
• . " -:-'--00 __- ..... .......... fr . Anoth'er Death At, Broo:kfieo Bridge; - 10.30 a.m.-Adopted Son. 9.00 p.m.-Room 25. PRESENTS 10.00 . p.m.-Liberace. NICOLAI GEDDA, 7enor , 11.00 p.m.-Pepsi Cola THE DAILY . NEWS avaUabl. a' Sportscast. Charles Hutton &Sons Vol. 62. No. 242 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9;· 1955 (Price 5 cenls) OLOTOV DEMANDS RED'U:S. Servicema ... It Took" Only A Second • • • By GERRY BOWERING Rejects West Brookfield Bridge was the scene of death once again last night when a Nash Station Wagon crashed into the concrete structure, The driver Plan· Of Unity and only occupant, presumed to be an American officer, was· killed instantly. The accident oc- . curred shortly after 11 o'clock. By DANIEL DE LUCE bllilt up by his MoscolV rCI)1ark Monday night thllt he \I',i3 brin;:ing . The vehicle was heading . out Brookfield GENEVA (AP) -Soviet back "bcttcr baggage" tu l:eneva. Road when it crashed through the wooden railing, Fordgn Minister ~1'lJlotov ·U. S. State Secrctary Dulies tolel thc eon[crcnce: slammed into the concrete abutment and rolled Ill\nncd the Big Four con· "What IIII', Molotov has sa it! over into the ditch. The solid block of concrete Ccrence Tuesday night witli ~ccms So scrious in terms (II the was knocked off and thrown into the river. The a thunderous demand for direcLiI'e o[ our hcads of guvcrn· ment and thc hopes with I.'hich we driver was found dead under the car when the Communist dominance in a came here. that I prcfer to study ambulance arrived. united Germany. the matter overnight befl·re sp~ak. Tile car was demolished, part of the engIne .trewn rile \\'cstCl'D a1Jles Immctllatcl~' lng," FIU:'tCli, U. I... \linE!: about the scene and !he remainder was pushed back to the "htaincd n rel'c>s until 1011:1)'. A front seat. A wrecker arrived and towed it away. The Fren('h l"1'I'd~n ,'linl~1i I Pinny I'l'rnch d~:e~nliol1 olliccr said thnt license number of the green late model Surburban Is 19,955 lllrrtin~ "rcl1ld be Ihe 1,IRt," anl1 British Fureign Se~'r~li!l')' :ll3c· "1[ ~tlllotlll' llIainlnin5 lois po,l· millan ngl'ccti. and on the windshield is pasted a blue sticker, indlcatin, li"l1, includin~ hi~ stal~:ncnl that Briti~h. U, S, ant! Fn'lIch pl'ess that the driver was an American officer from PepperrelL HUi;in ducs uot Inlcnt! II. submit oflieer,; j:liull)' nunollncl"! iillel' the More than twenty accidents have occurred at ~hil ~n~' olher PI'opo;nl; nn German se5sion, the eighth in I~ UilYS, t!mt place 50 far this year. Two people, a man and a womaD, IInilic:l tion, it is diflic!1li, to see the initiaL allied im\lI'c,,:llIl (II :llnl· lost their lives there about a month ago when the vehicle in Ipll' the Wcst could MIke any ntJv's sn~ech Is Ullt it "tl'ars up" the directive 01 the summit con, which they were driving hit the bridge. a~rccmcnt or compromIse on any Some time ago officials of the Department of Public oiher lront In the agcnda," the ference last .1ul~·. t'rcnch official said. "It indicates," the\' SHirl. lin dc· Works cX:lmined the bridge and rcpor:ed that 11 was safe. They claimed that it was possible to makc the turn sa[ely Molotol"s swceplng reJtcUon o! termination bv the Soviet Union' to accept no seiUcmcnt o[ the Gcr· at 50 to 60 miles per hour, ~nl' plan to unlly Gcrmany by frce elections in the foresecllb;c future man problcm th~t docs 11"1 iRl'o:\'c Ant! hi~ blunt dcmancl th.1 alI Ger· thc communization of all Gcr· milny follo\\' thc Commtl.list course man)'." or the East German regm,c demol· Molotov (ICIlOllncrll lhc West 'f Britain Reviews I;hrd Western hopes o! cl1u~i\iation, Ser ~lOLOTO\'. I'a~r. 5 Youtll CharO'ed Ill! THE ~~:~EAl\I OJ.' TOR'l'llItEO TIRES-the grinding, crumpling cr(1sh of metal and cOllcrctc, and lifc endcd ~or Cyprus Situatiol1 ~ : Ihcoccupant of Ihis Cilr which slru(:k Brookfield Bridge at 11.13 last night. The car smashed off a hea\'y concrele .. d ' .. 0 f· p .. · ·t Ipillm' of the bridge before rolling O\'cr an cmbankmc!lt. Dail,v Ncws Pholo by David Butler ,LOND?N ,(AP\-Br.ilai~ ha:; begun a "most active" MU I e I I I es .' , 1:~\'leW of Its Cypru:; policy In a freEh effort to patch up Ueen Sal'';: No -PI ·U· C ·M-Ilk As \cU fferencc 5 with Greece Oyel' the future of the key BRANDON,· Man; . '(CP)-An, -IS-year-old Montreal" Q.. _.'~ J' J. ,. .... ·a n- -.. ~ se OW 5 . Mediterranean island, the foreign .office disclosed Tuesday ~·ollth accused of murder took the witness sland in COUl·t To rJT:elevl·loon .. night. ~:-7:.,-:--:-::,"7':'--:--:--- 'b lTd t t t'f' t·' 1 ,t1.. 11·, . British officials !aId Greece'. () r Q ueen s ellc 1 uCS a~' 0 es I y 1\1 aIm W 1 1111 a . _ I _ t _. A spokesman told newspaper new premier ConstanU Kara. trial to determine whether certain statements should be LONDON. (AP)-'fhe Queen has !I1 en "the who!e of Cyprus" manlis, also has agreed: take a . • (umed down suggestJons that her DIS e a s e m m u n I z a Ion lS under conslderationIut~re ll1 London fresh look at th Crus situation admitted as eVldence. annual Christmas Day broi.dc~st to . discussions ~etween .gove:nment Britain was unable y~ get to;:cthc; , Gerard de Tonnancourt, nne of I ' . Ihe Commonll'ealth sho\lld bc tclc·· I leaders and Flcld Marsnal Sir John with his redeccssor UIC I te Field three charged with murder In the ]8. of nh'lCl'~ d~, Pl'all'lcs. and I I iicd-lil'c Or on lihn-this ycar., f..-JINNEAPPOT IS (AP)- I stl'eam. Ilc5c~rchcrs ~ay thc)' amI· '1'hcy say the)' arc sure that I Harding, military govcrnor o[ C.l'P'. C\lnr5h~i Ppnpagos' d shooting of Rc\', ,\lfl'eLll~:irion. 4~ .. CI~\lde Pal!ulI~. 18, of ~lonh'ea1., The Ime will broadcast il by radiot,. 'r. ., . I con[iclcnt furlher expcrimcnts will "protectil'e milk" can I,e used tOI 1'\15, '1 SEF l\'EW STATUS . 01 St. Edollard, Alta., ncnr here: was rcad t.o hUll, lie c1~I\.ccl somc i as uoual. It lI'iIl be carl'icil on '1'''11\\'0 UI1l\'CL':Hty of i\ll1lncso-1 ,hoI\' human beings can achicve immunize human bein;;s against But the loreign office refuscd to B ~t! I', t d AU Ia.'t .lan. 9, \l'as callcd to the stand i o! iti, all:~I!tc!1 ulhcl' 11 •• 1 Is, nctll'orl:s at hom. e In SOllllli, \l'ith II' ta scientists say they ha\'e immunity through drin];mg "pro· such diseascs as streptococcal in' comment on Grcek reports Ulat lhe! RaJ:;S la ne"::\?i~~S ~~~ e Har~i~! h)' dcfencc cOllnscl Harry Walsh., SO~U. 1l,1,;IIIE)) " I T picture n.I background, I found a Wi1\' l~ mal'e cows lecth'c milk," fcctioll, such as sore throat, mcas j London talks may produce an offcr Ibrou"ht t s L~n,jo with '.-lIn 10 days ,.he jurI' was excluded from pro· I ~Jr. \\ al~h IJII,c,tlOllcd t cOil' ---- , I L' " '. [;\[~HJ1'iITY TE~IPORJ\nY les, smallpox, diphthcria anel tubcr· of dominion stat,ls for CYllrus, This " 0 Ion " h'A' I b' I ('rcdings, nancolll't abollt IllS al'rr:i1 and re,nd stnlem~nt \l'as t~kcn nut del1lcd, give milk thal can pl'ovlde Thc immunity to be nrhie\'cd is wlosis. \l'ould be aimed at qui~iin;: Greek I atOka ~ anJ:raftC:d\\lt IC~ I~l~t: \ "tatcment he alle"Nl\\' made the statcmcnt b)' sentcnces. 'Ille an~wcrlDg all oI them In the way: IJ1'otectl'011 agal'llst tl'lseas'" of a "P3S5il'C" or temporary char. A~TmOIDIES PRODUCED Cvpriot agitation for immcdiate un.1 1,a tarlOtJ"' at \\ould commIt rtt· " . •. th I . ltd 'n '11'crl'II' tllc I tile rCIlII'e' 'Pllcarc" I'n tile Si"IIC" . •. •. .' , . 'I . - 'I U . I" I aln 0 11S l'ro"ram: til ROI? the nl~ht he \\,:u ar· yo\l a (Illl C ,~> g I • S" u 0 U actcr, It contlnucs only as long as Thcy also behcI'e It 11'11 be cf· IOn Wit I IClr home allu. 1 B't' 'ld d I h rested along with Gil\' ferragne, questions made to 111m \.hclI tllc I st:ltcmcnt. Thev rcport the\' have dis· "protectil'c milk" is cou"umed rcg. feetirc aoainst polio. " rt atlhn tll°thll Ccc d~e s e rCII> • ----------.------ " - 0 I. Greece has strongly backed "cno. oglllzcs a e YPrJot peop e covcrcd that cows vaccinat, uLarly. • searcll started n~ar y 10 ~ears ago sis," the union with GrEEce move. have the right to decide their fate. •• The dlscovery Was mdde by Dr. that a cow vaccmnted for dLsease t B ' k 2 A onstitution w(!uld be ed for a ~ertam dls:ase--or Wi}liam E. Petersen, profcs~or of th,rough infcctio~s ,i~to . the udder ~~~y' fr~~ai~e °t~~~nL~~al~~Cbut gra'nted to cCyprus that wnuld pave several diseasos-will pro- antmal husbandry and autllonty on WIll, produce ~nbboldles·substanccs offered the Cypriots constitutional tJle way to eventual dominion 'lk h t h th milk, and Dr.
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