TWICE TUESDAY A W EEK ®ke fin iteti (iliöurttcx- FRIDAY

Established 1920 LINDEN, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1930 Price Three Cents

Mic h a e l K reidl BLANCKE OUT AGAIN JAMES BERSEY KREIDL PRESENTS SILBERSTEIN CASE AFTER OPERATION ACCIDENT VICTIM BERSEY, BLAIR REVIEW OF NEEDS IS SET FOR TODAY The many friends of C. Dudley A RAHWAY MAN LEND INTEREST Blancke, former B«jrougli Collector and well known surveyor, are pleas­ IN SECOND WARD Colson-Bêrsey Assault Trial ed to see him atxiut again after an Employee of Aniline Works TO CAMPAIGN Also Due. operation that confined him to an Killed by Auto. Elizabeth hospital recently. Ante-Primary Fight Open­ Tells Council and Public of Identification of the victim of the Conditions of the The case of Abe J .Silberstein, in- “Dud’, who is one of the biggest ing With Touch of dieted lor alleged irregularities in and Imndsomest men in town, has Kdgar road automobile accident of Streets There. connection with the Hlizalx-th av­ always been athletically inclined Monday night was made «at Martin’s Picturesque. enue firehouse job, was set to come and it is odd, therefore to s«x‘ him morgue in Klizabcth Tuesday. \ b«.* If Michael J. Kreidl, member of tip for trial today, in Klizabcth. slowly making his way along the man was W illiam Bukowszkas, 33 of Local politics, like the sou! o f old die common council from the Second So, also was the ease of James Col­ rial to. 38 Burnet street, Rohway. John Brown, goes marching on. ward, has nis va about it, there son, indicted for an assault and bat­ The Rahway man was struck by Likewise Jim Bersey. will he considerable action on the tery alleged to have been committed an automobile driven by William Mr. Bersey, whose christened name pari of the mu licipnlity in making on James T. Betsey, then Councilman Greed, of College Point, 1/ing Island, is James T. and who has served th* needed repairs : nd improvements on from the Eighth Ward, on election MIDDLESEX FIRM whose car ran into a vacant lot and city in numerous and sundry capa­ the public tbori ugh fares in that sec­ «lay in 1 *11*7. turned over after the accident. cities, is a candidate for councilman The vehicle burst into flames, tion of the city it is charged against Silberstein IS LOWEST BIDDER at large. Mr. Kreidl i- presenting to the that he was guilty of larceny and of which were extinguished by firemen And what he says in his persona! public this wetk a resume of the obtaining money under false pre­ with F.ngin«' No. 1. platform is sufficiently interesting Will Build School 4 Addi­ Identification «if the accident vic­ needs in his ward, including partic­ tense while serving as architect on Jo the political observer of ularly those for repairs on I,umber the firehouse. tion for $8_,975. tim was in ale In Howard Dunn of this paladiurn of liberty to knock off Carteret who was taken to the mor­ street, l'.li/abel 1 avenue and other Six cases growing out of the 1927 a couph of typewritten pages at streets intersecting or near by. «'ledion were dropped by the pros­ The lowest base bid for the gen tuary by tlie police. Former Councilman who an­ copy without digging into the part Btikowczka was employe«! at the On Lumber street, Mr. Kreidl says, ecutor n oil ire Tuesday. They are eral construction work on the aridi- nounces he w ill he a candidate or predicting the possibilities of the local aniline works. He is survived the s;de\valk is barilyt orti up and | those ot Joseph Coger, John Pirraco, Schooi I was found to fie that of future. by his wife, Mrs. Freda Btikowczka. for Councilrna n - a t - I .a rge on the needs relavimi. AKo. there is no Councilman points out need | !• r.tncis .Meehan, Th«mia.x (lurtiso and the Miiidlcsex Building & Construc­ Every candidate should have a He vias a native of Elizabeth. independent ticket. liiiht on the bridge which spans the for work on streets in Second \ Mart Moliwinkel, charged with il- tion Co. when ail the bids were op­ platform. That is axiomatic. But ened at the meeting of the board of — .....«> — ------brook on that street. Because of W ard, claiming residents are in i leg'll voting, and Michael J. Vena, there are platforms and platforms. this. he say : man fell recently, education held Tuesday night at the INDIAN GIRL TELLS A platform enables the votin g danger of accidents. charged with procuring illegal votes. broke bis knee, and was of a mind ------_||------high school. .Its bid was '81,975. Hardenburg Will Not public to know just where a candi­ to sue. This and the other low base bi«Is STORIES TO PUPILS date stands. It his platform pleases Sidewalks Torn Up. TURKEY DINNER SET for the various items making up the the voter, other things being equal, The sidewalks were torn up. also, Frontier In History total improvement total $125,330. Refuse Honor Asked I Nacomee, pretty and talented In ­ he doesn’t have to worry about the near the bridge on Elizabeth avenue, FOR LAST OF MONTH The bid of the Middlesex com dian girl, appeared Tuesday at the election; and if not, he wil find and have never been replaced. The Is Title of Address pany was one of 25 submitted. The ■ Junior high school. Nacomee is himself more or less out of lock in resulting condition, the councilman The annual turkey dinner of the low bids on the items of plumbing, for Him by Friends a member «if the Osage Indian tribe some June or November. says, is one which should have early heating and ventilation, and elec­ and is the daughter of Chief Taha. But all kinds of things enter into First Methodist Episcopal church, That the movement to name Pub action. trical work were as follows: Nacomee showed how the different the equation of a political candid­ Wood avenue and Knopf street, will By Rutgers Professor lie School 3, now in course of con­ There is a dangerous condition, Plumbing Burns, Ijuie di: Rich­ Indian trilies communicated with acy things like past conduct in o f­ he held in the church dining room struction on West Biancky street, be points out, at D eW itt and Knopf j ‘‘The Frontier in American His­ ardson, $8,180. This concern secured each other by the sign language. She fice, the personality of the aspirant, in honor of former Borough Mayor streets. The safety of the public Friday evening, January Hist. tory ’is the subject of an address to the plumbing concern als«> on Pub­ also related legends and told of the his ability to put it over from the Henry B. Ifardenhurg, Sr., was start­ could and should in- taken care of Dinner will he served from six to be delivered by Prof. Irving S. Kull, lic School 8, the work on which has customs of the Indian tribes of long stump, and so on and so on. Yet a ed without tiis knowledge or sug­ by placing a red light to mark a bead of the department of history of already begun. ago and now. She is a violinist of personal platform always helps. eight o'clock, and the famous home gestion is the statement contained hole which might cause injuries to Rutgers university, at the junior Heating and ventilating A. Tar- note, and rendered several selections Didn’t Consult Politician«. cooking by the ladies will be ac­ in a letter from Mr. Hardenburg to high school auditorium Tuesday ev­ kofsv, $22,000. The next lowest W iltiam J. Bryan always had a a pedestrian. the board of education, read at Mon­ for the entertainment of the pupils. The gutters reed to be cleaned. companied by good music. ening. Y'1»' lecture will be given bidder on heating and ventilating personal platform. So had Theo­ day night’s meeting of that body at Among the stories of interest to Mr. Kreidl says, on both sides of Tile following committees have under the auspices of the Linden was I .oil is Moore, whose bid was $850 dore Roosevelt and Woodrow W il­ the high school. the pupils v , “Why the Terarpin’s been appointed: General chairman, free public librarv. It will begin more than Tarkofsky. son. So had W illiam «McKinley aod Knopf street and on Miltonia street, Mr. Hardenburg said ttiat he had Shell is Ko 'Mi." at 8:15. Electrical work—Clifford N. Tay­ AJ Smith and Honest Abe L ncoln similar action is needed on Laurita H. J. B. Ashwell; supply. R. W. Win- not encouraged the movement in any Prof. Kull was graduated from lor, $12,975. The next lowest bid was and Herbert Hoover. And none of arid Allen stree:s. ans, chairman: supper, Mrs. 11. J. B. way, but that if the board saw fit to There is a deep gutter at a north­ Beloit college in 1909 with the dc- that of Josepti Tomasulo, $13,195. these well known gentlemen of the Ashwell, chairwoman; tables, Mrs. heed the petitions of those who had gree of master of arts was conferred The bi«ls w ill be tabulated by the present or the past ever seerred to west corner on Spruce street that John Onslow, Mrs. J. H. K. Schultz; asked that he be so honored, he Boy Mounds Self should be done away with the Sec­ by Ofoerlin college. building «-ommittee and reported care a heck of a lot whether h ii plat­ waiters, John Onslow; tickets, Mrs. would not lie averse. ond ward representative insists. back to the board at its next meet­ form did or did not meet the ap­ Ralph Swinton; treasurer. Ralpii He later was a member of the fac­ The school is being raised on the This could be. done be says by leav- ing. With Gun in Horae proval of the professional politi­ Swindon. ulty of Denison university, and as­ site of the old Hardenburg home­ This could be done he says, by lay­ cians at convention time. sociate proftissor history at Rutgers. stead, where Mr. Hardenburg during ing and eovi ring a short length Valentine Bernhardt, Jr., 7, was Bryan was never elected. Neither He became head of the department the early part of his 20-odd years as taken to the St. Elizabeth hospital, was A.I Smith. But Abe Unco, n and of pipe. of history there some time after his 200 Persons Attend mayor and when many of the plans The mail truck had to be pulled Elizabeth, with a pistol wound in .McKinley and Roosevelt and Wood- Thrift Is Subject tiecoming a member of the faculty for the school development of those out of the mud on Amon terrace re­ the right hand, after accidentally row Wilson and Herbert Hoover in 1918. years were conceived and worked cently. That strip of thoroughfare Mooseheart Legion’s shooting himself with a weapon were. Prof. Kull is editor of a four vol­ out. should be cind -red, the councilman At P.-T. A. Meeting which he did not know was loaded. Just what Immediate reaction Jim ume work entitled “A History of Mr. Ilardneburg has always main­ says, Bersey expects to produce wi:h hfe New Jersey". tained an active interest in the Shortly after the boy had been put Whittier Street Also, A.H. DeYoung was the speaker at Public Installation personal platform this w riter coesnX In connection with the announce­ schools, and to him was given the to bed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. There is nee i for similar action, the meeting of the Parent-Teacher happen to know. The guess, how­ ment of Prof. Ktill’s forthcoming ap­ Two hundred persons were in at­ honor of turning the first spadeful Valentine Bernhardt, 709 West Hen­ it is pointed out, on W h ittier street. Association at public school No. 1 ry street, heard a shot. ever, is that it will be a plenty. pearance. Miss Viola R. Maihl, pub­ tendance at the recent public instal- of earth when ground was broken Mr. Kreidl, Monday night, directed Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Y oung took firs t of all, Bersey says he’s lic librarian, has given out .a list of ation of officers of the Women of the for the Blancke street school. Going to the child's room, they the attention cf the common coun­ “T h rift” for his subject, and gave against graft. That’s a hot one. books, available at the library, on Mooseheart legion of the local ltxige The Linden <>bserv«-r at that time found that he had t«aken a revolver cil to the breaking of front stoops statistics of the savings made by the («raft is a pretty raw word. And frontier history. The list includes of the Loyal Order of Moose. The joined earnestly in the movement to from a dresser drawer and pulled along Stiles street when the county children in the school banks in this when a man says he’s against graft, the following: installation took place at ttie Moose attach the name Hardenburg to the the trigger, causing a cartridge to paved that street. The damage was city and in the state. He also com­ somebody is going to feel like rising "Chronicles of America”, “ Pageant Hall, Helen and Knopf streets. new school. The Observer believed explode. to have been taken care of, he said, pared these figures with tlie savings up and asking whom he’s alludin’ of America”, “Rise of American Civ­ that this honor was due to a man The bullet was extracted at the but nothing has been done. The of children in other states. He said The installation was conducted by to! It sounds pretty much hike a ilization”, “Romance of Our Boun­ who, though retire«! of bis own vo­ hospital, and the gun was taken in county w ill !«■ asked to look after that the children of this state saved the degree team of the Belleville charge against somebody or unotb- daries”, “Westward March of Settle­ lition from political life and devot­ charge by the police. the matter as soon as possible. more than the children of other lodge, the captain of which is Mrs. er. ment’',“American Adventure”, “Haw­ ing himself to business affairs, was Lights are needed, it is said, at states with the exception of New May Hank. The officers who were Patrolman Breen investigated the Anyway, Mr. Bersey says I iat if kers and Walkers in Early America” , stilt giving valuable couns«'l and his Vilen ami Mil onia streets and at York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. installed are; accident. here's been graft in the past— and “America”, “dark of Ohio”, “Son of encouragement to those things Vilen and Lindegard streets. The regular routine business of the .Mrs. Mary Feeney senior rege.nt: he doesn’t say there has not — he the Middle Border”. which mean most to the welfare of Mr. Kreidl has lx.*en asked by a association was carried out. This Mrs. Mae Gassier, junior regent: Airs. Joseph Furtner, of Miner terrace, doesn’t want to hear of any more of a progressive city. number of res dents along Allen body went on record as favoring the Daisy Locke, past egent; Mrs. Flor­ end Richard N'eyen were visitors at it in the future; and he goes still street to bring to attention the need materniay aid Dili pending in Con­ ence W agner, chaplain; Miss Mary the Lafayette Masonic I^xige and en­ iurther, and indicates that if he m for paving on that street, from Wood gress, and instructed the secretary to Knights of Beviano. recorder; Mrs. Eva P,icier, tertained the members. Mr. N'eyen elected as an independent candidate ¡venue to Stiles street. What will write to 1 nited States senators and treasurer: Mrs. Agnes Martian, guide; Cuba to Be Subject sang several selections. He was ac­ tor councilman at large, tie w 11 cd- be done on this street w ill no doubt représentatives in Congress from Elect Officers of Year Mrs. Josephine Hemenway, argus; companied on the zither by Mr. «ieavor to make it all-fired hot fo«r depend on the sentiment of the prop­ this district to vote favorably on the Mrs. Margaret Weiss, sentinel. Furtner. (Continued on last page) erty owners. re. Of Speaker at Rotary I I««' Linden Knights of Lithuania I he degree team was presented, in This association will give a card | Chapter 113, held a meeting at their appreciation of its services on this The Rev. Ashton Martin, of New party next Wednesday evening in : clubhouse on M tinsel avenue in an dottier occasions, a token in the York City, w ill speak at the Linden the auditorium of the school. Mrs. form of a glass moose heart to I><• Furber Is Speaker which many important matters were Rotary Club meeting on February 4. D. A. McCormack heads the com­ used as a decorative piece over the discussed. it was announced today. THRIFT, mittee for this event. Her assistants chandelier. The new officers were installed and Mr. Martin w ill speak on Cuba. He At Lions Chib Meet are Mrs. J. K. Gergenstoek, Mrs. E. j they promised to make 1930 a better M r.s. George Scbifferdeeker was is a former missionary to that form­ VV’E F M k i X Davidson, Mrs. Cordon Agnew, year than 1929, even though 192!) elected captain of the degree team er American dependency, and is sup­ James B. Furber, recently returned Mrs. L. W. < 1 roliman. Mrs. Frank was a very prosperous one. The of­ of the local order. erintendent of the Protestant Epis­ Hortell, Mrs. John W hile, Mrs. H. j from a 3,500 mile trip through the ficers for this year are: After the work a reception was copal church on Oinvent avenue, Kurz. Mrs. A. H. Barr. Mrs. H. 1!. j sout-h, gave an account of his so­ Anthony Palotsky, president, un­ tendered to the regents of the ------The next meeting of the associa-j Sally Brizitas, financial secretary; order on its progress. to Harold Depew, Frank G. Newell, tion wilt be held on it««* tweriing «if i Joseph Krotulis, sergeant at arms. ROSELLE PARK PR1NCUJAL \isitors were present from New­ Albert Weber, Jr., and Albert E. February IS. This will b<‘ fathers’, Delegates were elected for the dis­ TO SPEAK VP P.-T. A. MEET ark, Bloomfield, Belleville, Railway, Cooley, '• night, and the entire meeting will j trict convention to be held at Kear­ Irvington, Plainfield, Passaic and The meeting will be presided over i be in charge of the father members ny council. Let Thrift Week Start You On “The Value o' a High School Edu­ Elizabeth. Among them were Mrs. by R. A. Melenric, and «each past cation m the BitsinC'-s W orld " is the (of tie' association. 1 he Imwling captain made a re­ Priest, governess of the junior legion president will give a five minute talk port. and stated that the team is subject of the ■> hirers to by given by | at Newark, and als«> Mrs, Logan, of on the progress of the club since its The Right Road leading the city league by two full C Hobart Brown at the meeting I that city; Mrs. Harrington, past re­ organization in 1925. WORKMEN’S BENEFIT games and the K. of L. league by Monday of the lunior High School gent. from Passaic; Mrs. A ice six games. They expect to keep up Parent-Teacher Association in the ELECTS OFFICERS O linen, of Belleville, who served as Mrs. Charles S. Roller and baby, of Put aside a small amount out of your income the pace for the rest of tlie season. uditoriuni of that school. Mr. j pianist for the occasion, and Mrs. New York City, arrived Wednesday Brown is prim ipal of the Roselle The general meeting of the Work­ The committee for the approach each week and assure yourself that you will be Catherine Rothery, also of Belleville, to spend two weeks with her par­ Park High School . men's Sick and Death Benefit So- ing entertainment are Mrs. Agnes who sang. ents. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Nixon, of 310 able to meet any emergency in the future. This is the Fathers' Night meeting : «■«ety, t’.ranch 2 ft. Saturday at the Mart is. Anna Smolsky. Helen Laur- Brook street. M thassociation. A notice of Ihej Progress (Hub hall. Mitchell avenue, inas, Mildred Philips and Stella Mrs. Mary Feeney, senior regent, Thrift Week is celebrated nationally in com­ unit Mrs. Daisy Locke, junior rogi'nt, meeting has i* on sent to the par­ was well attended by the members Phillips. The clubhouse manager is Mr. and Mrs. Richard N'eyen and memoration of Benjamin Franklin, the a p o s t l e 'd' o' each child attending the The following officers were elected George Marti., Jr. It was decided w«'re presented with jewels. Floral Mr. Neyen's mother and sister M«ar- gifts were presented to Mrs. May 'Chnol, urging them, especially the ■ for the year 1930: at the meeting that the club is to ian, o f this city, expect to spend of thrift, and is a good time to start on the right Gassier, junior regent, Mrs. George fathers, to be p -esent and to become j President, Edward Muocke. re­ have card parties every second and the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wai- road. We pay four percent interest and wel­ acquainted w it! the teachers of the > elected: vice president, Fred Treu- fourth Friday evenings. S'ohifferdccker Miss Mary Beviano lie N'eyen, of Baltimore. and Mrs. A. Weiss. school and get in touch with the j chtlingcr. iii'w : recording secretary, President Paletskv made a speech come new depositors. One dollar starts a Thrift w,'rk iton«' by the school. John Hecker, reelected; treasurer. for which he received much ap­ Refreshments were served. The Account. Gunnar A. Slone, a teacher, w ill . Geoge Runny, new; financial secre­ plause. He said that eaeli member «lark horse prize was awarded to We’re Sure You’ll Laugh render vocal selections, anti Mrs. j tary. August Froelich, reelected: who is on a committee and every of­ Mrs. DeMoy the newely elected pi­ if you attend the Madeline Baxter and Miss Helen j physician, Dr. If. M. Glasston. re­ ficer should attend to his job ser­ anist. Kincaid, also t«' ichers in the school, elected; auditors, Stephen Gassier. iously. He bespoke cooperation of A feature of the evening w as a song vvdl entertain v ith piano duets. Stephen Oltrichte.r and Joseph W cid- the other members. and dance by Roslyn Bieler little SMOKER Linden Trust Mrs. William Ogrednick is chair-, onburiver, all reelected. The meeting was then closed with daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bert to be given by the nian ot the refreshment committee.' A social followed the meeting and prayer by President Paletsky, and Bieler. Sil sick benefit per week for bers. This was followed by dancing at 200 East Brice street. Mr. Kasper Mniizy, Mrs. R. W ili, Mrs. Ralph men, $9 sick benefit per week for The next meeting will be held on is the manager of the L'needa Lunch Swinton and Mis. E. A. Brown. women, and $250 for death benefit February 7th. Room. Sat., Feb. 1st THE LINDEN OBSERVER

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc-oooo < GAME. AT DRAKE M ■!..p.i- i- n 1 I t. M . |.1-i lilt I I I I I Clean Kidneys Denies He’s Dead Noted Pitcher Leaves Baseball PLAYED AT NIGHT I Seeing Big League "While I am extremely sorry By Drinking for the man who used my name jk RTHUU N. Nehf. who pitched in five world’s series, has retired. Powerful Lights Flood All in Chicago when he died, I am / V After a conference with William Veeek, president of the Lots of Water BASEBALL happy to say that I am stii! well / \ Chicago Cults, the veteran southpaw pitcher Parts of Grid Field. and happy and hope *>. live announced his retirement. He will act as manager of the Salt Taka Salta to Fiuah Kidney» If many years,” said Grover Noel, River Real-Estate holdings and the Arizona Ciltmere hotel at Phoenix, "Owl football” hits passed the ex­ Bladder Bothers or Latonla jockey, when he read both owned by William Wrigley. perimental stage at Drake univer­ Back H urt* the despatch from Chicago stat­ Nehf, who is thirty-eight, began his hall career with a Terre Haute sity, and five of the eight games on By BILLY EVANS ing tnat he had died from In­ (Ind.) high school team. After playing college ball at Rose Polytechnic the 19.30 schedule will t>e played at j Eating too much rich food may pro­ Sportswriter, Big League Umpire juries received in an automobile institute he played In the Copper league in Michigan. night. Ed C. Lytton, business mana­ and General Manager o f the accident at Lafayette, Ind. "I duce kidney trouble in some form. Within three years after leaving college he was with ger of tiie university, arid Coach Ossie Cleveland Indians have started an investigation to Buys a well-known authority, becauso tlie Boston Braves. Solent have announced. the acids created excite the kidneys. find out who the person was Chicago fans will see their first ma­ who assumed my name. I hope The New York Giants paid $55,000 and five play­ Then they become overworked, get ers for him in 101(5. During the ten years he was jor college game at night in Soldier sluggish, clog up ajid cause all sorts All-Star Teams to clear the mystery before field October 3, when the Bulldogs Makes Life ...... 1 st base...... Hal Chase long, hut in the meantime I wisli with the Giants lie pitched three games in the 1021 o f distress, particularly backache and Eddie Collin«...... 2nd base...... Larry Lajoie meet Oregon university. Tiie follow­ to acquaint my friends with the world's series and allowed only twelve hits. misery In the kidney region, rheu­ Jimmy Collin*.... 3rd base.... “ Pie” Traynor ing Friday night Drake clashes with fact that I am very much alive After holding Pittsburgh hitless for twenty innings matic twinges, severe headaches, add H Hans Warner...... s. Roger Peckinpaugh Marquette at Milwaukee under the Sweeter Tyrus Cobb...... Outfield------Fred Clarke Nehf allowed two runs In the twenty-first inning for stomach, constipation, torpid liver, and glad of it.” powerful arcs. Next time a coated tongue, fetid Tri* Speaker...... Outfield...... Ed Roush a 2 to 0 score. sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irri­ Babe Ruth...... Outfield . . . . Wiilie Keeler IjOCitl followers will see Drake In breatii, or acrid skin gives evidence During the eleven games of fhe five world’s series tation. Ray Schatk ...... Catcher . .Roger Bresnahan action In the daytime in only one of sour stomach—try Phillips Milk of in which h£ performed Nehf pitched two 1 to 0 Tiie moment your hack hurts or kid­ Johny K lin g...... Catcher. . . . Charles Farrell game, ttie Iowa State contest. Grin- Magnesia! Christy Matthewson Pitcher ...... - Cy Young victories. neys aren’t acting right, or if bladder nell arid Washington university of St. Get acquainted with this perfect an­ Walter Johnson .. Pitcher.. .Mordecai Brown In September, 1927, he Joined the Cults. In 1928 bothers you, begin drinking lota of Grove- Alexander .. Pitcher. . . . . -Chief Louis are both scheduled for after­ ti-acid that helps the system keep he won thirteen games, losing seven. Lust season he good water and also get about four "Rube" Waddell... Pitcher...... Eddie Plank dark contests in the Drake stadium. sound and sweet. That every stomach Ed Walsh ...... Pitcher...... Jack Chesbro SpM^otes A rt Nehf. ounces of .Tad Salts from any good won eight and lost five. Meeds at times. Take it whenever a The fifth night game, with Creigh­ pharmacy; take a tuhlespoonfu! In a hearty meal brings any discomfort. In making the selection of my infield Soccer has been abandoned by the ton a! Omaha, is contingent on weath­ g!ass of water before breakfast for a er conditions, as night games In ex­ Phillips Milk of Magnesia lias won for my all-star-all-time team, I am University of Iowa after a two-year few days and your kidneys may then treme cold are considered less success­ medical endorsement. Am convinced free to state that at only one position, revival. Yanks Sign Giant act fine. This famous salts is mad- • * • ful. millions of men and women they didn't shortstop, have I been able to reach from the acid of grapes and lemon Georgia Tech and Alabama have j Although not the originator of night have “indigestion." Don’t diet, and a decision without having the slightest juice, combined with litMa, and has don’t suffer; just remember Phillips. broken football relations. Tech will ; Spart Nates games. Drake set a new pace by play­ misgivings as to my choice. been used for years to flush clogged Pleasant to take, and always effective. play Penn in Philadelphia next year. ing four such contests In 1920, after a 1 have seen some great shortstops kidneys and stimulate them to activ­ Tlie name Phillips is important:; it * * * tryout in a single game in the 1928 In action in the last score of years but ity; also to neutralize the acids in identifies the genuine product. “ Mills Karl Wildermuth, Long Island j Boxing has become a popular sport season. Powerful lights, set 50 feet to my way of thinking for real value, the system so that they no longer of Magnesia” has been the U. S. regis- sprinter, is figured to be one of the at Harvard and a varsity team will above the playing field at Drake sta­ all-round ability and general useful­ Irritate, thus often relieving bladder ered trade mark of the Charles 11. big winners in the indoor track season. be organized. dium, flood every point of the gridiron ness. Hans Wagner laps the field. As • • • disorders. Phillips Chemical Co. and its pre­ I name Wagner the greatest short­ * * • with intersecting beams, eliminating Ninety-two towns in now .Tad Salts cannot injure anyone; decessor Charles II. Phillips since 1S75. stop. I do so with the feeling that my Johnny Mostil, White Sox center ail shadows and illuminating tiie sky have golf courses. There are ten links makes a delightful effervescent iithia- readers are going to agree with me. fielder, has been released outright to beyond tiie range of rite highest punt­ water drink which millions of men At several ottier positions I atn well ttie Toledo club of the American as­ in the region of . ers. according to Mr. Lytton. m m * and women take now and then to help satisfied with my selections, yet I have sociation. PHILLIPS keep the kidneys and urinary organs no feeling that their names will be . • • Joe Schultz, former major leaguer, And. getting back to the subject of clean, thus often avoiding serious kid­ taken with the same approval as that Twelve players represent a football has been appointed manager of rite ttdrd stickers in tiie majors, you might r Milk of Hans Wagner for shortstop. team at colleges and universities in Buffaloes of the Texas league. tie interested to know that great third ney disorders. of Magnesia Ttie greatest infield, to my way of Canada. The twelfth man is called a * • • basemen in ttie American and National thinking, is George Sisler at first base, "flyingwing.’* Prior to this year's contest, I«ehigh leagues have been rare. Old-timers 'I'iie story of writing nitty he traced at second base, Hans * * * and ttie University of Pennsylvania will recall Jerry Denny, who sneered Garfield Tea back to the Egyptian hieroglyphics Wagner at shortstop and Jimmy Col­ University of Kansas football eleven hadn't met on the football field for at the habit of using a glove. Then W a s Your through the Homan, ( reek and lins at third. in 1930 will have a captain for each 23 years. Grandmother’s Remedy What about or game to tie appointed by the head * * * « i I’(loenioian alphabets. Bill íradley waved and then atong For every stomach Larry Lajoie for second? No doubt football coach. Track is an expensive sport and the B came Larry f ardner. Of the Pri sent and intestinal ill. every admirer of those great players * * * returns are small. At Penn State one H crop Traynor of tiie Pit •„tes ì Ind­ This good old-fash­ SLEEPLESSMESS will have such a thought as he reads Fairy Story—“ I cannot tell a lie.” year's track activities showed a loss ström of the Giants. Whi noy <.f ille Successfully Fought i i this , m ioned herb home my infield selections. Then there is said the young halfback, Washington, 0Æ Scientific W ay of $10,385. Phils and K: mm of ttie linse rute remedy for consti­ When a thousand different thi-ushts keep Frankie Frisch, Tony l.azzeri and to his college coach. "At one time 1 m * m among tiie greats. Seems to tie a 3011 from falling into peaceful sleep— pation, stomach itis REM IlMBKlt KOEN IGS 2, ERVJLNE. Johnny Evers and Hobe Ferris of bowled 22 weeks for a $2.50 prize.” Bubbles Hargrave, recently taken tougher job snaring good far turn C ontains no habit form in g c rufts. For * * » _ , and other derange- years a household by-word o f proven ben­ other days. hack into the big show by the Yan­ guardians than pitchers. efit In the treatment of Nervousness, And -while no doubt second base will Two northwestern Minnesota coun­ nients of the sys­ Nervous Indigestion and Nervous irri­ kees. for eight years was a catcher tem so prevalent these days is in even tability. Agencies A il Over the World. be more discussed than any of the ty fairs last summer decided to return with the Reds. «¡n ó s O T ^ Georgia’s football prospects for 1930 AT ALL DRUG STORES m m m greater favor as a family medicine other infield selections, my hardest to horse racing Instead of the automo­ .Generous FREE Sample are tlu* best in tiie decade. than in your grandmother's day. Bottle Sent oi Request problem was making a choice tie- bile races, which have been staged for The ancient Mike McTigtte has again Fred Asbeck of Lakewood, Ohio, Tiie Bulldogs will lie able to place j Koenig Medicine Co. years. re-entered the ring, although lie had former University of Michigan star, an eleven composed entirety of juniors, j D e p t. 3‘ • . • 1045 N o . W ills St- | promised itis friends tie would hang who was recently signed by the New all letter men. on the gridiron and hold Chicago, 111. i f B f One of Knute Roekne’s celebrated , up the gloves for good. York Yankees. He stands 6 feet 5 F o r m e r y “ P a s to r 1— anfig their own against almost any team. To Cooi a Burn Koenig’s Nervine” football coaching courses for grid men­ • * • inches, weighs 215 pounds and up to Of 10 holdovers for next season’s jg||Ë |gS r Use HANFORD’S tors will be held at Oregon State col­ Ossie Bluege will be back as good now lias had no professional experi­ gridiron wars, only two. Captain Mof­ E E a a a m s E E i HÉ lege. Corvallis, Ore., in the summer as ever next year in the opinion of ence. He is a right-hander. fett. end. and Waugh, halfback, will Balsam of Myrrh of 1930. j g j Manager Waiter Johnson of the Na­ be seniors. Ail dealers ere eatkorixed to reined t o u t money l o t tk tionals. Bluege’s leg is O. K. again. firrt bottle if not «cited. 11 The late John E. Madden earned suf­ Heilmann Is Expected to C O M IN G TO i jfyip * * • Tiie lure of hockey is strong in the € | i ficient as a boxer and a foot runner In WA S H IN GT O ^ British Isles. The game inis made re­ Paradise at North Pole his youth to give him a start on the Sporting goods manufacturers have Be Great Help to Reds markable progress in Scotland, where Persistent Eskimo stories of the ex- road that made him wealthy and fa­ doubled the output of boxing gloves Dari How ley, manager of the Cin­ Ke«erriBg a room in the last ten years and three times cinnati Reds, expects to rip National títere is a ten-dub league in opera­ ’stenee of a tropical paradise near the here w ill make mous—the turf. your trip to W ash­ * * • j as many lacrosse sticks are being league pitching apart next season tion. The Glasgow Herald remarks: North pole are about to he investigated ington a com plete “Two years ago the Glasgow pub­ by a scientific expedition which will success. We know The 1930 base­ ! made. with Harry Heilmann. He has made how to please. » * » lic were unaware of the interest that endeavor to locate tiie spot of it ex­ ball season will extend over a period up his mind just how lie is going to« Loom R*Im : could lie derived from iee hockey. ists. it is said that there is a green of 28 weeks, starting two weeks ear­ Like Alote Booth of Yale, Jack play the former Detroit Tiger slugger SINGLE, $3,9-1.95 valley beyond the Bering strait which lier than usual and continuing beyond Grossman was the star and captain to gel ttie best use of his heavy hit­ Last year it was introduced at Oross- p e r d a y mvloof. and considerable enthusiasm is rich with vegetation and the habits DOUBLE, 95,96,97 the world series. i of Rutgers football, baseball and bas­ ting. p e r d a y * * * ketball vent-ling teams in the fresfi “Heilmann.” Howley was telling was shown then. This year the inter­ of some of tiie migrating birds indicate le t o« «end you #n» or man year. Cincinnati admirers recently, "slams est has been most gratifying, and it is that there is a possibility that such oar Peneri pUre Booklet« Three of the East’s leading football • * * places exist. stars have been elected captains of that ball on a line. Sometimes it goes no exaggeration to predict that be­ their teams next year—Hart of Col­ A number of Norwegian and Swed­ on the ground straight at a player. fore the present season closes ice n m r r gate. Gentle of Penn, and Nemecek of ish hammer throwers have gone into That is to he expected. More times hockey will lie one of ttie most closely New York university. training at the () it goes over the heads of the infield- followed games.” * * * stadium for the 1932 Olympics in Los ers. and it goes far and fast. Angeles. "Hermann's legs give him trouble A lot of hard work with not many Franco Georgetti. Italian six-day bi­ • * * M ÄUI INIfXIF cycle racer, is well on the way to cre­ in a long campaign, so I plan to let returns In glory seems to he the pros­ Eddie Rommel, one of Connie Mack’s him rest as often as I can, only using 16"*ST.atM WASHING ÍORDcj ating the greatest record of any com­ pect this winter for the Maroon basket­ petitor in this sport. He lias already best pitchers, is a star duck pin how him steadily when we are fighting to ball team. won nine of the nta rat lion events. ler in Baltimore during the off months. get out in front. When we get the Coach Nelson Norgren has a pretty Hans Wagner. * * » | He is after the men's singles cham­ lead I will put Walker in. hopeless job on his hands trying to GHIGHESTERS PILLS pionship this year. “ Bunch is what the Reds want, and get his group of ambitious hut out­ tween Hal Chase and George Sister Karl Keffer. professional at the BRAND * » • Heilmann tins tlte punch. Harry has classed boys into shape to go down DIAMOND for first base. After much erasing Royal Ottawa Golf club for the past Specially built masks to protect the promised to give his all to ttie club the line of Indiana, Wisconsin. North­ Sisler. got the call, yet I feel the mar­ 20 years, with the exception of the faces of hockey goal keepers will tie next season. Bob Meusel. 1 am sure, western. Michigan. Illinois and Bur- gin of difference is extremely slight. time he spent overseas, has been elect­ ordered by the National Hockey league will be glad of the opportunity where due—a schedule which includes ttie Is Your Rest If it really does exist. ed an honorary member of the club. if Connie Smythe. manager of the To­ ho can shine in the outer gardens, best quintets in the league this year. Sisler, remarkable fielder that he * * * L A D I K S { ronto Leafs, has his way. where his worth will not tie dimmed Nets has been working his fellows Disturbed ? is. fell short of Chase’s standard in Riding a horse to two victories on *>v your DruprrDt for CHI-CHHIi-TER S by tiie brilliance of Ruth and mighty hard, hut the results are stow 1 DIAMOND HR, “ —- ' this department of play. In my opin­ the same day lias been accomplished * * * Deal Promptly with Kidney Gold metallic Combs." in showing. He deserves a lot of cred­ ion Chase could be rated the perfect twice by Winnie O’Connor, the only | Ttie English derby at Epsom Downs, Irregulari ties. R ib b on . it and encouragement for having ttie I>r«M'd fielding first baseman. He didn't have jockey to boast that achievement. He near London, is said to draw ttie larg- DIAMOND Bit A NO TILLS. U r twentv-fivo est attendance of any sporting event in patience to struggle along with his F bothered with bladder irrita­ years regarded a* Best Safest, Always Reliable. a single weakness in the field. He did it on Sidney Lucas in 1S0Í* and -O-OCKyOCKyOOO-CHIKyOCKyCKYCHtKyCKHyO-O the world. The racing event is wit­ group with the odds so strong against I tions. getting up at night and SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS handled high or low throws with Ogden in 1901. constant backache, don't take equal ease. His playing of bunted » * » nessed by upward of 800.000 persons Golf Champions o him. chances. Help your kidneys with TT,ME K 1 K U EVERYWHERE TESIÜOWORT,! annually. Doans Pills Used for more than balls was uncanny. He seemed aide The New England baseball league * • » National Open—Robert Tyre S to sense just where the hall would plans to give aspiring hoys who wish Jones, Jr.. East Lake club. At- P John M. Cates, director of athletics 40 years. Endorsed the world over CORNS— BUNIONS Despite many attempts on tracks at Yale, announced that Adam Walsh, Sold by dealers everywhere. CALLOUS—WARTS roll. Chase’s specialty was forcing to play professional baseball a helping lanta. Ga. runners at second and third on hunts. hand. Each club will carry two play­ last year, the record of 14 2-5 seconds National Amateur—Harrison line coach, will he a member of the l > R \Ì A H . I N > : t.’C>RN î’1.A STL R is a safe. for the 120-yard high hurdle event still 50,000 Users Endorse Doan's: h a i m l«-•ss unti .sure remedy for t uns, huilions. He invariably elected to make the ers who are without previous experi­ Johnston, Minikalida club. St. Yale coaching staff in 1930. The an­ w a r . s a n d t h ­■ • î. * »u p h es r callous skin. Just stands. It was established in 1920 by John Greener. 29 N. Sheridan Ave., p a s t “ on a n d tD r g« î about it. it a short t im e play on an advancing runner rather ence in organized baseball. Paul. Minn. nouncement was made for the purpose Indianapolis, Ind., says: “ I was troubled t is <■.a sil y }.«•«- led -off skin. root ami all. S en d than the batsman. * *■ * Earl Thompson, now track coach at of putting at ease those who had ■with headaches. The kidney secretions f « r a s a m p le 11- n r lo se 25c stamps or n ion- V National Women’s — Glenna burned and contained sediment. I felt o r d i r > r. M i In giving thought to the great sec­ Annapolis. thought that Walsh was intending to 1 N (UKM1I \l. COM 1* Harvey Rockbnrn of the Detroit * * * Collett. Providence Country tired out and had no energy. Doan’s Pills i s m E. 12th SI. - - Bnmklyn, V \. ond basemen, the first celebrity to * club. Providence. It. 1. leave Yale to accept one of the sev- ■ put me in good shape and I have used Hockey club is rite smallest defense A trophy will be presented at the end them several times with good results." come to my mind is Larry Lajoie. National B. G. A.— Leo Diegel. eral more remunerative positions player in the National Professional | of the season to the member of the 1930 CALENDAR What a wonder player the lug French­ Agua Oalieute club. Tin Juana. which he tías been offered recently, j league, standing less than feet 5 Seattle Hockey club who. in the opin­ man was! He had grace in the field incites high. Lee Bourgault of the Moxic o. FOR YOU that ^either < '«dints. Hornsby nor ion of itis teammates, had most in­ DOAN’S PILLS I'm , r«-«t e Metropolitan Open — William A Stimulant Diûfët iç to the Kidneysr dirvi: *n mb­ .1 in J F M H O L E G - New York Rangers is only a trifle spired them to effort during the Pa­ English sportsmen are determined to ■ H i »its HA BY - • H it ' K S w ill be s e n t a Frisch possesses. 1 stiff told it was tatter. Mehlhorn, Fennimore Country keep his big game hunting sportsman­ r.LDi,i c a le n d a r v iit hou t c o s t by s o n d in e us ljti.iifie who inspired the phrase “poetry cific Coast league campaign. » e.ames and am ■s of pou dry reusers club. Rye. N. Y. like. The carl of Onslow recently » KK< Il H 1. Kí «HORN ARM of motion" as applied to baseball. Metropolitan Amateur — Mau­ drew the attention of the house of C u ttin g K li N o 5 l>a > ion, Ohio. Mv next thought on the second hasp “ Doc” Tally Stan Harper Is Sure rice McCarthy, Jr., Green Mead­ lords to a practice of hunting big game He (describing his career) — Yes. question was Eddie Collins, and ar tHe ow Country flub. Rye. N. Y. by motor ear in certain parts of Africa. darling. I began witli nothing hut my same moment there flashed the ques­ Metropolitan Women's — Mau­ Lord Basstieid. secretary for tiie col­ brains. m o m ia . CUMHls h e ld Ml d a y s . Sen i to K tion. what about Hornsby and Frisch? 2«»7 Jotter son A v e . reen Oreutt, White Beeches onies. said Mutt legislation was to he She— So you are another <>t those . Brooklyn, s. Y f at after considering the greatness Country club, Hackensack. N. J Introduced in Tanganyika *o make ttie people who begun with nothing. 1 A \ K M » IH II R 1 l .IK us, d . X te n s i' e !v î ■ V of Lajoie. Hornsby and Frisch. 1 can­ m o v e sui-rs In H i dlywvmd. lìti e ro il s s u p p ly . Metropolitan B. G. A.— Wal­ not refrain from naming Eddie Col­ punishment for hunting from motor « e t u i o n e d o lla r . T H O M A S C< » . *00 LINE ter Kozak. North 1 lilts Country lins as the most valuable all-round ears imprisonment and confiscation of A r r a y club. Bayside. Long Island. tiie ear and equipment. “ Do you really need thirty law I I I S T K I H I T O K « I O l i I I \ T i t l.E .V T II E K second baseman I have ever seen in for rcs«.>I;ng shoe- • ** e-, ss; 1 a - i - re action. Western Amateur—Don Moe. books?" repeals; < verv a pro-- ■ - •< t ; e s ic 'u s iv e Leland Stanford university, Balo state rights« to -1 - :•'! í ai i ! - s Quiek Jimmy Collins gets the call at third Although lie has been boxing nearly "That's just to scare the judge." Sole Repair M Alta. Calif. Utica New York. base. Collins, inclined to he pudgy, five years, Victoria Oampoio, Argentine a rather unusual type for a third National Intercollegiate— Tom­ giant, has had hut twelve professional Severity is allowable where gentle­ sucker, was a marvel .as a fielder. Not my Aycoek. Yale university, limits and a like amount of amateur ness has no effect.—Corneille. h o t e l B r is t o l particularly fast, he was a wizard at New Haven, Conn. contests. * i29\vErT40LhrrriEET- Canadian Open—Leo Diegel. '7 * £ iV V O O -K L . handling hunts. He would time after time throw the speed merchants of his Agua Caliente Country club, Tia Most conveniently located— only a Juana. Mexico. A method for reducing the number EADÂCHE day out several feet on what appeared of fights decided by fouls is being put Instead of dangerous heart do- frw minutes* walk lo all sh ‘ppm* Western Open—-Tommy Ar and amusement crnlrrs—ye quiet perfect bunts He was a wonder at forward by Dick In »u , manager of r pressants take safe, mild, purely mour. Tam-O-Shanter Country hat tiling the hall with his ungloved Olympia club. Detroit. Dunn would vegetable NATURE’S REMEDY Famous TaMe d ilute Re»tannants o club. Detroit. Mich. and get rid of the bowel poisons hand nil.I could throw from any posi- have the fighters meet again Hie fol­ Luncheon "»(V .... Oinn t $1 00 : cion. Collins never had to straighten ¿> British Open—Walter Hagen. that cause the trouble. Noth- 4t*t> 4 l * i i art*- Verme» 0 Rochester, N. Y„ U. S. A. lowing week as an added attraction , ln£T like NR fo r biliousness, sick up. The moment he got ids hands on headache and constipation. Acts 6 Rritii.h Amateur—Cyril J. H. to another card. Both boxers who Room. Single, "‘ií®' Douhlr *3“ iVr it»* the bid! it was on its way. took part in the match which ended pleasantly. Never gripes. ' o f the mote modern players. “ Pie" C, IS. Harper, c L - plays forward on 9 Tolley, Troon Golf club, Troon. Bath. Single, ‘3" Double *5* IV« !>»-. in a foul would have their purses held M ild, safe, purely vegetable One of lito big Stars on the House the Illinois basketball team, is not q British Isles. A < druggists—only 25c. Make the test tonight» i Tmynor impressed me as cue of the up until after Hie second meeting. If greatest players 1 had seen in action of David basketball team of Benton only fast, but generally sure of at’ $ British Women's—Joyce Well FEEL LIKE A MILLION, TAKE either tighter refused to tight again His *V. N. U., NEW YORK. HO. 4-1930 *t that position. Harbor, Mieli., is"“ Doc” Tally who is his play ' : iv one of Coach Ruby’s 0 et-ed. Sandwich Golf club. 2 purse wo :0

+ G et poisons out • THE • t Susie’s Forgotten ♦ + ♦ KITCHEN t Book * of system. . . . •.* CABINET * Doctors know that By DOROTHY DOUGLAS * ((c), 1930. W estern Newspaper Union.) this modern scientific laxative VVWV WW > V » VVVVVVVVVVV » V works efficiently in smaller True happiness leaves no reac­ (Copyright.) tions. The mind is at rest with doses because you chew it. Itself and the consciousness is SUALLY Susie wasn't the least hit gafe and mi Id for old and young. filled with the joy of living.— David U subtle, but for the moment she Starr Jordan. most certainly was engaged In the WHEN ENTERTAINING mapping out of a subtle line of action. | Feenämint In the corner of the tea room sat Eric Moore, whom she wished very f o r c PATION There are so many dishes which may be prepared the day before, sav­ much to meet. Moore wrote very ing the time and nerves beautiful little essays that appeared of the hostess that one with flattering regularity in various should gather as many distinctive magazines. His very work of such recipes together sent him among other people, that he for time of need. Here might watch and cull choice bits of A n y C O L D are some suggestions: understanding. Therefore, instead of C h ic k e n Salad in having his black coffee alone In his That cold may lead to something serious, if neglected. Cracker Boxes. — Soak den, he came regularly to the tea room one teaspoonful of gela­ and sipped it slowly at the same ruble The time to do something for it is now. Don’t wait tin in two tablespoonfuls each morning. until it develops into bronchitis. Take two or three of water and dissolve in As a matter of fact it was the molli­ tablets of Bayer Aspirin as soon as you feel a cold two tablespoonfuls fy | erly instinct in Susie that prompted coming on. Or as soon as possible after it^ starts. boiling water. Take twenty-four her initial interest in Moore. He j small square crackers and put four of seemed underfed, a bit weary, and Bayer Aspirin will head off or relieve the aching and them together in a box shape, open top smoked a shocking number of ciga- \ feverish feeling—will stop the headache. Anri if your and bottom. Set on lettuce lined rettes. Afterward site found out from : throat is affected, dissolve two or three tablets i'i a plates and fill with chicken salad. the tea girl just who he was and ! Mix two cupfuls of finely cut chicken forthwith bought a few of his artisti- 1 quarter-glassful of warm water, and gargle. J his “Sister Frocks," for Six and Nine-Year-Old Girls Are Made of Flesh-Colored ! with an equal amount of fine celery, cally bound volumes and consumed quickly soothes a sore throat and reduces inflammation Georgette. Trimmed With Hand Tucking. Paris Handwork on the Dainty a few nuts and any salad dressing them greedily. and infection. Read proven directions for neuralgia, PXSO’S Dresses Is Greatly Appreciated by the Little Misses Who Attend Social desired to moisten, using salt and i After realizing the great soul for rheumatism and other aches and pains. Genuine gives quick, Functions. cayenne to season. The gelatin is caged within that frail body Susie effective ret ef. used to fasten the crackers together was more keenly bent than ever on Bayer Aspirin is harmless to the heart. Pleasant, so 3th- knowing him. Site wanted to feed ilar folds form a quaint shoulder in tiie shape of boxes. The crackers j ing and h sating. Excellent for him porridge with lots of cream, fresh ------children —contains no cape, which may be untied and slipped are to be eaten with the salad. Young Set Copies eggs and goodness knows what ail. opiates. Successfully off, after tiie manner of u cocktail Fruit Dessert.—To one-half pound B A Y E R used for 65 years. 35c of marshmallows cut fine add a can Susie didn’t know that sometimes the and 60c sizes. New Party Frocks jacket. poetic output is completely swamped Taffeta Is a Favorite. of shredded pineapple, with enough of the juice to moisten w ell; add to : out by too much material feeding, but Taffeta has always been a favorite one pint of lemon gelatin and mold in | still there was always a happy me­ Coal Miner Become* Poet fabric for the schoolgirl, and this year AS Aspirin is the trade mark ofPIHI.I Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticaadester of S&Lcy.cadd Simplicity Marks Dresses small cups. Serve with whipped dium. Hubert Crawford, who was a miner It is shown in more attractive models cream and chocolate wafers. Therefore she bought a soft petunia in the coal fields of Scotland until Worn to Social Affairs than ever. What could be more ap­ OId~grandrather clocks in the hall | When money has been In the fam- Jellied Tongue.—Take a tongue leather copy of Richard King’s “ With crippled at his work, has become one preciated than a dance dress of red think nothing much ought to he es ily for three generations the family by Little Girls. from the glass jar and cut into thin Silent Friends,” and then the subtlety of Britain's favorite poets. Some of taffeta? One that has an almost fes­ pected of them hut to look grand. 1 finally learns how not to waste iL slices. I’repare a jelly by soaking that was not a part of the real Susie his best work just has been published tive design as well has a fitted bodice It is difficult indeed to be a wall one tablespoonful of gelatin In one- had its innings. She agreed with in a volume entitled "In Quiet fields.” with a belt marking a high waistline, Bower in the lovely frocks that fasti- fourth cupful of cold water and add­ nearly all that the young English es­ Speaking of Crawford, Walter de la a tiered peplum skirt, slightly longer ion has provided for parties of tiie ing one cupful of boiling water in sayist had to say. but she deliberate­ How A College Athlete Mare said, “ lis poems prove once at the sides and hack, and a square younger set—from the cradle up. which lias been dissolved a bouillon ly made pencil notes all along the more how amazingly a real gift can deeolletage finished with a saucy bow Even the youngest “ sub-den,” writes cube, salt and pepper to taste. Strain. margins in direct and antagonistic triumph over circumstances.’ on each shoulder. a fashion correspondent in the New Put the tongue into a shallow mold contradiction to those wonderful Keeps Himself Well An adaptation of a Patou model for croup, coughs, York Times, hardly graduated from and when tiie jelly begins to thicken thoughts. lloxie’d Croup Remedy makes a smart frock for the young and colds. No opium. No nausea. 50cts. Drug­ her pram, appreciates a touch of I’aris pour over tiie tongue. When ready t This being done, Susie wrote her gists. Kells Co., Newburgh, N. Y., M frs.— Adv. girl. It is of flat crepe in a soft shade handwork on her flower-like frock of to serve turn out on a platter and name distinctly with her address o d o b d e m i n g the whole story. He to of green, and has a sleeveless bolero of Col- - Case of Necessity batiste or organdie. While her older garnish with slices of sweet pickled the front page, and before Eric Moore gate, claims that a right in believing: that sister dnds her heart's desire in the bodice and flared skirt, which is fitted B Nujol contains no drugs, When a Modern girl buys a spool of cucumbers. I came in for life daily coffee she left sensible method of over the hips and finished with a nar­ no medicines of any long skirts and generally grown-up Pear Salad.—Drain a can of Bart­ the book on his table us if it had health has really made thread she may not intend to mend row belt and jeweled buckle. The sim­ kind. It is tasteless and evening mode of the moment. lett pears, save juice and fill the cen- j been forgotten by a hurried customer. life a pleasure for him. anything. She may need a new plicity of this frock and its clever cut colorless as pure water. clothesline.--Pathfinder Magazine. Clothes for the tiny tot, of course, ters with chopped celery mixed with I ! Susie had not the slightest idea Mr. Deming writes that are classic in their simplicity. Yet have a decidedly slenderizing effect on that Moore had ever so much as at first he could not be­ It is simply harmi ess in­ the adolescent figure. mayonnaise and sprinkled with salt­ ternal lubrication, which it is astonishing what variety may be ed almonds. Make a french dressing looked at tier. She did not know that lieve this simple thing Even satin, so high in favor for your body needs as found in these little dresses. Since with a bit of lemon juice, the pear the poet's fancy is often held captive was the cause cf his formal evening frocks, has been buoyant spirits. Finally, much as any other the feminine young person begins to juice and any good oil, beat Well, add by personality that reaches out even adapted to the needs of the younger however, he had to ad­ machine. Regularly a3 assert her personality even before she a teaspoonful of powdered sugar, suit across a coffee room. And even deep­ set. mit that it was Nujol clock work, Nujol cleans can talk, it is well to consider the type and cayenne or paprika to taste. Ar­ thinking poets can hardly fail to no­ of tiie chihi before selecting her first As for the real sub-debutante, the tice an extraordinarily dainty some which was keeping him out of your body those DR.J.D.Ki fLOGG’S ASTHMA REMEDY range on lettuce. poisons which we all party frock, for there are dresses for girl of fifteen to seventeen, there is one who wears softest shades of fawn will, besides giving him, for the arompt relief of Asthma Fruit Course.—Prepare casaba mel­ have, and which make and Hay Fever. Ask your drug­ the plain and tiie picturesque, the literally no end to the fascinating from head to foot and has lovely ten­ as he says, “ five times on, removing the seeds and slicing in us low in our minds, gist for t. 25 cents and one dol­ blonde and the brunette. frocks from which she may choose for drils ot redd.v gold hair that escape the vitality.” lar. W ri e for FREE SAMPLE. dances. Almost every one of the lead­ suitable portions for serving. Serve tired, headachy, and Fabrics remain much tire same from with quartered limes, sugar and pow­ the confines of a becoming wide- "Believe me,” he says Northrop & Lyman Co.,Inc.,Buffalo, N.Y. ing Paris couturiers showed at least "having free and regular below par. year to year, but there are interesting dered ginger. brimmed tiaL new developments in color and detail one youthful model adapted to her So Susie watched Moore from un­ bodily elimination The way for you to Ways With Rabbit. which show the effects of the adult needs in the mid-season collections. der her wide hut brim. She smiled | makes all the difference find out how much mode. Many colors are now consid­ An interesting model is from Lan­ There are- so many delicious and as she saw the sudden interest leap j in the world to a diver better Nujol will make ered suitable for children which were vin—past mistress of the art of creat­ savory dishes that may be prepared into his eyes at sight of a Richard as well as to any other you feel is to try it for KE once confined to their eldi rs. Deli­ ing frocks at once smart and pictur­ from rabbit, wild or do­ King volume. Susie then smiled out- j athlete. I can’t afford to a few days. You can get cate orchids, greens and yellows vie esque for the young girl. It is sea- mesticated, and this is rigtit when she saw him reading her j be nervous, sluggish, or a bottle in a sealed package at any drug with white, pale pink and blue, once green taffeta made with fitted bodice the season when they are pencil notes and the scowl that swept i depressed while diving. Robert O. Deming store. It costs only a The Hard of Hearing considered the only suitable shades and youthful flared peplum. The full, most enjoyed. across his face. She rejoiced to see 1 It just isn’t done! I fancy divcronCoIgate Uni­ Rabbit Pot Pie.—Cut versity Swimming Team. few cents, but if makes There are 10.000,000 persons in the for the nursery. Fins handwork from gathered skirt of the taffeta, cut in him angry, for it showed his entire would like to urge any one, whether they think — —— — you feel like a million United States who are hard of hear the convents of France and Belgium deep points, ends just below the knees, three dressed rabbits in­ admiration of Richard King, and there- | to pieces for serving, they are in good health or not, to dollars. Do you know how many ing, according to Estelle Samuelson. continues to adorn many of the love hut a deep border of matching net fore a common interest and minds flour them with well sea­ give Nujol a try-out. It certainly thousands of people keep themselves instructor of lip reading at Columbia llest of the little party frocks. But gives an effect of length very gratify­ attuned to tiie same ideals. She was soned Hour and fry in can’t do any harm, and I ’ll be+ it well and happy just by using Nujol? university. These partially deaf indi­ there is an increasing tendency in ing to one who is just beginning to glad (hat t tie sentiments she had d r i p p i n g s until well would make them feel a hundred per Why shouldn’t you feel well ail the viduals, si e says, constitute an enor Paris clothes for children to use hand feel grown up. A yoke of the net is scratched down were not her real browned. Fry one minced cent better. It ’s worth trying!” time? You can! Get yourself a bottle mous problem in retarded education, applique and unusual seaming, such as cut in a modest round deeolletage opinions. onion in one tablespoon­ limited working ability and wasted appears on more grown-up frocks. suited to the girl of fifteen or sixteen. Moore evidently contemplated toss­ Mr. Deming has just about told of Nujol today!______Almost every fabric used for the ful of butter, add the rabbit and two citizenship Paris Makes Contribution. ing tiie book aside, then looked for an liints of boiling water, two slices of debutante and her mother is also pre­ owner first. He found the name of An exclusive literary diet of detec I Many a politician has been short- Sheer batiste, dotted swiss, french lemon, a little cayenne and more salt The early bird who monkeys with sented in models suited to the younger Susie Wentworth and her address. tive stories doesn't teach you anything circuited while engaged in ivire-pull- voile and handkerchief linen are fa­ if needed. Cover closely and stew the early tee is likely to get stung. sister. After that lie set his lips rattier firm­ about human nature. > ¡ng. vorites. And from Paris come diminu­ until tender. Prepare biscuits and Jewels for Sub Debutante. ly and put the book in his pocket. tive frocks in pastel or naive Horal- place them on top of the meat, cover Jewelry for the sub-debutante is now, Evidently tie was intending to write printed crepe de chine for the very closely and cook twenty minutes. as ever, a fine point in tlie mode. Susie about her lack of ideals. young person. These are made with Serve the rabbit in the center of tiie Costume jewelry has helped somewhat Susie slipped out after that and tiie utmost simplicity, depending upon platter with the biscuits around it. to solve the problem, for it is, after Moore watched tier exit wi'.l) longing a bit of hand smocking or a narrow Rabbit Fricassee. — Remove the contrasting piping for their decoration. all, not really and truly jewels, and in Mis eyes. He was in no way con­ misses and even juniors, are now wear­ meat from the bones of a rabbit, sear The English type of smocked dress of necting his fawn girl with the name ing the bright-colored necklaces and it in butter over a quick tire without dotted swiss or batiste is still worn of Susie Wentworth bracelets that are made of everything browning. Cover with boiling water by the more conservative members of Five minutes later he looked up and from wood to glass. and let simmer until tender. Boil the tiie younger set for all occasions. saw the girl returning breathlessly. Rhinestones seem t<> meet tiie long­ stock down to a pint, add one table- There is a decided vogue at the She went up to the kindly matron who ing for something ’ hat sparkles like spoonful of butter and flour blended moment for “sister dresses.” and the supervised ttie tea room, held con­ diamonds to wear with evening frocks together, one-half teaspoonful of celery problem of finding suitable clotties versation witn her and indicated the of filmy fabrics, and these are now salt, two teaspoonfuls of lemon juice, for several young daughters is sim table at which Moore sat. permitted to the girl in her ’teens if a teaspoonful of minced onion, salt plifled b.y ordering the same model Mrs. t'ooper approached his table they are handled in a manner sug­ and cayenne to taste. Add one cupful in assorted sizes. Frequently, how and lie arose. gesting simplicity rather than sophis­ of hot cream and pour the sauce slow­ ever, the dignity of Miss Nine or Ten “ Miss Wentworth left a small book tication. The newest are delicate, ly over two well beaten eggs. Serve is affronted at the p-eposal that she on this table this morning, and won­ shimmering strands of tiny stones, the meat in the center of the platter, appear in a costume identical with ders if anyone lias seen it ” She ques­ some set in a single row, others in pour tiie sauce around It and garnish that worn by her younger sister This tioned with a peculiar twinkle in her lacy, knitteo or braided chains. A with toast points and parsley. difficulty Is cleverly solved by thp sis kind eyes strand of diamond cut rhinestones a Roast Rabbit With Chestnuts.—Clean ter frocks chosen for illustration, “ Mrs Cooper,” laughed Moore. “ 1 little longer than a <-l uker has for a and stuff a trussed rabbit with chest­ which are the same in fabric and have had coffee In your good house petulant a double tascel of the rhine­ nuts. Use one cupful of the nuts, color, but sufficiently varied in design now for about three years and have stones finely strung. A similar neck­ boiling them until tender, then mash­ to suit the different ages. never asked an Introduction In all that lace is made of rhinestone and tiny ing them to a paste, adding butter, a »‘Ly.lia E. Pinkham’s Vege* These frocks, from Paris, are made time. Am 1 respectable enough now to pearls, with a flower-shaped pendant tablespoonful of cream, salt, pepper, table Compound is a wonder­ of fiesh-colored georgette crepe. The ask one?” He smiled wtnningly. "I combining the two stones. nutmeg and lemon juice with ttiree ful medicine? at the Change six-year-old wears a straight little have the young lady’s book, and i A ll children are subject to little of Another neckhice •# a slender shin tablespoonfuls of bread crumbs. Mix would like to meet her I’lease.” upsets. They come at unexpected Life. I would get blue spells and gathered frock, with square yoke ing strand of baguette crystals, made and fill the rabbit. Roast until brown made of hand-fagotted bands, and the The Introduction being over. Susie times. They seem twice as serious colic, or diarrhea, yield« to the just walk the floor. I was nerv­ in long- links joined with clusters of and tender, basting frequently. ous, could not sleep at night, skirt trimmed with hard- pin rucks accepted Moore’s invitation for a cup in the dead of night. But there’s soothing influence of Castoria. rhinestones. It has a crystal clasp Stewed and Larded Rabbit.— Wash Keep Castoria in mind, and keep and was not able to do my and narrow plaitings. Older sister’s of coffee one form of comfort on which a in fron. with rhinesh-ne tassels. On and soak in salted water for several She looked across the tahle at him mother can always rely; good old a bottle in the house— always. work. 1 know if it had not been dress has the same tucks and plait- the order of the festive Hawaiian hours. Cut the rabbit Into quarters and her eyes were so wonderful that Castoria. This pure vegetable Give a few drops to aay child for yot tr medicine I would have ings, but is cut o d slightly more “lei” necklace Is a choker made of sophisticated tines, »be skirt gathered and lard It with strips of firm salt Moore could hardly begin his lecture. preparation can’t harm the tiniest whose tongue is coated, or whose been bed most this time round links of cut crystal, with rhine­ in of to a straight bodice, as befits her pork, or bacon If preferred. Brown In He scolded her roundly, and told her infant. Yet mild as it is, it soothes breath is bad. Continue with stone« in bunches like berries between. a hot frying pan. Add two rupfuls of and had a big doctor’s bill. If years. that Richard King knew men and wom­ a restless, fretful baby like nothing Castoria until the child it* grown! women would only take your Most of these necklaces, chokers or stock to the rabbit. • buneb of savory en as a master fiddler knew his fiddle. else. Its quick relief soon sees the Every drugstore has Castoria; tis One’s first evening party, even though chains are worn la aet«. with brmee- medicine they would be bet­ It be only from eight to ten. Is s real herb«, two table«poonful« of butter. Hf„ were among the best of youngster comfortable once more, genuine hat Cham. H. Hatches’* lsts to match. pepper and «alt and «¡miner until the ter.”— M r j.'A n n a Weaver, milestone, and should be treated ac­ the modern*. back to sleep. Even an attack of signature on the wrapper, This see son. as last, Channel's col­ meat is tender. Strain the gravy, R .F .D . Ho. a, Rose Hill, Iowa. cordingly. Therefore the choice of a “I know it," said Susie with wide- lection shows some charm hi* neck­ thicken It and serve poured over the dance frock for the girl of twelve or open eyes. "He Is quite, quite won­ laces of crystal especially adapted t« rabbit. C L E A ts m c thirteen is a momentous one. Former­ derful. I simply love his thoughts.” the young girl. Several of these neck­ Acknowledged as a SOOTHING dia E. P inta s ly it was an almost impossible one as Rabbit Soup.— Skin, dress and wash “Then why— ?’’ Moore could get laces are In flower form, made sf the rabbit, cut It into serving-sized no further for Susie’s eyes were veil ANTÜiEPTIC well, but there are now mnny sparkling crystals in white or delicate protection against designers devoting their attention to pieces, dust with a little flour. Melt Ing themselves and he waited breath stable Compound opalescent tints—a perfect finish foi two tahlespoonfuls of butter or sweet lessl.v for the lifting of the lashes. Skin Troubles Pink lia m M * d. Co.. Lynn, the creation of frocks of real charm the new party frocks of tulle or taf and suitability for the “ dlffcult age.” fat, add the rabbit and an onion cut “ Because.” Susie fold him. and that fetn. with their houflnnt skirts anc into slices, fry a light brown. Stir was all he got by way of answer until The sheer fabrics, georgettes and denture little sleeves or shoutder capes P A R K E R ’S chiffons are estiecially adapted to in two tahlespoonfuls of flour, add the long after the meeting. HAIR BALSAM the needs of the younger girl August- liver of the rabbit and three and one- R em o ves Dane! to ff -S tops H a i r Fai 1 ing half pints of stock. Simmer until ten abernard makes a charming dance Puff Sleeve* The Greatest Fool Restores Color and der. Remove the large hones and B e a u t y to G r t y a n d F a d e d H a ir frock of pale blue chiffon, caught In Party frocks tor those under twen Some are Justly laughed at for 60c- and $ 1.00 at Druggists. serve with carrots and potatoes. ______.. H isro x H i m W ts , Patuhogne. N. Y at the natural waistline with a narrow ty-five use tiie puff sleeve occasionally keeping their money foolishly; others with great success. A purple net. very FLO REST 3N SHAMPOO—Me®1 J5 sash belt. The skirt, just below the for spending it idly: He is the great Price 2Sc. Proprietor*: P otter D r a g & C hem ical connection with Parker’s Hair Balsam. Makesthe long gown has wide, square decol est fool that lays it out in a pur Corporation, Malden, Mass. hair soft an i fluffy. 50 cents ny mail or at drug- knees, is finished with a series of grad ciastß. Iliac iX Chemical Works, Patchogue, N. i . j uated bias folds of the material. Sim­ letage and full short puff sleeves. v e tJ iJ L chase of repentance.—Franklin. *A G E FOU K LINDEN OBSERVER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1930

■ Monday, F* - y :r,f i v ì o . CUT» OK I.IMHKN THOMAS U. SULLIVAN. City Citi ¿ NOTICI-; LS IIKKKBY UIVEN that thè a n OKDINANI la TO Mi, . What Others Think BETTER foU ow In g ordinali* e wan introUueed iti PINAM E IsNTP! tei-J> “ ( 'CiriS ©lie Hittitett (ibsm in* COMING UP a resinar meeting- - f thè Corninoli * AaLK ¡’KlvTKIi.O, 3 cm>oj>ck>ogk>o<«>ooo o o o l Journal or tuo C ity of Linden. in th® j .A i T H E D U I i K.S >|* , Ai i. a Pi J i Oit A i y 11 . i U ” - Hi I H- d 'T v T r v TUESDAY AND FRIDAY IN AND FOR Oourity of Union. New Jer*«y. h*'ld . J ir P i , I I ' IJ I ■ i j UNION COUNTY. NEW JERSEY FOR AIR GRADE CROSSINGS Advertising M o r i 1 a V lariuill'y 2 'u|(i THE CITY OF UNEIEN, 00(1 ordin an te w »a panata! on ita first T ijL J K < ' evi id . . . , j . O r / “The elimination of dangerous iuOjDOO0.<>CM:K>OCM>0000 vittima ariti that sani ordinarne will U* i iNCjT /IN Al IO Pi Gl » .. ¡‘¡J i t i i AN ASSISTANT Ai. ¿o P\ - ' ranks. grade crossings is of primary im­ ■.atteri un for further consiileratiun and ¡U viTvf SEA.SON A BEE A D V E R T IS IN C .lussane on solimi ami miai rca,dms« < >K A a d U à ING J » ; Pi i; ; j-.j ; portance to the development of the What are the best articles to ad­ et a m eetin g o f thè C om m on CouneJI DI' K R .E ", /Miopie*! i ‘ Standard. O IH- Letti at thè Linden City Jiali. on JU2à. traffic and commerce on our public vertise at any particular time? HE ! a OK/iAlNED I; • THE >MM<... Acori Avendo, at K oviock p. m- on ( i /( ;N<. i l uk 'i l i j . < i , i highways. Naturally the railroad The answer depends on tile season Monda v, J Y Intuì >v Od. E U Buggy ride. T H O M A S H- S U L L IV A N . I ì fv.\ : Eber H. Kempson ______Editor and Publisher of the year. r Ity ciurli. Stictioi» P T liat H».wt ¡or* j uf >1;, , companies resist as far as possible díñam e ♦ ntitl^îd , * o p o , / It depends on the known condi­ *N (KDI.NA.NCK T u AMENI» AN Oll- l-ni-AC KILIM. AN!» ..KM í ,, And now Linden is to bo the orders of the Board of U tility Com­ PINA N t K K.-.TÌTI.KP "AN OHDJN- OFFICE AND SHOP—d SERVER BUILDING. 26 ELIZABETH A\ E. \\ EST tions of local trade. LIND EN l . r i l i í Ol*’ A N Al ! I > HI , . , ••• home of a super-speed Army a x c k (iK ’riti-: c i -ì", ! 11 missioners which impose upon them It depends on what your patrons A N D AN AS-sJ.Sl A.NT a i ; . , , j ■ ; TELEPHONE LINDEN 3344 ■Kr USTA U LiSH. WAINTAIN KJ Ri- tank. have been asking for. zi. A 1*0 LI< K MI'KC'JYJK. KÍJClNt; T l i K I l ; . -p.. substantially all the cost of projects PI. ATE ANO CON! KATION. Al-l'oJ.Vi IM, AN A Y , : And in the end it depends on your 1 K T M KN T Foli TUE GUY OF COPIES. THREE CENTS whose estimated cost aggregate ap­ - A P P I A >V II JANUARY INSI-M Tuli ANI» AN ANIM ■ SUBSCRIPTION $2.50 PER YEAR SINGLE Years ago it was goats that l INDEN INSl’KCTOK AN!» KIMM, ability as a salesman to set forth, 1925. Advertising Hates Upon Application made Linden famous. proximately $11,325,000.00 are now t u e < t ) M S1< >N TERMS ■ »! ' Ol-KH .K l a.. » , ,, the advantages of a particular ar­ IJ]*: JT O K D A IN K I* 1 « ■1 th, is:r,. he and 111 - ; ai.., under review in the courts. If tills ( < ;! NO I. D I 1 T I I E < n y O F FIN- 1 by ticle or commodity, both in your ad­ amemlel to - d b ! as foiu,-- And now it’s tanks. State is to receive its fair share of DEN: S* tinti 4 : 'file saia.: y arid r0r ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER FEBRUARY 2. 1023. AT THE POST vertising and across your counters, i«m 1: That -oiion ì •> o f an elimination of grade crossings it will oroiia: -; j». to adopt a policy of nportionment of m o li fot ilio City Of I.II.dei,-, approvi-! ami t ii* s afa j-y and eou;p«*:..-at ¡»".i All communications to the Editor must be signed, not nec ssarily coats in July. You would not ad­ o f I he z\ f. ant fins ; ¡ - Tremlcy Point road. cost in line with that of sister States I ,t 11 u.try 2 2, I fi 2 fi Lt* ami th• • sanie; ih, vertise them at all in a region of per­ hcrcliy atiiHìdi <1 to ronfi as foflloxv.H; Hhair i)U the sum of Tw- ntv *twr. for publication but as an evidence of good faith. and my recommendation is that this Han'lridi I >a rt mí■ n t «>f tiln- C ity o f Fmtk*n City Planning Commission, and Mayor Potts feels that xj>- n-e. furiiinh ffis t as of January 1st, I'j 'Pj, But the time is not July. Ixmal .«hiill. at iris OVVI hissed: I'r'Jj. Sinclair. crossings are involved.’’ - Governor bis com plete unitom i, ineluti- the time has arrived for the creation of such a commis­ Morgan F. Larson. trade conditions arc not an unknown iiiK eap. o\ r'-oat, ano surii oth er quantity You know, from conver­ wi-aring aijparol as .sha.ll ' Onst i tut-w J * re of ( «iimiihri Co sion in that city, explaining that one of the prime duties Standard. a < on pie! e uni forni in the Poi ice Approx *k1. i '«30. of such a body wo aid be to make a survey of locations lot- IN EVERY TOWN sation with callers at your place of IiepaM m ent ol thè City of Iffriborj.” business, what is most in demand. s< < tion 2. All parts ul>- c*i. City Clerk. The Jerseyman, Morristown’s daily newspaper, the his business and income from the j lie has been such that you can pre Si-.4*1 io 1» L This orai i na shall take And now its an arm ored tank. efferf irmi udiate ly. CITY Of I.tVDLN editor of which, Stuart Little, strongly favors the idea, community, yet buys practically ev­ sent your sales talk convincingly. Passe« 1 ; points out that Boston, a city that has been thoroughly erything out of town. Ilis alibi is Consider, then, the season. What NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVE;, that * Might be a good idea to that he cannot find anything in Ido people buy in winter that they of Common Council following- ordinance *«*=•* intaod - ■< est in such a company. Approx 1 '• J 0. i ‘' k u I a r in fc iin g o f the C > ?., r ; built up for many, many years, derives much benefit town to suit him. His neighbors, do not buy in summer or spring or O iuficii o f the City of land« a * from such a commission. .... all about him, buy of home mer­ fall? One tiling is heavier apparel Attest; M a y o r. County of Union. New Jersey, g : There ought to he a good M < i n r Jay Jam ia ry 2 01 b, ]'«:i > i a rG * t Boston’s commission is made up of leading citizens chants and they are as well clothed suits and underwear. They buy sai«l ordin ance w as passed on ¿tv •], Ht market for the tanks lor pleas­ more fuel—coal, coke, wood. And ' :.; amt that said ordinal e and as well fed as he is. He is no CI I Y OF . I Mj i ; y ofsufficiejit number to guarantee a diversified viewpoint i t ure in taken up fo r fu rth er «-ons.-dor a? »or» a rid - as well as business benefit to the community. His in-I they buy a multiplicity of ottier pass a ire on 8<-c-ond an«! finai !>:■• ■ andto guard against personal or group interests influ­ come is derived from the commun­ things in keeping kith the season. .Vi »TICK IS HEREBY GIVEN that the at a meeting of the Common rv, i best" lavs cf sawed-off sh following ordinance was Introduced at to be- held at the fanden City Hah encing the decisions of the commission. ity, yet lie refuses to spend it with Which of tin' many articles or a regular meet ins’ of the Common Woo*i A venue. at x <>'<• k guns. rii« the same merchants. The butcher i commodities that you handle are in cvnincil «.f the C ity of IAnderu in the Mo ml; 1-'« brtiary u. “ If Boston, with its great wealth, great history County of Union. New Jersey, held on and baker and candlestick maker ¡the greatest demand just now And T H O M A S H. SITTAVz\N Chicago residents p roll- Monday. January 20th. 1030. am! that great population, great culture, great institutions and will never pay their help with any of his for which of them can you therefore said ordin ance w as p assei on its first City Clerk ably buy them up for A N O U O IN A N C K JYj A ME N U A .N’ - settled habits of life, needs a City Planning Commission, use bv money. Fie is like the leech which present the best argument? The an­ > « adinx and that said ordinance will the family. taken up for further oonsideratJon and I »IN A NCE ENTITLED “AN ORD 3N. how much more does a small city like Morristown, with attaches itself to another organism swer to these questions is the answer i.’issagi- on second and final reading's A N <' K T< > ESTA H UISH. H E ( H i. A 7 F; it a meeting of the Common Council and lives by sucking the blood of its to the question of what to advertise A NI j (X>N TI M E T H K F I f t E I j K P A. KT- its great period of growth immediately ahead of it, need With New York and Atlantic tn \*‘ Held at the Linden City Hall, on unfortunate victim and robbing it at this time. Vood Avenue, at 8 o'clock p. m „ on MENT OF THE CITY ( >V LIND EN City peace lovers also in the APPROVED JUNE 19T H , Tr«2r one. If Boston had appointed a City Planning Commis­ of its strength and life. Central There is such a thing as advertis­ Monday. February -!rd. 1!«30. bidding. Record. THOMAS H. SULLIVAN. UK IT ORDAINED PV THE OiMA’-N sion a hundred and fifty years ago, her streets would not ing and selling an unseasonable ar­ City Clerk. C O U N C IL >K T H E ('ITY T T.7N i >EN; be as crooked as they are now,” says the Jerseyman. But it will be pretty tough ticle successfully. Burns Bros.. New A SI I’I'LEM ENT TO \ N OUT»/NANCE MIKE'S VIEW ENTITLED “HUTÍA A NO O 'LE <>F S»*etion 1. That Sort km a of -- ' - on the gunmen. York fuel men. sell coal all the year KN”. A !*PROVEI> around. They advertise all the time. JUN K 2 X 1 f* 2 T». ESTA I i El SI L l!KUn.ATE AND i'.b- clude Linden as a city needing a City Planning Commis­ in on the radio to get a Florida m; IT ORDAiNE!' HY THU COMMON TROT, THE EIRE DEPARTMENT looking out the window In winter they sell coal because CDENCIi. OF THE CITY OF UIN THE CITY ' *F UNDEN". Adopt«-» .T f t weather report. - - Mike Scanlon in 18th. 19 25. Ik* and th«- ’-.ime ik her* y sion even more than Morristown, though, perhaps, not people burn more coal at that sea­ I )EN : these days of single-cussedness, Elizabeth Times. amendfid so that it -hail read as To. son of tin- year. The demand is cre­ S«*<-tior. 3. Whoit* siD.-walks of any low s; so much as Boston did in 1780. and watching the many narrow building are built <>n adjoining- proper­ “ S<* lion r>. Ext*ry m em ber o f th« ated hy weather conditions. ty lines, n o . w in d o w s or other openings From time to time such a commission has been dis­ RIGHTO. Fire Department shall, after h:> escapes at the corner of Kliza- shall Ik alloxvisi ir« su *h walls, but they In summer they still sell coal be­ appointment to th“ Department, must ix- provided in eonrts construct«1/! cussed by Linden officials, but with little tangible re­ l«‘tb avenue and Newell lx>ule- Possibly woman has a right to do provirtf* at his chvn expense, on« cause coal is cheaper in summer f«*r that purpos«*. A d va n ta g e cannot hi everything a man d*es. But man complete uniform. consist in if of sult—while reasons why Linden is in need of such a body vnrd, it occurs one of those taki-n o f an «*xistinsc «'ourt in the ad- hasn't. Muskogee Phoenix. than in winter. When the weather cap. overcoat and such other ar* ioinlngr building. but the strueture ti«“k*s of wearing apparel .as Hhab shell-proof vehicles ought to ap­ is sizzling hot in June or July, they shall have provision for its own indi­ pile up from week to week. constitute one <%omph*tf* uniform, Councilman Watson, at the first meeting of the peal to timid motorists who make the price per ton so attractive vidual court. In only ev tre m e ly spe- a n d thereafter, the City o f Tinder» \ that many persons are persuaded to •*ial vas«*^ shall the iiuilding Inspector shall, at the expense o f the City have to cross the intersection. approv • *»f openings tor windows or furnish to the various members of year, pointed out how little time the members of our doors ir. such walls. fill their bins while they can do so the Fir** I .»opart men t u n iform s and governing body can afford to spend on city business, and Letter to Editor at a saving in money. Section 2. siyrns - » ectin g tn-yond other ecmipment as may he r«- Never had much use for doe- the building line and over the side­ fjuire- you put before the public should l>e building, except a sign affixed to the the Department, dence that we are in dire need of such a body comprised healthy, but you can bet we’ll 1 have just read in your valuable ■ •orner o f a building whieh is at th<- in- 'I he times from which the sev- one for which there is a logical de­ ♦ers<-<-t cm o f th«* two streets and af­ vi«r- in tin* F ire i>epa rtroent o f of active, competent, public-spirited citizens. have at least one foot in the publication a little slam at my old mand at the time it is advertised: fixed to such inters. - -ting- corn er o f fiie f'itv ar»* to tie calculated an- friend Mencken. said building. No f>r neetir.g- sign a f­ th-* «iates at which th*’ continuous 4 rave before we call one again. and it makes little d i (ft- re nce what fixed to any building or structure. service of th«- members n^ppptfV'-* W hat’vc you got against him? that article may be so long as the ,-ept to a building or struct ui*e as a }v r ommi*n -oil, or if c„muM*r.'v.! h<- RESIGN, MR. JOHNSON! inters *et ion. as aforesaid, shall f**r« the formation of this Citv. That editor Little, of the Jerseyman. is only little 11 we’re sic k enough to be iso­ Also vou speak of "critics of a demand is there or can he created he pk’im l or affix - d neirer to any side tbmn from the time of th«* oom- lated in one room then Frank certain sort, of which this country by bringing your announcement to line of said building >r structure than !!K*p<-«*m«*nt off s<.*.rvic4* in The mun­ t h« L M anee a • - : ■ e-! in a horizontal icipality so .s*ur«**rsem said side lines whieh «•iassg-s shall !** pan! fo r the nur- - “ Enoch L. Johnson, member of the Republican State Penn relavs. Do you refer to some particular will o*ma I o r «■ xeeod thf* distance such b«*r of full «lays only of service - number of folks, or to everybody Jgn projects from tin face of such tually TiiTfiirtiio! by th*-in re.sp«*ct- Committee, should resign from that organization out of o AMERICAN LEGION POST biulilimr M r i<*t u i*t • who doe,n't happen to agree with a mi such n«Jy. and for such v.vutkm pe'. fairness to the party.” PLANS MANY ATTRACTIONS sif/n shall have« t uf. 'at«* i a«n a than KMls ;!S may fnun rim«* to tim e ht you? Hvt* NijnaF«e b -M ; n«l * >¡<-h •si urns shall 'E ia nttsl them hy dia. auth orif v. Pointing outh that thousands of persons have been not i i-oí« t moro than t h r< ■* f*’* t fro m «■«■pt that th«-y severiUlx* m ay Again you speak of the so-called A revived interest in the activities tho building- of structure to whieh it th,. .l!MT,-tl„n o f th.- F ire oraiimn- alienated from the Republican party because of the ex­ literature that has done so much to !s attachiHl and it Guai! b< it least ten V ( «unmoT* Council he p-c of the organization was shown at !V< t ah oat* the sidow^lk fo> -‘Tiy time n«»t «*x-«'-<• ks Hu ri rur w hich thev s«*y* pose showing Johnson apparently on friendly terms with the meeting of the Linden Post. Am­ any ordin- •-rally of the \V ani-.- inuon.sistfnt lu-o-with a re hereby shali ’ncapacitated bv vie’. -rid war". erican Legion Tuesday evening. reía *aled. Scarfaee Al Capone, notorious Chicago racketeer and jail (,r ofb'r Physical disabilRv- hut W hat’s Sixti-orj t. This or•. «han tw o w eeks, th«*y shall ay that those who write Hass«-<1 : bt* paid A g o Commander. Robert Walker, the var­ 19 30. only if and as aut horizo! by th*- _ the truth the Republican SI,ate Committee for the good of the are to be censored for so ious committees are planning many < om m on ( oanril doing? I*! es. C om m on Council Kvvry salary í-sífibljshtsi bv this party. social events for the year, beginning ApproTtHi. l v3 0. <»rriman.-n shall h», payable at ' th* ' Chief of Police George Riekel And finally you deliver a slap at with a card party this Saturday ev­ rat*- fL\i*d thertdn. in equal “ This is no time for pussyfooting around. The Re­ Attest; ly in.stallxrwnts mont ti­ warned Linden residents that there the “ sophisticated magazine". ening at the clubhouse on Elizabeth M,ayo» 11X c«>pt as to vu i) publican party in this State is on the toboggan and can were fakers abroad in the commun­ Uitv Clerk. Ser*tion 2 . The same inquiries apply here. Is avenue, between Wood avenue and «xmsi' tfnf K AI¡ ,p¿irts of ordinnees only resume its rightful place by serious self-surgery ity, and suggested that all house­ this not a sophisticated age. and Lumber street. t*d.onsi.ttnt herewith are he 30 as well as Linden taxpayers. The township committee passed 1 don’t expect you to THOMAS H. SUIT.IVAN. .»S ivill N 1 reoejvtMi reply to this Wednesday afternoon at her home. Citv Clerk. ny Uhî Common Council of the t jtv of an ordinance to close Pine street, a communication. There l.înoen at th« City HnlL Wood A _ It is doubtful if an effort will be made to punish is no ref)ly Those present were Mrs. Edward AN ORDINANCE TO (MEND AN OR­ paper” thoroughfare. DINANCE ENTITI.ED "AN ORDIN­ cjRdon. New at effp-ht o'clock V the Jerseyman or its publisher. On the contrary, the that you could make that would M. on Lebruary 3rd. 1930. fo r the foJ Barker, Mrs. Fred Beck, Mrs. G. K ANCE APPOINTING A CLERK OF* lo w in g ; change my views. Gornpf and Ms. Tillman. THE RECORDER'S COURT. FIXING Republican leaders of Morristown and vicinity wilfprob­ Residents of Maple avenue asked It may i>e, though, that some read­ HIS TERM OF OF* KICK AND SAL­ 3 M rtVI A 1930 Ford Roadsters for a sewer there. ably make a careful survey and take any steps necessary er who is sold to your way of think- ARY AND DEFINING HIS DUTIES" ,n ly ,,72u!7p<‘<1 W,,h tir" Miss oDrothea Page, of Ainsworth I’a-ssed February 7th. 19 2 7 . '.ws f e°nt r,’ ar burnii- so that the criticism of the State Committee cannot be ing -ind writing will want to join HK IT ORDAINED HY THE COMMON 2!s- Mre look and tic- cover. Miss Julia Cook was unable to find street, expects to spend the weekend COCNCII. OF THE CITY OF I.IN- ^i.Ipped with 6 ply heavy duD ini in a little discussion along the I >KX. applied to their local and County committees. a gold watch, which she had laid on with Miss Ann Oiascy, a nurse in duty tube«.Cord Tlr*‘* and heavy- lines you have laid down. Section 1: That se-tion i o f an or- a dresser, after the departure of a the Post Graduate hospital in New Th** t.ommon Council reserves tha- Recent acts of so-called Republicans and Republican If so, let him pitch in. I think I «linanr*«- «'ntitUxl “ AN O RD INANCE ,\P- right to stranger who called to inspect prop­ York City. 1*« )I.N'TIN<; A C LE K K < »F T ilK KK- anv ,,r «II bids. clubs in Linden, and self-tyled Republican leaders as shall be able to take care of myself l ix >NJ- HIS TERM * * »M.yfCIN (X IV N C IL Ob T H F erty at \Vr>od avenue and Gibbons in the argument. } i >1- UCh AND S I,ARY \.ND DF- CITY OF UNDEN. well, are entirely in an opposite direction. street, saying that he was of a mind Glove*» Many Purpose* FINING HIS DFTIICS" I ’asset! February T_aomas H. Snli:vat, **1^ clerk. BALTES I —' and the Mtme is herehv Such a policy can have but one result, and that is to to buy the place. Q- U’OODIU’KF. I1 rom earliest times the glove has auicni e l to read as follows: CITY OF UNDEN been a symbol of power, divinity and Sts-tioi! 4: Tin- salary and compen- weaken the Republican party in Linden and the County. Mrs. Joseph Good; of 120 Lafayette saHon tor the Clerk of the said n o t ic e t o b id d e r s N ew Jersey bank deposits showed love. .Many chivalrous» deeds were Street, held a coffee klatch Tuesday ’ I sha M la- the sum of TWE3N- Seal er the pur- reminding his brother;officials about the-needs- of his street, is spending a few days at ments were served. ' The next such to pick It be in lic ^ THOF.SA.NI, (5.000) up and-tight a. duel. Gloves l > II. ptaeiV ami- s-t.-af! ‘-of afl other waiu. the-.Second, will triumph in the long ruin. The time Massapequa, Long Island. event will be held at Mrs. Good's served a lowly purpose, torn.,at a time saUiDtai amt'.ffg.s.i steam \'’,n dffrreto0rbeIeSS'del lye <>f red bet wee ? : inother’s home, ¡152 Madison aye,me Section 2: Thi '"'«linanoi' shall take March ls-t. 1930 FaS’TTssed when public sentiment will permit a section when knives UBd forks, w-ere unknown, effect as of January 1st. 1930. • and liïx»ember Jlst. and people ate sriib, ihejr section*, a AH. 1930 such roa*i.s. Street« or high huserp . .re i n s i s t e n t ways of .a community to be neglected or ignored because its li-'la w iUj •5lj e -.nyreiiv : A l ° { U m ,en *v and r-.i.s.sed: when I***1 Hired by the City Engine..» or the representative on the governing body happens to be of r Ko.i*i Committee of the Common Cause for Thanlcfutn«*» Council. a diffeient political faith than that of the controlIiiF LINDEN Oh. AJ.BBRT » . COOUBT. Cfty E b ft peer. LINDEN OBSERVER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1930 PAGE fiat? Speeding in an Auto, D ’Montm orency and Players Talk for Movie BREVITIES At Linden High Audience at the Plaza Cent a Word Mopsick “Big Guns” by Tillie Braun and Mavas Chamuers Ill-res a new one in talking pic- Minimum Charge, 25c Mr. and Mis. P. Kiehel, of 924 was granted by the board of edu­ t tires. Drake avenue, held a birthday party cation at its meeting Monday night. In Game at School 2 LI Brendcl, Frank Richardson and in honor of Miss Claire Vidale, who Actually wc have no hanging wives and the garbage m w ill Marjorie White converse for Linden -jiO LET—Two rioins, steam heate<-st ac­ POUND lUmeli of keys; owner may served. Among those present were: home on Price street next week. had scored seven points when t In- plenty ot examples of hardships and her brothers and sisters. There w ill complishments in that most modern obtain same bj describing at Olr- Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Esposito, of half closed. pleasures. ht- various dances anil also Indian form ol entertainment, the moving- server office. 2f \V. Elizabeth Ave. Brooklyn, Charles DeSalvo, Mr. and The visitors held their rivals score­ This three-net play will he tin- sec­ music on tie- violin. All Lindenites Twenly-tvvo seniorx and juniors of anveordiaily invited to attend and talking picture. Mrs. P. .1. Aidale, Mi's, Charles Mar­ thè high setiool went to New York less while they scored the remaining ond ripping success of the year. WOMAN. German wishes housework enjoy this enli-Laimnent. Featured in “ Sunny Side Up” al- row and Mr. and Mrs. DeSalvo, of City, Mondar afternoon, veliere tlicy points of the game. Those taking part are: in good family. N. M., care Linden Plainfield: the Misses. Marie and Jos­ -o. ar - Janet Guvnor and Charles attendevi a lecture given at thè Kornas and Captain Modrak were Bernard tngals, a tax assessor, Observer. ephine Martin and Jean Labona, El­ FOULS NOT CHICKENS Farrell. Town Hall bv Southern, noted Sliake- high scorers of the night. de.Mont- Kenneth Woinort: Eunice Ingals, a izabeth; Jean and Grace Kichel, Mr. Co-ieh Sicgman's girls are expert The picture appears at the Plaza DUNLOP BATTERIES $5.15, $6 45. sperean aelor. Miss Belle Kanny nioreiu-y playing a remarkable game faithful wife, Adeline Verner: Noel and Mrs. 11. A. Sorgie, Miss Minnie foul shooters. A contest for foul theatre Sunday, Monday, and Tues- extra heavy duty. $8.10 and your ebaperoned thè young people. at guard. Mopsick was the big gun Derby, friend of the familv. Steve Lc Pree and John J. Jasha. of Eliza­ shooting does not mean shooting iln v. old battery. Dunlop Tire & Rub­ for ttu losers. Zukovvskv; Leo Day, George Kng- beth; Miss Sy lvia Nevcrit, u! Roselle clucki-iis, hut getling Hit- ball in tin- ber Corp’n., 25 North Wood Ave. Iggy Julian wasn’t so hot. i si-h: Rhoda, Josephine Maratto: the Misses Angie and Julie Lello, An­ Mrs. A. H. aPrry of Miltonia street basket lrom behind the free throw Julia Murdoch, Madeline Paige- lion- “ Frozen Justice” New thony Galat. Mr. and Mrs. P. Kichel, was hostess to the Chatter and Stitch line. Practically every girl is try­ LOST DOG— Police dog. tan color, aid Murdoch, David Locke; Mrs. Attraction at Liberty answers to name of Jerry; license Mrs. Ablatio and Miss Claire Aidale, Club Wednesday. After luncheon ing this in order to obtain points for Bradley, the rich grandmother. M il­ tag New York; reward offered. ¡til ol Linden. Miss Aidale was the the ladies played cards. Those pres­ their letter numerals. The object ent were Mrs. Grant of Kingston, V WHERE TO BUY IT dred Ainge; Hugh Ingds, an ardent “ Rio Rita” will finish its very suc­ Gundalis, 907 Woodlawn avenue, recipient ol many beamilul gifts and of the contest is to see how mam lover, iiiil Sparks; Dagmar Carroll, cessful full week engagement at the Linden. flowers. Y ; Mrs. A. Glirck, of Newark; Mrs. foul shots you can make out of The Linden Observer is published (tit- cause of Hugh’s love, Beatrice l-ov Liberty theatre in Flizabetl to­ E. Voelker, Mrs. A. Gregerich and twice a week­ -on Tuesdays and Fri- fifty. DAY’S WORK WANTED by Woman. Levine; Lois Ingals and Bradley In ­ night. Mrs. Stock, 723 Essex avenue. Miss Mary Sei gel. of North Wood Mrs. J. J. Sparks, of Linden. Mrs. days. gals, the twins in question. Beatrice! For Saturday, Sunday, Monday and avenue, was hostess Wednesday ev ­ Gegerieh will be the hostess next The subscription price li v mail, is HOME I'.i INITIATES EOK SALK Cow manure, w ell rot­ week at her home on Curtis street. 1-arkas and Mike Sellner; Elliott Tuesday this playhouse will offer ening to a bridge party which was j $2.50 a year— $1.25 per six months. 4h- porcupines, otherwise known ted, no shaving black rich top soil Mail subscriptions may be sent di­ Ivimbi-iley, politician, Julius Braun. as til-- initiates ot Home lei*, are now I enure Ulric in ‘'Frozen Justice", the given under tile auspices of the Sew ( iate.xt Fox Movietone all talking very nice quality. Lawn seed. De­ Mrs. August Nearing and Mrs. Wil rectly to the Observer office, 26 West full fledged members. A lter being ing Circle of the Counc! of Jewish i Elizabeth avenue. special. livered any v here. Reasonable. Juniors. Miss Dora Carol!, Miss limn Podolla are the members of tin- NOG I AND ZIMMER BACK put through the mill the president. The Observer is sold on the day “ Frozen Justice” has also FI Bren- Dairy Farm. Phone Unionvilie 253, Lena Zt-rlin and Miss Ida Tamarotf prize committee for the card party “Tile team is getting more sup­ Mary I erenzi, christened the initi­ of publication and thereafter, at del, who is known and liked for bis carried oil the honors ol the even- • to he given Friday, January 31, at port," quotes Mr. Beck, tin- fa m ily ates by means of getting them all HEMSTITCHING AND PECOING news stands conveniently located, for ' wu-k in “The Cock Eyed W orld" and ing. A social hour followed the the American Legion club house on three cents per copy. manager. “ More than half the stu­ wet. Refreshments were served to "Sunny Side Up” . done on the premises, Greenspans games. The hostess served refresh­ Elizabeth avenue. Mrs. John Ham­ Among the authorized dealers are: dent body is out for Hit* games. At. ¡ill the old and new members. Deoartment Stare 202 Wood ave- ments. Those present were .Miss mer, chairman, Mrs. Detrich Getting, Bedriek’s Sport Shop, 203 North tin- Summit game we had 2 to A. A. The stage show for the four days near Price street. Beatrice Levine, Miss Ida Tomarotf, Mrs. Barton and Mrs. ltistau are the Wood avenue. members and 211 visitors present, I MISS WEINBERG HOME beginning Saturday, entitled “Wed­ Miss Sadie Uubkin, Miss Sylvia members of the efeshinent commit­ Turchin’s Cigar Store, 25 North hut it seems as il our gym will not \ Miss Edith Weinberg, the cheery ding Bells”, lias ovr forty people. FOR RENT — 3 Room apartment, tee. Weitzman, Miss Dora Carotf, Miss Wood avenue. hold any more if we get .an increase little girl with the great big smile, Beautiful secnerey is used. steam heat furnished Wood ave-1 ------o------IzOna Zerlin, Miss Rose Carol!. Miss Elmwood Sweet Shop, 439 North to 345 A. A. members and 223 visi-i is laughing as much as ever. W hile one near Elm street, inquire I . ! '~-00<>0<9>CH>00<>:C>0ooocH^cn>QOoCH>o Wood avenue. the fact that he could never find a in evening, phone Linden 2692 Sadie Rosenbluin was hostess at a Summit and Roselle Park games, it abeth. broker willin’ to take a two-doliar Pet. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Samuel Zamm, 120 South Wood seems as if Nogi and Zimmer are, bridge at her home. Those present avenue. —Washington Star. Craftsmen's, Bldg., Elizabeth Ave. bringing luck to Linden High. Up! HIGHER RATING SEEN were Cecelia Raphael. Bloomlield; | Rev. John E. Bauchmnnn, Pastor. Louis Turchin, 14 08 South Wood avenue. until the Roselle Park game theyj Ethel Galanter, .* orotliy Luljer, M ir-• Jesus would be extremely popular were not able to play because of, A higher rating for the Linden John Anderson, Grasselli Park. iam Benedict, Newark; Frieda Her- j if He healed all diseases and said their academic responsibilities, but. platoon of tiie New Jersey national DAISY MINGST Loans Other Linden Observer sub—sta­ shkovvitz. New York, and Bertha and j nothing about sin. When we as eag­ now with them on the team with guard is expected to result from tiie tions will be established from time ! Mary Rabkin, Bertha Kosenblum, of er for cured souls as for healed bod­ to time. force the boys victored over Wood-: federal inspection made at the Eliz­ VIOLINIST % ies we will gladly follow Jesus as abeth armory recently. Linden. Prizes were won by Ettiel Dealers and others interested in bridge at Woodbridgo Tuesday with, STUDIOS S100 to $300 Galanter and Frieda Herstikowitz, Saviour. a score of 19-20. The inspection was made by Major securing distribution in their com-1 IS N ew Brunswick A r e n a « On Household Furniture Refreshments wen- served, after Sunday services are as follows: munities are requested to call the ; Koehler and Colonel Olmstend, reg­ t R A H W A Y , N. I. No Endorsers. Easy Terms which dancing and singing were en­ 10—Graded Bible school. Observer office by telephone— Lin NO MORE GARBAGE MEN ular army officers. k den 3344. Lawful Interest joyed by ail. 11 -German service with sermon The girls of Home Ee received a Telephone— R ahw ay 171 •> on "Meeting the Test." talk by Miss Ad.aire, of Frigidaire, Thr Right Sid» Linden Finance Co. Mrs. Ida V Wellerson and daugh­ 6:30 Luther la-ague devotional Proving Master Mind on “The Preservation of Food.” and If there are two sides to every story- 1004 Fifth A r e n o « 1 ters, Genia and Mila, of New York service. The measure of a master is his sue l from the talk it seems that food of take a glance at the outside, but get 101 North Wood Ave. City, were luncheon and dinner cess in bringing all men round to his the inside, If you can.—Los Angeles ASBURY PARÍ N. I. 7— English service; sermon subject Linden w ill not become moldy in the Telephone Linden 2799 guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Nixon, of opinion 20 years later.—Emerson. future with the young girls as house- Times. <^w;Mf*.>.x**>X**!->:-V!MX**!**X**!**V!»*X**> “The Greatness of Faith.” 310 I t >ok street. Genia and Mila, Tonight the cntche-ticai class for violinist and cellist, appeared in a | children will meet at 7; choir will concert at tin- High School assemble | nice* for rehearsal at the home of Anybody ever PLAN last Thursday. Mrs. Wellerson, who Mrs. George Harrow, 123 Washington studied under Walter Damrosh. act­ your insurance? avenue, at 8. ed as accompanist for her daughters. MANY property owners buy in­ Monday -The Luther League cast She is n supervisor of music in the for the three-act comedy entitled surance on a i ateh-as-eatch—can New York schools and is also ari ar­ basis -and miss the economy of “Ted Drops In" will meet for re- foxliber t y tist of note. Mr. Max Wellerson, \ I hcarsal at tin- home of Mrs. George a balanced insurance program. father of the girls, is also an artist Gompf. 306 Amor, terrace. The play We frequently save money for and musician. ! ! ELIZABETH AVE. ELIZABETH, N. J. our clients when we plan their will he presented in the auditorium of School No. 1 on the evening of insurance. O ir advice costs St. Mary’s Guild of Grace Episco­ not hing. March ]. Tickets may lie had from pal church .sill give a card party- in any member of the league. the Parish hall on Washington av­ Tuesday -Instruction for the chil­ I Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, January 26, 27, 28 enue Fridas- evening, January 31. dren’s catechetical class will be held Last Times Today N. M. PALERMO The committee in charge lias Mrs. K. at seven o’clock; the Bible school I Real Estate Insurance Servoss for its chairman. She will teachers will meet for a training I THE PICTURE SUPREME be assisted by Mrs. George Daneke. Phoce 3573 class at the home of Miss Edith Rin- The games will commence at 8:30. au, 316 MeCa mil ess street ,nt eight. Ths Guild is also planning a lunch­ Note—The pastor is gathering 7 No. Wood Ave. eon for Wednesday. February 5, to Limit n, X. J. members for an adult confirmation be held at the same place. Mrs. Lu­ class which will be conducted in the ther Osraun is chairman of tlie com­ near future. People of the commun­ RIO RITA mittee in charge of this event. ity desiring to join this class are asked to get in touch with the pas­ Another Tuesday night semi-social tor. Members are asked to hake the event will be the meeting of tlie pastor acquainted with those of Myles .McManus Association at the their friends who are not affiliated Saturday - Sunday quarters of that organization. Plans with any church. On next Friday Sunny have been completed for a lively so­ evening the Ladies Aid Society- will cial session, it is announced by Clar­ give a card party at the American ence Hunt, president of the associa­ Legion Hall. All are invited to at­ Monday & Tuesday tion, A date w ill be set, at this tend. W e extend a cordial invita­ time for the dance to be held later tion to you, to attend the services THE BIGGEST SHOW OF THE SEASON in the season. The McManus club­ at St. Pauls. house is at Wood place and Liberty avenue. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Washington and Elm Sts. — O n t h e Screen — Plenty of entertainment has been The Rev. Frederick J. Compson, B.D. provided, according to the announce­ Telephone Linden 3068 A FOX MOVIETONE SPECIAL ment for the social meeting of the Church school 10 a. m. A welcome William Schaefer Republican Organ­ to each boy and girl. ization to be held Tuesday Dight. Morning prayer, 11 a. m. The organization has field a number Side Confirmation class, -1 p, m. of such events in the Seventh ward Friday, choir practice, 8 p. m. before and since Mr. Schaeffer’s el­ We cordially invite our members Lenore Ulric Speed and Safety is our * ection to the common council but and friends, also strangers, to wor­ in plan Y this one it is said by the committee ship with us. t We like to . erve our on entertainment w ill be "the big­ J. fellow man. X gest and the best.” REFORMED CHURCH A Our obliging rbility will take V Calendar for Sunday, January •K V The Parent-Teacher Association of Y the fretting ou of your moving A 26th: Public School 1 will hold a card 9:15 a. m. -church school. ¡FROZEN JUSTICE ! party at that school on the evening or storage plana. 11 00 a. m. divine worship. The I 0 of February 1. The date originally pastor will preach the third sermon w ith "Í set was February It. Consent to use Up PHONE >: In the series on “The Lord's Pray­ • ELIZABETH the mill i tori inn on the former date A v i " ' ' 'ÇCT? 2 0 2 2. Y er...... Flic Hallowed Name” . EL BRENDEL S 8:00 .p.,m.z— tponthly «Jtion service at tliif First Methodist Episcopal with THAT “SWEDE” FELLOW \ IDrake’s Storage I f) Miss the bllitrch. .The sermon will lie preach­ ¿m o v i n g - pack in g -s h ip p in g Ï ed by the Rev. F. A. Langwith on -i- L/Nûtw, N J X Mask and Civic Ball “The Great Work of Unknown Men”. with the sweetest lovers on the screen O n t h e S t a g e given by the HARRY C. LEWIS PRESENTS f FIRST METHODIST CHURCH V Public worship 11 a. m. afuL 8 p. •s-X"!**» Ladies Progress Club- m. Sunday. “The World’s Greatest JANET GAYNOR CHARLES FARRELL SATURDAY EVENING, Tem ple" will be the subject of the pastor's address at the morning THE GREATEST PICTURE EVER MADE CONSTABLES SALE I hour. NOTIG LX That on Saturday, the» o1 February at ten o'clock, in j January 25th In ttu- evening there will be a Müls f ort‘nT>on o f th at «lay at the p re m - | at the union service in the Methodist — TALK ING O RSI LENT y**5 of Maurict; Has In. St. George Avo, I Dark in the City of Linden, j church. Rev. F. A. Langwith, pas­ be sold at PUBLIC VENDUE to the * tor of the Reformed church, w ill be bidder. sundry GOODS and J Progress Hall UHATTKUa to wits 1 the speaker. 1 Puick Roadster No. 1041S-60. | MitcbeJ! Ave., Linden Church school, 9:45 a. m. AD Talking - AD. Singing - AD Dancing pe o pl e b virtue of a Garage Lien as f r Music by Blue Moon Orchestra. Proaertl- of Ma y K. Clark at tbe . Epwortk league, 7 p. m. 40 40 of Maurice Maple .and to he' P rize« Tickets, 5#c Mid-week service Wednesday ev­ •oto i » , uajih by me. , . ___ H. C o n sta b le. t ening »t eight o'clock. — ______i THE LINDEN OBSERVER YOUTH BOASTS Hugged by “Gorilla,” | OF BRANDING CAPITAL AND LABOR BROTHERS f . She Asks $302,300 S FICKLE SWEETIE t Los Angeles, Calif.—Embraced By COVER? OR W ILLIAM G. CONLEY. West Virginia. -j* on Broadway by a man costumed ? X as a gorilla. Mrs. Hazel Lesley Uses Pancake Turner on Her 4* asks for damages In a When She Says She L L who labor in any capacity can clasp hands in a common Black Sheep’s Gold !{! suit filed against the Principal y Theaters, Inc., and others. Loves Another. brotherhood. The comforts we enjoy today, the commerce that Illustrations by Irwin Myer» •?* The gorilla man was advertis­ penetrates the distant seas, the glory of our civilization that BY BEATRICE GRJMSHAW, ing a motion picture. San Francisco.— Nonchalantly, at. adorns the et.rth, are all products of labor and thought and After her experience, Mrs. most boastfully, Charles Nunez Silva, W NU Servie« Pasley asserts, she suffered from twenty-four, known in Oakland as the action. C o p y rig h t by Hughe« Masai« A Co. *) X delusions that hair like that of .j. “ sheik of Seventh street," has admit­ Legislation looking toward the betterment of those who work with f the gorilla was growing on her f ted, according to Berkeley police rec­ their hands has been passer]. Formerly they labored long hours with their tongue and back and was con- A ords, that he indelibly branded his hard at the back of the blue eyes; hands and frequently in unsanitary arid dangerous places! The hours of pers transferring his nationality to fined to a sanitarium for weeks. V forty-one-year-old Inamorata with * the flag that waved over Omega. A Purchase, hair ruffled like the feathers red-hot pancake turner when she told labor have been reduced from 12 and 10 to S hours a day, and in some THE STORY luckless transfer! It placed him be­ of a hen, and features, as always, on him site loved another. occupations less. Safeguards as to health, life and limb are thrown around neath the Omegan laws, and when a the verge of a laugh, seeming to take “ That’s what 1 did to my last wife On a pleasure trip In eastern dramatic accident—the discovery of ttie world, and his share of It, which when I found out she was going out those who work in shops and manufacturing plants. waters, I'hilip Amory, English MARRIES IN FACE World war veteran, now a trader a seemingly harmless mark upon his was assuredly a hard one, very mer­ with another man,” said Silva, ar- These laws are constantly being broadened so that better conditions on the island of Papua, New body, when bathing—obliged him to rily Indeed. Spicer was not to be OF LIFE SENTENCE cording to the confession in the hands prevail today in all lines of employment than ever before. Labor and Guinea, plunges overboard to go up to the local doctor for examina­ s e e n : I was glad of It, for island of tfie police. save the life of a musical comedy houses offer small privacy, and I had capital understand each other better today than ever before, and 1 believe actress, known as “Gin-Sling. tion, he was sent without mercy to the While Silva was calmly detailing th>- Amory becomes interested in i'ia quarantine island. There were those that to say which would not pass with Slayer Redresses Wrong to that the time is near when labor and capital will go hand in hand in work­ hranding, his former sweetheart. Mrs, Laurier, member of a wealthy who hinted that Fellows' recently ac­ Fanshaw s friend. The others looked, New South Wales family. He Former Mistress. Mabel Pennington Clarno, forty-one, ing for the advantage o" each other, which will enable them to render bet­ quired commercial interests had some­ in their fresh white shirts and pipe­ lay In the Sutter county hospital at tells her of his knowledge of a clayed shoes, exceedingly clean, com­ ter service to the public. wonderful gold field on the is­ thing to do with the case; that a big Yuba City, slowly recovering from fortable and peaceful—enjoying for Buenos Aires.—Facing a life sen­ land, though he does not disclose company was behind the doctor. Be deep burns on her abdomen, her left Labor and capital really constitute a partnership. One cannot get the name of tlie place. “ Gin- a few days, an oasis in the desert of tence for tlie murder and dismember­ that how it might. Fellows was sen­ hip and her left hand. She was in along verv well withert the other, and as this fact is becoming better Sling" tells him Pia is engaged hardships that made up their com­ ing of his beautiful sweetheart, Vir­ to Sir Richard Fanshaw Amory, tenced to Iota, and, but for the daring i such a highly nervous stare that doc­ mon lives. ginia Donatelli, the young Argentine and better known, a more friendly feeling exists, and conditions generally : however, is confident that the rescue, would probably have spent the tors refused to allow her to be in girl is not indifferent to him. His slayer, Julio Americo Iionini, tuts been rest of his days there. Into the midst of this. I came, wet : terviewed. are improved. holiday ended, he arrives back Fellows had been nine weeks on and bedraggled, and I make no doubt, married iri jail to Maria Luisa Mo- at Daru. He meets an E n glish­ nea, a former object of his affection Wields Red-Hot Weapon. I wonder if we fully appreciate the fact that the age-long struggle man, Spicer, there on develop­ lota. Nine weeks on an islet inhab­ looking like a last year's ’corpse. I with whom lie bad lived up to his of humanity to be free was consummated in the Declaration of Inde­ ment business for a syndicate of ited by the terrible things I had seen; could see the effect of my looks mir­ Silva, who fives in Oakland, was ar- which Fanshaw is head. Fan- rored instantly in tbe faces about rue; meeting with the Donatelli girl. i rested at the borne of his parents, Mr, pendence and the Constitution of the United States, and that the eternal shaw’s name recalls to Amory a So great was the popular interest ami Mrs. John Silva, after Dr. Truster) long-forgotten incident. but nobody jumped up, or said— "My truths there proclaimed locked the gates against oppression so long as G—d. what’s happened to you?” or created by the finding, in the muddy , 1’. Perry, superintendent of tin- Sutter we stand inspired with the consuming desire for liberty and freedom. “ What’s the row?” or any other silly backwaters of La Plata river of first, : county hospital, bad notified Sheriff CHAPTER 111— Continued thing, such ns fellows elsewhere would the torso, then the limbs and later It. It. Veaie at Martinez of Mrs, Cl a r certainly have thrown out at me. and at a distant point the head of no’s story of the branding. Virginia Donatelli, that a movement Taken to the woman’s bedside at The tide was down, and the cutter These fellows were riot given to tak­ ing any circumstance in life other lias gained headway with the press Yuba City, Silva, according to inspec­ MIND MATTER OF RELATIVITY aground. I cannot tell with what and the public for the restoration of anxiety I examined her. I would al­ than quietly. tor Waterbury and Deputy Sheriff the death penalty for murder which most have set sail on a tree trunk, if “ Where's Spicer?" 1 asked of Bas­ Ralph Harrison of Contra Costa enttn- By DCNALD A. LAIRD. Colgate University. had long ago been abolished. nothing else cook! be had—to get sett. It did not occur to me to offer : ty, readily admitted that he had wield­ away. . . . any explanation of my return, when I Young Bon ini’s action in embracing ed the red-hot pancake turner on Mrs. Beyond all belief, 1 found tlie hull was supposed to be abed with fever; religion, in confessing his sins and in 1 dam n's body. Physical difference? are as nothing compared with the enormous d if­ sound enough to Moat, with a bit of nor did anybody ask fer one. volunteering to marry the Mnnea girl | She was partially under the influ­ ferences that may be lound in mentality. Education does not seem to bailing. The man was smashed, but “ Sit down. He went back to Maid not only has stemmed the tide of pop- ence of an anesthetic, he said, but tn- ! ular revulsion against him, but has | sisted she took it herself to allay the improve one’s regular equipment of brains. Children whe are found by I thought we could rig one up with the stone’s; lie's staying there.” boom, setting tie jib behind It. I Northanger got up. “ I must be go­ j gained for him an increasing number pains of illness. tests to have a little less than the usual modicum of brains in the first went to look fol- T avlti; found him ing,” he said. "The missus will be of friends who seek to find mitigating Silva's story, as told the police, is grade ace still a little behind when they are in the fifth grade, and'in case sleeping peacefu'ly in his hole, and sending a patrol after me. Ready, circumstances for his act in slaying that he and Mrs. Clarno met in May they reach the eighth grade, they still test a little below. dragged him out. by one leg. Purchase?" the girl that he now avers won him or June. “ Hurry, Tavlti,” I urged. "The away from the bride of his recent I “ She said she was lonesome, so i Intelligence is not increased by going to college. Neither is it a If there was a hint. Purchase took tide’s on the tura, and we’ll never get it. They were gone in another minute, : marriage. went home with her,” his statement chance afTair. Parents with brains much above the average have children the boat down unless we catch it. and Bassett and I were left alone in Entire pages have been devoted by reads. with brains much above the average. Brains seem to be quite definitely She'll float- Come on.” the austere, shiny parlor. Bassett, in tlie Buenos Aires newspapers to the Totd Her He Was Thirty-Eight- “ Arikh” lie objected, "me old, me crime. The papers point to the irony inherited, just as eye color, stature or temperament. his precise way, became busy. He After that he lived at: intervals with hungerry, want to go look for some brought out a suit of clothes neater of tiie Argentine marriage law which Mrs. Clarno, bought her groceries anil If education does not improve intelligence, what makes college men house 1 get kai kni" (food). and better mended than anything I declares that “ the woman has the ob­ gave her money, according to his story successful? Of hundreds of thousands of men in the army during mobi­ There was nothing for it but a lie. possessed, if somewhat cheaper in ligation to live under tlie same roof to the police. lization the average score was 05. A fter the war the same test was given I had already decided that Tavlti kind—and handed it to me. | with tier spouse; and should she not •‘I told her I was thirty-eight years should know n< thing; what he did not “ You haven’t a dry thread on you," do so, tills may be demanded of her old,” he added. “ I didn't want tier to to a large number of students entering college for the first time. The know, he could not spread abroad. by statute.” "You Haven’t a Dry Thread on You," he observed. “ Better shift." He went average score by these freshmen was 150. “This is a desert island,” 1 told him He Observed. “ Better Shift." off into the kitchen, and 1 heard him This does not mean that the college freshman has twice as much coolly. Full of ghosts, up to the brim stirring up a sleeping boy; heard the and spilling ever. Let's get away, Good Samaritan Saves intelligence as thp armj man, since the army score does not start with zero an islet reeking with contagion, ami clink of a kettle lid. tbe jingling of sharp. And yea can pick a few coco­ innocent of any modern sanitary pre­ glasses. Bassett came back, looked Squirrel but Finds Woe intelligence. But this t ¡(Terence does mean that the ordinary college man nuts to take ahmg. if you're as hungry caution whatever. at me, as I sat. fresh clad, and made St. Louis. Mo.—As often is the case, as all that. Not the coconuts on tlie is much better equippet with brains than the ordinary man on the streets. He might or might not have had no remark. The boy followed almost William Hoffman's daily good deed ground, Tnviti! those are the germ with him when he went immediately with hot punch, and a netted him only grief. ghost coconutis. Get them oil the there: but nothing was more probable quinine bottle. I helped myself to a Bill is a butcher and he was dili­ tree.” than that he had taken it away with share of both. gently wielding his cleaver when he We loaded rhe boat with nuts, and him. in any case. “ I wanted to ask you something," I noticed a squirrel peeking in the win­ CURIE’S RULE UNSHAKEN started work tin the broken mast. 1 Leprosy, I knew, could lie dormant said. dow of his shop. He dropped his was mad to get away. It was not yet for many years; might when acquired, “ Yes," answered Bassett. It was a cleaver and went in pursuit of tlie lit­ By W IL .LAM F. OGBURN. University of Chicago. dawn, but the moon seemed paling, develop so slowly that the victim could brief reply, but it carried a good tle animal. and I heard, among tlie palm tree live an ordinary life without being deal, the tone, the look of Bassett's Over eight fences went the squirrel tops, inland, the first faint notes of suspected, for a very long time. If brown eyes, beneath his high min- This hard-boiled generation, generally supposed to be cynical and waking parrs teets. ami over eight fences went Bill. He Fellows was indeed Fanshaw— if he isterial looking forehead, the settled picked up some clods of dirt to throw disillusioned, is stilt sentimental about marriage. What’s more, it’s more If—“They” —were to hear us—if had gone to Omega to carry out a dar­ attitude, hands crossed on knees, all “They” cam#» out—my secret was lost. at the animal and aroused the ir e o f sentimental than ever, for in the old days marriage used to be a busi­ ing speculation in Omegan products, suggested calm, reliability, and. what neighboring housewives when his And I had pome idea, by this time, as concealing his name, and altering his he must have known I desired above clods soiled the weekly wash. ness proposition, while today it’s entirely a matter of sentiment. to how the Power that owned Ornega nationality—a course that sounded all things—as sick men consulting doc­ When the squirrel entangled itself that she soup, regarded pyople who poked inquisi­ very like what one had known of him A man picking a wife used to ascertain could make tors, sinful men consulting priests, de­ in some chicken wire Bill was the tive noses into secrets; how they weave his clothes, tend to him when he was ill, and teach his children. He in the war—then, the most horrible sire it— the professional attitude. I recipient of deep scratches as he re­ might be likely to treat me, if I was peril that can he conceived hung over knew he would do anything that could m oved tlie animal. He took the squir­ got a doctor, a factory, a drug store, a teacher and a general handy man. caught. Bia. and there was no one but myself be done. rel home, where it escaped and hid in Now he gets only alter:ion. Tavlti and I got the large fairweath- to get her out of it. 1 told him the whole thing. It was a hole in the ceiling. Bill had his face er jib set, with the gaff for boom, and Myself— with a hundred odd pounds There used to he seven ties holding families together— the economic not easy to tell, because ! had to scratched and his nose bitten when he got under way. In the new yellow of capital, no position and no reputa­ tie, ties of protection, education, religion, social status, recreation and bring Pia into it, and I found, to my peered in the hole. dawn, a rule distant. I saw the island tion, save the unlucky one of being affection. Today there’s only affection, for the others have become com­ clearly—small, low-, pricked with intense disgust, that my voice got un­ Hoffman attached a hose to the gas in love with her. Myself, against a steady when I spoke of her. Bassett stove and turned the gas into the hole I palms; one like a thousand others. rich and famous man, high placed in parai ive non-essentials in marriage. listened quite to tlie end, making no in tlie ceiling. In a few minutes the And I judged that Tavlti would never society, and approved by Bin's family Branded His Inamorata. In 50 years the cooking stove, like the spindle and the loom, will have comment. When lie thought I had squirrel dropped to the floor and was know he had not landed on Turk —no doubt approved by tlie girl. quite done, he came out, surprisingly, put in a box. thinx 1 was a ‘kid,’ anti besides she left the home. after all Time against me, place against me. with— told me she had heen married four Back Again in Omega, t got charts, everything against me. save one thing Fresh air and the animal was soon Cilv life has removed recreation from the home. We have football, “ You are very much In love with times.” which I should undoubtedly have had -—the fact that Fanshaw was coming revived. basketball, dances, uni I the family fireside is tittle more than a tradition. this girl.” it was not a question, tt > In October he suspected that her before, and tbe Sailing Directions. I to New Guinea. And then Bill and tlie squirrel went Whether the single tie of affection will keep families together I am looked up tlie island on which I had was a statement, made much as one's for a ride in Bill's car, a ride which l o v e for him was cooling. Bo when physician might offer a comment on took them to Tower Grove park, where she asked him to buy iicr tlie anes­ verv doubtful; from my own studies I should say that in 50 years one out so unw llingly, landed. This was what CHAPTER IV our ov n Admiralty volume said about the condition of one's lungs or liver. the butcher released the animal, thetic to relieve her pain, he readily of every five marriages will end in divorce. it—“ lota— . . . This island is tbe “ Am I?" I said stupidly. Something which scampered for a tree, perched consented. It was lute before 1 ended that rest­ leper quarantine station for the Omego had hold of me— 1 hardly knew what on a high limb, and chattered insult­ j 'Yhile she was semiconscious from less tramp. The night had turned to group Serious penalties are attached it was. but it shook me. What was ingly at Bill. 1 the anesthetic. Silva told the police, to landing.” rain, as it so often does in Daru; my the matter? Had I not agreed with But Bill refused to draw a moral he pressed the red-hot pancake turner torch, when l snapped it on to see the “ Yes," I said, closing the book, “and myself that the wind which was Pia from the story and is satisfied that to her abdomen. In her struggle she TEACHING A NEW MORALITY way, shone on a myriad of crystal 1 can add to that; getting a leper Laurier had blown through my life he saved the little animal from the was burned on the hip and hand, be rods, dancing all over the road. The away from it—to Valparaiso or else­ and passed away? To save her from perils of fhe city’s streets. said. B y DR. MINOT SYMONS (Unitarian). frogs had begun their nightly chant— where—is five years on the break- marriage with one incredibly vile—- Cared for hy neighbors for a few “ Port, port, port! Starboard, star­ j water. . . .” that was a duty ; but a duty that de­ “Corpse” Comes to Life days. Mrs. Clarno went to the turkey board!" In tbe near distance, among volved on me merely as a man; not ranch of Joe Blanchard, whom Silva the mangroves of the beach, an alli­ New prophets of the new morality, like Walter Lippman, are voicing us the man who loved her. 1 had When Police Show Up considered his rival. Her burns fail­ | All this I remembered, point by gator belled, as they do on these wet the new authority. The skeptics and the rebellious can go their way, hut, been so certain that 1 should not. ing to heal. Blanchard had her trans­ po’-nt. as i walked beneath the man- steamy nights. I said to myself, with Racine, Wis.—A "corpse” came to therefore did not love the girl with tlie fer ed to the county ho.-pital unless their way is the way of life’s best things, life will bring them to gees of Daru, three thousand miles sudden resolve—“ I'll go to Bassett; life here while Racine police were car­ av>ay from Omega in distance; years black shingle and blue eye»; the girl rying the supposedly dead man in a When Silva called at the hospital unhappiness and defeat. Mcra! anarchy is worse than moral infancy. tell him the affair, and see what he who, even if she were ten time« free, in point of time. 1 remembered it says.” bathtub to the station. A telephone to visit his branded Inamorata. Doc­ Multitudes of modern youth, and of modern men and women, are moral clearly, without omission, as if It had was not for me, wanderer, rolling call had requested tlie officers to call tor Perry became suspicious, obtained They were not yet gone to bed. in stone, black sheep. infants and life will show them no mercy. | happened yesterday. And most clearly the Residency. I could see them from for the body of a ntan discovered in tlie woman’s story and notified the Things cleared in my brain. The The teachers that the new generation will hear are they who can : of all did I remember—now—the face the roadway, Bassett's grave, min­ the tub. which was part of an apart­ authorities. thought that had come to me was i of the man who wore the yellow dress isterial face (he was the son of a ment building that was being wrecked reveal the consequences o f conduct, who can scientifically study and sum­ with the black spots big as plates. Un­ nothing brilliant, nothing new; it was well-known parson, and looked it); The police arrived, picked up the doubtedly, it was the face of Sir only this—" If I am hurt. I am hurt; Boys Mar Robbery by marize such consequences, and then can say with authority that cannot Northanger’s narrow countenance, that tub, and started to an ambulance well, then. I've got to stick it.” I be denied: “ Desires do not say the last word. Experience says the last «¡chard Fanshaw. Everything came was like the face of a schoolmaster, when a startled man arose from the Stepping on Man’s Hand back to me— the height of the man. found it steadying, comforting even. improvised stretcher and asked what word.” A good deal ilready has been said. I f you ignore it, you will until you caught something strangely Malone. N. Y.— Leo Patnode. seven­ his thinness, his chestnut hair and (TO BE CONTINUED) It all was about. teen. and Stor Sessions, eighteen, suffer the consequences. j yellow-brown «yes. the slim arched MM His presence, be explained, was due probably would be free today If they j nose and neat chin, the lip«, unusually to a tired feeling after an all-night had not stepped on an employee of . ted for a man’s; the voice, peculiarly party. He was employed at the wreck, a at ore while In the act of burglary. resounding and deep In tone; even the Zinc Causes Paint to Show Color Variation ing Job and desired to be no tint* la The boy« «aid they were ready to Injured and deformed finger nail that the morning; hence the use •( the tab leave the «tore, after taking several “MECHANICAL BOYS AND GIRLS” I now remembered I had seen, as Sir A man’« puziietnenf over a fror* «re not yet agreed as to the cause of aa a bed. packages of cigarette*, when one of Richard came up the ship's accommo­ post which he had painted block, but tt They have, however, found sev­ them stepped on tbe employee, who B j DR. IL C. HARTW ELL, Superintendent Buffalo School»« dation ladder, allding one hand along which turned white every night, whs eral other substances besides the «Inc the guard-rope. I was as sure as I * « • sleeping. Tbe latter recognised the starting i»iint o f a program o f re sulfide, which was In the paint on tbe Woman Takes $5 BUI was of my own existence, that Bias them and caused their arrest. search which has culminated in the [M»st. that will also change color with From Plate in Church 'l oo many persons believe schools should turn out robots— mechanical fiance was the leper who had. that discovery of a number of chemicals the light. Most of the known photo- Fresno, Calif.—The collection plate tfovs and girls. Over and over again I hear men protesting that graduate* night, escaped from lota island. having this remarkable chameleon Not while I stayed in t trnega_ ttopic liquids are solutions of color­ came along in church and Mr«. Sophia Trained Dog Steals like prqpefty scientifically .termed less derivatives of certain dyes. The of high schools enter business and cannot do this, that, and the other which was do longer than the . ¡,11 of Gleim took out a bill. photofropy Information regarding solutions are practically colorless In Chickens for Autoist tiling with the efficiency expected of them. Of course, they cannot, and the next boat—did anyone discover these chemicals has new been made In police court she admitted she Del t It Center. Mich.—A trained (log, tt»e dark, hm turn the Color of the took the money. t^ie quicker men get this philosophy out of their heads, the better it will be what had happened. Down in Auk public by tlie American Chemical so car and chicken dinner. " So. It was land. I came upon a paper that related parent dye when exposed to light “ It wasn’t stealing,” she said. “ Peo­ cicty Ttic famous fence [Mist was he.rq recently when a car sto[q»ed in for them and fer the system of education. the daring escape from Iota of a “ for­ ple saw me. i was going to pay the painted with a "pigment having a zinc front of- a farm house, the driver Years ago children were taught that success was fame, distinction and eign speculator” named Fellows, who money back and $1 extra. I needed basis.” It would turn black soon Action* Alone Matter opene

could laugh. Said as a bread-cutter SCHOOLBOY WINS I would make a good bricklayer," NO HAPPINESS Î The clock on the mantel chimed BOUT WITH BEAR 10:30. "Wonder what she will be doing a ! WHERE THERE | year from tonight, an even ten. I've New York Lad Catchei Beast tried to play tiie game, but her dad's During Recess. IS NO LOVE I money beat me.” V He turned his head suddenly. Steps Ellenburg Center, N. Y.—-Tweive- tie) by D. J. W alsh.) on the porch, a tap at the window and year-old Owen Le Claire or this ->H- a smothered call, a child's laugh. He HE log that had been crackling lage has shown local banters some­ swung wide open the door and then and intermittently bursting in­ thing In the way of a novelty by cap­ arms were about his neck, small arms to flume suddenly broke apart, turing alive a 52-pound bear. T about his legs and Bea was crying, flamed brightly, darkened, the It all happened In this way roslness rapidly fading into gray ash. her face against his shoulder. The Bigelow school had let out for Sydney Hollis, from the depths of his “ Syd. Syd, I’m home, always to stay recess one afternoon wher young chulr, reached for the poker and with you. Money is nothing where Owen spied a bear in a nearby piece of stirred tiie coals. Then he slumped there Is no love, and I love you as plowed ground. Two other t oys and much— more—than 1 did nine years back, his head resting In his hand. a little girl of ten years responded to “ Nine years ago tonight—" he mused ago tonight. Forgive me, Syd, and the discoverer's hunting cry. well half aloud. He looked up at the clock kiss me.” known in these parts, and together on the mantel above him, a mantel Her arms were full of packages and they started the memorable chase white with dust. A tall taper in a one by one they dropped to the floor which ended In the capture of ttie as his arms went about her. 'I lien hammered silver holder leaned tipsily bear. forward. “ Nine years ago tonight at like a child she knelt and began pick­ Ttie beast put on full speed ahead ing them up. She pushed back tiie ten o’clock we were on our way—to to evade Hie wild, unarmed pack of this house. Jove, I’ll never forget how patter wrapper and displayed a loaf of pursuers. It became entung:ey Lawson case when we are having our i iterview is concluded, tie crumples her. And how they will rush her! climbed down and pulled the animal lunch before the fireplace, just as we ip the paper and tosses it into a Not only a beauty and a live one, but after him. Once on tiie ground it be­ did nine years ago on our wedding wastebasket. Recently, however, one her dad’s money thrown in ! They came a contest of endurance But tiie l isitor rescued such a paper from ttie couldn’t say I rushed her for that, any­ night.” feeling of conquest was upon the boy basket and asked the President to autograph it, way. Poor as a church mouse then. and he won. which lie sm lirigly did. He probably did not real­ How we planned to put the wedding Santa Fe Trail Once Once home he was offered $50 'or The Highest P ric e d Auto^i'a.pK on. ^Record ize that thif scrap of paper had any particular over in good shape on that limited Called the Cow’s Head the bear. His reply was. “ Not after that ‘rassle.’ 1 ain’t gonna soil it.” vaiue, but the result was that the visitor sold it amount and what a little manager Bea A Spanish king leading His army the large ones reg-arciless o f the inequality of pop­ The beast, stilt in an ugly mood, was for what is described as “ a fair portion of the was. This house was better than she to battle in wild, impassable moun­ ulation; the large tines insisted on equality in pro­ put into the Le Claire barn. Presidential salary.” It now bolds an honored portion to population. They compromised it by had ever had, and how she loved that tains found himself hemmed in by tiie place in tiie collection of Thomas F. Madigan of basing the House of Representatives on popula­ golden oak dining room furniture we enemy, who outnumbered ins men five New York, : n authority on autographs, who says tion and the Senate on States regardless of popu­ I bought.” to one. He would have perished with It is the moft unusual signature ever to come out lation; and the executive on both principles, by Laboratory-Made Snow electors in each state equal in number to her sen­ His eyes roved to the dining room all his troops had not a private soldier of the White House. ators and representatives. Now. throw away the ! beyond, austere and dignified in its discovered a narrow, unguarded pass to Aid Meteorologists But this s only one of the many interesting machinery of electors and the compromise is brok­ mahogany, blue velvet rugs and hang­ at ttie entrance of which lay tiie Los Angeles.—A discovery expected items which have passed through Mr. Madigan’s en up and the whole yielded to the principle of the large States. There is one thing more. In the ings. There was the glint of tiie glass bleached skull of a cow. He led the to be of value in ttie study of meteor- hands during his long career as autograph col­ slave states you have representatives, and con­ and silver on the long buffet, a wilted king and his army to safety, and the ologv has beeD announced by Dr. Joi n lector and t eater. The fruit of that career is a sequently, electors, partly upon the basis of your H.e"Wrote flower in tiie silver vase. grateful monarch not only rewarded Mead Adams, associate professor of book, published recently by the Frederick A. black population, which would be swept away by “ She was kicking about this over- the change you think desirable. Have you ever on a. T re e 1. him with wealth and honors, but be­ physics at the University of Cali­ Stokes company, to which he has given the appro­ reflected un these things? stuffed suite when she decided to stowed on him a new name— Calieza fornia. It Is the making of snowflakes priate title of “ Word Shadows of the Great” with But to come to the main point. 1 wish you to leave. We went seven different times in his new laboratory in the physics- Back in 1SSG, according to Mr. Madigan. a But­ de Yaca, "cow’s head.” a sub-title which tells of “The Lure of Auto­ know that 1 have made a speech in Congress and to that furniture store just to look 1 >e Vaca sailed from Spain for tiie biology building, on the new campus. graph Collecting.” Autographs are truly “word that I want you to be enlightened by reading it; ton Gwinnett autograph sold for only $185. But to further which object 1 send you a copy of the at it before we were married; couldn't Florida coast about three and a half While the task may seem comparative­ shadows,” reflecting the personalities of the men that was long before autograph collecting became quite convince ourselves that it was «speech by this mail. so popular and took on a “big business” tinge. centuries ago with tiie Narvaez expe­ ly simple, yet Doctor Adams began his and women who wrote them and often revealing For old acquaintance, tf for nothing else, be really ours.” He threw a fresh log Forty years later, on January 1!), 1920, Col. James dition and was wrecked in the gulf. . work six years ago, entering a field their very souls and for this reason autograph sure to w rite me on receivin g this. I was very on the fire. near forgetting to tell you that on my being in­ H. Manning offered at auction his complete set but De Vaca survived with three oth­ which up to that time had not been collecting- is one of the most fascinating hobbies “ Eight years ago tonight we had our troduced to Gent. Quitman and telling him 1 was of autographs of the signers and his Button Gwin­ ers, who clung to Hi in when the ship touched by scientific investigation. known to mankind. from Springfield, Illinois, he at once remarked first anniversary—the paper wedding. nett signature (as a witness to a will), the first went down. Though his ship was at Ttie apparatus used in the success­ What Am jrican would not he thrilled to have "Then you are acquainted with my valued friend Doc and Lucy nearly wrecked the ever sold at a public sale, brought $22,500. The tiie bottom of tiie sea. tiie ocean be­ ful production of the white crystals in­ in his possession n letter written by George Hewett of Natchez,” and on being assured I was, place doing the fox trot and we all he said just such things about you as I tike to total collection realized the sum of $46,(589. In hind him, an untrodden wilderness cludes a little glass tube, surrounded Washington, or by Thomas Jefferson, by Andrew tried to laugh, especially Beg. She hear said about my own valued friends. May of the same year another Gwinnett from the before and hostile Indians ali around, by bottles of gurgling water, u thermos Jackson or by Abraham 1 .incoin or some other Yours as ever. Dr. George C. F. William collection sold for $19,- was a brick. We sang all the war De Vaca's purpose was unshaken. jug, long coils of wires and rubber great; man? Yet niany such letters, often throw­ Josephus Hewett, Esq. A . LINCOLN. 000 and a “ cut out” signature brought $10,500. songs. Doc and I had just gotten our Wisely lie told his companions that a tubing, a cooling apparatus and a re­ ing new light on some important event in our It is doubtful if the "ions, black fellow” who But that was just the beginning of the Gwinnett new uniforms and his was too big, settlement of their countrymen was sistance instrument. As the snow crys­ history, hate been in Mr. Madigan's possession writes thus modestly of himself realized at the boom. Not long afterwards Mrs. Arthur W. Swann mine too small We were knockouts! ahead and their only hope was to tals are formed they drift down upon before they became inshrined in the collection of time that hi less than twenty years he would he of New York, who had read of those prices, re­ Bea had flags in with the flowers, and reach it. a black cloth, properly cooled to pre­ some autograph enthusiast. For instance, there enshrined in the hearts of his countrymen. Cer­ membered that she had inherited some old letters when she looked at me she wiped He led them from somewhere near serve them for a sufficient time to al­ is the iette* written by Washington to Governor tainly, he would have been the most surprised from her ancestors and had stored them care­ away the tears and saluted me. Doe the Mississippi’s mouth across an un­ low for a microscopic study and for Clinton of New York from his headquarters at person in the world if some one had told him lessly among some old sheet music and hooks in and I left for officers’ training camp known continent to tiie Pacific. At photographing. Morristown, at a time when the dawn was just that three-quarters of a century after he wrote a closet. She began to investigate and found the next day. tiie Seven Cities of Cibola there lived Doctor Adams believes Mat snow beginning to break for the great commander of that letter, it would he sold for more than $300. among the letters tiie “ third bond” mentioned in “ Funny tiling I should have had just a people, peaceful and industrious, crystals are built up from some small­ the Continental army after five dark years of Considerable space was devoted in New York the records of the Gwinnett estate by its executor. one year with Bea—and then the war worshiping strange heathen gods and er crystals through the action of kin­ what seemed at times a hopeless struggle. It was newspapers recently to the fact that a New York This signature sold for $28,500. — hilt it was a happy year, the first possessing treasures of gold and silver etic or electrical energy But as yet glorious news which this letter bore, news that collector of Americana had acquired an extensive But tiie end was not yet. In March, 1927. a let­ one. She bucked me up tremendously and plenty of food. At least tiiis was he has discovered no definite proof of the long-hoped-for aid from the French was soon collection of letters by John Adams, Thomas Jef­ ter. signed by Button Gwinnett and five other while I was in camp, and just before tiie story' which De Vaca later told this during his experiments. ferson. James Madison, James Monroe, John to come, aril it is easy to imagine Washington’s signers of tiie Declaration, was sold for $51.000! I sailed in March she told me about— Coronado, tiie governor of New Gali­ elation as he penned these lines: Quincy Adams and others. The most important the baby. Smiled like a little soldier. It was the first letter ever found bearing the cia inducing him to send an expedi­ Binds Himself for Li'e were sixteen Jefferson letters, only four of which Gwinnett signature, the other examples of Ins Best soldier of the two of us. tion under Marcos de Niza in 1540 to Morristown, May ISth, 1780. had ever been published. The concluding para­ 'Dear Sir: autograph being from official documents. This let­ “ Seven years ago tonight—two colonize tiie Seven Cities of tiie Pueb- j to Gain $295 for Study I have 1h( happiness to inform your Excellency, graphs of the half-column newspaper story about weeks before ttie armistice— 1 was in ter was found by John Cecil Clay of New 4ork los. De Niza invaded New Mexico. . Portland. Ore.— His lifetime filled that the Marquis De La Fayette has brought the in­ these letters reads as follows: the Argonne. Had been thinking of among a mass of old papers that had been stored conquered the native towns with his with service for $295 in cash is what teresting- intelligence of a French fleet & arm y her all day, only anniversary we were which was o sail from France early in April for One of the tetters which has been published is in ari outbuilding at Mamaroneck for many years. soldiery and found everything as De Robert W. Nealey, twenty-one-year-old the Continent, to co-operate with us. He is gone one of the most interesting that has ever passed Hearing of tiie high prices being paid for Gwin­ not together until tonight. Then the Vaca had reported—except the treas­ through the hands of Mr. M adigan during his orphan offers some benefactor, taking on to Congress, and measures will, it is to he nett signatures, lie remembered that there wai cable— I had a son. How I went aft ure. his tip from olden times, when appren­ hoped, be immediately taken by them to put our­ twenty-five years in the autograph business, he er the Fritzies that night !” He smiled selves in a situation to derive the advantage from said. in a few sentences »Mr. Jefferson clarified one among tiie papers stored on his property. So Thus, about IfloO was founded the tices were bound to their employers, this suceeur which with proper exertion, we have w h atever doubt may have been in the mind of his he went through them until he discovered the reminiscently as he slid lower iti hi city of Santa Fe. The famous Santa correspondent about the authorship of the Declara­ Nealey wishes to study electricity. a right to expect. precious document. And two days after the dis­ chair. Fe trail, traversed by pack mules, A school which he has puked out You will >e sensible that there will he a neces­ tion of Independence, in part. Jefferson wrote; "Your statements of the corrections of the Dec­ covery tiie building in which tiie autograph had “ Nine, eight, seven.” he repeated prairie schooners and the present asks for $295 for a three-month course. sity for thf concurrences of the Legislatures of slowly. “ Six years ago we were up the different States in providing men and sup­ laration of Independence by Dr. Franklin and Mr. remained so long took fire and burned to the railroad line, was known to tiie Span­ “ If anyone will put me through plies As I am informed your Assembly is now Adams are neither of them at all exact. I should ground! at her folks. Her dad was ill. And ish conquerors as ttie Cow’s Head school. I’ll he his slave for the rest sitting, and may probably be about rising; as the think it better to say generally that the rough five years ago tonight Buddie was draught was communicated to these two gentle­ But talk of sucli sky-higli prices does not mean trail, first blazed for hundreds of of my life,” declares Nealey. “ I'll con­ determinant n of Congress may not arrive in time sick. We had planned on a dinner to prevent its adjournment. I have thought it men, who. each, made 2 or 3 short verbal altera­ that it is Impossible for the average person to miles across an unexplored continent tinue the study of electricity if he proper to give this intimation in confidence that tions only, but even this is laying more stress on obtain autographs of famous people if lie so de­ dance. Bea pouted and went to bed by De Vaca and his three men.—New desires, or do anything else.” you may keep them together. If they once sep­ mere composition than it merits; for that alone sires. The signatures of nnv number of celebri­ crying. And four years ago we had York Times. was mine, the sentiments were of all America." arate it will be impossible to reassemble them ties—Presidents, generals, authors, poets, actors, had the big quarrel. She went home In time to unswei our purposes; and it is of in­ finite importance that the; should be assembled. While it would seem that the autograph letters statesmen, sculptors, artists, singers, inventors, next day. Drains Great Basin Wild Animal Market in As this Congress, it is of course only of the earlier Presidents would bring higher explorers, etc.—can he obtained anywhere front “Three years ago slip was tip home Tiie Danube has its origin in two Slump, Hagenback States intended Toi your private information, and is not prices than those of the later executives, such is 50 cents each to $5.00 and It is possible to buy again. Thought tiie break had come small streams rising in tiie Black for­ to be officta. lv made use of to the Assembly. not always the case. For the typewriter has had letters which they have written from $1.50 up to for sure, but site was glad to see me, St. Louis.—The business >f supply­ In the intended co-operation, to whatever point est in southern . It quickly ing wild animals for zoos has slumped it may be ( ¡rented, we shall stand in need of all its influence on autograph hunting. Washington's $25 or $50. depending upon tiie historic interest although she rubbed it in something gains in volume, and after the Iller the C ontinental force w e car; collect. On this and Lincoln's voluminous correspondence was all which the letters contain and the rarity of such fierce about not having much—she had in tiie last few years, according to joins it above Ulm it is navigable Lorenz Hagenheck, junior member of principle, I wish to have the regiment at Fort handwritten, hut the letters of tHe last three or letters. For those are the two factors which usu­ a lot at home then. Her dad begin­ to tiie Black sen. although only to Schuyler re ¡eve I; and shall tie glad your Excel­ four [’ residents have been dictated to stenogra­ ally determine the value of tin autograph. ning to cash in on his war profits, the Carl Hagenback company of Ham­ lency will be pleased to order two hundred and very small craft In its upper part. Of phers, written on tHe typewriter and one cannot Tt is not often that a celebrity “ cashes in” on j Bea came hack with me and it was burg. German} who visited St. Louis fifty m en , of the 800 raised by permission of Con­ tiie total length of 1,770 miles, how­ recently. “ Only monkey sales are in­ gress, as speedily as possible, to that Post. I pro­ always tie sure whether the signature at the bot­ tiie value of his autogranli while he is still liv­ then that she kicked out the golden ever, more than 1.600 mites carry traf­ pose to leave Lieut. Col Van Dyrke, and sonic ing. Yet that was true of two famous Indian creasing in volume,” tie sai i. tom of the letter is b.v the President himself or oak dining room furniture and got fic. About 100 tributaries are also navi­ good Sergeants In the garrison to arrange the by some secretary or clerk. One of the rarest of chiefs. Sitting Bull of the Sioux and Geronimo of -New Corps. & perform the duties with vigilanced the mahogany. gable to some extent. The drainage the Apaches. After Sitting Bull had returned Tea Consumption Grows propriety. It is my wish that the officer who all autograph collector’s ¡refits, it is said, is a "Two years ago tonight she went to basin of tiie Danube has an area of from ids exile in Canada in ttie 'SOs he learned New York.— ' ream for Uncle Sam's summands the 250 men should be inferior in rank letter written in long hand by Warren G. Hard­ hed crying and said site was going some 315.000 square miles. to Lt. Colo V an Dycke, as he is. I am told, an ing, and a similar one by Calvin Coolidge is near to write his name and upon joining Buffalo Bill's home next day. tea this year w 11 keep a held of more attentive diligent officer, and the command may lv as rare. Being rare, they therefore command Wild West show did a thriving business selling “ A year ago tonight siie came hack than 600,000 cows busy day and night he safely reposed in him. Children's Collections 1 am will: the greatest respt * affection. a price which will equal that asked for the let­ his autographs for $1.50 apiece. Geronimo. the and we went out to dinner, hut we had and 500,000,00(1 pounds of sugar will Yr. Exceiys Most Obed. & ters of some of the earlier Presidents and com­ Apache leader, also learned to print his name reached the breaking point. Her dad Angelo Patri discusses the collect­ be dropped Into the nation’s tea cut«. Hble. Servt. after his days on the warpath were over, and at ing instinct in children at length and In the last five years Uncle Sam lias G. WASHINGTON. iV- pare favorably with the prices of Washington had given her the new squirrel coat and Lincoln letters. At a recent sale a Washing­ tiie World's fair in St. Louis in 1904 he was kept and promised her the sports roadster. says, in part: “ This instinct to collect practically doubled his tea consump­ His Excety. busy printing his signature for 25 cents cash. I is the germ of his responsibility to­ G o v t . Clinton. ton letter brought $150. the same price that was I knew that night that 1 had been giv­ tion, and its use is continuing to in­ paid for a Harding letter in the President’s own ( ’apt. Jack Crawford, the "Poet Scout.” who j en the Lawson case and could have ward liis family He must get and crease. “ Flad I rever read the inspiring story of Lin- handwriting. guided some of tiie soldiers when they were try­ bought her a car if siie had waited, keep so that others later on may have roJn's progress from the log cabin to the White But when Hie matter of price in connection ing to round up the Apaches in the old days, tells but I was mad! So siie chose— the what they will need. If he does not House. I believe l could still obtain a just con­ with autographs is mentioned, there is one classic with some amusement of visiting Geronimo at St- i showplace of her father's, dollar hills follow this instinct and do His hoard­ ception of his immortal character from his let­ 1 f example which overshadows ail ottier valuable Louis and how the old chief, upon seeing Craw- I literally hanging from the chandeliers ing and sorting and valuing, he will Buried Under Sno'v ters/’ says Mr. Madigan. Few letters of Lincoln signatures. The man himself was comparatively ford in tiie crowd, promptly suggested that the ;j —because I wouldn't buy the Liver- lose that valuable phase of his growth. are more reflective of his simple modesty and unknown to most Americans until the signature price to him would he 50 cents. 1 more place. Well, maybe it's for the To lie sure, he has no appreciation of Six Days; Dog Lives sound judgment than the letter written during his Tiie autograph of the third Indian (shown broke all autograph price records. True, he was best, but God. how 1 want Bea and this. It is fun for him. But His heart Toronto, Ont.—Yon can't keep single term as member of congress.” The letter a signer of the Declaration of Independence, bur above) is of special interest because of his insist­ Bud. I’ll get the papers one of these is in his treasure.” a good dog down. ence upon prefixing the word “ Christian” to his to which he refers reads: it might be possible to get a complete set of auto­ days soon, and then it will be all Concord Rockets. famous W ashin gton name whenever tie wrote it. Naiehe (or Natchez) champion English setter, was ^ Feb. 13. 1S 4 8. graphs of the signers (with the exception of this over.” Bread and the Digestion was (tie hereditary chief of tiie (Ttiricahua one man) if you were willing to pay from $.">(81 There has never been an accurate struck by a train hit on the & Hear Hf wet t Apaches and a lieutenant of Geronimo in (he long Ilis gaze traveled over tiie comfort­ x our Whig representative from Mississippi. P- to $2.000 for it. Rut if you wish to make it com able big living room. experiment made for determining the head by a section hat <1 who W. Tompkins, h a s just shown me a letter of yours series of Apache wars in the Southwest. But piete by adding the name of Button Gwinnett of “ A regular homemaker, Bea, until length of time necessary to digest thought he was humane. and to him. I am jealous because you did not write after he surrendered and was settled down as a Georgia to the names of the other fin, it may cost bread. Different systems naturally re­ dropped in a ditch for dead ^ to me. Per: laps you have forgotten me Don’t you prisoner of war at Fort Sill. Okla.. he accepted she got that money hug in her tiead. remember a long black fellow who rode on horse­ VoU from $30,000 to $50.000 more. quire different lengths of time, and For six days Rockets lay be a the Christian religion and took great pride in this 1 wonder what she is doing tonight, back with : ou from Treniont to Springfield nearly For the signature of Button Gwinnett is one of on iter ninth anniversary. Fox-trot­ tiie age and composition of tiie bread neatlt a snow bank. They found f- ten years ago, swimming your horses over the evidence that he was "traveling the white man's ttie- rarest of all known autographs, there being tattst tie taken into consideration. A t his body, rushed him to a hospi Mark.,-;, w m the trip? W ell, i am that same old road." In that connection it is interesting to note ting with some fortune hunter and not more than 'twenty known to he in existence one recent experiment a professor ate tal where he was fed brandy fellow yet. that just a short time before tie wrote the auto laughing. Jove, how she can laugh I was . : e of vour opinion, expressed in your and of this number not more than half a dozen a certain amount of bread on an ab­ eggnoggs and given a blood graph reproduced above he discovered that lhe when she is happy. Remember those tetter that presidential electors should be dis­ have ever been available for purchase by collec­ midnight lunches. Coffee and rye solutely empty Stomach. By means of tranfusion. 4- pensed v. ; but a m ore thorough k n o w le d g e of elder of his two wives was jealous of the younger tors. The reason that there are not more is due . certain tests and x-ray pictures it was Rockets was able to - ano o the causes that first introduced them has made So to cure her he shot her through tiie knees— j sandwiches, cheese and jelly mixed, to the fact that lie was killed in a duel in 1777. hts hind legs soon aftei lee (K m These causes were briefly these. The a somewhat curious manifestation of Cbristiar i always ate four and Bea two, and decided that it took him about two * Tu vent ton that framed the Constitution had this about a year after his signing the Declaration 1 she made me cut tiie bread so she hours to digest the bread. d; f* t v: the small state wished to so form the made him one of Americas immortals. s p ir it ' n#w js5%nt as that they m ight be equal to PAGE EIGHT LINDEN OBSERVER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1930 should have it almighty quick per­ quarters, new candidates from new Mrs. Madeline Barter, Miss Adele haps three private citizens, careful quarters and the like o' that. Vigne and Miss Marie Demnerst. Spirit of Service Shown BERSEY, BLAIR, |y selected, cooperating with two And wliije the Betseys and the Station GLEE on Air Miss HofTman has selected talent By Morristown Operators members > ullt * r. am el £ Phone Linden 3158 Est. lypÿ be worth thousands of dollars a year tiie reader, iike lb< recorder of pub-i rfrkellnsr platan, re-w key Recitation, ' A Village Choir,” An­ Chiefs. Pn??, daw pf>rt° whprpvpr need­ •{• We Call For and Deliver i to the city and its people. lie events, must await developments. I !f na Latoska. ed. maklner it Impossible for you Phone 2412W Piano solo, ",” Edelweiss They’ve been talking this thing In the meantime this man Harold] to tell It from a brand new Rem­ Better, more modern, more scientific for the last five years,” Mr. Bersey ington. Lauxman. Biair continue- to make himself —ALL M IYH1CS— means to battle erimeand the criminal says. “ Jt’s time to shut up, and do I The Linden Cleaning! .Miss Hoffman not only is a teacher ■ s the watchword of Mew Jersey poffre heard in various places. He is a can­ ^r’al1 Representative—No Obli­ something.” didate for the Republican nomina­ of music in the school. but plays authorities. More than fifty polios gation. Delivery Anywher* { several instruments well and sings That’s pretty much Anglo-Saxon— tion for councilman from Hu* First land Dyeing S ervice! chiefs from all over the stale recently in the choir of an Elizabeth church., short, meaningful words that nobody ward. He is standing fur a city cam­ A. Bunin, Prop. witnessed a demonstration of the tele­ can fail fail to understand. paign on straight party lines, fur 111 Wood Ave. Just a Minute phone typewriter and expressed keen Firemen, Policemen, Politics. J SFor's F hai ir cay Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, Tail­ the propk* of the whole city, b t for oring and Fur Remodeling i Linden, N. J. A man's sins may find him out, but interest in its possibilities in their Another thing. Elizabeth and oth­ tiie First ward first. tie will be back in a minute.—Los An work. er municipalities have lire commis­ Somebody called him a cockeyed Wood and Elizabeth Aves. :eies Times. sions and police commissions. They 1409 Wood Ave., The demonstration was held at the liar or words to that effect while he Cor. 15th St Linden, N. J. Mew Jersey Bell Telephone Company's have examinations under the civil was speaking at a recent political Phone Linden 2504 headquarters in Newark, actual opera­ service law, and keep firemen’s and gathering. He answered nothing. tion of the equipment being witnessed, policemen’s apointments out of pol­ Then he girded up his loins, as they | itics. and a description of its uses in various say in the old testament, went down Bersey is for that. He believes kinds of work, particularly police to city hall, made a speech and help­ that Linden should follow the best work, was given by telephone com­ ed io knock a certain pending ordin­ examples set by all other municipal­ ance for a row of traffic towers such This Badge pany representatives. ities— but particularly, at this time, Bedding Floor Covering Quick spreading of alarms, descrip­ as Linden w ill need ,iie believes soon that the conduct of the fire and pol­ after straight Republicanism be­ tions of wanted men, time-saving re­ ice departments should be lifted en­ comes a reality. lay of messages of any kind, from the Insures You tirely and permanently out of the Blair and Valvano. license number of a stolen car, to a realm of partisanship. At the same council meeting he Use Our Payment Plan general alarm for the capture of a murderer, are the possibilities the tele­ Then there is the water question. explained a statement made at a Re­ Efficient phone typewriter offers New Jersey's “ Some day, unless something is publican club meeting a few nights EASY TERMS law enforcers. done,” Mr. Bersey says, “ the citizens before. He said that he had not The equipment is operated like an of Linden are going to waks up and charged that the pians for the roof Radio Service ordinary typewriter for the most part. find themselves at the mercy of some of the new hall had been changed I Beds Springs Mattressess Someone writing on one machine au­ other municipality or of some big with the knowledge of the architect,' tomatically records a printed message business corporation that doesn't Mr. Valvano. £ * u t!* i * * ^V3*0 from os, the installation wfll bo made by «1 filed radiotricians using the Supreme Radio on every typewriter connected to the care a tinker’s dam about anything He had said that a change had UfagnometiT, an instrument that quickly and scien­ «ystem all over the state. Speed and but what it can gouge out of the been made in the plans, that the cop­ tifically locates all radio ills and enables us to make finer accuracy of transmission impressed water consumer." per roofing was not up to specifi­ Felt Base Floor AQ _ a yd. and more accurate adjustments. the police officials attending the dem­ Bersey's idea is that the people cations, and that when he commun­ Thus, you a re assured the maximum results and pleasure onstration. should have a water committee, and icated with tiie architect’s office the C O V E R IN G ------from your set in the beginning and an occasional exami­ contractor was called and told that nation by the same advanced system insures the perpetual tiie job would not be accepted. This, enjoyment of your radio. ^ he said, should relieve Mr. Valvano JEWELRY — BULOVA WATCHES Our highly modernized, thorough and scientific methods of any blame that might have at­ enable us to offer you the very best that can be obtained tached itself to his name. in radio, wh ether i t is the purchase of a new set or obtain­ Compulsory Insurance ing for you the best possible reception from your old one. A printed report, two days later, tou don t know how good a radio can be until you have said that Mr. Blair had told the com­ used our service. inquire of mon council that everything was now all rigid. To this Mr. Blair re­ LINDEN R A D IO SERVICE ROBERT J. HOLLMANN plied last night as follows: “Everything is not all rigid. My LABORATORIES General Insurance 120 Stiles Street statement stands as made. A change THOMAS ARNATH, R- E. Phones Linden 3575—Mitchell 0700 was made in the roofing pans while 104 North Wood Avenue Mr. Valvano was out of the city. 220 N. Wood Avenue Phone Unden 2711 Established 1921 When lie returned the matter was taken up with tiie contraeor and the work ordered stopped until the mat- Jewelry Baby Furniture i te was rectified. Until this lias been ! done we must not consider that ev- [ cry tiling is ‘ail right’.” Here it must be said that Messrs. Biair and Valvano seem to be in O n e Holland Tunnel. . . . . A Camden Bridge . perfect understanding on Hie matter in question. The misunderstanding is elsewhere. Mr. Valvano raised a g'xxi sized row when he returned to] One Hudson River Bridge ------A n Atlantic City the city and found that tilings were ! Wife i:f u? not according to plans and specifica- i lions. in the meantime Mr. Blair’s statements were erroneously inter­ Convention Hall...... Part a Subway preted as reflect ing on him. £ S M i Some Breaks Are Due. All ot which is farther beside the ! \ :k- ' t point. The purpose of ibis article ;.j H TliZ money and effort involved in become inadequate to care for in­ is to show that Linden, politically] and civic-ally, is not dead, nor doth j Jx these ¡¡ve great projects, combined, creased service requirement^ and not ej § y ~ T ' ; j \ i Ç } p/iczie Consiructi&k Program now in will undoubtedly lie more -unexpect­ T1H ¿{i V » ed breaktngs-away in unexpected i . v J fx, V" progress in Netv Jersey. Tliis program requires doubling the c v capitalization, o f this company. TIiis $ 160,0C 0,000 program will dupli­ at the th e a tre * n ot in die b a s e m e n t cate the cost o f the telephone plant It assures continued employment for r,THESRE \ now in service in. New Jersey after thousands o f telephone workers, em­ I f 83BJY C N C ’ iHiy ye ?.rs of growth, ployees o f the Western Electric Com­ give you more leisure pany and o f hundreds o f N ew Jersey f f hours for your enjoyment it is made necessary by New Jersey’s contractors and suppliers. when we do your laundry IN IIY we ask work. No longer burdened growth, znd by the increasing use o f you to come f. ; ie tele p none, wide h re quire not only It will result in the continuance o f by wash-tub worry you can here for your an adequate and constantly improv­ great eiipansxon ot telephone plant, printing. We hnd time for your amuse­ out also the removal o f $60,000,000 ing telephone service. believe thatwe ments; for those little relaxa­ o. piani botti in the regular m ove* are equipped tions that mean so much to ir;ent of business and because it will to give your modern woman. Phone us President work the prop­ now to call for your laundry er attention b u n d le. and that we roe,-, jersey i >cll Tele phone Com pany are able to tu r n o u t a A N E W JERSEY IN STITUTION Jr IaundiWjfl b a c k e d b y n a t i o n a l r e s o u r c e s satisfactory piece of work. PUT US TO THE TEST Linden City Laundry