. " -:-'--00 __- ...... fr . . Anoth'er Death At, Broo:kfieo Bridge; - 10.30 a.m.-Adopted Son. 9.00 p.m.-Room 25. PRESENTS 10.00 . p.m.-Liberace. NICOLAI GEDDA, 7enor , 11.00 p.m.-Pepsi Cola THE DAILY . NEWS avaUabl. a' Sportscast. Charles Hutton &Sons Vol. 62. No. 242 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9;· 1955 (Price 5 cenls) OLOTOV DEMANDS RED'U:S. Servicema ...

It Took" Only A Second • • • By GERRY BOWERING Rejects West Brookfield Bridge was the scene of death once again last night when a Nash Station Wagon crashed into the concrete structure, The driver Plan· Of Unity and only occupant, presumed to be an American officer, was· killed instantly. The accident oc- . curred shortly after 11 o'clock. By DANIEL DE LUCE bllilt up by his MoscolV rCI)1ark Monday night thllt he \I',i3 brin;:ing . The vehicle was heading . out Brookfield GENEVA (AP) -Soviet back "bcttcr baggage" tu l:eneva. Road when it crashed through the wooden railing, Fordgn Minister ~1'lJlotov ·U. S. State Secrctary Dulies tolel thc eon[crcnce: slammed into the concrete abutment and rolled Ill\nncd the Big Four con· "What IIII', Molotov has sa it! over into the ditch. The solid block of concrete Ccrence Tuesday night witli ~ccms So scrious in terms (II the was knocked off and thrown into the river. The a thunderous demand for direcLiI'e o[ our hcads of guvcrn· ment and thc hopes with I.'hich we driver was found dead under the car when the Communist dominance in a came here. that I prcfer to study ambulance arrived. united Germany. the matter overnight befl·re sp~ak. Tile car was demolished, part of the engIne .trewn rile \\'cstCl'D a1Jles Immctllatcl~' lng," FIU:'tCli, U. I... \linE!: about the scene and !he remainder was pushed back to the "htaincd n rel'c>s until 1011:1)'. A front seat. A wrecker arrived and towed it away. The Fren('h l"1'I'd~n ,'linl~1i I Pinny I'l'rnch d~:e~nliol1 olliccr said thnt license number of the green late model Surburban Is 19,955 lllrrtin~ "rcl1ld be Ihe 1,IRt," anl1 British Fureign Se~'r~li!l')' :ll3c· "1[ ~tlllotlll' llIainlnin5 lois po,l· millan ngl'ccti. and on the windshield is pasted a blue sticker, indlcatin, li"l1, includin~ hi~ stal~:ncnl that Briti~h. U, S, ant! Fn'lIch pl'ess that the driver was an American officer from PepperrelL HUi;in ducs uot Inlcnt! II. submit oflieer,; j:liull)' nunollncl"! iillel' the More than twenty accidents have occurred at ~hil ~n~' olher PI'opo;nl; nn German se5sion, the eighth in I~ UilYS, t!mt place 50 far this year. Two people, a man and a womaD, IInilic:l tion, it is diflic!1li, to see the initiaL allied im\lI'c,,:llIl (II :llnl· lost their lives there about a month ago when the vehicle in Ipll' the Wcst could MIke any ntJv's sn~ech Is Ullt it "tl'ars up" the directive 01 the summit con, which they were driving hit the bridge. a~rccmcnt or compromIse on any Some time ago officials of the Department of Public oiher lront In the agcnda," the ference last .1ul~·. t'rcnch official said. "It indicates," the\' SHirl. lin dc· Works cX:lmined the bridge and rcpor:ed that 11 was safe. They claimed that it was possible to makc the turn sa[ely Molotol"s swceplng reJtcUon o! termination bv the Soviet Union' to accept no seiUcmcnt o[ the Gcr· at 50 to 60 miles per hour, ~nl' plan to unlly Gcrmany by frce elections in the foresecllb;c future man problcm th~t docs 11"1 iRl'o:\'c Ant! hi~ blunt dcmancl th.1 alI Ger· thc communization of all Gcr· milny follo\\' thc Commtl.list course man)'." or the East German regm,c demol· Molotov (ICIlOllncrll lhc West 'f Britain Reviews I;hrd Western hopes o! cl1u~i\iation, Ser ~lOLOTO\'. I'a~r. 5 Youtll CharO'ed Ill! THE ~~:~EAl\I OJ.' TOR'l'llItEO TIRES-the grinding, crumpling cr(1sh of metal and cOllcrctc, and lifc endcd ~or Cyprus Situatiol1 ~ : Ihcoccupant of Ihis Cilr which slru(:k Brookfield Bridge at 11.13 last night. The car smashed off a hea\'y concrele .. d ' .. 0 f· p .. · ·t Ipillm' of the bridge before rolling O\'cr an cmbankmc!lt. Dail,v Ncws Pholo by David Butler ,LOND?N ,(AP\-Br.ilai~ ha:; begun a "most active" MU I e I I I es .' , 1:~\'leW of Its Cypru:; policy In a freEh effort to patch up Ueen Sal'';: No -PI ·U· C ·M-Ilk As \cU fferencc 5 with Greece Oyel' the future of the key BRANDON,· Man; . '(CP)-An, -IS-year-old Montreal" Q.. _.'~ J' J. ,...... ·a n- -.. ~ se OW 5 . Mediterranean island, the foreign .office disclosed Tuesday ~·ollth accused of murder took the witness sland in COUl·t To rJT:elevl·loon .. . night. . ~:-7:.,-:--:-::,"7':'--:--:--- 'b lTd t t t'f' t·' 1 ,t1.. 11·, . British officials !aId Greece'. () r Q ueen s ellc 1 uCS a~' 0 es I y 1\1 aIm W 1 1111 a . _ I _ t _. A spokesman told newspaper new premier ConstanU Kara. trial to determine whether certain statements should be LONDON. (AP)-'fhe Queen has !I1 en "the who!e of Cyprus" manlis, also has agreed: take a . • (umed down suggestJons that her DIS e a s e m m u n I z a Ion lS under conslderationIut~re ll1 London fresh look at th Crus situation admitted as eVldence. . annual Christmas Day broi.dc~st to . discussions ~etween .gove:nment Britain was unable y~ get to;:cthc; , Gerard de Tonnancourt, nne of I ' . Ihe Commonll'ealth sho\lld bc tclc·· I leaders and Flcld Marsnal Sir John with his redeccssor UIC I te Field three charged with murder In the ]8. of nh'lCl'~ d~, Pl'all'lcs. and I I iicd-lil'c Or on lihn-this ycar., f..-JINNEAPPOT IS (AP)- I stl'eam. Ilc5c~rchcrs ~ay thc)' amI· '1'hcy say the)' arc sure that I Harding, military govcrnor o[ C.l'P'. C\lnr5h~i Ppnpagos' d

shooting of Rc\', ,\lfl'eLll~:irion. 4~ .. CI~\lde Pal!ulI~. 18, of ~lonh'ea1., The Ime will broadcast il by radiot,. 'r. . ., . . I con[iclcnt furlher expcrimcnts will "protectil'e milk" can I,e used tOI 1'\15, '1 SEF l\'EW STATUS . 01 St. Edollard, Alta., ncnr here: was rcad t.o hUll, lie c1~I\.ccl somc i as uoual. It lI'iIl be carl'icil on '1'''11\\'0 UI1l\'CL':Hty of i\ll1lncso-1 ,hoI\' human beings can achicve immunize human bein;;s against But the loreign office refuscd to B ~t! I', t d AU Ia.'t .lan. 9, \l'as callcd to the stand i o! iti, all:~I!tc!1 ulhcl' 11 •• 1 Is, nctll'orl:s at hom. e In SOllllli, \l'ith II' ta scientists say they ha\'e immunity through drin];mg "pro· such diseascs as streptococcal in' comment on Grcek reports Ulat lhe! RaJ:;S la ne"::\?i~~S ~~~ e Har~i~! h)' dcfencc cOllnscl Harry Walsh., SO~U. 1l,1,;IIIE)) " I T picture n.I background, I found a Wi1\' l~ mal'e cows lecth'c milk," fcctioll, such as sore throat, mcas j London talks may produce an offcr Ibrou"ht t s L~n,jo with '.-lIn 10 days ,.he jurI' was excluded from pro· I ~Jr. \\ al~h IJII,c,tlOllcd t cOil' ---- , I L' " '. . [;\[~HJ1'iITY TE~IPORJ\nY les, smallpox, diphthcria anel tubcr· of dominion stat,ls for CYllrus, This " 0 Ion " h'A' I b' I ('rcdings, nancolll't abollt IllS al'rr:i1 and re,nd stnlem~nt \l'as t~kcn nut del1lcd, give milk thal can pl'ovlde Thc immunity to be nrhie\'cd is wlosis. \l'ould be aimed at qui~iin;: Greek I atOka ~ anJ:raftC:d\\lt IC~ I~l~t: \ "tatcment he alle"Nl\\' made the statcmcnt b)' sentcnces. 'Ille an~wcrlDg all oI them In the way: IJ1'otectl'011 agal'llst tl'lseas'" of a "P3S5il'C" or temporary char. A~TmOIDIES PRODUCED Cvpriot agitation for immcdiate un.1 1,a tarlOtJ"' at \\ould commIt rtt· " . . •. th I . ltd 'n '11'crl'II' tllc I tile rCIlII'e' 'Pllcarc" I'n tile Si"IIC" . •. •. .' , . 'I . - 'I U . I" I aln 0 11S l'ro"ram: til ROI? the nl~ht he \\,:u ar· yo\l a (Illl C ,~> g I • S" u 0 U actcr, It contlnucs only as long as Thcy also behcI'e It 11'11 be cf· IOn Wit I IClr home allu. 1 B't' 'ld d I h rested along with Gil\' ferragne, questions made to 111m \.hclI tllc I st:ltcmcnt. Thev rcport the\' have dis· "protectil'c milk" is cou"umed rcg. feetirc aoainst polio. " rt atlhn tll°thll Ccc d~e s e rCII> • ------.------" - 0 I. Greece has strongly backed "cno. oglllzcs a e YPrJot peop e covcrcd that cows vaccinat, uLarly. • searcll started n~ar y 10 ~ears ago sis," the union with GrEEce move. have the right to decide their fate. •• The dlscovery Was mdde by Dr. that a cow vaccmnted for dLsease t B ' k 2 A onstitution w(!uld be ed for a ~ertam dls:ase--or Wi}liam E. Petersen, profcs~or of th,rough infcctio~s ,i~to . the udder ~~~y' fr~~ai~e °t~~~nL~~al~~Cbut gra'nted to cCyprus that wnuld pave several diseasos-will pro- antmal husbandry and autllonty on WIll, produce ~nbboldles·substanccs offered the Cypriots constitutional tJle way to eventual dominion 'lk h t h th milk, and Dr. Berry Campbell, as· to heht that disease. tatus d uce mi t a a~ e pow- sociatc professor of anatomy who The key finding came on 'Jan, local sclf·government uuder the s 'See CYPRUS Page 5 er to protect agamst those has done considerable work in the 18. 1955. with proo[ that when milk British flag, , diseases ' ficld Ilf immunology. cuntaining anliboidies is drunk the ..• • They reported their findings in anlihoidic5 are absorbed into the Immullity al1'eady has bl'ell the November isslIe 01 ih~ journal bloodstream. New Director built lip III. animals iJy fceiling Lancet, a )1inncapuHs medical Olle of the queslions nmaillill~ them milk from "accinJteil tUII'S. publicatiun, and at a press CUll' to b.., answered h hnll' llIuch "PI'Il· '1'II'Cllt)· hnman guinea ri~,~ hal'e [en'nee" It,clil'c milk" wOllld hal'e to be shown that protective qlU'litic.i in 'I'hev. cautioned that nll'ch II'UI'k consumcil to build up flllltiniling Of ·A.N.D. Com milk arc absol'bed into thc bloorl I'cmafns to be done. I immunily. :Continue Seek Report .Riot On Men ·DrQwned On Sunken Dredge MONTREAL (CP) - Owners of the dredge Fundy, which sank Sun· Atlantic Liner day off Rimouski, said Tuesday LIVERPOOL, England (CP)-Ship officials radioed that although hope has virtually been abandoned a search is con· for police help when a fight broke out early Tuesday tinuing for the seven members of among the British Cl'ew of the Canadian Pacific lincr the crew who disappeared when the Empl'ess of S'cotland as it ncared Liverpool aftcr being \'cssel went down. • battered by huge w

1, , I ',- • I " " ...... , ., I", .. I -f .• , .. ..: .. t"· .,-" • ~ .. > ••• ~ ., •••• " " ' • '., .. ,'-1"

THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOV. " 195~ ., t - 2 The Harding nectlon october continued * * * STORMWEAR * * * *

P"epale to,. tile Cold Wet Weather with a Pail' 01 S . MEWS GAITERS Gaiters .. II'olll our Lm·ge Selection. YOll will hClVe little Black \Vool Jersey or Nylon construction. G CoolJ!aled front sUde !astcner. Fleece OItr linlnl. Felt Insole. Sizes 6-13. Difficulty in Choosing a Pail' to Suit You and Y BLACK WOOL JERSEY· ...... ·.... · .. ·$5.00 Budget. There aJ'(~.· ~l(m:v Styles with 0,. without Fu.r G. NYLON ...... · ...... · ...... · ...... '5.75 \ T"~m in YOlU' Choice of Zip pel', IJucecl 01' 'Button Styling! • WOMEN'S LOW CUT GAITERS Low cut over with adjU5table in!tep .trap. Printed plaid desi,n. Black, brown or red. Size! 4-10. MEN'S 4 BUCKLE GAITERS BLACK or BROWN· .. ·...... ·...... ·$3.50 NYLON BOOT All-rubber buckle Excluder. Fleece lining. Nylon upper. over· the-sock low boot RED ...... "...... ,...... ,.. 11· ..'3.75 Full bellows tongue. Zig-zag bar de!ign gingham desi," foxil:g. Heavy fieeee lining. Lace or ):ipper closure. Deep role. Black. Sizes 6-13 .... ·...... '5.10 . pUc Laurentian cuff. Black or Brown. S!Zl! 4.-10. FUR CUFF GAITER Laced Ityle ...... ·.... ; .. ·.... ·.. $8.95

All-rubber, heavy lined stadium type Gaiter Zipper slrl...... 59.35 with concealed tront slide tastener. Heavy SLUSH BOOTS fur cuff. Black or Brown. . An all~Tubber pull on Boot with fixed Instep Irtap. Printed net lining. Shapcd top. Black, I::hlldren's, sizes 6-12 ...... · ...... · .... ~3.50 Brown. Red or White. College bee\. CHILD'S SIZES . ZIPPER GAITERS Misses', sizes 13-2 ...... ·...... · .... •...... $3.75 5-12, Black. Of Bfown ...... S2.69 All-rubber, concealed front slide la.;(­ ;~:;s:;,d S~~E~lte .. · ...... ·.... •.. ·...... $2.95 WOlllen'~ sizc5 4-9 ...... ·.... •...... ···$3.95 ener Overshoe. Fleec. I1nln£. FuJI bel­ 13-;3,Black or Brown ...... · ...... ·...... · ...... · .... $3.19 lows tongue. Felt Insole. Zig-zag bar 13-3, Red or Whlte ...... S3.35 delign lole. Black. .' WOMEN'S SIZES BOYS', .izes 1-5 .... ·.. ·.. ·...... ·...... -11, Black or Brown ...... ··· ...... · ...... · ...... $3.50 '3.45 4-11, Red or While· .... ·.... ·.... • .. ·.. · .... ·...... '3.60 MEN'S Bizes 8-13 .. ·...... ·...... ··'4.50 WOMEN'S SNO BOOTS

[J\'el·-thc-,<:oek 101\' boot. Heavy. f1eeee former lining. Ankle slrap and buckle adjustment. MEWS CLOTH GAITERS tricity for NYLON FUR·TOP. mand eonti ned or Brown. Sizc~ 4-10 ...... $6.95 Bla~k cashmerPilr. heavy 11eece the latter Iillc:" 4-buckle Excluder. Sizes 6-13 Nylon Gaiter with front fastener. riccce oiltput at . '5.95 linin,. Felt insole. Deep pile Laurentian .or, 'where cuff. Zipper or laced slyle. Black or'· tontinues and aemte~l. Brown. Siz!s 4-9 ...... ·.... · ...... ·.... ·~6.40

LlG~T WEIGHT GAITER PLAID FUR-TOP An all rubber, black, light weight "arnlshed All-rubber, rayon neece lined lac~d Gaiter wUh ccncealed tront .lIde fastener. MEN'S LIGHT WEIGHT OVER All-rubber. Black, light wclght, high Gaiter. Printed plaid pattern. Sheered Styled in high, medium and flat heels. ,pull-an Overshoe. Sheeting Insole. fur trim. Felt !ruole. !'latred sole. Adjustable top dome fastncr. Sizes Sizes 4-10 ...... •...... · .. ·...... '3.75 Brown, Red and Black. Sizes 4.-10. 8-13 ...... ·.... ·...... ·.. ·.. ·.. ·...... $3.95 Black or Brown ...... '6.95

Red ...... ·...... ·.... ·.... ·.... ·.. · .. $7.25 FRONT-FUR.TRIM GAITERS AII.rubber, rayon fleece lined, laced GAITER. Sheared fur CHILDREN'S 3·BU~KLE GAITERS trim. Felt insole. Flatred sale. Black or Brown. AII.rubber buckle Excluder. Rayon fie tee linin~. Felt insor~. MISSES' SIZES, 13.3 ...... ·...... · .. ·...... ·...... ·.... $4.95 WOMEN'S VELVET GAITERS Full bellows tongue. liz·zag bar design $ole. 8lack. Velvet Gaiter 'wlth concealed sllda CHILD'S, sizes 6.12 ...... ·...... " ·$3.19 ., WOMEN'S SIZES, 4.10 ...... · .. ·...... ,.... ·...... ·: .. tutener. Sheared fur' trim. Fleece $5.95 lining and wrap' around .tyle, 'fur MISSES', sizes 13·3 ...... ·· ...... ·...... trlm with deme fastener. Black, Brown, ·$3.45 Grey. Sizes 4-10· ...... •.... ·.... ·'6 95 YOUTHS', sizes 11.13 ...... ·...... ·.. ·...... • • $3.45 " WOMEN'S· NYLON GAITERS . BOYS', sizts 1.5 ...... ·...... ·...... ·$4.30·

Nylon laced· corded vamp Gaiter. Heavy fleece .: lining. Mouton trim with fur guard. SHEARTO' GAITERS .. Black or Brown ...... s '·9.95 CHILDREN'S GAITERS ;: All-rubber pUll on Overlhoe. Front WHITE Grcy .. ;.. :·~ ...... ;...... ·.. ·...... · ...... ·.. · .... ·$1 0.50 pocket and adjustable strap. Flnel All-rubber laced Gaiter. Fleece lining. White lining and Inside Ihearllni collar. Brown Nylon plain vamp Gaiter with tront slide fast­ fur trim at top and fron!. Child's sizes 4-12. Child'.; sizes 11-10· ...... •.. $3.50 ' ener (as above). Blac!:, Brown or Red . ... ' ...., : '3.95 ,. '10.95 Missel', sizes 11-2 ...... · ...... ·'3.75 : MEN'S SHEARTOP GAITERS 51ie. 11-11 ...... '5.75 WOMEN,'S FUR TOP GAITERS '~'-:- .. PLASTIC OVERS,:· •

An .aU-rubber, hravy flec" lined slldium CI~r pl!lstlc,. light .welght· Ov~r that'. tYPI Gaiter. Concealed front slide tlSten~r. lIlht 'n tutt, .martly Ityled, Ikld resistant WOMEN'S WARMETTE GAITERS .' . AII.rubber stadium type Gaiter. Wing pocket, loop and buHon . . 'elt Insole. Deep pUe Laurentian eult. Med- . Rnd oblainable In Flat or MEDIUM heel•. , -.·" fastener, wrap·around fur collar style. Rayon fleece lining. Felt -. Ium ~nd cuban heel Ilyiel. Blick or Brown. Sites 4.-8 ...... :...... :; ... , Penaltie -.•'. 1 98 Insole. ~Iack or Brown. Standard or medium heel style. .. "l~. ," •• • o~ driving Sizel "-10 ...... •.. •...... •· .... ·.. ·.. •...... ·'5.96 ·.:: Sizes 4·10 ...... $5.95 ence of '., future, · . said in· Mondsy ed of dru driver's those conv. ing will no for a year. Four m

I the week-e under. the ' .. pleaded n[ in Magistr. mornlng. 'I cases post .. lOth, 28th '. , ------~-----~~--"".'"I • -, -

., • "Hearing Continues Development , The preliminRry enquIry into the case of Palrick Durinl/ II radio interview last night Miss ~f. lIarding chnrged with criminal ncgllgence in con· Mansfield, Registrar at the Memorial University' "celion with the accident on the ,Topsail Road In Third Page ef Newfoundland, s!ated' tbat education is the .The greatest force for development in this Province. october which took the liCe of Mr. Thomas Collier, cllnlinufd ~'c5:crdRY in Magistrate·s. Court. The rnquiry started on Friday, and at closln!: time , ' l'r~tcrday 1\ number of witnesses were stm to be ST. JOHW5, NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1955 heard. ------~~----~----~ Hydro .Development Near·Norris Arm Supply . Premier Describes Impor.tance Of Mink- Industry Gander Pioneer Fur' Farmer Build Two, , G~ Falls Shares High ,Honour New Feed· By THE OLD GROUCH) Victor Clollslon, one of thc representatives of the world's great Plants GLENWOOD - Last year pioneer fur farmers in Ncwfound. fur handling companies, Including this locality was 'all agog land, shared in high honour at the Mr. George Meyers of the American Two more plants for pro­ O\'cr a report that the Lewis­ Fur Farmers Field Day lests in Fur Auction Co" who a'cted as Whitbourne Sunday, although. he judge. Others Were Mr. Len Coop· cessing mink feed will Ii. port TO\I'n Council was to was unable to be present personally er of Canadian Fur Auction Co., built in Newfoundland, undertake the construction I due to illness. Mr. William McFarlane of the Premier Smallwood· art­ of A hydro.tlectric develop­ Highest award of the show, for Hudson Bay Company in Mont· nounced at Whitbournt op ment on Eel Brook, not far the Grand Champion of all mink rcal, and Mr. Wilson Covc, man, elas,es, went to another Newfound· ager of the Hudson Bay Co., of, Monday while attending th~ from Norris Arm .. Nothing land rancher, Ed Rowe of Heart's !ice in ·

I, . .' ...... --...... _---. ,.. .. ; ...... :. , • ...... o· .' .. 1.·...1;, .....-_·_··· .. ', ., .•. , '......

_ •••. t •••• , , ...... "~~ ••• - •••• , . -"', 1•• _ ...... , ~.-, I '.' ...... -. .. · , I 'I 4 ...... , ...... ~ I,;i.'. ------. "':". --. --- .\ world that they were. sincer~ about their G' yll a ~J Th D '/ N 'peaceful overtures and to ~eally prove that ene. .: Ii ~::' e. af Y, ews they wish to cooperate wIth the Western ... ,. 1'''' I>AlJ..~ NEWS Is I murllina paper I powers in bringing an end to the cold war, The F.e rst , . '-'

l tion was delayed until last week's con- r~ars are being expressed In to Germnn reunion if It is ac. ______------a ference at Geneva, when the old subjects Journalistic circles Ihat Ihe only cepted that rcunited Germany WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1955 of Disarmament, European Security and agreement .likely to emerge from shall be a "peoples' democracy" ';•• ___ M_~ ____~.1iB h hI dl d this meeting Is a decision 10 hold on the pattern of East European • I 21= f~L .- German unity were t oroug y . scusse another In the spring of next year. Satellite slates. If thal is Indeed ests but not in the fdendly atmosphere that . 1I10~I of the firslda~'s have been the Soviet thesis on the suhjcct of ~ Future Of Th e' For had been expected,. devoted to Ihe ~uesllon of ElIro· reunification it Is 'deprcssingly While we all hope for the best, It pean security. First lIelll on Ihe difficult to see what slartlng point Hard Water Shampoo 'e"nmeI1t's c.·ubmission to tho C t f th anenda is 8 dunl one of security tl Ibl b f The go\ .., wOlllcl app' car from vagu. e repor 5 0 e' b' • lere can poss y e or any Gordon Commission gives first place In 11 I . and Gel'lnnny. II was the hope of kind of negotiation on the Ger· 1 e conference tha l the Russians for a t 1elr the Wes.tern ministers Ihal t.he man problem. 'Iany peop' Ie had $2.Q9 Vallu. for only $1~ 'elms of economic \'alue to onr f orcs l' - '11 d t . d " t f r'J mealy 1955 promises, are Stl e ermme 111'0, willch. they regard as In· hoped that el'en if it proved im. Thrilling LANOLIN PLUS Hard Water Shampoo has."Living sources, These now account or ,j.. pel' upon their objective oC world conquest. .If separqbly linked, should he ta~en possible to make any progress to Lather" for ultra-lively, double·duty S~d8 that contmuo1!Sly cent of ou!· toial production. this altitude l'ontinues the free wO\'ld \\'111 logelher. The llrst ~roposal which wards scttlement on Ihe qucstions condition hair! "Living Lather" !lct~"ated ~y exclUSive, . The ha\'vesting of pulpwootl has he· have to dismiss the Bnew look" as merely Ihey tabied dealt With both .sub. oC "Item One".....;European security patent-proce8l!Cd LANOLIN PLUS LiqUid 8uppbe~ the ~ssen­ · R Co."·,e "ital factor in the isl"llti's ceonomy 1 jecls. Mol.otov, .however, . In~lsled and Germany-there was Ihe cheer· tW beauty-giving sterols hair needs. Never dries balI' : . , .• I I lone of their cO\1vincin.~ fl'auds upon t 1C o.n conIII1I.ns hnllself 10 a diSCUS' ing prospect of achieving some. butteaves it lovelier, livelier, sprin!Ji~r, ~fter, glimmenng fa", t\"O, l·eaSOng. One is its to a va ue.1 Westel'n world where I as t'109 peace IS. II 1e sion oC I115. proposa I5 f or a.• Eur~. thins on "Item Three". Item Three . with light. So obeliient, you "style 1t right away I 'rhe ollle"t),e• Ji\l'g.e distribution of sea. sona. onl" objective.· pran. .'.security treaty ' and ~lnec . •It concrrn~ the development of This special offer includes a 4 oz. LANOLI~ PLUS Shampoo I':mplo~'menL iL pl'c\'ides. P.rodllch~n. IS . Sh~llld they now-anel' all the build. lakes tll'O SHies I? make II dlmlSo "Ea~II\\'est c~ntact5" In I'arious and a 2 oz. LANOLIN PLUS For Th.!!. HOIr-a glamoro~8 eXI)ected to reach more than million . . .he In pracllce sumccled in fields. "between shampoo" beauty conditioner that acts m Soon a ~io~ I r tl up-nnl'C more show that their promIses arc 1I.ll1Ittng th,c scope oC mOfit oI.Ihe Thcl'e 15 still a pO'sl'hl'lil,v of tlll'S ~cond!l A S2.~ ,alue for only 51.50. ', 'ear to SU[Jllly the nem 5 (1 le fl" 'bl k b t 0 cords a ..,. hollow, the\' migh l inc It InlP()SSI e ever first week 5 tal 5 .to one su Jet. hul a hrier debate on Monda), POO'" .... :two paper companies, '!'hal repre~?\lts a again to ha\.·e responsible men ill the West DIVERGENCE Of' VIEWS evening, before the Ministers rele· value of about $20 million in whIch ~5 take them seriously, The result was to revcal that gated the whole subject to four man~' as 15,000 or more persons ma~: shale·, . It is the concenSU5 of world opinion lhe complete rllI'el'gence of view!, diplomats for sturly, was not over· f It is not thought that the, ro~ests 0 that SOOI1 the Russians must deliver some- which made Itself visible at Ihe encouraging. True, there was no Courl yest '11 110 a major ex- Berlin Conference at the begin. sharp clash, no enunciation of com· The you Newf oun dl an d WI Cl W : thing solid-ol' their elaborate 1955 so-called plelely Incompatible theses. Bul . f t t b t the Roval Comn11S- • ninc of last year, still cll!sls. Thp the Calhed panSion 0 ou pll U • •• U t peace campaign will collapse, leavmg an SClI'let delegation has tablcd, in one had the uneasy impression aftcr the sion on Forestry was of the optnlO~ la indelible imprint of distrust on Western succession, two plans for a Euro. that when they referred to Ihe doors, got the l'utting of over-mature and dIsease- . d pean security pact. Dlfferenccs be. develop~ent of "contacts" the window in threatened timber could slipply the re- W1l1 S. tween them are, or so it seems to tbrec \\ estern Ministers on on~ He denier! quirements or a third paper mill ,.. vithout me, of no great Importance. For han~, MololoV. on t~e other, ~ere breakin!: d I ff· M both are based on a malnlenancp. lalk~ng ~f qu~le different thmgs. could reme risk to the over-all supply for a peno onq Tra Ie atters of the dem~nd which Ihe Western Their mmds did n~t seem to meet, incident enough to allow the economic use of Labra-. pOll'ers cannot possibly accept or for the SOl'Iet Foreign Mlnls!er who dor's great store of pulpwood to be harvest- In a recent radio interview Counci11or evcn seriously discuss. It is a de. spoke .Iast completely Ignored on a commercial scale. Itt' f tI mnml for the complete abolitiun 01 e\'~rytlllng that the other three I ed O rl ill ha<: George Nightinga e, repre.sen a Ive 0 Ie NATO. The first Soviet proposal 53,111. • r h th The problem 0 t e . 11' papel'm . st. John's ~u\licipal Council on the local calls Cor this 10 be done wilhin tll'O \\ ESTERN APPMl..S lG~OnED <:.1.0., . greatly exercised the mind of t11e go\'ern- Traffic Commission charged thal all is not or threc -~'cars. The second slIg. Macmilla,!, Dulles and Pm~y ~ad Two ment ever since the Kennedy report was well between members of the Commission. gesls a temporary inlerim Ireaty all a~p~aled for Ihe ellmlnahon published. In the beginning, the hope Mr. Nightingale intimated that of a slightly different form. But of eXisting obslacles to ~he free "l'sted that a'.1 arrangement could be made . b t k 'th t the demand Is Ihere. It Is the movement of pcoplc and 1~leas be· eA arbitrary decisions are een a en \VI OU kernel of Ihe II'holc Sol'iet plan, IlI'een t~e East and ~he "est. . on a basis 'of convenience whereby ~reas calling meetings of the Commis~ion and and since it .cannot conceivably be Macmillan asked If the SOI'l.ct owned by the existing newsprint companies that mcmbers of the Municipal Council are accepted by the West therc seem, governm~nt could not relale Its could b~ exchanged 01' 'pooled and that being "advised" of these decisions which. If) be a basic deadlock which Icensorship o~ ncll's from MoscolV 'ht come together to start a third h 1 I b th no rliscusslon ol Ihc. details can allli its. restrictions on movemenls tlley, mig ) b Mr. Nightingale fecis s Oll d lave een e begin to affecl. of fOreigners. Could not Western II;;~'s in III mill. This idea seems now to lave eC!l outcome of recommendations by the Coun- • hooks allli papers bc ~old as freely his Iiceme abandoned and instead the gO\'e1'l1ment IS So much fur. "European Se· in the Soviet Union as Sovict liter· lie \\'a~ ;;I~ 'sotl'atl'ng \"l'th American interests which cil., r II l 'th curily·". Apart from Mololov's sug· aturc is sold in Britain? Could not ne , '1\ While we are not u y conversan Wlcestion-declined by Ihe other the Soviet Govcrnment slop jamm. FOR {or foiling may be interested in setting up a new ml . the situation, we see in Mr. Nightingale's Ihree~lhat representatives of the inc Western broarlcasts? of Ihe acri This is aU'in the realm of the hypothet- statements ample e\'idence for the citizens "two C:erman governments" should Dulles offered reciprocal faclli· Thr ~ec' f~nced In ical at the moment. But the third mill is oc St, John's to debtrmine \';'hy no orderly be invited to come to the council lics for Soviet broadcasting in liar), anrl not an unrealistic prospect and the prob- system for solving the traffic muddle which table during disclissions of C:er· the U.S.A. and American broad· days for I: 'tv of a SI'le between Clarenville and d .. many, and Ihe Westcrn plan lor cnsting in Russia. He oIrered to ALL THE abll1 exists, has not been devise . German reunification baser! on allow RussIan airlines to fly to scene 01 Port Blandford suggests a new vista for thc We believe that the time has come to free elections (tabled on Ihe con Russia. lIe announced a limng of his license Onc lon£ people of the northeast coast, IL would stop this wrangling over such an important ference's second day), the Ger· Ihc ban on American passports to fore thc· also mean a tremendous increase in the matter. A serious situation exists, •• so man question came up first on iron curtain countries. Tuesday ' d' t . b t' " Wcdnesday evening. Again It To all this there came not a h FAMilY on the 51 importance of St. Jo n s as n IS r1. u me. serious that it calls for the iminediate seemed only too clear that Ihere word of response from Molotov. centre. organization of an impartial committee was no common ground. He tabled a resolution which ig· and fined Threc The government's submission ls which should include an expert on traffic The Weslern Ihesls Is that the nored It all and which contained each for cautiouS in its estimates and founds most problems.. Bpeedy reunification of Germany cryptic references to the need for returns a of its inferences upon. the ~orestr~ Com- . We. have known' all along that the .Is essential for Ihe stability of Eu· facilitating the free use of mer· AT AYRE'S registered mission's report Its conclusion IS that d1'vision of authority has been responsible rope, and that the ~nly ~binkable chant shipping, of the "sea straits A man h . d' f th t . way to achieve rcumflcahon is by and canals of international 1m· the Court of. e lOgs 0 a com- for impeding progress, Let .us put an end the holding, as soon as possIble, porlancc." in ~e ll~ht t ~m alice III his mission, espeCIally m regard to the large to it now and do something about our traf- of free, all·Germun electiolls. IIl1t Again one hod that uncanny and )'Illlllg 111:11 reserves of timber in Labrador, a. further fie 'situation which is already tieing the city !Il~lotov lablcd pl'Oposnls \\'hl~h unpleasant feeling that the two Comfortable indoor footwear for men, women days. expansion of the pulp and paper Industry 'n knots and is a menace to the safety of rCJect bolh parts 01 the Ihesls. sides oC the cOllfcl'ence were com· '1'\\'o yuu dl d' robab1e within the 1. • l'k Not only docs he rell·gate SlIch plctely at cross purpo,es-Ihat and children ••• with genuine leather soft 111 the c tn, N~ f oun ~~ Is P motorIsts and pedstrtans aI, elC!ction~ 10 "somc time" III thc they were talking all the time next few years. '. . future, he also uppeors 10 post. about different things-that Ihere It is .1so of 'the opinion that the British pone reuIIUicalion illore Dr less In· was no mcetlng of minds at nil. cushion soles and 100'/0 worsted wool1ops • • and American markels wi1l together be able F T d definitely. lie calls for thc recog· This-and I say ti with the in applique, hand-sewn. tG absorb in the future a 20 per cent in- Strength or o· ay niUon ~f thc. existence of Ihe two deepest regret-is thc position, as second , " t ro "soverCign tnd~pendent German I see it, at the end of this first crease 10 Newfoundland s newsprm P -By EARL 1.. DOUGLASS governments." They should co. week of the Gene\'a ConCerence. men pi ~lulc3'hy . duction,. operate with each other in "cco· Again and again during the last . the Iwo 'iuch '"1'11 depend In the future on the . nomic and cultural" matlers and rillY 01' two I have heard the l\ ... QUES'fION TROSE CONVIC'fIONS I db' I' t' plaint ... tent to which the nl'eat reSOUl'Ce5 of to this end they s!10ulrl sci Ull an thou/llt exprcsse Y Journa 15 Ie , CHILDREN'S e.. '1' '" b I 't d No doubt you bave lome very slrong convlcU~nt "all.German cuuncll" composcd of colleagues: "Is this really Geneva, Court 10 ~brador s b IlClt spruce can e exp 01 e . about certain maUen-poliUcal, reliGious, 10C a, represenlaU'/cs of Ihe two parlla. 155: or are we back In Berlin In Sizes 4V2-7 ...... ;...... :.... 79(. Not all of this Is easily accessible. On the economic. HRve you ever tried dralginll your strong menl~ whIch would make rccom. ,January 1054?" It isindeed a rle· ather hand higher costs ill bringing the convictions from the very bottom of your, sub· m~ndRllons to the two covern· pressing thought bllt It cornel to Siles 8.. 9 ...... ;... " ...... :... ,1 ••.••• , ••••••••• 1.S0 ' . '11' . b' b conscious and I~vlng them oul, as It were, on the . t all our minds, wood to t h e ml site may e (')vercome Y tahle before you· and then asking yourself, "would m_en_~..:.. ______...,... ______the greater productivity of this fine pulp- ] be willln, to believe precisely the opposite of this wood;. Experiments with Labrador wood if the opposite could bll proved ~rue~1I Reduced Rail C.N.R. Road have ',been conducted by both newsprint Try this II In exercise to cultlvate broad·mlnd. WOMEN'S rest "~IIUU'll . I d th' . te e t i low cost edness Take some conviction Ibout which you forms and cornp~n es an ~lr mrs n - feel ,blolute1), lure, Imalllne its opposite, al~d then Fares Royal Transport Small, medium, large ...... 1.75 talization methods of cutting and shipping seems to ask If .perchance that 'Uling mlllht be true. Some the cost ile continuous,. . would lay th.t In exercise of thlB sort would weaken Winter Fair Officials On' Tour ployces b :" . The consequcnce may wcll he the ex- one's conviction ... But If we have to keep ,our con· MEN'S Local 381 .t ion of newsprint production in New~ \'Ict!ons under lock and key all the time lest we • pans. . l' f lose them, ~ben we do nnt have much of a hold on MONCTON, N.n., No\'. Bth.­ MONCTON, N.B., Nov. Rth.­ Sizes 10.13 ...... 1 ••••••••••••••••••••• 2.25 foundland based 011. economIc supp 1es 0 them nor do thcy on \IS. You wlll find actually Purchase of I'cducr.rl CHre tickets Visiting the Maritimcs on a busl· Labrador wood, ThIS would mean seasonal Ihat you will strcllgthen every right conviction you lIlay be made at all slations in ness Inspection trip is Leo J. Hen· cuttinc ()perations in Labrador which have tc yo.u tr? th);; exercise. And what Is equally New BI'nnslI'ick, NOl'a Senlia, derson, newly appointed general would' have I major laboul' value, At any Imporlant, 50ms' falle upect. of • rllbt conviction Prince Edward Island and Ncw· manager of road transport (or the · . ·t· i reasonable to assume that the wlll fall away, an~ I few convictions that you havc foundland, BS lI'elI as sl3tlons In Canadian National Railways at Mon· r~ te, 1 , • • .'. • no huslness holding will disappear. the province of Quebe~, Bnd In trcal. ~e is being accompanied' report lS ~ow mcautlouS 111 10Dkll~g .to. a Most people think that broad·mlndedneu means tile province of Ontario each ~f by C. C. Gillespie, superintendent ·ittady expansion within reasonable lumb !:ettinl :to the: place. whereon. thinks .lIke every· and .Includlng Fort WllIlam, Arm· of road transport for the Atlantic of· the production of newsprint. in this body else· and never .criHclzes. . Broad·mlndedness strong, . Sault ste. Morie, Whidsor Region of the C.N.n. ' . province . consists In belnl' willln, to face the conaequences of and Sarnla. . Mr. Henderson and Mr. GlIIesple, . • questionlflg the.,deep·seated convlcllons In our lives. Tickets will be honored going In dudng their bllsinesa lour, plan· New. Brunswick, Nova Scutla, ned to visit Fredericton, Saint --:0:-- Prince Edward Island and Quebec John, N.B., Moncion, Charlotte­ town, New Glasgow, Halifax, New­ NARROW 'ESCAPE from Thursday, Nov. 10 to Sunday, sr. JOHN'S, .' Russian Peace Overtures (Detroit News) Nov. 13 Inclusive; In Newfound· castle, Bathurst and Campbelllon. Hltchhikln,' ca'n be dangerous, the nei&hborhood laml from Tucsday,. Nov.R to Frl; NEWTOUNDLANA t· '. With' th~ de~eva F~rejgn' Ministers sophomore' admlls. Jusl the. other day ·he· came day, Nov. 11 inclusive;' and In. On·. On Ihe relurn trip. from Tor· • ...-Conf.renceat 'an . end; the challenge now withln'an Inch IIf leceptln, a ride In a ear' that tarlo from Thursday; Nov. 10 til onto, tlckels. will hp.lIcrepteri , .• SR~urday, Nov. HI Inclusive. to midnight; SIIIIII?:,. r' . ~n . .,...out. to the Sovie'tUnion.. to ~how the wasn't air conditioned. .., -

,,~, , , " 'I

2 fHE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9,1955 .. range of plans to sallsfy Greekl WOULD PICI: GREECE C· 'A' J School Association of Curtis Acad· include: Plain, fancy, wool, cam!Y, MOLOTOV CYPRUS Cypriot aspirations, but they de: About 80 per cent of lh(' po~la. ,urtIs cauemy emy will hold their annual tea and general stall and pantry stall. : Premier Urges ,(Continued from page 1') , (Con'ln!.led 'rom pade 1) elllled to aar whether l\lu domln' t1QII of ~~pru~ is Gr\!e~·sp~a~mg sale of work. . A spokesman for the Association • , ~ Ion idea Was "llder acllvl' study. ftlld their lepders !Uallllaill that all Hand S Sal . . dl' • . . proPQsal 'of last Friday fol' Ger. 3, The tlllIe alloHed for Ihe Some orflclah e~pres~ed the overwhelming majority IIf them ,. • I e An energetic la es commlt~e urges all wbo can to attend tbe More Interest ~any's unification by INe elecUons transiUon to domlhloll statUI would 'oplnlon thnt It was unlikely thill wf;lllld vote for' union witl, Greece On the evening of Friday. has been hard· at work complet,ng sale and thus make a valuab.1e ,con· .In September 1956. He called it be worked out In nelollatlon. be. Brlt~11I would make an offer' of If alven Ilie chance. . arrangements (or the display of a tribulion to tbe w.or~hwhlleeffol1 "unreal and dangerouo," reviving twe,n delegates of the elected dominhln &tatu&. They pomted out Britain has opposed yielding sov- November 11, the Home and wide variety o( home products of providing necessary facilitiel Mink Industrv militarism and capitaliSIl\ In all Cypriot parliament and th~ BrUlih Ihat a dominion has the ,rlsht to ereignty pver C¥prus, slle of the . , , .. ' which have been prepared hy the I [or the ever-expanding school. Premier Smallwood lui; express· Germany and directing thr~e forces government., ' lcave the commrinwealtt w.hen. British Middle ~ast ~eadqu~rters, key has hacked the BrItish sta~d. I members of the Association. The sale will be opened til disappointment ·that m 0 r e against the Soviet Union. , British olflclals. said tbe ever it to becume com. on Ihe grounds that It Vital to of the CyprlOl The many attractive stalls will Councillor James Tuckcr Elle~ eh~oses l~ Abo~t ~O ~er cen~ I I young Newfoundlanders ha\'e nnt lie asserted German unity can ~g.::.ov:..:e::rn::.:m.::.e::n::t.::ls:...:eo:;n::5::ld::er::ln:::K:..:._\:,:.:fl::d:.:e~p~le:t:el::.y.:.l~nd::e~p~en~d:;en~t:.... ____~~w~e~~t:;er~n~d~e~fe~ft:::ce:....::o:...f ~th:e...:a::l:ca:: ...:T:.:u:.:.r.~p::o~pu:.:ta~.:t::.:lo::.:n..:l:.s ,:TIJ::!::·k::.:ls:::.I :....-' _,..-_.:..... _____ ------~-----·--T " tuken adl'antage of the Govern· only be achieved when the Ger· - ment's scheme of assistance In the man~ In 'east· and we.·t "find a mink raising Industry. common language and take the Prescnlly. 'the GOI'ernmcnt of· task or preparing the settlement In (m Newfoundlanders who wish to their own hands,", . rlllel' the business a two.year The Communist Gel'm;'11 repub. IIc, he said, "is suro of • ireat rOUrSC wilh. an established ranch­ future, since It Is (ollowing the rr, During the apprenticeship path Of development which Is thai time, they are paid $100 per month of all mankind, and has stronl and at the expiration of the two and peace·loving friend~ {the So· years they will be assisted 10 start viet ·bloc )." , their own farms, with a cash loan "The lurnlng point In the history 10 buy stock and equipment. of Germany and Europe was when The Premier, speaking at a the (East) German dem~traUe reo public was established In October banquet sponsored by the New­ 1MB, composed neither CIt mllitnr· foundland Fur Farmers Feed Co· Ist~ nor Junkers (big landowners)" op at Whllbourne Monday night, When the BI!: Four reassemble, said he considered the Govern· Ihey will still be bitterly dead· and KlW ment's scheme. an excellent oppor· locked on point one.of tneir agenda CHRlSU"AS YEAR! I unity for any young man wbo -European security and German I\;shed to provide a secure future uniflcaUon. The second point, dis· armament, has not been discussed for himself, since the conference oppned Oct, lIe said so far only 23 New· 27. On the tblrd and last point, de· LINE OF foundlanders have applied 10 take velopment of East·West contacts, a FROM. OUR COMPLETE ad\'anlage of the, mink apprentice' committee of experts is bogged ship scheme. dOll'n in arguments but under or· ders to report to the (0 reign min· Isler~ Thursda)'. INDIVIDUALLY BOXED AND With eager expectancy, tile West· CRACKDOWN ern allies ~a t down with l\IolotoV' (Continued from page 3) at 4 p. m, Tuesday. Obviously they !lIP. lirpmen arrived on the sceM hoped he would back up hints of ~h(lllt two minutes laler found the his Ueutcnants during the weekend SINGLE CAR'DS THAT ARE NOW ;1censed about lil'e fect awav• from I o[ a softenin".. o[ Ills opposition to Ihe alarm box. The accused askerl I frep German elections. (or time to con!lllt a lawyer, and Hi, no·compromlsc spcech went 11;15 remanded U'IIti1 10,30 a.m, on ~or almost an bour. . WIUI Ihe breakup of the confer· ON DISPLAY IN OUR NEW MODERN SPACIOUS thl~ morninG· . ence a !:rlnt Immediate possibilltr. \ .111'0 men accu~l!d of causlIIJ: R the allicd delc2alions Ilrk\cly lert (h~tnrbance on Ncw-{iowcr, Street th,e Palace or Nations. ,Iu&t a few l,n the ('\'I'ning of Novcmbpr 4th, hOllrs earlier. thcv had been plan­ GREETING CARD DEPARTMENT llt~adcd not guilty to the charge. nln,:: optimi.'tically nol only ,to Thr)' were (ollnrl guilty as chaffl' carry Oil Ihls conferclI~e in "Ihe .rd ancl rinpd $5.00 PBch or 1\ days. Geneva spiril" until N(ll'. 19 bill Gerald Reardon, found guilty of hoM an 0 I her conference next. ON,OUR breaking Inri entering the Church spring. of England Cathedral on Ocother ------loth, was sentcnccd to 9 monills l\'IINK in the penitenliary in ~lagistrale's (Continued from page 1) Court ycsterda)·. The young man, who entered trolled assistance was hit upon, the Calhedral during the evening Speaking of the suceess of the whale meat plant in supplying bal· 2nd FLOOR aller the janitor had locked the anced diet for the ranches, the doors, got In through a memorial Wiler. you have lots of time fa roam around at your leis ure and choose. from our vast selection of every type of window In the north west porch. Premier saId that much research He denied any knowledge of was being carried on In this dlrec· breakIng the window, and said he tion. The possibility of using deep· American Christmas Card available, and, in the meantim e, if you 'have Ilad a busy d~y shopping, you may relax in could remember nothinG about the sea whales instead of potheads Incident as he was drunk at Ihe had been, considered, and It Is our comfortable lounge room, smoke or read a magazine while you wait. time. Samples of the broken win· thought probable that the mink dow (ound on his clothing were industry could derive adequate + RELIGIOUS l'nmpared with samples found nn supplies from this source alone the floor oC the porch by the should the pothead fishery hecome 25 DISTINCTIVE BOXED VARIETIES + PERSONAL C.I.D" who iDl'estigaled the ease. depicted for any reason. 'I'here Is Two motorlsls arrested for no reason at present to suppose drunken drh'lng about tll'O weeks that such would happen, he added, .~o were charged wilh drunk driv· The dinner, which climaxed the c S In~ and failing 10 remain at the Field Day held at Whitbourne b~' Fcenc o( accldcnts. the Newfoundland Fur Farmers Both molorists \vcr~ respomible Fced Co.op"was,atlendcd by many PRICED prominent local dignitaries as well TO lor two collision~ each and were l'(lI\I'iclcd on the chargcs, a~ fui' experts from Canada and The firFt WAS ~cntenced to 14 U,S.A, ane! mink ranchers Irom all ll.)'~ in the penitenllaJ'Y ~ncl had ol'cr Newfoundland, hi~ license slIspended for 3 ~eAr5, Chairman of the el'ent was lItr 1Ir. I\'R~ also fincd $100 or 14 da)'s Georg" 1I1eNeUl, formerly of Al­ for failing 10 remRin at the 5Ccne herta and now one of the largest INDIVIDUAL CARDS "f the accident. mink hreeders In the Whitbourne arp.A, where lome 11 malnbnd The second molori~t was ~cn· , l~ncerl to 7 da~'s In the penlten· ranchers bave settled upon Invita· for everyone • 1*.w, liar), and wn~ lined $100 or 14 tion of the NewIollndland Govern· dill'S for failing to remain at the ment. . ••. .. He welcomed the gueKh, Includ. REVEREND FATHER SISTER AND HUSBAND ~CCIIC' of two collisions, He lost SON AND WIFE Ing the Lord Bishop of Newfound· SISTER (RELtGIOUS hi~ license for 2 years. TO yOU IN GOD'S SERVICE DAUGHTER AND HUSBAW One lone person, • girl, was be· land, L. 1', Stick, M,P., George MINISTER AND FAMILY MOTHER [ore the· Magistrate's Court on Blackmore of Port Union, Theo CHRISTMAS ROSARY DAD Delancy of Fogo Island, Dan Rob· MOTHER AND FATHER Tuesday morning for drunkenness TO AUNT DAD FROM BOTH OF US on the street. She was convicted erts of Change Islands, John TO UNCLI TO NIECE AND HUSBAND MOTHER FROM BOTH OF US nnd lined $2.00. Spen~e of Toronto, Albert Dunphy MOTHER AND FATHER FROM oC RuS!wood Ranch, Dave Druken TO NEPHEW AND WtFE Three people were fined $25.00 TO A DEAr. DAUGHTER BOTH OF US each for failing to flle illl:ome tnx of Clouston Ranch, and other TO SON TO MY SWEETHEART rancbers who attended the Field TO ONE I LOVE returns aIter receiving notice by TO SISTE" TO MY DARLING l'eglstered mail. Day. TO BROTHER FOR "H,ONEY" "MOMMY" A man had his nephew before The first speaker of the evening MOM AND DAD was tile 1If,J'l.A, for '1'rlnlly South, TO MY WIFE the Court for cuuslng a dlstul'i~ TO MY HUSBAND NANA nllce lu his h01l1U while drunk. The Max nullon. Paying tdbute lu LOVe TO OUR MOTHER POP ~'uUlIll nmn ',l'as fiDl'd $11) 01' ~ Premier Smallwood for his inler­ CHRISTMAS PRAYER FOR DADDY GRANDMOTHER 8" ' li'I)'s. est In Ihe mink Imlustry, :\11', 1Iut· YOU CHRISTMAS (,REETING TO • GRANDFATHER Two young 111"11 pleatl~d ~lIllty tUII said It hlld Jlroved "11 ulJltuubt· NIECE ell succcss allli n fine additlun to OUR PASTOR III th~ dlurge IIf ~tisulllliJIH olle ACROSS THE MILES AT NEPHEW yuung mUll. nllli one uf ithe DC' the ecollomlc life 01 hIs district. CHRtSTMAS SON ('usclt pleaded guilty to JlSSRlllting other speakers Were 111111. W•• 1. GREETINGS FROM ALL DAUGHTER ~ second man, hut the othcr accus· Keuugh, Minister of Fisheries and OF US TO A SWEET LITTLE GIRL • ed man pleaded not guilty to the Co-operatives; lion. ~'. W. Row'c, . GREETINGS TO DOCTOR AT CHRISTMAS TO A DEAR BOY ~econd charge. Though the two Minister oC Mines and Resources: BABY'S FIRST CHRISTMAS Mr. George Meyers of the Amer· \' GREETINGS TO NURSE AT men pleaded guilty, Magistrate CHRISTMAS HINGES OF FRIENDSHIP .\llIlcaohy dismissed the charcc, as ican Fur Auction Company; IIIr. WITH SYMPATHY AT Wm, MeFaI'lane of thc lIudson TO A SPECIAL FRIEND the two mM whn laid the com· CHRISTMAS TO A NICE NEIGHBOUR ~y CII., Montreal; Mr. Len Cooper TO A SHUT·IN AT CHRISTMAS plaint foiled to appear In the "ROM OUR HOUSE TO Court 10 give evidence. of the Canadian Fur Auction Co" 'THINKING OF YOU AT Montreal, CHRISTMAS YOUR HOUSE MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM BOTH OF US hour; 19116: $1.22 prr hour, GRANDMOTHER TO 'ALL OF YOU BAKERS Trurk Drivers, Shippen, Check· MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND .YOURS ,,(Continuer! frnmpage :n I!rs and Maintenance lIfen - 1D40: GRANDDAUGHTER TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY $30.00~ 1055: $48,00 to $55.50. Frank Maher.' ' , TO MY TIACHER ESPECIALLY FOR YOU Salesmen - 1049: $22.00 per Other benefits nllt written In TO ION AND HIS FAMILY. TO BOTH OF YOU the contract are: two 111·minute week plus 2% on 5ale5; 1955: rest periods each day, free uni· $30.00 plus 2% on sales. forms and laundry, also a' hospl· Female Employees-1949: $10.00' PRICED FROM tallzation and life Insurance plan, to $15.00 per week. 1955: $20,60 the cost of this plan to the' em­ to $26.20. ployees being negligible. 1949: One weeks bolidays with Local 381 has made great strides pay and three paid holidays; 1915~: the past seven 'years with an aver· two weeks holidays with pay and to $1·00 al;e Increase of 7e per hour. For 6 paid holidays. il1~tance hcre are the 1949 and 1949: BasIs for overtime, 10 t:l56 wage scales: hours per daYi 1955: 9 hours per day •. , Class A Baker-1949: 7Sc per LTD~

I GREETING· CARDS- 2nd FLOOR , ' ~ ..;.p...~No""_,, 4 ••• .. ·-· ~ ...... ' ..... ,.- "'I ...... ~ ...... " ......


". ". , WEDNESpAY. NOV. 9, 1955

I F °t I \ Those who use these two prod· aVOrl es. mprove ucts probably think it's ~il1y, but • both manufacturers founu good ,CHIT BY ALICIA U\R'f' , reason for imlJroving thdr ·time. , , . \ proven products. . It seems that no ?n; m ,lhe bU,sl' The lirst manufacturer, early HOME FIlOM ~css oC ~anufa~turll1b bc"uty. ~I,ds \ this summer, did sevel'al thin~s IS standmg shll for ,\ mmute. to his soap. He changed the fr~. Under the pressure hru~"hl On by "ranee rnakin" it intu ' b' ;.··•• _,,, "!" ...... 11. c.,;' .... itJI., IoU W • bottled hand s~aps, ~Ol!~ed dish 1 ~atlon' of 37 different sc~r.t~~mll~ ~Ilhiii ..,:.1~ soaps and special CICd!l·mg face chanded the shape maklllg it ' t tll'O of most a ba"r that's design cd for I . .. h,xxv··' .. , " .. .., Ille carefully sat down the lItlle crea~s, Amc~lca'S fa~~e~ 'I wls I could, do that,". said I bag he had been carrying. Then tradltJo~al b~r soaps haVe revam· lathering. Improved manufac. LUy Wyndam ad1plr!nely. ::Espe· with Ule air of a prestidigitator • • I" ped their plOduc\s. turingturing techniques, he ex· , cl~lly sortletl~e~" at parties." he reached into a trouser's pocket ' e.en' Goes arcsort bemgpastel completeshades.' y decurated In ArnerlO c.a' n Menu tard Sauce, nutmeg. plained, made it !lossoie to' make .. I ,!Think he understood you, -and with a final t iu I t The Qu Being repapcred too, :!r~ some oC Dissolve gelatin in hoi waler. the bar whiter than belore, \eo • 1 Bo)my?" Lynch asked. <1' • I' mp Ian t the Slate rooms on the first floor WIND UP FEAST BY SERVING Add cold water. Chill •• l,til slight· his standby product, he added I . I 'lOy I did •• " • Destu~e held bIJfore our admlting 'S · h I . es. • • • . k ' .Bet¥ieen U~ ~rn WI c es where guests at official l'I~eeptions AUTUMN FRUIT DESSERT Iy thickened. Fold in fruits, nuts gold foil wrapping that also keeps 'Lyn h n ddcd "5 did I" eyes-a ey. Mod and dinner parties galhN. Here and marshmallows. Pour into a the bar fresher. , 'N co. a • The key wag a good sIx Inches '; You ..detect the hand Of our long. The \\-add llti th I o al paper the ncw patterns 'arc I~e samc as nY GAYNOR lIIADllOX 2.quart mold. Chill until firm. The second soap maker decided ,. friend' CaptaIn Heraux of the . y-ca s, e 'Wo.men T W I . those chosen originally by Queen A delicate shimmering mild of Scrvc with Quick Cust:lrd Sauce to change his heavy·dul~· bar soap 'Ii i loeal Gendarmerie'" 1 . k d' bumps and cuts at lts business _'_ Mary for these rooms 40 years apple gel a tin, green and red and sprinkle with nutmeg, ' from gray to while. He pointed "If thtlte' he l' t as ~bilJt end, were exh'emely complicated. By RUTH ~IlLLE'rr : The Queen has yiel.lcri to ihc ago ~ a plain off.white in alter. grapes, pear, banana and pecans, Quick Custard Sauce out that his survey showed that '1' " '" S teas poss Y "I was sorry' said Lynch rog· ,- !nodern stY,le' for. walpJ['IC1'5 in. n,a~ing strips of glo~sy, nl,ld matI served with a chilled r[\Iick CIIS· Two and one half cups cold milk women preferrrd ti by a score o[ ;! of that -Reginald Dibble s,~rug. ulshly, "to kel!p you waiting this REALLY'INTERES'l'lNG stead of pamted walls, Wllich havel fll1lsh or surface. TillS oeslgn was .tard sauce-how's that sound for 1,2 cup cold light cream, 2 table· u to 1. So he changEd his soap 'I I;fd his wide shou,lders- then morning.' But It belatedly occur· WO~IAN IS AN INDIVIDUAL been the rule in the privJtc apart- picked out as an ideal b::c·kgrouild a gale 'f han k 5 g ivmg des· spoons sugar, \2 tea:ipooll vanilla, color accordingly. i I I m ali.·aid OUr clay s outing Is ed to me tllat !\leer mght hav , FIRST .' " menL~ of Buckingham P.alace for to set 0([ formal evenin~ dresses. serl? Not' too heavy, r,ch with 1 package vanilla instant pudding 'fhis last is a very nell' change '" kaput." , ' e nearly 30 years. The Royal paper ,Iesigns are Mrs. lI1aitland Jackson ol Scars· mix. and may be just coming into 10- , I ' "Not at alii" Not at alii" Lynch something 11k.! this. It Is a safe Every now and then !'ou ba\'~ lIer own' business room boudoir more exclusive than Paris fashion harvest ClaVal'S, it come> Crom Pour milk and cream inlo mix· cal markets. • wall emphatic. "We do not Intend assumption tlli~ was met1culously L~e !!ood fortune to meet ~ woman and bedroom arc beinl: I"un~ with models. No othcr paper has Iieen dale, N.Y., well·known for her ing bowl. Add sugar and vanilla. Bolh improvements show that a open on ,; ti)"earry of! the' chests. The best kept In the !lie pel.tainlng to this who is reCreshlngly different from papers in q\lilt model n designs or will he printed witil the same family parties. Add pudding mix and bellI 51011'1), :aanu[aclurer of beauty products : Christmls we: bad Intended was to discover fortress cver ~lDee 19l5. It w~s the crowd. ' against a ne.utral tin:cu back. patterns as' those ehoscn by the Antumn Plentv (Makes 10 10 12 with egg beater just until lI'eli is unwilling to stand still if he When ever )'ou do SI'U should ground. • Queen. servings) mixed, about 1 minut~. Do not can orrer a product that appeals to '\ ,~'" Iii' r ~tb re Wb tim' In the small drawer in Meer s LEAVING , . ,e. ~, oy a. a s OL e bedside table:, L)'nch chuckled. make a point of !lndin;: ont what The "twl!.paper contraiol" (lcco. T IV 0 packagcs applc-n:lVorcc\ overbeat; mixture will be thin, more women. It means betler 'I' n~tt:~al than .that passing yachts· "1 just thought of something," makcs her dlCCercnt. What keeps raUve scheme finds no favor with gelatin, 2 cups hot water, 2 cups Let stand to set-takes 5 minutes, soapS, better perfumes, safer C05' Mr. and have been : 1 ~1n ~~U.ld wish to explore the~e said Lily. "Last night wheil her from talking and thInking and the Queen and each oC hrl' rooms FAMED PROFESSOR cold water, I,. cup halved seedless .Just before serving stir until meties and a belle l' bel (or beauty bebaving like most othtr women is hung with only paper. green grapes, I;' cup ha:ved and smooth and creamy. Note: iC de· all around. ' perrell will ,I I r ,,,uns • .... " Id Dlbbl Braun called him, Siggy 11ad one.de~lgn I mmmmmm, sa e. thl I tl k I her agc? . The private Royal apdrlmcnts in Dr. Alexander Murr.I:'. Scottish seeded red grapes, 1 Clip diced sired sauce may be ehillcli. by R.M.S. "Hope you',re right. Let's get at some ng n ~e poc et of lis Usually YOII will find Ollt that the north.west block of Palace, professor of Oriental languages ,fresh pear, 1 banana, slkcd, II. Garnish autumn' plenty with Unpainted boards will it th " bathrobe. I hm e no ideR what, t"~ lo~. the United one out of three things make her overlooking Green Part, and the who died in 1813, started Iife~ as a cup chopped pl!eans, 8 marsh- clusters DC small grapes dipped in about one·fourth of thickness a Mrs. Gould seem 'like a real person instead of 'FA~NG us 'were five steel of course, but nolV I think It was nursery suite On the finor above shepherd boy. malloll's, cut in eights, Quick Cus- powdered sugar. century through weathering. Cook of st. doorways or" the powder maga. more like two somethings. I dis­ a smudged carbon copy of whnt every woman 'is doing. saying, , zincs. TI1C 'most conspicUOUS was t1netly /l Onc could hea~'d ell~~. thinking, and wearing ~t one par· the one hi the middle, concealed 11ave been thl.;. key,.. . Ueular time. First of all, she, proballty has at behind its sloping mound oC LY"Cll" ope he d III s bag an d t least one real lnlerest outside of sones.' .. I was puzzled, and so was took out a sm&\l copper all can. herself and her lamlly. Not just lynch and Rpll's face wore tite Inserting It. ill the kcyhole he a talking interest, but a working ,"arne look of mystification., sqUirted up:vards, downwards and Interest. ' "Th light tri k f sideways. Not until then did he Or, perhaps, she is that most e" h . ~as th U~~fUll~ try the key. With a satisfying feminine nf all. woinen, tbt woman O who is" sincerely and warmly in· '~~~~~here ewa: a gOOd bit goin~ little ~oun~ the lock clicked back. terested In others, wi&hes others 'OIl'. But 1 ha\'t. the recollection Lynch pushed with his spread 'well and is always ready to lend 'tbat these stones were not palm and the heavy door began a helping hand when It 1& needed. against the middle door. but aga. to open. The sex·Wlde Curse Of Samcne~s iitst the.' •.1et's see ••• the We were in an almost cubicle Or it may be that she is that fot:l."lh from tlie left. Yes I'm cllamber, Its walls of skilfully rare creature, a woman wit,hout , ,mortared stone It was as empty pretense who Is what she is and 'sure!" as the Inside of a bass drum. expects others to take ner or leave " "Quite," said I,ynch. There were a few greenish her according to their own inclina· , ·'1 too," sair! ). stains where Jampness had seep· tions. I[ so, her whole attitude toward ':Plxlcs?" In qulred Lily, unhelp· ed, -in but the magazine W35 sur­ fully, life, toward herself, and toward the fourth rdslngly dry. Through years, others is refreshing simply' be· "We approached though, a certaln amount of sand cause she is not SO busy tr)'ing door. and dust had' been wind·drlven to say and do arid be what is ex­ Both BLUE, and WHITE Breeze give a "Our doubts, you see," obscn'; you under the door and had dlstrlbut· pected of her that she hasn't any ed' Lynch In his most Irritating ed !tse\[ in a fine !lim over the opportunity to just be hmelf. cl;issroom manner, "are disposed !loor. She's not hiring' der.onton to of. The door and this stone frame It seemed to me the thin layer make her house look like the around It are clearly less weatb· fashionable conception of what a of sand had been disturbed. house should look like'. She's not ered tban thl' rest. The stones There we"e traces as if there had which must na\'e been rcmoved pouring over fashion magazines 10 been recent movement on it .. make sure. she, wilUook the way alter we returned to the yacht CA TEAT ELoR Certainly there was nothing that a million other women Jrc going to l'~t night, \l'a~ evidently In place could be called footprints. look In a few weeks. She's not fbr some tim')," I looked down where my own spendin'g hour. at beauty salons :lJibble reached out and rapped feet had trod. There was that trying to look younger than she Is. tbe steel door with bls knuckles. same indeterminate effect. Any· We women would do· well to study those rare .members of our A' sturdy bit of hardware. Just one who followed us would be tiow do' we gel in?" sex sho stand out from the crowd. equally hard put to It to swear What they have, aehlrved we Lynch's moment had come. I that there had been any Instru­ might be able to Ichleve If our had been expecting somethlng of sion in this silent chamber. The gQ,ilI' ,be F CE CLOTH were to In Individual in· the ,w.t for the last half hour. skIll of gritty lIust was absoultely stearl of tryin, to b. like every· dry. one else. . Lily Wyndam, with no flash· light of her own, had wandered back Into the Funligllt outside. I' · Color~Crochet! ·.in every package! heard her call in a low "olce For a without tU!l"nlng. Stin 'the greatest bargain in detergents! That's leyet "Yoo-hoo. Don't look now but Brothers' All-Purpose Breeze. There's a genuine Cannon we arc not ala lie." , ,Light smoke I stue!: my head ut. Our wrest· Tea Towel worth 35¢ in every cconomy:size boi ••• a ling corn'Panlon of the night be· Cannon Face Cloth worth 25; in every large size. Cho05e fore was standing perhaps 20 white Breeze in the familiar red box - or Blue Breeze in the with a , yards away behind the unllnished wall. ' , new blue box. Get your. Cannon Tea Towel or Face Cloth He must be six foot six-and right inside I easing taste was built to srale. He had file face of a madman, as If the sight of so many of us "making free of this particular preserve of his was too much fo him. I called' to Lynch and 'Dibble. "Stegfried's little friend has turn· ed up again. Come out casually. Reg, suppose you take that gun out. "Don't point It at him. Just show it. Lily, wave to' him. A friendly wave. And smile." Lily did as she was bid. She also took of! lIer sunglasses , The face broke into a canvant make friends grin. One big paw waved back. tCH "Lily," I said In a low voice, "start ",alklng over toward him 'with as If you wanted to make friends. Mental derehmts are sometimes • ,CO deathly afraid of women!' • • • PH'ILIP LILY flicked her head around just long enough to flasb me a baleful glare. "A good thing you don't want to go shark fishing. Your favorlle plne~pple design "MORRI,S You'd use me as bait." forms, this stunning TV cover ....; But she started toward him. outlined in vivid contra~'t colorl VALUE, VALUE ,A deep, musical laugh above l'attern 7049: Color-crochet TV us made us spin /lll'ound. ,The tall sq,\jare 23 inches in No. 30' mercer· ized eottoni smaller hi ,No. 50; Haitian was standing on. the par· larger In crochet and knit1ing 'cot·' apet Immediately over our heads ton. Easy to do - So smart! taking it all In. Send TWENTY·FIVE CENTS, In The big man saw h'im and his coins for this pattern (stumps can· smile froze. The Haitian flapped not be accepted) 10 ST. JOHN'S his long hands toward him In a DA~~ NEWS. (Housebold .A r I shooing gesture. Like a puppet Dept) 60 FRONT STREET, WE.!iT TORONTO, ONT. ,Print. plainly in a Punch and Judy show the' N AM.E,· ADDRESS PA1TERN man vanished behind the wall. NUMBER. ' • "Who Is he?" I called In Order our A L ICE 'BROOKS French. Needlecrafl Catalogue.' Enjoy "QuI! Ca, c'est gros-oiscaul", pages and, pagts . of exclting new designs' -' knitting,: 'crochet, em­ MAD!! fROM. "Vogell" . exelalmed Lynch.' broidery" Iron-on5, toys aild novel­ THE 'WORlD'S 'flN~Sr TOBACCOS "Bird' in G£II'man and French," Ues! Send 25 cents for, your copy ot this wonderful bpok now. You'D , (To B. Continued) . want to order every, design in Itl

Delicious Creamery Butter and Candy make But tar B UTT.ERP RA LI'N E . Praline Ice Cream a dish that's , " ,Ie E '·C REA 'M really dandy! .' < l'nt DAILY NeW:), WEDNiSDA't, NOV. 9, 1955 . ..~. Purse Perfume "3-D" Desig~! '. , .. ,." CHIT ~CHAT COLUMN AtomizerRefreshes Scent All Day - sueCESSFUL SALE • HO~"': FROM HOLIDAY The, Women's Auxlllarf of the BY ALlCIA- HART , ~lrJ. 11. R. Brookes, Forest Road, Blind held a malt luccessful nle Women who are wise aboull who WIS ,pending a hoUday In ytaterday mornlnl. At 11 I.m. all beauty, wear perfume almost al1 . Toronto, relurned to Ihe elly yel' the article. were lone from the the time. Not the same fragrance terday. pantry .tall, and by the time the Ul be sure, but a suitable one for sale. WIlS over not one article re­ each occasion. LEfT FOR OTTAWA mained unsold. The eoffee party If she's a smart perfume shop· lIer many friends will be sorry was also well patronized and the Freshness and, Bea ut).r JIIlr, her fragrance wardrobe in· 10 learn thai Mrs. L. C. Crane, Pine women are pleased with the reo Color, . Keeps .. cludes a variety, but Ihey have one thing in common-they suit nu~ Apartments, left here yes· lponse to their work. I , terday by T.C.A. for Otlawl to It· her just fine and they seem to 5 "show up" when she wears them. lend Ihe funeral of her mother, U;TURNED YESTERDAY She never gets a feeling of futil· 1 ~Irs. J. Parsons. Mrs, H. Cramm, Rennie'. MtlI ity when she puts it on, but rather ~ ]toad, president of the Board of leels sharply Individual and hand· II lIut: FRIDAY the St. John's Y;W.C,A., and Mn. some. t ~Ir. Leslie Yeo, and his well ?Iary Smallwood, executive lecre· But, what some of these fra. ~f known wlf., Hilary Vernon are due tary of the YWCA returned home grance-wise women don't know Is p hack in St. John's from Enlland that even the most po lent per· yesterday by TCA after IUendlng fume won't las't on the skin more e bl" 1I.~\.S. Non ScoUa on 'f'rlday. the eentennla! celebrations of the than four hours. at best. This, )0 'rhcy are Ihe first of the London YWCA In Canada, which were held means that pcrfume applied In ' Theatre group to arrive In SI. In Toronto la.t week·end. the morning for a day &t the of· I John'. lor the winter plays which fice or on the town won't last un· :.s open all Boxlnl Day with a WEDNESDAY FELLOWSIIlP til tea time by any means. For this reason, the purse fIac· " Chrlslmn Pantomlne. CLUB :0 on or atomizer has become most !r The president, lIlrs. D. ~I. Baird important in women'5 lives. It s­ U;AVING FRIDAY ~Ir. and Mrs. Willis Gould, who presided at the relular meeting of means that a fragrance can be ~1 the Wednesday Fellowship Club renewed as it fades without hav· have been stationed at Fort Pep­ ing to trot home to the dressing pmell will leave her. on Friday of Cochrane Street United Cbureh, which was held durin& the patt table. • hy R.M.S. Nova Scotia to return to Some of these can be }:urehued the united States and civilian life. week. The devotions period was . empty and filled with a favorite .. ,. • conducted by Mrs. G. E. Morlan as­ ~Irs. Gould was the fOI'mer Anna fragrance. Others come fil· "3.D" flowerl In color-mak,··, Cook of St. John's. ' sisted by Mrs. J. B. Ed!!ar. The led with their own scent and can beautiful Icart, e\oth, clnttrpleu business period moved swiftly and be rcfilled from I larger bottle trom this hexagon design! ... , AKRIVED FROM TIIP plans were dispatched for two when they nrc empty. Easy·crochet! Pattern 7lJ1: tIfy. ~Ir. and lIIrs. D. H. Gosse, Wat. projects to be completed before A new portable atomizer has ecHons for hezagon 16·jnehea Ilia· just been introduced by one per- gonally in No. 30 cottoll. Join'tit erford Bridge Road, who were on, the end of the year. Both projects fume company. This atomizer can make any lize circular tabl.clath a bUilnell Ind pleasure trIp to the are concerned with IIIvln, during be had with either of the com· (just 7 for .:i·lneh sbell south West Cout, arrived back In th., Chrlstm81 sanson. The presl· pany's two fragraoces. One is a Send TWENTY· ...lVE CEN'II·. Ihe city durlnl last week-end. dent exprened her pleasure In "modern" scenl, with the unde· coins for this pattern (stamp. can­ reporting the success of the club's finable brilliance common to these not be accepted) to ST. 'JOHN'$ first project and sincerely thanked FROM CAPE ONION scents. The other Is oriental. DAll.Y NEWS, (Household ~ Mr. James Deeker, business man all memberl for the co-operation. This atomizer Is somewhat lar· Dept.) 50 FRONT STREET WEB:1'. geT than a lipstick case, of gold TORONTO, ONT. Print pl.lIlf:: from Cape Onion, Is at present In Refreshments were served at the end of the meeting. metal. It has a palented lock N A l'tllli E, ADDRESS, PATrEl~ Ihe city on business, and Is tbe that Is designed to prevent leak· NUMB!I ":1 ~uest of his brother·ln·law and . kill glo\'e (lower left) for arter·five wear Is In shocking pink with Leather gloves ~hllt launder with no lOIS of color or stiffening of age and spontaneous openi~g In Order ~our ALICE JlROOD ~isler, Mr. Ind Mrl. J. K. Clouston, leather are easy on the fashion budget These show a slim and' wreath of self.leather f10werlcts at top Classic leather suit glove the purse. T~e case. contains. a Ne.edlecraft Catalogue. Ell joy Winter Avenu •• (lower centre) Is lmml·scwn "In ginger·toncd suede Band·and· glass bottle With ~. Wide op.enmg pages and pages of excllin, new Jumper .. Dress ! tapered look, au unreslated effect Cameo·belge glace kid shorty that s h 0 u I d faclhtalil refilling. designs - knitting, crochet, .m­ (upper left) has stem·and·leaf design Kid glove (upper center) bow Is IIscl1 ~.t wrist (lower right) of ~Io"e in limoges blue kid. 1IUSINESS TRIP All cloves shown here arc completely washable. While launder· The b~tt1e holds one dr~m. broidery, Iron·on, ,toYI and lIove], 15 In lemon·peel color plpell In black wllh black.aml·yellow but· tiest Send 25 cents for your e~y Misl Florence Lidstone left by tons tot the wrist Glove with winged cuff (upper rlcht) Is !awn· leather gloves can be washed after cach wearing for complete of this wonderful book noW. You'n the express ytJterday for Cornu colored with cuff In color called lIoldpn sable. Paper·lhin glace freshness. want to order every deli,a iaiU Brook and Grand Falll on I bus· Baby or eager grandparents. They rna, Inm bip for the firm of Perlman D. J 1 will pnl'ticipate in the Armistice lIIan Furriers. growth of theldrustrnllons. They HI I W' I Plasti:, are wonderful and col· have 110 success with lomt olhet often use their "physicll" symp· ac \. wah' 1 nanU Day Parade which commences on orful in lhe kitchen, but nine bab· way, and therefore Ieel worried; ! I 1 Frill:1y at 9.50 a.m. from Memoria! I toms as an excuse lor lurtller ies out of ten find that aluminum also, It may ma~ Bab, Ullcom­ FIIOM BUliN Univcrslty grounds. Dr. Jordan t failure. A A·· measuring cups, pots, dishes and fortable not to bubble. . • JoIr. RUSlell Moulton of Burin I Some de\'elop a headache when· t rmlstH~e For the benefit of patrons at· measuring spoons nre tar more arrived in the city yesterday by' 'ever they are fnced witll a can· L'· tending the Armistice Ba\1, the fUn or play. They c1aUer. rar to meet his daughter Rae Moul· Says ferencc, an examination, or some Day I' unrtHln Bbck Watch Band possesses an other test which they fear they Babies are generally vaccinated tnn. Emmanuel House, and take The Bnnd of (he BlJck Walch i excelle?t dance band scction~ and hpr to Fortune for the futleral of BY EDWIN P. JORDAN, lit. D will be unable 10 meel success· baore they have the coordination f~ll1y. Others develop 'similar phy· (Royal Highland Regiment of they \\'111, perform at. the A;.IDlstice to scratch the mark. This Is a her uncle the lit' R. Mlye. BEST ADJUSTED CAN MEET ~Ienl symploms and U3e them as Canada) will be (ouring Newfouud. linll ~n rhUrs~ay Dlgh!. Wlth.lwo I big help. But if your Baby can "'RUSTRATIOS WITH COURAGE a reason for Iailin3 to nlect life's land during lhe II'ccl( of Nov. 11th dance lJands. 10 altendance, It Is scratch don't suceumb to a plas· LEFT ro. SYDNEY problems 01' as explaining their and will he in 51. John's on that fell n good time Is assured nU who tic eaver over the mark. A vac· Mr. Ind Mr,; G. G. Winter, wha BY EDWIN P, JORDAN, ~I. D. failures. It is extrcm~!y difficult I to persuade such individuals that day. attend. cination needs the air. wert nsill., St. John', from ot· We are hardly born berore peo· ------t" irion bualnesa for the Jlrltuh theil' symptoms are jllst an ex· pIe or things start getUnil in our cuse! Througll Hie cottl'lesy or the Alamo I~ Spanish ior "poplar or The posture in which your Baby Broadcasting Company. left her. \\,ay. ANOTlIER TYPE of unfortunate Department oC Nationni Defence cottonwood tree." bubbles best i5 a piece nf infor· mati0n h c~n\'ey to " .. ur ~itt"r 7l!!terd.y by T.C.A. for Sydney, EVen a! small bable3 0111' mol· reaction to frustrating experience Hd., Newfoundland AreJ. the Bnnd '~-"'----.- --- .... ---_.-_ ...-, U5 where the, will leave by car to hers generally 11'111 not JIlt suck Is Ul take to alcohol. " visit tk, C.I.C. .titian at Halifax,' oUr thumbs as much as we want There are other weak escapes • ~Ir. Winter it 1Ia1.on officer for to I From then on, we are con· Into unreality In which Lhe person ~ t the !BC in OInadl, and paid hla stantly running Into In~rmount· kids himself or hcrsel!' Into be· '1 able obstacles. Iieving that the world is against " lirst li.lt to Newfoundllnd lilt Surely there Is no hllmnn being '.• week. ' ' him ancl his failures are someone alive who does not have frustrat· else's fault. ·t' " Ina: experiences and none of us It seems to me necessary to re· CARD PUT! has complete freedom of acUon all cognize that life holds obstacles Th. lit. Thoma.' Men'l Service the time. Most of the lime we do which cannot always be overcome Club will hold • end party thll not Intend to tackle something we I do not believe that inc problem .. evenlnl at Canon Wood Hall. Th, cannot conQuer but since every· of mental adjustment lies In the ..'' party ltarts at Uti p.m. lid ex· one Is prevented from d',llng as he field of sex alone-or any oLher :~ or she pleases somelime~, It seems cellent ,rim are offerecl. single nctlvity of life-but ralher to me Important to leal'll how to Is spread throughout Lhe whole beha\'e when this happens. range of Ufe's expericncE. Thnt LEn roa NEW YOaK Also, since there Is no c!uesUon we react differently to those proh· Mr. and Mrl. A. B. Perlin, of the profound efIect of the men· lems with which we arc (.Iced (as Wal.r Street Welt, left bere on tal attitude on the p,hl'slcal well· well as having different frustrat· saturday oa I business trip to being-as well as the olher way Ions) is surely shown by the New York. around-the adjustment to these enormous varlaHon In our Indlvid· W. a jumper for nOW-I sun· blocks to our desires Is of slgnlfi· ual behaviour. Hey RESIGNED FlOM dreu for lummerl Fur Ichool· canee to health. time, m.~ one In colton plaid, SOME PEOPLE FIGHT Bl\CK DANISlI MACIIINFS THEATER GUILD Inother In BoUd colors. She'll love Denmark's exports of machinery Mr. John Perlin, who was bus­ at their frustrations with success the blouse too, with short or three· at times and failure; 81 others. surpassed Imporis for Lhe first time Inll' maaaler for the St. John'. quBt'ter sleeves. She'~ sure to In 195.4. Mummy! Theatre Guild hu recently re.lln­ Those who meet fail~le calmly rate In "A" In fashion, wearing and courageously ~re generally ----- ed for buslnesa realODl, Ind Mr. this smart twosomel the best adjusted Individuals In C,\R POPULATION Ed'ir Tralk ha. been appointed Sweden has 77 cars per 1,000 per· , Pattern 4808: Girls' Sizes 8, 8, our society. . sons, compared to Denmark's 57 to take over his work In the Guild. 10, 12. 14, Size 10 jumper, 21t. Many persons sink iuto resig· nation Or hopelessness if they en· and Norway's 52. -zts yaros 39·1no11; blou5e~ m yard., ., .. Thll pattern easy to use, 11m· counter UlO many obstacles stand· pIe Ul seW, II tuted lor fit. JIas Inl In the wa), of their desires. In railroad lingo. "gnndy dan· cer" Is a term used for R track eomplele Illustrated Instructions. SOME PEOPLE DE\,EI.OP phy· laborer. lend T81RTY·FIVE CENTS (35 sical s),mptoms which 81 ~ the out: time/or cents) In coins (stamp. cannot be accepted) for \hI. pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDIESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANN 2 ADAMS, Heinz! care of ST • .JOHN'S DAILY NEWS Whips Fast­ (Pattern Dept.) 110 FRONT ST. WEIIT, TOIONTO, ONT. Stays Whipped!

With ~o% butterfat, you can depend on AVOSET to whip quickly and to stay whipped for hours. It's 'made from real cream, then sterilized to keep sweet for months. Top your best des!;ert!i/ with safe. healthful. This young scamp is telling mother that it's time for dinner- delicious AVOSET. and that means, time for Heinl. ' Heinz make well-balanced, nourishing foods, specially prepared ror HE'S AlWAYS HElPING YOU babies, and offer an exceptionally large assortment so that AVGSET you can bring your baby up on the varied diet neede~ by sterilized growing youngsters. Next time you shop, look for Hemz Baby Foods. You'll find Strained and Ju~ior Meats, Baby Cereals, WHIPPING CREAM Sirained Foods, Junior Foods and Teething Biscuits ' UDDY XlLOWATT. TOU. ELECTRIC 5!1tVANT to choose from. And best of all, r0ti knOIY • they're good because they're Hemz. , HEINZ Baby Foods CEREALS. MEATS. TEETHING BISCUITS· STRAINED AND JUNIOR .FOODS ".' ocl28,novll,22 '!

! THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9, 1955 • New Manager C.N.R. Revenue MONTREAL, Nov. Bth-Gross Transvortation operating rCI'cnues o[ the Crn· d FINANCE~ adian National System [or the an Commission month of September, IS55, amulInt· SHI P' PIN G cd to $59,624.000. Operating ex· ~t~~.~~lPaSTEAMSHIPS LTD. ~"~!!~~.~!~Jdue SI. John's Nov. 30th., leaving MV Perlh tentallve salling lrom St. Jotln's Dec. 3rd. (Bay Roberts) penses were 555,87,000. Thc nct operating revenuc was 54.237.000 . Hamilton Nov. 26-27, Toronto Nov. CONSTANTINE CANADIAN Apple Growers [n September, 1954, revcnuc~ were Miss Ruth 28. Montreal Dcc, I, for St. John's. SEll VICES $53,329.000; expcnses $52,250.000. . ;M.V. Lunan lentatlve sailin;; ~IV 'J'ecslVoud leaving Hamilton ~eck • log In Toro Subsidies \ and thc' nct opcrating rCl'cnue from Montreal Noy. 29/30. for 51. NOI·. 12,"roronto Nov. 15, Montreal KEN1'VILLE, N. S. (CP) - The Friday on John's. . Nov. 18. Arril es 51. Juhn's Nov chah'mnn 01 the federal agricul· $1.079,000. visit to her • These figrues arc the operating FURNESS WARREN ..INI 23rll. tlll'al priccs support bo~rrl has re· Donald rcvcnucs and expenses only and Misses Nova Scotia due St. John's Nov tllrned 10 Ottawa aClcr J "lislen· ing" lour during wlllrh Nova they do not include taxes, equip. Louise 11. Leaving for Halifax and Boston Scotia g roll' c r s prescnled their Incnt rentals and fixed charges. were we'eklen~ Nov. 12, due Helilax Nov. 14 anti WATERFRONT case (or financial assistance. Mrs. C. J. Beaton Nov. I',. Leaving tlo~lon 1£ the anSl1 er is still 11~, Annap· Miss Nov. IB and Halifax Nov: :!2 •.due olis valley growcrs say Uleir (inan· DIRECTORY training at St. John', Nov:24. Salling agalD cial loss will bc drastic. spent the ume day for Llverpuol. .' The fcderal cabinet I,as once Dividends . Newfoundland lelVlnl L1velpocl R.M.C. DOCKY ARD rcjected thc request for prices wp' By THE CANADIAN PRESS her parents. Nov. 23. deu SL John'. NII\ 29. Flretug a. and the two lor.g lin port for 2,000.000 bushcl.-hal£ of Ford 1IIolor Co. of Canada Ltd .• Filler. She LeavlAg for Halllax and Boston ers Bamerang rond tJameria'.t. aiso Ihis year's crop-to be Icrncd into A and B $1.25 Dec. 1~, record Miss June No •• 30. due Halifax" Dec. 2 and M.V. Parr, also Lady Anderson apple concentrates for southern Nov. 18. tu'aininf at m1rkcts. Canadian Breweries, prd. Boston Dec. 15. Leavilig 60Ston and Matthew 2nd. 3m: Mr. and Valley growers say tney need com. 31¥.t Jan. 2. record Nov. 30. to tbe' city Dec. 6 and HatUax Dec. ll!, due STEF.RS LTD. this financial guarantee because Placcr Development Ltd. $1 SL Jobn'. Dec. 12. SaIliBI! for Norma' Conrad discharging car· plu~ where Mrs. Ute return paid for such apples is Mr. Edgar Miller, New[oundland $1 bonus Dec. 12, record Nov. 21. Uverpool, December 13. go of lIsh. about 23 cents a bushel-less than General Motors Corp. $1 Dec. 10, hospital. :. Nov. Scotia leaylng L1';erpool Norma Gladys Is discharging a the cost of production. Viee·ChalrmaD for the Maritime M!:s. Rose WOULD LESSEN BURDEN Transportation Commission, an· record Nov. 18. Dee. 7. due 51 John's DC( 13. C~I go of fish at east end pr~'liises. Anglo • Ncwfoundland Develop· weekend In And, with a bumper crop and nounces the appointment of Mr. Leaving for Halifax and' Boston Dorolhy Is taking freight ment Co. Ltd. 15 cents Jan. 4, Mr. and Ber~'1 not cnough markcts 10 60 around, Howard Allan lIIann to the posi. Dec. 14, due Halifax Dec. 16 alld for Bonavlsla Boy. rccord Dcc. 2. business they gavc board chairm~n A. 11[' tion of Executive Manager of the International Nickel Co of Can· Boston Dec. 19. Leaving 1I0510n IIclen Gill, loaded. a cargo o[ ShalV this view: Commission, succeeding Mr. Rand Monday. ada Ltd. 65 tcnts plus St.3:5 (U. S. Mrs. Wi Dec. 20. due' Halifax Dec. 21. Sail. lreight and is l'eady to sail whcn Thc proposed processiil~ scheme II. Matheson who recently rcsigned. funds) Dec. 20. record !'iQv. 21. John's spe ing from Hamax for LII'erpool the storm Is over. \\'ilI nol compctc lI'ith any other in Mr. Mann assumed his ncw duties Scythes and Co. Ltd., com. 25 David Wolts Is at Ihe ensl end Canada; and thc dispOSal of 2,000.· with her sist Dec. 24. lB' I cent, nfd. 31V. cents D'!c. 1. rer.· Newfoundland leaving Llvel'pool prem scs am s CO\'C with :I ono bushels or lipoic, in \II is man· on November lsI. key. ncr woult! assist" olher Canadian Sinee 1947, Mr. Mann has hecn orfl Nov. 12. Dec. 24, due 51. John's Dec. 30. cargo o[ fish 10 discharge when Erie Floorinl( all/I \\'~Qd l'rOl!. . Messrs. A Leal'lnll lor Halifall and Boslon the weathcr is suitablc lor dis· I"T SrJ1flCI1/" RKET RErnOIDT apple gro\\,er, by les~rning thc Gcneral Secretary of the Canadian IICt~ Ltd. A :111 cents; B 10 ccalf dan Perlc .I. MA. Ol'crburdcncr) home markcl. Induslrial Traffic (Inc.) ehargln~. CJ U .l\. r II Lc~gue Dec. 31, record Dec. 15. ' around the Dec. 31. due Halifax .Ian. 2 and LAT'E ~~q I~n Ir7 JOT Gro\\'cr5, III can while. He shop· and in tha~ capacity has appeared :Soston .Ian. 5. Lea'villl: noslon T. n,1U.UT LTD. .. IIIr. and lii~~o I;. 1\ l~ pln~ around for new mal'kcts. berorc the Board o[ Transport Corn· Jan. 6 and Halilax Jan. 10, due SI. M.V. SUIlCltradcr b muored up l'OI'OlltO ,Gulf l... d II ~o %0 1"1 1 travelled IIO~ 101 10," 101 T. T,. l\Ieek. gcner~l mana~er of .. f I th Q b 1 'JDhn's Jail, 12. Sailing again same indefillitcly. ~,~::;r I'll J~~ \~:t :~;: Jnno IR 17 17 the Unilell Fruit Companies of mISSIOners .or Canal a, e ue ec In;\\, Ir-iTERNATJONAL UI'I'l 'I Ing. .day lor Liverpool. CI ByRJOIS. LTD. TORONTO CLOSING Slom 3~ri~ 4b 11 1~ NOI'a Scotia. mane a (our.week Tr~nsportahon Board and the On· Mr. GrRIlI' BO\~n:INGI' ll~~~~~ ~~~ g l~ 6ma ". 9'. tlur of Ihe United Kin::dom and tano Government, as II'cll as before WINDSOR. anI., Nov.-RepJar.· 1 '.~ Non Scotia IUI'in" LiI'erpool ara a cl, e t lam, master, '".r.~lInerol' 33400 130 HI IO'~ ~ ready to "all B' Th, (·.n.dl.. r.... ,II 0' Loko. 1500 l~tI. 13 SZl~'O~~13 1~3 n Wcst Germany with a British Col. Royal Commissions on Agreed ing the old railway car ferries I; a few days Jan. 7. due St ••lohn·s Jan. 13. 'I' II··C k . '''-Quot~d n e.nl ••• -Odd lot. xd-Ex· xllud'\aY 30400133" 132 lerlowll. w and Boston .. axlI'c or um, Emberley, dl,d .. nd. "r-Ex·rI,hls. xw-f:.·warronl,.' dl•• lh S003 8 8 100,0 9 8'. Bll umhia represenlative. Charges and Coasting Tradc. 1...... use ~in~e 1867, a new bus transpor! Leaving lor Hallfa ... mastcr, Is ready to sail [or En. ·Sl •• t 5.1 .. Bib LloII' Clo .. l!onl VK 3,'n IJ 12 1:' ~;,;'f. 8:'; s~~ 8:~ He came back to repllrl there he brings to his new position a servIce IS now operaled by the Can· lIIiss .Tcall Jan. 14" due Halilax Jan. 16 and glee when \\'C.lthcr condition~'I ,,,~r.s ~n?;I:~;er :~~~ rl~" 8~~1' t~~:ll 17;Y: I~.~ ;~ ~~ arc "distinct possihilili·!!" for the good deal or vnluablc experience adian National Railways throuib weekend \1'. John's. Hoston Jan. Ill. '! I.ea\·lngJ ."Boston I I,ermlt. -'.I,."tln l'r.n 1:01'" I;", U I~ 1",,1·,Inll I.:.·..ail)' 1:<'!1<1133'~ ~" ~ B', r.-.~I 1'" I ~I 2' ~"I rxpol'l o( (re:lc;.el m'l 80 ~". 1.0', ~~ H .JaJj:IaI·~·. I ~!arilime •• 01115 all. _. HII!l!: or is l'cndy to ~aii IIlI' BOIlRli:;la Ba\': .\1,':0.11,. b 1',,1 : .• ho'. I" " .Inl n",",k 10J" I~j I~II I~" :: 1:'. o( proces5cII cann~d ;1pr"C~ 10 Thc. .., ." end with III 1.lver)1001 Jan. 27. I '1' . I " III .,el' e 1000 lin n lill i !.lton Enl 90()'1 J;'l 31l ~;" ,;l~' 17 ,Xelh~r1allr" and Germ;; 1')'. I( ommlsslO1t 111 a hod~ mall1tall1ed I SlIRL'i'KISG Ie ..: lal. " CROSS ~Ol'ts \\. Icn Stll IIIg cunclitium an', ~,II~'I'o'''lnlllr 'HIt 3"', :It," :r~; I ,,,I",ol)\" I~'II 31 31 .11 I~ by the Marilin'~ Prol'inces and, " ... '1lllalllc n ,. ~\}O t3', 1:1 I I,P, "JO\\C I:xpl j',);'10 i7 ~~ ;) I,.·"'jurl t"ont 1'1 : Nell'ionndland for the pur)1osc of' of t:le earth s glaCIers Mr. John FURNESS RE '1' • . " ,1"0 n.lll1n ~I!lfl I"' '" 1"1 I '111 18 9 ., I I'~ ~Iost b~\'e • L'ort Haml tnll sal IIIg loday. \\'Mlnl' "1111 n"1111"I. (' II.II t I' ,II,e','1 ne. l".'''1...... r,,'m,. e '0. . . ""'",:111,1 IU \II I . . If' I I . heen steadIly retreating since the a shooting F II'J1 I' lif •... '"." lila, cr .• 10 If t I~ • I.. Ir~1 1,; I 1'- 'I Inlel ~;:';i.:TI'adl·ll'" ~ ~/lodeI·r)tc!l U Idcaltn? WIt I rClg It rale ane lrans·; 19th century. .• orl ami Ion ea 1'111 g Iia MX ,101'111 110111111 al'II'II' f • II ,,' I ',. :Oi , :;',' •. 1•• 11'1 ',:.0" rl i3 r", ,,111·tll,[O Hodgewnler .. I l' ~ .. III'~ . ,s, g 01 ~Illn~. ~""t:ot"I~a j';O')~'Jntl n 4:\ 4~ I ,.IUI~:J11I'1\t l.!llln :.i ,~.! ~.r'l '~l'l\l't!cm ::,~ .' JlOl'ta~lOn problems gen~rallr. In ------No\,. 15, lue St .•lo\11s :-\01'. I., Xrek and TlI'illin"atc ab 111''1'1 r .!,llIn""'I>, :.":,1" .11 31 31 I ...1 lun,,,,1I1! :~IOIJ 3 3: 1I"I,le.:.. III1,.11 l\liss Enid ~~iling NOl'. 19 (IIalifax and N.Y.) d."I'.II ~ 11. III 5 "•••. \'UIII,','O., 11"· :~inlhO;!UI OH :!.IttII 210II 1 ,,!\c\bU\lun'0'" \'Iel 71'11'1roll 1_, ,,;,I': JRI,I~ 1'1,1'1,1\rc,·,a~·.",1 1•• 111(1 'I.n,": 1~ At ~Iont.real addition, business houses are free nominees of the Newloundland :!'f:l::: I '" to call upon the staff of the Com· Board or Trade: Mr. Edgar Miller, at the Gc I1 l.illl) ~1 I.'ort A\alon tcuI'ing :\1'\\ tork . •\\'11" & .....SO"'" .:1 ITII•• I '11!~.;'fnl·lrl ~I"e. 'liaR2;0 012II II', 11"t ,,,,,,,,,, 1"'OJj;'OO ;,),1 .1::)i JI'I;11 io",T.u'\hU ',"1'1. 101H! t\;: I~ l~.,,\n,'f'" :t~ 7"I~I\h·,1tlld 11 I,'· p, hrr Qarcnts 1':'11'1 ;:. MONTREAL (CPl-There was a mission under. I\1r. M"nn as· Vice·Chairman, and Mr. John NOl'. 10, St. John, N.B., No\·. 12, Pall't"II" I" rn'IIII' t ".'1 '1 ,.II"II~.no J(HIJI JJI, 1:1 ',: ,I;!':' I .. ,l;, -22;11 n l; ..,' xl'o-It'l Babb o\'cr II Ii! N 1- d St J I' ... n " ". II .,.11 • ,I\,"n.,1 Inl~" 1"1 "~ 1111 i hltl. TUlln , ". 1:111 I~ ;! :~; '.'1'-: ,,', n,. :.:.,(1 :!O .. 2180 mild improvcm.ent at t.leI e 1ose of sislance and advice in this field. Molloy Mr. Ar!hur Johnson Is ." ax 0\· •.• '" tic. ,'. U ID S .T. Hallett is t:lldll!! (n'lght. ~1I.f\:\le t"ln 1,,01 m I:~ ,,,,,tlnll :'.'11 11 II', II',' xl' ~ltOln. 1l>J IIJU 753 moderalely acllve tradu:g on thc Newfoundland is represented on the Newfoundland Govcrnment No\,. 17, sailing 3g~m ~()\'. 1D .\. I:. nICf\:\1.\S (~O .. tTD. ~n~~tn~{II~t~l\ ~~ri~ ~~ l~~ ~~~ I ~l:"i;u!~,~~:'h :~~,i ~;~ ~~I~ ~~i ~rn J~'~~~,i~' stock markct Tuesday. The steel th C ., b th I II' . I ~~ groo oaced the upward trend with e ommlSSSlon yeo owmg nommee. (;?rnt~ Br~l~k alnd ~ewN~or~. k M.V. Pay Off, Is moored up for ~:I~i~·Mlnnl ~;'ti ~~ ~~ 2~1 ~t';~I'~~O" 7'.;~ 4J~ 4~J 4;; ~Bn~:~;~ub.n or am on eav ng ew or the season. xB.lh A WI. 800 34 %6 ~6 xL'm,~"e 2191 m 310 310 ·.UpP l',n gallls.P ..ranglllg tf0 our pom I's In ex· NOV',30, Halifax Dec. 3, due St. lIt.V. Thomas and Robert has =~~~~q B ~I' 43~~~ ~ 121~ 12~ ~l::~~t~e ~~~0071 7"71 7 71 7 ~~?,:~~~' tremes. HOII'cI'cr. the majority of • • Johnfax) I Dec. 5, sailing Dec. 6 (llali. been successfully refloated and ,Be.,·orXBCAuca.. Lodlle %oon00 m$I 26051 260,',1 xLen"otl'!xl. L L,. ~mI~OO IIIU 1121'1 11313 xVlol,m,.Wnlle .\:n price increases \\'cre 10· . will el'enlually have further reo ,Beleher 719.l1 1~0 fa 120 ,1 ... lndn ~CO 32 3~ 3J ,Weedon I'.'·r Mines flucluated withinir~~lional. a cent rangc. Aclivity was moderate BE WAR E Fort Avalon leaving New York pal-.•• .~nnlcbl,n.. G.m 2jODPIlOO 11I~I\ U10 1310\, ;'1.0<>110xL"ndhu,,1 ~r.R~~13330 117213 21131111 2131'1 x\\"'1xW.llroy Malar g 9 following a brisk initial hour. Wcsl· Dec. 1, St. John. N.B.. Dec. 3, O.~ DOCK xB!clroft 1211 2iO :'3 :1 ,II"·.,,. "~-1 ~11 ~t R 2111 xWIt'rI I~I J I~: ,crn oils lI'ere trcndles,;. Halifax Dec. 6, due 51. John's Dec. S.S. Baccnlieu coming ort Wcd. • • ~~I~~~OdB'V 1~~~4\1 1t~5 IIi ~~::~~~nald ~~~J R~" Ii4 ~i ~~~I~~I\;~~:~r " 1'1 I In thc steels, AI~oma jumped 4 8, sailing again Dce. 10 (Corner ncsday or Thursday. ~:~~j. Rock ~~~21~8 2:~1 21~ ~~~:t~~d 8;~ I~:'I, 1J I~~ ~~Y:'le"e~d :;~ li~ poin!. to 90 and Hayes 'steel, rc· of falSi economy when buying "bargain" underwear I Look fllr Brook and New York). ,Ron,·III.· 3"00 13 11 II', "Iad'.n 7jJ7 23 ~:,o ~:. xY~ n,ar 301 ,n , cenlly inactil'c, J pomts, while the famous Panlnans label-there', more wear in Ivery garment· Fort Hamlltdit Leaving Halifax AT DOCK ~:~~~~~';;;lIlc~: \~ 4r' 4~" ~~I:E:'~:. i~;i I~; I~l I~~ ~~:I;,~~C ,.', 31 31 31 I Stelcn climbcd 1'... ]3,l.110 lM :!'. 2~·. !:'.' ,t D.,,,lta "I' :M11" :.:JU.'t Jl;):!'" ~ I ('langcI,I I' II It II tI tree ncll' Ingh, . and ~nv. 22. due St. John's Nov. 24, C.\:'\.\D.\ PACKERS LTll. ~::I:fb~\;:.~;.·nd 3J~IOi~;" .lo !~ I~~~~ .~r:,~· :l1~~oo~f~ ~\l ~; : ~~.d;lo!:;:lc,~t· 7oi; :1';11 3'10 310 ! jjl'C ncl\' 101\,S csta ulisilcd for the ~a~lndgf NOV• 25. I 1'( 1I1.V. Shirl~y Goocl~'em' Is taking ! ~H~~f~PI ~~~~ II~/' n~ l~:: I ~~:::. i·:;lo.. ,o;~~;~;~;~! ~~.~~ (~.'~.'I I~~t~le, jllO go .!~,!o .:~~ I;jjl reill'. 'rhe stock cxchangc·s clo.'· e or II tal' n~ 11111 ax Nov. h'ri"hl lUI' Bati"cl'< (lual' (·I'CCIl". l,r.b.,11 10l,~; 9:t '1, ,:0><11 C;.I 'i'" !IO; 11,: Iti I ( 1\1I!.1I>I1 :'U .... II al rt"lgC5 sholl' bank, lip O.2i at .,., d Std J 1I . ,. ft4 II .. ' , I ,roeh 11'111 "100 10 80 ill)' ,. rl III "'10 101 101 Inl C I' I iO~ ~I. jn~ I ~ <...' . "~',\ ·'to "1; • ~i 4908 'I't' 0' I 1322 . ~~. Ue • 0 In 51\0\'. ;: • sa tng I pond, \\'e:licYl'illc "nd J.ul11~den ,Cold.I,ram ~9;.\ 1~' 72 72 I ~.~~::. 1I:,~en "'to :0,1 ~1I1 2°~ e'~~: i!~1 '. ,:" ir.! it! i~'~ .. uti I les lip .• a .. In· No\,. 25. ,rolomac 1:.00 B-1 A A· • X C1old\tlr 50,"1 ,I 21 ~I rc,,1 I.,tlnc I I 1 I!IIII II 4tl 40 ro \._•• ) t3 80 8n 8.43 at 1392.59 and golds up 0.20 . US D II C Donl.on 4481 10~ IOV. "'\1 X!':CIV Ja·.n 1In0 l~ 13 II C Dla~.n x 12, sallln, again Nov. 15 (Bay 0 'C Fe.more 12 J!2 177 177 x:O: L~;u.rre ~IiO" t2 10 I: ,.C 1:,'\ ro'l %jOO 211 llO %10 at 7442 Roberts) II • ar xCon GlIIes ~I)() l3\~ 13\~ ]31; x!':ewlond lO~O 50 49 49'.1 xCon ~I:c Mo. 21J3 12 I~ 12 . . • xC Hon"len 17300 41 38 40 .N MorIn. 2l1li0 f l, RI~ 8" xt'on !'rak rnoo 171 \70 170 ------~·.~~,o 17.'\ 172 J7l III Farrandog leaving• lIIontreal Nov. d MONTREALII I lTd (CP)-Thll U. dlS. ,(.x~.n M ..HOwey ""nnr . 293~11M 35 41~53 m3~ x~xN Mind~\llnm'~lIe 5(.11. 100II''1(:0 2.~II, %220 2J2~ ,ne,·I.rdllc,!lc1 n. ~ncn:3 ~1 :3 :,00 10 III 10 , ue • Jo n s Nov. 16, saJilng 0 ar c OSCf ues ay a s, xC Morn •• n 111109 R 60 ,New .lorol.1 7000:2 21 .puve. ~usiness Light 12 d SI h ~I ~ ~4 400 23j ~32 232 again Nov. 19. . cuunl or 3.32 per cent III lermsII t 01k ~c'onnSNmleolhlol• 4\0111233 .131138 3m~I 3m~8 xSow'~CI\north n'II)'n 37,0Ino1 1913'.. 181;110 1913'. ,.:1.ForRn !'cn·ncy 129 42\ ~li 4211 Sheldrake leaving Montreal Nov Cana dl an f un ds, UP'I 16 00 CNorlhl.nd 1903 /15 III 111 .!': Sen.lor 5000 IW, 9 10 .Fed I'ot< 5'.!OO 390 380 :190 $1 J.\ 8(1) 2() 20 20 At Toronto 18th . 99 29.32 cenls Canadian tu buy xCon Perh"ourt ~oo 3l 3\ .:O>.w Toku "GO ~~ 32 ~2 ,Gr SlIrel Gr ... 1500 13 13 13 , arriving St. John's No\,. 20th, American. Pound stcl'Hn d $2.80, ,COd Orll. 28330 I 15 15H :.:..." Thmh 11100 27 21 %l" ,.lIIah Crest I::i.; RRO RiO 8Rn 'l'ORON1'O (CP) - ThL slock leavinl St. John's Nov d " xC ned p.plar ,1300' 3 .lIOlb Velln BOOO '\ I, I, ,IIIKh\\nod lil B2j "'- .,' 2~~n. up xC Sann.rm IIll 17 1\\ 1r.\\ x:o>l,kel Rim 1011 108 10 1VR 11011" Oil B~j B~~ I... .. xCon Sudburr 27300 510 500 110 x!':I.IO . 1000 9 U q ,lIu,k" 1",,1 ;', i', it, market \\enl ahcad Tuesday for xConw ..1 150550 5SO llO x"'ll~.1 nlm 100 108 101; 108 'lh.Cllar~ ::'tllI1;0(1 291.118 2~U11'0 2!:Jt)II" II Ie. (ollr tl I .,I'algt' ht . st·SSIO~,. bu t "(CoppC'r Clift 3019:!4 2U loiS xXor.Ar'lllt 91)0 II n n :dlul'Ik l"t5 l:ill:!7i =10 24'0 W;lS Ing to xCopprr Corp 8900 1;9 135 141) "Xul"ntla ntW !II:!;!.s:t 5.!'1~ !\11l\' fill X bllslncs~ \'cry light n\\ xl~oplltr.Mnn ~non 211 2U :0 :-is'oIAolli llMHI:U 14 .!~ :d.htr~1 t'de 110 I H 1.1 II hcl; IIC leadcI'sllp Iroln tllc Nell' XCUI1It"f &1.00 U{I 13.1 137 !\~lIlml't •• l 3700 85 f,iO i,l !\;~t.llh:old :!no ":;11 !I.W lJ"~U ",. ", x('",J1nur ]O"ll)llC) -4[1 .14 ~7 ~:\'''IIJ.I~ 9~uo:\1 l~ 'i:.!. x.~":ldll !'elll! ~,,';1 il ; I '\'ul'1; markel, closed fur ~I~te elec· x("UWP.lt IUO 59 48 .,0 x~ur In~3 5300 10 III lU s~hil'un 3'\'O.II' ::J "1. 25 "'I::~ \iuns. Salcs tulalled 3,790,OUO shares 1 IRON ORE xl'u"" ~oo~ 1.1 14\, 14\, xS IInn),ln 3!iltl:; 03 4 xM,1I ClI)' I Lint .. "I O .. , 1. • d xWAralun 4500 3$ :1:1 3~ x~ew RO)'un 5100 IJ7 lS~ 1,j5 x~at Pt'te J!'oO 1,,0 ),,; 10 aglllllst 5.162,000 yestcr .IY. "Ue ('our Hr,.,.." 800 93 U ~.I x~ollh 'l'll n !ion 'I ;1,1 Bl1 :reS 8lhlol :1 ~111 Z~j 2!O Seniors provided most of the GREAT INDUSTRY IN CANADA 5300 53 5:1 a2 • " 880 ::1'0 214 211 strength 10 base mctalS durmg The phenomenal growtb o( Mining In Cllnada Is well exempll. =g=ln~l~ur wI. 1: ~~ ~3 7 l~ ~~~~,~l.~~' ii~~ ~~. ~~\; ~:\; ~~c'co;:ln!~~~l ::00 235 233 235 carly transactions but a few J·un· fled In lis Iron orc branch. xDIII &100 IB" IBl, 11'. xDb •• k. 4000 8', 8 8 1\.10 Gas l03fi7~99. f , • Starting from no!hlng In 1939 the Industr~ has rapidly ex~ !'~~d'em.~... 153935.1 4214\1 41141. 42141> xO'Brlen,Ogama 3150~030 7Z11 7011 7211 .:-1x011 Superl.rScleel (GO 107 190 195 lors moved smartly ahead 111 later pan de d. OR the b as Is,o f I mportant discover es and 1955 pro- xOom A.beslo. 3300 18 17 17 .Oka Rftr. Mot ~oo lOG 100 100 xOk.lt. 5roool3 3, 1~~1. 1m dcaLi~gs. Golds, wcstern. oils and ductlon will .exceed lo! ml\Uon long tons. xDon.lda 500 401> 40 40 xOmnltuna 43300 41. 4 41l P.. I'ele 191"1 91 ' 91 91 uramums were mostly ItsUess. o ml)l!ng In Canada'ls just starting to roll. By" I 3000 10J 103 103 xOpem.ka 49009115 S73 9RIl "Pan \Ve.1 ~O'J 31 ~I 3j III the base mclal section lnter· l~,!Itnlll jU' fl ' C dl d XXDD~.Oan• 13000 3 55 ~6 xOrenada BOIY.) 33 32 32 ,p.lhflnd.r s. \'e years away, ana an pro uctlon xE Ampbl ~I)() lOll, 9~ 10 ,o,llko SIlO 41 4l 45 xP •••• nver 97!lO5800 m183 3001M 3101~1 natlonat.' NI<:kcl added l~ after• fa· shoni d Teach 40 'MILLION LONG TONS ANNUAL- xEa.t Malan /100 234 230 234 xP.c E.. t 65110 IS l3', lJI,. xI'O"IV all, 1420 390 ~M 390 I'orable dividend neil's Hudson LY. .Thls. prediClio~ Is based on installatioDs now ~~::t ~~I.I. 32~75 9~ . ;l~i ~~" ~~:~~:~r 8m Jl1 3~11 3~~ ~~~~'i~~ oll 800450 1809li 17.19\> 18091. Bay also moved up • III 'h. procee.dlng or. ~ef1n tely planned. .' , . 'xEal1' SlIIelt 2000 710 50 710 xParter Drlll z50 m o/8S .neel rete 4000 1m 141, 141, Gold movements were mostly In 1954 the United sta es consumed 104 mlillon net tons' xEI,SoI 5000 1m 10 10\1 .ParAe. ~5OO 8 3 80 B3 ~RI. Palmer 1525 14', 13" I4Iit I (short) of Iron' ore: and o[ this 17 million tons were . . .. 511032 32 32 xParbee' 5500 17 17 17 zloo 31'. m. 3B, m nor. import~d. :~:i're~ael.er ~R.xan. 1200290 21:5 290 Western oil price chaJiges gen· U.S. consumption Is up very suhstantlally this year, with the ,. I· Eureka ..ar 5~ I~ l:g 1:~ ~~fl~h.~~W' 1~~19mlli~ ll~ ~~~m: ~~ 700 210 205 205 I l' . d b amount. of . Imported .oro necessarily sharply Increased. Fal.onbrxldp 540 2m 2'/ f1 PII.er 1700 40 3m 39V. xS.pphre 00 250 245 m era were Imlte 10 d out 10 Iron ore, and ali olher brancheR or the expanding Mining In. x'r",aer.ltdlTuY n. 1900 ZIO 200 200 xPow R.IIYft 000 52 52 ~2 xScurry·Ralnbow 500 28 28 28 cenls. dustry o[ Canada, Are thorou/lhly covered weekly by The .Frobl.her ;m 4~\~ .~~ ~~\~ ~~~~.n Bord l~o 80 8~ 80 =~~~~f. Freo ~O~oo6i 1007 lJ. Ten highs and two lows were Northern Miner. a paper 'wl:h the largest mining circulation Frob deb. saooo 94 9 9~ Pr.nlo Uran 1Il0 P31 92.1 93S ,S.ulh lin OIl! ~Ol milO 175 recorded. In tho world. Whethcr It is COPPER, NICKEL, URANIUM, "Oal"ln .I0Il 41 41 41 "I'rol AIr 200 250 210 250 xTex., Calglry Index gains: Golds .66 10 84.83, ZINC, or any of the 50 metals and minerals produced ~o ~~~~e:~lnt. 405~25151~11111~i 1m ~~~~~~. ;Il~. ;sa:. 5~ 5~ ~~ $:~:.EEn;: ~~~ :.~~ .J~ ~~ abundantly In Canada. the suhscriher receives full company xGia.1 Y K 200 5t.o xQue Chlb 158 . lSI 157 xTrlad 011 :!'Oo 15J I~O 15: hase mctals .60 10 208.91 .. nd west ~13 ~IO ~350 aqoo" M ~j • '11 30 t 11481 , newsexperts gathered by a stafr or Englncer-Edltcrs and other ~G1.nnGod'. ,LUran 21200nO:200 183 U~71 .. lAO.73\~ "QuoxQue 1.,hC.p 330015M 310II 31110 31010 ,Vlllran,Un 0," 2j 19 %3 21 23 Cl nos. 0 •• I • ,noldole 131\1l 4S", 43 45 Que Llih :00 IS 15 1 xW NaCII "t. 2300 ~o 58 58 1 Complete statistics, dividend records. la:esl market quota. "Goldereat 24800 3" 2"11 29 "Que Man 3000 I~l 131 III .Wllrieh R.\NKS \Ions, reports and comment, provide an unexampled service "XGG·.lldd ~1·.r1n· \100 ,·RI. ft AI, "q Metallllr. 3750 41 435 463 Markets At Th. wlnl.r .oderw.ar you tn anyone wlshlnll 10 becomc Informed on the growth and xll.ldh:wk lIlu~,~ 3i~ ~~ ;g~:e~\~~·1 i~~ %J~ ~~ 2J~ Mont 10" (an', b.a' for warmlh, wear and (lpportunltles In Canadian min In/(. xGoldlra 101 0021 1 17 Quem •• 1 100 %7 m 261'. N S down.lo.earth votu •. Stylod for aolio".f,e. THE NOR THE R N MIN E R X_G,;..U-lll-.2----S7-37-5 _11 __.,;..11_.:....7_0 ...;,.;:,XR:.;. • ..:dl.:.;.ro~ ___.:.;5oo.:...:.:15-=.I:.:.SO-=13::.S Comm Imp A Glance (omfo,I In a 'hiokly.fl ....d lab,ic lor maxI· n.yal By THE CANADIAN PRESS mum warmth. With extra value In Penmans Toronto. OntarJo, $7.50 a year. $4.50 six months Tor·Dom flno wo,kmanshlp. Shlrt,'ond Oraw.n, .' Free Specimen Copy on Request. INDUSTBIALS Toronlo: I n d u s t r i a·1s main· Union Sui" ond lit. popular HoCul. 28RO 3n 29'4 30 lain improvement: trading quiet. . - .. ~1 20', 20\, ~Ol\ Nell' Yol'i;: Exchangc tlosed (or 4',11 17 Ii 17 sta Ie elections. 1M 11, Hil, 1',4 l'U Ii IB ~!ontreal: Stocks hghcr: Irading I Furness; Company 1 1 r Wilhy & L'·i. 430 it 70 " 71 ... I I I I I ! . 1.Iverpuol lit. Jollo·. Boalon Halllu iiI Job ... SYDNEY '(otol .. Ir' on Totonl', S(ol'k 1:"II.n~c. mOC..,ra e y a lCa! . l'm. 8: 3.'i9~.COO ,h:l1l'';. FOl1ndation ...... eo ...... 2t : .. &oRb." &to to Ie ______. "'t"oil5rr ...... 32 I II J.bll'~ BoItoD 1I1J1tn st John·.'Llverllooi JUST OVER 2 HOURS ~1O:\lm:.IL (CI'I Clo,nll ,(ork" I G'r,11 L,I ...... II ')NEWb'OUNDLAND" No\,. a I AbU ...... :1i'. How Smith .... ltl ...... • .. .en A.. bC"~tD"" .. •..•• .•. • .••.• 41 • Huw SnlUh l'r ...... ~:Z::. I "Nova Scolia" Nil\,. ~ NOI'.12 Nil\'. 18 Nov: 22 l':ov. 24 ONLY $33.00 nanl: o:\lntreal .....•.•••••••..... 41,",,! nut.! n3~' lhnln...... , ...... III 'Newfoundland" No\,. 23 Nov. 3D Dec. 6 Dcc. 10 Dec. la J):mk :-JU\OI !i<':Otlil ..... • ...... ~R ! IUlI:r.rlnl Rank. .... • ...... ;0 llanquc aCn l'\ntonalc ..•••••••••••.•. 41\:. IIUr!prall 011 ...... :1~ '!Nova Scotia" Dec. 7. Dec.14 Dec. 20 Dec. 2~· Dathurit A , .•...... 4~1 llltI1"t"lal Tobarco 1" ••••••••••••••••• Ill;' ~Newfoundland" Dec. 24 Dec. 31 JIIIl. 6 .ran. 10 U.llhuf!Oot 11 ...... to"...... 41) I lnL ~h:krl .• • ...... I=:tl~~ .• Nova Scotia Jan..7 ; Jan. 14 .Inn. 20 .Inn. 24 Whrn you fly-no lipplnll-- nr.n . ., ...... , .. 0..... ,...... ~ II,: rn~ POlPfl" •••• , ••••••••••• 11" 110 cxtras - YOtlr air lare 11::1111. • ...... :...... ill! 1.:'Ille or "'dOlO fir ...... 1";•. '!Newfoundland" Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 7 Feb. 11 IHde Prod ," ...... 41 II\J:lSM'\ Xci '10.da.) ...... 10 ~~ova Scotia" F~b. 11 Feb. 18. Feb. 24 Feb. ~R !\Iar. 7 . s:c!s you thel'e. C ('t.mt'nt , ...... :\7 :\Iac~r' 11r ...... 101 (' ('em('nl ,lI' .. to...... :11 !'III con ., ...... " .... " . '.' ~ I ;:;. *(fnr Lil'~r)1ool) 1 : Sep, HARVEY " CO.. . C Slenln~hl(l pr S rc ...... 13 & ~ Filler, She w:'s accompanied by Mr. Dnd Mr~. Stephen Mwphy the whole recipe. Cook and stir over medium hea~, ~liss June Penney who Is also In Jr., were n St. John's Sunday on ALAfOND BUTTERSCOTCH until mixture boils and Is thicken- tralnlnf at thl' General. a visit ·to hel (atller, I\Tr. Fred PUFFS ed. Stir a little of the hot mixture ~Ir. and i\Ir~. Willis Jarvis went Bickford who is n patient at the Puffs: into beaten eggs, then comhin,. to the city :saturday morning G',nce Uospit~l . 1.2 cup butter or margarine with remainder of hot mixture an4:. whcre Mrs. Jarvis entered a city 1\11'5. Lcvll\ier.dus took her little 1 cup water cook and stir over very low heat·· hospital. . (laughter' to a r.Ity hospital for an ~4 teaspoon ~alt about 10 minutes. Removll from ;\I':~. Rose Specdy spent the operation. 1 cup sifted bread flour heat. Stir in butter and vanilla.·· wcekend In SI. John's. 1I11ss Joan Parsons has under· 4 eggs, unbeaten Cool. Fold' in whipped cream Int! ~t\'. and Mrs. Leo Power were gone a succcs~ful opera ton at the Grease baking shcet slightly. almonds, reserving a little whIp. business visitors 10 the Capital on Grace lIospUat and Is doing nice· Heat O\'en to 425 degrees F. Heat ped cream and almonds ta la~, ~Inndny. Iy. HoI' many friends will bc gJ~d butter, water ;nd salt 10 boiling nislt top of puffs. - ~lr5. William ('oIVell of St to learn. point in a saucepan. Add flour For parties, or Christmas, IJr ju" John's spcnt 1hc wcckcnd hcr~ l\Irs. Slcphen Colc modc a all at once and stir over moderate for a family treat, you'll lib thll wilh hcr sister I\Il·s. Edward Ilic· business trip to St. Jolm's !\ton· heat until mixture forms a ball chocolate fudge. key. day morning, that follows th£) spoon around th~ FUDGE ~Ie,srs. Allan Porter and Sren· !\tr. and 1Ilrs. Wm. Allan arc l saucepan. Rcmove from heat and :I cups granulated IUgif d~1\ Perle spent the weekend prcscntly \'is!tlllg 1\11'5. Allen's .' . cool slightly: add eggs one at I 2 tablespoons corn syrup ~roul1c1 the B~y. pn1'cnts, 1\11'. and 1111'S. R. R. CosU .. 'fHE BRITISH ORE.CARRJER, S,S. "ZINNJA". in command of Captain Irvin, is engaged in the Bell Island Iron are time, beating well after each ad· 3 DIS. unsweetened chocolat. W. and. :I!IS. fred Strickland gan,.l\lemornl Strect. tr d lhis scason belween this port and United Kingdom. "Zinnia" is shown here, lying at anchor, near Lance Cove,. dition. On lightly greased baking ¥a teaspoon !alt a lri\\'elled cltywards lIIonda,)' morn· I\11S5 Eileen Athklns who Is 'I . c · h ld' t <: t'tl t th Island sheet, drop batter by roun~ed 1 cup undlluted evaporat .. I"~ trn~lng fur the nu~ing Pl'o~~ ~~~'l~l:C~l:S~t~c~o~:e:s~.:e~e:n:]:e:n~o~n~~e~~~_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h tablcspoons (this makes faIrly milk \Ir. Gram'ille Hunl Is spending sian at the Gencral 1I0s(lltnl spent large puffs-about 12 of them), ~ to 1 cup chopped nut. allowing at least three inches be· 3 tbsps. butter or margarine ~ fcw days moose hunting aL 11111· th£) weekend 011 the Island with Coundl Starts _ ,_". ~tines Close On lerloll'n. hor parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam AL­ tween each two so that there wUl Mix all Ingredients except natl ~ti~s ,Jean Spurrell spent the klns. Slle wa& accompanied by be room (or them to "pufr'. and butter, In I laucepau. BoU Read Repairs LadlES Bo~w I~g ~eascn November 11 Bake in a hot oven for 20 min· until syrup reaches 238 degrees 011 wrckcnd with fdends In St. Miss Nita Pugh w110 Is also a In accordance with the terms of utes. Reduce lIeat to moderate a candy thermome-ter, or until a . John·s. student nurse. the Company.Union agreement re­ ~Ir, l.co O'B~len spent the wcek Mr, Lar lIurlcyk paid a business The Wabana Town Council reo (350 degrees) and make 15 minutes soft ball forms when a small· specting the observance o( statu· longer. Removc from heat and amount of syrup is dropped in a rml with his family In the Capi· trip to St. JI)IIlI's ycsterduy morn· cenlly startcd repairs to Il'oads Operled On Monday tory holidays, the Company wishes make a slit In top of each puff cup of cold water. Remove from tnl. Ing.· within the Incorporated area to advise that Rcmembrl\nce Day, ~Ir. John Littlejohn Sr., Is on Mr. Pcter Rees, Proprietor of which In some cases arc almost The Ladles Bowling Lcaguc be· Rainbows V5. Lupilis. with a sharp scissors, return heat. Stir in butter. Cool until luke- . 8.45-Snowdrops Sweet Pcas. Friday, Nov. 11, will be observed puffs to oven to dry out for 5 to warm, then beat until creamy. (It a ~hooLing cxpedltlon on the Rccs' Garage pnld a business trip Impassahle. gan its 1955·50 bowling season 011 "5. 3S such and that (ull operations 10 minutes. During this drylng·out is most important to let cand, lIodgcwalcr Line. to St. John's ;'esterday morning. Delahunty's Road at East End Monday, Nov. 7. Elghtcen team'! will ccase at 8 a.m.' Friday, No". ~\iss Enid Babh student nurse Mr. Jack Clarke oC th£) Constru· Is now reecl':ing attention. It is have cntercd. The Iirst gamrs wcre SECTlDN C period shut of[ your ol·en. and lea~e cool to lukewarm before heating, (nound 1) 11, and will rcsume at 8 a.m. ~Ion· ~t thc Gencr~1 Hospltul \'Islted ction Engine/·rlng Company o( the flr>t t1m~ according to rc· playcd between the ~Iaples I·S. door open if ~'our stove IS elcctrlc, if you wish to have a creamy tex· Tlrcscloy. Nov, 8!h- day, Nol'. 14. During this period if a coal burner leave oven door tured fudge). After beating, add hrr uurcnts i\lr. and lI1rs. Eugene llallCa:.: was hcre on a bUsiness ports that road work has be£)n, r·"rwPons and Poppies \'S. Blue· I 7.30-Buttercups I·S. Pan~ics. only neccssary rcpairs and mqin· open. nuts, and pour into a butter pan, Babb ol'er the wekcnd. S:IC Bwas trip yesterday. donc in this arca by the Counr.i1 bells at 7.30. Tulips 1'5. Violct~. tcnancc work will be carried out. Cool sloll'ly on rack, and or shape into a roll and wrap ill ilccompanicd by ;\1i55 Hut I art· Road work Is .planncd (or othcr Lineups arc as follows: jusl~ B.45-Clo\'crs \'~. Dalludils. r n addition Pier and Stockpile em· before scrvin~. fill with almon; waxer! paper. Cut Into ~quarcs or lell who Is .. Iso In training. B· hd G ° scetions too. SECTION A ployees will be requircd to work I 'l'1'al'clllng '!~Isemen prcscntly The Council tecenlly·purchased ~IAPLES-V. AI coc· k .• 'I, . Sk 'an~s, Tuesday, Nov. J5111- I butterscotch filiin!:. ·sliccs. lrt ay reetIllgs 7:30-Daffodils I'S, Pan~jc~. if necessary. Employccs are reo here include :\Iessrs. 'fcd Powe,r, . a Caterpillar AUloma\lc loader ~1. ~Iartin, S. ~Iartin, D. Pepper. B.45-Buttcrcups 1'5. Violcts. minded thnt in' order 10 qualify ,lim ~Iurphy, Ral(lh Roberts, "r I -- 1 d which Is spcedin~ up the roads POPPIES-R. Dawson, ill. Bick· Tulips I',.' Clovcrs. I for statutory holiday pay it will bc I• IUI'd . Roberts., Ken Day . and t "anyCa ( lappyLOll Cartcrreturns of of th L Ie !\I ayV projec. t consl'd era bi y. fo"rl .•T. Dcering, F. l\itchen. f necessary for them to work thc Annual Conference Tllc~dny. Nov. nnd- HatTY Soper. 0 p.. I . I e h' 'I'he Councii \\'as obliged \0 sus· SHA~IROCKS-J. Proudfoot, C. 7.30-Buttcrcups 1'5. Dal(odils. Ilasl available shift before and af· '11' and Mrs John A. Hughes i\lancco. '~IO is ge cbratlng i~ .1 II . d y rk when the ilia]' LcDI'cII', P. Cant\I'cll, D. Tcmple· . . hlrthdav today Wednesday Nov. pcnu a I,oa ° j Clol'crs I'S. Violels. 1 1er the holiday. Pay for work end· 9. Gre-c'tings from Vince Lar and or and '1.uwn 1Ilana~COr reslg~led man. C. LcDrcw. B.45-Tulip5 \5. Pansies. ing Oct. 29 will be issued at the the Gosine car!lcl' IIllS year, until such llme Somcrton, A. Mining Men hrcthcr~. CAnNA'fIO~S-A. Tuesday, Nov. 29111- regular pay stations on Thursday, . Miss Regina Vlckt"Is is cclcbrat. as It could be organized, At.I"IS, ~1. Buller, A. BillieI'. 7.30:"'Violcls ,·S. Pansies. Nol'. 10. The fifth annual mceting of the urday evcning. ing her blrthd~y today Nov 9. ROSES-M. Conway, E. Farrar, 8.45-Buttcrcups vs. Clovcrs. Ncwfoundland Branch of the Can· In allendanee from Bcll Island ' f C tl i ~l. 'l'llc1:cr. B. PiUs. .' adhin lostitute of Mining and were the following: Messrs. Peter 5 pee Iagree I tl ngs rom a Icr lie St or k News I BLUEBELLS-I,. ,Jarl'is, G. Far· . Tulips \'B. Dalfodils. Congratulations and best wishes Tuesday, Dec: 6!1I- . ' l\lc!;i!lurgy opencd in the New· Nixon, J. D. Taillon, R. J, Devlin, to 1111'. Nathanlal Sheppard WIlD lIIr. and illrs. Kenneth BarUell ,'. Dohcrty, II. Collct!, L. Jar· 7.30-Buttcrcup~ ,·S. Tulips. 'Lay Wreath (oundland Hotel on Friday, Nov. IIlr and JIlrs, C. E. Carew, Mr. J. vis. 4, and concluded the following G. 'Archibald, Mr. and JIlrs. J. C, , I Was 73 years old on Nov. 9. arc rcjoicing In the bnrtll of twin SECTION B Clovers vs. Pansies. day. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. GUlis, Happy blrthdny to David !\1M· I boy and girl. 'fhe blcssed evenL SUNFLOWEnS-J, Gray, E. Nor· 8A5-Daffodils vs. Violets. At ~Iemorial The special speaker for the JIlr, and Mrs. Fred Rose, Mr, and tin who celebrated his birthday Itook place at Bell Island on Sun· more, S. CanLwell, A. French, D. A delegation (rom the Bell Is· luncheon on Friday was Hon. Sir !\Irs. T. Godin, Mr. Clayton War­ Nov 4. Grcetings from Mike. day Nov 6. Congrats. land . Bra rich o( the Canadian Normore. Leonard C. Outerbridge, C.B.E., ren, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Inkpen, LUPINS-M. Kent, M. Nolan, Legion will parade to the Memorial D,S.O., L.L.D., with JIll'. J. C. JIll'. and Mrs. Milton Tucker, H. Connors, A. McLcan, M. Can· there on the morning o( Armistice tegion Dance On Lyons, chief geologist, Dominion . nors. Day, Friday, and will lay a wreath. Wabana Ore Limited and chair· The newly elected chairman it For Ivery onl dollar spent in this Store you will receive I SWEETPEAS-~r. Parsons, A. Armistice Day In addition, Two IIlinutcs Silence man of the Newfoundland Branch Mr. Fred Gover, chief inspector of Rees, I. Chalk, A. Bickford, E will be obsen'cd in memory of the in the chair. A closing partw was Mincs and a former mining luper­ Rees, M. Rex. war fallen. held at the Old Colony Club Sat- intendent at Wabana. a ticket on a T.V. SET DRAWING December 23, 1955. LILIES-M. Ryan. E. Skanes, AftI' reading the program for IW. Murphy, J. Hunt. the Canadian Legion Armistice S M I l' 1 I SNOWDROPS - n, Snow, M, Dance and Sl1gc Show, w~ think i 1.1 ic laC s ------.,------1 i I Marlin, G. Beckford, E. Peddle, B. It's going to be Ihe most enjoyable i . k d r /You'll get More for your Money i Parsons. SECTION C . ~~c~~ilc ~~~\1~I;.l:~es;~~\~.d to theiGralld Dance \ ,A Glance Bac war I. I BUTT~nc.ups - E. no~~, ~ I The Iletw('(!n donce \'~ri~ty i ~- I I Busha, L, nldcout, M. PUI'~uns, E 'show is novel for Bell Island Rnd! Til ('olll'lurit' S1. Mi~hacrs Fail': NOVi:MBER 1943 !rOr the relllimlt'f of the. day \~ntil when you shop at :I :\11. liaS Cnon<. Ilhe al'ti>I~. who on l'cquc;;l "ulull' "l'and dancr will he Iwld in st.1 The hladt·t! trip (Jut of 6 'lhej damage repaIred. rhl P...... :SIES-F'. Squll'~>: L: l~alln.: lC(,led Iheil' ,elvil'(" to the \\'l'l :i\lil'll:lrl'~ lIa11 lh .. FI'IIIII. Bell 15' .\lillt', efJlI>islin!; of ~i)( fllUl' lOll> Irip uf can, w~s considerably ". ~" (,'!:;.llll'. Ifill'e cOlllmitte,> 0' Canadian l.eg· II •1I111 on Jo'I'jda,', ;\'01" IR. Admis'~(':ll'f. 1l1'IIkc :l11'''Y lrulll the tipplc!d:lllwiled and' had to be removed TULIPS-A. Butler, n.. ? l'~?h'. ion n':l' tops in their liehl.. SlIl'h \illli sum, Th,., will hl' youI' lasl Ion lhe del'i(·llf'ad illnn!!:.y mOl'n-llo the sul'faee f()f reparlf! at the . ,...... ' I. \\ I,C' ;\\'1'11 knoll·.n :.I·lifl~ as. i\lc.~>I·" Il'1wlll'l' III win sllc~hll p,'izcs w ling ;\0\'. 5th, Hn!!' l'an hac\( into'cal' shop. I i Ihbb;; t make it a poi!'1 to he 111'1';;l'nl Ull lhe slIlJlI', as lal' as the line """,1. .'"'' .", C:Col'~C :\~kIlIS,. Hohe~·.t (l~n ~hol'e I ~~~~-~-o i \ 1Ot.)O;lS"'1S. 1.ulllll,llI. J'.l h~r:l '~IIII'I'ln, hall"): GO.'I.Ill' ,and BIlI!lhiS dnll' II'hll know;; yoU may be h~f(Jl'e it derailed cle~ning out WI dd SAM & HUGHIE'S L. ,Busha: .J, ?s~.onei, M. ::ha.c ,\.Jlllrline. Rud t.'lC p.osslblllty of al· a prize winncl'. Len Jllichacl's 01" wheclS, Imbe:' "cL, along the slope" e 11lg CLOVES-So iluudluul, )0;, t.llIei so hal'lllg i\113:' ",Cllt of Lam'c chc£tra will jll'Ovide the lIlusie. as it went. Th~ mine did not work ° • sa)" II. Kent, ·A. Tucker, B. nces. Cove with he~ Piano Accordion - ._- AnlllVerSarleS 5 U p. E R MAR K E T DAFFODILE -E. Bown, M. and nIl,s. Par<.1ns of Parsonsville C T Tl F ° Dwyer, M. Bown, A. Jackman, M. as a soloist Is sufficent to pack orne 0 Ie aIr Mr. and 1.11'3. Hubert W. !ut. Stoyles. the hall. Come all ye people of Bell Isle ler will celebrate the 23rd. anlll· .-- With an cye to the fulure per· And banish e"ery care, "mary of their wedding on Frl­ St:CTION A haps as the sCjURI'C dance Is reo While you enjoy he thrills and fun day Nov. 11th. We join with III OPENING S,ATURDAY NOV. 5th (Ronnd 1) galng world WIde popularity and Out at S!. Michael's Fair, their friends in extending eOl!oo l\fonday, Nov. 7111- will probably reach here soon gratulations "ith the wish that 7.30-'lanlrs 1'5. Carnations. they ha\'e on their program a Come in your go.tl>-meeting clothes, they may enjoy many more yelfl poppies I'S Bluebells, Quadrille alid also a Lancers to 01' in your finest gown, . of happy wedded life.· Just check these 11l01zey-saving prices 8,45-Snuulrockr; I·S. Roses. see which se~tlon of t1le Island And join the (olks from east and west Monday, Nov. J4111- can dance it the best East, West. And old Wabana town. Congratulations to 1.!r. and Mrs. 7,30-Roses .I'S. Carnations, Central, Lanec Cove, ~ickford· Jacob Squires on the occasion af 8.45-popples \'5. Shamrocks. "me. or Parsonville. Entries on The crowd will be !O numerous the 10th anniversary of their wed. SUGAR • •. Sib. for 4Sc Maples \'5. Bluebells. the floor. This will surely ·make They'll be lined up in queues, ding which they celebrated all • • • Itlol1dny. tiOI). ~lEt-· soine people canccl theie trip So I suggest it would be 'best Nov. 7th. 7.30..,Maples \'5. Roses. across the Tickle and all this (or To wear .your safety shoes. . Shamrocks vs. Bluebells. t he low admission $1.00 single and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Butler will POTATOES per bag 1.95 B.45-Popples vS. Carnations. $1.50 per couple • Come in your ,working toggery cerebrate the Bth anniversary of • • Monday, Nov. 28111-: The Ladics Auxiliary will serve Or in the latest style; .'. their wedding on November 11, 7.30-popples vs. Roses. teas and there will be a canteen It matters little what you wear Congrats, B.45-Maples vs. Shamrocks. service. So that you wear a' smile. GOOD LUCK. 1 LB •• I ••••• I ••• ,. I', I' .29t. BROWNING·HARVEY BISCUIT, PKG ... 29c. MILK, 6 FOR •••• II •••••••••••••••••• 85c, KING COLE ORANGE PEKOE TEA, Bluebells vs. Carnations. HALF STONE FLOUR ...... 52e. per lb ••.•••••••• I. I •••••••• I' I tl' "' .$1.30 l\fonday, Dec. 5tll- Collect' your dimes and nickels, ONE STONE OF FLOUR ...... $1.00 CHICKEN SOUP ...... 20e. 7.30-lIIaples vs. poppies. Whate'er your pockets' hold; , Bell Islanders VEGETABI.E AND TOMATO SOUP ... 16c, POnED lUEAT ••••••••••••••••••••••. IOc. Shamrocks vs. Carnations. And don't Ignore ~e coppers TONIC WINE, PER BO'!', , •• , ...... $1.30 OLY~IPIC SAUSAGES, PER TIN ... : .... 19c. City Hospitals FAT BACK, PER LB ...... 38c. 8.45-Roses vs. Bluebells. Awarded Degree , For they're worth theIr weight in. gold In I.'RUIT SYRUP, PER BOT•••• ,.,"', •. 51c, SALTED SPARE RIBS, PER LB. , ..... 53c. AT THE GRACE lIEJl'\Z RABY I:OOD·, •• """,.".", •25c. PIC PORK Y.oAF, PER TIN ...... ,44e, SECTION B The goods wheel imd th.e cash wheel Mrs. Willis Jarvis under obser· 2 I:"Olt ••• I •••••• t •••••••••• I •••• • 49t. COOKlm CORN BEEF (TIN) ...... 45c. (Round 1) ,InTheo~ Will reward you for 'your' dimes; ~IOI.ASSES, PER UN "',.,"',.,'" .22c. vation. S.\T.TEU BEEF, PER LB, ", •• ,.,', .. , ,30c. Wednesday, Nov. 9tll- Your nickels too 11'11\ earn for you Mlr. George Penney condition 'fUnNII' J I'ER LB. . ••••••••• ,. I •••••• ,,04 7.30-Sunflowers vs, Lupins. Reverend Lindsay' George King . For those few commOn ernts. iIllPI·ll\'ing. Llllles vs. Sweet Peas. B.A. 'B.D., ·son of the late Eleazor Mr. Frhl BIckford nuiler ob- 8.45-Ralnbows vs, Snowdrops, and Mrs. King o( Bell Island has The chocolate wheel hus girth 10 please ,d·I'allon . . IVrclncsdall, Nov. lBtJl- ohtalnell his ilegree of Master . 'file l\ourlllet's choo.y lu.te. AT THE GENERAL . 7.30-Snuwdrops vs. l.uplns. of sacred 'rheology.at Boston Unl· DOIi'1 minll if Ihe;e with salorles Mr~! J~hles CalToil reeelvin. HA;'-:'llnllill\,('rs V5. Sweet. Pens I",r:ilty, _ I'ul hll'hes 011 yom' wai,t. bl'~91In~1l1 tce:wi! fine. LilliE"; 1'5. nllinilow. Revd. I'lug is a graduate of Mr. 1In'(\ ~:'II·I~ hlts £Iitches reo SAM. . & 'HUGHIE'S . Weunesdau, NOI'. 23rd- i\lnllnl Allison Unlvel'sity, Sa.I;· Then"s so mllch Inll ill 'wlnnlng, nHlI'cd ~1111 expects tn he hOIll' 7.:111- SliII IlIJI\'I'I'S' \'S. Snowdrops,. ville, N.II., :Ind Pine 1Ii11 Tli'\'lnity lie i~ cash 01' goods ill kind, ~OUl1. I\ainho\\'s I'S. Sweet Pens. lIalifux, N.S. \Ie is manicd to the You'll be glad you shared the frolic ORTHOPAEDIC 8.45-Lillies vs. I,upins. former lIIiss E: .. Jean 'l'urnCOf. of 'S,.UP, . .. 'E·R MAR K ET . As you· win a care free mind. Roridy Day receiving treatment . Wednesday, Nov. 30111-; IIartland, N.B. who is' also gra· a [celing fine. 7.30-Lillies 1'5. Snowrirop.l. duate oC Mounl Allison. It is un· So come oul to SI. Michael's Hall, BENNEn ST. 'PHONE 21 BELL ISLAND \ B,45-Sunflowers n. Rainhows. derstoud that the Ilevcrcnd gen· The·,Fair .is In No\·ember. (Bell leland News Continued 011 fiwecl Peas \'5. Lupins. lIcman will 'enter the acCil'c 'minH· The sCl'cnth to the fifteenth. PaiU6) . . ' .' .A ·.TICKET. WITH' .EVE~Y $1.00 SPENT IN OUR STORE , Wednesday, Dec. 7111- try of the United Church shortly. Are 'tlfi!' dales you must r.emember ...... 1 1 7.30-Sunllowers 1'5, Liilles. We 'extend our eongratulatioll! .. 1 10:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::======~...... __ ~ ______~ ______~ ____ ~~~~~~~~~~rHE DAilY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9, 1955

'N::·e· W.· s· F···ro· m•..... '.' .··B.u··.·c·h··· a·.'n··S.· ~:!~fu~~e.~~:,'l ~!:~:~:ide! St. Vincent de e Paul Guides, and Guiders was held in S · t ( II t )1 honour of District Commlssioncr I. ..I I Mrs. R. Colyer h thc auditorium 1\lrs. .T. R. Flynn who was re·1 OICle V . 0 ec 10 ~l ~ Le~on Ha.llowe' ell Personals \Veldon Mortin of Corner Brook of Buchans ".!'ubllc School on her ~rs~~~n::~~~~t::dlnDi~i~ct C~lom. (Continued) I ;llrs. M. Power . O~ Party former resident oC BUchans, spent last Saturday In Buchans. Rcpre· g s. yer F. A. O'Dea •••.••••.•••. 500 IiIIrs C J f'ox ...... ,.. 2.00 .A d P 0 CelebratlOollS' -- Friday It BUchans visiting old sentatlvlls of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Com rGCI:io;'desented I t1t~e BUtCthhans Girl T. B. Clift & Co. •••••••• 5:00 Mrs' J' T' Foley ...... ·• 2.00 . CI d I f G u c organ za Ion a e cOllfer· J '! 1Ilrs...... 1.00 n resentatlon I\Ilss Kay Dclaney who hiS been r en s. pall es 0 111'1 Guides, namely, encc of Commissioners held t .... Bradshaw...... 5.00 1 . Berrigan ...... 0 _ working with the Depllll'tmenl of Miss Maude Harris, daughter Barbara Harding, Shcllagh l\Iar' Bit' I t k M Fl a Lem Bartlett ...... 500 $ 741.. °00 . _ d of Mit' nd fI' "I H I f t1 d B tt CI I ' t d onav s a as wec. rs. ynn W J B . On Saturdny, October 291b, the On Octobcr 28th pupils of Bu. Transport at Gan er alnC1! JUly • a .rb... ax an son an e y nr (c. prcscn e returned to Blll'hans hy train on .• rowne... •••••• • . • 5.00 - regular mDnthly dance ot Bueh. chans Public High School held spent two wepks' vacation with Port Blandford. Bnd Zebedee an address which was rend by the Octobcr 30th after spending R J. P. Mulcahey ...... 5.00 Ward No. ll-Collectors:-Mrs. • ans Legion took the form o[ a a Hallowe'en party at the aUdl. her Camlly at Buchans, and return· Fllrbt, SOli of Mr. and Mrs. James lalter and a parting gift of six shart time with her parents at Imperial Optical Co. •••••• 5.00 J. A. Hibbs, Mrs. P. J. Maher Hallowe'en celebration at the torlum to which members or the ed to the Airport by ear on 9ct• Fllght of Buellans, are receiving slorllng sliver coffee spons benr· Norris Arm. Dr. J. H. Molloy...... 5.00 101r5. P. J. Lewis. ' Legion Hall which was appropr. teaching staff were Invited. 'l'he ob(~' 31st. Hel father, A. J. De. the congratulations of their fr!· Ing the Girl Guide crest was pre· Dr. L. E. Lawton ...... 5.00 George Neal Ltd. • ...... $15.00 lately decorated with witches entertainment gilt under Ith laney, and a number of friends ends on their enlagement. The sented to the Commissioner by Dr. E. F. Moores ...... 5.00 Wood & Kelly ...... 15.00 black cats, and jack o'lanterns: a snowball .lance led ~ay ~ISS accompanied ber to Grand Falls. wedding takes place In Novem· Brownies Joyce Yetmnn of the 1st Bridal Sho~rer Mr. Justice Winter •••••• 5.00 Halley & Co. ....•••••••• 10.00 In 8ttendan~e were some 90 memo Yvonne Pell~y and Nathaniel Miss Nlcl Nt!1son, student at btli'. ., Pack and Ellzalleth O'Toole of G. R. Renouf ••..•••••••• 5.00 W. J. Caul •••••..••••••• 10.00 bers and guC'!>ts who. voted thl! Morgan. Inelu~ed in the pro~ram Edgehlll School for girls since Dr. Norman "ass of Corner Buehans .2nd rack. Mrs. Colycr -- Dr. J. B. Roberts ...... 5.00 J. Ryan, Holdsworth st. 1 arty an unusuRlly enjuvable and wa I tl I 'hl h September returned from Win. Brook spent thl' past weekend as suitably replid thnnklng the as· A shower In honour of Miss Bes· W. F. Caldwell •.••••••••• 5.00 Stan Condon 0.00 P • s a mus c qu ~z w c was' t f II b i W 1 I . b C il G . ••• ...... • 10.00 NEW festive one. Since It Was lhe last won by Miss Lr retta Yetman d SCI.', N.S. last week to join her gues a Is bl'other and slster·ln· sem Iy for thrlr kind wards and sell 51 Was gIven y a group yr reene...... 5.00 Slattery's Wholesale Dr· Rangers' \VI Wus, oC A. sociable befole the departUre Clyde CUir mmey. nners 0Can abO'family on their return to the USA law ·1\Ir.hi andt Mrs. t tl Gjlblll't gift, and twishh,g I B Ithe Girl. Guide . tfriends 1\1 at dthe M home J ofW her I h par· SenatorM g' t t O'NB. Baird...... '11 5.00 goods .... . • ...... • ....y 10.00 Tuesday ft:om BuclJans of Honorary Prt.51. picture contest were 1\11 B tt a out November Oth. n 5 rc urn 0 Ie paper town movemen n uc Ians continued en 5, • r. an 'rs.. as, on • a IS ra e "el . • . •• . •• 5.00 Mercer & Mlfllin 1 ably the dent C. 'E. Nt-lson and ills wife HI'cock and ErIc Yetma~ls A~t ~ Mrs. Rev. T. Short returned on .lin .Tuesday's train lie wns ac· sucess. the eve of her marriage to Mr. Miss l\!adeline Kavanagh 3.00 Anthony l\lUllowne~"'"'' 1~:~ then had the Leglol1all'e~ a~d members or th~ suppcr Intelvnl, danCil;g CO~I' October 28th from St. John's companied by Gil who visited the A presentation was also made Harold Kinil. !,ome thirty young !\fiss A. cro~dell ...... 2.00 Avalon Telephone Co'::::: they may the Ladle3' AUll.llIary took advanl. tlnued wltb a lucky couple In a whcl:e she spent len days on bus. lamlly for several days. to 1\lrs. Ian 1\1~Beath who leaves .Iadies attended the surprise party Mrs. M. POller . .••••• ••• 2.00 United Towns Electric Co.: 10.00 first place of the occasion to bid them novelty stntue dance being l\1lssllncss. While In the city she was Trevor Cuff .returned to work Quebec In November aCtcr ser'lnnd brought along :I lovely assort· Dr. K. Marshall ••••••••• 2.00 Halley & Hickman League in a~e [~r ~~:~ The farewell. lind .success In their new Leone Jenkins and Ge~~'ge Lcyte iguest of her p~rents Mr. and Mrs. wtll .Atlantc qypsum I~st week Vlllg, the organization as Brown ment of gifts for the brlde·to·be. ~. J: Crum~ey •.•••••••• 2.00 lIcGuue's Bakery •••••••• . thrce WlnlS. locale, lind to \lresent them with to whom prizes were presented. ',JaC,Ob Morgan. alter spending ten days holiday Owl of 1st ~uchans Brownlc Pack :erJff Cahill ••••••••••• 2.00 A. T. Wood .•••...••••• 5.00 one a gift. :'Ilr. R. Butler. Principal of the, George 1'0Uf!lt, one-tlme em· at Buchans with his sister, Mrs. since 1940. rlt .. gilt of six s!lver Millertourn Notes . P. McCarthy...... 2.00 Royal Aerated Water Co... 5.00 trips in Ronaltl Dal\ r, Vlcc.Presldrnt I . ployce at Buchan5 Power House, Clarence Butt. Trevor came to fish forks was presented by Eliza· n R. Manning ...... 2.00 Cook's Marble Works 5.00 Madison c:>i(lrc5scd rl!gl't~t that l\J,r. Nelson iwhich she had readily gl\,en wllcn. dro\'e Crom hlR home at Corner Buchans by car with his brothCll' betb Burry. __ R.. Kent ...... 1.00 E. B. Foran .... 5.00 and then \I'M ~OOIl to leave the community I c\"t,' called U\lOn Bnd rea[f\rmed Brook on O~tober 28th, accom. Norman who had been vlsltnu his An enjoyablf sociable hour Col· MILLERTOWN-Girl Guides :lhss Rose ...... 100 Daily News .. ,...... 5.00 Bruins dicns arc which for four years he had made the "lce.Presldent's feeling of reo panled by !\Irs. I'ollett, to spend ft parent~ a\ Humbel·mouth. lowed with th~ group singing a held II hallowe'cn party On Oct. ~i Cochrane ...... 100 Clancey & Co: .. • .... ··.. 5.00 his home and where he had met gret at her Imminent departure. few days as guest of Mr. and Mrs. lIer many youllg fl'iends at number of GUlfie songs. a11d the 28th In the Town Hall in honor . r...... 1.00 D. French ...... 5.00 A pair ~a~les them alon frequently lind 011 a most friend. A \'ery lo\,cly pair of brass book. Joe Kennedy. Buchans were ~orry to learn .thal rally concluder] with fhe serving of Gudie Rosamund Torravllle who T•. WIlham! •••••••••••••• 1.00 Dr. J i\I Da·;c;·········· 5.00 Icating 1y footing wltll all memhers or ends with the word l'Iew(oundland l\Ilss Holly WRtson entered Hall· of aCtel'l1oon tea. has since left to live at Whit.'· ~l~SS Mary Kavanagh •••• 1.00 IAdel;de . Motors •••••••• , 5.00 "asn't tll1! I.eglon, nnd joined In their set In the ba£e oC each, and sur. school took Ictur ! th C fnx Victoria General Hospital on bourne Rosamund was presented ~lIS5 ~Iarg~ret Higgins .... 1.00, GlIles & '\lIan ...... 5.00 • 13 social functions :llr. Dllwe voiced mounted by a poll shed brass cod· which p 0 cl:se es· October 26th. Ho\ly had been at· with gift. Games were played Kavanagh 1.00 :llrs. D. Oliphant":.::'.::'. 5.00 "1£ tl\.ltlc~ camee~o a Walsh-K10Il!! a' ~:::s ~erllJce first the sentiments flf 1111 In extendlnll flsb engraved "From the Legion, midnight at tending EdgehJlJ School at Wind· u and lunch served. We wish Ros~· ;!I 5 1 • Savage ...... 1.00 C. Goobe 3.00 ~I thr. hospitality and prh-1leges of' Buchans." was given the depart· f t1 A Y P A sor, N.S. since September, and II ° mund every success and hope thal • :: • I. Boland ...... 1.00 E. Bahrd ...... 2.00 I Phil l\Iemb~r N I I hO'kev 9 '11' AikSOP ...... I • I •••••• I ., the Legion on return "Islts to Ing members. sorled a ceisebOratl1oen o·n H' a owesp?n. en is hopedII thnt she w11l shortly be uptIa S she ..l'will stili continue the r,oon ,!.ISS rs o' RC' ro e 1.001 J. Ryan ...... t ••••• 2.0000 co~nient Buchans. Mr. and !\Irs' Nelson, L i Indh·hlual· f I I Illgllt \"hlch.• t 00 k paceI In th e C dlwe enough to lI'esume iler BtU' - work of Guiding. 'I''''''"ISS ,,1 Bartlett ...... 1.00 00 H. W. Kelly ...... 2.00~. rick had On 1IC h aI I o[ t h c Ladles' Auxll. ly, thanke d t,\I~ eg on or t 1e r of E Hall and . es. . ., On Saturday night a dance was:ll" ...... Sldnner'$ !\Iarble Works as the lary Mrs. Brian Mitchell thanked cordiality and SrlendJiness manl. laO youn Iby Eddy Flynn who Is employed at The marnage of BeSSIe \\ alsh, hcld in the Town Hall, lunch was ISS •••••••• 1.00 F. L. •• 2.00 som~ w~~ ~tle~ed G7ra I~I. Go~dland Bradsha~ in many Mrs. Nelson Cor the assistance festcd at all times, and although was the (;I:der •.J t~e : e. I anc I~f Fort Pepperrell spent a holiday at ~au~hte~ of ~[r and Mrs. J. Walsh served. proceeds in aid DC ?m:er- lI E'I Whitty •••••••••• 1.00 R. ~'. Martin •• •••••••• 2.CO and· best as Mr. Nelson said, In the mining prizes for the Lucky ;;:t :~dwtl I Buehans as guest of his sister 1\~ a::!.rd K ~. sonf °I~ Mr. and town Memorial Athletic Assocla· }Ol::: S~ e~t ;1~rO:ey •••••• 1.00 Meehan &. Co. :::::::::::: 2.00 game It seemed their lot to move Elimination beln w Ie 1111'S. C. Power. rs. am. ng 0 ants Hr., lion. A good time was enjoyed by M E e a a oney •••• .50 Biss B Cullen 2.00 every fOllr yeAr. Dr so they had g on by Betty Ted Pc tel'S of the Community was at the United 11 • Iss . Murphy .•.••••• .50 IPt' & 5 ...... 100 ., Hiscock and Norman Munn Jr Churchsolemlllz~d on Oct b r 27t1 'U R a. ~liss Margaret O'Br' n e ers ons...... 1.00 ne\'Cr before been so reluctant to and Nina Forward R N dAd' iIlart Is convalescing at home fol- F 1\ B dOC I, WI 1. ev A plrtr of hunters arrived on" Ie • • . . 1.00 I $206.00 lelwe the lan,l. of theLl' adoption; rlan Battcock 0 . lowing an emergency appendec· 1'.1· bUrt GIVen Monday to hunt big game In this $254.00 les~cctl~e~; r~ g ~~iciatlng. they had enjoved living at Buc· Ing the eVelll~g the ladles ~f t~~ I tomy at Buehans Hospital. b~'I:arlr 8 c lYI ?r falther. the arr.a. In thc party was Hon. E. hans and had made many good A Y P A servcd coffee . 1\II·s. A. l'atey who ilad been e OD ked o~~ l y n a ful l S. Spencer, Minister of Pub1ic Ward No. 100CollectOl's:-~lcs. Ward Nu. 12-ColJactol':l:_ Crlends whom they would miss wiche~ ~nd I lovely ass'OO'l~~:; vlstlng lIar .daughter Mrs. George len:t~l gown. of white ~~'lon net Wor);s 1I. K. Goodyear of Gnnd dames J. Callanan and E. J. Phe· :'Ilrs. W. D. Ryan and Miss l\!. r. very milch. . of cakes and cookies Ineludil Hawkins and family 'returned last an nee 0\ til' sutln, ~ Ith Cloor Falls and others. Ian. J Ryan. During the evening the' ladles' "Ig week to her home at Port Saun. length veil, and she carued a bou· Gcorge Yetman of Grand Falls JDr'p . B. ~!urphy ...... $10.00 Most ReI'. P. J. Skinner, a special Ballowe en cake decor. der quet of whllc and yellow baby . d F 'd I ht d '11 h t Klelly 10 00 C J 1\1 committee ser\'ed cofCce and sand· aled ill black and orang d S. arrIve rJ ay n g an WI un :',[. . . • .• ••••••••. ..1., ...... •• $50.0B wlches lind the party came to a topped by an illuminated ebl~n,.. Al'thul' IIIguon stopped off at f~~~s. iltWe~ ~:rl w~s the b~ide's with the same party. They have D' P. Murphy •••••••...• 10.00 ~.t: Re\,. if. A. Summers.. 20.00 ~Iose at two p.m. cal. r . Buchans while enroute from Id ie SIS ekr 'I~r y. \\1'10 I:~sd ress· 35 their. guide Mr. Charles Perrier r. D. Simms...... 5.00 '~,lId. Brewery ...... •• 10.00 J. B. Seven Islands Ie; his home at New e n p n n,l on allC camc a bas of Buchans Junction. Dr. R. Simms ....•••••• 5.00 j"'Irs. John Facey .....••• 5.00 W. Colema III'. During his weekend visit he ket of multl·colcll'cd blooms. !\liss Regular mecting of L.O.B.A. was Dr. E. P. Kavanagh •••••• 5.00 illiss ilIar"aI'cl Pal'ker . 5.00 H. Phillips was guest of his sister and brot. Shirley Locke was maid of hon· held on Tuesday' night, guest at Dr. G. ~ro.wnrigg ...... 5.00 I W. J. ~ll~rphY ...... :: 5. Of) R. Browne her,ln.law MI'. and Mrs. Roy Dal. our and F!orcl:re Parsons brides· this meeting was Mrs Herb Whi!e ~ D. ?DrIScoll...... 5.00Iillrs. V. P. BU~'ke .....•. 5.0n C. Moore ley.. maid. TheIrII Cfgowns k of nylon Ilet of Bucilans. Aeo II 0 Marap. .... -. • . . • . . • • 3. 00 •lItr ., L Kelly ...... • . • . . • 2.00 f l\Irs. Annie Lane oC Fortune over u tn eta s irts were (las· Regular mepting or United B' k' M Ickrpomt ...... 2.00 1 "'lr. D. A. Norris...... 2.0.) Hr. motored ";om Blshop;s Falls tel shades oC .blue and yellow re· Cburch Women's Association, was B~o ~ ar .••••••••••••• 2.00 i 1\lrs. A. Kellt...... LOO BOWRING .G. Newell on Sunday to visit ber sons An. spectlvely, With matching head· hcld on Wednesday night. D ueB ~ttee ...... 2.00 I Mrs .•T. A. ;\lcKenzie ...... 1.(10 gus and James. . Messes, and e~ch carried a berib· l\Iiss Muriel Fogwill left by Sat· ~r J ~her •••••••••••• 2.00 " ~Irs. ~1. C. Jlirth ...... 1.IHI E. Wisemal !\Ir. and 1\11'5. Eric Swanson and boned nosegay. 'l'he groom was nl· urday's express for St. John's, • f!. . "reene •...•••••. 2.00 SIOa.OO D. Scel'ioUl their three children left by TllUrs. tended by Gaham Strickland and where she will undergo a short G. Fuller day's express for a holiday In St. Wi11ls GulJlfo.rd. ~ollowlng the period of training before going to CommJOttee To countries be establishcu to co·or· John's as guests of !\Irs, Swansons ceremony a leceptlOll for some Corner Brook Sana!orium where dinate and dls~emlnate informR' COLONIAL 1. Dooley. mother, Mrs. R. B. Comeford. DUr. 200 guests wal held at the L.O.A. she will be engaged 85 an Adult S d tion on thi! effects of radiation. ing his vlsll, Mr. Swanson w1l1 Hall. where dancing was enjoyed Teacher. We wish her every sue· V Among the rc.untries who woulil W. LtII"lriioJl tn Effects of T. Walsh attend the C.I.l\I.l'II. meetings. and delicious suppers were serv· ces~. w nominate scJell~'sts to the commil· J. Dooley John Parson~ of Grand Falls cd i~ burret style throughout the Mr. Max Gill spent A few days Atom ° R dO to tee would be :JIOSC represented spent a few days last week "Islt. even mg. IIIr. ~nd Mrs. King arc in town with his parents, llr. Iud Ie a Ia Ion on tile secretal~··gcne.ral's atomic IlIg his niece 1111'S. (Rev.) Brad. employed by the Buehans 1\linlllg Mrs. Wm. Gill, he left by Satur· UNITED NA'l'[O~S, N. Y. CP- adl'isory com:lIittee·Canada, Bn· fUR:-;ESS bllr.Y at tlie U.C. Manse. Co. lind hal'e taken up residence day's express for St. John·s. Canada offered Tuesday to tell I' taill. the U.S., hance, India. Bra· L. !lloores l\Irs. Winnlfred Bradbury of In the town. Rev. T. Short was here for morn· other countries what lt has learn. zil and Russia. R. ~rcGratl Bay Roberts ~ame to Bucbans by Iing service on Sunday, he return- ed about the cHects oC atomic Martin rc\'iewed steps leading last Friday's train to spend the ed to Buchans later in the day. Thl\ radiation. to this year's cstablisbment of ~ A.·~lacfarla is part of our A. Ross •• winter months with 'her son and ' HANDY METIIOD evening service was conducted by Health Mlmster Paul !\Iarlin national commIttee, consisting 01 daughter.ln.law Rev. and Mrs. I Recorded weather forecasts for lIlr. Arthur Young. told the the UN political com. cxperts from government agen· Bradbury. I tourist regions can be heard in .Dr. J. F•. Brown of Lady North· lr!ltt;e lhat "much detailed plan. eles and Cana:i:an universities. to everyday business West Germon cities by dialling a cliffe IIospltal staff was in town mng' ilas gOIl1! lnto Canada's re. study the '''publlc health prob telephone number. on Monday night attending to Mr. search on the sJbject and his gov. lem" posed by ntomic radiatloll. Harvey Stuckless of Exploits Val· ernment would be happy to sup. PLANS ARE WIDE Lending money for many different purposes is a major function Sympathy ley Royal Stores staff, who was ply data to a technical committee At a meeting last ;\1ay, this com· of the Royal Bank, so it is only natural.to come to us when you Main on 10ctober 31st. !\lrs. Broc· taken ill We are glad to report such .as that ~uggested Monday mittee had recommended til rep. kle was with her mother at the that Mr. Stucklcss is improving. by the United States. areas for sp1l'lal im-estigation: wish to borrow. A loan from the "Royal" usually costs less ••• Extended time of her plssing, whlle her sis· Dr. Brown returned to Grand Falls The U.S. proposed that a com. ;rile monctoring of certain mate.r· sometimes substantially less ••• than one from other types of . . tel' l\Ir.~. Mackinson had only reo that same night. mlttec of scientists from several lals for radioactLvlty; study of the lending institutions. . Mrs •. Robert Brock!e .and lItrs. cently lI'eturncd fl'om Hr. Main Mr. Eric Brinson left by TUe!' genetic effects of radiation; anl' Norman lItaklnson are receiving where she spent several days nt u~y's express for Corner Brook. Brook. 3tudy of the ~Ilmatlc or lmmed· F. Soper The maximum rate of interest on Personal Loans, for lhe sY?1pathy of ~helr friends on ber mother's I:.edside. Interment ~rrs. Lucy Batstone arrived home Flying Officer Reginald Green· iate erects. The health minister instance, is 6% on the unpaid balance. You do not have to be the death of theIr mother, lItrs. took place at Hr. Gracc, the de., recently after spending the summer int arrived homc by Friday's ex· said. HARVEY a depositor to borrow from the Royal Blmk. We often make E. J. Duff, which Dcc\lll'ed .t Hr. ceased's formel home. holidays at Grand Falls and Corner press to spend a few days with "Much detailEd planning ha~ G. Kenny his parents, Mr. and Mra. Allan gone Into thesJ projectll and mr Fagan loans to people who have had no previous dealings· with us. Greening. government would to happy to B. J. Norman , . Flight Lieut. G. W. Hynes DC the make data available to a special J. Walsh Tlbl. SHWS how 1Itt1. It costs to arrange a ',rsonal Loan fr .. til. ROyal I'" ------~------, Ground Observe.r Corp at Gander technical committee, such as thai was in town on Tuesday proposed by tho! United States de· '. Constable Clive Strong of R.C. legation, so ti,at We may sba!.·r. BENNETI M.P. Buchans was in town on with other member states of the C. Doyle :Monday. United Natlon3 Information on L. Greene 3 Miss Venus Sparkes, R.N. of the teehniquC1 employed Ind the J. White. Now Gillette Razlim Buchans Hospitalll!aff was In town results obtaln~ci from these stud· G. on Wednesday visiting her parents, les . • e • new shaving comfort for every type of skin and beard! . 6 Month. Mr. and }Ofrs. Stanley Sparkes. "The progress aready made In Deepest sympathy is extended my own country In Undertaking 12 Months to Mr. and 1111's. Wm. Curnew on research of this kind leads me to .. the death of their llttle son recent. conclude that other nations will ·6 Months $ 49.14 '$ .16 $ 1.34 LIGHT REGULAR HEAVY . ly. have initiated ~:mllar projects. 12 Months 4'.42 1.58 4.17 ••• fer men with " • .ili'll," ,1..;" ••• 'or m.n with GVlragtl com­ ... f." mo. who li'o tho h.ft MrI. J. S. Fogwill and her "For the reason, If only to avoid D.d for mOlty,u.,...... bl.alion olskln a.d b.a"'. and f ••1 of a h•• yi,;' ,810f, 18 Months 47.73 2.27 2.78 mather, Mrs P. A. Hartigan arrived costly Ind unnecessary duplica· home on Monday's express from t~on oC effort, It would seem de· 6 Months $ 9ui $ 1.72 $16.67 St. John's, where. they had been slrable at this stage to provide 12 Month. 96.15 3,15 8.34 spending holidays. machinery for Ihe compllatlon of 18 Months 95.46 4.54 5,56· J,lr. and 1Ifrs. Walter 1tlatlhcws scientific data on member states ·24 Months 94.11 5.89 .' ..:4.17 and Mr. and 1I1rs. Cyril Hanson of which may not ha\'e yet been wid· Grand Falls were In town on Wed. ely circulated." 6 Months " $196.56 $ 3..... '$33.34 nesday motoring o\'er the Badger to ~------'12 Mon"" 193.70 6.30 16.67 Buchan. highroad. They were . HISTORIC MINE 18 Months 190.93 9.07 "11.12 guests of J,lrs. Lucy Batstone.· Pachuca In Mexico for centuries Dr. Rb: and family arrived home has been one of the world's largo 24 Month. 118.23 11.71 1,34 est silver mines. from Corner Brook on Tuesday's express. Dr. RIll: aiso attended I There are approximately 110,008 ...;. ~~~. five day course at Halldax. domes to a mile. Other types of loans, of particular interest to individuals, are • Now you can have a razor match;ed to your face to give you available through the Royal Bank at very 'reasonable rates: shaves so'deAn, so refreshing, so lOod.looking, tbat you'll say, "This M.H,A. Mortgag. Loans to tlnanco new ho~i CD~.t~~tlDn. .- is itl" Yes, one of tbese Gillette to repair,: oxlltlng home •• J. Nt PfJlltI rd Hom. Improvem.nt Loan. alt.r Dr:oxt.~d Suptr.Spee~ Razors is just right for Alk lor 'Jplanetory bookleta at any branch. you to make shaving .. breeze. SAYS- . . Cho~se the Gillette Super.Speed ?ur D.ominlon Security Plan means that'S matched to rour face! Jmmedl3te and substantial protectic)II for loved o?es when they need it, and -If you live-it mans a retirement TH·, ROYAL a·ARK· . COIII'I.!, with dls,wer if sa,er·klil Billett. fund for you . .. ' Ilue Blades, In cOIYIIlI ••UijrIDi trntl Cllt • Ask me about "Dominion Securiyt". DIAL 2135 I'RISTO'- on • .pIK. r.lo, TWIST .gal•• V..,',tll • .ry .··.O·F . . .CANADA·· " . " ' .'. ' -,.. .' .

.... '

• I ;rHE DAILY NEWS, VvEDI"c:iDAY, NOv'. 9,.1955,:·' ...- .... -- ...... Da}ly News, ·Marathon Prizes Presentoo ,",!.!»m~~.~~~

• Rangers Have Arrived; Set To Oust Canadiens By IIIEL SUFRIN adding as ·an afterthought: "We they're not discouraged. they're Canadian Press Staff Writer think we can beat them," not downhearted, they're not NEIV YORK (CPJ-Nrw York Ranger officials were all smiles afraid." as they considered the possibility The ~oa~h said Lornt (Gump) Ran~ers' brass candidly conceded Tuesday that Montreal has prob· that lhey may have a team In the Worsley has been th~ b"ekbone oI playofIs for the first time In six Ihe team sinc~ a game here Oct. ably the best tea·m In hlK'key, but ycars. 23 when. nlthough Ule Rangers de· then had Ihe temerity to s\l~gest TIE MONTRE,\J, fealed Chicago 5·4. he admitle~: thel' mal' onst the Canadiens from Iir;'1 place In the Nallonal Hockey Tied with Monlreal in goal oul· "I stunk up the joint," In five League In the next couple of days. put. Ihe Rangers are Ihe only games since then he ha:. a1i9wed team with a bette\' than ,500 aver· only six goals. Including last Sat· The Rangers, in seclmd place age on the road. Thei: mark Is urda)"s 3·0 shutout ovel .Toronto. three points behind ~Ionlreal after Cour wins, three losses and a tic. while his mates have ~cc1"ed 14. EE RUNNERS' th 1955 . r tI I D'1 N m' rath t d 'th th . d h nne of their most SUCc~s&rnl road Including two victories ami a draw Watson said another reason lot. TOP 'rHR In e. runmng 0 Ie annua III yews ,\ on race were pressen e )VI elr awar 5 at t e Daily News trips in ~'ears, meet Mo~treal at on their most reccnt trip. The the team's success Is t:lat he has office yp.stcrday. After short speeches of congratulations had been made by Mr. L. C. Currie, Managing Director of the Daily News and \ladl!On Square· GnrdCi1 tonight Canadiens ·are exactly .500 away plenty of good centres. ine:lHling Eric G. Fomeroy. President o£ the AAU, the first place ~aily News Trophy was presented to winner Greg Doyle by Mr. Currie. Second ami Ihen j!0 to Boston tn pla~' the from home. Dave Creighton, third in the NHL d J' J k M HAL ·t M Rruins Thursday while thr Cana­ Watson wcnt back I.i ycm to ~corln!! race, Larry Popeln, Rudy' place Simon Levitz Trophy was presente to lm ac son by 1 r. . . eVl Z, ,mager o£ the firm and third place. award to Gus Lowe by· diens arc idlc. the 1939-40 Ranger team to find Horvath and Don RaleiJh·· IIII'. Pomeroy. Left toright in the photo are: Jack Howlett, Sports E~i tor, Mr. H. A. Levitz, Gus Lowe, Jim Jackson, Greg Doyle, Mr. L. C• .\ pair 01 \'Ictories 1\ lIulll put some comparison with the club's . He said his forwards have been Currie, Mr. Eric G. Pomeroy. .'" ,'. thrm alone In first plac~. an intox· pcrformlince Ihls senson. Thai checklnll and cven the usually ______I icating thought for a tc·',m that ~------=------::------, )o~sn'l Ilnlshed higher liMn fourth Ranger team. for which Watson placid Danny Lcwiekl stood up to -----~----- C dO Le ° C · I 0 ., I' played, 1I'0n the Sianley Cup after Toronto's tough Ron StcII'art Sat· N T d S ana Ian Plon ommerCl3 S pen.~_.: I • 13 seasons. ats t "'If we ~et hoi We m.~ht be In flnishin~ second and alone stage urday. CURLING ~- went 19 gamcs without a loss. I . ra e.. ars I!. /lr;1 place Thursda)' nl~hl." coach .ill·Star Bowler~ HoclTey Season Like that tcam Watson said: the Palrick summed up ;n genera , . ...'-1}. Phil Watson said at the Rnngers' terms. He said the Ran&ers have ho:kr\' luncheon. Ile m~de the ~~~I'e;~t~~ngers ha\'e "sjlirit, fight spent a Jot of money for talent CO LU MN hCIRhnadian Legion bowling team Pepperrell MalntenanCl, lilt 'j f I II' and a numbel' of pla)'cl', bl'ougbt F B H I c will meet the year's champions, .nd . r~mnient after mana)!er ~luzZ Pal· or O"SOX ope U S comm~rc.iat Harvey:~ rick had described the C3nadlens The)' respect Rocket Hiehard, IIp tuu ;oon from the farm system League all·star! In the Armistice & Co., last year'. runners·v.., .: ~. th~ "best team of super·stars .Iean Beliveau and other Montreal have finally matured into pro ______. Day games was announccd last will op.n the new eommer.'" .:, : in many ~'ears, the mO.\ colorful aces of course, he added. "but lalent. Opening day for the Curling night as follows: clat Hockey Leagu,' .lIlDn i . anrl best club in hockey loda)· ... Rink will most IIkcly be this· Sat· I Y th M t Ed Kearsey. Lance Fowlow. Leo tonight at 8.00 at the Stadium. ' urduy. November 12th, according OU DeLacey, Andy Joy, Frank The Pepperrell band will b' Commercial to the way the commlttee's pia", n . ovemen . O·Reilly. Any m.ember of the team . In aUen·dance to off.. r mual·::i Pat's Top Macpherson urrender 1~ has been n.o secret that Port· not ycl turned In tbeir uniforms .. .1. Cahill .• , •. 228 195 pionship of the HiSh School St. Pat's. They playoff today for mem b.. ers were. a 011 e. a e as two of Washmgton's old pros, erfleld was anlUOUS to ieave Wash. . game. . L, Adam~ .... 244 262 i84 690 meetmg of the executJve. These Jll'ck Verno and Bob Porler- ington. He and mananer Chuck arc requested to do so tOOlght at Fans who remember th.··· Football Leaguu yesterday arter· the crown. . Y 830 849 780 2459 noon by scoring In the' dyin~ min· Little Patl.)' Dillon lVa~ the hero and lilture members are urged to li:ld. n Dressen had been on th~ verge of ;.30 .at. the .Co~ICge. . thrlmng playoff series b.. .1. B, MITCHELL-1 utes to edge lIIacpherson Acndcm~ for St. Pat·s. About four minute. visit the club and becomc famlllar It was a 5.[or-4 deal as the Sen· an open feud a number oC times .. Fctldlan JUOlors Will hold ftn tween Pepperrell Malnten- \1'. Coleman ,.236 155 167 558 1.0. of playing time remained In. what with the rules and schedules. ators also ga\'e up left·handed and Bob reportediy tohl Griffith indoor workout tonight. anee and Harvey's last year, 11. Phillips ".184 237 209 630 the crowd expected would bc a . Club members who propose pilcher Johnny Schmitz and reo that he wouldn't pitch another year. dE· G h·le had 2 will not want to miss tonight's 167 496 soring new members are ask. serve outfielder Tommy Umphlett. for Dressen. an k ,ool . d R. Browne" •• 129 180 The Macphersol)s needed only a 'scoreless deadlock. when Dillon spon • dl t I I It Quite obviously the Red Sox are ap~ecepomts. Fran RyanTl~ s 0 pomts an first hockey game of Ihe suo C. ~Ioore .... 260 176 275 711 point to stay In the running a~d broke thrOUGh to give SI. Pat's cd to. do so Imme a. e y s nce bidding for th~ pennaot in 1956, Robert Power's 4 accounted for son at the Stadium. It prom· 838 2395 809 748 two points for the champlo.nshlp their 1·0 \,cllory, Is nn~lclpaled there Will be a walt- since the BostOn club .can't exp~ct Holy Cross And all the St. Bon's points. bes to b~ another thrlil.er. but were denied in the w~nlng Macpherson Academy tried des· Ing hst. ' too many years' service from Its ------.. -. - IlOWRING BROS.2 minutes of Ihe contest. Victory perately In the dying minutes to It is understood that the new players. r., Newell .•. 151 169 103 423 thrc~ S p , W' for the S.cots 1I'0uld have meant salvage a tic which would keep other curling clubs In Newfound. Vernon ~vlll be :8 in Apri~; I. t. at.s In In E. Wiseman •• 159 2411 163 571 the chainpionship. them In the running but time ran land have already started playing Schmitz Will be 3a later thiS ' n. Scevlour •• 210 195 235 640 A~ a result of the Patrician win out on Ihelr efforts. or will In the near future. Corner montl! ..Porterfi~ld. has been hav- G H G. Fuller .... 281 273 222 776 Brook will have its new club open Ing difficulty wlnnmg lor the last r~mmar OOp SOl 8BB 723 2410 d of the two seasons after a 22·game year . R. Squires ... 176 24!1 t hi s year on th e groun s, In 1953. Umphlelt apparently was Holy Cross and St. Pat's won rOLONIAL CORDAGE-1 794 908 ~~: 2::~ Is Blomldon Club. Grand Falls club a tbrow.in. He .came here from the junior games in the Christian Bro- DRAMATI C 1. Dooley, Jr•. 184 261 218 663 Ne\\' Buffalo Mar. has a neW seven thousand dollar Red Sox two years agC! ilnd never thers· ~rammar School Basketball ,,'. Lundrlgan .146 106 183 43:; BASE ORDNA~CE-3 /:) lounge In Its club. Bell Island has hit over .220. League yesterday. Crusadcrs top. T. Walsh ., •. 203 253 213 669 A. Smith .... 26B 193 235 690 . TelC. CAP \ _ Harry also taken to the granite and per· A.,L UNDER ~5 ped lIfount Cashel ;33·25 and the ENTRANCE J. Dooley •••. 188 165 284 637 M. Downey ... 236 239 142 617 (The Hat) Walker, who managed lodie visits are expected.· In return for these playe~s. the Patricians dropped st. Bon's 28· 721 785 898 2~04 A. Breen •••• 198 293 276 767 St. Louis Cardinals the I~tter part SI. John's mcmbers are urgent- Senators acquired three pitchers 14. ' W. Oakley ••. 216 176 242 634 of last scnson,· Monday Was an· Iy reminded to think aboul form· and two outflelder~. all 2.'i or PI" th' t d FURNESS WITHY-3 918 901 895 2724 nounced as the nell' mana~er of I r I ti I younger, but none \\'Ith much of a a) IR!! on e II es en ers I.. ~Ioom .... 226 197 241 664 Houston Buffaloes of the Texas Ing teams now n an IC pa on 0 major league record. rhe biggest court Mount Cashel kept within HARRIS &: I1ISCOCK-O League. . inter·town competitions. All rulcs name among the five belongs to tight. range of the Red an,d Gold n. ~lcGrath •• 221 203 291 715 What distinetive appeal A. King ...... 194 187 177 558 Walkcr started the season concerning practice time. and 10' outfielder Karl OIso!1, until the third quarter. Holy ero.>s A. :llacfarlane .171 168 214 553 1~55 who~ ~rif. and rich appearance your G. Barnes ••. 231 192 15R 582 as manager of Rochesler and then cal playoffs I~m be carrled out. fith has already Iabclleil \\ ashmg· led 8·6 after the first quarter anrl A. Ros~ ...... 236 347 197 780 P. Hayes .... 176 219 252 647 front entrance has with a 854 915 943 2712 moved to the Cardinals to replace Arrangements Cor practice can be ton's centre fielder. i1·10 at the haH. It was Holy B. O'ReIlly ••. 191 240 218 649 Eddie Stanky. made ,yUh Ihe chairman of the The olher outfielder Is Neil Cross ahead 24·19 at the three Weiser Key. in· knob lock rOmlERCIAL CABLES-O 792 838 806 2436 Walker had dlscusse~ .blklng over Ice committee. , Chrisl~.' a lelthander who balled quarter whistle. combined with massive n. Stapleton .174 183 107 464 Ihe managerial jJob at h'rl,nto next The next meeting of the exeeu· \.320 \\lth Nashville of the South P t W k I .'. • t I I 1~ 1642 escutcheon I Con· II. Bradle~' ... 151 142 169 463 AYRE &: SONS LTD.-3 ~'ear before deciding on Hanston. II I 730 Stern Association last year. The a a Clam s pom ~ CI W. Trlckelt ... 170 166 176 512 175 512 He succeeds Mike Rvha who has live 11'111 be he (a . on a ur·· thrce pitchers, all rlghthanders, Holy Cross. Ron Purscll added 12, venient.locking-by.knob movemenl for locking from R. Cul\more •. 193 144 been signed as a scout {or tbe day at the club. are Dick Brodowski, Al Curtis and .Jim Fitzpatrick 5 and Lc~ 'fohin B. Perry .. _.. 186 275 257 718 W. Emils .... 289 259 274 822 the in~de. Simply push kn'ob in and turn to the right. 681 766 709 2156 292 799 Cardinals next year. Walker's older Truman Clevenger. 1 point. Gerry Holman led Mount C. Boone .... 273 234 brother Dixie, managed the Buffs Chrisley, the youngest! Is 22. Cashel with 8 points. L. Warren . 181 567 J. Rice ...... 194 192 In 1954.· ~t. Bon's· rJuDI'or .Clevenger and Brodow;;kl are 23 and F. Newman had 6· points YOUR HOME DESERVES WEISER LOCKS BROOKFIELD ICE CREAM-·2 949 829 922 2700 ... and Olson and Curtis 25. . D '" 4 d F K· \., Soper ..... 313 278 214 805 STANDARD MNFG.-O .BAVARIAN BREWERY-2 Griffith asserted that the deal aple~e. ., arrcn an . IRg .I. Lalte ••••• 179 297. 165 641 D. Jeans •.•. ;241 209 244 694 P. }'reneh .... 26B 186 242 696 Hockey Meeting was being arranged hdore the 1 POint. , K. Reynolds .. 256 227 182 665 E. Abbott .... 246 153 Hi6 555 n. Blundon ... lB4 127 197 508 • .. . death last month of Clark GriUitil, On the st. Pat.s court thc Green F. Soper .... 201 245 229 675 G. Raynes ••• 103 158 255 516 C. Locke' ., •• 199 .181 205 585 • . from whom CaMn assumed the and Gold led com.fortably all the 949 1047 790 2777 L. DeLaeey .•. 152 258 199 609 E. Ryan •••••. 206 157 155 (ilB SI. Bon's junior hockey team club's mantie ,Ias,t week. wa~. Alter the first quarter SI. HARVEY &: CO.-l 742 778 854 2374 857 651 799 2307 will hold an Important meeting BIGGEST NAME Pat sled 12·4 and were ahead 18·9 234 583 ELAIDE 1II0TORS-l' tonight at 7.00 at the College. All The Sena~ors' manager. Chuck at the half. Patricians held a 22· G. Kenny ; ... 164 185 AD Dressen sald.he hated to let Ver- 12 d nt t th d f th 224 598 . I d R. Fagan .,' .154 220 GEO. NEAL LTD.-2 ,C ." Ronayne 178 232 137 547 players . arc I requestedth' birthto at en non .'go. "H e' s one of U·Ie mcer thirda quarterva age a e en a e J. Norman ... 176 231 216 623 A. Fogwill ... 209 173 189 571 R. Corbett ... 220 182 200 602 and brmg a ong elr cer· felloWS and a good team player. • . .' • . J. Walsh .... 289 219 231 739 W. Neal ...... 140 139 231 510 W. Malone ••• 199 196 173 568 .tlflcates. ,J>layers without bona In this trade we either h~u to give Erl~ Cooper led ~t. Pat s With 905 2543 783 855 A. Prowse .... 183 171 285 639 III. Kavanagh .160 174 238 572. fide birth certificates will not be up VernOn or nO trade.' • 12 pomts. Fran.k Smith had 6, Bob 207 713 757 784 748 2289 permitted to play, Vernon Is obviously the biggest Roberts and Jim Emberley had 4 BENNETT BREWING CO.-2 1\1. Savage ... 283 223 912 2433 I . I· 2' 209 214 669 815 . 706 , C. Day e ..... ,6 T •. 'I "'INTER 1 • G 169 185 193 547 ... II. " - L. reene.". 0B F • B rown .... 137 236 242 61.5 J. We.....hit 189 344 175 7 T P 164 ?1'O 196 570 "8·t 2'2 196 722 • ower. • • . N G. Wa dd en ... M" , 0 132 ?28 171 531 888 980 778 2646 T. wens. . • . N 262 .736. EVENING TELEGR,\M-1 R. Hennebury ~20 254 CAREER M·EN IN J{HAKI u53 928 871 U52 the Signal. Operator E. O'Neill •••• 221 207 246 674 "Get it there first; hut lirst, get it right." 63N J. lIIurphy ••• 182 282 168 59'9' AYRES SUPER:\I(\RKE'f-3 Signals - nerve system of the Canadian Army - a high-speed, J. Ryall ,_ •••. 215 170 214 H. Ash •••••• 237 209 220 666 accurate combination of radio networks, telephone lind telctype K. Fallon .... 278 207 179 664 systems and motorcycle despatch riders • .------~ C. Adams .... 163 222. 242 627 The Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, with other elirps, olfeu D. Hogan •••• 140 242. 201 583 hlmdreds of good-paying, li/etime careers. The opportunities for 818 880 842 2540 The Anny r~quire~ men of rdi;>.bie advancemcnt, spccir.1 training and travel are many. A visit to your charader and ·stability - ;>.ble READ, SON W. & LEITH-O Army Rcc\1liting Slation will soon show, without obligation, how, to pan special Army te~t5. N. Porter ••• 137 201 136 474 YOII can lit in,· .. M. 'Vhelan ... 155 181 177 513. Remember, In the Arm)' ),ou team up with men lind leaders K. Grant ••••. 170 180 242 572 To be ~ligible YOIl must he 17 to you can rely on - right down the linc. I . E. Hunter ... 228 \!42 214 684 . ,'(0 ye;>.rs of Age, .kill.d \r!Idesmen to 690 . 804 749 2243 . 45. When applying brin!: birth oerliScate Dr other proof of age. GREAT EASTERN 0IL-2 SERYE CANADA.A.ND YOURSELF IN THI ARMY C. Lush ••••• 273 207 136 616 .. Apply right IlWIIY. Write, 'phone C. King ...... 2Q6 217 238 661 No. 12 Personnel Dcpo~, Buckmaster's Ficld. st. John's. Nfld.-Telp­ ., Dr visit the Army Recruiting Station phone 7021. Local. 8 or Army Recruiting Station. 431 Water Street, nearest your home. P. Chaulk ... 116 166 190 472 St. John's, . Newfoundland •. G. Hlndy .. ·.. 158 175 237 570 753 765 801 2319 B, IUr' to Ite "ValeUne • , .. 'he e:rei/illg TV Show - C. R. BELL-1 ",W T. Barron .... 186 165 180 511 ,eery other Friday Night. E. Snow .....173 169 127 469 G. Kelly .... ; 155 231 247 633 C. At klns •••• 228 262· 144 634 • 742 827 678 2247

PARKERS-2 M. Hall' ...... 234 19B 231 661 J: Power .... 129 150 190 469 :Sp~e~ J. Birmingham 330 148 239 717. 228 262 785 Ro1I~~ with ••• L.· su\1lvan ' .•. 295 722 922 2632 'ALLWEATHER' '. 988 Waterproof Paper PERLlNS-l , . "I - R. Noseworthy 179 193 266 638 Ex Ira mild • • • f W. Gillard .. ,284 210 183· 677 E. Casey .••. 236 . 225 ,.182. 641 '.. f~r exIra .njOYIIIIIJ'. B.. Evans ••• : 186 210 :207 609 ( ., IHi ~., I \II,,·,. ttl I fHI BB3 844 838 2565 THE ~'. Iil~2 _____~ ______------~------_~TH.;;.E_D..;.A,;.;.;ll;.;.Y..;.N_~"",,;;S';...W;...E_D..;..N;.;.ES;.;;.D..;..A...:y,:~N....;O~V;.;. . .;.:9';...1..;.9~S5 - i Lover Blackmails .'1 . .- ;1 : ...... __ bit duty haa incurred the dlsplea· Still Practice First'F eeder !i I[ ------1\. . PARAMOUNT sure of the captain, ty,rannlcally CORNWALL Brunette " 'I Sh .,. T S portrayed by Jomes Cagney. The Witchcraft Cattle, Sale ~" OW, S' 0:' ee captain, ellger ror promotions and 'T.ri-morrOlr HAMILTON CP-A willowy ~ \ NOlO' Playing honors, such as the potted palm Proves Success brunette who nas her former boy »i-I "MR. ROBERTS" WITH tree presented him as a sign of ~lurdersBy ASTLEY HAWKINS friend in court for blackmail said ~i I HENRY FOND,A, achievement it: loading and un· "SHARK RIVER'~ . JAMES CAGNEY, loading cargo,' refuses .to relhl' IN !=OlOR M~ERU, Basutoland (Reuters) MONCTON, N,S., Nov.-The first. Tuesday sh~ s?ve .1Iim money to -:-Wltchcraft mutders among AI· sale of New Brunswick feeder recap lure IllS lOve. WILLIAM POWEll qulsh his llOld tn Mister Roberts :'\ ,i ST AR CAPITOL . The sensatlOl,u.1 Broadway com. despite tlle. combined efforts of The alligator.infested jungle of rlcans who" use hUp\an flesh "and cattle held In Moncton recent!. Audreq Brintnell, 27, said ~he I blood for prosperity p01\0ns In d tI I f I 1~5 Volunta£l1y ga"e Merln Washmg. l~ i hit "Mlstc:: Roberts" has been the crew and Ihe othcr offlce!s to the Flordla Everglades is the col· primitive rituals are sm being ~ro~e fen t~f y succe91~ u. d I ton, 30, a six·foot·!oot·two shoe· ;11 To-morrow 'I eld Over brou ht to lh~ screen starring persuade him ntherwlse. Roberts' orM but ever·threatenlng setting r~ported in tWs British East Af· deda.ti 0 ca c wedre fSO an, n shine boy. her pay envelope of I' H g F da J Ime Cagney Wll. eventual transier and the rise of for the new adventure dirama, 2O h rlcan protectorate despte all con· a I on, e~ 0 pure·bred . . :.1 _ - 1I:~rypo!~ll '''~d J~ck Le~mon. Ensign Pulvea,. Jack Lemmon, "Shark River," which will open tacts with white civllizaUon and breeders, all Shorthorns. The $32 and 52 0: $3 a week for a :, . IUD AIIOTT, LOU DEAN MARTIN, Produced by Lr.land Hayward for from passive to active partlclpa. tomorrow at t.he Cornwall Thea· police action 10 end them. average price paid for the prize year to comp.cte with two otber C! : . COSTOllO, IN "COMIN' J'SRRY LEWIS, IN "YOU'I\E W er Bros "Mister Roberta" tlon in the affairs of the ship com· tre tI!rough United Artists release. Basutoland's "medicine mur· feeders was 13.7 cents per pound. women who were giving him de~s" have been recordztl by ~he This feeder ca!t1e sale was an money. j ! ROUND THE ,MOUNTAIN" NEVER TOO YOUNG" ha~r~n fi1~'ed in ClnemaScope prlses the'ma;n plot of the com· The picture, which was filmed In pohce since 1895, when the firs t' I d I . She said she went to police at· ,;: _' and Waner.Color. John Ford and edy. Son,te la~gh highlights are brilliant color on location In tlle judgment officially flied descrbed en Ire '1. new ev]. opment m New ter Washington forced $200 and ;; , IPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Mervyn LeRov direCted. The high. llIe, crew s firs. sohire leave, Pu\· fqrbldden rece~~es of the southern ho\".," a man wa" "slaughtered like Bru.nswlck,t th and to assist In the a TV set from lier by threatening :.! . "Min CralY" bave ach!o1vcd the . Impossible. Iy.heralded comedy opens today vcr s romantic r.ncounter with a swampland, stars Steve Coehiran a beast." Toda)" "medicine mllr p~~Jec e Canadian National to lell her sick father of their in· , , With a long lille of the lfInnlest Th I sextet of nurse.; and "Doc's" bome Carole Mathews and Warren Ste: der" Is just as bestial and remains Railways offered the use of Its i . at the Paramount ea reo I b d S . bl f II t k limate relationship. ;;' Only rarely does the screen pIctures ever'made already be- "Mister Rol)t',rts" takes place rewe cotl\ whiskey. vens. the most se~iou5 pro em or ves DC \nnsit feeding sheds. 1\1lss Brintnell said she realiz· Baslltoland police. Ten years ago these sheds housed ~: ! present ~ucb a pentratlng and ex. hind them, this great team has aboard a navy cargo ship, the In the title .role of the film Is Clay Webley (Warren Stevens) DON'T FEAR PUNISH.\IENT !he' first Fat Stock Show h' h ed then that Washington had had 'I ; cilin ••tory as "Man Crazy," It's now come up ~lth "You're Never USS Reluctant. which has been Henry Fonda who~reated the a returning Civil War veteran per· Nearly 150 such murders have bas since become the highl; s~cc. no affection [or her .. :i . an: amllin. !\rama of y~uth to. Too Young," .. film bigger and given the nickname of "'The Buc. role on Broa'lway In the play suades his brother Dan, played been uncovered by Basutoland cessful Marltlm W· t F' P. .'\ . day. • • written In shame and runnier than .,I'Y of their previous by the crcw Lieutenant Ro. written by Th~'mns Heggen and by Steve Cochran, to escort him police In the last 60 years, more e In er air held :I : .hoc~, tean and tragedy, truth smash hits. Trrre seems to be no second i't dommand, yearns Joshua Logan. Fonda "enlisted" and a wounded friend, played by than hnlr of tbem in the last 10 each fall In Amherst, N.S., '[ ; lnil terror. "Man CrazY" opening limit to the 9mount of laughter for more active sea duty and In Into the stage hit soon after his Robert Cunningham, through the years. Higher ligures in recent ROBERT YOUNG , ; . tomorrow at tbe Star Theatre, In. these two can nlng from a comic his efforts to, transfer Into com. discharge from actual naval ser· Everglades to the Gulf of Mexico, Basutoland's "medicine mur· T!:.:?re are 11B2 different kinds! ! , .' troducel five new personalities situation,' vice In the ~ame rank as that of where tlley will embark for Cuba. ders" have been recorded by the of forest trces in the United IN 1 Ri ) . thi'L you '~1l1 . be talking about, "You're Nf\'er Too Young," on a pair or water skis, towed the fictional "Mister Roberts." He During the trip through the un· police since 1895, when the first States. . I There is It ; Lovely Cbrlatine White, Irene An. which opens tomorrow at the a mlle·a·minute clip behind the helped establish the show as the explored and treachetrous Ever· judgment officially iiled described how • man was "slaughtered like Heraldry now 15 known th 'l .' deia and Coleen Miller are tern. Cnplto! Theatr!!, Is bursting with motorboat of. nn escaping killer, biggest hit of the season, Which glades, they encounter' alligators, S "FATHER present such a pentratlng and ex. laughs, from the chuckle to the with Dean M~ rUn flashing ·along enjoyed a ru~ of more than 1000 moccasin snakC's, the ever pLesent a beast." Today, "medicine m?r· "scIence of armorial beari:g " e J del''' is 'list as bestial and remams . S• ; Brand and John Brown afect their belly variety, flom the moment in hot pUfsU!l. In a racing boat perform~nces en Broadway. swamps and hostile Seminoles. the most 5e~lous problem for beer drinking. .! . lives deeply, In the Twentieth the picture be~hl5 through its riot· wild? BUl then .J~rry L~wl. James Cagney, In his role of They also met a young widow Basutoland police. • The victim may be waylaid or KNOWS Gi!Jltury.For r"lcase. See "Man ous, never.lo.bl' forgotlen climax. just standing RtUl. Is the most the captain, r~portcdly turns In (Carole i\Iathew's role) and her. DON'T FEAR PUNISHMENT lured into an ambush, betrayed I Crazy" at the Star Theatre nowl HoW could yO!! forget Jerry Lew laugh·provoklng figure In thl' a laugh·provnldng performance five year old son, played by Speno Nearly 150 such murders have even by relalives who submit to\ • . business. . as he bellows and struts In his eel' Fox, who are living In priml· been uncovered by Basutola",1 the murder of husband or wile BEST" The stotY of this wonderfully portrayal of the captain with the live fashion n the swampland. police in lhe last S? years, more brother or sister. throuoh fear oi yarn Is nne of the fastest pet potted pair.! tree. . 'fhe Seminoles, ever wary of than hal£. or the!? III the last 10 or loyalty to a chief. Various parts, SU~DAY, 6:30 (JON·TV moving the pail havc ever done. Returnln~ to Warner Bros. for whitc men, IIttack the lirio duro years. Higher figures III recent Dr the body or blood are taken \ \~ Dean and Jerrv are the unwlltlng the first tllnll since his award Ing the tortuol's fear·rldd t k years reflect .bette~ m.ethods of through cuts or incision~, usuaUv I) detection, and rather belore the victim die5. In one Presented by' ,! 11,,:orrl!'NI of a fHbulous stolen dla· winning performance in "llife which the YOII'n~ widow :~d r:e; m"e~tJgalton t than an)' unusual mcrease In. the recent case, the unborn child was I DU PONT NYLON planted on them by the asWith th Father"b 'g "01& William" Powell son join . 'I'hey n18 nage' 0 reac II , n an e r.r 0 ge t It pa~ t e elll n oC. till! safety of a Gulf town, but murders, long a part of Afncan removed -",fr~o~m~a;;;y~o~u~ng~v.~'o~m~a~n.~~~~;;:;;;:;::::::::::::==~ • *~STAR I rr I t life. ---iii j * lire police. ThE Y get It past, all As Enslgl.1 PU!\'er, Jack Lem· only after Clay had been slain I ------Many Baslltos ha"e been found direct by righi, but thp.~ their troubles be· mon reportedly climbs the com· and the travelers endured ma guilty and executied. {or .""!ed· which is gin. With the tlllef aller them. edy heights promised in his- pre· hardships. ny 1 iclne" killings. But tillS has. failed for c~mp;l TO·MORROW Is forcct<. to pose as an el· vlous roles opposite Judy H011l· 'I'lle far rcc f b f to deter oUlers from re';crting to · J I I csses n never· e are Vogue 011 d I even,yc3r.o!d to escape. ay n " l S I"U d Happen To filmed t' [I E torbidden heathen practices when St. John" LAUGHS •• The pose, as you can Imagine You," and ""hrHt." In "?llIstel were c:e~u~~~~ I~ a~r s \.~~glades they believe that their prestige. Is threatened or life needs somethmg Dr. H. r, Is not too effertlve, and Its gets Roberts" Lemmon Is tIle hapless beauty ~y th I It P Imlti~ Dnlled girl Into trouble since she junior officer ... ·hose "plots" aga· th C I c!'I co o.r cameras 0 of their own "magic" touch. "Medicine murders" are believed PIIII fiex. t7 15 the naive t:.'pe and believes Inst the captai!l provide many of cae dU~i~~ t~rpol~~~n of :m ri' to date back t~ the days or tribal NlWFOUNDLAND'S fRIENDLY THIAT •• and no ~ne else does. Then the laughs aboDrd "The Buckel."" . e " on! 00 109 warfare among African natives, .. __ . --_._------Is traplled In the all.glrls "J\II~ter Roberts" was written of t S.h~~k d RI~r. h ~thers in the when It was traditional for vic· school were' Dean and his girl for the screen by Flank Nugent ~~~I ~c u e ul oreman and torious warriors to take flesh or teach and new troubles are add. and Joshua Logan. The music for I' Iper. ~.I'le orglnal screen· blood from defeated enem:es on the A grown.up eleven.year,old the fltm was ~omposed and con. p ay was written by .Joseph Car- battlefield for strange rites. HELD OVER Is faLt game for the luclou! teen. ducled by Fra'lk Waxman. . penter and Lewis JIIeltzer. Jolln Today, the victim may be any' age. studcnts, and their amorOUS Rawlins prour.ed lind directed one. . Class in recent vedrs have IN involved an AIrican mission cler· puruslt of Jerr~' callses RS much P' earson Tours t_he-:--p_Ic_tu_re_.------gyman, !e youth tcd for his , as the thief's. Add a de· Pearson f u 1 fill e d a boyhood gyman, a youth noted fO.r his Ughtfully mlxed·up four·way roo Kvber Pass dream by seeing at first hand the physical strength, an lRsane mance and you ge\ the kind of famous trouble spot storied in ad· woman, a smaIl girl, a yOllng . II Comin' compllcatlons that will keep you • \'enture and hl~tory books. woman who Was pregnant and a , holding your sides to prcveht By C. R. BLACKBURN Along the way ho receivcd greel· Woman who had jast i!iven birth. them fll'om spt!ttlng. Canadian Press Staff WrIter ings from tribal chieftains with spe. "Medicines" made from human PESHAWAR, Pakistan (CP)- clal thanks to Canada for contri· flesh or blood may be required to t Vivacious and lovely co.stars Canada's External Affairs Minister bulions toward the construction of I Rou~d The Mountain" "heal" a whole village of evil r Diana Lynn Imd Nina Foeh pr()o Pearson, nearing the cnd of his six. tlJe Warsak dam' now underway influences, to Improve the status vIde the rom'lcticentanll!ements, week global tour, Monday drove and expected within Ihrte years to of a chief, to counteract the ap· and Raymond Bun', II the men· over the storied Khyber pass to bring watl!r w thousands of acres pointment of an unpopular chief Special :Added Attraction ace. They add dramatically solid the Afghan border which currently of now arid hinds in Illc Feshaware or to protect crops from hail dam· .Iames 51 performances to Dean and Jerry's Is reported bri~Ulng with warlike area as well as power for indus· age. Also-UP.TO.THE.MINUTE NEWS ;\lr. and zany antics. Tlte score of' thb tension. tries. Invariably, It h 1 chief or vil· J'~ll .. EVENING 7 O·CLOCK-9.00 Vision, 'J.'echnlcolor spe'cta. The Canadian minister and 'his Pearson and his party flew here lage headman who selerts a vic· snows: Charles cular Is terrific lind tlle danccs party saw two uniformed border from Lahore Monday. After In· tim on the advice of a tribal witch· )Ir. and extraordinary. You can't go guards durIng their visit bllt this specting the Warsak project this doctor and plots the murd~r, which MATINEE Z P.M. wrong with "Yhu're Never Too was not considered unusual. All morning, ihey will go to Karachi. is IIsually committed at nil!htln a fio~' through the pass native Pakistani From there they continue to Cairo, remote place by a band of the ADMISSION PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: "Ii~5es D, Young," unless yo'.: just don't like go armed Rnd armed troops are Paris, London and on home to OL· Dwyer chief's followers aller R session of ClIILDREN ...... 351 to laugh and !yugh and I~ugh I constantly o.n guard everywhere. law a. Nov. 15. EVENING-ADULTS ...... 750 ClIILDREN...... %5c TIMES OF SHOWS: MATINEES-ADULTS ...... 500 "COMING 'ROUND TilE lIIOUNTAIN'! 1 O'CLOCK-9.30 ------_._----- !')IAN CRAZY"-tI.l& NEXT ATTRACTION MATINEE I P.M, . ' IIETTY GRABLE-SHEREF. NORTH-BOB CUl'tIl\nNGS­ 10.4~New!. 1l.OO-Sport!cast. CHARLES COBURN In "HOW TO BE VERY. VERY ------~---~----- 1l.15-Clllb Time, New!. POPULAR"_SONGS-IIIUSIC-CINE;lIA5COPE. - NEXT ~TTRACtION CIN 1.00-News In a Minute 811d "DOWN THREE DARK STREETS" 'WEDNESDAY, November 9th. CJON · TV Tonight Closeqown. _ WEDNESDAY, November Mh. 8.00-Vlc Obetk. CJON .:=~~~====::::::::::::::::::::::::::;~::::::::======- .7,3fi-Top7,3D-Slgn ofOn. the eBC Morning. Ne\l'I. 8.30-1 Lo,'e Lucy. WEDNESDAY, November BtL 8.DD-CBC News and Weather. 5.00-Kld Show. 8.15-Muslcal Clock. 5,30-Howdy Doody. D.OO-Scene!. ... 9.00-Mornlng Devotion •• S,OO-Brookfleld Branch Time. 9.aO-Jackle Rae, 7.00--Wakl up and Live, New •• 9.l5-Program Preview. IO.OO-Drama. . U5-Strength lor the Day. 8.3O-Hickman.Bowrlng ShoW. 7.3D-News, Bob Lewis Show. O.2D-Organ StyIlngs •. 10.3D-Moderator 9.3D-Melody Scrapbook. 1.0D-To Be Announced. D.D5-Final Year. lO.OO-Know Your Newfoundland, U(I-Early Show. Il.OO-News. 9.4~Women's New ••. 10.1D-Hit of tbe Day. 10.0D-Newt: 10.2fi-CBC News. 10.0l-Parade of Hits. 10.15-What's on my Mind? lO.3D-Trlple Treasurl. 3.00-Dollars on Parade, 6.4~News. IO.4fi-BBC Variety. 3.5S-News. 7.DD-The Barrelman. 10.30-Who Am 11 n.lS-Schoo! Broadcasts. 7.3D-Rendezvous with Rc;cords. 10.45-The Joan Blanchard Show. T'O-MORROW 4,OO-Newfollndland Pande. 10.50-1'arade of Hils. . 1l.45-Reglna McBride. 4.55-News. B.OD-Canada At Work. 12.00-Announcer's Choice. 5.00-.Junior Jamboree. S.3()-Pcnthouse Party. n.OO-News. 12.1fi-D1nner Bell Breakdown. 5.30-Allut Anna's Story time. . 9.0()-Room 25. • n.DI-BIll lUng Show. r----'- .. 12,311-~'llrm Bruadcast. 9.3D-Come A·CaUinr. 11.15-'l'ennessee Ernie. ,5.40-Suppcr Serenade. 11.30-Imprisoned lIeart. I NOW. PLAYING 12.45-Aunt Lucy. D.DO-News and Weather. 11l.OO-Llberacc. I 1.00:...Mld Day Serenade. 6.25-Lost and Fouud. Ib.:lO-One Night Stand. • 1O.45-My Olher Love. 1.l5-Laul·a Limited. 12.00-News • NO 'IIbite tAall "'. S1)(-VEAI' STAal SMASH 1.SO-CBC News and Weather, 12.DI-Bob Lewis ShoW. 12.15-Billy O'Connor Show. inr Ctnsstd \U ..._----ON THI aCftlUNI _ ....._--"" 1.45-Doyle Bulletin. ./i: 2.0D-Your Good Neighbour •• 11-______Literary ----Lesson ....· ., Answer to Previous Punle 12.30-Ncws. NO Red Man ittt 2.15-Words and Music. 12.35-Bob Lewis Show. 2.3D-School Broadcast. 1.00-News. ~e\l'uted Re~Q\ld \t \ 2.4fi-The Happy Gang. A(lItOSS '. 2 "For- tOI-Frank Parker Show. Ufi-Man Around the HOllse. Amber" 1.l5-News. tlO [\ltertainme\l\ IAu t hor,;""- 8Wh t P • 3.30-Tl'ans Canada Matinee. FrankUn . a oe s 1.3D-Bchind the Scenes. ivet [quailed \tl 4,SO-CBC News, 4 Book part raven said 1.35-Sports Parade. 1.40-Bargain Hour. . 4.3S-Tlmely Tunes. 8 Narrow board 4 Outmoded 4.45-ChUdren's Story. 12 HaUl 5 Toward the ~~;~~~ U5-.Mantovani Melodies. 5.lS-Muslc of t he West. 13 Landed sheltered side, 2.00-New5. 1I.30-Flsheries Droadca!t. 14 Wan 6 Large beam 2,Ol-Perry Masnn. 5.45-Klndergarlen of the Air. 15 Bulgarian '1 Frencb 2.l5-Road of LUI!. 6.00-lntermeuo. 2.30-Mal!nel! . ~ coIn "sununer 6.25-Program Preview. 18 Evening 100/lS 8 Extra . 25 Love god ,40 Intermediate I a.OD-News. . " .. .. ~!-~ 6,3D-Supper Guest. 18 Attired 9 J,oad • 26 "Canterbury 41 Serfs 3.01.,...Housew!\·es 'club. 6.4S-!\Iuslcal Programme. 20Uprlgbt tollish sauee _" 42 Flat-bottemed 4.0D-News. 7.00-,CBe News and Weather. 21 Fish ellS 11 Try 27 Traveler boat 4.05-Spot the Slar . 7.1/h-Curtaln Calls. 22 otherwise 17 Wise 28 Sboshonean 43 Pueblo Jndlan 4.l5-Ranch Party. _~P~~INEM.tScO~ WA~NE~~ 7.30-Tops Toda)'. 24 His pen name . counselor Indlna! 441ndlvlduab 5.00-News, '7.45-Doyle Bulletin. WIIJ Ella 19 Serious 29 Peel 46 French river 5.01-Record Shop. 8.1S-A Newfoundland story. 26 Horse'. lIalt 23 Mlsplnces 31 Lowest 47 Weird 6.0D-News. 8.30-Rawhlde. 27 Younl dOl 24 "Lavender 33 Birthmarks 48Wlthcrcd 6,OI-Bulletin Board. :&. rnMMON 8.4fi-Introduetion to Wednesday 30 One-celled . and old _,I 38 Get free 50 Rodeot 6.1fi-Sporls Parade. .fi·. 6.25-News. nlgbt. 'WIJD IOIID' MCAlrfolim.. P\aJ b, FRANK I'I1.1GIHh" DlUA I.OGAlI animal 1m,. 9,OO-Concert Band • 32 Musical 6.SD-HospitalitY Time ...... ,., _ 'IIIOIIAI ~Id ... JOSIIUALOGAH I'RODIlCID B'/ . 6.45-Johnny Napoleon. IDIOO-]n Parenthesis, composlUOl1 ...~ _ ,ORD ...... BRVYN LEROY . Roundup and Midweek Re­ 34ADlmal 7.00-NewB .. LELAND HAYWARD view. 7.01-Courtshlp and Marriage...... -~ " enclosurt A/so-UP.TO-THE·MlNUTE NEWS ...... - 12.0D:-Close Down. 35 Rubber 7.15-Program Report. Also-UP.TO.THE·MINUTE NEWS 36Before . 7.3D-New •. 370baerveJ 7A5-The Rlaht to HIPplnesa. TIMES OF SHOWSI a9E15enUal 8.0D-New •• EVENING SHOWS: 1.15-9.15 . TIMES OF SHOWSI . VOCM . being . B.OI-Spotlight on the Sian. WEDNESDAY, November 9th. a.I5-Echoe. From Yesterday. EVENING 1I110WS: U~9.0n 40 Ml1Itary' mtB,lm-.;tt++-m 8.aD-Eddle Cantor. ~!.'-l!~;\::f.S: M.ONDAY - TUESDAY - WED;':I. 41 "Someth\!la 9.00--News. MATINEE I Uf, 7.00-Breakfalt Club, New •• About·...:,.... 9,Ol-Album of FavourlteJ. THURSDAY - FRIDAY 1.30 8,3D-Hlt of the Day. Foot appUel "__ I-li-J-I--J-­ '2 9.15-Hall of Fantasy.' SATURDAY I O'CLOClt .. . '. ~ . 8.35-News. \n TriJonomc.-IrY ... 9.45-Dosco New •• ADMISSION PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENTI Mil-Name the Newfoundlander. . 1w)cUOna lO.oo-News. . EVINI~o-ADVLTII ;...... 150 VDILDREN .... "...... SS. 9.0D-A Date with Denys, ' JO.OI-Through the Sports Parade. 9,1fi-No Lullaby for Llza. "51 Beltrict:TUm rll'bt MATUI.ADULT. "...... 1I0a CBILDBEN ...... "...... 150 lO.15-Strlctly Private. . 9.3D-A Date wltb Denys. 52Une1osl' .. 1O.45-Barry Wood Show. LAST TIMES TO-.DA Y " 9.45-BurLoJi. of Banner Sl. 53 Church ',Imrt H.IlO-News. ID.DO-News. • DtGoQ~Y 55Safe .. 11.01-Natlonlll New .. BOB HOPE in 10.05-A Date with Denys, IU5-Sports Par,de. 10.30-Adopted Son. IS Golt mounds 11.30-1 Was a . Communist for .-NEXT AT·TRACTION· 17 Cereal .ltam "CASANOVA'S BIG NIGHT" .; \ .. lO.55--New8, Club 'time, . the F.B.I. , WALT ~I~NEY'~ "LADY ~ND THE_ TRAMP'~-THE FIRST· 12,3fi-Mutiical Menu. ~WN l2.00-News, Houseparty. 1.3D-News. I Vnado1zled . 12.55-Prayk ALL-CAITOONJ'!~TV~I IN ClNEMA8COPE. U5-Tunes for Today. wUIlbalr . 1.aD-Queel IRd Sian Off, 2.00-Matlnee. l----.:_-_··c" ,.~. ,...... 2.55-:-N ewa. THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9, U5!1

HOLMY! HAY!: 'rOU I HAVE NaT ~ I FOli:GOTTEI-J? ~TAPLellN W4'50N! cooe AJ..O\Ie! IS E~TAII-JI/J(; ~IR. HeJ~Y AT PINNER " This Page ·Is Presented "1ON161lT ! with the " " Of Compliments. The Great Eastern Oil· Company limit~d

Jacoby Ou Bridge :: :: 'Wales (ollege ~;:~~:~I ~e::ud~ ~: 1~.. ~~ WEST DOUBLES P• of , . ~i~lS~:~~~::Z)'~~S:: H~ WITH OPTIMISM -I nk ( amp a'.-, g' n lIlrs.Wl1Jlam Wilfred Roberts Osmond •. ••.,.. •• 5.001.00 NORTH 10 Miss Beatrice Pelley .... 5.00 .AJ5 lIliss Pearl Carpenter •• •• 5.00 ¥J 104 R + AJ5 There is another lisl of Impres. Harry Dwyer ...... 1.00 Miss Irene. Ford ...... 50 .KJ72 ~iI'e contributions to the Prince Garfield Dyl(e 1 00 Mrs. David Ford •• •• ••. 1.00 \\1£s1 un EAST oC Waies College rink fund ac. Capt. Jesse DYk~ :: :: :: :50 William Petten •• •• ••• 10.00 .73Z • K Q 10 9 as 4 k.noll'ledc today. The contrihu. Neison Collingwood •• ,. 50.0(1 W. c. :wilton, •• •• •• •• 5.00 ¥KQ .,73 ed • KQ9?4 +2 \1ons are topped by one donation Heap & Partners Ltd. ••• 25.00 F. E.' Best Co., Ltd. ,. •• 100.00 .AQ3 ",8114 fur 250 dollars f~om the 1Iome James MeLoughlan .. ... 10.00 Mrs. R. Hayes ...... 2.00 SOUTH and School Association. Fred Bradshaw 500 Edgar Parsons •• •• •• •• 2.00 Olher big donations Include 1110 Miss Pearl Ha)(;'~rd' :: :: :50 Wilbert C. Hiscock •• ••• 2.50 • None9 dollars from the United Nail and Ellis peet •. .. •• •• •• 10.00 Miss Ann House ., •• •• 20.00 ¥ A 8 e35 Z 1 F?~nd~" C100 do~~rs d :rom ·Mr. Herman Bryant •• •• •• •• 1.00 ~~r. an~ ~r5. ~rian ~oweJ1y 1.00 : t~: ~ i' nlC !ar ramdm, 0 0 ars (rom Chesley Bryant •...... 1.00 'Ir. an d ;,5. a~uc "I'a 1.00 North-South "ul. F. 1::. ncst an Company Ltll., anll Mr. and Mrs. Willinm " r•. an "rs..,. a u r c e st Y 11!lO dollars (rom Mrs. W. F' Bryant.. .. .• •• ••• ].00 D ..... , .. 2.00 ~i;o I Hcltfrl~ ~b r. f;:'~ ~.' ~;tb lltllc unson. I !'.liss Mary Mooi'e •• •• .• 10.00 u a 0 s.. •• •• •• 1.00 Double Pass Pass Pass ~ICanl\I\'hiiC. yloll arc reminded Wesley LeGrol\' .. .. .:. 2.00 CGlalrfYr Hdo~erl" ., • 00' • 2.00 Opening lead-+ K ~ Ihat a don at ons can be made Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lcnr 10 Dr .. oe •• •• •• •• 1.00 ): dir~d b~' YOIl. Simply dial 2100 SHmuel LeGrow ...... 2:0~ i~r~liand ~Ir~. ~ilf Vincent 1.00 By OSWALD JACOBY io( I/) "hlch is. the lelephone number George Lethbridge •. .•. 5.00 ~I~ ey I ~:r a~ aeo'b .. •. 10.00 Wrilten for HEA Servici '$ C) for campaign head11llarters at The Mr-s. Auburn /.cthbridge.. 5.00 ~II. a~(l' j l'sK'1 b BOllrne .1\.00 '''cst Illoulo'II'S have doubled .A C) Vogue 011 Water Street here In Cyril LeMessuricr •• .• .. 10.00 "r5. " ICC r y •• •• o. 5.00 ' "" ::> 51. John's. !\liss Alice Lever •• •• •.. 10.00 ?J,rs. John Bourne •• •• •• 8.00 (our hearts in today's band. His ~,~ I1r. II. B. 'rhol\l~on .. ..$ 25.00 Mr. Rnd Mrs. William ,T. ~~,nlltiam GGa rl8nd ., •••• 2.011 hand looked dPrettYd 10jOd, ·bajlldd. 4( I/) Fniled Nail & Foundry •. 150.00 L 20.0" "a er ar lan d •• ., ••• ' 2.00 his partner 11. ma e a ump , -< Z ever ...'...... Ii i ..0:; flex. Mope ., •• •• •• :'. 75.00 Eric Crockcl' .• •• •• •• 5.00 II I~S L 11ft Snow •• .• •• 10.00 but all these appearances were 1% 1/)0 lIome and School Associa. J oh nons J h ton .. •. • •• 5.00 GM en, Duked and Alice Butt 20.00 aeceptive. ld ' 0,.. ~ lion .. ., .• ., •• •• •. 2rl\1.00 Mr. and' Mrs. Ed Butler •• 1.00 Dr. an Mrs. Gordon Ob 10.00 It was clear that west cou n t II:: ~ II. O. lIou~~ ...... 25.00 Mrs. G. Byron March .... 10.00 r., J. B. Paton ...... 5.00 expect to win more than one 0 ~lrs. Qlh'e Jacobs •• •• •• 20.00 Mrs. Frederick Smith ., •. 1.00 Harold Sellars •• •• •• •• 5.00 trump trick with his doubleton Ii; l; nichard Cramm ...... 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tilly 10.00 R. E. Good ...... 25.00 king·queen. Since North had bid ~ C. C. Oke ...... 10,00 Abel Wornell ...... 10.00 FlO Howard Jacobs .. .. 20.00 no·trump, it was UDI'easonable 1= Gcorse Oales ...... 1.00 Howard Thornhill .. ... 2.00 MIsIS Barbara Jacob. •• ,. 10.011 for West to expect more than one

Winston Oakley o. •• • 0 1.01l Ralph Moore .• ., .• •• 10.00 M 5S Vera Noseworthy'.... 5.00 trick each in clubs and diamonds. Fred Oakiey .• •• •• ,.. 2.00 Mrs. Richard Harvey ••• , 11.00 Carmen Noseworthy •• ., 5.00 In short, west could expect to ~liss 11. Bemisler •• o. ,. 5.00 Malcolm lIolleil •• •• ••• 25.00 Malcolm Noseworthy •• •• 1.00 take only three tricks with his Wm. Oakley •• •• ., ., •• 10.00 Ed. Manning •• •• •• .0 1.00 ~m. Noseworthy •• •• • 0 5.00 own hand. ~\bs Helen Oales •• •• •• 5.00 Donald lIoweli •• •• ••• 5.00 H mj, Noftle •• .0 •• ,.. 1.0n Whnl about East's defensive ~1i!S Ethel Oates ., •• •• 5.00 Wm. Mati •• •• •• •• 0; 10.00 ~r crt J. Adcy •• •• •• 10.00 tricks'l East had railed to double ~liss Josephinc French 5.00 John Ford .• •• •• •• :\.00 ~ilsS Joan Adams •• •• •• 5.00 one no·trump. Hence his jump to l Adey ('corge Parsons ...... 20.00 Arch Fogwill ...'. .. 5.00 10 .55 C:irr e d ...... 5.00 three spades could not show a Aiex Oake ...... :\.00 Harold Malcolm Moore.. 3.00 ~ISS IE a A ey ...... 5.00 strong hand but merely a strong ~lrs. H. Tilly ...... 5.00 Mrs. Cluney Moore .. ... 10.00 art ey Are ...... 5.00 suit. West had three spades in C;corge Parsons ...... 1.00 Mrs. Ruth Morris...... 5.00 Mrs. :'AK nsmen ...... 2.011 his own hand and should have .lohn Parsons ...... 2.50 Ernest Benson ...... , 2.QO r~an D :~y ...... 2.00 expected dumm;' to shoW up .lames Shields ...... 15.00 Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Walsh.. 2.00 5S. I am! ...... 1.000 with about thrfc spades likewise ~lr, and llrs. Howard Bar. ·~Ir. and Mrs. Arthur Moore 10.00 E~gar Adams ...... l'O~ If }~a5t had a silC-eard or seven- l'rtl .. .'...... 10.00 Rober~ Cl'iteh ...... 10.011 E ward Russell ...... d padc suit without the ace Charies Dulot. Jr...... 1000. Will re d,R eid ...... 10'.00250 Mrs.Stephen Lewis Spurrell Sparkman .. •. ••••• 21'00 on carSouth s would have only I sinRlle-. ' a ~lr. and ~Irs. Allan Dwyer 5.00 Jan 'Reid .. ., •• o. .• •• . id I d whl e lillY Dwycr .. .• .. .. ., 2.00 Charles Reid ...... 10.0n MissRussell Elizabeth Sparkeo Spurrell..•• •• •• •• 1.00400 tonNorth or wouldvo 1;1aven SPht e ace.es, \Ii,sesDwyer Dorothy and.. Roberta .. ••• 2.00 WMr. Aand Reid Mrs. Berl Reid • .• 10'5 '00 00 John Spurrell.' ...... 1.00 To sum It up West slloul d Ilave •• ...... Willis Spurrell ...... 5.00 been able to fnt~see exactly what I';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Winston Sparkes ...... 10 00 took place. w~st should have bid Max Sparkes •• •• • •.• :. 10:00 four spades as a sacrifice. This James Spurrell •• •. •• •• 5.00 1I'01lid have been set only .two Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sparbs 10.00 bricks, for a loss of only 300

IIfrs. Wm. Spurrell •• • •• 0 • 1.00 points. TO -NIGHT! Alf. Connors.. .• •• •• •• 5.00 At (ollr hearts doubled, SNouth 'Miss Barbara MeLeall.. 3.00 took the first trick In dummy

Douglas ShaM 00 •• •• •• 2.00 witl! the ace of diamonds, led WlIIiam Penny •• • 0 ~. ., 2.00 Ollt the ace Rnd • low heart, and , .HEAR . John Penny •• •• •• ,. •• :\,00 eventually ga~ up one diamond en , Frederick Penny •••• " •• :l.OO lind one club to fulfill hls don· S Mrs. lI!Rry Carter O'Grady 11.00 bled contract. C Z C. M. Bullon ...... 20.00 ::> ;: BISHOP FULTON J. L. (Ghandi) Coombl .. .. 25.00 Fatlter Of E~gllt III ~ George Ash ...... 5.00 'J. m~ Miss Shirley Antle ...... 1.00 d:r: II' Miss Pamela Fisher •• ••. 2.00 Held For Mur er c -( Gerald C. Bonner •• •• .; 10.00 ; (!) SHEEN Miss Genevieve Antle.. 1.00 Of W"f .... 0 Miss Marie Antle o. .. •• 1.00 I e en W IN HIS NEW SERIES OF Clarence Antle...... 1.00 CHARLOTI'ETOWN (C?)-A 38- 81-;J; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Arn. •• 1.00 year.old father of eight was INFORMAL AND Hubert Hall •• •• •• •• •• 50.00 charged with murder Monday after .:I INSPIRING TALKS Anonymou5 •• •• •• •• •• 50.00 the beaten body of his wife, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Crawford 5.0n Hediey MacNeill was found on her Miss Stella Ash .• •• •• 5.00 bed. llis four.year.old daughter p Mr. and Mr!. R. G. Ash •• 2.00 l'hyiiis was taken to h03 itaild Wihlh CI) 'I J Att . d 1 throat cuts, but doctors sa 8 e £} Wjl rs.. At illWOO...... • 20. .00 was expected to recover. Z m. w •••.•••••• .00 Pollee were called to the Mac· !!:! II' ~/LIFE IS Mr. and Mrs. Sam Atwill •• 10.00 Neill home after one of the daugh- Ill: W A. C. Jerrett .• •• •• •• •• 25.00 ters. awakened by the screaming ~ ~ . , C. Broomfield ...... l'. 5.00 of Phyllis, ran next door to raise - 0 Mr. and Mrs. D. BrolYn •• 10.00 the alarm. It was shortly after 4 :r: ~ Mrs. R. Broomfield •• •. 1.00 a.m. C ..... Mr. and Mrs. J. Brookings 3.00 . ~raeNe\l1. a theatre projectionist, Z)o- C•. Brown ...... 2.00 lVas taken into custody imme· -< ffi WORTH James Hoddinott.. •• •••• 1000 diately and a few hours latcr he I/) I:Q Mr. and !tIrs. Ernest Dul! •• l' 00 Was charged wilh murd!!r. He was u~ l; All I T ik " 1'00 . remanded until Nov. 10. ler u ••••••••.• , . A coroner'~ inqucst wu ad· Max.Pearce·.. •• •• •• •• 1.00 jOllrned until Nov. 15. ~ Mr. anrl !IIr~. W&rd Holloway 5.00 u.. Mrs. Charles Homuth.. •• 2.00 I,ONG.L1VED BIRDS LIVING" Charles Noseworthy •• •• . 1.00 Eagles may live [or verhaps 100 MIS! ShIrley Noseworthy • 0 1.00 yens, and will occupy the same PRESENTED EVERY AI Vardy •• ., •• ...... 50.00 nests for generations. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vardy o •• 0 2.00 WEDNESDAY AT Herman Porter ...... 5.00 Roy M. Pike ...... ' 25.00 Wilf Fradsham ...... 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. A. Vaiman •• 10.00 Messrs. Wm. Tille)' Ltd.·.. 50.00 Doliglas. Sturge •• • • • • 10.00 Miss B. M. Gear.. •. .. .. SO.OO Mr. alld Mrs. Marshall Gray' 3.00 Mrs. W. F. Hutchinson 100.00 p~ M. Ian Graham...... 5.00 Robert Radlort ...... 2.00 8.30 Walter Gray ...... 2.00 George Romngs ...... 2.00 . . Mrs. A. Graham ...... '11.00 Miss Johanna Randell .... 10.00 Marshall Motors ...... 25.00 L. R. Redman...... 10.00 BY YOUR ADMIRAL· DEALER Hector Carter ...... 2.0n Alex Reid ...... 1.00 Lewis Fermen .0 •• ., 20.00 Mrs. Harold L. Noel •• •• 5.00 FOR .RADIO'S -MOST- INTERESTING Lymim Calvert ...... io.oO J. M. Wyatt ...... 15.00 Miss Irene Half yard '.. 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Forbes 50.00 HALF HOUR Miss ¥argaret Newbury 10.00 Jas. Wells ',' •• •• •• •• 10.00 Alex Marshall .; ., •• .' 10.00 R. Hainlyn •• •• •• .• •• 5.00 0. Wlif Garland •• o. •• •• 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morris ., 10,00 2 ffi ,DIAL 590 w. C. Knight •• •• .0 •• 20.00 Miss Ann House .• •• .••• 20:00 w Mbs Gertruile Knight •• •• 5.00 Miss Hnzel Blackwooli •• •• 10.00 'f'I ~ Mrs. R. Knight .: •• •• •• 2.00 Cyril Dyke .. •• •• •• 10,00 ~ w Weston March ...... 2.00 Wm. Eal'les'.. \. .. .. 1.0(1 > George Rendell .. •• ,. •. 5.01) Mrs. W. B. EadIe •. •• 5.0n U < Ciarence Reifsteck.. .. •. 5.00 Mr. ~'. Whltcway •. •• 10.00~ Mr. ancl Mrs. L. C. W; Mews 50.no n•. Tulf ...... 2.00 Do .0>.. John Fradsham .. ., •. o. 1.0n ~Icl\'in Stockwnod ...... 1.0n nov9,16,23 Mu. ~ttley. fGrll'ard.. •• 5.00 Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Stock wood 1.00 -TH~ DAILY NEWS, WEDNESD·AY. NOV. 9, 1955

- \- ~'-' , . .... ". '1';:-t·~, ~ ... -.~ .- ...... - -~ ...... -. . .~ FINE OPERA'. HOllSE CaJled Europe's' inOlt inodern ODD JOB Sl'EClAL HATI~;~~ilKLEENEX WEEK Gpera bouse, a· ilIeatre opened in For all your odd jobs you '·1., . ',' 1955 at Hamburg, West Germany, , need done, 'such as wall and seats about 1,600 personS'. celling washlrig, paper hang· lng, painting, varnishing. 'NOV.6~NOY~ 12 'MALARIA VlcrIMS bRscmenl~ cleancd liP, Of Half of the people in east Java, lime d, roof rcpalring or ';; In Indonesia suffer at least one stofm \\ In doli's pUl up. For malaria altack a year.' those or any other odd job 'you want done OIL reasen­ ARMISTICE DAyp·ARADE·· able prices call us noW .. 195·5' OPENI"G TilE ODD JOB All Ex.servicemen including Veterans oftha CONTRACTORS Dial ~244A - Now Dr 553411 Merchant Navy, Rescue Tug Service, and Allied Forces, are requested' to "FALL INII at the C~m.HockeyLeag~e Statutory Notice Memorial University 'Gr~unds at 9.40 a.m. . - " . FRIDAY, November 11th;. for. the purpose of PEP PERRELL MAINTENANCE In the matter of the Will and parading to the Sergeant's Monument and . J955 Commercial Champions , Contain . E£.!ate of Florence Rachel Reid, WANTED Newfoundland War Memorial to take part in central I FOR EMPLOYMENT WITH THE UNITED STATES late of Grand ,Falls In tho vs. Province. of Newfoundland, the annual Armistice Day 'Ceremonies of J AIR FORCE - PEPPERR'fLL AIR FORCE BASE . foundla '. I widow, deceased . HARVEY & CO. Remembrance, to be followed by a MARCH Ings. . ::Clerk Stenographers ...... at $2204.80 pia, . All persons claiming 10 be C creditors of or who have any PAST, at which His Honour the Lt. Governor J955 runners-up ';:Clerk Stenographers ...... at $2579.20 pia claims or demands upon or affect· (Patron of the Canadian Legion, Newfound. ': Clerk Typists ' ...... ;;; ...... :...... at $1830.40 pia: ing the estate of Florence Rachel :Clerk Typists ...... : ...... at $2204.80 pia Reid, laic of Grand Falls afore­ land) will take the Salute. Wednesday, Nov. 9th, at 8 p.m. :Plant Electrician ...... " ...... " ...... a.t $1.48 p/h. said, widow, deceased, arc hereby requested to send particulars no\'9,12 : Statistical Draftman (Artist).~ ...... at $2579.20 pia thereof in writing duly alteslrd, STADIUM . Maintenance Inspector ...... at $1.55 p/h .- to Ihe undersigned' Solicilors for Scribbans ·.Kemp . , PLUS Mechanical Engineer ...... at $5241.60 pia ...... __------~he Executor or tile Will of the , I • News Writer ...... af $3702.40 pia said deceased on or before the JHOUR OF FREE SKATING UNWANTED HAIRI 24t11 'day of November A.D.' 1955. " : Civil Engineer ...... ,...... " ..... at $4451.20 pia R GUARANTEED 011 MONEY REFUNDED " ! after whlcll date llir·said Executor • S.nuUonal dl.conr:f Family Assorted Biscuits after game to the music of the 65 piece ,Draftsman ...... at $2579.20 pia Inlroduced, '0' Ih' will proc.eed to dl5tribute the said 'Irlt 11m. In Can.da. ! 40 hours basic work week. Periodic pay increases. • ~." d. p I I a torr estate having regard only to the NEAC Airforce Band. crum fDr the mtl:t : Annual and Sick Leave Benefits. .tubborD unwante:l claims of which he then shall have hair. notice. A delightful assortment wafers,sweet and Bleachers .... , SOc Interested applicants are requested to apply to the • OUllrantetd: ann, Admissio,n: Balcony ... 60c treatment lb_ hall' cream filled biscuits on sale your grocer in NATIONAL EMPLOY(v\ENT SERVICE, dotl not crow bade, Da~ed at 51. John's this ::4th day at 1I0\'7.3i , .1 • A .lmple· appllClll!On I - Building 28, Buckmasler's Field, Dial 80327 and 0 mlnutel la~er or Oclobcr A.D. 1955. 8 oz.' airtight packages. ,all u;lr un"anltd no\'!I,3i h a I r dlllPpoarr. MERCER & MIFFLIN, ClOd In hOlpltall all Q\Orr 'Ellropt. Solicitors for Executor. Address: BROWNING HARVEY LIMITED For Sale LES PRODUltS 365 Duckworth Street. . PUBLIC NOTICE ESTELLE DE GRENELLE P.rma 2112 F, ••lo.oc 51., ••om 12. "'.nllO.1 I St. John·s. . ocI26,no\'2,9.16 AGENTS . FA. un : no\'8,9 1 T09 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR with night . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS C- PUBLIC UTILITIES . I w.nl A boltl. 01 d.pUalOI"J ....m ,., I ..~t

you can gZless within one· tent!" gallon • 0 • you get absollitely ••• OPENING' ANNOU,NCEMENT " . THE TC)TAL TANK HARRY. BUGDEN'S TAXI OF GAS! PHONE 7100 \


CALL· . + GREASE AND OIL " ."'. . ," room, + MODERN GAS STATION size . HARRY .BUGDEN',S 'TAXI~Phone '7100 Furnac walks. ~v8,.ll

.\ THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9, 195.5 ------i~~=~::======-----.---~---...:.~---~~---Ll~~T

. ".' ...... :,-;

~RE~SHiIDME:ijNU;C~E !;~~===;~~~~===~~~~~~.; TO RENT P::ETLRFY CRYSTAL PALACE 1: JERRY TO·NIGHT Containing 2 unf~rnl.hed Apartmlnts - in MARSHALL There will be a meeting of all Men and Women A PRIVATE central location - 5 minutes walk from N.w­ DINNER PARTY. STANLEY foundland Hotel. Located in ideal surround­ Helpers' fo~ the coming Pantry Shelf Fair CLUB CLOSED Ings. Centrally heated. ' AUCTION TO.NIGHT at 8, p.m. in the Holy Cross School. DEAN America's newest young For further information apply by IIHer to Team directfrom Today, Wednesday N.Y. Latin quarter and RESIDENCE, c/o BOX 42, this paper. 1955 . Downbeat Montreal. no\'9,12 1.30 p.m. L OPENING LOST ana Featuring JOHNNY LAWRENCE 50 Head Choice NovBl1lber 8th - a Ladies' JUNIOR AND HIS ORCHE.STRA' Brown Leather Handbag on , -- , RECEPTIONIST Butchers' Cattle Elizabeth Avenue Bus between Direct from Chez Paree, Montreal. HOC,KEY Queen's Road and Long. Pond Recently Featured on, Radio and T.V. Road. Owners name inside ST. BON'S vs. FEILDIANS key case. Reward offered. Armistice Night 'Ball WANTED 'Phon.e 6258-A FRIDAY, NOVEMBER '11th, 8 p.m. Mu.t be abll to mlet caU.rs and a~rang. for nov8,9 Friday, Nov. 11 th, at 8 ~.m. INFORMAL DRESS - DOOR PRIZES Int.rviewl, ItC. Mlddle-agld woman preferred. CARD 2 FLOOR SHOWS Typing Ixperiinci not neceslary but desirabi•• Go lIy Train & SAVE STADIUM Tickets now on sale, 3.00 doubl •• P.rmanent po.ltlon at attractive salary-no BARGAIN Admission: Reserved Balcony 7Sc 476 WATER ST. OR AT CLUB. COACH FARES night work. Dr. Going Bleachers ...... 60c General ...... ,,50c For reservations call 7240. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY W. D. Parsons After 5 p.m. call Toll Operator. Apply-giving references-to NOV. 22·23; DEC. 6·7 HAS RESUMED RECEPTIONIST, c/o Box 7, To , BASILICA l{ONTREAL, PRACTICE THIS PAPER OTTAWA, Fall 'Festival SOCIAL ,WANTED no\'II, til or TORONTO From All Statlons In Marl· On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, , times, Quebec (Matapedia and East Including Gaspe at 8.30 p.m. TO RENT JUNIOR CLERK (Male) Line) and Newfoundland. IN ST. PATRICK'S HALL AUDITORIUM AT TOPSAIL POND Also GIRL WANTED TEN DAY RETURN LllIllT Day Coaches Only fOR MEMBERS OF ALL COMMITTEES. 3 Bedroom Furnished Bun­ Baggage Checked galow. Base approved. No Stopovers MESSENGER MUlt b•• proficient In Shorthand and Typing. ' EACH MEMBER MAY BRING A GUEST. 'PHONE 5196 during business nov8,31 Apply In p.rson to thl PLAN YOUR TRIP NOW hours. Contact Apply in'own handwriting to: Ask about subs!antlal MR. FRED CORNICK GERALD S. DOYLE NEWS BULLETIN livings offered by New Newfoundland Associated Fish Exporters Ltd. Family Fares to West. 'WANTED nov3,3i ern Canada and to Mid. --'----- nov9,1() P.O. Box E·5233 , ~;~l~atlr St.-or call 6423 for appointment West and Western U.S. • A• SALESLADY CARD For Ful! In(orlllatlon FOR DRY GOODS STORE. Consult Nearest Agent '~ CANADIAN NATIONAL Apply RAIl.WAYS Dr. + FOR EMPLOYMENT WITH' THE PIERP'OINT'S C. J. Joy THE ·CANADIAN RED CROSS RAWLINS' CROSS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE OFFICE CLERK HAS RESUMED SOCIETY Wanted To Rent PRACTICE GOOSE BAY, LABRADOR Male Clerk required by In. nov9.10 NEWFOUNDLAND DIVISION surance Co. Applicant should WANTED - An experienced TO RENT-Iii privata home, Gal & Electric Pump Operators.,. ,at $, .73 p/h situate Cornwall Ave, area, a be over 21 years of age, ed,house other mali', help reference kept, requlr·Apply fUU'nlshed, heated bedroom. Ellctricians ...... · ...... at $1.78 p/h with good education and Mrs. C. A. Pippy. 26 Wat()!· Meals if desired. Suitahle for FOR SAIJE' Volunteers are required for all phases of Tractor-Trail.r Operators ...... at $1.62 p/h drivers license. Advancement ford Bridge Rd. 'Phone 4966. stUdents or nurses. 'Phone nov8,D.lO 3882·L. novD,10 . 5 ROOM Red CI'OSS work. .. depen ding on ability. Reply -~...:.------­ POlition, are temporary until thl June ' 30 by letter, In own hand wr'lt'lng, WANTED-Oldand revolvers, firearms. FlIntloek pistols or '956. 48 hour work wHk guarantttd. to MANAGER, P.o. Box 104, percussion cap shoulder arms Barber Shop Bunt>O'alow Would interested persons please aHend a St. John's, giving complete de- -Flintlock oaly. Kindly give THE CENTRAl. BARBER S • I M et' t R d C H d rtf Inttrlltld applicants are rlqul.ted to full particulars, condition, SHOP-Fast efflclent sanl. All modern conveniences. pecIc e Ing a e ross ea qua n, tails and salary expected. makers name and any other tary scrrvlce, All modern 55 D k rth St t THURSDAY N apply In Plrson to the Replies confidential. This I'S a markings. Quote price in first equipment, five barbers, The For information uc wo ree r on , ov.m· letter. F. G. Kennedy. Cha:r· least possible waiting. 24 NelV ber 10th, at 3 p.m. ,', NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE new position and not with lottetown. R.R. No. 1, P.E.!. Gower Street. opp, Adelaide DIAL 6267 A f your present Employer. oct~2,wed,sat.tf BUilding 28, Buclcmaitlr'1 Field, or Dial 80327 __M_ot_o_rs_L_t_d. ______m_Y_4_.lm __ ln:~0~v7~,3~i~~::::::::::; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::::!! nov9,3i NewfoUhdland For Sale Taxi II FOR SALE-On. caw, due to HICKEY'S TAXI leaving Ter· Motor Vessel For Sale Services freshen. Apply to James Cole, renceville Wednesdays, st. Torbay Rond. ' John's on Thursdays. Connect· BINGO Ing with mall boat. Contact About 300 tons cargo capacity, 117 feet long. WANTED TO RENT FOR SALE-Norgt 011 h'ltlng Mr. Hickey at Terrenceville ' GAIETY PASSENGER NOTICES C'abinet In good condition. AI· or elial .f210·F at st. John's, Deisel powered. Built in Canada, 10 yean so 6 h.p. Lauson air cooled 5ep7.1m 2·3 BEDROOM APARTMENT OR SMALL HOUSI S.S. KYLE SAILING NOON outboard motor. Call 5B St. old. LCladed draft 10 feet. Well suited to local Churchill Park ar.a preferred but not essential. SATURDAY Clare Ave. 0lI' 'Phone 5904-L To-Night coasting trade. Low Price. Apply to S.S. Kyle operating on ,South after 6 p.m. Musical Instruments USUAL GOOD R.nt guarant•• d. Labrador Service for points to ------Goose Bay wm sall from Dock To Let GIBSON GUITARS - Horner PRIZES Apply Coastal Whart noon Saturday •• Button Stop Accordeons and .Auto Service CO.' Ltd. Nov. 12th. TO LET" Harmonicas. Richmond SaxQo Thl. will III fInal sailln, far -A stir contalntd b... • phones. Boosey Clarlnets,- ~n~ov:7~.t~f~::::::::~~1 115 • 119 DUCKWORTH STREET P.O. BOX 106, ST. JOHN'S thl, Hrvlc. far lIalon. ment apartment c,on.slsUng' of Charles Hutton & Sons. P,O. novl,O two large Il'ooms, hot and cold feb3.eod.tf. ======~., S.S. BURGEO SOUTH COAST water. Rent $40,00 a month. .. I Churchill Park " ,It SIRVICI SAILING TOMORROW Apply Box 75. c/o Dally News. ,', S.S. Venetian Blinds ~" BUrgeo operating on South Located on exclusive street, ,) PRINCE, OF WALES COLLEGE, Cout Service wlll sail from Dock Insurance ONLY COMPl.ETE Bl.IND fine landscaper! lot. this attrac, TENDERS Coastal Wharf Ii p.m. tomonrow ~ AHD Service, Manufac~ure, Laun· tive storcy and a half home with Thursday. INSURANCE-Bowring Brath. dry Repair Work gUlU'anteed. built·in fire proof garage. Eco­ " CONNECTION SOUTH COAST .r Limited Insurance Depart· One day service. Free quota· nomically healed and air condi· ment-Fire. I\utomoblle, Mar· tlons. Kearneys Limited, tloned with' a Timken Silent St. John's Holising Corporation' .~., HOLLOWAY SCHOOL SERV'CE VIA PORT AUX lne and all Casualty Unes. Manufacturers. 454 Water Sl Automatic 011 FUU'nace. Large Applications are invited for. the following positionsa BASQUI$ TOMORROW Telepbone, 1I131. lIvingroom with fireplace, picture Bids are invited by the Corporation for the following ~ Train "The Caribou" leaving ~~-=:7:-:-=-=~~­ window. diningroom. ultra mod. 1. Qualified male Instructor of Physical Education. St. John's Ii p.m.tomorrow Thurs- Contact STAN FOWLER, Re. Miscellaneous work upon the Proposed Park, Churchill Park, St. John/sil day, wlll make connection Port nouf building, for Fire Auto­ ern kitcllCn, large master bed­ ::: Applicants should stat•• arllest date on which they SKATES, SCISSORS, KNIVES, room and bathroom with coloUU'· Aux Basques witb S.S. Bar Haven 'mobile and Plate Glass [nsur. ed fixtures, on main floor. Two Grading, Curb and Gutter, Drainage ~ could assume duties. • on the South Coast Service. ance. Claims promptly settl· Saws, sharpened by preciSion Structure, Walkways, Steps and Seeding. .

, . , ,. THE DAILY NEWS,' WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9,'955

BELL ISLAND NEWS Back From ATTH!' 7.30' , BUILDNG SHAW 8.30 MATERIALS Holiday. ~ll~S SIGN! i~ F. M. ,O'LEARY STREET, ,ftl&~ OF.' \ , . DIVISION LIMITED Mr. and lIlrs William ,J. Somcr ,!!d1I THE ' ton Town Squ~rc, Ben, Island re, ANDe ' turned on SaturdAY . ancrn'oon V HEADQUARTERS FOR: I..M I T"I.D Irom a. six' wr,ck'shollday Visit .0.01\ , TEN/TEST 10 the l\talnland of Canada and MASONITE the United Slates. The greater pal't o[ their hnilday was spcnt at . flBRPLY Hamillon, Onl., ,with theirdaugh. The Q'ueen's Cross NUFAPLY Cheese as an item of food I~ recognised as very sustaining and ,nourish- 'I:;; ~~~~I~~lda~~~ ci~:ya~e~i~:~n;. Sil~re~;~pS~~':t"0ver .. 4.50 I Ing. for a "Snack" It' is very' convenient and economical to your FIBERGLAS old friends r.nd acquaintances . I ~erve I In ]Jamllton theyvislted, former 'F. Van Wyck' Mason" .. 4.75 I 1 ARBORITE Guesh. Black Diamond Shelf Cured Canadian Cheddar Cheese in 5 , ! Bell Islanders Mr. and Mrs, John ,Chronicle of The , . INSUL~SIDING • • • are here to make these modern Cramm, and enjoyed their' visit C I CI' : j pound Rounds, also in half pound packages and Black Watch' in half .~. to their home very. much. The a ypson, Ipper l'i ; , : KENMORE BOARD Cramms still hold avery w.arm John Jennings. """ .... ,,4.50 \ pound packages are nati~nally known and unconditionally guarateed ~;!:, ATlANTIC GYPSUM 110me improvements. spot In their hearls for the Iron Band of· Angels i'1 ! : Isle and wished ~o be remembered . Robrt p' W 3 95 for quality. To ~onnQisseurs of Good Cheese 'Vie recommend Black BARCLAY TILEBOARD to all their back home friends, e ,enn orren". I Ii I~ \i CHROMEDGE ALUMNUM During their very pleasant holl. SlaV( DIes The Thunder Diamond and BI~ck Watch, day In which they were favoured Helen Topping Miller .... 3.95 : GET OUR QUOTATIONS tt r' f' MOULDINGS with exceptionally fine weather. The' Cashier I LUMBER They visited Buffalo, New York . 'I! :' Boston Mass" and New Hamps. Cabrrelle Roy ..... ~ ...... 3.95 t (, '. 'IF hire. In Boston while visiting reo Jan r~ I ': • • • PLYWOODS latives I\Ir. Somerton met Major Stella Mort~n 2 2S , tr: : you own your Bert Talt who was his Batallion ... " ...... , 1,':1 hO~1 WI can help oUicer when tc scrved overseas 79 'Park Avenue ,i 1! ~~ WALLBOARDS. In World War 1. He was also Harold Robbins .. " ...... 3.95 ,i I you in financing speaking to GCClrge and William Auntie Mame "" ... , Ii; major home improve­ TILE, BOARDS Parsons former Bell Islanders dur . . Ing hIs visit 10 NeW' England Patrrck Der1l1rs ...... "".,,4.00 I I;' i ' I·' , ments ~' •• no money - Statcs. . . Blade of Honor ! QUEEN STREET 'I, 'PHONES 5143·5144 .. ~ d~wn and' up to 3 , Thl'Y ~Iso spent a [ew days. visit· John J. Pugh" ...... 4.50 I - :' FLOORING 109 hl~ sister l\lrs. !\taJor H. Legge Th A H'II . I ~~~~~~=~~=:T~:=:=:=:==:=:===:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~ years to pay. at Halifax, N,S. e· ngry IS'..:. Mr. IInrl 1\Ir5. Somruton enjoy, Leon M. Uris .. ~" ... " ..... 3.75 spile the Iact that we had never Tor CQURT I,'AMOUS YOYAG[ cd e"ery mojll~nt of their holiday The Case of The mct, before. ..' The. British house ol"lords is the . Roald Amundsen in 13(;6 was tb. . COME IN AND MOULDINGS' lind arc looking forward 10 Anot. • lIIlchael .J~ckman \~as born. on supreme judicial authority for the first to 'voyage from Atlantic to Pa· her \'isiL In the not 100 distant Nervous AccomplICe Bell Island In 1886 and for ~me. United· Kingdom. cHic through' Ihe ,Arctic ocean . TALK IT. OVER Mure. Erie Stanley Gardener .. 3.00 tecn of his sixty·nine years hved ---:--=--....,...... ---..:..:=:.....::.:=~=..:::.:=:....::::'.:.. DOORS there. Shortly nIter the lurn ,o[ Ir------~------...... -.- - ...... '...... ---- Th e World of Bemelmans the ccntun', he le[t his native Is· Also Lugwig Bemelmans " .... 5.75 land to seek his fortune in thc IN SlOCK WINDOWS' Grand Opening U.S,A. Sin~e then Jackman has C~'ida travclled through the ~;jtorkity 10 [ USED CARS ROOF COATING - the lorty·eigbt States anu a en n is in Of Supermarket .:~ :' 'the sights of many of Canada's me~ti PLASTIC' CEMENT ROOFINGS and The grand opening of Sam and a~!."'U.Iil"'I:nd.. Western Provinces as well. At the Despite LlNO CEMENT Hughie's supermarket took place present time he lives alone (his ment br BAG.CEMENT CLAPBOARDS on Salurday morning, Nov. 5th" THE BOOKSEllERS wile predeceased him eight years minister, and it was like going to a gold 'Phone 3191 . 4425 ago) in Johannesburg, Calilornia, t!lat the NAILS rush, as people wcre there (rom ______while still following the tradition 'N~ OOOR the city LOUVERS ETC •. fTC. every part of the Island taking Bill I d of most Bell Islanders, working will me advantage o[ the very rl!lsonable e s an er with a mining contracting firm. SHEATHING prices at this new self.service, Today, Michael Jackman looks which Is situated on Bennet Street. Travels Far like a man tlVenty years younger O\SPLAY INSULATION As you wl11 see In an' ad appear. and his gait would make you be- PEG BOARD ing elsewhere on the page, you wl\l lieve It. How he came .to be at receive for even'one dol1ar spent The foregoing article was taken Toronto's l\lalton Airport is a t;ARAGE DOORS In this store a ticket on a T.V. set from the October "edition of thc a long story but to make it bricf, must UNDERLAY drawing to take lace on Decem. Atlantic Guardian. 11 is a very In· he was rcturning to CaliL, where he U"lGE ber 25, 1955. teresting account of Michael Jack· \'isiled his sisler, Mrs. Arch Pow· The HARDWARE im! the Don't '[orgel to drop In and give man a native Bel1 Islander and cr. He had not scen his sister for Admiral them" trial. You will find no bet. we are pleased to include It in filty years, nor has he touched CAUlKING COMPOUND Terra Nova Motors hl~r of ter pi'lec~ on. the Island. So plcase nur note~ today, Newfoundland soil in that ~ame Busso • SHEATHING PAPER call today. ... It Is nmazing hull' people alvay period of time, Maybe !ome day . LIMITED th~~OIl~ from home rl!l!ognile one anolher, he will come back. within SH,AW STREET I hnd no trouble whatsoever in H. M. BLACK~IOnE, I rccol:ni7.ing ~lichRrl .Jackman, cle· Toron!o, On!. "------. .T. K. Butler . ' ,I ~ DIAL ------~------Dies In Boston rI I .80291. I 'D~ooOOv tlw, ~uJtt I

LONDON IN NOVEMBEIl I SMOKINGPLEASUAE I Heart of my heart, old London, I how shall I sing of thee The songs that y ancient I nearness hums through the I dark to me? I I EARLY LAltE RUNS First regular shipping lines on "MILD" ·1 Ute Great Lakes were c~labUshed I between 1840 and 1850. I ANCIENT COLLF.(;E I The University of Napies, one of the oldest universities In Europe, FINEST I was founded In 1224. VIRGINIA I I TOBACCOS I 'rhere will be. a meeting of the I Bell Island Branch of Red Cross I , tonlghinLWednesday at 8,30 In 'the I .JU.ST RECEIVED! roorns In Ihe Survey office. Any. one Interested Is Invited. I "It'S the tobacco thaf counts f! 100,000 ft. I 'Bj~THS Player's contain only the finest I . CROCKER - Born to Mr. and I Mrs. Gordon Crocker (nee Helen Virginia'· tobaccos., Specially Walsh) T,uesday, Novembel' 8th, at I %x8 B~Grade Cedar Clapboard st. Clarl's Mercy" Hospital, a son selected. to give you mildness I LEWIS - Born at 51. Clare's and Mercy Hospital November 8th, to .. " 'and true 'tobacco taste for I .Toan, wife of John B. Lewis, twin I daughlers. pure smoking pleasure~ Smoke. I DEATH Player's-the mildest, .best- I PEET - Passed away November' %X8 C-GradeCedar . tasting cigarette. I Clapboa~d' 9th alter' a 'long ilIness,James Archibald Peet, aged, 71 years leavlnJ1 to mourn' 3 daughters~ I .... QUOTING. VERY, LOW PRICES Velma (Mrs. Kenneth Moore), Ann (Dome), Alma (Babs, Mrs. Doug· f las Steele): and 3 sons; Leonard \ t (Sorry no 6/C-Gr~de) Rf1nald' ana Thomas, also one siS: ter, Mrs. James Sparkes; one bro­ 'l_.~.~ rn:. -r""- .---~--;.. _____I ______,.;,.. ____ .. ther . Gordon and 8 grandchildren. Funeral by motor hearse from his residence 69 St. Clare .Avenue TI\lJrsday 2.30 p,m. Flowers. . line A full of I-·---~--·---·....;.-----·-- . HERE'S. HOW ROOFING ' 'YO'lEST A 'CIGARETTE ROOF . COATINGS..' . and MEN'S BUILDING SUPPLIES Sniqke Player's-fot at loosl a week. Let . ; . your toste discover'tha mildness, the' flci- . • NAVY BLAZERS Plain or Cork ,~Iaq;et;JIIMllDII np vour, the pure smoking pleasure of fine . . All wool. . Ployar's reach your. storekeeper In speelal Virginia Tobaccos. 1~"7 carlons, designed to keep· the Were $24.98. cigarettes fresh and prolect their flavour. Buy :A~· H.MURRAY&CO~" . Ltd" ,c .. , a pack.age or on /~./l7 carton today. BUILDING ~UPPLIES' 'DEPARTMENT ST. JOHN'S ,THE .M·ILDEST BE,ST-TASTING CIGARETTE