fun"' on the Veda Robinson Is ilsltlng'Mailne also Ralph Bryan, of Dallas, and S. "Yhtther In State Legislation" Isj . C. -- W whlto and green rhlncatones, Del lUo Herald-New- according to Podunk Limited'" by sixth to Thomca In Dallas, and. Ft, Worth Hsrbsrt Hare4 of ICansaa City, who a new note, struck by , George tenth' ' ' 4P-- I word Received by frllndshere, Coders: this weelt'end. , Is memttrof the American City Hester, of 8. M. U. : I StJtXJT&t fmATSTL., - ' rr4T'T'itf.-- t ,

, a i. - '?$.- ir rttlDAYjJ WAT 8, 1951, SPRtNQ - . page: six ft. IS, s N IHB BIO HERALD ? Will Rogers Caught By Camera At Airport Here Teachers Named Man Because - Forsan Virginders' Are Up In Arms Banker Trio , tit - IIMMSSSSSM They Were Hard' ForNextSession --T Homier Told World gj-- jj Hitters Dies After " Teachers for the DbT Spring pub-- jj! SsPjPjHV ' tsssasV J nogprs Ltiuns vn nciiui iwui I lie schools for the 1M1-3- 2 session) jjp, nvno Lends lu 11 it n were selected Thursday evening ny Auto Crash Driven lu and Doubles; the board of trustees W. C Wank-enshl- p n will kooi:ks part of our C unlry Why thefc and Oeorgo Gentry, superin I ' Hest ll nil I knw lust what no'l-rea- ! line. No Red CroM Crouch Hurler tendent, and hiRH scnooi principal, Driver In Hospiliil From read In lht paper, and bi'trv.- mr ,h r j nkel where most of the respectively, nlrendy had been re Injuries Received I have finally found a pai" 'h"'" people were and the nW "out at Madison. Htcki. and Payne, headed appointed for nnother year. - got something In '"" ,he Hk R6tf Co ir- - That was the the City League batsmen through! The following teacners were np- Thursday Thomas. Virgin Wand t S A (,nlv rvldenc of povetU t w For the first two AeCk of plaj pert) polnlccf In - -- Now you might have rra.l the , V( fcn,,w practically all'dur tin- entagc throurti Frtda) a Kant Helen Ccnvcrs, secretary Frmeral rites for Dlxlo Harris, local preas varlou reference to rt'tjloved ire ' our .wow. kick ana inyne are ucu lllgh School 31. (firmer I'orjan cafa operator Mr Hoover's etnlem"! about the I sure liked the rnnec and wtMWtl for, the teal leadership witn an av . Lorcna Hugglns, attendance of- - Who yuccumbed lato Friday after condition of the Islands after he t raa, have stayed ovr a. few days "rte of IM. fleer Elolse Agncw. Helen Taycinoon t0 inlurfcs received when tha had visited them a few wtk ago , mm me mighty uleatnht folk Payne also leads the loop In runs "Ucnner, Frank IJoyle. ocorgc automobile In which he was riding Not in all Valine to our ITv .there It looked Irk a very hnfity IMwa. In with 7 ntv" In double i Ilrown, sirs. Mary uumpass. overturned Thursday mortilng, will ilenl I don't think he meant It ex iMItle coiiaanJty iTlfl the President ,'with IT Crur of the Mexican IVgera fHutler J A. Coffey. Clare L, Cox. be held nt 2 30 p. rri. today at the It Was to ) SJW a few Marin scattered has scored five runs out "Georgia K Davis. Frank Etlcr. Mrs acllv like rtwrteT harehjt.lt , and iattcd Eberley chapel , been wild He did see that they nrjind. but a It was American ter-- J hits to take honor In those de Frank Etter. Verda Itum uranam, llorrls'receivea a fractured kuh were tn a prettv bad cendiwon fl ,ritory they dldent have many .partments; Mtrtln of. Ceeden leads 'sssssV"VsssssssssssssssBHBslssssssssssfsssssssssssssssssV ? Kaly Hoit, nalph Houston. Msry and a broken neck when an auto- nannsliv ttiO lir mltbt htvt loi1-- CmiMMt have Wen to far behind n triples with 2t and Kewtin of McElroy, Wayne E. Matthews mobile. eald to have been driven by my pic- - der to stir up a Utile interest ln,th tlrner tbev had two of the Hankers Iri sacrifice hits with Clara Pool. Mntllc rtamsey. Mrs M H Crawford, skidded and over"-'- ! them and perhaps lie able to get ture there italklesv and ohe ofrf Harold Stegner. Ethel Vsndngrlff, a wa (crushed. - turned after wheel eome kind, have thoupht he was them T hadent een seen at home1 Crouch of the Hankers head he. KHly Wlngo, Mrs W -- O Low- The accident occurred on a lane dolnt them a favor by brlnjrtr toy myHf I nwful MTry thatBrfaV of molimltnHen wllh three Junior llign scnooi Intersecting, with the Sterling City the nubile ee the fact that thev,'they had mtasen'pfeled till and no defeats to tils D. II. Itctd, principal. Ilha Am- - road. , , hu M an l Ihmft. and quit selllnB their "credit. erstfh, C A COwan, Agnes Cur- - were bd off nle ,hblthn ' lira "Crawford U ft patient at Divings ttppoalte I explained to em Ethel Evans, Mrs. s seems io have had the and when Tfm baUIng: rle, lone Drake, nnd Uaj-cu- hospital. lie Is suffer - saw Interpretation that the rfuatn-- 1 Geo McNeW Olenn, CJ fee- and If veil er anvcnjlb AD II II PCT Gentry, Froncrs ing irom sever lacerations ana up trt afins Its these Vlrtfndfre, llatjd of tHc 0 S. hod put. dft the Bankers 1W 17 27 297 Nell Hunton. Marie Jordan, Dorothy bruises. Here in how Wapenet ! www AiMMmfwrny ny wmv '"'""qM)i0m.x TO 13 S3 -- 4n Jordan, Grace Mann, Frances Mel Harris was brought to the Big I te nd set In on al thl. It was a to death. Ianl started right 'In iQttA 1S9 23 M 233 ton. Mrs. M. W Paulsen. Jeanetta Spring1 hospital Friday morning:. lie lovely afternoon, we hftjl flown iet ready w mnuariurr oa ui PleweJIen ,.103 10 M .190 Photos by Bradsbaw Pickle, Clara Sccrest, Mrs, Sallle succumbed at 4:20 p. m. Friday. fromltfcale. t" pf players over Wasson. om several hundred miles Averarfet batting world-famo- He la survived by his widow and I gave CapotWa nddresa. games Vtirn M'ltl Hirers, us humorist, actor and philanthropist, stopped 20 htlnutra at lilt Kast AVard Trinidad .Port of "Smrlm. hrhj tht KWh twb or more through Spring airport Thursday on final Up of his trip from California to one daughter, Myra Nelle Karris, An.1 l wanjea 10 see n s tha his home Nicaragua and return, Mrs Throop! principal, Mrs 1i one.lv th nr1tlh ,I " . Vtlday: the earner caught him in theso characteristic poe At tho left, n tho ynnlng picture (he really was J J. eight years old, His father. W H. - Isl-- nd lth fh foth ha.-- ver- beauOful just off beat ovr Rb Tet sajlng he wouldn't talk buthe did and how!) he U adanclng from thq American Airway ship toward a Grady Acuff. Dcrtle now Brlstow. Harris. Rule, two brother, togaa enJt edae of Ve,her theyRoukt get tb mwj tot w 8 large crowd held behind In the center Will, h--t ryes Is telling Arthur Hawk, Audrey Philips, Mrs JJlg Spring and OUI lUr-rl- s north nuel prbduffc will iisjen, nnkees a harrier. and cockejed the folks about Harris of were In on. of tboae irreat bl- - their Of thr w,, iUnVers ..'... IX .451 his trip, the picture he Is right away and other thing that made, 'fin laugh. At the right V. James Wilcox. of Cortex, Colo, and two sisters, 70 to start from tit bettow Hi 451 S.rangu Is to get Will to North Ward Olani Condors, carres about be yn( Banknf . n T Jr. attempting take a "West Texas nightingale," a baby o'possum, with him Mrs. Rcssle Castleman 6f Big -' V S It runs from BraUt t- reyard to comptitM. ,for the faningtr . Ftevrellcn 7 2 lo Hills. Will wouldn't take It away from Its n.othcr nnd when the camera clicked waoSert of Loli Garden. Mildred Creath. Mrs. Mrs. Simpson, of to"le making "Jump In welcoming Sprlngand Ike lMri Illca Well er- 'w y of lbuf stMt ni,ol.n, Ctohoma ...10 .400 the "presenter" the rails his remarks, with his own wisecracks. IJIg Lynn Hatcher. Mrs, Edward Lowe, Rule, also survive. UieV wW right Spring's foremost humorist, Mr. Strange, however, succeeded In one' of his own Itog-rs- r RSca for We Jon them. Wall jg J73 getting through the Mrs V. L. Patrick. ex- for Poru that n Bt$ rru!t Iwrrler.. ,., Crawford's; Injuries ar not com. down fir the bVof St Thom now. and thgjnx tMme t President Bankers ., .11 3 South Ward pected to prove scrlojs. as Vn eas and mall Its a beautl 1siu tTlem. their prodiKl will be j.. Coahoma 12 .33.1 Lellene Rogers, Mrs. L. C. Dahme, were returning - w The men from the ful little harbor, and a Jovey k- making tnw ticn just ne inicw Cwhoma 33 Ola Mae Keller. Luriene Paxton. Atlantic Pipe Lin Station .when tuiTMve Jlttb town some mmhty f ao f their competlns; centers Nwt, nankers Mrs. II Ruthcrfonl.,a Mrs. A. S the ctash occurred. l anrgoirgt 10 navr we Smith, Mrs. S. hpsoitabte folks there, "J""f fi- - TUieM ' Program M.fSmlth. Harris had recently closed a cafe - Saturday Tttxy Mi- Tigers" Feeders' was but - It a W. tm - n7rnnatt. si: WestVard he operated at Forsan, It awy In the before rttHlsand dollar funeral, and Pre!- 307 Qlin Cox. principal: Mrs Delta K moinit das to G,rttai ,,.", Pallbearers will be Frank Hamlin, America had ' Racketeer" It dents wont mean tnthlns ern. , . Agnell, Eleanor Antlcy. Mrs IT. L. R w n n. iiln PW : ' 1 T II Noe. G. winn made Ttum aBd rood Jlun It ws . n.ipyngm i r II Baber. Katie Belle Boyce, Zelma MM , Klng- - L Kncer. John 'e "!"' U1 Small Debt Is Cliadd. Georgia Fowler. Jane Iar-to- n Guest l l H tXX&ttUr&T. Wander Inn' y mi tuFeiir-- Clllb vey. Mrs. J Lloyd, Mrs. Jplm A, Me--1 . .ration. Then d.tins; i. r-e- r I'ailliaitllU' Wlwot Lroj) ' , 7 10 Donald, Mrs. Robert, Parks, rt Calfecl Cause Leo Smith. " 31IIS. JOSHPH KDWAKDS HOME STJS L,srwlcs louth waimod .0 Mexican Ward s sas i' - TtJ-l- Mrs Joseph Edwards and daugh e should spread out and try an J o Wander Ijin a haven of rest fot t oX v John R. Hullo, Eupha Batton, ' 1 Ji V ter, will to Urelr be Nation , and, furnished J-- A I O Myrtle Jones, Mfs. W. Virginia., return 'A' 'rLJnrrn ,traileht ixamns. - - I K Martin,. r- lTf . jr " jm f" In Wnshlngldn Place today NnnMf therk. Is onfc thinir that AMARII.I.lV 3Av f i.T'wThe hv ih, oitv hs ftrvori Its nurtMwe - lnrM For Trouble . . Nrcro School home ;ws-Glob- e Marsh-Supervis- following a stay of several month we do worse than any other Nation," Amar.Qo today ays ,B(j srrved It well during; the win iUl,W,'MU Results o,f Feeding Tests to Mrs. Jessie. Henderson or Ed- - It is to try and manage scmebodv ,ne par(bandkfi 1931 wheat crop Is er of Buildings and In Lai Angeles, where Miss ' months. Be Announced At voice." Accompany slsepifffflTrs. We are ye,? original jtsttmated at 43O000OO bushel the Aecordlrui to figures Submitted by Grounds . wards studied Farmer Shoots One of Elder Man Killed Iustnutly Ing them will he Mr and Mr' 1L aobotlv else can see things ourflgurfs being en mternews ChicT of Police E A. Long, since U.S. Farm f Will Olien wav of course thev are w,rong) prominent grain men of the the "hotel" opened. 7JH0 men have Variv ITixiiiptTirc; Rush In Trouble At Cedar School Tax Office ,N. Pvlea and Mr. ahd Mra. B. Pyle Wijh bl of Los Anceles. relatives. K -- M. C ffllk UltT JUVI Vlk V"JtM- ItrTFUUfJT. SjUl l(IKlb .w...... To Ahl; Wreck Preparations for what Is expect- Hill Mrs.F. Iirser, Mrs. D. H. d and Jet us show n hw they Sis reported an abftndsnes of nsols- - 3 lo A'pilt 30, 1.3M wee reglster- - ed to be one of the most Interesting Reed, Mrs. J. R. Dlllard. r nouiu mr. isunnp; im rxpanrwo! tivr section OI lae. wnsai ur eu ai tne inn- - and heavily attended affairs of Us DALLAS. May 2 IV) David W Cosdcn Sales Division re we t hsve of mots-- 1 The hostelery will be bpenJ GREEN1LLE, May 2. CD-M- iss thouaht ouht theihss retarted an abundance kpt kind held In this section In years 3ln,k. Cl, and his son. Miles I b 11 appears Is Greenville, F flrrin Islands Denmaric. tor-- liortiu? the week test aruf n6untll there rffiUurther Maurlne Summerlln. was the Feeders' Day program at the were shot to death, late today at Men Yisilorj In Cky It .They owned em. suffered farlneed of city officials declare. injured Internally and la not expect See wasi andinrt of the tea has It local lir. government experiment Cedar III!!. 20 miles from Dallas, n May Fete ji em. em twenty -- i believe furnishing the ed to live and Elton Thompson E. it iust boueht rive in .mc. h cran was slanted Thy that of, farm next Saturday are going an argument over SO Frank English. Fort Worth, 'men and youths a place to Spend Enloe, Robmson Naples it Miles Sink lve million dollars. iin th Mne ssvs. Late Carlton of rapijy, accordlne to Fred clatnu I was owed him by Lloyd and William II Cannady, SbJeago, Tl.t ! tt- tin wlh tHji alnrl' .... wK .. k.. iM nn. Ifh niht hits nShlp.t nollc to keen ni Mix Montin f!nmnton of Rrf.n jln, of the salrk deparjtment of Coeden ...1 Keating, superintendent of the Plummer, 23, who came to Dallas (CONTINUED FROM PACK r Hoover had Just finished ajltIon ant rains afe said 'the local robbery recprd well below ville wefe injuredearly today when farm V. bush, county II Oil Company, were visitors; at the ient , and J. farm and surrendered and was charged -- lege with thetSjnate and he nted-i-- a a good 'ieU ex- - 'that of other cities , jthe automobile In which they were ompany s Saturday, hae a(Jvred flmontttrttnn .vmiI lntw;o complaints with, murder. dally designed for her. refinery here nil elso IpAns virgin iMsmis. sna;.,pt (or ,0m unforeseen catastro-- ne puuaing usra as ipe ma wti3 returning from! a dance at Paris ,...... t .. t to a - - pl Plummer refused make The most critical rrembers of the Jirn home and made his ob'erva- ohr (purchased bv the cltyt the bctn- swerved to avoUl striking sOfrelght """""VT0"" "" ."f" statement. A 23 calibre automatic prl-ma- the Ih6,ma lc sudlcnce last night were the Allan-A-Dal- e' Uons As we land on lh lovelv af. The acreage is said o be the nlng pf winter from Acubcan tr.ln and turned over. " was used. Llnnl Mae Cotton. stop-'f""10- prwam. following a and children fwho Rosamund. Gladys Vrnoon why I am tiek'ed to deathiian.Mt eN).r ,, the Panhandle , Express Ca Before ahe wreck the party - Colling, ' - n "Purpose of Feeder The elder Sink was killed Instant- their elders In stunts lo be able to fly by and eee odr.!.n rsftntated ar 2.000.000 acres ' ped to. aid a grouft of young men,brb"- ly The later, etched Slmond: Eul Moore. h A V.IUPS son died a half hour which perfonrH absent countrymea and tet their Thlrtv.flvc wr cant of th Increase r- .V - ranslrlnv. n Ifr rm'snoOirr. lllnml.ttm, aomeyo (ttrem had Irish Jig .,r r. Each bov feeder will rlvo a The shooting occurred near the" ed. One In our neigh our President's visit, , I ,- - w -- k shot at Uiem, r. Polly Webb. Carolyns McDesky. resctioifon ,f the ot'ore than 400000 acrej ri whn farmer port of Cedar Hill postofftie Just after Well did vou ever see a commun 11 a house nearby. wounding no-1t-y results from his project. R. borhood remarked dlsguestedly, Spanish Gala Season i,vtr Vt yr Is credited to lodf.L LI C J Cllv.lt'lJLLoifrom U Powell, will Plummer came from a barber shop onlvl-vn- ri (n . apeak pn "What "They make a worse mess of It Girls; mrnl' No ou counties.' where new 1 y . jblnson the shoulder. Jr. Carmen Combton. France hven Sherman Learned In Feeding where Will Lay cut his hair. A Placing In - a Baby than we would" On the whole, Vera Moore, MIKo-wa- y, think otl hsve Tnu hivent seen!.ArKi (, t,ein(f cultivated Much of TT T) 1 1 Jtoblnson an totomo- half,' dozen eve witnesses were re-- Sheelfr, Fnye -- init.ru,., i . 1a I l"V bile, Beefi" A. L. Srrttth will speak on however, they 'were all and n,m. .i .it tin mi w. i. .1... - I "vii Ai K A 11 C the nartv was rushlnir htm to lluctant to talk said Sinks jyea Florin Robinson. Iris Rawl- - i ....im r1 the part being played by boys In .Lay ears "pf delight Ihe Virgin Islands, t guess vou V hanture, - 11UUU1 ltUUJWUg , doctor when the car Wrecked.1 learn and exclamations ings. iiuth Williams. . . ntr the Texas Breeder-Feede- r move Into the shop while Plummer over - Can get madder at a President than , Tj,e estimated vslye of crop Thompson, thrown from the ma- the colorful costumes and the Boys- Pauline Morrison. Dorothv the menu was in ji cha(r They left and pretty girls. anvbody else, because he Is blgsrr(va, placed t $160000X on the --,1 , chine by the impact, suffered a Vandagrlff, Emma Jo Graves, ,, . B. Cauble and Sam Little will later Plummer went outside. The and so much morAjPromlnent. a jirice of 40 cents a bush "iLOcal Ull .llall jtlatle Uirec crushed foot, which wa samputat-ed- I argument began Garden Setting Laura Walker. Bernlce Halley, Viv- Fhils 0f flve-mlnu- and the shooting as I you ffrSt. alt I know Is deliver addresses on When doors Were opened, ian Smith, Elizabeth Vlclc told at el. an average of predictions made ,V o( National -- " resulted. the the whst t read In the papers . tor Marketing In pig Spring guests of the evening the Dutch Folk Lore Just by he grain men Interviewed W. found 1ft Organization Roy Snyder, AAM College, stage Barbara Freeman. Jennie LUelll Well thev hsndfd Me their I'tW Carlv wheat was danvurrd mrafapeclallst. tuditorlum transformed Into psper and let us read a t Js here by the late March will conduct a 1 spring garden scene with trellises Kennedy. Eva Nell Barron, Muriel wml locmie nieat-uttln- i i before me as I r-- n tbl T6 th of im-- damatre , , .'h.i.v,.. -- . demonstration of roses, garden furniture, Donaldson. Minnie Earle Johnso, u.iimt Bl Smlthcy Slmpsoft Ace Club chairs iVL, and John Tet-t- a lnr.n Islander of Txn(.e from 10 i0 M pr c(,nt. bu cv,airman Night Party. Ilidi Vfd a bench In the center for her Zudora Griffise, Evelyn Bugg, . of the .Chamber - & jee-mg-- . of the Texas Pacific Railway jiow mucn our nav- - own ., e,neral v aceeptea tnm me ,m.tce tlli .n,i .... Pmmin has majesty, the Mny queen The steps Sedrn b- - Press-1.,- .. company's agricultural extension hurt th remjrk. of the ttom hn , will be omjll,jbn Miccted director of 'eadlng to It ytte covered with Indian Spring of 1690 - the department will Judge the boys' - of the- V S who allude to u Tbe panhandle produced MjOOO.- - .dependent Pef?oleum Association' Given Cactus grass cloth and on these the prin Indian princess- Pauline Melton, r- - calves. Col. Smlthey of Big Spring Entertained as a 'Poorhoure' and exnresses . year The record Satur-- cesses stood until the queen arrlv Indian brave Cl&Udlne Shaw. bushel Vt of Rierica he was advised I welt-know-n - - auctioneer, has offered Krri ri-i in rTr "- ut ,.,,, p,. 42 mimonniutneis in Robbins as undecided as il and there they were seated. Flute. Beverly Rockhold. iqay- ilr his services for the occasion. Dancers- - wpmuiioi jorgri oujuisniij .,when conditions were not so lavor- i0 whether-h- e would ncceDt the The coronation ceremonies were Zlrali Lea PattoruLors a4 Mrs. - n, n in ihe fiidir" pi' r. ir-e- t- acreage Cliib0 Groupj Calves not told the auction By Collins opened- with Jhe heralding of tfie WUOams, Mozslle Cross, Faye Run-va- ble and the was.smoller.uominstlon. will bt bought bv tf group of Big vond the reach of futai Insults estlm-v- t nH t Members of he hywird of the' na- - rumpeters, Charles Bussey and" Zan Grant. Anna Mae Pampr We mu't be loval to Cov- - .t Serine firms at Fort Worth nrlcea William dressed In lln. Pauline Franklin, Georgia nionai organix&iion mt of nei wsr a Dehllner who. nd the V 'olus J10 premium. , Menilirr Winr Pnintiiiia Tn Mue, made Owen. Margaret Anderson, trnment lo S" "iMniHotel In Tulsa April 23 nd'.TIll'CC Hostesses Xl nHlHw u.Biilla colorful accents for the Willi Connelly, bivc Ulllii!! tklltTT IUW4UUIM INUI13 ,Ut France Thomas. bv the Editor ""Tom latter selecunx vvtrt Kranklln of A AUrgcmc itage. Steve Ford, Jr. In a red and ca - on Members Dialler W beef feeding tests that have Evening The- editorial ri "Wbn .. t?Ardmore again to head the orgtni. white costume, was the royal an a French Festival rVen-narf- fit bcen under wav farm under Na-bor- s, tl th.u"it It was the P. Pnt7n , 11"' ixatlon the folIolng prbgram Bridge ajthe "arty nouncer of the eVenlng Master Minuet. Sadie Puckett, Oceal ii.V'Xtrof III li' for iup Swedes but I tSie was th nhe yea Was adopted. f 3uicrviBtun (ii Mr. jcaiuiK mr f !Qphn . Lees, in a white satin Jacquellno Ruffner, Ruth Cqt-to-n. .v federal and depart- - Danes that wKJ It to UV When The- member of the Club state extension r jrg Alfred Collins was hostess uir was the crown-beare- r Dorothy Mann. Elnor Guffle. dtus be - ments will announced. Ace-Hig- h Denmark tranferred the Inrt,n,ft Spftns tiled In Fori Worth Sat-- a, definite, constructive, persistent and their husbands, were enter to the members of the The dances and program num Scotch; Highland- FHng . y - - Bridge CluO Thursday bers-.wer- Xorothy Qulxl to mr CTeai n a jrjflctr. mi fcvnlng and will be burtl atamnalirn be carried' on Ifarllni- toltnlnrd lv Mm. Atihrpv Stf nhrni. . &-- afternoon announced by Edythe Roekhold. Bea a for King. 8talcup,'Marguer-ll- e not conftitute 'PonrhoW SV Monday at 2,p m. friends tfinal adoption of.a tariff or ll Stev"tnWind.W. W. Pendleton a pajama irty, e Ford, dressed In a Colonial cos Alta Miry - Euand th ,-- mad- th'm o by her stupid ln;s 'hr were&dvls-- d Jitrlctlon on foreign Imports of oll. Thursday evening at the --home ot The menfbers wore Tajamas and tume, as the girl, nnd Tucker, Billy France Grant, s un mited to our we'i being AW'i Mr Connellv was a railroad. man mto the Unit.), States, and In fur i6 Pcndtetoiy with a dinner played bridge In roams beautifully by Gene Hundley, In a clever ab Lucille Carroll. Bernlce Patterson, . JRiibySmitli i ... ..- - , .. of Dorpthy ,inr.rir-.,- ry.u.i-- r, o w nen n, uvea nnr tie nip' wtu tierance or tins program suggested urldge. . decorated with baskets flowers breviated sports Bernette. hou- Is v even " 1'hjslcal - devoid cf ieB-- m th oil business and had retired ihmt shniild rari--i Ihli ranmlrn ti ..... i . and with feme, carrying out tbe costume, as a modern girl These EduonUon Class h'-"-- - x he. be pw',- nf ,f' - cplor scheme of the party which stepped from the album of Mnry Humble, Lily Sederj, Anna trom act,e Vigorously through fhe "months Im- three-cours- e dinner In whleA the tlrls ! Ol'r wVom' L.v. '"' was pink, green These. Laurie Payne, Bird" I'm S.'ates ) medlatelv befcre us .Instead of .., .. .. .n,i Back and'yellov iprlng to announce their respective Laura Mona ' ,j '. j - . m - . r..v...v..u.. Vui...... n .m ,..n tomes boh !"il end n lhe . "a same colors "were cleverly carried numbers Gene Turner, Lo Ftnley, Velma , -- Wnrjp TlnumrU unt.l. '?,e. a" .,. After ii the. wa, ;,Tr;.r, Thi-r- - 4, .'. - w r.s wct msar. f w. 1( McGee. Cunnlnghnm. tv', n' f "i i nftt ri urtiipr?nri nr ini wi out the refreshments Evenlng'l'age EdJh Thelma hs-rr- ... - HW PV..flM w4jA. for thev V . Mra. Neece made" members high The glrli of tho. Military Buff. iteeves, taicn Kindrlck, Marjorle i f.II high t biviri nccutmH in mt iwt )J LfJliinS.. 'Ott.rJ.JiZ.TZT.Crm.va,iVvl'.through Ura. Cox made score for the ...To Conquer icore and received an ash tray. dessgye special mention frjjt their Armstrong, .Ester Earley, Jennie- - pu various Chmber., B Jce -- npn sfpv V TtT9Tri T y 11 J''Hly tethroughout and tub Mr Mrs Liberty made visitors' high iT ni vi"n during the acts Marie Bayes, Gladys Glover, Cath- , -- 'J1!-...?- 'J Tate macfe hlgh.score for men and nWn'TOPT- H VT CHT 'WZZI. ' ,k - - arid received A oo of stationery, Their costujnes were an aii,i,''"W erine Van Open: Mabel Field, u. W .p.. t:L?Le".. - itT-- ,,n VMHIii j"r .v. Jiuiiui.llf r.flTl 114 Uir LUJC1I?C broom, jr-- i k "'- - ilVsK e received a fanry wsk CIUD were U, C 'oil for the dresses of Genevieve Hawk, Ln Velle Barbce, viii..r" . n mUlrn dmr-- - rtor Sonne -- Krinlni? tn (h - TrtlniU- m those - visitors Mmes. colorful the - folOVVinp were. n.., PI.. f M I J t, I ' T. I.- f .f thc prent- ...n ...... lirri.... l,'lr-nnia- r a' rrVJ jmmi&unce aj the UtMt"ad4lUon tQ tn (heinUui areas . iuiuuui; u'Timmons, Randall Pickle, W E, other player. Dorothv Rhntan. - trial L Mmes, i a AT Y A FEW- HOVRP Hrjitle Ccx. J W. Mlddleton ii z-- o, r Too daii-- NOTT POP - . H During evening hv .Liiuii aaiii uiivt wrm arJL. .ti.ii sis eceselty and lirt-- 1 . . . - iiiuienu ir Bonham, Y Liberty and Miss the .flowers were Zlllah Lou Cory. BIT FOR DAYS end 'ro-- Houston, wlth!,rtanM.of tisxieyanu Mr nnu .Mrs wfifs Rosalind Adams Members were fpresented to .the queen and to Mis sports uevievr th" ""'ijane Howard? mtn. nlnlnc a vital. 0-- 3, 6--t j Bill Tate. Sff and Mrs. Homer were rpreciauve 01 njr iropn Walgren's stores there for three faithful cond.lion In the oil ifldu Mmes Warner Ncece, Clnfence! Kitty Wlngo, of the physical educaty nBskct halt' Lillian Crawford, " " npu noi r,a -.- "jvears nu a specialist in aerroa-itr- y ea, t the Wear, Llndsey Marchbanks, Larson lion department who- directed the EllzabcUi) Edwards. P ,hl,: (lr(.t &.trntton :;"V"' ,Z A wild-eye- d nt.. hut thw at Kin7 tmri .1 .. ..: . .L ii.,ii,7rtV. determined, girl tLlovd. Stanley and May Fete She was Footbal Fiorina MoJL-- ok. i. hi hug Wheeler Joe assisted by Rankin, TOW. fllua. I K il1; w J A Coff?Van Ike fariTe hack from under the shadow McCeath. ' Frank Etler, Miss Clara Cox tie SnttcrwhUe.n iha's. .CP7rromTh.7mCoHlr?Nrr.r' . lri KSF - nf tjie thr.ee of defeat to annex the champion I ash to) More keend and Scurry nJ w ndutrle J. ,hc United fiuuk "(Nndr hot.rr, Ralph Houston and Mrs, Steve swimming- unrjsune y.srtonetls. ttnfeth't f;; ihlpj .of District 8 and.0 as Ruby 'ord In the decorating ' Miss Virginia (.Cushlng A ' ' "3mlth of Big Spring elimlnUei - AR THOUOH PnrP.r.F.r FOR mn wishing Javce on care or(,1lvt?r,rv Ihh ork forward r F n T m Beal Involving Georgia Kirk Davis designed the Riding- Elsie Duff. InH Mat Fluanna McClure of Mlnernl Well queens crown. Frank Bovle npd thew i nj j i In the playoff 3 A, i'- nirtivrMv'ik' n Weshirtgton City where Informa Ilrlnileman QuereaU managed the Golf Jamie Rarley. Valera Sllgh. "Vlr-i- n Islander" hsve a'w A ,.;; ;7,7; -- Sale Of Theatres hL tion in regard to the oil Industry! Is Here . ipotllghta; , Our Spring Sport Tennis been etronulv" in wlti tnUMI ItUltllLlllI Buriecf was grea'tcet of . , ,I ' !tviv be dlriemtnatcd and a better It the triumph The music which was an Impor Doris Smith. Hnttl Mae Pickle, m g Amrrio During the Spanish war her life for the smooth-strokin- Is Consummated tant part of the pageant ovm fur Louise Weight. Virginia Dal T)eanaJk we i jmd'rstandlng V be had on the Funeral for J. C Oil ft whertjwe. h'longed tn OtalS hlb,b70 service '.tn?dy-playin-.".Big Spring girl who nished Nancy the Smith, La i part 6t ovr povcrnment officials. - bv Dawes at Ruth Lurk. Verne welcore-- d Irtttle-- 1 more. 59. who died Friday after- Mwivs Amer raft, I entered district, play for three year piano; Walter Deats,. saxophonist, Slmm. Mildred BroUBhton,()rlne i That YlftftnUe 49nuortllv. noeri at 4 '30 p m were held Satur sh.l"s into our hsrtrtr We did not 1 A 114. V.AHK... . J. !,- -...... n OBSin without success and blossom- band; Li A. Wright Hughes. . nH .. t,t Chsp-- I then and his at the - , .. pt Final of the deal fr- day ifts,rno0n the Salem consummation wtk in'p America s.anrs - er- ma5e ed almost ovemlghf Info most violin; and . Rockhold Military Buff building in Rle Serin .iatlon should be to the va e the Hughes-Frankli- n Bbverlv has no conre Burial was In tJe Salem whereby Thea- Itv America " . Perrrwjs issued during ,ri0Us the, outstanding feminine racqurtecr flutist. Rlbbls, the Florist, helped I,eola Moffctt, Madeline Blrclc, penpl the nxjnth states atleffVl nnd that Rev S II Hushes, pas tres, of California, acquire the forty the rl"hts"of other -- that this district hart nmduced In with the deonrations and the Brad Lillian Lauey Hllrabeth Hansen, ,i'iyby City Secretary Msrle J SteWart ollectlnn tor of the Eist Fourth Street Bap- - R & R motion picture house In narrownees. JfB.STS This is J3T20 more,,hould ho urged at the earliest pos recent years.. Miss Smith will en- rhaw girls took several picture of Haul Nance. John Anna Balbee. -- "c"7- lotaid tlet Church the rites. Texas, Oklahoma Arkansas, '"""-""'"'- '""MJn- any prevwuv ctivlurl ter the state tournament rteXt Avcck and, performers and the stage. Dorothv Dujilln, Eleanpr Rlx.c : man mown tms ear ,ui, date ih older that tbe monov fillmore Is survived by three wasjmaUe.J.n Hollywood Thursday, lia. rio,t hated . p d usVl " llong with seven schoolgirl In addition In thore nlread men The May I'olr Symbol of Spring ftntevnwn jh, ,l? dur)n5 ApilKhl be ,,, e,tlvely in Law-rn- Cllmore, BIc other seconding to advices J. Y Udobwa real gend. W hrOughfUle for Uie year ln, IIMrlct from tloned following girls took port Catheslne Murphy. Georgia total toliimlnnting.lnforrriatlon and that tltlls'Vi g the Ana nnd 'Harold and Joe Big Spring, - Spring, T)?o Mineral' racquetecr, Robb of who was In Mary tuj m iirg Wells Sc the ceremonies- Touchstone. Louise Burns, .r.""t.?,;u.- -- vvho live north of Spring; owner of shows -- .... T- the R It r:i.."v",uau. i. .. v. man oouuie,,wni"!,tnose issueu ow up see apportion- - could not .fight off the. avalanche Grecian Spring lessle Mae Couch Oneta , morf and that this slilo Is survived by two broth- here, In a number of Pr"cof? In aame,m'vrner do rbe .., Jte andelnterest n. here the d ,j.nr,h of placements Gertrude Martin. Tlnsley. Tuanitn Rilll , j.,,...,, Theyment was propefly rWogntred and C Gllmore, nnd I t.ml, difficult returns others. Jane Slusser Jean peonle of Mexico and Latinmk"1 ers. E Ismesa Mo-des- A"mr.jWKe more than .Set Hazel Smith, Dorothy Payne, Mary Geoey the,omblnedUl funds raised L. Gllmore. Throckmorton. .MdJ"'- ' Crow Mnxlne Danny, Ira building permits of January and -; - ,Zl i'", ...IZ?? 51' Announcement that the shows Good, Barker, Eli- Ruby 5 A budgetcoverlng the various thrpe Bisters. w ohii-7--"":c- Rfjtv Pat Philips. Elsie WlnsoW. El- Nowfolka. them is b8rh worH March Mrs. h frame, an "'"".., had been sold to Hughes-Frankli- n Tlnslev, Pettey. sie s. of expense was adopted by spermont. M fioSsett) "'."then on sabeth Fern Mse Yates, Imogen Wood, Lll Talk about the Democrat knock- Permits Issued during tlje Ibur ims Mrs E, was never Iieaded In to was made several weeks ago from Festival Spirit Han 'he board Shsmroek, and Mrs. M, Looney, her march Russian Callahan, Betty J Collin. Pau- ing thf President" Vell ,them trolt months of '1831 nre as follows- - J the second bl district title a Dallas. However It has become Mildred Herring. Dorothy Mae line Juey, said Himilton. . that Ruth Dodson, Hortense me ashore, and thev ttt" Jsnuary J 0.377 local 'athletic team has captured In generally known by many that cer Miller,- - Laura Bell Underwood, Plttman. Margaret Llllle to-- so Tj Pallbearers were Rtisscll Ken Edward. Vi wanted my Visit offset. Ids. February-tl3,1- 53 , RETURNS IIOjIIK the three A ral- tain unsettled items had delayed Frances Rogers, Margaret McDon- - Mae Hill, AM- - AV last months short Mary Callln. Erlene go vilaTCh-J8.- H5 Mr Letcher D Klnt: of nedy. E, Horvle. Pat Iloswe. J. lold em to, areaa ana maire ineir , Q ly upon the part of McClure proved actual transfer 'of the purchase ild, Hazel Reagan, Mary Louise Wrlglit, Hen-drl- x, JAerc MeJhs, Doc Mildred Slone. Uida was no reason lene, who as been VftlUng D Mansfield, Newt price, which wav unofficially hi" - Turn, thivt ther ApriIJ163"3. ' , futile In the last set as Miss Smith Gllmour, Marv Ellen Hanson. Tom- Lilly Fisherman, Ruby Ander- .Marina jvivarii?, win re-- Wal'ace. "reported appro-- . take Proh'btlon serlotilv i " witn iiies won her service and the game thai.) Reliably to total TiVlxjuclUe Gooch, Ruthle Meiyn-ter- . son. Pearl Rlchbourg. Pauline IRI- - INDOOR PICNIC v t'xn hone tod v.'. i . ' " 1ut ecs.use they blonted .to the um'tuiv iiiq maieiy iz.uw.wu ror tne enure Wrclh.'Dorl .then-- i viiaiiiJiuiini., Barrett, Irlet .Seller. H i Ho with a hunch of ' There will be an indoor picnic at Dr, and Mrs,. L. E., PArmley ana DopedAo lose In straight sets, the string. Robin Hood Hazel Stephens, Juanltn.Cook, Bea- we.l we,nt and, had A nln of Riic the Episcopal parlr houre, b03 TKACHKU IN HOSPITAL Son ar moving- - from their apart local Iracijuetc'er'a victory came a Fnd PolaceU, who has been since Robn Jennie Dorlne Ro- trice Hilt, Fraaoe Gerol. yo- - Itod: Edwari. f PiWeh and I dnnt mind tellln Runnels, AlonJsy evening, Mays Mrs. O. D. Cols of Luther, school ment at the Hetties. Hotel .tol 601 somewhat 'of art upset'and Install- boyhood an assistant to J. Y, Robb ger. e dine "McCtwulsa, jLjephliie "Bizi, ihe 'ooitM '" nr I beginning at 6 W o'clock. n" major opera- - Main In shelr now homWe-ceutl-v favjorlte management - street. ed her as hn of the local thea Maid Marlon! Kathrvn Anthony. Msry Lee HteH, Virginia 'France, ,' , th- 'AlbEnl-copallan- s. fsm-.llc- n - r. rrilh T'. rtT,'"ver, and their SaJurdsv.at Blvlncs.and Bar- purchased from . Mrs. Mil? to. win the (aW title next weck.-en- d. tres, has peen in cnarge.jn in Ljjlle John: Am Bell. Johnson. Vera France Otter, rkea -- --- Crev. H ,V - - r- - Up - ). jllits aie invited to attend. Hospital. . dred'M, Jones. - of the latter. - ""Friar Tuckj Vivian" App1el6n.. ClSwcon. "'-- C A 8 J & ' ft

v 0

i,i inijnmwj,tji ' o iAOm.r JAT,MAT 3W1 . i .. II j i pjisbibiI 2jbbbjbsw Sa m bbwbbbb .ibbk. .ibbbbbb. .sbbbbbb BTtA ' 'B pY B ' 1 y B BBM (jsJuaBf HnvB sB bW. - BBm V. bW . B LbbLbw .H' H IHHHP fK iaBBB , jb. bb 4 bbbbbbbbbib bbbb" ZB jirn HEW COACHNew5ggyOPENS NOTRE DAME PO-- X TARES THE AIR AGAIK FOOTBALL DRIVE SIAMESE RULERS CALL AT WHITE HOUSE

B?T-C5?frS3BB- B fc,rj aifiilllsllllfslsisssssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiWlslI sfr" ltJf1L a 'irt'.WSP f " " sBaBBsWkfiyMSSSHsBSBBBBlE!PBIB" gy&r rfiiwwiit33BB iBBBBBB sPIbS sPVI!BltSsC20BBiSBB VHliHLr VKrtflsflsBP aB. E? BB LsssssBlLW ksissst BBBBIIKi J&Sy 'WtmEk "LsBBt. Br ? BssBssssP :0O, &TLit? ? JPatssssssssssfVl ASM. TjTSStV aaBBBBBBBBBsfXrFVKVl,"7s7 1 JsPHHL JiJr.BBBBBBsF SxSsW. iL ! "asssHssBFil mfk. JSKSHbbibbbbbbbbbbbbISl BBBBBBBBBBbB fcJRSi. A i MF A I """SM a jfiijteAi ii bbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt. Bt jm? iUbbbbbbbd sbB KliiBV vtA JBV r vJ mm. 1 JBbBVftVi99HVfl J iL.HH QBLLjBf.&lvBL ,' yjEJBrralBWslKsssssssaWasssLi! t . Mak 1 V H S3RPT f Jl H?SraBvHflB3 "B - --; BllllllBBlllflBBBBBlllHBllllHBlflBBKaV yBSSBT BlllBBlsfiSBflBHBH8BBVBHwPBSflEVBHSllllV BBBsiwdBr BBBBrKSr'iK lV few, siBiBiiiflTflsRBKtfMaBlsawFBSBBBBBbEBSBBlTBsBBBBhBT siKBKHt!ra3sBBUEAT'sksBsSBSBMnRdRlBSBSBBBMSS kajHBgsSHHsBBBt

LL'H8ESBlllBD?SBBBBBBr A fl aBSBBBBBBBBsVKSBV9SSBSBB9BBBBBBBBBBBV J islBPBmSSHML mMPMKFS1SsVslBaBBisfOLAi'ifct,ISBBBUBSBBs7liBPBPUBBfl TjSBBMgtsssBPaLrv rioBHiBiaBBflflBiBBiBBBBBHBLfl Jri mmmmmmmmmmmmmmimwi&&mmmmm x V KLJFmXmmmmmmmmmmV BBBBslilBBBBV BiBbBBBBBbB'LW 'kB8lB9iBBBBlsllltBBBBBBBBBBBBl99llBBil IBS BBBBi BBMBBBBBVBBmBBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBu o W Tli world'! blggeit eiplr. the Dornler DO-- It tn route to South America on a tram Atlantic flight which It began latt winter. HsiiBb11iiibHbBI11iB' Quake Area bB tlr BlBlllH IbiV GtialBllllllB No HitsNo Runs BBBbT BBBBBBn BBM SBBBBBBBBBBSBI BBBBBv jJJi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBnTVSlaBBBBBBBBM

jl iBBBBf BHLlBlBBBr SIBIBBBBBILhLbBV' J ttotHitd rri rhtta B o a o kqSTaov-- H BBBM BBBBB BBBBmBBBBTv BIBIBIBIBIBIbV Htartley "Hunk" Andendh l ehoWn here' (center with cap) with antttanti and this year's turnout 5Vy- - f Ntre Dame football candidate! aa ha ttepptd Into the pott left vacant by the death of Knute Rockne. PpsTirut Anrferttn, recently appointed lenlor coach, was a former Notre Dame grid star and assistant under Jack Chcvlgny (holding ball) Is his assistant IUcn. first TUKKIJMf Vis. UxsaAIJAH lrmK-.- Seeing The Capital A ! MSNIA-3e- y 1 --,w...w finnn acu nronvJ 1 K. wVVU litlmni.I . The first absolute monarchs to visit the nation's capital were King Prajadhtpok and Queen Rambal wio ItMVAMftJ In bbbbbbbbbbbbbHHssbbbbbmssBVII I ) ! .L,m.wLh? Wnown the center of theabove picture with state and military officials as. they called a a S S at the White House ta nav runnel, tn . f r ( j their ...r...w .v PraMn. MIIM..J lllu.. IIVUIIHu..... ) 1 n


Nearly 400 persons weA killed JiMZsiBBsl si a'A and 2.000 Injured In an eartnquaKe hV . V BtfMslHsHBslBka. ,whlch rocket Armenia. 6hoektwero KaAi mmwlmWTBBB t BV7BBBBBflMtfLa Hii. im imost severe near Nakhichevan. HSfr BuLvsBBBW m7&r JP BBBBBBBBBm. BVaVaVpR fiwf?z BBBBBba jC W jL. SFVBrB&KBBBaW amage was estlmatedat t1,000,000. bbIbHbbHT' v ? qBJB'SB' m"afaLi BBVaVaVM. LbbbBB . VbBbIw t ' m wnl -l Attacked by Lion v j BV Una sTaf 'BUaHKVssVsJaisBsPliBVItsssH -- fv ijKW bbH BBl SBBBBkBBBBBV v , 1 IBUbBBBI JO r bBPBhBMbisV bIsV -- Z JV-- " JbssbbbbbbbbbbbbbIM' li kJH J Kv V if TaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsW I - BBf PkVK '111111111111111111. HH11111111111111H1 ubf- OTAVAVKJHb fi'ssftVssHHBVsi .(HiKMbL ' Vvv M -- ifc.jj.fa' BsBBBW BBBBBaBBBr b fc-iiH"- mU M ' bbibibibibibibibibB!U ! 1-v- BHI BjIbIbIbHv BaBBflBBBB IBBBBBbI iiriftflBSBBBBBBBF "T BsHnNMBBll AH , . 1 i' B M5tsBBBBr ' VbV " ' H "1" eVJt biPH ka Tlff r . j bVssssssr sR i ''bIbbbbbB,

bmWbbbbbVvv) bB N3Vlar ?' iljaoidfil lf PlnfA tCv Walter J. Salmon's Ladder ha rounded Into condition SSBBBBBBsf as an out feHLl- i t,iUnJlnB ewdldata for the Kentucky Derby May 18. Ha won his first - -- outing as a defeating among B others A. C. Dostwlek's Mate, fr third choice In the future books. .yBBg .Prn sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB 4ri(tdM' ' S A suspect held In Birmingham, & aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM ffr I aK Y tv Vl rkoto LjSr t i '4 Ala, giving hla name as O. A. Cray ,B,''i'. n" ' Ai$ociat4 rrt$ at"i"rv 1ssssPSf' ii Wesley Ferrell. stairlgjt hsnder son, waa questioned regarding s Aclf4TituTlHi ! 4-a- 1 at ' '" ? "K robbery In of the Cleveland Indians added to Buffered li'J i i Muskogee, Okla, In yivlan Lslechner. which George and David Smith ef Atncinttd rhott his long string of laurels when ne raeture of herakull and.'deep body m game l I bb! '1bbL I I Connecticut were killed. "Mis Cplonel" Bryan Untledt. 1S, Colo- - pitched a no hit, no run ken atU.eked In a cor. x y t K Robert Frosts Here's Jetralon, V 4whi f Wmji mT .L T1 1 do storm hero and President Hoo- - agalntt the St. Loul Brown. rdor of tnt,vVhlttler school, Cln. BBptafi ''sBBBBB O w Vl r's guest, out getting an eyeful clnnatl, by an exhibition lion, BBBBBBBBBVaK '1BbBBBBSi aBsflB''BHPflPErl VrslBBsBBMilSBr! capital. BBBBBBBC aSBf X U Lost in Congo WORLD FLIGHT " AIRMEN PREPARE FOR ROUND bbbbbbbBn V bbbiibLbbbbbi1 R . ' ' V "fcLTjm sBLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSIk ' : i N. v AT' iBBBBBBBt QH' ' SSBBBBBBBbVbBbI ASlBBBBBislBlMlBBBi i 4 n X BBBBBBBa T ?'V V Autittt JFftu PtiSf B afisBMrtBsBii hsBBBBBsl i- v2aBk. Queen of BBS StSBBBBst SslV tlih - the annual Rjlsln festival at Fresno, Calif, will be Alleet BBBBBBBF ' BBBBBB V&tTSV' Hlgglna (Miss Modesto). Her maids of honor ire (t6p, left to right): BBBBsi flsfef Marian Copeland .and Enid Rlngle; (sitting) Barbara Blnkerd am H ' jdBkw BBeBBBBBBBBbI BBBSl SBBWl. I 7klQP2 Roberta Beraman.

BBBBBB AldaSBBk,'BBBiKr V r ftft1 B rjtrf.V aBWMbSHHslkBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBpBBBH - GOVERNOR LONG BECOMES INDIAN mJBBBBA IjBWsBBBWWwBsBBBkkSBBr r , "lIrrri'iLLw jZJaLrr3B8sBBlBBBBF.1sBBk, " .bbbbbWsV" "IK SfeSk. ITBBBBBBBBBKx BBBBBBBSjwikBSBBBBBBBluBBlBBBBBBBBa Vt X BSBBBK " Hp BBBBBBBBBBBBBHsljl0BVr mBbBBBBBbI mmmmmmwif V ' I "T" ' 1 V4 sIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbV& 4VaaaaaBilBBiSbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK I ? T" I i J '" yt v, SIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIbBvBK I - I W I W?t? - '' I .Moscow y v Vr ' JtOV LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBLbW 1LbbLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLJ aaaaaaaaLBBsBkr .""Jt ASaWsA B . 'V'vV-- ?V eWs flS2f 4g - v 1 bbbbVSv' ftsk asSak V TNEWWRK . 5- - X'": CCT5. v Mm t I T ftTsiiVr ' tkkkkSrV"Tmmmmmmw -- y j v ?iL ijlu .jroWO 4.t jjp u AimturiPituPkH MaamJaaaUiBa. At$otta(tl jyj rol Mies Mixlne Blankenship (above) pf Robert Frost Shaftsbury, Vt., of Downs, Kan, has been chosen bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI ' YvC7fl whoso "Collected pub- - kPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsB l,s.rfi' Poems" were honorary colonel of the R. VT. C. V 7 lAMi 2, . Ilehed In 19?0. , - 6f Kent 'State edl'gs Manhat- o ibbbbbI BY ' ijt l.--n, .w ."n: jrv3 Vvr &J K''... r DXILED FLIER RETURNS TO "SPAIN k' Dr, Arthur Torranea pf Los An. SSLaBBtBMBBBSBHSSSMSM " iayi mBl'T::fiii"i' " geJLcs, expedition " ' lwBlBBBMrWiVtV,'v- - - leader of an Intef " JuofvrUJ lr( Vhoto th? Belgian Congo seeSlng a pr ventWe of the tsetae fly Infection, la Hugh Herndon, Jr. (rloht), are preparing for, a round th i world night In the Clvde Panoborn flight from New York to Porto believed to have drowned In a flood, monopun. Map "how. th.route they. Wan to feljew, A .hakedown near " LLLlltflrksHSBBBBBBBVlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB above. Ltd I IIbbbx I 4 Jf I ! Outa. SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeBT 'BBBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBBBBbBbBBBt Rleo was made to test the sturdiness onno P.an. . Margaret Barneo NOMINATED FOR KENTUCKY DERBY Utoft: T For Cotton Post, mt-- i a J--

'- w BBBBsBSkBBkBsiB . - loHolrJ Prfi faoto P. Long (left) Is a stockholder Iri the Cleveland BaBBBflPfflPllllBBBBBBBBBBBBBiSlBBBBBW BW'jkE J' OovenorHuey i v s:v Indlanr. He Is borg welcomed Into the American League by aB fSjml fSHaffilBoBfei thovn rt.B.,rTCOl- sHjrc. VK.U"" ' Aivj r , '.-- e c Ajm r tjd received his frcs M-imm- Bl7 "tiBBBBBBBBlBaf BbBI Preid" BbIbBbVtP B SBBIBBBBT V jHriKjt ;t( B9n, B FLIER SEEKS MISSING, EXPLORER iBBBBBBVf" U. ll I aFV I Mini -- - f hM a M, n . bbIbbbbB Ibbbbbb If' bUbbbbB slkBBlBlBlBHNVBBlBBlBHBrlBBBBBkBBBBBBBBnhBV I - V BslslBlBlBlBBBBlBBMtjfZrV&L (jUtctnu VPlU o 5A xIBb .IrAS "T " &. 1. ,f'' ibbbbbbBPV PtmKJT ..ilaBM SBBBf TPi r,J&k - cf. &&& W . SaaaaafSPfrBaHai'. JL"H- - fT LS ,& 9t V MTiJXjkl - rm IbIL C &r?- o PSbH " Hr "i JjjlliBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLMtf. I I MTE0Rr 'jC?J i ISSBBBBC BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBbrt BBBBBkBBBBBBBMT T?. QO'9.?-l'- vtkEt B5St4 SS' tf n - ' li:f)Ss3 K jaK BTSBBBBBBBBDrBBBBBBBt.1'. iSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBU . .. - . B 'ty BBBj fel lafe il' fBB yT' f9 'mmm rfKM BB"B1BJijBkZaV I T A it t.v.vj! J' IbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbKl. IbbbbbbbbbbbbVbbbV SEUMWI KStr! B 'Txr sIssbB r vbK Vr BBBBsfCS -- LbBBBBbHbBbTOHWbBBBBBBBBBbIBBF ' v if REYKjAvirrs iH. . m 1M -- vF mmmmmmTr sbbbbK' Ml, I -- OS- 1 il. ?r; - "TM bbbbbbB. rAiwc.j,.- jTY litBBBBBBBBBrB .kHkBftk.. " , . sbbibhbW aWHaV f i .jbbbbbbbbm i 1 Bl Mk ,c: - ' " ' BBBaHIBlBll "tmmmwr WHbisbiibsbLH i bbHsbbbbBB W ,- - '" ' W iWBWl' " " y ' tf - NOP?vA ' Ib1b1b1bH.b1b1b1b1bH L i- JP-- 5 J''!'''''':'1 'Jy Attociated KtU f - "- rKBBBBBBBBBBB- " "1 Tff-- . " "T Douglat W. Orookt was a MftiW'., m - T. . " A-- gy.' , Alioctafd Aofo " Jictald IYnxrAolo showing rouU of Abln Ahrnb-w- crack Sw.dlhfli.r for the presidency of till AMocUled ,p C.pt., Forced to flee Spain tn previous Major rrut roa aa one of the two horses Greenland to for Coton Shlppere . revolt. Ramon Franco, nominated Barometer l0 ,AuSut,n0irurt1fiiLcap. . noted flltr, returned after th rfpllo wn established. Hera Is uMrgart Ayer Barnes, authorTof ,5"P?V?.r Ui the Kentucky derby jit Cnurchlll Brh,ih sXplortr, Avho Is lost on thj Greenland wnleh'" held t, ,nnu,, fffK I ha v to m .Vour i rm llk i shown waving a bouquet to admlrera. , thj)ovelt ".Yeara 0 Grace." ,. . tt . r left for the wUter at he spot njarked rrieteoologlcaMtation. New Orleans, ' O . . . ' . ' - 6 ? '. vt ' , P .jW' t . " . . ,- ' " .'.. '". v , ...... ' 5P x . "' .v m

1 Yd A IT Is, V-- edi , - ItOI WO SPRING ITCRALD MAY PA01! EIGHT i i M & i .. - - siail Maaoiaaiaau-- a..jfiia?( STORM HERO VISITS HOOVER JkOvely Spring Party For Cwwrwcia CM RainbwvM8 X'- - iMirtafflCIiA Makes i4nmifl Bride Mission Studies - Maids And Matrons Given IfVBWL.yr '. rXam .asaUMr VaaSjBSBSBSBSBSBSHBST. Stirprise Organiiid- , Vfsif Jo ferafti rnv ':-- 'wijdBBr C Shower The circles of'tKe First Baptist As Social By Miss u i e -- With church W. M, U met at various Uiiit Allies r r Led bv Mrs W, O. Low. Instruc . I; MB.1B.u ; jil MIBSBUJalBSBSBVl--VtBBSBVBSBSBSBS- points throughout the city for study '. Webb, -- -- tor, and Polly president, the . MSL sjjj,W'rk aasaaSBvasasaSJJJJJar' 4 ybsbsbsbsbsbsbsi lessons. Christina c.lr High Score Prize; Miss Ethel Commercial Club of the high school Itf--Jisi safMasasasasasasa The Coffee Mi's. M. W. PaiilbPti Wins W m asaCsaCaaasaasmmLX Mrs; Jim Lcc, Recipient cle met at the churcb. Air' Local ItcbckkW Are Second Iiiph; Mrs. Mehntirtrrf paid Its annual visit to The Herald ' 2 inns Tuesday afternoon, spending 43 OX Many Very Lovdly Mrs. t N Adams led tha devo Kl.il.lo For Mem-- Low minutes In an Inspection of the! PkiukmIi & tlonal service. Alter n short butl hcraliip plant with explanation of the va-i- d !n,a fe ness Session Mrs Homer .MMJew processes conducted a lesion on "Pioneer e for ljpr friends, including rlous gone through dally The Miriam was Miss Agnca Ctmie entertained In producing newspaper e members of th Order of Women" Tho present w,ero Mes- - Club brMnlaed tho I fond n y the school teaclic and tho young matrons of the city, with Beginning with the linotypes and Rainbow gavd a surprls shower dames P P. Oitry. J, T Mereer. R afternoon at the home of Ed-wnr- Mrs. Mnttle Dnmron, Thursday evening at her home in set Monday evening for Mrs. Jim Iee V. W. T. Holt, A. T. Lloyd tha aoelal n very attractive party Intertyp, the students watched Hart. side ofMlie Rebekalt organisation tmg of making up of the page ' who, beforo her marriage, was Miss J C. , Heiehts type.( aaaal Hurt Fourteen membeM compose "the fortm, rolling1 and sterotyplng of aaBaBaBaaBaBaBSBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaaK Elsie Duff The girls met at the Day met The rooms were decorated With spring flowers In many homo Mraa Honors, The Flounce clrrlo with club . page plates for the big ro- of J. T mother Mrs I) C Ilnuplrt Mrs. R C The pastel were repented on the jidvlsor Tlio honorce Mrs. DOllle Ml in was elected, colors. shades refresh' tary press. received TIatch was tho lender Mrs A. R multi-colore- d roa,ny lovely gifts nrertilent, Mrs. CauWe, vied ment plates with mints. Ice cream, moulded The visit was closed by watching KnvAiOligh Rd tho devpHonals llllo Mrs. fncsltlent, Mrs, Uln Robinson, sec-rel- of yellow roses, i th printing of the comic sections i After tho bridal shower t in the form Itogcrs, Lee, Those presont were Mmes A treasurer and Mrs. j7era Mrs. Miss Veda Robin bnry. V W was served at the close of the son, worthy nd visor, and the Rain trul'er. L M Ornnt Hammond, reporter nmmunimfinni explanation of operation t tnc II T. Robblns R K. Pav. I. A games, with snapping mottos fvmill)inii.lllliXflb b hw glrU went to the City Park foil, All members, of the local' nr ilnotjpe Joe Giibralth foreman Wrlljht J V. Whttlon .1 C Mlttrl eligible? t .1 aleak barbecue beknhs ore membership The rrsmrtof earK lsitor was ) Podie tfii Andtrw an I R f ' addition to In the Miriam Club B th the CYOJTl tQ.U.6TS set on a slug and presented as n lb those named, the Bridge was diversion of following wero p ese'nt T " Its meeting will be held on the W memento of the lsit Tho e in the n.eml, at VftW evening Mr M Paulson uwde ! first nrid third Wednesday after- - 'party were Ogyio DublWrl), Oath the and picnic Luclle RU IJ80.10)"1;l'??' lr",( high score arid rtee el a string t srr &," P.ylc. noons of tho month at homes of the 1m'.l am.t.1 Mia Fthi.1 ' Th HeralJ will nrlnt crlne Van Ope" Yfttn ?rdn Curtj Kvoin Morrill. Rosennry Duff 1T',c..,lUml rt SJ. tennun. Jamie Tailey. Knlhrjn wllh MrWT. A Rnblnson. Ml. members' The next meeting will -- Showden. Itoity Webb nrnne Anthrjy tMnn- - S tt K5L uun-ya- n Woods lad the fl'vo on May 1ft with Mrs Sr.l.W-'Sl.- n1 3!tt & Kula Rirtlt uoroiii vonuagrur imogro j Alma Cren !2 . ...- -. ..- - . 9 rv (Shertert Moore. rrl. tlonal on the " I nf Home ilta " rami tmif''W'""ttnori mti . 2Ulah Mao trail shaw at cluck. Mrs. Maggie; made km was ronsoM nysoT Elmer Pnrdur Sd Ponl. MarMral 34o tire ind fvn ptlirrir Author ftfitlti 1 tin I lull llaHHN its Irrrs Mrs P. IC. Rlvlnas a aMtiehanlion will hove Hiari of ih. ed with ft. t handkerchief, i -- " sad rm..t t i jorw jr. j ittigney nurri SsIhAhV HraHeBKi&ij anil United v .tMfwi lUwItngs. BMck Friince-- Rcters. , btHtar tha clrc'a n trts H'rnlce Ilann wftn hemext Monday Those following 'Marv iBee Ullke Vet , Th nnMnn r,ih .lii w.!,. lTeet Tlio were rircsent a,Oh the hoatess.and Vi J I MrDovsJU; imaM wji a or-e- r O'li Prsv . trasstsiM (a slrt)4ltlnn l,- ika annua - rt vrtnied, WHhV ar ... vT. orsnnlxiitlon- Mmes Dotlla Mann. Py In HBSnY rcu mcciing tomorrow evening 1 - Moore, "" Cf a i t w h serv- ar letters aiiMrwin .. J tl Jmnh r JJ un .1 Austin the ieler 7 30 niod went Mmes P WrcHl. R Luclle Cauble. Ula n, la In Mm Payne. --- at nt the MiiKonlc Hall. Robinson. Vein inr rrton proni lcw Amity turle I'm ; 1, , litr hot sectptsbls. , KS iye.'i ana nvton, timmmohd, Msgclo Rlchnrdson, Al- - Tho following fcueat rnJSryprl this lrl huh Jo ttra-s- mien Scott, ilar - JasaSBliJaaalBBVV' . - pc'f.x Zlllab Vice Ford Tlie MOiU1U. IurU nA m Crenshaw. Mattlp Damron. Ada nospiiaoie ran mrs jd MieOm " - casasaVsaHl an ntl I1 Mrtoo dh) A HenicV r McC!.-- HjzcI '' asasac fvHB circles llitmsey Ulah Kujkrndnll, Mabel n George Oetftry Fisher trmsmi Per 08 Hifty La.ff rt Jmt u'Jw r, Bride Gives mt troetln.au Glenn Lilly Opal R, M Parks. C L VUwnQll A New 1'iMt Office ChFrnwn, Doroth) Mann A Sides. f Sally Klnnrd and Stegner, C W il- - Gracie Leo Marshal MeOrea. Oicenwood Traey.T lUymond Me- -i -1 lone Smith Uslrh the A or la 11 11 V 11 Snil On . Jr " v Bj4. 9piim. tlw SS5Violeiit Storm L 0 fiwane - te .? . UHTiuJ inmfivnf" r ...n- --,,.,.. r,t,. 'he rail ' suWGlenn E E. Kahrenkamp C Wednesday 'WdTd wm swlktrnv jjthat ttme 1? i Slate Engagement Cowan. D It Iteed TrtZ. ',1 JlZ Vr1 Ifr konAvIn A f yiipKBBHHHHJHHHHHHHLjftaW T ! Tlie ilimxp mjjt of M M the nig 'Wring Refinery A aBBBBBBBBBBBBBM' .BBBBBBl aaaaBBBBa. 'alnst SOf Ann Axruell )ob ' -- 11 11 ti" Tftins & Pacific llAlluav CO jtrkasTiaWsa aaar asasasav It: Vr. John Bruin Kntcr Marie PauNon. Irene Kaaus P th bounty M 1 vlllO .which lies boert on tho clvlt docket Pool '& Vottw llllllCl I . Oneslji At rnriMicll In HOheiliiloil xt.M. tm,- -. toise Agnew Fran- - wh" he - rAm for neirrJl term to he cea Mettun lone Drake Lore'na norh.4lT wwf boundary bna o" DOClltl hcill I called (pr trial In district Court Anno u need lluggtns. Letha Amerson Verda Mtuwtjf of l);iinu;c Keportotl nr Sweel - IWcilnesdHj' morning lfo',rd i ., npproxlmatelfcjono oRuth Grahim, Helen RBiS)g iram this three Other Mr. John'L. llrvn (wl ..'. nTlDn '"U Andee WaUel! P stirng, blb-jf- l " OlU for tltmage allegedly done 'to' his D "SffiM "!!l; by an oil Anna, arrived In Big SprlngJesUr-- Hai-de- handcd njeb Hit tan torn the Helen Grace ilann. Geor 'f Chf.rlV t"1 - Sfclioils tlt0.hZ - mtlh..! w -- - ". sjwear .S usy nom Dallas. Mrs. .AgnclWdrov? gla KlrK Davis Zelma Chadd Mat j- wr kuiw wTtlaaiftMsgaai3ag rr0' id ."A J,"nU" feminine Ing nd eVerj I L"1C" I?' ?!"r. The gratul jury was rtlll in sea - lown Saturday morning to be a tie Rattsey Lots Card en J hcdnii . WIcUlTAJ May 6 .T cn-i,.- h PALLS t. wu naa .. ,.rau.. .. . W "MC WHn '""""" imiwi io i.i, n-- uu...... v ,. u',.,,...- - ,-- -. ... nfi,i in,h,n...v...u,. - " 0 i n.iur' vlol.nt .tnrrn hit Ii.l mjni a "t,'"r"""iJtertalned for her at the time of her .u .... ,'"(A This Asisclated i being called It Is probable, nounccjng her dauglPer's ensace-- Railroads frMV 1,tr "n 6u' ) nfritng o ok Vess telenhoto shows Bryan Untledt. 13 vearld wriilin. m nfsra Aimiiine of n.mi..r 'Uat mtip of indictments wilfcment tJ Walter .C of r ' 5,2'? ,,',? 0IrYQP nd jSrtlon. of Texas. hr Jhs Lamar, Colo, bllxurd In which several of his tlh6olmates The table was beautlfulk lorrJ.,hc Hor!ay ...... r..w S;...... ES!????..1n uMiuy nus-- rl loquirwa nnu mucn Torrential rain. hsUstnnm that 3'"f wnn rrenaent noover on the White Haute nrounds. Bryan was rated with roldrn Pallfnrnh. mmiW " "',lu" ''r""'" "" . """ vlB of President and Mrs. a ' , On Ratr Reductions , damaged gniina. upmoted trees (4 "uest Hoover for day. ' .and ellow roses Mrs L, S. Mc-,- ,I'rUl, SmUtl. w," M?' The followlnc atory from the St'" "' to J"T day .i fottm .ruihid roof, of several busine " 1 Dortald wng. "Mighty Lak a Roie" Syf nil1 JJallas Newa describes Ute tIP!-.TU,,- P'1- Awing CHIPARO. Mv 1 ".Uwewek onlhouses anJ WfTlcen llt.1 vnr 1 The cuests toa.tert the hnriN. .nrf P?"1 ""' luncheon The honorco's picture on-- .tol r,,p0rl '' shippers are V evMetvce of V-- 'vp-- J many good rVi1i" "" peared In connection with the story. roads and awaldnciSLT'f-a- ' mute the storm 'I? I 1 wishes for her .tn i1""" " IC T IF' T v Li"" federal acUon on the carriers Total rainfsll was two and out rilllV T? U I (1 V ', I hcr ww n0"1"- - Mrs Uryan lil , j ne engagement or Mlsa Ann Afl-n- 1 lati"T ' """"j 'no'1fdUv ill CI InMs III"1 2 est moe to prevsnt revtsiao trf!"''1 "'wrltUn. u)f jn.htti 'AJ VI WHO Xll lcalng shortly to Join hcr husbandf and Walter C. Homaday wai hj" 7 ' 'um a grain freight nkterfiy the ICC ,?1" " . ?M Sweetwater reporU several hun fTl T) -,. f Tj'l'r. where he U manager of a j"f announced Saturday afternoon at a Cr .rL ,,! hrldge A petition, signed by fff raUroMs. "" """ "? "7 mwr roimnw jred tloHars damSfce whsn a haH- - I 11 T"!!l III Ml 1 I .4-, n- -, t,I.' , a. 'refinery now under construction. V VI SUIl mail rtllUUl luncheon given by Mls stamps to -- Madelyn Mays In was on file In V S 'strict eottrti""7 ""r ,leTTn battered automobiles, green T The guests were Mmes W R t i e jt her home.7?t Llpa he war lf " VJlLlCO lLIHUULC jt The was decc-- asking a temporary InJuucUon rarr' "raj '""" writer houses, andaWlled chik?ns and . .Settles T P Currle. L. S McDow (JUlCCt LllttVClCS lc0'" "feet. homo ? my where M Ut hnd agalnst the commission, to block a Kn; bretl,. ',fndef crop. T I . . s - lell. N Mlcner, J O Tannltt U rated te luncheon tables were - ' could-pli- l '"--""- L--" i revision order effective 1.1 w I - In F - n"cy Burn- - s ,MC entered witn mounds or sweet pea June cteateahi reported a hean- rain vsori ? w""- Ruby - he sW we have no hitc Hotie Serret ?iTln --- .1 n..,i. J II Hnrrlon VnHiti m hurlt. in .v.. 1931 which tbe carriers cnt3d ''l'r- t'o u?Ua Qklahonia reported a pro-- . Mo To Coil- - T,.., c..i.. .,.l J... u n.. fluent stntu-jcard- ".,h 1H) ,ln today charged a s Hbrnaday-Agnel- l, will teduce grain Jreight rates by,"''88 ' 'longed hailstorm over itllin Aecomnanies Jail with with June ' P southwrs' Giisi - 13 per cent Similar suits will feerabJJP P0" ' r 'n the moll Oklahoma, wfh a deluge flooding $cre Hero Home Uflvs. totj- offense against his thirteen ,5. 1031. engraved on them, thero started in other court A. B "rtj"w"' Da lnl" " Hlalr Oklahoma btevefitson ear old elepdaughler. Verleene, tied with white satin ribbons trt ocK - vav "fe"' una " Dearmarr A nw charge was filed spras of nrang blossoms. A' tnocn, Island railroad attor- " eeni receiveui m 3AN-a:,'GD-LO exas, Ma 5 n gift ney r mMl "inall mall coming to Cote ' , a. WASHING ru.N, Jiay DlCS (.nntW7J1ff acalnst Harrison was prcscmcu 10 indicated BhoxVert, amounting to a- - Ktlling of production At me nonoree. In the four Bran Untledt, ' He was - .the y, 1 Of i ' arrr'tea sceroi werdjsr naces Were marked for the hon- 1' lUieVQl 1 HCSUCtll Ssn niX rallnr charges ftfKl ore the hostess, Mrs John Craw- - undVr "eVl w !- oCUntyK,W.'11 ,'!'UCe guest theiprOposed - we bound ''t v?ni?B m lEf M ! Uvcr'J at the Uhlte Ilous, t against him In nn examining trial ford Mrs C Shelton. Jr.. Mrs. Hor-- ioV Wtition -- boos. UTten .: at Kl n?rrMl-T?- l "" "1 W tol ano held belWre JuMlce of Pence the ? d three-fourt- h rW5JU.?. Chlttfe f the nee Hones, Mrs. JamYs Edwaids. - InchJceo cubic oil men hereL Mr&Rebecci I'cnson, 65 m- u . - feet - nn... r,tv --nn . , ,,?..,, . - "MCeclI C Colling the original rrMsron "!- ujr urmin vf- .. -- i m.. . . . ' hit..., ..v.uu ,...... Mrs Jack Patton. Mrs Otis Garrett. in oraer,wai i0f rajn .hi. ,3... - July 1, 1330 "Hon. these were (1 ' U " ,0,wlr Colo,' ha Whrto.j an .Y! ' ? "orav" 'c1.'1 ' wnCihe chief Witness- He was hefd Mr Ro dated and- was ". nek. ll9Ue Scptt. Mrs. Miles Dort. hae emotiedi.h.I ". '., If" fhe ot - lepor ' AD''' '" "B. 'L"'hpfr?itornej gehal,.nnoutlced at Aus." 'nounced ith,J ,","?' ' at 6 a m, Tuesday Uithnut h.n,i !. in m,. 1 r t.w become effectie last- f,.iT.w floor ib- and ev Hailstorrrta were reported from the tT" u.i i.i,i. miJbuhi hrTd Short KU own1 ....' lm ttxqn, Big Lakrl' llrjan left Washington 3 23 l,,,rr Illness. corp--l proceedings Held times, the carriers obtained post-t'-O feljow search d for lhathe at beforr'McCooI. Mm. FHd Mlers, Mrs. ' Strr!ne; City.rtion as well as oil. She Is lr w.n..M. . .1. u.. ,...& .1 tnlt 'T'KLa m,nIIm,i .mill .Ka.. oU cbmpanlw. had agreed to sh.n nJ Saturday for I.IiIcitii. nnd survived by her husband Judge Frill R, Smith, the girl win Femrlte. Mrs. Gordon Huz.nl. 'fi.n'atbV erframunltl wells rfce oil-g- B T apd seven 1 January 1, 1SK M im four to conserve th'erc Sumlaj night Sevnson. child changed testimony, mant.Mr Re-wb- s lacked Ume to prepare nV rate Then J Walk 4 if. for Kansas ren her and the Rernle Candy. Mrs. Cecil charts. r tooK charevof th mail In n:i,r',v;- - n..r.V rauo in the oiner ,wells iquy After a briif staf duringl The children are Mrs Mattle, ordered releacd from Jail b dick. Miss Lena Schllepake. Miss l"inl( Whltehousr. j General effect of the rate t 'emiKurarv office on Pirst street Ultmci J Hanging irr depth from 8 to .which he w)l visit a place neat Txas. Mrs Judge Smith. He nlso dismissed Mary Rell, Miss Glenn Perry. Miss 1"'" '.3a Ellen McCurry. slon, ccordlng lit, he commerce later John noddy was ap Additional Jndzo Is ff'el. the deep wells in theig! Kansas ClVs where l.e once lived Oiahom. Mrs charges against him The girl w-- Ba itsrta Mason, Mli Mary Lee ind Itf.93.- "II- - da Morse O rji"v commission order, is to ttf$Zi oae vslnted postmaster . field low oil that averages will go on "to Denver. Irftv Mrs Mil plarfd underbond for appcaranceiMancrum And Mis Merle Ralley. l. ter Fort Worth rate anplkable to both wheajt an.!1 This i the Idep thflt I desire to ..ljror' fcSPfin'iM 81ty nd u amot 'He ill accompanied by a secret r Clurenc Reeves. beoie the. May term pcartd Juty t Out of town guests Included Mr coarse ccalns and heir direct arod eonvev. "to mv frlfnd taMHuIti iatht crvtceman froiirlht White House Ltndslei Renbeh ReevfK. ColhOmi Qtitm atmlaea,! 1js-- lliaa t,1n TM v I1I memb7. I .-.1I bar tme reeel 5l!,9j;i'Ifr'rS.I.,J.!: n d Clifford Reeves. Mineral - u ucts. such as flour and meal for rav'Yaitroad that "the jdi1 lcal i ' . Hiwiunun.,i,s oivvi iiivrti iiuii...loviin ui-;-JIui iin-.i. uuihji wir r ijiiuwihl- - ,.liio niiirii e.1 ""r,"-..rrr- Springs. .i ti. both .domestic and export Ishlp- - office In nig Sprn h.. not had ?h,1ni7.Ml'SlqS.Bl :' WASHINGTON. May Arkinraa: rest and the nw cliacgc following eon Miss Agnell, accompanied bv -- Mrs Rtevenson wns born In menliO the, primary markets manent home Ir, 45 tn. iVreductlon at Seal Reach, The dream Is oxer for tlryan 'Un-.- l Georr completion or hcr testimony before'her mother, left for Illg Spring for - nl'arth mJ n S Caltor April 4. 1$61 The prescVlbed rates, genafatt, .Wlevlng ,at If wttl be anvhanor sfr 'nla. tile Reainin well were the tledt, tia. fhe was mirrled the grand Jury, a short visit Upon her return she a,OIVM ' sTtht lo Andrew C RoeVo In He represent substantial reduetioBs en anyone1 furnlshlnsr a nernvnentJ, ' ff,'ii' "" dtepeat produeera of oil and gas Like M1L1 inly cnurterpart. Cln- - ltM v will be entertained (with many par- ffled -I December 15 1KR and wn to-i- hs wedding, wueai ana coarse gTam raies. ine.nome lor or poat ornee- herf-- l Th, bm tfc t.n the world (derella, he stepped through the. ties prior said. ko to h burled n the CoAhomn cemier-T- O.U.R. order ,wtth swbnu twa tocatldns for wc'parft,h urge 'of It was presumed on-- classdoors of the White House Members C . proponents the that of the 1930 she wa4 married to E. T VISIT 1IE11K Iwt .,,ar,, l(Jlir "''masuro to wire house of renresen well! that Group No I OU tSaturday jtffr three days of hob Meet At City n . .. Crior 1 .. . a ' Mr. and Mrs. J. D Harvey of snare...... nave - ' wun a si.j.1 ine iw viaitucts Men tat Ives members- exnrwulnr- tholi...... atlon (Texonl lias acreed to shutinoDDing prcsiuem ana Friends -- ...... Funenfl services, s i'l h held al Coforadj aUended services 'the Honor Recent .. .. j - klng vvfil plaTh I'arli for Session at 4, He ..!. to hl4 15 omsteiea, maKiror ine eity as onr fwisnes nn Its No. n University, the lafg- return p m todav at the Klrrt Rantlst Church Of Christ Thursday even FFifi Surprise nere snpuiu a - home the Colorado cow country Rridc not m dMAorj me bill would ve to thH dl'wt gusher of the nine which In Ifr church, Coahomi with th Rev "The members of the OUR Club Ing nnd visited n the home of Mr SOfcOO candy I a luxury Shoicrr and Simjpr W our cltlaera but the iOOC.trict an additional dlilrfst Judgelcreased trf an'estlmated b where and milk Mr Derr of Abllen' conducting met nt th Clly Pirk Thusrday af and Mrs James Campbell Mr liar . ' ' '9d p?le north of the rallroi'' 'pr a period of two. years rel and arcmd 1736ftftTi) Cubic inr the flally Ihrl'. Burls) tornoon for tAcetlng a pic- vey is. " ' will ben the Coahoma cem a and minister of the Church ot ieserv quai consideration With ijr-- feet of gas' dally beforclla flow ' tery, nic. Christ In Colorado Miss Elltabeth Nbrthlagton Ulf "f3 porulatlon 013 the north ,.. . and thljl i'allbereM will be John .Adams, 1hey devoted the first part of . ... lde, nutfc- thn nf rwintl. l C'V" J-- I l ave a - ohf Sj nrobable that the Tx0n .v P C , the afternoon sewing quilt auis i,Bifr., .icwc . frpfftc. i. .(Of rRov FhMs Adams, Gne jo the of .1 .. - 'StMltl nf AH fttv An Aml -- Lli Big iiwwtr u uw jorm.oi a uuicn sup- ' "" " ," " ' 11 I,' O Donnell, W J Jack-Gi- and Car1 blocks find Jh'e later part. to, play Spring a Stake Scurru n . t.i,- c.v... . nd conveniem SDaee - ,.. hn,,w,.v..w..... um... a.wc,i).. .?i,vj i ' iJ Tp&LI"'?" "'-- ' unrrra uaiiKkai a W?...ieri in d rTT 1 XX Hates . Ing games and toasting' wlerteVs aserhorn Wednesday afternoon atH" T nBdu" on " street . killed wheiT No 1R Unuersl j hlch were srv?d with a plcnn Business - Professions the home ofMrs Neeet on West houW b selected without ne dls-- Watloh for a fiOO fobt test for'aln Is placed on paction No ,X 6 lunch . " - voice- - Sh'-'il- dKe 1'iOllOl Oi)i T M ri71i'i Elrhth street s ord'et a large spnC' oil has beeh slaked m Scurry coun B .lth a peak nf Ogtl barrels ' ' 11 lib Mrs J fe Phillips was taken In A color scheme of . gracn and 'desired, ultob!e. to bOuit aU.ty by Simons A Brock' 2J1Q feet total deHh ot P58T feet before t W is a new member Mls Dorothjq DIRECTORY white was carried out if house tnifkI' and m'1' from the scaith and 'east lines killed April 15 for recondition iil.ThirFpries W'nn i4ilrf ffi'S. the "" ""J8" - ofiwss Firt Durham Mann Was a vldtnr Others pre. Q uecorauona anu me umciout re- - " "" ,iwu.St j. v,i u'tuu,i uj, niorK i hbTL Ily ing is nowi pulling tuping to mni o. r.. . i f'ntjvcre w O Meclendon. ia ic Mmi .in .ii.ii v loiiiu-.uiiivt- Marry In Dallas w iggn, v u Mcuamei BROOKS AND Mpi!-- . Clarence Mtnn (leprce Hulin M eteH aa. - li, .. . b. . .- I4La ttha TZ.lHskt.l rilhivai IM I. .Marvin Wood E W WOODWARD 1. at. s.iJ.s.. Announcement of 'tlio marrligc J Epp, II Welch. C E Murphy -- s of Mrs L E Durham of New Mmes R. F ScbermerhOrn, than evera! ncs offsrtd Harraon's No 1 Murphv a small Irrsi55 Jofati In the well" I.,1:1? ,?rln5 ' "V B,r, ! On Will ArttMtM'Vri AT Pat,It2SOftrtol) " York, and Dr T M Collins prom next Wednesday the club IW Martin. Vat Williams Randall to ittOOOO. (producer "The shutting In of Tsyon No 3 D VuV"""' 'fTm ''T'4' hive nn all day .meeting with Mrs pi,i,i. nr.A,. .., t...... If h mnre .nitiihli.tn,j .mill,, e.if... ,. r..u,.i. . .,' .. ..r...... iment Inent Big Spring physician was Nrw Lraler KNher Itlilat Ma M tier punujy They were Wlggnson afid Misses Mamie Hair, Mabel Is. deslrd or. preferred burn fix Scurry of No B rulverslty"" aCd I ei feet klllir? 9 n nZith" cis-nrod- uc hlgh.honora In.the stale homfmak'marrl at Dnllas nt a m. Sun Went Eddy Kathetine Settle and- JLola fooa spaef- . Second street .from the- - - nrtm wKflm..TVS reduce llilnl Hlrw - !" Eet. ' V l III unArlwcld Texons w O. t, nni era rally held Thurs - lay . Belle Stew-ar- wmrn is rowav nftw'een the two lotion 13S. block 97 Ttv Hon IJO.000000 emlwc feet leavln eduratlon.3l HiTC y and Saturday In Lub- - Mr ami Mrs Col.ln loft If .viaducts onlyone block Id the urvay, had drilled to 4,166 feet in ihe compan daily gas production Immedl it'. U. jlUl0rC Ul Doue'asn CO 006.000 pro- - dock ittclv for lieaiminnt whore thev will eiiie vtei, jh hol Ume . . , jaround. R-B- th- - ' Geneva SluSers cnlrj won frrsIaUenil he stale medical eonven- - 71ar aod pdaseng . "" vvvuij .... rnal.es as.miub gas SuccumUs Dr. E. (). i. " vic ifjaw place in the siqte group A, contest, , Unn. Later Jhey.vWll.Ro to Gal Islington CincodeM'ayo en; to wree oanxs anu'...'...vne oiriee Unity Oil Co s No 1 First Nation when It Is placed on production as . very Vr"r-'j.- l gas It was a chlld nlay suit and dress voston. and UIt the lower RIO Dentist ulldinr center of be Bank of RoUn. 2.310 feet from before It U srobable that Its 9 Funeral services for C Gil- - . IviVerne,, wash v J 'atlon of .thia city site 110 by ,. w,. ti. rpiiiicf-i- i Stewarts drcss.lGratuJa.vnll-- W, north lne and 1.6Mfeet from I ... I ,. ..,.. I ...... 1,1 . , (. - .. .,. more, about who died nt his l5he ' . il '" n fl.,1 .ln,Mt.. pr Petcoleum Bldg. feet 75 b 110 Xesttaiere can be 1 la understood that Ulg Lake,;"""-'":"-''- ' '"""" v.n, .knrv wm ai nnm nner iu Big Spring Mexifcm Xp it,e east lineV section 210 block It xo '. home In he R Bar community r, ecured by (theCjfror, Oil Company win probably will Its ,hlra teen nays at ma aiurry srreet... . . 281 confiscation nHBiC survey had drilled to 2 p". ly Friday morning had not,, been! Phone 5 2-- received iionot: ' Mrs Celebrate Fren h rty owners tin this street will take 510 feet In sandy lime No University, produclrfg a J105""" Durham was' affiliated arranged this afternoon, pending are of khe old dally arragn of 1576 able nvntlon P"In foods division, with a New Tork hospital before Defeat With Dance at residence and clear Cranflll & RfVnolds No 2 Flan around bar messsges from relatives Mr. Gil 3- - from 8 S-- L.ontesianis jrom nere .nnciuueu resigning and moving to Washing' 'rje grounds The post office dj nlgan 320 from the south apdJ rels 603 feet, and No morej)iad rrttded In the soc-tlo- n fet - Misses Slusser, Stewart, Duff ?nd ton, D C visited Lodge Hall. n&rtmsnL can hiv either InAtlnn P.lt llna tf i,j.Mhn AAA M...1 ," University, producing a dally av- Later she her about 11 cars. Services were foramij Luclle Gooch guest i- - j'or permanent Home - oroniy tos arrois irpm a lister at Dallas. .nd was a DR. C..C. tht of th pst BBBAC survey had drilled o Z. 'VS' i v expected to be held Saturday or CAUIkK, w 4 (lice And we will eonsldrr it a 712 feel, In broken lime. luia, ucniti ul o jcci ji 4u? ikriiuiu htc J Sunday with, burial In Salem cepie-tcr- y l.xlcansof Ulg Spring will Vr..tKnH.v it ,V,...... n, .l,U.J ...... The four wejls which likely wlllL',i'0' " Ofncn Shessllrd here In January. ' Osteopthic Physician nnd " ' T T Observe Clnco deMsyo Tuesday '.", "'. . .?. 2 i,.CUmmA .u P.nne" '. .offsets Rig Lake Thel Ll A Jean 3S0 feet from the catl!?. 'J?"1 ". Continue Study Surgeon celebration of the day ,,,' "-Pn.- Jobation line 'and iOO eR froH southJ"? a. -"" oiiseteacn HAMILTON tIERK E05 Petroleum HIdp,. sixty-nin- e years ago when the the other Rig Of Peace Rook W.M.GaqelsNaw Bob Hamilton, county attorney Mroand Mrs H CUPRead" line of section 201. block 1 BBB&C and Tcxon.B and Ijikc of Mexicans defeated the French. c-- The two mlszlanaryciocietic'i of Martin county, In Big Spring Phnn tnv urvey'had drilled to 125 feet In onset cacn otner .lulling Of Was will consist of a and Si-if- dance rrm ,.i .1;, , fn lit Ijike No. 2C and No 3.C the First Methodist Church met In 'Gijif Afient Here toaay, utenmng eusinct court red rock Tbursda'y T t ,, rt . would reduce that company's gaajo'jt session afternoon un 9, ,i9ti;, me riJlllRos timir aiir iinrlH in Mv'n.. production by 13,000.000 cubic feet at the church to study the book, V M Onge, formerly Sweet- French ower occupying Mexico (UP) bangstei (J - of BEAUMONT. May 'l Six ' pent uaiiv- the three remanllng nig Turn Toward peace. water, where heijwas special repre to enforce collectlonvlof a debt&men were. Injured, two serloutly. Sunday LakeVwrils maKinc around 33.000. Mrs Hugh Duncan was the lead- - .. School Manual sentative oft the Gulf Refining Co. . W.....U mucn a nere io-- , . Ler, uu utumnucu Kiiiura couapiea ' to. j n ,' 000 cubic feet of gas dally. assisted by 4lrs. C S, Dlltt, Mrs lias assumed the local agerfty for Hhelr withdrawal on the grounds day and plunged them 70 feet to tntty firstf UapttSl TheTexas Public Service Com' M. A. Cool; and Mr T L, William- be- - ' the company's products In Big that th Monroe doctrine was 'the ground, tn a shower of brick' pany Is place In ser- - son. FIRST preparing td Spring and surrounding' territory. Ing violated. arid timber t All K.atherlne Gangster Is con- - Icc pipe lines the Blg The 'following I 'from Lake members were The agency was formerly ppcrated IN MaxmUllan, the brothet of The accident occurred at the old ducting a study .in thee Sunday new mat win nave a. combined ca- present, Mmes J A. Garrett, J, II Emperor (Joseph of Austria, re; ..,.. by M Went. ..., niimi wm tjcpooi Manual at the Jrtrst Bap. pacity of 'around 25,000.000 cubic KlrkpatrlcR. W. G Bailey, II tt Mr Gage, has been with the Gulf BIG SPRING fused to leave, however He being raxed Contractors,l( said overVttst church a'1 aext weekT Classes feet dally but still sll.htly less Kenton, W. H Bemele, M. Man took chance's on remaning on J company for eighteen years atid and begin at 7 p. tit and close at han qnc-four- flhe total amount uel, Fox Stripling. J. B. Pickle. C previous to his position with head Mexican soil, hoping to gain "(. -- - r. u..rltu iu- m a wno Bre interested In the ofrgas that will be available dally E. Talbot. V. It Flewellcn. J M ijjuarters In wee.twater was with . HOWARD COUNTY through dissension of the &exl. '6f:""L?k.U"' nd pro, new Sunday urn b,k'v r". methods Ji V:hol worlt i wu3 previously nicfVif auceii. it, o. i rue. ainn the company In "trans failed. , M s mir ituiseu Austin Mrs Gaga in 1890' Thejlan .internal Injuries ,nvited ie8e cJaM Honed, are shut In The Ion apd W A. Miller, In addition nnd Established Under tbe leadership ot Ig- - lre thel? four children will remain -- V "ring a notebook line to San Angelo has to on program. narfo Saragoza, were ....., ... and pencil tnose ine In Sweetwater until school Is out . UNITED' STATES the French 'jLirtL been (testing for several days and The societies will meet again they come Spring, defeated. .MaxmUllan was. cap. lots' Injury by grabbing when will to Big a Umber STANTON GIRL IJ.L the 4fnlle, lnch line 0to Rio Monday afternoon for another Its Mr, and Mrs C E. Hahn, the Cages' DEPOSITORY tired and shot r m protrudthg SSKfe from the Aall. on his tftvlan Bryant, daughter of Mr Pecos Is virtually completed. Tht daughter and have hiov SinM thattime the fifth of downward flight, swung p D. "The Old i and feet nnd Mrs. A. Bryant, Stanton San Angela, llnethas 'a capacity of to Big Spring Return. i ftt"M ha .been observed am a na; abqveath grcrund'as ed from Austin and - construction ..jcrwent an appedectomy at the approximately 18,000,000 ctlble Xeel havp a capacity nf around 7,000,. Mr. ilahrftwlll be associated In the W i sr' a. holiday by the Mexicans. matenau rained about lnm 'BIS w THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Sprint Hospital, Batuntay, dally and th eRlo recos Una will OOOcublc feet dally. business, ' 'r" ' . - 5 fJ " v-- r o t

-- m.jhh.1 wm '" ""iefrsVa2" i. v- - -