Russia's Military Reform: Political Trajectories

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Russia's Military Reform: Political Trajectories Russias Military Reform: Political Trajectories By Assoc. Prof., dr. Raimundas Lopata and Assoc. Prof., dr. Ceslovas Laurinavicius* ussias state and identity crisis that was cut but not reformed. Igor strategic deterrence under one command commenced with the end of the cold Rodionovs tenure (defence minister in and to reduce the number of military war has inevitably touched the military 1996-1997) was marked mainly by his in- districts1 . of the state. creasingly strident complaints of the mea- However, several factors played a ma- Military reform has been discussed over gre finances available to the army and ad- jor role in the trajectory of the military the last decade in Russia, with decidedly vocated preparations for a theatre-wide development: the Kosovo crisis, the sec- mixed results. In practice, reform has pri- conventional war with NATO. The most ond Chechnya War and the Kursk sub- marily meant further cuts in the size of significant steps toward not just a smaller marine catastrophe. the armed forces (from 5,1 million to 1,2 but also restructured military have taken Russia, as response to the NATO op- million) with some moderate organiza- place under Igor Sergeyev (defence min- eration in Kosovo, laid a new emphasis tional changes. Reform under Pavel ister in 1997-2001). Further cuts were en- on a nuclear deterrence, which should Grachev (defence minister in 1992-1996) acted in a more logical fashion - assem- compensate for the weakness of the con- basically amounted to a gradual hollow- bling of a small number of permanent ventional forces. At the meeting of Rus- ing out of the military structure inher- readiness divisions has been started, it sias Security Council on the 29th of April ited from the Soviet Union. The army was tried to integrate all components of 1999 there were prepared three secret de- * Associate Professor, dr. Raimundas Lopata is the Director of the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, University of Vilnius, Lithuania. Associate Professor, dr. ¹eslovas Laurinavi²ius is also with the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, University of Vilnius, Lithuania. 99 crees. One of them allegedly prescribed military authoritarianism. The urgent who oversaw the inter-ministerial work- the development of new tactical weapons. need to restructure and reorganise the ing group that drew up a military reform Neither the content of those decrees nor whole military system was confirmed dur- program. Now he will have to implement their implementation has become ing the series of the meetings of the Secu- this programme6 . The fact that Putin has known2 . Nevertheless, the military ma- rity Council during autumn 20005 . appointed a close ally to the Defence Min- noeuvres in Kaliningrad that imitated the Thereby Putin faced the dilemma: How isters job suggests he really does consider scenarios of de-escalation mission spoke to reform (modernise) the military by military reform a top priority and re- for themselves (Russias military doctrine keeping up political leverage that assisted signed the principal that the military re- signed in April 2000 confirmed this)3 . in the forming the authority of Putin? form was given to the military to preoc- In 1999 the reactivated use of the Therefore Kremlins trajectory with regard cupy themselves with. armed forces in Chechnya determined to the military reform reflects certain con- The new Deputy Defence Minister re- preconditions for the authoritarianism of tradiction. The military issue implicates sponsible for the financial and economic Putin and for the emergence of a hyper- two scopes reflecting the above-mentioned issues is a well-known specialist Lyubov trophied status of the military. In every ambivalence. Kudelina, who will also head the Defence public speech in early 2000, Acting Presi- Ministrys Chief Military Budget and Fi- dent Vladimir Putin reiterated the key Reshuffle of the top of the military nances Department. When one considers message: The Army has regained trust in and security establishment that the defence budget represents one- itself and society believes in and trusts its fifth of the total state budget, the impor- Army4 . At this juncture the situation At the end of March 2001, in appoint- tance of this job is obvious. Over the past could end up with the formation of the ing a retired KGB Lieutenant General decade the structure has been much criti- military authoritarianism. Sergey Ivanov to head the Defence Min- cized for its poor performance and two However, in 2000 the Kursk submarine istry and making a senior woman official of Kudelinas predecessors have been dis- catastrophe brought the public attention Lyubov Kudelina from the Finance Min- missed. There seems to be a new aware- to the disastrous deterioration of the istry one of his deputies, Putin claimed ness that the department needs qualified military. Without any doubts the accident to have begun de-militarising Russia and civilian specialists. The Defence Ministrys had a huge impact on Putins authority justified his decision by saying that as Financial Inspectorate and Labour Depart- as well as on a presumable model of the Security Council Secretary, it was Ivanov ment, where new directors are to be ap- 100 pointed, will be subordinate to Kudelina7 . aparatchik and implementer of Putin?9 nothing of the state of the civil society in The dismissals followed given appoint- It could be expected that the appointment Russia, it is worth noticing that Kremlin ments. A top Russian Defence Ministry of Ivanov, the person closely related to does not feel any need to inform the pub- official known for hawkish statements Putin, will put an end to the conflict be- lic on what is going on in the military. toward the West Colonel General Leonid tween former Defence Minister Sergeyev In the meantime, changes in the person- Ivashov, the Head of the Department for and the Chief of the General Staff Anatoly nel at the top of Defence Ministry follow International Military Co-operation, is to Kvashnin over differing approaches to the the old tradition Kremlin changes po- lose his job. Ivashov has become known army reforms. However, it is hardly cred- tentially disloyal persons. for strong statements against NATOs east- ible that this factor points to the reform- Except the interest to consolidate the ward expansion, blaming it for being a ist potential of Ivanov. It is more likely power of Putin, these appointments, criminal organization and for the US that Putin has started a disassembling of maybe, do not change anything. The De- plans to deploy a missile defence system. the military establishment (mostly based fence Ministry is still a military rather than Presumably the situation can be inter- on the Soviet clan-corporate principal) re- a political institution. Russia does not yet preted as Russias interest in military co- placing it by the bureaucracy structures have the hundreds of civilian officials with operation not only on bilateral but as well consolidating a so-called vertical line of solid military knowledge it will need. Nor on international-institutional basis. By the power. A statement of Ivanov made dur- does it have top generals open minded way, Mikhail Dmitriev, the person from ing his visit in Minsk, Belarus, in April enough to take orders from a Minister Putins entourage, former professional 2001 confirms the version: Today, the close to the President, let alone from not- intelligence agent, and incumbent Deputy discussions are over. The armed-forces re- so-high-ranking civilian officials. Real de- Defence Minister was appointed to head form plans have been approved by the militarisation of the political institutions the Military Technological Co-operation President, and it is time to implement would have to start by removing the mili- Committee of the Defence Ministry. The the approved decisions10 . tary status from the dozens of ministries outspoken, hawkish General Valery In reality, however, the appointment and government agencies run on military Manilov was ousted as the First Deputy of one or even several civilians to the top lines. Instead, it looks as though the mili- Chief of Russias General Staff8 . defence posts could end up doing more tary contingents in these government Nevertheless, is it realistic to expect se- to discredit the idea of de-militarisation bodies will in some way or another be rious reforms from the obedient rather than furthering its cause. To say made subordinate to the Defence Minis- 101 try. This could lead to the emergence of a 50.000, the Air Forces 40.000; in total efits for the military. This could be inter- militarised behemoth, encompassing over 90.000 during 2001) and 130.000 so called preted as a tendency of shifting to a pro- two million people, even with the planned civilian specialists. Given that the state can- fessional army16 . Ivanov does not mask military cutbacks. The problem is that not even properly feed and arm all its such intention. Asked when Russia would Kremlin does not seem to understand that soldiers12 , this looks like a perfectly ra- move from conscription to a professional de-militarisation of the military related tional decision. army, Ivanov said at the moment it was ministries is an important element in es- The biggest cuts can be expected in Si- impossible to say, because it depended tablishing civilian control. And this is not beria, the Far East and in the Kaliningrad on the economic situation. The Defence the only step - it is equally important to Oblast. Cuts will also affect Russian troops Minister pointed out that the changeover encourage greater openness and transpar- in Trans-Dnestr and in the South Cauca- cannot occur overnight, and that in the ency. But as Security Council Secretary, sus13 . Though some army corps will be US - for example - it took 10 years17 .
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