X-Ray Polarization Measurements at Relativistic Laser Intensities
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JP0455074 X-ray Polarization Measurements at Relativistic Laser Intensities P. Beiersdorfer', R. Shepherd', R. C. Mancini', H. Chen', J. Dunn', R. Keenan', J. Kuba', P. K. Patel' Y. Ping', D. F. Price', K. Widmann' 'Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, LiveT7nore, CA 94550, USA 2 UniVerSity of Nevada, Reno, NV 8955 7, USA An effort has been started to measure the short pulse laser absorptio ad energy partitio at relativistic laser intensities tip to 1021 W/CM2. Plasma polarization spectroscopy is expected to play an iportant role i determining fast electron generation and measuring the electron distribution function. 1. INTRODUCTION Plasma polarization spectroscopy (PPS) has been eployed to verify and study the existence of non-thermal, fast electrons in laser-plasma iteraction since te first experiments by Kieffer et al. 131. The lasers intensity i these measurements as been in the range 10 4 - 1016 W/CM2. Measurements of laser absorption at igher intensities < 1018 W/cm 2 have been made 4 but without employing x-ray polarimetry Teoretical studies of fast-electron generation and teir effect o te x-ray linear polarization have been made 561, which considered laser itensities as hig as 10111 W/CM2. Here we describe a planned effort to se PPS as a diagnostic for determining fast electron generation and eergy partition of short pulse lasers interacting with matter at relativistic laser itensities up to 1021 W/Cm2. 11. PHYSICS LASERS AT LLNL The Physics and Advanced Technologies Directorate at the University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory operates four powerful ultipurpose laser facilities used for experiments in igh-energy density physics, x-ray laser development, and material science. These facilities are used in collaborative experiments with many non-LLNL user, and new collaborations are always welcome. In fact, the planned PPS experiment respresents a collaboration between LLNL and the Uiversity of Nevada in Reno. The first of these lasers is te Compact Multipulse Terawatt (COMET) laser operating at 1054 Jim. A schematic of te facility is shown in Fig. 1. The laser consists of a Ti:sapphire oscillator with glass aplifiers tat can generate and probe plasmas with up to four beams. One or two long pulse beams (At = 600 ps) with 1 ad 4 J, respectively, are available together with two or three short pulse beams (At = 500 fs) with I or 75 J. One of te short pulse beams is equipped for operation frequency doubled or tripled laser light. A summary of the parameters of the COMET laser is given in Table . The COMET laser as been used ainly for developing efficient x-ray laser schemes 7,81. Tile inulti-pulse capability has been used to generate an dditional pasina on a slab tat in turn is probed with the x-ray laser plse generated by te other COMET laser beams 9. TABLE 1. Parameters of the COMET laser. Beam type Energy Pulse Lngth (J) (Ps) Long pulse 15 600 Short plse 7.5 0.5 Bea 3 1 0.5 Beam 3 4 600 Probe beam 0.51 "At or 3L, eission, i.e., 527 nin ad 351 inn, respectively. I - 40 - pi as in 0 M! Pulse ompre In Vacuum Chamber Long Pulse Beam FIG. 1. Schematic of te COMET laser. Tile second of te pysics lsers is the Ultra Short Pulse (USP) laser, sown shematicall i Fig. 2 USP is a Ti:Sapphire laser operating either at 800 nin with ail energy of I J or at 400 nm wit a eergy of 035 J. ile pulse width of the USP laser is > 0 1s; te spot size is less trial) three tmes the dffraction hnit, i.e., about 2 in at 400 nin about 3 yrn at 00 nin). As a result, USP as an intensity s igh as x 101) W/cin'. Te contrast between prepulse and niain plse is 105 at ad 10' at 2w Sort plse laser energy of' 100 120 mJ is available at 1 Hz repetition ate ad at aout 20/hour at igher energics. A suinniary of te paraineters of the USP laser is given in Table 11. TABLE 11. Parameters of the USP lascr. Wavelength Energy Pulse Length Spot Size ([fill) (.J) (fs) pin 800 1 > 80 3 400 0.35 > 80 1--2 Currewntly, tic USP laser is being ued for aomic physics sudies of hot, high-density pasina 101 ad (Equatio of stat rlated conductivity studies of warin-dens mtter 11,12]. - 41 - eak 0 Harm C Ab I Fourier Dom Interferomet High ntense X-ray generate High ntensity it e-bearn Interactions X-ray lasers FIG. 2 Schematic of he USP laser. The third laser is the Janus laser, which is sown schernatically i ig 3 Tis fcility as ben operating since the early 1970 wen it was conirnissioned for sudies of iitial confinement fusion (ICF'). Janus is a two-bearn laser (hence its nure), pofiling 300 J er bearn o target Wen the primary ICF studies o Janus were replaced wth studies o te Argii lser laid later on the Shiva nd Nova lasers, the emphasis of the Janus facility was shifted to ICF spport studies nd ICF dgnostics development. It as also been used for x-ray laser studies 31. Like tese subsequent lasers, Janus ca oerates a, 1064 nin as well as the ouble and triple frequency, s sminnarized in Table 111. Te pulse widt c b vied froin 00 ps to greater a 6 s Bam soothing was added i 1999. Te spot size is 17 pm ad up to three shots per hear an be accornodated. An upgrade to 1000 J pr heam is currently uder way. TABLE fit. Parameters of the Jawis laser. Parameter Vahie 106 inn. 5T m. 366 mn Energy :300 J t 1064 inn Pulse width 0.1 - 6 s Spoil size 17 pin Repetition rate at rod hot cnergics 2 20 J 20 shot pr hom Repetition rate at inaxinium (therapy 2 pr hom, 42 An important feature is tat oe of the Janus bams (at, 532 Inn) can be sed to pump a econd ultra short plse laser. The iiltra shor plse laser pumped y Jmus has bee dbbed JantTSP 141. A schematic of JanUSP is shown in Fig. 4. FIG. 3 Schematic of the Janus aser. ,rABLE IV. Parameters of Ow Jarms-plimped 1tra hor plse Islas JaIIUSP. Parameter Value Wavelength 800 11111 E II I gy 15 .1 Pulse Width > 80 Fs Spot size < 3 III Repetition ratle in low-power mode (300 mJ) 1 Hz Repetition rate at rinximum (nicigy 2 1)(1 IIOLII' - 43 Like USP, JanUSP is Ti:Sapphire laser. But being puniped y anus it can reach energies of 15 J at 800 run and high peak ower in excess of 150 TW. Te focussing Sot Of Ja11USP is two times te diffraction limit < 3yrn), which is better than tat of tile USP laser-, te pulse width is aout te same at > 80 fs. As a result of these operating parameters te JanUSP laser call focus up to 1021 W/cni o target. 'le contrast btwee te prepuls ad tile mai plse is i te ange of 109 ad ay be improved by plementing a fequency doubling rystal T rpetition rate is 2 shots per hour. arameters of te anUSP laser are given i Table IV. JanUSP can also e erated i a low-energy inode with 300 rnJ per sot at a epetition rate of 10 Hz. Tis capability is currently being used to develop high repetition rate xray laser Schemes 15]. S-Pass Bowtle Amplifier High ntens Final TI:Sapphire % Dis Amplifiers X-ray generation 532 nrn Pump Beam from Janus UIG 4 Shematic of the JanUSP laser. JanUSP has been used for ])ear gneration (Experiments I articular, it has been sed for nergy artitio ad -y-ray bearn gneratio eperiments 16,17] Aout oe to two ercent of the laser eergy can be converte ito a proton beani emanating froin te back surface of a thin 10-20 pm) aluminurn foil propagating t eergies up to 20 25 MeV 161. Detection of te roton ])earn was by radiochroinatic film. Electron beam generation fro t back a front) side of foil targets has also been observed 181. For this an electron spectrometer ws built tilizing ermanent agnets for eergy analysis nd a charge couple device camera for rcd Out NM cn Mea'sme (Electronic, WM) elwl 6cs betweell I 00 kev ml GO Nl('V It, is possible fluO 111 o alf of the total aser energy is converted to fst electrons at the high itensities ossible with anUSII. - 44 - 111. PLANNED EXPERIMENTS Laser absorption at intensities close to 10" W/cm' was studied y Price et al. employing the USP laser 41. Tey showed tat absorption by verse brernsstrahlung is replaced by relativistic . x B eating at a laser intensity near 10" W/cm 2. As te itensity is increased frther additional absorption mechanisms my play a important role Such as ion shock formatio ad vacuum Brunel) Treating. Moreover tere is a relativistic increase in the electron's mass making the election esponse to te oscillating laser field ore suggis ad thus allowing the laser to pnetrate deeper by icreasing te critical density. The pondermotive pressure will steepe te density profile ,above the target surface and thus will affect the electro ad ion transport. Also, ultra-high electric ad agnetic felds cn be generated that change th asorption at very hig itensities. The magnetic field my reach values as igh a 3 gigagauss; the electric fiel my reach values of 1012 V/Clu.