0 - J KS r. :'. I ' - t SS.'.V'-.:-'- - Spring J)ai(t) Herald iv.o. r ' VOL. 3 NO. 2y. EIGHT PAGES TODAY BIG SPRING, TEXAS, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1031. W MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED Pltfe88 oClub Boys' Calves Fancy IIa ourity Bring Prices Farmers' Queen I Wl That Old Hat! Out For Air Record " . H Buy At Home Train Strliek Poison Liquor M Many Attend -- E & - lUf HO zzz 1 TOWN Proponent Is By Gasoline MsiiiiiiiiiiiBisiiH Is Held Cause Beef Feeders' iT A L K Club Speaker Truck; 1 Dead Of Boy's Death Session I Here I "SSI SSSSSSS1 SSSSSSSSSSSSSST ' jf. By nEnOY Lnrf Walks Garftiiri ' 1930 Republican Nominee Driver Killed,, Locomotive To BnMcr0 Caiiblc's r Governor nl Lions Iiiigiiieer mill Fircnmu AflcrWrdek;AksTo Calf, For One.polnt In connection with the J Weighing 952 Pounds, Luncheon J c IFny Die ilt'sl; Expires clly .till project that apparently Placctl First ahoufilbe made plainer has to do 1 Con E. mill) Talboh repub TOLEDO, 8 .T" Melvln DAW AS. May A . I W. aiay wage- t f 1& IiAWAPA fllUm- - 17 (Ititntiiso Cnclnnd mHa.A A largo crowd was In attendance. Willi scales oi uniuiiyui" lican candldato for governor last - i McCormlck. 22, Sylvnnla. O, driver bo employee on m today that Vrould of sso B. Garland today nfler a truck In at tho livestock field day be- urnmer, agency manager of the a truck was killed and J lil U I. A .... 4 ..... nlliAK a...... V. job. ff- amm' .muni iiw uiiu .wf '""Sit. ,vuiiP tvuu..I. ing hcld'al tho United Stales Gov- Southland Life insurants Conjpiany Mann, engineer Br ncon)Dtlve and E 'overturned near therov ernment experiment ' J station here, apostle purchase by Texans' W. -- pltv'a ttollcv ha been and and for ln;old, fljyman, wore probably I rc- - .Tha products.) A coroner's verdict sold death seeing Hereford calves nnd yearl- the city manager haa pledged that of Texas manufactured fatally hurt near hero today when llilli.il frnm 'itr1nlrln-c- tnlkntinfi - ong steers which have been subject- MINI- was the principal spraket- Friday at MeCormlck's truck, 1,000 " i It iiltJi continue to pay a carrying liquor (? ed to feeding; experiments during MUM wago of a dollar per hour tho regular luncheon of tho Lions gallons Of gasoline, struck the train y&' m hMf.1 : 4 Short walked to Garland after the the winter, purchasing rl,ih Vol.1 at tli Rolllf. i exploded- - and stock for (killed labor ;( and Iwreck, .found his Injuries were TlntUa V WhfilAV ,1l.-rl- niVi.nl (Sa that ,of members of Calf not the Feeder BVsTVT H: - . serious and asked permission Cldb a n Four-I- obviously, of the Southland company K W ..... f .1.- - 1 of the t This, would not af w icav jut a ...Ull.wiiiiv 114 1110 s..f mm p. wuiimiu Clubs. the regular wage scales re- Kinney, district manager of M Sanderson Wife loll sm feet Worth,' WILIJAM MKNNKN The mornlmr session was snent quired by carpenters, brick raa rtrattcn Company, Fort liiiiK a V J7S- - Officers found him dead when im:.v Frigidatre dlstrlbulont Dr James' '"ft"""1 ,T": rAo, " Judging twenty calves of tha . sons.tplumbri, and other who iAcoused In Death Most every newspaper rcadsr Is they attempted to awaken Mm. lM?AnntFrf. i i ., Starllnn.Bt ri---- .i..u j vet "unions. R. Barcus, and J. C Hinds, super ........A4l!a iiicmucri, una auctioning...inem ha local y with the surname of this Hurley, 18, MercYdes, will fj . Intcndcnt of" the Orest Went Jtefhv' sB'Cl . it: "t If Tfliolinnfl 'i'nl"lr Tx, at' to local buyers. VI tempt to stt a iTew Junior fllaht - -- i bidding Ing Co., were guests of the club UU llUbyUJlU an (orlh e 22 yaw pwaldent rec n.M- r...Ki-- hi i..i i Any contractor for the A .lt ord from the Paeino to ths Atlantic In addition to Col Talbot i of Menncn cqmpony Newark. Fire Following won tlnt plACCi Bnd brousht U0M city hall Job would, naturally, 1 WM .UNPERSON. May 8 ..piMlrs Xhe coast. have" '- - figure labor at the existing WlicfA Col. Talbot was Conducts N. J Itccentlv he was a special tperhundred pounds when, auction-- fltt-a- ness'e May Sharp0 was In Itit lila iri1fa nmnalvn aa rtlbers guest the West Texas Druggists Blast Destrous was purcnasea uy ine tweti-wat- er local wage scales. i (all - of cuii gover-- J here today charged with mur- . ..AAliilfKH la. OH the Republican homlnce for; ,tBHU.IUIUIl 111 I...! VVIIICIIIIVIIInHi.aHdnn t..lAIK),., Cotton Company. Two ' "Tex-an- dei In ronnrctloh wl the death lleiwould to figure on nor ,he stressed theIdea of s having come from tfi&n Antonio calves, of Wood row Itoblnsojl. also have Monda? of her husband, W. "fcftlcfus Block Iiv Houston However, In no for Texas." In his speeches, he with Wllijam Oclise, head of the More.Bllls welghlnc 7H and 718 pounds, cqurm V nslnc local men. ?harp Officers said analysis of ttt)r oase'SyoUld the city allow d skilled stressed the Importance of Tcxans mi San Antonio Drug company, ed the top price of $10.50. They lH LP) d 1 c Sharp poison HOUSTON, Fire, patronizing manufacturers HH1 1 i viscera reveal) Drug company Mav4 were purchased by the Whlto moozxr 10 wor k, tor less man a uui 1M Vm Mrs Sharp arrested last ntghh At the Dehrcns explosion lar'pcr hour. amr producers. Since that time he wii luncheonMurlng the convention he by an in the West Are Rptiirned House grocery of Big Sprjpg, ? Q has carriod his campaign for the bvas prescntrtl with lh hat you see O ray section gf Houston destroyed through J. n. pickle. Cltj'nfflMala a.ferd that we promotion of s Industrial clr- - High Speed$Ia&e , mm wearing in ine pjeiure, una oiu a bloqk of business houses and An animal of Barker makaHhls matter clear for infor clcs to every city in Teasx Hts talk - w hat. declared to have been the caused darago estimate.! at (50,000 Tcii'Indietinents B'riug Scs Caublft plar-e- aecondi Hubert Jlay- - mation of local Craftsmen. today was along tht.t line A By highest Prtcc(J Stetson available The blast lifted the roof off n wortlrn q Hereford placed Thlrtj-Sftrnt- u Texas $ Pacific J mi when was flrat'purchased years bakerj. blew Joo Iala, ZO, out the Sion's Total .To third, while that of .It. L. Powell ' i e NEWS ITEM: Colorado, May 7 "It Is deplorable," he declared Express ago, has a purported history that back door, painfully burning and Eighteen was fourth. Powell's calf weighed Representing Colorado at the "that Texas ranks thlrt ninth In Trains is Interesting and Mr. Mennrn had Injuring him.' The flamea spread 782 pounds. per capita wealth, although till . West Texas Chamber of Commerce Atttcitttd Pitu t( placed It In a private museum he quickly. Cause was not determin Indictments returned by the May Six Premiums In Lubbock May state tnkefllhe lead In production f Members of crews on two fast In Six premiums, amounting to J80 convention H.,13 Rebecca fitepp of Trenton vvai maintains. Two bullet holes It ed. , j, V. c ..viiiuiwui.ic-i- . express reported fine record term grand Jury Wcro Increased to paid "and 16, will be the Colorado 'Muni- iiui named Cfddets of Agriculture at trains arc said to have been Inflicted dur t will b the winners. Prizes ''It Js the case of Texans feeding for spfd via the Texas & Pacific eighteen Thursday afternoon when 15, $10 $5 are cipal 'band, under direction of Hoy the S6th Farmers: fair at the Un- ing a fight In Hoy Bean's store at j of and offered by Hester, and an entrant In the "My Die cow and the other fellow milk- thliweelni !? mo pmcc wncrc ten true bills were brought la byl the Chamber of Commerce- on tha ing iversity of Missouri. Langtry in isai To Cap Wild Home Town" contest. her." One train, ten cars of cantaloupes. Uesn held forth as "The Law West Effort the bogy. Eight Indictments had college plan of grading. Similar He discussed the condition of the mnile the Kl Paso to Fort Worth of the Pecos." been jctUrned prior to Thursday's prizes are offered by the Coopera- cotton declaring Rutf-et- a 1 3 pii Spring has a band that goes market, that trl pin hours minutes, leaving The picture above recently was Wellet For Today report- - tive Oln & Supply Company for did not purchase a bale from EI Paso 11W2 p. m. Under the name of tho Municipal Liner at Tuesday and tent to Shlno Philips by Mr Men-nA- f. Immediately .after ronortlnir nroduCtloh or total rain. Tha l the United States' year, and Large reaching p. - decid- fmnA'flt nn( Inu,uLfr.- , ailnnntt.-- last that FoiTWorth at 1215 m In na- - OLADBWATEIl, May 8 M4) Thursday, tho grandJury adjourn- prize winners hsd. not been . .l ..;B...nVH .. It s appearing several i.t it l,.i...l,.! !...-- i.,-factj.n- wounejusy. ... 18, bus-ie- d in1 ..It.. Ihf Anntlnn11v rttV-.- ed until May unless iflgent this afternoon, ed by 'the municipality it is, . -- 'viwimiiy hn.lwin T dten HnrroUn, Sinclair oil company to ,,,c.i.. i I ' llrlM lehabilltateduiiisuch an; omuh.ui.,iJ cars Ol .!. to premiums. supported at all. h? vuiriiiiK icvtn ...i.t.t U -- production superintendent, said lncss arises before that' date. In addition these .
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