War crimes and politics of terror in 1994-2004


In the same collection, “MSF Speaking Out”:

- “Salvadoran refugee camps in Honduras 1988” Laurence Binet - Médecins Sans Frontières [October 2003 - April 2004 - December 2013]

- “Genocide of Rwandan Tutsis 1994” Laurence Binet - Médecins Sans Frontières [October 2003 - April 2004 - April 2014]

- “Rwandan refugee camps Zaire and Tanzania 1994-1995” Laurence Binet - Médecins Sans Frontières [October 2003 - April 2004 - April 2014]

- “The violence of the new Rwandan regime 1994-1995” Laurence Binet - Médecins Sans Frontières [October 2003 - April 2004 - April 2014]

- “Hunting and killings of Rwandan Refugee in Zaire-Congo 1996-1997” Laurence Binet - Médecins Sans Frontières [August 2004 - April 2014]

- ‘’Famine and forced relocations in Ethiopia 1984-1986” Laurence Binet - Médecins Sans Frontières [January 2005 - November 2013]

- “Violence against Kosovar Albanians, NATO’s Intervention 1998-1999” Laurence Binet - Médecins Sans Frontières [September 2006]

- “MSF and North Korea 1995-1998” Laurence Binet - Médecins Sans Frontières [January 2008 - 2014]

-”Somalia 1991-1993: Civil war, famine alert and UN ‘military-humanitarian’ intervention” Laurence Binet - Médecins Sans Frontières [October 2013]

Editorial Committee: Laurence Binet, Françoise Bouchet-Saulnier, Marine Buissonnière, Katharine Derderian, Rebecca Golden, Michiel Hofman, Kris Torgeson - Director of Studies (project coordination - research - interview - editing): Laurence Binet - Assistant: Bérengère Cescau - Translation into English: Philippa Bowe Smith, Mandy Duret, James Guy, Amanda Harvey, Justin Hillier, Malcolm Leader, Karen Tucker, Riccardo Walker, Michaël Wells - Caroline Serraf (coordination) - Translation into Russian and editing: Tatevik Yeghiazarian, Maria Borshova - Proof reading: Rebecca Golden - Design and layout: - Video research: Céline Zigo – Video editing: Sara Mac Leod - Website designer: Sean Brokenshire.

Thanks to MSF Australia team for their support.

Thanks to Rony Brauman for his advice. Produced by the Médecins Sans Frontières International Movement. MSF Australia is in charge of the design, running, update, and promotion strategy of the website http://speakingout.msf.org

2 © Médecins Sans Frontières. September 2014 FOREWORD

This publication is part of the “Médecins Sans Frontières Speaking Out” case studies series prepared in response to the MSF International Council’s wish to provide the movement with literature on MSF témoignage (advocacy). War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 War Crimes and Politics of Terror The idea was to create a reference document that would be straightforward and accessible to all and help volunteers understand and adopt the organization’s culture of speaking out.

It was not to be an ideological manual or a set of guidelines. Témoignage cannot be reduced to a mechanical applica- tion of rules and procedures as it involves an understanding of the dilemmas inherent in every instance of humanitarian action.

The International Council assigned the project to a director of studies, who in turn works with an editorial committee composed of MSF representatives chosen by the International Board for their experience and expertise. They serve in their capacity as individuals and do not represent their national sections.

Faced with the difficulty of defining the term témoignage, the editorial committee decided to focus the series on case studies in which speaking out posed a dilemma for MSF and thus meant taking a risk.

Key information sources -MSF volunteers’ written and oral recollections — are reconstructed by highlighting docu- ments from the period concerned and interviewing the main actors.

The individuals interviewed are chosen from lists prepared by the operational sections involved in each case. Speaking in the language they choose, these individuals offer both their account of events and their assessment of MSF’s re- sponse. The interviews are recorded and transcribed.

Document searches are conducted in the operational sections’ archives and, as far as possible, press archives.

The research is constrained by practical and financial issues, including locating interviewees and securing their agree- ment and determining the existence, quality and quantity of archived materials.

The methodology aims at establishing the facts and setting out a chronological presentation of the positions adopted at the time. It enables the reconstruction of debates and dilemmas without pre-judging the quality of the decisions made.

The main text describes events in chronological order. It includes excerpts from documents and interviews, linked by brief introductions and transitional passages. We rely on document extracts to establish the facts as MSF described and perceived them at the time. When documentation is missing, interviews sometimes fill the gaps. These accounts also provide a human perspective on the events and insight into the key players’ analyses.

Preceding the main texts collected, the reader will find a map, a list of abbreviations and an introduction that lays out the context of MSF’s public statements and the key dilemmas they sought to address.

In addition, a detailed chronology reconstructs MSF’s actions and public statements in regional and international news reports of the period.

3 MSF Speaks Out

Each case study was written in French and translated into English and is available in both languages.1

These case studies were essentially designed as an educational tool for associative members of the organisa- tion. With the hope of broadening their educational scope the studies are now being made available to the public for free, on the website www.speakingout.msf.org, the various English and French-language websites of individual sections of Médecins Sans Frontières, and on Book.

We hope you find them useful.

The Editorial Committee.

September 2013

4 1. Document excerpts and interviews have been translated into both languages. CONTENTS

People interviewed and their position at the time of the events " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 7

MSF reports mentioned in this document " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 8 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 War Crimes and Politics of Terror

People of and the quoted in the document " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "page " " 9

Abbreviations " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "page " " " 11" " "

Map " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page" " " " "12

Introduction " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 13

War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 19

• Working under fire " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "page " " " " 25

• Humanitarian law flouted in Chechnya:

MSF denounces the bombing of civilians in Shatoi and Makhkety " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 29

• Harassment and violence against humanitarian teams " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 36 • “Chechnya, a Far Cry from Peace:

MSF Denounces the ‘cleansing’ of Sernovodsk, and Vedeno” " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 42

• MSF volunteer kidnapped in the Caucasus " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 52

• For humanitarian workers, insecurity is rising with the peace " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 60

• The man who escaped " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 64

• “The respite wouldn’t have lasted” " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 71

• How can we help Chechen civilians? " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 73

• Speak out, as we can’t take action? " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 82

• Make the most of the Nobel Peace prize " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 85

• Initial calls to the “organised” international community " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page" 91

• Qualifying the war and denouncing the Russian forces’ conduct " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 97

• Describe the situation or question policy makers? " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "page " 104

• Russian propaganda on MSF’s work in the Caucasus " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 107

• Cautious re-start to MSF operations in " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page" " 118 5 MSF Speaks Out

• A communication strategy based on collected personal accounts " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 123

• Controversy about a media campaign proposal " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 129

• MSF denounces the policy of terror against the civilians of Chechnya " " " " " " " " " " " " page 135

• Security alerts " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 143

• “The Man best prepared in the event of kidnapping” " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 146

• “Kidnapped by mistake”: apologies from Bassaiev " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 160

• ‘Russian pressure on refugees’ return to Chechnya " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 165

• MSF re-starts its programmes in North Caucasus " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "page " " " 167

• Russian “normalisation” through terror, the radicalisation of separatists " " " " " " " " " page 170

• Russian anti-terrorist rhetoric prevails " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 176

• “Chechnya-: A Deliberate Strategy of Non-Assistance to People in Crisis” " " " page 180

• Against the repatriation plan in 20 steps: MSF reacts and denounces " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 197

• A summer full of danger " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 209

• Arjan Erkel is kidnapped in " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 213

• MSF and the hostage taking in Dubrovka theatre " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 223

• More than putting out a ‘missing persons’ alert " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 228

• Press conference and petition for Arjan Erkel’s release " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 237

• “Left Without A Choice - Forced To Return To Chechnya” " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 245

• Tensions and threats against humanitarian workers " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 253 • Arjan Erkel, one year in captivity:

MSF denounces the Russian and Dutch governments’ inertia " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 263

• A boat on the Hudson: the Erkel campaign in the and the UN " " " " " "page 269

• Journalists point to people who may be behind the kidnapping " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 277

• “MSF accuses” " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 282

• Internal tensions, external criticisms " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 294

• Arjan Erkel’s release " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 311

Chronology of events " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " page 321


A Member of MSF North Caucasus staff (in Russian, translated into English by an MSF interpreter) interviewed in 2008. B Member of MSF North Caucasus staff (in Russian, translated into English by an MSF interpreter) interviewed in 2008. in Chechnya 1994-2004 War Crimes and Politics of Terror Loïck Barriquand MSF France Programme manager, September 2000 to 2005 (in French) interviewed in 2009. Dr. José-Antonio Bastos Director of Operations for North Caucasus, MSF Holland, 2001 to 2003 (in French) interviewed in 2009. Vincent de Bellefroid MSF France Project Coordinator in Shatoi, Chechnya, February to May 1995, August 1996 to July 1997, and Project Coordinator in North Caucasus June to October 2001 (in French) interviewed in 2008. Samantha Bolton Communications Officer MSF International 1994 to 1997 (in French) interviewed in 2000. Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol MSF France Director of Communications 1996 to 1998, Director of Operations 1998 to 2000, President May 2000 to May 2008 (in French) interviewed in 2009. Dr Rony Brauman Director of studies MSF Foundation since 1994, MSF France President from 1982 to 1994 (in French) interviewed in 2000. C Member of MSF North Caucasus staff (in Russian, translated into English by an MSF interpreter) interviewed in 2008. William Claus Emergency Coordinator MSF Belgium 1994 to 1996 (in French) interviewed in 2008. Dr Eric Comte MSF France Field Coordinator in the Pankisi Valley () December 1999 to April 2000, Field Coordinator in Ingushetia April 2000 to October 2000, Coordinator in Georgia 2000 to 2002 (in French) interviewed in 2009. Steve Cornish MSF France Coordinator in Georgia January to April 2000, in Ingushetia September 2000 to January 2001, MSF Switzerland Officer in the Russian Federation August 2002 to April 2004, (in French) interviewed in 2008. D Member of MSF North Caucasus staff (in French) interviewed in 2008 Austen Davies MSF Holland Executive Director, 1999 to 2004 (in English) interviewed in 2009. Dr Alain Devaux MSF Belgium Programme manager 1994 to 1996 (in French) interviewed in 2008. Jean-Christophe Dollé Coordinator of MSF Belgium’s North Caucasus project, from March to November 2000 (in French) interviewed in 2008. [...] MSF Deputy Legal Advisor, 1995-2005 (in French) interviewed in 2008. E Member MSF North Caucasus staff (in English) interviewed in 2008. Anne Fouchard MSF France Deputy Communications Director, July 2000 to July 2004 (in French) interviewed in 2008. Kenny Gluck MSF Holland Coordinator and Regional Advisor in North Caucasus November 1999 to January 2001, Director of Operations 2001 to 2005 (in English) interviewed in 2000 and in 2009. Michiel Hofman MSF Holland North Caucasus Coordinator from May 2001 to July 2003 (in English) interviewed in 2009. Anne-Marie Huby Executive Director MSF United Kingdom, (in French) interviewed in 2000. Graziella Godain MSF France Emergency Coordinator in the North Caucasus, February to October 1996 (in French) interviewed in 2008. 7 MSF Speaks Out

Eric Goemaere Director General MSF Belgium, 1996-1998 (in French) interviewed in 2000. François Jean Director of Studies MSF France Foundation until December 1999 (in French) interviewed in 1998. [...] MSF Belgium Project Coordinator in Chechnya 1995, MSF USA Programme Department 2001-2002 (in French) interviewed in 2008. Dr Thomas Nierle MSF Switzerland Head of Emergencies, Director of Operations 2000 to 2004 (in French) interviewed in 2009. Dr Bart Ostyns MSF Belgium Field Coordinator in Chechnya 1995 to 1996, Task Force North Caucasus 1999 to 2001 (in French) interviewed in August 2000. Christopher Stokes MSF Belgium Coordinator in 1994 to 1996 (in French) interviewed in 2008. Gabriel Trujillo MSF France Coordinator for North Caucasus, January 2002 to July 2003 (in French) interviewed in 2008. Dr Brigitte Vasset MSF France Director of Operations 1990 to 1998, Emergency Coordinator in Pankisi valley (Georgia) October 1999 to January 2000 (in French) interviewed in 2008. Rafa Vila San Juan MSF International Secretary General, January 2001 to January 2004 (in French) interviewed in 2009.


Ilyas Akhmadov Chechen commander, ’s spokeperson during the first war, Head of anti- terrorist forces between the two wars, the Minister of Foreign Affairs from July 1999 in Chechnya 1994-2004 War Crimes and Politics of Terror and Aslan Maskhadov’s government spokesperson abroad from 2000 on. Ramzan Akhmadov Chechen commander, allied with Khattab, member of the Akhmadov’s clan, suspected of being specialised in kidnappings. Ruslan Aushev President of the Republic of Ingushetia from February 1993 to April 2002. Andreï Babitski Russian independent journalist, correspondent of Radio Free Europe in Russia; kidnapped and detained in a filtration camp in January 2000. Shamil Bassayev Chechen commander, Vice-Prime Minister of Aslan Maskhadov’s government from 1997 on, then interim Prime Minister from January to June 1998. Allied with the radical Saudi Islamist commander, Ibn al Khattab and the ‘legion of Islamic combatants.’ Vladimir Shamanov Commander of the Russian forces in Chechnya during the first war to Januray 2000. Nina Davidovitch Member of the NGO Drujba, kidnapped in August 2002, one week before Arjan Erkel, released in January 2003. Dzhokhar Dudaiev Elected President of the Independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, from November 1991 to April 1996 (assassinated). President of the Russian Federation from June 1991 to December 1999. Zelimkan Iandarbiyev Interim President of the Independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria from April 1996 to February 1997; then allied with the radical Islamists Bassaiev and Khattab. Sergueï Iastrjembski Head of the Public Relations Department of the President of the Russian Federation during the first war. from January 2000 on, advisor and spokesperson of the Russian Federation’s President on Chechen issues. Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs from September 1998 to March 2004, then Secretary of the National Security Council of the Russian Federation. Sergey Ivanov Secretary of the National Security Council of the Russian Federation, from November 1999 to March 2001, then Minister of Defence from March 2001 to February 2007. Vyatcheslav Izmaïlov Former officer in the Russian army specialised in solving kidnappings, then journalist for the independent Russian newspaper Novaïa Gazeta covering Arjan Erkel issues. Akhmed Kadyrov Former rebel commander, named Head of the Chechen administration by Moscow in July 2000, elected President of the Republic of Chechnya in October 2003. Vladimir Kalamanov Kremlin Envoy for Human Rights in Chechnya. Oumar Khambiev Surgeon, Minister of Health in Aslan Maskhadov’s government from 1996 to 1999. In January 2000, he was detained for several weeks in a filtration camp. Ibn-al-Khattab Saudi radical Islamic commander, allied with Chechen commander Shamil Bassaiev; created and led an ‘Islamic legion’ of non Chechen Jihadist combatants; considered a member of Al-Qaïda by the United States and the Federation of Russia. General Koulikov Head of the Russian Federation Ministry of Interior’s armed forces from March 1995 to July 1998. Sergey V. Lavrov Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the United States, Russian Federation’s Minister of Foreign Affairs from February 1994 to March 2004. 9 MSF Speaks Out

Aslan Maskhadov President of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, elected in 1997. Not recognized as a President by Moscow from October 1999 on. Magomegali Magomedov President of the State Council of the Republic of Dagestan from 1987 to 2006. Prime Minister of the Russian Federation from August 1999 on, interim President from December 1999, elected as a President in March 2000. Igor Sergeyev Russian Federation Minister of Defence from May 1997 to March 2001. Imamutdin Temirbulatov Deputy Head of the Dagestani Anti-Organized Crime Department in charge of investigating Arjan Erkel’s kidnapping. Doku Zavgaiev Pro-Russian President of the Chechen Republic from November 1995 to August 1996. Murat Ziazikov President of the Republic of Ingushetia elected in May 2002.


ACF Action against Hunger MDM Doctors of the World (Action contre la Faim) (Médecins du Monde) AFP Agence France Presse MSF B Belgian section of MSF BUZA Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs MSF CH Swiss section of MSF

GA General Assembly MSF F French section of MSF in Chechnya 1994-2004 War Crimes and Politics of Terror AI MSF H Dutch section of MSF BBC British Broadcasting Corporation MVD Ministry of the Interior (Russian Federation) CoE Council of Europe NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation CHW Catholic Healthcare West NGO Non-Governmental Organization CIA Central Intelligence Agency (American) NSC National Security Council CNCDH National Consultative Mission NTV Russian Independent TV channel, (French) on Human Rights put under government control in 2001 CNN Cable News Network OMON Otryad Militsii Osobovo Naznachenia – (American) Ministry of the Interior (Russian Federation) IHL International Humanitarian Law ORT Russian State TV Channel DRC Danish Relief Council OSCE Organisation for Security ECHO European Commission for Humanitarian and Cooperation in Europe Aid and Civil Protection PACE Parliamentary Assembly Council EFTA European Free Trade Association of Europe EMERCOM Ministry of Emergency Situations UBOP Ministry of the Interior’s (Russion Federatiàn) Organized Crime and Terrorism EU European Community Department (Russian Federation) EP European Parliament UN FSB (ex-KGB) UNHCR United Nations High Commission (Russian Federation) for Refugees HRW UNSECOORD Office of the United Nations Security Coordinator ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross WHO World Health Organisation IDP Internal Displaced Persons IFHR International Federation of Human Rights MOFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs MOI Ministry of the Interior

Extract from interviews conducted in 1998, Extract from MSF archives or press clippings. 2000, 2008, 2009 people who participated and/or witnessed the events.

Click to access the reference material list. Then click on the refering number to access the video. 11 MSF Speaks Out

AR I US Kamyshev

KABARDINO Znamenskoe

BALKARIA Aki-Yurt NALTCHIK CHECHNYA INGUSHETIA Karabulak Assinovskaya DAGESTAN Sernovodsk Gudermes Sleptsvosk Samaski Khasaviurt Beslan Nazran NORTH Urus-Martan Shali OSSETIA Vedeno




CHECHNYA GEORGIA TURKEY Pankisi Valley 0km 50km IRAN Toward Tbilissi

Chechen Idp/refugee camps.


On November 1st 1991, Chechnya, a republic in the Northern Caucasus whose people had more than once paid a heavy price for their opposition to the central government in Moscow, declared its independence from the Russian Federation. In January 1992, the Chechen President, Djokhar Dudaiev, refused to sign

Chechnya’s membership treaty with the Russian Federation, and went on to introduce a Chechen constitution. in Chechnya 1994-2004 War Crimes and Politics of Terror In June 1993, he dissolved a parliament still loyal to Moscow, and accorded himself full powers. During the summer of 1994, Dudaiev’s forces overcame the internal opposition forces, supported and trained by Moscow.

In December 1994, Russian forces crossed over onto Chechen soil, officially ‘to disarm the parties to the conflict.’ The war that followed was presented by the Russian government as a police operation conducted on Federation soil. The federal forces pounded and destroyed whole towns and , blocking international witnesses from the civilian bombings by denying access to humanitarian organisations. Entire regions were thus closed off. In the summer of 1996, the conflict abated with the Chechen separatists’ victory over the Russian army. The latter temporarily withdrew from the country.

The new Chechen President, Aslan Maskhadov, elected in 1997, failed to bring stability to the country. Brought to its knees by the war and riddled with a flourishing mafia, Chechnya also struggled to contend with an upsurge of radical Islamism. The kidnappings of senior corporate staff, humanitarian workers, and international journalists multiplied, contributing to the destabilisation of the Northern Caucasus and depriving Chechens of much-needed aid while discouraging the presence of foreigners.

In August 1999, a group of radical Chechen rebels led an armed incursion into Dagestan. The same rebels were held responsible for a string of bomb attacks staged in Moscow, leaving hundreds dead in their wake. The Russian forces thus returned to the fray in Chechnya, rolling out a Moscow-termed ‘anti-terrorist operation.’ After an intensive period of bombing, wiping out towns and villages and uprooting more than 200,000 Chechens to neighbouring republics, the federal government embarked on a ‘normalisation’ phase. Based on the imposition of terror, it led to the disappearance of thousands of civilians in cleansing operations and torture camps. Meanwhile, part of the Chechen resistance radicalised, overwhelming President Maskhadov, whom Moscow no longer recognised. The rebels scaled up the attacks against the federal government and the pro-Russian Chechen administration, put into place by the Kremlin.

From late 2000 on, the federal government started applying pressure on in neighbouring republics, forcing them to go home. Such a return would show other nations and international institutions that the country was indeed reverting to normal. In reality, the living conditions and security in Chechnya were in a disastrous state. Only a trickle of assistance reached the Chechen population, as a climate of terror compromised international organisations’ work while the armed forces and a corrupt administration practiced wide-scale misappropriation of aid. In May 2002, a 20-step repatriation agreement was signed by the Ingush authorities and the federal government, formalising the forced dismantling of the Chechen refugee camps and a return to their devastated country.

13 MSF Speaks Out


During the first war, the Médecins Sans Frontières teams battled against the obstacles the Russian forces threw in their path so as to assist civilian populations in Chechnya and neighbouring republics. They supplied hospitals with medicines and medical materials, operated on the wounded and negotiated and sometimes secured the evacuation of patients during bombing raids.

In April 1996, an expatriate administrator working for the Belgium section was kidnapped for several weeks. This was followed by a succession of threats, other kidnapping attempts, armed hold-ups, robberies of the MSF premises, and the assassination of six ICRC employees in December 1996. These events led to the closure of MSF’s programmes one by one. In July 1997, the French section’s administrator was kidnapped in Ingushetia. He escaped the following October, and all MSF sections withdrew from the Northern Caucasus.

In autumn 1999, when hostilities in Chechnya flared anew, MSF’s operational sections struggled to work in a context of all out war, exposing expatriate volunteers to the dangers involved. In 2000, the different sections tentatively initiated support activities for refugees in the neighbouring republics of Georgia, Ingushetia, and Dagestan. In Chechnya, the operations were mainly run by national staff members trained and managed from a distance, by teams based in Moscow and Nazran conducting sporadic field visits. This cautious approach was consolidated in January 2001 following the kidnapping of the MSF Holland Coordinator who was held for three weeks in Chechnya. Before this kidnapping, with the assistance of a solid national team, the Dutch section had managed to set up a supply system for the Chechen hospitals, bringing in medicines and medical materials. In Ingushetia, the MSF team’s efforts to improve the refugees’ living conditions were thwarted by the authorities’ determination to perpetuate the misery, thereby pressurising the refugees to return to Chechnya.

In the summer of 2002, alerts, threats, and attempted and successful kidnappings swelled in the Northern Caucasus. On 12th August 2002, the MSF Switzerland Coordinator a Dutch national, was kidnapped in Dagestan. During the eighteen months of his captivity, over and above the drama itself, the deterioration of MSF’s relations with his family and the Dutch government, and the climate between the MSF sections handling the kidnapping, all conspired to weaken the organisation’s work and position in the Russian Federation. Nonetheless, the national staff continued to run activities in Ingushetia and Chechnya.

Throughout the entire period of its presence on Russian Federation soil, MSF was the repeated target of rumours launched and fanned by army or administration representatives, and relayed by the Russian media. The teams were accused of espionage and supporting the Chechen rebels. The strategy of intimidation and terror employed by the Russian authorities in the Northern Caucasus impacted on humanitarian workers as well as on the populations they were trying to assist.


During the first war, press releases and volunteers’ personal accounts delivered in the international press described the violence inflicted by the Russian forces on civilians and the obstacles thrown in aid organisations’ paths. In May 1995, the massive bombing of Shatoi, the merciless killing of civilians, and the forced evacuation of the MSF team and its patients were followed by a press release and a report denouncing the Russian forces’ disrespect for humanitarian law

14 In April 1996, after the bombing of several towns in southern Chechnya, which was bolstered by a prohibition of access for assistance organisations, MSF staged an international press conference in Moscow and circulated a report documenting, through the personal accounts of survivors and volunteers, the targeting of civilians by the Russian forces. The kidnapping of the Belgian section’s administrator a few days after the press conference, led to a certain amount of discussion regarding a causal link between the two events.

From July to October 1997, during another kidnapping, this time the French section’s administrator in Ingushetia, MSF limited its communications to journalists likely to provide information. In October, after the hostage’s extraordinary escape, which incited some considerable incredulity, MSF organised a press

conference during which the ex-hostage provided some very real details of his flight. in Chechnya 1994-2004 War Crimes and Politics of Terror

When hostilities flared up again in Autumn 1999, MSF was running limited operations, yet chose to publicly denounce the Russian army’s conduct during the war. In November, the organisation called for the immediate opening of the border between Chechnya and Georgia, and demanded respect for Chechen civilians’ right to flee. In December, when receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, its representatives launched an appeal for a ceasefire in Grozny, the Chechen capital that was under the Russian army’s ultimatum of evacuation and total destruction at the time. In early 2000, a report containing accounts collected from Chechen refugees in Georgia was disseminated to the international press, and MSF employed the term ‘war’ to describe the Russian government’s ‘anti-terrorist operation.’

Within MSF, certain people questioned the validity of the refugee’s accounts, labelling them ‘second hand.’ Others considered that qualifying the situation as a war didn’t change a thing, and furthermore it wasn’t up to MSF to make this call. Meanwhile the national staff working for MSF’s Dutch section spent much of the year 2000 collecting accounts, through their activities in Chechen health facilities, on the Russian forces’ assaults on civilians. In Autumn 2000, these accounts were used as a basis for a communication campaign conducted in Europe. The Dutch section’s Coordinator was highly vocal in the campaign and in the Russian media as well. He was then kidnapped for a three week period in January 2001. Here again, a causal link between the two events was evoked by certain parties, although the identity of the kidnappers eventually contradicted such a theory.

In January 2002, MSF launched a communication campaign denouncing the pressure exerted on the Chechen refugees in Ingushetia to return. It gave a press conference in Paris, together with Sergei Kovalev, the former dissident, Duma deputy and human rights activist. This campaign was extended to the spring and summer of 2002, opposing the 20-step repatriation plan drawn up by the Russian and Ingush authorities.

When MSF Switzerland’s Coordinator was kidnapped in Dagestan in August 2002, the organisation limited its initial communications to calls for the volunteer’s release. Thus in October 2002, the organisation abstained from all public communication on the health disaster its team witnessed in a Moscow hospital, after the Russian forces launched an assault using narcotic gas to end the Chechen rebels’ kidnapping of nearly 800 people in the Dubrovka theatre.

From January 2003 on, given the dearth of information about its volunteer’s fate, MSF changed its strategy and raised the visibility of the kidnapping in the media: launching of a worldwide petition demanding the hostage’s release; press releases on anniversary dates or when proof of life was received; and press conferences with the family and representatives of the Dutch government, etc.

In March 2003, despite the caution that was required for the kidnapping, MSF publicly denounced the destruction of refugee housing its teams had built for Chechens in Ingushetia. In May, it gave a press 15 MSF Speaks Out

conference in Moscow and published a report based on a survey conducted amongst the refugees, revealing that more than 90% of them refused to return to Chechnya, mainly for security reasons. Throughout 2003, in press releases and statements issued by members of the organisation’s senior staff, MSF drew attention to the Russian government’s lack of involvement in investigations and efforts to secure the hostage’s release, despite the fact that the latter had been kidnapped on the Federation’s soil.

From March 2004 onwards, a more offensive strategy was launched, based on information obtained from private investigators and a journalist from an independent Russian weekly paper. It accused members of the Russian and Dagestan parliaments and pointed to the involvement of the Russian Secret Services. This line of communication led to some serious disagreements between MSF and the hostage’s family, along with members of the Dutch government, who considered that raising questions on the authorities and secret services could only damage the chances of a release. It also created some serious friction within the movement. Some parties considered that as MSF had no proof to prop up these accusations, it should refrain from broadcasting them thus. Moreover, the Dutch section was experiencing serious difficulties adopting a position contrary to national public opinion, which supported its government’s approach of diplomatic caution. The hostage was eventually released on 11th April 2004.

During this entire period, MSF backed up all instances of public speaking out, be it on the situation in Chechnya, the refugees’ fate, or the kidnapping of volunteers, with regular meetings held at diplomatic level. They aimed to raise the awareness of policy deciders prone to influencing the warring parties. Furthermore, all official Russian visits to European or North American states, and any international summits including the Russian Federation, were taken as opportunities to question the various parties publically. On three different occasions, MSF was heard by the Council of Europe on the situation in Chechnya and the refugees’ fate (January and November 2000 and January 2002). The organisation was heard by the United Nation’s Human Rights Commission in April 2002. Each of these hearings was taken up by a press release issued by the organisation.


Throughout this period, MSF’s operational positions and the way it spoke out publically evoked a series of questions and dilemmas that led to reflection, debate, and controversy within the organisation and beyond:

• Was speaking out publically the right thing to do? - With regard to Russia, a super power with a veto at the UN Security Council and a tradition of propaganda control of the public arena inherited from a past which paid little heed to the freedom of expression: - Is it realistic to rely on raising the awareness of other UN member states via their public’s opinion? - Should MSF have ignored or addressed the accusations of espionage regularly levied against it in the Russian media?

- In a context of terror, when dealing with a regime in denial of the reality of a war: - Why is it important to have this situation termed a ‘war?’ - Is it up to MSF to call for this qualification?

• Given the risk of assault and kidnapping of staff working in the Northern Caucasus, can we justify MSF’s limited operational presence by the necessity to bolster our public speaking out in which we denounce persecutions against the Chechen population?

16 • Should public speaking out on the Northern Caucasus be moderate so as not to jeopardize MSF’s activities elsewhere in the Russian Federation?

• Is there a casual link –as the chronology of events might suggest– between instances of MSF public speaking out and the security incidents involving MSF staff? Should we take this possibility into account when deciding whether to speak out publicly, and how?

• When a member of MSF’s staff is taken hostage: - should we speak out in the media to create visibility that affords him/her some protection, or conversely

remain as discrete as possible so as to avoid a rise in his/her ‘market value?’ in Chechnya 1994-2004 War Crimes and Politics of Terror - should we publically point out a government’s responsibilities, negligence, or even complicity when a kidnapping occurs on its soil, thereby taking active steps to secure the hostage’s release, or should we refrain from such a discourse so as to avoid the opposite effect, when a government digs in its heels? - should we continue to publically denounce the violence inflicted on people in the region, at the risk of radicalising those parties to the conflict responsible for the kidnapping, and place the hostage’s life in danger?


For safety and confidentiality the names of the MSF staff interviewed or quoted in this document have been reduced to a single letter which does not correspond to their initials.

This study only mentions the kidnapping of Arjan Erkel in so far as concerns MSF’s public statements and the dilemmas these involved. There are therefore no details regarding the investigation or the particulars of this affair. Likewise this document does not contain any elements concerning the legal action taken by the Dutch government against MSF concerning the resolution of the Erkel Affair. 17

On the8 his wordand proclaimed hiscountry’s independence. Dudayev, Chechnya’selectedPresident,tookhimat they could swallow.” On 1 November 1991, Dzhokhar Union thattheycould“takeasmuchindependence Federation, toldthesmallerstatesofex-Soviet In 1990,BorisYeltsin,thePresidentofRussian Thus, theChechen-IngushRepublicwasre-established. andUkrainianswhohadmovedintotheregion. returned totheircountry.Theysettledalongsidethe 1957 thesurvivorswerepoliticallyreintegratedand in theseregionsdecimatedmuchofthepopulation.In conditions ofthedeportationandharshnesslife their deportationenmassetoCentralAsia.Theinhumane the ChechensofcollaborationwithNazisandordered 1944, the republic was disbanded by Stalin, who accused to formtheChechen-IngushAutonomousRepublic.In in1921, and then joined Ingushetia in 1936 Chechnya was annexed by Russia. It became part of the In 1859, after a century of resisting colonisation, OF TERRORINCHECHNYA1994-2004 WAR CRIMESANDPOLITICS of attacks,the oppositionforcestemporarily withdrew. of thecapital, Grozny.On26November, afteraseries Fighting brokeoutinOctober, spreadingtotheoutskirts regime, presidentDudayevdeclared astateofemergency. following anattemptbyRussian troopstooverthrowthe forces of the independentrepublic. On1 September, were backedbyMoscow, regularlydefeatedbythe Supreme Council.However,oppositiontroops,which stepped upitsactivitiesandcreatedtheProvisional By thesummerof1994,internaloppositionhad Chechen RepublicofIchkeria.” full powers.On14January,herenamedChechnya“The internal pro-Russianopposition)andaccordedhimself dissolved theChechenparliament(stillinhandsof an economicembargo.InJune1993,DzhokharDudayev constitution wasadopted.Russiaconsequentlyimposed the RussianFederationtreaty.On12March,aChechen In January1992,DzhokharDudayevrefusedtosign from Chechnya. 1991, followingareferendum,Ingushetiaseparated rapidly withdrawatparliament’srequest.InDecember this self-proclamationillegalandsentintroops,onlyto th November,theRussiangovernmentdeclared to Ingushetia. troops, leadingtothe deathof600civiliansandtheexpulsion of60,000others In OctoberandNovember1992,theIngush foughtagainstOssetianpara-military 1. Prigorodny is a district in the Northern Ossetia Republic peopled by Ingush. Chechens, were supposed to be loyal to Moscow. Unlike their Chechens, weresupposedtobe loyaltoMoscow.Unliketheir Republic, membersofthesame ‘Vainakh’peopleasthe Yet thethreehundredthousandinhabitantsofthistiny Ingushetia beforetheRussiansevercrossedborder. appears hopelessbutresistancetookrootinneighbouring dismantled tracks.Giventheunevenodds,thisresistance armoured carsablaze,atraincarryingtanksblockedby of advancing tanks, helicopters shooting at a village, Television reportsarealreadyshowingbattlescenes:armadas claimed tobeill.[…] day before a national holiday, while President Boris Yeltsin “Russian troopshavecrossedintoChechenterritory,”the On SundaymorningtheItar-TASSpressagencyannounced, Extract: in NorthOssetia Ingush refugeesdrivenoutofthePrigorodnoyeregion The programme in Ingushetia offered assistance to a towninsouthernRussiaontheCaucasianborder. At thetime,MSFFrancehadateambasedinPyatigorsk, fled fortheirlives. and the vastmajority of the city’s 350,000 inhabitants Russian bombsfellonGrozny.Thecitycentrewasshelled the conflictingparties.”On20December,first into Chechnya,chargedwiththemissionof“disarming On 11December1994,25 000Russiansoldierscrossed of ArmeniaandAzerbaijanforanumberyears. Belgium hadbeenworkingintheneighbouring Republics Chechen towns of Kurtchaloi, Gudermes, and Grozny. MSF 1994, MSFintervenedduringacholeraepidemicinthe with medicinesandmedicalsupplies.Inthesummerof December 1994(inFrench). Stakes,” SophieShihab,LeMonde(France)13  Republic’s Capital–BorisYeltsinGambleswithHigh ”Chechnya: Moscow’sTanksSiegetheSecessionist 1 andsuppliedfourhospitalsinGrozny

19 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Chechen neighbours, they had agreed to form part of the medical-surgical and sanitation supplies. It could reach Russian Federation. The Russian media has been circulating Khasavyurt, Dagestan by the end of this week, taking the only biased information for months, presenting the small Chechen road accessing the border. A number of Russian checkpoints Republic, which declared its independence three years ago, have sprung up along the way. We are currently awaiting as a hotbed of international terrorism and militant Islamism, permission to transit back and forth over the Chechen border, and where the local Russian population is persecuted. The delivering aid to the wounded over the next few days. MSF media has highlighted the emergence of a local opposition is preparing a full cargo of shelter and extra supplies, to that denounces the ‘dictatorship’ of the Chechen President, be dispatched to in . . It is true that this opposition does exist, but its financial, political and military backing from the Kremlin has discredited it in most Chechens’ eyes. […]

The incursion of Russian tanks in this irredentist Russian enclave did not follow ‘repeated calls for help from a friendly Everything kicked off on 11 December 1994. We didn’t regime,’ as was the case in Afghanistan, but otherwise the know anything about Chechnya at the time. We’d pattern has been much the same. The head of the Chechen never been there before and we didn’t know the region ‘Provisional Council,’ armed by Moscow, has welcomed the at all. As soon as the war began, MSF Belgium launched an Russian troops with open arms in the part of Chechnya under intervention from Azerbaijan, as they were the closest team its control. Although the Russian troops have officially been geographically to Chechnya at that stage. The team drove up sent in ‘to disarm the conflicting parties in Chechnya,’ the to the border from Baku, but never managed to cross. Provisional Council has announced their participation in the Meanwhile, I was the coordinator for the Moscow programme. military operation underway. The initial ITAR-TASS bulletins We were running projects for the homeless, and carrying out have been peppered with such contradictions. This ‘botched’ exploratory missions that would eventually lead to tuberculosis roll out of the Muscovite plan would never have happened projects in Russian prisons. It had nothing to do with the fifteen years ago. The censorship imposed on the Chechen Caucasus. I’d already worked in war zones, particularly Rwanda crisis by the Russian government’s ‘temporary information in 1994, and the director of operations called us, saying that centre’ has also had little effect. the war had been going on for twenty days and the Belgian team had still not managed to intervene, so we had to go The headlines of the liberal Russian press have spent the there ourselves. We were told to take a plane with the Russian last two weeks decrying the futility of applying military Emergency Minister’s teams, arriving at a military airport. We ‘solutions’ to a problem posed by a minority, in a region as were to be met by the Ministry of the Interior’s troops, who unstable as the Caucasus. They have denounced the Kremlin’s had a bad reputation at the time, even within Russia itself. lies about its role in the troubles preceding last Sunday’s I refused. I had a long discussion with my programme manager, events. And have sounded the alarm on the threat posed that told me that either I went, or I returned to Brussels. So to the future of Russian democracy by such an invasion. I agreed. We loaded up the cars and left the following day, the 31 December, telling the programme manager that we missed the flights. It was a week of festivities in Russia, and everything was closed. People slept all day and drank all night. We didn’t even take MSF cars, preferring Russian ones. We The teams of MSF Belgium and France provided assistance broke down several times. We stopped in towns where people to the wounded and displaced in Chechnya and the still used ration cards. Even the Russian staff with us didn’t neighbouring Republics of Ingushetia, Dagestan, and know that this practice was still going on. We covered around North Ossetia. They also supplied hospital facilities 2,500 km in five days. The initial plan was to enter via in Grozny and elsewhere with medical material and Dagestan, another new place for MSF. We headed for medicines. ­­­In a press release on 20 December, MSF Makhachkala. We had no contact with the Chechens. We had Belgium announced the start of its aid to Chechen victims the impression, based on what our Russian drivers told us through a programme based in Dagestan. V1 (they repaired the vehicles during the day and we drove them at night) that the border officials knew that we had crossed, but this may just have been Russian paranoia. We spent the day in Makhachkala, then drove to the town just before the ‘MSF Sets Up Aid for Chechen Victims,’ Press release, border, without permits or papers. We met some Chechen MSF Belgium, 20 December 1994, (in French). refugees, and asked them questions about what was going  on. We waited for the sky to cloud over - the Russians bombed An exploratory mission conducted last week found large less then - and crossed into Chechnya, with no means of numbers of refugees arriving in Dagestan, the region communication on board. We just made one call to say we bordering Chechnya. Their numbers are currently estimated were going in. It was an ‘urban’ mission; we only had a few to stand at around 8,000. The head of Médecins Sans supplies in the car, hardly anything. The Russian drivers Frontières’ emergency unit deployed to Baku without delay refused to go in – and I could see his point. Only one really to set up a response. brave interpreter, with his Moscow accent, accepted to come. 20 The MSF team in Baku is preparing an initial convoy of We headed for Argun, then further south, towards Novi Atagi, it to make contact with the Chechens. it tomakecontactwiththeChechens. consultations. Itdidn’tworkoutthatwell,butwemainlydid and started by working in ahealth centre giving medical decided toopenabaseinKhasavyurt,neartheChechenborder, distributed surgical supplies to two or three hospitals. We capital. Wethenstartedtoexplorearoundtheborder,and over fromusatthatpoint. road to Grozny, but the bombing forced us back. William took because wehadtogetbackMoscow.Wetriedtakethe We toldBrusselsthatwehadtobereplacedassoonpossible, to negotiatewiththeMinistryofInterior’stroopsalltime. We travelledaroundChechnyafortwoorthreedays.had of three members of MSF Belgiumand a Russian interpreter. We had no security guarantees whatsoever. Our group consisted We underestimated the intensity and nature of the bombing. the traditionofkidnapping.Weonlyfoundoutaboutitlater. ill prepared.WeknewnothingabouttheChechencontextand didn’t knowwewerethere.Withhindsight,Iadmit They weresurprisedtoseeus;they’dseennooneelseand and startedintroducingourselvescollectinginformation. villages andhospitals.Wedonatedsuppliesmedicines, with therebels,whichwecameacrossinmeetings and exploredthesurroundingarea.Wesoonmadecontact distributing medicines andmedicalmaterials tohospitals has alreadyreached thecapitalonseveral occasions, facilities inandaroundGrozny againthisweek.Theteam A MédecinsSansFrontières teamhastosupplyhealth to thevictims. facilities, andtheteams’effortstoprovideassistance markets andChalihospital,thedestructionofhealth the bombingofcivilians,particularly press releasespresentedaunitedfront,describing accounts totheEuropeanpress.MSFBelgiumandFrance’s palace. ThroughoutJanuary,volunteersgaveeyewitness with bombs,theRussiantroopstookoverpresidential On 19January1995,afterweeksofpoundingGrozny in Moscow(1994-1996),(inFrench)interviewed2008. William Claus,EmergencyCoordinator,MSFBelgium to Dagestan in a truck, reaching Makhachkala, the to Dagestaninatruck,reachingMakhachkala,the Moscow teamwaswaitingformethere.Wedrovedown I left Belgium for with a full charter. The I leftBelgiumforStavropolwithafullcharter.The Caucasus,’ MSFFrance,2 Press releasebyMédecinsSansFrontières,‘ North Christopher Stokes,CoordinatorMSFBelgium V2 (in French),interviewedin2008.


humanitarian law. humanitarian law. hospitals besparedbythebombing,inaccordancewith facility. MédecinsSansFrontièresurgesthatciviliansand scared ofaerialbombardmenttoseekcareinanymedical soap, andblankets.Asthingsstand,mostvictimsaretoo and thereisashortageofsurgicalsupplies,disinfectant, water fromthenearestriver.Medicalstocksarerunninglow, water, electricity,orheating.Themedicalstaffhastocollect wounded patientssincethefightingbegan,hasnorunning are extremelytaxing;thehospital,whichhastreated350 wounding 150. The conditions for treatingthe victims the maternityandpaediatricwards,killing30people hospital werehitbyaerialbombslastWednesday,destroying has killedanumberofcivilians.Thetown’smarketand south ofGrozny),reportedtodaythatindiscriminatebombing Frontières team,justreturnedfromthetownofChali(20km A MédecinsSansFrontièresteamhasThe Médecins Sans Several ofthe areas’ hospitalshavehadto evacuatetheir preferring tostay heldupintheirunderground shelters. during theintensivebombing haveavoidedhospitalcare, and . It observed that many of those wounded the transportandarrivalofsupplies comingfromBrussels southern Chechnya,evaluating theneedsandpreparingfor in theregionhasspentlast fewdaysvisitingvillagesin facilities inChechnyaandDagestan.TheMSFteampresent the MSFteam.Thismaterialwillbeusedtosupplymedical are abouttoarriveinMakhachkala,the support baseof logistics suppliesforthevictimsofChechenconflict 24 tonsofmedicinesandmedical-surgical, sanitation and and materials. generated bythisflowofnewarrivals. Alllackmedicines poor shape, are struggling to cope with the increased needs Health facilities across the region, already in relatively increased theirsupporttomedicalemergencyfacilities. have started distributing blankets and jerry cans, and have of themarecurrentlyhousedwithlocalfamilies.Theteams Ingushetia, and there are 20,000 more in Dagestan. Most We estimatethataround100,000refugeeshavereached republics, wherecivilianrefugeeshavefledfromthefighting. MSF volunteersarealsoworkinginChechnya’sneighbouring their woundshavebeentreated. hospitals forlong,preferringtoleavethecityassoon According topeopleinthearea,patientsdon’tstay where largenumbersofdisplacedpersonshavecongregated. and facilitieslocatedtothesouthwestofcity, 6  a HospitalBombed,’Pressrelease,MSFFrance, ‘Chechnya: HighNumbersofCivilianDeathsand French).  Press release,MSFBelgium,12January1995(In ‘Assistance for the Victims of the Chechen conflict,’

January 1995(inFrench).

21 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

patients. Chali hospital, 20km south of Grozny, re-opened destroyed, because they’d become targets, like the others.» its doors today. A large number of the seriously wounded “Only the areas to the north east of Grozny are spared by have been transferred to Khasavyurt hospital, on the border the Russian planes,” she observes. “They’re held by the with Dagestan. Yesterday, during the space of just one opposition to president Dudayev, which has been allied day, our team saw 40 wounded persons arrive, despite the with and armed by Moscow for years. But in the rest of the shortage of transportation means. Another 4 MSF members country, it’s a scorched earth policy, just like in Afghanistan.” left Brussels this Tuesday, driving overland to strengthen [...] Doctor Elisabeth Szumilin continues indignantly: “The the team in the region. MSF’s activities include supply to Russians respect absolutely nothing – neither the Geneva medical facilities and support to the medical staff present. conventions, nor the wounded. They don’t let anyone through to receive care. They evacuate their own victims to their headquarters in Mozdok, North Ossetia, but they leave the Chechens to die. It’s pure butchery.” ‘ Influx of Wounded to the Hospitals – MSF Equips “We’re trying to set up mobile assistance posts to evacuate the Emergency Sites,’ Press release, MSF Belgium, as many wounded as possible behind the lines, but it’s really 17 January 1995 (in French). hard going because there’s often no water or electricity,” she explains. She concludes: “One thing’s for sure, the 24 tons of medicines and an MSF team spent all of yesterday Chechens won’t be armed, but they’ll keep giving the Russian distributing medical-surgical supplies and basic medicines soldiers a run for their money in the mountains. While there’s in the outskirts of Grozny. The MSF team, operating from a Chechen still standing, the war will keep going, and we its base in Dagestan, includes 8 expatriates. It is currently just have to cope with the consequences.”­­­ carrying out evaluations, supporting local personnel, and distributing the material sent in from Brussels and Vilnius last week. William Claus, coordinator of MSF’s mission in Chechnya, confirmed yesterday evening that the bombing ‘ The Fighting in Chechnya Drags on: MSF Sends had continued in Grozny and the south-eastern part of the Another 42 tons of Material.’ Press release, MSF Republic. Argun hospital, some ten kilometres away from Belgium, 9 February 1995 (in French). Grozny, was hit by rocket fire a few days ago, destroying the paediatric ward and forcing all activities to a halt. MSF Given the current impasse in the Chechen war, MSF has intends to support the local personnel so that this critical decided to send a further 42 tons of material in support of its emergency centre for the wounded is up and running again programmes already underway, particularly those involving as soon as possible. health care for the refugee and local populations, supply for Further to the east, Gudermes hospital and a makeshift hospital medical facilities in Dagestan and Chechnya, and medical set up in Chochin’jurt’s school have both been overwhelmed care for the war wounded. 60,000 people have taken refuge with wounded patients. In Khasavyurt, a Dagestan city on in the town of Khasavyurt, and are housed with friends or the Chechen border, there has been an average of thirty new in public buildings. We estimate that some 100 new people wounded cases a day. Our team estimates that there are some arrive every day. Besides supplying the central hospital 40,000 people seeking refuge in the town of Khasavyurt alone, where most of the war-wounded go, MSF has set itself up and 80,000 throughout Dagestan as a whole. in 3 dispensaries at strategic points in the town, offering access to health care for the refugee and local population. In Chechnya itself, our team continues to supply the main medical facilities in the region south west of Grozny, and ’The Russians Thwart Evacuation of the Wounded,’ has just set up a surgical unit in Vedeno, a town located Le Parisien (France), 21 January 1995 (in French). 60km south of the capital. Since the fighting broke out on 11 December, Vedeno – on a natural evacuation route towards Extract: the south - has seen its population double in size. An 8 Elisabeth Szumilin (39 years old), a volunteer for Médecins person strong team of MSF expatriates has been working in Sans Frontières since 1986, is now the organisation’s medical the country since the 8th of January. advisor for all countries in the ex-USSR, and has been travelling around the Caucasus since last May. Returned from Chechnya a week ago, she recounted the horrors of the fighting and blind bombing raids (in spite of which she In mid-February, Russian troops took almost total control intends to return to the region next week). of Grozny, where only 100,000 inhabitants remained, “In Chali, one of the towns we try and supply that’s most of them Russian civilians. The Chechens fled to the harbouring thousands of refugees from the capital, I saw the south and into neighbouring republics. The French section town centre market being deliberately targeted by a Russian of MSF chose to focus on medical facilities in the west of plane” she confides, accusing the Russians of conducting the capital, and set up a team in support of medical staff a “campaign of terror” over the Chechen population. “On in the hospital of Kurtchaloi. arrival in Grozny”, she adds”, “there were again two enormous bomb craters where the markets used to be, at the junctions 22 of the city’s main roads. All the city’s hospitals had been other wars. was considerablyworsethananythingtheyhadseenin by the destruction in the capital, which they claimed the eastofGrozny.TheMSFvolunteers were shocked the launchofamedicalandsanitationprogrammeto teams were working in the hospital. It also announced of elevenorphansfromGroznytoVedeno,wheretheir Office, the Belgiansection announced theevacuation In a press release taken up by the MSF International will evaluatethesurgicalsetupuntilSaturdayorSunday. based itself in Kurtchaloi. Antoine (surgeon) is there, and to focus on two hospitals. [...] The south: The team has facilities to the north west of the city, the team plans […] Grozny:Followinganevaluationofthefourmedical last fewdays.AnICRCcarwasturnedbackonMonday. difficult tocross.TheRussianshavebarredallexitsforthe of snipers.TheDagestanborderisbecomingincreasingly constant fire. Atnight,the entirecityisexposed totherisk relatively safe,butthecentreandsouthofcityareunder Atagi and Argun. The north west of Grozny is accessible and seems tohavestabilisedthesouth,betweenGoyti,Stary Since theseparatistforceswithdrewfromGrozny,front way, therearefearsofepidemics.(AFP) to collect many ofthebodies, and withspringnow on its and wounded.Thenon-stopfightinghasmadeitimpossible humanitarian andmedicalpurposes:evacuatingthedead on Wednesdayatmidnight.Thetrucemostlyserves Chechens agreedonanewtwo-dayceasefire,starting On WednesdayFebruary15,theRussianarmyandseparatist large number of old people still living in the decimated area large numberof oldpeoplestilllivinginthe decimated area In Grozny,MSF volunteersalsoobservedthat therewasa families. where itisexpectedthatthey willallbetakeninbylocal (20kms southofGrozny),the aidagency’sChechenbase, conditions. MSFdecidedtoevacuate all11bybustoVedeno been abletofindfosterhomes andwerelivinginmiserable companions, theorphansagedfrom7to11yearshadnot building inasouthernsuburbofthetown.Unlike34their 11 orphansabandonedalongwiththeirnurseinaderelict Grozny, MédecinsSansFrontièresvolunteerscameacross During arecentexploratorymissionintheChechencapital, Extract: Extract:  Sitrep MSFFrance,16February1995(inFrench). English). release, MSFInternational,21February1995(in Sanitation Programme to be Launched, from GroznyOrphanage-NewMedicaland ”Médecins SansFrontièresEvacuates11Children ” Press

treatment forherheartandrespiratoryproblems. going. Irememberevacuatinganolddyingwoman.Sheneeded they couldfindforheatingandkeepingthecookingfires ripped upparkbenchesforwood,alongwithanythingelse died down,theywentouttocollectsnow,meltit.They the dark, and a just a candle here and there. When the fighting got themselvesorganised,withbedsandkitchenssetupin them, leavingthecarbehind,asthereweremines.They’d basements under thebuildings.Sowewentdowntofind bent. Wewondered where thepeoplewere.Theywere in ridden concretewithitsreinforcementbarsalljaggedand had completely collapsed, and it was weird seeing the bullet- flattened, apartfromafewbuildings.Thepresidentialpalace and ruffians.Theywere stillshooting.Everything hadbeen dead man’shead.Thearmywasmostlymadeupofdelinquents area in tanks, wearing hoods and waving a banner with a was totallyravaged.Russiansoldiersweremovingaroundthe destruction justgotworseandworse.Thecitycentreitself inhabitants), andasweedgedtowardsthecitycentre, Grozny. Iwasn’texpecting to findsuchabig city(Imillion routes, and thenused a systemof hidden roads to reach to hideourpresence,we’dreachedVedenobysomeroundabout war, butthingswerefarworseinChechnya.Withouttrying in theair.I’dbeenshockedbyviolenceofYugoslavian stationed allaroundthecity, and shotswereconstantlyringing bombs werestillrainingdown.TheRussiantroops with theMinistryofHealthtookplaceunderatableas I waswithadoctor andanurse.Therewere two carsloaded we foundalittle roadtakingusintoChechnya fromtheeast. up theirtents.WereachedKhasavyurt (Dagestan).Fromthere, followed akindofrailroad,where amassofrefugeeshadput north ofChechnya,through theRussianFederation.We eastern partofthecapitalforvulnerablelocalpopulations. therefore, launchamedicalandsanitationprogrammeinthe health posts,thenecessarymedicinesarelacking.MSFwill, local branchoftheRedCrosshassetupseveraltemporary hospital has been completely destroyed and although the Medical needsinGroznyarenotbeingmet.Thecentral population is,infact,obligedtodrawwaterfromtheriver. conditions withoutrunningwaterorelectricity.Thelocal around thepresidentialpalace.Theytooliveindeplorable Dr AlainDevaux,ProgrammemanagerMSFBelgium health authoritiesthere.Irememberthefirstmeeting last ofthebombingraids.Wemadecontactwith We wentintoGroznywithWilliamClaus,duringthe reach Grozny directly via Samashki, we went to the Pyatigorsk, thenmovedonto Nazran. Aswecouldn’t It wasreallyhardgettingintoChechnya.Wereached (1994-1996), (inFrench)interviewedin2008.

23 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

with medicines. We found someone from MSF Belgium. The Our medical staff is currently working in two hospitals based first place we reached was Kurtchaloi. We set ourselves up in in southern Chechnya. Another team should be starting work a borrowed house. We had one driver from , another in Grozny this week, to be joined by a further team shortly. one from Azerbaijan, even though their two countries were During our last meeting with the Head of the Provisional at war in Karabakh. We had an Uzbek interpreter. I think we Council of the Chechen Republic, Mr. Avtourkhanov, and the were probably the first MSF France team to enter Chechnya, Minister of Health of the Chechen Republic, Mr. Sadave, they apart from the one that’d worked on the cholera in the summer approved of our endeavours and promised their support. […] of ’94. So we started to take a good look around, making We are sometimes forced to take risks while going about donations to hospitals. We had French interpreters, because our work. We are aware of this, and we accept it. If we do the Russians refused to go into Chechnya. I remember a not find a way to adhere to these humanitarian principles, complicated border crossing because the soldiers wanted our particularly access to all populations, those people in syringes. Then we went on to Grozny, where we found a Europe who support us will not understand our approach. hospital, and a house to live in. Later on, when I visited the This is why we are insisting that we receive the documents south of Kabul, in Afghanistan, I said to myself that Grozny required to transport these medicines and our volunteers was worse: 1.5 metres deep in rubble. Trees blackened and into the Chechen Republic via the borders between Dagestan, charred. The parliament building was completely flattened, Ingushetia, and Chechnya. the debris and ruins still in flames. We found ourselves a place in the northern suburbs, and then criss-crossed the city via the Russian checkpoints. There were ‘nasty’ and ‘nice’ Russians. The ‘nice’ soldiers requested lice and scabies treatment, ‘Normalization,’ The Mission, satirical in-house because their hygiene conditions were so bad. The nasty ones magazine of MSF France, 3 March 1995 (in French). were the highly paid mercenaries, the ‘Kontraknikis.’ They were really scary. The dogs roaming the city grew fat, and we Extract: didn’t like to imagine what they’d been eating. One day, when This morning at Saint Sabin, a little ambassador’s breakfast heading for Shatoi, we were overtaken by a Mercedes, which took place on the subject of Chechnya. We denounced then ground to a halt. The guys said that they didn’t want the burgeoning number of impediments to humanitarian our dressings and our medicines. What they wanted, they assistance in the area. The representative of the Russian said, was that we talk to Chirac [President of the French Embassy was present. He strongly held the usual lines: “We’ll Republic], to tell him to bring this war to an end. These guys do everything we can. “It’s not our fault; it’s because of the pulled over on the road to tell us that. And I heard the same war. And as for Dudayev’s gang...” [...] Then he went one things from Chechens on several occasions. step too far: “I hope that the situation gets back to normal soon.” The representative of the , who was Dr Brigitte Vasset, Director of Operations (1990- sitting just to his left, replied: “Excuse me for pointing this 1998), Emergency Coordinator in Pankisi valley, out, but to my knowledge, it’s the , not Dudayev’s (October 1999 to January 2000), MSF France (in French), armed gang, who are assassinating the civilian population. interviewed in 2008. And on that topic, I saw for myself what normalisation “à la Russe” means– in in 1968. I wouldn’t wish such a terrible experience on my worst enemy.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

As the Russians were obstructing the team’s movements and access to southern Chechnya, MSF France combined diplomatic steps and press releases to denounce the ‘ Médecins Sans Frontières Barred from Entering situation. Southern Chechnya.’ AFP (France), 13 March 1995 (in French).

The Russian authorities have ‘clearly forbidden’ Médecins Letter to the head of the territorial administration sans Frontières from entering southern Chechnya to transport of the Chechen Republic, from Marie Davy, medical material and medicines to Kurtchaloi and Shatoi, two Coordinator for the Caucasus and Brigitte Vasset, villages located south of Grozny, MSF reported on Monday, in Operations Director MSF France, 27 February 1995 an announcement to AFP. MSF points out that the situation (in French). for the 250,000 displaced persons is going rapidly downhill, and they require urgent humanitarian assistance. Extract: “The southern regions are struggling to cope with the We have spent the last two weeks bringing convoys of displaced persons’ needs and health conditions are medicines and/or medical supplies up to the Russian military getting worse and worse (rampant scabies),” declares the checkpoints on the borders between Dagestan, Ingushetia humanitarian organisation. “The situation is aggravated and Chechnya. We have tried to transport these convoys further still by a lack of the most basic medicines and surgical across the borders ourselves, so as to ensure their safe supplies. Food supply is also becoming more difficult,” 24 delivery into the hands of our European doctors and nurses. continues MSF. Furthermore, “Médecins Sans Frontières only children played. TheMIG windows. Theyalsosawthem firing roundsintofieldswhere to thelevelofhousesandthrowinggrenadesthrough Some journalistssawRussianhelicoptersdroppingrightdown strategy involved just keeping our heads down and working. myself, abouttheteam’ssecurity.Inend,oursecurity and itwasreallytough.Peoplewerestressed.Istressed though thiswasn’tplannedatall.Iexperiencedenough, or serious wounds. I ended up being Project Coordinator, even chickens. They’dwoundedhim, andtheywantedustotreat on ourdoortotreatayoung Russianwho’dstolensome malnourished andhungry.One night, therebelscamebattering woollen uniforms.Itwashorrible.TheRussiantroopswere They hadproblemswithinfectedscabies,duetotheirthick The rebelsalsobroughtusRussianprisonersofwartotreat. He survived,andaskedwhenhecouldgobacktothefront. depot, andhisowngrenadewentoffwhilehewaspraying. of poorplastering.Hewasinchargeguardingthearms most ofoneman’sleg,andthenhelosttheotherlegbecause outside, wewouldleave.Irememberhadtoamputate work intheseconditions,andiftheydidn’tleavetheirguns I toldthemthatwewantedtotreatthem,butcouldn’t too, andwereallystruggledtokeeparmsoutofthehospital. this kindofsituationbefore.Fighterscameinfortreatment the Bosnianenclave Gorazde duringasiegebytheSerbianforces. 3. InMarch–April1994, anMSFteamfounditselftrappedwith thepopulationof 2. MiG:Russian-madebomberplane. bombed thisregionundertheChechenrebels’control. hospital, underthethreatofRussianairforce,which The MSF Belgium team continuedits work in Vedeno humanitarian organisation. the urgentandregularsupplyofmaterial,”stresses hospital. Thecontinuationofourworkthereisrelianton has threeweeksofstocksleftforitsactivitiesinKurtchaloi in theBosnianenclaveofGorazde surgeon, arrived.He’dspentmonthsbarricadedinthehospital Things improveddramaticallywhenPablo,anArgentinean and peoplewerecominginwithalegmissing,soon. a surgeon–itwasnightmare.Therewerebombingraids, time when Christina,the nurse, and Iwent two days without destructive. Wewereamputatingeveryday.Therewasone know anything about war contexts, bombs, amputations know anythingaboutwarcontexts,bombs,amputations fighting wasintense. Thepressurewashuge.Ididn’t Vedeno was7kmawayfromthefrontline.So WORKING UNDERFIRE 22 bomberswereparticularly 33 andsohadexperienced with theideaofhumanitarianism. they were taking risks. And there were people that were burning very significant.Theexpatriateswerereallyvolunteersand with thescopeofproblemswehadthen.Thesupportwas understood thatwithouttheirsupportwewouldn’tmanage surgical careunit. some ofthecaseloadfromVedeno,andthensetupanextra set ourselves up in Makhkety, which was far calmer, to “relieve” up inahouse,andwedistributedmedicines.Intheend, because thetensionwassohigh.Thehospitaldirectorputus in Dargoi,alittlevillage,thinkingaboutwhatweshoulddo, supplies sotheycouldkeepoperating.Wespentabitoftime needed tosetupsomewhereelse.Whenweleft,gavethem Vedeno, we worked with them. Then we decided that we under-staffed. Sowhenthesurgeonstreatingrebelsreached days wespentintheoperatingtheatre,non-stop.Wewere apart, somehideouswounds.Idon’trememberhowmany wounded –oneoftheworstnightswehadchildrenblown the hospitalandwesawthemcoming.Thereweresomany kilometre awayfromourhouse.Atonepoint,wewereoutside tried tointimidateus.Theydroppedtheirbombslessthana So wehopedtheywouldn’tbombusdirectly.Butstill in Vedeno,andtheycouldn’t pretend thattheydidn’tknow. the Coordinator,hadwarnedRussiansthatweateam outfits, withtherolleduphats.InMoscow,ChristopherStokes, Chechens, who were dressed in fatigues, they were in Afghan We metthematthehospital,andinmarkets.Unlike Chechen, liketherebels,theyspokeRussian,theirenemy. the Russians.Itwasreallyweirdbecausetheydidn’tspeak Afghans too.They’dcome to helptheChechens fight against into hisfeettoavoidgoingbackthefront.Wetreated We alsotreatedaRussiansoldierwho’dinjected salt water him. We thought that he’d died in surgery, but he survived. into English by an MSF interpreter) interviewed in 2008 in interviewed into EnglishbyanMSFinterpreter) […], ProjectCoordinator,MSFBelgiuminChechnya, (1995), MSFUSAProgrammeDepartment2001-2002 population perceivedMSFverywell.Asasurgeon,I the placeswhereIwassurgeon.Themajorityof I wasnotworkingwithMSF.ButMSFat B, MSFNorthCaucasusstaff(in Russian, translated (in French), interviewedin2008

25 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

During the second half of March 1995, the Russians hurled Meanwhile MSF has set up a surgical unit in Vedeno, on the bombs on the Chechen towns. The OSCE4 representative main evacuation route 60 kms south east of Grozny, offering stated publicly that access conditions for humanitar- surgery to the war wounded. Given the upsurge in fighting ian aid were improving in Chechnya. The Belgian and in the south, MSF has even opened an orphanage in Vedeno. French sections of MSF issued several press releases in It has taken in 20 children so far, all evacuated from Stary response, along with a report describing the displaced Atagi. At present, there are 45 MSF expatriates working in population’s plight and the health situation in Grozny. Chechnya. They are based in Grozny, Vedeno, Shatoi and The report denounced the upsurge in civilian bombing Kurtchaloi, and Khasavyurt in Dagestan. in the south east of the country and the daily violations of human rights, including impediments to delivering assistance, inflicted by the Russian Federal army. On the 30 March, during a press conference, MSF Belgian ‘ Massive Bombing of Several Chechen Towns. volunteers, recently returned from Chechnya, described Médecins Sans Frontières Sends in a Full Charter the difficulties faced by civilian populations and the of Supplies.’ Press release, MSF Belgium, 27 March problems in carrying out humanitarian work. In March, 1995 (in French). a MSF France team started working in Shatoi, southern Chechnya, offering support to the hospital and clinic The situation in Chechnya is deteriorating day by day. The staff. town of Shali and the outskirts of Vedeno were heavily bombed this weekend, whilst Sergenyurt and Elistanji were pounded today. Shali is a ghost town; its population has fled. Only Russian soldiers roam the streets. Shali hospital ‘ Whilst the International Media Loses Interest in patients were evacuated to Kurtchaloi and Vedeno, where the Chechen Conflict, 80,000 People are Wandering MSF teams are working. The roads linking Shali to Avturi and the Ruins of Grozny,’ Press release, MSF Belgium, Makhkety have also been severely hit, and rising numbers of 22 March 1995 (in French). civilian wounded are being admitted to the hospital where MSF works. Thus MSF took the decision last Friday to send MSF has set up a permanent base in Grozny to tackle the city’s a full charter carrying 45 tons of medical, sanitation and catastro-phic medical situation. Of the ten or so health centres logistics supplies to its MSF teams in the field. At present, operational before the war, only three (hospitals 9, 10 and there are 45 MSF expatriates involved in the Chechnya 3) still offer care to the victims. Those people still trapped programme. They are based in Grozny, Vedeno, Shatoi and in the city live in precarious health and hygiene conditions. Kurtchaloi in Chechnya, Khasavyurt in Dagestan and Nazran The 2 MSF Belgium expatriates based in the capital’s east in Ingushetia. are setting up dispensaries all over the city and distributing the medicines and material required for surgery and medical consultations. 20,000 hygiene packs (soap, blankets, etc.) have been distributed so far, but a full charter is due to arrive ‘ Civilians Targeted in the Fighting,’ Press release shortly, carrying extra material (surgical and hygiene kits and MSF France, 30 March 1995 (in French). medicines) in response to the urgent needs. According to Doctor Alain Devaux, Programme Manager for While the special representative of the Organisation of Chechnya and recently returned from Grozny, the city has Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is congratulating been pulverised by the bombing. Only 80,000 people are himself on the ‘constant progress made’ in his discussions left (401,000 before the fighting broke out), living in the with the Russian authorities about Chechnya, Médecins ruins of their houses without water, electricity or heating. Sans Frontières insists on voicing its’ concerns about the The health situation is appalling. So MSF is sending in a population’s welfare in the south east of the country, still water and sanitation specialist to supply the population in the hands of Chechen rebels. Our teams in Chechnya with drinking water and a general logistician to organise have spent the last two weeks struggling to deal with the the rehabilitation of medical facilities. The lack of water unacceptable consequences of the widespread bombing of and hygiene combined with Grozny’s exposure to the risk civilians. The Russians’ relentless pounding of the towns of cholera generate fears for future epidemics. MSF will be of Shali and Gudermes has now spread to the south of the conducting epidemiological monitoring so as to fend off country. Civilian refugees have taken refuge here, escaping any potential outbreaks. the mayhem in and around Grozny. The towns and villages in the regions of Kurtchaloi and Vedeno are now the targets of these indiscriminate raids, leaving untold numbers of 4. The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (The Conference for victims in their wake. Security and Cooperation in Europe up until 1995) is an international organisation composed of European states and those who came into being on the dissolution On Monday 27March, a building sheltering displaced persons of the Soviet Union. The United States and Canada have an associated status. The in Elistanji (between Shatoi and Vedeno) was hit. Other OSCE’s primary aims are to oversee the application of the Helsinki accords signed in 1975: non-interference in the internal affairs of other states, self-determination sites in the valley offering safe haven to civilians suffered for people, the inviolability of borders drawn up after the second world war, similar fates, and a number of civilian wounded have been increased cooperation and the guaranteed defence of human rights (freedom of movement, freedom of the press, etc.). It endeavours to maintain a dialogue admitted to Vedeno and Kurtchaloi hospitals, where Médecins 26 between the states of Western Europe, the Russian Federation and Central Asia. Sans Frontières is based. The bombing makes it extremely • 22 to enterChechnyaviaamountainroad. checkpoint, andaccesswasagainrefused.Itfinallymanaged same place. The team tried to enter the Republic via another have freeaccesstothevictimsofwar. independent andimpartialhumanitarianorganisationsto condemn allactsofwartargetingcivilians and call for principles oftheGenevaConventions,whichexpressly community. The Russians must be urged to respect the firm andimmediatereactiononthepartofinternational distribution ofaid,MédecinsSansFrontièresappealsfora violations ofhumanitarianlawandimpedimentstothe republic ofIngushetia,as‘progress.’Inlightthedaily awaited arrivalinNazran,thecapitalofneighbouring situation inChechnyaforitself,andconsiderstheirlong- delegation hasstillnotbeenallowedtoevaluatethe conditions forhumanitarianaid‘areimproving.’TheOSCE to understand the OSCE representative’s claims that access Given thiscontext,ourteamsinthefieldarestruggling these displacedwiththeaidtheyneedtosurvive. present inthecountryarethuscompletelyunabletoprovide country’s majorroads.Thefewhumanitarianorganisations is furthercrippledbytheindiscriminatebombingalong the RussiansfromreachingareasinChechenrebelhands, assistance. Buthumanitarianaid,alreadyobstructedby conflict, and are in critical need of medical and sanitation These peoplehavebeenlivingthroughfourmonthsof are extremelydifficult,withnowater,electricityorheating. people, datingfromthestartofwar.Livingconditions many places have already been inundated by waves of But the fate of these displaced lurches from bad to worse: • 15 border for‘administrativereasons.’ • 25 Ingush border. • 20 turned backatacheckpointontheroadtoGudermes. • 19February:twovehiclesloadedwithmedicineswere Humanitarian aidimpossible • 8 when the Russiantroops moved in on Wednesday 29 previously atownofsome50,000people,emptiedcompletely again, drivingthemtolookforsafetyfurthersouth.Shali, The relentlessbombinghasuprootedtheciviliansonce relocated toroomsfittedoutunderground. 30 admissionsaday),andtheoperatingtheatrehasbeen hard fortheteamsinKurtchaloihospitaltowork(10 •12 are constantly ontherise,yetconvoyshave beenblocked waves ofblind, intensivebombing.Humanitarian needs days, thecivilianpopulation hasbeensubjectedtofresh turned backattheDagestan border.Overthepastfew • 2



March:thesametruckwasturned backontheDagestan


February: thesamevehicleswereturnedbackat March:twocarsloadedwith medicineswerealso February: a car was turned back on the Chechen- report, March1995(inFrench). Relies on Transport of Relief Supplies,’ MSF France Chechnya: theContinuationofHumanitarianAid th March. He alsowarned “thousands of refugeeshavefledinto Most oftheinjured aresufferingfromshrapnel wounds.” civilian zones–andcontinually injuringwomenandchildren. “Helicopters are launching attacks on villages – purely human rightscontinuetobe violatedonadailybasis. […] WilliamandChristinawere particularlyoutragedthat the currentsituationandshowed aseriesofslides. nurse, whohadjustreturnedfromVedeno.Theydescribed the currentsituationinGrozny,andChristinaSchmitz,anMSF Claus, formerco-coordinatorofthemissionwhodescribed in Chechnya.[…]ThepresentationsweregivenbyWilliam press conferencedenouncingthetargetingofcivilianzones As youalreadyknow,yesterdaymorningMSFBelgiumgavea Extract: Frontières [inthishospital]from15 *[based onthe]EvaluationcarriedoutbyMédecinssans have notbeenpaidforovertwoyears. and sterilisationsupplies.Thosemedicalstaffstillatwork only operatingtheatreisantiquatedandshortofsurgical spread bytheshortageofsuitableantibiotics.Thehospital’s rampant, resulting in amputation at times. Infections also are onlychangedonceeverythreedays,soinfections the warbegan.Thedressingsforpatientswithopenwounds own medicines–andpricesofthelatterhavedoubledsince The patientshavetoprovidetheirownfoodandbuy though someofthemhavebeeninhospitalforoveramonth. absence ofshowersmeansthepatientscannotwash,even are onlytwotoiletsfornearly100hospitalisedpatients.The central corridorbeforeauxiliarystaffcantakeitout.There The smell is nauseating: rubbish is piled up in the hospital’s squeezed intoroomsbarelytenmetressquare. the hospitalaredesperatetosayleast.Sixpatients material allmeanthatthecareandhygieneconditionsin sanitation facilities,ashortageofmedicinesandmedical patients are war wounded. A lackofprivacy, dilapidated building runsonagenerator.90%ofthehospitalised one hundred-bedhospitalisalsowithoutelectricity.The 15,000. Thereisnoelectricityorgasinthevillage.The of themfrom Grozny – on topof a pre-warpopulation of currently accommodates30,000displacedpersons–most Located 30kilometressoutheastofGrozny,Kurtchaloi example. Healthfacilities strippedbare:Kurtchaloihospitalasan day thatpasses. whose fategivesincreasingcauseforconcernwithevery unable tocontinuetheirworkamongtheChechenpeople, medical material, the Médecins Sans Frontières teams will be be finishedbytheendofMarch.Withoutmedicinesand Médecins SansFrontières’ownstocksinChechnyawill in thisareaareshortofmedicinesandmedicalmaterial. the ICRCarepresentinsouthernChechnya.Thehospitals civilian population.OnlyMédecinsSansFrontièresand outside Chechnya for weeks. The vice tightens daily on the all DelegateOffices,31March1995(inEnglish). Email fromIseultOBrien,MSFInternationalto th to22 nd January1995.

27 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

neighbouring republics, such as Dagestan, where cholera bearing in mind, of course, that you have the final say on is endemic in the region.” Although there has been no this… I was extremely clear that we would not take active outbreak as yet, water is in short supply. “Most horrifying steps to collect information on individual abuses (we’re not is the fact that splinter bombs, prohibited under the Geneva equipped for such work!). Likewise, an exhaustive listing of Conventions, are being used.” all humanitarian law violations seems completely beyond us. Vedeno On the other hand, I do think it would be possible – given On 4 March 1995, there was a helicopter attack on Vedeno, Natalia’s presence in Nazran - or advisable (as we don’t want a village 60 kms to the south of Grozny, where MSF runs to stay utterly silent about the major abuses we witness the hospital and has opened an orphanage. The hospital is ourselves) to pass on information to about the under-equipped to treat these patients. MSF’s 5 expatriates main problems we see for ourselves. To be a bit clearer, had “to decide who to operate and who to leave. The people the idea would be that when we receive the wounded are terrified of future attacks, which they fully expect. Health from a bombed bus, or children who have been hit by a conditions are poor and almost everybody has scabies.” mine (to take a few recent examples), we would pass this Grozny info on to Nazarene, and Natalia would then pass it on to “Before the war, Grozny numbered 400,000 inhabitants. Memorial. The info should be factual only, of course, with no There are presently a mere 80,000 inhabitants and the city embellishments. E.g.: on the ... April, ... hospital received has been virtually flattened. The survivors are scraping out X civilians, wounded in the bombing of a bus. In short, we a living in the shells of buildings and underground cellars would just pass on information about major incidents (not where they sleep on mattresses in overcrowded conditions. stray bullets) when, through our medical work, we witness There is no main water source, so people are forced to use it for ourselves. And we should only report in factual form. contaminated water supplies – and are forced to drink from I don’t know what you think of this idea, but unless I’m puddles. There is of course no central heating. Some people mistaken, it’s the type of information field missions pass light fires with construction material.” on to journalists anyway when they come through, and I In Grozny, MSF and ICRC are only NGOs present. After think it could easily be centralised in Nazran. [...] Otherwise, consultations with the ICRC, MSF has decided to step up using more discreet tactics (no dissemination of info in the activities in the city. Priorities include water supply (15 water press or reports), we could, I think, if the occasion arises, points would be installed throughout the city), rehabilitation let Memorial know when patients in our hospitals are being of a hospital to the north of the city, greater medical and treated after torture or episodes of mistreatment. It would surgical activity, and the launch of 10 new dispensaries. then be up to them to make contact with these persons and collect witness statements. But we should only do this if MSF is never cited as being part of this process. Meanwhile, I had an unpleasant meeting with a representative of the State department, who was in Nazran for the Fred By late April 1995, the Chechen plains were under Russian Cuny5 investigation (the thousands of deaths in this war are army control. François Jean, Research Director for the nothing compared to the disappearance of one American MSF France Foundation, visited the region and initiated citizen). Whether for their own ends or based on real info, a network of contacts between Europe and the Caucasus. he’s convinced that Cuny was kidnapped by the ‘nasty For years, his analysis and historical perspective helped Chechens who are rebels, Islamists, and anti-American the teams understand the context where they worked. terrorists’ (OK, he didn’t use those terms exactly, but it He suggested that the teams collect information from amounted to as much). There’s going to be a lot of back the patients on the circumstances in which their wounds and forth on this subject over the next few days. If need were inflicted, and then disseminate it. be, if we are contacted, I have the impression - and I’m sure it’s the case – it is useful to remember that independently of this climate of espionage, we have sometimes suffered from both sides. We haven’t really suffered from any anti- L etter from François Jean, MSF France Foundation, western feelings, or been treated with excessive suspicion to Sylvie Gries and Natalia Dudova, Coordinator – by the Chechens at least, despite the fact that we drive and Deputy Coordinator, MSF France, 29 April 1995 around with big radio antennas! [...] On the contrary, I (in French). have the impression that our field teams talk more about the hospitality and welcome from the Chechens. Sylvie, Natalia It’s been a good day for contacts in Moscow. In a rush before I dash for the airport, here’s a suggestion and a few impressions. First of all, we met members of Memorial, a Russian human rights organisation that is closely involved in Chechnya, and, according to Human Rights Watch, does some very good work (HRW supports it, especially for translation of some reports). After a long discussion on the respective 5. Fred Cuny, an American humanitarian volunteer known for his criticisms of the Russian’s behaviour in the war, was held as a spy by the Russian authorities, and vocations of humanitarian and human rights organisations, I later disappeared in Chechnya in April 1995, along with two Russian Red Cross 28 took the liberty of broaching a possible future collaboration, doctors and a translator. dealing with. it took us some time to understand what we were actually was providinginParis.Wepaidforthistheend,because didn’t havethehistoricaloverviewofChechnyathatFrançois positioning. InRussia,wewerereadingthepapers,but may be other examples) through strategic insight and the onlytimeIsawsomeoneinMSFanticipateawar(there intellectuals, andEuropeansupporters. establishing connectionsbetweenChechensanduniversities, on the Chechnya issue, in Europe and in Chechnya itself, activists. Astimepassed,Isetupawholenetworkofrelations affair fromEurope.Isetupsupportnetworks,trackeddown in akindofbubble.SoIgotheavilyinvolvedtheChechen or reachingouttothepeoplearoundthem.Theywerelocked material insteadoftacklingadelicatesituationappropriately 90% oftheirtimeandenergyorganisingthestocks there wasakindoflogisticoverload,andteamswerespending of howthemissionwasbeingrun.Atthattime,inApril, week intheregion,mostlyChechnya.Iwasreallycritical Once thewargotgoing,Ionlywentbackin’95.spenta blanche to clean up their own patch, particularly Chechnya. no realexplanation,itwasclearthattheyreceivedcarte veto anAmericaninterventioninHaiti,andreturn,with deal to stay out of each other’s backyard: the Russians didn’t that theAmericansandRussianshadcookedupakindof vote onHaiti.Ihonestlyhadtheimpression,likemanyothers, alarm bellsinmyheadwastheUnitedNationsSecurityCouncil the newrepublicweremounting.Thethingthatreallysetoff least twice. He’d seentheChechenwarcoming. It’s during FrançoisJean’svisit.Ithinkwesawhimat We onlyreallydevelopedourreadingofChechnya and thatdangerstensionsbetweenMoscow I knew that anindependent republic had been created, I first went to Chechnya in October 1994, on a hunch. Foundation (untilDecember1999),(inFrench) in Moscow(1994-1996),itw2008(inFrench) Christopher Stokes,CoordinatorMSFBelgium François Jean,ResearchDirectorMSFFrance interviewed in2008. interviewed in1998.

for themoment.Justhaven’t gotthetime. to thebasements.[…]Nomoregeneralhospitalactivities but wedon’thaveanychoice.Thepatientsbeentaken windows wereshattered.Thehospitalisbadlypositioned, midday. Abombfell300metresawayfromthehospital.Some team: “MIGattacksthismorning.From07.15throughto Extract fromoneofthelasttelexessentbyMakhkety been clearlymarkedwiththeorganisation’slogo. town’s medicalfacilitiesandtheirsurroundings.Theyhave Frontières thusappealstotheRussiantroopsspare elsewhere, couldbecomeatargetforbombs.MédecinsSans closer toMakhkety,thehospital,likeChechenhospitals to themassofpatientsconcerned.Asfrontlineedges works aroundtheclocktoadmit,treatandoffercomfort surgeon, ananaesthetist,anurse,doctorandlogistician, the victimsofthishorrifyingwar.Ourteam,madeupa surgical unitinMakhketyistheonlysanctuaryformanyof close tothecurrentfrontline.MédecinsSansFrontières’ Sans Frontières’hospitalinMakhkety,asmalltownlocated military andcivilianpeoplehavebeenflockingtoMédecins Over thelastmonthormore,dozensofseriouslywounded in thefield. with accountsofwhattheyhadseenandexperienced Chechnya, MSFvolunteerscontinuedtofeedthepress its teamandthehospitalgrounds.Ontheirreturnfrom been bombed, and urged the Russian forces to protect a new release, MSF Belgium announced that the town had resort forpeoplefleeingthefrontline.Sixdayslater,in Makhkety, whereitsteamrepresentedthelastmedical to theRussianarmy“spare”medicalfacilitiesin In apressreleasedated24May,MSFBelgiumappealed MSF FranceworkedinShatoihospital. Vedeno operatingtheatretoaChechensurgicalteam. provided surgicalcareinMakhketyhospital,leavingthe alongside theChechensurgeons.MSFBelgium’steam country, continued to work in basements or underground, Chechnya. The MSF teams, alone in the south of the In May,thebombingraidsintensifiedinsouthern “HUMANITARIAN LAWFLOUTED IN CHECHNYA:MSFDENOUNCES THE BOMBINGOFCIVILIANS IN SHATOIANDMAKHKETY” MSF Belgium,24 Army toSpareMedicalFacilities,’Pressrelease, Médecins SansFrontièresCallsontheRussian V3

May 1995(inFrench).

29 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

‘Médecins Sans Frontières Appeals to the Russian ‘Médecins Sans Frontières Calls for a Cease Fire   Army to Protect Medical Facilities,’ Press release, to Evacuate Civilians,’ Press release, MSF France, MSF Belgium, 30 May 1995 (in French). 27 May 1995 (in French).

Médecins Sans Frontières has learned from its team in Médecins Sans Frontières has learned Bombing in the south Makhkety that the town is currently being bombed. MSF of the country has redoubled in intensity over the last two urgently calls on the Russian authorities to ensure the weeks, hitting the region of Shatoi, 60 km south of Grozny, protection of its team and spare the hospital, which serves particularly hard. This morning, civilians from villages around as the only sanctuary for the victims of this war, whoever Shatoi called on the Médecins Sans Frontières team based in they may be. MSF also calls on the Russian troops to halt the hospital for help to cross the front line. These villagers their blind bombing raids. were ready to abandon their homes because of the threat of Russian bombs. A convoy transporting more than 400 people (19 vehicles, including 10 trucks), accompanied by a Médecins Sans Frontiers car, spent all day Saturday waiting for a chance to leave. Another 10 vehicles were waiting in a village further south, hoping to join the convoy. But the We set up a hospital in the basement in Makhkety, bombardment was so intense, that the evacuation could not where we fitted out an operating theatre and an take place. Médecins Sans Frontières appeals to the Russian emergency ward in the former kitchens. We disinfected military authorities to agree an immediate ceasefire so this everything and covered a table with plastic; it had been used civilian convoy can move forward in safety. in the past to prepare meat but we turned it into an operating Over the last 15 days, 74 victims of indiscriminate bombing table! We turned bunk beds into shelves. I also insisted on raids have been admitted to Shatoi hospital, where the MSF keeping the stock in the hospital. If there was a bombing team is based (a surgeon, a doctor, a nurse, a logistician, raid, we were safer working in the basement. We had bomb three translators and two drivers). The team has performed shelters everywhere. One day, when we were eating breakfast 50 surgical procedures, 33 of them major, in the last 10 at home, they bombed the hospital. We reached it via a days alone. Médecins Sans Frontières reiterates its call bomb-shelter. All the patients were already there. We settled that the civilian population and medical facilities should them on the shelves in the cellar. All the windows were not be bombed by the Russian forces, in conformity with shattered. There was a huge crater 100 metres away from the international humanitarian law. hospital. The Russians knew we were there; they were trying to intimidate us. [...] The MIGs flew overhead – they were so low we could see the pilots. [...] There was no way out. I was convinced they wouldn’t kill humanitarian workers, but Fax from Sylvie Gries, MSF France Coordinator for I had the impression that we’d dug ourselves a hole and we the Caucasus, to François Calas and Martine had to negotiate a way out. That’s what happened in the Guillod, programme managers MSF France, 29 May end. When the new team arrived to replace us, I had to insist 1995 (in French). that they wore bulletproof jackets. They did. But when I told them that the Russian troops were just behind them, they - MSF/B, MSF/F, ICRC meeting this morning with Stepanov, didn’t understand. We headed south – our mission was over Tegorov’s assistant + CL Panine. and we were leaving the country. We handed over just in time. The offensive has started, it can’t be stopped. Civilians They started bombing Makhkety again soon after we’d left. should leave during a ceasefire. We are barred from travelling The Russians finally arrived with their tanks. They set up a to Shatoi over the next few days, until the front line is humanitarian corridor for the ICRC to transport the wounded, secured. Even if we try, they won’t let us through. They’re but they told the MSF team to ‘get out.’ not hitting villages, but rebels. The Shatoi team will have to make do with the medicines it has. […], Project Coordinator, MSF Belgium in Chechnya, (1995), MSF USA Programme Department Next meeting Wednesday at midday, no news before. MSF/B 2001-2002 (in French), interviewed in 2008 is going to try and get through tomorrow. We’ll monitor the situation closely. FYI, a car managed to reach Kurtchaloi today, but couldn’t get back. Ainga [MSF logistician] is going to try and get it through one more time. Three different routes have been tried so far... We’ll keep you posted. On 27 May, MSF France called for a cease-fire to evacuate civilians from Shatoi. It stressed that the civilian population and medical facilities should not be targeted by Russian planes, in conformity with humanitarian law. Civilians Still Under the Russian Bombs in Shatoi.’ Two days later, a new press release denounced bombing Press release, MSF France, 30 May 1995 (in raids on the town itself and appealed for civilians to be French). spared and access granted for humanitarian aid. 30 While the Russian bombs keep pounding the outskirts During ameeting on 9 being conductedunobserved. and denouncingtheRussianforces’clean-upoperations, forced evacuationoftheirteamsfromsouthernChechnya France disseminated a joint press release announcing the by theOSCE.Onsameday,MSFBelgiumand hundred civilians,viaahumanitariancorridornegotiated forces, theMSFteamevacuatedShatoi,alongwithseveral posed byGeneralKulikov,commanderoftheRussian soldiers invain.Onthe2June,followinganultimatum In thefield,teamstriedtonegotiatewithRussian these people. - theunconditionalaccessforhumanitarianaidtoreach passage accordingly; and forthosewhowishtoleaveShatoibegivensafe - thecivilianpopulationtobesparedfromfighting, Once again,MédecinsSansFrontièresurgentlycallsfor: completely blockedbytheRussianmilitary. aid in this region, still in the Chechen rebels’ hands, is because theyaredyingindroves.Accesstohumanitarian is itsforemostvictim–eitherbecausetheyhavetofleeor regularly bearswitnesstothefactthatcivilianpopulation case since the war first begun, MédecinsSans Frontiers they claimedtobeonlytargeting‘rebels.’Ashasbeenthe the North.Ashasbeencasesincewarfirstbegun, (civilians or humanitarian workers) going to or coming from to haltthefighting,andbarredpassageofanyconvoys military authoritiesinMoscowonMonday.Thelatterrefused ceasefire toevacuatethetown’scivilians,metRussian Médecins SansFrontières,wholastSaturdaycalledfora arrival ofyetmorefreshlywounded. makeshift setupisnowatsaturationpoint,followingthe into operatingtheatresbyMédecinsSansFrontières.This were transferredintothebasementsthathavebeenturned had to beevacuated.The most seriously wounded patients Another fell400metresawayfromthehospital,whichthen into Shatoi,killingfourpeopleandwoundingtwoothers. Sunday, abombblewaparthouseontheroadleading its inhabitantscaught under ahailofRussianbombs.Last and theever-approachingfrontline,hasbecomeatrapfor Friday. Shatoi,wedgedbetweentheCaucasianmountains have beendesperatelytryingtoleavethetownsincelast of Shatoi(60kmsouthGrozny),hundredscivilians organisation hadmanagedto reachallvictims. come acrosselsewhere,including Rwanda,wherethe by theRussianforces–asituation thatMSFhadrarely Coordinator, denouncedthe denialofaccessimposed “The MoscowTimes”,ChristopherStokes,MSFBelgium’s president ofMSFFrance.IntheEnglish-speakingdaily, General KulikovrefusedtomeetPhilippeBiberson,the both ontheoperationsfrontandintermsofadvocacy. Directors discussed its future involvement in Chechnya,

June, MSF France’s Board of atmosphere waslike... him to“witnessthediscussion.”Youcanimaginewhat doctor waspresentthroughoutthemeeting:Kulikovasked for the Belgians, so they could leave today too. A military personally. Healso orderedTrochevto arrangeasafe passage your workinChechnyawillbeover,andyou’llanswertome you like. But if you don’t leave Makhkety and Shatoi today, mountains. YoucanstayinGroznyorKurtchaloiaslong as manypeopleyouwantintheplains,butnot organisations, withnoexceptions.Hetoldme:“Youcanhelp and ordered him to block all passage to international (commander ofoperationsintheSouth)whileIwasthere, South withouthispersonalpermission.HecalledTrochev Neither theICRC,OSCEnorMSFcouldreturnto was toleave,andweshoulddojustthat,today. wanted usinGroznyby18:00atthelatest.Ouronlychoice that our‘mission’wasoverinChechnya.Hetoldmewe that day.He‘congratulated’meonthisinitiative,telling to get there in time. So I told Kulikov that we were leaving my own because Thierry, from the Belgians, didn’t manage I managedto see Kulikovat 9.30 thismorning. I wason Hi Martine, a basement,in anoperatingtheatrecobbled togetherby team hasspent thelastweekoperatingon woundedin armed forces.MédecinsSans Frontières’medical-surgical and indiscriminatebombingraids conductedbytheRussian brought toitskneesbythesharp escalationinwidespread southern Chechnya.Since11May, theShatoiregionhasbeen of ShatoiandMakhkety,MSF isforcedtowithdrawfrom [MSF France]Declaredpersonanongrataintheregion passage wouldbeaccordedthereafter. and Makhketyby18:00tonight.Hemadeitclearthatno issued anultimatum:allMSFteamshadtobeoutofShatoi with anMSFrepresentativeinGroznythismorning.He of theInterior,inchargeoperationsChechnya,met General Kulikov,theheadofarmedforcesinMinistry the team.Bothteamswereforcedtoleavetoday. a basement,inanoperatingtheatrecobbledtogetherby team hasspentthelastweekoperatingonwoundedin under thebombs,MédecinsSansFrontières’medical-surgical village fellintoRussianhandstwodaysago.InShatoi,still surgical teamfromitsundergroundhospitalinMakhkety.The May. TheRussianarmyhasexpelledMédecinsSansFrontières’ transportation ofaidtothesouthhasbeenblockedsince23 bombing raids conducted by the . All by thesharpescalationinwidespreadandindiscriminate MSF Belgium France programmemanager,2 Coordinator, MSFFranceinChechnya,tothe Message fromNataliaDudova,Assistant MSF France,2 Southern Chechnya,’Pressrelease,MSFBelgium, and Makhkety,MSFisForcedtoWithdrawfrom ‘Declared PersonaNonGrataintheRegionofShatoi French). : Southern Chechnya is being brought to its knees

June 1995(inFrench).

June 1995(in

31 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

the team. Another team was operating in the neighbouring in the Rwandan conflict, he said. He said MSF had been village of Makhkety, and has also been obliged to withdraw. independent observers in southern Chechnya and “we wanted All transportation of aid to the south has been blocked witnesses there to prevent any Samashki-type incidents since 23 May. General Kulikov, the Head of the Armed Forces occurring,” he said, referring to the killing of civilians in in the Ministry of the Interior, in charge of operations in the western Chechen village of Samashki in April. Chechnya, met with an MSF representative in Grozny this An aide to Kulikov in Moscow, who declined to be named, morning. He posed an ultimatum: all MSF teams had to be said Monday that he was not familiar with the details of the out of Shatoi and Makhkety by 18:00 tonight. He made it case but that “the situation does not allow” the continued clear that no passage would be accorded thereafter. […] presence of humanitarian organizations in the region. “I can MSF Belgium/MSF France: This warning heralded the final dispute with you what kind of humanitarian aid is going on assault on Shatoi, one of the last regions under rebel there,” he said, but refused to clarify his remarks. control, and one that harbours a number of civilians caught between the bombing, the approaching front and the Caucasian mountains. Without medical assistance or any foreign presence, these civilians have been utterly Minutes of the MSF France Board of Directors abandoned to their fate. Sticking to the tried and tested meeting on 9 June 1995 (in French). methods of Grozny and Samashki in particular, the Russian military forces are now free to pursue their clean-up and Extract: normalisation operations in Chechnya in total impunity and It’s impossible to be with the civilian population. We think without witnesses. there are about 400,000 internally displaced, but many of them left before the war started, and there are quite a few Russians in the population captive in Grozny. We registered 140,000 refugees in Ingushetia, but it’s hard to count the ‘ Russians Capture Dudayev Stronghold’ by Thomas internally displaced and conduct an evaluation mission in de Waal, (Moscow), 6 June the mountains. 1995 (in English). There are some serious hygiene problems, and we’re “expecting” cholera. We’re seeing increasing anti-Russian Extract: feelings in the Caucasian region. There’s real solidarity Shortly before Vedeno fell, Medecins sans Frontières, or between the Ingush and Chechen people, but we don’t know MSF, said it had been ordered out of two southern Chechen if it goes hand in hand with military aid. The question is: villages. Christopher Stokes, the organization’s Moscow What should we do next? Should we stay in Chechnya or coordinator, said Kulikov, at a private meeting in Grozny leave? Should we go back to Shatoi? Etc. on Friday morning, had ordered the organization to quit Kulikov is the only figure we can negotiate with, but this is the region by 6 p.m. the same day. “his” war and he doesn’t want to see anyone. Up to now, he’s Kulikov told them they could not return there for the next refused to meet Philippe Biberson – currently in Chechnya two months, a time limit which may allow Russian forces - because of MSF’s press releases on what’s going on. A to complete their conquest of southern Chechnya. MSF was discussion took place on what attitude MSF should adopt. the last international humanitarian relief body in rebel- Martine [Guillod, programme manager] suggested collating controlled territory, where “from a medical point of view the all the information into a white paper, disseminating it needs are enormous,” Stokes said in an interview Monday. and spelling out what’s been happening in Chechnya since “Our greatest fear is that for the first time since the start December. But this option gave rise to some questions, as of the war there will be no humanitarian presence in areas Mado [Nurse, just returned from Chechnya] pointed out not controlled by federal troops,” he said. that we’ve heard about many atrocities, but we didn’t seem MSF had a French medical team in the village of Shatoi and a them for ourselves (other than the war and the bombing). Belgian one in Makhketi. They had set up field hospitals and How can we bear witness on what we experienced while were tending both wounded civilians and combatants, Stokes disassociating that from the war? Once you’ve got a war, said, despite heavy shelling, which blew in the windows when do the atrocities begin? (Alain Devaux) of the Makhketi hospital. They had already managed to If the Russians aren’t creating clear and definitive obstacles evacuate 300 civilians from Shatoi. The French team decided to humanitarian action (François Jean, MSF Fondation), it’s to leave Shatoi on Friday anyway, because the fighting was because they don’t need to – the bulldozer’s making ground. so bad, Stokes said. In Makhketi, Russian troops drove the (Odile Cochetel). We should wait for Philippe’s return to six-person Belgian medical team from their hospital, when move this discussion forward. they entered the village Friday. Stokes said Kulikov’s order ran counter to verbal assurances and the permission of the Chechen provisional Prime Minister, Salambek Khadzhiyev, and was against all international practice. On 16 June, MSF France circulated a report describing “It is quite rare that we are denied complete access to one what its team had been through when Shatoi was taken, side,” Stokes said, citing experience in other wars. Despite preceded by an editorial denouncing the ‘dirty war’ led 32 the difficulties there, MSF managed to work on both sides by the Russian forces and the impunity they enjoyed. defenceless civiliansweremassacredon7 the departureoffightershadbeensecured,twohundred as demonstratedinthetragiccaseofSamashki:once However, thepromisesmadearenotalwaysrespected, save themselvesbysubmittingto the Russianarmedforces. the threatofblindbombingraids,manyvillageshavetriedto them asbargainingchipsforthesurrenderoffighters.Under the Russiantroopshavebeentakingthemhostage,using foremost victims, thecivilians’ plight becomes ever more dire: losses amongthecivilianpopulation.Furthermore,war’s wide-scale andindiscriminatebombing,leadingtoheavy All themajorcitiesinChechnyahavebeensubjectedto before beingdeliveredtotheforcesofrepression. or Hama,inSyria,methodicallybombedFebruary1982 in Somalia,blowntosmithereensbySiyadBarré1988, seems less like Beirut, Mogadishu or Sarajevo than Hargeisa, methods ofdraconianenforcement.Inthisrespect,Grozny ruins and“normalising”them,using the triedand tested with averitabledelugeofartilleryfire,thenoccupyingthe authorities settledforwipingoutthepocketsofresistance for theyoungrecruitsusedascannonfodder,military offensives onthecapital,whichresultedinalloutcarnage ‘rebel groups.’ Since the bloody failures of the first Russian tragic illustrationofthemethodsemployedtoliquidate The destructionofGrozny,acity400,000inhabitants,is hundreds ofthousandspeoplehavebeenuprooted... are in ruins, there are thousands of freshly dug graves and in Chechnya,leavingdevastationitswake:mosttowns Ten monthsafterthefightingbegan,warisstillraging Extract: rebel groups,’ the Russians havebombed their ownfellow- respect forthe law,orindeedhumanlife.To ‘cleanupthe has resortedtobrutalandarbitrary methods,withlittle In an effort to “re-establish constitutional order”, the Kremlin in completeimpunity. systematically violatedsince the startofwar,andthis underlying principles of the Geneva Conventions have been on thepopulation’sfate,inprotectiontermsatleast,as MSF’s forcedwithdrawalmaywellhavedirectrepercussions above theegregioushalttoanymedicalaidinsouth, are nooutsideobserverstomonitortheoutcome.Overand abandoned to the unstoppable Russian war machine.There non-controlled zones,thecivilianpopulationhasbeenutterly of the only humanitarian organisation still present in the to leavesouthernChechnyaon2ndJune.Withthewithdrawal welcome thanever.ThusMédecinsSansFrontièreswasforced and thepresenceofhumanitarianorganisationsisevenless Russian forceshavegraduallybecomeanoccupyingarmy, After sixmonthsofbombingandlarge-scaleoffensives,the torture andsummaryexecutions... up ofambushesandreprisals,arrestsdisappearances, controlled bytheRussianforces.Thisisadirtywar,made hands), thefightinghasspreadrightuptotowns the mountainsofsouthernChechnya(stillinseparatist the escalationinbombingraidsandmilitaryoperations 1995 (inFrench). Example ofShatoi,’MSFFrancereport,16June Hmntra Law ‘Humanitarian Flouted in Chechnya: the th April. Apart from April.Apartfrom when we saw the results, we could feel they wanted to wipe planes. I don’t know what arms they were using exactly, but place, withtheirdelayedaction bombsandrocketsfiredfrom offensive wasreallyhuge.As if ittheyaimedtoflattenthe to move off theentirevillage evacuated behindus. The military basement hadbeentotallydestroyed. Whenthecarsstarted wanted tostay.WhenIwent backsometimelater,this who wanted to leave. The patients in one of the two basements So weformedacolumnofcars,withallthehospitalpatients The situationhadbecomesotensethatwedecidedtoevacuate. eventually the Coordinator said that we couldn’t keep going. terrified.” the forest,buthedidn’tknowwheretheywere,andwas He wasintotalshock.Therestofhisfamilyhiding of his daughters, hit by mortar shards during the bombing. Russian armydidn’tsticktoitsword.Thismanhadlosttwo in the village – only civilians, who should be spared. The military, swearingthattherewerenomorefightersorarms village, Barzoi,hadreachedanagreementwiththeRussian “One ofthelastwoundedpatientswetreatedtoldusthathis […] SaraS,interpreterinShatoi why theRussianarmykepthammeringawayatthem.” they’d leftbehind.Theseciviliansreallydidn’tunderstand arrival, the patients often talked about 5 or 6 deadpeople sprayed shrapnelonexplosion,causinghorrificdamage.On bodies ofupto5-6centimetreslong.Thesewerebombsthat amputations. Someofthewoundedhadshrapnelintheir Mortar shardscausedmostwounds.Wecarriedoutalotof majority ofourpatientswerecivilians-around80%them. “From themomentShatoioffensiverestarted, […] NadineD,NurseandProjectCoordinatorinShatoi Testimonies can veeroffcourse.” facilities.” Kulikov:“Butyouknowverywellthatbombs the military doesn’t bomb civilian sites, let alone medical focused onthispoint.Natalia:“Butyoutoldusyourselfthat MSF’s AssistantCoordinatorvoicedsurprisethathehad Shatoi regionforsecurityreasons,hesaidthatNatalia, Kulikov wasexplainingMSF’sforcedwithdrawalfromthe Convention arebeingfloutedtothehilt.WhilstGeneral this war,andthattheunderlyingprinciplesofGeneva but MSFcanattestthatciviliansareinnowaysparedby The Russian army states that it only targets Chechen rebels, Civilians caughtupinthewar human rightsforthedelicaciesofrealpolitik. sadly, inthecaseofChechnya,westerncountriesaretrading this populationisgovernedbyRussian‘internalaffairs,’but throughout thecivilianpopulation.Itshouldnotmatterthat citizens andrecruitedmercenariestosowseedsofterror consultations onthehospital’sfirstfloor.But We carried out surgery in the basements, and We reallywantedtostay.Butthebombingintensified.

33 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

the village out. We took parallel roads, but we were still amongst the Chechens until the day our teams’ security bombed. It was really dangerous. We waited for the Red Cross could no longer be guaranteed. We thus withdrew from to recover the wounded; some of them were soldiers. Shatoi and Makhkety on 2nd June. However, other teams pursue their activities in Grozny and the Kurtchaloi region, Vincent de Bellefroid, MSF France Project Coordinator and through their presence we have witnessed the impact in Shatoi, Chechnya, February to May 1995, then August of these armed operations on human rights. 1996 to July 1997, then Project coordinator in North Médecins Sans Frontières was the only humanitarian Caucasus (June to October 2001) (in French), organisation with an uninterrupted presence in southern interviewed in 2008. Chechnya until the 2nd June. The war in Chechnya is being, and always has been, fought with the utmost disregard for the civilian population’s right to be spared. Worse still, these people are often targeted, their belongings looted, and their homes destroyed in efforts to place Chechen fighters under pressure. I was a surgeon working in Chatoi in 1995. We were We find it deplorable that the meeting planned between not working in MSF but we were collaborating with our organisation and parliamentary members did not, in the MSF in the same hospital. I remember this girl of end, take place. The latter were in Chechnya on the morning about ten or twelve and she ended up in the bombardment. of 9th June to analyse this very human rights issue. It was She was hit by the shell and she died in my bare hands with indeed advisable for the Human Rights sub-commission of her eyes like this big. And, well, the war goes on. There was the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly to have made always chaos. Lots of people were trying to save their own some time for our representatives. Our team would have lives. At one moment, we had organized a convoy. MSF was shared their findings and observations gathered through the organization in charge of this convoy and we tried, to MSF’s medical work in Chechnya carried out over these last take out the immobile patients, who could not move out of few months. the place of hostilities. We were moving through villages, bypassing rules, taking detoured roads. The convoy went through without any problems and we managed to dispatch these patients in Urus Martan. It wasn’t possible to continue working in Chatoi. We were working in different places. During this period, the press agency drew the Everyone was working in the place he could find himself. attention of MSF Belgium’s Coordinator in Moscow to accusations of arms transportation levied against MSF A, MSF North Caucasus staff (in Russian, translated by the Russian authorities. into English by an MSF interpreter) interviewed in 2008

On 20 June, Philippe Biberson, President of MSF France, We received a telephone call from Reuters who told wrote a letter to the Council of Europe Parliamentary us that the Russian army, or the FSB [Russian Assembly describing the situation observed by MSF’s Intelligence], had accused us of transporting arms in volunteers in Chechnya, and deploring the fact that our vehicles. I hadn’t heard these accusations, and Reuters during the European parliamentary members’ visit to the asked me: “What do you have to say?” I was caught totally country on the 9 June, they had failed to meet up with off guard, and I think I said “no comment.” Reuters replied: our teams to learn more of the situation on the ground. “No comment? What do you mean, no comment?” So I said: “Wait. Come to the office, we’ll organise a press briefing.” So we organised a press briefing in Moscow, with about ten Russian journalists. We called the field, and we replied to the Letter from Philippe Biberson, President of MSF accusations of arms transportation. It was one of the first France, to Miguel Angel Matrinez, President of times we were really put on spot by the authorities. the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, 20 June 1995 (in French). Christopher Stokes, Coordinator MSF Belgium in Moscow (1994-1996), itw 2008 (in French) Extract: interviewed in 2008. Whilst working in Chechnya, we have encountered a series of obstacles to the provision of medical aid (in February and March in the Kurtchaloi region, and in March in the Shatoi region). We still face problems with the circulation and distribution of humanitarian assistance in regions In late June, a group of Chechenfighters led by commander secured by the Russian army. In keeping with our principle attacked the town of Budennovsk, in 34 of assisting people most affected by war, we were present southern Russia, and seized the hospital taking several Chechnya. on itsway,headingforthevillage ofNovolak,insouthern Towards 16:00(17:00local time), theconvoycontinued provided thehostageswith water,foodandmedicines. Around tenofthemwereina seriouscondition.Theyalso Committee oftheRedCrossmanaged totreatthewounded. Teams fromMédecinsSansFrontièresandtheInternational in Dagestan,attheroundaboutonwayintotown. of hostagescomingfromBudennovskstoppedinKhasavyurt Towards 07:00 this morning (09:00 local time), the convoy applies fromthemomenttheygetonbus.” spokesman VladimirVoroshtov.“Theword‘hostage’nolonger a ratherriskyundertaking,”saidRussianInteriorMinistry government from any responsibility for their safety. “It is were presentedwithdisclaimerformstosignexcusingthe […] Beforeboardingthebuses,volunteercaptives team theretobeginnegotiationswithChechenseparatists. and 1,000miles south of Moscow -- and sent a high-level fire byitsforcesinChechnya--about100milessouthofhere to thehostage-takers,governmentalsoorderedacease- leader ShamilBasayev.Inadditiontopromisingsafepassage Prime MinisterViktorChernomyrdinandChechenguerrilla days and nights of tense telephone negotiations between Wednesday werereleasedunderadealbrokeredduringtwo The men, women and children heldcaptive since last the tripandwhomrebelsusedashumanshields.[…] and otherswhothegovernmentsaidhadvolunteeredfor on sixbuses,accompaniedby139politicians,journalists the gunmen,numberingabout70,wereallowedtoleave Under the terms of a deal with the Russian government, had beenheldsincelastWednesdaybyChechenrebels. safely out of a hospital in this provincial city, where they neared itsend.[…]Earlier,morethan700hostageswalked a five-dayordealofmayhemandhostagetakingapparently Russia towardthebreakawayregionofChechnyatonight,as ‘volunteer’ hostages wound their way through southern Buses carrying a band of Chechen gunmen and scores of : Extrac­­­­t press releaseon20June. to treat the wounded. This information was reported in a through Khasavyurt,ateamfromMSFBelgiummanaged back intoChechnya.Whentheconvoyofhostagespassed tal, resulting in 200 deaths, whilst the rebels pulled hundred hostages.TheRussianforcesattackedthehospi- 1995, (inEnglish). Hockstader, Quit RussianCitywithVolunteers,’byLee ‘Chechen GunmenHeadHome;DealLetsRebels 1995 (inFrench). Hostages,’ ‘Info Update,Chechnya:MSFManagestoTreat Press releaseMSFBelgium,20June (USA), 20 June The WashingtonPost(USA),20June V4 the bandages. In thesurgicalward,wheremainly wounded by aRussian.They toldtheir story whilethenursewas putting we visitedthisfamily:amanand hissonwhowerewounded For instance, once we heard there were wounded people and On 2 military intervention inChechnyatobeconstitutional. Rights CommissionandtheConstitutionalCourtfound Boris YeltsindisbandedtheRussianFederation’sHuman Russian forcesandtheChechenseparatists.On31July, On 30 July, a military agreement was signed between the on Monday31 was thefindingofConstitutionalCourtinMoscow months, isnow‘absolutelyconstitutional’inRussia.This even onthescaleofeventsinChechnyaoverlastseven The useofarmedforcetoresolveaninternalethnicconflict, Extract: had beenforcedtoendure,MSFvolunteers. consultations, thepatientsdescribedviolencethey facilities, largelydestroyedduringthewar.Duringtheir to Grozny,whereMSFwassupportingvarioushealth In the summer of 1995, refugees started returning in Russian,”SergeiKovalevbelieves. unilaterally decidetodeployanarmedinterventionanywhere that the“Presidentcanonceagain,shouldhesowish, (…) beforehandingdownits’finding.Allofwhichimplies between theRussiansandChechensinGroznylastSunday The Courtthenawaitedthesigningofaninitialagreement executive of actingillegally in its orders to launch the war. complaints totheConstitutionalCourt.Theyaccused aside, andittookthemfivefurthermonthstorefertheir known. All the deputies’ votes on Chechnya were brushed Parliament’s impotenceinthefaceofexecutive is well an independentvoicewithinthegovernmentalstructures. to revoke hiscommission.It was thelast remaining spacefor terms toBorisYeltsin’s decision, deliveredonthesameday, Human RightsCommissioneralsoreactedinmuchthesame governments’ hands,”deploresSergeiKovalev.TheRussian democracy. “Powerhasonceagainbeenconcentratedinthe and theutterdismayofcountry’sremnantsactive bound bytheagreements.’ signed adecreecreatingregularChechenarmy,‘not August,DzhokharDudayev,PresidentofChechnya, ­­­­ looking forpeopleinbasements, inhiddenplaces. of thecitybutalsoinsuburbs ofGrozny.Wewere We went there for distribution not only in the centre (in French). Sophie Shihab,LeMonde(France),2August1995 ‘The WarinChechnyaFoundtobeConstitutional,’ st July,tothegovernment’ssatisfaction

35 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

people were, they were telling their stories themselves saying the scene. After a thorough search of the car, the team had ‘I was sitting some where and the soldiers came and they to backtrack to Vedeno. fired at me’ and they showed their wounds. They would say Médecins Sans Frontières is deeply shocked by this hostile that they do not mind that their stories were written down act on the part of the Russian forces, at the very time the or even explained. They were saying over the TVs that they Russian army had announced a ceasefire for the peace talks were expecting their rights to be respected. During the first due to take place with the Chechen separatists. Médecins war people were more open, not like it is now. The fear Sans Frontières has complained to the military and civil appeared after the first campaign. authorities in Moscow, and calls for the persons responsible for this incident to be sanctioned. E, MSF North Caucasus staff (in English) interviewed in 2008

List of Security Incidents in Chechnya, Merlin, 24 December 1996, (in English).

Extract: HARASSMENT AND VIOLENCE Aug/Sept:[…] AGAINST HUMANITARIAN TEAMS MSF F two armed robberies at base in Pervomaiskoye. 18-24 Sept 95: […] MSF/F armed robbery at base in Pervomaiskoye. 28 Sept 95: […] MSF F armed robbery at new house in Katayama (closed Meanwhile, humanitarian workers were increasingly mission). [...] exposed to harassment and assault. In June, a Russian tank 13 Oct 95: […] targeted an MSF Belgium car. In August and September, MSF B caught in Chechen/Russian ambush outside MSF France’s base in Grozny had to deal with three armed Popedinskoe. [...] attacks. On 28 September, MSF’s new base was attacked, 15 Nov 95: […] even more violently than before, so the mission closed. MSF B caught in Chechen/Russian ambush outside Popedinskoe. [...] On 13 October, the MSF Belgium team was harassed at 25 Dec 95: […] a checkpoint. On the 30, armed men in Grozny held up MSF B armed robbery from base in Popedinskoe. [...] the ICRC team. On 15 November, it was MSF Belgium’s 11 Jan 96: […] turn to be robbed, forcing activities to a halt for a week. MSF B expat held hostage for a couple of hours in Vedeno. On the 22 November, the team was caught in an ambush [...] between the Russians and Chechens. On 25 December the 30 Jan 96: […] team was again, held up by armed men. MSF F in Karabulak, were robbed by armed men. [...] In January 1996, a Russian helicopter fired on an MSF 27 Feb 96:[…] Belgium truck, killing the Chechen driver. An MSF Belgium MSF B in Vedino had an attempted robbery. 3 or 4 armed men volunteer was held hostage for several hours in Vedeno. tried to break into the house, but were deterred following The MSF France team in Karabulak, Ingushetia, was robbed. a confrontation with the owner. In late February, MSF Belgium’s base in Vedeno was the target of an attempted armed robbery. In March, a loaded MSF France truck was stolen from a warehouse in Nazran. un entrepôt à Nazran. Message from Thierry and Hilde, MSF Belgium, Grozny to Alain and Roby, MSF Belgium programme manager, 26 December 1995 (in English).

‘MSF Team Attacked by the Russian Army,’ Press 1)Brian, Tim and Andres walked home a few minutes before release, MSF Belgium, 25 June 1995 (in French). 9:00 pm Christmas night. 2)On the road app. 60 meters from our house an old In the early afternoon of 24 June, an MSF car left its base passenger car stopped, 5 of the 6 men in the car got out, in Vedeno, heading for Dargo, with humanitarian material grabbed us, and took us to the end of the street. One man on board (blankets, hygiene kits). A doctor, a logistician, a had a small knife, and another a Kalashnikov gun. In the translator, and a driver were part of the MSF team delivering car, was a bazooka. these supplies. Three kilometres from Vedeno, the team heard 3)All of us then drove to an empty warehouse. The men did two warning shots fired a few metres in front of the car. The not seem very familiar with the area. Only two of them were driver swung into a u-turn, but the car hit a volley of fire, wearing masks. None of them spoke any English. The driver and bullets started piercing the doors. Hands in the air, the was the oldest, the front seat passenger was looking like a passengers climbed out of the vehicle, with shots flying over Chechen fighter and had hard eyes. The other 4 were peons. 36 their heads. Some minutes later, a Russian tank arrived on 4)Tim and Andres were then separated from Brian. We were them, andmakesuretheydidn’thappenagain. public figures,ortheauthoritiestodiscussproblemswith were made toreach out to the neighbourhood, respected the two hold ups, hardly any initiative was taken, no efforts around paytime,attheendofmonth.Butinbetween this kind.AsfarasIcouldsee,eachincidenttookplace big questionswas:“ifwere-open,howshould do it?” Chechnya, butwestayedinthe NorthernCaucasus.Oneofour there wasrobberyafterrobbery, weendedupevacuatingfrom a lot of cash in the field; we were running a big outfit. When kind, becauseoursafeswereconstantlybeingrobbed.Wehad our presence,butwealsoattractedtheout-and-outcriminal hospitals. We knew we’d certainly ruffled some feathers with everywhere. Weemptiedentiretrucksofmedicinesintothe zones, allMSFsectionscombined.wasrunningaround 10)We werethensafelydepositedneartheoffice. vehicle excepttwoofthepeonswholeftbyfoot. After sometimetheycametothecar.Everyonegotinto 9)We then returned to Tim and Andres at the warehouse. minutes theywouldkillBrian. 8)They toldusifSophiewouldnotcomebackafterthree to thegateofofficebutdidnotentercompound. told theothertostop.OneofmenfollowedSophie and well-beingwereinseriousdoubt…untiltheoldman the safe.OneofmenwasfondlingSophie.Hersafety 7)Next wedrovetotheofficeandSophiewentempty key andwasabletocomewithme. and Andreswouldbeshot.MostfortunatelySophiehadthe key. IwasrepeatedlytoldthatifanythingwentwrongTim to thevehicle.Theywouldnotletmereturnwithonly was decidedthatIwouldgetthekeyandSophiereturn 6)After longdiscussionwiththethreemenincar,it had thiskey. the keytoradioroom.ItwasestablishedthatSophie 5)Andres gavemethekeytosafe.Nowwejustneeded translating skills(freeofcharge). asked whospokeRussianthemost.Ivolunteeredmylimited (until December1999),(inFrench)interviewedin1998. Foundation François Jean,ResearchDirectorMSFFrance Foundation Graziella Godain,Emergency Coordinator, theNorthern At the time, when there was a whole series of attacks, At thetime,when there was a wholeseriesof attacks, leave inSeptember‘95,followingrepeatedattacksof so manyholdups,orthatwewerethefirstNGOto I wasn’tatallsurprisedthatwebecamethetargetof were fartoovisible.Wecoveringwaymany MSF hadahighvolumeofactivitiesinChechnya.We Caucasus, MSF France, FebruarytoOctober 1996, (in French),interviewed in2008.

the journaliststhatarepresent. telephone, onlytelex.Shehowevercontinuestotalkwith reach her(especiallyduringtheday)sinceMSFdoesn’thave with ElsoverICRC’sphonethisevening.Itisdifficultto in andprovidehelp.Wemanagedtohaveabriefcontact but Elsisconvincedtherebelsdon’twantRussianstocome for some of their men. A Russian medical team is present, for thehostagesandthemselvesalsomedicalcare kindly declinedtheoffer.Therebels,however,askedforfood to putupanemergencypost, the Russiancommandershave tomorrow. Althoughshehasofferedtohelpandsuggested to Chazavjurtthiseveningandwillreturnthevillage is stuckinthevillagefortimebeing.Elsfinallyreturned hostages (ICRCdidn’t),wholookedveryanxious.Theconvoy Chechnya. Todayshemanagedtotalksomeofthe of PervomaiskayaontheborderbetweenDagestanand She firstwenttoKizljaryesterday,thenthevillage be there). International RedCrossandjournalists(Reuter,AFPshould the convoywith160to200hostagestogether conflict intheneighbouringrepublic.Shehasbeenfollowing programme fortheChechenrefugeesthathavefled she hasbeencarryingoutamedicalandsanitaryassistance is aBelgianMDandtogetherwiththeotherteammembers a towninDagestanneartheChechenborder.ElsMathieu Chechen rebels. MSF has a team of 3 people in Chazavjurt, being interviewedconcerningthetakingofhostagesby For yourinfo:someofyoumighthaveseenanMSFvolunteer Extract: the region. Such an operation must take place in full security, evacuate thewounded andsicktothedifferent hospitalsin with the military authorities present on the ground so as to to you,aspartofourhumanitarian mandate,tointervene hostages heldcaptiveinPervomayskoye. Wethereforeappeal This fightingrepresentsa real dangerfortheinnocent of thewounded. the militaryauthoritiessoastosecureanevacuation the RussianFederation,BorisYeltsin,tointervenewith care. MSFBelgiumcalledpubliclyonthePresidentof Dagestan offered to provide the hostages with medical siege andbomb.MembersofMSFBelgium’steamin of Pervomayskoye, which the Russians proceeded to hundred oftheirprisonersandretreatedtothevillage in hospital, Dagestan. They then took one separatist Chechenstookathousandcivilianshostage Meanwhile, on10January1996,acommandounitof January 1996(inEnglish). Officer toallcommunicationsdepartments,11 Memo fromAnoukDelafortrie,MSFBelgiumPress Russian Federation,17January1996(inFrench). MSF Belgium, to Boris Yeltsin, President of the Letter fromEricGoemaere,GeneralDirectorof V5

37 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

so we urge you to arrange a ceasefire for the time required the situation is totally confused”, relates Peter Vanquaille in by our teams to see it through. In the hope of saving these Grozny. “We had to evacuate the MSF office this morning, as victims, please accept, Mister President, our very best regards. it’s situated in one of the hardest hit areas, and set ourselves up in the outskirts. There’s a steady flow of people arriving, fleeing the fighting or the risk of being taken hostage. We’re still supervising hospital n° 3 and other health facilities, whenever the security conditions permit”. On 21 January, the Council of Europe parliamentary members6 passed a unanimous vote accepting Russia’s membership, without making any particular demands with regard to the human rights situation in Chechnya. Yet this issue lies at the heart of its mandate. MSF France was not brimming with enthusiasm about a new start in Chechnya, to say the least. So I began to get seriously involved, arguing for an exploratory ‘ Boris Yeltsin’s Russia Admitted without Reserve to mission that could lead to new activities in a country still at the Council of Europe,’ Le Monde (France) 27 war. Like at the conflict’s outset, there were very few external January 1996 (in French). parties involved, very few humanitarian organisations present, despite the violence from the fighting and the repercussions Extract: on the population. So, from early ’96 on, I started raising the Against all expectations, the parliamentary members issue whenever I could, and it turned out that I wasn’t the have pronounced themselves over-whelmingly in favour only one with concerns. Brigitte [Vasset, Operations Director] of Moscow’s membership while demanding little in return had been really shaken by the hostage incident in Pervomayskoye in terms of respect for human rights. An ‘ad hoc’ commis- and the possibility of a spill over into Dagestan. She asked sion may be set up to ‘examine the situation in Chechnya.’ me to go and take a look. Everyone knew that I wanted to By pronouncing themselves so overwhelmingly in favour see if we could start up a new mission. So this wasn’t just of Russia’s membership in Strasbourg on Thursday 25 about ‘taking a look.’ I went in April ’96. I was put up by the January, the parliamentary members of the Council of Belgians at first, because we weren’t in Chechnya at the time, Europe have wiped Boris Yeltsin’s slate clean. The under- and it wasn’t easy just being an observer. I arrived at the takings given by Moscow impose few constraints, particu- worst possible moment, when things were really tense in Grozny larly regarding the continuation of its war in Chechnya. following the separatist’s March offensive. They re-took half Yet one year ago, this very same conflict led the Council the city before pulling back again three days later. It was a of Europe to defer Russia’s membership request. sign, particularly to Yeltsin, on the run up to the elections, which said, ‘look what trouble we can cause - restart negotiations, or we’ll wreak havoc with your campaign.’ This offensive was followed by an extremely tough period of all-out reprisals. Some of MSF Belgium’s local staff was wounded. MSF On 6 March, MSF Belgium published a press release cars driving in front of Russian soldiers were shot at, and so announcing a Chechen offensive on Grozny and describing on. So when I arrived, the Belgians were cutting back their the bombing and the populations’ flight (including its teams for security reasons. And I arrived completly in the dark! own team) to the outskirts of the city. MSF France, which At one point, I was travelling around in a normal, unmarked had retreated to Nazran, Ingushetia, in September 1995, car, without any authorisation... It caused a lot of tension prepared an exploratory mission to Chechnya. and I had to leave the Belgians. I found places to stay here and there, with AICF, among others. Then, as soon as I had the authorisations to travel in clearly marked MSF cars, I brought in Guy, a doctor from Toulouse, who was waiting for ‘ Chechen Offensive on Grozny,’ Press release MSF me in Nazran. We went to Shatoi and looked around, and on Belgium, 6 March 1996 (in French). our return to Paris, we proposed a new mission.

Since 08:40 this morning (local time), different François Jean, Research Director MSF France neighbourhoods of the Chechen capital have been pummelled Foundation (until December 1999), (in French) by heavy artillery and successive bombing raids. A team interviewed in 1998. from Médecins Sans Frontières managed to reach hospital n° 3, situated to the north of the city, where a number of wounded had gathered, and distribute emergency medical supplies. “The bombing is still going on in the city centre, and In mid March, Boris Yeltsin promised a peace plan by the end of the month. But in the meantime, the Russian 6. Created in 1949, the Council of Europe served to enhance European integration by focusing in particular on respect for the rule of law and human rights, through armed forces continued bombing and cleaning up the 38 the European Convention on Human Rights and the court bearing the same name. regions, first Samashki, then Sernovodsk, located to goings, thesituation ismorecomplicatedstill. have stayedin thevillage.Withconstant comingsand the numbersofwoundedand dead,andhowmanypeople [...] Testimonies: nothing new, still hard to form an idea of grasping whatwasonhismind. Endofstory. personal initiativeonhispart, butwehadahardtime way to describe it...). So this may have been an entirely he seemedbotheredbythesituation(ifthisisright reply, orrather‘we’renottheoneswhodecide...’Impression: so why were humanitarian workers still being kept out? No Info on the situation had been made public by journalists, enough. ourselves, etc. We thanked them anyhow, but said it wasn’t and we’vegotnothingtohide,wedon’twanthide commander andexplainedthatweneededmoreguarantees, decision takennottogoin.Wewentbackfindthe So contact00:feelingssharedandallroundagreement, had noidentification. could bestoppedonawhimbecauseit’sunofficialandwe IOM’s feeling:stronglyadvisedagainst–fartooriskyand bad,’ otherssaid,‘you,MSF,youcandoit,shouldtry...’ possible?? ICRChadmixedfeelings.Somesaid‘itsmells too smallifnopotentialevacuationofthewoundedwas this opportunity or was it too risky? Would the impact be responsibility...’ Nottooreassuring....Shouldwehavetaken coming?? Reply:‘thepostcommanderwouldassumeall unaware ofit.Sohowwouldtheyreactwhensawus to thevillage(couldn’tbeseenfromwherewewere)was and weknewthatthefinalcheckpointcontrollingentry big unknownfactorwasthatthisplantotallyunofficial, guarantee wasgivenforevacuatingthewounded.Theone there wereany...)andtreatthemonthespot.However,no we couldtakestockofthesituationandwounded(if our medicines.Agreedtoaccompanyusthehospital,so cars only,noidentifyingclothing,3expats,atranslatorand interpreter: they suggested that MSF ente with unmarked At 14:00,contactmadewiththesoldiers,throughour Contact: and organisationspresent(IOM,ICRCus). discussing withthepassersby,checkpointcommander, humanitarian workers.Accessdenied.Soonstandbyallday, about, butmenofallagesaswell.However,nochangefor for Migration].Sawwomen,children,andelderlymoving to privatevehiclesandIOMcars[InternationalOffice A lotofcomingandgoingthismorning.Accessisopen Extract: nor corpses. three weekssolid-theteamsfoundneitherwounded, through tovisitSernovodsk-whichhadbeenbombedfor time, alongwiththeICRC.Whenpermissionfinallycame access. MSFwastheonlypresenceinregionat the westofChechnya.TheMSFteamswererefusedany France, 13March1996(inFrench). to theNorth Caucasus programme manager, MSF Project CoordinatorMSFFranceNorthCaucasus, ’Sitrep 07Sernovodsk,’fromGraziellaGodain, V6

help. That’sit.Morelater… up. Didigov:PrimeMinisterseentoday.Promisedfuture now, butifaccessisblockedformonths,weshouldspeak communications: ifthingseaseup,Ithinkwecanwaitfor months isn’t exactly reassuring (local sources). About what Ihear about theircapacityto block offanarea for the programmesmustgoon.Ahardsituationtoanalyse: are intheprogrammeunderway.Wecan’tjustdropthem, for sure,andthat’sthe12,500peopleatsiteswho because it’stheirmandate.Onourside,onlyonething’s we’ll takestockandreachadecision.TheICRCispushing either. Ifthingsdon’tthawabitoverthenexttwodays, However, we’renotgoingtobesiegetheplacefordays living withoutwater,heatingandmedicalcare. lose thelittletheyhaveleft.Sotherearestillsomepeople them aresettlingbackinthevillage-theydon’twantto may be,evenifhardlyanyone’sleft,weknowthatsomeof Drawing ablankformoreinformation.Whateverthecase said theydidn’ttakethemainrouteoutbecausemines+++ totally strungout.Heonlysaw3corpses,nograves,buthe MVD guysarerelaxed,asopposedtothesoldiers,who that if we paid, we’d get through... that there’s no risk. The have increasingdoubtsthatwe’llfindanywounded…hesaid these people?Didn’tvisitthebasementsorhospital.I get it....Thefigureof24,000isconfirmed,sowhereareall all thetime.Thegapinpopulationisexpanding,Idon’t evaluate, butaboutahundredpeoplewhostayinthevillage Population: masses of coming and goingso difficult to go whereverhewanted. camera. Wasaccompaniedthroughout,butsaidhecould Internal Affairs]andhiscolleague1000$,becausehada (translation error),paid200$totheMVD,[Ministryof got in:hewas there forthree hours, andnot one night with anAssociatedPressjournalistyesterday,becausehe Nothing newonthepopulation.Discussedsituation Testimonies: alotofmilitaryintheinterior-numbers??? it nevertookplace,herefusedtomeethumanitarianworkers. 11:30: ICRCaskedforameetingwiththeheadcommander... The Kommandanturistighteningtheirgrip. would issuepeoplewithauthorisationstocomeandgo. Affairs: announcedthatfromnowon,theirdepartment 11:00: VisitfromacoloneltheMinisterofExtraordinary is busy,andcarsgetthroughnoproblem:theypay++++ A womanwaskilledlateyesterdaybyasniper.Butbusiness couldn’t gouptothevillage,andmenarebarredoncemore. 14/03/96: thingsgotmuchtoughertoday.TheIOMbus the Russianarmy, withitsflimsyholdoverthe northernhalf strategic bombers poundingatthelittleCaucasian republic, bring theChechen separatists to their knees. Supported by already received their orders: use all means available to on Friday15March.Yetitseems theRussianforceshave President BorisYeltsin’sSecurity Councilisduetoreconvene Extrac­t: French). Chechnya,’ ‘The RussianArmyStepsupAerialBombingof Le Monde(France),16March1996(in

39 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

of the country, is attempting, for a second time, to capture It was the last week of March, all the bombing in the mountains of the South. In Grozny, the capital, where Samashki was over, everything had been flattened, and the Russians claim to have regained control following the there was still a week to go before the announced intense fighting of the last few days, the separatists have peace accords. We could see everything heading for the south, resorted to taking pot shots at the Russian army posts. Russia, and our teams in Vedeno were saying: ‘it’s going to get bad, for its part, is regaining its place among the world’s main they’ve still got the whole weekend, right up until Sunday, arms exporters, with a rise of nearly 80% in sales compared they’re not going to stop: it’s now or never to finish things off. to the previous year. They can still do it, with the time they’ve got left.’ On the Wednesday, we’d decided to stay. On the Thursday, we started having doubts. I told the staff that we needed two translator- drivers to stay with us, and everyone else should forget about work, stay at home with their families, and go wherever they wanted. On the Friday, we stayed, just three expatriates. We There was a series of camps in Ingushetia holding a could really hear it closing in. There were more and more planes whole mass of Chechens. The border was like a sieve. circling over our heads. On the Friday night, we decided to There were no checks anywhere. Then the Russians leave. It was a waste of time staying; they were going to bomb. opened a new front in the west of Chechnya, on the Ingushetia So we stole out like thieves on the Saturday morning. We went border, to cut off supply lines to the Chechen rebels. The to Makhkety, a village on the road between Grozny and Vedeno, Ministry of the Interior’s Russian troops started manning this 15 kms away from Vedeno, where the situation was calm. At border, and tightened up the checkpoints considerably. The Vedeno hospital, I said: “I know this is ridiculous, but we’re Assinovskaya base expanded, and they started cleansing all leaving anyway, and we’ll come back on Monday. Yeltsin will the villages around. They’d ‘cleaned up’ Samashki some weeks have made his declaration this weekend. If nothing happens, before, a village where, at the same time the previous year, we’ll have a good laugh. We’ll say we were cowards.” So on the they had massacred civilians with flame-throwers. This time, Saturday, we left for Makhkety. One hour after we’d been they circled Sernovodsk for three solid weeks. It was 4 kms through the last village, it was bombed. The villagers brought away from the border. And here again, civilians were three children to Makhkety hospital for care, one wounded in massacred. We spent the whole time - nearly three weeks - MSF the head, one in the abdomen, and one in the legs. It took us Belgium, MSF France and the ICRC - cooling our heels from 8 three hours to stabilise them and send them to Grozny. Other- o’clock in the morning to 6 o’clock at night, in front of the wise, on the Saturday, things stayed really calm. But when we border post, trying to get in to Sernovodsk. We would hear went to the hospital on the Sunday, we found some wounded the bombing, we could feel it under our feet, because we were rebels. We treated them. And then things really took off. From only 3 km away. It echoed for miles. We only got access once midday on, the airplanes flew over, one after the other. We the ‘clean up’ was done, so three weeks later, in other words. could see the bombs dropping, like in a 2nd World War film. We The village was deserted. We went in as they were bringing could count them. We felt everything shaking in Vedeno. I was out civilians, and we picked up most of those who were able with the women in the bunker; it went on for hours and hours. to leave. We never really knew what happened to the others. It just didn’t stop. At 18:00, Yeltsin appeared on the telly, When we talk about a ‘clean up,’ that’s literally what it was. declaring that it was all over. But the bombs kept dropping. We There were signs of bombing and artillery in the village, but went to the hospital to see if there were wounded. We stayed not one single wounded, not one single corpse. Nothing. The there a good while. A rebel commander from Vedeno came to fighting went on for three weeks, we interviewed people who see us, saying: “what are you doing here? If you don’t come talked about bodies, burning corpses, and such like, but every back to Vedeno, I’m coming to get you because that’s where last trace had been ‘cleaned up.’ you’re needed!” I didn’t sleep that night. I could hear the planes. The next day, there was total silence. For the rest of the Graziella Godain, Emergency Coordinator, the Northern world, the war was over. The media didn’t mention Vedeno, Caucasus, MSF France, February to October 1996, and I asked for permission to go back. The entire road had been (in French),interviewed in 2008. destroyed. We’d thought, from 15 kms away, that all the bombs had been dropped on the village, but in fact they’d aimed for the hills around. There was glass everywhere, but no wounded...

Dr Bart Ostyns, Field coordinator in Chechnya The MSF Belgium team withdrew from Vedeno. It assumed (1995-1996), Task Force North Caucasus (1999-2001) that the Russian forces would finish their bombing of MSF Belgium (in French) interviewed in August 2000 the south before Boris Yeltsin announced a ceasefire and peace accords, expected on Sunday 31 March. MSF Belgium pulled back to the village of Makhkety, where it treated the people wounded by the bombings of the villages surrounding Vedeno. On 31 March, as the Russian Federation elections drew nearer, Boris Yeltsin announced the ‘peace plan’ he’d been promising for weeks. But the bombing continued. On 40 5 April, MSF issued a press release describing the fate organised thedistribution offood,blankets, and mattresses. awash withmines. InSamashki,Médecins Sans Frontières which hasbeentransformed into aghosttownandisstill found. The population is now slowly returning to Samashki, deaths havebeenrecordedso far,butbodiesarestillbeing and theschoolswerecompletely destroyed.Twohundred bombing andshellinghadspared nothing.Boththehospital Ninety-five percentofthehousesweredestroyed.The to Samashki,whichnormallyhasapopulationof12,000. found aghosttown.Onlyabout300peoplehavereturned the Russianarmy throughout theprevious week. The team km westofGrozny.Thisplacehadbeenheavilyshelledby A MédecinsSansFrontièresteamwenttoSamashki,30 east ofthetownalsoevacuated. had already been hit. The populations of the villages to the army, theteammovedoutaftersurroundingvillages population ofathreatshellingthetownbyRussian of Vedeno yesterday morning. Having been warned by the Médecins SansFrontièreshadtowithdrawfromthetown opponents aspossiblebeforehostilitiesstopped. up theirbombingattacks,apparentlyhopingtokillasmany particularly becauseRussianforceshaverecentlystepped Mr. YavlinskyaccusedMr.YeltsinofgenocideinChechnya opponent intheraceforpresidency.Earlierthisweek, reform factioninParliament,andMr.Yeltsin’schiefliberal Yavlinsky saidtonight.HeistheleaderofYabloko,only political purposethanaconcrete,workableplan,”GrigoryA. […] “Thislooksfarmorelikeabunchofpromiseswith it wouldbe“impossible” to turn war to peace so quickly. region, Lieut.Gen.VyacheslavTikhomirov,said in southernChechnya,andtheRussiancommander spoke, Russianwarplanescontinuedtostrikeatrebelbases if hedoesnotfindawaytoendthewar.EvenasMr.Yeltsin for re-election,andhehassaidpubliclythatcannotwin come beforeit.Butthe65-year-oldPresidentisrunninghard and itmaynotbeanymoresuccessfulthanthosethathave that.” ThisisnotthefirstpeaceplanMr.Yeltsinhasoffered, that wasalsotelevisednationally.“Wearenotafraidofdoing any otherrepublicofRussia,”Mr.Yeltsinsaidinaninterview “We willbeabletogivemoreautonomyChechnyathan Extrac­­­­t: warnings aboutbombingraidsonthetownitself. of the team from Vedeno, following the local population’s assisted. The press release also referred to the evacuation of theSamashkisurvivors,onewhom,itsteamshad 1 April1996(inEnglish).  by MichaelSpecter,TheNewYorkTimes(USA), ‘ French). MSF Belgium,France,Paris5April1996(in Army - Vedeno also Under Threat,’ ‘Samashki RazedtotheGroundbyRussian Facing Election,YeltsinisHaltingWaronChechens,’ Press release,

what wewantedtosee. killed. Sowedecidedshouldleave.Wehadalreadyseen I comebackin10minutesandfindyouhere,willbe you comehere?Igive10minutestogetoutofhere.If cruiser with MSF logo, he started to shout saying “How did who waseitheraColonelorsomething,whenhesawourland After sometimetherewasanarmouredvehicle.Thisofficer first. Veryrarelywewouldfind1,2,or3peopleinthehouse. entered thefullydestroyedvillage,wedidn’t see peopleat never seenthingslikethisinmylifebefore.Thenwhenwe cattle withlegs[sticking]up…Thiswasreallyhorrible.I’ve plenty of animals, cattle lying there on the ground, dead. Big the village,therewasabigopenspacewherewere this orthat. articles, butwithoutreallysayingthatitwasMSFwhosaid information totheminsecret,sothattheycouldwritetheir be donediscretely.Theideawastoselectjournalistsandpass Grozny theteamwerestillterrifiedandthatitwouldhaveto was readytoissuedeclarationseventhoughIknewthatin bombing.’ Sowecansay,‘it’snotfinished,peace.’I that, whichledtotheneartotaldestructionofSamashki. widespread and indiscriminate bombardment similar to of Vedenoandareworriedthatthetownmightsuffer Médecins SansFrontièresisconcernedforthepopulation (1995-1996), TaskForceNorthCaucasus(1999-2001) MSF Belgium(inFrench)interviewedinAugust2000 saw wasreallyhorrible.Whenwewereapproaching accidental. By chance we managed to enter. What we We werethefirsttoenterSamashki.Itwasquite he’s gothispeaceagreementandthey’restill when Idroppedeverythingsaidbefore.said:‘Now Tuesday, thebombardmentstartedagain.Thatwas Dr BartOstyns,FieldcoordinatorinChechnya (in English)interviewedin2008 E, MSFNorthCaucasusstaff

41 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

CHECHNYA, A FAR CRY FROM ICRC and MSF teams wait at the Russian roadblocks, talking PEACE: MSF DENOUNCES THE to people fleeing the villages to neighbouring Ingushetia. The ICRC can’t say anything, and the MSF teams are “CLEANSING” OF SERNOVODSK, frustrated and ready to do temoignage [witnessing]. SAMASHKI AND VEDENO Bénédicte from MSF F has gone in with a TV camera. If we want to do effective temoignage then it should be in Moscow. I would suggest we do it before Clinton’s visit. If we are going to do a press conference in Moscow, here are a few things to bear in mind. […]

At the end of March, given that it was impossible to help 2) Chechnya and the UN the victims of the bombing and cleansing in Sernovodsk, Chechnya is considered to be an internal Russian matter. Samashki and then Vedeno, the programme managers and No country has recognized Chechnya as an independent the field teams decided to prepare to go public. Under country and as the Russians refuse to talk about the the supervision of Samantha Bolton, the Communications matter within the Security Council. […] Boutros Ghali officer for MSF International, public statements were has himself said that it is not [an interstate conflict] scheduled for mid-April, to coincide with the Moscow and will not be discussed. visit of the American President, , for an If Chechnya is to be discussed then that opens up the can exceptional G77 summit. of worms for Tibet and all the other internal conflicts (in which case why are people paying attention to Burundi? and why does the UN and international community wish it had paid more attention to Rwanda? Surely what is ‘Witnessing in Chechnya,’ Email from Samantha going on in Chechnya must be contravening some rule Bolton, MSF International Communications in the book!) […] The only aspect of Chechnya which is Officer, to MSF Chechnya programme managers, discussed officially within the UN is the DHA coordination MSF B and MSF F directors of communication, of humanitarian relief […] MSF international general secretary, MSF UN liaison officer and, MSF USA executive director, 3) Yeltsin’s peace plan 27 March 1996 (in English). On March 31, Boris Yeltsin is due to announce in Moscow the ‘Plan for Peace in Chechnya.’ This follows public Extract: reports of heavy fighting in the breakaway republic as well Following up from my conversation with the comm depts on as charges of Russian atrocities against civilians (even Chechnya, and the willingness of the teams to do temoignage in the Russian press). On March 16, the Russian Security [witnessing], here are some dates and facts and comments Council came up with a ‘Plan for Peace in Chechnya,’ in to be thinking about as we try and plan what to do. which all the different members of the Council had to choose between 7 peace plans. The results were supposed 1) Crisis in Chechnya to be announced on the 16th, but no one could decide As you all know, MSF has been working in Chechnya since and so they decided to keep it secret until the 31st.[…] December 94 when Moscow sent 10,000 men with heavy Journalists in Moscow suspect that the chosen peace plan weapons to crush the rebels who had declared independence to be announced on the 31st will include some sort of a of Chechnya from Russia in 91. proposal to withdraw regular army troops in Chechnya and For a few months now, MSF is the only NGO working in to leave the Ministry of Interior troops within Chechnya. Chechnya - apart from the ICRC who are not an NGO! Over No one believes this will actually bring peace - but will the past couple of weeks, the situation has deteriorated be interesting to see what really comes out of it. and MSF teams are now blocked from entering […] and the *****According to Graziella at the roadblock outside war is getting worse. Teams are blocked from entering the Sernovodsk, some of the Ministry of Interior soldiers have villages of Sernovodsk and of Samashki, which for the past already replaced the Russian regulars. Interestingly enough, two weeks have been systematically bombed by the Russians. they are much tougher, more disciplined and intransient. Thousands have fled, but hundreds remained trapped in the Under no circumstances are they ready to chat or to talk cellars. Women protesting about the fate of their loved ones about how pissed off they are about the war etc. Graziella were shot at by Russian troops over the weekend. says that in one incident she witnessed, the women were Cleansing of Sernovodsk has more or less finished and now coming up to the checkpoint, and without discussing, the the other villages in the area are being circled by the Russian new soldiers got down on one knee, guns pointed to make army and are being bombed, the ideal is to kill anyone and their point. anything systematically - to kill the rebels ‘hiding’ in the Also, in one of the previous attempts at brokering a villages. The ICRC have only been given limited access by peace, 150 villages signed accords with the government the Russians to Sernovodsk, and for the past two weeks, the in which they agreed not to harbour rebels in exchange for protection from attacks from the Government - Sernovodsk was one of the villages, and look what happened. 42 7. G7: meeting of the 7 most economically developed States. arriving in the camps in Ingushetia etc where we are working? arriving inthecamps inIngushetiaetcwhere we areworking? - Whatisthemedical/psychological condition oftherefugees any otherreports?When?Where? ***Graziella reportshaving seen 3truckswith100men, the villages? - How many trucks of men did we see being taken from and otherneighbouringcountries. information onconditionofrefugeesarriving in Ingushetia facts onwounded-conditionsofvictimsetcevenifitis witnesses toabusesthenwehavestatisticsand what has been said. If our teams have notbeen direct or ifwehavedetailsandfirsthandaccountstoprove worth communicatingifwehavesomethingnewtosay only ones on the ground ready to speak. But it is only For thisreason,MSFcould have animpact as wearethe 7) WhatdoesMSFneedtodo“témoigner”[witness]? the disappearanceofFredCuny. - theonlyrecentreportshereinUShavebeenabout conference (whichone?).Nooneelseissayinganything a Swissjournalistandpresentedathumanrightspress Also there seems to have been some kind of a film made by the rebelsforsystematichostagetakinginrecentweeks. in robbery,lootingandarson.Thereportalsocriticized have used excessive force against civilians and engaged Cooperation inEuropesaysRussiansoldiersChechnya A recentreportbytheOrganizationforSecurityand 6) OthercondemnationsofRussia as aidworkers,orbythejournaliststhemselves. atrocities aswitnessedbyreliableunbiasedsourcessuch are missingdirecteyewitnessreportsandaccountsof ok butisnotthatstrong.Whatallthejournalistssaythey wounded sayingtheysaworheardsuchandsuch.Thisis wires arealsorelyingonsecondhandreportsofwomenor we getofRussiansoldiersbeingwounded).Manythe information (thusthemoreregularnewspaperreports information, andthatisalsoasourceofadmittedlybiased TASS –theRussiannewsagencyproducesmost Moscow correspondentsuse(ReutersandAP). wire reportscomingoutofthecountry,whichmost of Chechnya – mostly Grozny, and there are fairly regular There areafewhardenedcorrespondentsgoinginandout 5) WhatinformationiscomingoutofChechnya multilateral pressureofindividualnations. to getthingsdoneonChechnya,isbybilateraland to theUNSecurityCouncil,onlywayputpressure ***** TheinterestintheClintonvisitisthataccording to sourwhatbargainingpowerhehasonotherissues.’ statement aboutChechnya-afterallhedoesn’twant a 50%chancethatClintonwillmakesomesortofweak Chechnya wasalsonotofficiallyontheagenda,‘thereis journalists whocoveredhislastRussianvisit,when is notofficiallyontheagenda.’Althoughaccordingto White HousePressOfficeisconcernedhereinDC,‘Chechnya about the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. As far as the visiting Moscow to discuss with President Boris Yeltsin From the19-25ofApril,USPresidentClintonwillbe 4) Clinton’svisittoChechnya to anydeclaration fromMSF.Intheend, headoffices quote MSFas the source.Otherswereradically opposed on releasinginformationto journalistswhowouldnot G7, butsaidthatitshould remain‘discrete,’focusing this positiontobemadepublic beforethedateof MSF Belgiumteam,basedin Vedenothereforewanted this communicationshould be.Thecoordinatorofthe the fearsfortheirownsafety.Theywonderedhowpublic between theirdesiretobringitoutintotheopenand the levelofviolencetheyhadwitnessedandweretorn from theheadoffices.Thevolunteersweresickenedby of themessageanditsformatwithrepresentatives in Piatigorsk, Russia, the teams discussed the content subject. During the course of a ‘mini general assembly’ MSF sectionsdiscussedhowtogoaboutadvocacyonthis The teamsinthefieldandheadofficesoftwo razing. being bombedandpickupthevictimsastheyflee and stillhavetostandbylistentheothervillages bombings or after when the wounded really need it most the GenevaConvention-MSFhadnoaccessduring from entering/ helping the wounded - Russia has signed - HumanitarianaidblockedbytheRussiansfor3weeks constitutes awithdrawal. replacing theregularsareeventougher-thenithardly savagely attackedandiftheMinistryofInteriorsoldiers the villageswhosignedpreviousagreementarebeing - TheRussianpeaceplanprobablywon’tworkifalready by withoutevenaskingafewquestions? seen. Can we and the world and president Clinton stand village byvillage.”Thisistheworstteamshaveever says, “itissystematiccrushingandbombingofcivilians, Russians, bombedandrazedtotheground.Graziella happen totheneighbouringvillages-encircledby Semanski have been crushed, the same is beginning to - ThisisjustthebeginningnowthatSernovodskand by whattheyfoundwhenwentin. wounded andothersfleeingtherazing.Allareshocked herself haspickeduphysterical,traumatizedwomen, - Peoplecomingoutarecompletelytraumatized.Graziella constant andheavy makes Burundilooklikeateaparty).Thebombingsare war we are working in at this moment (Graziella says it - Civiliansarethetarget.Thisisbloodiestandworst 8) Whatcanwesayalready? up 36woundedbybullet/grenade.Anymore? have beenbombedinSernovodsk-andthatMSFpicked *** Graziellareportsthatthehospitalisfirstplaceto teams heard bombings? Have they seen direct shootings? - Howmanytimesandwithwhatregularityhavethe populations weareworkingwith? the recentattacksaffectedwhatwearedoingand - WhatprojectsisMSFdoinginChechnyaandhowhave interviewed andwhattheyhavesaid? - Dowehavewrittenaccountsofthepeople

43 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

of the two sections agreed that a breakfast meeting the same: ‘what do we do with this information?’ The volunteers with journalists would be organised by the two mission wanted a ‘big wig’ from head office to come out. It was Eric coordinators, in the presence of Eric Goemaere, the Goemaere, the Director General of MSF Belgium who did come. Director General of MSF Belgium. The eyewitness accounts collected from refugees by the MSF France team based Samantha Bolton, Communication officer, in Ingushetia, in particular the survivors of Sernovodsk, MSF International, 1994-1997 (in French) would be the basis for this briefing. They were filmed by interviewed in 2000 a video team from the communication department. V7

Yeltsin was about to announce his peace plan. What troubled us, and myself in particular, was that it was There was much debate over what should or should a way for him to buy some time with the international not be said. There were arguments between the community so that he could do whatever he wanted until sections. They needed someone with experience of then. I had already clearly stated: “Something must be done, war situations, and I was used to working with everyone. We we have to say what is going on.” There were then discussions held a meeting in Piatigorsk that lasted the whole day. Nearly within MSF Belgium and the idea was put forward to speak the entire team was there. It was a very difficult meeting. I out at the time of the G7, which was to be held in April in had to really work hard to reach an agreement, because the Moscow, with many journalists in attendance. I did not agree. teams were afraid. They wanted to talk, but without holding I thought it absurd to issue declarations about people once a major press conference. We went through each word with they were dead, while we had done nothing for them when a fine-tooth comb. Even I was a bit scared about working in still alive. I was really in favour of speaking out earlier. In Chechnya. After the events in Rwanda and Zaire [the Rwandan the MSF Belgium team in Grozny, opinions were divided. There Tutsi genocide from April to July 1994 and the subsequent were some who were fiercely against saying anything, even events8], I had thought about it but, had not truly realised via an anonymous declaration. I think that those who had how much it had traumatised me. This was a year and a half been in Vedeno were the most motivated. I certainly was. later and it brought all those emotions flooding back. I was One colleague said: ‘if you do something, I’m leaving, I don’t also ill at ease because I was used to working in Africa, but want to know about it.’ And he left, no doubt because his this was different from an African regime, which has no control programme no longer existed. But he was right to do what over anything at all. Here we were dealing with an extremely he believed in. Others in the Grozny team said the same thing, powerful regime that was afraid of nothing. And it also brought but in the end they stayed. The MSF France team were in back all our childhood fears. Whereas for our parents the possession of eyewitness accounts and wanted to do Germans were the ones to be feared, for us, it was the Russians. something. MSF Belgium said: ‘we don’t agree with the implicit We were so used to hearing about secret agents, telephone accusations and their potential consequences. We must not tapping, and so on, it was full-blown paranoia. I was therefore forget that these accounts directly accuse the Russians and highly aware of the insecurity and the fears of the teams. We their conduct of the war.’ We therefore held extensive were very careful and really negotiated every single word. We discussions on what to do. Along with others, I accepted a discussed what they were happy about saying and what they compromise. Personally, I had been profoundly marked by were not. I remember that Graziella [Godain, the Coordinator what happened in Vedeno and sided with those who said: ‘we at MSF France] was all for going further. Hilde [Sleurs, the can’t just say nothing.’ Coordinator at MSF Belgium] also clearly wanted to speak out. But she also had to support her teams and that put her Dr Bart Ostyns, Field coordinator in Chechnya in a somewhat difficult position. The teams were sickened by (1995-1996), Task Force North Caucasus (1999-2001) what they were seeing and were in full agreement as to the MSF Belgium (in French) interviewed in August 2000 gravity of the situation. There were rumours that women and children were tied to the tanks as they entered the villages, to prevent people from shooting at them. That was totally unacceptable for everyone. [All this information was collected by volunteers who had given all their emotional energy to this collection of eyewitness accounts and medical data. It What really triggered this desire for advocacy was was extremely important for them. So, in the end, as is often Sernovodsk, but there was also, the MSF Belgium the case at MSF, the disagreements and discussions were more team on the other side of Vedeno that couldn’t work about the form than the content. The real question is always either, because of the bombardment. We therefore decided to strike hard and call a press conference in Moscow. We prepared the texts, the eyewitness accounts, and so on. We 8. See Genocide of Rwandan Tutsis 1994, Violence of the New Rwandan Regime hadn’t finished editing the film but we had all the interviews 1994-1995, and Rwandan Refugee Camps of Zaire-Tanzania 1994-1995, by Laurence Binet, in the MSF Speaking Out, Case Study Collection, with the refugees who escaped from Sernovodsk. Hilde, the 44 MSF International. MSF Belgium Coordinator, and myself worked very well had agoodworking relationshipwithGerda (Bossier,Head somewhat surprised, butthenagainnotall thatmuch.I head officeinBrussels.As head ofcommunication,Iwas public debate.Thiswasreally amovethatcameoutof But Idon’trememberthem asking ustointerveneinthe us, aboutthewayRussians wereconductingthewar. teams were expressing the same degree of indignation as ourselves withtheproposalfromBrussels.Infield,their Goemaere to gooutandorganiseit. We decidedtoalign we hadtogoandspeakoutaboutwhatwashappening. though wewereallinvolvedoperationally.Weagreedthat absolutely noincidentbetweenthesectionsoverthere,even hand accounts,especiallyfromtheFrenchsection.Therewas which wasaverydelicateone.Therenoshortageoffirst- believe for the first time ever –regarding theChechen issue, wanted tostrikeablowdirectlyattheRussianshome–I the difficultieswehadinworking, etc. violence andwhatthepopulationshadtosayaboutit, him the eyewitness accounts. He saw the extent of the hours withHilde,Samantha,andmyselfweshowed one was to agreethatEriccamehold it. Eric spent 48 they hadofensuringthatthispressconferencewasajoint he wassentforthatreason.ButinParis,theonlyway what wesay,he’scometokeepusquiet.’Ibelievethat by name.AtfirstIsaidtomyself:‘He’scomecontrol was the Director General of MSF Belgium. I only knew him Finally, Brusselssaid:‘We’resendingEricGoemaere.’He the reasonforpainfulbirthofthispressconference. stay, or speak out and leave…Thatwasthesituationand never beallowedbackintoChechnya’line.Shutupand more towardsthe,‘ifwetalk,we’llgetthrownoutandwill to arrangebecausetheheadofficeinBrusselswastending in favourofspeakingoutbutthepressconferencewashard MSF Franceprogrammemanagerandmyselfwerecompletely officer, MSFInternational] cameto helpus organiseit. The this press conference; SamanthaBolton[Communication together, and we werefully convinced of the need tohold Graziella Godain,EmergencyCoordinator,theNorthern the situationandaskedSamanthaBoltonEric me andtoldthattheyintendedtospeakabout The MSFBelgiumheadofcommunications telephoned conference inMoscowtocoincidewiththeG7.We couldn’t goonlikethisandwedecidedtoholdapress We saidthatthesystematicbombardmentofvillages Caucasus, MSFFrance,FebruarytoOctober1996, Dr EricGoemaere,DirectorGeneralMSFBelgium, 1996-1998 (inFrench)interviewedin2000 (in French)interviewedin2008.

Boris Yeltsinintherun-uptoelections. this notionofspeakingoutinordertoavoidembarrassing Moscow, mostofwhichstronglyadvisedthemtoabandon inform theambassadorsofWesterncountriesin Before thepresscampaign,MSFteamtookcareto (1998-2000), President(May2000-May2008)(inFrench) conventional one. content of the message and we finally opted for a relatively approach tothesubject.Itwashardforusagreeon the formandcontent.FrançoisJeanhadamorepolitical an issue, there was a divergence of views regarding both war wasfinewithus.Althoughthesubjectitselfnot denouncing thewayRussianarmywasconducting suggested. MSF Belgium took the initiative and the message at a professional level I was satisfied with what was being as thepersontoorganiseitall.Iwouldthereforesay that I alsogetonwellwithSamanthaBoltonwhowassuggested on suchascale,heisallinall,fairlymotivatedperson. Goemaere abit.Iknowthatwhenfacedwithwarcrimes of Communications at MSF Belgium), and I knew Eric your expatriates.’ support you and we won’t be responsible for the safety of not bequiet.Theyamplifiedthepressureandsaid‘wewon’t quiet.’ Theysaidthatveryclearlyandwewould elections. That’sreallywhatweneedandyouhavetobe this reportnow,becausewereallyneedYeltsintowinthe all said: ‘we strongly recommend that you do not release conference. In addition to the accounts collected by the conference. In additiontotheaccountscollected bythe saw asadisguised threat,tobereleasedduring thepress MSF teamthenarrangedfor thisinformation,whichit the safetyofitscitizenspresent onRussianterritory.The all declined responsibility for they that saying Ministry that it had received a letter from the Russian Interior The previousday,oneembassy informedtheMSFteam the pressbreakfastturnedintoaconference. On 18April,owingtothenumberofjournalistspresent, communication (1996-1998),DirectorofOperations the UnitedStates,agreedtoseeus.However,they what we were going to say. All the ambassadors, even We wentaroundtothemainembassiesexplain Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof MSF International,1994-1997(inFrench) Samantha Bolton,Communicationofficer, interviewed in2009 interviewed in2000

45 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

volunteers, showing that civilians were being targeted, dead child to pass). Once the village has been shelled, the and that humanitarian aid was being hindered, a letter looting begins. denouncing the violations of human rights in Chechnya was sent to all the heads of State taking part in the G7 Human rights are being held up to ridicule. summit. The Communication officer took the initiative of During the shelling one of our teams saw Russian soldiers reading the reply from Bill Clinton, the President of the take away a lorry full of men and boys aged above 12 years United States, whose presence had created quite a stir in and boys accused of being Chechen combatants simply Moscow. In­­ fact, it turned out that both the content and because their hands had calluses and other “signs of being form of the messages delivered by MSF were to prove far combatants”. When the fighting has finished whole families stronger than initially intended. While regretting that it are tied to the armoured vehicles whilst these are paraded had received no reports on the abuses committed by the through the village. As the soldiers take part in the looting Chechen rebels, the international community was stunned they push women and children before them as human shields. by the level of violence inflicted on the civilians by the Medical teams have seen the federal army lorries full of the Russian forces. products of looting making for the frontier. Any livestock still alive are also stolen and members of MSF saw these livestock in the market places of the Republic of Ossetia.

’The Chechen Republic, Far from Peace,’ MSF Humanitarian aid cannot get through. Belgium Report, April 1996 (in English). It is very difficult to work in the Chechen Republic. Where  the fighting is thickest the humanitarian organizations While the members of G7 meet to discuss the non-proliferation find that they are denied access when it is precisely at this of nuclear weapons, the systematic shelling continues in time that the need for assistance is most urgent (surgical the Chechen Republic using conventional weapons, causing intervention, evacuation of wounded, supplying food and many victims among the civilian population. The Chechen water). Republic is no longer a Russian “internal affair”. At this very moment violations of human rights are continuing At Samashki the humanitarian organizations were only and international humanitarian rights are being held up to authorized to enter the village 25 days after the beginning of ridicule on a daily basis. the shelling. Even today Médecins Sans Frontières is regularly Since December 1994 it is estimated that 40,000 civilians held up at the checkpoints at the border with neighbouring have been killed. This “simple policy operation”, which was republics. Military action makes movement more and more supposed to last only a few hours, has been transformed difficult: ten days ago our team had to be evacuated from into a mire for the federal troops and a massacre for the Vedeno. Moreover the humanitarian organizations are civilian population. On 31 March 1996 the long-awaited finding it supremely difficult to clear antibiotics and other peace plan from Boris Yeltsin was announced. But since medicines essential for tending wounds and infections then the military actions of the federal army have only through customs. increased. In the absence of any genuine will to look for a political solution to the conflict, Moscow is condemned to “Human rights” observers from OSCE are ineffective. incessantly “reconquering” a population, which is becoming Their action in the field gave the illusion of an international more and more hostile, despite being war-weary. presence. Since their arrival the Russian military have Thousands of civilians are on the roads and pouring into the intensified their actions, which are systematically aimed republics neighbouring the Chechen Republic. No-one knows at civilians and are practicing their “scorched earth” policy how many others have disappeared or been killed. While the with total impunity. villages are being shelled, and at the moment when medical needs are most urgent, the humanitarian organizations find Considering all the points mentioned here, Médecins Sans themselves systematically refused access to these zones. Frontières demand: - the stopping of the systematic attacks on civilians Médecins Sans Frontières is a witness to the fact that: - access, and respect for emergency aid operations Civilians are being systematically murdered and the villages - stopping of looting, racketeering practiced on civilians burnt to the ground. and the destruction of civilian property As the federal army proceeds southwards the villages find - the reinforcement of the OSCE observation mechanism. themselves being offered a “peace agreement”. The villagers have to give money and weapons to the Russian soldiers. The troops then surround the village and stop anyone from leaving. Then the shelling starts. Every time the scenario is “ Chechnya, Far from Peace” MSF Belgium/MSF the same (Sernovodsk, Samashki, Atchoi Maratn area). After France Report, April 1996 (in French). the shelling the military authorities open a “humanitarian corridor” to allow the women and children to leave, after Extract: paying a sum of money. They are not allowed to return. My name is Louisa, I’m from Samashki. I have been a refugee The wounded and dead cannot be evacuated (one of our in Sleptsovskaya since 21 March. On 14 March, the Russian 46 nurses saw soldiers refuse to allow a woman carrying her troops arrived. The population of Samashki did not know are takingconsiderable securityrisksbyspeaking outonthis estimated 40,000 livestodate.“Ourteamsonthe ground of humanitarianlawinChechnya, whichhaveclaimedan gross andsystematictargeting ofciviliansandtheviolations them toputpressureontheRussian governmenttostopthe heads ofstatesattendingthe G7summitinMoscow,urging in theterritory,MSFsentletters earlierthisweektothe The onlyremainingnon-governmentalagencyontheground of humanitarianassistance. schools andmosques),arbitraryarrests,thehindrance destruction ofcivilianinstallations(includinghospitals, pattern ofattacksagainstChechenvillages,thelootingand as humanshieldsontanks.Itdocumentsthesystematic use ofcivilians,includingpregnantwomenandchildren, evidence ofviolenceagainstnon-combatants,includingthe Russia isasignatory.TheMSFreportcontainsdamningnew Conventions andotherinternationalagreements,towhich and villagesflattened,inblatantviolationoftheGeneva the pastfewweeks.Civilianscontinuetobetargeted report thatthesituationhasdeteriorateddrasticallyover Cooperation inEurope(OSCE),MSF’sfieldteamsChechnya of observer’sfromtheOrganizationSecurityand Despite President Yeltsin’s peace initiative and the presence military inChechnyarecentmonths. systematic bombingandkillingofciviliansbytheRussian Frontières (MSF)hasreleasedanewreportdocumentingthe the internationalhumanitarianaidagencyMédecinsSans proliferation of nuclear weapons inMoscow this week, As theG7headsofstatesmeettodiscussnon- in twohandgrenades.Threewomenwerekilled. cellar. They were barely back inside when the troops threw Their leaderarrivedandhetoldthemtogobackintothe people comeoutofacellarandlinedthemuptoshootthem. killed three women on the road, refugees. They made the beginning toleave,theywerefiringfromhelicoptersand 15. Ionly left on the 5day.On 19 March,as people were The bombardmentbeganthatevening,theeveningof They tookthem….youngboysaged13to15... exactly how many, but there is talk of about 140 people. other. Theytookawayyoungboysaged13,15.Ican’tsay the menandyoungboysononesidewomen of the15th.TheRussianmilitaryseparatedpopulation: left. A humanitarian corridor was opened on the morning Half ofthepopulationwasinvillageandfewpeoplehad in thecellarofourhouseandwerecompletelyunaware. in themorning.Heavybombardment.Atthattimewewere the others.Theattackbeganon15,between10and11 moment. Imyselffoundoutonthesameday,15,likeall attacked on7and8Aprillastyear.Wefoundoutatthe that theyweregoingtobeattacked:wehadalreadybeen English). release, MSF, Moscow/London, 18 April 1996(in Nations toPressurePresidentYeltsin.’ – MSFCallsonBritishGovernmentandOtherG7 against CiviliansbyRussianTroops in Chechnya ‘MSF Issues Damning Report on Continued Violence Press

no otherchoice.” for thecivilianpopulationhasbecomesobad,thatwehave issue,” Coordinator Dr Hilde Sleurs said. “But the situation something canbedoneforthepeopleofChechnya. We alsoincludeacopyforyourinformationandhopethat Russian militaryinChechnyaoverthepasttwomonths. Embassy to officially report on the brutal actions of the representatives inMoscowhavemetofficialsoftheUS are inanydoubtastotheextentoftheseabuses,our agreements andbyitsmembershipoftheOSCE.Ifyou undertook to adhere to by its signing of international government accountabletothestandardsofconductit hopes thatyouwilltakethisopportunitytoholdtheRussian international humanitarianlaw,DoctorsWithoutBorders civilians arekilledandtopreventthefurtherfloutingof Doctors and bandages are no longer enough. Before more operations inChechnya. of theRussiangovernmenthashadnovisibleeffectonits strongly believethatthecurrentinternationalappeasement outside thosenewly“pacified”areasofthecountry.We Europe –althoughthelatterwereneverallowedtomove from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in operations anddeployingahandfulofhumanrightsobservers consisted inprovidingfinancialsupporttohumanitarian [...] Theonlyinternationalresponsetothecrisishas humanitarian lawcommittedbyitsforcesinChechnya. the grossandsystematicviolationsofhumanrights every possiblepressureontheRussiangovernmenttostop situation inChechnyarecentweeksandurgeyoutoput to drawyourattentionthedeterioratinghumanrights weapons summitinMoscowthisweek-end,Iamwriting As you are about to attend the non-proliferation of nuclear Extract­: Extract: and willsucceed. Itisimportantduringthese periodsof aims tomaximize thechancethatreformwill besustained a mistaketowriteoffreform inRussia.Indeed,ourpolicy setbacks. While no one can predictthe outcome, it would be and throughouttheformerSoviet Union-willencounter that theprocesses of transformationunderwayinRussia - innocent civilians.Theevents inChechnyaareareminder death andsufferingthatthemilitaryactionhasinflictedon have alsomadeclearourviewsontheunacceptabletollof While wehavestatedthatChechnyaispartofRussia, conflict. TheviolenceinChechnyaisatragedyforallinvolved. Thank youforsharingyourconcernsabouttheChechnyan April 1996(inEnglish). Goemaere, MSFBelgiumExecutivedirector,18 Letter senttoall[G7]HeadsofState,byEric April 1996(inEnglish). Joëlle Tanguy, MSFUSAExecutiveDirector, 26 Letter fromBillClinton,PresidentofTheUSAto

47 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

uncertainty to recall the profound stake the United States has is signatory”. She said: “The Russian military have consistently in promoting Russia’s further progress on the path to reform. failed to respect the neutrality of hospitals and clinics both in areas of intense military activity in the centre of the country I appreciate your interest. Sincerely, […] and in the capital Grozny, where the MSF hospital is under regular sniper fire.”

‘ Yeltsin Faces Atrocity Claims,’ Daily Telegraph, Nanette Van der Laan, Moscow, 18 April 1996 (in “ G7 Pressed on Chechnya”, Chrystia Freeland, The English). Financial Times (UK), Moscow, 19 April 1996 (in English). Extract: A report drawn up by aid representatives who have been On the Eve of a prestigious international summit, the working in the area since February 1994 appealed to war in Chechnya yesterday delivered two fresh political leaders attending the summit to urge Mr Yeltsin to stop the embarrassments for Russian President Boris Yeltsin. The “widespread violence against non combatants, including the first was a call by Médecins Sans Frontières, the respected use of civilians as human shields on tanks.” international medical aid group, to the Group of seven Eyewitness accounts gathered by MSF said Chechen women leaders who will meet in Moscow today and tomorrow to were strapped to Russians tanks to prevent attacks; civilians put pressure on their Russia hosts to end flagrant human were forced to leave their dead behind; houses were pillaged rights abuses in Chechnya. Mr Yeltsin is hoping to use the and burned, and villagers were shot at indiscriminately. two-day meeting on nuclear issues as a platform for raising The report said that on March 4, near the village of his domestic profile ahead of June 16 presidential elections. Sernovodsk, an MSF nurse saw soldiers force a woman to leave her dead baby on the roadside. On March 17, an MSF team watched soldiers at a roadblock arrest a young man who was trying to return to the village of Samashki, which had been ‘ Chechnya Campaign Report,’ Message from Saman- bombed. When his sister and mother tried to intervene, the tha Bolton, MSF International Communications soldiers fired over their heads. Aid workers have also seen Officer to Chechnya programme managers, Com- Russian troops loading villagers’ belongings into lorries. On munications Departments, and Executive Direc- March 9 and 10, MSF teams saw three 10-tons lorries leave tors, Delegate Offices, 25 April 1996 (in English). Sernovodsk with pillaged goods, it said. Villagers claimed that they had to pay soldiers 50 millions Extract:­­­­ roubles (about £7,000) per village to ensure a “humanitarian 1) OVERVIEW – Well done to Andres and all those who worked corridor” for them to leave before a bomb attack. Men on the report. Despite coordination problems and too many trying to leave area of fighting were often turned back people getting involved at the last minute, especially at a or diverted, MSF said. On 15 March, teams at a roadblock headquarter level, it is clear that in the short and especially outside Sernovodsk saw two lorries carrying around 100 men in the medium to long term, as various diplomats and turned back by the Russians. They have had no information journalists commented: ‘the MSF report put Chechnya on the of their whereabouts since. international map’. The report will continue to be seen and Medical teams also regularly picked up hysterical wounded used as a source of reliable information and evidence. All civilians who had been shot at by snipers while fleeing the the diplomats in Moscow received copies, as did ministries fighting […] MSF said repeated requests to enter Samashki around the world and other organizations. More importantly after the March attack had been turned down. On April 1, requests for copies of the report continue to come in all an MSF medical coordinator was allowed in. She said that around the world in delegates and headquarters. […] the village had been flattened by heavy bombardments and there were 120 dead cattle in the streets. Only 300 of 2) MOMENTUM NEEDS SERIOUS FOLLOW UP – If we want to the 12,000 villagers were still in Samashki, she said. […] keep Chechnya on the agenda, and if we want to maintain the Samantha Bolton of MSF called the Chechen war the worst credibility we have built up, it is crucial that the Chechnya conflict of the 20 war zones that the organisation is working desks and teams continue to collect information so that in at the moment. More than 30, 000 people had died since we can do an update of the report in a few weeks time. Mr Yeltsin sent troops into Chechnya in December 1994 to Nicholai is keeping the diplomats informed in Moscow. On quell an independence bid, she said. a press level, need to keep up the pressure for coverage of “We have noticed that diplomats in Moscow do not want to Chechnya in press both in Moscow and from headquarter/ raise the issue before June she said, referring to month in delegate level. Both dips and press expect us to follow up which presidential elections will be held.” But this is not an to show that we were serious about our concerns in the internal issue, it is an international one.” In a letter to John first place. […] Major, Anne-Marie Huby, Director of MSF’s British mission, said Britain must denounce the Russian government for B) MOSCOW the attacks, which were a “blatant violation of the Geneva 1) DIPLOMATIC FEEDBACK IN MOSCOW 48 Convention and other international agreements to which Russia Teams met with Moscow diplomats of following missions: representative of the embassy inquestiontold us: ‘You ‘uncontrolled rebel elements.’ The threat was plain. The responsible forthesafety of expatriates,because advising thattheRussianGovernment wouldnolongerbe that hehadreceivedaletterfrom theRussianInteriorMinistry, of thepressconference,one theambassadorsinformedus were thefirsttoputitintoa report madepublic.Ontheeve conference. Everyonespokeaboutwhatwasgoingon,butwe nous ontvusenAfghanistanetauMoyen-Orient. reputation andhaveseenusinAfghanistanMiddleEast). were hungryforallinformationandcontacts(MSFhadgood know wewereworkinginGeorgiaoranywhereelseand the correspondentsseeusalltime,theydidnoteven and areverykeentogetinformation.UnlikeinAfricawhere whole regionfromLatviatoKazakhstan,includingGeorgia and werepleasedtogetcontacts.Correspondentscoverthe the journalistsdidnotknowthatMSFworksoutofMoscow, the world,alongwithNewYork,LondonandParis.Manyof The MoscowInternationalPressCorpsisoneofthebiggestin […] 2)PRESSFEEDBACKINMOSCOW - - wantedupdatedonhumanitarianneeds - - - - - they: All diplomatswereimpressedwiththereport.Inaddition, asking forourproposalsandregularcontact. aid sectionsrefusedtofunduslastmonth,theynowwere and wheretheUSCanadianembassies/humanitarian in whatwehadtosayaboutthehumanitariancondition, funding level,manyofthediplomatswereveryinterested keen to make the meetings a regular occurrence. On a teams forasmuchinformationpossibleandwerevery information. Onapoliticallevel,theyreallyquizzedthe now very aware that we exist and that we have reliable , Denmark,Norway,EU,andItaly.Diplomatsare Belgium, Holland,Canada,UK,USA,France,Germany, “we haveasimilarproblemwithNorthernIreland”) still believeChechnyaisaninternalissue(UKevensaid issues) are particularlycriticalofowngvtshandlingChechnya issues”. ItalsoseemsthatScandinaviancorrespondents the strengthofpublicopinionathomeonhumanrights true ofScandinavianswhosaid“weareveryaware national pressthananythingelse(thiswasparticularly Were moreconcernedaboutcriticism/pressureinown want regularupdated information and meetings in Moscow our crediblereportatheadquarterlevel wanted ustocomeoutstronglysothattheycoulduse reported were surprisedandshockedattheextentofwhatwe equally bad tried togetussaythatDudayevsChechenrebelswere than weanticipatedanditturnedintoarealpress conference, buttherewerefarmorejournalistspresent We hadplannedapressbreakfastratherthan a response.Coveragewasreallygood. said. Theyfollowedthisupandbadgeredthe embassies for journalists individuallyaboutwhatthevariousembassies the diplomatsdidnotwanttohearthis.[…]Webriefed that istargeted.’Itwasincredibletoseetheextentwhich don’t goaroundattackingtheChechens,it’stheirpopulation of eventsbecauseyouareinMoscow,buttheChechens by theChechens.Eachtimewerepeated‘youhearthisversion they alsoaskedusaboutaccountsofalltheabusescommitted populations were being affected. It was very powerful. But was shocked bythe eyewitness accounts. The civilian across. It was very clearly a threat. The diplomatic community This wasareallygoodneutralwayofgettingtheinformation the journalistsweretakingnotes,andtheyreadletter. of theRussianGovernment?’Allcameraswereonher, decided: ‘doyouconsider that thisisathreatonthepart expatriate safety.’Thejournalistsaidexactlywhatwe of alettersentbytheInteriorMinistryonsubject for 25yearsandwehaveveryrarelyreceivedorevenheard ‘That’s verysurprising.MSFhasbeenworkinginwarzones question andwecarefullypreparedhisreply.Hewastosay: idea. WedecidedthatEricGoemaerewouldanswerthe we answerthequestion.’Theyallsaid:ok,that’sagood front of the press conference so that it is made public and embassies?’ Thisiswhatitsays:‘shewillreadtheletterin of thislettersentbytheInteriorMinistrytoone she willshowtheletterandaskquestion:‘areyouaware she receiveditfromanembassy.Atthepressconference, telephone, thatwegiveherthelettersoshecansay early, because we don’t want to talk about this over the I canentrustthis.suggestthatweinviteheralittlebit indirectly.’ Ihavegoodcontactswithajournalisttowhom have togoonandshowthatwereceivedathreat,albeit what todo.Theyaskedme:‘whatdoyouthink?’Isaid:‘we crisis cellmeetingwithEricGoemaereandtheteamstodecide absolutely mustcancelthispressconference.’Wecalleda of this.’ out heretoday, concerned aboutyoursafety?’Ericreplied:‘Yes,inspeaking raised aboutthevulnerabilityofexpatriates:‘Areyou surprised. Itwastotalpanicbecauseseveralquestionswere planned byheadofficeinBrussels.HildeandIwereextremely further incriticisingtheRussianauthoritiesthanhadbeen Graziella Godain,Emergency Coordinator, theNorthern MSF International, 1994-1997(inFrench)interviewed in English. Eric did most of the talking. He wentmuch Eric, Hilde,andmyself.WespokeinFrench,then So there were three of us giving a press conference: Caucasus, MSFFrance,February toOctober1996, we aretakingrisksandeveryone isaware Samantha Bolton,Communicationofficer, (in French) interviewed in2008. in 2000.

49 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

We held a conference in Moscow with Graziella [Godain, Our communication received little press coverage, as Emergency Coordinator MSF France] during which we it was not exactly controversial. Except for the clearly denounced the human rights violations being Russians, nobody was really in any doubt as to the carried out through the bombardment of villages and excesses of the war in Chechnya because of the reports sent the strategy which is to let the villagers believe that they in by journalists and so on. Holding this press conference have a choice and then to encircle them and wipe them out. created no argument between us and no controversy on the We said it somewhat harshly there was a mass of journalists outside. After two years of war, what we had to say was there and TV cameras from around the world. I think that we nothing new. created quite a stir. Beforehand, we wrote to the various Presidents at the G7, which earned us a letter in reply from Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director of Clinton. He said that we were absolutely right, that he really communication (1996-1998), Director of Operations felt very concerned and would raise the issue with President (1998-2000), President (May 2000- May 2008) (in French) Yeltsin. Holding these press conferences with Samantha was interviewed in 2009 without doubt effective, but also created significant levels of stress. She was in front of the cameras, showing Clinton’s letter and reading what it said. But I didn’t want to show on TV that I had written a letter to Clinton, because I believe that we should never show that we are lobbying behind the The Director General of MSF United Kingdom however scenes! This was broadcast on who knows how many American questioned the credibility of certain eyewitness accounts and European TV stations. We plainly stated that there were from the refugees and survivors reproduced in the report massacres. Now everyone understood this. and taken from interviews filmed by the MSF France video crew. Dr Eric Goemaere, Director General MSF Belgium, 1996-1998 (in French) interviewed in 2000

Something was bothering me a lot, but we decided to step round it and carry on. I found that the eyewitness We helped prepare the press release. It attracted huge accounts were not particularly credible. Fortunately media coverage. They had set up the whole thing on the press did not look too closely. If the standards of journalism their own and we were delighted because they had had been more rigorously applied to this story, we would not told us about it. I wrote a letter to the Prime Minister, John have been allowed to release it. It was very powerful, with Major, before the G7 and we used this letter, saying: ‘on the these people relating their experiences, their fears; it was eve of the G7 summit, MSF asks John Major to raise the highly emotional but not particularly robust as testimony. We question of war crimes.’ I believe that we used the words had to do it, that’s certain, but the quality of the research ‘war crimes.’ We said that it was a violation of the laws of was not good enough. It bothered me because we were war. We forced John Major to raise this issue publicly. I nonetheless accusing a super-power of war crimes. We’re circulated the report containing the eyewitness accounts to always saying that you have to take refugee stories with a the heads of the Parliamentary groups. Questions were asked pinch of salt. But at the same time, when it suits us, we take of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and we rode that particular a small group of people and ask: ‘about how many of you wave for quite a time. This struck quite a blow; it happened were there?’ I don’t find that very credible. I didn’t release quickly and had a significant impact. these eyewitness accounts with any great enthusiasm. I know that there are some journalists to whom I decided not to send Anne-Marie Huby, Director General, MSF United certain accounts. I kept them behind. I published the letter Kingdom, (in French) interviewed in 2000. saying: ‘our teams, our patients tell us the following things and we feel that they are coherent enough.’ But I didn’t refer to any research because I didn’t find it credible. This is a recurring problem. Maybe it’s a cultural thing. I often find that the eyewitness accounts coming out of Paris are a bit lame. The answers we got were those we wanted to hear. That bothered me. I often had to wash over the cracks to avoid the embarrassment of revealing my sources. I believe that this is a problem of credibility. At the same time, it’s hard to find the right angle for situations like that.

Anne-Marie Huby, Director General, MSF United Kingdom, (in French) interviewed in 2000.­­­

50 addressing thelocal press.Weareusuallymore ateasetalking Russian press, I couldhardlyargue.MSF is notusedto If theythoughtitdangerous forthistocomeoutinthe Not beingparticularlyfamiliar withRussia,Itrustedthem. press andpreferredthatwespeak totheinternationalmedia. They didnotwanttoinflame thesituationinRussian statements being manipulated in the contextof the elections. what wehad. They wereneitherjournalistsnorlawyers.Weworkedwith the initiativeofteamsinfield,whodidtheirbest. could havecollectedinformationbetter.Butitwasdoneat accounts. Therewasalotofmedicaldata.It’struethatwe was anythingbutthorough.Buttherewerealsosomegood they didn’teven write down where the people were from. It and inthemeantime,wewerewaitingMoscow.Moreover, lost aleg,orthingslikethat.Itwasincrediblytime-consuming, realised thatthepeopleweretalkingabouttheircow stage, when they called in areal translator. That’s when they translated at thetime, they only realised this at the editing everything. Andastheanswerswereonlyveryroughly precise enoughandtheanswerswerethereforeabitof report wasinfactpoorlyorganised.Thequestionswerenot use ofhumanshields.’Buttheywereunabletofindher.The was tiedtoatank.Thisisoneoftheonlylivingproofs we musthavethatwomenwhoisinthehospitaland one instruction:‘ifyouonlymanagetoconductinterview, crew, whichwethenre-transcribed.Wegavethiscrewjust the messageputacrosswasstrongerthananticipated. stayed behind,alreadyextremelyworriedbythefactthat of reinforcingthefearsexpatriatevolunteerswho organisation wasstayingsilent.Therealsotherisk their fellowcitizens–themistakenimpressionthat strongly in favour of speaking out loudly about the fate of would give the Chechen personnel of MSF – who were was theriskthatthislowprofileinRussianmedia security problems, given the electoralcontext. There media tothepressconferenceinorderminimiselocal teams, thechoicewasmadenottoinviteRussian instructions to stayput.Ontheadviceofexpatriate were abletoleavethemission.Theothersreceived In the field, the members of the team who wanted to their duty to doso. But theywere afraid of their asked themtospeakoutandtheyfeltthatitwas The volunteerswereveryclosetothelocalteams,who were of good quality, and those filmed by the video the teamsinplace,usingtheirowninterpreters,which We usedtwosortsofinterviews: those conducted by MSF International,1994-1997(inFrench) Samantha Bolton,Communicationofficer, interviewed in2000.

very difficultchoice. They werecrying.exhausted.hadtomakea betraying theChechens?Therewasadebateonsubject. individual tension.Werethosewholeftbeingweakand some ofthem left andsome stayed. Thatcreated a lotof That put a lot of pressure on the team and divided it, because they didn’tsay‘yougo,’said:goifyouwantto.’ moment itmighthavebeenbettertopulleveryoneout.But team wasgreatbutreallytired,exhaustedandatacertain and that’swheretheproblem really laid.TheMSFBelgium but weleavethoseteamsthatwanttostayoutinthefield, something of a compromise. We decided: no Russian media, public andpullouttheteams.Ibelievethatwhatwedidwas make apublicdeclaration,it’sbesttoitcompletely what wasreallyhappeningbehindthescenes.Whenyou imaginations begantorunriotandtheywereallwondering reaction, nothing onthe radio and nothing in the press, their fears ofthevolunteerson-site.Havingheardnoofficial the Chechens!Ialsobelievethatthisfurtherincreased Chechen personnelwhowantedustotalkaboutthefateof main reasonsforthiscommunicationwastosatisfythe seemed tobefornothingwhenweconsiderthatoneofthe the Russianpress,sonobodyhadheardandallthiseffort to theBBCorRFInews.Therewasvirtuallynocoveragein what wehaddone,becauseingeneralnobodytherelistens Chechnya, thelocalteamsaidthatnobodyhadheardabout was therightstrategy.Whenvolunteerswentbackto little ornothingintheRussianpress.ButIdon’tknowifthis From that point of view, we were very successful: there was decided nottoalerttheRussianmediaandwestuckthat. assume yourresponsibilitiesandreplyveryclearly.Wetherefore normal andtheyareoftenhighlypoliticised.Youhaveto of thesituationandreallypushtheirquestioninghard.That’s The localmediajournalistsfortheirpartareverywellaware we speakthesamelanguage,knowwherethey’refrom. to thecorrespondentsofinternationalmedia,because disagreed. The methodology was not followed. What we should disagreed. Themethodology wasnotfollowed. Whatweshould why wewereafraid. Hechosetodothings onwhichwe He usedalltheeyewitnessaccounts anddidn’tunderstand we hadabsolutelynocontrolover whathewasgoingtosay. Goemaere hadarrived,which notbeenplanned,andthat of MSFBelgium)Ifoundout atthesametimethatEric that IunderstooditwasEric. (Goemaere,DirectorGeneral French wentaheadanddiditanyway!’Itwasonlyafterwards went beyondwhatwasagreed,myfirstreactionwas:‘Sothe Chechnya at the time! So when I heard that the message It was easy for them to say, because they had no one in that it was hard because the French wanted to do much more. we hadtouse.Weagreeditinthisway.Iknew a messageandmethodologyIbelievedinwhich I believethatwehadtospeakoutlikethis.We MSF International,1994-1997(inFrench) Samantha Bolton,Communicationofficer, interviewed in2000.

51 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

have done was pass the information on to journalists and MSF VOLUNTEER KIDNAPPED then, we had no first-hand accounts of what the rebels were IN THE CAUCASUS doing, and that bothered me. The victims were victims of a war, and you also have to try to say something negative about the other side as well. I saw interviews in the press, so I know that it was circulated in Grozny. I don’t know the details, but it was clearly ‘MSF said…’ and it was in the Russian papers, from Russian journalists. Even if the papers were in English. On 27 April, nine days after the press conference in It was nonetheless in the Moscow Times9, which is fairly critical Moscow, the administrator, the new Coordinator and the of the Russian authorities on the war in Chechnya, and it was interpreter for the MSF Belgium team were kidnapped clearly going to be picked up by other papers. on the road from Piatigorsk to Grozny, 10 km from the Chechen capital. In the following hours, the Coordinator Dr Bart Ostyns, Field coordinator in Chechnya was released and instructed by the kidnappers to demand (1995-1996), Task Force North Caucasus (1999-2001) a ransom. The event was immediately covered by the MSF Belgium(in French) interviewed in August 2000 media, even before MSF had made it public, which obliged the organisation to issue a communication, although they only released the first names and nationalities of the hostages. V8, V9, V10

I did not go through Grozny before reaching Moscow. But we took precautions. We clearly announced to the ‘ Hostage in Chechnya,’ 27 April 1996, Email from team what we were going to say. I received the green Anouk Delafortrie , MSF Belgium press officer to light from the Coordinator. But it’s true that I didn’t ask each MSF Communications, Operations, General individual for his or her opinion on the question. Directors (in English).

Dr Eric Goemaere, Director General MSF Belgium, This morning two members of the MSF staff in Chechnya were 1996-1998 (in French) interviewed in 2000 taken hostage by a group of armed men. The incident took place at about 10 am (= 8 am central European Time) on the road between Grozny (capital Chechnya) and Piatigorsk (logistic base in the Russian federation). Two expatriates, the coordinator of the mission and the administrator, together On 21 April 1996, the Chechen President, Dzhokbar with the interpreter and two drivers left Grozny in two cars. Dudayev, was killed by the Russian forces, which located At about 10 km North West from Grozny they were passed him through his mobile phone. Zélimkan Yandarbaiev by a car, which a few minutes later was waiting for them. replaced him as the President of the Independent The passengers, armed men, stopped them and took the Republic of Chechnya. administrator and the Chechen interpreter with them. They told Marcello, the coordo [coordinator], that they wanted a ransom and made an appointment with him this evening in a village nearby. The talks will probably take place tomorrow ‘ Chechen Rebels Say Leader Died in Russian Air morning. From 9 am onwards we will be working in the office Attack.’ by Michael R. Gordon, The New York and give you more updates (474.74.88 or reception). MSF Times (USA) 25 April 1996 (in English). in Brussels will co-ordinate the info flow so don’t take any initiative to inform the press (there are lives at stake here!) Extract: The word got around in no time! Although MSF would After a night of rumours and flatly contradictory reports, have preferred the event to be dealt with confidentially, a senior rebel commander said today that the Chechen journalists and agencies got hold of the news very quickly insurgents had confirmed that Dzhokhar M. Dudayev, the rebel via non-MSF sources. Now we have to able to reply to their leader, had been killed in a Russian rocket attack. Speaking questions in a coherent way! on a television broadcast from his mountain hideout, the commander, Shamil Basayev, announced Mr. Dudayev’s death What can we say? and proclaimed a three-day mourning period. Mr. Dudayev’s MSF will have contact with the hostage takers to make sure death thrust the spotlight on , the both persons are doing okay and also to discuss how they Vice President of the rebel Chechen government who has could be released. Our position is that we are a humanitarian now risen to head the separatist movement. organization and that the money we have is used to help the Chechen people and also Russian citizens in Chechnya. Of course the security of our people is our biggest concern. Do not talk about the amount of the ransom nor give the

9. The Moscow Times was read mainly by English-speaking expatriates living in names of the expatriate! We will try through local networks 52 Russia. to obtain the release of our two collaborators programmes to announce the kidnapping. The pro-Russian media coverage. Russiantelevisionquickly interruptedits Alain were quickly informed. The events were rapidly given Grozny, D[…]waskidnapped with herinterpreter.Marioand - Chechnya:Mariorecallsthe facts.Saturdayspentnear 11. Questions/Answers:Board /Executive Extract: 24 hoursandtheRedCrosshadneverpaidaransom. Grozny, saidtheearlierkidnappingswereailresolvedwithin but Fere Aalame,deputy head of the Red Cross mission in Aid workershavebeenseizedbeforeinthelawlessregion, of fightingbetweenChechenrebelsandRussiantroops. Chechen capital, much of it reduced to rubble in 16 months appeared tobecriminals.Armedbandsarecommoninthe at 9p.m.(1700GMT)Saturdayfortheransomtobepaid, MSF hassaidthatthegunmen,whohadsetafirstdeadline or thenegotiationsinordertosafeguardtheirsecurity.[…] interpreter. Shewouldnotgivedetailsabouttheiridentities hostages were a woman from ex-Yugoslavia and her Chechen contacted at MSF headquarters in Brussels, said the two ranging from$100,000to$300,000.Thespokeswoman, Grozny by armed men who made confused ransom demands The twomedical workers were abducted on Saturday near of itsaidworkersinChechnya,anMSFspokeswomansaid. (MSF) madecontactonSundaywithgunmenholdingtwo The internationalmedicalcharityMédecinssansFrontières two passengers. to Piatigorsk.MSFdriveswithatleast2cars don’t circulate after dark, on important roads like the one MSF respectsstrictsecuritymeasuresinChechnya:volunteers Background info/Security takings. this extent.Thereweresomeburglariesbutneverhostage For MSF,itisnotthefirstsecurityincident,butneverto taken hostageandreleasedwithoutpayingtheransom. In JanuaryandMarchofthisyeartwoICRCexpatriateswere Precedents very regular. Moscow. Wecannotconfirmthisthesissincebanditryis made withregardstothereportweissuedtendaysagoin have a cause. Concerning the reason, speculations will be Chechens whichisallweknow.Wedon’tknowwhetherthey don’t know who precisely are the hostage takers. They are Although alotofspeculationswillbemade,weactually Who diditandwhy? Reuters, 28April1996(inEnglish). ‘MSF MakesContactwithChechnyaKidnappers,’ 1996 (inFrench). Minutes ofMSFBelgiumBoardMeeting,3May

in Chechnya. solution inordertocontinuehumanitarianoperations Belgium mentionedthekidnappinganddemandeda On 8May,inalettercallingforfundsfromdonors,MSF that theexecutivehastheirfullconfidence. to pointoutthattheyaremonitoringthesubjectcloselyand apart fromsendingsupplies to thehospitals.TheBoardwants Alain leftonTuesdayandEricalsowent.Operationsstopped, there are two people negotiating, but we don’t know any more. about the capture. The interpreter was released. At present, issued amessage;theywantedtheretobenocommunication was quite a lot of communication with the press. The kidnappers negotiate directlywiththelocalpopulations.OnSunday,there impossible to arrange afirst meeting. They then wanted to local peopletomakecontactandbeginnegotiations.Itproved In thefollowingweek,severalapproachesweremadethrough dollars. The ransomdemandfellfrom300,000dollarsto200,000 the humanitarianpresenceandoperations. Brussels, a possible reaction by the Russians to compromise or finally,giventhecampaigncarriedoutinMoscowand were dealingeithersimplywithbandits,orChechenrebels, was heldthatevening.Therewerethreepossibilities:We militia then visited our offices. A project committee meeting Thank youforstayingwithus. our workmustgoon.Morethan everweneedyoursupport. Frontières by the kidnapping of a member of our organisation, caused toherfamilyandeveryoneatMédecinsSans come fromanywhereelse.Despitetheanxietyandpain and childrenturntousforhelpthatcannotunfortunately organisations workinginChechnya.Everyday,men,women Médecins SansFrontièresisoneofthelasthumanitarian refugees arefleeingtotheneighbouringrepublics. destroyed. Thevillageshavebeenabandoned;thousandsof occurrences. ThecityofGroznyhasbeencompletely in Chechnya. Mortar fire, bombing and looting are daily so-called peacetreaties,thewariscontinuingunabated As youwillseeintheinformationenclosed,despite situation forourstaff. her captors. D[…] was kidnapped in an extremely difficult of writingthisletter.Wehave very littleinformationabout been freed.Unfortunately,sheisstillcaptiveatthetime kidnapped on 27 April last in Chechnya will finally have When youreadthisletter,wehopethatD[…],ourcolleague Dear Sir,Madame 8 May1996(inEnglish). Mail ShottoDonors,SpecialEdition,MSFBelgium,

53 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

The inquiry conducted by the MSF teams revealed Thanks to all the team who, in Grozny - at great personal that a local staff member was in league with the risk, in Moscow and in Brussels instantaneously mobilised to kidnappers, leading to negotiations and the release of create an international chain of solidarity. The kidnappers the administrator on 10 May, after two weeks in captivity. were surprised and one day asked us if we were a family, or MSF Belgium claims to have paid no ransom. V11 a clan! If the price we pay to stay in Chechnya is high, too high, we still have to answer the question: who ordered this kidnapping? We met the captors: low-level Chechen bandits and certainly not the ‘brains’ behind it all. There are signs ‘ The End of the Hostage Taking – Two MSF Team that it was a set-up by the Russian authorities as a shot Members are Finally Released,’ Press release, 10 across the bows to warn off troublesome witnesses. Other May 1996 (in English). signs however, indicate that this scenario is improbable. Although we may never have conclusive proof, we want to Extract: do everything we can to find out more, to get to the bottom D[…], logistician/administrator, and S[…], translator, were of things and find out whether it is still possible for us to finally released near Grozny at 13:30 local time, after being stay in Chechnya. held hostage for 14 days. They are in good health. While Whatever the answer, Brussels spoke out in Moscow more hostage, the two MSF team members were not mistreated, firmly than ever before. This major incident in the history of were well fed, and were given bedding. […] our association forces us to reopen the debate on advocacy, It was thanks to various lengthy negotiations between the MSF a debate that began in the general meeting. Even if, in team leaders in Grozny and Chechen civilian representatives, Chantilly, we clearly stated that the issue was to speak out that the two were released. No ransom was paid. Following the AND to stay, antagonism is created when we denounce. kidnapping, MSF decided momentarily to suspend activities in The conflict between head office and the field reappears Chechnya. However, the relief programs for Chechen refugees whenever the advocacy issue rears its head. This question is in the neighbouring countries of Ingushetia and Daghestan one of the major issues our association faces in the future. carried on as normal. As a neutral and impartial humanitarian A Chechen leader came to tell us that since we spoke out, organization, MSF requests that the security of its teams and he now has access to the ear of European governments. activities be respected so that they can continue to assist Now that peace negotiations are under way, we can hope the Chechen civilians. that we have added our own particular stone to the edifice. This debate is too fundamental for it not to affect all of us. Thank you all for your commitment.

Within the Belgian section, but also within the MSF movement, questions and indeed arguments began to Minutes of MSF France Board Meeting, 31 May emerge over the possible link between this kidnapping 1996 (in French). and the public accusations aired by MSF on 18 April. This paralleled the questions raised concerning the risk Extract: of speaking out publicly about the events in the Great CHECHNYA (Eric Goemaere) Lakes region in Central Africa, which was the subject of Eric has just talked about the kidnapping of D […] and her fierce controversy within the movement. interpreter S[…]. They were ambushed on the road by a car and D[…] and S[…] were taken away, with the kidnappers demanding a ransom of US$ 200,000. Lengthy negotiations took place over a 13-day period, with large numbers of ‘ Chechnya, the Price of Witnessing,’ Editorial by intermediaries at the beginning (militia and FSB offered Eric Goemaere, Director General, MSF Belgium in their services), which was problematic because, strangely, Contacts, MSF Belgium in-house newsletter, 30 the media was quickly aware of it in Moscow. MSF was Mayth 1996 in French). initially sent down misleading or even dangerous paths. […] The request for direct contact with the hostages turned up When I returned from Moscow, a month ago, I wrote about nothing. [...] On the 4th day, S[…] was released, stressing our qualms, our fears for the mission in Chechnya. We that the money really had to be paid. […] On the 7th day, firmly condemned the massacres committed by the Russian MSF demanded to see the hostage-takers. The meeting troops, a condemnation which was made public worldwide. ‘in the middle of nowhere’ was with extremely nervous Two weeks later, D […] and S […] were taken hostage by bandits, clearly little-used to this kind of thing. […] At bandits on the road between Grozny and Piatigorsk. Both the 2nd meeting, MSF gave the captors walkie-talkies and are now free after an emotionally exhausting period of negotiations continued in this way for 3 days (5 hours captivity, with constant psychological games played by of discussions every day). [...] Finally, an agreement was their captors, threatening execution and then freedom in reached, exchanging D[…] directly against a smaller sum the same evening! than that initially demanded. Officially, MSF does not admit What a relief it was to see D[…] again, to hear her explain to having paid and the sum will not be released (even at 54 how she managed to withstand the psychological warfare. the board meeting). compounded by apoliticalissue.Headded thatthefact Eric [Goemaere] repliedthatthereisabandit element, conference? the workofbanditsorwere theylinkedtoourpress analysis ofthekidnapping:were thesekidnappingssimply attackers andtheunderlying reasons,inthelightof Pascal [Meus]iswonderingabout theidentityofpotential Chechnya: […] can oftenbethehostage-takers. a situationwherethosewhoaretheretoofferprotection MSF isinfiltratedleft,rightandcentrefindsitself in […] Itisalsoclearthatsomemembersofstaffwereinvolved. occasions andthereisaverysignificantriskfrombandits. Chechnya. TheICRChashadthistypeofproblemonseveral isolated incident and kidnapping is a national pastime in by meeting people in Moscow and Grozny, This is not an MSF Belgiumwillcarryoutfurtherinvestigationsforamonth, really believewasbehindthekidnapping. France isnowwaitingforMSFBelgiumtosaywhomthey to Chatoy,atatimewhensoldiersweregettingkilled.MSF Brigitte explainedthatMSFFrancehaddecidedtoreturn done andthere’snotreallyanyoneelseleftinChechnya. section toreturnGroznybecausesomuchneedsbe month to review the situation. He would like the French and Ericwillnodoubtgobackthereattheendof Three membersoftheBelgianteamarestayinginGrozny • • • •  Mistakes wereprobablymade: • - - • Whosetitup? Many questions: certain combatantfactionswereinvolved. able todragtheaffairoutforlonger,itispossiblethat we wouldhavebeendealingwithmorecompetentpeople, this?). However,ifitwereacaseofStateterrorism,surely military wereclearlyaccused(anddidwepaythepricefor after theMSFpressconferenceinMoscowwhereRussian Orders from the FSB?Thiskidnappingtookplace9days scenario?), Chechen bandits(incapableoforganisinganexchange Chechen networks. we wantedtocarryoutourinvestigationalone,without the transport(languageproblems) we shoulddoubtlesshavehadChechenswithusduring we wereengagedinpoliticallobbying during thepressconference,weshouldnothavesaidthat authorities andexplaintothemwhatwe’redoing. for spies.Wehavetogoandseethemilitary authorities for2monthsandsomemayhavetakenus MSF BelgiumhadnotanycontactwiththeGrozny by “demonising”relationswiththepoliticalauthorities, against payment). up thepressureandincreaseconfusion(nodoubt not inonitattheoutset,henonethelesshelpedrack member of the FSB)? Even if Eric believes that he was what wastheroleofinterpreter(anativeRussian, 1996 (inFrench). Minutes of MSFBelgiumBoardMeeting,9August kept her for three weeks. We conducted an investigation. We kept herforthree weeks.Weconductedaninvestigation. We Coordinator to tell theothersthattheywanted money.They Coordinator. The kidnappers only kept herand told the want togo,shecameinhisplace. Shecamedownwiththenew out, completelywornusdown. things to be wrapped up so quickly. They would have tired us qualms about this type of strategy and wouldn’t have allowed down, tobesurethatwewouldn’tcomeback.Theyhaveno would havedrawnthingsoutforfarlongertotireus,wearus implicated. IfithadbeentheRussians,Ibelievethatthey and thirdlythereisnothingtoindicatethattheRussianswere proves nothing because they could just beworking under orders, secondly, therewereChechencriminalsinvolved,evenifthis you realisethatfirstofall,kidnappingisanationalpastime, From adistance,itseemsobvious.Butonceyou’reoverthere, for amomentthattheyweregoingtodothat!’ When I left, I said to myself: ‘what an idiot! I didn’t think to beonthefrontline.Ifeelguiltiergoingthancomingback. to gobecause,rightlyorwrongly,Ibelievethatit’supme when theGeneralAssemblyisstarting!ButinthiscaseIhave general, I’mnotsupposedtodisappearfrommysectionjust and I’mjumpingbackonaplanetogooverthere.Asdirector come backfromMoscow,thegeneralassemblyisstarting, of whatEricsaidinMoscowthatthishappened.’Ihavejust it wasready. program andthatitwantedtoseethereportassoon board askedtheexecutiveforacriticalassessmentof way asthemedicalworkwedo.Shealsorecalledthat measurable, wemustevaluateourtestimonyinthesame Marleen [Bollaert]repliedthateveniftheimpactisnot We hadtospeakout. had gonebeyondwhatwas tolerable, wehadnochoice. measurable. Moreover,inthisparticularcase,thesituation Mario replied that this kind of impact is not always of thepressconferencethatwehadcalledinMoscow. Pascal askedwhetheritwaspossibletoanalysetheimpact one campbecauseweareworkingwiththeother. the safetyofteams.Wehavetoavoidbeingbarredfrom Wim addedthatwemustalsoaimtoobtainguaranteesfor but thatwemustthenseewhetheractionispossible. Mario [Goethals]saidthatofficialcontactsmusttakepriority, Pascal hopesthatwewillcontinuetoplaybothsides. beforehand wewereconsideredasspies. of contactingtheauthoritiesgivesuscredit,because The administrator was based in the North Caucasus. She The administratorwasbasedin the NorthCaucasus.She bloke who was supposed to bring the money down didn’t was underinstructionsnotto come down.Butasthe who in fact agreed to us speaking out, said ‘it’s because who infactagreedtousspeakingout,said‘it’sbecause after thepress conference, and theteaminChechnya, Unfortunately, thehostagesweretakentwoweeks Dr EricGoemaere,DirectorGeneralMSFBelgium, 1996-1998 (inFrench).interviewedin2000

55 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

worked on following leads, and that’s how we managed to break directly linked to our declarations. It must have been a way a guy, who had infiltrated the group and who finally began to of showing the public what happens to those who issue that talk. Strangely enough, he gave us sketches of those who carried kind of statement. We had done absolutely nothing to tell out the kidnapping. I kept these pictures in my files. They must anyone about the kidnapping. Of course we contacted people still be in the MSF office in Brussels. There was the whole chro- in Grozny, but it was strange that it could reach journalists nology of the capture and what we did.10 We had some doubts in Moscow so quickly. Therefore, and perhaps not all that that information about the movements of the kidnapped team logically, we were wary of people we believed could have had had been given out by one of our staff members. We questioned a vested interest in passing the message on quickly, or who him and he confessed that he himself had been pressurised to were waiting for the result of this message. A certain number give the bandits information. We’ll never really knew the truth of factors gave us to believe that the Russians were behind on this, but it was almost certain that he was a former agent of it all. The least you could say is that it was intriguing and the “[Intelligence] services.” I believe that the press conference worrying. But what troubled me most in this whole affair was and the report radicalised the Russians with respect to our pres- that here in Brussels, the director general and the operations ence and that they stepped up this kind of action. Another director, people who took decisions for us, who were supposed element confirmed that people controlled by the Russians carried to protect us, completely denied the link between the it out. Through a colleague who had contacts with the ‘services’ communication and this event. That shocked me; it made me we managed to obtain an interview with Oleg Lobov, President completely doubt everything I was doing for MSF. I don’t have of the Russian Security Council. This was at a time when all our any problem with the statement, it’s not because something contacts were proving fruitless. There was no progress and all we happens and then something else happens as a reaction that had was contradictory news. you shouldn’t do it in the first place. You just have to realise that there can be extremely serious side-effects, that we are Finally, we found ourselves in the Kremlin, with the head of taking a risk, and to act accordingly, possibly by toning down the FSB, the President of the Security Council, the pro-Russian the statement and being less of a ‘loud-mouth.’ Like many Chechen President, an interpreter – and our MSF colleague of people, I was pretty low. I stayed here for three months Georgian origin, who understood Russian very well and who from wondering what I was going to do with my life, whether I time to time warned me that we had to be careful. The Russians would still go out with MSF. told us that they would help us get the hostages released, but that in these conditions, the next time we did something like Dr Bart Ostyns, Field coordinator in Chechnya the report, it might be a good idea to let them know first what (1995-1996), Task Force North Caucasus (1999-2001) it was about, thereby avoiding this kind of problem. That was MSF Belgium (in French) interviewed in August 2000 when my colleague and I became firmly convinced that these guys were controlling all the mafia and all the collaborating Chechen groups. We had called the press conference and issued the white paper [report], and as a result, one week later, the kidnapping took place. Personally, I think that we’re ignoring the obvious. Dr Alain Devaux, Programme manager MSF Belgium For me, it was simply a question of money. The Chechen (1994-1996), (in French) interviewed in 2008. mafia was not exactly unknown. I believe that an MSF declaration changed nothing for them. They worked like the Russians, and I couldn’t see any difference. I think that they were possibly half-Russian, half-Chechen bandits. In any case it was not politics, that’s my own personal feeling.

The Coordinator came home between 11:00 and 12:00 William Claus, Emergency Coordinator, MSF Belgium to warn us. Of course we telephoned Brussels, but (1994-1996) (in French). interviewed in 2008 word did not get out straight away. At around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, we received a phone call from the MSF France team in Moscow who asked us: ‘what’s going on?’ We were watching the football on the television and we saw the banner along the bottom of the screen announcing that someone from MSF had been kidnapped in Chechnya. Everyone who After the kidnapping, I went to Brussels where I found knows anything about Russia found that highly surprising. myself up before a sort of ‘people’s court.’ I was called MSF was ‘nothing’ and a kidnapping was nothing new and in to face everyone. They said that it was the fault hardly an extraordinary event in this society. Why did the of the media and myself. Things got very personal and I had Russians immediately ‘build up’ the affair? It was probably to say that the decision was taken by the organisation at an institutional level and that everyone was involved. I found myself in a very difficult situation and asked that Eric Goemaere 10. No document/file on this affair was found in either MSF Belgium head office come and confirm to everyone what I had just said. He did: in Brussels or in the Moscow office. More generally, no file in the MSF Belgium archives concerning the activities of the section in the North Caucasus during the ‘This is what we said in the meeting over there and this is 56 could be found. what we did. We did everything that we said we would.’ Things the sections. to settingoffabombinthediscussionsonsubjectbetween link betweenouradvocacyandthekidnappingwastantamount that withthiskidnapping.’Atthetime,suggestingadirect impact ofadvocacyandheironicallyreplied:‘YesIcansee we keepquiet.’Iansweredthatyoucannevermeasurethe ‘We onlyspeak out if we’re certain of the impact, otherwise workshop, thedirectorofoperationsatMSFBelgiumstated: and soon.Andthenthekidnapping happened. During the debating thedilemmaofspeakingout,keepingquiet,security, the questionofadvocacy.Attime,wewerealready affair isthateventhosewhosay nothingarenotspared.We conclusion onewayortheother.Whatisremarkableinthis the GreatLakescrisis.Impossibletoreachadefinitive accusation was a knee-jerk reaction dating from1994-95 during front andPariswasbeingmorereserved.Thistypeofsuperficial cases. Brusselswasinfactmoreactiveonthecommunication France. Thesituationwasinfacttheoppositeofmanyothers’ of pressreleasesfromMSFBelgiumandveryfew seminar atChantilly the movementwithregard tooperationsandadvocacy. (France) todiscussand conductworkshopsontheorganisation andcohesionof a majorityofmissioncoordinators,heldan internationalmeetinginChantilly 12. On8and9May1996,200membersofthe variousMSFsections,including 11. Seefootnoten°5 by everyone. guilty party in the institutional decision that had been taken I wasalsoangrybecausefeltthatperceivedtobethe kidnapping, theyweretotallytraumatised.Iwas position with thisdecision to eitherstay or leave. After the more constructively,buttheywereplacedinaverytough worried aboutthedecisionstaken.Itcouldhavebeenhandled should havebeen.Theteamswereallowedtogetangryand level, thedecisionswerenotbackedupasstronglythey were toughandIbelievethatitwasalsobecauseatacertain Graziella Godain,EmergencyCoordinator,theNorthern been askedtospeakout.Atthetimetherewerealot at ourinitiativeeventhoughMSFFrancewehad Within tenminutesonewouldrealisethatitwasnot Lakes ofAfricaregion sections concerningspeakingoutabouttheGreat At that time there was great tension between the Caucasus, MSFFrance,FebruarytoOctober1996, MSF International,1994-1997(inFrench) Samantha Bolton,Communicationofficer, 12

where oneoftheworkshopsdealtwith (in French)interviewedin2008. 11 , withacrisisleadingtothe interviewed in2000.

Our teamalso,theyareconvinced. think thatduringlastwartheirstatementleadtoretribution. decision to take—we don’t know enough about it. The Belgians attacks—to kidnappingandassassination.That’saharder that thesestatementswemakecouldleadtophysical this is a risk that we should take for them.There is also a risk (1998-2000), President(May2000-May2008)(inFrench) on ourteamwerecommittedtheordersofRussians. up thehypothesisthatkidnappingsandviolenceinflicted anything eitherpreciseorcircumstantialtosignificantlyback going onformorethantenyears)Idonotrecallhavingheard On theotherhand,duringthesedebates(whichhavebeen It isextremelydifficulttoreachaconclusiononsuchsubject. Chechen pictureiscomplicatedbyahostofdifferentgroups. the Russian military intervention in Chechnya. Moreover, the know thatweareprobablyinthesightsofthosefavour so publicly. worry abouttheriskshewas runninginspeakingout Within the MSF movement, some were beginning to Russians andtheinertiaof internationalcommunity. He condemnedhowthewar was being wagedbythe Grozny hadbecomeatrap for thecivilianpopulation. Jean described to various journalists the extent to which to bringinemergencyaid.Duringthatperiod,François bombardment of a town where it had become impossible civilian populationbytheRussianforces.Theyfled risks. Theyleftontheeveofultimatumgivento activities inthebesiegedcityofGrozny,takinghuge team inIngushetia.InAugust,theycontinuedtheir with drugsandmedicalequipment,supportedbythe in Shatoi,begantosupplytheChechenhealthstructures mission in Chechnya with the aim of reopening a program two MSFFrancevolunteerswholeftforanexploratory August, François Jean and Vincent de Bellefroid, the the Russian Federation. During the months of July and of July,onceBorisYeltsinwaselectedPresident signed on10June,thefightingresumedatbeginning After atruceresultingfromthetemporarycease-fire Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus,(November1999- communication (1996-1998),DirectorofOperations January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005) take; it’s worth it. For the population in Chechnya that itwillendangerouraccess.That’sariskweshould When wearemakingstrongstatements,thereisarisk Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand V12 Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof

(in English)interviewedin2000 interviewed in2009

57 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

‘ Grozny, a Trap for the Civilian Population,’ case with the Russian population. Chechens often have according to MSF, AFP (France), 15 August 1996 friends and family outside the city, while the Russians…” (in French). In other words, the Russian civilians are at great risk of Extract: being bombed by Russian soldiers? “That’s one of the risks. Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) has become alarmed at the For the Russians living in Grozny, there are few alternatives civilian population’s situation in Grozny, believing that the or ways out.” Chechen capital has become ‘a veritable trap for both able- bodied and wounded civilians.’ MSF, which has had a team And the others? “People are extremely afraid and don’t in Grozny for 10 days, is concerned that the wounded are believe that things will change in any significant way. finding it nearly impossible to reach the few health care Everyone remembers what happened in December 1994 facilities still operating. and January 1995.” (Editor’s note: the start of the Russian MSF is worried about the ‘city’s pervasive lack of security, operation, i.e. massive and indiscriminate artillery and air indiscriminate bombing that causes numerous injuries among strikes, which mainly victimised the civilian population.) the population and damages hospitals, and the absence “Those able to do so, fled the city before it was too late.” of safe-passage corridors’ for civilians. According to MSF, the medical situation in Grozny is appalling. Humanitarian I understand your duty to preserve confidentiality on teams ‘have extreme difficulty entering Grozny and supplying political matters. Could you tell us, however, whether the centres capable of caring for the wounded.’ Chechen population still supports the separatists after the terrible suffering they have endured? “That, in any case, is the general impression. I have to say that the way the Russian forces have ‘managed’ the Chechen problem has helped strengthen a certain solidarity among Chechens. The ‘ I was in Grozny this Afternoon.’ Interview with massive, blind, and indiscriminate nature of the Russian François Jean, MSF volunteer in Grozny, Le Soir strikes has resulted in people believing that they no longer (Belgium), 22 August 1996 (in French). have any choice.”

“My name is François Jean and I’m a member of the Médecins What can we do here to end the massacre? “Again, ask the Sans Frontières team in Chechnya. I’m speaking to you from politicians. Since the beginning of this war, Westerners seem the city of Nazran in the of Ingushetia, to have very well tolerated what has been happening here, which neighbours Chechnya. I just arrived in Nazran after seeing civilians blindly massacred. As for our involvement, leaving Grozny this afternoon. Late Wednesday evening, we, Médecins sans Frontières, are going to continue trying I had an impromptu interview with a person who directly to provide medical help to the population. But it’s extremely witnessed the events of the past few days in Chechnya.” difficult.”

What was the situation in Grozny Wednesday evening the Are you returning to Grozny this Thursday? “We’re going day before the Russian ultimatum was to take effect? “I to try.” left Grozy this afternoon. As in the past three days, certain areas of the city were very heavily bombed by the Russians.”

What was the population’s reaction to General Pulikovski’s Minutes, MSF France Board of Directors, 6 ultimatum? Have civilians continued to flee? “Yes. The September 1996 (in French). number of people leaving grew considerably after the ulti- matum was issued and has reached huge proportions over Chechnya: François Jean the past two days.” We had decided to restart the Shatoi mission and when we returned to Grozny, it was in a state of war. We had very Is it still possible to leave the city? “Yes. Sometimes it’s risky few resources so we had to take advantage of our contacts because of gunfire and bombs. There are also obstacles, like and personal relationships and seek allies among the checkpoints that slow down the queue, but overall civilians population. In fact, many people helped us and what may are managing to leave the capital.” appear as operational weakness (no cars, no walkie-talkies, no flags), paradoxically opened doors. We relied quite a bit According to news services, more than 100,000 civilians on other organisations, which were paralysed due to their remain in Grozny. “In my opinion, there are a lot more than withdrawal [from public life] and thus little involved in this that – maybe 200,000.” phase of the war. During the period from 6-20 August, Russia carried out Why are they staying? “Some are staying because they’re an offensive against Grozny and clearly sought to prevent afraid their houses will be looted. Others, because they fear humanitarian aid from reaching the capital. Medicines and being arrested when they leave the city. Many of the men equipment could nevertheless be transported on foot from could be arrested. And finally, still others are remaining Narzan to Grozny. It was difficult to assess patients’ needs, 58 because they don’t know where to go. That’s especially the functioning [of health structures], and access routes. For that up. up. families untilwereachedIngushetia,whereGraziellapickedus dor. SoweleftGroznyonfootwiththeChechenstaffandtheir the ultimatumissuedbyRussians,whohadopenedacorri- and walkwiththe mass of refugees leaving Grozny because of paper Libérationwhomhereallyliked.Andthenwehadtostop talked toRFIreporters,especiallyonefromthe[French]news- but I let him take care of that sort of thing. He undoubtedly think hemusthavetalkedtothereportersfromtimetime, was alittle‘allergic’toCNN,sowedidn’tdorealinterview.I entering thecityandCNNwasfilmingus.Attime,François scene: Grozny was deserted and we may have been theonly car us. They were in an armoured car behind us. I remember the enormous risks. WhenweenteredGrozny,CNNwantedtofilm were firedonaswedrovearoundthecity.Ourdriverwastaking The carwasmarked‘MSF,’butthatdidn’tchangeanything.We people underextremeconditions.Wewerecompletelyreckless. returned toGroznyinAugust. Wewentlookingforwounded go intohospitals,wesawdoctorseffectivelyusingthekits out thattheyreachedtheirdestination.Whenwewereableto we gavethemtogroupsdidn’tknowverywell.Butfound the drugstoGrozny.ItwasalittletensewithGraziellabecause possible insidethecity.Wegavethemtogroupstransport famous bluesurgicalkits.Wetriedtoprovideasmanydrugs Caucasus], weprovidedmedicalsupplies,mainlydrugsandthe I’m headofcommunications, butI’malsothe interimchief A minorcontroversy isbrewingaboutendangering ourteams. develop connectionsthatwillhelp ustransportreliefsupplies. [Jean, MSF Foundation] is going there in August to try to agreements weresigned. have beensettinguptheShatoimissionsincepeace important contacts we have made with the population. We special andvaluableaslongwecanmaintainthevery Chechen society’s way of operating. This mission is truly operating method,but it wassuitedtothesituationand This was,overall,notaveryorthodoxorspectacular suburbs, includingtheTsoetsenYurtandChirihospitals. reason, we decided to supply certain facilities in the outer in Shatoi,Chechnya,FebruarytoMay1995,thenAugust Vincent deBellefroid,MSFFranceProjectCoordinator 1996 toJuly1997,thenProjectcoordinatorinNorth Graziella [Godain,Coordinator,MSFFranceNorth With thehelpofFrançois[Jean,MSFFoundation]and Ingushetia through trips that are a bit daring. François concerned aboutgettingour aid intothecityfrom As weapproachedGrozny,thefightingintensified. The mediaiscoveringthesituation. Wearemore Caucasus (JunetoOctober2001)(inFrench), interviewed in2008.

soldiers wereinjuredinGroznyoverthepast24hours. Caucasian Republic.AccordingtoInterfax,sevenRussian generally observedonSaturdaymorningthroughoutthe rebel leaders.Thetwopartiesagreethatthecease-firewas signed on22AugustbetweenAlexanderLebedandChechen on Saturdayincompliancewiththecease-fireagreement In thefield,RussiantroopsbegantowithdrawfromGrozny peace process.” State announcedhisintentionto“closelyfollowtheentire an integral part of the Russian Federation.” The Head of settle thepoliticalconflictanddefineChechnya’sstatusas light toconductnegotiationsand“signanagreement evening, hetelephonedGeneralLebedtogivehimthegreen with hismission,”finallygrantedhimsupport.Inthe Friday in Moscow and stated that he was not “at all satisfied Yeltsin, whohadinitiallyrefusedtoreceivehisemissary conclude a political agreement with separatist leaders. Boris during theweekendof24-25August in anattempt to General was scheduled to return toChechnya Extract: must havetalkedtosomereporters. don’t thinkthatwhatFrançoisisdoingtoodangerous.He international colleagues about Chechnya. They ask me if I of mission in Burundi. I receive phone calls there from tank hadafunny lookontheirface.Andsomeone saidtous: along thisroad; thefewRussianswhowere there withtheir were celebratingtheirvictory. Therewasacertaineuphoria the rebels.Itwasanimpressive scene.Theystoppedus. that theywereIslamistBosnians whohadcometoreinforce men’ fromBosnia-Herzegovina. Inanycase,allweknewwas appearance wehadheardabout. Withthemwere‘bearded Aslan Maskhadov,signedapeacetreaty. the RussianandChechenmilitaries,AlexanderLebed August, inKhasavyurt,Dagestan,theChiefsofStaff Russian troopsstartedtowithdrawfromGrozny.On31 On 22August,acease-fireagreementwassignedand communication (1996-1998),DirectorofOperations looked likeChechenrebels,withtheclothesand In afield,wesawhugetentssurroundedbymenwho In lateAugust,weweretravellingnearKhasavyurt. 1996 (inFrench). Le Monde/AFP, ‘Russian Troops begin Withdrawing from Grozny ,’ (1998-2000), President(May2000-May2008) Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof Reuters (in French)interviewedin2009 (France/RU), 25 th August

59 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

‘They’re here.’ We were astounded. So that’s what was occurring were walking to Nazran. That would have taken them quite on this route after the signing of the peace treaties. We a while because there weren’t many NGO cars passing by! They happened to find ourselves in a place where an historic event were in full Stockholm syndrome mode. They had been held was taking place. for three weeks. I think the rebels thought they could be used as bargaining chips if things turned out badly. Later, because Graziella Godain, Emergency Coordinator, the Northern of the victory, they let them go. Caucasus, MSF France, February to October 1996, (in French) interviewed in 2008. Graziella Godain, Emergency Coordinator, the Northern Caucasus, MSF France, February to October 1996, (in French) interviewed in 2008.

A few days before, the MSF France team picked up two volunteers of the humanitarian organisation ACF from the side of the road. They were kidnapped on 27th July and had just been released by their captors. V13 The ACF hostages were held for three weeks. It took place during the war and lasted so long simply because people were stuck in basements during the bombing. But the matter was quickly resolved. ACF’s executive director “ Humanitarian Organisations in Hell” La Wallonie contacted a certain number of people that I had suggested (Belgium), 6 August 1996 (in French). he contact. One of the hostages I saw when he was released told me that in general they felt completely at ease eight to On Monday, the French organisation Action Contre la Faim ten days after their abduction. They felt that the Chechen [Action Against Hunger] still had no news about its two leadership had given very clear orders that they be released staff members, who were kidnapped by six unknown gunmen as quickly as possible and that stooping to anything like that on 27 July in the capital of Grozny. Since then, a man has [kidnapping] was out of the question. In fact, it lasted as demanded ransom of $500,000 in exchange for freeing long as it did more because of the fighting than because of Frenchman Frédéric Malardeau, 35, and Briton Michael the hostage-takers’ bad faith. At the time, it was a conflict Penrose, 24. He did not, however, provide any proof of his situation and the Chechen political and military authorities involvement in the abduction. had, it seems, much more influence over these groups. In any […] Médecins sans Frontières-Belgium has also learned a event, in the ACF matter, it’s clear that a firm response by bitter lesson from its Chechen misadventures. Two of its staff the authorities resolved the problem. members, an administrator of Yugoslavian origin and a Russian translator, were kidnapped on 27 April by a group of gunmen François Jean, Research Director MSF France between Grozny and Piatigorsk, Russia, and later liberated Foundation (until December 1999), (in French) on 10 May. MSF has since withdrawn from Chechnya. […] interviewed in 1998. Separatists have denied any involvement in the abduction of the ACF staff members, and humanitarian organisations state that, in most cases, they maintain good relationships with separatist groups. The separatists accuse the pro-Russian Chechen government of having recently formed armed groups to commit acts of violence FOR HUMANITARIAN WORKERS, while passing themselves off as secessionist fighters. In any INSECURITY IS RISING case, the kidnapping of ACF staff could raise the question in humanitarian circles about the wisdom of staying in Chechnya. WITH THE PEACE ACF, which distributes free food in Grozny and other locations, is one of the last major aid organisations remaining in the country, together with the Red Cross, Merlin, and Médecins du Monde [Doctors of the World]. However, a humanitarian withdrawal from Chechnya would create more suffering for the In September, the MSF France and MSF Belgium teams civilian population, which has already paid a terrible price, resumed their respective activities in the Shatoi with over 30,000 dead and 400,000 refugees. hospital as well as in a maternity hospital and five general hospitals in Grozny. But during the night of 25th September, three volunteers from the Belgium section were assaulted and taken hostage for several hours after having been forced to hand over money from the mission’s safe. The team then began working under the While leaving Grozny with François, we picked up two protection of armed guards. men lost on the side of the road. They were the two 60 ACF staff members, who had just been released. They On 20 November, an MSF France vehicle was stopped by a and thethreats continueunabated. weekly but have not been able to exert sufficient pressure them fromcontinuing.Ericresponded thattheNGOsmeet threats mightputenoughpressure onextremiststoprevent strengthening cooperation among NGOsinresponseto very valuableforboardmembers. Janekaskedwhether such, thetestimonyofpeopleongroundwouldbe of sendingthemnecessaryandcompleteinformation.As staff inthefieldandthereforeemphasisedimportance board underlinedthatitfeelsresponsibleforthesafetyofits will bewrittenaboutthesituationafterelections.The suspend the Chechen mission for security reasons. A report The boardrecognisedtheProjectCommittee’sdecisionto b. Chechnya Extract: for severalhours. group ofChechenfightersandRussianforcesheld UNHCR vehicles were taken during a battle between a burglarised. Then,on14December,MSFBelgiumand In November, MSF Belgium’s house in Grozny was again from acarthenreleasedseveralhourslater. In fact,thesameday,anICRCvolunteerwaskidnapped that oftheICRC. humbly apologised. He had confused MSF’s vehicle with to AlkhanKala’sheadquarters,wherethecommander Chechen commando between NazranandShatoi and taken who filmedahandshakeinfrontoftheMSFlogo. Chaîne d’Information,FrenchNewsTVChannel]journalist, manipulative becausetheministerhadinvitedanLCI[La in southernGrozny.Thevisitlastedonehourandfelt establishment ofahumanitariancentreforallNGOs visit toMSF’sheadquartersinParisdiscussthe Philippe BibersonrecountstheChechenforeignminister’s move itsofficetosouthernGrozny. duty 24/7(anunmarkedcarfortravel).MSFBelgiumwill measures willbestrengthened,withanofficialguardon team membersdecidedtostayandoneleave.Safety part of thecountry have major [humanitarian] needs. Two held todiscusswhatdo.BothGroznyandthesouthern infiltrated andbanditryveryextensive.Ateammeetingwas three peopleandtwocars.Buttheteamsareextensively MSF Belgium’spresence,however,wasverydiscreet:only were freedthreetofourhoursaftertheirabduction[…]. members of the MSF Belgium team in Grozny last Friday. They Alain Devaux: Alain reported on the abduction of three Chechnya , MSF France Board of Directors, 4 October Minutes, MSFFranceBoardofDirectors,4October December 1996(inFrench). Minutes, MSF BelgiumBoardofDirectors, 13 1996 (inFrench). reached unfathomablelevelsofviolence. for awhile. But thepressure became too strong when events violent attacksandabductionstodrivethemout.Wewavered MSF staffsufferedaseriesofviolentandsometimes very to pressuretheNGOsandgetthemleave.Asaresult, or simplycriminals,becausethemafiawasextremelyvisible, differently byultimatelyusingpro-RussianChechengroups expel thehumanitariangroupsandNGOs,theywentaboutit They justtoleratedus.Andasitwasofficiallydifficultto Dagestan. TheRussiansweren’tveryhappytohaveusthere. be abletoprotectusbecauseofelementsthathadinfiltrated soon comewhenthepoliceofficersthemselveswouldnolonger buildings. Butweweretoldtobecareful,thatthetimewould which ended21monthsoffighting. signed byRussiaandChechenseparatistsinlateAugust in Chechnyawhich pose a direct threat to the peace deal an increaseintheinstancesofbanditryandhostage-taking of theChechencapitalGrozny.Themassacrecomesamid residence atNovyeAtagi,20kilometres(12miles)south a Dutchman as they were sleeping early Tuesday in their one Spanish,NewZealander,andCanadian-- Masked gunmenshotdeadfivewomen--twoNorwegian, with otherhumanitarianorganizationsanditsownworkers. or nottoreturntheNorthCaucasusrepublicaftertalks left Chechnya,theofficialadded.MSFwilldecidewhether to resumeworkatthewar-ravagedhospitalinShatoihas official toldAFP. Thefour-memberteam whichwas about the InternationalCommitteeofRedCross,anMSF out earlyWednesday“asasignofsolidaritywiththeICRC,” still workinginthesouthernChechentownofShatoipulled breakaway Russian republic, MSF said. The last MSF team notice aftergunmenkilledsixRedCrossworkersinthe Wednesday suspendeditsworkinChechnyauntilfurther Medical charityMédecinsSansFrontières(MSF)on left Chechnyaduetotheriskofassaultsandabductions. In lateDecember,allMSFteamsendedtheiractivitiesand Novye Atagi, Chechnya were killed in their sleep. During thenightof16December,sixICRCemployeesin Dr AlainDevaux,ProgrammemanagerMSFBelgium special services of the police keeping watch over our which isnotparticularlypro-Russian,weevenhadthe We tookalmostfullsecuritymeasures.InDagestan, (France), Paris,18December1996(inEnglish). ‘Medical CharitySuspendsWorkinChechnya,’AFP (1994-1996), (inFrench)interviewedin2008. V14

61 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Minutes MSF France Board of Directors, 20 go get a sum of money to liberate his friend. At that point, December 1996 (in French). Chechen separatists attacked [the kidnappers] to free him, which posed its’ own risks. Extract: Early Tuesday morning, gunmen entered a hospital in Dr Alain Devaux, Programme manager MSF Belgium southern Grozny, killed six individuals and wounded a (1994-1996), (in French) interviewed in 2008. seventh. The next day, all humanitarian organisations operating in Chechnya decided to leave the country as a sign of solidarity. Vincent [de Bellefroid], the coordinator, left for Shatoi to explain to the population the reasons for MSF’s departure. François Jean will be joining Vincent and Jean-Marc Séraphin [Human Resources Manager] will be To my mind, what happened with the ICRC was a going to visit the teams. political act that meant, ‘now, shut up.’ I remember The ICRC issued a press release stating that the assassination that at the time, I was very surprised about the amount was deliberate and that the organisation was directly of information the ICRC was providing about Chechnya. I targeted. It wasn’t a normal crime (no theft involved). The think that contributed to it. Its Coordinator was constantly next day, a Russian family of six was killed in Grozny. Other on the radio talking about what was going on in Chechnya. people disappeared. All of the NGOs held demonstrations He even gave some rather surprising details on the bombing in Geneva and Nazran to express their solidarity with the targets and type of missiles. They don’t usually provide as ICRC. The ICRC suspended all of its activities in Chechnya many details. He was really saying, “such and such a missile and the other humanitarian organisations did the same fell on such and such a place.” He was discussing specific thing (for at least a week). places. The elections were scheduled for 27 January and it appears they have been postponed (no confirmation yet). Philippe Samantha Bolton, Communication officer, [Biberson] noted that for the time being we have not MSF International, 1994-1997 (in French) come to a final decision. We withdrew after this shameful interviewed in 2000. act to acknowledge the assassination and also to protect the young team on-site. This act is different from previous incidents in the way it unfolded. We would like to resume this mission (given the needs of the population), but it’s too early to make a decision in view of the widespread tension in Chechnya. We have not ruled out the possibility of not First they started to steal and rob NGOs and these returning to Chechnya. were the first attacks and they didn’t kidnap but they In Guy’s [Hermet] opinion, it’s not the ICRC that’s targeted, took money – MSF France and MSF Belgium. They but the symbol it represents. We are all targeted and we started like this and then at that moment the first reaction must not provide targets on the ground for people who was no, we will not accept this. They used to not touch the undoubtedly work for others in Russia. Odile [Cochetel] foreigners. It was enough at the beginning, the fact that they stressed that not knowing is worse than anything and that took the money from the organization. Then they saw that we should not plan on returning until we gain a better it didn’t work, then they started to beat the foreigners. I understanding of the situation. remember the story with Merlin and I saw the prisoners with bruising and red eyes. And then they started with kidnappings and it worked at the beginning. But people did not leave and then with ICRC it was like the last drop.

E, MSF North Caucasus staff (in English) And then our International Red Cross colleagues were interviewed in 2008 assassinated. At that point, we decided to keep a low profile, so I went to Chechnya for a final visit, and to bring the teams back to Dagestan. I was surrounded by Maskhadov’s [Chechen rebel army Chief of Staff] men, who were armed to the teeth, with two cars on either side, so that I wouldn’t be kidnapped. We took everyone back to Khasavyurt. In summer 96, François [Jean] and us decided to And we continued to work with the Chechen teams who lived resume operations in Shatoi because people knew us on-site and wanted to continue working with their people. there. We wanted to be somewhat isolated in a We used a system we didn’t like very much – remote medical mountain village, to work in a safe setting with a small staff care – but it was our only option. We experienced other threats in the hospitals at the foot of the mountain and take care of of this type. There had been several minor abductions that the entire mountain region. We spent quite a bit of time had lasted a few hours, but the level of violence was increasing setting up the programme. The team gradually grew until it each time, with threats and mock executions. One time, reached five or six people. We got the programme up and 62 colleagues were tied up next to a grave. One of them had to running, with mobile clinics in Shatoi and the surrounding This conflict, whichhasleft50,000dead andprompted troops andaslaughterhouse forthecivilian population. police operation’hasturnedinto aquagmireforthefederal thousands ofRussiansoldiers. Overthemonths,this‘simple of thousandspeoplekilled –mainlyciviliansbutalso the villagesbombed,innumerable homesransacked,tens was devastating:themajorcities havebeenrazed,mostof means necessary.’Twentymonthslaterandtheoutcome in Chechnya to ‘reestablish constitutional order […] by any On 11December1994,RussianFederationforcesintervened when thistypeofassassinationtakesplace. MSF France].It’struethatstayingisprettyhardtojustify with François[Jean]andBrigitteVasset[OperationsDirector, willing to continue the programme. I hada very long discussion late 1996. We then withdrew the entire team. I myself was area –untiltheassassinationofourRedCrosscolleaguesin intent wasobviouslyfarmorecriminalinnature. that weweredealingwithbetterorganisedgroupswhose we realised that the situation was no longer the same and early 1997,withtheseriesofabductionsRussianjournalists, InterSOS staffweretakenhostage,thenfromlate1996to few hours.ButstartinginOctoberandNovember,when at thelocallevel–sometimesinafewdays, seven times.Buteachtime,theproblemwasquicklyresolved armed forcesinChechnya. humanitarian lawsperpetratedbyRussianFederation strongly condemningtheviolationsofhumanrightsand in DangerthatincludedanessaybyFrançoisJean In late1996,MSFpublishedabookcalledPopulations in Shatoi,Chechnya,FebruarytoMay1995,thenAugust Vincent deBellefroid,MSFFranceProjectCoordinator 1996 toJuly1997,thenProjectcoordinatorinNorth The situation gradually grew worse. The hostage taking throughout 1996.IthadhappenedtotheICRCsixor was nothingnewbecause it hadbeen going on English). Frontières, EditionsLaDécouverte(inFrenchand End ofthe20thCentury,1996–Médecinssans in WorldCrisis–PopulationsDangeratthe ‘ ’ François Jean Chechnya: Resistance to Oppression.’ François Jean Foundation (untilDecember1999),(inFrench) Caucasus (JunetoOctober2001)(inFrench), François Jean,DirectorofstudiesMSFFrance interviewed in2008. interviewed in1998.

to thehospitalforsecurityreasons.desécurité. moves itsdisplacedpersonsactivitiesfromthecamps of the kidnapping risks. Another team based in Nazran resumption ismadeofficialinAprilwithfullawareness mission inShatoi,Chechnyawithminimalstaff.This Late February1997,MSFFrancebeginstoresumeits and indifference. powerful swayoftheideafreedominfacelies And the stubborn resistance is a striking example of the complaisance towardsmassivehumanrightsviolations. Russia’s future,revealsdemocraticcountries’pathetic This mercilesswar,whichhasseriousconsequencesfor by fightingandbombingraids. and preventedfromprovidingrelieftopopulationstrapped since humanitarianorganisationsarehinderedintheirefforts large-scale actsofviolence.Thesituationisespeciallyserious disproportionate bombingandsuffercollectivereprisals deliberately targeted,aresubjectedtoindiscriminateand international humanitarianlaw.Thecivilianpopulations, has beenmarkedbyflagrantandsystematicviolationsof hundreds ofthousandspeopletofleetheirhomes, and contactswe havemadeandtobeable toassessthe the hospitalrenovation. Ourgoalistomaintain theprogress time being.Allwehaveleftto doissupervisecompletionof night inShatoi).Medicalcare hasbeensuspendedforthe a shortunorganised,unscheduled, unannouncedstay(one means thattwopeoplewillgo onceortwicetoChechnyafor be conveyedbyallofus–is to goonactivestandby.That Our decision–whichissetforthisafternoonsothatitcan but youprobablyalreadyknow). act. (I’lltalktoyouaboutthisbytelephoneifprefer others thatfeltprotectedenoughtocommitthishorrific armed. Theremaybeagroupthatis‘moreIslamist’than at Russia.Everyonedistrustseveryoneelse.is popular will.Noneofourcontactsfirstpointedthefinger be restoredintheRepublicbyleaderslegitimised unsafe andchaoticsituationmaynotwantorderto Chechen groupsarecurrentlysatisfiedwiththecountry’s it willbeeasiertomakethem‘illegitimate.’ of Chechnyaanddriveoutobserversfromtheelectionsso Russia andcertainRussiangroupsto give adisastrous image pre-electoral destabilisation–comingfrom This mustcertainlybeplacedinacontextofpolitical, which impliesrealpreparationandadeterminationtokill. everyone thatthisactwasconductedveryprofessionally, position on the attack against the ICRC. […] It is clear to visit was to look into the situation, respond, and develop a people whorecentlywenttoChechnya.Thegoalofthis Following aretheinformationand‘feelings’oftwo Extract: manager, 10January1997(inFrench). Fax from Martine Guillod, MSF France programme

63 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

situation with a view of returning, which may end up with ‘ Chechnya: Last Russian Troops Leave Grozny Civilian a permanent departure. Airport,’ Le Monde/AFP (France), 2 January 1997 (in French).

Extract: On Monday evening, 30 December, the last Russian troops withdrew from the civilian airport of Grozny, the Chechen Right after the assassination of the ICRC staff in Novye capital, the news service Interfax reported Tuesday, citing Atagi, I went to Chechnya and decided to put the Russian military sources. Only units guarding the Russian missions on standby to give ourselves two months to president’s representatives in the Republic, who are based think things over. In late February or early March, we had in the airport, remain on-site, according to Interfax sources decided to resume a minimum level of services focused solely at army headquarters in Moscow. However, the withdrawal on the hospital, with little travel around the region. And we of these last units from Chechnya, of the Defence Ministry’s decided to review the situation after a month. So I returned in 205th brigade, were scheduled to leave Tuesday. April with Marc [Gastellu-Etchegarray, Emergency Manager, MSF France] and that’s when we decided, firstly, to resume the Chechen mission and, secondly, given deteriorating security conditions in Ingushetia, to revamp the mission in this country, ‘Russian and Chechen Presidents Sign “Historic including a gradual withdrawal from our activities in the camp Peace Treaty,”’ Le Monde (France), 14 May 1997 over a one-month period. We were working in some 90 camps in (in French). Ingushetia, which meant an enormous amount of travel, so we refocused our efforts on certain diseases in the hospitals in Extract: Nazran. Everyone, both the field team and head office, began Meeting for the first time, the Chechen President Aslan to sense a change during the final months of 1996, a change Maskhadov and Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a that became very clear in early 1997. We resumed the mission, peace treaty on Monday 12 May in the Kremlin. The treaty stating very clearly that Novye Atagi was very much an “puts an end to a centuries-old conflict” and permanently exception that we did not think would be repeated elsewhere. renounces “the use of force to resolve differences” between But we also clearly stated that resuming the Chechen mission the small separatist Muslim Caucasian Republic and the huge meant taking the risk of being kidnapped. That may have been Russian Federation. an illusion, but we could tell ourselves that there were ways to Yeltsin, who only half-heartedly approved the Khasavyurt operate, that paying attention to the situation would allow it, agreement and whose representative in Chechnya, Alexander that it was a matter of political rationality that could be taken Lebed (since fired), signed a cease-fire agreement on 31 into account without, however, maintaining full operations. August, said, “We have signed a peace deal of historic proportions, putting a full stop to 400 years during which François Jean, Director of studies MSF France there has always been some type of war and uncertainty Foundation (until December 1999), (in French) for an entire nation.” interviewed in 1998.

On 5 January 1997, the last Russian troops officially left THE MAN WHO ESCAPED Chechnya. On 27 January, Aslan Maskhadov was elected President of the independent Republic of Chechnya. The election was monitored by OSCE observers. But Maskhadov refused to sit on the Federal Council. On 12 May, a formal peace treaty was signed that created the foundations During the night of 1 July, Christophe André, administrator for future relations between Chechnya and the Russian of the MSF France mission in Ingushetia, was abducted Federation. The two parties pledged to renounce violence. from the team’s house in Nazran. MSF France officials The Duma, the lower house of the Russian Parliament, decided to take a discreet approach with the media, so refused to ratify the treaty. they did not speak with reporters the entire time he was held except on those occasions that could help gain his freedom, such as the French President’s visit to Moscow in September. Meanwhile, in August, four volunteers from the French organisation Equilibre (Equilibrium) were kidnapped in Dagestan.

64 Ossetian presidents. After discussing the matter, the board offered tointercede onourbehalfwiththeIngushetian and in the coming days. A Franco-Ossetian journalist has also he isscheduledtomeetwith theIngushetianpresident (speaker ofparliament,reliable personalnetworks,clergy), François Jeanisonsite.After makingmanylocalcontacts to ensurethesuccessofnegotiations. informed, butMSFbelievesthatdiscretionisthebestway suspended. FrenchandIngushetianofficialshavebeen in Ingushetia and Chechnya. All of our activities have been has promptedanewwaveofabductionsandactsviolence Chechnya anditsally,Ingushetia.Moreover,thiskidnapping destabilise anddelegitimiseRussiabyimposingisolationon component. Thelattercouldbeinterpretedasanattemptto (a common occurrence in the Caucasus), with a political conjecture, but we are leaning toward a criminal abduction after hisdisappearance.Onceagain,wearereducedto yet to receive news about him or his abductors two weeks residence inNazranduringthenightof1Julyandwehave Christophe André,administrator,waskidnappedfromhis Ingushetia (MarcGastellu) Extract: the necessarystepstomakesurethatlasts. and little room for maintaining the initiative. We are taking which leavesthefieldopentoallgovernmentbodies Chechnya, wehavefewpoliticalcontactsinIngushetia, first mission,buthe’saverysturdyguy.Also,contraryto very concernedbecauseChristopheisaloneandthishis the informationwe’regivingyouisconfidential.Weare serve as leverage in any negotiations that may occur, so maintain theinitiativeonmediacoveragebecauseitwill report akidnappingwithouthavinganyproof.Wewantto the absenceofanycontactordemand,wedonotwantto issue atersepressreleaseassoonwehaveto,butin MSF sections]andtheFrenchembassyinMoscow.Wewill have confidedinalloftheNGOs,our‘cousins’[theother The newshasnotleakedoutforthetimebeingbutwe home. FrançoisJeanleftforNazranthismorning. Grozny tojointhem.Therestofthemissionisreturning the Coordinator,andVincentdeBellefroid,whocamefrom Gloaguen. ArnaudLaurentison-sitewithAleth[Jaurou] day oftheabductionbyJean-YvesdeLempsandAnneMarie We have received no other news. The family was notified the and quiteafewofthelocalstaffhadrecentlybeenlaidoff. mission wasintheprocessofbeingsignificantlydownsized was knockedoutandtiedup.Theofficenotlooted;the kidnapped fromhishomethenightof1Julyafterguard Our administratorinNazran,Ingushetiawasapparently Extract: (in French). of DirectorsandtotheMSFSections,3July1997 MSF France, to members of the MSF France Board Message fromPhilippeBiberson,Presidentof 1997 (inFrench). Minutes, MSFFranceBoardofDirectors,11July

effects. stressing theriskofone-upmanship andcounterproductive could speed up negotiations. Marc Gastellu disagreed, Maurice Nègresaidhethoughtthatthismethod,stilluntried, the press? Do wehavetocommunicatewiththekidnappersthrough this way,wewouldagreetoit. However, ifwecouldbefullyassuredoffreeingourhostage been onthetable,butthatitseemsprematurefornow. Philippe Biberson confirmed that this option has always abductions recentlyendedwithnegotiatedsettlements. Philippe Dabadieraisedthisissue,notingthatseveral How willwerespondtotheransomdemand? During thediscussion,twomajorpointswereaddressed: Biberson willbetravellingtoMoscowshortly. contacts. Jean-Hervé Bradol is in Moscow and Philippe have developedalargenumberofofficialandnon-official Vincent deBellefroidareondutyinGroznyandNazran present, FrançoisJean,ArnaudLaurent,Aleth[Jaurou]and been scheduledattheQuaid’Orsay[foreignministry].At what actionsarebeingtaken.Apreparatorymeetinghas closely monitored by the government, but we are wondering French dignitaries to Russia. We knowthismatter is being demands beaddressedduringthecomingvisitofseveral are also currently being held), we have asked that our (four Equilibrestaffmembersandseveralotherforeigners Due tothepoliticalintricaciesof‘kidnappingindustry’ the media. in usandhasagreedwithourdecisiontokeepthisoutof approach. Christophe’sfamilyhasshowngreatconfidence should supplement local strategies, so we redirected our We nowfavouredtheideathatamorepoliticalapproach we hadthought,thepassingmonthsclarifiedsituation. wait another“monthormonthandahalf.”Contrarytowhat month later,wereceivedanothermessagethataskedusto letter statedthatChristophewasbeingheld in Chechnya.One demanding aransomof$1million;photowasattached.The of 1July1997inNazran,wereceivedaletteron21 Following thekidnappingofChristopheAndréonnight Nazran: Situationreport(GraziellaGodain) Extract: to applypressureandwearealsoafraidofinterference. but forthemomentwedonotknowwhereitwouldbest and wemustrecogniseourlimits.”Contactswillbemade, who believesthat“thinkingwecanactaloneisarrogance Frédéric Laffont,whocallsthisan“asset,”andJeroenJansen, kidnappers. Thiscourseofactionisparticularlyfavouredby of directorshasnotruledouthiringanexperttolocatethe , MSF France Board of Directors, 29 August Minutes, MSFFranceBoardofDirectors,29August 1997 (inFrench).

65 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

‘ Two French NGOs Urge Jacques Chirac to Win Release give way to a bad outcome: the money being robbed, being of Staff Held Hostage in Russian Caucasus,’ Jean caught in cross-fire... (Jean-Hervé). We depend on phone Baptiste Naudet, Le Monde (France), 24 September calls that sometimes come, sometimes don’t. We don’t have 1997 (in French). any control over our contact with the kidnappers, which is why we’re looking for a go-between (Philippe B.). Extract: French humanitarian organisations Médecins sans Frontières What do the kidnappers want? (Odile). and Equilibre are asking Jacques Chirac to pressure Russian We’ve offered all sorts of things: medicines, cars.... All authorities to win the release of the five French citizens held they’re interested in is money. hostage in the Russian Caucasus during his state visit to Moscow from 25-27 September. “We are expecting Jacques Aren’t we encouraging kidnapping if we pay over a ransom? Chirac to put this case at the top of his agenda during his (Odile). discussions with the Russian authorities. We are waiting for It’s not those paying ransoms that encourage the trafficking, a firmer position from the French government. It would be but the permissiveness of the political regime. It’s the state hard to understand how this could be an ordinary visit while of Chechen society that produces this system (Jean-Hervé). five French hostages are being held on Russian Federation The kidnappers wait until the people claiming the hostages territory,” said François Jean, MSF Coordinator for the understand that the authorities are helpless or involved, Caucasus, in Moscow the day before the arrival of the French and they’re ready to pay. We’re not going to find another President. Christophe André, 30, a native of Valenciennes way out - even the anti-terrorist groups agree. In these and an administrator for Médecins sans Frontières’ North situations, there are only imposed options (Philippe B). Caucasus missions, was abducted on the night of 1 July at the organisation’s office in Nazran, the capital of Ingushetia Publicise the kidnapping or not? (southern Russian Federation). Given the inevitable media interest in the region during Jacques Chirac’s trip to Moscow, MSF has decided to keep tight control of the information given out, in an effort to avoid negative fallout. People are kidnapped on Minutes, MSF France Board of Directors, 26 Russian Federation territory. The authorities have some September 1997 (in French). responsibility, and moreover they have intervened in the past to secure the release of certain hostages. The Security Nazran (Graziella Godain) Council has intervened in other kidnapping cases, and we A great deal has happened since the last Board meeting. The think that J. Chirac [President of France] could influence the first lead fizzled out, because the people involved didn’t show situation. It seems that the subject was raised with Boris up. The second one is still active. We have made contact Yeltsin and the Prime Minister (Jean-Hervé). with the kidnappers, and we managed to talk to Christophe What does Christophe’s family think? for three minutes on the phone. He’s doing ‘well,’ he seems The family does not want to speak to journalists, so MSF is lucid and his reactions were clear. He told us he could hang handling interviews. on in there. We told him he wasn’t alone. How will it all end? A kidnapping ‘industry’ Do we have contacts with groups or organisations for which Over the past year, the number of kidnappings in the region has things have turned out badly? (Maurice) We don’t know how shot up. Ten internationals have been kidnapped in the area. the kidnappings among the Chechen population end, they Everyone is on tenterhooks, and it’s difficult to react because take place by the hundreds, but to our knowledge, things all our movements and negotiation efforts are probably being have never turned out badly for internationals. It’s always monitored. We need to be extremely cautious and proceed involved paying up, except on two occasions: the hostage step by step (Philippe B.). managed to escape, and a group that recovered the money at a later date. (Graziella) Reflection required on the terms of exchange The negotiations aren’t easy. We need guarantees on the conditions of exchange, and this is what takes the longest. The kidnappers apply constant psychological pressure with new deadlines, so as to push the ransom up. It’s gruelling for the MSF team in the field, dealing with these on-going It only came out in the press about a week or ten days threats. But they are coping so far, and are working on the ins after the kidnapping. If we compare it to other kidnap- and outs of the exchange so as to ensure its success. François pings, which were all over the papers 24 or 48 hours has held some long meetings with Russian journalists to later, it really shows that the communication department kept form an idea of how things have worked during previous a tight lid on things. We gave a few interviews at first, but kidnappings. There’s always political involvement at some the journalists didn’t particularly hound us. Later, interviews point in time (Graziella). Kidnappings have been continuing were all initiated by us. As it was, we decided not to give throughout this negotiation period, and the negotiators interviews focusing on the details of Christophe’s kidnapping. 66 themselves run the risk of being taken. Poor planning could We spoke out to apply pressure, using political windows of handled entirelyatheadquarters. much mediapressure,and discussions with the family were of roomformanoeuvre,probablybecausetherewasn’ttoo opportunity tospeakout.Itsuitedus,becauseitleftplenty decided tousehighlycalculated,specificwindowsof speak out,hecouldbeforgotten,overlooked.IntheendMSF we are placing thehostage’s life indanger, but ifwedon’t out, wedoitwiththequiet,andterrifying,convictionthat out. There’sneveronerightanswer.Whenwedecidetospeak we spentdays,weeks,discussingthewhetherornottospeak interviews byaChechenjournalist, which werefused.Ithink paranoid, with certain persons. We were also asked for information, butnotmuch.Andweweresuspicious,almost we hadnonews,whichwastrue.Wegaveoutabitof example. Werarelytalkedaboutthekidnapping;wesaidthat contacts fromtimetotime,whenwewentMoscow,for who couldleadustootherpeople,informers.Wehad really waryoftherest.Itwasmorelikeanetworkpeople you info.Hechosethreeorfourpeoplehetrusted.was he wasinawin-winsituation:ifyougivemeinfo,I’ll Jean had selected the people he was ready to speak to, and was handledwithParis’agreement.IthinkthatFrançois and theChechenproblem,notinterviewswithMSF. much tosay.Theypublishedmoregeneralarticlesonhostages gave uscontactstopursue.Inanyevent,wedidn’thavethat They tolduswhattheythoughtofthiskidnappingissue,and spoke tothemofftherecord,ratherthangivinginterviews. time, thesejournalistsspentalotoftimeinChechnya.We Russian journalist, afewEnglish-speaking journalists. Atthe respondents fromthedailies,LeMondeandLibération,a subject. Therewasalimitedinnercircleofjournalists:cor spoke out,butwedidn’tcommunicateproactivelyonthe worker,’ in the region to savelives. This wasourlinewhenwe human value. So we had to present him as a ‘humanitarian price tagonthehostage’shead,makesureheretaineda We constantlyhadtostrikeabalanceavoid raising the captive, andthatthehostagetakingissueneededaddressing. lic], weflaggedthatfactoneofourstaffwasbeingheld [Minister ofForeignAffairsandPresidenttheFrenchRepub visible. Soduringtheofficial visits of Védrineand Chirac opportunity todrawattentionthehostage,keephim in Shatoi,Chechnya,February toMay1995,thenAugust Graziella Godain,EmergencyCoordinator,theNorthern Vincent deBellefroid,MSFFrance ProjectCoordinator 1996 toJuly1997,thenProject coordinatorinNorth In the beginning, the team members in the field replied want tohidethekidnapping.Afterwards,everything to certainjournalists’questionsbecausewedidn’t Caucasus, MSFFrance,FebruarytoOctober1996, Caucasus (JunetoOctober2001) (inFrench), (in French)interviewedin2008. interviewed in 2008. - -

the private Russian [television] channel. François went to see the privateRussian [television]channel.François wenttosee to visitformerhostages, particularlyRussian journalists from to protectourselvesagainstthis typeofproblem.Thenwewent that theykidnapus...That’swhen werealisedhowharditwas of the kidnapping business in Grozny, and he had suggested that theguythey’djustspoken towasoneofthemainleaders rant justaswe’dgonein.When theycameback,toldus ens whowerestillaround,andwho’dbeenleavingtherestau - safety locksofftheirguns,andwenttotalkotherChech - what wasgoing on in the restaurant.They started totakethe a restaurantwithourbodyguards.Theywereconcernedabout involved didn’twanttomeetus.Oneday,wewerelunchingin kidnapping gamewerepowerless.Andthosewhodidget We sawthattheChechenleaderswhodidn’tgetinvolvedin Grozny in1997,wehadamoreconcretetakeonthesituation. and thenhisgroupwentovertotheirside.Afterthattrip side. He got drawn in to human trafficking with the Russians, there was a guy who during the first war was on the separatists’ people filmedatthepartywerehighlyplaced.Amongothers, to them,thiswashighlyvaluable,butrisky,information.The tions aboutthem,wewereputtingourselvesatrisk.According on atapeinourpossession,andbypokingaroundaskingques- trouble; ourpersonalsecuritywasindanger.Byhavingthem to knowthatwe’dalreadyworkedoutthismuch,bein sheets, theyturnedroundtous,andtoldusthatifpeoplegot nearly collapsed. They weren’t faking it. They went white as government atthetimetoinvestigatekidnappings)guys recorder (and this was the group designated by the Chechen When weputthetapeintoanti-terroristgroup’svideo all. Andthisiswhereweranhead-onintocertainrealities. Chechen leadersandidentifythosewethoughtwerebehindit we startedtoputnamesfaces.WewentGroznysee delay, tapintothenetwork,andtrysortitallout. up. Whenevertheslightestthinghappened,I’dflyinwithout help oftheChechengovernment’santi-terroristgroup. with themonatemporarybasis.Theyworkedthe Headquarters stafftookturnstoreplacethemandbe in Nazran,endeavouringtotrackChristophedown. crisis cellsupportedthefourvolunteerswhohadstayed Throughout theperiodofChristophe’skidnapping,a We dug around to find out who was behind Christophe’s We dug around to findout who wasbehind Christophe’s filmed during the field coordinator’s leaving party, and filmed duringthefieldcoordinator’sleavingparty,and kidnapping, andthat’swhenwegotholdofavideo agreed thatImoreorlesshandlethesecurityback onwards byVincentandtheChechnyateam,itwas Based onaspecific requestmadefromtheautumn Foundation (untilDecember1999),(inFrench) François Jean,DirectorofstudiesMSFFrance interviewed in1998.

67 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

a member of the Russian Security Council, who told him that ‘ Caucasia: MSF Hostage Describes his Escape,’ he’d been able to do something in a previous kidnapping of a Véronique Soulé, Libération (France), 27 October journalist; bit-by-bit we got to understand how to approach 1997 (in French). this kidnapping issue. It’s a culture of techniques too. You have to go through the material conditions for release: how to “The worst part for me would have been an exchange for protect a “money for prisoner” exchange, and which intermedi- money, like I was some kind of merchandise,” confides aries should be involved. That’s when we learnt that a colonel Christophe André, the French hostage in Caucasia and a or general in the Russian army could facilitate such an member of MSF. On 20th October, he escaped his kidnappers, exchange. In certain cases, the private militia of a bank would who had demanded a ransom. “Right now, I feel like a secure the exchange location. The editor in chief of a press football player who scored the winning goal of the match.” agency that’d had some journalists kidnapped in the past, told Arrived in Moscow on Friday, the former administrator for us that when he’d got to negotiate the practical conditions for MSF in North Caucasia related the details of his escape to release, the people in charge (his superiors and Russian offi- several journalists. Despite the fifteen or so kilos lost during cials) cut him out of the discussion. Which is when he under- nearly four months of detention, he declared that he was stood that certain aspects of the payment were kept quiet. We feeling good, “maybe never so happy in my life.” The end dug all this information up ourselves. So we started to decode of a nightmare, but also, and above all, the way it ended: the environment. “Proud to have gotten out of there, to never have cried in front of them.” Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director of communication (1996-1998), Director of Operations Handcuffs forgotten That Monday evening, like all the others (1998-2000), President (May 2000- May 2008) before, the watchman had brought him his meal: watery (in French) interviewed in 2009 vegetable soup and some tea. “There were small miracles from time to time: a plate of pasta, and on four occasions, some meat.” Handcuffed to an iron bar, he ate off the bed. Ten minutes later, as always, the watchman cleared away the plate and offered him a bucket to relieve himself in: the On 21 October, Christophe André, a hostage in Chechnya, only moment of the day when his handcuffs were unlocked. escaped. The MSF team picked him up, and took him “I always replied yes, if only to take my daily three steps.” to safety in the OSCE’s headquarters in Grozny. The That evening, as usual, the watchman left to empty the OSCE premises had embassy status. But the Chechen bucket and forgot to re-lock the prisoner’s handcuffs. anti-terrorist group, who feared a ransom had been paid, circled the buildings until they were accorded an “It seems hard to believe, but it’s not really so strange” interview with the ex-hostage. On his return from Moscow, relates Christophe André, “The kidnappers were a very the latter gave a press conference to allay journalists’ amateur bunch. They did their jobs, nothing more. They doubts on the truth of his escape. forgot to re-lock my cuffs for a whole night once. And the following morning, when he realised what he’d done, the watchman didn’t seem unduly concerned.” This 30-year old former financial controller with a calm and composed air ‘ Hostage/Northern Caucasia: Christophe André Left considers that his behaviour helped to take his jailors off Chechnya Early this Afternoon.’ Press release, guard. “I made a real effort to play the good boy: I never Médecins Sans Frontières, 24 October 1997 (in caused problems. They thought that I was incapable of French). trying anything.”

Christophe André left Chechnya by plane early this afternoon. Christophe was stunned. He hadn’t stopped plotting a means He is about to land in Moscow. He will reach Paris in the of escape since the night he was abducted in Nazran, on hours or days to come. Christophe, held hostage for several the 1st/2nd July. And on this occasion, everything fell into months in Chechnya, is free and safe. This is an immense place: the door to his jail – a kind of shed – couldn’t be relief for his family and all of Médecins Sans Frontières. locked like the previous ones. After more than three and a half months of imprisonment in Chechnya, Christophe finally managed to escape his A blind dash for freedom. kidnappers. He was abducted in Nazran (Ingushetia) on the He decided to wait for nightfall. And then made a blind dash night of 1st/2nd July ’97, whilst on mission. No ransom was for freedom. Christophe didn’t know where he was; he took paid over. A team of five people, based in Northern Caucasia, a road lined with houses to try and blend in. His kidnappers has been working for his release since last July, along with had given him outsized shoes, without laces or soles. His the authorities concerned. We remain concerned about the feet started blistering in no time. “I was terrified I was going foreign hostages still captive in this region, including four round in circles.” Once he’d left the area, he walked across members of the organisation Equilibre. These kidnappings are fields. Then he spotted a canal, and decided to follow it, to unacceptable for humanitarian organisations, and deprive be sure he was heading away. Exhausted, he lay down on the populations they are trying to assist of vitally needed aid. the ground and “stared at the stars.” Arriving by the side 68 of a road, he flagged down a car. Christophe André, on his France hasdecided tocloseitsmissioninNorth Caucasia. Frenchman fromValenceprepared toreturnFrance.MSF all thosewhohadhelpedduring hiscaptivity,theyoung Moscow, backwiththe“MSF family,”andhavingthanked he madeupstoriesforhimself. Afterseveraldaysspentin dawning day,“tonotlosetrack ofthingscompletely.”And in thesecuritysetup.Everymorning,henoteddateof deal oftimeobservingandconsideringthesmallestchink he says, “a lot of imagination.” The hostage spent a great or a pipe, with nothing to read, no one to talk to, he needed, Chechnya. Tokeepgoing,dayafterday,attachedtoaradiator different places, and isconvincedthat Chechens heldhimin Christophe Andréstatesthathewasheldcaptiveinfive Using hisimaginationtoresist. to take.”OnFriday,hefinallyboardedaplaneforMoscow. as theaccused,”recallsex-hostage,“itwastoomuch asked themtore-negotiateinvain.”“Iwasbeingtreated that wedidn’thaveit,andwithoutshuttinganydoors, million dollars,”recallsFrançoisJean,“butwetoldthem ransom hadbeenpaid.“Thekidnappers had asked for 1 foreigners, demandedtoseehimagain.Theysuspecteda by theirinabilitytostemthisgrowing“industry”ofabducting Chechens. Buttheinterrogators,doubtlessdeeplyfrustrated the morning,ex-hostagehadgivenhisaccountto the missionwassurroundedbyarmedmen.Byendof Christophe at the OSCE. In the small hours of the morning, refused,” explainsFrançoisJean,ofMSF,who’dstayedwith the ex-hostage,thereandthen.“Hewastootired,we group telephonedthemission:hewantedtointerrogate night, atmidnight,theheadofChechenanti-terrorist had towait48hoursforofficialauthorisation.OnWednesday Christophe AndréwantedtoleaveChechnyaimmediately.He the dramaunfolded;thistimewithChechenauthorities. mission in Grozny at the time. This is where the second part of for SecurityandCooperationinEurope),theonlydiplomatic The groupthenspedtotheOSCE’sheadquarters(Organisation Questioning inGrozny. and joinedtheMSFteamwaitingthereforhim. the specifiedhour,ex-hostagesteppedoutofcar, near thedeportationmemorial, in theheartofGrozny. At Chechen andChristopheforthefollowingday,at11:30am to ahalt, right away.Ameeting was fixedupwith the asked thatanynegotiationsinprogressshouldbebrought he shouteddownthetelephonehimself: “I gotaway!”He good Samaritan” Christophe calls him. A little while later, didn’t knowwhattodowithhim.Heseemedterrified.“My man explainedthathe’dpickedupaFrenchman,andhe Christophe hadcometousethetelephoneinGrozny.The received atelephonecall:theChechenwho’dpickedup On Tuesday night, the MSF office in Piatigorsk (Caucasia) The “goodSamaritan.” from theChechencapital. took himtohishomeinGudermes,somefortykilometres he wasFrench,andthathe’dhadanaccident.Thedriver Using gesturesandinternationalwords,heexplainedthat first mission for MSF, spoke neither Russian nor Chechen. be true. true. be escape, theysaidtothemselvesthatifshebelievedit,itmust credibility, acertainnotoriety,wrotepiecedescribingthe later, whentheLibérationjournalist,whohadacertain in Moscow,theythoughtweweretellingaloadoffibs.But that wholetime,beforethepressconferenceChristophegave episode withjournalistslateron.Theytoldmethatduring the doubts,andlethimestablishtruth.Idiscussedthis given to a selection of journalists inMoscowallayeda lot of people ofwhathadhappened.Fortunately,theinterviews that he’dmanagedtodowhathedid,andcouldn’tconvince you whatChristophe’ssaying.”Ifoundittotallymindblowing said tohim“Listen,youcanthinkwhatwant,I’mtelling saying, “thereyougo,Itrippedup,caughtout.” “release,” it’snotthesamethingatall.”Itwasasifhe and forall,it’sanESCAPE!”Andhereplied“Butyousaid about areleaseoranescape?”Isaidtohim“Listen,once Christophe’s release....”Andhesaid:“Ahha!We’retalking details. Andthenatsomepoint,Imusthavesaid“and me: “So,heescaped,howdidgetaway?”Igavehimthe gave aninterviewtoajournalistoverthephone.Hesaid lies,” etc. The weekendbefore Christophe returned to Paris, I were saying:“It’scompletetwaddle,MSF’stellingapackof exploded alloverthepress.Itstartedtogetcomplicated.Some Chechen anti-terrorist group, the news that he’d escaped incapacity of the local police force to intervene, there’s no incapacity ofthe localpoliceforcetointervene, there’sno her, “obviously it’sbetternottopayaransom, butgiventhe those lines. François and I, we told along Things stories?” ransoms bepaidornot?What’s yourtakeonthekidnapping free.” ‘Libération’questionsweremoreofthetype: “Should control ofthegamefrom minute Iwasoutandrunning was onthesouvenirphotohere. Iwastheonewithtotal someone whowantstobeonthesouvenirphoto.”Yetnoone benefit fromitatall.AsFrançoisJeansays:“There’salways absurd topaysomethingforthereleaseofsomeone,andnot on thephone.Ikeptitverysimple:“Itwouldbecompletely to seeifthingshadn’tbeenthesame.Iagreedtalkhim investigative journalistfromFrance2lookedintoMSF’scase “wasn’t itthesamedealforMSF?Someonepaid?Who?”One ransom forthereleaseofEquilibremembers.Theyasked stirred thingsupabitwhentheFrenchgovernmentpaid more problems about disbelief of my escape. The journalists talked tothem,oncethey’dseenmeinperson,wehadno to themwhathadhappened.Andfromthemomentwe’d Monde, LaLibération,andsomeradiostations,described Graziella Godain,EmergencyCoordinator,theNorthern was at the OSCE, surrounded by the guys from the was attheOSCE,surroundedbyguysfrom Christophe escaped.FromThursdayonward,whenhe The worstmomentwiththepresswasperiodafter after what had happened in Grozny. So we saw Le to thepress,becausetherewererumourscirculating We made a really proactive move: we decided to speak Caucasus, MSFFrance,FebruarytoOctober1996, (in French)interviewedin2008.

69 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

other choice but to start negotiations. Escape is pretty unlikely, In January 1998, the elected Chechen separatist and clearly something that shouldn’t be counted on.” So yes, President, Aslan Maskhadov, nominated the wartime there were negotiations, to and fro on the issue of money and leader Shamil Bassayev to the post of Prime Minister. exchange of prisoners. But there’s always a deal, at some point In July, the President escaped an assassination attempt. in time. I was furious that I was suspected of lying. I wanted From October on, his authority waned, whilst that of to yell at them: “I’m telling you the truth!!!” So we used the Bassayev, under the influence of the radical Saudi press for precisely that end, and I think we did a good job of Islamist commandant, Ibn al Khattab, was on the rise. In it. It wasn’t my thing, being on TV or giving interviews... From January 1999, in a spate of one-upmanship, Maskhadov the moment we left the OSCE, everything was great, MSF announced the introduction of Sharia [Islamic law] in organised it all really well. I told Graziella what I wanted, and Chechnya within three years. The kidnapping of corporate above all what I didn’t want, and my wishes were respected and international organisation staff multiplied, following in every way. At some point in time, the communications the example of local kidnappings. In October 1998, officer said to me “Elkabach [a well known journalist from a the heads were found of three British citizens taken French television channel] has called. I’ll give you his number.” hostage some months earlier. Vincent Cochetel, the And to Elkabach, he must have said: I’ve given Christophe your UNHCR delegate, kidnapped in Grozny, was imprisoned number. Now it’s up to him whether he calls you or not.” I for more than 10 months in particularly dire conditions, wasn’t tempted, because I was wary of myself. I had the and released on 12 December 1998 following a violent impression I was sliding into a kind of self-congratulation, intervention by the Russian Special Forces. V15, 16 diving into the folly of stardom. I didn’t want to play that game, because it could draw out the less attractive side of my character. In any event, the fact that I’d managed to escape was more than enough for me. I didn’t need to see my photo Minutes of the MSF France Board of Directors’ in all the papers to be pleased with myself. Meeting on 18 December 1998 (in French).

Christophe André, MSF France Administrator in Vincent Cochetel’s release Ingushetia, April to July 2007, (in French) Vincent Cochetel, the UNHCR representative in North interviewed in 1998 Caucasia, was kidnapped in Vladikavkase in January 1998. He was released a few days ago, following an intervention by the Russian ‘special forces.’ A telephone link was set up with Odile Marie-Cochetel [Member of MSF France’s Board of Directors] and Grégoire Cochetel in Tours. They thanked National staff continued to run MSF France’s programme MSF for all the support provided over the last 10 and one in Shatoi, southern Chechnya, throughout the entire half months of Vincent’s captivity. Vincent seemed to be kidnapping period. It closed down in the weeks that back on his feet on the intellectual and emotional front, followed. but the psychological damage had been profound. He was subjected to constant pressure and threats. His physical wounds were superficial [but] three psychiatrists had been with him day and night at hospital since his return. Vincent had no information, except about the kidnappings and release of hostages. He said he knew who had held the The Shatoi programme wasn’t closed until November Englishmen executed last week. We don’t know if a ransom 1997. We didn’t want to shut everything down, because was paid or not. The release was probably partly negotiated, Shatoi could be a contact point. And we also didn’t and everything had been planned, except for the final volley want to spoil the image Chechens had of MSF. So the national of gunfire. We need to know more before deciding if we can staff kept the programme running throughout this period. It return to this region or not. We need to think about the wasn’t a difficult one to manage. It involved supplying hostages still in captivity (including many Russians), and medicines and running mobile clinics. It ran until the end of the future negotiations. September/early October 1997. Once Christophe was free, we Only part of the release was filmed. It’s impossible to know if returned to shut it down officially and laid off all the staff... the film really follows the order of events as they unfolded. There were probably around 2/3 dead. Whatever the case may Vincent de Bellefroid, MSF France Project Coordinator be these images do a world of good for Russia’s reputation. in Shatoi, Chechnya, February to May 1995, then August The release took place at exactly the time media impact 1996 to July 1997, then Project coordinator in North would be at its greatest, four days after the execution of Caucasus (June to October 2001) (in French), the four British hostages had become known. Odile thinks interviewed in 2008. that the Russian’s role and timing was plain cynical

70 us likechessfigures. little sweettoyou,aanother,andplayswith come to.Thereisaguysittingsomewhereuptheregiving previously plannedandalldesignedtocomewhatwehave and organize their own state.’ The invasion of Dagestan was bandits. Thesearepeoplewhowillneverbeabletolivealone up to1999,thatledpublicopinionthink:‘yes,theyare work, ofour‘bastards’togetherwiththeirthatled and chaos.The Kremlinshouldhaveseenit comingwhen decolonisation processthathasspiralled into bloodshed the NorthCaucasusare resultofapoorlymanaged by radicalIslamiststryingto ‘chasetheRussiansout’of The attackslaunchedover the lastmonthinDagestan Extract: forces begantheirbombardmentofChechnya. for a general mobilisation. On 23 September the Russian the 11, September President Maskhadov gave the order them totheheadsofDagestani“Islamistrebels.”On of theinteriorandRussiansecretservicesattributed claimed the livesofseveralhundredpeople. Theminister beginning ofSeptember,aseriesattacksinMoscow neighbouring republics.AttheendofAugustand civilians were killed and thousands of others fled to both sidesoftheirborderwithChechnya.Hundreds freedom fightersintoDagestan,Russiantroopspounded September, inretaliationforanewincursionbyChechen Aslan Maskhadovdeclaredastateofemergency.On6 out therebellioninlessthanafortnight.On15August Russian PrimeMinister,VladimirPutin,vowedtostamp the electedChechenPresident,AslanMaskhadov.Thenew from Russianforces.Theyactedwithoutthesupportof entered Dagestan with the aimof“liberating” the State freedom fighters,ledbyChamilBassaievandKhattab, stationed onChechensoil.On7Augustagroupof independence hadstalledandRussiantroopswerestill Meanwhile, Russian/Chechennegotiationsontheissueof into EnglishbyanMSFinterpreter)interviewedin2008 A, MSFNorthCaucasusstaff(inRussian,translated place inbetweenthosetwowarswereresultsofhard little sparktoflameup.Allthoseeventsthattook Chechnya wasalways a place,whichonlyneeded a “THE RESPITEWOULDN’T September 1999(inFrench). Caucasus,’ SophieShihab,LeMonde(France),8 ‘Moscow EmbroiledinaNewWartheNorth HAVE LASTED”

Kremlin, forits part,hopestoshakeoffits reputation asa burner ashiscountry bucklesanewunderRussian fire.The can only put his conflict with the Wahhabites onthe back condemns such declarations and the raids on Dagestan, he However, whiletheChechen President,AslanMaskhadov, the Westasanallyunderthreat, couldnotbebetterserved. Monday bombings.[…]The Kremlin’s desiretoappear threatened Russiawitha‘spectacularresponse’tothe from ahospitalintheRussiantownofBoudiennovskalso to theDon.”Theperpetratorof1995hostage-taking begun intheCaucasus,toliberateMuslimsfromVolga declares that“atwentyorfiveyearcivilwarhas can keep the region.’ [...] By contrast, Chamil Bassaïev the legionofRussiananalysts,thisis‘theonlywayRussia programmes, arequitesimplylaughable.Yetaccordingto than justmilitaryassistanceandlaunchsocio-economic barely payitsownsoldiers)tofinallygrantDagestanmore And thepromisesbybankruptRussianState(whichcan Dagestan for their own ‘self-defence’ against the Chechens. the possessionofarms amongst thevariousethnicclansin Russian armyisdoingitsbesttoprovoke.Ithaslegalised Independence ishinderedbytheriskofcivilwar,which to evacuatewomenandchildrenhadjustfaltered.[…] who’d takenpartinthevillagebombings.Negotiations family membersofRussianandDagestanimilitarystaff the explosioninBouïnaksk,costinglivesofsixty-one as aconsequence.Thereis no doubtsomesort of tiewith Khassaviurt (tothenortheastofcountry)thisweekend Bouïnaksk. Bassaïev’smenreturnedtoNovolakskoïeand targeting Karamakhi and surrounding villages south of the Russiancounter-offensivelaunchedincentralDagestan, their neighbours.Butthischangedwiththe‘secondstage’of the fray,believingthattimingwas‘off’withregardto backers. TheotherChechencommandersalsorefusedtojoin notorious Jordano-SaudiKhattab,andfinancedbyarcane rival, ChamilBassaïevandtheWahhabitebrigadesof raid, launched in the Botlikh border region by his radical President, AslanMaskhadov,distancedhimselffromthis […] Themoderate(thoughpro-independence)Chechen and unexpectedresistancefromnewDagestanivillages. eliminated havemetwithfreshincursionsfromChechnya declarations thatthe‘separatistbrigands’areabouttobe resulted in more than one hundred deaths. Repeated Russian Chechen incursion into Dagestan. These attacks alone of the Chechen-Dagestan border in retaliation to a second with intenseaerialbombingbytheRussiansonbothsides Federation. ThingsescalatedonMonday6thSeptember, the RepublicofDagestan,newweaklinkinRussian month, unfolding out of sight, and this time centred on has beenrenewedfightingintheCaucasusforpast now become a ‘terra incognita’ for Westerners. The result Islamist groupsandgangsofhostage-takers.Theareahas already shatteredregionhavegivenamajorboosttoarmed seek themiddlegroundandon-goingblockadetoan way theyknowhow:addingmoretroops.Theirrefusalto ever torespondsuchchallengesexceptintheonly and athreatenedregimechange, and seemless able than Russian authoritiesunderpressureovercorruptioncharges three yearsagobyitsmoderateleaders.However,todaythe negotiating the terms for Chechen independence, acquired

71 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

mafia haven and emerge as the last bastion of the civilised form,” declared the spokesman, James Rubin. “NATO bombed world against Islamic barbarism.Failing a real strategy, Yugoslavia in response to a military attack on Kosovo which there is a tactic, and an unwavering one at that. The attack had driven out hundreds of thousands of refugees, however on 31 August in the centre of Moscow echoed those that the situation in Chechnya is very different,” he affirmed, shook the city on the eve of the ’96 presidential elections, without going into any further details. apparently staged by the Russian Secret Services. Yet the finger was pointed at the Chechens then, and is again today. In the month of August alone, over three hundred Chechens were imprisoned in Moscow. This resurgence of repression ’Humanitarian Organisations Experience Worsening based on ethnic appearance, like the Russian leaders’ ‘Slav- Problems in Providing Aid to Refugees in Ingushetia,’  Orthodox’ and pro-Serb views, also result in a deadlock for Le Monde (France) 17 October 1999 (in French). any integrationist plans for Muslims in the North Caucasus. Uncertainty regarding the Kremlin’s next occupant does not Extract: inspire hope for an imminent breakthrough. “We are now the world leader for refugees,” Ruslan Auchev, the President of Ingushetia, declared ruefully this week. This tiny Caucasian Republic of 340,000 inhabitants has, in the space of six weeks, become home to 147,000 Chechen refugees fleeing Russian air raids. On the night of 3 October, the Red Army tanks rolled As the head of the only Russian Federation member with its into northern Chechnya. The Russian authorities no borders still open to Chechens, Ruslan Auchev has spent the longer recognised the government of the elected last few weeks trying to alert the Russian authorities and President, Aslan Maskhadov. The United States called the international community to the humanitarian disaster. for a halt to the bombings, but Moscow compared its “We desperately lack food, especially for children, and beds intervention in Chechnya to NATO’s campaign in Kosovo and blankets,” said Mr Auchev. “Most refugees don’t have in 1999. The Russian forces hampered assistance to the shelter. They’re camping out in cars or buses; or have set wounded and aid for the Chechen refugees in Ingushetia themselves up in the station or airport. Only a minority have as they tightened their grip on Grozny. While Ruslan been taken in by family or friends.” Auchev, the President of Ingushetia, whose country The first deaths among the displaced were reported on 11th was host to the Chechen refugees, tried to draw the October by the Ingush Ministry of Health: an eight-month world’s attention to the humanitarian disaster, the old baby died of cold after its parents had been sleeping on Russian government denied its existence. It blamed the the street for three weeks; five adults were killed by heart population displacement on the insurgents, labelling attacks and pneumonia. Five hundred refugees have already them ‘terrorists’. On 24 October, Russia closed the border been hospitalised; and these are the ones who can afford between Chechnya and Ingushetia, preventing Chechen medical treatment. Sick and wounded from Chechnya have civilians from escaping the bombings and imposing a been turned back at the border. total blockade on Chechnya. To Moscow’s mind, however, the situation is “under control”. And “there is no reason to believe that it could result in a humanitarian catastrophe,” assures Sergei Khetagurov, the Russian vice-Minister for emergencies. For her part, ‘ Washington Calls for Restraint in the Bombings,’ Valentina Matvienko, Deputy Prime Minister and President Sophie Shihab, Le Monde (France) 3 October 1999 of a commission responsible for the ‘social rehabilitation of (in French). the free territories’ (the ‘security zone’ north of Chechnya), declared that “gangs were chasing the civilian populations Extract: from their villages to give the impression of a humanitarian The American State Department is now making open calls disaster.” She added that Russia needed no external aid. Both for restraint on the part of the Kremlin one week after were reiterating the position Moscow has been maintaining the widespread bombing of Chechnya began. And even for weeks. though Bill Clinton, when receiving Vladimir Putin in early To date, only eight camps, with a capacity for 6,000 people September, pressed him to enter into ‘political dialogue’ (i.e. 4% of the total number of refugees), have been set up with the Chechens, his words fell on deaf ears. The reaction by the Russian migration services. A further six thousand became even stronger after Mr Putin announced on Friday refugees are ‘housed’ in a hundred odd railway cars. The cost 1st October that the he no longer recognised President of Ingush housing, where ‘well-off’ Chechen families are Maskhadov. “They say that there is nobody they can talk crowded into, stands at over 200 dollars a month. Increasingly to,” declared the assistant Secretary of State, Strobe Talbott reticent about the fate of refugees in Ingushetia, the Russian at Harvard University, “but we don’t think that can really media spoke two weeks ago of 175 tonnes of aid being sent be true.” by Moscow; but in the camps, the ‘displaced’ only receive That same day, the State Department expressed outrage at bread and water. Several eyewitnesses cite exhausted food the comparison made by Moscow between the NATO campaign stocks. Last Friday, the mayor of Moscow did, however, send in Kosovo and the Kremlin’s invasion of Chechnya. “It’s an through a trainload of goods to Ingushetia, containing a 72 insane analogy, bordering on absurd, both in substance and number of building site shelters, among other items. of foreign aid workers and hostage takings) MSF-B closed Due tounacceptable working conditions (insecurity: killings Extract: Grozny andbombedthetownofVedeno,closetoDagestan. Russian armyhaspursueditsoffensiveontheoutskirtsof against terrorists,notrefugees.”Atthesametime Chechnya,” he declared. “The war should be conducted of the border. “Now the population has no means to leave The IngushPresident,RuslanAuchev,denouncedtheclosing Petersburg andotherregions.” given theordertocommitterroristactsinMoscow,Saint “Bassaïev andKhattab[theChechenIslamistleaders]had representatives fromtheSecurityServicesexplainedthat Russia. Overtheweekend,MinisterofInteriorand blockade servestopreventthe“infiltration ofterrorists”into refuge inIngushetia.”TheFSB(ex-KGB)explainedthatthe conflict continues,weexpectsome300,000peopletotake Commission forRefugees(UNHCR)believesthat“ifthe Geneva, thespokespersonforUnitedNations’High On Friday,4,000peopletookflightintoIngushetia.In by avolleyofRussianmissilesfiredonThursday21October. 200 woundedaccordingtotheChechenauthorities)caused escalated afterthemarketmassacreinGrozny(137deadand […] Moscow wants to stem the flow of refugees, which bombing ofChechnyasincethebeginningSeptember. women, childrenandtheelderly,havefledRussian the Ingushcapital,alongwhich170,000refugees,mainly armoured vehicles,haveblockedoffalltheroadstoNazran, neighbour, theRepublicofIngushetia.Itstroops,flankedby blockade of Chechnya by closingthe border with its On Sunday24October,theRussianarmysealeditstotal Extract: abduction) limitedtheiroperationsintheregion. the NorthCaucasussincelate1997(duetoriskof the provisionofaidandprotection.MSF’sabsencein or fleeingthebombsandforapplyingpressuretoensure assisting thethousandsofChechenciviliansunderfire The differentMSFsectionsassessedthepossibilitiesfor HOW CANWEHELPCHECHEN Bombardments onChechnya’, ’ English). Russia Committee ’Project 26 October1999(inFrench). Moscow InflictsaTotalBlockadeandMassive MSF Belgium,30September 1999(in CIVILIANS? Minutes’, Le Monde(France) North Caucasus/

withdrawal in1997… - Thesecuritysituationhas only deterioratedsinceMSFB added value/impactduringitsoperations; the security situation did not allow MSFB to create sufficient - PastexperiencesintheNorthCausasushaveshownthat The Coproconcluded: the short-timeisnotanoption(justanightmare); medical goodsforemergencyintervention;importationin relief goods(hygiene,shelter,blankets,food),verylittle - EmergencypreparednessatMoscow-level:nostockof undertaken ontheirrespectiveterritories; have ‘guaranteed’fullsecurityprotectionifactionsare discussions; theIngushandChechengovernmentwould - securityforexpatriatesisthemainconcerninallongoing take placeinthecomingdaysatGenevaandMoscow-level; participation of NGOs, humanitarian agencies and donors will - Coordinationinformationsharingmeetingswith Ingushetia; existing localcontacts(ex-staff)inChechnyaand is filteredandhardtoverify;thereforewearereactivating few foreignjournalistsonthespot,availableinformation - access to reliable information: as there are for the moment, weeks onendtoweakentheadversary; government may opt for the same scenario: bombing for airstrikes withouttheuseofgroundtroups;Russian - Kosovo-effect:NATOobtaineditspoliticalgoalthanksto elections duringspring2000. the parliamentaryelectionsinDecember‘99andpresidential through. Moreover, the vox populi can express itself during the Russiangovernmenthasitshandsfreeandwillplayit support isguaranteed(contrarytothewarin1995-1997) and forever’solvingoftheChechenproblem.Aslongasthis The public opinion in Russia seems to be in favour of a ‘once refugee flow)riskstolastseveralweeksorevenmonths. bombing campaignanditshumanitarianside-effects(the - Important factors: non-intervention; Meeting] is to come to some scenarios of intervention or Caucasus; themainpurposeofthisCopro[ProjectCommittee to theworseninghumanitariansituation intheNorth- To cometoamoreformalpositioningofMSF-Bwithregard Objectives: situation. in contactwithex-localstaffonthespottomonitor ‘97. SincethehostilitiesinDagestanlastAugust,MSF-Bis its officesinChechnyaandDagestanrespectively‘96 Time-factor infunctionofpoliticalconsiderations:theair

73 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

« Explo ! » Email from Marcel Van Soest, MSF […] Yes we do have a msg [message] that needs to be Holland Director of Operations, on field visit, to addressed before we can become operational and yes that MSF Holland Executive Director, Emergency msg will be understood. programme manager, Communication Officer, 13 So not a statement for the sake of statement making but and October 1999 (in English). active advocacy campaign starting with a visit and media followed by visits of key players (Moscow, UN, USA, Paris, Extracts: EU, Geneva) with the ultimate goal/objective to change a - Of course our main concern is the PiD [populations in bit the situation on the ground for the PiD’s so we can start danger] and their suffering. No question about that. working there or others will have taken up the job. - Operations are mostly desired but not feasible in the way We are lucky that our absence is not (yet) questioned by we would like to do it for the reasons all know media, but we have not yet pro-actively ourselves expressed - Remote control can be done if history and contacts and our feelings/frustrations of being absent let alone explain local partners would be in place, which is not the case for what needs to take place before we can start working there. MSF-H, and even too little in place for MSF-F. […] WE NEED TO DO THAT! - It is very likely that the only structures in place are gov During field visit we will focus with media on hum situation, or ICRC or MDM. No other structure to be identified during a and answer operational questions. Stronger msg can be given possible explo. Except maybe a former local contact of MSF-F during some relevant advocacy visits afterwards if needed. (still to be contacted). Hit and Run actions/interventions IMPORTANT: there won’t be huge implications for the current not very feasible to be set up and not to be considered to programs in Russia! Especially looking now at what HRW is be more effective than remote control and no own structure stating towards Moscow and having them still in the same in place. building!!! - We can be as innovative and creative as we want but being realistic, it is going to be almost impossible to identify a What if we say no to a visit now? compromise intervention which will have an added value - Journalists to be able to continue to visit and to show for the PiD and what is done by the actors already acting. the starvation in future???? - Not going now is already politically manipulated by Moscow What is left for us to do???!!!!!! to show their own population that hum relief agencies do - PiD suffering not go there as the bandits over there are too dangerous - no pressure of intern comm (contribute to justification of war) - sympathy expressed for the Russians even by Mary Robinson - deportations of the IDP’s by the Russians to North Chechnya - UN silent and not pro-active to get something of the ground (still being a military zone) and than request of Moscow - double standards more than ever on all levels towards relief agencies to come in and help while not having - remote control programs not sufficient for sure and maybe been in any other location ‘independently,’ completely ineffective - Russian hum ass [istance]. said to be taking place but not likely to be in reality. And thousands of other things. ‘ Some Thoughts,’ Email from Leslie Lefkow, MSF Holland Humanitarian Affairs Department, to MSF The point is that we should be on the ground but we cannot. Holland Caucasus team, MSF Holland Executive 1 of the 2 following things needs to be addressed Management team, 14 October 1998 (in English). 1) to eliminate the need for us to be present by urging the state (RF) [Russian Forces] to take up their own responsibility Extracts: to deliver effective hum ass and by stopping the violation I took a look through the ICRC archive of press releases related of humanitarian law and the human rights of these PiD. to Chechnya, and that’s quite an interesting exercise, partly 2) to make the circumstances acceptable for us to come in, because of the volume and partly because of content, which meaning a safer humanitarian corridor for INGO’s. is quite amazingly strong given that it’s the ICRC speaking IMPORTANT: Both things need to be addressed and the publicly. Between 1994-1996, ICRC was enormously active only ones addressing it are some journalists and Human in calling for IHL [International Humanitarian Laws] to be Rights Watch. We can’t continue to be silent. We need some observed, in calling for humanitarian truces, even for the credibility to indeed advocate and lobby for the sake of the establishment of humanitarian corridors (under IHL). [...] PidD’s (not for our image!!!!). A hum agency not being able From what I’ve read and heard in the past days, there are to work where we should be working even for all the good a few basic points that make application of any of the reasons needs to communicate that to all levels and we protective concepts of IHL very difficult in this situation: don’t. We have an obligation to change the circumstances 1. The lack of organizations/coordination of both the Russian of the hum assistance by lobbying the Russians directly and forces and the Chechen groups; ignorance of the principles of more the International communication to push Moscow to humanitarian law among the military (including an absence take up the responsibility for being the state. […] of any notion of the proportionate use of military force); the use of counter-insurgency strategies by the Russian military To start the advocacy campaign and to hook up with HRW that squeeze civilians in order to flush out combatants and 74 we need credibility and we get that by going there. Yes. ‘collectively punish’ entire communities for any acts of - - far, particularlyonthefollowingpoints: rationale, bymaintainingthepubliclinewehavetakenso navel-contemplation, andyetstilldemolish the Russian It wouldbegoodifwecouldbreakwiththishumanitarian - -  under amicroscope,themessageisasfollows: After thoroughlyexamingRussiandiplomaticdeclarations absent.’ press; alongthelinesof‘Whywe’renotthere.Sorry (including MSFH)haveappearedintheFrenchandEuropean Various navel-contemplatingarticlesbyhumanitarianNGOs at diplomaticlevels. quite creativeandgobeyondtheusualidealoflobbying […] Idothinkthatforthisonewewouldhavetobe that wouldonlybetheRussians. concern intheWesttoputpressureonRussians-and board wouldwehaveahopeofraisingenoughdomestic only by really trying to get a broad coalition of groups on much influence-mygutinstinct(veryscientific!)isthat ‘94-‘96. I’malsonotsurethatMSFalonecanreallyexert not convincedthatthepoliticalwillissodifferentfrom Finding apressurepointwillbemostdifficult,andI’m blah. 2. Lackofpoliticalwill:forreasonsweallknow...blahblah thereby disruptingagreementsforceasefiresetc. and smallgroupsofmilitiaswreakinghavocforself-interest, forces; andfinally,theexistenceofnumerousindividuals combatants; theuseofciviliansashumanshieldsbyrebel these populations. seek toincreaseguaranteesforaidandprotection allowed tointervene.Itiscriticalthatourpublicpositions provided byRussia,humanitarianorganisationsmustbe in theabsenceofcareforcivilianpopulationbeing impartial organisationsneveramounttointerferenceand humanitarian activitiescarriedoutbyindependentand up offamiliesastheycrosstheIngushborder,etc.). of itemsessentialforthesurvivalpopulation,break on thecivilianpopulation(wholesalebombings,deprivation that ofanarmedconflicthavingindiscriminateimpact short, explainingthatthelevelofviolencecorrespondsto significant militarymeansorimposingablockade....In of 200,000refugees,ordoesitwarrantthedispatchsuch rarely doesanoperationtomaintainorderresultinawave tolerated. it isaninternalaffairandsoanyinterferencewillnotbe this isananti-terroristoperationtomaintainorder; (in French). to theHeadsofMSFFrance,3November1999 ‘Chechnya’ Email fromMSFdeputylegaladvisor been projectcommittees that haddecided: ‘No, we’redoing with everyone, and theyallsharedmyconcerns. Butthere’d about theinsecurity. know why we’re not going in, but above all spread messages communication approach.Thejournalistsarecuriousto On themediafront,wehaven’tadoptedanactive But noNGOsarepresentontheground. We couldsupportlocalNGOs. some tightcoordination,andforadvocacyissuesaswell. sly.’ MSFFisnotpresentinMoscow.Bis.Soweneed caution, as the Russians don’t like people ‘working on the from thesouth.Butwewouldneedtoproceedwithgreat programme forChechnyabysendinginmedicinesandgoods MSF FisoperatinginGeorgia,anditcouldsetupasupport would lookintothis. population wouldreallybenefit.Theexploratorymission for remotecontroltoo.Butthere’snoguaranteethatthe from theborder).Givencircumstances,wecouldopt ICRC, whoareoperatingin‘remotecontrol’(distribution by theRussians(theyclaimthey’regivingaid),MDMor Ingushetia toassesstheaidgivenrefugees,either Chechen authoritiesandcarryoutashort2-dayvisitto all themeetings,takeupcontactswithRussianand strengthened theteaminMoscowsosomeonecanattend So we’vegotnooneoperatingthererightnow,but in securityterms... situation (theneedsareobvious).Butthishastobepossible to bethereatleastamonthproperlyassessthesecurity soldiers. So wehavenoideaofthe global needs.Weneed some ‘inandout’visits,accompaniedbyRussianorIngush Up until now, only the UN and the OSCE have conducted past holdusbackfromexaminingifwecouldactuallyreturn. F inGeorgia.Theinsecurityandtraumaticexperiencesthe At present, we’re only running operations in Russia, and MSF 200,000 to250,000Chechenrefugees. for Ingushetiainparticular,whichcurrentlyhousessome escape throughtheeastandsouthofcountry,heading in Chechnyatoadefinitiveend.TheChechensaretrying There’s a real intention to bring all nationalist tendencies These days,thingshavetakenaradicalturnfortheworse. northern DagestanagainstChechenterroristincursions. Chechnya. TheRussiansinitiallybombedChechnyatosecure to Chechnyainculturalterms.Soitmaywellbeasrisky region is still partoftheRussianFederationandis very similar targeted usdirectly.AsforaprogrammeinIngushetia,this We leftChechnyafollowing2kidnappingsin1996,which Vincent presentedthesituation. 4. Chechnya:Whyaren’twethere? In early November, I was at the Brussels’ headquarters, In earlyNovember,Iwasatthe Brussels’headquarters, Everyone stareddownattheir feet.Ibroughtthisup and Iasked:‘sowhatarewe doingforChechnya?’ November 1999(inFrench). Minutes ofMSFBelgium’sBoardDirectors,5

75 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

nothing.’ These decisions were mostly taken by people who what motivated them. We don’t know who or why they are weren’t in the field during the first war, who’d run things from doing this. It is very hard to say that something is changed headquarters and who felt bad about everything that’d when we haven’t figured out what happened last time. The happened. And because of that, we didn’t want to start people who are doing the kidnapping are still active–they’re something new. still in Chechnya they’re still at liberty—we don’t have any other reason to think that they would be engaged in anything Dr Bart Ostyns, Field coordinator in Chechnya (1995- else. Plus, in addition to the kidnapping and the 1996), Task Force North Caucasus (1999-2001) assassinations, there were waves of very violent robberies– MSF Belgium (in French) interviewed in August 2000. the kidnappings were not even the worse that MSF Belgian went through. There were some very scary armed robberies which were short-term hostage taking incidents. Everybody had all those memories on their minds. And that’s what HQ was asking us when we were setting up: ‘What has changed? What makes you think that this will not happen again?’ There In 1999, I became Operations Director. Obviously, we was no willingness—both from the people in the field and knew we were in the firing line, whether we spoke out at HQ to go through that again. or not. We were well aware that the people who’d had problems weren’t always those who’d spoken out. From the Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland General Coordinator and moment we were present, we were exposed. From Moscow’s Regional Advisor in North Caucasus, (November 1999- point of view, we were supporting the rebellion; but we were January 2001), Director of Operations (2001-2005) exposed on the Chechen separatist side too. We’d spent enough (in English) interviewed in 2000 time with Chechen groups to know how unpredictable and manipulative they could be, with major criminal cells in their midst. We thought that our security was completely compromised in such an environment. We weighed up the pros and cons; we knew that there were risks. But the extent of the violence was such that when the war re-started, we decided to intervene I’m not critical of MSF’s position at the time – I under- anyway, even if we laid ourselves open to serious consequences. stand it absolutely. The experience of managing the We worked as intelligently as we could. We were deeply shaken hostage crisis was so traumatic for many of the head- by the Novye Atagi tragedy, with the murder of the ICRC quarters’ senior staff, the people who had influence here - members. The ICRC didn’t say a thing, and yet they took the particularly over what we could do in this type of situation - biggest hit. Public protest presented a risk for whoever was that I really understood that everyone had cold feet. I thought involved, but all the others were in danger too. that activities in Chechnya could only ever be symbolic, because I couldn’t see anyone, and I include myself here, saying ‘I’m Dr Jean- Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director hiring you for a mission in Chechnya; the minimum conditions of communication (1996-1998), Director of Operations we require have been satisfied.’ No, it was out of the question; (1998-2000), President (May 2000- May 2008) (in French) the chances of being taken hostage were too great. So we interviewed in 2009 didn’t go back.

Dr Rony Brauman, Research director, MSF Fondation since 1994 (MSF France President from 1982 to 1994) (in French) interviewed in 2000

I think we should have been more aggressive getting access to Chechnya sooner—in retrospect. We definitely should have done it sooner and now it took us till after New Year to have a level of access. [There was The General Director of MSF Holland and the Coordina- access. What was keeping us out was our fear. MSF did not tor in Moscow explained the reasons and above all, the try to get back in at that point. [A lot of the lack of access security risks preventing MSF from working in Chechnya, was based on our own fears not on Russia’s interference. to the international press. Just looking back on it, we can’t be denouncing Russia for not letting us in when we were really not trying to get in. We never asked Moscow for access, we still have not asked even though we work everywhere in Chechnya now. I think ‘ Fears Rise for Chechen Refugees as Winter Nears,’ in a situation like this we establish access—we don’t ask Celestine Bohlen (USA), 30 for access. We get access because we drive in and we start October 1999 (in English). working and that’s what eventually happened. […] The fear was there for a good reason. There were the kidnappings Extract: in 1996. People think only in terms of the kidnappings but International agencies have additional concerns in the North 76 there were also the assassinations. We still do not know Caucasus and those are kidnapping and violence, which over Chechnya. During thelastfewyears,humanitarian interven- aid workerscould have prevented orendedtheconflict in It shouldnotbethoughtthat thepresence of humanitarian blind spotontheworldmap. organisations, toleavein1997, thusmakingChechnyaa area allbutimpossibleand caused MSF,likemostother involving employees.Thishas madepracticalaidinthe from 1995 on, MSF has experienced two kidnapping cases kidnapping industry.Sinceitspresenceinthecountry, workers havebecomethefavouritetargetsofaviolent have hadbadexperiencesinChechnya.Internationalaid ourselves, why is MSF not on the spot? Aid organisations Why ishardlyanyaidbeinggiven?Ortoputthefocuson the borderregions. journalists andaidworkerswhocomeinforshorttripsto situation is dangerous, and they provide armed guards to in Ingushetia.Butlocalauthoritiesconcedethatthe News, whohasbeenmissingfortwoweeks,waslastseen months, althoughareporterforthenewspaperMoscow known tohavetakenplaceintheregionlasttwo According toIngushsecurity forces, nokidnappingsare very complicatedissue.’’ arising, especiallywiththeoncomingwinter.Butitisa for themoment,’’saidMr.Melzouk.‘’Weknowproblemsare because ofthosecriteria,wearenotplanningtointervene security andaccesstobeneficiariesarenotassured conflict, DoctorsWithoutBordershasnotreturned.‘’The of itsemployeeswerekidnapped.Sofarinthecurrent the organizationwithdrewfromregion,soonaftertwo when thewarendedwithavictoryforChechenrebels, tens ofthousandscivilianswerekilled.Butin1996, mission intheregionduring1994-96war,which Doctors WithoutBordersmaintainedalargeandvisible ous thattheriskisvery,veryhigh.’’ world. ‘’The humanitarian world became a target. It is obvi- the NobelPeacePrizeforitsworkinwarzonesaround Borders, theFrenchorganizationthatrecentlywasawarded who headstheMoscow-basedmissionofDoctorsWithout ‘’There wasonecaseafteranother,’’saidMamarMelzouk, been takenhostageinandaroundChechnyasince1996. people -- including Chechens, Russians and foreigners -- have All told,Russiansecurityofficialssaythatmorethan2,000 their operations.[…] war heroes--turnedtohostage-takingasawayfinance lawlessness, asChechenwarlords--someofthemformer ment inChechnya,theregionwassweptwithawaveof tried unsuccessfully to put down a secessionist move- Soon afterthe1994-96warhere,whenRussiantroops regions, includingIngushetia. human rightsworkersoutofChechnyaanditssurrounding the lastseveralyears,havedrivennearlyallforeignaidand Handelsblad (TheNetherlands),1November1999. nally writteninEnglish,publishedDutchNRC Davies, ExecutiveDirectorofMSFHolland,origi- ’Chechnya, FailureofHumanitarianAction,’Austen

the ominoussilencearoundChechnya. must takeanactiveroleupon itself. It ishightimetobreak victims. Iftheyfailtodoso, theinternationalcommunity population andenableindependentaidworkerstohelp aid. […]Thecombatantsmust guarantee therightsoftheir conditions fortheprovisionofindependenthumanitarian that theyareobligedtoguaranteesafetyandcreatethe tional pressure must bring home,tothe responsible parties, community breaksitsattitudeofnon-involvement.Interna - the sameeverywhere.Itishightimethatinternational However differentthesecriseswere,humansufferingis the humanitarianabusesinKosovoandlateronTimor. year, theinternationalcommunitytookresponsibilityfor The UNmissionaloneisnotenough,however.Earlierthis have togiveloudlyandclearlytheRussianauthorities. also unacceptable.Ifanything,thisisamessagetheUNwill or acquaintancesinotherareasoftheRussianFederationis impossibility forChechenrefugeestotravelonrelatives unacceptable. Theabsenceofaidfortherefugeesand not enough.Thatthepopulationisfleeingenmassesimply Russia’s blanddenialofthemanyreportscivilianvictimsis objective picture of thehumanitariansituation in thearea. troops. Thiswillmakeitimpossibletogainan squad Russian itself. Furthermore,itwilltravelunderheavyprotectionof will onlyvisittheneighbouringcountries,notChechnya to takeplacearehardlypromising.Forinstance,themission regard. However,theconditionsunderwhichthismissionis mission totheareamaybefirstbitofgoodnewsinthis cannot turnablindeyetothisconflict.TheproposedUN to adisproportionate degree. The international community a fightagainstterrorism,butwhichaffectsthepopulation people. AndRussiaiswagingawarwhichitjustifyingas not beenabletobringsecurityandcaretheChechen to separatetheircountryfromtheRussianFederationhave sion ofaidimpossible.Localauthoritiesthatareseeking such aborder.InChechnya,gangsaremakingtheprovi- Now, 28yearslater,weareoncemoreconfrontedwith should notstandinthewayoftheseprinciples. international conventions.Bordersandpolitics cal ethics. Aright,moreover, which has been laid down in to humanitarianaid.Thatisamatterofhumanity,medi- populations. MSF has always fought for every individual’s right the worldcommunityallowedleaderstokillandrepresstheir considered more important thantherights of people,and tarian intervention.Often,thesovereigntyofcountrieswas MSF wasestablishedin1971todefendtherightforhumani- a humanelementindehumanisedenvironment. conventions. By being present, aid workers can reintroduce parties involvedtorespecthumanrightsandinternational can standupforthebasicrightsofvictimsandurgeall tion’s presence.Bybeingpresentincrisisareas,aidworkers the importanceofhumanitarianaidismainlyanorganisa- complicate and prolong wars. However, in complex conflicts does notendconflicts;humanitarianinterventionsmayeven save allvictimsofdisastersandconflicts;humanitarianaid tions haveoftenbeencriticised:humanitarianaiddoesnot

77 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

In November, the French section, already based in Geor- ling all the people trying to escape as ‘rebels or terrorists.’ gia, sent three convoys of medicines from the Pankisi Meanwhile, the UNHCR President has declared that there is Valley to Chechnya via the mountains, before the border no ‘humanitarian crisis’ in Chechnya! shut. In the weeks that followed, it developed external MSF set up: consultations and surgical referral activities in the The hospitals are no longer operational, except for the Pankisi valley and Tbilisi, Georgia. The Board of Direc- maternity ward, which is still functioning in a basement. The tors suggested speaking out during the ceremony for the wounded are mostly civilian, and are evacuated, whenever Nobel peace prize, which had just been awarded to MSF. possible, to hospitals in other towns. In the French press, volunteers described the desperate MSF Belgium and MSF Holland are in Moscow, working on fate of the Chechen refugees blocked in the mountains their regular programmes. One person has left to investi- between the two countries. gate possibilities of working in Ingushetia. MSF Paris has contacted two NGOs on the ground to distribute supplies (surgical and small logistics equipment) and is working from Georgia, using local channels. We’re also working on programmes in Georgia itself, and a ‘ Georgia, the Only “Free” Exit for Chechens Under number of Chechens have taken refuge in the Akhmeta region. Fire,’ Sophie Shihab, Le Monde (France), 8 Novem- They’re women and children for the most part – very few ber 1999 (in French). men. They receive health care in the local medical facilities. There are plans to run a vaccination campaign and conduct Extract: interviews with these refugees. The last Russian border guards have just left the country. Nearly 200,000 refugees should now be hastening to the Planned strategy: border crossing in the snow-covered mountains. [...] These An analysis of the situation shows little room for manoeu- groups would rather go to Georgia than Ingushetia, an vre. Access is a serious problem - the roads and mountain ethnic brother and neighbour, but a member of the Russian passes are the only access routes not under Russian control. Federation, where the Russian military blocks the border at But it’s now the middle of winter, and extremely hard to will. [...] It’s an escalating drama, viewed from here: ’There get aid across. are now some 200,000 civilians in the southern Chechnya The situation is even more unacceptable when we compare mountains. They try and escape the bombs by hiding in the it to the international treatment of Kosovo or Timor, for forests around the targeted villages,’ explains Jean-Pierre example, where there was a real urge to separate those Tremblay, Coordinator for MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières), massacring, those deporting, and the victims. from Tbilisi, which, like other humanitarian organisations, So we have decided to write to all the Heads of States attend- has been unable to send aid into Chechnya. The difficulties ing the OSCE summit in Istanbul, to voice our indignation, of the task are illustrated, in part, by accounts given by our outrage, and call for respect for Chechen civilians. refugees who finally made it into Georgia. But they only We also met a Russian diplomat in Paris, and presented our total some 2,000 to 3,000 people. […] project for transporting food and supplies to the refugee Getting into Georgia poses problems in itself. It involves populations. In a very diplomatic manner, he gave us to crossing an initial, snow-covered mountain pass, then understand that every sort of aid is possible, on the condi- sweet-talking one’s way past the Georgian border guards tion that it is transited through Russian hands, and Russian before crossing a second pass, on the Georgian side, higher hands alone. In short, they aim to maintain total control. still, and which is, it seems, constantly closed. Helicopters The Belgium team based in Moscow has applied for visas by are needed to cross it in winter. But in any event, men way of announcing our arrival and our intention to bring in aged between ‘15 and 60’ can’t get across, barring specific a plane. We need to decide if we put staff on this plane, interventions, the details of which are thin on the ground. and if so, whom: people to handle the cargo, or doctors and nurses to monitor its distribution? We have to acknowledge that during the 5 months of Christophe André’s detention, after his kidnapping in Chechnya in the summer of ’97, we Minutes of the MSF France Board of Directors’ stalled the launch of such an operation. The most acceptable Meeting on 19 November 1999 (in French). approach in terms of risk would be the discrete distribution of supplies through Georgia, or, if we want more visibility, Chechnya (Jean-Clement Cabrol, Emergency Desk) through Ingushetia. We’ve committed ourselves already by The situation […]: meeting Ilyas [Akhmadov, Minister of Foreign Affairs for The (rare) journalists who have returned report that the the Maskhadov government]. […] Chechens consider the Russian offensive as an effort to wipe Jean-Hervé Bradol (Operations Director): There’s currently a them out (doubling as a racist campaign against Caucasian real anti-Chechen campaign, even anti-Caucasian campaign, people throughout the Federation). being mounted throughout the Russian Federation. Whatever the case may be, there are still 750,000 people in Christian Losson (Board member): Even in the Duma (Russian Chechnya forming a collective target for the Russians’ blind Parliament), only two deputies opposed this war, and a air raids. The Russian army only deploys land forces once an handful of isolated intellectuals. 78 area has been destroyed, i.eon they comb the ruins label- Françoise Saulnier: We shouldn‘t ignore the economic aspect UNHCR viaanother route.Butitdidn’twork out.Icouldn’t But weonlymanaged togetthereonce.We tried togowith been bombed,andwefoughthard togetthewoundedthrough. take themtoTbilisiforhospital care.Weknewthatithad seriously wounded,including a youngpregnantwoman,and as theyhadbettercontacts.The missionwastopickupthe Chechnya, andtheDutchsuggested thatwegobyhelicopter, tried togobyroadShatili,atownontheborderwith (1998-2000), President(May2000-May2008)(inFrench) But itwashighlyrisky. [French Newspaper],whowentintoChechnyaviaGeorgia. people diditanyway,likeRenaudGirardfromLeFigaro journalists ifwecould.Butitjustwasn’tallowed.Certain to doso.Wewereevenreadygoinconvoy,weasked to Ingushetialater,whenwehadtheoperationalcapacity they canensurethiswaristotallysealedoff). is probablyorchestratedbytheRussiansecretservices,so pressure of kidnapping threats (part of this terror strategy obstacles’ beingthrownupbyMoscowandtheconstant be explainedbytheintensityofwar,‘administrative Conclusion: The absence of MSF’s presence in Chechnya can order (twoweights,twomeasures,etc.) cents’ worthtothegeneralunderstandingofnewworld Nobel Peace Prize speech in mind - we need to add our two we getpublically involved in theissue-I’ve still gotthe this conflictisconstantlybeingcoveredinthepress;soif Virginie Raisson(BoardMember): ‘Yes, but paradoxically, no internationalaidorganisations. ally nojournalists(oneFrenchmanisbeingheldhostage), managed toorganisetheperfect closed-door scenario:virtu Philippe Biberson(President):Moreover,theRussianshave days, wehavereasontoimaginetheworst. 20th .Sowiththe‘industrial’meansbeingemployedthese century, then another 10 to 20% at the beginning of the already lost a large part of their population in the 19th Jean-Hervé Bradol(OperationsDirector):“TheChechens violence, pureandsimple. considered from this angle, we’re dealing with economic zaville havehadthesamebadluck,asithappened.When the facttheyliveonanoilfield.ThepeopleofCongoBraz- of thissituation:parttheChechen’smiseryderivesfrom communication (1996-1998),DirectorofOperations At the time, we didn’t have the means to be everywhere At thetime,wedidn’thavemeanstobeeverywhere an MSFHollandteamonexploratorymission.We trapped ontheothersideofmountain.Wemet Our overridingaimwastoreachthedisplacedpersons in Ingushetia,wedecidedtogoGeorgia.Wewent at once.AndastherewerealreadytwoMSFsections Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof interviewed in2009 - with myideas. getting involved.Buttheprogrammemanagerdidn’tagree prepare trucks,taketheroad,gettoItumKaleandstart stand thefactthatwewerestandingidlyby.Iwantedto I saidtomyself: ‘It’snotsobad.It’sbetter thannothing. don’t wanttodoit.’ human resourcesifit’sforMoscow. Butifit’sforNazran,we the HumanResourcesdepartment said:‘wecanguaranteeyou without havinganyexpatriates ontheground.’That’swhen need toworkinNazran.We’d reallyinvestinthesepeople, to time.We’dgivethemallthecommunication means they to Ingushetia,andwe’dcallthembackMoscowfromtime Moscow, wecouldtrainthemthere.Thenthey’dallgoback work withothers.IfEfindsotherpeopleandbringsthemto idea wastotrainEinMoscow:‘IfitcanworkwithE,could you’re suggestingcannotwork!’Theprojectcommittee’s I wasfurious.reallyclearwiththem,saying:‘What said thatinanyevent,wewouldn’tfindanyonewillingtogo. idea. Itdidn’twantanexpatriatepresenceintheregion,and work viaremotecontrol.Theprojectcommitteerejectedthis everything was underway, it could pull back to Moscow and We proposedtosendateamofexpats,nonetheless.Once more open.Therisksofkidnappingwouldalsorise. off abit,therewouldmoremovements;thebordersbe situation couldonlygetworsewithtime.Ifthewarslacked We feltthat there was a window of opportunity, and the the onlythingwecouldsaywasthattherewerenokidnappings. On thesecurityfront,weknewthattherewerebigrisks,but we’d trainedthem,wecouldbuildupateamandgettowork. came across two tremendously valuable people E and F. Once seemed liketheonlysolutionattime.Oncethere,we December, to see how a remote control set up could work. It the south,whileremainingwithinlaw?Wewentin to check the situation out. Would it be possible to explore two peopleacceptedthatonepersonshouldleaveforMoscow, by theexpatriateteambasedinMoscow. by nationalstaff,trainedandsupervisedatadistance issues), itdecidedtoopenamission.Itwasberun of lengthydiscussions(mainlyfocusedonsecurity working inIngushetia.Someweekslater,afteranumber mission from Moscow to study the possibilities of The BelgiumsectionofMSFsentoutanexploratory (October 1999toJanuary2000),MSFFrance(inFrench), least.’ Toourvastsurprise,atheadquarters,least said: ‘Wecan’tknowthatforsure,wehavetotry,at Some people were saying: ‘They’ll never let us in.’ We Dr BrigitteVasset,DirectorofOperations(1990- 1998), EmergencyCoordinatorinPankisivalley, interviewed in2008.

79 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

After a while, they’ll see that it doesn’t work, that we need In October of ’99 MSF Holland, who I was not working to send someone in from time to time. Maybe we’ll get there, with, - I had done some short-terms things with them despite everything.’ Two or three days later, they phoned me - they called me up saying: ‘you know Chechnya, would to ask me if I wanted to go to Moscow. I said to myself: ‘If I you be willing to help us?’ So I took a leave of absence say no, it’s going to drag on, they’ll have an excuse for doing from my other job, and I said ‘yes, and I went with an agree- nothing.’ So I said yes, and I left on 5th January. I stayed until ment to go for one month’. And I helped them set it up. I mid-February, and we did the training. I was initially sceptical could go to Chechnya and I had friend [to stay with] where I about the idea of bringing a group of Chechens to Moscow. felt safe. From the first war, I knew a lot of people and I didn’t Would the Russians let them in? They did, and the training want to bring other people. So I spent a few weeks in Moscow, was a big success. E had done a good job of recruiting. We’d I spent a few weeks in Nazran meeting old friends from Chech- said to him: don’t focus on people who speak good English, nya to see what I thought was possible to do. I just went back get people who’re good at their job. It wasn’t easy training and I said: ‘You can organize it with a base in Nazran with people through translators, but it went well despite it all, and certain individuals who I think we can trust.’ And I said, ‘I’ll bit by bit, I started to believe that it could work. just do it for two or three months.’ I went and I created an office. I became, really, the Coordinator for that period late ’99 Dr Bart Ostyns, Field coordinator in Chechnya and the beginning of 2000. I had worked in Chechnya in (1995-1996), Task Force North Caucasus (1999-2001) ’95-’96, it was a very bad time, and so I said, ‘I’ll set up the MSF Belgium (in French) interviewed in August 2000 mission but really I don’t want to stay here a long time.’ So they found another Coordinator, and I handed over to him and they agreed that I would stay for three or four months to help, get him settled.

Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland General Coordinator and The idea put forward during the project committee Regional Advisor in North Caucasus, (November 1999- was to base an expatriate team in a hospital or hotel January 2001), Director of Operations (2001-2005) 24/7. We would build up a team with experienced (in English) interviewed in 2000 national staff – people we’d worked with during the first Chechen war. They would run the consultations and deliver the assistance, and join the expats every night to debrief on their work, on how to assist the displaced, on medical practices, but also on the psychological and emotional effects of helping I came to Moscow to visit Ton Koene, the Coordinator, their compatriots like this. This project was refused by as a representative of my organization. I proposed headquarters, who considered that the added value was too him a project on providing assistance to refugees. In small compared to the risk, and there was no direct contact a short while after that, I received the proposal from Ton with the beneficiaries. Yet we did pretty much the same thing Koene to come to Moscow again to discuss the options about in Iraq in 2003 and 2004, but with a team based in the thick the assistance that can be provided. The first project was with of the fighting. It had taken five years of trial and error to refugees and distribution of hygiene items, and then with set it up. The proposition that did get through involved running drugs for medical facilities. MSF has actually implemented a team in total ‘remote control,’ with expatriates based these first two projects through my organization. During that exclusively and permanently in Moscow. A Chechen and/or period, Ton Koene and Kenny have come to get acquainted Ingush team based in Nazran would do the work. They would to the situation. And during the first days of December, they come to Moscow to debrief every six weeks, and there would made me a proposal to head the project of MSF in North be daily contact by phone or mail between the expatriate and Caucasus. I knew Kenny from the first war. He worked with national teams. my brother and after the attack we were living in neighbour- ing compounds. So he knew me quite well. Jean-Christophe Dollé, Coordinator of MSF Belgium’s North Caucasus project, March to November 2000 C, member of MSF North Caucasus staff (in French), interviewed in 2008. (in Russian, translated into English by an MSF interpreter) interviewed in 2008

Meanwhile, MSF Holland recruited Kenny Gluck, a former journalist, who worked in conjunction with humanitarian On the 4 November, the border crossings between Ingush- organisations. He knew the Caucasus well, and had built up etia and Chechnya re-opened leaving the Chechen refugees a solid network of contacts during the first Chechen war. free to return A UNHCR delegation conducted a five day In late 1999/early 2000, he opened an office in Nazran, visit to Ingushetia and Dagestan. Meanwhile, the Russian Ingushetia, and recruited a local, experienced team who forces continued to encircle and fire on Grozny. The German started to organise distributions of medicines and sup- Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the Russians 80 plies in hospitals and Chechen refugee camps in the area. had created a humanitarian disaster in the Caucasus. entirety back into the Russian Federation’s fold. ‘The army to wipeoutthe ‘terrorists,’buttogatherChechnya inits first timethatthemilitary operation’saimwasnotjust of Defence,FieldMarshalIgor Sergeyev,revealedforthe the MoscowTimes,onFriday. OnWednesday,theMinister they run this war,” observed the English-speaking paper, the PrimeMinisterVladimirPutin andBorisYeltsininhow have obtainedanunprecedenteddegreeofautonomyfrom But onethingisforsure,theRussiangeneralsseemto “It’s hardtoreallyunderstandwhoisinchargeofwhat. name of‘thefightagainstterrorism.’ final sayintheChechenaffairandadoptsahardline particularly the Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, who has the Apparently, theyhavethetotalsupportofgovernment, outcome tothewar,asin1996. and crushingtheseparatists,ratherthannegotiatinganew days thattheiraiminChechnya(northCaucasus)isvictory The Russianmilitaryhavemadeitverycleartheselastfew into theRussianFederation’sfold. had theunambiguousaimofgatheringChechnyaback ted thatbesideseradicatingtheterrorists,operation On 5November,theRussianMinisterofDefenceadmit- during atriptoWashington. the German Minster of Foreign Affairs, Joschka Fischer, by usingthemilitarytointerveneagainstChechnya,decried Russia hascreated‘ahumanitariandisaster’intheCaucasus press conferenceonWednesdayevening. ants), stressedtheIngushpresidentRuslanAuchevina of them have taken refuge in Ingushetia (340,000 inhabit- In total,195,135peoplehavefledChechnya,and178,000 Dagestan, toevaluatetherefugees’humanitarianneeds. lics neighbouringtheseparatistChechnya,Ingushetia,and The delegation carried outafive dayvisitinthetwo repub- thousand peoplewerewaiting. Kavkaz, ontheChechensideofborder,whereseveral A UNHCRdelegationrunbyNikolasKossidisheadedoutto several daysofRussiansoldiersholdingbacksuchtraffic. that civilians were once again free to enter Ingushetia, after A senior Ingush officer at the checkpoint in Kavkaz, told AFP Kala, accordingtoanAFPreporterontheground. off theroadleadingtoneighbouringregionofAlkhan- last Thursday,aremovinginontheChechencapital,cutting The Russianforces,whichbombedtheareaaroundGrozny Extract: (Kavkaz, Russia)4November1999(inFrench). (France) Closer toGrozny.’NicolaïTopouria,AFP ‘Ingushetia’s Border Reopens. The Russians Move November 1999(inFrench) Negotiate withThem,’ ‘Russian GeneralsWanttoCrushtheChechens,not AFP (France)(Moscow),5

members. support amongsttheSecurityCouncil’spermanent erable concern.Hispositionnonethelessgarneredno that hewasmonitoringeventsinChechnyawithconsid- On the12November,UNSecretaryGeneraldeclared hammering hispointhome. that itcangoalltheway’expoundedFieldMarshalSergeyev, has thefullsupportofPresidentYeltsin,andunderstands the sufferingof theinnocentcivilianvictims oftheconflict. essential inensuring promptinternationalaction toalleviate strengthen and expand their relief programs. This will be the report’srecommendations inviewastheyprepareto asked theUnitedNationshumanitarian agenciestokeep forth the mission’s findings and recommendations. He has end of last week. He has now received the report setting the humanitarianmissionwhichhesenttoregionat the RussianFederationforreceiving,andcooperatingwith, The Secretary-GeneralwishestothanktheGovernmentof he believescanonlybedonethroughapoliticalprocess. time inseekingalong-termsolutiontotheconflict,which population fromfurthersuffering.Heurgesthemtoloseno leadership totakeimmediatestepsprotectthecivilian women and children. He renews his appeal to the Russian and highcasualtiestocivilians,includingtheelderly rooting outterrorists,andthatithascausedgreatsuffering evolved far beyond a campaign with the limited objective of scope ofthemilitaryoffensiveinChechnyaseemstohave The Secretary-General, therefore, is disturbed to see that the always receivethehighestpriority. tion ofinnocentciviliansfromtheeffectsconflictshould be fullyrespectedatalltimes.Thismeansthattheprotec- especially, theGenevaConventions-isbindingandmust He recallsthatinternationalhumanitarianlaw-including, and shouldbefocuseddirectlyontheterroriststhemselves. use of force to combat this scourge should be proportional, combating andendingterrorism,heconsidersitvitalthatthe Northern Caucasuswithgreatconcern.Whilecommittedto The Secretary-Generalhasbeenfollowingthesituationin the SpokesmanforSecretary-GeneralKofiAnnan: The following statement was issued today by the Office of an SGwhohasNOsupportfrompermanentmembers.[…] with themyesterday),anditisquitestronglanguagefor people ‘informally’ and Ogata discussing it openly at lunch statement isaboutthisbestwillget(andOCHAbriefingUN very littleatUNagencylevel.ThisSG[SecretaryGeneral] Iraq onagendanextmonth,can’tupsettheRussians...), because US and UK are next 2 SC presidents, and with level FORSURE(theydon’twanttomakewaves,­­ NOTHING WILLHAPPENINNY,notatSC[SecurityCouncil] Extract: Network, 12November1999(inEnglish). Liaison inNewYorktoMSFInternalCaucasus ‘SG onChechnya,’ Email fromLauraBrav,MSFUN especially

81 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

SPEAK OUT, considerable pressure. There are fears that all our efforts AS WE CAN’T TAKE ACTION? to access the region will come to nothing, and our projects in Siberia will take a severe hit. Because of this logical and pertinent reaction, I think that: - It is too late to stop things now. As announced last night, Paris has started the ball rolling. - I would ask all operational centres to take note that this The same day, the president of the Organisation for initiative, according to our Moscow contacts, quashes any Security in Europe (OSCE) voiced its powerlessness in possibility of exploratory or other initiatives begun from public, after its delegates had been turned back from Russia for the next few weeks at least (physical danger for Chechnya by the Russian authorities. expats, as well as administrative problems), and so too, all potential MSF presence alongside the refugees – unless the During the OSCE’s summit in Istanbul on 17th November, comm initiative launched takes a very low profile. MSF France published an open letter calling on the member - I would also ask everyone to ensure that this initiative countries’ Heads of State to ‘employ all means available relating to Chechnya is clearly dissociated from the other to bring the Russians’ indiscriminate bombing to a halt, work carried out by MSF in Russia (TB programme in Mariinsk secure the Chechens’ right to flee for safety in Georgia, - tied in with the access to medicines campaign). and assure access for organisations providing aid.’ There is a real climate of paranoia in Moscow, and it is about to make itself felt. Our head of mission has several years’ The General Director and Operations Director of MSF experience in the region and I trust his analysis and the Belgium, and the Medical Coordinator of MSF Holland risks he describes. Nonetheless, our wait-and-see attitude questioned the relevance of this open letter, and regret- towards Chechnya is as difficult to swallow as ever. So it’s ted that the decision had been taken, according to them, in the temperance of our communication that will make the without consulting the teams in the field. They feared difference and this difficult balance. This is, by the way, the that it would undermine their sections’ operational same argument used by the MSF sections in Georgia not to efforts underway in Ingushetia. MSF Belgium was also placie the other projects in danger. concerned about the Russian government’s reaction with It’s a real shame that no MSF section, including MSF B, regards to its other programmes in Moscow and Siberia. took the initiative to meet the Russian authorities before embarking on this process. This initiative was planned for the end of this week. Such haste will only add to the pressure on our Moscow teams. ’The OSCE Powerless in Chechnya, Observes its President,’ , Helsinki, 12 November 1999 (in French).

Extract: ‘ AM: Communication on Chechnya,’ Email from The OSCE, created in Helsinki 24 years ago and encompassing Vincent Janssens, Director of Operations MSF 54 participating states, strives to play at least a humanitarian Belgium, to MSF Executive Directors, Communica- role in Chechnya. ’Howver, the OSCE must also be involved tion Directors, Operation Directors, 16 November (politically) in the search for a long term solution for the 1999 (in English). region,’ added Mr Vollebaek. An OSCE delegation has just tried to visit the separatist Extract: republic, but was turned back by the Russian authorities. It is only now, with more details on the initiative (until Mr. Vollebaek said that Mr Ivanov later claimed it was a yesterday it was never the idea to make it a press release!) ‘misunderstanding.’ and feedback from the field that I realize that the form ‘I deeply regret that he has stripped the OSCE of any political and the timing will match neither our objective of seeking role,’ continued Mr Vollebaek. Igor Ivanov added that he assistance of the vulnerable populations [nor] [n]either our did not want the OSCE summit, to be held in Istanbul the objective of confronting constructively the local authorities following week, to veer off onto a debate on Chechnya, and with our opinion. It would just give us the satisfaction (at thus (we can conclude) raise questions on Moscow. HQ) to have spoken out. I think that although temoignage [advocacy] has as such not an obligation of impact or result, that we shouldn’t be blind for the probable consequences by going for what some “ Re: communication on Chechnya” Email from consider as a unique opportunity. Already, before sending Alex Parisel, director general of MSF Belgium, to it out we [all] agree that given the fact that thousands the general directors of all MSF sections, 16 of similar letters were brought out already by different November 1999 (in French). instances, the Russians will probably [be] the only ones to take notice of it, [n]ot necessarily of the content (which The reaction from Moscow is understandable, and it places is not at all “scoopy”), but of the signature. 82 our operations in Russia, and so our entire section, under A recent meeting of humanitarians (UN-NGO’s) in Moscow not support the MSF France press statement. MSF France is not support the MSF France press statement. MSF France is to international leaders(excludingRussia). However wedo advance), aletterofconcernregarding Chechnya,addressed MSF HollandRussiawouldsupport (ifwehadbeennotifiedin should beconsulted. population mustbeconsidered andinthisprocess,thefield speaking outandbeingable toprovideassistancethis regards totheaffectedpopulation.Thebalancebetween of internationalhumanitarianlawandhumanrightswith in Chechnya andIngushetiahasto address the abuses An advocacystrategyaddressingthehumanitariancrisis Moscow withfeedbacktoall. I proposeanagendafortakinguptheissuelocallyin sending oftheletterandpressrelease.Inexchange the [cancellation]annulationofinitiative,both that weshouldallagreeonsuchaninitiative,Iaskfor In conclusion,giventhefactthatstartingpointwas are alsosensitivetosuchanargument. I understandfromfeedbackGeorgiathatothersections MDR-TB programme. extend towardsotheroperationsinRussia,inclusivethe Northern Caucasusisguaranteed,butmeasuresmight The negative [reactions] to any operationality in the MSF elements). content (apoliticalmessagewithoutadditionalspecific overreact, bothtotheform(foreignaccusation)as (apparently already very hyper-sensitive on the issue) to trust themtobeit)concretelyexpectstheauthorities The fieldteam(andifsomebodyknowstheRussiansI authorities beforegoingpublic. principle thatweshouldfirsttackletheissuewithlocal 3. Putusinternallyincontradictionwiththetemoignage access. concern onthesituation,[or]toformallyaskhumanitarian with theRussianauthoritieseithertoexpressdirectlyour to admitthatthus far we didn’t take any formal initiative 2. Makefoolsofustowardsthemediawhomwe’llhave physical target)[expulsion]ofthisperson 1. Rendertotallyimpossible(nottosay[create]apossible This communiquéwouldassuch: envoy’ forthatmatterthere. issue. Maybewelostsometimebutnowhavea‘special did nottakeupdirectcontactwiththeauthoritiesonthis At present the only section really operational in Russia So farMSF-B: also forallNGO’s. evolution, in particular forMSF (our choice?)but possibly It isforeseeablethatthesekindofmessagescanstopthis NGO’s ingeneral,andFrenchparticular(Védrine?). the Russianauthoritiesareparticularlydistrustfulabout towards humanitarianaccesstotherefugeesbutalsothat with theRussianauthoritiesrevealsthatthereisevolution 16 November1999(inEnglish). Marie Skinnider,MSFHollandMedicalCoordinator, from TonKoene,MSFHollandcoordinatorand ‘ Urgent MessageRegarding Press Statement,’ Email

reconsider this advocacy letter as a press statement. reconsider thisadvocacyletterasapressstatement. aid tothedisplacedpopulation.Wethereforeappeal speaking outcouldpotentiallyjeopardizetheprovisionof MSF HollandisstartingoperationsinIngushetiaandsuch the sectionsthatareoperationalinRussiapriortoanyaction. not operationalinRussiaandshouldthereforehaveconsulted utmost attention. We sincerely hope that you will give the urgent matter your that theindiscriminatekillingscease. support andaidtotheRussiangovernmentoncondition As HeadofState,itiswithinyourpowertorestrict - - - authorities to: to exerciseallthepressureinyourpoweronRussian Minority Rights,weaskyou,duringthesummitinIstanbul, Human RightsandOSCErulesregarding civilians. GiventhesystematicviolationofInternational that resultincarnageandcountlesslossoflivesamongst long rangeshellingusingparticularlydestructiveweapons forces todayisevenmoredeadlyasitdeploysastrategyof of 1,000,000inhabitants.ThewarwagedbytheRussian population: therewereover50000deathsoutofapopulation unprecedented violenceanddecimatedtheChechen The firstwarinChechnya(1994-1996)wasalreadyof civilians impossible. humanitarian aidinfavourofthedisplacedandwounded Russian military onChechenterritory renders allindependent who seektreatmentcanleave.Thealloutwarledbythe assistance in neighbouring republics nor the wounded conditions: neitherthosewhowishtoseekrefugeand has furthermoreaggravatedthepopulation’ssurvival The haphazardclosingofbordersbytheFederalAuthorities repeatedly beenthetargetsofattacksbyRussianarmy. effect civilians.Hospitals,marketsandschoolshave terrorism, it is subject to collective retaliations that mainly for over two months. Under the pretext of a fight against of systematic,indiscriminatebombingsbyRussianforces in Chechnya.TheChechenpopulationhasbeenthetarget indignation concerning the plight of the civilian population this week,wefeelitimportanttoexpressourrevoltand On theeveofOSCEsummittobeheldinIstanbul Mr President assistance. give refugeesandwoundedaccesstohumanitarian outside thecountrytodoso authorise thosewhowishtoleaveChechnyaseekrefuge Chechen population immediately stoptheindiscriminatebombingof English). Member States,17November1999(inFrench/in the Presidents and Prime Ministers of the OSCE ’Open Letter from MédecinsSansFrontières,’to

83 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Even if we overlooked the humanitarian or human still in the capital. The ‘safe passage’ is routed to the North rights aspects and took the political side alone, there to the Russian controlled area, not to Ingushetia. was no way this crisis could become international, International criticism is increasing. However, Putin openly because it involved Russia, a permanent member of the Security stated that he believes that western leaders will not act to Council. Normally, in the event of an outbreak of war, the oppose the Russian campaign: Security Council is in charge of maintaining peace and Blair said ministers were likely to discuss international security. It’s supposed to take more or less Chechnya (and ultimatum) at a meeting in Brussels on involved decisions, set up mediation, name an emissary to Monday and at an EU summit in Finland at the end of this resolve the conflict, impose embargos, etc. But in this case, week. there was no question of the war being discussed by the Clinton condemned the Russian strategy to wipe Grozny off Security Council, nor could the UN Secretary General nominate the map (7.12.1999). a special envoy. All the UN human rights systems were paralysed French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine said on 5.12.1999 as well. The OSCE was also crippled, being an organisation the West would keep up pressure on Russia to make Moscow created by Russia, for Russia, with a system of reaching end its military campaign in the rebel region of Chechnya decisions by consensus, i.e. according all its members the right and reach a political settlement. to veto. Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe Alvaro Gil-Robles arrived in Moscow on 28.11.1999. […] MSF deputy legal advisor, 1995-2005 IMF reports to seriously reconsider withdrawing funding if (in French) interviewed in 2008 the international community does not support (27.11.1999) Norwegian Foreign Minister and present Chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Knut Vollebaek met Prime Minister Igor Ivanov in Moscow. Russia flatly rejects OSCE mediation offer on Chechnya on 29.11.99 On 4 December, the Russian forces launched a An envoy of Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov warned on substantial air attack on Grozny, totally cutting it 3.12.1999 that Russian forces were preparing to use chemical off. On 5 December, the Russian military commander weapons in their military onslaught on the breakaway distributed tracts informing Grozny’s population that all Caucasian region. persons remaining in the town after the 11 December ‘would be considered terrorists, and annihilated by artillery and aerial fire.’ In practice, the civilian population was completely hemmed in, and refused to ‘ Chechnya: Yeltsin Issues Serious Warning to Clinton’ use the corridor set up and controlled by the Russian AFP (France), Beijing, 9 December 1999 (in armed forces, which lead to Russian territory, and not French). Ingushetia, as announced. The international community’s condemnation gained momentum. On 5 December, the “It seems that Mr Clinton has forgotten that Russia is a great French Minister of Foreign Affairs declared that the power with a nuclear arsenal in its possession,” declared West would maintain pressure on Russia to call a halt the Russian President to journalists just before a meeting to its military operation. On 7 December, Bill Clinton, with China’s number two, Li Peng. “We aren’t at all afraid of President of the United States, condemned the Russian’s Clinton’s anti-Russian position” he added, in strident tones. strategy to bring Grozny to its knees. On 8 December, “I want to tell President Clinton that he alone cannot several European Ministers of State, along with the dictate how the world should live, work and play. It’s up Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, declared that the to us to dictate” he said, in words translated into English ultimatum on Grozny was inadmissible, and brandished by a Russian official. the threat of sanctions against Russia. On 9 December, Boris Yeltsin reminded the United States that Russia was a nuclear power.

The most important thing is the continuing level of Sitrep 004 North Caucasus – 29/11 to 7/12 1999,’ violence for the last 10 years. I’ve worked in a lot of MSF Holland (in English). places as a consultant for aid agencies and you hear that this war is unique everywhere. All wars are unique; this Extract: is the nature of war. The Chechen war is specific among recent General situation wars because it is an old war—old weapons unlike Sudan and […] Russia’s military issued an ultimatum on 5.12.99 telling other places where most of the wars we fight now are fought all Chechens to leave Grozny within five days or face an with a Kalashnikov and an RPG. This is an old war and it is onslaught by artillery and aircraft. An unknown number of fought with a lot of World War 2 weapons. The bombing of civilians remain trapped in Grozny. Russia’s migration service Grozny—we don’t see this anymore—the last time it happened said it expected 20,000 to 30,000 people to flee in the next was WW2. There are no cities like Grozny—none of the African 84 five days. Others (e.g. BBC) report that 50,000 civilians are conflicts have something like that level of intensive be heardloudlyinOslo,reflectsthisreality. there. Iassumethatanystatement,whichhopefullywill in Chechnyaandthetreatmentofcivilianpopulation Ingushetia, butratherintheactivities of theRussiantroops catastrophe -doesnotlieintheconditionofIDPs reality here.Theproblemintheregion-humanitarian will beimportantthatthestatementdoesnotdistort might causeinourworkIngushetia.Wedidthinkthatit agreed thatthestatementwasworthanyobstaclesit MSF’s upcomingstatementaboutChechnya.Theyalso I didspeakwithBart[Ostyns]andJean[Pletinckx]about Extract: V17 in frontoftheRussianFederation’sEmbassyOslo. City Hall balcony, the MSF representatives demonstrated tradition of Nobel Peace Prize winners appearing on the bombing Chechnya’scivilianpopulation.Overridingthe President beganwithacalltoYeltsinstop speech givenbyJamesOrbinsky,theMSFmovement’s Prize, awardedtotheorganisationon15October.The MSF memberswenttoOsloreceivetheNobelPeace themselves trappedunderfireinGrozny,adelegationof On 10 December, while40,000civiliansonceagainfound the centreofcityiscompletelygone. destroyed ahugecity—acityof400,000people.Inwhich bombardments. Theytargetedahugecityandcompletely heed ofthesecalls. urging theFrenchPresidentandPrimeMinistertotake Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus,(November1999-

January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005) Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand MSF France launched a petition on the internet MSF Francelaunchedapetitionontheinternet 1999 (inEnglish). MSF HollandCoordinatorinMoscow,9December Gluck, MSFHollandRegionalAdvisorCaucasusto ‘Re: RegardsfromIngushetia,’EmailKenny OF THENOBELPRIZE MAKING THEMOST (in English)interviewedin2000

Orbinsky says. a righttohumanitarianassistanceandprotectionnow,”Dr at will.ThepeoplecaughtinthefightingChechnyahave war isnotaprivilegeforgovernmenttograntorwithhold years. “Thepresenceofmedicalandhumanitarianstaffin following thekidnappingandkillingofaidworkersinrecent maintain asustainedinternationalpresenceintherepublic, impossible forindependenthumanitarianaidagenciesto and helpmeet the needsof civilians.” Ithas become allbut neutral organizationssuchasMSFcanreturntotherepublic conflict torestoretheconditionsinwhichindependent, and injured,” Dr Orbinsky says. “We urge all parties to the been madeforthemtoevacuatesafely,particularlythesick “Even assumingthatpeoplewanttoleave,noprovisionhas entire citycannotberegardedasalegitimatemilitarytarget. MSF’s international president, Dr James Orbinsky, says thatan Extract: all—as civilsociety,ascitizens,andhumanbeings. law, warcrimes,andcrimesagainsthumanityapplytous wars are an affair of the state, violations of humanitarian bombing ofdefencelessciviliansinChechnya.Ifconflictsand Russia andthroughhim,toPresidentYeltsin,stopthe it. IappealheretodaytohisExcellencytheAmbassadorof what youacknowledgeinusisourparticularresponseto people incrisisissocentraltothehonouryougivetoday, the infirmwhocannotescapeGrozny.Whiledignityof assistance isvirtuallyunknown.Itthesick,old,and bombing bytheRussianarmy.Forthem,humanitarian and formorethanthreemonths,areenduringindiscriminate The peopleofChechnya—andtheGrozny—today, Nobel Committee,Excellencies,LadiesandGentlemen: Your Majesties,Highness,MembersoftheNorwegian Extract: across the front, were accompanied by Chechens and members across thefront, wereaccompaniedbyChechens andmembers Members ofMSF, sportingTshirtsblazing ‘Grozny’ inred the bombinginChechnya. the RussianEmbassyinOslo on Friday,protestingagainst received theNobelPeacePrize, demonstratedinfrontof organisation MédecinsSansFrontières (MSF),whohadjust Some onehundredmembers oftheFrenchhumanitarian Extract: release (MSF UK)10December1999(inEnglish). Must be Given Access to Humanitarian Aid,’ Civilians inChechnya–thePeopleof ‘Russia MustStopIndiscriminateAttacksAgainst December1999 (inEnglish/inFrench). International atNobelPeacePrizeReception,10 Delivered byJamesOrbinsky,PresidentofMSF (in French). in Oslo,’ ‘MSF DemonstratesinFrontoftheRussianEmbassy AFP (France),Oslo,10December1999 Press

85 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

of Amnesty International, a human rights organisation. in December. I skipped Oslo. I found it far more meaningful According to Françoise Saulnier, Legal Director for MSF, the being in Chechnya than strutting around Oslo with a Grozny organisation was demonstrating to “lift the ultimatum order- t-shirt on. I wasn’t against the idea of demonstrating with ing Grozny’s population to leave the city, which was issued t-shirts at the Nobel reception, but I thought my idea was by the Russian Army. We know that there are still women, better. It bothered me that the French were going to make children and elderly people there who cannot get out.” waves when we weren’t doing anything in the field at that time.

Dr. Bart Ostyns, Field coordinator in Chechnya Petition Text, MSF France, 10 December 1999 (in (1995-1996), Task Force North Caucasus (1999-2001) French/in English). MSF Belgium (in French) interviewed in August 2000

Dear Sir, Dear Madam, For more than three months, the city of Grozny, like all of the Chechen Republic, has been unrelentingly bombarded by the Russian armed forces. Cities, villages, hospitals, and I think we knew that we were going to have the most markets have been taken as targets. No person or place has amazing audience when the Nobel Peace Prize was been spared. handed over, and as we had real trouble raising inter- More than 200,000 civilians have come to seek refuge in est in Chechnya, everyone agreed that we had to make the neighboring republics, after having walked in cold and snow, most of the moment to put Chechnya on the table. It was like after having waited hours for the borders to be opened… we started spreading our wings, thanks to or because of the the wounded, the sick, and the old are not able to undergo Nobel Prize. In MSF’s collective unconscious, we maybe thought this long exodus. we could push things really far. We were bringing emergency aid to the men and women attempting to escape this terrible war from 1994 to 1996. […], MSF deputy legal advisor, 1995-2005 Today, the violence is such that we are not able to be (in French) interviewed in 2008 physically present in Chechen territory. Even if we deploy all our efforts to make medical materials available to destitute hospitals, our actions are limited. We have been forced to accept our powerlessness. Against this unbearable war, against the indiscriminate massacres, voices have already been raised, but to no avail. The Nobel Peace Prize was a golden opportunity. When To save the Chechen population that remains in the territory, you’re given the Nobel the day before an ultimatum we have to do more, and we have to do it fast. runs out, you’ve just got to demonstrate in front of At a time when the Russian army is engaging in a full-scale the Russian ambassador. On the contrary, it would have been massacre of civilians and is blocking humanitarian aid from shameful to indulge in diplomatic niceties during a prize reaching the conflict’s victims, it is unacceptable that Russia ceremony like that. But that’s it. There was such huge internal sits on the European Council. It is also intolerable that frustration, it was hard to really put on diplomatic airs, thus this merciless war be funded by the citizens of democratic any gesture of defiance that was acceptable to all had to be nations, through European Union financing and through carried out. And the actions we took around the Nobel Peace International Monetary Fund credits. Prize were acceptable. Last November 16th we asked the Heads of States and Governments, assembled at Istanbul, to intervene and stop Dr Rony Brauman, director of studies, MSF Fondation this violence. Today, it is your turn to ask the President since 1994 (MSF France President from 1982 to 1994) of the French Republic and the Prime Minister to use all (in French) interviewed in 2000 the means in their power to obtain the following from the Russian authorities: • The immediate halt of indiscriminate bombing of the Chechen population • The authorization for those wanting to leave Chechnya On 13 December, the border between Chechnya and to seek refuge outside of the Republic Georgia closed, and civilians in southern Chechnya • Medical aid access to wounded refugees were trapped. On 17 December, in a letter addressed to Those of you who know us and support our actions, please Georgia’s President, MSF France and MSF USA called for the get involved by sending us your signature. immediate re-opening of the Georgian/Chechen border. Two press releases supporting this call were issued on 17 and 23 December, respectively, along with a report giving eyewitness accounts collected from Chechen I had the enviable choice of going to Oslo to represent refugees. V18 86 MSF Belgium or going to Chechnya for my explo mission with theGeorgianauthorities?) on accountsbythelastpeopleoutofChechnya=problem long, insufficientlyreactive?Frequentpressreleasesbased (Preparation ofawesterngovernmentlobbyingdoc=too How willthisinformationbeusedcomingoutofChechnya? medical activities.Isthisclearlystatedinourobjectives? collecting’ musn’tbecompletelydisconnectedfromourdaily up aregularinterventioninAkhmeta,this‘witnessaccount Rights Watch]todoit?Insofarasweareplanningstart or encouraging organisations like Amnesty or HRW [Human Questions pending: should we be doing this work ourselves, over thelastfewdays). latest arrivals (especially those transferred by the UNHCR to spendmoretimecollectingfirsthandaccountsfromthe regarding theChechenpopulation’sfate.Soit’simportant these refugees are our last source of credible information in PankisiValley]withtheAkhmetarefugeesisnowcritical: officer] andBrigitte[Vasset,MSFFEmergencycoordinator The workbegunbyBenedicte[Jeannerod,Communication Chechen warhavenowinexorablydriedup. future. Thus all independent sources of information on the attempts byMDM,andthisisunlikelytochangeinthenear has notsetfootinthefield,despiteafewhalf-hearted journalists’ militant approach). The humanitarian community was onlypartiallyrousedinthefirstplace(despitecertain rather thanbychoice,forsure–whilethepublic’sinterest to wane–duethesecurityrisksinvolvedinthesetrips back reportsandimages.Butthemomentumhasstarted far. Journalists havebeen to the field several times, bringing The warinChechnyahasreceivedwidespreadcoverageso community C/ Our role with regard to public opinion/the international Extract: by familiesinthe Akhmetavalley,100kilometres southof the weatherpermits. 4,000refugeeshave beentakenin metres. MSFplanstosetupheated tentsthereassoon the heart of the mountains, at an altitude of around 2,600 - TherefugeescrossatShatili, avillageontheborderin - Whathelpdotheyreceive? rare, oftenelderlyman. a trickleoffiveortenday:womenandchildren,with a night andday.Thenumberofnewarrivalshasdroppedto valley, whichleadstotheborderandRussiansbomb during thepastfewweeks.It’stoodangerousinArgun waves sinceOctober.Buthardlyanyhavecrossedover - We’vecountedaround5,000.They’vebeenarrivingin “How manyrefugeeshavereachedGeorgiasofar? Sans Frontières(MSF). spent afortnightasan“emergencycoordinator”forMédecins Brigitte VassethasjustreturnedfromGeorgia,whereshe 1999 (inFrench). programme managerMSFFrance,12December ‘Georgia-Chechnya –Update,12December1999,’ (France), 14 December 1999 (in French). Le Monde (France), 14 December 1999 (in French). ‘Refugees areBroken,UnabletoLooktheFutur,’

minimum weshouldexpectintimesofwar. pressure up so at least the hospitals can receive help – the themselves, whichisunacceptable,ofcourse.We’llkeepthe they agreedontheconditionthatdistributedaid into Nazran.Foralongtime,theyflatlyrefused,andthen - We’verepeatedlyaskedtheRussianstoletusbringaid in Ingushetia? - What’sMSFdoingtohelpthe230,000Chechensholedup mattresses, saucepans and should start with food this week. or poliomyelitis.InAkhmeta,theUNHCRisdistributing vaccinate theirchildrenagainstdiphtheria,tetanus,measles the border.Beforewearrived,Georgianscouldn’t negative feelingstowardsChechensaren’tapparentnear during theirstruggleagainstGeorgiain1993.Butany the situation’s tense: the Chechens helped the Abkhazians High CommissionforRefugees(UNHCR)andMSF.Forsure, grace. Meetingsareheldwiththeirgovernment,theUN - TheGeorgiansacceptinternationalassistancewithgood and theGeorgianauthorities? - Howarerelationsbetweenhumanitarianorganisations means oftransport. snow rightthroughtoMarch.Weneedfindalternative leaving will soon become impassable, blocked off by are shortofresources,andwinter’sabouttosetin.Theroad shelter inGeorgiaaresaturated.TheGeorgiansthemselves of refugeesmakeitacrosstheborder.Thepossibilitiesfor But theneedswillbecomefarmorepressingifnewwaves - Untilnow,thingshavebeenmoreorlessundercontrol. - What’stheemergencyinGeorgia? want to‘wipethemout.’ future. Theysaythattheydon’tunderstandwhytheRussians Many ofthemseemlost,broken,andunabletolookthe know whichwaytoturn. This time,theywerebombedrelentlessly,anddidn’t to aneighbouringvillageforsafetyiftheirswasbombed. war.’ Theytellusthatinthepast,theycouldalwaysrun war (1994–1996),whichtheynowcallthe‘democratic - TheyseemfarmoredesperatethanduringChechnya’sfirst - Whatdotherefugeeshavetosay? the samevalley. or soothershavebeenputupincrèchesandschools and theyunderstandeachothers’languages.Thethousand Shatili. These people have traditional ties with the Chechens, conditions (no shelter,foodorhealthcare), theriskof is administratively closed.Given these people’s living hand tomouth,withnomeans ofcrossingastheborder already scattered along your country’s border, living from there isnootherwayout.Several hundredChechensare are tryingtoescapetherandom bombing,andtheyknow Russian Federation border over the last few days. They population who have been heading for the Georgian and We areextremelyconcernedaboutthefateofChechen Extract: Letter 17 December1999(inFrench). from PhilippeBiberson,PresidentofMSFFrance, to the President of the Republic of Georgia, to thePresidentofRepublicGeorgia,

87 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

being bombed and their longing to escape this war, we against ‘Chechen bandits’ has every appearance of a collec- urge you to reopen the border without delay, thereby saving tive punishment inflicted on the whole of the population. hundreds of civilian lives. The intensity of the military operation in Chechnya denotes Time is also of the essence in light of the weather - the an internal armed conflict and is therefore under regulation logistic conditions for evacuating these people to other of humanitarian law. Certain practices by the Russian mili- sites will become increasingly hazardous as winter sets in. tary manifestly contravene these laws and could be qualified As Georgia should not be left to bear the weight of this new as war crimes or crimes against humanity. Included in these influx of refugees alone, Médecins Sans Frontières calls on practices are: all United Nations member States to support such a move, -indiscriminate bombings, particularly with offers of taking those Chechens wishing to -deliberate attacks on civilians or civilian targets, leave the Russian Federation into their countries. -acts or threats of violence to terrorize the population, Médecins Sans Frontières insists on the urgency of such -displacements of the population without measures under- decisions. This suffering of a civilian population threatened taken to ensure satisfactory conditions of food, shelter, and by death must stop. I write in the hope that we can count on security, and your support, Mister President, by suggesting the immediate -the prevention of all medical and humanitarian assistance opening of your border with the Russian Federation. to the population. These issues are the responsibility of the international community. It is imperative that concrete actions be taken to qualify and stop the crimes committed against the Chechen ‘The Tracking of Civilians, Interviews with Chechen population. Refugees in Georgia,’ Report, MSF December 1999 (in English). A small MSF team was sent to the region of Akhmeta in the northeast of Georgia from November 24 to 29. MSF had two Extracts: objectives: 1) to evaluate the situation of the Chechen refu- Although Russian authorities have announced a cease-fire for gees who have fled to this region and 2) to collect informa- a few hours a day in Grozny and the setting up of ‘humani- tion from them on the situation of the civilian population tarian corridors’ to allow civilians to ‘safely’ leave zones and within the Republic. MSF organized interviews with twenty cities that are under attack, the latest information gathered refugees and their families. Refugees were asked about the by Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) bombings and/or violence undertaken by the Russian forces, from Chechen refugees in Georgia refutes the reality of these the different ways in which they had managed to survive measures. since the beginning of the Russian offensive, the circum- It appears that the Russian announcements amount to little stances of their flight to Georgia, and their feelings regard- more than propaganda and do not correspond, whatsoever to ing this new war. the reality of the situation. Chechnya is today a trap in which the civilian population wanders around desperately seeking Given the crowded conditions of both the collection centres shelter. The refugees’ accounts show that: and the families who have taken in the refugees, we were The Russians are continuously bombing the whole of Chech- not able to conduct one-to-one interviews. Generally, people nya - no region is spared. The villages in the south of the were interviewed in the presence of all their family and their country where thousands of displaced have fled to escape the relatives. Therefore, some of the interviews turned into group bombings of their own towns or regions, are being bombed discussions that prevented retracing the whole story of the intensively at this very moment. Today, there is no region person being interviewed. This explains why only parts of the where civilians can shelter from Russian attack. Furthermore, interviews are included in this report. the last interviews on December 11th and 12th describe the In addition to these interviews, the latest information that relentlessness attack of Russian troops on civilian targets. the MSF team in Zinvali, Georgia, has sent is also included. This team has been providing medical care to the refugees There is no safe exit for those people who wish to find refuge transferred from the border by the High Commissioner for outside the Republic. The last people to arrive after the Refugees (HCR). On December 11 and 12, nearly 400 people bombings in the region of Itum Khale on December 10th and (mainly women and children) arrived in Georgia after flee- 11th tell of the tracking of civilians that try to flee towards ing the bombing of villages in the south of Chechnya by the Shatili (Georgia) via the narrow Argoun Valley: the last Russian army. The state of the refugees on their arrival and escape route for the populations in the south. They tell of their description of the conditions in which they left Chech- the Russian air force bombing the road leading to Georgia nya indicates that conditions for civilians in the south of the and helicopter attacks on groups of refugees on this road. country have seriously deteriorated. The intensive bombings prevent any humanitarian action on Given that this document has been compiled using the Chechen territory, preventing assistance to the wounded, the accounts of refugees in Georgia, it does not cover the ques- sick, and the most vulnerable. Despite the large movement of tion of refugees who have found refuge in Ingushetia. population towards Ingushetia, an estimated 500,000 people are still inside Chechnya.

88 The “fight against terrorism” that Moscow claims to be leading to getaccess,butnothingworked. crossing theborder,inevening. Wewroteapileofletters Tbilisi, wepreparedcasesofmedicinesthatgavetopeople going over,andtheywerebombingeverythinginsight.In weren’t flyingoverGeorgia,butwecouldseetheirplanes From timetotime,theyreassertedtheirclaimthat affair, but he said that things were tricky with the Russians. to seeareallypleasantMinisterwhowasinchargeofthis is limited; the international community must assist.” conflict soitsabilitytocopewithrefugeesfromChechnya Georgia isalreadyhometorefugeesfromtheAbkhazian Denis Gouzerh,MSFHeadofMissioninGeorgia.“However, of life-threateningdanger;thisisunacceptable,”says denying refugeestheirrighttoseeksafetyintheface “By closing its border, the Georgian authorities are Chechnya but no one else has been allowed to cross since. more peoplearestilllookingforawayoutofsouthern According to the most recent arrivals, several thousand the Georgianauthoritiesagreedtoletmenthrough. died. Afteranotherbombardmentthefollowingday, conditions, during whichtimetwoinfants reportedly refugees hadspentseveralnightsintheopenharsh to crosstheborderasaone-timemeasure.Bythen agreed toallowthewomenandchildreningroup land came under direct fire that Georgian border guards It wasn’tuntilFriday,December17,whenthenoman’s land- between Chechnya and Georgia. homes, while about 100 people amassed in a ‘no man’s cross theGeorgianborder,someturnedbacktowardtheir December 10toescapeshellinginthearea.Unable they left their homes in the region of Itum Kale on The lastgroupsofrefugeestoarriveinGeorgiasaythat about 5,000Chechen refugees currently in Georgia. to offertemporaryasylumChechenrefugees.Thereare of refugeesislimited,MSFalsocallsuponthirdcountries the Georgianauthoritiestoaccommodatelargenumbers closed since December 10. Because the capacity of to escapeRussianbombardments.Theborderhasbeen Chechnya to allow civilians caught up in thefighting on theGeorgianauthoritiestore-opentheirborderwith Borders/ MédecinsSansFrontières(MSF)todaycalled The internationalhumanitarianagencyDoctorsWithout 1998), EmergencyCoordinator inPankisivalley(Georgia), (October 1999 to January2000),MSFFrance (inFrench), get through.TheGeorgianswouldn’tletus.Wewent horrific circumstances,wounded,andwejustcouldn’t We couldn’tgetin.Therewerepeopletrappedin Dr BrigitteVasset,Directorof Operations(1990- English). USA, Press release, Between GeorgiaandChechnya\,’MSFFrance/MSF ‘MSF CallsforImmediateRe-OpeningofBorder 23 December 1999 (in interviewed in 2008.

been goingon. really striking,thisurgetospeakout,tellpeoplewhathad give adamnaboutyourmedicines.Saysomething!’Itwas It cameupagainandagain,withalltherefugees:‘wedon’t nurse andadoctor,buttheyreallywantedustospeakout. one thing:tospeakout.Onthemedicalfront,we’dsenta it hardtotakeaposition,andtherefugeesimploredusfor extremist Muslimsatthetime,anditwasn’teasy.Wefound in the refugee camps in the Pankisi. It was heaving with children die before their eyes. It was a nightmare. We worked psychologically destroyed.Thesewerepeoplewho’dseentheir spread terror, and let the population go once it’d been employing theirfavouritemethod:negotiatewhilebombing, waiting forthem,andtheRedCross.ButRussianswere MSF calledforahumanitariancorridor.Therewerehelicopters trap. Someofthemgotacross;Idon’tknowhowmanystayed. helicopters bombardingthemnon-stop,totallysnaredina water, anything,caughtbetweentwofronts,withplanesand all thesepeopleblockedinthehighmountains,withoutfood, to walkinthesnow.ItwasoneofworsteventsI’dseen: And itwaswinter,too.Theelderly,womenandchildrenhad trapped betweentwoRussianfronts.Itwasterrible,soviolent. in borderguards,andsothewholepopulationfounditself over intoGeorgia.ButtheRussianshadalreadyparachuted then thatwould complicatethingsabit. if there’saRussian helicopterbattalionright ontheborder, about exposingourstafftobombing andkidnappingrisks.But opposed tosuchamove,even ifwehadgravereservations side totakeaquicklook.Generally speaking,weweren’t made surewewerenotalone, wecouldcrosstotheother explained thatifweapproached theborderwithcaution,and return from Georgia, his François Calas On times. of number situation. Theissueofsendinginateamhasbeentabled gesture (sendingmedicinesacrosstheborder)inlightof Philippe Biberson: We’re conscious that we’re making a paltry The questionofsendingateamintoChechnyaarose. Extract: Georgian mountains.Theideawitheredonthevine. sending aclandestineteamintoChechnyaviathe section’s BoardofDirectorsraisedthepossibility of During themeetingon19December1999,French in Shatoi,Chechnya,FebruarytoMay1995,thenAugust Vincent deBellefroid,MSFFranceProjectCoordinator 1996 toJuly1997,thenProjectcoordinatorinNorth southern Chechnya,thinkingthey’dbeabletocross of peopleheadedfortheareaaroundShatoi,in As theexitwasblockedonnorthernfront,alot Meeting, on17December1999(inFrench). Minutes oftheMSFFranceBoardDirectors’ Caucasus (JunetoOctober2001)(inFrench), interviewed in2008.

89 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

François Calas: We’ve examined this idea from every angle, He said there have been reports of Russian soldiers firing and I think it would be feasible as long as we identify on Chechens attempting to flee and that Russia has set up sufficiently reliable Chechen networks to minimise the “filtration camps” where displaced Chechens suspected of Chechen risk (kidnappings), but the Russian risk would being rebel sympathizers are detained illegally. Chechens in remained unchanged. So with this in mind, are we ready to refugee camps in Ingushetia have inadequate shelter, heat, accept the risk of bombing, etc.? And this raises another clothing, bedding and cooking facilities, and lack access to question: to do what? We’ve also been through this many medical care and social services, Deng said. times, and we still don’t all agree. Several ideas were aired: He also accused Russian authorities of using “bureaucratic - The idea of carrying out an exploratory mission with a obstacles” to prevent international relief organizations from surgical intervention in mind, for example, gaining access to the displaced Chechens. - doing an in-and-out visit to meet up with the Chechen “I call upon the Russian authorities to observe the relevant authorities, consolidate our network and monitor the aid principles of international law as restated in the Guiding we send in, Principles on Internal Displacement,” Deng said. - or lastly, going in, taking stock, coming back and condemning what we see to the public. At present, we haven’t decided on the objectives, or even how to organise this exploratory mission, which is becoming more and more difficult as the fighting and bombing raids On 23 December, MSF Holland and Amnesty International pick up... We’re constantly posing the question of sending in organised a demonstration in front of the Russian Embassy a team, but when and how to do so is no longer very clear. in The Hague and called on the Russian Federation’s Maurice Nègre: ‘I imagine there are fighting units moving Ambassador to respect the demands of international law round Chechnya? Where do they take cover, other than in in terms of civilian protection and assistance. Georgia? François Calas: In the south, towards Shatoi, and then in the mountains, because the entire plain is occupied by the Russians. This guerrilla warfare will probably take root, and Letter from the Director of Amnesty International the Russians will meet the Chechens head on very soon. and the Director of MSF Holland to Ambassador In sum: at present, our activities only include the of the Russian Federation in The Hague, 23 (insufficient) aid to refugees in Georgia and Ingushetia, December 1999 (in English). and the channelling of a bit of equipment to hospitals in southern Chechnya. Extract: Follow up is required…. Both organizations deplore all violations of human rights and international humanitarian law which reportedly continue to be committed in the context of the armed conflict in the Chechen Republic. […] On 20 December, the United Nations Secretary General’s (i) The Russian military should comply with the provisions representative for displaced persons reminded Russia of of international humanitarian law prohibiting indiscriminate its responsibilities to assist and protect the Chechens attacks and direct attacks on civilians and civilian objects, displaced by the fighting, in other words respect the and therefore to immediately desist from carrying out any principles of international law relating to displaced such attacks; persons. (ii) The Russian military should take sufficient precautions to protect civilians; (iii) The Russian authorities should ensure humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons and other civilians ‘ UN Representative Calls on Russia to Provide for trapped in the conflict areas in Chechnya; Displaced Chechens,’ Press release, United (iv)The Russian authorities should take measures to stop Nations, 20 December 1999 (in English). the campaign of intimidation against ethnic Chechens and other people from the Caucasus who reside in Moscow and Francis M. Deng, the United Nations Secretary General’s other cities of the Russian Federation. […] Special Representative on internally displaced persons, Médecins sans Frontières and Amnesty International would called on the Russian government December 20 to assist like to stress that, without taking any position on Chechnya’s and protect residents of Chechnya displaced by the fighting. legal status we also call upon the authorities of the Chechen […] Deng said the Russian campaign in Chechnya has Republic and the military leadership of the Chechen armed uprooted more than 250,000 citizens from their homes, opposition groups to comply with international humanitarian adding that “the overwhelming majority of the internally law regarding the protection of civilians during armed displaced remain within the borders of the Russian conflict. The command of the Chechen armed groups should Federation, principally in Chechnya and Ingushetia. As such take sufficient precautions to protect civilians and should they are internally displaced persons and responsibility for ensure that any Russian prisoner is treated humanely. […] meeting their assistance and protection needs rests first Médecins sans Frontières and Amnesty International also 90 and foremost with the Russian Government.” call for an international investigation into allegations of Russia’s integration withtheinternationalcommunity. For Chechnya could lead to a cycle of violence and undermine civilians is unacceptable, and the means Russia is using, in however, Imadeclearthatindiscriminate useofforceagainst terrorism andlawlessness.At theOSCESummitinIstanbul, uphold its territorial integrity and protect its citizens from […] MyAdministrationrecognizes Russia’sobligationto is exactingoninnocentcivilianlives. the NorthCaucasusandterriblepricethatconflict share yourconcernaboutthegrowinghumanitariancrisisin Thank youforyourletterregardingtheChechnyaconflict. I Dear Ms.Tanguy: Extract: up byamuchoftheinternationalmedia. over theSecurityCouncilforafewmonths,wastaken and MSFUKatatimewhentheUnitedStatespresided This message, prepared in collaboration with MSF France the highestpossiblelevels,asitdidforKosovars. United StateswasnotaddressingtheChechens’fateat respect fortherighttoflee,andquestioned whythe the Russianstateofcommittingwarcrimes,calledfor to convinceRussiaputastopthewar.MSFaccused the Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, urging them open letterwrittenbyMSFtoPresidentBillClintonand offensive in Chechnya, the NewYorkTimes published an On 12January,whiletheRussianforcesledanew resolution oftheChechencrisis. political futureofVladimirPutinwastiedtoapeaceful administration, includingthePresident,declaredthat January, variousseniormembersoftheUnitedStates solution andbringcivilianlossestoanend.Inearly force againstciviliansandwasstrivingtofindapolitical administration condemnedtheindiscriminateuseof Bill Clinton, assured MSFUSA inaletter thatits On 22December,thePresidentofUnitedStates, to Chechnya to such a team of international investigators. Russian governmentshould grant immediately safe access establish thetruthandtoidentifythoseresponsible.The violations ofinternationalhumanitarianlawinChechnyato INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY December 1999(inEnglish). Joëlle Tanguy, Executive Director MSFUSA, 22 Letter from Bill Clinton, President of the USA to TO THE“ORGANISED” INITIAL CALLS

and multilaterally,privatelypublicly. to endtheconflict.Wewillcontinuepursuingbilaterally work, and Russia must start a meaningful political dialogue clear: civilian casualties must end, a military solution will not Chechnya conflict and its impact on civilians is firm and […] ThepositionmyAdministrationhastakenonthe with theRussianstodefinefurtherthatrole. Vollebaek isanimportantstep,andwewillcontinuetowork recent visit to the North Caucasus by OSCE Chairman-in-Office acknowledge arolefortheOSCEinsettlingconflict.The In Istanbul, weweresuccessful in getting Russia to for apoliticaldialogue. military solutionisnotpossibleinChechnyaandhavecalled these reasons,wehaveimpressedonRussiathatapurely “There can only be a political solution to this,” Albright said. “There canonlybeapoliticalsolutiontothis,”Albrightsaid. Albright assertedonNBC’s“MeetthePress.” but aroundanegotiatingtable,SecretaryofStateMadeleine […] The Chechnya war won’t be settled on the battlefield, wave herodeupcouldbecomethethatengulfshim.” this couldbecomesomethingthatmiresPutindown,andthe as weseemtobeseeingnow,withanintensifiedresistance, long orifitbeginstocauseincreasingRussiancasualties, Samuel Berger said on ABC’s “This Week.” “If it goes on too […] “Chechnyanowisadilemma,”nationalsecurityadviser international norms,”Clintonsaid. effective forceanddecentrespectforindividual rights and “Russia hastofindtherightbalancebetweenuseof week’s Timemagazine. separatists,” PresidentClintonwroteinanessaythis how todealwithotherproblemsinvolvingterroristsand civilians; it’salsowhetherthiswarbecomesamodelfor only howtoliberateGroznywithoutkillingthousandsof […] “ThequestionforPresidentYeltsin’ssuccessorsisnot Extract: conduct inChechnya. Thoughwewelcome thepdt’s govt beMORE SPECIFICinitscondemnation ofRussia’s world waroverthis,couldwe atleastrequestthattheUS to actually DO. As we can’t ask for the launch of the 3rd vague aboutwhatweexpect the presidentandsecofstate Thanks fortheletter.Just one suggestion:wearestill Dear AntoineandKris, January 2000(inEnglish). Chechnya,’ The Associated Press (Washington) 3 ‘U.S.OfficialssayPutin’sFatemayDependon  English). Communications Director,7January2000(in Program Director,andKrisTorgeson,MSFUSA Executive Director toAntoineGérard, MSF USA MSF FranceandAnne-MarieHubyUK UK),’ ‘Open letterChechnyaRecommendation(MSFF& from Françoise Saulnier Legal advisor, Email fromFrançoiseSaulnierLegaladvisor,

91 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

[president’s] recent criticism of the treatment of refugees, ‘ Open letter to President Clinton and Secretary he has failed so far to remind Russia of its legal obligations Albright – ‘Humanitarian Law Must be Respected under international law and to mention that Russia should, in Chechen Conflict’ from Joëlle Tanguy, MSF USA and will, be held ACCOUNTABLE to these standards by the Executive Director and James Orbinsky, President international community. Public statements to date have of MSF International, 12 January 2000 (in just been empty rhetoric. English). Voilà – that’s all for us. All the best. AM Extract: Mr. President, Hello Antoine, In a recent article in Time magazine, you stated, “We After discussing here in Paris […], our last comments about have a profound and open disagreement with the Russian the draft letter are as follow: government, not on its right to oppose violent Chechen 1/It is a good point that the qualification of war crimes is rebels, but on the treatment of refugees.” included in the letter. Don’t you think that we could have Mr. President and Secretary Albright, while such words reinforced the parallel with the Kosovo situation by rather against the violence in Chechnya are encouraging, they introducing this qualification of war crimes at the end of mean little unless they result in swift improvement of the the paragraph concerning Kosovo and having this reference situation of the Chechen people. You must prevail upon positioned nearby our appeal in the letter, could underline Russia to abide by its obligations under humanitarian its strength? law. Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders is What do you think of something like? urgently appealing for: ‘Do they suffer any less than the people of Kosovo? Is it - An immediate halt to the indiscriminate bombings and less of a war crime that it was in Kosovo?’ attacks on Chechen civilians. - Safe and unhindered passage for those wanting to leave 2/Our main remark is about the last point of the appeal: ‘unim- Chechnya to seek refuge outside or the Republic, including peded and secure humanitarian access to all populations...’ the opening of the Georgian border, which has been Even if this point depends of international humanitarian impassable due to daily bombing over the past 3 weeks. laws, this sounds more in the present context as being of - Free and unimpeded humanitarian access to all populations our responsibility of humanitarian actors. and all areas inside Chechnya and the surrounding republics To our knowledge, the Russians don’t oppose to the access as guaranteed under International Humanitarian Law. of humanitarian aid in the neighbouring republics or in We sincerely urge you to give this matter your utmost Russian controlled areas of Chechnya. The limitation come attention. more from our perception of security issues. Then, concerning the independently-controlled areas; did we ask already to Russians and Chechens the possibility to go there? The Russians could easily justify that their military ’Chechnya Coverage,’ Email from Anne-Marie Huby, action will also restore a secure humanitarian access to MSF UK Executive Director, 13 January 2000 (in  populations and areas inside Chechnya. English). On another hand, we should not give in again to the politics a humanitarian escape way. This could lead again, as seen Extract: in previous contexts, to a dismissal of the responsibility A brief note to let you know that the story of MSF accusing of politics as they could work [wiggle] out more easily the Russians of war crimes in Chechnya, was the 2nd item on on this point to the detriment of the two other above it BBC news (domestic) today, with more to come. (stop indiscriminate bombings and free and safe passage We did not expect so much interest – given that we have for those who want to escape) which are in our mind the published no new hard facts but, obviously the accusation most essentials of war crimes is serious enough to warrant coverage. So we believe that the third point of the appeal concerning The main line of questioning here is: what are the access of humanitarian does not make sense in this context parallels with Kosovo (double standards in international and should be cancelled. law enforcement)? Do you realistically think you will Last remark but more important: about the swift improvement achieve anything with this (i.e. won’t you antagonise the of the humanitarian situation for the Chechen people. The Russian govt further etc.)? What can the itl [international] qualification of humanitarian does not add more. It is used community do to deal fairly with crimes committed by a more and more systematically in the media (humanitarian permanent member of the SC, and a nuclear power at that? situation or catastrophe... etc.) Maybe could we speak simply of the situation of the Chechen people...? Françoise [Saulnier] The communication efforts were reinforced by diplomatic steps taken by MSF USA and MSF France’s project coordinator in the Pankisi valley, with the American and Canadian governments. 92 1. The“situation” inChechnyamustbeclearly qualifiedas consideration. points, whichwere‘carefully noted’forfurtherreview/ questions/recommendations. We gotnoresponses on these then raisedourmainappeals/ at all,howtheywerenoting allourpoints,etc.-Brigitte (i.e.: saying),howthissituation wasreallynotlikeKosovo had speeches prepared, about how much they’d been doing - Wethenlettheadministrationpeopletalk.Theybasically Extract: of 1994inRwandaasgenocide... American administration’stardinesstoqualifytheevents internal conflict?Wecouldmakeapassingreferencetothe Chechnya: isthisananti-terroristoperation,orarmed to qualifytheoperationscarriedoutbyRussiansin current presidentisAmerican)totableadebateaiming We, MSF, should ask the expanded Security Council (the war ratherthanananti-terroristsurge. refugees inGeorgiaalsoleanheavilytowardsareferringto is a‘war.’TheaccountscollectedbyMSFteamsfromChechen covering thezonesunderfreedomfighters’control),this but alsothejournalists’whohavespentlastfewmonths has contested this “qualification”. Yet in our eyes (MSF’s, in Chechnya,andnotonememberoftheUnitedNations Russian Federationhastalkedofa‘fightagainstterrorism’ events intheRepublicofChechnya.Upuntilnow, step furtherbyquestioningthe‘qualification’ofcurrent of theChechenpopulation,wewouldtotaketingsone Concerning thecallforahalttoindiscriminatebombing Extract: brutality (ifthatispossible)thaninthelastChechenwar. will belonganddrawnouttheRussiansareusingmore 2 nuclear powers”!...Headdedthathebelievestheconflict about Russianstabilityand“youknowwhatitslikewith expected fromtheUSonthis...theyweremoreconcerned said “off the record” that in effect there was not much to be I spokethisafternoonwith[...]the[StateDepartment]who Extract: and MSFHolland,14January2000,(inFrench). and theOperationsDirectors,MSFBelgium to theProgrammesDirector,MSFUnitedStates Email from the MSFFranceprogrammemanager ’ January 2000(inEnglish). of Communications,ExecutiveDirectors,21 Laura Brav to MSF programme managers, Directors ‘ English). (edited) Communication Directors,13January2000(in programme managers, Executive Directors, from MSFUSAProgramDepartmentto State DepartmentBriefingonChechnya,’ from Chechnya Temoignage–ShortVersion,’Emailfrom Email

give theminfo,andtheynotedEVERYTHINGdown. go andseetheAmericansthatoften,buttheylikedusto refugees weretellingus.Wedidn’thavemuchtosay.I present inChechnya,thatwewereonlyreportingwhatthe international conflicts.) conflicts, althoughit’smandatedbyProtocolIwhichisfor has recognizeditsowncompetenceoverinternalarmed it and Russia has to accept – as a precision, the Commission accepted the Commission’s competence, so Canada can seize (mandated byProtocolI,andbothCanadaRussiahave the InternationalHumanitarianFact-FindingCommission 5. MSFaskedCanada(andtoldUSaboutthis)toseize there’s alargeinfluxofChechenrefugeesistoounfounded. we don’tthinkGeorgia’sfearofariskdestabilizationif allow civiliansthepossibilitytofleebombing.Also, its new membership in the Council of Europe, but to help disregard itsdutiesunderrefugeelaw,especiallyinlightof some Chechenrefugees.OurpointisnottoallowGeorgia for Georgiabyaccepting,evenasasymbolicgesture,totake 4. StatesshouldshowtheirsupportforChechensandconcern excuse nottotry. to raisetheissueisanimportantfirststepandvetono at theSC,andeventhatcanhaveanimpact,sojusttrying that everyoneknowswhosays,orevensuggests,anything we wereawareoftheRussianvetoobstacle,butpointedout 3. The UN Security Council should debate Chechnya. We said of this...) 2. OSCEobserversmustbesent(theUSgovtveryinfavor the applicabilityofinternationalhumanitarianlaw. doubt, andmoreimportantlyincreasedaccountability,asto an internalarmedconflictsothattherecanbenomore in theNewYorkTimesalso provokedsomecriticism. United States.MSFUSA’spurchaseofadvertisingspace Russian governmentratherthanthepresidentof Some thoughtthatthelettershouldbeaddressedto meet withunanimousapproval within the MSFmovement. The publicationofanopenlettertoBillClintondidnot 1998), EmergencyCoordinatorinPankisivalley,(October They didn’t listen as closely. It’s true that we weren’t memory ofthisvisitthanthefirstonein1995. I wenttoAmerica.havealessclear,satisfactory Dr BrigitteVasset,DirectorofOperations(1990- 1999 toJanuary2000),MSFFrance(inFrench), interviewed in2008.

93 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Chechnya,’ Email from Samantha Bolton, MSF ‘ Chechnya: Moscow’s Revenge,’ François Jean, International Communications Coordinator to MSF Harvard International Review, 22 September  USA Communication Director, Programme Director 2000 (in English). and UN liaison, copy to MSF International President and General Secretary, 18 January 2000 Extract: (in English). The Human-Rights Debacle in Chechnya […] After three years, the course of history appears to Dear Kris, Antoine, and Catherine, be repeating itself. It would be comical if it were not so I was shocked (as were James and JMK) to find out that disastrous for Chechnya, Russia, and the Caucasus. This MSF paid around 100,000 USD for the page in the NY Times. new war will be even crueller than the previous war, which This was not mentioned anywhere in the communications decimated the Chechen population. It will be a more absurd asking for signatures and on content. I do not think that war, too, because neither of the two goals formulated by MSF should be spending that much money on a temoignage Russia’s reckless leaders--the “liquidation of the terrorists” campaign when our ops are very weak and have probably and the “liberation of Chechnya”--is likely to be achieved. barely even spent [in total] what you spend on the [one] ad. And it will also be a more worrisome war because it casts Also, this kind of decision goes beyond the US office. No a particularly harsh light on the present state of Russia’s one in ops or in all the sections was aware and nor were social and political systems and threatens to drag the entire the Dir Comm [communications directors of all sections]. Caucasus into the dispute. How much money do you have in your budget for further actions like this year? Surely there are other ways of doing State in Crisis temoignage beyond money. […] Because the Chechen state has been unable to assert its legitimacy and the Chechen leader Aslan Maskhadov has been unable to assert his authority, the country has become a hunting ground for criminal and fundamentalist groups that operate with impunity. […] The election of Asian Maskhadov testified to the aspirations of a people I had a problem with that letter to Bill Clinton because weary of war. They expected their president to normalize it seems to me that things like that should be addressed relations with Russia, to win international recognition for to the Russian government not to the USA. It also the Chechen Republic, and to obtain the funds needed to didn’t seem to make sense why [publish it in] the USA, except rebuild the country and kick-start the economy. Moscow for the fact that it has been done principally by members of did not make this task easy, leaving Maskhadov with no MSF USA. I think that each MSF does have a right and obligation concrete results and no room for manoeuvre. His position to put pressure on its own government. grew weaker with respect to Shamil Bassaev and Chechen partisans hostile to Russia. The prospects for peace grew Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland General Coordinator and increasingly dim. Regional Advisor in North Caucasus, (November 1999- January 2001), Director of Operations (2001-2005) Russia’s Revenge (in English) interviewed in 2000 On October 1, 1999, after subjecting the villages close to the Dagestan border to three weeks of intensive bombing, the Russian army went on the offensive and penetrated Chechen territory. Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin refused to recognize the legitimacy of Chechen President Asian In its January issue, the French review Esprit published Maskhadov, and federal forces moved to create a “security the last article written by François Jean, from the zone” by occupying the Chechen districts of Naurskaya and MSF Foundation. François’ analysis and commitment Shelkovskaya--traditionally regarded as the least hostile contributed to the development of MSF’s operational to Russia. Russia initially appeared content to establish a policies during the first Chechen war. He tragically died “cordon sanitaire” and to bomb alleged terrorist bases. Two on 25th December 1999. In this article, which was also weeks later, however, the federal army crossed the River, published in English in the September 2000 issue of the declared its intention to “destroy armed bands throughout International Harvard University Review, he analysed the territory,” and began its march on Grozny the new Russian-Chechen conflict as being the fruit of Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin declared that his military objective a Russian desire for revenge after its defeat in the first was the “reconquest of Chechnya.” This policy shift reflected war. After his death, his analyses continued to draw the irrational Kremlin decision-making process. Today, as in MSF to the Chechen people’s cause. 1994, the fate of Chechnya is in the hands of irresponsible politicians who understand only the language of force and who are incapable of proposing a model for a balanced relationship between Moscow and the countries that made up the former Soviet empire. This time, however, there is a difference. The Russian people, who in 1994 opposed 94 the “Kremlin’s war” against Chechnya, now wholeheartedly and strengthen thecauseofthosewhofavor all-out warwith cannot failto harden theattitudesofChechen people confrontation. Farfromweakening thehard-liners,war and hostilitythathavebeen built upovertwocenturiesof the latestwaronlyintensifies thefeelingsofsuspicion from bringingChechnyaback intotheRussianFederation, the objectivesitdeclared at theonsetofhostilities.Far It isclearthatwarwillnothelpMoscowachieveanyof Searching forSolutions deal withthebloodyconsequences.[…] others simply run amok. It is Chechen civilians who must units havebeenmanipulatingthewarontheirownwhile people is beingexacerbated by their erratic discipline. Some propaganda. TheirtraditionalaggressiontowardtheChechen Russian soldiers have become prisoners of their own that reignsinChechnya. federal forcesandtheclimateofsuspicionhostility to thenorthofTerekRivertestifybrutality western journalistsintheofficiallypacified“securityzone” of safety.Thistimetheeyewitnessaccountsgatheredby cooperation withfederalforcesneverofferedaguarantee signed peaceaccordswerebombed,attacked,orpillaged; Even villagesreputedtobe“pro-Russian”orthosethathad “pacification” strategies were erratic and often quite absurd. last war, it was clear to all observers that Russia’s so-called Chechen peopletoacceptMoscow’sauthority.Duringthe separatists, theyhavealsonever been abletoconvincethe succeeded inunderminingtheinfluenceandcohesionof which wasdeportation.[…]IfRussia’sleadershavenever by anumberofpoliticaltraumas,themostsignificant of asocietythathasinfactbeenprofoundlytransformed Russians toexaggeratetheunchangeableandrigidnature of colonial ethnography, this approach has always led system iskeytounderstandingChechensociety.Typical Russia’s leadersbelievethatcomprehendingChechnya’sclan back andforth,desperatetoescapethebombing.[…] trap inwhichoverhalfamilliondisplacedpeoplewander There isnosanctuary.Chechnyahasbecomeagianthuman trail thatcrossestheCaucasusindirectionofGeorgia. particular onthelastremainingroadoutofChechnya: constant airplaneandhelicopterfireconcentratedin But themountainshavebecomeadeadend,subjectto Chechnya inafranticbidtoescapetheRussiansteamroller. has nowmadeitswaybacktothemountainsofsouthern border crossingsarenowveryrare.Mostofthepopulation October. Sincethen,theexodushasslowedtoatrickle; until thearmyseizedcontrolofborderatend 150,000 managedtofindrefugeinneighboringIngushetia bombing caused hundreds of thousands of civilians to flee. From thefirstdaysofconflict,massive,indiscriminate calls a“warofindependenceinreverse.”[…] borders withinitsownterritoryinwhatGeorgeCharachidze of Russianterritorialintegrity.Russiaisthusdefending is notRussia,theyseeChechenindependenceasaviolation overtones. EventhoughmostRussiansadmitthatChechnya by politicalauthoritiesandriddenwithracistxenophobic of patrioticfervour,fuelledbyamediamachinemanipulated “liberals” intheWestdarenotquestionthisvastoutpouring support Putin’sintransigence.Evenpoliticiansregardedas we mayhaveletitdropearlier. Chechnya. I think that if we hadn’t had his work or his articles, the taskofthosewhowantedMSFtobeawatchdogover in termsofpubliccommunicationandlobbying.Hefacilitated analysis, andasaconsequence,theeffortswechosetoassume of hisreflections,andworkonChechnyamouldedour on theChechenconflict.François’weightinMSF,quality meant wehadtoshoulder the responsibility of speakingout and the international community’s refusal to acknowledge it, term), pointing to a drive to wipe out a people. So the violence, was theissueofagenocidalpush(sorry,butI’musingthat didn’t expectMSF tosupporttheChechenresistance either. the samelevel,afterhisdeath. interest tofindapoliticalsolutiontheconflict.[…] nations musttrytoconvinceMoscowthatitisinitsown Kremlin issotortuousthatitdefiesallreason.Alldemocratic goals inChechnya,andthedecision-makingprocessat Unfortunately, thiswarhaslittletodowithRussia’sdeclared Sooner orlater,Russiamustreturntothenegotiatingtable. Russia. Consequently,Russia’sonlysolutionisnegotiation. their politicalsystem. region whilespellingdisasterfortheRussianpeopleand in ChechnyathreatenstodestabilizetheentireCaucasus Europe, andtheUnitedNations.Ifunchecked,fighting obligations asamemberoftheOSCE,Council of the “demands of public conscience” and of Russia’s employed aresimplyunacceptableandinviolationboth passive intheface ofthis conflict. The means being Russian affair,democraticnationscannotpossiblyremain Russia outofthemorass.EvenifChechnyawereaninternal Western nationshaveanessentialroletoplayinhelping Anne Fouchard,MSFFrancedeputycommunications writings onChechnya. What cameoutof his analyses Throughout the second war, many of us re-read his François Jean’sworkshouldnotbeunder-estimated. messages tobe toonaive,butontheother hand he towards theChechenresistance. Hedidn’twantMSF’s François knewhimself,thathe hadasympatheticlean equipped totakehisplace,analyzeChechnyaat Chechnya. Françoiskneweverything,andnoonefelt There wassomethingaboutFrançoisJeanand director, July2000–2004(inFrench) […], MSFdeputylegaladvisor,1995-2005 (in French)interviewedin2008 interviewed in2008

95 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

He was very aware that that couldn’t be the case. MSF let that we develop a different advocacy strategy here which is him publish what he wanted. No one stopped him in any way. more oriented towards local public opinion. […] I think it would be possible to develop an advocacy strategy Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director of which focuses on contacts with the local press, helping communication (1996-1998), Director of Operations them gain a better understanding of the real situation in (1998-2000), President (May 2000- May 2008) the Caucasus and of the nature of the humanitarian issues (in French) interviewed in 2009 which are faced in the area. Russia’s vibrant and active press presents a great opportunity for the dissemination of humanitarian concerns and principles which could play a role in changing public opinion towards the war and the treatment of Chechen civilians. It will be more difficult to For MSF Holland, the priority was to set up programmes work along the same lines within Chechen society, but I in Ingushetia, and as soon as possible, in Chechnya. think that this would be worth exploring as well. […] It The speaking out and lobbying for calls to halt the war will be necessary to see what Amsterdam and the other MSF and violence were considered highly necessary, but sections are up for, because advocacy is something which lacked legitimacy if not underpinned by operational needs to be agreed upon by all of the sections, but I think activities. Questions were also raised on the impact of there are a lot of possibilities for constructive work here. communication in the international press, which the Russian regime held in almost total disrespect. It seemed a better option to target the Russian and Chechen press so as to influence local opinion on the conflict.

We thought that it could worsen our ability to set up programs—we wanted to have the programs set up ‘ Re: A Question or Two,’ Email from Kenny Gluck, and then start doing advocacy--as opposed to doing MSF Holland Regional Advisor in North Caucasus advocacy while we were making the first attempts to get into to Rendt Gorter, MSF Holland North Caucasus Chechnya. […] There was a lot of info about Chechnya and HOM, 21 January 2000 (in English). the violations of humanitarian law all over the newspapers. There were organizations that were doing advocacy based on Extract: what was coming out of Chechnya —like Human Rights Watch. Human rights advocacy. We didn’t think that our additional voice—especially without I can’t count how many times in 1995 and 1996 that people in a presence—would change things that much. It was more Chechnya told me to stop wasting my time rebuilding clinics important to establish ourselves, to get our programs working, or giving out aid - just get them to stop the bombing they and then to start whatever advocacy strategy we would do. would tell me. In this war, I have heard the same on many occasions in the camps in Ingushetia. Advocacy towards Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland General Coordinator and stopping the war or limiting Russian or Chechnya abuses Regional Advisor in North Caucasus, (November 1999- of the civilian population is necessary and appropriate. January 2001), Director of Operations (2001-2005) There is a very legitimate worry that our advocacy will lead (in English) interviewed in 2000 to Russian or the Chechens interfering with our ability to provide assistance in the region. This is a real concern and some people still think that some of the “criminal attacks” on aid agencies in 1995 and 1996 coincided with anti- Russian statements by MSF France or Belgium. During the current war, Human Rights Watch has been releasing reports There was this big report coming out from MSF France which are extremely critical of Russian army and government but at the moment, no one was on the ground in actions in the Caucasus, yet they have not faced any unusual Chechnya. So that whole report was based on taking obstacles in the work, either in Ingushetia or in Moscow. witness from people that came to Georgia from Chechnya. I It is very likely that an effective advocacy campaign would said ‘well, if MSF has zero presence on the ground in Chechnya, cause some interference from the Russian government. That then I find that too weak, to sort of publish second hand in itself doesn’t mean that it is not worth doing. Where accounts of, “We have heard that.”’ The strength of MSF is we do think that our advocacy would lead to a complete always, we are there, and our doctors have seen that. That’s inability to work in the region we always have the option what makes your advocacy legitimate. And once you do that of working through agencies such as HRW with whom we sort of advocacy, the same that MSF is doing which we have have very close relations. also disagreed with in North Korea, “we have heard from A more serious problem with the type of international refugees that.” Yeah, we’ve all heard from refugees, but it advocacy, which MSF has done in other countries, is that doesn’t mean you’ve seen it. And that’s what makes it. So, it seems very ineffective in this context. The Russians are after that, it was decided to get more systematic about the largely resistant to current Western opinion, while the effort with this type of advocacy about violence. It will be 96 Chechens remain wholly ignorant of it. I will be suggesting based on MSF-employed doctors that have seen a patient with Robertson. accept whattheRussianforcesaredoingthere”saidMr for Russia’s action in Chechnya, but we most firmly do not hour visittoWarsaw.“Obviouslyweunderstandthereasons Atlantic Alliance,GeorgeRobertson,duringatwenty-four in Chechnya,divulgedtheGeneralSecretaryofNorth NATO “understands”but“doesnotaccept”Russia’saction Extract: “There isalong terminterestinmaintaining relations the Russiangovernment tohiscolleagues. who visited Moscow last week, related his meetings with [...] TheGermanMinisterofForeign Affairs,JoschkaFischer, Luxembourg minister,LydiePolfer. the future. We must keep up the contact” summarised the positive changesinRussia. “It’s criticallyimportantfor to keepdialoguewithMoscowopen,inthehopeofsome But theEUshouldalsotakeintoconsiderationneed trade,” indicatedaEuropeansourceduringthediscussions. “At best,wecouldmakeafewadmonishinggesturesthrough obligations inthecommercialsector. necessity ofrespectingitscommitmentsandcontractual source. The European Union agreed to remind Russia of the steps towardshardsanctions,accordingtoadiplomatic among ppolicymakers,theyfailedtoagreeonanymajor being run.ButonMondaymorning,duringdiscussions their staunchoppositiontothewaytheseoperationsare military operations in Chechnya,they now plan to reaffirm December, inwhichtheFifteenstronglycondemnedRussian Continuing onfromtheEuropeansummitofHelsinkiin Extract: where thiswartraumaiscomingfrom. war traumaandtakestatementsfromthispatientabout decide onanysanctions. to thewayRussiawasconductingwar,butdidnot ministers of foreign affairs reaffirmed their opposition action inChechnya.Fortheirpart,theEuropeanUnion his organisation “understood but did not accept” Russia’s On 24January,theNATOSecretaryGeneraldeclaredthat Coordinator fromMay2001toJuly2003(inEnglish) ’ Warsaw, 24January2000(inFrench). Russia’s ActioninChechnya,’AFP(France), 24 January2000(inFrench). to KeepDialogueOpen,’AFP(France),Brussels, ‘Russia: The EU Continues to Condemn, but Seeks ut Does Not Accept Robertson: NATOUnderstands,butDoesNotAccept Michiel Hofman,MSFHollandNorthCaucasus interviewed in2009.

désirable ». added. “Politicsistheartofpossible,notdesirable.” terrorism [...]butwehavelimitedmeanstointervene,”he “A waragainstapeoplecannotbewaytofight amounted toa“newfactor.” also consideredthatthearrivalonsceneofMrPutin with Russia”, he expounded in front of journalists. He those whowish toleaveChechnya. of mines,considerably curtailanypossibility ofescapefor well asthemanyattacksagainst refugeesandthepresence arrest, thethreatofforcedrepatriation fromIngushetia,as The regularandarbitraryclosure ofescaperoutes,fear people withinChechnya. relief, includingthecareofwounded, sickandvulnerable operations preventallformsofindependenthumanitarian by theRussianauthorities.Thenatureandscopeofmilitary zones. Boysovertheageoftenarethreatenedwitharrest attacks orthearbitraryrulecurrentlyinforce in ‘liberated’ today wherecivilianscanbesafeeitherfromindiscriminate throughout theterritory.ThereisnoplaceinChechnya to relentlessindiscriminatebombardmentsbyRussianforces For thelastsixmonthsChechencivilianshavebeensubjected Extract: the existenceofanarmedconflict. circulated byMSFHollandexcludedtheparagraphon its press. As a consequence, the version of the letter government; acontroversialissueinRussiansocietyand political debateonthelegitimacy of a separatist Chechen sort ofdeclarationcouldbeviewedasparticipationina Moreover, according to MSF Holland senior staff, this parties torespecttheGenevaConventions. II of the Geneva conventions. It preferred to call on all conflict, andthussubjecttotheapplicationofProtocol States toqualifythesituationinChechnyaasaninternal war inChechnya.MSFHollandopposedcalling on member Statesurgingthemtorecognisethestateof sections ofMSFsentanopenlettertotheheads of EuropeParliamentaryAssembly(PACE),theEuropean On theeveofanextraordinarymeetingCouncil AND DENOUNCINGTHERUSSIAN 1999, (inEnglish). Humanitarian Law and DemandtheApplicationofInternational States MustRecognizetheStateofWarinChechnya ‘Open Letter QUALIFYING THEWAR FORCES’ CONDUCT to theCouncilofEurope:Member ”, MSF Holland, 27 January

97 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Such military operations amount to a collective punishment we should strive to avoid in order to maintain our ability whereby all civilians are considered suspects. The to raise humanitarian concerns in the conflict. We support international community has so far failed to oppose the advocacy statements which are based on the humanitarian violence, which Russia claims is justifiable anti-terrorist needs of the civilian population in the area. We should action. Despite all evidence to the contrary, governments strive to avoid the debates on political status of the war. have so far endorsed this fiction, which deprives the Kenny Gluck population of all rights to protection and assistance. No government to date has officially recognized the state of war. The UN Security Council has not even discussed the Chechen situation, [which is] de facto sanctioning the ‘‘ For James and MSF Moscow,’ Email Exchange Russian position. Between Françoise Bouchet - Saulnier, MSF Legal As the Council of Europe holds its emergency session on Advisor and James Ross MSF Holland HAD Officer, Chechnya today, Médecins sans Frontières calls upon Member 26 January 2000 (in English). States to; • Officially recognize the state of war in Chechnya and call Dear all, upon Russia to respect international humanitarian law, I think Françoise is making an issue out of a non-issue - which applies in such circumstances. and thereby diluting our message, which should be that the • To demand that the UN Security Council discuss the Council of Europe needs to speak out more strongly, and Chechen crisis as a matter of urgency. take stronger action, regarding the widespread violation of • To commit the case of Chechnya to the International Fact- humanitarian law in Chechnya. Finding Commission, which is mandated by governments No one, including the Russians, has been arguing that including Russia, to investigate war crimes under because Russia is engaged in “anti-terrorist” activities only, International Humanitarian Law. humanitarian law doesn’t apply. So why should we go to • To demand that Russia immediately suspend indiscriminate great lengths to convince the Council of Europe to state bombing, to respect the principle of ‘non-refoulement’ [no formally that a “war” is taking place (something they won’t forced repatriation] of refugees, to ensure that civilians do, and which isn’t necessary for humanitarian law to apply)? have free access to humanitarian assistance and to allow It is a given that IHL applies. The problem is that govern- the deployment of international observers to the war zone. ments aren’t taking Russia to task sufficiently for violating it. For us to request this from the European states implies that we feel this is needed for IHL to apply, which we all agree isn’t our position. ‘ Re: Urgent Draft Letter to Member States of EC,’ The letter should not focus on winning legal points. I don’t Email from Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland Regional want to repeat Kenny’s concerns, but these are based on Advisor Caucasus to MSF France programme Russian perceptions, which unfortunately matter more in managers, MSF Holland Humanitarian Affairs Moscow than the intricacies of the law. MSF should focus Officer (HAD), Executive Director, 26 January on the horrible condition of the Chechen people and the 2000 (in English). fact that the governments of Europe and the US should be doing more to address their concerns. Saying a war officially Extract: exists will not add to their existing obligations (unlike with Thanks sending us a copy of the open letter to the Council respect to the Genocide Convention, where calling a genocide of Europe Member States. a genocide had important legal implications.) As I have stated in the past, we fully support advocacy Cheers, James statements aimed at limiting violations of humanitarian I would like to make two points briefly because we are law in the area. running short of time, in order to comply with the time I don’t think, however, that we should make demands frame of the Council of Europe meeting. concerning the legal definition of the conflict. As James 1) On the recognition of the war in Chechnya. pointed out yesterday, the designation of the conflict as an I agree with James Ross that there is no need of official “armed conflict” does not alter in any way the obligation recognition of the war to create the obligation of the to respect humanitarian law. The Russian government has belligerents to respect IHL. never officially stated that there is no armed conflict in But when it comes to the obligation of the other states to the region. Calling the conflict an anti-terrorist operation ensure the respect of IHL by the belligerents (article 1) the is their description of their opponents in the conflict and first step is to make sure that these states acknowledge that does not influence its legal standing in international law. the situation is a one of armed conflict. Such an appeal does however create the impression that Their duty in such situation is to ensure that IHL is respected we are participating in the political debates within Russia by belligerents or to act collectively to sanctions violations on the characterization of the war. of IHL. There is extensive debate in the Russian press regarding the We are, at this stage with Europeans and western countries, political legitimacy of the rebel Chechen government. This taking care to avoid qualifying the situation and thus is a political rather than a legal debate, but it is not one avoiding their responsibilities toward the implementation 98 that we should be taking sides in. This is something that and sanctions of violations of IHL. criteria areonly applicableinstatesofwar.There isnolegal law betweenthose two. Anyway, they said that humanitarian civilian casualties.Therewould beadifferenceinhumanitarian war istokillciviliansorifthey justdon’tcareatallabout we wenttoworkthenextday. Idon’tknowiftheaimof inappropriate statement.Our objectionswerenotheardso did not make a big fuss about it.We thought that it was an say thatyouarenotallowedtowork—sothat’swhywe was a tragedy—that because of this statement they would is. And that’s whyit was nothelpful. I did not thinkthat it I thoughtthatitcreatedamisunderstandingofwhatMSF the state of war—itdid not seem rooted in our work as MSF. of theletterthatwehadaproblemwith.Thisquestion so itleftusverylittletimetosayno.Itwasonlyonepiece statement untiltheywerepreparingtoleaveforStrasbourg We werenothappy.Ithinkthattheydidn’tpreparethe late, itwasbeinggiventothepress. speaks French.’Butbyfourhourslatertheysaiditwastoo check about some of the things. Not everyone on the team it. We told them: ‘We need to talk about it. We also need to largely that it was too late. This was four hours after we got not think that this is an appropriate statement.’ We were told I didn’tagreewith.WecalledupParisandwesaid:‘wedo politicized debateinRussia.Thatonepiece,thatsentence, our advocacy,notanabstractpoliticaldebatewhichwasa destruction ofpeoples’homes—thatshouldbethebasis were thedeathsfromindiscriminatebombingsand to thepopulation.Andconsequencespopulation be basing all of our international advocacy on the consequences Bises Françoise government (whichwillnotbeagoodthinkforMSF).[…] the political debate about the legitimacy of the Chechen So Ithinkwecanusethislegalargumenttoavoidentering recognition (political, legal...) of the parties to the conflict. the applicationofIHLwillhavenoconsequenceson be abletocopeandapplyinsuchsituations.Itstatesthat national authorities.IHLhasbeenwritteninsuchwayto of a non-state nature and of course, not recognized by the state actor.Thesecondoneisrepresentedbyauthorities oppose two parties of which only one (by definition) is a one). Theverynatureofaninternalarmedconflictisto or international(inourviewitmeansofcourseaninternal the situationasanarmedconflictwedonotsayinternal to avoid entering such a debate. When we want to qualify debate inMoscow.Butonoursidewehavethepossibility government. ItisagainagoodpointandIunderstandhot 2) OnthedebateaboutlegitimacyofactualChechen duty toact. to usethewordgenocidebecauseitwouldhavecreateda It remindsusoftheRwandangenocidewhenstatesrefrained something thatMSFshouldbeinvolvedin.We about howtocallthiswar.Ididn’tthinkthatitwas There wasalreadyapoliticaldebategoingoninRussia statement, justnotthatparagraph. cause anyproblemsandwe[MSFHolland]supportedthe think thatitwas misunderstood in Russia but again it didn’t And itseemedthatweweretryingtomakeapointofit.I nobody arguedthatitwasawar.Thatseemed self-evident. it isaninternalwarorinterstatewar--youcouldargue.But this wasawarinaccordancewithinternationallaw—whether Nobody hadanydoubtinternationallyoreveninRussiathat A stateofwarisafact.Thatlevelbombing—that’swar. thing thatagovernmenthastodorecognizestateofwar. as things There yougo,that’s itforthemoment.I’llkeep youposted should stirthingsupabit... conference (theRussianMinister ofForeignAffairs).That meeting placeitself,at14h15, justbeforeMrIvanov’spress And they’llholdapressconference, attheEuropeanCouncil’s attending. make suretheletter’spassedontoparliamentarydeputies getting propoganda where the meeting’s being held. They’ll Calas andCécileleftthismorning to do abitof attention- As farasStrasbourggoes,Rony,FrançoiseSaulnier,François below). A pressreleasewasissuedthismorning(seetheAFPclip have donethesamethingontheirside. The other sections based in other member countries should Le Figarothismorning(whichjustgoestoshow.). Prime MinisteroftheFrenchRepublic]andwaspublishedin [...] wassenttoChiracandJospinlastnight[President Council members’headsofstatesorgovernments.Theletter Yesterday, wewroteanopenlettertoalltheEuropean a delegationfromtheNorthCaucasus. is beingheldinStrasbourgtoday,followingthereturnof As you already know, an extraordinary meeting on Chechnya Council today. Just aquickwordaboutwhatwillhappenattheEuropean Hi everyone distributed toparliamentarydeputies. war anditsimpactoncivilians.Theopenletterwas questioning theRussianarmy’shandlingofChechen Europe Parliamentry Assembly) meeting in Strasbourg, press conference on the sidelinesof the PACE(Council of On 27January,representativesofMSFFrancehelda Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus,(November1999- January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005) Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand 27 January 2000 (in French). 27 January2000(inFrench). MSF sections’CommunicationsOfficersandDirectors, Jeannerod, CommunicationsOfficerMSFFrance,to ‘ from Benedicte Chechnya EuropeanCouncil,’EmailfromBenedicte (in English)interviewedin2000

99 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

‘ Doctors Without Borders Demands Action on by the European convention on human rights and Chechnya,’ 27 January 2000, AFP (France), international law. It called for an immediate ceasefire Strasbourg, (in English). and the initiation of political dialogue with the elected Chechen government. It also issued a certain number of Extract: recommendations, some of a humanitarian nature, and Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders, or MSF), announced that it would review their application in April. which was awarded the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize, appealed Igor Ivanov, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the Council of Europe to acknowledge the existence of realleged that events unfolding in Chechnya were neither a state of war in the breakaway southern Russian republic. a conflict nor a war, and that Russia would pursue its Denouncing the “complicity of states,” MSF said in an “anti-terrorist operation” right through to the end. open letter the international community had “refused to acknowledge the existence of an armed conflict, failed to meet their responsibilities and avoided the application of humanitarian law to help victims.” ’Chechnya Follow Up,’ Email from Françoise MSF asked the 41-member Council of Europe - a trans- Saulnier, MSF Legal Director to Brigitte Vasset, European human rights watchdog which was holding an MSF France Coordinator in Georgia, 4 February emergency debate on Chechnya Thursday - to “recognize 2000 (in French). officially the existence of an armed conflict in Chechnya and remind Russia of its obligations to respect human rights law.” Extract: MSF called on the UN Security Council, the European Court Recommendation 1444 (2000) of the Council of Europe of Human Rights and the international commission for Parliamentary Assembly did not exclude the Russian the establishment of facts to conduct investigations into parliamentary delegation. But after some debate, it voted whether war crimes had been committed.[…] on a recommendation that displeased Mr Putin. Council of Europe deputies were to vote later on a resolution The parliament ‘condemned as totally unacceptable the to offer “appropriate support” to Russia. current running of military operations.’ It affirmed that A resolution said the executive of the Council of Europe ‘Russia was violating some of its most serious obligations should offer “suitable support to Russian authorities” as in terms of the European convention on human rights and part of a policy to “end the crisis in Chechnya.” international law.’ Earlier this week, Christian Democrats called for a suspension The Assembly considers that the military operations violate of Russia’s membership of the Council of Europe because of the rule of law, because the law governing campaigns against alleged human rights abuses in Chechnya. organised crime (anti-terrorist campaigns) does not cover operations on a scale such as these. No state of emergency was declared, and these operations are therefore arbitrary and beyond the scope of any legislation. The Assembly has not imposed any sanctions so far. But it did issue some specific demands to the Russian government, and We had the impression that the major foreign states ‘will judge’ Russia’s compliance (or not) with them in April. and United Nations were being too soft with Russia, As a certain number of the recommendations are of a and this heavily influenced our lobbying. While there humanitarian nature, I think that it’s important to document was international state mobilisation to moderate Moscow them so as to bring the European Council into the loop from during the first war, there was nothing of the kind during the our side. They mainly involve: second. The Germans, for example, who’d applied pressure on - abstaining from all forced repatriation to Chechnya Moscow during the first war, did nothing during the second. - manifesting scrupulous respect for the fundamental rights So at the start of the second war, we spoke out in public a of the population on Chechen soil under Russian control... lot, because we thought that there was a real failure on the - allowing free channelling to the region of effective political front. It was a bit naive on our part; we thought international humanitarian aid and assistance offered we could change public opinion, and that would sway by governmental and international non-governmental international attention. humanitarian organisations. On a more general note, the parliamentary assembly called for Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director of an immediate and total ceasefire and a halt to ill-considered communication (1996-1998), Director of Operations and disproportionate military activities. It also called for (1998-2000), President (May 2000- May 2008) (in French) the immediate initiation of a political dialogue, without interviewed in 2009 prior conditions, with the elected Chechen government in the aim of brokering a ceasefire and reaching a political solution to the conflict. This last argument answers MSF H’s concerns regarding MSF lending credence to the current Chechen government In the end, the PACE refused to sanction Russia for its by referring to a conflict. The European Council recognises conduct in Chechnya. It nonetheless considered that the legitimacy of this government, and calls on Russia 100 the Russian state violated certain obligations imposed to negotiate with its elected members. Regarding the “foreign mercenaries”fighting inChechnya. Russian armywasproportional” tothesituation,given gangs” heclaimed,alleging that “theuseofforcebythe actions.” “Weareonlyfighting theterroristsandcriminal were neither“aconflict”nor “awar”,but“anti-terrorist He repeatedlyhammeredhomethateventsinChechnya continued theMinister. the security,livesandwell-beingofallEuropeancitizens, This situation“ontheborderwithEurope”threatened in Afghanistan,theBalkans,andCaucasus. barbaric terroristattacks,”whichwereraging,healleged, “Russia wasprotectingitsborderwithEuropeagainst According toMrIvanov,withthis“anti-terroristoperation,” organisation’s 41membercountries. a speechdeliveredtotheparliamentarydeputiesof the end,”declaredheadofRussiandiplomacyduring out suchanoperationwithoutpursuingitrightthroughto law andhumanrightsintheregion.Itisimpossibletocarry “The anti-terroristoperationinChechnyaaimstore-instate Chechnya “throughtothebitterend.” “Russia wouldpursueitsanti-terroristoperation”in to theEuropeanCouncilinStrasbourgonThursdaythat, Igor Ivanov, Russia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, reaffirmed (in French). and organisesomethingtogether. Chechnya supportcommittee.Wemustmeetupwiththem, be passingthroughParison19 war inChechnya.FYI,MrKovaleyandMsElenaBonerwill representatives ofRussian civil society opposed tothe opinion, wehavetalkedofre-establishingcontactswith development oftiesbetweenMSFandRussianpublic STRASBOURG (EuropeanCouncil),27 I[…]Françoise This statement may be of some interest for Kenny in Moscow? global politicalsettlementoftheconflict. Chechnya, inordertoachieveaceasefireandreach any precondition,withtheactualelectedauthoritiesof asks Russiatostartimmediatepolitical dialogue without legitimacy oftheactualgovernmentChechnya.It The councilofEuropetakesalsoaclearpositiononthe the politicalcommission). (plus thereportsoflegalcommissionandonefrom Europe onChechnyawhichisofsomehelpthisissue mendation of the parliamentary assembly of the council of Council ofEuropeforexample.Ihavethetextrecom- recognition of the existence of an armed conflict by the This canfuelourposition to pressforaninternational that whathappeninChechnyaisnotawar. enclose the mainlines of the speech of M. Ivanov stressing Just anotetofollowuponourChechnyandiscussion.I  ’ MSF HollandHAD,4February2000(inEnglish). Saulnier, MSF Legal Director to James Ross, Russie –Tchétchénie’ th February,invitedbythe Email fromFrançoise th January2000-AFP

and economicinterestsbeforethesituationinChechnya.” at Russia,becauseofthegas,andsoon.’Theyputstrategic United Kingdom adopted a soft line, saying “we mustn’t get members, theheavyweightplayerssuchasFranceand European Council’sministerialcommittee.Amongstthe41 The SecretaryGeneralwasunderparticularpressurefromthe but theyranheadlongintotheEuropeanCouncil’sexecutive. parliamentary assemblywhotriedtomovethingsforward, point ofview.Therewereafewactivedeputiesinthe agenda, fromapolitical,humanitarian,andhumanrights in a‘filtration ’ camp,where torture was a standard while operating inahospital.Theywere imprisoned Chechen government,wasarrested, alongwithhisteam, a surgeonandMinisterof Health fortheindependent the woundedandmedical staff. ThusOmarKhanbiev, access tohumanitarianteams, theystartedharassing Chechen fighters for some days.Continuingto bar had takenGrozny.Thecitybeendesertedbythe On 3February,theRussianforcesannouncedthey closed tointernationalorganizations. workers soonwillbeallowedintoChechnya,whichhasbeen protection for those workers, and expressed hope that U.N. Annan thankedtheRussiangovernmentforprovidingpolice arrived in Moscow on Thursday for athree-day visit.[...] chairman ofRussia’supperhouseparliament.Annan as possible,”AnnansaidaftermeetingIgorStroyev,the “We wouldwanttoseeanendthisconflictassoon hardship.” of theciviliansandensurethattheydon’tsufferundue terrorists, “weshouldtakeeverysteptoprotecttherights Annan saidthatthoughhesupportedeffortstorootout to beterrorists. the five-monthcampaignhastargetedrebelsitconsiders indiscriminate Russianbombingandshelling.Russiasays criticism focusingonreportsofhighciviliancasualtiesand offensive inthebreakawayrepublic,withmuchof Russia hasbeenwidelycriticizedintheWestforits Extract: Chechnya, alongwithcivilianprotectioninthewarzone. UN Secretary General, called for an immediate ceasefire in On 27January,duringavisittoMoscow,KofiAnnan,the was theonlyorganisationthatkeptChechnyaon the panoplyofintergovernmentalorganisations,it The onlyforumwehadwastheEuropeanCouncil.In [...], MSFFrancedeputylegaladvisor,1995-2005 Moscow, 27January2000(inEnglish). ‘Annan WantsChechenConflictOver,’ (in French) interviewedin2008 AP (UK), 101 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

interrogation technique. As Khanbiev had been one MSF’s know what has happened to the wounded and injured in closest contacts in Chechnya since the first war, there Grozny hospital), MSF’s own vocation is under attack. was talk of speaking out to call for his release. He was For all these reasons, I think we should feel concerned by finally let out on the 18th February, and kept under house what has happened. arrest in Gudermes.

‘ Medical Staff,’ Email from Brigitte Vasset, ’Masters of Grozny, the Russians Hunt Out Injured MSF France’s Coordinator in Georgia, to the Chechens,’ Pierre Flambot, Le Monde (France), 8 MSF deputy legal advisor, 13 February 2000 (in February 2000 (in French). French).

Extract: Extract: Acting President, Vladimir Putin, announces, the “final It is ‘legitimate’ for us to take an interest in these two arrests: seizure”, on Sunday 6th February, of the separatist capital, - We have known Omar Khambiev, Chechnya’s Health Minister, Grozny. On the ground, a handful of doctors try to evacuate since 1995. He came to Shatoi when the team was working the injured fighters who did not manage to escape. The there and was our contact right through the mission until city, symbolising Chechnya’s struggle for independence has we left after Christophe’s kidnapping. Ask Vincent for the fallen, but no political solution to the war is yet in sight. details, but during the kidnapping, he did what he could Russian soldiers are hunting for any injured Chechens still to help us. surviving amongst the ruins of Grozny, now abandoned - For this war, the big consignment of medicines that we sent by the fighters. According to an announcement by acting out in December ‘99 was delivered to him. He distributed it Russian President, Vladimir Putin, the “final seizure” of the at a meeting with the top managers of the different Chechen city took place on Sunday 6th February. hospitals. He thanked us for the consignment (the letter NGOs are now concerned about the fate of refugees, who wasn’t from him, but came through an intermediary). NB: find are being more or less forced to return to the ’liberated’ out whether the consignment was acknowledged publicly. territories. No more heed is being paid to the Geneva - In 95, we worked at Kurtchaloi hospital for a few months. Convention protecting medical personnel, journalists, and Lastly, I asked for news of Omar Khambiev in January. I was civilians than to that prohibiting torture or arms of mass told he was allright but that his brother had been killed. […] destruction. Moscow claims it has been unable to identify I’m all in favour of Fabien’s proposal. We need to do the same any Chechen representatives to take part in the process as for Babitski, make sure he and his team, and the Kurtchaloi of re-establishing federal order, which, according to the team, are known to exist to stop them disappearing. But Kremlin, is preventing any kind of political solution from we need to get a move on. being found […]. I was planning on discussing it with the two ambassadors Meanwhile, the Russian army is justifying its refusal to allow I’m trying to meet next week: US and UK. If you have a humanitarian assistance into the city - or into any part of more specific message, let me know before then. Chechnya – by the need for mine clearance. “What this really means is that they are pillaging every house before setting fire to it,” according to Adlan. “Or they are laying new mines themselves. One woman was blown to pieces opening a gate ’ ICRC and Rony’s Position on Khambiev,’ Email she went out of just few hours earlier.” from the MSF deputy legal advisor to the programme manager, 18 February 2000 (in French).

’ Chechnya,’ Email from the MSF deputy Legal Advi- Extract: sor to Programme Managers and Communications 2) Rony’s [Brauman, MSF France Fondation] position on Officers, 8 February 2000 (in French). the Omar Khambiev initiative (broadly speaking): - Public statements by MSF must be in relation with the Extract: organisation’s presence in the field. He is unhappy with This message from the Chechnya committee […] reports the fact that this is not the case here. Although MSF-F the arrest of surgeon and Health Minister, Omar Khambiev has operations in Georgia and MSF-B and MSF-H are in (we know him well and have had good relations with him Ingushetia, MSF is not where it needs to be on this one. for a number of years) and his medical team. - MSF’s public statements must provide new information or Given the relations between us and our position as a medical be saying something different from the media. The issue organisation, I think we should be thinking about making of ‘filtration camps’ has been widely covered in the press. a public statement. - Rony is also unhappy with the idea of looking at the The right to care for the wounded and sick during conflicts is torture of a whole population through the wrong end of one of the basic principles of international humanitarian law, the telescope (this individual story). There you are. To my and the medical mission is also at the heart of humanitarian mind, this position, which in fact encompasses the broader 102 law. With this arrest (not counting the fact that we don’t question of the legitimacy and limits of MSF’s testimony forced repatriationofIDPtoChechnyabytheauthorities. Mr Nielsenexpressedconcernoverthequestionofreports expressed concernoverciviliansinneedthewholeregion. workers to civiliansin need in the whole region. Mr Nielsen the importance of ensuring free access for humanitarian working conditions.Inthiscontext,MrNielsenstressed carry outtheirroleaccordingtonormalstandardsand concerning security,allowingthehumanitarianagenciesto authorities toprovidethenecessaryguarantees,particularly the IDP[s].MrNielsencalledonRussianandIngush agencies inthiscrisishelpingtoalleviatetheplightof Mr Nielsenpraisedtherolebeingplayedbyhumanitarian Extract: observers, accesstoChechnya.Herrequestwasdenied. called fortheRussianauthoritiestoallowhumanrights Nations High Commissioner for HumanRights,publicly their security.On16February,MaryRobinson,United free accesstotheregion’spopulations,andguarantee Ingush authoritiestoallowhumanitarianaidoperators expressed hisconcernandcalledontheRussian Commissioner forDevelopmentandHumanitarianAid, still atwar.On11February,PoulNielsen,theEuropean humanitarian assistanceandthefactthatcountryis to Chechnyainspiteoftheabsenceanyplanned The Russianauthoritiesbeganforcingrefugeestoreturn sent backtothecamps(?).’Tobecontinued… Russians) oryourmedicalteamcouldbeindanger...ofbeing and isbeingthreatenedalongthelines‘workforus(the his medicalteam.HeisnowunderhousearrestinGudermes Omar hasbeenreleasedfromthefiltrationcampalongwith Extract: a bitlatenowtoconsidermakingpublicstatement. for discussion at the first Monday meeting, butI thinkit’s action, is highlydebatable. We could put it on the agenda Advisor, 19February2000(inFrench).  programme managertotheMSFDeputyLegal ‘Omar,’ EmailfromDenisGouzerh,MSFFrance English). Press release,ECHO,10February2000(in to AssesstheHumanitariansituationinRegion,’ ‘ Poul Nielsen Pays Visit to Russia and North Caucasus Poul Nielsen Pays Visit toRussia and North Caucasus

forces fromthemountainsofChechnya. announced thestartofaguerrillawaragainstRussian On 11February,theChechenPresidentMaskhadov rights violationsmaybewell-founded.” “leads toheightenedconcernthatallegationsofhuman of theRussianauthoritiestorespondlegitimateworries personal envoy to theregion, Mrs. Robinsonsaidthefailure affected bytheconflict,ortoherearlieroffersenda not agreedtoherrequestvisitMoscowandtheareas Expressing deepregretthattheRussianGovernmenthad on Groznyandotherpartsoftheterritory. serious humanrightsviolationsduringandaftertheassault Russian Federation,andtoactonmountingevidenceof human rightsmonitoringofthesituationinChechnya, Robinson todaycalledontheRussianGovernmenttoallow United NationsHighCommissionerforHumanRightsMary Extract: remained independent of the government, were censured remained independent ofthegovernment, werecensured rights organisations, orsomeofthemedia whichhad Chechnya. Thosewhowereagainst it,membersofhuman Russia’s publicopinionwasmostly infavourofthewar for severaldaysinpreparationthenextoffensive. the Russianshavebeencarryingoutintensivebombingraids to the mountainous region in the south of the Republic, where The separatist rebelsfled Groznyon 1February,withdrawing for almostaweek. recapturing thecapital,whichhasbeenunderRussiancontrol On Monday,PresidentMaskhadovdeclaredhisintentionof of localities. Russian ’occupier,’whichenabledthemtoreclaimanumber launched awarofambushesandskirmishesagainstthe previous conflict(1994-1996),Chechencombatantshad whose authorityisnotrecognisedbyMoscow.Duringthe a waragainsttheChechenpeople,”declaredPresident, nothing todowiththefightagainstcrimeorterrorism.Itwas “The peopleofChechnyaknowthattheRussiancampaignhad declared MrMaskhadov. mountains, plains,andineveryvillageoftheRepublic,” “Separatist rebelsaretolaunchaguerrillawarinthe Extract: 16 February2000(inEnglish). Press ReleaseUNHumanRightsHighCommission, to AllowGreaterInternationalAccessChechnya.’ ‘Human RightsHighCommissionerCallsonRussia 2000 (inFrench). Guerrilla War,’ ‘Maskhadov AnnouncestheStartofCountry-wide AFP (France),Moscow,11February

103 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

or punished. Thus, on 16 January, Andrei Babitski, a The journalist, whose disappearance caused a considerable journalist with Radio Svoboda who had been covering stir in Russia and abroad, reappeared on Friday in events in Chechnya since the first war, was arrested by Dagestan, a Republic on the borders of Chechnya, after the Russian army and accused of ‘taking part in an illegal 40 days of silence. He was immediately arrested by armed formation.’ He was finally exchanged for three police for ‘possession of a false passport’ before being Russian soldiers at the beginning of February. However, released and sent back to Moscow on Monday evening. On he didn’t surface again until 24 February, claiming to 23 February, the anniversary of the deportation of have been held prisoner and beaten in the Tchernokozovo Chechens to central Asia, MSF France and MSF Belgium filtration camp during this time. sign a petition launched by numerous human rights organisations, entitled, ‘Crime without punishment in Chechnya: Vladimir Putin is pursuing Stalin’s work.’

‘ More than 60% of Russians in Favour of Intervention in Chechnya,’ AFP (France), Moscow, 24 February 2000 (in French). ‘ Crime Without Punishment in Chechnya.’ Petition published in France Soir (France), 23 February Extract: 2000 (in French). Approximately 61% of Russians support the military operation in the separatist republic of Chechnya, with only February 1944: Deportation of Chechens 19% opposed, according to a survey by the ARPI institute February 2000: Massacre of Chechens quoted on Thursday by the Interfax agency. Vladimir Putin is pursuing Stalin’s work. Putin, the patriot, 54% of the people questioned consider the losses recorded has ordered Grozny to be razed to the ground, allows surviving by the federal forces to be unavoidable if the Chechen rebels civilians to be finished off and injured combatants to be shot. are to be completely exterminated, according to the survey Putin, the humane, is flattening villages with incendiary of 1,600 people conducted between 18th and 20th February charges and fragmentation missiles. Putin, the modern in 49 regions of Russia. leader, is denying access to medical relief organisations. However, 29% of Russians questioned, consider that Putin, the democrat, is muzzling the press and has had Chechnya’s civilian population is the chief victim of the the best informed Russian journalist kidnapped by his hostilities and that, for this reason, they should cease FSB henchmen, who beat him up and handed him over to immediately […]. At the beginning of February, a survey by his jailers without identifying him. Putin, the efficient, is the Public Opinion Institute revealed that 73% of Russians organising ‘filtration camps’ where Chechens of all stations were in favour of continuing the offensive by the federal are beaten to death, sodomised and, whenever possible, forces in Chechnya. offered for ransom. Russia is a permanent member of the UN’s Security Council and a full-fledged member of the Council of Europe and the OSCE; it is invited to the G7 and is a client of the IMF and ‘ Journalist Babitski Claims to have been Beaten by the World Bank. Over recent days the Russian authorities Russian Forces,’ AFP (France), Moscow 29 February have committed massive war crimes and acts so barbaric 2000 (in French). they should be qualified as crimes against humanity. But there is not one word of condemnation, not the slightest Extract: hint of a sanction from these international bodies. […] Babitski, 35, who had been covering the war from the side Philippe Biberson signs for and with Médecins sans of the Chechen separatists for the Russian branch of Radio Frontières. Free Europe, was arrested near Grozny on 16 February by Russian forces who accused him of ’taking part in an illegal armed organization.’ “I was handed over to a group of sadists who held me prisoner in Chernokozovo concentration camp. I received the same treatment as absolutely everyone else that spends any DESCRIBE THE SITUATION time in that place. I’m talking about dozens of blows with OR QUESTION POLICY MAKERS? a cudgel,” declared Babitski, stressing that other prisoners in Tchernokozovo had been tortured. […] “I intend to make public what happened to me, what is happening in Chechnya, and what I have seen. I feel this will not only be a way of guaranteeing my safety and that At the end of February, the different MSF sections working of my family, but also of taking some small action against on the Chechnya question shared their approaches on the horrendous lawlessness and terrible nightmare being how to communicate on the crisis. While the Dutch suffered in Chechnya,” he said. section wished to let the description of the humanitarian situation it had given to journalists ’speak for itself,’ the 104 French section thought it should make a public appeal conflict; notupon theright-or-wrongofwars, butuponthe on thesituation ofthecivilianvictims the Chechen • Further on, to attract the attention of the Russian media activities withinRussia(Comops); • Toimprovetheunderstanding oftheMSFmandateand the Chechenconflict; of the Russian public opinion and Russian media with regard • Tocontinuegatheringinfoandanalysisontheinteraction Nevertheless, communicationobjectivescouldinclude: average Russiancitizen. to beexpectedinthewayconflictisregardedby E. IntheRussiansociety,thereisobviouslylittlechange it wassaidbeforetomakeafixedagendaandtimeframe). operational activity(explocannotbeforbothpurposes: that surely this kind of activity will stand in the way of remained whetherthisisreallythemandateofMSF-and to report this info for discrete lobby to embassiesdiscussion during anexpatpresenceinIngushetiaand/orChechnya; • TotakewitnessofHR-abusesifwehavetheopportunity, competence toconfirmphysicalHR-rightsabuses; • Toprovide,iftheopportunityis present, medical (Human RightsWatch,...); Soldiers Mothers,...)andwithforeignHR-organizations active inthefieldofhumanrights(Memorial,Russian • ReinforceourcontactswithlocalRussianassociations public opiniononthesituationinNorth-Caucasus; Yelena Bonner...) to Europe to witness directly to the western • InviteaRussianlegitimateperson(ex:widowSakharov- North Caucasus; and theBelgianpublicopiniononsituationin • AneventinBrusselstomobilizetheEuropeanauthorities international communitycouldinclude: Communications (withtheabovelimitations)targeting population. humanitarian answerontheneedsofendangered the time being are considered the surest (most efficient) our priorityisnowgettingtheoperationsgoing,whichfor temoignage inordernottoputintodangerouroperations; make astrongerstand,weareacceptingthelimitationson and notenoughpressureonEUnationalgovernmentsto A. Althoughforthemoment,thereislittlesaidinpress, 4. Communication: Extract: Dernière Heure. region andMSF’sactivities,totheBelgiandaily,La ‘Task Force’gaveaninterviewonthesituationin On 29February,BartOstyns,HeadoftheNorthCaucasus for securityreasons,wishedtolimititspublictestimony. agreed tostrengthenMSF’scommunicationinRussia,but On 25February,theBelgiansection’sProjectCommittee humanitarian dimensionofthisconflict. to thepoliticalworldtakeafirmerstanceon Belgium, 25February2000(inEnglish). ‘Conclusions ofCOPROCaucasus,’ Memo fromMSF «Like the other NGOs in the field, MSF has gathered testimony are tryingtoget aidto.»[…] in unusedfactoriesorwarehouses. Thesearethepeoplewe huge numberofrefugeesare livinginsmallcommunities «The officialrefugeecamps arenolongerbigenough.A witness accounts.”[…] on what’shappeningoverthere aswedon’thaveanyeye- they wentouttothefield.Butit’sdifficultcommunicate us inChechnya‘96.WetrainedthemMoscowbefore westerners. WehavetoworkwiththeRussianswhojoined organisation likeit-revolvingaroundthekidnappingof we’re usedtothat.However,we’verarelyseenacriminal to workoverthere.There’snoinfrastructure, of course,but explains thedoctor,whoisnowbackinBelgium.“It’sdifficult “Everything needsdoing,IwasinIngushetialastDecember,” to Ingushetia. has to make do with missions to Moscow and fleeting visits This time,DoctorOstyns,currentlyonaquicktriptoBelgium, from 1994to1996. Doctor BartOstynsworkedforMSFduringtheChechenwar Extract: discuss 48hbeforetemoignageaction. • Propose/imposeobligationtoallsectionsinformand for MSFstaff(bothnationalandinternationalstaff)! […] • Vetouponwitnessingactivitiesincaseofsecurityrisks potential impact; and co-operativewayinfunctionofsecurityoperational • Witnessinginitiatives are takentogether in atransparent authorities; themselves officiallybeforehandassuchtotheRussian • All sections are operationally independent and identify 5. MSF-International: not ourmandate. not theroleofMSFtojoinanti-warlobby,asthisis as theseareineverywaystillpolitical.Itismeanwhile, inviting ‘Russianswithhighmoralstandards’tospeakout, • MSFHlikewisedoesnotbelieveintheappropriatenessof population speakforitself).[…] and letthehumanitarianpictureofChechencivilian humanitarian (notcondemningthewar,-avoidingjudgment, world, astheybelievethemessageshouldbepurelyandonly • MSF H sees no objection of approaching the journalist firmer standinthehumanitarianaspectofconflict task exactly in mobilizing the political world to take a much activities ontheinternationallevel,whileMSFFseesher • MSFHthereforedoesnotcommunicateatallupontheir • Overallworryforsecurityimplicationsofdenunciation the feedbackwas: In discussingtheselineswiththeothersectionsonMonday, to contactpro-activelyRussianjournalists(presslunches). humanitarian implicationsofthewarforciviliansmethod: (in French).  La DernièreHeure(Brussels),29February2000 ‘Europeans are Obvious Targets,’ Hubert Leclercq,

105 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

from refugees who have suffered ill-treatment in the Russian ’CNN,’ Email from Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland camps. We have heard talk of torture or, at the very least, Regional Advisor Caucasus to MSF Holland  ill-treatment,» Doctor Ostyns continues, «but as we can’t Caucasus Network, 21 March 2000 (in English). verify these claims, we can only confirm that there are reports of this. The longer it goes on, the more reports we There will be 2 short CNN pieces which MSF-Ingushetia gave hear,but we need to be on site to assess the situation. We interviews for. mustn’t delude ourselves. This is a war, and there are no You can look out for a piece on the Chechnya health care holds barred.» system featuring B, one of our medical staff in Chechnya. The piece should be about how the health system there has managed to continue providing services through two wars and 6 years without salaries or inputs. B, a surgeon, tells Minutes from MSF Belgium’s Board of Directors his story of having several hospitals destroyed around him Meeting, 2 March 2000 (in French). and yet continuing to treat wounded in a basement with materials rescued from the ruins of his old hospital. Extract: a. Chechnya […] Stefaan wants to know what MSF-B’s communication policy is. Alex [Parisel] (General Director of MSF Belgium): For the time being, we can’t provide much added-value in this During the first war we were working in different area. MDM has kept up its presence since ‘96-’97 via a local hospitals, in Grozny, then Starye Atagi, then Shatoi. network- so they can react more quickly and are better able During the second war there was no place for that to communicate. So, in the short term, we have decided to either because they were bombing all over the place. Actually give priority to getting an operation underway in Chechnya. this did not happen the way it happened during the first war. We can start thinking about developing an effective You could have cases where you were supposed to go to the testimony policy later. house of the patient, did the operation, and go from house […] Stefaan asks about the objective of this operation. It to house and provide the assistance like that. If the person involves developing MSF’s presence, but without expats: happened to be wounded or does not want to participate or caution is still needed. Security reports haven’t improved cannot participate in the hostilities anymore, according to and things are likely to get worse with the reduced military all humanitarian laws, he has a right to receive the medical presence. assistance. But [in] those days, [just] for providing assistance The prevailing sentiment is one of optimism, confidence in to one of the sites, they could easily shoot you down. the team, but we know the project has its limits (remote control, Chechen team). It’s the first time we’ve operated by A, MSF North Caucasus staff (in Russian, translated remote control from the start of an operation. Considerable into English by an MSF interpreter) interviewed in 2008 resources have been allocated (5 people in Moscow). There is also a feeling of impotence, as we’d like to be much closer to the population. But we need to move slowly to find our way back in and do what we want to do. The fact that the mortality rate hasn’t increased, so there’s no life-saving Meanwhile, MSF Holland started up a programme issues, has played a part in the decision. distributing medicine and medical materials to Chechnya’s Relations with the Health Ministry are good. They accept hospitals, with the help of a network of Chechen surgeons, the system, as their own facilities can’t provide optimal respected by all sides, for their professional activity health-care. We also have the Interior Ministry’s support during the first war. on security and supply. Alex informs the Board of Trustees of a request made to MSF by Georges Dallemagne (Member of Parliament and former General Director of MSF Belgium) to take part in a Chechnya Committee. In Belgium, it’s the only attempt at collective mobilisation there has been… (unlike in France I hired some staff, and we actually started doing where the intellectual community is much more active in some things in the camps in Ingushetia and we attempting to get the Chechnya question on the political planned to do some things then in hospitals in agenda). The Committee is made up essentially of Georges Chechnya. It was going to be very light things, some and some Chechens and Russians living in Belgium. We surgical support, some reconstruction of surgical theaters, haven’t joined this movement, but we regret the absence and finding some hospitals and clinics where we could of any other form of mobilisation. provide some assistance. And that’s when we hired B. He He [Alex] wonders whether there might not be a Kosovo- was the director of surgery in the biggest surgical facility Chechnya deal going on: if the Russians say nothing about in Chechnya before the war and he knew all the surgeons. Kosovo, we’ll say nothing about Chechnya.» And we hired H. who was an orthopedic surgeon. We hired 106 them partly because they had been the rebel surgeons in way. way. by explosionsandIwasalwaysmeetingtheterribleonesonmy always hadtheboxofinstruments.Therewerealotwounds surgery. GoingbackhomeIhadtooperatesometimes.We increased thenumberofhospitals.Iwascontinuingtodo hospitals, inthebeginningitwas1-3hospitals.Graduallywe distribution in these hospitals. It wasn’t straight to 25 Chechnya that we were assisting. This was a program of drug Chechnya. I went back and forth. We had 25 hospitals in February IwasworkingwithMSF,[andon]3Marchwewentto me to sign a contract for two months with MSF. [By] 26 month andthenreturnbacktoChechnya,butKennyconvinced journalist atthetime.Isaidthenthatwouldworkforone with KennyGluck. IknewKennyfrom the firsta war.He was of MSFofficeinNazran.Andthenheinvitedmeforaninterview the familyhadnomeanseither.Iwasintroducedtohead was theendofFebruary2000.Ihadnoincome,meansand organizational capacity. help.’ It made us feelmuch safer and it gave ussome I pulledapieceofmetaloutyourhead.Now,needsome and saying,‘Hey,Ineedsomething,youcan’ttellmetowait. intoKadyrov’sofficeorgoingstraighttoBassayev walking capacity, as having very senior people, who had no problem that gaveusalotmoreautonomousorganizational he couldorganizesalariesforhisnursesandsoon.And the blackmarket,hecouldconvincedoctorstowork,and running ahospitalinthewar.Hecouldbuymedicineson work withbothsides.Theywereseniors.Bwasusedto on bothsides,whichwasveryimportantforus.Theycould pro-Russian Chechens,whichtheydid.Theyhadobligations They werealsoabletoworkwiththeRussians,and they hadpersonalrelationswiththem,familyrelations... they nolongerbelievedintherebels,butknewthem, separated fromtherebels.Becauseofdisaster’97, and ’96,eventhoughpolitically,theyhadbecome because theyhadreallytravelledwiththerebelsin‘95 this, this, and this.’ And they knew all of his fighters them tojustwalkintohishouseandsay,‘Weneedthis, operated onafamouscommanderanditmadeeasyfor the mountainsin1995.Sotheykneweverybody.Theyhad into EnglishbyanMSFinterpreter) interviewedin2008 Dr.B, MSFNorthCaucasusstaff (inRussian,translated Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus,(November1999- January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005) I had my family in Ingushetia and I was in Chechnya I hadmyfamilyinIngushetiaandwasChechnya shall we say captured, I came to visit my family. That itself. AndwhenthewholeChechnyawasoccupiedor Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand (in English)interviewedin2000

and withoutshelterormedicalcare. population trying to survive in a devastated city, starving for RefugeesreachedGrozny.Aidworkersdescribeda The firstaidconvoyfromtheUNHighCommissioner with thoroughchecksofdocumentsandeverythingelse. around themandwithmilitary,armouredpersonnel,also points with a little stick but checkpoints with concrete fences there wereabout18checkpoints.Thesenotthecheck- Chechnya and Ingushetia until Grosny, about 50 km at most, ments. Asimpleexampletoshowyou:fromtheboarderbetween HCR Spokesman. tuberculosis, andashortageofwarmclothing,”addedthe problems arealackoffood,healthconcerns,inparticular reported. “Inadditiontothelackofsecurity,theirgreatest grenades andshellsareaprobleminmanyareas,”he recovered from collapsed buildings, andmines,unexploded parts ofthecity.“Bodiesciviliancasualtiesarestillbeing The HCRmonitorsreportedcontinuedfightingincertain civilians remain,thisisaccordingtolocalregistrationlists.” devastated andstillinsecurewastelandwhereonly21,000 tremendous,” said Ron Redmond. “The monitors describe a accompanied thisconvoy,theneedsinsideGroznyare “Judging fromtheinitialreportsourmonitorswho for Refugees(HCR),RonRedmond,inGenevaonFriday. the Spokesperson for the United Nations High Commissioner devastated duringthefighting,are“tremendous,”declared The needsofthepopulationGrozny,Chechencapital ity ofitspresence intheCaucasus. Russian Federationquestioning theneutral- of rumoursandpublic statementsinthe March 2000,MSFhad tocopewithaseries For several weeks during Februaryand RUSSIAN PROPAGANDAONMSF’S into EnglishbyanMSFinterpreter)interviewedin2008 Our answerinChechnyatooksometime.Thatwas C, MSFNorthCaucasusstaff(inRussian,translated boarder andthentoreachcertainvillagessettle- connected tocertaindifficulties:firstcrossthe WORK INTHECAUCASUS AFP (France),Geneva,3March2000(inFrench). ‘Grozny is Devastated; the Needs are Tremendous,’

107 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

On 29 February, the Russian Justice Minister declared - we will inform REN TV that we kindly decline doing a TV publicly that Russian forces were doing nothing to interview prevent the Red Cross and Médecins sans Frontières from - we will state that we are not supporting (providing) the transporting medicine to the Chechen separatist fighters Chechen fighters with drugs in the mountainous regions. This statement, distributed - if they are interested in knowing how we work and want by the various press agencies, was interpreted by the to have an update of our activities, we are glad to provide Russian television station Ren TV13 as an accusation of that within a few days (since our HQ has to approve all MSF delivering medicines to separatist fighters, and it external statements).- I have drafted a general statement invited MSF teams to come and explain its actions on about MSF and its activities in North Caucasus which I have television. The teams refused the interview, explaining just sent to MSF B for their comments before we will send that they were not delivering medicine to the separatists, it to HQ (for your consideration). and decided to take measures to ensure the local press - in case the media wants to have such overview/statement, was better acquainted with MSF’s activities. we can provide that this week but avoid being interviewed on TV about such a delicate/political issue. I think we have to be careful not being dragged into a discussion where we do not belong. ’ Press Statement MSF Chechnya,’ Email from Ton Koene, MSF Holland Coordinator in Moscow to MSF 5) I think we need to have some kind of press papers anyway Holland Field Coordinator in Caucasus, Programme because if we increase our presence in Chechnya, we will Manager, Director of Operations and Communica- be more and more under fire from the local press. We have tions Officer, 1 March 2000 (in English). to prepare ourselves for this. Giving general info [about] who we are, what our aims are, and what we do (without Extract: going too much into detail but transparent). 1) Yesterday, MSF-B was contacted by a Russian TV station (REN), the translation of the request/statement is given hereunder: […] According to the reports by the ITAR-TASS news agency Three days later, on 4 March, General Vladimir Shamanov, federal forces do not prevent international organizations Commander of the Russian Forces in Chechnya, declared on such as the “Red Cross” and “Médecins sans Frontiers” from Russian television that “MSF has interests that are harm- supplying medical drugs to the Chechen fighters. ful to the Russian state.” Whereas MSF Holland wanted to Is it actually true that MSF is supplying Chechen fighters make a simple response to this statement on principle so with medicines? Why? as not to endanger its projects in the region, MSF France Do the federal authorities try to prevent that? considered this incident to be serious and proposed a Question: what is the mission of MSF in Chechnya? strong reaction. After discussions, a letter was sent on 16 March to the Russian Federation’s Ambassador to the 2) MSF B and myself met this morning and discussed how United Nations on behalf of the whole MSF movement. we should respond to this. After contact with ICRC, we The letter qualified the statements made by General obtained a copy of the Reuters briefing: Shamanov as slander that could jeopardise international It is a short message on 6 women who are freed and the relief organisations’ ability to work in the Caucasus. last two sentences are: Quote: Major Nazarkin (Russian min of justice saying in Chernokozovo) said that the federal forces in Chechnya do not put any obstacles to officials of international humanitarian ‘ ATTN Bart/Kenny/Denis-Didier,’ Email from Jean- organizations - the Red Cross and Doctors without Borders Christophe Dolle, MSF Belgium North Caucasus - in transporting medicines for wounded militants to the Coordinator to MSF France and MSF Belgium highland areas. programme managers and MSF Holland Regional Unquote Advisor Caucasus, 9 March 2000 (in English).

3) So what happened is that Reuters made this statement Hello, yesterday (29.2.00) picked up and copied by Itar Tass and Here is the translation of the extract of General Chamanov’s then seen by REN TV. Ren TV then sent the above request to interview to Dorenko, March 4, 2000, 9 pm, on ORT Russian us (in which they ask whether MSF supplies drugs to Chechnya Central Channel (state-owned). fighters). So it is REN TV who actually turns Reuters/Itar “We made several mistakes during the previous Chechnya Tass statement into a kind of accusation. REN TV requested campaign. In reality, intelligence services worked under an interview with MSF. the colours of OSCE, Médecins sans Frontières, and other “specialists” - Russian enemies, they purposefully prejudiced 4) What we have decided with MSF B the interests of Russian state. And we tried to seem good in the eyes of world public opinion. We are not a banana republic. We cannot be driven [lead] 108 13. Independent TV channel, not very popular in Russia. on. At the same time, we’re not a closed country anymore, volunteers from manycountrieswhoworkwith MSF.Unless drafts. Ithinkit isverygoodtoemphasizethe thousandsof […] I do think that we can combine elements of the two Bart, Bart Hope youcancometoanagreement. the-champions” spiritoftheintroduction) the two letters (the first draft, but without the “we-are- I thereforewouldaskyoutofindacompromisebetween is notappreciatedbythemilitaryhierarchy. - In the best case: still, a signal that humanitarian presence towards MSF. - In the worst case: a negative feeling at the checkpoints declaration?” knowingtheconsequences: “Are ouroperationsnotalreadyendangeredbythiskindof and staff. this forthesamereasons:ourownsecurity-operations question ofhowweshould“interpret”thisdeclarationand On theotherhand,webelievethatshouldraise that intheobjectives) own operationsindangeroverthisissue(Ishould’veadded Obviously, itspeaks for itselfthatweshouldn’tbringour We’ve readyourletter. Hello Kenny, Let meknowyourthoughtsandrecommendedalterations. the MinistryofDefense. to Chechnya.Thereisnoparticularurgencyrespond Tuesday meeting with the military on more permanent access I wouldalsolikeforanylettertobedeliveredonlyafterour rather thanMSF 4) Thestatementislikelyaimedataidagenciesingeneral or restrictionsagainstMSFactivities official statementandhasnotbeenfollowedbyanyactions 3) Thestatementwasanoffthecuffremarkratherthan access andthestrengthoffutureadvocacy role ofMSFatthispoint.Thiswouldunderminebothour argument withtheMinistryorparticulargeneralsabout 2) Itwouldbeverydamagingtobecomeengagedinapublic army checkpointsthisweekand on accessandourstaff,localexpatriate,willbepassing 1) Because we are currently engaged in local negotiations this approach At this point I do think that it is essential that we keep the toneandcontentareinformativeratherthanindignant. to sortieoftherecentstatements.AsIexplainedyesterday Here isadraftlettertotheMinistryofDefenseinresponse Extract: by MSF-BMoscow). democratic state.”(OriginalinRussian,unofficialtranslation we areastatewhichhasdonelottobecomenormal 2000 (inEnglish). MSF BelgiumNorthCaucasusTaskForce,9March Holland RegionalAdvisorCaucasusandBartOstyn, Email exchange between Kenny Gluck, MSF

Take care,Kenny we arethinkingalongthesamelines. will alsogiveyouacallinthemorningtomakesurethat l willtrytocombineaspectsofthetwoletterstomorrow.I is notworththerisk. our ownindignation.Atthisstageinintervention,it don’t seewhatwegainbydemandingitoutsideassuaging we did provoke a response, it is more likely to be hostile. I will giveanofficialdisavowalofShamanov’sstatements.If indignation ordemands.Itisextremelyunlikelythatthey our statementlimitedtostatingpositionwithout I agreethatweneedtorespond,butwouldratherkeep our abilitytoworkandfutureadvocacyintheregion. ministry. Thiswouldonlyfurtherundermineoursecurity, or otherwhichcouldturnintoapublicdebatewiththe of provokingfurtherantagonisticstatementsbyShamanov remarks. Askingforarebuttalfromtheministryrunsrisk statement by the ministry to disavow Shamanov’s earlier I wouldverymuchadviceagainstrequestinganyfollow-up include mentionofMSFotherinterventionsinRussia. there issomereasonnottomentionit,Idothinkweshould in Russia. in Russiaand undermine ourabilitytoprovide assistance misrepresent ouractivities have engagedininappropriate activities.Thesestatements and suggestedthathumanitarian agencies,includingMSF, Defense inRussiahavemisunderstood theactivitiesofMSF Unfortunately, somerepresentatives oftheMinistry need. aimed at providing medical assistance to populations in many countrieshaveparticipatedinthisactionofsolidarity Millions ofcontributorsandthousandsvolunteersfrom been providingsupportinRussiasince1991. present MSF is working in over 80 countries and we have assistance topopulationsindangerallovertheworld.At Since 1971MedecinsSansFrontiereshasworkedtoprovide Dear IgorDmitrievich, to meetinMoscownextWednesdayfinaliseit). Draft responsedrawnupbythefieldteamssofar(theyare Shamanov vs.MSFfile[…] Jean-Hervé […] […] Friendly (Wednesday). tomorrow beforethenextHOMmeetinginMoscow position. Thetopicisimportantenoughtohaveateleconf You willfindenclosedabriefingpaperincludingParis’s Dear colleagues, Extract: 2000 (inEnglish). Operations, MSFInternationalPresident,13March Switzerland ExecutiveDirectorsandof Operations toMSFHolland,Belgium, Jean-Hervé Bradol,MSFFranceDirectorof ’Teleconf Chechnya/ShamanovvsMSF’, Email from

109 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

In order to avoid any misunderstandings in the future we Maintaining a position such as the one made in the draft take this opportunity to acquaint you with MSF’s programs from Moscow would inevitably lead to the French section in Russia and MSF’s international humanitarian mission. adopting an independent stance. MSF will be continuing to provide assistance to populations in need in Russia. We hope that the personnel of the Ministry of Defense will demonstrate respect for MSF’s humanitarian mission and facilitate the activities of MSF personnel in ‘ Re: Teleconf Chechnya/Chamanov vs MSF’, Email the field. from Vincent Janssens MSF Belgium Director of If you have any questions about MSF’s humanitarian mission Operations to MSF Holland, MSF France, MSF or our activities in Russia, please feel free to contact us. […] Switzerland Executive Directors and Directors of Operations, MSF International President, 13 March Analysis 2000 (in English). These declarations are worrying for the safety of the teams. We don’t want to add fuel to the fire, but an inappropriate In reaction to the “petit dossier” de JHB, and given the cancelling response that underplays the seriousness of the situation of the teleconference, hereby some personal comments. by talking about a “misunderstanding” would be even more I have no idea how useful they still can be at this stage, but dangerous. I give it a try. Here is what I think we should put in our response to these 1. To react or not? statements: -From a distance it is difficult to judge: as Thierry Durand 1 a reminder of the facts [MSF Switzerland’s Director of Operations]] states, we’ve been 2 a characterisation of the facts often accused of things in Serbia, where the sole intention 3 a protest was to fill the papers and hope for reaction; we responded 4 a demand for an explanation sometimes, sometimes we didn’t; none of both apparently This text (open letter) should be addressed to the Defence resulted any effect (positive or negative). Minister and the Chief of State and our reaction should One should locally appreciate how the statement was be relayed to a few of the “big” Russian diplomatic received. representations abroad (New York or Washington, -Almost 10 days have passed so one should appreciate how representatives in Brussels, the Council of Europe, the opportune/useful a late reaction still can be. OSCE, etc.)We should also inform diplomats involved in the -Personally I think it is still worth responding, but that’s Russian question of Shamanov’s statements and our reaction an appreciation from here. to them, as well as any journalists working on this file. -To decide on the reaction, we should analyze what we want to achieve; personally I think that it is better for our safety Draft letter (and operational margin on the ground) to correct clearly but Dear Sir, respectfully these kind of statements that seek to discredit We are writing to you in the wake of statements made by MSF. It remains difficult to assess to which degree these General Shamanov on 4th March 2000 during an interview kind of messages (and responses) really influence the safety on the state television channel, ORT. on the ground, but if there is, then I think a correct answer During this interview, General Shamanov described MSF as might reduce the risk rather than increase it. an organisation engaged in information activities intended to harm the Russian state. 2. If we respond, what should be the content? We consider this statement, which was not backed up -I would agree with points 1-3 of JH (recall the facts, qualify by any specific facts, to constitute both slander and a them and protest) but not with the 4th (request clarification): threat. We wish to stress the threatening nature of these we know what’s behind this and we know what the answer comments made in the context of a war in which the civilian will be (more of the same vague accusations) and the risk population is hard hit by the military offensive underway is there that this will drag MSF into a kind of public debate and where international aid organisations have limited we have nothing to win at. scope to intervene. -I feel like the original text from the field gives the impression (at a distance) of answering without saying something; or We would also like to draw attention to the fact that the even giving the impression that we are afraid of calling a action undertaken by Médecins sans Frontières is covered cat a cat: even the Russians won’t believe that this was all a by the Geneva Convention, signed by Russia. In keeping misunderstanding; so we should not pretend so; I personally with the Convention, our action is aimed solely at providing would rather not react than to send that version. assistance to the civilian population and people injured in -In JHB’s version there are on the contrary (in chapter 3) the conflict, whoever they may be. references to the present war (to which Chamanov did not We are concerned by the threatening hostility displayed to refer) and that unnecessarily can again drag us in a kind of us by a high-ranking army officer, and respectfully request public debate that is lost in advance in Russia, particularly clarification of this matter. if set up in this way. Conclusion 3. Whom do we aim at? Reacting to this type of problem typically falls within the I think basically the same public as for the interview; I would 110 remit of the Operations Directors. therefore check whether useful and possible to send it to our communication. I’mwritingaletter.There’ll benopublic already hadproblems withthem.I’mready to takerisksin anything happenstous,it’ll be importanttoshowthatwe they attackuspublicly,weabsolutely mustreact.Then,if clearly identifiedasanopponent towhattheyaredoing.If no pointintryingtokeepalow profile.Wemightaswellbe some people.Giventheway secretservicesseeus,there’s colours, includinginourpublicmessages-eveniftheyupset in thesandwillmakeusanysafer.It’dbebettertoshowour accusations gounanswered.Idon’tthinkstickingourheads partenaires concernés. partners concerned. Russia since1991,apparentlytothefullsatisfactionofour Frontières has been assisting vulnerable populations in With fullrespectfortheseprinciples,MédecinsSans principles. we provideandinstrictrespectforthehumanitarian world. Ouronlylegitimacyliesinthequalityofassistance in needformanyyears,over80countriesthroughoutthe Médecins Sans Frontières has been workingwithpopulations organizations. jeopardizes thepossibilitiesofactionbyinternationalaid movement is guaranteed. General Chamanov’s statement are respectedandprotected,thattheirfreedomof to ensure that humanitarian organizations and personnel Conventions, Russia is, on the contrary, under the obligation a calumnyand,ineffect,threat.AssignatorytotheGeneva This declaration,notbackedbyconcretefacts,istooureyes services thatprejudicetheinterestsofRussianstate. Sans Frontièresasanorganizationwhichsheltersintelligence During thisinterviewGeneralChamanovqualifiedMédecins on thestatetelevisionchannelORT. General Chamanov,onMarch4,2000,duringaninterview I amwritingtoyouconcerningthecommentsmadeby Your Excellency, Extract: then theirownposition. sign onlyforitself,allowingtheothersectionstoadopt to gosolo,itshouldthenalsoassumetheresponsibilityand that, ifnoconsensuscanbefoundandonesectiondecides [...] Reacting to the conclusion of JHB, I would just precise (he won’treactandalltheinbetweenswillfeelbypassed). the ORTandwoulddefinitelynotsendittopresident want to react to this. I don’t want to let these act againstRussianinterests.Theothersectionsdon’t Shamanov accuses us onstatetelevision of tryingto March 2000(inEnglish). Mission oftheRussianFederationtoUN,16 Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent to the UN to Serge V. Lavrov, Ambassador Letter fromCatherineDumait-Harper,MSFLiaison

(1998-2000), President(May2000-May2008)(inFrench) York office. Defence Ministerourselves.Intheend,wewentviaNew in ex-Yugoslavia.WefirstwantedtowritetheRussian kind ofthing.He’sbroughtupwhathappenedduringthewar because, to his mind, we are constantly being accused of this Director at MSF Switzerland, is not really in favour of responding the prosandconsofdoinganything.ThierryDurand,Operations statement. VincentJanssensforMSFBelgiumisweighingup We endedupcompromisingbutitwasverybad. him. Unfortunatelyittookusthreeweekstoarguethispoint. pick itup.Orelse,you’rejustshowingthatafraidof things pass.Whensomeonethrowsdownaglove,youhaveto right issue.IthinkMSFFrancefeltthatwecouldnotletthese offended becausehecalledusabadname.Thatwasnotthe chances todoworkbygettingintoapublicfightasifwewere were goingtoruinourchancesdotemoignageand not beabout MSF. Itseemedto us to be a distraction. We temoignage shouldbeaboutthepeopleinChechnya,it fight betweentheGeneralandMSF.Wesaidanyadvocacy him. Hewillmakeanotherstatementandweendupina attitude wasthatattackingtheGeneralwouldjustprovoke larger statementanddemandaretractionsoon.Our of Defenceandthat’sit.MSFFrancewantedtodoamuch felt thatweshouldgiveaninformationlettertotheMinistry were differencesbetweenMSFParisandAmsterdam.We said thatOSCEandMSFarespiesenemiesofRussia.There in theCaucasus.Ajournaliststuckamikehisfaceandhe television. Itwasafieldinterview.Hestandingsomewhere they camefrom. were treatingallthewounded broughttothem,wherever to discreditGeorgia.InthePankisi Valley,theMSFteams These accusationswerepart oftheauthorities’strategy humanitarian materialsand armstoChechenfighters. Valley inGeorgia,wasopenedasabasefortransporting office, ItarTass,claimedtheMSFofficeinPankisi A weeklater,on22March,theofficialRussianpress Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus,(November1999- communication (1996-1998),DirectorofOperations January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005) Western GroupofforcesinChechnya-wenton Shamanov—he wastheCommanderinGeneralof Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand We didhaveabigargumentwithMSFFrance.General Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof (in English)interviewedin2000 interviewed in2009

111 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

‘Chechen Boyevics, Penetrated to Georgia Establish 2) We should certainly work to convey greater transparency their own Rules There,’ Moscow, Caucasus Press to the variety of power structures. This could include better Itar Tass, 22 March 2000 (translated from Russian and more regular reports to The Ministry of Health, the into English by MSF). Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and just about anybody else who might be interested. We will need to give a lot of attention Extract: to how we present our activities and we should not be under Chechen Boyevicks, who penetrated to the territory of the illusion that this will alter our sterling reputation in the Georgia establish their own rules on the territory of the higher levels of the military or security structures. country, Pankisi mountain valley. Akhmeta region of Georgia We should not press for access to Grozny at a high level turns into a ‘little Chechnya’ with all its criminal features. as a way of getting information to key decision makers. I Georgian laws practically do not work here, and real power is think that any such request at a high level will generate based on the ideas of field commanders and their assistants. unnecessary suspicion and would also undermine our access They openly say they are not going to return to Chechnya, to Grozny. We have been told that we cannot go to Grozny, but intend to stay in Georgia. They are not going to breed but I think we should resolve this first at the local level, cattle or deal with farming works. They intend to restore as we have with access to Chechnya overall. Once we have their usual business here - kidnapping people, slavery, access we should be aggressively transparent about what robberies, and money extortion. On the available information we are doing. Georgian authorities try to have unofficial contacts with the authorities of Chechen diaspora, so that they would persuade their countrymen to leave the territory of Georgia. However their appeals do not work. Chechens keep pressing Tbilisi claiming for free transportation of humanitarian loads, arms, and ammunition to Pankisi mountain valley. For this We were taking things as they came. Patients turned purpose offices of Turkish Red Crescent and Médecins Sans up and we treated them. I think the business with Frontières opened in Jokolo village. Christophe [André] being kidnapped had a major influence on things. The programme manager was convinced that if we wanted to work in any security, we would need a priority agreement with a clan. In Pankisi, MSF’s first contacts Email from Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland Regional were with a Chechen businessman. The programme manager Advisor Caucasus to Rendt Gortner, MSF Holland had met with him, and placed itself under his protection to North Caucasus Project Coordinator, and MSF a certain extent. For example, when we first got there, the Holland Headquarters Caucasus Team, 29 March blokes we employed as security had been recommended to us 2000 (in English). by him. And he was close to the network of fighters. So via this Pankisi network, we were treating fighters, that’s for sure, Extract: but there were not that many of them. And the question was It’s good to hear that MSF is retaining its prominent place more complicated than it may seem because, within the in the Russian media. factions of Chechen fighters, there were the ‘nutcases and 1) Until this is really up and running, we do need to respond the not-so-nutcases,’ the radicals and the moderates. But we to report like the recent TASS report from Georgia. I agree had doubts about it. I had inherited this situation and was that another low key approach is appropriate. I assume that uncomfortable with it. I had talked about it. Jean-Pierre (HoM MSFF) will have an easier time convincing Paris of this than we did. Dr Eric Comte, Field Coordinator in the Pankisi Valley The contacts could include an information letter explaining (Georgia) December 1999 to April 2000, Field Coordinator MSF’s activities in Georgia. I might be helpful to add a in Ingushetia (April 2000 to October 2000), Coordinator phone call and one-on-one meetings to complement this. Georgia (2000-2002) (in French) interviewed in 2009 It would be good for MSF to establish some contacts with TASS and other Russian journalists in Georgia in order to prevent this sort of commentary in the future. This should be done by MSFF because they can demonstrate ongoing activities. MSF-H’s presence without activities could create more suspicion than understanding. MSF Holland hired a helicopter to fly people from the Our response to MSF’s enduring popularity in the Russian mountains down to the hospital in Tbilissi, and made press should be more pro-active. This has been part of some big mistakes. I even found out later about some the plan for an advocacy strategy all along. We should be of the things. I went to see one of these contacts in the careful to build contacts and understanding before we do Pankisi in Georgia. And he told me things which I didn’t know anything like a press release or a press conference. […] about. He said: ‘I am so grateful;. you evacuated 10 family Putting our name more up front may give understanding members who were freezing to death in the mountains, with of our activities to some, but it will certainly put us on the horrible wounds, some of them had already been amputated, list for attack by others. and were lying in the snow, and you organized a plane to fly 112 them to a hospital in Tbilisi. They’re alive to this day because cannot do thattothe UN asthe UN isthe only “club” in MSF of spying. He remarked that the Russian government could expelMSFfromtheregion. Theyhavealreadyaccused UN’s fearofRussia,giventhe easewithwhichtheRussians NGOs andtheUN.[…]Kennysaid thatMSFisfrustratedbythe opinion amongNGOsaboutsecurity, nottomentionbetween problem layinthefactthat there aremanydifferencesof With respecttocoordinationinthefield,Kennysaid steady levelofconflictiswhatkeepsthemawayfornow. are notmorethana30-minutedriveawayfromGrozny.A many willreturn,evenifit’sdangerous.Asitis,therefugees When askedaboutthereturnofrefugees,Kennyrepliedthat they seemtoletitgo. work independently.OnceMoscowbecomesawareofthis, officials andworkedoutanagreementsothatMSFcould also askedofMSF,butMSFspokewiththelocalEMERCOM UN operatethroughEMERCOM.Kennyrepliedthatthiswas David saidtheRussiangovernmentisinsistingthat even Russianswhohavebeenimplicatedintheatrocities. UNHCR hassetabadprecedentbyusingRussianguards, that Russians are to provide “modality.” Kenny said that This discussion returned to theMoUand the stipulation EMERCOM puttingtheindependenceofNGOsinjeopardy.[…] soldiers cannottellthedifferencebetweenNGOsand worried abouttheuseofRussianarmedresorts.Chechen Kenny thenraisedtheissueofimpartiality.MSFisvery Extract: felt wereopenandnotreallyrebelfacilities. let themhaveanything.Wewouldonlyusefacilitiesthatwe Because Iwasverystrictwiththerebelsandwewouldnot found out,Iwasalittlebit‘OKthisisexcessive.’ surgical facilities,anditwascompletezerocontrol.WhenI truckloads ofmedicinesacrossthemountains,intocertain of you.IwilldoanythingforMSF.’MSFHollandalsosent operational principlesofindependence. operators. MSFrefusedtheseescortsonthebasisofits considered bybothsidesasapplyingtoallhumanitarian agreement, whichnotablyimposedarmedescorts,were Ingushetia andChechnya.Themodalitiesofthis a framework for their humanitarian operations in an agreementwiththeRussianFederationdefining At thebeginningofApril,UnitedNationspassed Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus,(November1999- January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005) Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand English). Advisor NorthCaucasusHoM,4April2000(in UN Liaison,KennyGluckMSFHollandRegional Chechnya andIngushetia,’LauraBrav,MSFDeputy notes–MeetingwithOCHAApril4on Internal (in English)interviewedin2009

administration. Thedelegationfirmlysupports theproposal These discussions couldalsoinvolvetheprovisional Chechen Chechen representativesand otherinfluentialChechens. on apoliticalsolutiontothe conflictwiththeelected government, without any further delay, to begin negotiations At thesametimedelegation callsontheRussian agencies tothearea. to guaranteethesecureandfreeaccessofhumanitarian respected bybothsidesandforarrangementstobemade The delegationcallsforanimmediatecease-fireto be and disproportionateuseofforcebytheRussianmilitary. trauma sufferedbyciviliansasaresultofindiscriminate The delegationwasdeeplydisturbedbythedistressand the ParliamentaryAssemblyasitsJanuary2000session. by theRussianauthoritiesonrequirementsvoted The objectiveofthemissionwastomonitorprogressmade from 9to12March. their fact-finding mission to Moscow and the North Caucasus EUROPE ParliamentaryAssemblydelegationattheendof government”, saidLordJUDD,LeaderoftheCOUNCILOF be systematically destroyed by the forces of its own that theUNbetrayedtheminlastwar. humanitarian access. The Chechens, on the other hand, feel this whentheUNmakesstatementsaboutprotectionand Russians are“inawe”oftheUN.HeaskedOCHAtoconsider the worldwhereRussiaisstillasuperpower, and ordinary of the21 - “Itisbeyondcomprehensionthatatthebeginning Extract: mind itsownbusiness. Moscow’s reply,insomanywords,wasthatitshould put anendtohumanrightsviolations. begin seekingameanstoachievepeaceinChechnyaand favour ofRussia’ssuspensionshoulditnotimmediately At thebeginningofApril,PACEvotedunanimouslyin with ‘electedChechenrepresentatives.’ region. It also called for the opening of negotiations and allowhumanitarianorganisationsfreeaccesstothe to investigatehumanrightsviolationsandwarcrimes, a bi-lateralcease-fireandurgedtheRussianauthorities the recommendationsithadmadeinJanuary,calledfor the NorthCaucasustoobserveimplementationof ­­­­­­On 13March,aPACEdelegationsenttoMoscowand indignant statements,withnoeffect. international institutionscontinueissuing On thediplomaticfront,governmentsand st Moscow, 13March2000,(inEnglish). Assembly MissiontoMoscowandNorthCaucasus,’ ’Findings oftheCouncilEuropeParliamentary century,aEuropeancitylikeGroznycould

113 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

for a Regional Conference on the North Caucasus with the On 22 April, during a visit to Ingushetia by the participation of representatives chosen by the Chechens. European ‘troika,’ made up of the French and Portuguese The delegation believes that serious human rights violations ambassadors and the European Union’s representative to and war crimes have taken place in Chechnya on both Russia, Ingushetia’s President, Ruslan Auchev, pleaded sides. Eyewitnesses gave accounts of arbitrary killings and in favour of dialogue between the Russian leaders and harassment by Russian forces, as well as unacceptable acts the Chechen president, Aslan Maskhadov. The ‘troika,’ of violence by Chechen fighters, the implementation of the which was not allowed into Chechnya, declared Russia’s Sharia Law and hostage taking. humanitarian efforts towards Chechen civilians to be The delegation therefore calls on the Russian authorities insufficient. to intensify investigation of all alleged violations in co-operation with international representatives. The delegation also urges the Russian parliament to set up without delay a special committee to investigate these ‘ Ingushetia Pleads for Dialogue between Putin and crimes. It further underlines the importance of access by Maskhadov before Visiting Europeans,’ AFP all prisoners to legal advice and calls for the release of all (France), Moscow, 22 April 2000 (in French). hostages. Extract: Ruslan Auchev, President of Ingushetia, a Republic on the border with Chechnya, pleaded for dialogue between ‘ European Snub Renews Russia’s Identity Crisis: Moscow and the separatist president Aslan Maskhadov on Council’s Action May be a Sign of its Wider Saturday, during a visit from the European ‘troika’ to this Estrangement,’ RC Longworth, The Chicago North Caucasus Republic […]. Tribune (USA), 9 April 2000 (in English). “Certain issues must be discussed with the legally-elected President of Chechnya, Aslan Maskhadov” insisted President Extract: Auchev, who has acted as intermediary between Moscow The Council of Europe, normally a docile body with a and Grozny, the Chechen capital, on a number of occasions. reputation based more on talk than action, has asked “He (Maskhadov) is the only person with whom the Chechnya Vladimir Putin’s Russia the question it has never really problem can be resolved, as there is nobody else on the wanted to answer: Chechen side who has the legal or moral right to represent Is Russia a European nation? Does it truly want to belong Chechnya in negotiations,” added President Auchev, whose to Europe and the West, and how much? Republic is sheltering the majority of Chechen refugees. The parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe voted Moscow left little hope of dialogue with the separatist overwhelmingly last week to suspend Russia’s membership President on Friday, esteeming that Maskhadov had unless it moves “immediately” to seek peace in Chechnya insufficient control over his warlords to be considered a and stop violating human rights there. valid interlocutor. Moscow, with a fury seemingly all out of proportion to the While acknowledging having received peace proposals, rebuke, told the council to mind its own business. amending them and sending them back to the separatist The parliament’s recommendation to suspend Russia must President, the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, is still be approved unanimously by the other 40 governments in calling him a “criminal.” the 41-nation organization. This could take months. Before Moscow has not recognised the legitimacy of the Chechen then, diplomats will try to head off a confrontation. President, elected in 1997, since the launch of its ground Even if the suspension goes through, Russia won’t suffer offensive against Chechnya on 1st October. It has launched any practical penalties. The council is a consultative body a criminal investigation against him for ‘illegal rebellion.’ with little power; it is no kin to the European Union, an […] The European ‘troika’ was to end its tour of the North economic union with real influence over the economies of Caucasus on Saturday after a visit to Chechnya on Friday its 15 West European nations, nor to NATO, the transatlantic […] According to the Interfax agency, the ‘troika’ presented defense alliance. Despite this, the council parliament’s vote itself at the Kavkaz 1 checkpoint on the border between stung. It was a highly symbolic act that called into question Ingushetia and Chechnya, but the Russian helicopter meant Russia’s right to consider itself part of Europe. to take it to Chechnya didn’t show. The Russians themselves have never really settled this issue, The visit of the ‘troika’ – the Portuguese Ambassador, so the vote challenged Russia’s role in Europe, its relations José Luis-Gomes, the French Ambassador, Hubert Colin with the West and its very identity. de Verdière, and the EU Representative to Russia, Gilbert The Council of Europe sees itself as the embodiment of Dubois, - was intended to ‘help prepare the Russia –EU European values. It was founded in 1949 by 10 West summit’ to be held on Moscow on 17th May, according to European nations, with a mandate to promote democracy the Portuguese Ambassador. and “safeguard and realize the ideals and principles which The troika, which was not allowed into Chechnya, declared are their common heritage.” on Friday that Russia’s humanitarian efforts towards Chechen civilians were insufficient.

114 Europe’s principlesandobjectives. rights violationsareunacceptableintermsoftheCouncil campaign intheChechenRepublicandresultinghuman erated itsconvictionthatRussia’sconductofmilitary The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly today reit organisations. of winter,andfreeaccesstoChechnyaforhumanitarian emergency measurestobeputinplacebeforetheonset violence andtoinvestigateviolations.Italsocalledfor the Russian authorities to take action to end abuses and rights monitoring institutions. However, it again urged acknowledged theeffortsmadebyRussiatosetuphuman Chechnya, theCouncilofEuropeParliamentaryAssembly In September,afteranothervisitbyadelegationto to thevictimsofconflict. to allowinternationalhumanitarianorganisationsaccess immediately ceaseitsmilitaryoperationsinChechnyaand The resolutionalsocallsontheRussiangovernmentto to meettheChechenrepresentatives. Senior StateDepartmentOfficialshavepreviouslyrefused representatives ofthefreelyelectedChechengovernment. Chechnya andurgingtheSecretary of Statetomeetwith Bill thismorningcondemningRussia’sbrutalpolicyin Jesse HelmstotheDepartmentofDefenseAppropriations introduced by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman The Senate approved, byvoice vote, anamendment Extract: Representative for human rights in Chechnya, the State Duma Representative for humanrightsinChechnya, theStateDuma – theOfficeof Mr Kalamanov,theRussianPresident’s Special human rightsmachineryputin placetodealwiththeconflict organised by the Russian State Duma in September. The tee’s visit to Chechnya and its participation in the hearing ing developments, based on the results of its Ad Hoc Commit […] The Assembly accepted that there were some encourag firmly condemningitslackofinitiative. with elected representatives of the Chechen government, It alsocalledupontheClintonadministrationtomeet and accessforinternationalhumanitarianorganisations. and calledforanimmediateceasetomilitaryoperations condemning the Russian forces’ brutal policies in Chechnya, On 9June,theUnitedStatesSenatepassedaresolution English). Press Release,USSenate,9June2000(in ‘Senate ApprovesHelmsResolutiononChechnya,’ 2000 (inEnglish). Parliamentary Assembly,Strasbourg,28September Chechnya,’ ‘Assembly UrgesRussiatoActwithoutDelayin Press release,CouncilofEurope

- - - Committee onthenormalisationofsituationinRepub help toaddress theseincidentsandreduce fears.” Rendt Gorterin Chechnya.“Independentmonitoring could civilians remaincommonplace,” statedMSFHeadofMission fighting isstillcontinuing,and incidentsofviolenceagainst establish a monitoringpresence throughout Chechnya. “The Borders/Médecins SansFrontières (MSF)urgestheOSCEto international medicalrelieforganization DoctorsWithout Co-operation inEurope(OSCE)visittoRussia,the On theoccasionofOrganizationforSecurityand tion andreconstruction. ments forgeneroussupporttoitshumanitarianrehabilita- Republic, andappealedtoCouncilofEuropemembergovern- ing to operate in Chechnyamust be granted access tothe that internationalhumanitarianorganisationsandNGOswill- the financialassistanceofrelevantorganisations. Itstressed care andeducationtorefugeesdisplacedpeople,with winterised accommodation,heating,food,basicmedical The Assemblycalledforemergencymeasurestoprovide the mediainChechnya. ians; andensurefreedomofmovementforciviliansaswell minimum necessaryfortheprotectionoftroopsandcivil- by Russiantroops;limitlaw-enforcementoperationstothe conditions; investigateallalleged mass killings of civilians leaders andtheChechenmilitarycommanderswithoutpre- cal solution,includingnegotiationswithbothcivilian Russia wasalsourgedtospeedupitssearchforapoliti- rights, securityanddignityinthemeantime. displaced peopletotheirownhomesandensurefull destruction ofproperty,speedthereturn refugees and speedily identitydocuments,compensateforthelossand persons, restoreaneffectivejudiciaryinChechnya,issue and abuseofthosedetained,clarifythefateallmissing and stopillegalpracticesatthem,arbitrarydetentions limit the number of checkpoints to an absolute minimum federal servicemen implicated in human rights violations, those bodies’reportstoensurecriminalprosecutionsofthe The parliamentarians urged Russia to act without delay on and humanrightsintheNorthCaucasus-begantowork.[…] lic, theNationalPublicCommissiononcrimeinvestigation independent monitoringpresenceinChechnya. press releasecallingontheorganisationtosetupan MSF Holland,followedbyUnitedStates,issueda On 12April,duringavisittoRussiabyanOSCE delegation, international institutions. Chechnya questionwithgovernmentsand MSF seizedeveryopportunitytoraisethe New York/Amsterdam,11April2000(inEnglish). Chechnya,’ MSFUSA/MSFHollandPressrelease, ‘MSF CallsforIndependentMonitoringPresencein

- 115 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

MSF is concerned about the humanitarian situation inside impressive presentation on the humanitarian situation in Chechnya. MSF medical teams have found many health Chechnya and showed a video of Grozny and the MSF activities facilities in to be severely damaged. They have also reported in the area. It was a very open and positive discussion a widespread lack of medicine and medical supplies. Initial with the OSCE, and we made our points very clear towards findings confirm a paramount need for humanitarian a stronger presence in the area. assistance, but access into Chechnya by humanitarian The result of lobbying is always hard to judge, but it was organizations remains haphazard. definitely a very important back up of the OSCE-members Access of civilians to the health facilities that are still who pushed for a stronger approach than exists now. (And functioning is limited due to the continuing insecurity-- now they are even asking us what house they should rent especially during the evenings and nights due to curfews in Znamenskoje!) and checkpoints. People report to be scared and hesitant to The press conference itself went very well. Our main message move around and therefore can not immediately visit a clinic was the fact that the war in Chechnya is continuing, although when needed. This presents the patients with complications it disappeared from the TV-screens. that could have been avoided. We had no new message, therefore we did not send around The health situation in Chechnya remains precarious. Poor an international press release, as was agreed with MSF-H. living conditions, overcrowding in shelters, and lack of It was a classical but very effective witnessing issue, living hygiene have resulted in a high number of skin diseases, of [taken from] the experiences and personality of Rendt. diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal infections, especially We made clear to the press that it is difficult for us to amongst children. Also, gunshot wounds amongst civilians, have concrete political demands that could endanger our including elderly, women, and children, have been widely people in the field and that we concentrate on witnessing. reported. Rendt Gorter warns, “Thousands are suffering from Therefore it was the media who added the political demands preventable diseases. A return of even part of the displaced to the stories. population will increase the population at risk and put It resulted in several very long and excellent reports in the further pressure on a totally inadequate infrastructure.” The Austrian newspapers (exact amount unknown yet), 5 radio remaining population on Chechen territory is estimated to interviews and a TV-interview. be around 350,000. Health workers still do their work, although in desperate need of drugs and medical materials. “It is impressive to see how hard health staff has been working, trying to maintain their services. There are medical teams working in completely On 8 June, Vladimir Putin placed Chechnya’s civil gutted buildings. But it is inspiring to see doctors and nurses administration directly under his control and appoints pick up hammers and shovels and attempt to repair their Akmad Khadirov, a religious leader, clan chief, and damaged health posts,” stated Gorter. erstwhile separatist fighter, to its head. During the MSF will raise its concerns with the OSCE mission during its whole of July, there was an increasing number of police visit to Russia this week. raids on families in Chechnya, resulting in a series of suicide attacks. Another inflow of displaced Chechens arrived in Ingushetia, and it became more difficult for humanitarian workers to travel around Chechnya. In September, declared that Russian aid On 30 May, MSF Austria devoted its annual press to Chechnya was insufficient. He claimed there was a conference to Chechnya and organised a series of briefings danger of Chechens rising up against the abusive policies with the biggest delegations to the OSCE, chaired by being pursued by the Russian forces, which he believed Austria at the time. were preventing a resolution to the conflict. However, he disputed the Council of Europe’s claim that thousands of people had disappeared.

Email from Gabi Farber-Wiener, MSF Austria Director of Communications, to MSF Caucasus Metwork, 9 June 2000 (in English). ‘ Putin Places Chechnya’s Administration Under Dear all, Direct Presidential Control,’ AFP (France), Moscow, As some of you already know, the main focus of our annual 8 June 2000 (in French). press conference that was held last Tuesday was Chechnya. The reason behind: Austria is this year’s chair of OSCE and Extract: we are lobbying for a stronger presence in the region. According to Serguei Ivanov, Secretary of the Russian For this reason we organized on the day before the Federation’s Security Council, Russian President, Vladimir press conference, an OSCE-briefing with the 10 most Putin, passed a decree on Thursday imposing direct important delegations (France, USA, Germany, UK, Portugal, presidential rule on Chechnya, reports the Interfax agency. Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Romania, Finland). The “The president has taken full control of Chechnya’s 116 Head of Mission of MSF-H in the North Caucasus held a very administration,” said Mr Ivanov. claimed theformer Chechenmufti,appointed tothehead payments and financesomehealthcare and education,” only receivedenoughmoney to coverpensionsandwelfare programme forreconstructing thecountry,andwehave “Aid fromMoscowistotally inconsequential. Thereisno Extract: MSF iscurrentlydiscussingtheissuance following thesuicideattacks,inwhichpassagewasdenied. although therehavebeenspecificsdays,particularly MSF vehicleshavegenerallybeenabletopassthecheckpoints increased difficultiesinpassingRussiancheckpoints. for 5 days consecutively. ACF convoys have also experienced trucks wasnotallowedtopassacheckpointinChechnya suspension ofitsoperationsinChechnyaafteraconvoy largest distributoroffoodaidinChechnya,announcedthe Russian outposts.TheDanishRefugeeCouncil,whichisthe worsened following the recent upsurge in attacks on […] AccesstoChechnyaforhumanitarianagencieshas outposts. and 3rdthereweresuicideattacksonfiveseparateRussian suicide bomberswhich began inearlyJune.OnJuly 2nd […] Chechenseparatistshavegreatlyexpandedtheuseof and his“fuellingofreligiousfanaticism.” protesting Kadyrov’spastsupportfortheseparatistrebels of alargenumberlocalheadsadministration,whoare days. Kadyrov’sappointmenthasprovokedtheresignation was finallyinauguratedonJune20afteradelayofseveral which was appointed by Russian President Putin in early June, The ChechenadministrationheadedbyAkhmedKadyrov, Extract: Chechen Republic,”accordingtothedecree. shortly, will be “head of the executive authority in the […] The head of the Chechen administration, to be appointed terrorist operationinChechnya,”accordingtoInterfax. adding thatthisdecreedidnotmarktheendof“anti- Iastrjembski, the Kremlin’s Representative for Chechnya, now take on much bigger proportions,” commented Serguei “It islikelythatthepoliticalcomponent(ofconflict)will for a“politicalsolution.” Bill Clinton,hadagaincriticisedthewarinChechnya,calling […] Ina visit toMoscow on Monday, the American President, Interfax. authority inChechnya,”continuedMrIvanovaquoteby three yearsuntiltheelectionofanationallegislative of the separatist republic will remain in effect for two to […] “Directpresidential, followed by federal administration English). « Moscow, 26September2000(inFrench). Russian Aid’,FrançoiseMichel,AFP(France), ‘Chechnya’s AdministratorDenouncestheLackof Sitrep MSFHNorthCaucasus,’3July2000(in

­­­­­ of theRepublicbyVladimirPutinon12 assassination attempts. with thisthreat,”havingalreadysurvivedanumberof on hishead,AkhmadKadyrovclaimstobe“usedliving Seen asatraitorbytheseparatistswhohaveputprice they have“enoughforcestocarryoutactsofterrorism.” far from defeated, even if they are “disunited,” because Akhmad Kadyrovacknowledgedthattheseparatistswere of hisfigures. Mr Schwimmerhasgivennoclearindicationofthesource of the Russian intervention in Chechnya on 1 October 1999. reported 379confirmeddisappearancessincethebeginning representative to Chechnya, Vladimir Kalamanov, recently 18,000 disappeared.”HepointedoutthattheKremlin’s the thousands.Theremaywellbe18,000dead,butnot “The numberofdisappearancesisinthehundreds,not to theAFP. not possible,”theChechenrepublic’sformermuftideclared be atleast40peoplemissingineachvillage,andthat’s are about400localitiesinChechnya.Therewouldneedto “18,000 peopledisappearedisnotarealisticfigure.There last Thursday. Schwimmer, duringthehearingsonChechnyaatDuma given bytheCouncilofEurope’sSecretaryGeneral,Walter However, hechallengedthefigureof18,000disappearances separatist republic. out bytheRussianforcescouldleadto“troubles”in He repeatedhiswarningthattheexactionsbeingcarried realistic,” headded. preferable tohaveasinglecommander(...),butthat’snot command, evenifwedoworktogether.Itwouldhavebeen “Neither thearmynorinteriorforcesareundermy adopted thelawonstatusofChechenadministration. as the Duma (lower house of Russian parliament) has still not Akhmad Kadyrovacknowledgedthathehaslimitedpowers, fundamentalism) todevelopintheRussianrepublic. also criticisedMaskhadovforallowingWahhabism(Islamic 1999, ledbyrebelchiefsShamilBassaievandKhattab.He incursions into DagestanbyradicalIslamicfightersinAugust He claimedtohavesplitfromAslanMaskhadovafter first Russian-Chechnyawar(December1994-August1996). former muftiwhofoughtalongsidetheseparatistsduring People have noroofsovertheirheads,work,” stressed this Moscow ismoral,andyetthesituationverydifficult. “For thetimebeing,onlysupportwearereceivingfrom are 200,000orsorefugeesintherepublicofIngushetia. According totheIngushPresident,RuslanAuchev,there claimed, estimatingittobe115,000atmost. “Ingushetia isexaggeratingthenumberofrefugees,”he refugees) theadministratorcomplainedtoAFP. the borderwithChechnyathatisshelteringmostof humanitarian aid is going to Ingushetia,” (a Republic on th June.”Allthe 117 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

CAUTIOUS RE-START TO MSF For several months, the MSF Belgium local teams explored OPERATIONS IN NORTH CAUCASUS ways of working in Chechnya. It was finally decided that the initial project for opening a programme managed by local teams was not feasible for the time being.

MSF Belgium’s women’s health programme in Ingushetia ‘ Opening in Chechnya – Three Months of Discussions,’ was managed entirely by a Chechen team, “remote- Memo from Bart Ostyn, programme manager MSF controlled” by a team of expatriates based in Moscow, Belgium and Jean-Christophe Dolle, MSF Belgium who for several months rarely venture into Chechnya. Coordinator in North Caucasus, 4 August 2000 (in English).

Extract: Today, during our visit to Nazran and after discussion with E and Kenny Gluck from MSF H, and collecting the points When I arrived, the rule was: ‘You’ll be based in of view of other such as ICRC and MDM, we have come to a Moscow; you’re never to go into the field. The Chechen number of conclusions that are, if not definitive, at least team is trained and in place. It knows more than just quite strong in terms of our chances of working in Chechnya the MSF basics.’ So I ran things as a project coordinator today and in the near future. Although nothing is stable in because that was more or less the management level that the region, and the situation can change fast, (if it does it had been defined. And that’s when questions-marks started won’t be for the better), it is very like that these conclusions appearing. Is it a real project or not? How should I be handling will apply for the whole autumn and winter to come, so for this team in the field which, in fact, is looking more and more quite a long time. like a project team made up of locals rather than expatriates, [...]We have drawn the following conclusions and strategy with a project coordinator, a project logistician, a medical guidelines for the months to come: coordinator, when there is already the equivalent team in 1. To cancel all explo visits into Chechnya that were scheduled Moscow made up of expatriates? How can I run these two previously for the following reasons: “field teams,” one of which is really in the field and the other a. team is obviously uneasy with the idea, which we respect really in the capital? This caused a lot of frustration in Moscow b. too big security risk for the team to go cross border and every day. All the more, so as I also had a Coordinator to try to make it back in time report to. But she had decided never to go into Ingushetia c. the explo [was] aimed at inventorying the existing or Chechnya for reasons of personal security (she had a young health facilities, in order to select some for future action. child at the time). We finally get her to understand that she However, I believe we should aim at working there where was not part of the equation in the Caucasus, and could the structures are not functioning, no longer exist, or have concentrate on the other projects in the Russian Federation. never existed – while [where] there is a considerable target At that time, we had the tuberculosis project in Siberian population (e.g. spontaneous settlements) prisons and the “homeless” project in Moscow. So the d. at this stage, any kind of intervention in Chechnya through Ingushetia project was managed more or less directly from our teams seemingly requires first the identification of a Brussels by both the regular group and a taskforce made up base as “safe haven” on Chechen territory, which, in its turn of the doctor and logistician who helped carry out the requires the conditions mentioned above. Therefore the explo exploratory mission. So it was partly managed like an visit is a needless exercise that in no way justifies the risks. emergency project, with regular contacts with head office 2. to continue to have “occasional” visits by E for once or twice a day, although it wasn’t really an emergency coordination purposes, the way she did until now. This is any more. The mobile clinics were launched in the December assisting to [means going to] the meetings organised inside and operated throughout 2000, mainly in the Malgobek region Chechen territory, and remain in touch with the security in the north-east of Ingushetia. We set up in existing health and humanitarian situation. These visits should always be centres or in the displaced persons camps and went in every justified to- and approved by- the Project Coordinator in day to hold consultations. Then in March or April, quite early Moscow. on, we got minibuses fitted out as gynaecological examination 3. As such, an expat could also participate in such occasions, rooms and concentrated on care for women and the distribution while on visit in Nazran. It makes part of the “appropriation of non-food products. of the context.” Logically such visit has to be approved and backed up by Moscow and Brussels). Jean-Christophe Dollé, Coordinator of MSF Belgium’s 4. Finally, there is one particular condition in which an North Caucasus project, March to November 2000 intervention in Chechnya could be decided. That is in case (in French) interviewed in 2008. a (medical; not war-related) [an] emergency occurs on Chechen territory for which the medical team could give a lifesaving helping hand.

118 For this, a number of conditions are required: to Nazran.Whatever theprinciples,Ithinkwe canmakean as longas,atthe sametime,theexpatriates cangetdown example, our team from Ingushetia would go into Chechnya of a“non-military”emergency, suchasanepidemic,for In theory,I’vealreadyaccepted theideathat,inevent and us“remotecontrolling”the NazranteamfromMoscow. Grozny workingby“remotecontrol” with theteaminNazran anywhere outsideGrozny.Wecouldalsoconsidertheteamin they’re not ready to work, and more particularly, travel permanently, becausetheycomefromGrozny.ButIcansense for them,theonlywaytoworkisbebasedinGrozny actually suggestit,theychangetheirminds.Iseenowthat they wanttogointoChechnyawork.Butwheneverwe ask thatofthem.Themembersourteamarealwayssaying get stuckonthewrongsideofaclosedborderpoint.Ican’t way back,theycouldbearrestedbysoldiers,attacked,or working until2pmandthengoingbacktoIngushetia.Onthe that would mean the team entering the country in the morning, (interview inAugust2000)wecan’tworkChechnyabecause don’t likethelookofthis”,andturningback.Formoment as deliveringmedicines,arrivingatacheckpoint,deciding“I completely different:caringforpeopleisnotthesamething because we mainly wanted to treat women. The activities are behalf ofMSF.Wehavebuiltmedicalteamswithwomen build a team with doctors who provide care to people on I did,wouldalreadybeusingitinIngushetia.choseto back toIngushetia.ButIdon’tagreewiththisapproach.If in, goasfarthehospital,dropoffmedicinesandcome course, wecoulddoliketheothersections:askateamtogo exploratory mission intoChechnya to see what it was like. Of them, theprogrammewouldn’twork.Wehavedonean works. Weonlyevermakeprogressonthesevisits.Without safety. We don’t force anyone to do it. It isn’t ideal, but it we canexplaintheirobjectiveandguaranteepeople’s these visits are moreorless accepted by Brusselsaslong down asfarNazran,butit’snowgottothestagewhere from theprojectcommittee)todecidewhetherwecouldgo than onceamonth.Atthebeginning,weneededagreement and Brusselslevel. further developed) and a quick decision making at Moscow preparedness (thathasbeenstarted,butneedstobe and canbetakenveryquicklyItrequiresanemergency Notwithstanding these conditions, such decision should with fieldvisits(inChechnya). level intheremotecontrol)andifnecessaryjustified, back-up fromNazran(avoidingthiswayasupplementary d. an expat team comes down to Nazran to give technical c. thegreenlightisgivenfromMoscow/Brussels b. theinterventioncanbeexpectedtolifesaving safe todoit a. thesecuritysituationallows,andnationalteamfeels projects wewentseventimes,anaverageofmore Ingushetia, andduringthefirstsixmonthsof I have always pushed for visits by expatriates to emergency. and thatisreadytoprovidethesupportneededinan programmes bygoingdowntoNazranatleastonceamonth That’s whyIwanta strong teaminMoscow that monitors the exception incaseslikethat,becauseitinvolveslife-saving. in therightorwrongdirection. all start to take their toll. It’s the local team that guides us not beingabletoapplythefamous operational spacetriangle, of touchwithwhat’sreallygoingon,thelackevaluation, eighth orninthforBart–butthefactofrapidlygettingout was mysecondmission,thethirdforCoordinatorand control,’ becausewecomewithallourMSFexperience–it might besomeadded-valueinwantingtoworkby‘remote months maximum.Duringthefirst3-4-5-6months,there of thiskindprojectcan’tbeanymorethansixtonine are nottheoneswethink.Iamnowsurethatlife-span situation has turned around: those being ‘remote controlled’ a secondproject.’Afterjustfewmonths,the‘remote-control’ and soweneedallourresourcesherebeforewantingtostart Ingushetia. ‘TheIngusharenotreliable,theprojectisgrowing sorts ofgoodreasonsfornotwantingtobereplacedin touch withitscontactsinChechnya.Itsmembershaveall taken.In fact,theChechenteambasedinIngushetiahaslost a projectofftheground.Buteventuallynodecisionhasbeen team and allowing it eventually tosetup in Groznyandget Chechen teaminIngushetia,thenreplacingthis identify anIngushteamalongthesamelinesascurrent to Chechnyaandbackeveryday.Thechallengeistrying women. AteamalsobasedinNazrancoulddotheroundtrip essential provisionsandmobileclinics,withthefocuson the same type of assistance in Chechnya as in Ingushetia – committee meetinginBrusselsandagainsuggestedproviding field manager reallywell. On26 April,we helda project asked herforhelp shewasreallygreat.She gaveusadvice priority wasto manageherprogramme,but wheneverwe the keysofmissionto Chechenfieldmanager.Her (1995-1996), TaskForceNorthCaucasus(1999-2001) MSF Belgium(inFrench)interviewedinAugust2000 Jean-Christophe Dollé,CoordinatorofMSFBelgium’s worked there in 1995-1996. He also knows the Chechen Ostyns isadoctorandknowsChechnyawell,ashe As ever at MSF, it’s a question of individuals. Bart sections helpedusout.TheBelgians hadhandedover Whenever we needed a hand, the teams from the other There was real solidaritybetween the sections. North Caucasusproject,MarchtoNovember2000 Dr BartOstyns,FieldcoordinatorinChechnya (in French),interviewedin2008.

119 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

on recruitments. I didn’t want to head off with just any driver, quite a strict policy. We never left people there for very long. and she advised me. They were sent back to Moscow rapidly. We had two heads of mission who took over from each other. For us, the Coordinator Dr Eric Comte, Field Coordinator in the Pankisi Valley was essential to the projects’ success, so we couldn’t, and didn’t (Georgia) December 1999 to April 2000, Field Coordinator want to run them by remote control through the coordination in Ingushetia (April 2000 to October 2000), HOM Georgia team in Moscow. We didn’t want to take that risk. (2000- 2002) (in French) interviewed in 2009 Dr. Thomas Nierle, MSF Switzerland, Head of Emergency then Director of Operations 2000-2004 (in French) interviewed in 2009

The Swiss section opened a mission in Dagestan with the objective of eventually working in the east of Chechnya. For security reasons, it had two heads of mission who The French section remained undecided about the level took over from each other in the field every three months. of risk acceptable for working in the Caucasus. In April, MSF Switzerland also opened an office in Moscow. following on from an exploratory mission, a programme providing basic support to Nazran hospital in Ingushetia was opened. In the weeks that followed, the team decided on an intervention in the displaced persons camps in Report of Dagestan Field Mission 30/06/01 – Ingushetia and the distribution of medical materials 08/07/01 – Dr Christine Chevalier, Head of MSF and medicine to the maternity hospitals of Grozny and Switzerland’s Medical Department, 9th July 2001 Sernovodsk in Chechnya. Finally, it launched an exploratory (in French). mission to Shatoi where MSF France had mission for some time. Extract: At the start of 2000, the emergency desk was responsible for MSF Switzerland’s mission in Dagestan, which involved providing medical assistance to Chechen war victims and displaced persons in Dagestan (along the Chechen river), while seeking a way to work in Chechnya (main aim). Within MSF there was a wall of resistance that was Activities were run from Moscow, Bakou and Marachkala. The very hard to break down. A lot of people were against approach was based on that used by MSF-B 4 years earlier the idea of us working in this region; the moment we in a similar context. The handover between the emergency did anything there were fifty pairs of eyes fixed on us, and it desk and regular desk n°1 took place in May 2000. was very difficult working in those conditions. Everyone was afraid we were going to get kidnapped. It was really paralysing. And also the margin for manoeuvre on the programme manager was much tighter than elsewhere, which weighed heavily on the teams, as this pressure was passed on to them. Nobody had much freedom of action. We began to take an interest in Dagestan in 2000 with an initial exploratory mission out of Azerbaijan for Loïck Barriquand, MSF France programme manager, establishing contacts. The priority was to find a way September 2000 to 2005 (in French) interviewed in 2009 to work in Chechnya. The different MSF sections were well- positioned, especially out of Ingushetia where most of the big organisations were based. There were no international organisations at all in Dagestan because of a spate of kidnappings. From the media and contacts we’d made, we thought that the east of Chechnya could be an interesting MSF’s ‘old hands’ who had already worked in the possibility over the longer term. The aim wasn’t to go into Caucasus didn’t want to go back there. If I had been Chechnya straight away, but to take it slowly, step-by-step, in the team then, I think I would have had the same getting to know the context from out of Dagestan and trying reaction, but at the time I was working there with MDM. So to get ourselves accepted by working on the border with I knew all those people, but as I left just a week before Chechnya. The humanitarian situation was nothing like in Christophe André was kidnapped, I was protected from all Ingushetia. We began with a programme in Khasaviurt on the that in a way. One day, I said that we needed someone to Chechen border that we ran out of Moscow and Makhachkala, go back to the region and that I was willing… It had to be the capital of Dagestan. The programme expanded, and we someone who knew the sector a bit, who the programme began working in the health centres along the Chechen border manager had some confidence in and who wasn’t reckless. – nothing very spectacular, but providing basic care in areas And then Maurice Nègre and Denis Gouzerh did the exploratory that were otherwise overlooked. This enabled us to make contact mission in March and came back really motivated to move 120 with a number of Chechens. As far as security went, we had operations forward. They had found an administrator with to goShatoi. SoIre-openedShatoi.But he wastheone quick handover ashehadtoleavereallyquickly. Iwastold how wemovedforward.When IarrivedinAugust,wehada had seenanddonetotheprogramme manager,andthat’s without asking for authorisation, then he explained what he me thatwewentbackintoChechnya. Hewentineverytime everyone. It’s thankstoEricComte,the Field Manager before we beganmakingprogress. it happenedbitbybit.Andoncethingswereupandrunning, there weretwoofusandhemadearoundtriptoShatoi.So, Steve Cornisharrived,wetookadvantageofthefactthat request. Itwasmorelike,‘Itwouldbegood,if…’So,when we’d beenthereduringthefirstwar.Itwasnotreallyaformal been hintingthatitwantedustogobackShatoibecause and Groznymaternityhospital.Meanwhile,headquartershad the mission,wehadtwoprogrammesinChechnya:Sernovodsk Ingushetia toaskforourhelp.SoinSeptember,whenIleft of Groznymaternityhospitalcameknockingonourdoorin to go to Grozny; you’ve really got to.’” That was when the head been,then theprogrammemanagerstartedsaying:‘you’vegot just overtheborder.Atfirst,itwasreallytosaythatwe’d Then westartedgoingintoChechnya,toSernovodsk,thevillage see thatitwasinthecampsthingswerereallyhappening. metres away-inanarmouredcar.Wewerebored,andcould appointments. Wewereonlyallowedouttothehospital500 under orderstostaytherealldayandinformthemofour living inahotelguardedbymembersofthemilitiaandwere verging onparanoia.Nazranisonlyasmalltown.Wewere unworkable. Allthemoresoassecurityregulationswere the hospital. So after a month or two, the situation became of refugeestocarefor,butweweren’ttreatingmanypeopleat was pointedouttousinmeetingsthattherewerethousands organised, thesanitationsortedout,accommodation,etc.It well beyondtheneedformedicalcare.Thecampshadtobe need forprimaryhealthcaretherefugees.Infact,itwent woman Iwasdealingwithalmosthadafit.Therehuge went tonegotiatewiththemabouttakinginfiveamonth,the they werenotwillingtotakeinmanyrefugeepatients.WhenI The peopleatthehospitalweregladtoseeuscomehelp,but way ofwinningpeopleover. had decidedtokeepalowprofileandIthinkitwasgood for between5and10ChechenrefugeesinIngushetia.They wanted tosupportitinexchangefortreatmentatthehospital but justtoNazrancentralhospital’spaediatricunit.They and Denis’planwasnottogointoChechnyastraightaway, had worked for MSF in the past. And they found me. Maurice lots ofexperienceEasternEurope,whospokeRussianand (Georgia) December1999toApril2000,FieldCoordinator in Ingushetia(April2000toOctober2000),HOMGeorgia Dr EricComte,FieldCoordinatorinthePankisiValley two orthreemonths,wealwayshadtoconvince wasn’t worthit.SoeachtimewewereinParis,every Some didn’twantthismissionatall;theythoughtit (2000- 2002)(inFrench)interviewedin2009 to weighonus.Sowepushedhard,anddidareallybigjob. staff sawwhattheDutchweredoing,andthatwasstarting ‘Why behereandtakerisksfornexttonothing?’Ournational field, wesawthings differently.Wethoughtthe opposite: in Paristheythoughtitwastoobigandrisky.Butthe end ofthewinter,butIwasreallyhesitantaboutit,because wanted to.Iustohandle10,000refugeesbeforethe risks tobeontheground,butwecouldn’tworkway from PankisithatItrusted.InMSFFrance,weweretaking MSF duringthefirstwar.Theinterpreter wasabloke Iknew with aninterpreterandadriverwhohadalreadyworked Ingushetia. Therewasn’tmuchcommunication.Iwouldgo periods ofbetweenthreeandtendays,thenwentbackto going backwardsandforwardsintoChechnya.Iwentinfor who tookthedecisiontogo-andriskwithParis.Iwas (1998-2000), President(May2000-May2008)(inFrench) I’m notsorryDeniswastheretocalmusdownabit. with him, I’dgo. We were perhapsa bit toocarriedaway and contract betweenuswasclear:ifheneededmeasadoctortogo anyone atriskwhodidn’tknowwhattheyweredoing.The ourselves. Wesawthedangerasrelative,weweren’tputting And hewasright.Steveandme,wewerebothreadytogoin have gonein.Denisthoughtitwastoodangerousatthatpoint. he did,Ithinkit’sbecauseDenisstoppedhim.Otherwisehe’d didn’t gointoChechnyatosetupanoperationanysoonerthan programme manager,wasabitmorecautiousthanus.IfSteve were quite worked up. Denis Gouzerh, who was on the tions getmixedupwiththewrongones.SteveCornishandI keeping thingsinperspective,andsometimestherightmotiva- moving again.Whenyou’reinthatkindofmood,it’sdifficult If Ihadvolunteers,wasreadytotakerisksgetoperations ing back, some ofthethings I didsendshivers down myspine. tional form–sowewantedtogetbackontopofthings.Look- tion capacitieshaddwindledandweweren’tingoodopera- ally-speaking overthelastfewyears.Ouremergencyinterven- that wewerejustcomingoutofareallybadperiodoperation- (January toApril2000)theninIngushetia(September 2000 toJanuary2001),MSFSwitzerlandofficerinthe communication (1996-1998),DirectorofOperations We were willing to take risks for the right reasons, but the other hand Paris would change its mind twice a MSF France on one hand it was centralized, but on It wasfunnyworkingwithSteve Cornish,becausewith there was real need for assistance. The wrong ones were there wasrealneedforassistance.Thewrongoneswere also forthewrongones.Therightreasonswerethat Steve Cornish,CoordinatorMSFFranceinGeorgia Russian Federation(August2002toApril2004), Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof (in French)interviewedin2008 interviewed in2009

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day about what it wanted. Steve would always complain to Kenny knew Russia and Chechnya much better than me. In Paris they would complain to him in the morning; why anyone else at headquarters and he was a very wasn’t he in Grozny like MSF Holland and then in the afternoon powerful person. So in practice, he was both very they would call him up and say, ’You can’t go there, it’s too much in control in Chechnya of his team, and very influential dangerous! This is impossible.’ I had a much more weakened with regard to decisions about what to say and when to design of strategy. say. That doesn’t mean that we didn’t have very strict, rules. It talks about who is there to implement rules… The Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland General Coordinator and programme manager manager was very hands-off and very Regional Advisor in North Caucasus, (November 1999- process-oriented. He very much believed in leaving the field January 2001), Director of Operations (2001-2005) to do as much as possible. He was afterwards criticized for (in English) interviewed in 2009 not being in control enough, particularly with specifications of who should be involved at each step. The emergency team was involved but it wasn’t in daily contact. And some of the people in communications were At the beginning of June, Kenny Gluck, regional adviser on involved for speaking-out purposes, but also the management the Caucasus with MSF Holland took over as Coordinator team and myself, in particular, as well. Still, it was by far the after his predecessor was fired for taking a camera into most managed program we had, with far the most developed the field. Because of his knowledge of the Chechen rules for security management. So every movement had to be situation and his networks, Kenny was given a lot of pre-planned, pre-justified and pre-approved by headquarters. freedom by his section’s headquarters. Strategic decisions And in a similar way any kind of public communication had were discussed and developed in collaboration with the to be pre-planned, pre-approved by headquarters and that Chechen team, especially on security matters, which involved a certain number of people and beyond a certain often served as a reference for the other sections’ teams. threshold of either danger or potential public attention, it had to involve more and more people.

Austen Davies, MSF Holland Executive Director, 1999 to 2004 (in English) interviewed in 2009

I came back to Chechnya. In the meantime, the Coordinator had smuggled cameras into Chechnya for television without telling anybody. He really did it secretly. His argument was, ‘Oh, it’s not dangerous.’ I said: ‘It is fine, maybe you are right, but I don’t care, don’t do it, don’t Kenny acted like a bit of a father figure to us all. He do it behind people’s backs because the whole team is very had a lot of experience and MSF Holland set itself up scared, with good reason.‘ That’s why I brought people with quite quickly and established an efficient network experience in the region. Amsterdam was very angry. They said, for distributing kits and medicines. He got a bit on our nerves, ‘We’re giving you all of these people, it’s like you have four as he was always coming by to check we weren’t doing Heads of Missions in the same project.’ I said: ’If you want to anything silly. He’d come for a drink in the evening, but I work here, I want experienced people. I don’t want young could tell he was really coming to coach us! He wasn’t people who have never been to the Caucasus, I want people completely wrong, especially at the beginning! We had just who have spent some time here.’ When I was there, the control arrived, six months late, and had set ourselves up in our from headquarters on MSF Holland communication regarding little hospital with a team made up of an administrator/ Chechnya was very light. It was designed in the field. I would translator and one ‘odd bod,’ me, in fact, who did everything have a phone call once every two weeks where it updated, and and nothing much. I could see why he would think we hadn’t nobody really knew anything about, and that was a real problem. proved ourselves, either personally or collectively. It must Nobody knew anything about Chechnya in MSF Holland be said that sending in a team of two into a situation like headquarter, and they really just said, it was carte blanche. that was probably not a brilliant idea: too small, too close Our operational strategy was really designed with our medical to events, no discussion, no Coordinator and too much work! staff in Chechnya and with Steve (Cornish, MSF France HoM). Kenny was terrified we were going to get ourselves kidnapped We had a very good relationship we spoke a lot, lived two and that all the MSF teams would have to leave the region. minutes away from each other. I spoke also a lot with Jonathan One day, in an intersection meeting in Moscow, the [Littell] from ACF, who knows all the details about Chechnya. Coordinator for MSF Switzerland explains to us that they’re So it was very helpful. With the Chechen staff, we worked out going to send in medicine via Dagestan. He says that they’ve a lot of theories about what was possible and what was not found some blokes they can trust and they’re going to give possible. the medicines to them, etc. Kenny raises his arms in despair and says, ‘they’re completely mad, that the blokes in question Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland General Coordinator and could be Chechen fighters who are transporting weapons Regional Advisor in North Caucasus, (November 1999- along with the medicine.’ And then bit by bit, I could see January 2001), Director of Operations (2001-2005) Kenny was starting to relax 122 (in English) interviewed in 2009 - - - - Strategy: - - - Russia Advocacy challenges Extract; communication policyalongsimilarlinestoMSFHolland. the NorthernCaucasusagreedonprinciplesofapublic programme managersfromthevarioussectionspresentin with theEuropeanorNorthAmericanpress.On18July, contacts withRussianjournalistsandmediaratherthan and humanitarianlawitgaveprioritytodeveloping information from patients on violations of human rights in Chechnya.Thestrategywasbasedoncollecting to provideinformationonthehumanitariansituation advocacy and public communicationpolicy with this goal: In its operational plans,MSFHollandset out the following Coordinator inIngushetia(April2000toOctober2000), and clinics. health caresystem aswellstafffromChechen hospitals in assessingandgatheringinformation abouttheChechen could includebothMSFlocalmedical staff,whoareengaged staff from the Chechen health care system. These contacts Facilitate direct contactsbetweenRussianjournalists and Chechen conflict(ICRCmaterials)? with the basics of humanitarian law as it applies to the Acquaint Russianjournalists’writingabouttheCaucasus wounded amongcivilianpopulation. facilities inChechnyaandIngushetia,3)thelevelsofwar of medicalfacilities,2)thelevelssupportforhealth situation toRussianjournalistsincluding1)Thecondition Regularly disseminateinformationabout thehumanitarian in ChechnyaandIngushetia. Provide increasedlevelsofsupporttothesocialservices humanitarian lawinChechnyaand Lessen theabusesoffederalforcesandviolations to raisepressureontheRussiangovernment Chechnya andIngushetiaintheRussianpublicorder To heightenawarenessofthehumanitariansituationin BASED ONCOLLECTEDPERSONAL HOM Georgia(2000-2002)(inFrench)interviewedin Valley (Georgia)December1999toApril2000,Field A COMMUNICATIONSTRATEGY Dr EricComte,FieldCoordinatorinthePankisi  English). ’ MSF AdvocacyPolicy,’ ACCOUNTS Draft, 9May2000(in 2009

Wherever possible, MSF’sinternationaladvocacy should the humanitarian situationinthenorthern Caucasus. - Toraiseawarenessintheinternational communityregarding government influence. (UN, OSCE) are able to operate independently of Russian - Toensurethatallinternational organizationsintheconflict Caucasus. human rightsandhumanitariansituationinthenorthern - Toensureinternationalandindependentmonitoringofthe International (See Outreachstrategy) with those which could assist in controlling these threats. groups thatrepresentasecuritythreattoMSFaswell potential securitythreats.Thesecontactsshouldbothwith actors inthenorthernCaucasusandlearnmoreabout used tolessensuspicionswhichexisttowardshumanitarian community and local administrations. These contacts will be contacts will include authoritative individuals in the information aboutMSFandhumanitarianactivities.These throughout Chechnyawhichwillbeusedtodisseminate - MSFwillseektomakeawiderangeofpersonalcontacts and Ingushetia. in Ingushetia as well as through health facilities in Chechnya This materialcanbemadeavailablethroughmobileclinics agency, itsprinciplesandworkinthenorthernCaucasus. - MSFwillprepareinformationbrochuresdescribingthe almost noneinsideChechnya. grants, still have a very small distribution in Ingushetia and which hascontinuedfunctioningthankstointernational The onlyremainingChechennewspaper,theGroznyWorker, the localmedia.Localnewspapershaveverylowreadership. the end ofSoviet censorship, and the lack of popularity of distrust towardsthemedia,whichhasnotdeclinedsince The impactofthisapproachwillbelimitedbythegeneral which existsinthepublictowardshumanitarianagencies. This willbenecessarytobeginlesseningthesuspicion to betteracquaintthepublicwithhumanitarianprinciples. the work of MSF and other aid agencies in the region and Chechnya inordertogenerateabetterunderstandingof - MSFwillworkwiththelocalmediainIngushetiaand principles andactorsinthenorthernCaucasus. - Tostrengthenunderstandingandrespectforhumanitarian Northern Caucasus blockading ofvillagesresumes. to theRussianpressineventthatbombardmentor with journalistswillallowMSFtoconveycurrentinformation condemning Russianactionsthere.Thepersonalcontacts about theconductofwarthanwouldMSF’sstatements consequences ofthewarwillitselfproducegreaterconcern rather thanpresentourconclusions.Seeingthehealth the humanitariansituationtogreatestextentpossible Russian journalists,thegoalshouldbetoacquaintthemwith Russian pressviewsinternationalagencies.Inworkingwith counterproductive becauseofthesuspicionwithwhich Press conferencesandstatementswillbe,inmanycases, possible, toengagepersonally with theRussianjournalists. journalists and the Russian media will need, wherever MSF attempts toinfluence theperspectives ofRussian 123 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

be firmly rooted in our work with health facilities and the necessary that the teams in the field evaluate the security target populations in Ingushetia and Chechnya. MSF will use risk of any public statements before they are released. medical data collected in cooperation with health facilities in Chechnya in order to maintain international awareness and in order encourage the international community to establish a human rights monitoring presence in Chechnya. “ Summary of the Brussels Intersectional Meeting, This data could focus on the levels of war wounded among 18 July 2000, by Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland North the civilian population or the extent of damage to the Caucasus HOM to MSF Holland programme manager health facilities in Chechnya. Where necessary, MSF [will] (in English). collect individual testimonies of violations of human rights for use in the international press and in order to advocate Extract: for expanded international presence in Chechnya. Advocacy/Temoignage The Belgians are gradually getting over their reluctance to If there is a resumption of Russian indiscriminate bombing in be engaged in advocacy activities concerning Chechnya, Chechnya, MSF should well placed to collect information on which grew out of the sense that their 1996 kidnapping civilian casualties in the area and bring this to the attention was actually retaliation for public statement. We explained of the media and other international organizations. The some of the war trauma data along with case histories Russian federal forces in past have frequently blockaded which we are collecting and about some of the work with areas. The lack of free movement has often had severe the international and domestic press which we have started. implications for the health of the trapped populations. There was a consensus that advocacy rooted in our work The blockading of villages has not been a factor since mid- with health structures in Chechnya is positive and should March 2000, but will likely be a factor if fighting resumes go forward at this point. There was also consensus on the later in the year. MSF should be ready to collect data on the need to keep all of the sections informed and involved in any consequence of a lack of freedom of movement in order to public advocacy regarding Chechnya. Belgium may also join advocate for lifting restrictions on movement and ensuring us in collecting case histories of war trauma victims through access for humanitarian agencies. their mobile clinics in Ingushetia. There was a suggestion that MSF put together a longer compilation of case histories Advocacy towards international agencies from victims of the conflict. We agreed to come back to this In most international organizations, the Russian government possibility after further consideration in the field. is a member while, Chechnya for obvious reasons, is not. Particularly with the UN and UN agencies, where Russia has an inordinate degree of influence because of its seat on the Security Council there is a great danger that the UN or its agencies will not operate in accordance with the principles of neutrality and impartiality. Any international Once we received the permission to enter Chechnya, monitoring presence in Chechnya must be able to function we formed teams in which we had a doctor, a medical independently of Russian political control or interference. assistant, and a logistician. So during the monitoring […] MSF will work to ensure that UN agencies engaged in and drug supplies, we had the following work: while they were the provision of relief do not work in any way that creates handing over the drugs to the people in charge, the head a perception that they are supporting one party to the doctor of the facility would also see the other medical workers. conflict. In the past, the use of armed Russian military The medical assistants meanwhile would collect all these cases escorts on UN and NGO convoys has demonstrated to the and sort of fill in the form of these cases directly from people population in Chechnya a lack of neutrality in the conflict who suffered and also medical staff. which undermines the humanitarian space in which MSF and other relief agencies operates. C, MSF North Caucasus staff (in Russian, translated into English by an MSF interpreter) interviewed in 2008 Security Implications Any calls for action by the international community or statements with the international press should be reviewed from the point of view of security risks in the region. If we would hear on the way that someone was taken Several agencies (including MSF-B) suspected that some of away, detained, or someone was assassinated, we the attacks on NGO offices in 1995-1996 corresponded to would go to the village or family and register this statements that were made to the international critical of case. Kenny and I would work quite extensively with this the Russian government and Russian military. There has been issue. And this year, we were the first ones to travel there. great suspicion that there was some Russian involvement in For each case of this kind we had a special form we would the ICRC killings in December 1996. Because of the possible fill in. We were collecting these files on every case of violation security implications of any public statements, it will be of human rights. essential that all sections which are operational in the northern Caucasus be consulted before any public statement B, MSF North Caucasus staff (in Russian, translated 124 or actions are planned. Within each section, it will be into English by an MSF interpreter) interviewed in 2008 some personalstories,butthatdidnothappen. it wouldhavedemonstratedaparticularrealityandhighlighted view, thiswouldhaveprovidedagoodMSFaccount,because one programmemanagervisitthequestionwasraised.Inmy at easetodosomewitnessaccountsinthisarea,andduring problems, orchildbirthdifficulties,etc.SoIfeltsufficiently child health,ofseeingwhetherthereweremalnutrition information. It was a matter of collecting information on through thebirthingprocess,andthusagoodsourceof rather women and children – it was everyday life continuing perspective on this, because these were not combatants but about thehorrorsoftheireverydaylives.Wehadagood there werestilloneortwobirthsadayandpeoplespoke of thehorrificincidentsthathadtakenplacethere.Andyet hospital had been completely destroyed. We were well aware roads andpeople emerging from cellars... The maternity deserted streetswithoccasionaloldwomensweepingthe had beenrazed,therewerecheckpointseverywhereand We wereconscious,forexample,ofthestatecity:it opportunities for direct witness accounts were readily available. quiet sowecouldhaveaccesstopatients.However,inGrozny finding ways of working. Our strategy was essentially to keep about whatweweredoing.Wemainlyinterestedin of seekingtospeakout.Wewereevennotspeakingmuch perhaps, a little early to do so. We were not yet at the point experience incollectingwitnessstatements.Itwasalso, Rights Watch,whowouldtrytofollowupindividualcases. We woulddrivethemandintroducetoICRCorHuman try to trace your case.’ I would sometimes bring them physically. go toICRCandyoucanHumanRightsWatch,theywill researching cases,we’renottracingcases.’Isaid,’Youcan would say, ‘We’re trying torun the hospital, we’re not Chechnya and say, ‘My son had this happen,’ and often I I couldgoinChechnya,somotherswouldcometomeinside and RegionalAdvisorinNorthCaucasus,(November1999- (Georgia) December1999toApril2000,FieldCoordinator in Ingushetia(April2000to October 2000),HOMGeorgia Dr EricComte,FieldCoordinatorinthePankisiValley January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005) go andseewhat washappeningandtoprovide a The mostimportant thingformeatthattime wasto so. Butwehadneitherthemethodologynorany witness statements.Hadheasked,wemayhavedone Kenny didnotinanywayaskustoworkoncollecting one oftheproblems.ICRCwasstillnotgoingin.[…] people coming to us for tracing and so on. That was We weretheonlyonesinGroznysotherealways (2000- 2002),(inFrench)interviewed in2009. Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinator (in English)interviewedin2009

distributed bythe organization.Contrarytotheir desire,the received relief items(suchashygienekits andblankets) been consultedbyanMSFdoctor. 95%ofthefamilieshad 61% oftherefugeefamilies, atleastonememberhad Measuring their own impact, MSF teams found that in Main needsandMSFAssistance […] results ofthesurvey.[…] of thedistrict’stotalrefugeepopulation.Belowaresome the Malgobeckdistrictwereinterviewed,representing10% February 2000.400headsoffamiliesinthe11villages providing medicalcareanddistributingreliefitemssince response to the needs in this district, where teams have been The purposeofthesurveywastomeasureandimproveMSF’s estimated atmorethan150,000. fourth ofthetotalrefugeepopulation,whichiscurrently northwestern Ingushetia.Thisdistrictharboursaboutone Chechen refugeesinthedistrictofMalgobeck,located MSF teamsconductedasurveyinJune2000amongthe Introduction Extract: to doit,andthatitwasworthtakingrisks. to ourmedicalactivity.Ireallythoughtthatitwasnecessary came along,butallthisremained,nevertheless,connected that someonewasavailabletoreceivewitnessaccounts,they the medicalcentreorjustspontaneously.Whenpeopleknew witness accountsarrivedviaourstaff,whileotherscamefrom to meetthem.However,theyhadnoproblemspeaking.Some afterwards, tospeakup.Wetookquiteafewrisksinseeking so theyknewwehadnotabandonedthem,andthen, the mostimportantthingwastobetheresupportpeople medicine. Thesituationwasindescribablyhorrific,andforme witness account, and the key to that was the delivery of and forprisonerssufferingfromtuberculosisinSiberia. concentrated onprogramsforthehomelessinMoscow of themissionsinNorthernCaucasus.Anotherteam Moscow, whosesole responsibility was themanagement the sametime,MSFBelgiumestablishedasecondteamin returning to Chechnya because of security concerns. At This surveyconcludedthat70%ofrefugeesfeared its teamworkingwithChechenrefugeesinIngushetia. to thepress,resultsofasurveyconductedinJuneby In mid-August, MSF’s Belgian section anonymously leaked to January2001),MSFSwitzerlandOfficerintheRussian (January toApril2000),inIngushetia(September2000 Steve Cornish,CoordinatorMSFFranceinGeorgia 15 August2000(inEnglish). Survey byMédecinsSansFrontières’,MSFBelgium, ’ Chechen RefugeesinIngushetia,Resultsofa Federation (August2002toApril2004), interviewed in2008(inFrench).

125 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

majority of refugees will stay in Ingushetia throughout the two managers, so it was a somewhat confused time. As for winter […]. As the needs during the cold season will grow the Coordinator, her view was that ‘we are not going to speak more acute, MSF will increase its medical and winterization out because that would risk compromising our tuberculosis activities (including the distribution of stoves, blankets, program in Siberia. In any case, we are already about to make warm underwear, and plastic sheeting). […] a statement on our program for the homeless in Moscow.’ In fact, in August/September there was an exhibition in Moscow Plans to return to Chechnya on the homeless issue, with posters in the subway. Moreover, Only 8% of the refugees in Ingushetia returned to live in at the time we were also about to sign the famous protocol Chechnya between September ‘99 and June 2000. However, on tuberculosis in prisons, which we had been discussing for many were able to make round trips to Chechnya. These years. That, by the way, was also part of the reason why, in movements explain the fluctuating figures on the total size Brussels, the Executive Director was pushing to have a specific of the refugee population. management team established for the Northern Caucasus, in An overwhelming majority of the refugees (98%) said that parallel with the team handling other programs in the Russian they want to return to Chechnya. But 82% of them added Federation. And it is true that if, on top of everything else, they didn’t know when they would go back, while 16% said all our actions in the Caucasus needed to take into account they planned to return sometime before the winter. the operations in Siberia and for the homeless, then there The high level of incertitude about the time of their return would be no end to it. reflects their strong feelings about the dangers in Chechnya (these fears are grounded in their occasional visits). Indeed, Jean-Christophe Dollé, Coordinator of MSF Belgium’s in their first response, more than 70% of the refugees North Caucasus Project, March to November 2000, expressed that the biggest problem in Chechnya (in French) interviewed in 2008. is the security situation. When they gave a second answer, the problem of housing was most often cited (30%), food and health followed closely behind (25%).

Interviews and accounts from MSF volunteers, describing the extent of destruction in the country, the disastrous situation of Chechen hospitals, and the commitment of Chechen doctors were regularly published on MSF section It was hard to know how to speak of this conflict. We websites and in the international press. told ourselves that we would attempt to carry out a quasi-sociological survey, one that was as objective as possible, and that we would avoid taking any stance that could be interpreted as political since we knew that Brussels ‘ Despite the Overwhelming Ruin, Small Acts of was hyper-sensitive on that score. We wanted to do something Reconstruction,; by Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland with columns and numbers. If we asked people for their main Regional Advisor Caucasus, MSF International reason for not wanting to return home and 30% replied: ‘for Website, 11 April 2000 (in English). fear of being killed,’ another 30% replied: ‘our home has been destroyed,’ and the remaining 30% said: ‘because I do not Extract: want to be tortured,’ then that in itself should be sufficiently After arriving for the first time in summer 1995, I had then instructive. We said to ourselves: ’we have a great team in the described the city as ‘completely devastated.’ What is the field, so let’s have it work on the survey.’ The sample was superlative up from that by an order or two? There is life quite significant. A questionnaire was given to at least 100 - best estimates place the number of residents at around families, if not more, and the replies were entered into a 50,000 and growing steadily. Many represent temporary database. The report was distributed at least as widely to the visitors checking on home and contents, although it is not Russian press as to the international media, although without clear how large this portion is. What they find is barely a the usual hullabaloo. It was not really a question of speaking home left untouched. […] out, but more of producing a reference document in the form I remember finding Lécha not far from here just as the of fact sheets. On the whole, the French told us that it was fighting was ending back in August 1996. We are relieved to not a statement, and ignored it; the Dutch told us that it was see him alive and well - unlike some others whose corpses very good but that they were unable to associate themselves were lying not far away. His home had suffered then, too. with it because it related to Ingushetia and that they were But with some work he had made it livable again. Only to not working there; and MSF Belgium headquarters accepted it be driven from it again a few years later. And when will be because it was not a statement that, on the face of it, seemed the next time? likely to draw us in to taking any risks. This ambiguous position Twenty percent of homes have been reduced to rubble, by MSF Belgium was also due in part to somewhat shaky we are told by an informed source. Only another twenty management at the decision-making level. To simplify: the percent remain habitable and the remainder will need Executive Director tended to be in favour of speaking out, serious repairs to become homes again. And that does whereas the Director of Operations tended to be opposed. At not mention the lack of gas, water and electricity. We saw 126 programme manager level, it was a time of transition between numerous people dragging and carting canisters of water To say Chechnya’s hospitals are ill-equipped is like saying Extract: and theyneedhelp,’hesays-ifnowsomewhatsubdued. but thewarisfarfromoveryet.Still,therearepeople, ‘People are coming back. Maybe 5,000 to 10,000 a week, his smiledies. But whenweaskhimaboutwhatthefutureholdsinstore, shooting everynight,’helaughs. meters away.Theyprovidesecurity.Wecanhearthem ‘Of course.ThereisaRussianmilitarypostonlyhundred And isitsafe? a fewyearsago. judiciously cachedwhenlastdonatedbyanaidorganization enough, theystillhavetheremnantsofsterilizingtablets the lake.’And?’Wedisinfectitofcourse,’heassuresus.Sure We askaboutwater.;Webringinjerrycansfromdownby ‘And theyneedlookingafter,’heinsists. ‘8,000 childrenareinthecity,’Sultanassertsconfidently. are keentoreceivepatientsagainassoonpossible. The medicalsupplieswebringareeagerlyunpacked.They hands’ shelaughs. energetically tryingtorevivethishospital,‘withhisown how Sultanbroughtthemtogetherandhehasbeen where bulletholeshaveleftuglyholes.Shetellsmeof Emergencies ministry.[…]Khadijaisbusyapplyingmortar with aweldingteamhemanagedtobegfromtheRussian Minister ofHealthwhenIfirstmethimin1997-isbusy going ontoo.Sultantheheaddoctor-hewasDeputy is stillstandingandonlymissingonecorner-therework At thenationalChildren’sHospital-fourstoreybuilding told. ’Tyrepatcheswillfixtherubberlining.’ - hasnumerousbulletholesinit.‘Don’tworry,’wewere here afterthepreviouswar-orwasitbeforethat? water too, except that the water tank installed when I was preparing foodforthenearbyinhabitants.Therewouldbe holes alongonewall.Outsideatrailer-mountedstoveis the flooroftheirlittleoffice,obliviouslinebullet gracious Fatima,amidwifebytraining,isbusysweeping and repairing.Heretooallthewindowsaremissing.But Also atanothercityhospitalthemedicalstaffisbusycleaning drugs backintoaclinic.Andyes,thehelpisneeded. out toturnthiswindow-lessshellwithoutinstrumentsand side. The head doctor is there to meet us. She is setting are busydraggingtwisted metal sheetinganddebristothe Two women(innormaltimestheyarenursesattheclinic) We come to polyclinic with another garage-door sized hole. source forthevillage.[…] come downwithtyphoid,whichhasinfectedthewater like in nearby Lermontova, where over 60 people now have which werecollectedwhereit[water]couldbefound.Just (in English). Washington Post Foreign Service,21July 2000 to Tend to the Victims of War’ by Sharon Lafranière, Workers IgnoreSparseSupplies, RuinedFacilities ‘ Doctoring aBrokenSociety;ChechenMedical

didn’t mentionthatfiveChechenfightershadjustfled. came tosearchhishospitalinJanuary,Bakayevsaid,he Chechen fighterasksfortreatment.WhenRussiansoldiers feel obligedtoreporttherareoccasionswhenawounded breach withtheheaddoctorduringfirstwar.Hedoesn’t Bakayev treatsanybody--apolicythatcausedaserious shrapnel, wentthrough surgerybutthendiedfrombloodloss. A 10-year-oldgirl,whosestomachwastorntoshredsfrom negotiate anemergencypassthroughmilitarycheckpoints. region ofIngushetia.Themandiedwhilerelativestriedto leg andhoppedinacartotakehimtheneighbouring the nearbyvillageofAlhazurovo.Bakayevamputatedhis In April,ayoungmannotyet30triedtodefuseminein […] Bakayev well remembers the patients he could not save. the village.” People saidthehospitalinawaybecamebackboneof ­­­­was essentialnotjustforhealthcare,butthesociety. in the face of all this chaos and social breakdown, and that here,’ “ Glucksaid: “He managed to keep the hospital going told us, ‘If it wasn’t for this man, our village wouldn’t be He findsBakayevthemostimpressiveofthemall.“People months inacandle-litbasement. recover anaesthesia,andanotherwhooperatedforthree the ruinsofahospitalindevastatedtownShatoito extraordinary lengths,suchasonedoctorwhosearched Gluck knowsmanymedicalworkerswhohavegoneto of thissociety.” find thatlevelofcommitment.It’sonethesavinggraces Gluck. “Therearenotmanyplacesintheworldwhereyou “There isjustthisenormouslevelofcommitment,”said by theWorldHealthOrganization,groupsays. group. Thestaffinglevels actually exceedtheminimum set throughout Chechnyaassessinghealthcareneedsforthe or fiveyearsofnosalary,”saidKennyGluck,whotravels “The hospitalsarefullofdoctors,nurses,afterfour have isstaff. had no electricity on the day of the survey. What they do drugs, nor a working X-ray machine. Forty-seven percent Most hadneitherrunningwater,arefrigeratortostore Borders; three-fourthshadnomedicineorothersupplies. clinics visitedrecentlybytheaidgroupDoctorswithout its roadsarebumpy.Of28hospitalsandoutpatient Ingushetia were metfirstandforemostbythe goodwilland The enormous needs insideChechnyaand in neighboring population. […] Chechen landscapearecontinuing tokillandmaimthe numbers ofminesandunexploded ordnancewhichdotthe aircraft continuetobringdeath anddestruction.Thehuge have returnedtoChechnya’s villages, Russianartilleryand to Chechnyahopingrebuildtheirlives.Forthosewho Many thousandsofdisplacedpersonshavestartedtoreturn Extract: English). MSF InternationalWebsite,1August2000(in Holland NorthCaucasusRegionalCoordinator, ’The ContinuingCostofWar,byKennyGluck,MSF

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deeds of neighbors, friends and especially by a Chechen In early October, with a view to avoiding politicising its health system which refused to die. […] image, MSF Holland declined a request by the British The doctors, who have already gone through two wars, don’t actress and activist Vanessa Redgrave to visit its missions understand why so many resources are available for the war, in the Caucasus. Several months beforehand, the actress while so few for the hospitals. In May some of the medical had accompanied the presentation of her film on Chechen staff in Chechnya received one or two months’ salary. For children in the war, in the House of Commons, by a many it was the first, long-awaited payment they had seen speech consisting of Extracts from the account by MSF in five years, but it came to only US $25. In some hospitals, Holland’s Coordinator. even this pittance hasn’t yet arrived. […]

An effort to respond MSF has been trying to find ways of supporting the clinics ‘ House of Commons,’ Email from Frances and hospitals that have managed to keep functioning. Since Stevenson, MSF UK to Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland February, the organization has been providing medicines North Caucasus HOM, 11 July 2000 (in English). and medical equipment to health structures throughout Chechnya. Unable to import because of Russian customs Extract: restrictions, MSF logisticians […] have become experts Vanessa Redgrave read out Extracts from your paper to in the complicated task of procuring medicines to Russia. illustrate the humanitarian situation. Every month MSF has been able to supply basic drugs for Otherwise the meeting was more human rights oriented, 120,000 people in Chechnya and Ingushetia. Where clinics co-hosted as it was by Amnesty, who presented their report were destroyed in the bombing, MSF teams also carry out ‘For the Motherland’ - the one published last December, light repairs – giving each clinic at least several furnished which you’ve seen no doubt. and enclosed rooms where patients can be examined. Vanessa Redgrave’s little film was amateur and emotional, Supplying the hospitals and clinics in Chechnya requires pictures of war wounded children, interview with a the MSF staff to negotiate their way through the dozens paediatrician in Chechnya. The discussion led by Vanessa of Russian military checkpoints that dot the roads in the and her husband was what you’d expect from well-meaning war-torn republic. There are 19 Russian military checkpoints Actors (with a capital A!) who’ve found a cause... rather between the Stary Atagi hospital and the MSF office in naive (in my opinion) ranting/acting against the govt, the Ingushetia. The needed supplies make it through to the int’l community etc. hospital only thanks to the charm, bravado and persistence They had a Chechen politician there who gave a calm of the staff here. […] considered but, of course political speech about the noble Chechen cause, thanking Amnesty for their support for the A needed presence Chechen cause...! I was surprised. All of the MSF national staff are themselves refugees. Amnesty didn’t say something about this apparent co-option. Some […] lost their homes in the first war and moved There were a number of MPs there, plus press and various to neighbouring Ingushetia. Others, […] saw their others. Much indignation [about] that this can be allowed neighbourhoods reduced to rubble and ashes in the bombing to happen. It all helps keep the issue alive. No follow up so of Grozny in 1999 and 2000. Still others […] rebuilt their far - will let you know if there is (although I don’t expect it). homes in the months of hope that followed the end of the war in 1996 only to see them destroyed again in the current fighting. The medical personnel in Chechnya’s hospitals and the MSF ‘ Re: Vanessa Redgrave’, Email from Ruud Huurman, national staff watched with desperation as humanitarian MSF Holland Director of Communications, 4 agencies fled the region in 1996 and 1997, in the face of October 2000 (in English). violent attacks on aid workers. They waited in frustration for months in the current war for aid to finally arrive. A doctor Extract: in the Starye Atagi hospital was extremely thankful when 1. I spoke with Marcel [Van Soest, MSF Holland Director the first MSF team visited the hospital. His gratitude, he of Operations] this morning. He said there was no final said, was more for the fact that we had come than for the agreement or promise to Vanessa, but he was interested in boxes of medicines. For years people in Chechnya have felt working with her somehow, as he felt there was a positive rejected by the world – left to suffer in isolation. experience earlier this year, when she also asked [for] MSF’s “The fact that you have come back reminds us that we are involvement, but we decided to just give her information. part of the same world,” he said. “That is more important Marcel felt it was important to ask Kenny first whether or for us than anything else that you could bring.” not a visit would at all be feasible. So it is still possible to In spite of the insecurity and the risks, Chechnya is one of discuss the pros and cons […] the places where MSF should be present. Hopefully, we can 3. In a teleconference with Kenny this PM, Kenny made it learn from the dedication of the hospital staff here ad their clear that a visit to Chechnya is out of the question (security, ability to continue working in the most difficult situations. period). Would she come to Ingushetia, he would be willing to brief her and maybe advise her re: contacts, drivers etc, 128 but NOT providing her with MSF staff or facilities. OCTOBER MEETING. WITHOUT FAIL, BETAKENATTHECONCLUSION OFTHIS12 up theoperation.THEFINAL DECISIONMUSTTHEREFORE, visit begins on 30October,sowe have twoweeks to set subject ofourmeetingtomorrow. Asareminder,Putin’s the precedingpaper), decisions weretakenthatwillbe the following upearliermeetings andemailexchanges(see (involving thedesk,communicationandGuillaume), During animpromptumeetingonTuesday10October collection ofepidemiologicaldata. need foranypublicstatementtobeunderpinnedbya situation inChechnya.Opinionsweredividedonthe campaign aimedatrefocusingmediaattentiononthe October, MSF’sFrenchsectionbeganconsideringa Vladimir Putin for the EU-Russia summit on 30-31 In September, in preparation for the visit to Paris by more activelyadvocate? attention? Do we have a position that we would like to difficult). Dowehaveinfo,pointsofviewsthatdeserve for coverageontheChechnyacrisis(althoughcanbevery but amcuriousifwefeelthatMSFshouldmoreactivelylook […] Last remark: I have been out of the loop for a while, her, butcanhelpherwithsomeadvisesre.securityetc. discussion about the Chechnya-crisis. We can not facilitate rude toher--wedoappreciateeffortsstimulatethe our nameinhercampaign.Ofcoursewedon’twanttobe allow her)tospeakinanywayonbehalfofMSForinclude with journo’s,butwecannothaveher(andinfactwill We canprovideherwithinformation,likewewoulddo separation. […] So if we were to work with her there should be strict heat ofherbattle. indicates thatshemay“use”people/organisationsinthe understanding towardsMSF’sinterest,previousexperience of Communication]warning:Vanessamaybecommittedand 4. LetmereiteratehereMartynBroughton’s[MSFUKDirector guest ofMSF. Kenny is not in favour of inviting her, having her as a A MEDIACAMPAIGNPROPOSAL MSF France,25September2000(inFrench). Memo the MeetingofThursday21[September]2000,’ Chechnya –aBriefDocumentWrittenFollowing Médecins SansFrontièresSpeaksOutabout ‘On theOccasion of Vladimir Putin’s Visit to Paris’, CONTROVERSY ABOUT from the Deputy Director of Communication,

and forceChechnya tobeincludedontheSummit agenda. silence, protestagainstthe hypocrisy ofsuchameeting, subsidiary objectiveswould be tobreakdownthewallof of doingsowouldbetoexpose thesituation,andthree the subversion-cardduring the Putinvisit.Themainaim In short,MSFshouldplaythe provocation-perhapseven the refugeeswaitingforwinter). (including accesstothewounded,minesquestion,and violent and secretive war and its consequences for civilians Putin to raise public and media awareness about this very 10 October), that MSF should take advantage of this visit by second wars),itisourview(expressedinthemeetingof have always adopted on Chechnya (during the first and On thisbasis,andtakingintoaccountthepositionwe on respectforhumanrightsortheGenevaconventions. allocated toRussia. This aid,ofcourse, isnotconditional for Putin’svisittoFrance)isreviewtheamountofEUaid - TheobjectiveoftheEU-Russiasummit(whichisreason to work–asdiscreetlypossible; of a risk, so female reporters are the only ones continuing cameras arenotallowedandmalejournalistsruntoomuch - Journalistshaveverylimitedaccesstotheterritory: water; equipment andinfullviewofthecameras,doesnothold Thus any idea of sending trucks tothe border loaded with security situation and our fear of kidnappings and violence. “weakness” of our action is aresult of the very precarious equipment and personnel are entering the country. The - Wedon’thaveany real accessproblems: humanitarian which thismeetingistakingplace? What is the humanitarian, media and political context in off withtheRussianforces.Thebattleisveryone-sided. Chechens arecaughtinablindalleyandhopelessstand- - The war is continuing behind closed doors, or almost so; humanitarian assistance; been razed;theyareleftinastateoftotaldependencyon - Peopleareunabletoreturntheirhomes,whichhave are controlled,etc; channels fortreatingwarwoundedwithforeigncountries torture (seethereportsbyhumanrightsorganisations), not givenanyassistancetorebuild),therearearrestsand refugees are unable to return (and in any case they are there are checkpoints limiting access to treatment facilities, in Chechnya:hospitalsareoccupiedbytheRussianarmy, - Terrorandsocialcontrolaremorethaneverthenorm on theborder,etc; 200,000 refugeeswhoareabouttospendasecondwinter health facilities,treatmentofwarwoundedandminevictims, - Thepopulation’sneedsareenormousmedicalequipment, away frompryingeyes; policy ofterrorispursuedagainsttheChechenpeople,far organisations (“yougothereatyourownrisk”),whilea can beinvoked)andalsoimpedestheworkofhumanitarian enables the media’s work to be hindered (security reasons to normal.Describingitasananti-terroristoperation anti-terrorist operation,andthatthesituationisreturning - Russia’sofficiallineisthatitnotawarbutratheran What dowethinkaboutthecurrentsituationinChechnya? 129 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

How should this be done? justify making more ‘radical’ pronouncements. For my part, - By acknowledging the low level of our operations, it made sense to get surgical equipment into Chechnya last explaining volunteers’ security concerns; year, to treat the refugees in Georgia (even though there - Since we do not have the resources to gather data (such as were not tens of thousands of them), etc. Having said that, witness accounts or disease data) in the field to underpin a we do have our limitations and ’the Christophe kidnapping’ report on the humanitarian situation, we are accepting the is one limitation that personally I am quite prepared to live need for a “media stunt” to express MSF’s position; with. Nevertheless, as soon as we found the resources to - And then by actually organising a media stunt in France, do so we went back into Nazran (where Christophe had been such as a poster campaign or another sort of event - the kidnapped). The mission was difficult to open, but this is actual format needs to be decided. hardly surprising. In every discussion, suspicion seems to The Communication Department has thus been ‘mandated’ be cast on what we are doing in the field, and I find that to suggest ideas for campaigns or events, which need to rather demagogic. The Caucasus is not a fairground where be decided on tomorrow. We have ideas…the decision is setting up relief operations is easy. in your hands! The text dealing with children (Adam) is moving, but does not in itself constitute a message beyond saying that ’children suffer during wars.’ Re “’Operation Get On Putin’s Wick :’ to say the least, the principle does not appeal to me. Quite simply, we are not dispensers of justice. Just Exchange of Emails between Jean-Hervé Bradol, like during the meeting I attended, the radical nature of President, Anne Fouchard, Deputy Director of the comments seems to me to mask a lack of assurance on communication, Virginie Raisson, Member of the the substantive issues. I believe that there could well be a Board of Directors, MSF France, and Françoise message based on the theme that ‘the war continues to hit Saulnier, MSF Legal Advisor, 7,10, 11, and 12 civilians hard (attacks continue, there are arbitrary arrests, October 2000 (in French). daily life is one of great privation, etc), and there is a lack of assistance as winter approaches (we could refer to private Extract: dwellings, the state of the hospitals, etc).’ It is not at all Greetings all, essential to produce a report, assuming we have a team able […] Our analysis needs to be solidly backed up if we want to associate with this message and to substantiate it with to take Putin on. It also seems to me that there would accounts drawn from daily experience. This seems to me be considerable advantage in discussing our statement on quite justifiable, because even though the condition of the Chechnya with teams in the field. Steve, the Head of Mission population and the availability of assistance are poor, this in the area, has a very clear idea of the various issues that is no longer getting any public attention.Jean-Hervé Bradol could be covered in our public statements. It seems to Good morning, good evening me that he had already undertaken to send information to In the first place, thanks for the various contributions below. headquarters on the various issues he had identified. As to At the risk of being ‘epidemiologically’ iconoclastic and ‘not the possibility of a pro-active approach using a collection in the spirit of MSF,’ I cannot help asking the following of information, he could also tell us what is already in the questions: works, or what is feasible, and (Chechnya and/or Ingushetia) On the one hand, like Jean-Hervé and others I agree the operational constraints and security considerations. For completely with the idea that some witness statements, example, would there still be time to put something together backed up by an Epicentre survey, could at some point that associates a quantitative collection of information usefully support what we have to say, and provide a (Epicentre to provide) with a qualitative report (based on methodological basis without which we risk being caught out interviews with displaced persons and put together in the with extrapolations and manipulation. One only has to call field or during a rapid visit by someone from headquarters)? to mind the Kosovo precedent. Nevertheless, I am somewhat Yours wary of precisely this requirement for methodology, given [MSF deputy legal advisor] the ideas and principles we stand for. If you will allow me to be very provocative, would we require a nutritional survey Greetings, to speak about North Korea? Did we need live television I have two comments to make. In the first place, I am sick news coverage and retrospective mortality surveys to be of hearing about MSF’s low level of operational effectiveness convinced about what was happening in Srebrenica? And, in the Caucasus. Do the people who actually run these since ‘I was there,’ I still wonder whether we needed an programs (namely the field team, the HOM, the Program Epicentre survey in Kosovo to rally common sense (even Manager and the Deputy Program Manager) share this view? the NATO line) on the front page of Libération (but this is If we believe in what we are doing in the field (irrespective another discussion). of the operation’s size and limitations) and if we have Who are we seeking to address? For what purpose? On something to say that is not just the usual stereotyped what basis? information, then we should not be reluctant to say it. - It seems to me that the answer to the last question is This argument has thrown the debate off track right from straightforward, since we have intent, we have action, and the start, by discouraging people from speaking out or, on we also have some limitations. Do we need anything more 130 the contrary, by provoking a sense of guilt that seems to to be able to speak out ’legitimately?’ Disaster Relief 14. MinistryofRussianFederation forAffairsofCivilDefence,Emergencies and I wouldnotwantustobestuck inapositionwherelackof with thefield? poor quality, or unusable?? Who is talking about all of this F, B,andH–yetthisinformationexists.Isitofsuch - PersonallyIhavevirtuallynofieldinformationaboutMSF - Whoistalkingaboutallofthisinthefield? other sectionsaswell? and presence on the ground - not only on MSF F, but on - Whatwillbetheimpactofanystatementonourprograms speak outon,etc?WhataboutEmercom? what refugeeandhealthissuesthefieldconsiders weshould doing ornotforthem,aboutwhatweknow, do weknownowaboutpeople’sneeds,whatMSFis from the field undertook to send us information. What more - Followingourlastmeetingonthissubject,severalpeople them. Whereisthefieldinallofthis? countries, and it would be a sign of strength to involve a narrowlyFrenchbandwagon.Wehaveofficesinthese count inEurope.Solet’sbeverycarefulnottogeton awareness inBritain,Germany,etc.Inshort,thosewho on thismatter.Wemustseektoraisepublicanddiplomatic important that MSF not be seen as a French organisation Chechnya fromotherEuropeancountries.Itseemstome - Francehasalreadytakenasomewhatdifferentstanceon but whatdowewanttosayourheadsofgovernment? of theEUmembercountries.WemaywanttoannoyPutin, We aretalkingaboutthegovernmentalanddiplomaticheads we havesomerealmeansofexertingdemocraticpressure. to annoythehelloutofEUsummitorganisers,onwhom that thisisorshouldbeourtarget.Rather,weareseeking - Operation’AnnoytheHelloutofPutin,’Idonotbelieve particular order: […] Ishouldjustliketoaskanumberofquestions,inno Virginie Raisson restrain ourimagination. seem utopian. And for this reason I hope that we will not bring totheChechenpeople.Isaythiswithoutwishing other providers,butrathertowhatourindependencecan position, nor to MSF’s credibility vis-à-vis its donors and scientific objectivity, whichnevertheless remainsafallback to do so arises. The aim in this case relates not to our sufficient toundertake’acampaign’ whentheopportunity our experience on the ground, then this seems to me amply been reportedofA’dam’scommentsistrue,andbolsteredby believing whatwehavebelievedforalongtime.Ifhas children, whichwouldprovideuswiththecertaintyof epidemiological survey on the suffering and fate of Chechen to failtry,usingtheexcusethatwedonothavean We havetherighttomakeerrors,butweless well. Whereareweuptoonthisscore? - Whoareweseekingtoaddress?NodoubttheRussiansas Russia summit. summit seemstomebemorerelevantthantheFrance- of their responsibilities. On thisbasis, the Europe-Russia change his mind, but rather of reminding those concerned - Forwhatpurpose?ProbablynotinhopesofmakingPutin 14 2) There is little value in disputing Russia’s propaganda activities aspartoftheanti-terrorist operation. is frequent reference by Russian officials to the military to respecthumanitarian law. In the Russian media there this wouldinnowayalterthe obligations ofthegovernment government claimedthatitis notaninternalarmedconflict that hasalreadybeenrecognizedinpractice.Evenifthe confirmation of this position. We are demanding something ICRC on detention center visits in Chechnya is an implicit defined intheGenevaConventions.Theagreementwith fact thattheconflictis’aninternalarmed[conflict]’ as 1) ThefirstproblemisthatRussiahasneverdisputedthe reasons. is awar.Ithinktheapproachflawedforfollowing Russia andtheinternationalcommunityrecognizethatthis public portrayal of the conflict. MSF-F hasdemanded that arguing thatthewariscontinuing,buttodisputeRussia’s the warasan’anti-terroristoperation.’Thesearenotonly far have focused very much on Russia’s characterization of behavior wewouldliketosee.Thestatementsproposedso should alsohaveabettersenseofwhatchangesinRussian likely thatEuropeanleaderspressPutinonChechnya.We back onthe media mapinEuropeand in makingitmore clarity toourposition.ThereisavalueinputtingChechnya achieve withthismediacampaignsothatwecanbringmore It isessentialthatwebetterdefinewhataretryingto The Message Extract: seemed low. the riskofbeingexpelledbyRussianauthorities risks of increased problems in program delivery. However, situation morethoroughlyand tothe potential associated hand, everyoneagreedontheneedtodocument MSF Hollanddisagreed with this proposal. On the other ‘ described asa‘war,’therebyhopingtocounteractthe continued topresshavetheeventsinChechnya space, whoconsideredittoopolitical.MSFFrance was rejectedbythecontractorsresponsibleforallocating A draftcampaigntoplacepostersintheParisunderground Françoise Saulnier referendum: i.e.,fororagainstPutin. cause, orforourvotethisafternoontobeasortofStalinist to beseenasatestofloyaltyandcommitmenttheMSF communication. Iwouldnotwishtotakethedecisiontoday information ledussimplytorehashinstitutionalisedpublic ’ description promoted by Russia. anti-terrorist operation’descriptionpromotedbyRussia. (in English). MSF HollandChechnyaGroup,14October2000 Caucasus RegionalCoordinatortoMSFFranceand Message from Kenny Gluck,MSF Holland North

131 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

terms. All countries engaged in war come up with about terrorism. Any misstatements in the areas will likely innocent-sounding euphemisms to describe their activities. be seized upon by the Russian media and will worsen the Demanding that Russia change its favored euphemism, we program. […] deflect attention from the conduct of the war and its human Conclusions consequences which should be our focus. In concentrating on We will support the conduct of a media campaign with […] the characterization of the war we find ourselves inevitably 2) Message clarified so as to move [be more] rooted in our trapped in arguments on the legitimacy of the war. If it is work [activities] and more related to the changers we would not an anti-terrorist action, are we saying that the bombings like to see in Russian behavior. in Moscow were not terrorist acts, or that they were not planted by the Chechen military or government? […] We should leave these arguments for the Russian newspapers where they are debated at length by the country’s hyperactive ’Public Communication on Chechnya, ’Email from political analysts and wits. Bénédicte Jeannerod, Communication Officer, 3) By focusing on the continuing trauma, we focus attention MSF France, to MSF Northern Caucasus managers, on the war’s conduct and its human consequences. Here 18 October 2000 (in English). we actually can speak about something we know about. Highlighting the continuing levels of war trauma is based Extract: on our work with hospitals but still makes the point that We approached the groups that handle poster publicity in the conflict is continuing and the population there is in Paris. Most of them rejected the campaign on the grounds need of assistance. The statements based on the actual that it was too political. We had only one proposal, using suffering of the population can be both strong and political, a small network and that would not have produced the but they keep us out of useless legalistic wrangling about desired impact. So on Monday afternoon we gave up the the characterization of the war. idea of a poster campaign. In tandem with this, our internal Instead, our message should be firmly rooted in our work discussions (i.e. Paris, Moscow and the field) showed that with medical facilities in Chechnya. […] Médecins Sans Frontières’ position on the situation in 1) […] We should be urging the military to take greater Chechnya is very unclear. Comments by various players are measure to ensure that civilian areas are not targeted. We totally contradictory: e.g. the war is over/it is ongoing; have several interviews with victims of recent bombings in there are bombardments/they have ceased; humanitarian civilian areas. The largest numbers of war trauma coming organisations are being blocked/there are no access into Chechnya’s hospitals are mine-related. In most cases problems; refugees are not returning home because their we cannot say with any certainty whether the mines were houses have been destroyed/they are not returning because placed by separatist forces or by the Russian army. The only of the terror caused by Russian troops – etc. As for the exception is cases in which mines were laid around Russian information we have on the situation of the Chechen people outposts or checkpoints and were not removed after these today, it is either very meagre or it is not being distributed outposts were removed. We do have some testimonies of within the network. injuries from mines around former Russian positions. We Discussions have also shown that there are significant should be very careful in not attributing blame where we differences over the type of public communication MSF do not know the source of the mine. We can also cite here should be striving for: should it be purely humanitarian the abuse of people in detention. This should be based (along the lines that ‘suffering continues, Chechens need on medical reports from the hospitals where these torture humanitarian assistance’) or should it be more political victims have been treated. (‘Chechens are caught in an inextricable deadlock with Russian troops; they certainly need humanitarian assistance 2) The lack of support for health facilities in Chechnya. In but beyond that they need to cease being the main targets most of the facilities which we are supporting there have been in this war?’ In conclusion: If we want to go on the offensive almost no Russian government input since the beginning when we speak out on 30 October (through a press campaign, of the war. We should be calling on Russia to provide the press conference, interviews, opinion pieces, etc) we need necessary support and services in areas under its control at not only to obtain more information (see the attached piece the same level which is provided for populations elsewhere on refugees, displaced persons, access to treatment, etc) in Russia. The continuing military occupation of hospitals but also to produce a clearer analysis of what is happening in Shatoi and elsewhere should be raised here as well. to civilians in Chechnya today. This is really a precondition before we start to make statements. Jean-Hervé Bradol, the 3) Lack of access to health facilities because of restrictions President, who agrees in principle with our speaking out, has on movement in Chechnya and the inability of Chechen reiterated that he would not be prepared to do so himself if families to earn a living as a result of these restrictions. the statement were not strongly argued and documented. We have the story from Gikalo where a mine victim was not Thus we are counting on operational staff and on Moscow allowed through a checkpoint until the next day. to send in information. For our part, we continue to work and to follow the case very closely, but we will not be able 4) In the explanation of our position, we should take care to move forward unless we have this material. not to speak on the origins of the war. We don’t have a 132 position on this. We will undoubtedly be asked questions past experiencesandmutualsuspicion. this collaborationdoesn’tcollapseundertheweightofour can support.Weshoulddoeverythingwetoensurethat together andtoputoutamessagewhichallthesections collaboration. Inthefieldthereisacommitmenttowork like forthismediaeventtobeanexampleofpositive with Parisonanymediacampaign.Wewouldverymuch There isagreatdealofsuspicionwithregardtoworking Working withParis take. […] or makeitmoredifficulttowork.Thisisariskweshould that themediacampaignwillinterferewithourprograms supported ouradvocacyactivities.Theprincipledangeris in Chechnya,includingMSF’slocalstaff,havecontinually of minoractionsunderminingourabilitytowork.People more likelythatthemediacampaignwouldleadtoaseries access toChechnyaasaresultofthemediacampaign.Itis government wouldexpelMSFordirectlyinterferewithour programs in the field. There is verylittle riskthat the Russian risk thatamediacampaignwouldleadtodifficultiesforour begin theintimidationactivities.Thereisamuchgreater we willbethetargetineventthatthesegroupsagain agencies. Our media campaigns make it more likely that services willingtotakeactionagainstinternationalrelief it morelikelythattherewillbeelementsinthesecurity associated withpubliccampaigns.Thecampaignsdomake press), shouldnotleadustobelievethatthereisrisks the spring(whichdidnothaveanyresonanceinRussian MDM hasnotsuffered any consequencesforitsadvocacy in there isone,notlikelytobeimmediate.Thefactthat a mediacampaignisimpossibletoassess.Theresponse,if Unfortunately, thelevelofadditionalriskasresult in theregion. statement or in order to remove our discomforting presence again, wouldtakeactionsagainstMSFinretaliationforour the likelihoodthatthesegroups,iftheybecomeactive in the past. A high profile media campaign does increase international representativesinthenorthernCaucasus both kidnappingsandothersecurityincidentsagainst the Russian security services which has been involved in There isevidencetosuggestthattheresomepartof would doanythingdirectlyagainstMSFofficesofstaff. is stillarisk.ItunlikelythattheRussiangovernment that public advocacy would lead to security problems. This In thepasttherehavebeenconcerns,particularlyinMSF-B, Security Extract: manager, 22October2000(inEnglish). Officer, Executive Director and programme to MSFHollandHADOfficer,Communication MSF HollandNorthCaucasusRegionalCoordinator ­­­‘Paris AdvocacyEvent,’ Email fromKennyGluck

there queries about whether the posters were too aggressive. three operations meetings to which I had been invited, because it. However,thisprojecthadalreadygivenrisetotwoor prohibited intheParisunderground,sowewereunabletodo gratis intheunderground.However,political posters are designed internallyandwehadnegotiatedtohaveitdisplayed carpet andapictureofherhusband.Theposterhadbeen with aphotoofanoldladysittingonpileruins, not preparedto sendin50people.”[…] he adds.“Inanycase,inthe currentcircumstancesweare vague desiretoletfeartake hold–itisdifficulttosay,” situation andthismilitarypresence. Theremayalsobea former contactsanditisdifficult forustounderstandthe our ownanguish,”saysDenis Gouzerh.“Wehavelostour authorisations, butwealsoneedtocometermswith terms ofpsychological”obstacles:”wehavethenecessary round trips.” […] MSF does not hesitate to speak in Sernovodsk. They are based in Nazran and make “regular responsible forsupplyinghospitalsinShatoi,Grozny,and two doctors,onelogisticianandacoordinator,whoare in July.Anditscommitmentremainsaprudentone,with year earlierofsixICRCdelegates,resumeditspresenceonly of oneitsvolunteersin1997andtheassassination a time.” MSFFrance,whichwastraumatisedbythekidnapping enormous job,involvingtryingtoprogressakilometreat down theroadyouneedtostartalloveragain.Itisan may wellestablishcontactsinonearea,but10kilometres “soldiers andChechensformamazeofdifferentgroups.One to MSFFrance’sChechnyaProgramManagerDenisGouzerh, organisations areoperatinginChechnya.[…]According conditions meanthatveryfewforeignhumanitarian notes MSF France. Security problems and difficult work “Given thesituation,itisraretoseesofewNGOspresent,” campaign. of MSFBelgium’sCaucasusmissionshelpedpreparethe and thatthewarwascontinuing.TheMoscowcoordinator the situationinChechnyahadnotatallbeen’normalised,’ France, andbyprogrammemanagers.Theyexplainedthat press bythecoordinatorsfromMSFHollandand of interviews and articles in the French and international In theendcommunicationcampaigntookform Director, July2000–2004,interviewedin2008, Anne Fouchard,MSFFranceDeputyCommunications visit toParis.Wehadplannedapostercampaign, doors weneededtomakeabigsplashduringPutin’s Programme managersthoughtthatinordertoopen October 2000(inFrench). to OperateinChechnya,’ ‘Difficulties EncounteredbyForeignNGOsSeeking AFP (France),Paris,27 (in French).

133 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Thousands of patients need further surgeries or to be fitted vehicle taking the whole family out to the fields ran over a with prostheses, and there is a “constant flow” of war mine and was blown up. His legs and hips shattered by the victims and civilian mine casualties - to which should be explosion, Ilias was taken to hospital in Grozny. Doctors added mental health problems, respiratory infections, and who operated on him are distressed that they will not be untreated and potentially very contagious tuberculosis. MSF able to find the medicine required for healing his wounds. admits that, considering the destruction that has taken place, the foreign humanitarian presence is “insignificant,” Many of the wounded never make it to hospital. Recently underlining however that “this is first and foremost a political Imran, aged 27 and the father of two children, stepped on problem.” “The real human catastrophe is the way civilians a mine while he was trimming some hedges. His left leg are being treated – people are being wounded, subjected to was completely blown off and the right one was severely harsh treatment in prison, beaten, etc,” says Kenny Gluck, wounded by shrapnel. When his neighbours attempted MSF Holland’s Head of Mission, speaking by telephone from to take him to hospital, they were stopped at a Russian Nazran (Ingushetia). “Doctors are continuing now, as they military checkpoint. Imran spent a whole night losing did six months ago, to work in the dark and in the cold,” blood, without any treatment or any medicine to ease his he notes. “The difference is that today they say they no pain. The next day, when he was finally able to get to the longer have any hope.” hospital, doctors had no choice but to amputate. Hospitals in Chechnya desperately need to be put back on their feet and to receive assistance. The Starye Atagi hospital, which was destroyed during the 1995 war, has only been partially ‘’ War Behind Closed Doors in Chechnya,’ Kenny repaired. The main building of Hospital No. 9 in Grozny Gluck, Coordinator, Northern Caucasus, MSF looks like Swiss cheese, full of holes from artillery shelling. Holland, Ouest-France, 29 October 2000 (in Patients are crowded into corridors in the only building that French). has been repaired (by the staff themselves, using whatever they could lay their hands on). In May, for the first time in Extract: five years, the Russian government paid one or two months’ Next week, President Putin will visit France for twin salary to the medical teams - a grand total of 25 dollars. EU-Russia and France-Russia summits. It is essential that Since then, they have received nothing. these major diplomatic meetings not fail to address the unbearable situation of the Chechen people, who are being held prisoners in an undeclared war. When Russian jetfighters flew overhead, 16 year-old Adam Gaitarov gave no thought Kenny and I wondered whether we should present the to hiding. He was at the entrance to Duba-Yurt with his report ourselves, but it was important that it not be father and grandfather, cleaning the cemetery. “The planes people from the field who were doing the talking. In flew so low that we could see the pilots very clearly,” says the end, he decided to speak out in any case, and a number Adam’s uncle, who at the time was working in a nearby field. of journalists were directed to us. So there was no very firm “I am sure they were well aware we were not combatants policy; we certainly spoke out more than we would have if but rather simple village folk going about our work. The there had been some directive. aircraft made several passes over the village before opening fire directly on the cemetery,” he says. “I ran over, and Steve Cornish, Coordinator MSF France in Georgia saw immediately that Adam’s father and grandfather were (January to April 2000) then in Ingushetia (September already dead. Adam was covered in blood, but was still 2000 to January 2001), MSF Switzerland Officer in the alive. Several graves had been blown to pieces.” Today, Russian Federation (August 2002 to April 2004) Adam is one of the patients in a hospital in the south of (in French) interviewed in 2008. Grozny, and doctors do not know if he will ever walk again.

During last winter and spring the bombing of Grozny and of Chechen villages was widely covered in evening television news broadcasts. But despite the media spotlight, Chechens endured the war and its consequences with no - or very little When we wanted to do things communications-wise, - assistance from the outside world. A year later, the war I went to Paris and talked with them! I still had a very continues to wreak havoc on the Chechen people. Russian good relationship with Jean-Hervé. So I said to Steve: artillery and aviation are still active. Each day the mines ‘the Dutch don’t know what they’re doing on communications, that litter the soil of this tiny Republic and the unexploded so let’s do it with Paris.’ Anyway, Holland is not a media munitions mutilate and kill civilians, in the majority women market, so I figured by doing it in English and in French, you and children. Still today, war wounds account for most of the can actually have more resonance. I was very happy to work surgery performed in Chechnya. Subsistence agriculture was, with the French. And in Holland they were very angry. Because for many Chechens, the only way of feeding their families. when I went on some of these things [media interviews] I However, that has become a high-risk activity. Ilias, aged didn’t even go to Amsterdam. I went straight to Paris. There 16, who comes from a village near Grozny, was wounded was some criticism, and I think some of this was right, saying: 134 in an explosion which killed five of his close relatives. The ‘OK, Kenny is not being managed. He is just doing his own and wecametoanagreement.Thesewereimportant stances. at thistime.HecametoParis,wespokeaboutthematter, such atouchysubject.Hewasoneoftheimportantpeople colleague whowasverymotivatedtospeakoutpubliclyon for findingsomeonelikeKenny.’ Holland, gotalotofcomplimentsfromBelgiumandFrance controversies andonthecontrary,Ithinkingeneralwe,MSF was sometimesabitofdisagreement,butnomajor methods butalsointermsofthesecurityimplications.There something aboutit,bothintermsofthecontentand MSF Holland was finding, and how we were going to say Western Europe thisyear.RegardingChechnya, Chiracsaid the 21stcentury andavoidthekind of fuelcrisis faced by long-term strategypartnership toensureenergysuppliesin Russia and the EUsaidonMonday they planned to forgea Extract: work withParis. thing,’ because I said OK, if I want to work with Paris, I’ll supplies) remainmuteontheChechnyaquestion. increasingly dependent on Russia for their energy succeeded inhavingEU representatives (whowere At the Russian/European summit, VladimirPutin (1998-2000), President(May2000-May2008)(inFrench) Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus(November1999- Communications (1996-1998),DirectorofOperations Austen Davies,MSFHollandExecutiveDirector,1999 January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005), and wasveryhappytoseethatwehadaDutch these questions.InthiswayIgottoknowKenny, I continuedtoworkwiththeprogrammemanageron Hervé [BradolMSFFrancePresident],debatedwhat the operationaldirectorsinmeetings,metwithJean- Kenny travelledtoParisseveraltimesandmetwith Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand Moscow, 3November2000(in English). Memo MSFRegionalInformationOfficer(RIO), ’Putin inParis,RussianMedia,DeutscheWelle,’ Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof to 2004,(inEnglish)interviewedin2009 (in English)interviewedin2009 interviewed in2009.

And behind the scenes, these voices are not very audible. And behindthescenes,thesevoicesarenotveryaudible. more or less normal - they keep these voices behind the scenes. but whenthepoliticalandeconomicrelationswithRussiaare push Russia,theyincreasethevolumeofpublic’svoice, of politicaltradebyWesternpoliticians:whentheyneedto to come.Andthissituationturnsthewarintoanelement that RussiawillneitherwinnorloseinChechnyaforyears crisis inMiddleEast.Lookingtowardsthefuture,wecansay price ofoilnowisverybeneficialtoRussiabecausethe the struggle against international terrorism. And thirdly, the the EUCommission).Secondly,Putincontinuestotalkabout situation thereisimproving(thiswasrecentlyconfirmedby worst thingsinChechnyahavealreadyoccurredandnowthe Russia’s position concerning Chechnya. First of all, because the Unfortunately, thistimeWesternsocietycouldn’tinfluence rights violationsinChechnyawerenotaudibleParis. The voicesofFrenchintellectualsprotestingagainsthuman Russia, EUandChechenproblem November 2). Belorussia, PolandandSlovakiabypassUkraine.(Kommersant, build thepipelinedirectlyfromRussiatoWesternEuropevia to the firstofficialdocument,whichconfirmedintention Gaz deFrancehavesignedagreementofcooperation.Itis economical effectofPutin’svisitis$1-2billion.’Gazpromand rebel Chechnya.[…]WhatdidGazpromsigninParis?The soured bydifferencesoverMoscow’smilitarycampaignin and Parisachancetopatchuprelationsthathavebeen between Russiaandthe15-nationEU,butitgaveMoscow Palace onMonday,notonlysignaledintensifiedcooperation 31). TheEU-Russiasummit,whichtookplaceattheElysée sought (Moscow be Times, October to had solution political it wasthefirsttimeRussiaandEUhadagreedthata in theinternationalpress. terror prevailinginChechnya.Thiswaswidelyreported was distributed,thedelegationdescribedclimateof conference, during which a collection of patient accounts the humanitariansituationinChechnya.Inapress before theCouncilofEuropeinBrusselstodiscuss On 22November,adelegationfromMSFFranceappeared MSF DENOUNCESTHEPOLITICS THE CIVILIANSOFCHECHNYA OF TERRORAGAINST 135 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

’ Council of Europe Meeting on Chechnya,’ Email ’ MSF Denounces Politics of Terror On Civilian exchange between Denis Gouzerh Programme Populations of Chechnya - Calls on European Council manager, Jean-Hervé Bradol, President, Benedicte Member States to Take Issue to the UN Security Jeannerod, Communication Officer, MSF France Council,’ Press release MSF USA, 22 November, and MSF Deputy Legal Advisor, 12 October 2000 2000 (in English). (in French). The international humanitarian organization Doctors without Extract: Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) today issued a public Mr Perin, the Secretary of the Political Affairs Committee of report addressing the consequences of the policy of terror the Council’s Parliamentary Assembly, would like to invite by the Russian federal troops on the civilian populations MSF to Brussels (the Belgian Senate) on 21 November in in Chechnya. These include: arbitrary executions, cleansing the context of a meeting on ‘the humanitarian situation operations; arrests and disappearances, extortion and a in Chechnya,’ with participation by Parliamentarians from racket in corpses. The report, “Chechnya/ the Politics of the Council and by NGOs. The aim is to gather information Terror,” was issued to coincide with a public hearing this for the January 2001 political report to the CE Assembly morning, given by the organization to the Political Affairs and for the decision on whether or not to extend the Committee of the Council of Europe. suspension of Russian voting rights in the Council. Mr Perin 300,000 people are currently refugees or displaced by the has already contacted AI and HRW. According to him, a Chechnya crisis. Medical data prove that the indiscriminate significant lobby within the EC is currently trying to push use of force always creates high numbers of civilian victims. the cause of reinstating Russian voting rights. Our presence The wounds are a result of artillery fire, bullet wounds, aerial has been requested, and indeed it seems to me essential attacks or land mines. Between September and October that we attend. Listening to Mr Perin suggests that he is 2000, over 280 fresh war wounded were treated in twelve to pushing the line of lack of access to Chechnya by various thirty still functioning hospital structures. The war continues organisations, but to substantiate this he is pointing to the in Chechnya, despite the illusion of normalization given OSCE and UNHCR, etc - i.e. not really our area. However by the Russian leadership. People are forced to live in a he believes (without any concrete evidence – it is just a ghetto, which locks them into a deadly day-to-day, face- feeling) that our organisation also has problems operating, to-face confrontation with the Russian army. They cannot linked to the behaviour of the Russian authorities. He will move freely, and the wounded and sick are prevented from soon send us a program for 21.11.00. passing the military barriers. As soon as civilians move, as Bye for now. they are treated as suspects: staying alive turns into a game Denis of “Russian roulette.” “These military operations and acts of violence committed I believe we should attend, because: against individuals are like a collective punishment, - We can say things in a more nuanced and controlled way which turns each and every civilian into a suspect and a in such a forum than if we speak publicly. However, we need potential victim,” said Loïck Barriquand, MSF desk officer for to let the teams in the field know and ask them to send Chechnya. “This unrelenting terror in Chechnya is worsened some up-to-date information. by the massive humanitarian needs in Chechnya, to which - In discussions with Françoise and Rony we had decided to there is little response,” he concluded. In the absence of lobby the Council of Europe assiduously, both because the consistent international reaction and of sanctions against Council appreciates us and also in view of our consultative the perpetrators of the crimes, not only are Chechens lacking status. all forms of protection and of recourse, but they are also only For some time, in fact, Parliamentarians in the Council of receiving inadequate assistance. None of the member states Europe have been under enormous pressure, because they of the Council of Europe, or indeed on the part of any other considerably embarrassed the Council of Europe executive by state, have raised any opposition to the violence perpetrated formally seeking to refer Russia to the European Court and against civilians. The only international instance, which by proposing the suspension not only of the Parliamentary resulted in concrete measures, was when the Parliamentary delegation but of Russia itself. For information, shortly Assembly of the Council of Europe decided to suspend the before the Executive meeting following the last Parliamentary right to vote of the Russian Delegation. session, the USA contacted the Council of Europe’s Secretary MSF today denounced the massive aggressions and the General, along the lines of: ‘calm down, it is in all our policy of terror towards the civilians of Chechnya. The daily interests not to burn our bridges with Russia.’ So there is violation of their fundamental rights, including freedom of a very strong current supporting the idea of normalisation movement, also prevents them from having full access to in Chechnya. what little humanitarian or medical assistance is available. Yours MSF calls on the Member States of the Council of Europe to raise the suffering of Chechnya with the European Court of Human Rights and the Security Council of the United Nations, so that they take on their roles and responsibilities.

136 Extract: A returncompromised byinsecurity gunfire whichfillsthenights throughoutChechnya.[…] of thewar.Villagersliveinconstant terrorofindiscriminate regard forciviliancasualtiesor civilianspaceintheconduct civilians live. The military forces in Chechnya have paid scant or policeoutpostshavealso beenplacedinareaswhere attacks andmines.BombsintendedfortheRussianmilitary casualties resultingfromgunfireandartillery,aerial […] Hospitalsreportonaconstantstreamofcivilian Civilian casualties I. Theconsequencesofthewaroncivilianlives hospital care,andthecontinuationofwar.[…] emergencies, theperilsfacedbythosewhodaretoseek They clearlydescribetheimpossibilityofdealingwithmedical portray theunbearablerealityofChechenpeople’slives. work. Throughtheiraccountsofdailyincidents,thewitnesses teams betweenAugustandNovember 2000, duringtheirrelief residents, thesickandwounded-weregatheredbyour Chechnya. Thewitnessaccounts-ofmedicalpersonnel, witness totheunacceptableeventsnowtakingplacein of theCouncilEurope,andhascomeheretodaytobear Médecins SansFrontièreshasrespondedtotheinvitation with needsthathumanitarianorganizationscannotmeet, Confronted, inthefield,withaterrorizedpopulation,and whose impunitygivesthemfreereintoactastheyplease. or recourse, are trapped in a confrontation with soldiers crimes, Chechencivilians,deprivedofanykindprotection response andofsanctionsagainsttheperpetratorsthese of violence.Intheabsenceacoherentinternational the peopleofChechnyaaretodayexposedtoworstkind having beensubjectedtomonthsofintensivebombardment, puts theirlivesatstake.Inthisghetto,terrorreigns.After And eachandeverycheckpointisa‘Russianroulette’which are prevented from passingthroughmilitary checkpoints. freedom ofmovementisdenied.Eventhesickandwounded ghetto. Inthisghetto,everycivilianisasuspect,and The Russianforceshave transformed Chechnya into avast extortion, racketeeringofcadavers... and mopping-upoperations,arrestsdisappearances, violence designedtohumiliatecivilians:arbitraryexecutions form. Ithasinstalledastateofterror,perpetratingacts army, inthe‘re-conquered’zones,hasturnedamorevicious phase. Afterintensivebombingandmassivedestruction,the which caused hundred of thousands to flee, of forceisstillcausingmanyciviliancasualties.Thewar, from Chechnya hospitals shows that the indiscriminate use is ongoing,andhasmerelychangeditsappearance. Data the internationalcommunity,violenceagainstcivilians upheld bytheRussianauthorities,andresignationof continue tokillcivilians.Despitetheillusionofnormalization federal troops first intervened, bombs, mines and bullets The warinChechnyaisnotover.Morethanayearafterthe November 2000(inEnglish,inFrench). ‘Chechnya: thePoliticsofTerror,’ has entered a new has entered a new Report, MSF, breakaway republic of Chechnya. A report by thegroupsaid breakaway republic ofChechnya.A has sharplycriticized theconductofRussian forcesinthe The internationalmedicalcharity, Médecins Sans Frontières, no heating, noelectricity,notenough anaesthetics[...]. heating, no lack theresourcestotakecareofthesepatients.Thereis majority ofthosereceivingsurgicaltreatment,thehospitals checkpoints. Althoughthewoundedcontinuetomakeup travel long distances and pass through numerous military of therepublic.Personswhoneedtobeoperatedonmust There isonlyonesurgicalfacilityleftintheentiresouth Shatoi hospital-arestilloccupiedbytheRussianmilitary. Moreover, at least three health structures - among them the Many other structures sufferedextensive damages. 2000. destroyed duringthebombingsbetweenlate1999andmid- district hospital)and11dispensarieswerecompletely entire republic,10hospitals(includingtheVedenocentral functioning inthecapitalofChechenrepublic.In resources available.Onlyonematernityhospitalisstill this building, which has been repaired with the meagre artillery fire.Thepatientscramintothecorridorsof example, themainbuildingisriddledwithholesfrom during thetworecentwars.AtGrozny’sHospitalNo9,for Chechnya’s hospitalshaveallsufferedmassivedestruction Destroyed healthstructures III. Obstaclestohealthcare up atallmajorintersectionsandentrypoints.[…] of populations, and especially at military checkpoints set basis, inawhollyarbitraryfashion,duringdisplacements out ‘terrorists.’Most,however,arecommittedonadaily the ‘’orclean-upoperationsaimedatrooting are most often committed by Russian soldiers during Chechnya aresubjectedtodaily.Abusessuchasthese summary executions,beatings,etc.whichthepeopleof describe indiscriminateshootings,arbitraryarrests, The witnessaccountsgatheredrecentlybyMSFteams Russian forces C II. Aconstantclimateofterror prevented themfromdoingso.[…] more than70%ofthemfeltthatinsecurityinChechnya of thoseinterviewedsaidtheywantedtoreturnhome,but displaced Chechensin theIngushdistrict of Malgobeck, 98% In asurveyconductedbyMSFteamslastsummeramong terror imposedbytheRussianarmyinre-conqueredzones. their homesandthelossofpossessionsasitisto to Chechnya.Thisisdueasmuchthedestructionof of refugeesanddisplacedpersonshavedecidednottoreturn and despitetheirattachmenttoland,ahugenumber prospect ofspendingasecondwinterinappallingconditions, which stillprovidesshelterfor150,000people.Despitethe outside theChechenRepublic.HalfoftheseareinIngushetia, Around 300,000peoplearestilldisplaced,eitherinsideor ivilians subjectedtotheindiscriminateviolenceof Service (UK),22November2000(in English). ’ MSF SlamsRussiaforChechnya Abuses,’ BBC World BBC World

137 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

the Russians were still causing many civilian casualties global, tactically it was felt to be less dangerous in terms of by the indiscriminate use of force, which it denounced as security, for the teams, to issue the report out of Europe to the politics of terror. It also cites a litany of eve-witness lessen the risk of aggressive press attacks on Putin. Clearly accounts, gathered by the charity’s relief workers, which the this involves an element of pot luck given the web, and BBC Moscow correspondent says paint an appalling picture meant it was a harder sell to the papers in Europe, as even of summary executions, arbitrary arrests and the beating for the European press, it is the Moscow correspondents and torture of civilians. The charity estimates that three- who would have covered the report. In the event however, hundred-thousand people are still refugees. The Russian the strategy worked, in that there was little coverage in authorities have repeatedly denied human rights abuses, Russia, but strong coverage elsewhere where sections pushed except in a few individual cases. More than two-and-a-half- the report. However, had the report been covered by the thousand Russian military personnel have died in the conflict. foreign correspondents out of the region, it is likely that there would have been more informed coverage, especially in the Anglophone world.

’Russia - a Damning Report from Médecins Sans Frontières: Terror Continuing in Chechnya,’ Isabelle Lasserre, Le Figaro (France), 23 November 2000 ‘ MSF + Chechnya + Russian Media,’ Email from (in French). Gazelle Gaignaire, MSF RIO in Moscow to MSF Communication Officers, 24 November 2000 (in Three human rights organisations - Médecins Sans English). Frontières (MSF), Human Rights Watch and the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) – appeared yesterday Extract: before the Council of Europe to speak about Chechnya. RUSSIAN PRESS Coinciding with this, MSF has published a new report on THE MOSCOW TIMES picked up AP and Reuters and put us the pro-independence republic. This work, entitled “The on page 4 today: title = “MSF: Russia Imposes ‘Terror’ on Politics of Terror” and based on accounts from witnesses Chechnya.” Bolded text = “The Nobel-Prize winning group on the ground, once again highlights the many atrocities says the Kremlin is guilty of ‘ethnic cleansing’” (!) committed by Russian soldiers against Chechen civilians. […] MSF regrets that there has been no reaction to these , the Chechen rebel’s website, spoke about acts of violence from members of the Council of Europe, the conference in Brussels and attendance by the Chechen and the NGO calls on these States to refer the question to Minister of Health, Omar Khanbiev, who spent time in the relevant international authorities. “Chernokosovo15” and intervened during the session (Kenny, Cyrus, thanks for your feedback on this).

OUTRA.RU, the Russian website, citing “RADIO SVABODA” as ‘ Press coverage review – MSF ’Chechnya: the a source, wrote: “‘Doctors without Borders’ imposes ‘policy Politics of Terror Report,’ Samantha Bolton, MSF of terror’ in Chechnya. In the report, published in Brussels, International Campaigns Coordinator 28 November MSF speaks about massive ethnic cleansing in Russia. MSF 2000 (in English). gives examples about how civilians are forces to live in a ghetto...” etc. Extract: Before the hearing in Brussels, at the beginning of the week, 1. Brussels release strategy: there was a bit of coverage in the Russian press of the PACE The MSF report and press release “Chechnya, the politics of delegation’s visit to Chechnya, for 2 main reasons: 1) the terror”, was issued publicly from Brussels, on Wednesday, Chairman of the Duma International Committee (Dmitry November 22, 2000, to coincide with a briefing to the Council Rogozin) was going as a member of the delegation, and of Europe Foreign Affairs committee. MSF, Amnesty, MDM 2) it’s the first time PACE representatives were suppose to and Human Rights Watch were invited that morning to brief see not only Chechen, but also Russian IDPs and refugees. the Council as part of a review of whether the suspension of Russian membership should be reversed. A final decision will be taken on Russian membership in January 2001. The planning, content and idea for the MSF report came ‘A New Report is Damning for the “Russian illusion” out of discussions in Paris, between the field and sections, – MSF: “Chechnya is an immense ghetto,” Jean- a couple of weeks earlier, in the run up to Putin’s visit to Paul Collette, Le Soir (Brussels), 24 November France (in retrospect, generally agreed to have been a better 2000 (in French). media hook, but which stimulated the whole process). The HOMs then went back to the Caucasus and began collecting Extract: temoignage on what is going on in Chechnya. The strategy The report’s title, “Chechnya: The Politics of Terror,” is discussed with field and desks was to release the MSF Chechnya report in time for the Council of Europe Hearing, 138 out of Brussels, not Moscow. Although web and media is 15. Russian army‘s “Filtration camps” where prisoners are being tortured. Case StudiesonSpeaking Out,byLaurenceBinet,internalMSF document. 16. See‘Violenceagainstthe Albanian Kosovars,NATOintervention1998-1999 situation inrefugeecamps. since Tuesday evening, on a visit entirely focused on the Parliamentary AssemblyhasbeenintheNorthernCaucasus Council ofEurope.However,adelegationfromtheCouncil’s has notgalvanisedEuropeanleadersmore,includingthe As notedabove,MSFregretsthatthischorusofcriesalarm Putin’s visittoParis. in lateOctober,ontheeveofRussianPresidentVladimir published bytheInternationalFederationofHumanrights new anddamningreportstrikesaverysimilarnotetothat obligatory andinescapablecheckpoints.Itisnotablethatthis roulette” with their livesas they pass through the numerous whenever theymoveabout,civiliansplayasortof“Russian and even rackets involving bodies, etc. MSF claims that zones: terror,humiliationofcivilians,executions,“cleansing,” army resortingtomoreinsidiousviolenceinthe“reconquered” For MSF,thewarhasenteredanewphase,withRussian is stillresultinginhighnumbersofcivilianvictims. ways. Medicaldataprovethattheindiscriminateuseofforce violence against civilian populations is continuing, in other the international community’sabdication of responsibility, of normalisationmaintainedbytheRussianauthoritiesand military andhumansituations.Notwithstandingtheillusion no hesitationinprovidingitsownanalysisofthepolitical, “the population’s unbearable daily lot.” The organisation has accounts tell the story of ongoing war, or, to quote MSF again, numerous obstacles placed in the way of medical activity. The ill orwoundedareexposedontheirwaytohospitalandthe of treatingmedicalemergencies,thedangerstowhich inhabitants. Thisdocumentationunderlinestheimpossibility supplied bymedicalstaff,patients,woundedandcivilian on thegroundbetweenAugustandNovemberthisyear, is basedonaccountsanddocumentsputgatheredbyitsteams to have spoken up in any way against Moscow. MSF’s testimony before the Council ofEurope, the only European authority so far Human RightsWatchthehumanitarianorganisationtestified On Wednesday,togetherwithAmnestyInternationaland persuade Europeandecision-makersaboutwhatisoccurring. into animmenseghetto.­ a hierarchy which, inMSF’swords,has transformed Chechnya behaviour orasaresultofdecisionsfurtherupthelinefrom of thisisdirectlyattributabletotheRussianarmy-soldiers’ independence republicarebeingsubjectedtoeveryday.All and thearbitraryuseofpowerarewhatciviliansinpro- of the unspeakable. Becauseatrocities,torture,violence Western publicopinionoftodaycomesundertheheading unambiguous: whatMédecinsSansFrontièresisreminding that. TheMSFFrancereporton Kosovo That wastheperiodofMSFwhere everyonewasdoing It tendedmoretowardsthisdocumentation ofabuses. MSF has once again attempted to MSF hasonceagainattemptedto 16

as wellwas ,’ MSF – wasover-used.Itconsisted mostlyofindirectaccounts. suffering. Butwhatwehad–which intheendwasnotmuch from amedicalperspective, theviolencepeoplewere and Ithinkitstoodupwell.Theaimwastodemonstrate, page, whichwasnotacceptable.Sowerefinedthereport, last minutebecauseawitnessnamehadremainedonone Europe. Wehadtore-photocopytheseventycopiesat to compileareportthathepresentedtheCouncilof and weworkedtogether,usingtheaccountsheprovided, who wasbriefedbySteve,contactedus.HecametoParis had somethingtosayweretheMSFHollandteam.Kenny, but infacthehadnothingtogiveus.Theonlyoneswho in thefield,waspushinghardtoobtainwitnessaccounts, report -andsoweneededtodoso.SteveCornish,whowas information –tobeablesaythatMSFhadpublisheda it wasveryimportantfortheChechens. it hasmoreweightthanhavingalocalperson.Ithinkmorally sadly, in theWestern press, having a foreigner speakabout inside. ItwasalldonewithRussiansandChechens.And, Human RightsWatchpeople,the foreigners, hadneverbeen many ofthejournalistshadneverbeeninside.Even having foreignerswhowouldspeakaboutit,whereasso Chechnya. Soweprovidedakindoflegitimacyimageby more difficultbecausejournalistsweresoscaredtogointo a littlebitmoreattentiontoChechnya.Itwas much impact.WeusedourfameandinEuropewebrought you shouldn’thavetheexpectationthatit’sgoingto was worthwhiledoing,wehaveanobligationtodoit,but the Europeantestimonyhadmuchofanimpact.Ithinkit their view.Naturally,it’shardtoavoidthat.Idon’tthink Russian. Ourviewoftheconflictcameverymuchthrough of our staff people, M, R,and so on, they werevery anti- the rebels,whichIdidn’tfeelwasappropriate,butalso,all public places.IfeltMSFFrancewasreluctanttocriticize fight togetthesethingsin—aboutputtingexplosivesin clear inthecontextwhowe’retalkingabout.AndIhadto ’rebels,’ just like weoftendidn’tsay’Russian army,’ butit’s about puttingexplosivesinpopulatedplaces.Itdidn’tsay things therebelsweredoingwhichwesaidinreport at theCounselofEurope.Lookingbackonit,therewere manager MSFFrance]andIwenttoBrusselsforthistestimony President ofMSFFrance]Loïck[Barriquand,programme a veryhumanrightstypeofreport.Jean-Hervé[Bradol, Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus(November1999- January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005), Anne Fouchard,MSFFranceDeputy Communications Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand journalists neededtobeable‘source’their This wholeaffair was likeadogbitingitstail: Journalists werepressingustomakestatements. Director, July2000 –July2004(inFrench) (in English)interviewedin2009. interviewed in 2009.

139 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

In his monthly activity report, claiming that Russian ‘you see, it’s because if they say something, then they will television channels were covering the war in Chechnya in be closed and nobody will let them [work]’. Then we will stay great detail and reasonably objectively, MSF Switzerland’s without any kind of assistance. The fact that they are here Coordinator questioned MSF’s public stance which, he somehow helps us to avoid some of the tortures and claimed, ’demonised’ the Russians and remained silent mistreatment. Without them it would be much worse than about atrocities carried out by the pro-independence side. what we have now. Everybody understood the presence of NGO’s. This is not only humanitarian; I mean not only direct help but also moral support and also the thought that somehow it stopped the authorities and the military forces behaving ‘ Monthly activity report,’ Jean-Emile Canut, MSF more brutally. Switzerland Coordinator in Dagestan, November 2000 (in French). E, MSF North Caucasus staff (in English) interviewed in 2008 Extract: Reports on the situation in Chechnya can be seen virtually every night on the various Russian and Dagestani television channels. I do not know what the Press Office in Moscow’s take is on this (or even if it has one), but some of the reporting is no different in presentation from what is done My opinion is that there were days that it was necessary by Western crews. We have even seen footage filmed by to try and influence and stop the situation. If it wasn’t ‘boiviki,’ showing successful action against Russian troops. necessary in those days, Kenny would not step up and Similarly, a photographic exhibition entitled ‘Chechnya- speak out. This is quite clear. He was not the kind of man who Dagestan: Refugees Who aren’t There” was recently held in would stand up and speak out only for the sake of winning some the A. Sakharov museum in Moscow. bonuses. It was necessary to influence the situation somehow In practice, the spin given by the various public statements because it wasn’t quite visible that there was arbitrariness out of Paris seems to me to result more from a determination because the human being there simply was a target. There have to attack at all costs rather than from a clear vision, with been no consequences for the military people who performed goals and desired outcomes. I have not seen, anywhere, any these actions. I don’t think we should have just sat and watched. mention of what the Chechens have inflicted on the Russian First and foremost our very presence helped these people. First to and Dagestani populations, for example. After all, in legal be less exposed to this violence and second to find the way terms the 1995 hostage-taking in Boudienovsk by Bassayev according to which they could restore their rights, of which they was also comparable to a war crime. The language being used were deprived. Our counsellors were referring them to those orga- demonises the Russians and tends to exonerate the Chechens, nizations because people simply did not know where to go or which I consider to be somewhat unbalanced. It is true that what measures to take. people like to sound off when they have nothing else to do. C, MSF North Caucasus staff (in Russian, translated into English by an MSF interpreter) interviewed in 2008

Within MSF sections, these public statements were being made by very motivated people, who were urging the institution to take a stance despite the reluctance of some others who were especially conscious of security Chechens were telling us that they did not wish to die constraints. The statements were supported by national in silence. They wanted us to take a stance. They staff who, like all Chechens the MSF teams met, wanted asked for it, even cried out for it. They were aware of above all else to have the fate of their people made the risk. When I arrived they were beginning to be very known. disappointed in the west. After the first war, they had received a lot of support from people working directly with them. In our case, we were working more from a distance. They felt we were too concerned with our security and were not showing sufficient commitment to their plight. They saw the atrocities being committed, while at the same time western leaders ­­­­­­­­I thought it would be better to speak out, for the embraced Putin as if he were a great man. They were very whole world to know. Whether we were to die after cruelly disappointed. The feeling was that since we could not this or not wasn’t important to me because I thought stop these daily horrors from occurring in the surgeries, hospitals people do not know and I would like everyone to know the and streets, then it was necessary to speak out. That was the truth. Not only was the national staff on this line, but also only thing that could have an impact on making the war a the population. The population was wondering: Why are the cleaner one. People spoke about this every day. And they foreigners not talking? Why are they keeping silent? This was were sick of speaking to people without receiving any assistance. 140 the feeling. Sometimes I had to explain to the population: Assistance alone was not enough: what was needed was to less trueinIngushetia. riskes.’ They werepartly right. This was, without a doubt, are willingtotakethisrisk.’ internationally ismoreimportantthantheprogram.Andwe Chechens, theseareourpeople,communicatingthis who werepushingwiththisveryproudattitude:’Weare wanted tokeeptheirjobs.Anditwastheseniorsofourteam guards, and the drivers and so on was reluctant because they and soon.’Theinitialreactionofthemorejuniorpeople, be shot,andyouguys,Chechens,canarrestedtortured saying, ‘Is this worth it? MSF could be thrown out, MSF could with thewholelocalstaff, in whichwekindofhadadebate, and beforewedidthetelevisioninterviews,hadameeting a fairpoint.Beforeweissuedthe‘PoliticsofTerror’report, makes muchof a difference who isactuallydoing it, butit’s have been left to people living in Europe. I don’t think it been doingitbecauseIwasworkinginChechnya.Itshould are youdoing?’Jean-Hervé’spointwasthatIshouldn’thave other side,alotofpeopleweresaying:’thisiscrazy!What institution. ItwasmeandsomepeopleinFrance.Onthe a wayincautious.Itwasn’tsomuchMSFHollandasan a senseofobligationinteam,andthisiswhereitwas—in from FrancoisJean,butalsoourteam.Itcreatesoften accomplices. accomplices. The UnitedNations,andallourcountrieswere,indeed remaining silentwasequivalenttobeingaRussianaccomplice. point intakingalltheserisksifyouremainsilent.Intheend, the joboryougohome.Andifdojob,thereisno provide bothassistanceandpublicstatements.Youeitherdo (January toApril2000)theninIngushetia(September 2000 toJanuary2001),MSFSwitzerlandOfficerinthe Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus(November1999- Jean-Christophe Dollé,Coordinator ofMSFBelgium’s January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005) talking aboutaswhenyouspeak out,wetakethe on thebrakes,saying‘youdon’tknowwhatyouare Concerning speakingout,theChechenstaffoftenput I thinktherewasakindofthislong-terminvolvement MSF, andsoyoufeltadifferentsenseofobligation. In Chechnya, there were almost no NGOs, it was just Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand North Caucasus Project,MarchtoNovember 2000, Steve Cornish,CoordinatorMSFFranceinGeorgia Russian Federation(August2002toApril2004), interviewed in2009(inEnglish). interviewed in 2008 (inFrench). (in French)interviewedin2008.

populations. by the national staff, and broader population.national et les believe we were encouraged by the teams on the ground and the teamsinfield.Thisisnotatallmyrecollection.I to go to the Councilof Europe because it was too risky for told usnottoproceedwithaparticularpressreleaseor recall anydiscussionswhere,forexample,Jean-HervéorLoïck to speakout.AndnotwithstandingthesecurityrisksIdon’t Chechen population and national staff urging MSF strongly to maintainthepressure.Wehadteamsonground, identify anduseeverypossiblemediainitiativeoccasion Communication office on thisquestion and that weshould had beendecidedthatweneededasortoffull-timeMSF It wasclearthat,eventhoughthenameneverused,it we wouldorganiseourselvesvirtuallyalongcampaignlines. MSF France]hadtakenupherpositionitwasdecidedthat Then, onceAnne[Fouchard,DeputyDirector,Communication, to bemanaged. was explicit,discussed,andto the degreepossible,attempted between thesections.Thatwas notjustanimplicitfear,that sense ofpotentialrisktoourmission.Andthatwasdiscussed that wewereseeingandfeelingaboutChechnyawiththe clearly balanced our desire to represent some of the things in termsofofficialobstructionand/orharassment,but we whether thatbeintermsofkidnappingor (1998-2000), President(May2000-May2008)(inFrench) alone inthinkingthis. Moscow. Therewasbias.Basically,FrançoisJeannottotally with ourdeterminationtoletnothingpasswhenitcamefrom groups linked to the pro-independence movement, compared […], MSFdeputylegaladvisor,1995-2005(inFrench) Communications (1996-1998),DirectorofOperations Austen Davies,MSFHollandExecutive Director,1999 In general, there were no difficulties between us. I was In general,therewerenodifficultiesbetweenus.Iwas It was felt, I think, quite explicitly and clearly amongst It wasfelt,Ithink,quiteexplicitlyandclearlyamongst is whywehadstartedworkwiththeCouncilofEurope. in chanceriesandinternationalorganisations–that I hadtriedtoensurethatweidentifiedleveragepoints in some form of aggression or attack on MSF sections, all sectionsthatpubliccommunicationscouldresult indulgent whenproblemswerecreatedbyChechen just alittlewarythatwewereinclinedtobesomewhat Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof to 2004,interviewed in2009(inEnglish). interviewed in2009. interviewed in2008 141 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

In Chechnya, if there was one group or body that did of metal wires over them and shocked them with electricity. admirable work, it was certainly the journalists. They They are so scared that most of them come out not talking. risked their lives and did exceptionally courageous They try not to come to the hospital, because we register and lucid work. You don’t come across people like that every them. None of them file any complaints. They don’t want day. Chechnya was one of the golden moments of modern to go through that hell again.” journalism. The handful of journalists who were on the ground Another surgeon in Urus Martans concurs. “I have seen a there deserve everyone’s admiration. They saw what was going lot of them with burn marks on their bodies, usually on on, and thanks to them no-one could be unaware of what the back or on the chest. In some cases there were electric was happening in Chechnya. MSF did not play a role in alerting burns. They tell me what happened to them. They said people, because no-one saw Putin as a liberator of Chechnya. they take two wires and put them together on their skin. You can tell by the marks on their bodies. There is a small Rony Brauman, Director of Studies, MSF Foundation, burnt point, surrounded by a black and blue mark.” The President of MSF France 1982-1994, war has ravaged Chechnya. A surgeon in Grozny describes interviewed in 2000 (in French). the conditions in one of the cities best hospitals. “We get about 15 severely ill patients a day. About a third of them should be hospitalized. But we can’t do this. We just don’t have the necessary conditions here. We don’t have the beds. For their part, non-operational MSF sections took We don’t have the rooms. We don’t even have any toilets.” advantage of any available occasion to question Russian Many hospitals and clinics were destroyed by indiscriminate officials about the situation in Chechnya. In mid- bombing by the Russian military. “When there was the blast December the Canadian section publicly asked the Prime last week,” recounts another surgeon, “21 people with severe Minister to raise the matter of human rights violations injuries were brought here -- people with multiple and in Chechnya with the visiting Russian President. During complex trauma. The blast happened right near Hospital No. a conference in Berlin on ‘threats to Russian security,’ 2, but that was bombed to Hell, so they had to come here. the Executive Director of MSF Germany reminded the Eight needed immediate abdominal surgery with general Operations Controller of the Russian army in Chechnya anaesthesia. But we already had an operation under way when that Russia had signed the relevant international they were brought in. We only have two operating tables conventions and was thus responsible for protecting the with anaesthetic equipment. Seven of the eight patients civilian population. who needed urgent and major surgery died.” “Births are the most dangerous problem,” says another doctor. “There is very little pre-natal care now. Women wait until there is a crisis to go to the hospital. But who is going to risk ’Canada Could Help End Chechen Horror,’ David travelling at night? It’s too dangerous.” Morley, MSF Executive Director, National Post This state of terror keeps the international media out of (Canada) December 2000 (in English). Chechnya. With almost no witnesses to these atrocities, the Russian army can carry out its unrelenting campaign of terror Extract: with impunity. The shocking silence of the international Next week, as the meets with the community and the reluctance of any Western government Canadian government, the horror in Chechnya continues. to call the Russian government to account for their actions The Russian army has installed a state of terror, perpetrating against Chechen civilians, means that we are all complicit acts of violence: arbitrary executions and police sweeps, in these crimes. Next week in Ottawa, Vladimir Putin, the arrests, disappearances and extortion. Russian forces have President of Russia, is meeting with Jean Chretien and transformed Chechnya into a vast ghetto where every civilian other Canadian government officials. The Prime Minister is a suspect, and freedom of movement is denied. Even has a historic opportunity to show global leadership and the sick and wounded are prevented from passing through call the Russian government to account for the continuing military checkpoints. abuse of basic human rights and violations of international After months of intensive bombardment, the people of humanitarian law in Chechnya. Canadians should expect Chechnya are trapped in a confrontation with soldiers whose nothing less from our government. The horror in Chechnya impunity gives them free rein to act as they please. MSF teams has gone on for far too long. It must be stopped now. working with the Chechens have heard countless stories of indiscriminate shootings, arbitrary arrests, beatings, disappearances and summary executions. One doctor in Urus Martans puts it simply. “It’s impossible to live here. They ‘ General Milanov on Chechnya,’ Email from Ulrike arrest people all over the place -- for no reason. For young Von Pilar, MSF Germany Executive Director to MSF men, it’s dangerous to be anywhere on the street. They pick Holland North Caucasus Group, 15 December 2000 them up and take them to army headquarters. They beat (in English). them.” Torture is common. “In the past two months, we’ve seen a lot of people who were previously arrested,” says 1. It was not Serge Yastrezhemsky who attended this a doctor in Grozny. “They suffer from multiple injuries., conference as originally announced (he had to return because 142 fractures, head injuries. Several said they had put some kind of the attack in Chechnya the day before they said), but was found. that they had been released only when no expatriate the assailantswantedto kidnap an MSF expatriate, and men dressedinfatigues.Theteamwasconvincedthat were attacked and detained for several hours by masked On 8December,twomembersofMSFHolland’slocalteam for MSFHollandintheNorthernCaucasus. employee in regards to Kenny Gluck, the Coordinator Intelligence Service)questionedanotherlocalMSF in aholdingcentre.On2December,theFSB(Russian was carrying.Sheonlyjustavoidedbeingdetained as thecopyofreportonpoliticsterrorshe had anumberofpatientaccountsconfiscated,aswell between Chechnya and Ingushetia. A local MSF employee detained forthreehoursatacheckpointneartheborder On 29November,alocalteamfromMSFHollandwas and thatweshouldcontinuetospeakup. point outhowimportantourfieldexperiencesweretothem – andalotofpeoplecameafterwards to thankMSFand 7. Apparently,IwastheonlymemberofaNGOinroom the constructionofastatelawandallrest.[…] were veryeagertoimproveprotectionofhumanrightsand war onthesoldiersandcivilianpopulation.Andthatthey the countryandthosewereonlytheretopreventactsof them all.Healsosaidthattherewere116checkpointsin and punishedthatifitwastohimhewouldexecute they hadput 300 ontrial,that 20 had already beentried the wrongdoingsofsomeRussiansoldiersandtoldusthat hailing MSF’sheroismandgooddeeds.Thenheadmittedto the protection of the civilian population etc) he answered by had signed the conventions and they were responsible for 5. WhenIpresentedourfindingsandposition(Russia all therest. Rights Watchinparticular,againsttheWesternmediaand attacks againsttheNGOs(ingeneral),Human for futureinterventionsonterroristgrounds.Therewere 4. Myimpressionwasthatthisspeechservedasapreparation Ministry ofDefense,GeneralMihailov.[…] others therewasasecretaryofstatefromtheRussian - this being partof a German-RussianConference. Among In additiontherewasquiteaRussiandelegationinaudience of thechiefstaffsRussianarmy.[…]. General Milanov,whowasintroducedasthedeputyhead SECURITY ALERTS […] it has become evident that the Nov 29 considering thediscussionthatK[…]hadwithFSB […] Followingfurtherdiscussionswiththeteamand Dear all. Extract: requests to spy on us. In Ingushetia there will likely be no further actions takenagainstK[…]outside ofcontinued the staffaswell.Itisveryunlikely thattherewillbeany assume thatthereissomeone givingreportsfromamong know that our phones were being tapped but we should now of surveillanceouroperations than wehadthought.We of whotolookforatthecheckpoint showsahigherlevel person most involved in the HR work and their knowledge need topokeusagain.TheirknowledgethatK[…]wasthe They willlikelyleaveusaloneforawhileuntiltheyfeel her tocooperate.[…] asked ifK[…]lovedher‘fatherland’asawayofconvincing patients andhospitalstaff)sheshouldhelpthem.He information inthenotebook,whichisallinterviewswith checkpoint on11/29.Thisisnonsensegiventhekindof be prosecuted(ashadbeenreferredtoattheKavkaz1 because shehadalreadyviolatedArticle275andcould stop onceyoustart.Heexplainedthatsheshouldcooperate it isseenaslessthanhonourableandbecausehardto want to enter into a formal relation with the FSB because the sameoffice2monthsago.LikeS[…],K[…]doesnot (this discussionissimilartothewithS[…]in them verbally.Shedidn’twanttoputanythingonpaper they toldherwhatinformationwantedshecouldtell first. She refused to sign anything but again said that if to saydemandingthatshesignanon-disclosureagreement She askedwhatinformation they wanted but they refused They saidtheywantedinformationonwhatKennyisupto. about whatwearedoing. said that she could give them any information they wanted information about her and what she was up to. […] She and searchedlastWednesday.Heimpliedthattheyhad if shethoughtitwasacoincidencethatstopped to increaseinternationalpressureonRussia.Daskedher information about robbery and violations of human rights was involved in inappropriate activities and that we are using informal andspokeabouthisfamily.HeexplainedthatMSF D onDecember 3. According to her,Dwas very friendly and in Nazran.ShespokewithanethnicRussiantherenamed December 2andaskedhertocontactthelocalFSBoffice A FSBofficervisitedK’s[…]homeinStaryAtagion FSB meetingwithK[…] besides themeetingwithFSB,whichisdescribedbelow. been alullsincelastweek’sincident.Therewasnofollow-up we wereengagedinhumanrightstypeactivities.Therehas a responsetotheBrusselsreportorknowledgethat […] asmentionedbelow.Itisnotclearwhetherthiswas no coincidence.ItisclearthattheywerelookingforK Coordinator, 7December2000(inEnglish). Gluck, MSFHollandNorthCaucasusRegional ‘Follow-up to11/29Incident,’ Email th incident was from Kenny

143 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

reprisals against her for her continued refusal. According to about cutting your throat. You are carrying wounded fighters our consultant on these matters – a senior member of the in your cars.” R […] responded to this charge that all of our Ingush parliament – the local Ingush authorities are able cars are forbidden from carrying any military personnel.” to influence the FSB to ensure that nothing else happens. […] They asked T […] who does not look Chechen, several times who he was. He told them that he was Chechen. (“I I find it positive that all they seem [to want] from K […] is wanted to add that I am Chechen just like you, but I didn’t want information about me. We want the FSB to be dealing with the to provoke them since they were pretending to be Russians.) expatriates on these issues rather than with the local staff. They initially didn’t believe him and demanded that he say I would be more worried about potential security problems something in Chechen. After each phrase he said, they told if they were focusing more on the local staff. I assume they him to translate what he had said. On one occasion, T […] are more interested in me than other expatriates mostly said that they responded before he could translate implying because of having been here longer being American and that they understood Chechen. After this discussion, R […] being more comfortable in Russian. The local FSB obviously and T […] heard the attacker’s state that “they had taken does not love their language enough to think that anyone the wrong people.” […] The attackers told them to walk away would learn it in order to be anything other than a spy. I from the compound, not looking back until they had left. R will try to meet with the local head of the FSB again. We […] and T […] walked a few dozen meters until they heard haven’t met him since August after we had similar problems the car with attackers leave. They returned to the compound wit S […]. Following that we will meet again with the Head where they had been questioned and asked a local resident of the Security Council of Ingushetia […] and the person there if they know whose car had been there, but the people responsible for Ingushetia’s relations with the security claimed not to know. services. In our last meeting in Oct. he promised to assist […] Our thoughts us if we had any problems with the security services here. According to T […] and R […]’s report, it is clear that the attack was targeted against MSF. In a well planned attack of this nature, it is unlikely that the attackers would have mistaken the vehicle, which was clearly marked with magnetic ‘ Dec 8th Incident – the Full Story,’ Email from Kenny stickers. The attackers, however, did not find what they were Gluck, MSF Holland North Caucasus Regional looking for. They seemed particularly disappointed to find Coordinator, 13 December 2000 (in English). out that T […] was Chechen. All of this suggests that they were looking for an expatriate. The professionalism and the Extract: speed with which the attack took place suggested that the R […], T […] and E […] had arrived in the Stary Atagi hospital purpose was neither simple robbery nor intimidation. It is not at approximately 10:00. They were mostly finished with their necessary to use a well-planned ambush to intimidate or rob. work by 13:30, but they were still waiting for the senior nurse This leaves kidnapping as the most likely intent of the attack. who was supposed to arrive shortly. They decided to leave T Stare Atagi […] is a place which MSF expatriates have visited […]’s car at the hospital and travel in R […]’s car to drop frequently in the past because of extensive rehabilitation off a sack of flour at the house of a relative who lives in the work in the surgical ward and the continuing work in the village. Approximately 1 ½ kilometres from the hospital in maternity ward there. the town, an old beige car cut them off and forced them to Under the surface of Russian control, an Islamic group referred stop. Four armed men in camouflage uniforms and masks to as Wahabi, is largely in control of Stary Atagi and to a immediately surrounded R […]’s car, ordered them out of the lesser extent, Novy Atagi. There is also a large group of active car and demanded R […] and T’s […] documents. Without Gelaiev supporters in the area. MSF staff has already made looking at the documents they forced R […] and T […] into initial contacts with both groups. The Wahabi group initially their car, leaving E […] behind in […]’s car. R […] protested denied any involvement in the affair and claimed to have no explaining that they were doctors and that the attackers were knowledge. This was a semi-official meeting in which it is making a mistake but they did not pay any attention to this. unlikely that they would admit any involvement. The local staff R […] was pushed into the back seat between two of the has asked for contacts in Atagi to follow up with this group attackers. T […] was forced into the front seat also between in a more informal way to see if they have any information. the driver and one of the attackers. The entire attack was conducted very professionally. T […] […] Response: and R […] believe that it was less than two minutes between We have cancelled all expat travel in Chechnya until further when they were stopped and when they were taken away in notice. We cancelled work involving local staff for Wednesday the attacker’s vehicle. T […] and R […] noted at the time as well. Only one team travelled into Chechnya on Wednesday of the attack that the attackers were dressed in completely in order to gain more information. new summer camouflage. They felt that the uniforms had never been worn before as they still had their creases from being folded. R […] was forced to cover his head with his coat. T […] was largely allowed to see where they were going although on occasion his face was covered with a mask. As they were driving one of the attackers, seating to the left of In the fall, we started to have more problems with 144 R […] repeatedly threatened him, “We wouldn’t think twice security locally. Not huge things, but, when we did these thingswere,wewerereally faraway. MSF ID’s.Andwhiletheywere tryingtofigureoutwhatall drugs. Andwewerecoveredby Genevaconventions and our distributing anythingatcheckpoints,notgivingbandagesor behaviour atthecheckpoints.Atsametime,wewerenot the rulesofcommunicatingwithsoldiersand checkpoints. Thanks to Kenny, we had worked out very carefully them andwe’dgoon,passingby,withoutanystopsatsome standing inalongqueueatthecheckpoints,wewereavoiding trying toassistthemand.Whileotherorganizationswere with otherorganizationswhosemembersweretaken.We on the almighty that we may skip that risk. There were incidents took. Andweknewthatquitewell.Buttherewereabighope and weweregoingtoaccomplishourobjectives, whatever it cases whensomeonerefusedtogobecausewehadanobjective feels afraid,itishis/herchoicenottogo.Buttherewereno said quiteclearlythatifthepersonfeelssomethreatand reactions whenever these kindsof situations occured. Itwas was tomakeasmuchacquaintancespossibleforrapid that’s whywehadquitecleartasksandassignments.That enter and thennobody would know their whereabouts. And into theirattendant’soffice.Thesewereplacespeoplewould checkpoints, takenintotheirspecialtent,andthen cross fireorexplosionsandseepeoplearrestedatthe Practically everyoneofushavewitnessedandcomeacross was notsafe,itsecure,understoodbyeverybody. and providepossibleassistancetothem.Butthefactthatit collecting thedata,ourobjectivewastoreachthesepeople the civilianpopulationfromimpunity.Andbyorganizingand organizations thatcametotheterritorytryandprotect twenties, whoaremorevulnerable. people withcontacts.Theypickedoutyoungwomenintheir people. Theyneverwenttotheseniors,morewell-known to haveproblemslikethisbutinterestingly,withthejunior MSF, but she said no. And they threatened her. So we started they wanted regular reports about what was going on with There wasanotherwoman,whopickedupbytheFSBand caused problemsforherwiththat.Itwasn’thugeproblems. found thereportinEnglish.Theytookitfromher,andthey was notsmart.Shestoppedatacheckpoint,andthey know why-shebrought a copyintoChechnya with her,which very smartbutyoung,memberofthestaff,who-Idon’t that reportinEurope,‘ThePoliticsofTerror,’therewasone, interviewed in 2008 (inRussian,translated intoEnglish Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus(November1999- B., MemberofMSFNorthCaucasus Staffsince1999, January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005), going missing. There were practically very few daily, thereweretens,dozens,hundredsofpeople The situation in which we were working then was that Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand (in English)interviewedin2009 by MSF).

Russia that provides the bulk of assistance. Our hospital has Russia thatprovides thebulkofassistance.Our hospitalhas only theWestprovides humanitarianaid.This iswrong.It Woman: will benoterroristshere. can putanendtothiswar.I will putanendtoitandthere we Chechenshavetorealize what goeson.OnlyChechens another 100,000.Ihavealwayscondemnedbombing,but got asadvancepaymenttoblowmeup.Hewaspromised but mypeoplecaughtone.Hehad20,000dollarsthathe says heisasurgeontherearenomilitantsinAsti-Su, all havetobehonest,includingtheChechens.Thisguywho administration]: Astohowendallthatishappening,we […] [Akhmad]Kadyrov[Head of Chechnyapro-Russian the ideathatbasicallyChechensarelaw-abidingpeople. here? WeneedsupportfromtheRussianpublictogetacross Why is Asti-Su bombed when there is not a single militant right policy? Why do the military lie about the militants? 99% ofChechensareafraidfederaltroops.Isthisthe the honorofmountainpeople?WhatdoChechenswant? countered bymenwithself-maderiflesbecausehedisgraced ignore thefactthatinNozhay-YurtdistrictBassayevwas negative responsesaboutChechens.Whydidmassmedia on theeveofBassayev’sinvasionDagestanshowed99% When willslanderagainsttheChechenpeopleend?Thepoll When willIdieorwhenitallend?amaskingthis: getting nohelpfromtheHealthMinistry.Shekeepsasking: […] Surgeon:RightinGudermesagirlisdyingofcancer before arebroughttohospitalsinChechnya. in the past. Children who get killed and wounded, now as cannot speakaboutatrocitiesassomethingthathappened humanitarian agencies.Isawhimlastmonth.[…]Plus,we freeze, iftheydidnotgethelpfromtheRedCrossandother Sans FrontièresandtheRedCross.Thechildrentherewould any medicines,exceptforwhatisbroughtbytheMédecins still working in the destroyed clinic. He is still not getting past. ThispediatricianinGekhi-Chu,thatyouhaveseen,is are nowspeakingaboutthissufferingasifitwasbackinthe Chechnya forninemonthsalready.Iamconcernedthatwe Médecins Sans Frontières program. We have been working in Kenneth Gluck:MynameisGluck.Iamheadofthe Extract: violence againstciviliansinthisregion. he spokeaboutthecontinuationofwarand Chechnya, andofadoctorfromMSF’sChechnyateam, of AkhmadKadirov,thepro-Russianadministrator of a broadcastontheRussianNTVchannel,inpresence civilian population in Chechnya. On 22 December, during raise awarenessinRussiansocietyaboutthefateof media. HealsoattemptedtotargettheRussian press to Caucasus, continuedtospeakoutintheinternational Kenny Gluck,MSFHolland’sCoordinatorintheNorthern This discussion may produce a wrong impression that This discussionmayproducea wrong impressionthat 2000 (inEnglish). Vox Populi(GlasHaroda),NTV,22December 145 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

received 75,000 patients, including 25,000 children over 1 ”THE MAN BEST PREPARED year and 2 months. Now we are working in the Sleptsovskaya IN THE EVENT OF KIDNAPPING” refugee camp. The Health Ministry provided over 130 tons of medicines and medical equipment to Chechnya and Ingushetia with a total cost of 30 million rubles. It was handed directly to head physicians depending on their needs and number of patients. This is very realistic and qualified help. On 9 January 2001, in Starye Atagi in Chechnya, a convoy consisting of a vehicle from MSF Holland and one from Action Contre la Faim (Action Against Hunger) was ‘ Chechnya in Clutches of Quicksand Conflict,’ Colin attacked by armed and masked men. Kenny Gluck, MSF MacMahon, Chicago Tribune (USA), 21 December Holland’s Coordinator in the Northern Caucasus, was 2000 (in English). kidnapped. Over the preceding days his team had received information about the imminence of the kidnapping of an Extract: international worker, and he was making a final contact “For the most part, the average Chechens don’t view this as a visit to help enhance security. On 10 January 2000, all conflict between two sides,” said Kenneth Gluck, an American MSF sections distributed a press release announcing the who works with Doctors without Borders in Chechnya. “They kidnapping and calling for the coordinator’s release. view this as a daily torment that they are being subjected V19 to. They view themselves as hostages of this conflict.” […] Human-rights groups allege, in well-documented reports, that Chechens have been tortured and summarily executed by Russian forces. “The level of terror is rising daily in ‘ MSF Condemns Attack on Humanitarian Relief Chechnya,” Gluck said. “Assassinations. Arrests. Torture. Workers,’ MSF Press release, New York/Amsterdam Since the summer it has gotten worse. All of this is contrary 10 January 2001 (in English and French). to what people are saying about normalization in Chechnya.” The international humanitarian aid organization Doctors without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) strongly condemns the attack on a humanitarian convoy and the capture of an MSF relief worker in Chechnya yesterday. Kenny Gluck, a US citizen, was taken by unidentified armed Our communication was supposed to expose and individuals, yesterday afternoon while travelling in a clearly humanize what was going on inside Chechnya. The marked humanitarian convoy in western Chechnya. Other image of it was largely of the military aspect, the members of the relief convoy managed to get away. MSF bombing of Grozny, and so on, and we were trying to give it demands the immediate release of Mr. Gluck unharmed. a more personal, human character. And that’s why in our reports we tried to introduce a lot of stories of people who MSF entered Ingushetia at the end of 1999, following the were encountering this and trying to bringing it in to the resumption of the Chechen conflict, and began assisting Russian media. I knew a lot of Russian journalists because I the displaced Chechen population. In February 2000, MSF had been a journalist in Moscow... [...] because I spoke gained access to Chechnya and initiated medical relief Russian, I felt comfortable doing it in Russian, and nobody projects for the most vulnerable people. From the beginning else did. One of our surgeons went on radio, he did television of its operations in Chechnya, MSF has always worked with things [interviews], and he was in the press, with his picture. the approval and permission of the civilian and military We spoke a long time about it and he felt safe. [...] In authorities. MSF does not operate under armed protection November 2000, I did interviews on Russian television, some as this would compromise the independent, humanitarian of which was controversial, when I appeared with (Akhmad) principles under which the organization works. Kadyrov. It was a live broadcast and a lot of people said that I insulted the Russians on Russian television. I do not think At the time of his capture, Mr. Gluck was travelling in an it’s true. […] Russians were incredibly ignorant about what unarmed, humanitarian convoy that had official permission was going on in their own country and what was being done to deliver humanitarian aid supplies to hospitals inside by their army. Having gone on to Russian television, gone to Chechnya. MSF supports hospitals, maternity wards and the Russian media, and, providing a little bit of the human dispensaries throughout Chechnya, providing medical face of what was going on with Chechens, we created a supplies and rehabilitating surgery facilities and patient domestic pressure. I think is was positive much more in a wards. Besides their activities in Chechnya, MSF is also moral sense than in a practical sense. assisting displaced Chechens in neighbouring countries with food provision, medical supplies and shelter. Following Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland General Coordinator and yesterday’s incident, MSF suspended its operations in Regional Advisor in North Caucasus (November 1999- Chechnya for security reasons […]. January 2001), Director of Operations (2001-2005), 146 (in English) interviewed in 2009. The attackwas 200metersawayfromafutile checkpoint. broken. And I took another car and I went back to Ingushetia. because Iwashitquitewell. The wholefrontofthecarwas had disappearedfromthatplace immediately.Ileftmycar others disappeared. And they left as well. A. and Jonathan these gunspointedatusfor about30minutesuntilthe Kenny leftandthethirdonewas waitingtherewithus, computer. Andthenhewastakenaway.Twovehicleswith went backintothecarpulledouthisnotebook,laptop ‘don’t move.’Kennysaid‘stop.’Hecameoutofthecarthen Two ofthemstucktheriflebarreltomyribsandtheysaid: I startedtoreplyastheyhitmewithariflebuttinmyhead. shoot intheair.Iwaspulledoutofvehicle,I.aswell. The kidnappersjumpedoutoftheirvehiclesandstartedto reverse A.actuallyhitmycar.Andcarwentoff...“puhshs”. driver A.Wewere blocked bythree vehicles. When he tried to in theseatbehindme.Jonathanwasfrontofuswithhis I wasdriving,I.inthepassengerseat,andKenny communication. guys wereverywellequippedandtheyhadthemeansof another roadwewouldbeabletosnakethrough.Butthose had already made an ambush on that road, so if we took we had not used before. And we were expecting that they the villagenotbynormalroadbutdirttrackwhich in hisownvehiclewithdriver.Wehaddecidedtoleave doctors. AndJonathan(Littell,ACFCoordinator)wasthere the ambulance.Wealsoputsomemedicalstaffthere, option. Justincase,wetookanothervehicle,whichwas us, nobodywoulddaretoattackus.Butthatwasourfailing assistance assurgeons.WethoughtthatifKennywaswith that didnotknowmeorI.,sinceweprovidedmuchmedical this choicewassaferbecausethereisnovillageinChechnya we decidedtohittheroadbackIngushetia.Wethought hospital overnight,theothertogobackIngushetia.So dangerous.’ Wehadtwooptions.Onewastostayinthe Wahhabit thatjustcomeintothehospitalyard.Itisgetting the hospital,localsurgeoncameandsaid:‘thereisa of Federalsandrebelswererespectinghimaswell.Whilein later. Thenwemetanotherguywhohadauthorityonside man weweresupposedtoseewasnotthereandwillcome tracks wefinallyreachedStaryeAtagy.Buttheysaidthe to quicklyturnaround,wedrovebackandwiththedirt in frontofus.Thebodieswereflyingallover.Wemanaged meters beforeusandthewholeconvoywasblownup,just confident. Onthewaytherewehadamilitaryconvoy200 finish thisfilesowemustgo.’WithKennyIfeltmyselfmore discussed itforawhileandKennysaid:‘Ihaveweekto there wouldbeanattackonus.Intheevening,wehad seniors inAtagi, but we were told not to go there because a meetingappointedwithcommanderWahhabit complete systemofinterlockingtermsforsecurity.Wehad is. Kenny wanted to transfer to the next Coordinator, this of peoplewehadtomeetandexplainthemwhatMSF know personallyalltherebelcommanders.Wehadalist mission inChechnya.Wehadanideathatweneededto It washislastweekandheabouttofinish a kidnappingpreparedagainsthim. information fromsomeotherpeoplethattherewas On theeveningbefore,ItoldKennythathad moved fromthatcheckpoint. There wereshootingintheair,downandup.Still,nobody murder, withassassination. soldiers were pointing guns at us trying to threaten us with whencrossingthecheckpointswheredrunken especially afraid.’ Sothisconfidencewasforcingustobethesame, opportunity to say things about him like ‘he startedtobe as washe,drivingthroughwithus.Henevergaveany confident andcosydrivingthroughChechnyawithhim me intoopen themissionwasbecausethey couldn’tgo risks, don’tcome toChechnya.Thereasonwhy theycalled we said,‘Thisiswhywe’rehere.’ Ifwedidn’twanttotake there wasariskbutwethought itwasworthit.Intheend, enough. Ontheonehand,with thecommunication,weknew know whatwentwrong.It’sfair tosaywewerenotcautious to thatmeetingwhenIwaskidnapped. Tothisdaywedon’t set upameetingsothatyoucantalkwiththem’Iwasgoing doing this.We know them,weare friends withthem, we can several meetings,andtheysaid,‘Ok,thisisthegroupthat’s Then wecheckedwithourcontacts,andIwentMto thought itwasanewgroupthatthreateningtokidnap. kidnap. Andwewantedtohavethisnegotiation because we heard themessagethattheywerelookingforsomeoneto We hadathreatthattherewasgoingtobekidnapping. And there were certain things I wanted to do before I left. Director positioninMSFHolland,soIwastryingtofinish. a rushbecauseIhadalreadybeenappointedtotheOperations show themavideoofwhathappenedtohostages…Iwasin kidnapping?’ Before people wenttoChechnya, we usedto risk ofassassination,areyouwillingtohavea these discussions with the staff: ‘are you willing to take a and that’swhywehadakidnappingplan, written outbeforethekidnapping.Weknewitwasdangerous, local advisors.Wehadthisdevelopedwiththestaffand of kidnappingwhichwasverydetailedaboutwhowereour that kidnappingwasabigrisk,sowehadstrategyincase medicines, andabigbookwithmeallthetime.Weknew into EnglishbyanMSFinterpreter)interviewedin2008 C, MSFNorthCaucasusstaff(inRussian,translated On thecontrary,hewasalwaysbraveandIfeltquite appointments weremade.Kennywasnotacoward. a day:toothbrush,toothpaste, change ofclothes, I alwayshadakidnapbagwithme.Twenty-fourhours From the beginning, I was the best-prepared hostage. The tripwasplannedandthemeetings (in Russian,translatedintoEnglishbyan MSF interpreter) interviewedin2008 B, MSFNorthCaucasusstaff

147 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

otherwise, because they thought it was too dangerous. MSF failure of the first Russian campaign in Chechnya. Did the France wouldn’t go and MSF Belgium wouldn’t go. kidnappers want a ransom, or were they – at the instigation of Russian forces - seeking to intimidate foreigners who, Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland General Coordinator and after all, are only trying to help victims of the conflict and Regional Advisor in North Caucasus (November 1999- to provide first-hand accounts of what is going on? January 2001), Director of Operations (2001-2005) Early indications, provided on Thursday 11 January by non- (in English) interviewed in 2009 government organisations (NGOs) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) working out of Ingushetia, suggest rather a ‘Babitski scenario,’ in the words of one local coordinator who cannot be named. In other words, a kidnapping carried out by Chechens working for the Russian forces. The journalist Andreï Babitski had, by his own A few days prior to his kidnapping, Kenny sent us a account, been detained in March 2000 by Chechens from very worrying email letting us know, essentially, that the Deniev clan, known to be in the pay of the Russian a group was trying to get hold of him. When we services. In Moscow, however, the authorities have always learned that despite this, he had gone to the region where maintained that Babitski, who had been arrested by Russian he was being sought, we simply did not understand. Up to forces, had been ’exchanged’ and returned ’at his request’ to then, we had found his behaviour to be audacious, but rational, ‘pro-independence bandits.’ but this time we were at a loss. All the more so in that there […] Various Russian officials have been quick to accuse ‘rebel was absolutely no one apart from him in MSF Holland who leaders,’ including Chechen President Maskhadov, who for their understood the situation and who would be capable of setting part have denied any involvement. In time-honoured fashion, action in place to look for him. Amsterdam sought our the office of the Kremlin’s spokesperson for Chechnya, Sergueï assistance. We were the ones who brought representatives of Iastrjembski, has explained that MSF Holland was responsible the Chechen resistance to see them in their office. for what had happened because “they were moving about in flagrant breach of the rules.” The humanitarian organisation’s Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director of Moscow office has been quick to deny this suggestion, Communications (1996-1998), Director of Operations stressing that its team had all the required authorisations, (1998-2000), President (May 2000- May 2008), which it regularly obtains from the Russian authorities after (in French) interviewed in 2009. providing details of objectives and itineraries. As a result of this new kidnapping, foreigners working for UN organisations in Ingushetia could be seen once again packing their bags on Wednesday, even as a new flood of thousands of refugees was being admitted, the result of the intensification Many humanitarian organisations were convinced that the of Russian raids and bombardments in Chechnya. kidnapping was a warning from the Russians, who hoped to use the incident to limit the presence of humanitarian organisations among Chechen refugees. Within MSF, opinions were divided on this question. Nevertheless, ’ MSF urges for immediate release of abducted aid all MSF sections as well as ACF and UNHCR decided to worker in Chechnya Kenneth Gluck medically at suspend operations in Chechnya, although assistance to risk’ MSF Press release, 12 January 2001 (in Chechen refugees in the other Caucasus republics was to English and French). be maintained. The Kremlin spokesperson accused MSF and ACF volunteers of having travelled around Chechnya Today, the international medical aid organization Médecins without authorisation and directed responsibility for the sans Frontières (MSF) together with the family and friends kidnapping to Chechen war leaders. MSF stated that its of the abducted MSF coordinator Kenneth Gluck expressed team had been travelling around perfectly legally, and their extreme concern for his fate and urged his captors to also pointed to Kenny’s fragile health. V20 release him. No news has been heard of Kenneth since he was abducted by unidentified armed men in Chechnya on January 9, 2001. Physically dependent on medicines to control his asthmatic ‘ Questions Relating to the Kidnapping of an condition, concerns have been expressed that he could suffer American Doctor from MSF in Chechnya,’ Sophie a potentially very dangerous asthma attack if he does not Shihab, Le Monde (France), 12 January 2001 (in receive further medication. MSF is ensuring that stocks of French). this medication are maintained in MSF offices in the region. Recent Russian media reports have suggested that MSF was Extract: working illegally in Chechnya and have even accused the The kidnapping in Chechnya of an American, Kenny Gluck, the organization of purposefully orchestrating the abduction to Head of Mission of Médecins sans Frontières Holland in Nazran gain international attention. MSF refutes ail such accusations (Ingushetia), has once again raised the classic questions in and reiterates that it has been carrying out its operations 148 such cases, of which there have been dozens since the 1996 in the region with the full authorization of the Russian and onthecaseofKenny. fact topassthemessageon our presenceintheCaucasus in Russiasince10years.We should takeadvantageofthis ahead. ThisyearMSFexists [turns] 30years[old],andis subject, theyshouldcontactMSF-HA’damfirstbeforegoing sections isapproachedbythepressforaninterviewon however aretakeninMoscow.Ifanyonefromoneofthe common byMoscow,A’damandNewYork.Finaldecisions All decisionsonhowtoapproachthepresswillbetakenin Last reportsareverymuchobjectiveandopen,positive. Russian pressisclearlyimproving. - AlsoveryimportantinMoscow.Alreadyreportingthe as high). - In Europe it will be harder (already now interest is not - ThiswillbeeasierinAmerica(KennybeingAmerican). We needtokeepthemomentumgoing. Press: witnessing. the presenceofexpatsinfieldwasexactly may havetoberedefined.Abigpartoftheaddedvalue moment atleast)wewillnotgoinwithexpats,theprograms reasons behind the kidnappingof Kenny (if ever). As (for the should bedone,atleastuntilthereisaclearviewonthe If activitiesrestartagaininChechnya,nowitnessing Thoughts onthesubject: headquarters. the programsinChechnyaisbeingstudiedbydifferent moment suspended.Thepossibilityofcontinuationornot will continue unchanged. Actions in Chechnya are for the HAS TO CONTINUE. Actions in Dagestan and Ingushetia very high,MSFconsidersthataidintheNorthCaucasus Since the needs of the IDPs in the North Caucasus remain NORTH CAUCASUS: COMMON VISION OF MSF ON CONTINUATION OF WORK IN Extract­­­: humanitarian assistancemoreurgentlythanever. fighting andaseverewinter,theChechenpeopleneed in Chechnya.WiththecollapsedhealthSystem,ongoing actors, including the UN, have suspended all activities abduction ofKennethGluck,MSFandotherinternational and providingessentialmedicines.Followingtherecent and rehabilitatingabarelyfunctioninghealthSystem to the civilian victims of the armed conflict, supporting Until now MSF has been providing vital medical assistance regarding thepreviousaccusations. Aide’s officethisafternoonwitharequestforanexplanation status of MSF operations were offered to the Presidential authorities. Alltherelevantdocumentsconfirminglegal Office MSFHolland’15January2001(inEnglish). Following theKidnapping of KennyGluck,Moscow to ContinueAssistanceintheNorthCaucasus Minutes of‘IntersectionalMeetingontheNeed was onlyafter Grozny hadbeentakeninFebruary 2000and for Emergency Situations. Discussions were tough, and it in the process to take control of this aid through its Ministry operations totheRepublicof Ingushetiaalone,attempting Chechnya, asitdidforforeign journalists.ItlimitedNGO Initially, Moscow simply prohibited humanitarian access to conflict, theRussianauthorities haveraisedmajorobstacles. want tosendawarning?”Eversincethebeginningof question,” saysonehumanitarianworker:“didtheRussians as wellotherhostage-taking,“makethisalegitimate The precedentsofthe journalist Andreï Babitski, last year, involvement ofRussianservicesinKennyGluck’skidnapping. there arequestionsoneveryone’slipsaboutthepossible will, once again, depend on the attitude of Moscow - because […] TheNGOwithdrawalmaythusonlybetemporarybutthis convoy asKennyGluckandwasabletoevadethekidnappers. coordinator inRussia,JonathanLittell,wasthesame says Action Contre la Faim [Action Against Hunger]. Its We willtakeadecisionoverthenexttwoorthreeweeks,” though our in-principleposition is to continue in Chechnya. time toreflectandreviewouroperationalmethods,even and the ICRC. “After this kidnapping we need to take the food deliveriesfromHCR(HighCommissionforRefugees) set upprogramsinChechnya.[…]Tothiscanbeadded Ingushetia refugees,onlysixofthemhaveprogressively While around thirty organisations are working with the extremely slight overthe last yearandahalfofthe war. Moscow. Indeed,thehumanitarianpresencehasremained be nothing,”explainedaMédecinsduMondeofficialin aid inChechnya,andifeveryonepulledouttherewould for thehumanitariancause.Thereisalreadyverylittle because we need to preserve some place, however small, “We arecontinuingbecausewehavespecificresourcesand the regionofGrozny,Argoun,OurousMartanandVedeno. enables ittoprovidesuppliesforanumberofhospitalsin “an organisationthat is different from the others,” which medical teamsoveralltheseyears.Itdescribesitselfas since thefirstwar(1994-1996)andhasmaintainedlocal its operationsinChechnya.MdMhasbeenontheground Monde [MdM],ontheotherhand,hasdecidedtomaintain began, andintensifieditsworkinAugust.Médecinsdu in ChechnyaFebruary2000;sixmonthsaftertheconflict colleagues. MédecinsSansFrontièresbeganitsoperation withdrawal and sought agesture of solidarity from its MSF Holland,whichemploysKennyGluck,suggestedthe Ingushetia, whichisshelteringalmost200,000refugees. their operationsinthesmallneighbouringrepublicof Some ofthemarequestioningwhethertheyshouldmaintain Committee oftheRedCross),allhavedecidedtopullout. exception ofMédecinsduMondeandtheICRC(International 18 January,mostNGOsheldameetinginMoscow.Withthe the risks,workinChechnya,andifso,how?OnThursday between humanitarianorganisations.Shouldthey,despite coordinator KennyGluckon9Januaryhasreopenedadebate The kidnappinginChechnyaofMédecinsSansFrontières Extract­­­: (France), 20January2001(inFrench). Army Violence,’FrançoisBonnet,LeMonde ‘NGOs aretheOnlyExternalWitnessestoRussian

149 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

the most violent bombing and “cleansing” operations had be devised to work with Chechnya, and we might have to ended, that humanitarian organisation were gradually able accept distance ‘remote-control’ operations. to move into the Republic. “We are sick and tired of doing the job the Russians should Discussion be doing in Ingushetia, whereas the real catastrophe is […] Odile Cochetel: It seems to me that the chronology occurring in Chechnya,” said one NGO official shortly before of events highlights the gradual increase of the threat the Kenny Gluck kidnapping. The Russian authorities quickly and, in particular, the precise targeting of MSF for it role ceased managing the Ingush camps, stopping deliveries of of witnessing [témoignage], which was ensured by the hot meals, food, and equipment. HCR and the NGOs had presence of expatriates. We need to be aware of this threat to take up the slack, and the 200,000 Chechen refugees in order not to be provocative and endanger Kenny’s safety. are surviving thanks to international assistance. Yet even We need to make a symbolic gesture to show that we have according to Mr Kalamanov, President Putin’s Representative understood and that we don’t intend to raise the stakes. for Human Rights, the situation in Chechnya is far worse: François Bourdillon: But how has MdM been able to carry 300,000 people have fled their homes. Famine is threatening on working without encountering problems? and the possibilities for receiving treatment are virtually nil. Jean-Hervé Bradol: What they have done is to have a Through tough negotiations, the humanitarian organisations continuous presence in the field without any permanent were able to get the Russian authorities to agree to a expatriates and direct connections with the Chechen health number of basic principles: no armed escorts for operations ministry. Their witnessing has been similar to ours and even in Chechnya; free access to the various zones (subject to more critical. prior authorisation); control of deliveries to remain with Maurice Nègre: I remember that when we returned to this area the organisations themselves. This autonomy has taken we deliberately did not want to do remote-control like MSF a constant pounding from the Russians. Given the refusal Holland was doing. And we need to bear in mind that MDM to admit journalists, this has only been reinforced: NGOs has always operated with a regular number of expatriates became the only observers of Russian army violence and the visiting the field, always the same three or four people worsening humanitarian situation in the Republic. Kenny for years. Having said this, our return was conditional on Gluck’s kidnapping has put a stop to that. The Russians are our safety. With all our contacts there, it was understood likely to take advantage of it to establish a new operational that if there were the slightest incident to remind us of framework for NGOs and attempt to strengthen still further Christophe André’s kidnapping, then we would cease our the closed-door conditions under which this war is taking activities immediately. place. Graziella Godain: We need to decide whether we can remain involved in this situation and accept that if we change to a remote-control operation we will deprive our mission of the witnessing function. Minutes of MSF France Board of Directors, 26 Xavier Jardon: We cannot have this discussion without January 2001 (in French). thinking about how we will be perceived by the kidnappers. At least, it seems to me that this should be our main concern. Extract: François Bourdillon: What is MSF Holland’s position? Contribution from Marie and Mickaël (members of the team on Mickaël: For the time being MSF Holland has suspended all mission in the Caucasus): we have come to give feedback from its activities in Chechnya and asks the other sections to people currently working in the field. We are all convinced stand by this decision. that there should be a presence and humanitarian action Jean-Hervé Bradol: Following Christophe’s kidnapping, as the needs are great (more than 200,000 Chechens are we decided for the entire Caucasus, not to expose staff registered in Ingushetia). Aid (Russian or international) (national and international) to any further risk. When the is concentrated in the large camps which is why we chose second war started again, we thought that the situation to help organisations receiving less support to prepare for between the two sides was less conducive to kidnappings, the winter and refurbish structures (materials, wood, sheet but as time goes by it is clear that Russia is stumbling metal, etc.) In Chechnya, 12,000 people are being given and this is going to create political uncertainty which will prenatal care (thirty women per day are received at two foster all kinds of manipulation. We should also remember weekly consultations provided by Chechen doctors). that after Christophe’s kidnapping the pace quickened and scores of people were abducted. Obviously, in this situation The team considers that if they pull out now, they would our primary aim is to make it quite clear that we have got have to assume that they would not be going back as it the message, so as not to jeopardise our staff overall and would be impossible to manage the shaken confidence of Kenny in particular. This is why I would not be particularly our Chechen team members. This is partly why we have bothered to change to remote-control, if we have assurances already trained staff to take over the programmes by building that only foreigners are being targeted for kidnapping. the necessary synergy to enable activities to continue in Bruce Mahin: I have some comments to make as it seems our absence. Although all is not yet perfect, the team is from my viewpoint that, for Kenny’s safety, changing to functional. Extra training is needed to improve organisation remote-control would make our message to the kidnappers (this could be done in Moscow as the Chechens can travel less clear. Furthermore, remote-control implies (as I see it 150 freely there). New operational methods perhaps need to for this particular moment) that we continue to make one- Russians. Herpoint ofviewisnotirrational given that just look, there’scause-effectthere,wecan’t. outburst thatwemadebeforehand.Wecan’tmapitandsay, why, doesn’tindicateanythingattachedtothisspecific Secondly, thehardevidencethatwehaveofwhodiditand managed to escape the attack, so there’s no evidence. coordinator ofACFwasalsointheconvoy,aforeigner,and Holland, or specifically tried to target Kenny, butthe So itispossiblethatsomeonespecifically triedtotargetMSF are authorisedtoremainpermanentlyintheregion. international staffinvolvedinthesearchforKennyGluck of thisactivitybyshortvisitsfrominternationalstaff.Only through thenetworkofnationalstaffandsupervision did notprecludethepossibilityofcontinuingtoprovidehelp current climateofincreasedkidnapattempts.Thisdecision of internationalstaffinChechnyaandIngushetiagiventhe The Board agreed unanimously against a permanent presence Decision: which wehavenointerestinkeepingalowprofile? recognised and gaining clout in the trials of strength in which couldbeveryusefulforgettingourselvesknownand permanent officeinMoscowwithatrulypoliticalbrief Xavier Jardon:Shouldwenot,forinstance,considera work ratherthanbuildingtheirimage.[…] that theybehaveddifferentlybyfocussingonlong-term field. WhenwelookathowMDMareoperating,youcansee re-admitted Russia,andwithdrawingfromactivitiesinthe the credibilityofCouncilEuropewhichhasnow are, astheyforceustostopspeakingout(denouncing Didier Fassin:Theseabductionsshowhowvulnerablewe on thegroundwhereabusesaretakingplace. working withtheminMoscow,wecanexpectdirectbenefits first andforemostaRussiancrisis.Ifwecanusetheideaof ignoring them,wehavetorealisethattheChechencrisisis interior ministry.Althoughwearecurrentlyoperatingbut work withtheRussianmilitaryandparticularly experience isthatitwouldbeworthwhiletolearnhow May toAugustandoneoftheconclusionsarisingfrommy Maxime Filandrov:IwasadministratorinMoscowfrom working inIngushetiawithpermanentexpatriates. coordinate ourpositionwithMSFHolland’s,astheyarestill off visits,whicharestillverydangerous.Wealsoneedto as possible—that itseemsthishasbeendone bythe much infavourofmakingitpublicly knownassoon Fouchard, DeputyCommunications Director,isvery There isdisagreementbetween usinParis.Anne understanding of the different organizations or people. who aretryingtointerveneandtheyhadaveryloose The attackershadaverylooseunderstandingofthose 1999 to2004(inEnglish)interviewedin2009. Austen Davies,MSFHollandExecutiveDirector,

I imposemyviewinthismatter. we willnotmakeastatementsayingthinkitistheRussians. therefore seewhyweshouldlooktotheotherside.Therefore conclusion with what he had learned on the ground. I did not concerned, whohadinvestigatedthethreat,arrivedatthis was clearlyknowntobeaBassayev’saddress.Themainperson I’m kidnapped,gotosuchandanaddress.’Thisaddress his abduction,hehadsentanemailwhichbasicallysaid‘if were groupswithwhomhehadproblems.Eightdaysbefore being kidnapped,Kennyhimselfhadexplainedthatthere that the initial idea came from the FSB and its friends. Before some ideaofanexchangebehindthis,butIdonotthink they mightbeinvolvedinsomewayandthatthereisprobably convinced that it is not the Russians. I am convinced that about theprobabilitiesofwhowerekidnappers.Iam same thingforKenny.Therewas,however,disagreement Russian specialservices.Annethereforewantedtodothe campaign hisfriendsundertookovertheinvolvementof some months earlier in Chechnya] was released thanks to a before AndreyBabitsky[RadioLibertyjournalistkidnapped travels andwere movingwithoutamilitary escort.“We authorities that aidworkersdidnotnotify themoftheir of Ingushetia.Ms.Tanguy disputed claimsbyRussian through acheckpointfrom theneighbouringrepublic the ambush,ofusingafaked passtoenterChechnya humanitarian group Action Against Hungerwho escaped Kenneth Gluck and Jonathan Little, a worker for the […] TheRussianForeignMinistryonThursdayaccused holding himtotakeintoaccounthismedicalcondition.” condition,” she said. “So we are appealing to whoever is can seriouslyworsenandevenbecomealife-threatening was abducted, Ms. Tanguy said. “Without it, his condition is notknownhowmuchmedicinehehadwithhimwhen from severeasthmathatrequirescontinuousmedication.It Borders, and Daniel Gluck said that Kenneth Gluck suffers without Doctors Joëlle Tanguy,theexecutivedirectorof Extract: possible forthekidnappingofCoordinator. officer weretryingtogetasmuchpresscoverage MSF Holland team and the MSF regional communication of diplomaticefforts. keeping contactswiththemediatoaminimuminfavour with KennyGluck’sbrother,theMSF-USAteamwas With the exception of a press conference given together Communications (1996-1998),DirectorofOperations 2001 (inEnglish). Man,’ ‘Kidnappers in Chechnya Urged to Free Brooklyn (1998-2000), President(May2000-May2008), Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof The New York Times /AP (USA), 13 January V21 (in French)interviewedin2009.

However, inMoscow,the V22

151 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

absolutely deny it,” Ms. Tanguy said. “Absolutely, this found a warehouse near Stare Atagi full of weapons, but information is false.” She said the convoy had “official the rebels had gone... permission from all authorities to provide humanitarian - (*): appearances on the “Itogi” program included aid to hospitals in Chechnya. The convoy in which Kenneth Sergei (Kenny’s good Russian friend), Marcel van Soest Gluck was travelling was fully authorized by all civil and (operational director from Amsterdam, part of crisis team, military authorities,” she said. brought Kenny into the North Caucasus program), Kenny She said Doctors without Borders workers in Moscow gave (re-broadcast of a talk show “Voice of the People” which documents confirming the authorization to the Russian he lately participated in, making a few strong remarks Presidential Aid office yesterday. Ms. Tanguy also insisted to Kadirov about the horrors for civilians in Chechnya), the convoy was not armed. “We never operated under armed Chechen refugees in Ingushetia. Main points that got protection,’’ she said, ‘’because in this conflict, particularly across strongly: the abduction was well orchestrated and recently, it would have compromised the independent and targeted (Sergei), Chechens had no interest in doing this humanitarian principles by which the organization works (male Chechen refugee interviewed in the camp), Kenny and which Kenny was so forcefully supporting.” Doctors adhered to all official procedures, had strong networking without Borders, which received the 1999 Nobel Peace abilities and had built up good relationships with Ingush Prize, has been a fierce critic of Russia’s conduct of the and Russian authorities (Marcel), he was outspoken and war, accusing troops of randomly executing civilians critical of Putin (journalist and presenter), count on us and inflicting a campaign of terror. It and many other for not dropping this case (presenter). relief agencies suspended operations in Chechnya after Mr. Gluck’s kidnapping. “In this situation, Kenny did not […] COMM STRATEGY choose sides,” Ms. Tanguy said. “Kenny chose to serve - I feel “Itogi” program is a perfect example of the comm the victims. He helped alleviate their suffering and he strategy we should pursue: high-profile, continuous, bore witness to it.” aggressive efforts to keep Kenny in the public eye, to pressure for prompt release.- Moscow will appreciate New York’s effort to tone down the American hero stories while we work here on bringing out the Russian side of ‘ Brainstorming’ (Comms) Email from Gazelle Kenny, working closely with his Russian friends - many Gaignaire, MSF International Regional of them journalists - and set in place our Russian-specific Information Officer in Russia to MSF North approach to the media. Caucasus Network, 15 January 2001 (in English). - Well synchronized, international media strategy would have three axes: Russian, Western European, and American. Extract: In Russia, we need to build on the momentum we’ve - Marcel Van Soest just finished intv with Radio Echo started. Also, this year marks our 10th anniversary [in the Moskvi’s “open” program […]. Present were: AP, REUTERS, region] (MSFB has planned a special budget for advocacy). 3 major TV stations (ORT, RTR, NTB) and “Russia” Besides North Caucasus, MSF programs include TB, AIDS, newspaper. […] Marcel emphasized the terrible situation the homeless, and these should help us counter-balance in Chechnya and expanded on MSF’s advocacy mandate. I our pro-Chechen image. It would be preferable if comm found the Qs to be surprisingly “soft” and straight-forward. decisions could be taken quickly in Moscow. Note that ORT’s “nasty” broadcasts (ORT pro-Putin) in the - We need to quickly define our threshold for correcting first few days have given way to very positive coverage, inaccurate info or responding to accusations : a few bullet and the switch was quite sudden and noticeable by points that will help us put on the same “glasses” when Russians. Could the switch reflect the political pressure we monitor the media - for example, “when Kenny’s life from Americans? Or...? is at stake” or “when MSF’s image is being grossly and - Canadian TV had one-on-one with Marcel after radio deliberately tarnished”... show, which by comparison was much trickier. Ex: Can - While we concentrate on the Russian media we must you rule out that the FSB might have done this to get rid not forget the Chechen/Ingush media. It is harder to of NGOs in Chechnya? establish contacts with the latter, but extra efforts must - Very very good, balanced story on NTV (National, be made (example: Kavkaz center with semi-legal office independent TV station in Russia) broadcast last night at perhaps in Tbilissi (?) - e-mail will be sent to MSFF to try 8:15 pm on “Itogi”, an analytical news program with the to get contact info). highest reputation and public ratings in Russia, duration 1h30 min, every Sunday (*). In a few days we are far from the cacophony of the last Tuesday and Wednesday when the papers, internet, and airwaves were being flooded with inaccurate and accusatory reports (ACF-MSF confusion, illegality of our work, Kenny did it on purpose, he’s We wondered what should be done. First of all we hiding, he escaped). […]. On Friday/Saturday Kenny was called the French for advice about how to manage the a military excuse: according to interfax, 6 Russians were initial contacts with Kenny’s next of kin. Graziella killed while looking for him, and a top-news story showed Godain [who had managed the business around Christophe 152 Russian soldiers who, allegedly searching for Kenny, had André’s kidnapping in 1997] told us: ‘firstly, you have to get Colombia to beprudent.IthinkthatthekidnappingofI[…]in by Reuters.Intermsofcommunication,ourinstructionswere We confirmedhisdisappearancewhichhadbeenannounced stuck ournecksouttoofartoendupwiththeseproblems. about Kenny’s kidnapping, but I fell in line with the general same reaction to it.Iwasinfavourofourspeaking publically Colombia wastaken hostage on25July2000andreleased lateJanuary2001. 17. I[…],Atthesametime, I[…],logisticianoftheMSFFrance teamin playing thehumanitariancard. to tellthekidnappersthattheyhadgotwrongtarget,by had nothingtodowithpolitics.Thestrategywastherefore do withAmericanpolicyandsaythathewassomethingwho worker...” Wewantedtodisassociatehimfromanything same thing“he’sahumanitarianworker, managed the communication contacts always repeating the country. Kris[Torgeson,CommunicationsDirectorMSF-USA] been kidnapped while doing his work for the people of this He said that his brother was a humanitarian worker, who had spoke publicallyonbehalfofthefamilyatapressconference. was twodaysafterthekidnapping.Daniel,Kenny’sbrother, nothing official.Theonlytimetherewasapubliccommunication American national.Weaskedthemforsilentdiplomacy,but but wedidnotwanttohighlightthefactthatKennywasan was notgoodthatsomeonehadbeenkidnappedintheregion, us leavetheregion.WewantedAmericanstosaythatit was theRussians,theyhaddoneittokeepusquietandmake Russians ortheChechens.Wedidthink,however,thatifit had noideawhokidnappedhim,whetheritwasthe public statement;wepreferredtoworkbehindthescenes.We they askedusiswhatwewantedtodo.Wedidnotwanta definite strategyandapreciserequest.Indeed,thefirstthing we should not go to see American administration without a be innocent!Itwasreallyproblematic.That’swhyIsaidthat did not seem very well informed. Or they were pretending to against terrorism.Infact,thepeopleatFBIwespoketo, and Ithinktheywereinterestedwithrespecttothefight region, astherewereveryfundamentalistMuslimgroups agencies inChechnya.TheAmericanswereinterestedthe American governmentwantedtodeployitsintelligence the family.AmericanNGOswantedtogetinvolved.The communication. Wewereunderalotofpressurebecause their own initiatives.’ New York imposed the channel of everything isundercontrol.Otherwisetheywillundertake that youaredeterminedandmanaging, their confidencestraightaway.Secondlyyouhavetoshow [...], ProjectCoordinator,MSFBelgiuminChechnya, much shakenandIaskedmyselfwhetherwehadn’t was kidnappedatthebeginningofJanuary.I Kenny gaveevidence to theCouncilofEurope andhe 17 happenedataboutthesametime andwehadthe 2001-2002 (inFrench),interviewedin2008 (1995), MSFUSAProgrammeDepartment of humanitarian organisations in Chechnya, theAmerican to Chechenhospitals.” Askedabouttherisks runbystaff authorities” of “not organising regular supplies of medicines refute thisaccusation.”MrGluck alsoaccuses“thefederal accused ofbeingacombatant. Itwasimpossibletoproveor “I rememberaChechenwho was arrested inhospitaland or accusedofbeingcombatants,” theAmericanadded. to avoidmedicalinstitutions”forfearofbeingdenounced are hundredsofsimilarlysavagestories.”Manycivilians“try died becauseofthis,”MrGluckexplainedandadded,“There friend toldmethatapregnantwomanwhoneededsurgery evening andatnight-time,”heexplained.“Agynaecologist impossible (forcivilians)togetmedicalinstitutionsinthe “They are closed after four o’clock in the afternoon and it is the greatestproblem”forcivilians,accordingtoMrGluck. The checkpointssetupbytheRussiansinChechnya“are are stillbeingusedasmuchduringthewar,”headded. several hundredpeopleeverymonth.Thismeansthatarms suffering from“woundsbulletsorexplosives.Thereare him, 90%oftheChechenciviliansseekingmedicalhelpwere nothing haschangedforChechencivilians.”Accordingto that “officially the war has been over for a long time, but before beingkidnapped.MrGluckhadsaidintheinterview the American had “contacted Moskovsky Novosti” a few days Chechnya. TheMSF’sMoscowofficeconfirmedtoAFPthat conducted tendaysbeforehiskidnappingon9Januaryin aid worker with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), they had an interviewwithKennyGluck,theAmericanvoluntary The RussianweeklyMoskovskyNovostipublishedthisweek Extract: to getfurtherinvolved. lasted forasufficientlyshortperiodoftime,wedidnotneed saying weabsolutelyhadtogiveitmorevisibility.Andas being negotiatedinNewYork,Ididnotgetover-excitedabout did nothavemuchtogoon,butsensingthatthingswere for others to follow through, diplomatically for instance. We Colombia inmuchthesameway,bykeepingquiet.Wearranged opinion. WemanagedKenny’skidnappingandtheonein supplies tothehospitals. explosives andaccusedthefederalauthoritiesofblocking the Chechens were still beinginjured by bullets and days beforehisabductionandinwhichhesaidthat interview thatKennyGluckhaddonewiththemten Moskovsky Novosti [Moscow News] published an In itsissueof16-22January,theRussianweekly Anne Fouchard,MSFFranceDeputyCommunications 2001 (inFrench). his Abduction,’AFP(France),Moscow,17January ‘Gluck InterviewinRussianWeeklyTenDaysbefore (in French)interviewedin2009. Director, July2000–2004,

153 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

replied: “Of course, we are aware of the risks, but things in the independent Russian weekly Novaya Gazeta18, the are less difficult for us than for the civilians. When you see journalist Viatcheslav Izmaïlov, a former Russian army the constant threats they have to live with, it’s not right officer, specialist in abductions, pointed out that the to complain.” Russian services were not committed to searching for Kenny Gluck. On 2 February, appearing on the Russian television station NTV, Izmaïlov accused them directly of holding Kenny and said that the latter was linked secret services.

Misha Shevelyov was the managing editor of Moskovskie Novosti which was a very influential newspaper, and had a very good Caucasus coverage. We dealt with ‘ American Kenny Gluck is Probably in Khattab’s him a lot. We did a roundtable discussion with one of our Hands,’ NTV19, 18 January 2001 (in English). surgeon’s, in which they had two full pages of in the newspaper. It was kind of an interview with the two of us where B could Today the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of talk about what it’s like in a surgical theatre during the the North Caucasus announced that according to their data, bombing of Grozny. Before we would speak out, we went to Kenneth Gluck, American, is in Khattab’s hands, whose band people like Misha and asked them: ‘is this worthwhile, does is hiding in the Vedeno district of Chechnya, as reported by this have an impact?’ He said yes. He was self-interested ITAR TASS. This information was distributed less than 24 because he wanted it in Moskovskie Novosti, but he also said: hours after Vladimir Rushailo, Russian Minister of Internal ‘the Russian people have to see that the people they’re fighting Affairs (MVD) had a meeting with the journalists in Nalchik. against are doctors trying to do surgery in a hospital, and are The head of MVD assured the media representatives that seeing children with their faces blown off and so on. The the armed forces are actively working to find and release Russian people need to know this. That’s why you have to Gluck. According to Rushailo, for now the law enforcement speak out.’ And I think that goes back to the sense of what, forces already have the various “operational information at least at MSF Holland, we were trying to teach people: ‘don’t about the people related to the abduction of Kenneth look for a cost-benefit analysis in terms of how many lives Gluck, U.S. citizen, as well as the information about his will it save. See it as a moral obligation. You are there, you possible location.” are in a way a participant in this massive crime of war, and By kidnapping the U.S. citizen shortly before the arrival of you have an obligation if you’re there to not hide it, along the PACE delegation to Chechnya, the rebels are “showing with everybody else. Think of it in those terms don’t look for their real face.” This incident has “influenced the position the concrete benefits. of the Council of Europe in a definite way.” The divisions of the armed forces are now running special operations in Starye Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland General Coordinator and Atagi, Novye Atagi, Mairtup and in [the] Grozny suburbs Regional Advisor in North Caucasus (November 1999- to find the US citizen. Announcing the information about January 2001), Director of Operations (2001-2005) Gluck’s search, the official Russian sources also provided interviewed in 2009 (in English). the data concerning the hostages’ release from Chechen captivity. According to Rushailo, during the last 2 years more than 50 foreign citizens were released from captivity. Iastrjembski office gave the following information: during [the] last years, 66 persons were kidnapped and 203 people Speculation was rife about where Kenny Gluck was held were released. In 2001 one person, Kenny Gluck, has been and by which group. On 18 January, the Interior Minister kidnapped, 5 people have been freed. of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Rushailo told the press that he was being held in the Vedeno region by the radical Islamic group Khattab and that Russian forces were carrying out searches to find him. On 23 ’Nobody Intends to Flee from Chechnya,’ January, the pro-independence Chechen President Aslan Kommersant-Daily20, 27 January 2001 (in Maskhadov accused the bodyguards of Akhmad Kadyrov, English). the head of the pro-Russian Chechen administration of Kenny’s kidnapping. On 27 January, Maskhadov said Extract: that he did not rule out involvement of the Russian Aslan Maskhadov was elected President of Chechnya on January forces, given that he believed that Kenny Gluck was 27, 1997. As it is claimed by representatives of the present gathering information about the atrocities they were committed. Then the Procurator of Chechnya announced the arrest by the Chechen police of a suspect involved 18. is an independent weekly, supported by the former president of the Russian Federation and architect of Perestroika, . in Kenny’s kidnapping. The Kremlin then spoke out 19. NTV: Russian television channel that used to be independent but now against the ‘principle’ paying a ransom. On 1 February, controlled by the government. 20. Kommersant: Russian daily focusing on economic issues, fairly liberal, considered as serious and competent, belonged to a steel magnate and was widely 154 read in the major Russian cities. of accusingChechen rebels.Thisisupsetting humanitarian the CouncilofEurope hasdone,theofficial Russianversion to embarrassMoscow,orotherwise quiteopenlyfavour,as and fromtheUNcontinueto speakcrypticallyinordernot their customary“sweeps.”[…] ButofficialsfromtheNGOs three daysbeforesealingit offandcarryingoutoneof village totallycontrolledby Russian soldiers,whowaited Monde of27January).Furthermore,ittookplaceina on allthecircumstances,asreportedbywitnesses.(Le obvious advantageoftheabductionforMoscow,butalso This interpretationofeventsisbased,notonlyonthe bandits,” whohadkidnappedGluck. believed, i.e. that itwastheRussians, andnot“Chechen and isthefirsttosayoutloudwhateveryoneinChechnya it istimetoreleasehim,”theRussianofficerconcluded political objectivesofkidnappingGluckhavebeenachieved, bandits,” butwhowere,infact,workingforMoscow.“The handed over to a Chechen group described as “independence journalist, kidnappedayearagobyRussiansoldiersand been thecasewithAndreyBabitsky,”RadioLiberty psyches” ofthoseholdinghimhostage,“asthishadnearly lose controloftheoperationbecause“disturbed abduction didnotwanttokilltheAmerican,buttheymight Viatcheslav Izmaïlovbelievesthatthosewhoplannedthe of Russiacouldbeabsolved.” of your games, not you, nor your children, nor the whole service: “If a tragic fate was to strike Kenny Gluck because ended withanappealtothe“gentlemen”ofRussian this experthadpublishedanarticleinNovayaGazetawhich latter is“himselflinkedtosecretservices.”Thedaybefore, American, forthefirsttime.Healsomaintainedthat accused theRussian’specialservices’ofholding Russian officerspecialisedinhostageexchanges,publically whose independence is threatened, Viatcheslav Izmaïlov, a Speaking on Friday 2 February on the NTV television channel, Extract: this isso,itwillbedifficultforustofindhim.” their violationoftherightspeacefulpopulation.If because theywerenotinterestedinadisclosureoffacts military couldbeinvolvedintheabductionofAmerican forums. ThatiswhyIdonotruleitoutthattheRussian Chechen questionatthePACEsession or other international which couldhavebeenusedduringthediscussionof information, duringhislasttriphehadcollectedmaterials an attempttoabducthimevenbefore[...].Accordingmy problems inhisrelationswiththeRussianmilitary.Therewas Médecins sansFrontières:“WeknowthatKennethGluckhad American KennethGluckfromthehumanitarianorganization Chechnya bytheRussianmilitary.[…]Aboutfateof the American Kenneth Gluck could have been abducted in Daily, Maskhadovrefutesthesecontentionsandsaysthat January 27.ButinhisinterviewtothenewspaperKommersant Chechen authorities,Maskhadov’spresidentialtermexpireson February 2001(inFrench). Chechnya,’ SophieShihab,LeMonde(France)4 ’ Moscow’s WarAgainstHumanitarianActionin

for Chechenrefugeesoughttobemaintained. calling for otherNGOs to withdraw. MSF’s aid programme the positionofMSF’sleadershipchanged:theyarenolonger workers onthegroundandasinternaldebateprogressed, as agestureof“solidarity.”Thiswasverybadlyreceivedby the NorthCaucasus,buttocallonotherNGOsdolikewise decided atleastfornow,notonlytosuspendallactionin EU fundingsources.However,itstopmanagementhave available toignorecallssuspendactivitiesfromUNand whom Kenny Gluck was working, also have enough resources working inChechnyawiththeirownresources.MSF,for of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Médecins du Monde, who are This latteroptionwastakenbytheInternationalCommittee as manyprecautionspossible.” blackmail, wecancontinuewithlocalstaffandbytaking think, “No,let’snotpullout,weshouldn’tgiveintoRussian least weneedtobetoldthetruth,”saysome,whileothers workers ontheground,“Wecanpullout,allright,butat Frontières (MSF) “willhaveseriousconsequences” forthe The kidnapping ofanAmericanvolunteerwith MédecinsSans Extract: articles, likeforexample,thearticlesofViacheslavIzmailov. feeding ittotheirotherjournalistfriends.Sotherewereseveral immediately writing articles about the Russian press and the Russiangovernmentandtheydidn’tlikeit.Sowere friends didn’treally know the Chechens that well. They knew government; theRussian government ismakinghimpay.’My independents ofthekidnapping. an appealforhisrelease,inamanneraccusingChechen ous consequencesfortheChechenpopulation,launched declared that Kenny Gluck’s kidnapping would have seri Lord Judd,theBritishrapporteurwhotendaysearlierhad months earlier for itsconductofthe war inChechnya. of EuropecancelledthesanctionsimposedonRussianine On 25January,theParliamentaryAssemblyofCouncil Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus(November1999- January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005), they immediatelysaid:‘KennydenouncedtheRussian mine, theywereconvinceditwastheRussians.So, The Russian journalists, especially these friends of Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand (in French). (France), Znamenskoie(Russia) 15January2001 Consequences” forthePopulation, ’ (Judd)AFP ‘Kidnapping ofanAmericanVolunteer:“Serious (in English)interviewedin2009.


155 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Chechen people, said CoE parliamentarian Lord Frank Judd Evidence seems to show that Mr Gluck was abducted by the during a visit on Monday to Znamenskoie (North Chechnya). Russians. In addition there is the question: “Who would The abduction is a “blow to the humanitarian organisations benefit from this?” (All the foreign humanitarian workers, and it will have serious consequences for the people of the undesirable witnesses, have suspended their activities Chechnya,” warned the British parliamentarian. “I do not in Chechnya). know whether the people who kidnapped Kenny Gluck are Then there are the circumstances of the abduction. It was aware of the price the Chechen people will have to pay for carried out in a village controlled by the Russians, by “eight this,” added Lord Judd. Following the American’s abduction masked giants, in identical new uniforms, one of whom last Tuesday, while he was on mission south of Grozny, spoke Russian without an accent,” according to a reliable capital of Chechnya, the humanitarian organisations ceased witness. In addition, any war act attributed to the Chechens operations in the North Caucasian independent republic. is always followed up by cordon and search action, whereas As for the Representative of President Vladimir Putin “the Russian military waited three days before ‘cleaning for Human Rights in Chechnya, Vladimir Kalamanov, he up’ in this particular village,” according to Memorial. […] considered that Kenny Gluck been “unwise” in the first place However, Lord Judd chose to appeal for the release of Mr to visit Stary-Atagi (20 km south of Grozny). The Russians Gluck in the paragraph following his condemnation of the stated that the MSF volunteer had travelled without a permit. violations of humanitarian law committed by the Chechen This was denied by MSF. combatants and “terrorist activities,” which is tantamount to accusing the latter of the abduction.

‘ Council of Europe Parliamentarians Restore Russia’s Rights,’ Sophie Shihab, Le Monde (France), 27 January 2001 (in French). For safety reasons, the MSF Holland crisis unit decided Extract: not to comment on the PACE’s decision and to treat The session was hurried through with cowardly relief for the the information on Kenny’s kidnapping with greater sake of realpolitik. On 25 January the members of the Council circumspection. of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly lifted the sanction imposed on Russia nine months earlier, the only one ever to have been imposed on Moscow for its war in Chechnya. By 88 votes for, 20 against and 11 abstentions, the Council ‘ Chechnya Comms Update 26 Jan,’ Email from of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) decided to ratify Ruud Huurman, MSF Holland Communications the powers of the Russian delegation, without conditions Officer to MSF Communications Network, 26 or limitations. This means that the suspension of voting January 2001 (in English). rights of the delegates from the Duma has been lifted. It was a light sanction that the Assembly had surprised itself Extract: by imposing in April 2000, fearing discredit. The PACE had, Media-wise we are looking for ways to keep the story at that time, been under pressure from European public ‘alive,’ but we have to be extremely careful to not fuel the opinion, shocked by the bombing of Grozny, which had discussions about our legal status, about our advocacy caused several thousand deaths and which, according to statements last year about Russian politics, etcetera. In the television reports, was constantly ‘intensifying.’ […] first week, we got involved in discussions and speculations The report “took note of encouraging, although still limited about the Who and Why behind this abduction. We believe progress, made since September 2000.” However, this this is not in Kenny’s interest and we should prevent this “progress” has been questioned by those who have regular from happening again. access to the area. The Russian NGO Memorial and others have reported on the systematic use by the Russian forces - As you know, the Council of Europe yesterday restored the of torture, rape, summary executions, “sales” of hostages, Russian voting rights. You may wonder what MSF’s position pillaging, etc... Others such as Human Rights Watch, who on this issue is. We have decided that we should refrain were only able to gather information from refugees in from comments on this issue. We are convinced that at this Ingushetia, and Médecins Sans Frontières, which, before the stage MSF should not become the focus in the discussions 9 January abduction of their American Coordinator, Kenny about Russian-CoE politics and about human right situation. Gluck, was also operating in Chechnya. You may have noticed that other NGO’s, particularly HR organisations have been very vocal on this issue. Did Gluck pay the price for what he had just publically > Please refrain from comments on the CoE issue, just refer reported in Moscow and to European parliamentarians? to the abduction of our worker and that this abduction, and “What is most alarming, he had said, was that nothing has Kenny’s security is our priority. happened, hundreds of war-wounded continue to arrive in > If they want to challenge you further on this issue. Please the hospitals every month. That is 90% of patients, often refrain from discussion, and if necessary refer to Amsterdam. women and children and nobody knows how many of those 156 who cannot get through the military checkpoints are dying.” a regularflight.Heplans togohome totheUSAon7 arrived inMoscowtheairportVnukovofromNazranwith Kenneth Gluckcomestoanend.Yesterdayat5:15p.m.he It seemsthatthemysteriousOdysseyofMSFaidworker Extract: a safereturnofMr.Gluck. Russian authorities.ThepriorityforMSFisnowtoworkon release. Heisnowundersafeprotectionofthecompetent telephone discussionthisafternoonMr.Gluckconfirmedhis in Chechnya,wasreleasedyesterdayandissafe.Inashort Kenneth Gluck, who hadbeenabductedonJanuary 9, 2001, Frontières (MSF) received confirmation that its aid worker This afternoonDoctorswithout Borders/MédecinsSans that oftheWestEuropean press. 21. NewspaperfromKiev (Ukraine).Atthetime,ithadaneditorial bentcloseto then startedmakingallkindsofspeculations. February, Kennyrefusedtospeakjournalists,who responsible forhisrelease.OnarrivinginMoscowon6 make himholdapressconferencetosaythattheywere days in the hands of the Russian forces, who wanted to However, beforebeingtrulyfree,hespentanothertwo On 4 February, MSF announced the release of Kenny Gluck. of February. But onthe5 provided bythisorganization goes ‘behind’thefrontlineto certain reasons,aconsiderable partofthehumanitarianaid services. Accordingtothenewspaper Segodnya,owingto role in the liberation was played by MSF and not by the special was reallyabductedbytheChechenrebelsthoughmain special services.The“Humanitarian”version:KennethGluck that silence were received from the informants close to the Moscow officeoftheMSF.Twosuddenversionsexplaining in theFSBofRussia,Chechnyaandeven those werethewordsjournalists were knockedoffwith totally refusedtotalkthejournalists.“Nocomment” - under theveilofsecrecy.YesterdaynightinairportGluck The conditionsoftheabductionandreleasearestill the detailsarenotrevealed,”saidprocurator. recalled the names of some of them. “Due to the investigation the descriptionofpersonsthatkepthimincaptivity identify theabductors.”Inparticular,KennethGluckgave “they gottheinformationthatwillhelpinvestigationto Procurator ofChechnyaVsevolodTchernovconfirmedthat conditions ofhisabductionbytheunknownassailants.The in theprocuratorofficeofChechnyaGudermeson Ukrainian intoEnglishbyMSF). (Ukraine), 7 February 2001 (translated from ‘The silenceofDrGluck’SergeiVanin,Segodnya February 2001(inEnglish). in Chechnya,’ ‘Médecins sansFrontièresReliefWorkerReleased Press release MSF Moscow, 4 th ofFebruary he wasquestioned

21 th

Just tosayI’minaRussianarmybase. some phonecalls.SoIcalledMSFandmyfather. him, whereishe?’Thenontheseconddaytheyletmemake putting pressure on theRussianssaying, ‘Weknowyouhave Chechens. FollowupwiththeRussians.’SoMSFwasalready .The message then said, ‘The Russians now have me, not the knew Iwasreleased,becausetheyhadahand-writtenmessage I managedtosendoutwithafriendofhis.SoMSFactually I’m notreleased.’Ihadwrittenahand-writtenmessagewhich Already it’sbeentwodayssinceyousaidIwasreleasedand going tocallthisasecondkidnapping.Thisisridiculous. started tothreatenthemsaying,’Ifyoudon’tletmeoutI’m said: ‘We’renotgoingtoreleaseyouuntildothis.’I rescuing me, whichIrefused to do. They threatened me and wanted me to go on television and thank the Russians for both ofthosenights.Theyrefusedtoreleasemebecausethey spent twonightswiththeRussianarmy.Ididn’tsleepatall Grozny. ThenIspentanothernightinKhankala,andso driven totheRussianarmybaseinKhankala,justeastof base inStaryeAtagi.Ispentthenightthere.Thenwas Russian armybyradioandtheydrovemetothe me. Hewasveryscared.hadacontactwhocalledthe of rumoursthattheywantedtore-kidnapmeorassassinate because wemightgetkilled.’Hesaidthattherewerealot ‘it’s toodangerous:IhavetogiveyouovertheRussians tried toarrangethathesmuggledmeoutMSFbut,said army base. I wasreleased to oneofourstaff’shouse. We as delirious. the pressofficeofFSB,bothversionsweredescribed the suspectwasevicted[freed],publicapplauded.In case, theresultofoperationforFSBwaspositive: organizers framedtheabductiontounmaskagent.Inany agent ofsomeforeignsecretservice.Thisversionsaysthat Russian specialservicesashewassuspectedofbeingan FSB workerassumesthatKennethGluckwastakenbythe Another less exotic version was as well proposed. One former into Chechnya. Dr. Gluck was releasedsupposedly after that. give backGluck,orthehumanitarianaidwon’tbesupplied ultimatum totheChechenfieldcommanders:eitherthey (possibly via special service mediators) made a strong the Chechenrebels.Therepresentativesoforganization The Russiansecurity services(FSB),towhich Vladimir Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus(November1999- January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005), Nazran untilthesixth,soitwastwodaysinaRussian me onthefifthandsixth,Ididn’tgetto I wasreleasedonthefourth.ThenRussiansheld Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand (in English)interviewedin2009.

157 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Putin had just transferred the management of operations as he can: “We agreed that I would say things how they in Chechnya, claimed that they had freed Kenny Gluck. were, whereas others would conform to official customs, Then another FSB officer, based in Chechnya, declared i.e. a President would speak to a President, a minister to a anonymously to the Russian weekly Kommersant that minister, humanitarian organisations likewise. Finally, thank Kenny Gluck had been delivered by his kidnappers to God, good sense prevailed and those who had taken him a house in Starye-Atagi. After interviewing Kenny, the let him go.” The release was described by another witness, Procurator of Chechnya announced that he had been an anonymous FSB agent quoted on Monday by the daily abducted by “Chechen bandits from Yakub’s gang.” In Kommersant: Gluck had been taken blindfolded and on the weekly Novaya Gazeta, the journalist Viatcheslav foot at night, to the door of a doctor he knew well in the Izmaïlov retorted that Yakub did not exist and again village of Starye Atagi, the same place, strictly controlled accused the Russian secret services. He considered that by Russian soldiers, where he had been abducted and held they wanted ‘to make sure that there would no longer be by “unknown persons.” The latter took off his blindfold and witnesses in Chechnya.’ The spokesperson of the United quietly went their way. States Department of State expressed doubts about the Officially, Gluck was liberated by the FSB from a gang of truth of the official information given by the Russian “Chechen bandits led by Yakub,” during a “special operation,” authorities. which took place “without shots being fired, without loss to the FSB and without paying a ransom” And without the arrest of any one of the kidnappers, noted Izmaïlov perfidiously, asserting that there was no known commander going by ‘ Washington Doubts the Official Russian Version of the name of Yakub. The Russian generals had sometimes the Gluck Affair,’ Sophie Shihab, Le Monde described this Yakub as an intermediary, sometimes as a (France), 7 February 2001 (in French). kidnapper, a role which they successively also gave to most of the famous Chechen rebel chiefs. Extract: The State Department in Washington is not content simply According to Izmaïlov, “Patrouchev, the FSB Chief and perhaps to doubt the truth of the official Russian explanation of Putin, were aware of everything that was happening.” The the abduction and release in Chechnya of Kenny Gluck, the aim was to make sure that there were no more witnesses in American working for Médecins Sans Frontières. It has also Chechnya: “Kenny was not keeping quiet; he gave evidence made this known. State Department Spokesman, Richard to the Council of Europe and had to be put in his place, like Boucher, declared on Monday 5 February, that his country the other humanitarian workers in Chechnya. After Babitsky’s “is seeking further information about the circumstances abduction, no journalists could move around freely. It’s surrounding the release,” of Gluck the day before. He noted now the turn of humanitarian workers. They might come that with respect to the “conditions of his abduction” on 9 back, but only if they are accompanied by the army.” The January, there remained a “source of concern.” Washington NGOs are resisting this option, but the UN institutions are could hardly do less, given the increasing testimony about pushing them to give in. the role of the FSB (former KGB) in the American’s abduction and the fact that official explanations from Moscow were full of inconsistencies. However, by asking too forcefully for the truth, does Washington run the risk of pushing Moscow to seal the gates to Chechnya even more firmly? Vyatcheslav Izmailov wrote an article about how I For the time being, an initial fear has been removed, which was kidnapped by the Russians. He called a very good hung over the fate of Kenny Gluck. “Many people shared friend of mine and she called me, and she said, ’Look, my view, but were afraid of saying openly that the Russian Viachek says he’s going public with this tomorrow. Can you services had kidnapped him, as nobody knows what the talk to him?’ I said ’No. I don’t want to talk to any journalists services could have done if they felt their cover had been yet.’ And she then called me back, and she said, ‘Look, he’s blown” said former soldier Viatcheslav Izmaïlov, last Monday going with this story tomorrow, that you were captured by in an Ekho Moskvy broadcast. He started to write his version this unit in the Russian army and you were held, and moved of the kidnapping on 18 January in Novaya Gazeta, an in an armoured personnel carrier. All he wants is for you to opposition newspaper, in which he has been recounting his say if this true?’ I don’t know where he got this. It was very work as a professional hostage liberator and member of an detailed. He’s an ex-military officer. I just told my friend that ad hoc Kremlin committee for years. “I know all the people it wasn’t true at all. I said, ’tell him it’s completely false.’ in the secret services who could have looked for Gluck in So, they published some things that they knew were false. Chechnya, after his abduction,” he said. “However, none Maybe he thought I was lying. He wanted to write that I was of them did so, nor received instructions to do so,” noted being held in one of the MSF surgeon’s villages, which was Izmaïlov, considering that this backed up his belief that the also false. It’s important because if I was being held in this Russians had carried out the kidnapping. “This was the case village, it meant that someone was trying to blame this with Andreï Babitsky,” a journalist who had “disappeared” surgeon for the kidnapping. It’s a small village, it’s a single in Chechnya a year ago. clan, and he’s very big in that area. You can’t do things in 158 Former officer Izmaïlov is helping Gluck’s friends as much this village without his family being involved. So then I called was putonhold.” MSFreiteratesitsseriousconcern withthe consequence of thisincidentallhumanitarian assistance and pay.Theydeserveourrespect andsupport,butasa wounded, despitetheharsh conditions, withoutsupplies Chechnya andprovideassistance andcaretothesick and nurseswhocontinuetocarry outsurgicaloperationsin others,” Daviscontinued.“Itis alsoatragedyforthedoctors incident isapersonaltragedyforKenny,hisfamilyandmany release,” saidMSFExecutiveDirectorAustenDavis.“This “It wasacompleteandhappysurprisetolearnofKenny’s were anydemandsmade. contacted byanyoneclaimingtobeKenny’skidnappers,nor nearly month-longperiodthatGluckwasheld,MSFnever February 3inthevillageofStaryeAtagi.Throughout driven inacarblindfolded,GluckwasreleasedonSaturday, meals adayandalwayshadenoughtoeat.”Afterbeing period incaptivity,”saidGluck.“Iwasalwaysgiventhree was nevergagged,beatenortorturedinanywayduringmy fate ofhisco-workersandownrelease.“Gratefully,I time listeningtotheradio,reading,andworryingover in adarkbasementforpartofhiscaptivityandpassingthe Atagi inChechnyaonJanuary9.Gluckdescribedbeingheld unarmed humanitarianconvoynearthevillageofStarye was abductedbyarmedindividualswhiletravellinginan details ofhiskidnapping,captivity,andrelease.Gluck,39, without Borders/MédecinsSansFrontières(MSF),related operations oftheinternationalmedicalaidagencyDoctors worker KennethGluck,HeadofMissionfortheNorthCaucasus At apressconferenceheldinMoscowtoday,releasedaid Extract: spreading thisrumour. not publish.Thatwasnasty.Ineverfoundoutwho going togetsomebodyhurt,sopleasedonotthis.’Hedid Viacheslav and I said: ’Really, this is a complete lie, and it’s independence wassuccessful. a signthatthehumanitarianorganisations’messageof his release.Inview,unconditionalreleasewas sign ofthehandRussianservicesattime two weeksafterhisreturnandhesaidhadseenno about theiridentity.InNewYork,heonlymetthepress kidnapped himandthathedidnotwishtospeculate Kenny Glucksaidthathehadnoideaaboutwho On 8February,duringabriefpressconferenceinMoscow, Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus(November1999- January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005), Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand 8 February2001(inEnglish). Details ofCaptivity,’MSFPressrelease,Amsterdam, ’Kidnapped MSF Aid Worker Kenneth Gluck Relates (in English)interviewedin2009. V23, 24

reunion withhisfamilyandfriends. be furtherreduced.GluckplanstoreturnNewYorkfora very concernedthattheavailabilityandaccesstocarewill the assistanceofindependenthumanitarianactorsMSFis to evaluatetheneedsandmonitorprograms.Without and carewithoutthreatsorrestrictions,withfreeaccess conditions inwhichhumanitarianactorscanprovidehelp commitment tohumanitarianactionandcreatethe MSF callsonallpartiestotheconflictre-affirmtheir and ontheconditionsfor access andprovisionofhelp. or not depends both on its capacity to do so effectively Whether MSFcontinuestoworkintheNorthernCaucasus organization willplayinthedeliveryofaidregion. MSF willnowbegintheprocessofre-evaluatingrole in ChechnyaandthosewhofledtoIngushetia. desperate situationfacinghundredsofthousandspeople let himgo:“Thiswillneverhappenagain.” whether tobelievewhatGluck’scaptorstoldhimbeforethey humanitarian workerswhowanttohelpChechnyawonder that humanitarianworkersareoutofbounds.Heandother demand forransom--apossiblesigntheygotthemessage that hiskidnappersreleasedhimwithoutanyconditionsor suffering,” hesaidSunday.Glucktakesheart from thefact of theservicewerenderistobearwitnesspeople’s more noticeable--andplacedhimatrisk.[…]“Part of civiliansheobservedintheregion,evenifitmadehim He doesn’tregrettalkingtojournalistsaboutthesuffering Gluck said he remains committed to humanitarian work. sent himtothemainRussianmilitarybaseoutsideGrozny. doctor simplyalertedthelocalmilitarycommander,who dropped himoff.NoRussianofficersmethim.TheChechen an operation.Nomilitaryvehiclesaccompaniedthecarthat without firingashot.ButGlucksaidhesawnotraceofsuch and thenmovedinatjusttherightmoment,freeingGluck part ofintelligenceagents,whotrackedhiscaptorsfordays agency, describedGluck’sreleaseasadaringcouponthe the FederalSecurityService,Russia’sdomesticintelligence happened to him in Chechnya lastyear.[…] A spokesman for Radio Liberty reporter Andrei Babitsky claims this is what staging hisabductionforpropagandaorpoliticalpurposes? since 1995?OrwereRussianauthoritiesinvolved,perhaps that haveseizedadozenormorehumanitarianworkers Was GlucktakenbyoneofthenotoriousChechengangs Extract: kidnapping and wewantedittobeabout the The American press wanted ittobeabout the Office (USA),27February2001(inEnglish). Sharon La Franière, Surrounds Abduction, Release of Aid Organizer,’ ‘American DetailsOrdealinChechnya-Mystery , Foreign , Foreign

159 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

kidnapping in the context of the Chechen war and what MSF and his brothers are directly related to the abduction of was doing. So we actually selected three journalists, all of 34 people, including General Shpigun, the ITAR-TASS whom had worked in Chechnya during the war. So it was Dany correspondent, Yatsina, and the New Zealand citizens Shevsky, Carlotta Gall, and Sharon Lafranière. Carlotta that were killed. There have also been the Akhmatov apologized to me later, she said, “They took out everything brothers’involvement in the abduction of Kenneth Gluck. about Chechnya, and it was all about the kidnapping. I am Russian federal security services searched for Rusian sorry the editors just cut everything out.” Whereas the other Akhmatov via . The second detainee was identified two it was a little bit better, I thought. There was a lot of thanks to a videocassette, which was distributed by rebels coverage while I was kidnapped, and in the week afterwards, in Chechnya during the first Chechen war. It is clear that but by the time I got back to the United States and I did Mourtazaiev was present during the execution of a Russian these interviews, the coverage was already pretty much dead. officer. Now Mourtazaiev fully admits his guilt.

Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland General Coordinator and Regional Advisor in North Caucasus (November 1999- January 2001), Director of Operations (2001-2005), Letter of Shamil Bassaev to Kenneth Gluck, (in English) interviewed in 2009. Version Posted on Kavkaz Centre.net, 12 March 2001 (in English).

Extract: Dear Kenneth Gluck! […] The High Military Madjlis Shura of the Mudjaheeden “KIDNAPPED BY MISTAKE”: apologizes for your detention and informs you that, thanks to APOLOGIES FROM BASSAIEV Allah, you are free. An unhappy misunderstanding occurred, which however could be explained. […] A group of our Mudjaheeden decided on their own to liberate several their comrades in exchange for you. There were many pretexts to do so, and Russians make them feel that they can exchange ­­­­On 11 March, the Russian television station NTV even 10 people for a foreigner. We have no possibility to be announced the arrest of two men, one close to the pro- in permanent contact with all our groups, and that was the independence commander Shamil Bassayev, both were reason for our comrades’ acts on their own. Another reason accused by the Russian Interior Minister of Kenny Gluck’s was our fighters’ weak knowledge of Sharia. To avoid all the kidnapping. On 12 March, the Chechen independence misunderstandings and rumours, we decided not to solve website ‘Kavkaz Centre’ published a letter that had been the problem in a way of superiors’ orders but transferred addressed to Kenny Gluck by Shamil Bassayev before his it to the High Sharia Court under the High Military Madjlis release. In it the commander apologised for the abduction Shura. […] which he described as arising from a misunderstanding The High Sharia Court under the High Military Madjlis Shura and reproached Kenny for not having published the letter. examined your case and found your detainment illegal for different reasons. The main reason is that your security had been guaranteed by a Muslim, Doctor A […], and that you were a member of a humanitarian organization. […] There ‘ The Success of the Russian Special Services,’ is no difference if the security was granted by a powerful Transcript of the Story that Ran on NTV’s program Amir or by a simple weak Muslim, the most important is to ‘Itogi,’ 11 March 2001 (translated from Russian respect Sharia rules when the security is granted. Taking into English by MSF). into consideration the fact that doctor Abdurakhman granted you security, but also the fact that the Sharia law is not Extract: sufficiently understood, we won’t punish your abductors. The search for the two persons in Baku (Azerbaijan), who Despite the fact that they are ready to endure any punishment have just been arrested by the Russian Interior Ministry’s agreed in our High Sharia Court. Also, we don’t care about Combating Organized Crime Squad, lasted several years. One your nationality, though Russians speeded up to inform us of the persons is Ruslan Akhmatov (the famous Chechen about it through mass media. […] warlord); the other is Batroudin Mourtazajev, the assistant It took so long time to take a decision on your question of Shamil Bassayev. Ruslan Akhmatov is one of most cruel because there were certain difficulties in regards [to] warlords in Chechnya. And Akhmatov’s clan is considered with the necessity of a meeting of the assembly of the to be the main founder and organizer of the business of High Sharia Court under the High Military Madjlis Shura. kidnapping for ransoms. These shots [two abducted women The only condition of your release is your obligation to are shown, they are asking to be released] were made by avoid disseminating any information that could harm your the rebels themselves, when they kept two female Polish abductors. For this, you as a faithful, swear for the sake of academics. god, and if, God forbid, you are a non-believer, give us the word of honour of an honourable man. 160 According to the Russian Interior Ministry, Ruslan Akhmatov We would like to ensure you that our acts are explained by a communication, becauseofDudaïev’s deathandsoon communication. They’rescared ofusingelectronic sense becausemosttherebelsdidn’thavegoodmeansof didn’t knowthatwehadalloftheguarantees.’Thismakes none oftheunitswereverywellsupervised.Sohesaid,‘they refused tocommentonit.[...]WhatBassaïevsaidisthat end wedidnotreleasetheletter,buttheyreleaseditand saying you took me. So, it’s embarrassing.’ That’s why in the saying: ’Wecouldn’tthankyouforreleasingme,without thank Bassaïevforreleasingyou?’Wesentbackamessage site, andthentheycomplainedtousdirectly:‘whydidn’tyou But thentheypublishedtheletter,onKavkaz.net,theirweb did younotreleasetheletter… ?’Thatwasstrangething. for MSFtoworkinthefuture.Lateron,Bassaïevsaid: ‘why be embarrassingthem.Andthatitwouldmakeimpossible us.’ So,theassumptionwasthatreleasingletterwould very, verysorrythishappened,butpleasedonotembarrass continue andwillnotbetargeted.Theyreallysaid:‘weare you, withafullapologyand,wewillpromisethatMSFcan last daysofmykidnapping,whentheysaidwewillrelease sorry. It was hard to make an agreement, it was done in the confirmed atthetoplevelsofrebelswhosaid: ‘yes,we’re identified throughhis mobilephoneandkilledbytheRussian forces. 22. On21April1996,the PresidentofChechnyaatthetime,Djokhar Dudaievwas Kenny Gluck’srelease. account oftheabductionwhichhadbeendraftedafter existence ofthisletterandhavinggivenanuntruthful the Dutchsectionfornottellingmovementabout The PresidentoftheFrenchsectionMSFthencriticised the veryrelease Editor’s note:theletterwasgiventoKennethGluckbefore of humanitarianagencies.[…] High Sharia Court decided to forbid abductions of members you thatwhenexaminingyourcasetheAssemblyof happened toyouwillbeofuseforothers.Wealsoinform people tothebetterandwealsohopethateverything it caused.Wehopethatyouwillchangeyouropinionofour happened toyouandundertakesreimbursethedamage Mudjaheeden wantstoapologiseagainforeverythingthat over yourliberation.[…]HighMilitaryMadjlisShuraofthe cowards and hypocrites, and we are not going to make politics to internationalcommunitythatbecameaof of the High Allah - Sharia. We are deeply negative in regard simple desireofbeingfairandrespectingproperlythelaw which Ireceivedduringthekidnapping.It’sbeen who theyare.IhavedocumentsfromBasaïevhimself, I had30daystotalkwiththekidnappers.Weknow 22 … ‘You gotthewrong guyactually.Thisonehas ourprotection, groups wereable toputpressureonthesplinter groupssaying: also whyitwasresolvedsoquickly, becausethemainrebel group oftherebels.Theyhad theletterstoproveit.That’s the Russianshadnothingtodo withit,thatitwasasplinter other wayaround.Hethought thatitwasquiteobvious thereafter. Kenny’sownopinion wasextremelystrongthe a while.’ do business,sowecantradethings,orevenrestfor have adealnottokilleachinthisareaattime.We certainly inweaponstrade,andlocalceasefireslike:‘let’s Part ofthatcollaborationcouldhavebeenonkidnapping, parts ofwithintheRussianregimewhichwasfarfromunified. in thatcategory.Hemaintainedlevelsofcollaborationwith collaboration withinalargerwar.AndIwouldputBassaïev working fortheRussians.Itmeansthattherearepointsof without somerelationship,butthatdoesn’tmeanthey’re of theirweaponsfromtheRussianarmy.Youcan’tdothat to levelsofcollaboration. Certainly theChechens got most the natureof civil war and that means that there’s openness rebels maintainedrelationshipswiththeirenemies.That’s Russians. TheytradedinformationwiththeMost of theothersduringwar.Theyboughtthingsfrom between RussianofficersandBassaïev,Maskhadovmany of Defense.Sotherewas,withoutquestion,communication the Russianarmy.TheyknewpeopleallthroughMinistry Maskhadov andDudaïev,forinstance,spenttheirwholelifein all oftheRebelleadershadrelationshipswithRussians. Bassaïev isseenasaRussianagent.WhatIbelievethat It wouldmakeamockeryofthewholesortconcept,if want?’ Andtheygavemearadio,razor,books. sorry. Wepromisewe’regoingtoreleaseyou.Whatdoyou out ofthecellar,Iwasgivenbetterfood.Theysaid:‘Weare of treatmentimproved dramatically on Day9.Iwasallowed take severaldayseach.Thisisconsistentbecausemyquality to Bassaïev, somebody had to travel back and these things do this,wehadanagreement.’Thensomebodytotravel communicate witheverybodyandsay:‘you’renotallowedto bit moretimeforourChechenseniorstaffandtheothers,to more timetoactuallyorganizetherelease,andittookalittle to themsay:‘thisisnotallowed.’Thenittookalittlebit hostage andittookhimalittlebittimetogetthemessage terms ofattackinganddoingtheiroperations.Theytookme in smallcellsthroughoutthecountry,largelyindependently, Bassaïev orGelaïevsomebodyelse,buttheywouldoperate So, yes,youcouldsaythey’reunderthespiritualleadershipof Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus(November1999- January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005), Council of Europe and the kidnapping of Kenny, the connectionbetweenstatementsmadein There were certainly people that very strongly made Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand (in English)interviewedin2009.

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so you have to let him go.’ Therefore most people would go ‘the word of Ashura, the word of a Muslim, which had been with that analysis. However, a lot of people would have gone given as a guarantee of safety--we are men of our word.’ I with that explanation: ‘You speak out, and then the Russians had a fairly harsh discussion with Austen Davis [Director kidnap you.’ Of course, any issue with Kenny is very strong, General of MSF Holland] about the fact that they had hidden but if you’re the one that’s been abducted, and are regarded the letter from us, that they had lied to us. For the sake of as being the Chechnya expert, if you so strongly state the our teams’ safety, it is important to keep the other sections opposite, obviously that creates momentum as well. informed. I think it is disgusting that they hid this from us. Austen justified it by fear of the danger. I warned him that Michiel Hofman, MSF Holland North Caucasus if something like this happened again I would take serious Coordinator from May 2001 to July 2003 (in English) institutional action against him in MSF in his capacity as interviewed in 2009. Director General, and would call him to account individually. I think that it [hiding the existence of this letter] was not a collective decision made by MSF Holland. Rather it was made by a small group of individuals. I do not think that the board of MSF Holland was aware of this kind of thing. Some of the management was, but not all of them... We did the work to This letter was really written and released by Bassaiev. find Kenny, and when they had information which was critical As far as I can judge of why did that happen or how for the safety of the teams, they hid it from us! We were did that happen, there was a few high ranked rebels furious. As usual, there were three or four versions of the MSF involved. FSB actually dropped the information for them that Holland report on Kenny’s kidnapping. Which one was if they take Kenny in return, they will liberate or release other definitive? We don’t know, but the one which was sent to us, rebels from their jails. Perhaps there were not direct links was an institutional lie between them and FSB, but there was an indirect connection that’s quite certain. The second thing was there was quite a Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director of good chance for the kidnappers to make quite a bit of money. communication (1996-1998), Director of Operations These guys are also human beings, people who don’t reject (1998-2000), President (May 2000- May 2008) (in French) money. In the political context of the whole event the objective interviewed in 2009. was the war, but if you go one level down, there the financial aspect appears. In this regard Bassaiev, as they figuratively say, is quite a pig for that. Kenny was released without a ransom because Bassaiev found out, he was actually rebutted on this issue. In this letter, there were not only apologies to Kenny but also apologies to MSF Chechen doctors. I think the weird thing about Chechnya and working in Russia in general was the degree of secretiveness, Dr B, surgeon, MSF North Caucasus staff since and how that rubbed off on the MSFers. I understand 2000 (in Russian, translated into English by an MSF still, to this date, it is believed that MSF Holland didn’t share interpreter) interviewed in 2008 all its documents. There’s nothing we can say to persuade people that we did, but everyone believes we didn’t. And between Kenny and me it was a running joke, because so many people got so emotional about our supposed withholding of documents. Then we would remind them: ‘You came on this date and we passed it all around.’ They would answer: ‘Yeah, What I understood from this story was that the but you must have had something else,’ because they were kidnappers wanted to make a deal with the Russians. just told that we withheld. It was really weird. There was just They had Russian prisoners and thought they could this assumption of an enormous withholding of information. swap them with the FSB. I think this is where the FSB got So when you don’t, and then people accuse you of it, you involved by saying clearly that if they had a westerner, they assume that they are withholding information from you on would make a deal. [...] At MSF Holland they told me that their previous cases, because the only reason they could possibly when Kenny was released they were under the impression that suspect us of doing so is because they’ve done it themselves. Bassayev’s group was assuming responsibility for the release, We had a draft report, and there was a meeting, and Jean- but did not want it talked about too much. They felt that the Hervé came, from France with Steve [Cornish] the coordinator. fact that this information was circulating could irritate this I explained to him: “we showed you Bassaiev’s letter in group and jeopardise the safety of MSF. Bassayev did not Moscow, we translated it with you there. What do you think want it to be known that he was so deeply involved. This was we’re withholding? When we got back we passed copies of it the only explanation that they gave us. We got very angry and the translation around the room when all the operations with them – not only us, but also other directors in the people came over for a briefing. We shared our full report. We international movement – when Bassayev later spoke saying didn’t do a report like you in France did after your kidnapping that ‘We don’t understand why MSF does not mention that [of Christophe André, kidnapped in Ingushetia, in 1997] with Gluck’s release was thanks to us, etc.’ He published the famous 162 letter that he had given to Kenny. In that letter, he invoked in asense. perceptions ofyourenvironment.Itbecameverycold-war, recreate environments depending on your suspicion or your we werecrouchinginthiscoldCommuniststaircase.[…]You gone intoanyofficeofours,closedthedoorandreadit,but open thisletterandtolookatitreadit.Wecouldhave a oldfreezing-minus20stairwellofgiantbuildingto on Kenny’srelease,KennymyselfandStevewenthidin and arealsortofsensesecrecy.Whenwegotthisletter was areal need-to-know kind ofmanagement information and thattherewassurveillance.Evenwithinsections just don’tbelieveitwastrue,thattherewereinformants, us. IguessthatcomesoutoftheCommunistperiod,but or thattherewerepeoplewhogoingtobereportingon this strangefeelingthatwewereeitherundersurveillance and downtousedifferent cafes tositinandtalk.Wehad with theChechenstaff, we wouldgoout of ourownoffice we wouldwanttotalkseriouslyaboutsomething,including When wewereinMoscow,managingKenny’sabductionwhen in theendwejustgaveupandstartedlaughingaboutit. and onthere was nothingwecould do aboutthem. So had therightone,butrumourswentonand it backtoseewhichdraftthey’dgot.Wemadesureeveryone When peoplejustsaidtheydidn’tgettherightreport,we’d We don’thavethesamecultureofanalysisanddiscussion. (displaced personsinIngushetia, hospitalsinChechnya Jean-Hervé started by outlining our actions in the Caucasus Extract: account, morefactual thananalytic. 23. Infact,thereporton ChristopheAndré’skidnappingisa100 pages internal a 500-pageanalysis Prime MinisterShamilBassayev. of the independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria and its requesting ameetingwithAslanMaskhadov,President an environment. He took thesame line in a letter to explainhowMSFcouldbeexpectedworkinsuch for humanitarianaction.TheMSFpresidentaskedhim combatants, whiletheirleaderspronouncedsupport of one of its volunteers by independence Chechen expressed MSF’sincomprehensionabouttheabduction the independencegovernment,inexileEurope.He communicated withtheForeignAffairsMinisterof Some monthslater,thepresidentofFrenchsection 1999 to 2004,(inEnglish)interviewedin2009. June 2001(inFrench). Barriquand, programme manager MSF France, 15 Akhmadov and AliBassayevinParis, Loïck Minutes of the Meeting on 15/06/01 with Ilyas Austen Davies,MSFHollandExecutiveDirector, 23 . Wedida30-pagereport.’Thatwasit. had toreduce our staffnumbersandlimit ourassistance Gluck, avolunteer withtheDutchsectionof MSF,wehave As youknow,followinglastJanuary’s kidnappingofKenny Chechnya itself,inIngushetia, inGeorgiaandTurkey. have returnedtoprovideaid totheChechenpeople,in 1995. Sincetheresumptionof thewarin1999,ourteams sans FrontièresinyourRepublic duringthefirstconflictin You areawareoftheinvolvementandroleMédecins Mr President, Extract: against sendingforeignerstotheregion. not changedrecently.Hedid,however,adviseusstrongly groups in Chechnya, Ilyas repliedthat the situation had also anoption.Astotherecentappearanceofuncontrolled would replytous.Atelephonediscussion(5mins)was we writehimaletterthathewouldtransmit.Bassayev refuse, but for practical and security reasons. He suggested be moredifficulttoseeBassayev,notbecausehewould possible togetameeting.However,hethoughtitwould he returned to Baku (end June), and thought it would be leave” andhesuggestedcontactingMaskhadovassoon ”The Chechenpeoplewillbethefirsttosufferwhenyou but didnotshowit). approach legitimate(althoughtomymindhewassurprised, responsible untilthe letter hadbeenreceived.Hefoundour he hadhimselfbeenconvincedthattheRussianswere that theletterfromBassayevwasauthentic.Henoted Ilyas disputetheinvolvementofArsanov)andheconfirmed indeed acceptedresponsibilityfortheabduction(nordid position withrespecttous.Ilyas’sreply:Bassayevhad to discussthisquestion,andgetclarityontheirpolitical again. WeaskedformeetingswithMaskhadovandBassayev, we perceived and should we be afraid of becoming a target leaders. Wasit’acceptable’toattackvolunteers,howwere the perceptionofMSFamongChechenpoliticalandmilitary The questionthatwenowhavetoaskourselvesisabout public explanationofthereasonswhy. Such adecisionwouldnecessarilybeaccompaniedby cease ouroperationscompletely and withdrawourteams. take, farfromit.Anynewthreatorattack would leadusto which forced us to make decisions that we did not wish to being hinderedbyattackscomingfromtheChechenside, at thehighestlevel:AsimovandBassayev.Ouraidwasalso abductions, twoofwhichweretheresponsibilityChechens avoid propagandabetweenus.Wehadbeenvictimsofthree it wasnownecessarytoclarifyourrespectiveviewsand position hasalwaysbeenclearandcommitted.However, repeated ourpublicstatementstoemphasizethat intention tocontinueprovidemedicalaid.Healso and reiteratedoursolidaritywiththepopulation and warwounded,includingcombatants,inGeorgia) French). of Ichkeria,AslanMaskhadov,11July2001(in France tothePresidentofChechenRepublic Letter from Jean-HervéBradol,PresidentofMSF

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programmes for the victims of war. We are still, however, and for the humanitarian aid being provided in Chechnya. convinced that the situation is serious and of the increasing Indeed, after the kidnapping, the federal forces have need to help the Chechen people. carried out numerous house-to-house searches and arrests. We have appreciated your public statements condemning Humanitarian aid has been drastically reduced and the rare, the abduction and would like to thank you for your role in indispensable witnesses have left the country. As far as our its happy outcome. However, despite our deep commitment organisation is concerned, we are no longer prepared to to continue to help the victims of the war, we no longer expose our volunteers to such risks. New threats or attacks wish to put our teams in such situations of danger and would make the risks we still take, unjustifiable. If another therefore wish to redefine the frame of our engagement. We incident should occur in the future, we would be obliged, therefore request a meeting with you in order to understand against our will, to withdraw our teams completely and your views and to help us appreciate the conditions under definitively from the North Caucasus. This would mean that which we may operate. we would no longer be able to provide aid to the victims of war; no longer bear witness and no longer express our solidarity with the Chechen people.

Letter from Jean-Hervé Bradol, President of MSF As we are transparent in our actions, first and foremost with France to General Shamil Bassayev, Government respect to the people we help, we would necessarily have of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, 11 July 2001 to justify publically the decision to stop our missions. We (in French). are aware that these explanations of the reasons for our withdrawal would be detrimental to the Chechen population Extract: as a whole. Your letter (as well as your recent video recording, Since the end of 1999, and despite the risks to which our a copy of which we would be very grateful to receive from teams are exposed, we have been supporting the hospitals you) encourages us to believe that you are committed to a of Chechnya and have been caring for the Chechen people political course that is firm and of good will with respect who are refugees in Ingushetia, Georgia and Turkey. In these to your combatants and compatriots, and which aims to two latter countries, we are helping by operating on and respect humanitarian teams. We would like to discuss treating the war wounded, including wounded combatants, with you the specific role of Médecins Sans Frontières and in accordance with the Geneva conventions. As we are arrange a meeting with you. We would therefore wish to direct witnesses of the war, of the suffering inflicted on understand your opinion of the help we are providing, our the population, the abuses committed against our patients, role as committed witnesses, and the scope of work that you and the hindrances affecting the work of the medical staff, think can be possible for our foreign and Chechen teams. we have on several occasions taken strong public positions. We have called upon western and Russian political leaders to respect civil rights. On 23 November 2000, Jean-Hervé Bradol, President of MSF, Loïck Barriquand, MSF Programme Director for the North Caucasus and Kenny Gluck, Head of My view at the time was that we needed to shake the Mission of the Dutch section of MSF, gave testimony in moderate pro-independents to put pressure on this respect to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council Bassayev, and to tell him to stop messing about with of Europe (report in annex). us. We had been on fairly good terms with him. In 1997, when Kenny Gluck’s kidnapping last January shocked us and led we were looking for Christophe André, we had asked llyas us to considerably reduce our operations in Chechnya. Akhmadov, who had been one of his close advisors, to lend However, as you pointed out in your letter addressed to us bodyguards. I did not therefore, understand why we had a Kenny Gluck, the President elect Aslan Mashkadov invited problem with Bassayev. Among the moderate pro-independents, all the international humanitarian organisations to come Ilyas was fairly honest. Later, I officially reprimanded him, to Chechnya and gave guarantees for their safety. It has by saying that we weren’t cattle to be rustled. He knew what therefore, been extremely difficult to understand that we was going on, otherwise he wouldn’t have stood for a dressing could be victims of an attack by Chechen combatants. This down by young upstart westerner in the comfort of his office. act, which went totally against the interests of the people, He wasn’t the type. From my point of view, bawling them out happened when our teams were already subject to great was a way of confirming their guilt. As for Omar Khanbiev constraints while trying to carry out their work. [Health Minister in the Maskhadov government], he tried to have us believe that it was the Russians. During a meeting, By identifying the group which carried out the kidnapping as he had ticked off the programme manager for not denouncing being under your authority, you personally became involved the Russians. The Russians are always involved in everything, in resolving the situation. Your involvement and the decision whatever it is. That was expected, it’s their territory, but that of the Assembly of the Sharia High Court made it possible was about it, the way I saw it. to free Kenny Gluck unconditionally and without any harm to his person. We thank you sincerely and wish to interpret Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director of your gesture and your letter as a positive political signal. communication (1996-1998), Director of Operations ­­­­However, and despite the favourable outcome, we cannot (1998-2000), President (May 2000-May 2008), 164 overlook the consequences of this action for the population (in French) interviewed in 2009. criticized the independent work of humanitarian organizations criticized theindependent workofhumanitarian organizations The Headofthe ChechenAdministrationAkhmad Kadyrov Extract: the periodofKennethGluck’scaptivity. organization thatcontinuedtoworkintherepublicduring have receivedhumanitarianassistancefromICRC-theonly Novosti gottheinformationthatChechenpopulations non-food productsarereadytoleave.Forthemoment,RIA Refugee Affairs in Ingushetia said the convoys with food and to AslambekDahkilgov,HeadoftheHighCommissioner the kidnapping of Kenneth Gluck, the MSF worker. According Chechnya, whichweresuspendedforsecurityreasonsafter region expressedtheirdesiretoresumeactivitiesin All thehumanitarianorganizationsworkinginChechen Extract: independently inChechnya. organizations wouldnolongerbeallowedtooperate Russian Chechenadministrationannouncedthatthese Gluck’s abduction, Akhmad Khadirov the head of the pro- population, whichhadbeensuspendedduringKenny were preparingtoresumetheiraidworkwiththeChechen On 14February,whilethehumanitarianorganisations on Chechnya. they stophelpingIngushetiaandrefocus the humanitarian organisations so that methods ofactionwastoputpressureon daily regimeofterror,onetheirpreferred subjecting therefugeesinIngushetiatoa Chechen refugeesinIngushetia.Apartfrom up theirpolicyofenforcedrepatriation and thenewIngushadministrationstepped the pro-RussiaChechenadministration, Throughout 2001,thefederalauthorities, ‘RUSSIAN PRESSURE ON REFUGEES’ ‘RUSSIAN PRESSUREONREFUGEES’ after KennethGluck’sKidnapping,’ their ActivitiesinChechnya,whichwereSuspended ‘Humanitarian OrganizationsarereadytoResume February 2001(inEnglish). Organizations inChechnya,’ Kadyrov Criticized theActivity of Humanitarian (Russia), 13-14February2001(inEnglish). RETURN TO CHECHNYA RETURN TOCHECHNYA Interfax (Russia),14 RIA Novosti public, denial. humanitarian operations.MSFmadeanofficial,butnot the decisions of the Russian authorities concerning resume itsactivitiesinChechnyaandthatitapproved to theRussianpressagency,Interfax,thatMSFwould after the meeting, the Kremlin Representative announced about theresumptionofitsactivities.However,day also informedhimthatMSFhadnotyettakenadecision provide anarmedescortfortheteam’smovements.He responsible forhumanrightsanddeclinedhisofferto met VictorKalamanov,theKremlinRepresentative On 6March,theFrenchsection’sprogrammemanager various sectionsrefusedtosigntheprotocolagreement. security service.InlinewiththeBelgiansection,MSF’s control oftheFSB,RussianFederation’sinternal would subjecthumanitarian activities tothearbitrary requested NGOstosignaprotocolagreement,which for theCoordinationofHumanitarianAffairs(OCHA) At thebeginningofMarch,UnitedNationsOffice evidence ofthis. and gave the return of Russia’s voting rights in PACE as Kadyrov characterizedthesituationasclosetostable, each familywillbeprovidedwithahouseorwagon. of returningtoChechnya.Tothisend,itisplannedthat Kadyrov alsosaidthatallrefugeeswillhavethepossibility the directdeliveryofhumanitariancargostoChechnya. Ossetia), inIngushetia,andDagestan.Buthesupported practice oftransitloadingfoodcargosinMozdock(North organizations doesn’treachtherepublic.Hecriticized said thathumanitarianassistancefromtheinternational the problemsinChechnyaandonpeople’sblood.”He refugees asanumbrella,butinrealitythey“speculateon fact thatsomeoftheagenciesjustusetheirsupportto with VladimirKalamanov.Kadyrovexplainedthisbythe Kadyrov saidonWednesdayinGudermesduringhismeeting the independentactivityofhumanitarianorganizations,” in Chechnya. “Chechen authorities don’t intend to allow and staffsafety shouldbesharedwithallparties concerned. wholeheartedly agreesthatinformationconcerning security to thepeopleinneed NorthCaucasus.MSF-Balso all indeed, necessary to guarantee an adequate assistance tion throughsectorworking groups, andtransparencyare actors presentinthefield. Information sharing,coopera- coordination isindispensable betweenallhumanitarian 23rd in Moscow. MSF-B agrees that close cooperation and the UNmeetingonsecurityandcoordination,February United NationsandNGOsworkingintheNorthCaucasusat presented itsdecisionnottosigntheprotocolbetween As youmayrecall,MédecinsSansFrontières-Belgium the Russian Federation, 1 March 2001 (in English). the RussianFederation,1March2001(inEnglish). nator to Toby Lanzer,OCHAHeadofOffice for Letter fromSylvieSchwall,MSFBelgiumcoordi-

165 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

However, MSF-B insists that it remains completely impartial the media. K said he could have a follow-up meeting with and independent in its analyses and decision-making. This L next Monday (March 12) but the meeting was not set up holds equally for our operational decisions as for our security (L returning to Paris). concerns. As you mentioned, MSF-B has initiated and has - Given the time of the Interfax press release, K must have suggested to other humanitarian actors to sign Codes of called the wire agency immediately after the meeting was Conduct elsewhere in other crisis contexts. This particular over at around noon. L also recognizes K’s wording and protocol, however, clearly exceeds the scope of practical feels K knew exactly what he was doing. Tim suggested operational matters and affects, as such, the independence that L’s follow-up letter to K could more clearly summarize of all NGOs. the various points discussed and diplomatically use the statements from the press release as a reason to clarify the We therefore do not see any compelling reason to condition “differences” in their ’conclusions.’ UN assistance (such as travel passes or VHF communications) upon the signing of this protocol. Of course, we hope and Decisions expect the current cooperation to continue, regardless of - No public statements. Loïck said he would have preferred whether this protocol is ratified. We also hope and expect doing a brief press release in order to show those persons that our refusing to sign the present protocol will not who closely follow developments that MSF stands against hamper or weaken future occasions to improve upon our manipulation. But he said this was not a sufficient reason existing cooperation. to fight for a press release. Others added that a public statement would be inconsistent with MSF’s initial intention to open the door for future talks. Gazelle confirmed that headquarters of various sections also did not feel that a ’Médecins sans Frontières Prepared to Return to public statement was a good idea. Chechnya – Russian Human Rights Envoy,’ Interfax - Info-sharing among sections regarding intentions or plans (Russia), Moscow, 6 March 2001 (in English). to meet high officials and authorities; and pairing-up (versus going alone) in case of particularly sensitive meetings. Need Extract: for close cooperation re-emphasized. The international organization Médecins Sans Frontières, - Follow-up letter to Kalamanov to be signed by Loïck as a which suspended its activities in Chechnya after its worker representative of MSF France (rather than all sections) and Kenneth Gluck was abducted in January, is prepared to will be cc’ed to all others. […] return to the Caucasian republic, Russian presidential human rights envoy Vladimir Kalamanov told Interfax after meeting Comments with one of the organization’s coordinators on Tuesday. The - A common viewpoint raised by the Russian authorities is meeting was held in a constructive atmosphere and the that they want to bring the IDPs back into Chechnya. They Médecins Sans Frontières representative agreed with Russia’s are clearly giving off signs of openness in their dealings with position concerning the rules of behavior for international NGOs, no doubt because they can obtain 2 objectives in 1: and non-governmental organizations working in Chechnya, flatter the West and move everyone over to the other side. Kalamanov said. “We reached a mutual agreement on new - Summarizing the picture MSF gets so far from its various forms of cooperation with the republic’s government and meetings with officials, Tim said no one understands Kadyrov’s administration. the overall purpose of OCHA’s protocol, nor the security We also agreed to hold talks with the Chechen leadership, measures it contains: neither the Dutch understand, nor so that an agreement could be signed between it and Méde- the French, nor the Canadians, nor ECHO... Tim suggested cins Sans Frontières,” Kalamanov said. The matter involves that accumulating these reactions from donors could help not only interaction but also the guaranteeing of security MSF build its case for opposing the protocol and refusing to the workers of the organization in Chechnya while they to sign it, and convince other NGOs to do the same. provide medical aid to the republic’s population, he said.

Summary of Intersectional Meeting for North During May, the Dutch section of MSF was enjoined by Caucasus Held March 7, 2001 in Moscow, Gazelle the pro-Russian Chechen administration to refocus all its Gaignaire, MSF RIO for CIS, 7 March 2001 (in aid on Chechnya, while the Russian authorities continued English). to reduce their aid to displaced Chechens in Ingushetia.

Extract: Comments […] - The morning after the meeting, Loïck [Barriquand, MSF Desk] called Kalamanov re the Interfax press release. K said he was only expressing his personal opinions and views, and tacitly admitted his mistake by telling L that if we wished 166 to, MSF should not restrain from clarifying some points with on theirprotection. to arbitrarydecisionsthatmay havedramaticconsequences humanitarian organisations.Itexposesexpatriatesandlocal others. Itfavourstheparalysis ratherthantheactionsof international) canbepunished foractscommittedby defined. Anyone(individuals andorganisations,localor sanctions, whetheradministrativeorcriminal,arenever violations arenotdefined,thenatureofproceedingsand and organisationsareneverdefined,thenatureof context forsuchwork.Theresponsibilityofindividuals of NGOs as it claims, this text creates a very dangerous Rather than giving a more secure environment for the work Comment main legalargumentshere.[...] of humanitarian activities. I will try to list them and the humanitarian lawandthusimpedelimitthepossibilities They contradicttheprovisionsandspiritofinternational These provisionsraisemanyproblemsfortheworkofNGOs. Extract: scope ofaction. in Chechnya.Theseconditionsdrasticallylimitedtheir laying downtheconditionsfortheirworkandresidence 22, decreed by thepro-Russian Chechen government were officiallyinformedofthecontentsResolution In mid-July,theinternationalhumanitarianorganisations accept, accompanyanddistributehumanitarianaid. in Republic,havealreadyworkedthroughagoodschemeto employees of PermanentRepresentation,whoarelocated the HeadofAdministrationChechenRepublic.The to solvethequestionsofhumanitarianaidbydecree by thePresidentofRussianFederation,whichisassigned work withthePermanentRepresentationofChechenRepublic at theterritoryofChechenRepublicandtocoordinateyour direct alltheaid,yourorganizationprovides,step-by-step misappropriation ofhumanitarianaid,Iaskyouearnestlyto In connectionwiththesefactsandthecasesof places tolive,solvingaquestionprovide them security. are creatingnecessaryconditions,i.e.wepreparing outside theboundariesofRepublic.Forthatpurpose,we a seriousproblemtoreturnhomerefugees,whoarelocated At presenttheAdministrationofChechenRepublicisfacing Extract: Caucasus MSFHolland,17May2001(inEnglish). Antonio Bastos,programmemanagerNorth Administration ofChechenRepublictoJosé- Letter fromAMagomedov,DeputyHeadofthe and coordinators,2September2001(inEnglish). MSF FranceNorthCaucasusprogrammemanager Bouchet-Saulnier, MSF France Legal Advisor to ‘Resolution 22Chechnya,’ Email fromFrançoise

about thisnewregulationprocess. depending ofyouownfeelingaboutourroommanoeuvre to thisres22,draftingforexamplearesolution22bis[22a] for thenegotiation.Wecouldthinkofproposingamendment medical ethics).ThatisallfornowIwishyouthebest circumstances (providedonlythatitwasinrespectwith having carriedoutneededmedicalactivitieswhateverthe conventions saysthatnoonecanbeheldaccountablefor the Geneva Conventions for the medical work. Geneva needs andemergenciesrequireit.Itisclearlystatedby actions, evenwithoutformalapprovalwhenhumanitarian in humanitarianlawthatgivesNGOsthecapacitytotake - Theoperationalprincipleofhumanitarianactionsdefined in thehandsofhumanitarianorganisations. there is not free capacity of choice and vision [oversight] provisions ofthetextaresovagueanddangerousthat - Theprincipleofhumanitarianindependence,becausethe violations ofres22) from theactionsofinternationalhumanitarianactors(in and organisationscouldsuffer(toundefinedextend) - Theethicalprincipleofdonoharm:becauselocalpersonnel anything donebyothers) to collective one (everyone can be held responsible for - Thelegalprincipleofpersonnelresponsibilitybyopposition and humanitarianprinciplesuchas: For allthesereasons,thistextcontradictssomebasiclegal on 1November. section onlyofficiallyresumeditsactivitiesinChechnya press thattheywerenotyetreadytoreturn.TheDutch in Chechnya, but their local team continued to tell the local staff about the possibilities of returning to work The Coordinator of the Dutch section discussed with the explored thenprogressivelyimplemented. tunities tointerveneinChechnyawere them fortherestofyear2001.Oppor- programmes inIngushetiaanddeveloped different sectionsofMSFresumedtheir Following thereleaseofKennyGluck, MSF RE-STARTSITSPROGRAMMES IN NORTHCAUCASUS 167 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Itar Tass News, 4 May 2001 (in English). program again. And then when they decided we should, they asked me to try to reengage in Chechnya. The first part of the plan was to ensure that the national staff was on board, Extract: because that is the base of our intervention there. Without Today, after three months pause, the humanitarian the national staff, we neither have the security or the access organization ’Médecins sans Frontières’ resumes its activity to Chechnya to do anything, so they have to be in agreement in Nazran. This work was suspended due to the abduction of with the restart. The second was to design a way of working MSF worker Kenneth Gluck, U.S. citizen, who was released that would take into the account the lessons learned of what on February 4, 2001. According to the words of MSF worker MSF did wrong from the Kenny kidnap case. One important in Nazran, B […], since today, MSF started the distribution part of that was the lack of good contacts, and discussions of the medicines for the health institutions in Ingushetia. with the Russian governmental officials that had to be built The Republican and Sounzhen hospitals, which took the up to match, a bit, the level of contacts that were there from biggest part of medical assistance to Chechen refugees the Chechen rebels, it was a bit one-sided. So the first thing based in Ingushetia, got the medicines. B. Badijev said was a big meeting in Moscow with all the national staff that MSF doesn’t plan to resume its activity in Chechnya outlining the plan of return to Chechnya and seeing if they territory so far. were going to be willing to engage with us. If they weren’t, then we could probably not start. Even, we probably would have had to do something completely different. But they were ready and eager to restart, and they wanted to do it much faster than I wanted to do it. I knew a lot of conditions first had to be met, to make sure they would enter in a different After Kenny’s kidnapping and release, there was an way, and not just six months later get kidnapped again. There internal review of security, and one of the conclusions were expatriates in Nazran, and the design of the program reached was that the operations director in charge of for me was always that if there was zero possibility of expatriate these programmes should change. I offered to take on the visits in Chechnya, then I would not want to have a program. job. I started in March-April 2001, and visited Chechnya for One of the big points of Chechnya was the speaking out and the first time in May 2001, to re-start our activities. There the witnessing, and to make that credible, then you have to was little internal debate at the time. A minority group said: have expatriates and witnesses as well. “there will always be risks in Chechnya. We shouldn’t be taking them any more, we shouldn’t be working in countries like Michiel Hofman, MSF Holland North Caucasus this.” But most people agreed that we should, but with a Coordinator from May 2001 to July 2003 (in English) different approach. The idea was to be reasonable, and at interviewed in 2009. the same time highly ambitious. Our plans for development were very focused on a presence in Chechnya, with an initial evaluation stage, run from Moscow, without expatriates in Ingushetia, then a second stage with teams coming and going between Moscow and Nazran, on and off, for periods of two During the spring, the Swiss section’s team in Dagestan or three weeks. An irregular presence but spending real time initiated a programme to refurbish the maternity clinic at there. They carried out security evaluations around Ingushetia. Gudermes in the East of Chechnya, and then a programme We had accommodation built for these expatriates in Nazran. of mobile surgeries in the surrounding health centres. Then we started considering access to Chechnya. But we wrote Visits by expatriates were undertaken with an armed it down, in black and white, so it was totally clear, that whilst escort, imposed by the authorities. Other sections we accepted working in remote control, we didn’t find it considered the positions in Dagestan and Chechnya satisfactory, and we aimed to end up with an expatriate and the methods of intervention to be dangerous. The presence. There was no question of re-organising everything assessment made by one of the two heads of mission “to work in remote control”. This was a temporary set up, differed onsiderably, from the view of the MSF movement and not an objective in itself at all. overall, whose public positions were rarely taken up by the Swiss section. Dr José-Antonio Bastos, MSF Holland Director of operations in charge of programmes in North Caucasus MSF Holland, 2001 to 2003 (in French), interviewed in 2009 Report on a field visit to Dagestan 30/06/01 - 08/07/01 – Dr Christine Chevalier, Director of the MSF CH Medical Service, 9 July 2001 (in French).

Extract: The program in Chechnya remained suspended even There are also unspoken issues between MSF CH and the other after Kenny was released. And there were a lot of MSF sections, who have favoured witnessing in Chechnya at 168 discussions whether I should or should not start a all costs, although nobody, apart from MSF CH, is actually too and, anyway, in this region, they were all bandits and too and,anyway, inthisregion,theywere all banditsand bad guysamong theRussians,butthatthey hadgoodguys normality ofthesituation,and wouldsaythatthereweresome Dagestan were not considerable, heover-estimated the distinctions. Astheneedsof theChechenpopulationin maelstrom ofwickedmenand bandits;hedidn’tdrawmany One oftheheadsmission had avisionofChechnyaas the Russiancommandofsouthwasalreadyverystrong. two orthreeexploratorytripsintheless-controlledareas,but rebels hadmovedwaydownsouth.Irememberthatwedid Southeast oftheregiontofindout what wasneeded.The in Gudermes.Fromthereon,westartedlookingintotheSouth/ the ChechenborderandwehadtakenafirststepintoChechnya in Khasavyurt.Weweresupportinghealthoutpostsnearto project andintheendprogrammeworkedoutquitewell 2001, Iwasappointedoperationsdirector.Wetookoverthe hurried, butthat’sadifferentstory.Whenhelefthisjobin and howtheSwisssectionshoulddevelop.Ithinkitwasabit of shotsorexplosions(theescortisprobablythetarget). away aspossible(250to500metres).Donotstopincase Vehicle: […]Militaryescort(imposed)insightbutasfar the exceptionofmobileteam–areputonhold.[…] authorities. Duringtripsofthistype,otheractivities-with the agreementofrelevantadministrativeandmilitary equipment), approvedbyheadquarters(Desk1),andrequire be justifiedbyapracticalaction(assessment,distributionof communicated internallyatthelastmoment.Theyshould random, not part of a regular schedule, and must only be (vehicles) assignedtotheDagestanmission.Theyare are carriedoutneitherwithlocalstaffnorequipment Gudermes. Thesetripsrequirespecificorganisationand had totravelintoChechenterritory,mainlythecityof Since March 2001, the MSF CH teams in Dagestan have Extract: scheduled forthecomingmonths. visit bytheMSF-CHdoctoreverytwomonthsshouldbe in withtheactivitiesofothersectionscountry).A coming twotothreemonths,withtheintentionoffitting who areplanninganexploratorymissiontoChechnyainthe topical subject(accordingtoMSF-HpeoplemetinMoscow, all themoresosinceChechnyawillbecomeanincreasingly dialogue withtheotherMSFsectionsoperatinginMoscow, It wouldbegoodtoimprovemedicalcoordinationand […] Recommendation: discreetly forthetimebeing. physically present.MSFCHoptedtobeandworkthere mission in February 2001. It was his idea on how MSF mission inFebruary2001.ItwashisideaonhowMSF decision togoChechnya.Hewentonanexploratory The operationsdirectorwastheonewhotook Chechnya, September 2001 (in French). Chechnya, September2001(inFrench). MSF Dagestan/Chechnya - Safety, Specific Rules

Swiss sectioneither. parliament againtosaythatwasnotthepositionof Director oftheSwisssection.Hecontactedmembers that was not our position. I called Thomas Nierle, Operations In fact,hewasdenyingthereality.Isaidtomeetingthat it wasenoughtostaynearthepeople, like anywhere else. that theRussianswerelettinguswork,andintermsofsafety, Kosovo, andthatthesituationshouldnotbeexaggerated, said thatChechnyahadnotbeenmorebadlydamagedthan briefed. OneofthetwoheadsmissionSwisssection who weretryingtogoChechnya,andwantedbe to understand.Youhadlike2 or3differentpartiesonthe nya. Chechnya was a very dangerous place, but it was very easy Chechnya, anditisabout10times morecomplexthanChech- region, the whole dynamics of it really has little to do with One, in Dagestan, except for these Chechen IDPs on the border a few things about Dagestan that I thought were a bit tricky. MSF sections.Igotthegrandtouroftheirprograms.Thereare for averylongtimetheyhadn’tseenanybodyfromanyother myself toDagestan.Theywereenthusiasticaboutthatbecause Chechnya withtanks’.IjustphonedtheSwissupandinvited had responsibilitytowardsthepeople. not havebeenresponsibleforalltheatrocities,Russians administration quiterightlyso,becausealthoughtheymay to publiciseandhighlighttheresponsibilityofRussian thieves. ThisobviouslywentagainsttheMSFline,whichaimed statement toCERI said thattheyhadnothingspecialtosay.OnedayIgavea Swiss sectionneverreallyparticipatedinspeakingout.They operating inChechenterritory,buttheSwissdidn’tgo.The we replied that the Swiss would go as they were already Chechen contactstoldustogosuchandaplace understand why they were there rather than elsewhere. Our the mainpro-Russiantown[Gudermes],andwedidn’treally 24. CentreforResearchon InternationalRelations(Paris). September 2000to2005(inFrench)interviewedin2009. Emergencies thenDirectorofOperations2000-2004, When I arrived, the Belgians and the French were also When Iarrived,theBelgiansandFrenchwerealso Loïck Barriquand,MSFFranceprogrammemanager, they are basically based in Dagestan and they go into based inMoscow, and they were all saying: ’TheSwiss, At thattime,theyhadjustopenedinChechnya, Chechnya. TheSwissweretheonlyonesstillgoing. After Kenny’skidnapping,westoppedgoingto D. ThomasNierle,MSFSwitzerland,Headof 24

at ameetingformembersofparliament (in French)interviewedin2009.

169 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

rebels’ side. You had about 1 or 1 and a half parties on the non- RUSSIAN “NORMALISATION” rebel side. The relations between those [factions] were rela- THROUGH TERROR, THE tively clear, and where the main zones of influence were on the map was also quite clear. You could deal with that. In Dages- RADICALISATION OF SEPARATISTS tan, it’s a complete soup: 200 different tribes, speaking 40 different languages that have been cutting each other’s throats for the last 2,000 years. The program was set up, relatively quickly with very few people and with a rotating Coordinator. In Chechnya, the ‘sweeps,’ disappearance, With this set up there was no way that you would have any idea torture, and summary executions were of what was going on there. There were no humanitarian actors there other than MdM, who becoming more commonplace and even was making a monthly visit from Ingushetia and the Danish banal, and in reply, murderous attacks Refugee Council that also dropped foods there for refugees, organised by the most radical pro-indepen- and that was it. There was also nobody else you could ask what dents were increasing. The international was going on here. As long as you were just dealing with a part of this whole humanitarian circus of Chechnya and Ingushetia, community regularly manifested its disap- these 10,000 refugees in that zone, that was within the sphere proval of the violence, but no effect was of influence of Chechnya. As long as the Chechens declared given to these reactions. that they protected you - and they could actually protect that zone - it was ok. But Dagestan is literally on the other side of the river where you come from, that’s already within the Dages- tan tribes, you have no protection there whatsoever. On 15 February, the European Parliament called for a So, it’s a very tricky situation, and at that stage, when I cease-fire, the opening of negotiations in the presence visited them, they were just expanding their program to the of international institutions, and access to refugees for hill tribes on the southern border with Chechnya. They were NGOs. into a complete clan zone: centuries of clan warfare and almost impossible to negotiate access. It was an extremely remote region, which means that if you look at medical needs, then you would find them, because there is hardly any new ‘ The European Union Calls for a Ceasefire in good-functioning clinics, or whatever. And the justification Chechnya,’ Le Monde /AFP (France), 17 February of MSF activities wasn’t so clear. It was more like, ’Ok we are 2001 (in French). in Dagestan Ss it is nice to do something for the Dagestan people elsewhere.’ Fair enough! But the region that you chose ­­­The European Parliament adopted, on Thursday 15 February, is one of the most dangerous of the whole Caucasus, far more a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Chechnya and the dangerous than Chechnya! opening of negotiations in the presence of international On Dagestan, MSF Switzerland said they got guarantees. But institutions. The Members of the European Parliament insist I couldn’t see how they could get guarantees when doing on the need for an independent committee “to investigate mobile clinics in this region where, like almost every kilometer the allegations of war crimes committed by the two parties you are going into a different clan area. So it is an extremely in the conflict.” They urged the European Commissioner dangerous place to be at. Probably if there was a huge need, for development and humanitarian aid, Poul Nielson, to and MSF invested a year in just trying to figure out who is who visit Chechnya and the Republic of Ingushetia to assess and start a negotiation process, it would have found a way humanitarian aid needs. The MEPs also called on Moscow to to work it. But just driving there… No, that wouldn’t work. give “international humanitarian NGOs the necessary means” to gain access to the refugees. On Thursday, the Russian Michiel Hofman, MSF Holland North Caucasus Defence Ministry announced that a “phase of reducing troop Coordinator from May 2001 to July 2003 (in English) numbers” in Chechnya had begun. The Chechen President, interviewed in 2009. Aslan Maskhadov, immediately denied this. “The Russians are passing off a simple troop rotation as a withdrawal of their forces,” alleged the Chechen Presidency.

On 22 April, the UN Commission on Human Rights adopted a resolution tabled by the European Union condemning the brutal conduct of the Russian war in Chechnya. During the session, the Russian delegates obstructed the representative of the Chechen independence government when the latter took the floor. In mid-June, Moscow 170 presented the reopening of the OSCE offices in Chechnya to develop.” cures the sickness and not the symptoms which continue doctors, theUNneedstoplay theroleoftherapist,who of thecatastrophecan be stopped. To use the language of fundamental, butwillnotbe of muchuseuntilthesources Chechnya andfortherefugeesabroad.Humanitarianaidis an appealformedicalaid“forthosewhoarestillalivein Mr Khanbievwasinterruptedandpreventedfromlaunching While speakingabout“thistragicsituationforhispeople,’ and bybombscontainingnervegas.” and alltypesoffragmentationbombs,bydisguisedmines, Uragan (Hurricane)andBuratinaarmssystems,byairblast people woundedbygroundtomissiles,Grad, all formsofarmsavailablehavebeenused.Itreated In thiswar,whichhedescribedas“colonial,and,almost from their homes, and 90% of hospital facilities destroyed.” 200,000 wounded,morethan30%ofthepopulationchased health MinistryinAugust2000,“therewere87,000dead, detained. AccordingtoestimatesmadebytheChechen disappeared andthataboutasmanyarecurrentlybeing Mr Khanbievestimatedthatmorethan20,000peoplehad in Chechnya,”heindicated.[…] “There arenowmorethan800campsandfiltrationpoints he fellillhimselfasaresultofthetorturehadsuffered. hidden inamountainvillagecaringforthewounded,until had alsobeenbombed.[…]Hethenspenteightmonths of themedicalcorpsand76injuredtoahospital,which at Alkhan-Kala,wherehehadwithdrawnwith18members end ofthecity’sresistance” and his arreston2February2000 hours hehadspentinGroznyduringthebombing“until In hisunfinishedspeech, theChechendoctorspokeof the he couldfinishwhathadtosay. simply hadthechairmanpreventhimfromspeakingbefore with commentsaboutofficialterminology,thenpurelyand representatives ofMoscow,whointerruptedhimfourtimes with sovereignty.However,eventhiswastoomuchforthe to raiseissueswhichweredirectlypoliticalorconcerned him fiveminutesoftheirspeakingtime.Hewascarefulnot a non-governmentalorganisation(NGO)whichhadgiven speaking undertheaegisofTransnationalRadicalParty, government. MrKhanbievtoldofhisexperienceasadoctor, afternoon byOmarKhanbiev,healthministeroftheChechen to theCommissiononThursday5Aprilatendof therefore showed its great irritationat the evidence given intervention intheCaucasus.TheRussiandelegation by the UN Commission that would challenge its military Chechnya, Russia is working to avoid a new resolution Called toorderlastyearforhumanrights’violationsin Extract: because ofabductions. as sign of normalisation, as they had been closed in 1998 2001 (inFrench). on HumanRights,’LeMonde(France),7April ‘The Chechen Voice Stifled at the UNCommission not leadtothelatterimposingsanctions. over theRussia/EuropeanUnionsummit,howeveritdid In May,theongoingconflictinChechnyacastashadow against. Alargenumberofmembercountries(19)abstained. Twelve othermembers,includingChinaandIndia,voted including theUnitedNations,PakistanandSaudiArabia. Commission whometinGenevaapprovedtheresolution, in Chechnya.Twenty-twoofthefifty-threemembers lack ofmeasurestakeninthelastyeartoendabuses The textadoptedonFridaysharplycriticisesRussiaforthe case forapermanentmemberoftheUNSecurityCouncil. was condemned a first timefor thesame reasons, aunique experts toinvestigate freely intheregion.In2000,Moscow the abusesinChechnya,andpermissionforhumanrights’ of anindependent“nationalcommissionenquiry”into proposed bytheEuropeanUnioncallsforestablishment the warhasbeenconductedforayearandhalf.Thetext the brutalityofitsmilitaryoperationsinChechnya,where by theUnitedNations’CommissiononHumanRightsfor For thesecondconsecutiveyear,Russiawascondemned Extract: Russia “reasserts itsintentiontocooperate” onthisissue, and requestbetter access totheregionsaffected,” he said. victims oftheconflict.“We knowwhattheobstaclesare Europe istheleadingprovider ofaidtotherefugeesand Romano Prodihighlightedthe humanitariansituation,as of thewar,thishasneverbeen thecase. said willbefollowedupwith action.”Sincethebeginning you say and what you do... So I hope that what has been no illusions.“Itwasagooddiscussion,butthereiswhat The Swedish Prime Minister also took note, but was under “the needtourgentlyseekapoliticalsolutioninChechnya.” for humanrights.TheRussianpresidentalso“agreed”with basis of shared values,” including democracy and respect the Europe-Russiapartnership could only be built “on the Vladimir Putinsignedajointstatementexplainingthat atmosphere ofmistrustandwait-and-see.Asexpected, among manyotherissuesraised,itthickenedtheprevailing disproved himinpart.[…]AlthoughChechnyawasonlyone EU-Russia summit,whichwasheldonThursdayinMoscow, is nowmorefocussedonKosovoandtheNearEast.”The is tiredoftheChechenstory.[...]Worldpublicopinion Kremlin’s spokesmenopined:“Itseems to methatthewest Wednesday 16 May, , one of the Extract: French). Chechnya,’ ‘Russia CondemnedattheUNforitsActionin Le Monde(France),19May2001(inFrench). Over theWarinChechnya,’FrançoisBonnet, ‘The Russia-EuropeanUnionSummitStumbles Le Monde,(France),22April2001(in

171 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

but, in fact, humanitarian organisations are practically confirming that the raids had stopped and it showed Russian forbidden from entering Chechnya. soldiers and then independence leaders interviewed by the channel. […] Opinion has now been so slow to distance itself from official propaganda. It’s also because NTV – closely controlled on the ground by the army – has ceased to play ’Reopening of the OSCE mission in Chechnya on its role of revealing the lies about the conflict. Friday,’ AFP (France), Moscow, 14 June 2001 (in French).

Extract: The European members of the OSCE mission left Chechnya in At the end of May, MSF Belgium intervened to help December 1998 because of the increasing risks of kidnapping. flood victims in Lensk in Siberia and announced this The OSCE’s permanent mission, located in the Chechen in a press release. capital Grozny, had played an important role in establishing a political dialogue between Moscow and the separatists during the previous conflict in Chechnya (1994-1996). For several months, Moscow had been applying pressure ’ Help to Flood Victims,’ Press release, MSF for the OSCE to return to Chechnya, which is, according Belgium, 28 May 2001 (in French). to the Russians, a sign of “the progressive normalisation of the situation” in the rebel republic. “The Russian side Extract: hopes that the OSCE mission will support the activities of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has just begun distributing the federal authorities and the Chechen administration, various supplies to the flood victims, who were struck in which aim to improve the socio- economic situation in the the city of Lensk, in eastern Siberia. Following an invitation republic,” indicated the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the local authorities, an MSF team from Moscow, in a statement on Thursday. comprising a logistics expert and a doctor, have travelled to the disaster zone to assess immediate basic needs. In the meantime, a 1.4 tonne load containing medicines, medical equipment, blankets, and warm clothing has been dispatched to Lensk. […] The organisation is providing In Russia, the process of muzzling the independent basic medicines and medical equipment, which the local press continued. One of its main targets was the NTV doctors and medical staff in health centres are lacking. independent television station. However, in June an MSF also continues to provide first aid to prevent the risk opinion poll showed that, for the first time, Russian of disease.de prévenir les risques de maladies. public opinion rejected the policy undertaken in Chechnya.

‘ Russian Public Opinion is Starting to Say that it Rejects “Moscow’s Policy” in the Region’, Sophie The various MSF sections continued their Shihab, Le Monde (France), 7 April 2001 (in efforts to report on the violence suffered French). by the people they are treating and the obstacles to their humanitarian activities Extract: The Romir Institute, a member of Gallup International, placed in their way by the authorities. MSF announced that 46.4% of people questioned “condemn had to reconcile these procedures with Moscow’s Chechen policy,” whereas 42.8% support it. safety constraints for the teams and their According to VTSIOM, another independent institute, the efforts to uphold all of their programmes number of people saying that they are “concerned” by in the Russian Federation, which depended President Putin’s inability to end the fighting has doubled in a year, increasing from 22% in March 2000 to 48% last on the goodwill of the authorities. month. It has taken twenty months of conflict – with tens of thousands dead and hundreds of thousands of refugees – for Russian opinion to start to express its rejection of Remaining discreet about the Caucasus, the Belgian a war, which in its first phase, from 1994-1996, had been section’s team undertook communication campaigns massively and immediately condemned. in the Russian media about its programme for the At the time, the reason was the ’NTV phenomenon:’ the homeless in Moscow and its tuberculosis programme leading private Russian television channel was then a window in Siberian prisons. On 14 May, when an FSB official on the war, as it so happened. It showed Russian soldiers alleged that a Russian Chechen citizen, arrested for taken prisoner when the Kremlin was stating that there spying, was travelling in Russia as an MSF representative, 172 were none. It showed bombs falling when Boris Yeltsin was the organisation immediately published a press release charter thatthe organisationisoperating in theRussian impartiality, as setoutintheMédecinsSans Frontières It isinaccordancewiththese principlesofneutralityand independent ofallpolitical,economic andreligiouspower. MSF recallsthatitsprinciples aswellitsactionsare authorities concernedforan explanation. media andhasofficiallyrequested anappointmentwiththe consulted beforethepublicationoftheseallegationsin in thisregion.MSFisastonishedthatatnotimewasit on all the humanitarian organisations that are present pure andsimpledefamationcastunacceptablediscredit have beenmadewithnoprooftosupportthem.Theyare Médecins Sans Frontièresisindignantthat these accusations organisations, includingMédecinsSansFrontières.” as arepresentativeofseveralinternationalhumanitarian with theFrenchsecretservicesandwhotravelledinRussia with several other persons, who were directly connected the Frenchintelligenceservices,had“maintainedcontacts Chechen citizen,arrestedforhavingsoldinformationto Public RelationsDepartment,allegedthataRussian in chargeoftheVoronezhOblast’sFederalSecurityService’s In a recent Interfax dispatch, -Colonel Bolshunov, Extract: program oftheChristianChannel,broadcasted6/06. 11/06 at 13p.m. at the TVZ Channel, as well as in theradio to the homelessparents – “Versty”thatwasbroadcasted Coordinator tookpartinthetelevisionprogram,dedicated the releasedpeopledirectlyturntousforhelp.Theprogram them havenopassports.MSFiswellknowninprisons,as times higherthanthatofthewholeyear.Themajority of theamnesty-2000,numberTBaffectedisthree appeared that among the released prisoners for the period carried outinautumn2000amongtheformerinmates.It agreed toeditourarticleswhichcitestheopinionpoll, The magazines“Narodonaselenie”and“Pravozaschitnik” Vice-President oftheTVZtele-company,Mr.Nekhoroshev. our film.Theissueispresentlybeingconsideredbythe the tele-company“TVZ”askedforvideocassettewith demonstration ofourfilm“HomelessPeople”ontheTV, concerning thedelayindecisiontakingabout Communications andMediaoftheMoscowGovernment, In responsetoourcomplainttheCommitteeofTele Raising awareness: Extract: out theorganisation’sprinciplesofindependentaction. describing theseassertionsasdefamatoryandpointing May 2001(inFrench). of theFSBSpokesperson,’PressreleaseMSF,14 ’MSF IndignantabouttheDefamatoryAssertions Sitrep MSF Belgium, January 2001, (in English). of non-repatriationarerespectedintheCaucasus. ensure thepopulations’righttofleeandprinciple in GeorgiawrotetotheUNHCRrequestthatthey On 12June,theprogrammedirectorofFrenchsection Chechnya (suppliestohealthinstitutions). Ingushetia (assistancetodisplacedChechens)andin (fight againsttuberculosisinMarinskandKemerovo), AIDS throughoutRussia),aswellprogrammesinSiberia to thehomelessinMoscowandaprogrammecombat and medicalassistanceinRussia(assistanceprogramme Federation. Since1991MSFhasbeenprovidinghealth Our medicalteams confirmthatthenumber ofwarwounded enormous needs forassistance.” of controlintermsprotection andtorespondthe security whileitisimpossible toexerciseaminimumlevel the concern of the UNHCR is“not to give a false sense of the return of refugees and displaced Chechens, and in which considers thatthesituationin Chechnyaisnotsuitablefor High CommissionerforHumanRights,inwhichtheUNHCR position quotedinthelatestreportonChechnyaby Médecins SansFrontières also welcomes theUNHCR’s and thatthe“securitysituationremainsunsatisfactory.” civilian population” continues to be perpetrated in Chechnya Rights recognizesthat“large-scaleviolenceagainstthe The latest resolution 2001/24 of the Commission on Human security, humanitarianassistance.andaccesstohealthcare. Chechnya isparticularlyworrisomeforthemintermsof be repatriated,althoughthesituationongroundin Georgia, giveusreasontofearthattheserefugeeswill pressure broughttobearbytheRussianFederationon In fact,thelineabout“normalisation”inChechnyaand and thatitnolongerrequiresthistemporaryasylum. they considerthatthesituationinChechnyahaschanged withdrawn at the discretion of the Georgian authorities if people haveanalternativeprotectionstatus,whichcanbe status according to the Convention of 1951. Most of these human rightsandhumanitarianlaw,donotenjoyrefugee who havefledtheconflictandmassiveviolations of As youareaware,thevastmajorityofChechens, taking place. repatriating thesepeopletoChechnya,whichhasbeen (approximately 9,000 people) and to the practice of in Georgia(approximately6,000 people) andAzerbaijan the status of protection given to the Chechen refugees I wish to draw your attention to the precariousness of Dear Sir, Extract: (in French). UNHCR OperationsDirectorEurope,12June2001 France inGeorgia,toJean-FrançoisDurieux, Letter from PascalVignier,CoordinatorofMSF 173 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

being treated has increased and they continue to report they couldn’t take, they threatened to destroy unless they cases of torture, arbitrary detention, and indiscriminate received payment), mistreated people, broke window-panes bombing. Serious violations of human rights and of in the hospital, broke down doors, and opened boxes of humanitarian law, therefore, are still being perpetrated medicines (looking for hidden money!). in Chechnya against civilians. Furthermore, the age of Then they probably carried out interrogations and torture the wounds treated by the MSF teams also indicates that by electrocution; the victims could easily be heard, civilians medical treatment is impossible in Chechnya and confirms who hadn’t been arrested. Then they were released at night. that Georgia is currently one of the rare medical sanctuaries Ten were missing, two were injured, and one of whom in the region. From January until the present, some 60 was referred to Septovskaya. We heard more about this individuals have been treated by our teams for open fractures during an OCHA meeting, from one of the women victims and shrapnel wounds to the lower limbs and eyes. who explained that not everybody had been released like In accordance with the UNHCR’s statement and your that. Some of them had been taken by bus to Akhchoy mandate, we request that you ensure that the right to flee Martan, others had been sent to the mosque after signing and the principle of non-repatriation, which constitute a ’discharge’ paper and were forced to undress and put their the two pillars of refugees’ rights and human rights, are clothes on their heads. respected by Georgia, Azerbaijan, the Russian Federation The local people wanted to retaliate with stones and sticks, and the neighbouring countries. the soldiers took aim at them, so the women lashed out at the soldiers to project the men. Then finally the colonel overseeing the operation declared the cleansing over and promised to return in six days. Then they went away towards Assinovksaya. We don’t know what was behind this ferocity; On 4 July, the MSF French section’s team in Nazran perhaps it was an explosion at Sernovodsk which killed a (Ingushetia) informed the programme manager that soldier before the cleansing operation. they had received direct testimony about ‘cleansing’ Following this testimony, which was given directly to a group operations taking place in the Chechen villages of of NGOs and the UN, the chairman simply invited everybody Serdnovosk and Assinovskaya by Russian forces and was to move on to the next topic as if nothing had happened, concerned by the lack of reaction by United Nations although this witness had taken huge risks in coming to representatives to this news. The team collected evidence make a statement like this. Nobody reacted, not even us, from the inhabitants of the two villages who had taken as we were stunned by the indifference of the OCHA guy. refuge in camps in Ingushetia, and they attempted to We have given you a summary of what happened and now go into Chechnya to treat victims and to gather other we need to make some things clearer. We wanted to let you evidence. However they were unsuccessful. In the end, know about the discrepancy between the seriousness of the the testimony gathered in the camps would be appended events and the lack of consideration given to situations like to a report on the living conditions of the refugees, this by the UN representatives. We have also just learned which was published some months later. this evening, that the RUBOP have apparently surrounded the Sputnik camp at Septovskaya, the information needs to be checked, as it’s astonishing given that the hunger strikers are near to Sputnik and visited regularly by journalists, so there’s something not quite right, perhaps it’s a rumour. ‘ About Cleansing in Chechnya,’ Email from Marie- What should we do given this situation? Go and bang on the Madeleine Leplomb and Vincent de Bellefroid, table at OCHA, take a look around Sputnik, meet Aushev, Medical Coordinator and Field Coordinator, MSF the Ingush President, hassle Human Rights? What seems France in Ingushetia, 4 July 2001 (in French). the most relevant? This might seem a stupid question to you, but we’re a bit dazed by it all. Extract: The situation here is getting more and more deplorable for the Chechens and that’s putting it mildly. We knew that one after, the other the towns in Chechnya were being cleansed by Russian soldiers, particularly from the RUBOP antiterrorist ‘ Arguments’ Email from Anne Fouchard, Deputy branch of the Interior Ministry, but now we have had direct Communications Director, MSF France to Joanne testimony, which is disturbing us enormously with respect Liu and Loïck Barriquand, programme manager to our reactiveness. North Caucasus MSF France, 11 July 2001 (in Today, the head nurse from Sernovodsk came to collect French). her medicines. Yesterday RUBOP operatives arrived in their small town and started encircling the town with helicopters, Extract: cars, and troops. They entered houses, the hospital, and Difficult to give strong, clear arguments, we feel we ’must’ the camps and rounded up 800 people who they then took do it, yet always keeping the risks in mind. However at this to a place to check their identity and register them on a level, the first step is exceedingly difficult. Tomorrow, Julie computer database. While rounding up the victims, they and Dr R […] are going to the camps and the hospital on 174 pillaged the houses (televisions, tape players, and what the ’green’ side [code word for Ingushetia] and they will help usgetinformationabout themalerapecases. anything... Weshallalsocontact M[…]toseeifhecan forbidden intheredcurrent country)orgoingwithout so let’sconsidertheriskoftakingasatphone(completely say whethermobilephonesworkinthisarea.Ithinknot, One (Kavkaz Adin), but anotherparallel road. Impossible to for a propusk [laissez-passer], and not taking the Caucasus Technical aspects:travelwithS,RandL,withoutasking Roshni-Chu. the footofmountains,southUrusMartan:Chalaji, south of theRostov-Baku highway, the lastvillages at evening. Cleansingoperationsareongoing,intwovillages of sometheinjured.Impossibletospeakthemthis today andinterviewedpeople,inparticularthefamilies Two journalists;oneEnglishandDanish,wentthere apparently pickedupinthestreetandtakenhome. of onethepeople’missing’fromcleansing,whowas share information:wealreadyhavethenameandaddress some onelikeHRW.MemorialandHRWareverykeento willing totalka‘verywell-known’medicalNGO,than to ‘humanrightsactivists,’butwouldperhapsbemore interviews inthepastweek.Peoplearereluctanttotalk having problemscontactingpeoplehere:scarcelyadozen HRW today.Theywon’tgototheothersideandarealready others whoarequietlydyingathome??MetMemorialand apparently dyinginhospitalonthegreenside.Arethere There is the case of a man with a ruptured liver who is own visionsothatwecanreallyunderstand. medical carethanwhatisalreadyprovided,tohaveour very necessarytoseeittherearepeoplewhoneedgreater aiming togetwitnessstatements,butitseemsmealso attention. Thiscouldbedoneinthecampsifweareonly take witnessstatementsandbringspecificcasestoMarie’s That’s objective Number 1. As for Julie, she could also testimony accompaniedbythoroughmedicalexaminations. that shevisitstheareawithR[…],andtriestogather This iswhywethinkthatitimportant,ifMarieagrees, - Onemanlosthiseyefollowingelectrocution?? - Menhungupbytheirarms - Useofdogs:atleastonemanseverelybitten including a16-yearoldboy) - Malerape(60casesaccordingtowhatwehavebeentold, there others? In addition,newhorrorstoriesarecomingtolight, concerned, couldR[…]dothejob? make anydifference?Orasfarmedicalissuesare somewhere? Difficulttoknow,andwouldanexpatdoctor Are they refusing treatment for fear of being registered they betreatedathomewithoutendangeringtheirlives? home. Aretheyreceivingallthetreatmentneed?Can at home. The local doctors are probably treating them at According toDrR[…]manyoftheinjuredareinhiding Chechnya] willnotbenecessary.But... perhaps thetripto’redcurrent’country[codewordfor most certainlybeabletogetthenecessarytestimonyand what was happening on the ground, so we had a problem of enough. Thatmeant wedidn’thavedirectinformation about and on the programmemanager’spart;theyweren’tflexible get intoChechnya.Itreallywas abigmistakeonmypart was willing to get involved. The problem was that we couldn’t with the Communications Director of the French section who there hadbeenseveralincidents. Wewereinregularcontact June orJuly,inatownrightontheborderwithChechnya, but infactwehadtheirtacitagreementto‘goandsee.’In ager. OfficiallywehadundertakennottogoChechnya, come toanambiguousagreementwiththeprogrammeman - as wehadnopermittostayovernightinNazran.We to misleadpublicopinion. saying thatthesestatementswereirresponsibleandaimed described thearmy’sactivitiesas“illegalanduseless,” been completed.Aspokespersondenouncedthosewhohad on theseoperationsuntiltheinvestigationsunderwayhad Interior MinistrycalledonRussianofficialsnottocomment unprecedented criticismofhistroops.HowevertheRussian forces intheNorthCaucasus],quotedbyItar-Tass,an Vladimir Moltenskoy[ActingCommanderoftheRussian that they knew nothing of the destruction,” declared General destroying everythingintheirpath,butclaimingafterwards Assinovskaya behavedinagrossandanarchicmanner, “Those who carried out ‘sweeps’ in Sernovodsk and Extract: authorities tochangetheirbehaviour. called onWesternleaderstoputpressuretheRussian ‘sweeps’ ofChechen villages by Russian forces and Assembly oftheCouncilEuropecondemned Lord Russell-Johnston,PresidentoftheParliamentary civilians inSernovodskandAssinovskaya.On12July, “large-scale crimes”hadbeencommittedagainst of the Russian forces in the Caucasus admitted that On 11July,VladimirMoltenskoy,theActingCommander a fullreportontheaccusationsoftortureinChechnya. day, the Council ofEurope called on Russia to provide committed byRussiansoldiersinChechnya.Onthesame enquiry hadbeeninitiatedintotheaccusationsofabuses the KremlinSpokespersonannouncedthatapreliminary of targeting civilians. On 10 July, Sergey Yastrzhembsky, Russian ChechenAdministratoraccusedtroops was madepublic.On9July,AkhmedKadirov,thepro- In themeanwhileperpetrationofmassacres Nazran andwetravelledallthetimebetweenthem, ates intheteam,mainlybasedbetweenMoscowand I wastheprojectcoordinator.Wewerethreeexpatri- ‘ July 2001(inFrench). in Chechnya,’LeMonde(France)Moscow,13 A RussianGeneralDenounces“Large-ScaleCrimes 175 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

legitimacy. At the time, information did circulate, but we RUSSIAN ANTI-TERRORIST didn’t do enough to get really relevant information, especially RHETORIC PREVAILS about these incidents and there was always the huge ques- tion of safety.

Vincent de Bellefroid, MSF France Project Coordinator in Shatoi, Chechnya, February to May 1995, then August 1996 to July 1997, then Project Coordinator in North In a statement after the attacks 11 September 2001 Caucasus (June to October 2001), (in French) on the towers of the World Trade Centre in New York interviewed in 2008. and the Pentagon in Washington, Vladimir Putin linked Russian military operations in Chechnya with the anti- terrorist combat launched by the American government. He then enjoyed greater tolerance for these operations from western countries. Journalists found it increasingly difficult to interest their editors in coverage of the There was Sernovodsk in July 2001. The administrator situation in Chechnya. was in the field to gather testimony from people at the border. I went to Moscow to finalise this work. I remember discussions with the team who felt very lost and trapped by the atmosphere of insecurity and the omnipresent ‘ Moscow Offers to Cooperate with Washington to risks of being kidnapped. In fact, after Kenny’s abduction, Combat Terrorism,’ Le Monde (France), 14 there was an increasing number of incidents targeting other September 2001 (in French). NGOs. We did all we could to keep close to what we knew directly about what was happening on the ground. Every time Extract: we could collect testimony we did so, but that didn’t move Slow on the uptake following the sinking of the Kursk a year many people. The journalists continued courageously to write ago, Vladimir Putin has now been quick to react. According their articles and rose to the challenge, but there was a to the Kremlin, President Bush, with whom he spoke twice desperate, hopelessness about it all... on the telephone on Wednesday 12 September, thanked him for being the first to express his compassion. A minute’s Anne Fouchard, MSF France Deputy Communications silence is to be observed on Thursday midday in Russia. The Director, July 2000 – July 2004, (in French) Kremlin offered to send rescue teams and many Russians have interviewed in 2009. offered to give blood. People “feel this tragedy profoundly, because unfortunately, on several occasions, we have lived through the horror of terrorist attacks,” explained Foreign Affairs Minister, Igor Ivanov. Bold as it is, the parallel between the attacks on the United States and the war in Chechnya that the Kremlin describes as International organizations saved lives for many an “antiterrorist operation” (which was drawn following the people, as was the case in Sernovodsk. Realistically, attacks whose origin has never been proved) is to be found the male population from seven years up to sixty everywhere in official commentaries. Moscow is redoubling years was taken away into the field and they started to efforts to foster “an international union against terrorism,” mistreat them up. Then all organizations interfered and thereby hoping to achieve a better understanding of Russia’s thanks to that, people did not perish. That is a concrete case policy in Chechnya. According to the American ambassador that I am aware of when the intrusion or interfering of the in Moscow, Russia has requested an emergency meeting of organization led to some result. I was sent there by MSF. It the G8 countries and is seeking a “special resolution” on was surrounded. There was a ring of forces. We did not stand the fight against terrorism to be adopted at the United up there directly with a flag saying “release them.” But I Nations General Assembly. went to the hospital and I was told that people were held Above all, the Kremlin is increasingly calling for enhanced in an open field. There were a lot of foreign organizations relations between Washington and Moscow. The American and they were standing at the border of the village and they ambassador, Alexander Vershbow, has said that he hopes were not let in. They were actually demanding a meeting the tragedy will lead to closer cooperation between the with the authorities saying: “let us see the commanders of two countries. However, the diplomat noted, “That does the village what is happening there and why?” In other words not mean that we have a 100% identical opinion on the the organizations made noise there. And I think that held problems of Chechnya.” the military from performing there whatever they want.

B, MSF North Caucasus staff (in Russian, translated into English by an MSF interpreter) interviewed in 2008

176 against Afghanistan. grant logistical amenities to American forces taking positions of influence(Tajikistan,UzbekistanandTurkmenistan)to by facilitatingthedecisionofthreecountriesinitssphere and by the significant political gesture achieved by Moscow, realpolitik is being fed both by the attacks against America have a better ‘perception’ of the situation in Chechnya. This to somediplomats,theEuropeansrecognisethattheynow being applied,defacto,toChechencombatants.According the Russianequation,whichwouldhaveterrorismlabel Chechnya showstheFifteen’sdeterminationnottoaccept prudent condemnationofhumanrights’violationsin From aEuropeansourceithasbeenpointedoutthatthis North Caucasus.” and tofacilitatetheexpeditionofhumanitarianaidin quickly toshedlightonthecasesofhumanrights’violations, “to urgentlyfindapoliticalsolution”totheconflict,“and of thestatementstressesthatitisparticularlyimportant in exceptionalsituationssuchasChechnya.”Thetext “respect the fundamental principles of human rights, even and territorialintegrity”isreasserted,astheneedto situation inChechnya.The“respectofRussia’ssovereignty of EU-Russia cooperation and devotes a paragraph to the […] Thetextofthejointstatementreviewsmainaspects Atlantic alliance. with the latter also wishing to foster closer ties with the ’strategic partnership’betweentheFifteenandRussia, terrorism shouldprovideanopportunitytostrengthenthe Chechnya), butthegeneral feeling isthatthecontextof to obtain something in return (particularly with regard to gestures ofsolidarityandpoliticalsupport,Moscowishoping are takingpainstobuild.Ofcourse,inexchangeforthese step withtheinternationalcoalitionthatAmericans unambiguously condemningtheseacts,clearlyfallinginto caused bytheattacksagainstUnitedStates,withRussia parties. It is set centre stage in the international crisis Union summit,hascomeatjusttherightmomentforboth 1 October, as part of the twice yearly Russia-European Russian PresidentVladimirPutin’svisittoBrussels,from Extract: that the Chechen rebellion had connections with Al-Qaeda or, at that theChechenrebellionhadconnections withAl-Qaedaor,at the Russianshadsucceededin winning mindsovertotheview editors totalkaboutChechnya. Deployingmuchpropaganda, journalists andcorrespondents in Russiahadtofight withtheir September 11.Forsure.After11,forinstance,French September 11 has not helped. It silenced the minority of scrutiny. Therewasdefinitelya’beforeand’after’ political leaderswhowishedChechnyatoremainunder 2001 (inFrench). with theFifteen,’ ‘ Vladimir Putin is Committed to Combating Terrorism Le Monde(France)4October C Extract: editorial offices to get an article published about Chechnya. editorial officestogetanarticlepublishedaboutChechnya. throughout this time, told me that theyhadto fight intheir Figaro, inparticular,withwhomIhadverycloserelationships worked verywell.ForawhilethejournalistsofLeMondeor ously themajorityofpopulationinChechnyaisSufi.It is farfromradical. rebels. TheChechen people, however,continuetopractiseatype ofIslamwhich weakening ofallthemoderatepro-independents andtheradicalisationof 25. Thisassertion,whichwasuntrueatthetime, becamearealitywiththe least, withfundamentalistIslamicmovements an armedgroupwasrushed tothehospital;agroupof A storyfromArgoun:acouple woundedintheirhomeby largest foreignintelligenceagency]. were caughtandfoundtobeofficersoftheGRU[Russia’s rebel attackbymaskedassailants.Someoftheassailants entire hospitalstaffwentonstriketoprotestthisallegedly women, andseveralmembersofthemedicalteam.The in thepro-Russianmilitiawhowereattackedbymen, an articleinPragueWatchdogtellsthestoryofChechens here isconvincedtheyaretheRussianspecialservices; operations who are vague about their nationality. (Everyone number of stories about masked people conducting special In anewdevelopment,wearehearinganincreasing dares talkanymoreaboutthereturnofIngushrefugees. cleansing operations.EvenRussianpropagandabarely Every day,youhearand/orreadconsistentaccountsof [cleansing operations] continued at a frightening pace. resumed bombingthemountainregions,andzatchiskas the militia),BTRconvoysetc.Inresponse,Russians by thepro-RussianChechenadministration(particularly for winter?).AttacksonRussiancheckpoints,buildingsused have continuedeversince(intenseactivitybeforethebreak as recapturingGudermeswithinafewhours–actionsthat of militaryactions,includingseveraldramaticones,such fighters] whoresumedtheoffensivebylaunchingaseries to takeaharderline,butitwastheBoievikis[Chechen After the attacks in the USA, we were expecting the Russians 1. Overallsituation sians respondedwithincreasedbombingand‘sweeps.’ administration weretargetedintheattacks.TheRus- Eastern Chechnya. The headquarters of the pro-Russian dence combatantstookRussianforcesbysurprisein In mid-September,ahugeoffensivebytheindepen- hechnya [...], MSFdeputylegaladvisor1995-2005(inFrench) French). France Sitrep,September-October2001(in ‘Moscow-Caucasus, September-October2001,’MSF interviewed in2008. 25 , whereasobvi - 177 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

masked men killed the man on the operating table and 2) The level of violence in Chechnya remains very high wounded the woman. […] - the ongoing violence contradicts statements that the MSF-Netherlands officially announced during a meeting situation in the country is normalising in Grozny that it would resume its activities in Chechnya - the violence also prevents any possibility of repatriating beginning 1 November. Chechens who have found refuge in Ingushetia. - furthermore, it requires an improvement in facilities and services for displaced persons in neighbouring countries, particularly in Ingushetia. Based on an analytical report, personal accounts, photos In October, the North Caucasus programme managers and, other evidence, MSF wants to alert decision-makers of the different MSF sections launched a survey and (donors, governments, Council of Europe) and Russian and began collecting personal accounts of the precarious western public opinion, and bear witness to the fate of conditions of displaced persons in Ingush camps. displaced populations: The survey was conducted in November, while MSF - Victims of inappropriate aid determines the best way to speak out publicly. - Victims of the persistent violence in Chechnya - Victims of the illusion of normalisation, which (1) limits their opportunity to flee the country, (2) restricts the amount of aid they receive and (3) exposes them to the ‘ North Caucasus Update,’ Gazelle Gaignaire, MSF dangers of forced repatriation. International Regional Officer, Russian For its part, MSF commits to providing more assistance and Federation, 4 October 2001 (in English). informing decision-makers of the gravity of the situation. This is an outline of the work I had suggested. We could Extract: definitely prepare a report based on this outline that would - MSF sections working in Ingushetia are thinking of include refugees’ personal accounts and provide the accom- carrying out an independent assessment on the living panying text for a photo exhibit. à une exposition photo. conditions of IDPs. The results could potentially be used to lobby the UNHCR to provide shelter. - MSFF has begun meeting with a few government and NGO representatives in Ingushetia to get a sense of their ‘OD Trip report, Russia 4-9 December 2001,’ “official” positions. 1 expat + 1 local doctor also began MSF Holland, 10 December 2001 (in English). individual, open-ended interviews with Chechen IDPs in Ingushetia, asking them a set of basic, standardized Extract: questions to better understand their living conditions 13. Advocacy situation IDPs Ingushetia. Survey done, in host families, collective centers, and tent camps; any result and interpretations delayed for different reasons. pressures on their departure; their vision of a possible return Photo exhibition in Moscow plus presentation results to Chechnya, etc. 25 questionnaires have been filled so survey is being prepared for next Friday 14 December. To far. Discussions are underway in Paris comms office about lobby Russian authorities, UNHCR and donors about bad whether such work will continue and whether it could be living conditions of IDPs. The photo exhibition and report useful for external comms in the future. should be presented in Amsterdam and PSs, both public and inside MSF. ADVOCACY (mini workshop by Dick van der Tak) 14. National staff very aware of risks and limits of ‘human ‘ Ingushetia,’ e-mail from Françoise Saulnier, right’ type of advocacy they have done in the past. They Legal Manager, MSF France programme manager, also understand and accept MSF choice for temoignage Communications Department, MSF France, 19 and want to continue doing it but they request a different November 2001 (in French). approach. 15. Points raised during the discussions: PS (mental Extract: health program) will not be used as a source of individual Following up on our latest meeting, here are some comments information for advocacy; violence on civilians and violence I had promised to provide that outline ways to take a public against medical staff identified as main issues; medical position, that include all of our information and concerns. information should be the base for advocacy and can be 1) the level of assistance provided to people who have fled recorded openly i.e. as part of the monitoring of drug to Ingushetia is unworthy of humanitarian aid standards. distribution, human rights violations information will not This can be illustrated by: be formally recorded during activities; request for training - Actual stories in advocacy for national staff; need for better surveillance - The amount of funding provided by the various donors, on the situation of IDPs in Ingushetia. which are giving priority to domestic needs in Chechnya 16. The level of awareness, experience and exposure to rather than Ingushetia… advocacy activities of the national staff team is very high. - Underestimating the number of displaced persons given The situation in Chechnya (still continuous aggressions 178 the halt in registrations and the continued influx of refugees on the civilian population) and the current near absence account. From your positioninMoscow,you arenotsaying into Chechnya so youwouldhaveafirsthand witnessing be, ithadtobewiththepossibility tohaveexpatriatesgoing Chechnya ever.Sowhateverthe endprogramwasgoingto But that’snotthesameas havinganyexpatriatesin not haveaprogramwithexpatriates presentinChechnya. plans ofwitnessingwillnotbe there.Obviouslyyouwould zero. Sounlessyouhaveexpatriatesinthere,thenyourfuture loving Chechens,thenthelegitimacyofyourstatementsis statements madebywhatisregardedasverybiased,rebel- Russia. And if on top of that, you are speaking out on against Russianstatehasverylittleimpactbecauseitis legitimacy that it needs to make an impact. Speaking out report ontheviolenceinChechnya. hospitals wesupported. We compileditall,andwroteabig information from patientswhowerevictimsofviolenceinthe department, DikVanderTakdevelopedaformforcollecting to risks,andweshouldspeakout.”Andwiththemedical MSF hadn’tspokenupenoughaboutChechnya:“We’reready discussed itbetweenthemselves,andmostofthemsaidthat with thenationalstaffonMSF’sspeakingout.Theyalso went to the field with me, and organised a discussion workshop Dick VandeTak,formtheHumanitarianAffairsdepartment, but that’swhywedoit.That’swhatcaninChechnya.” it’s up to you decide if you want to keep working with us, them, saying:“sorry,butwecan’tdropthissideofMSF,so Holland made big efforts to explain the situation and convince risks. Wecan’texposethemwithoutwarningfirst.”MSF this conclusionwiththenationalstaff.They’rerunninghuge decide todoitwithoutspeakingout.Butweshouldshare we havetogoin.AndifMSFgoesintoChechnya,can’t Chechnya. show upassoonMSFHexpatswillbetravelinginside the dilemmasandchallengesthatarecertainlyaboutto done in the coming months will prepare the mission for days donethistime)facilitatedbysomeonefromHADand 17. Anextendedworkshop/training(longerthanthe2half advocacy issues. unavoidably, MSFHwillbeconfrontedwithimportant of internationalstaffinsidetherepublicmeansthat operations inchargeofprogrammesNorthCaucasus, Any Chechnya medical program without the witnessing Any Chechnyamedicalprogramwithoutthewitnessing based onthenationalstaffdoesnotcarry part doesn’t work for me. The witnessing part just make compromises here. We’re in a crisis situation, to gointoChechnya,wesaidourselves:“Wecan’t On thespeakingoutside,fordecisionslikeone Dr José-AntonioBastos,MSFHollandDirectorof 2001 to2003(inFrench)interviewedin2009 Chechnya. away atleast,beforeyouhadanytypeofactivityagainin everybody realizedthatitwasgoingtobeanothersixmonths things aboutChechnyaunlessyou’reworkingthere.And they getfrustrated. ask themforalotofinformationandifnothinghappens, people’s expectationsandintheend,nooneresponds.You press release.Youhavetobecarefulbecauseyouoftenraise assistance. allowances andsomeofthe federalandhumanitarian increased over2001which limits theiraccesstowork, - The number of IDP’s unregisteredby federal institutions tents, showconsiderablewear andtearaftertwoyearsofuse. - shelterassistanceprovided in1999/2000,mostnotably with consequencesonindividualcopingmechanisms. - privatefinancialresourcesofIDPfamiliesarediminishing conditions ofIDP’s: were identifiedwhichraisedconcernintheactualliving of Septemberand October of this year. A number of factors continuation ofactivitiesinIngushetiaduringthemonths The humanitarian community started topreparefora their thirdwinterinoftenlessthanadequateconditions. would not be able to return to Chechnya and would enter it becameevidentthatthemajorityofIDP’sinIngushetia Introduction […]AssecurityhasnotimprovedinChechnya, Extract: quality ofassistance. a reportwiththesurveyresults,whichshowedpoor taken intherefugeecampIngushetiaanddistributed Inmid-DecemberinMoscow,MSFheldaphotoexhibition in Shatoi,Chechnya,FebruarytoMay1995,andAugust Vincent deBellefroid,MSFFranceProjectCoordinator 1996 toJuly1997,thenProjectCoordinatorinNorth Gathering storiestakesmuchlongerthanwritinga people. Whattheywereaskingwas,‘Beourvoice.’ I founditreallyinterestingtoworkcloselywiththe Michiel Hofman,MSFHollandNorthCaucasusHOM Moscow, November2001(inEnglish). Displaced PersonsinIngushetia–Summary,’MSF ‘Survey Caucasus (JunetoOctober2001),(inFrench) from May2001toJuly2003,(inEnglish) on LivingConditionsofInternally interviewed in2009. interviewed in2008. ­

179 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

As concrete information on how these factors have influenced “CHECHNYA-INGUSHETIA: the actual living conditions were not available, MSF decided A DELIBERATE STRATEGY OF NON- to conduct: a survey of the collective sector (both tented camps and ASSISTANCE TO PEOPLE IN CRISIS” spontaneous settlements) randomly sampled throughout the territory of Ingushetia. This survey was based on a questionnaire for IDP families, and a separate questionnaire (combined with visual inspection) of the administrators of each collective centre. A sample survey of the private In January 2002, after a December of sector, based on a questionnaire for IDP families, randomly increased bombings and combing opera- sampled amongst the IDP population of Malgobeck city […] tions by the Russian forces during their ‘final offensive’ in Chechnya, a series of international events and declarations is again creating momentum for MSF to make On 21 December, in a press release published on the occasion of its 30th anniversary, the MSF France section a strong public statement about the fate stated that it acts “on behalf of victims, not regimes,” of Chechen refugees and the climate of citing as example, its work with Chechen refugees in violence in Chechnya. Ingushetia.

On 10 January, the United States State Department ’Thirty Years of Service on Behalf of Victims, not declared that Russia’s military actions and human right Regimes,’ Press release, MSF France, 21 December violations in Chechnya were encouraging terrorism. It 2001 (in French). again urged Russia to initiate dialogue with Chechen separatists as pledged previously. Extract: Médecins Sans Frontières is celebrating its 30th anniversary today. And today, winter is dawning in the Caucasus. Today, like every day for more than two years, Khuzimat will wait ‘US says Russian Stance in Chechnya Encouraging for the food that her neighbours will bring her this evening Terrorism,’ AFP (France), 10 January 2002 (in – her only meal of the day. Khuzimat is 101 years old. Her English). husband died eight years ago and her only son died three years ago. Her sisters and brothers died during the current Russia’s continued military actions in Chechnya coupled with war in Chechnya. She is originally from the Urus-Martans human rights abuses by its troops are encouraging terrorism, region, where she was born in 1900. Fleeing to Ingushetia the United States said Thursday, urging Moscow to follow in late 1999, she first lived with friends. However, 10 people through on a pledge to seek dialogue with separatists in were crowded together in a place that was too noisy for a the republic. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher person of her advanced age. She was able to move here on said Washington thought it “unfortunate” that Moscow had her own when the former tenants left. When it rains, water not seriously followed through with an offer for dialogue leaks from the roof, and the damp and cold affect her health. with local Chechen rebels made in September by Russian When she’s sick, it takes her six months to recover. The two President Vladimir Putin. beds in the room belong to her neighbours. All she owns are the two red blankets, a small prayer rug and a pillow. She And a senior US official said unless the Russians took steps generally receives aid from a Danish organisation, but her to address the Chechen situation, it could have a negative name no longer appears on the lists, so she hasn’t received impact on attempts to forge a new post-Cold War relationship. anything in three months. Her neighbours, however, come […] The senior official, speaking to reporters on condition every night to bring her food. She makes her own bread of anonymity before the briefing, said the United States outside. was “disappointed” that Putin’s offer of talks had not been pursued. […] The US comments come as Russia has moved Like 200,000 other displaced Chechens in Ingushetia, to take advantage of its alliance with the United States in Khuzimat has no hope of returning nor any future. Like so the war on terrorism, branding the Chechen rebels terrorists. many others, she is not only a victim of an extremely violent And they came a day after Russian federal forces wound up war but also of the lack of assistance to people in danger. a sweep through Chechen towns, killing 92 rebels, amid It is for people like Khuzimat that Médecins Sans Frontières mounting evidence of human rights abuses by Russian has been fighting for 30 years. It is for them that, tomorrow, troops during a 10-day military operation. Human rights we will continue to fight by serving victims, not regimes. groups have detailed a wide array of abuses - reports that Washington has deemed “credible” - including arbitrary 180 killings, beatings and hostage taking. not severties with Moscoworgetdragged into awarthat shared moderate, pro-Westernviews.Henevertheless did the electedPresident,Aslan Mashkadov,withwhomhe with hisChechenneighbours and,mostimportantly,with the Sovietera.Auchev,however, maintainedgoodrelations Chechen-Ingush Republicof the RussianFederationfrom were preparingforindependence. Theyputanendtothe Federation, separatedfromtheirIngushcousins,who when itscitizens,choosingtoremainwithintheRussian people. Ingushetiahadbeenfoundedtwoyearsearlier 95% ofthevotesinasmall,veryyoungrepublic300,000 Auchev wasfirstelectedinMarch1993,withmorethan undoubtedly madenorealefforttobecredible. by “fatigue” after eight years as President. However, he unconvincing whenhesaidhisdecisionwasmotivated energetic andmodernleader.Forthatreason,hewasvery whom Auchevrepresentedauniquefigureaspopular, were joinedbyChechensand‘friendsoftheCaucasus,’for palace inanattempttodissuadehimfromresigning.They Thousands ofIngushdemonstratedinfrontthepresidential greeted withsadnessbyamajorityoftheIngushpopulation. Ingush presidencyon28December.Theannouncementwas Chechen neighbours,announcedhisresignationfromthe Member Republicwhodaredcondemnthewaragainsthis Ruslan Aushev, the only President of aRussian Federation meet thesepeopleanddelivertheletter. the messageanditwassuggestedthatyougotoNazran someone, notinoperationslocally,todelivertheletterand has beenwrittenandagreedupon.Operationswouldlike all sectionsthinkwehavetolethimdownsoftly.Aletter They haveapproachedustonominatehim.Operationsfrom for thenominationofAuscevasaNobellaureatepeace. do notwishtoalienatehim.Thereisacommitteeworking to continueplayarolebetweenRussiaandChechnya.We Auscev in Ingushetia. He is fighting for international support As youmayknowwehaveagoodrelationshipwithPresident Dear MortenandRafa Extract: Nobel PeacePrize. request to support President Aushev’s candidacy for a few monthsearlier,MSFhaddiplomaticallydeclineda administration freetotakeamoreradicalposition.A Chechen conflict,resignedfromoffice,leavingtheIngush advocated forapoliticalsettlementoftheRussian- Ingush PresidentRuslanAushev,whohadalwaysopenly Nazran, 16January2002(inFrench). by Kremlin,’SophieShihab,LeMonde(France) ’Ingush PresidentRuslanAushevForcedtoResign Email tional General Secretary, 6 April 2001 (in English). President, andRafaVilaSanJuan,MSFInterna- Director toMortenRostrup,MSFInternational from AustenDavis, MSF Holland Executive

attacks perpetratedbytheRussianforces. was notaterroristandexpressedhisconcernaboutthe Lubbers stated thatChechen President Aslan Maskhadov and setuparefugeeregistrationsystem. Ingush campsandpubliclyurgedtheHCRtoprovideaid precarious livingconditionsofdisplacedChechensinthe Coordinator, MSFcondemnedtheintentionally created section andinaninterviewwiththeBelgiansection’s in Ingushetia. In a press release distributed by every Nations HighCommissionerforRefugees,visitedcamps Council ofEurope,followedbyRuudLubbers,United In mid-January,aparliamentarydelegationfromthe But withthedepartureofAushev,itbecameanofficialpolicy. their intentionsofkickingtheChechensoutIngushetia. Russia werecarriedoutby‘Chechenterrorists.’ Russia’s unprovenclaimthattheSeptember1999attacksin This challengedtheofficialversionofhispredecessors,i.e. denouncing thenewChechenwaraspoliticallymotivated. threatened bytheonlypresidentwhohadnoqualmsabout It wasnotsurprisingthatthenewKremlinmasterfelt discreetly andeffectively. a mediatorbetweenMoscowandGrozny,roleheplayed good relationswithBorisYeltsinmadethisyounggeneral the RussiangeneralswantedtoexpandintoIngushetia.His Chechens have foundaplacetostaywithIngush families. face their third winter in Ingushetia. The majority of the situation ofanestimated180,000 displacedChechenswho MSF isveryconcernedaboutthe deterioratinghumanitarian which todaywillbepresented whenhevisitsIngushetia. basis. MSFraisesitsconcerns in alettertoMr.RuudLubbers, in Ingushetia and many more Chechens arrive on a daily of displacedChechensliveunderunacceptableconditions the attentionofinternationalcommunity.Thousands improved. Theplightofthedisplacedpopulationhaslost conditions ofthedisplacedChechensinIngushetiawillbe Refugees, Mr. Ruud Lubbers, to ensure that the poor living Sans Frontières(MSF)callsuponHighCommissionerfor Today theinternationalmedicalrelieforganizationMédecins Extract: September 2000to2005,(inFrench)interviewedin2009 Loïck Barriquand,MSFFranceprogrammemanager, problems. IthinktheRussianshadalreadystated After hewassacked,alloftheNGOsbeganhaving Aushev hadplannedtomakeIngushetiaasafehaven. Press Release,16January2002(inEnglish). ‘ ,’ MSF International Chechens StillFleeingViolence,’MSFInternational 181 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Over 60,000 people live in tents, empty school buildings and live in schools, abandoned factories, and even stables in factory buildings. Shelter and sanitation facilities are the deplorable conditions. Some 24,000 live in camps. They most pressing needs. Tents are worn out and leaking; they live 10 to a tent that often has holes and is heated by a need to be urgently replaced. The sanitation facilities are far simple gas stove. Gas mains cut through the camp and I below acceptable standards, with examples of one latrine for keep wondering how it’s possible that fire hasn’t broken 100 people or more. out. There are also sanitation problems because some of MSF is also worried about the unclear registration system of the camps have only one lavatory for 200 people. newly arrived displaced persons. With different organizations Le Figaro: What will become of the Chechen refugees? using different systems, a considerable number of people Nicolas Cantau: The Russians have announced that they want are not registered at all. Moreover, the Russian authorities the refugee camps closed by the end of March under the stopped the registration of newly arrived persons one year pretext that the situation will be normalised in Chechnya. ago in February 2001. The federal authorities consider the The Kremlin’s emissary for human rights, Vladimir Kalamonov, people who arrived over the last year ‘economic migrants’ and said on Thursday that 6,000 refugees would be relocated to do not register them. Without registration, people have no two hotels under construction in Grozny and Sernovodsk. legitimate status, are not entitled to benefits, face difficulties But what are they going to do with the thousands of other finding work, and often are not able to get the humanitarian refugees? Put them on the street? Force them to return? assistance they need. MSF asks UNHCR to ensure that the The refugees have no desire to go back. They know very well official registration of displaced Chechens will be resumed. that the war is continuing on the other side of the border. Meanwhile the violence in Chechnya continues. The civilian population remains under threat and many families have lost their homes and households. MSF provides health care and supports heath facilities in Ingushetia, Dagestan, and ‘Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov is Not a Chechnya. Terrorist,’ AFP (France), Moscow, 18 January 2002 (in French). In Ingushetia MSF has been providing humanitarian assistance to the displaced Chechens since 1999, when the majority of On Friday, Ruud Lubbers, UN High Commissioner for Refugees displaced arrived. For security reasons, MSF can only give (HCR), denied that separatist President Aslan Maskhadov was limited assistance to health facilities in Chechnya, but within a “terrorist,” calling him a “key figure” in efforts to settle these limitations MSF is able to provide some support to the Chechen conflict. […] “He can be criticized because he health facilities and to distribute drugs and medical supplies. hasn’t always been able to prevent certain acts of violence. However, if I speak of Chechens who are seeking a way out (of the conflict), not including foreign parties and new acts of violence, I have to include Maskhadov as a key figure”, ”Nicolas Cantau: ’HCR’s Position on Chechnya Called he added. Delusional,’ interview with Karim Talbi, Le Figaro Since the launch of their “anti-terrorist operation” in  (France), 19 January 2002 (in French). Chechnya on 1 October 1999, the Russian authorities no longer recognise the legitimacy of President Maskhadov, who Extract: was democratically elected in 1997. Contact between Moscow Ruud Lubbers, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (HCR), and the separatist presidency had already been broken off visited Ingushetia on Wednesday. Nicolas Cantau, Médecins due to differences on the issues up for discussion. On Friday, Sans Frontières (MSF) Head of Mission in Moscow, called upon Sergei Yastrzhembsky, the Kremlin’s advisor for Chechnya, the HCR and Council of Europe to play a more active role in did not rule out the possibility of resuming contact with aiding 180,000 displaced Chechens. Aslan Maskhadov’s representatives for exclusive discussions Le Figaro: Why did you appeal to the HCR? on “their surrender and return to civilian life.” Nicolas Cantau: We’re afraid that this will be a courtesy visit Moreover, the head of the HCR expressed concerned about that leads nowhere. The Russian government’s top priority human rights violations committed by Russian soldiers in is to send the refugees back home. We’re asking the HCR to Chechnya, calling them “absolutely unacceptable.” At the replace the tents that are sheltering the refugees. They’re in same time, he condemned the radical Wahhabi Islamist bad shape and full of holes, and some of them had already movement to which the Chechen rebels close to the Arab been used. The position taken by the HCR and Council of Europe commander Khattab owe allegiance, stating that it is foreign that the situation in the camps has improved is completely to Chechen tradition. […] “However, some people currently delusional. How could that be possible after three winters? hiding in the mountains are not terrorists,” he stressed. The statements made by the Council of Europe emissary, that 30% of the refugees are economic migrants, are also distressing. These are simply Chechens who are doing little jobs to survive, but they’re real refugees who cannot return to their country during a time of war. On 15 January, during Vladimir Putin’s visit to Paris, the Le Figaro: What are the Chechens’ living conditions in the French section distributed a press release requesting Ingush and Dagestani camps? that the Franco-Russian discussions focus on the 182 Nicolas Cantau: The vast majority of the refugees most often fate of displaced Chechens and announcing that its come from,”Jacques Chiracsaid.Forhis part, MrPutin all actsofterrorism, wherever they areandwherever they there werenodoublestandards andthatFrancecondemns Al-Qaida network.” “Irepeated toPresidentPutin that “the linksthatexistbetween certainindividualsandthe in Russia“incollaboration with Chechnya”anddenounced The FrenchHeadofStatetalked ofterroristattackscarriedout “political dialogue.” “to the terrorism aspect” and that its solution required to MrPutinthatthe“Chechenproblem”wasnotlimited two hours.Forhispart,MrChiracsaidhehadreaffirmed after adiscussionattheElyséePalacewhichlastednearly conference withhisFrenchcounterpart,JacquesChirac, means arenotenough,”headded,duringajointpress full righttousealltheavailablemeansagainstit,iflegal that itisbloodier,”saidPresidentPutin.“Andwehave a from the Taliban? It is no different, except only perhaps “What makesthiscriminalregime(inChechnya)different Extract: Europe on22Januarytoaddressthisissue. representatives wouldappearbeforetheCouncilof could beusedagainstthe“criminal”Chechenregime. Putin statedduringhisvisitinParisthat“allmeans” While theFrenchpresidentcalledforpoliticaldialogue, visit toPoland. left the same evening for Warsaw on an official two-day Paris forafewhoursonTuesdayworkingvisit,then that continuestoreigninChechnya.”Putintravelled assistance topeopleindangerIngushetiaandtheterror Europe on22Januaryto“reportthisstrategyofnon- also announcedthatitwouldappearbeforetheCouncilof refugees is“asignificantunderestimate.”Theorganisation Dagestan, saiditbelievesthattheofficialfigureof150,000 has teamsoperatinginChechnya,Ingushetia,Georgiaand extortion thatarestilloccurringinChechnya,”MSF,which of bombings,summaryexecutions,torture,massacresand Recalling that the population’s flight is the “direct result become evenmoredirewiththearrivalofcoldweather.” are keptinneighbouringIngushetia,asituationthathas precarious conditionsinwhichthedisplacedChechens In apress release, MSF underlined “the intentionally Extract: Conditions ofChechenRefugees,’ ‘Vladimir Putin to Paris: MSF Denounces Living 15 January2002(inFrench). Chechnya ‘byeverypossiblemeans’”AFP(France), ‘President Putin:Fighting‘thecriminalregime’in 15 January2002(inFrench). AFP (France),

a people.” he described as “a new episode of attempts to wipe out denounced thecouncil’spassivityinfaceofwhat return toChechnya.ThepresidentoftheFrenchsection Russia’s actions and was now calling for the refugees to Over time,thePACEbecamemoreandtolerantof humanitarian situationinChechnyabytakingavote. expected togiveitsopiniononthehumanrightsand Assembly oftheCouncilEurope(PACE),whichwas “Refugee andMigration”CommitteeoftheParliamentary On 22January,representativesofMSFwereheardbythe the attackson11SeptemberinUnitedStates. Chechen independence groups, were comparable to those of which were attributedby Russian authorities to members of emphasised thatthevictimsofattacksinMoscow1999, against civiliansisstillrunning withimpunity. return toChechnya,alawless state,whereapolicyofterror in Ingushetia.Thisstrategyaimstoforcethesepeople the RussianauthoritiestowardsChechenstakingrefuge provide assistance to people in danger put into place by MSF willbearwitnesstotherealstrategyoffailing are respectedinits43memberstates?Duringhearing, choose toassumeitsmission,ensurethatHumanRights its rightsafewmonthslater.WilltheCouncilofEurope its votingrightinApril2000,theCouncilofEuroperestored parliamentary delegation from the Assembly and suspended on Chechen territory. After having excluded the Russian that has discussedthe new war that was started in 1999 The CouncilofEuropeistheonlyinternationalorganisation the responsibilitieswhichareincumbentuponit? within its‘waronterror.’WilltheCouncilofEuropetakeup September 2001,totreat the newRussianallywithcare international consensustookagamble,reinforcedsince11 Wednesday 23January.Atacertainpointintime,the humanitarian situationinChechnyabytakingavoteon expected toexpressitsopinionontheHumanRightsand The ParliamentaryAssemblyoftheCouncilEuropeis that thecivilianpopulationinChechnyaissubjectto. Frontières willagainbearwitnesstotheextremeviolence on Refugees,MigrationandPopulation,MédecinsSans Parliamentary AssemblyoftheCouncilEurope’sCommittee During itshearinginStrasbourgtoday,frontofthe Extract: MSF France,22January2002(inFrench). the CouncilofEuropeAssume?’Pressrelease the CouncilofEurope –WhatResponsibilitywill ‘Chechnya -MédecinsSansFrontières’Hearingat 183 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

‘MSF presentation to Council of Europe regarding international investigation into the crimes committed by Chechnya and Ingushetia,’ presented by Jean- the Russian forces and, to a lesser extent, by the Chechen Hervé Bradol, President of MSF France on January fighters. 23, 2002 (in French). In Russia, the work of Vladimir Kalamanov, in favour of human rights is systematically thwarted by the public and Extract: military prosecutors. In fact, the Council of Europe has given Mr President, in to the pressures of the influential member states of the Duputies, European Union (France, United Kingdom and Germany). I would first like to thank you for inviting Médecins You have opted for ‘a logic of cooperation’ with Moscow, Sans Frontières here today. Our presence here reflects i.e. to keep quiet about the massive violation of human the relationship that exists between the Parliamentary rights and humanitarian law perpetrated in Chechnya. For Assembly of the Council of Europe and Médecins Sans over two years you have chosen to ignore, in full knowledge, Frontières. Since 1995, we have been publishing reports the repression of the Chechen population and the crimes and informing the committees of the Council of Europe on committed in the name of the ‘fight against terrorism,’ the extent of the crimes committed against the Chechen By ‘you,’ I am addressing the Parliamentary Assembly, civilian population. Likewise, we have described the in particular the Committee of Ministers and the General restrictions imposed on humanitarian aid, which affect both Secretary of the Council of Europe. Your passivity over the the population who have remained in Chechnya and those last two years, and the new free hand given to Russia since who have fled to neighbouring Ingushetia. Through regular the 11th September 2001, implicates your responsibility with contact with you, we have always been able to speak frankly. regards to the gravity of the crimes committed against the Our various reports describe events over several years and civilian Chechen population. reading them is as depressing as they are tedious. The Medécins Sans Frontières is also here today to underline the tedium comes from the unwavering repetition of violence precarious situation of the displaced Chechen population that is committed against the Chechen population. This in Ingushetia. This unacceptable humanitarian situation repetition demonstrates the policy to destroy a people is the direct consequence of the policy, set up over a through bombing, sending them into exile, enslaving those year ago by the Federal Russian authorities. By depriving who cannot flee and executions. We are witnessing another the displaced population in Ingushetia of assistance, the attempt to destroy a people. Russian authorities hope to force this population to return The history of the Russian-Chechen confrontation began at to Chechnya. The pressure to return has increased markedly the turn of the 19th century with the campaign of terror over the last few months and is of great concern to us. The during the Russian colonisation. A hundred years later, border which separates Ingushetia and Chechnya separates a history repeated itself with massive repression during the lawful from a lawless state – where rape, summary executions civil war that followed the Russian revolution. and torture reign. In 1944 nearly the entire population of Chechnya was Your responsibility when voting of January 23rd is to state deported. More than a third of those deported died whilst clearly that the living conditions and security in Chechnya being transferred to the frozen steppes of central Asia. do not permit the civilian population to return. It is your All Chechens over 50 years old today have experienced responsibility to recall that the right to flee one’s country deportation and, confronted once again with a campaign of when one is threatened is one of the fundamental principals terror, they are convinced that their lives are threatened. The of human rights. On January 23rd, during your discussion events confirm this fear. During the first period of conflict, on Chechnya, it will be your responsibility to either bury the from December 1994 to August 1996, 100,000 Chechens are identity and values of the Council of Europe or the start to estimated to have died – literally; a decimation. After a defend them.de l’Europe ou de commencer à les défendre. brief period of calm, punctuated by the election of a Chechen president recognised by the international community, the war started again with a vengeance. Once again civilians began falling by the thousands under the bombs, arbitrary arrests, torture and force deportations. They are even deprived of the minimum assistance needed to help them In our relations with the Council of Europe and in our out of their misery. Tens of thousands have died since public communications, we went from co-operation autumn 1999. to clashing in public: we accused them of collaboration. The Council of Europe’s mission is to monitor the respect Before that, we had informed them and done everything we of human rights in the 43 member states. Has Russia been could do. You must be aware that just in going to brief the excluded from the Council of Europe? No. At one point, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Committees at the Council Parliamentary Assembly suspended the Russian delegation’s of Europe, we were taking risks, because there were obviously right to vote, but only to lift this suspension a few months Russian members in these bodies. We were putting ourselves later - despite the fact that none of the conditions for lifting at risk. the suspension had been fulfilled. Have the member states of the Council of Europe taken the crimes of the Russian [...], MSF deputy legal advisor 1995-2005, (in French) Federation before the European Court of Human Rights? interviewed in 2008. 184 No. Over the last two years there has been no independent since theendof19 quoted thedatesofrepressionChechenpopulation Europe wastough,itposedthequestionofgenocide.Ialso was alsoreadingonthesubject.MyspeechtoCouncilof understood fromit,andwewouldseeaboutthesecond.I as Director of Communication at the end, but that’s what I Council ofEurope.Ididn’texperiencethefirstwar,apartfrom destroy theChechenpopulation?That’swhatIsaidto the questionthathadtobeasked.Isn’taimphysically 30% ofapopulationiswipedoutand that carrieson... That’s call itcollateraldamage,butifeverydecade10%,20%or genocidal initshistoricalcontinuity.Aftertheeventyoucan The parliamentariansfromthe 43memberstatesofthe a politicalsolution. the supremacy of the rule of law, or the refusal to look for justify short-comings in respect of human rights and of used byanystate,includingtheRussianFederation,to legitimacy ofmilitaryactionagainstterroristscannotbe gathered for its winter sitting, warned Moscow that, “the organisations forfirmaction.TheParliamentaryAssembly, turning adeafearonurgentcallsmadebyhumanitarian Russia forhumanrightsviolationsinChechnya,thus of theCouncilEurope did notevenenvisage sanctioning In StrasbourgonWednesday,theParliamentaryAssembly Extract: Tutsis in1994. 26. TheGreatLakesinCentral Africa,includingthegenocideofRwandan ethnic us. office, attheCouncilofEurope!Halfhisstaffagreedwith Radio Moscowonthesepositions,histelephone,in attack. Whattopsitallisthatwe’regivinginterviewsto Russian representativeintheroomwasgoingtohaveaheart ‘destruction ofapopulation’instead.Ithoughtthatthe events ledtothisquestion.Iprobablyusedtheterm it of“collaboration.” in a press release, whereas the French section accused January, theBelgiansectioncondemneditshesitation it didnotenvisagesanctionsagainstRussia.On24 On 23 January, the Council of Europe announced that Communications (1996-1998),DirectorofOperations campaign ofrepressioninChechnyawasbecoming where Iworkedalot.Andfranklythoughtthatthe I wasstillaffectedbytheeventsinGreatLakes Strasbourg, 23January2002(inFrench). against Russia,’ Denis Rousseau, AFP (France), ‘The CouncilofEuropedoesnotEnvisageSanctions (1998-2000), President(May2000-May2008), Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof th century.Isaidthattheseriesof (in French)interviewedin2009. 26


MSF willpublish itsreport‘Chechnya-Ingushetia: aStrategy delegation tothe CouncilofEurope,Member oftheDuma). (Honorary President of Memorial, member of the Russian St Sabin,75011Paris)inthe presenceofSergeiKovalev tomorrow, 25January(atthe MSFheadquarters,8rue of Europe on 22 January, is organising a press conference Médecins SansFrontières,granted anaudiencebytheCouncil in Chechnyatoday? is capableofendingthemassivehumanrightsviolations displaying towards Russia, which international institution respected withintheterritoriesofits43MemberStates,is Europe, whichissupposedtoensurethathumanrightsare of resignationandlacksanctionsthattheCouncil methods used by this body. When faced with such an attitude reveals thedeficienciesandweaknessesofworking by theCommitteeonRefugeesandMigration’sRapporteur The descriptionofthehumanitariansituationproduced co-operate withallCouncilofEuropebodies.” content to“urgetheRussianauthoritiescontinue violations describedbytheParliamentaryAssembly,itis Chechnya intermsofseriousandcontinuinghumanrights civilians inwar.Despitetheparticularlysombresituation a statewhosepolicyistoviolatethemostbasicrightsof states, it must be noted that this organisation is siding with co-operation wouldbringRussiaintothefoldofdemocratic years. Despite the Council of Europe’s claim that its policy of of thefailureorganisation’sstrategyforoverseven Russia for its behaviourin the warinChechnya is asign Yesterday’s voteattheCouncilofEuropenottosanction rights wererestored. was short-lived;afewmonthslater,theRussiandelegation’s delegation wasdeprivedofitsvotingrights.Butthesanction in Chechnya.Inspring2000,theRussianparliamentary have punished Russia politically for human rights violations The Council of Europe is the only political organisation to various RapporteursfromtheParliamentaryAssembly.[…] human rights violations were denounced on Wednesday by Despite this, the atrocities committed by Russian soldiers and intends tocontinueexerting“pressure”onMoscow. Russia and Chechnya,”although the 43-memberorganisation not liewiththeCouncilofEurope–itliespeople responsibility toendtheconflictandbuildpeacedoes organisation, Lord Judd’s report judges that “the primary Appearing toagreewiththedetractorsofpan-European of EuropeabandoningtheChechenstotheirfate. rights organisation, Memorial, strongly accused the Council Médecins Sans Frontières, (MSF) and the Russian human dialogue”. […]Thisweek,thehumanitarianorganisation to reachaneffectivesolutionthroughcooperationand against Russiawouldonlybeartestimonytoourinability Chechnya, LordJudd(Labour,UK),forwhom“newsanctions organisation stillfollowedtheRapporteuronconflictin MSF France,24January2002(inFrench). from Co-operationto Collaboration,’ of EuropeVoteonChechnya,Council ‘Médecins Sans Frontières’ Reaction to the Council Press Release, 185 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

of Failing to help People in Danger,’ and will inaugurate conditions for aid workers and the increasingly obstructive an exhibition of photos taken by Alexandre Glyadyelov in bureaucracy. In fear of their lives, and without access to Ingushetia. assistance in their home country, civilians continue to flee in massive numbers to neighbouring Ingushetia. There they are forced to live in inhumane conditions. Civilians in Chechnya live under a reign of terror, in a prison-like environment characterized by arbitrary rules and daily violence. In the On 25 January, the French section held a press conference last two years, there has been no independent international in Paris, with the presence of Sergei Kovalev, member of inquiry into the large-scale violations of human rights and the Duma (parliament) of the Russian Federation, former international humanitarian law that are perpetrated on a dissident during Soviet times and Honorary President of daily basis in Chechnya. Memoria27. They published their report based on research in the camps in Ingushetia. Now in its third year, the war in Chechnya is still causing large numbers civilians to arrive, seeking refuge, in Ingushetia. These new arrivals are ‘clandestine’ and are not officially registered. Between 20,000 and 50,000 persons ‘Chechnya/Ingushetia: Vulnerable Persons Denied have not been officially recorded. Once they have arrived in Assistance,’ Report Doctors Without Borders, Ingushetia, the refugees are housed in squalid and inhumane January 2002 (in English and French). conditions, a fact even recognized by the Russian authorities. The paucity of assistance offered, combined with threats Extract: against them, are intended to drive these undesired refugees Contents back to Chechnya. Médecins Sans Frontières wishes to point Introduction out that under international refugee law repatriation may A Strategy of Minimal Assistance only take place on a voluntary basis and if the conditions • Survival conditions well below standard in the country of origin permit it. • Withholding assistance as a deliberate strategy Denying the Existence of New Refugees These observations are based on testimonies heard by MSF • The exodus continues staff working in Ingushetia whilst providing assistance to • Suspended registration - invisible refugees the displaced, and on a study concerning the beneficiaries • A population under pressure to go home of aid there, conducted by MSF. […] Chechnya: An Open Air Prison • Escaping war crimes and crimes against humanity Conclusion • Obstacles to the presence of relief workers and to Is there a double standard? As it enters its third year, the humanitarian efforts: security threats and increasingly conflict in Chechnya has yet to be described as what it is: obstructive bureaucracy an extremely brutal war with devastating consequences Conclusion on civilians. The international indignation that ought to be aroused by this war being waged against the Chechen APPENDICES: civilians in the name of an anti-terrorist campaign led by • Statements recorded by MSF staff Moscow, seems to have disappeared in the face of more • Main results of the investigation conducted in Ingushetia pressing international political interests. Despite the • Sernovodsk: A massive cleansing campaign […] inhumane living conditions in Ingushetia, seeking refuge there has been a matter of survival for many of the displaced. Chechnya-Ingushetia: They have chosen to take the risk of being forced to live like A Deliberate Strategy of Non-Assistance to People in Crisis rats in cellars, in the cold, or even of finding no shelter or assistance because they do not feel able to stay in Chechnya In November 2000, Médecins Sans Frontières testified before in the current climate. the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe at to the grave humanitarian situation in Chechnya. At the time, Clearly, the strategy of providing no assistance to these we denounced the policy of terror conducted by the Russian refugees in the hope that this will force them to go and pro-Russian authorities following the resumption of home, has failed. Maintaining these displaced persons war in 1999, and the difficulties encountered by civilians in such deplorable, inhuman and humiliating conditions seeking access to vital health care. Testimony gathered in has not halted the exodus. It also will not propel these the field by our staff illustrates the arbitrary and violent exiles to return to the prison-like, dangerous conditions, nature of treatment meted out to civilians. unpredictable violence and looting that reign in Chechnya today. The reality of this exodus, and the true number of Today, it is harder than ever to deliver humanitarian aid refugees present in Ingushetia must be acknowledged, so inside Chechnya, because of the deterioration in security that sufficient quantities of decent aid may be provided to the refugees.

186 27. Russian Human Rights organisation, founded on the basis of this dissidence taking place in Chechnya, constant flight to Ingushetia and taking place in Chechnya, constant flight to Ingushetia and situation inthe reportasawhole:ferocity of theviolence In response,shesaidthat agreed withouranalysisofthe official position,butsimplytheir actionsinthefield. in thisdirection.Ourgoalisnot thereforetocriticisetheir [UN]HCR’s actions,norwerewe informedbythemofprojects to stay.Inthefield,weobserved noconcretechangeinthe measures togivetherefugeesarealchoiceofwhetherornot we believethatthisaimmustbeaccompaniedbytangible which isclearlyandpubliclyagainstrepatriation.However, objectives ofourreport),weagreewiththeHCR’spolicyline, home. We clarifiedour position(Ifirst ofallexplained the Russian authoritiesinforcingtheChechenrefugeestoreturn they feltthemselvestobeaccusedofcomplicitywiththe 1) Our report was poorly received by the [UN]HCR because assistance,’ report. This meetingfollowsthepublicationofour‘StrategyNon- Extract: indicative ofalackEuropeaninterestinChechnya. conciliatory positionoftheCouncilEuropeas For theirpart,theRussianauthoritiesperceived Ingushetia, inordertoencouragethemreturnhome. maintaining poorconditionsfortheChechenrefugeesin of beingcomplicitwiththeRussianauthoritiesby unimpressed bytheMSFreport,inwhichitfeelsaccused The HighCommissionerforRefugeesissingularly a policyofterroragainstpopulation.” to transformtheinternationalfightagainstterrorisminto MSF, Jean-HervéBradol,declared“thatitwasunacceptable a country,whereveritis.”[…]Forhispart,thePresidentof “violation ofrightsisneverthepurelydomesticbusiness Memorial, aRussianhumanrightsorganisation,recalledthat, The former Soviet dissident and Honorary President of reasons theyarewillingtofollowPutin’spolicies.” the waragainstterror.Theonlythingisthatforpolitical very well that the war in Chechnya was totally unrelated to Russian deputy added. However, the western politicians knew a personalgifttotheRussianPresident Vladimir Putin,the Chechnya-Ingushetia. “On11September,BinLadenoffered strategy ofnon-assistancetopersonsindanger” organisation which wrote a report denouncing a “deliberate conference calledbyMédecinssansFrontières(MSF),the on theKremlin,”MrKovalevdeclaredinParis,atapress comfortable positionbyavoidingexertingpoliticalpressure “The westhasashort-term,cowardlyattitude,optingfor Extract: Pusillanimous AttitudetoChechnya,’ ’The RussianDeputy Kovalev Criticised the West’s programme manager 26 February 2002 (in French). programme manager26February2002(inFrench).  Barriquand toMSFFranceNorthCaucasus ‘Minutes of[UN]HCRMeeting,’E-mailfromLoïck 25 January2002(inFrench). (France), AFP (France), they hadlistenedtoourcomments. of theirParliamentarysessions. Thisishowweknewthat receptive andinturnaskedanumber ofquestionsduringone went toseeEnglishmembersofparliamentwhowerevery sent outletterseverywhere.Weheldthepressconference. I communication. Wegotintouchwitheveryoneweknew. collected in the camps and we opted for widespread to goback.Webasedourreportoneyewitnessaccounts having they wouldhavelikedtoreplacethemthiswinter,butwere with obtainingauthorisations.Withregardtothetents, also saidthattheywereencounteringenormousdifficulties later, as a means of selling the idea to the Russians?). She that couldbedismantled(forpossiblereuseinChechnya recommend replacingthetentswithprefabricatedshelters are alwayssupposedtotakepriority,andtheyforexample, home. Operationally,thequestionofshelterandsanitation intermediate solutionsbetweenemergencyaidandthereturn its population (with a ‘threat’ of disengagement?) employing pressure onthefederalgovernmenttotakeresponsibilityfor longer-term solution. Politically, they feel that this entails objectives asaresultofthisanalysis,theyarelookingfor give them the means to do so. With regard to the [UN]HCR’s need to give the refugees the choice of staying, and also their operationsagainsttheAfghanTaliban. Moscow offeredtheAmericansunprecedentedsupportfor to Russia’spositionaftertheeventsof11September,when conference attributedthischangeintheEuropeanattitude 2001. […] Four of the twelve delegates present at the press violations in Chechnya. These rights were restored in January Council of Europe in April 2000 owing to the human rights suspended theRussiandelegation’svotingrightsin The ParliamentaryAssemblyoftheCouncilEuropehad welcome” addeddeputyAlexandrePlechakov. return toMoscow.“TheRussiandelegationreceivedawarm Chamber)] during a press conference held on the delegation’s Commission oftheCouncilRussianFederation(Upper declared MikhailMargelov[PresidentoftheForeignAffairs the othersessions,Chechnyawasnotaprioritysubject,” “It wasonlythefourthpointonagenda[...]Unlike Extract: problems withtheirsupplier. Loïck Barriquand,MSFFrance programmemanager, and the reasons for which the displaced did not want in Ingushetia,butalsoofthesituationChechnya In thereport,wespokeofsituationrefugees January 2002(inFrench). (Russian Deputies), AFP (France), Moscow, 28 ‘Chechnya is No Longer of Any Interest to Europe,’ September 2000 to2005,(inFrench) interviewed in 2009.

187 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

We held the press conference in January 2002, with ‘A flinch on Chechnya,’ by Fred Hiatt, The much fanfare. We exhibited photos in the room, placed Washington Post (USA), 25 February 2002 (in  blankets everywhere. We invited Sergei Kovalev, a 73 English). year-old gentleman who was used to seeing Putin’s forces turning up at his home in the middle of the night. He offered Extract: a particularly lucid picture of the situation and played his Memorial has documented in sickening detail the Russian role perfectly. We didn’t make the front pages, but everything method of operation, as, in different ways, have Human went very well. We got lots of media feedback because Kovalev Rights Watch, Physicians for Human Rights and Doctors knows how to turn a phrase. He in particular gave a very Without Borders. Russian troops surround a village or small tough interview to the Le Monde newspaper. We knew that town and force all its inhabitants into an open field, where diplomatic pressure was needed, so we focused on articles in they are required to stay, sometimes for a day or two. Many Le Monde. We wouldn’t have said ‘no’ to a spot on the 8 of the men and some women are badly beaten. Many men o’clock TV evening news, but we were concentrating more on are taken away -- in some cases, to be ransomed for cash; this type of article. in others, never to return. Russian troops drive trucks up to each house and carry off anything of value -- rugs, Anne Fouchard, Deputy Director of Communications radios, shampoo. Then they destroy what they cannot carry, MSF France, July 2000 – July 2004, (in French) smashing mirrors, shooting sheep, setting fire to haystacks. interviewed in 2009 […] When Memorial holds news conferences in Moscow to release its findings, some newspapers publish reports. But no television or radio station any longer dares to cover such news, Orlov [Oleg, one of Memorial officials] says. Such is the success of Putin’s campaign to acquire or intimidate In the meantime, in the Russian Federation continued Russia’s broadcast media. to muzzle or liquidate the independent press. After the Government had taken control of NTV a few months earlier, TV6 was the last independent television station to go off the air. After an exploratory mission in January, the Coordinator of the Dutch section was led to the conclusion that the situation was now less dangerous than in Ingushetia. As ‘ Russians Find Suspicions Fly as Network Goes off a result, MSF transferred the local team from Ingushetia Air,’ Michael Wines, The New York Times (USA), to Chechnya, where it opened a program. A team of 23 January 2002 (in English). expatriates set up a base in Nalchik in the neighbouring republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. A support program for Extract: the surgical unit in a Grozny hospital was gradually put It was the first sign that TV-6, Russia’s last independent into place. television network, had succumbed to what its managers and most outside analysts called a Kremlin plot to force it off the air. Plot or not -- and the Kremlin denies it -- death came to TV-6 with a twist of the knife: Most of the network’s top staff had fled from NTV last summer, when a Kremlin-controlled company took over that network in It started around January 2002, when I made my first a boardroom coup. […] While most analysts consider it a trip to go and see for myself, which was quite useful given that TV-6 was silenced on a Kremlin order, not all because there was a major shift in strategy at that were so quick today to conclude that press freedom has been point. Before, everything was still based on teams from Nazran silenced. ‘’I think it’s impossible to take the national press and going in and out of day trips. Being in Grozny, I realized under control, even with the monocentric system which the that Nazran was rapidly becoming as dangerous as Grozny. Kremlin is building,’’ Igor Bunin, a political analyst, said So if you’re sitting in Nazran, you might as well sit in Grozny, in an interview. ‘’Putin cannot help but realize that the but in my opinion both of them were unacceptable to have press is necessary for expression, which is important for a permanent presence of expatriates. We could not afford the development of a free-market economy.’’ that with the way things were going with new leadership in The overriding reason for the shutdown of TV-6 remains Ingushetia and also new leadership in Chechnya, and a very unclear. Civil liberties advocates note that the government clear policy of the Russians to try to normalize Chechnya. To has expanded its control of national television from one achieve anything we needed to have permanent people based state-controlled network three years ago to three today. in Grozny, not in Nazran. I decided that MSF needed to get But others, like Mr. Bunin, say the Kremlin may actually be an office in Grozny. And the expat team was going to be based settling scores with those few tycoons who are still trying in Naltchik in Kabardino - Balkharia. The Chechnya staff, was to wield their wealth for political gain. very happy with it, because being Chechens, they were less and less welcome in Ingushetia themselves. We also considered 188 some additional components in Grozny itself, like getting Georgia fromChechnya areinfactthefrontiers between of concern for MSF. The borders separating Ingushetia and more recentlyinAzerbaijanand Georgia,isamajorsource more forcefuloverthelastfew monthsinIngushetia,and The pressuretoreturn,which hasincreasedandbecome to forcethepopulationinquestion toreturnChechnya. assistance implementedby the Russianfederal authorities, situation isthedirectresultofaveryrealpolicynon- of theChechenrefugeepopulationinIngushetia.This Frontières wishestorecalltheextremelyprecarioussituation Minister for Foreign Affairs, Igor Ivanov, Médecins Sans On theoccasionofthisFriday’svisittoParisbyRussian Extract: authorities toforcethemreturnChechnya. of non-assistance to the refugees used by the Russian Ivanov toonceagainturnthespotlightonstrategy of the Paris visit by the Russian Prime Minister Igor In February,theFrenchsectionseizedopportunity gees andtheviolenceinflicteduponthem. to the humanitarian situation of the refu- continued toalerttheinternationalplayers ing aroundthefateofChechens,MSF civil societies were increasingly mobilis- of January,andatatimewhenEuropean Following onfromthepublicadvocacy as well.AndwehadapermanentstaffbasedinGrozny presence inGrozny,weaddedanemergencysurgicalcomponent And thenlater,onceIdecidedweneededtohaveapermanent negotiations. Sothattookthelongesttogetoffground. Soviet Unionisverydifficultonthelevelofmedical reasons, simplybecausematchingtuberculosisandtheformer programme wasthemostdifficulttoopen,becauseofsecurity that firstwerementalhealthandtuberculosis.Thetuberculosis about otherthings.Andthenthetwomaincomponentsbesides course, ifyouaregivingsomething,thenitiseasiertotalk which gaveyoutheroomtodiscussfurtherprograms.Of and clinics. It was the easiest and the first one we could do, off the ground was a restart of the drugs supply to hospitals data inasystematicway.Theprogram,theend,thatcame seeing patients.Theyalsostartedcollectingthiswartrauma Then wehaddoctorsonthegroundinChechnyathatwere some surgicalassistanceinthisHospitalNumber9setup. Michiel Hofman,MSFHollandNorthCaucasusHOM 15 February2002(inFrench). of theDebate,’ Visit byIgorIvanovtoParis:Chechnyaattheheart from May2001toJuly2003,(inEnglish) Press release,MSFFrance,Paris, interviewed in2009.

was alsoraisedattheEuropeanParliament. expressed theirsupportfortheChechens.Thematter civil society and a number of political figures publicly of thedeportationChechensbyStalin,European In thefollowingweeks,tomarkcommemoration and internationalhumanitarianlawinChechnya? putting anendtothemassiveviolationsofHumanrights to 27April?Whichinternationalbodyiscapabletodayof Human RightsCommission,whichwillbefrom18March a condemnationofRussiaatthenextmeetingUN’s Rights? Do France and the European Union intend to obtain authorities bringRussiabeforetheEuropeanCourtofHuman in Chechnyaformorethantwoyearsnow.WilltheFrench torture, massacre,andbombings,whichhasbeenthecase “war on terror” cannot be an alibi for , Médecins SansFrontièresalsowishestorecallthatthe and impunityreign. havens andanopen-skyprisonwherearbitrarypunishment day, theanniversary ofthe1944deportation oftheentire invited to meet the press on Friday 22 February. The following a Caucasus women’s’ NGO, Zainab Gachaeva, were first of all soldiers ofSaint-Petersburg,Elia Poliakova,andtheHeadof with thePresidentofAssociation ofMothersRussian Khanbiev (Health)andAkhmed Zakaïev(Culture),along The ‘Ministers’IlyasAkhmadov (ForeignAffairs),Omar bureaucracy hasabsolutelynocontrol? scene –actors,directors,writers,etc.,overwhichRussian invitation camefromrepresentativesoftheFrenchcultural Chechen civilsociety?Andwhenhefoundoutthatthe three ofthem,alongwithrepresentativesRussianand in FrancenotjusttooneofMaskhadov’sministers,but minister Ivanov do when he learned of the invitation issued to theMinistryofForeignAffairsinMoscow.Whatwould summoned –aprocessthathadalreadybecome‘routine’ In reprisal, the French and British ambassadors were the ForeignOffice. the Parliament of the Council of Europe and in London at was inthiscapacitythathereceivedStrasbourgby negotiations betweenthecombatantslastNovember.It represented theChechenPresidentatinitial,aborted, Jacques Lang tothe Minister for Education. Akhmed Zakaïev pro-independence government,AkhmedZakaïev,andby at theQuaid’Orsayto‘MinisterforCulture’of weeks earlierbythoseinchargeoftheEuropedepartment […] Hisprotests only concerned the meetings granted two Aslan Maskhadov,arecontinuingtobereceivedinFrance.” Hubert Védrinethat“envoysfromtheChechenPresident, received last week in Paris and complained to his counterpart The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Igor Ivanov, was Extract: Le Monde(France),22February2002(inFrench). ‘A ChechenSupportCampaignLaunchedinEurope,’ 189 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Chechen population to central Asia, demonstrations were ‘Chechnya Report/US,’ E-mail from Patrice Page, planned in Paris and in ten or so European cities, followed Programme Department, MSF USA to Loïck up in March by symposia, exhibitions and shows put on by Barriquand, programme manager and the MSF Chechens, a ‘non-people.’ Deputy Legal Advisor, 15 February 2002 (in French).

Extract: ‘The European Parliament [EP] Now Involved,’ In short, with regard to the content, it is exactly the same Le Monde (France), 9 March 2002 (in French). report as that from MSF-F but with modifications concerning the format/order of presentation and some additional Extract: information […] which simply supplements rather than modifies The European Parliament (EP) contacted by a group of the content. The main difference is on page 5 where we deputies – including Olivier Dupuis, Secretary of the Radical included recommendations and that entailed lengthy Party and who had been on hunger strike for the previous two discussions here between Nicolas [de Torrente, MSF USA weeks – decided on Thursday 7 March to include the Chechen Executive Director] and myself about which recommendations. issue on the agenda of its plenary session of 14 March in Let’s just say that in the US, it’s really important to include Strasbourg. In a letter to the EP President, Pat Cox, Mr recommendations, because the officials want to know Dupuis underlined that, “assuming that President Putin more precisely/concretely what we are expecting of them really wants to begin negotiations with the representative [...]. Adding recommendations is so important that it can of President Maskhadov, our blinkered policy of silence make the difference between being totally ignored by the and cynicism will be of no help to him when faced with a politicians in Washington or not, when presenting the report military lobby that is thriving on the Chechen tragedy.” To (it seems stupid but that’s the way it is). I believe that support this action, aimed at ensuring the application of the recommendations reflect the spirit of the report fairly the resolutions already adopted by the Parliament, more accurately but I am of course waiting for your feed-back. than 200 people, including Elena Bonner, the wife of Andrei At first, they were a little too soft and after the discussions Sakharov, intend to take part in the fast, from 12 to 14 with Loïck this last week-end, I gave them some teeth... March. The President of the EP delegation for relations with About these meetings, they will be on Thursday and Friday the Russian Federation, Bart Staes, is organising a hearing next and there’s already some good news, in that the of the representatives from the Chechen President, Aslan head of the BPRM (Bureau of Populations, Refugees and Maskhadov, on 14 March. Migration), in other words one of Powell’s [Colin Powel, US Secretary of Foreign Affairs] 4 direct political assistants at the Department of State, has agreed to see us. He is the highest ranking political contact at the Department of State ‘Chechnya: The Indignation of Joshka Fisher,’ Le for strictly humanitarian questions. This is clearly a victory Monde, AFP/AP, (France) 22 March 2002 (in because we were only hoping to be seen by one of the desk French). managers (bureaucrats) and not one of the ‘politicians,’ given the sensitive nature of the subject. Extract: The German Minister for Foreign Affairs, Joschka Fischer, denounced the violations of human rights in Chechnya as serious and systematic on Wednesday, 20 March before the ‘ Chechnya/Ingushetia: Vulnerable Persons Denied UN Commission for Human Rights, “saying there should be Assistance,’ Report, Doctors without Borders, no anti-terrorist windfall.” For his part, , February 2002 (in English). the Chechen Independent Minister for Foreign Affairs, who was received by the Danish Parliament on Wednesday, Extract: denounced the deterioration of the situation in Chechnya Recommendations since September 11th. MSF calls upon the Russian authorities to: • Fully respect international humanitarian law in the armed conflict in Chechnya. In particular, ensure the adequate protection of civilians remaining in Chechnya. • Immediately reverse policies intended to pressure MSF USA in turn, issued the report entitled “Chechnya- displaced Chechens in Ingushetia, Dagestan, and other Ingushetia: a Deliberate Strategy of Non-assistance republics to unwillingly return to their homes in Chechnya to People in Crisis” to which it added a number of despite ongoing warfare and insecure conditions there. In recommendations. It organized an information tour to particular, resume registration of displaced Chechens and various political officials. At the beginning of March, it provide humanitarian assistance according to the real needs was the turn of MSF Belgium to release a report, backed of the actual number of displaced people. up by a press release including the eyewitness account of the Coordinator in Moscow. MSF urges all parties to the conflict in Chechnya to: 190 • Respect access for humanitarian organizations to operate neighboring Ingushetia, Dagestan,andother neighboring Thousands of Chechenscontinuetoseek refugein the fewpersonalbelongings they stillpossess. many residents spend much of their time in cellars, guarding crossfire. Dailysurvivalisbecoming harderand either by direct acts of violence or by getting caught in the men andwomencontinuetodie everydayinsideChechnya, and dailyviolence.Thetestimoniesshowthatinnocent prison-like environmentcharacterizedbyarbitraryrules Chechnya continue to live under a reign of terror, in a described asan“anti-terroristoperation,”civiliansin People inCrisis,”revealthat in thethird yearof a war Ingushetia: ADeliberateStrategyofNon-Assistanceto Testimonies documentedintheMSFreport,“Chechnya/ registration andadequateassistance.” to safetyinneighboringrepublics,theyaredeniedofficial bombings, andarbitraryarrests,butwhentheytrytoflee “In Chechnya,theyfacedailyviolenceandharassment, Operational DirectorofMSFreliefeffortsinNorthCaucasus. a rockandhardplace,”statesJose-AntonioBastos, register new arrivals. “Chechen civilians are caught between humanitarian assistance there duetoapolicyofrefusing and otherneighboringrepublicsonlytoreceiveinadequate numbers ofChechencivilianstoseekrefugeinIngushetia indiscriminate violence in Chechnya continue to drive large Frontières (MSF)showshowongoinginsecurityand organization DoctorswithoutBorders/MédecinsSans A reportreleasedbytheinternationalhumanitarian Extract: civilian population. war in Chechnya and its consequences on the Chechen • Callingforaninternationalindependentinquiryonthe European CourtofHumanRights. the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and the bodies, particularlytheUnitedNationsSecurityCouncil, humanitarian assistance)withtherelevantinternational humanitarian and human rights law and denied access to violations of fundamental rights under international Chechnya onthecivilianpopulation(especiallyrepeated • Raisingtheissueofconsequenceswarin assistance ofcivilianChechens. implementing policiesassuringadequateprotectionand Chechnya and in neighbouringrepublics, particularly by for respecting international humanitarian lawboth inside • Taking appropriate measures to hold Russia responsible law intheregionby: accountable forviolationsofinternationalhumanitarian United Kingdom, and France, to immediately hold Russia especially keymemberstatesliketheUnitedStates, • MSF urges the United Nations Security Council, the simplificationofadministrativeregulations. republics accordingtotheGenevaConventions,including unhindered inChechnya,Ingushetia,andotherneighbouring English). MSF USAPressrelease,28February2002(in ‘Civilians ContinuetoFleeViolenceinChechnya,’

in Chechnyapermitit. take placeonlyonavoluntarybasisandiftheconditions requests thatanyreturnofChechencivilianstoChechnya pressure onthedisplacedinIngushetiatoreturnhome,and Chechnya. MSF is particularly concerned by the increasing of non-assistanceisintended to drivetheChechensback and apartialpictureoftheneeds.Thisdeliberatestrategy their assistance programs on the basis of incomplete lists population, non-governmentalorganizationshavetoplan and intheabsenceofacompletecensusdisplaced displaced areoftenunabletoreceiveofficialreliefassistance 10,000 inDagestan.Withoutregistration,thenewlyarrived facing theirthirdwinterinIngushetiaandanadditional situation ofanestimated200,000displacedChechensnow registered. MSFisconcernedaboutthehumanitarian arrivals areconsidered‘clandestine’andnolongerofficially republics but since the beginning of 2001, these new presented whatwehadfoundinthereport. explaining thatthiswasnotnormal.Wewentaroundand by force,wewantedtosendituptheAmericanadministration, the volatile situation and the desire to normalise the situation saw thereportoncampsinIngushetia,whichdescribed we wereabletomakecommentsandsuggestions.Sowhen but thatenabledustocomparethestylesofsections,and spoke witheveryone.Wehadaverydifferentviewofthings, who wantedtotalktheUnitedStates,butindoingthis,we got reallyinvolvedintheadvocacypoliciesofsections, wanted totalktheAmericanoffice.Theprogramsdepartment, but generallyweactedasanintermediary.Thesectionsalso stopped somecampaigns,whichwerefelttobeinappropriate, where theinformationandmessageswerecentralised.We one, wehadtoturntheheatup.NewYorkbecameplace on thebackburner.Butassoontherewasareportlikethat intervention plans,whichenabledustoleavecertain things we had made during the Kenny affair. We have annual continue thepressureonChechnyaandmaintaincontacts of thesituationChechen refugees. on HumanRights(CNCDH), ofwhichitwasamember, Government, viatheNational ConsultativeCommission the various European Union bodies and the French Human RightsCommission, the Frenchsectioninformed In anticipationofthenextsessionUnitedNations [...], ProjectCoordinator,MSFBelgiuminChechnya, whenever we saw an opportunity. We felt that we should sections, butinNewYorkwewerealsotakinginitiatives T he diplomaticapproacheswerediscussedbythe 2001-2002, (inFrench)interviewedin2008. (1995), MSFUSAProgrammeDepartment

191 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

‘ Minutes of Meetings in Brussels - 4 March 2002,’ incentive by reminding us that a summit between the MSF deputy legal advisor, 18 March 2002 (in European Union and Russia was scheduled for May and French). implicitly invited us to stimulate public pressure on this occasion. We then mentioned that after a period of apathy, Extract: we felt that the European media were once again keenly Note: none of those we spoke to disputed MSF’s analysis interested in Chechnya. According to them, the reticence of the strategy of deliberate non-assistance implemented of the heads of state to mention Chechnya is mainly linked by the Russian authorities against the displaced Chechens to the desire to keep Russia on-board, given the next major in Ingushetia. We were nonetheless expecting to have to politico-strategic objective of the European Union, which is argue our case on this point. expansion to about twenty members, some of whom share 1) Meeting with Poul Nielsen, European Commissioner for common borders with Russia. Development and Humanitarian Aid They seemed to take due note of our demand for ‘action’ […] In the light of the mandate of the Commissioner and by the European Union at the session of the Human of ECHO, the purpose of this meeting for MSF was above all Rights Commission. However, they did say that there was to alert them of the problems with assisting and protecting a consensus among the member States that referring the the Chechen refugees, in particular: matter to the European Court of Human Rights was not a the precarious situation of the displaced population realistic option. They seemed (or at least pretended) to be in Ingushetia, linked to the strategy of non-assistance unaware of the procedure currently under way in the Danish implemented by the Russian Federal authorities (central Parliament, which could lead to the Danish government topic of our report published last January); bringing Russia before the European Court. in recent months, the racking up of the pressure to return in Ingushetia and more recently in Georgia. For information, MSF has been spotlighting this issue for more than a year now. Concerning the first part of our message, but without calling ‘ The CNCDH Denounces the Tragic Situation in into question our analysis of the deliberate strategy of non- Chechnya,’ AFP (France), Paris, 11 March 2002 assistance, Nielsen sought to avoid any ‘politicisation’ of the (in French). problem. He fell back on a highly restrictive interpretation of his mandate and that of ECHO and in so doing, resorted Extract: to a purely humanitarian reading of the situation. In his In a memo dated 7 March addressed to French Prime Minister opinion, his and ECHO’s responsibility can be boiled down Lionel Jospin, the National Consultative Commission on to the following equation = where there are humanitarian Human Rights (CNCDH) described “the serious violations needs, there must be humanitarian assistance. He dodged against human rights and international humanitarian law the political causes of these needs (= the strategy of non- […], the massive difficulties civilians face in accessing assistance), which we presented to him but he dismissed humanitarian aid, and the acute insecurity of the Chechen when asked what types of concrete measures he intended population who have taken refuge in Ingushetia.” The to take to reduce the pressure to return and the problems Commission, which drafted a similar memo a year earlier, of assistance. He told us that the only areas in which the stated that it was “extremely concerned.” “The disparity Commission and ECHO could help us and maintain pressure, between the human rights violations being committed were issues of access to Chechnya, the freedom of action by the Russian forces in Chechnya and the proceedings granted to humanitarian organisations, and the possibility engaged bear out the Russian authorities’ unwillingness to of NGOs being allowed to use means of communication. sanction the perpetrators of such violations,” declared the Commission, adding that “the international bodies tasked 2) Meeting with the Council of the European Union with investigating the human rights situation in Chechnya […] This meeting was the more political of the two. have encountered huge problems in carrying out their work.” We repeated the message we had taken to the European The CNCDH has asked the French government “to ensure that Commissioner, and added some more political elements as the European Union takes the initiative at the next session a result: of the UN Human Rights Commission to again introduce the specific nature of this conflict when compared with a resolution condemning the Russian Federation for the the thirty or so armed conflicts ongoing around the world; massive violations against human rights and international the huge gap between the gravity of the conflict and the humanitarian law.” It also asked the French government passivity of the ‘international community;’ to demand that the Russian authorities “sanction the a request for the European Union, at the next session of immediate visit of special reporters.” It also hopes that “if the Human Rights Commission, to table a resolution on the measures taken thus far ultimately end in failure, France Chechnya demanding an independent international inquiry and the members states of the Council of Europe will appeal on the large-scale violations of human rights; to the European Court of Human Rights.” referral of the matter to the European Court of Human Rights by one or more member States of the European Union. […] For the rest, they underlined the difficulty with keeping Chechnya on the agendas of the Heads of State At the time, the French section was a member of the 192 of the European Union. On this point, they offered a small French National Consultative Mission on Human Rights, seemed todothetrick.Close 200,000Chechensareliving his two-dayvisitinthefield: apparentlyafewnewtents difficult, hehadwitnessed“tangible improvements”during Lord Judddescribedthat,althoughthesituationremains can bedownloadedfromtheMSFwebsite:www.msf.org). denied assistance”)publishedbyMSF(acopyofthereport as the report (“Chechnya/Ingushetia: vulnerable persons Lubbers, theUNHighCommissionerforRefugees,aswell ignored theconcernsandrecommendationsissuedbyRudd boring Ingushetia?Therapporteurofthespecialcommission And whatofthefateChechenrefugeesinneigh- an effectivesolutionthroughcooperationanddialogue.” Russia wouldonlybeartestimonytoourinabilityreach rapporteur, LordJudd,forwhom“newsanctionsagainst thus heededtherecommendationsputforwardbyBritish Russia forviolatinghumanrightsinChechnya. The Council the CouncilofEuropedidnotconsiderimposingsanctionson session on January 23, 2002, the Parliamentary Assembly of or eventheirmostfundamentalhumanrights.Atitswinter is preparedtostoptheKremlinandprotectChechens’lives the eventsof11September2001,nointernationalpower sinister conclusion: in the fight against terrorism following After twoyearsofwar,Chechencivilianshavereacheda Extract: countries. 28. Americannewspaper (in English)publishedfromEuropeanddispatched in180 Human Rights. memos fromtheFrenchNationalConsultativeMissionon [Médecins duMonde]draftedandcoordinatedanumberof Rights] andotherhumanitarianorganisationssuchasMDM conjunction withtheIFHR[InternationalFederationofHuman pressure ontheFrenchgovernment.Therefore,MSF,in to realisethatthisorganisationcouldbeleveragedmaintain human rightsandthehumanitariansituation.Wesooncame and criticisetheFrenchgovernmentonissuesrelatingto an independentbodyunderthePrimeMinistersetuptoadvise an endtotheRussian–Chechenconflict. according to him,had been made by the Assembly to put of Europerepliedwithasummarytheeffortswhich, President oftheParliamentaryAssemblyCouncil the humanrightssituationinChechnya.On15March, of Europeforabdicatingitsresponsibilitiesconcerning International Herald Tribune On 14 March, in an open letter published in the 14 March2002(inEnglish). letter in ‘No EndinSighttotheWarChechnya,’MSFopen [...], MSFdeputylegaladvisor1995-2005, International Herald Tribune (Europe), interviewed in 2008(inFrench). 28 , MSF criticised the Council daily recognized bythe internationalcommunity, thewarstarted calm, punctuated bytheelectionofaChechen president have died-literallyadecimation. Afterabriefperiodof to August 1996, 100,000 Chechens are estimated to During thefirstperiodof conflict, fromDecember1994 attempt todemolishacivilian population. who cannotfleeandexecutions. Wearewitnessinganother through bombing,sendingthemintoexile,enslavingthose repetition revealsapolicyaimedatdestroyingpeople violence committedagainsttheChechenpopulation.This Rights Watch, describe a disturbing and repeated pattern of of humanrights’organizationssuchasMemorialorHuman to neighboringIngushetia.Ourvariousreports,likethose who haveremainedinChechnyaandthosefled humanitarian aid, restrictions that affect both the population we have described the restrictions imposed on the delivery of committed againsttheChechencivilianpopulation.Likewise informing Councilcommitteesabouttheextentofcrimes Since 1995,groupshavebeenpublishingreportsand humanitarian andhumanrightsorganizationsdo. may notconsiderChechnyaapriority,representativesof Europe, amatterofpriority.”WhiletheCouncilEurope is not,fortheParliamentaryAssemblyofCouncil delegation stated with overt satisfaction that “Chechnya Again, itabstained.TheparliamentariansoftheRussian responsibility todefendandupholditsidentityvalues. right. Itabstainedfromdoingso.TheCouncilalsohada one’s countrywhenoneisthreatenedafundamentalhuman It wasalsoitsresponsibilitytorecallthattherightflee in Chechnyadonotpermitthecivilianpopulationtoreturn. failed toclearlystatethatthelivingconditionsandsecurity the CouncilshirkeditsresponsibilityonJanuary23whenit the respectofHumanRightsin43memberstates.Andyet months later.TheCouncilofEurope’smissionistomonitor vote ontheCouncilofEurope,beforereinstatingifafew Assembly hadsuspendedtheRussiandelegation’srightto put Chechnyaonitsagenda.InApril2000,theParliamentary The Council of Europe is the only international body to have and heating. into immediateaccountthemosturgentneeds:housing that aidsuppliesmatchthenumberofrecipientsandtaking notably byreinstatingtheregistrationofnewrefugeesso bring aboutconcreteimprovements in termsofassistance, is askingthe UN agenciesand donors todotheir utmost to summary executions,andtorturearerife.ThisiswhyMSF a stateoflawfromlawlessone,inwhichdisorder,rape, border whichseparatesIngushetiaandChechnya major concern to Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF). The have increasedandworsenedoverrecentmonths,areof And theproblemsrefugeesfaceupontheirreturn,which almost ayeartopressuretherefugeesreturnChechnya. displaced ChechensinIngushetia,astrategydeployedfor situation isthedirectresultofRussia’snon-assistance the hygieneisappalling.Thisunacceptablehumanitarian One toiletfor200people,oneshower400people; refugees taketurnssleepinginthelimitedspaceavailable. shelter incellarsandfarms,squalidunheated,wherethe cannot evenescapethecoldandsnow;orelsetaking sees refugeescrammed into tents,riddledwithholessothey in increasinglyprecariousanddangerousconditions.Winter 193 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

again with a vengeance. Once again, civilians began falling Today, in the aftermath of 11 September, the Council, and by the thousands under bombs, arbitrary arrests, torture, the Assembly within it, is the only international body, which and forced deportations. They were even deprived of the continues to deal with this tragedy as a matter of priority. As minimum assistance to help them out of their misery. Tens an organization, which was set up by governments to defend of thousands have died since autumn 1999, while hundreds human rights on the basis of legally binding international upon hundreds have been tortured or have disappeared. treaties, we can neither engage, nor disengage as a matter Are international bodies and Western governments going of political opportunity. to continue accepting this line of thinking that has, in the From the very beginning, the Assembly’s efforts in Chechnya past, allowed some of the worst atrocities to take place? have been an up-hill battle. The January debate was typical When faced with such general indifference, an end to the - the resolution adopted was criticized by everyone. The violence in Chechnya does not yet seem to be on the horizon. Russian delegation was upset by the call to Moscow to negotiate with Aslan Maskhadov, while the representatives of Mr Maskhadov expressed their disappointment at the absence of sanctions against Russia because of its ’Re: Response to MSF from the Council of Europe,’ conduct in Chechnya. Human rights and humanitarian non- e-mail from the MSF deputy legal advisor to governmental organizations - MSF included - also hoped Isabelle Lasserre and Laure Mandeville, Journalists for a tougher line and stronger condemnation of Russia in at the French Daily Le Figaro, 20 March 2002 (in Strasbourg. French). If the Assembly became involved in the Chechen conflict to please, I would have to admit that we are not doing very well. [...] But we did not get involved to please. What we are doing For information, in case you do not already have it, the open is trying to help end the human suffering of the Chechen letter from the President of the APCE. I don’t know in which population, to improve the human rights situation, and to paper this open letter was published. It’s the response to an bring about a political solution to the conflict. In doing open letter that we ourselves published in the International so, we are deciding on a course of action, which may not Herald Tribune. Moreover, I confirm that we are organising a always be liked by the two sides in the conflict, or by the joint briefing with Memorial, HRW, MDM, FIDH and Amnesty general public, but it is a course of action that is carefully on 2 April next, in front of the Human Rights Commission thought through and for which we are taking full political in Geneva. This briefing will be preceded in the morning responsibility. by a press conference. We are often criticized for not doing enough. Perhaps rightly Enclosed are some minutes of meetings that were part so. Everyone has their share of responsibility and, in the of our lobbying and I am posting you the CNCDH opinion face of such human tragedy, one always feels that more that we introduced and had jointly voted with the FIDH to could have been done to prevent, or stop it. We do not claim exert pressure on France on the eve of the Human Rights to be able to provide immediate comfort to the suffering Commission + the minutes of the meetings in the United population. People who have gone through the hell of the States with the American authorities. On the European past 28 months of war will find little instant consolation Parliament side, we thought about writing a letter to the from political deliberations two thousand kilometers away. President of the Parliament (who we should also be meeting) What we can do, and are doing, is working towards a change and a press release because Chechnya had been withdrawn of attitude within Russia, a change that has already started from the agenda of the session debates at the beginning of and should, eventually, lead to the end of violence and April, which was a highly negative symbolic gesture right human rights abuses. in the middle of the Human Rights Commission session. Following the mobilisation by several deputies from various The Council of Europe is involved in Chechnya through its groups, Chechnya was reintroduced with the aim of voting experts in the Office of the Russian President’s Special Envoy a resolution. We’ll see what happens... for Human Rights. For a year and a half, they represented the Finally, the MSF UK section is also preparing a briefing for only foreign presence in the Chechen Republic. Their work, the House of Commons in London. under very difficult and dangerous conditions, is helping to reveal the truth about the conflict and to justice being done. Open letter by Peter Schieder, President of the Council of For the first time ever, the Secretary General of the Council Europe Parliamentary Assembly to Médecins Sans Frontières of Europe invoked Article 52 of the European Convention on (Strasbourg 15 February 2002). Human Rights; and requested from the Russian authorities to In a statement published in the international press on furnish an explanation of the manner in which the measures Monday, 4 March, Médecins Sans Frontières criticizes the put in place to deal with the situation in Chechnya ‘ensure Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe for ‘shirking the effective implementation of any of the provisions of the its responsibility’ with regard to the conflict in Chechnya. MSF Convention.’ The reply by the Russian authorities is being quotes the members of the Russian delegation, stating that examined by the Committee of Ministers. Chechnya is no longer a matter of priority for the Assembly. Last July, the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Nothing could be further from the truth. The Council of Europe Prevention of Torture (CPT) issued a public statement. was the first international body to react to the outbreak Only its second ever in which it criticized the Russian 194 of the second Chechen conflict two and a half years ago. authorities’ failure to carry out a thorough and independent large-scale violations ofhumanrightsand international international body istodayabletoput an endtothe Faced withsuchanabdication ofresponsibility,which sanction Russiaforitsconduct ofthewarinChechnya. rights ontheterritoryofits 43 membersstates–didnot of Europe–whichisnonetheless supposedtoprotecthuman neighbouring Ingushetia.Despite ouradvocacy,theCouncil remained inChechnyaandthosewhohadsoughtrefuge restrictions on humanitarian aid both to the populations who attempt todestroyapeople”inChechnya,aswellthe Dr Jean-HervéBradol,PresidentofMSF,spokethe“fresh During ahearingattheCouncilofEuropeon22Januarylast, in Chechnya,whichissimplygettingworse. step intheMSFadvocacyaimedatdenouncingasituation situation inChechnyatoday.Thisinterventionisafurther such astheRwandangenocidein1994,and is exceptional.Itreservedforsituationsofextremegravity, The participationbyMédecinsSansFrontièresatthissession Extract: an entirepeople.’ Chechnya, referredtoasthe‘policyofdestruction by thegraveandspecificnatureofsituationin Tutsi genocidein1994andthatitwasjustifiedtoday, last participationbythissessionwasfortheRwandan UN HumanRightsCommission,MSFrecalledthatthe On 2April,duringabriefingofthe58thsession last resolutionontheconflictinChechnya. invited toreadcarefullytheintegraltextofAssembly’s Russia’s obligationsasaCouncilofEuropememberstate,are who doubtourresolveininsistingonfullcompliancewith criticism ofcontinuedviolationshumanrights.Those on a political solution has not affected our unequivocal attitudes, whicharekeepingtheconflictalive.Thefocus Assembly’s auspices,wearetryingtochangetheentrenched the beginningofanintra-Chechendialogueunder created bytheAssemblyandRussianStateDuma, and peacefulsolution.ThroughtheJointWorkingGroup political process,whichistheonlywaytoreachalasting The ParliamentaryAssemblypursuesitseffortstoinitiatea Russian government. admissible andwillleadtocourtdecisionsbindingonthe of humanrightsinChechnya.Manyarelikelytobefound states hasreceivedhundredsofcomplaintsviolations Europe’s mechanismtoupholdhumanrightsinitsmember Court ofHuman Rights -thejudicial pillar oftheCouncil of course ofthecurrentconflictinChechnya.TheEuropean of ill-treatmentpersonsdeprivedtheirlibertyinthe as welltotakeactionuncoverandprosecutecases inquiry intoeventsintheChernokozovodetentionfacility MSF Switzerland,2April2002(inFrench). Rights Commission.’ ‘MSF Interventionatthe58thSessionofHuman Press release,MSFFrance,

their dischargefromhospital. to themaelstromofviolence,torture,andexecutionon the victimsofattackswhowouldbeimmediatelyreturned indicated itsrefusaltobecomeresignedsilentlytreating Rights Commission.Inspeakingoutinthisway,MSFclearly This isthequestionthatMSFagainposestoday totheHuman “Chechnya-Ingushetia, Non-assistanceto People inDanger.” timed tocoincidewiththereleaseofitsreportentitled MSF posed on 25 January 2002, during a press conference humanitarian lawinChechnya?Thisisthequestionthat 100,000 dead. According tosomeestimates, nearly100,000 to August 1996,Chechen losses were estimated at about During the first conflictin Chechnya, from December 1994 is atstake.Thefactsunfortunately bearoutthisviewpoint. policy ofterror.Theyareconvinced thattheirverysurvival the 1944deportationandare onceagainfacedwiththis Russian Revolution.AllChechens agedoverfiftyexperienced present day,notforgettingthecivilwarwhichfollowed marked bytheuseofterror,fromRussiancolonisationto entire people.ThehistoryofRusso-Chechenconfrontationis Chechnya, isafurtherepisodeintheattempttodestroyan we have been seeing for more than two and a half years in gravity andthespecificityofconflictinChechnya.What the presenceofotherorganisationsbearswitnessto Our presenceattheHumanRightsCommissiontodayand health sothattheirtorturerscangetbacktoworkonthem. that of doctors tasked with restoring torture victims to pointless. We arethusfacedwithasituationwhichrecalls out ofitspastandfuturecontext,failingwhichitbecomes hospital. Theactofcareandtreatmentcannotbetaken they leavehospital,andsometimesevenwhilearein again facedwithviolence,torture,orexecutionassoon patients whoarethevictimsofaggressionandonce medical NGO,it’sbecausewerefusetosilently care for Rwandan genocide.Ifwecamehere,asahumanitarian For information,ourlastparticipationgoesbacktothe exceptional. Itisreservedforsituationsofparticulargravity. of theHumanRightscommissionisunusualand,forus, The participationbyMédecinsSansFrontièresinthesession read toyouasanintroduction. collected byourteamsinthefieldandthatIwantedto is onlyanextractfromthenumerouseyewitnessaccounts in Argoun,tornapartbetweentwoarmouredvehicles.’This the victim.Three days later,twoyoungpeoplewerekilled if therewasnomaninthehouse,thenwomanbecame became furious.Eachhousehadtopay5,000roubles,and for theirpassportandifanyonetriedtoshowone,they last, left the population paralysed. They weren’t even asked out at Tsotsen Yurt between 31 December and 6 January Thank youforagreeingtolistenus.‘Thecleansingcarried Extract: French). Rights Commission,’MSFFrance,2April2002(in Briefing beforethe58 th SessionoftheHuman

195 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

people have been killed during the course of the current not correspond to the gravity of the facts that have been conflict, or nearly 10% of the population each time. Even presented. Recent reports published by NGOs (including the in strictly mathematical terms, the population is being MSF report mentioned in the resolution) and delivered to decimated. the European Parliament unanimously denounce the grave, As shown in our report, the violence against civilians is today intentional violence committed by the Russian forces against extreme and completely unrelated to the fighting between civilians: repeated acts of torture, rape, arbitrary arrests, armed forces. The acts committed against them have become cleansing operations, and frequent attacks (including attacks systematic. Encirclement of villages, raids and round-ups, on hospitals). However, the resolution voted today will do pillage, arbitrary arrest and torture, nothing stops the nothing to improve the situation. Russian armed forces, and certainly not the walls of a civil The resolution does not call for any concrete measures hospital, as shown by the attack on the Chiri Yurt hospital such as demanding that an international and independent on 28 January last. Right now, thousands of civilians are observatory mission be sent to Russia, or that European continuing to flee Chechnya for Ingushetia, even though States call upon the European Court for Human rights to everything is being done on their arrival to ensure that take a stand against Russia. The European Parliament has conditions are kept as unacceptable as possible in order to not even asked the UN Commission for Human Rights, which deter them. As if the reign of terror and arbitrary punishment is debating until the end of April, to adopt a resolution in Chechnya was not enough, the federal authorities also on Chechnya. For instance, one recommendation consists intend to keep the population there in a sort of open-sky of recalling a resolution voted in 2000 by the European prison and force those who seek refuge outside the Chechen Parliament which calling for ‘an ad hoc delegation to visit borders to return, on peril of their lives. the North Caucasus’ (art. 8 of the present resolution). This However, our aim here today is not to lay out before you recommendation was not put into effect: an international facts that are already known to everyone and which are even and independent mission has never set foot in Chechnya. openly admitted in part by the Russian federal government This new resolution also calls for the creation of a work itself, but to make the following observation: group, along with its Russian colleagues, which would - At a time when violence and the denial of help to the observe and investigate the situation in Chechnya. Is this suffering populations are still the rule, the federal authorities not yet another pious recommendation? The text adopted on are showing a clear desire to continue this policy and take April 10 by the European Parliament highlights the disparity no sanctions against the perpetrators of the crimes in between the reality in Chechnya and the weak declarations Chechnya. At the same time, no international institution of the European Parliament on the situation. This resolution or government has attempted to recognise the facts or Chechnya shows, once again, the lack of political will in exert pressure on the Russian Federation. On the contrary, Europe to impose the respect of civilian rights in Chechnya. they have even been granted a completely free hand since 11 September. To date, no international inquiry into the large-scale violations of human rights and humanitarian law has been conducted. The question facing you today is a simple one: during On 20 April, it was the turn of the UN Human Rights the course of this 58th session of the UN Human Rights Commission to reject a resolution condemning abuses Commission, will you choose to close your eyes to a policy by the Russian forces in Chechnya. of destruction of an entire people?

‘Russia Escapes Condemnation,’ Le Monde (France), 21 April 2002, (in French). On 10 April, the European Parliament voted in favour of a resolution that refrained from condemning Russia and Extract: demanded both parties negotiate a political solution On Friday, the UN Human Rights Commission shockingly to resolve the conflict. On 11 April, MSF issued a press rejected a resolution condemning Russian abuses in release describing these recommendations as ‘cosmetic.’ Chechnya, which it had condemned in 2000 and 2001. Inviting 16 ‘no’ votes, 15 ‘yes’ votes and 22 abstentions, Russian escaped condemnation by a single vote. China and India gave their support to Moscow. “We cannot make a ‘ Chechnya: the Cosmetic Recommendations of the distinction between good and bad terrorists,” explained a European Parliament,’ Press release, MSF, 12 April Chinese delegate. 2002 (in French).

Extract: On April 10th, the European Parliament addressed the serious situation in Chechnya. Whilst it is positive that the European Parliament is debating the dramatic situation 196 of the Chechen population, the resolution adopted does PACE, theydecided toreintegrateRussia. result isnotso straightforward.Afterour hearing tothe I agree that the year 2000 ‘campaign’ was good, but the Chapter 1 and Ican’tacceptsome,which areinaccurate.[…] am verysurprisedandItotally disagreewithsomepoints your position,whichobviouslywasanecessity.However, I the North Caucasus. I appreciate the fact that you clarify I readverycarefullyyourpaperonthecommunicationin Extract: organisations. possible todifferentiateMSFfromhumanrightsdefence eyes oftheRussianauthorities,makesitnolonger adopting apubliccommunicationstrategythat,inthe and DutchofficeshavecriticisedtheFrenchofficefor more generally.The representatives of the Belgian and the public position the organisation should take They arediscussingthemediaplanforoperation damaged tentsinseveralrefugeecampsIngushetia. MSF teamsfortheNorthCaucasusareplanningtoreplace administrative inspections.Themanagersofthedifferent Chechnya, includingMSF’s,weresubjectedtostricter Vehicles transportingmedicalequipmentanddrugsinto dismantled by1April. announced thatallrefugeecampsinChechnyawouldbe Prime Ministerofthepro-RussianChechengovernment, refugees toreturnChechnya,StanislavIllyasov,the pressure mountedinIngushetiaandGeorgiatourge of publishing reports biased towards Chechnya. While human rightsorganisationHumanRightsWatchandMSF of Chechenissues,SergueïYastrzhembsky,accusedthe In April,thespokespersonforVladimirPutin, incharge of aforcedreturn. and public alert campaign on the dangers MSF responds by establishing its diplomatic refuse toredirecttheiraidChechnya. on thosehumanitarianorganisationsthat step uppressureonrefugeestoreturnand Federal, Ingush and Chechen authorities AGAINST THEREPATRIATIONPLAN IN 20STEPS:MSFREACTS April 2002(inEnglish). to MichielHofmanMSFHollandCoordinator,15 MSF FranceNorthCaucasusprogrammemanager ‘Re Michiel/Com,’EmailfromLoïckBarriquand, AND DENOUNCES

that itismoreyourpersonalopinionyouexpressed.. refugees weHELPDIRECTLYINTHECAMPS.ltseemstome we interviewedwere,asalways,onlyourPATIENTSand say andourfieldactivities,youjustforgotthatthepeople the medical activities. Regarding the link between what we Russian, orothers,commentsonthelackoflinkswith We neverhadanyfeedbackfromyouoranyoneelseabout pretend nottoknow. we tried,atleastdoourjobandnoonecan a fewotherinitiativesordebateshavefollowed.Atleast doesn’t change.Aswell,itcameinaperiodoftimewhen foras (EU,PACE,HRCommission),eveniftheirposition timing wasgoodasithasallowedtofueldifferentpolitical more difficult andrequires some efforts. I also think the rather thantoshoutwiththecrowd.Ofcourseitisalso never doit.Ourjobismoretospeakwhennoonedoesit, directly changethelifeofChechens,thenyou’dbetter If youthinkthatthereisnoneedtospeakoutifcan’t parliament resolution. after we gave them) the PACE president and lately the EU US andFrenchgvt(mentioningcredibleNGOreport,just (‘accusé réception’ in French) of our report including the gvt orinstitutionshavepubliclyacknowledgedthereception media. Idon’tknowhowmanywehadoutsideFrance.Several newspapers, 6TVand10radios,includingallthemainFrench rather successful. All together there were more than 20 Contrary towhatyousaid,Ithinkthefirstobjectivewas the mainplayers. - Toraisetheissueofnon-assistanceinIngushetiatowards was published. and politicalagenda,atatimewhennomoreinformation - ToputagaintheChechenciviliansake[plight] onthemedia I remindyoutheobjectivesofthisreport: valid message...” link toMSFmandate,whichunderminedtheimpactofa authorities andothersasaduplicationofHRW,withno on deafears,themethodologyhasbeencriticizedbyRussian access andnonassistance in Ingushetia has fallen largely “The campaignofMSFFonhumanrightsinCh[echnya] Chapter 2 used by MSFF is not different [from] human rights [groups] used by MSFF is not different [from] human rights [groups] justified andpowerful message.Thewitnessing methodology with MSFactivitieswouldcertainly provideamuchmore that futureMSFadvocacyactivities insideChechnyalinked rather shouldfocusonimproved accesstoChechnyaand lobbying andcommunication efforts forthecomingmonths ears. InamailsentonApril 12 MSFHclearlysuggeststhat efforts of MSFF upon these organizations have fallen on deaf Europe, theyproducedonlymildlyornoresolutionsatall.The commission forHumanRightsinGeneva,andtheCouncilof groups andMSFF[towards]ontheEuropeanparliament,UN Unless [After]intensivelobbyingofseveralhumanrights Extract: ‘ April 2002(inEnglish). Coordinator NorthernCaucasus,MSFHolland,27 Discussion paper – draft,’ Koen Repriels, Project 197 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

like Human Rights Watch [and] Amnesty International. Not to be especially vigilant in checking any kind of medical surprisingly, it becomes more and more different [difficult] supplies entering the republic.[…] for the concerned authorities to differentiate between MSF as a humanitarian actor and human rights groups. 4. Advocacy - Intersectional. An intersectional meeting on advocacy strategy was held on April 4. The issue of advocacy possibilities was discussed in connection with the tents Sitrep n° 02-03 2002, MSF Belgium, April 2002 replacement in several refugee camps made by MSF Holland (in English). together with MSFF and MSF Belgium in Aki-Yurt tent camp. The potential organization of media events to coincide with Extract: tents replacement will be looked into by MSF press officer. General: The sections agreed that the events could be first organized 1.1 Humanitarian issues: Chechnya and Ingushetia on Ingushetia level. - An UN delegation accompanied by representatives of MSFH defended strongly that the general advocacy challenge MSFH and other NGOs went to Grozny to negotiate access for the future will be to move a bit away from advocacy which for humanitarian organisations with military/civilian stresses on human rights violations to successful lobbying authorities. […] Very little results from this meeting: as on access and freedom of movement in Chechnya as well of March 1, no NGO’s have official access to Chechnya. A as advocate for at least a basic respect of humanitarian law follow-up meeting to sort out these ‘misunderstandings’ and humanitarian principles (the example with the rule on takes place Wednesday, March 6. Commander Filitov the medicines early April shows once more that the most [explained] what he regarded as good news: the Zakhistas elementary principles embodied in the Geneva conventions (mopping-up operations), were no longer a strategy, to be are not respected any more). Therefore the communication replaced by ‘Sting’-operations, targeted, quick and forceful strategy should not only focus on MSF as a UNHCR watchdog arrests.’ and on Human rights advocacy. More attention could be paid - Encouraged return of IDPs to newly renovated social to start a constructive dialogue with ICRC and authorities reception hostels in Grozny from the Znamenskoe en to counter the anti-terrorist rhetoric in Russia and to see Sernovodsk camps is ongoing. Only women, children and how at least basic principles of humanitarian international elderly take the risk to move to these hostels. law can be applied in times of ardent anti terrorist rhetoric - Increased pressure from Russian and Georgian side on the throughout the conflict zones in the world. 7,000 Chechen refugees in the Pankisi region to return to MSFB: While making the assessments for targeted Chechnya. […] distributions, the Nazran assessment team also asks IDPs several general questions on eventual forced pressure in Refugee camps in Chechnya to be removed. Chechen Prime Ingushetia to return to Chechnya, living conditions and Minister Stanislav Ilyasov said that all refugee camps in their thoughts about going back to Chechnya. The most Chechnya are to be removed by 15 April. Especially the 8,000 interesting answers can be eventually used for advocacy. IDPs in tents camps in Znameskoye in northern Chechnya are likely to suffer directly from this political pressure. The statement by the Chechen prime minister caused also a lot of anxiety among the people in Aki Yurt tent camp in northern Ingushetia only a few kilometers further down the road from Znamenskoe, which suffered during several days Due to our mobility and thanks to our fast in March from gas and electricity shortages. communication, we managed to quickly solve the situations. After this case with Kenny, there were Russian official criticizes MSF times when our organization was checked at the spots Russian President’s Spokesman Yastrzhembsky criticized [locations] of our work. Seemingly by accident, there would Human Rights Watch and MSF for biased reports of “dogmatic be certain authorities coming to the hospital where we were character” on human rights situation in Chechnya. Order giving the drugs that would accidentally come across us and signed on the detention of vehicles transporting medical check our documents, our drugs: Our team was detained by equipment and drugs signed in military commandants [posts] Federal Security Bureau members. Not harassment, I would of Chechen districts have been ordered to pay particular say more there were attempts to find a reason to make serious attention to vehicles transporting any sort of medical problems for us,[such as] legal problems. At the same time, equipment or medicines. All vehicles transporting medicines we had officially registered the organization. We were a law- or medical equipment without relevant documentation will obeying organization, trying to fulfil all the demands and pay be detained. The rumors of medical material being illegally the taxes and sleeping well. smuggled to Vedeno and Nozhay-Yurt districts have spread, and checkpoints have been ordered to look for medical B, MSF North Caucasus staff, interviewed in 2008 (in transports without proper paperwork since. MSFH and Russian, translated into English by MSF). MSFF were specifically targeted during the past weeks at checkpoints inside Chechnya. This has culminated into a 198 reported ‘order’ by the chief military commander of Chechnya deal ofcoverageintheinternationalpress. that wasnotbeingmet.Thisinformationreceivedagood refugees shouldreturnoftheirownfreewill,acondition release thatsetoutthisagreementandreiterated nya. On3June,theFrenchandUSAsectionsissuedapress concerning thereturnofdisplacedpersonstoChech - government, signed a 20-step repatriation agreement supported bytheKremlinandpro-RussianChechen On 29 May, Murat Ziazikov, the new Ingush President, villages ofKomsomolskoyeandBamut. request forproviding200tentstheinhabitantsof stated, theCommitteeofChechenRepublicmakesanew villages weresetaside.Takingintoconsiderationtheabove community aboutprovidingtentsforinhabitantsofthose the government,ourrepeatedappealstohumanitarian community undertake to respond to the requests of according towhich,therepresentativesofhumanitarian humanitarian community,’signedon31stofOctober2001, Government oftheChechenRepublicandrepresentatives of However, despitethe‘LetterofUnderstandingbetween temporary shelter,atleastintheformoftents. reconstructing theirhouses,providedtheywillbegiven ready toreturntheirpermanentresidenceareasandstart the war.Nevertheless,inhabitantsofthosevillagesare Komsomolskoye werepracticallycompletelydestroyedduring the sametime,asiswellknown,villagesofBarnutand camps ontheterritoryofRepublicIngushetia.At fact thatyouinvestadditionalfinancialresourcesintent for returningIDPsfromIngushetia,isperplexedbythe Mission, the committee, which is makingarrangements Attaching importancetothehelpbeingdeliveredbyYour Extract: Contrary to all expectations, the Kremlin’s candidate Extract: rather thantothosewhoremainedinIngushetia. 200 tents to the refugees who returned to Chechnya, people put in a request to MSF Holland office to supply Chechen Republic’s government commission for displaced in October2001withthehumanitariancommunity, On 8May,invokingtheframeworkagreementthatitsigned (in English). Holland intheRussianFederation,8May2002 Persons, toMichielHofman,CoordinatorofMSF the ChechenRepublicforInternallyDisplaced Letter fromtheCommitteeofGovernment Nazran, 29April2002(inFrench). Controversial Victory,’ArbiArbiev, AFP(France), ‘ Ingushetia: Kremlin-Backed FSB GeneralWins

the electoralcampaign. believes werecommittedbytheRussianauthoritiesduring position asSenatorinprotestagainstlegalviolationshe former KGB. General Aouchev resigned on Sunday from his in oppositiontoVladimirPutin, a formerheadofthe independent rebelstoendtheRussian-Chechenconflict, who recommendedinitiatingnegotiationswiththe […] AmirkhanovhadthebackingofformerPresident, the ElectoralCommission. the resultscommunicatedbyKazbekKastoev,Presidentof although he had the lead in the first round as shown by Deputy AlikhanAmirkhanov,receivedjust43.21%ofvotes supported byformerIngushpresidentRouslanAushev, on Mondaybytheelectoralcommission.Thecandidate, the votesaccordingtopreliminaryresultsannounced a GeneralintheFSB(former-KGB),received53.15%of being flooded with Chechen refugees. , 45, risked destabilisingtheNorthCaucasusrepublicthatis conditions deploredbyhumanrightsdefendersandwhich was declared thePresident of Ingushetia on Sunday in question oftheir safetynotbeingsolvednor evenasked. stage towards the forcedreturnofcivilians, withthe MSF isdisturbedbythisagreement which constitutes anew On the contrary, theexodus from Chechnya has continued. not, to the presentday,involvedmassive voluntary returns. threats totryforcetherefugees togobackChechnyahas The weaknessof aid beingprovided whether incentives or to particularlyviolentabusesofpower. assistance andprotection—andwhohavebeensubjected a civilianpopulationthathasbeendeprivedofallrights, by Moscow authorities as an anti-terrorist operation, targets squads andtorturesarethenorm.Thewar,alwaysdescribed On thecontrary, bombardments, cleansings, rackets, death In Chechnya,theintensityofviolencehasnotdiminished. absolutely notinexistencetoday. permit repatriation.Itisclearthattheseconditionsare and onlyiftheconditionsforsafetyincountryoforigin Any repatriationmustonlytakeplaceonavoluntarybasis to, Chechnya. has fledfrom,aswellwhytheyhaverefusedtoreturn Chechnya istheprincipalreasonwhycivilianpopulation reasserts thatthecurrentclimateofextremeviolencein Doctors WithoutBorders/MédecinsSansFrontières(MSF) refuge inIngushetia. for thefutureofalmost200,000Chechenswhohavetaken currently inIngushetia.Thisagreementraisesmajorconcerns foreseeing thereturntoChechnyaofChechenrefugees Chechen pro-Russianadministration,signedanagreement Special Services,alongwithAkhmadKadyrov,headofthe Ziazikov, thenewpresidentofIngushetiaandGeneral Paris, June3,2002—OnWednesday,May29,2002,Mourat (in English). Chechnya,’ Chechen Refugees in Ingushetia to Return to ‘MSF ConcernedOverNewPressuresExertedon Press release, MSF USA, 3 June 2002

199 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

‘ Moscow Wants Ingush Refugees to Return,’ Laure homes to return to in Chechnya’s devastated towns, the Mandeville, Le Figaro (France), 4 June 2002 (in refugees until now have refused to budge. But things began French). to change in April, when a former general of Mr. Putin’s Federal Security Service, the successor agency to the KGB, Extract: was declared the winner of an election for president of “To my mind, normalisation merely consists of giving an Ingushetia, amid credible allegations of fraud from Russian impression of normality,” sums up Gabriel Trujillo [Coordi- journalists and other observers. Almost immediately the nator, MSF France]. This is undoubtedly how we need to new president invited units of the Russian army to deploy comprehend the surprising ‘agreement’ signed on Wednesday near the Chechen camps and met with Mr. Putin to discuss in Grozny by the Head of the pro-Russian Chechen adminis- sending the refugees home. tration and the new President of the neighbouring Republic Last week he signed an agreement with the head of Moscow’s of Ingushetia Mourat Ziazikov, an agreement that provides puppet Chechen administration that calls for the return of for the return of some 150,000 Chechen refugees who fled the refugees and the elimination of their camps by the end at the start of the second war in 1999 to Ingush soil. If of September. Human rights groups believe that those who their return is now possible, it is because normalisation is do not volunteer for resettlement will be targeted by the gaining ground, argue Kadyrov and Ziazikov, who promise an Russian troops; there already have been reports of night extensive programme to assure “jobs, accommodation, and raids in the camps staged by men in masks and camouflage security” to the Chechens who return. Nobody is prepared uniforms. The Russian government’s own human rights to use force to encourage the refugees to go back,” said ombudsman, Oleg Mironov, has forecast what will happen the Minister in charge of Chechen affairs, Vladimir Elaguine, if Mr. Putin’s latest plan is implemented: one of the worst who estimates the number of people who refuse to return human rights disasters in recent Russian history. But it’s not at just 40,000. yet clear whether there will be any significant opposition to So is the opinion of the Chechen refugees in Ingushetia the operation, either in Russia or internationally. who say they would rather live in sodden tents or squalid The United Nations’ refugee agency, UNHCR, which Russia caves than return to ‘hell,’ and are convinced that the new is counting on to cooperate, has not taken a position yet, Ingush government, answerable to the Kremlin, wants to though it has a policy of opposing all forced movements turn them out. “The refugees don’t want to return to the of refugees. It should oppose this one - and so should the open-air prison that is now Chechnya; they no longer want Western governments, Russia’s new partners in NATO, on to live in a place where every time you go to fetch water you whose silence Mr. Putin is banking. risk being killed by soldiers,” says Gabriel Trujillo, incensed by the west’s “guilty silence.” What’s more, the usual fear of returning to the country is coupled with another concern: the increasingly uncertain status of refugees in Ingushetia. ‘ FWD: Washington Post on Chechnya (again!),’ Military pressure and passport inspections are more and more Email from Patrice Page, MSF USA Programme frequent. Rumours of Chechens disappearing are circulating. Department to MSF North Caucasus Group, 1 July “All the refugees are talking about a rampant Chechenisation 2002 (in English). policy in Ingushetia,” says Trujillo, who notes that his own organization is facing problems too. The Washington post is striking again on Chechnya. Another very good editorial this morning, on the new relationship between Moscow and Washington, the war against terror and the consequences for Chechen people. […] Patrice ‘Editorial in the Washington Post/Chechnya,’ Email from Patrice Page, MSF USA Programme Department “Bush’s Comparison of Convenience” by Fred Hiatt, to MSF North Caucasus Group, 27 June 2002 (in President Bush last week embraced Russian President English). Vladimir Putin as a fellow foe of terrorism. “President Putin has been a stalwart in the fight against terror,” Bush said Extract: as the two leaders stood shoulder to shoulder in Canada. We got the editorial today in the Washington post, the “He understands the threat of terror, because he has lived newspaper read by all lawmakers in this country. Quite a through terror.” fast reaction... MSF is not mentioned in the edito. Even if we gave them info but hey, this is not the most important “He has lived through terror” -- what could that mean? Bush thing... presumably was talking about Chechnya, a mountainous Pat. region of southern Russia whose inhabitants, or at least some of whose inhabitants, have been waging a war of ‘Chechnya’s refugee’ independence. Putin frequently has portrayed these Chechen […] Russia has long wanted to force the Chechens to return fighters as terrorists, “as some clearly are. Bush was endorsing home, a move that would expose that population to the that official Moscow view. But if terror is, by definition, the brutal “cleansing” operations of its military forces and help harming of innocent civilians in order to frighten a larger Mr. Putin make the case that the republic was returning population, then the chief terrorists in Russia today work 200 to normal. Fearing Russian abuse, and mostly having no for Putin; they are his soldiers and police. Bush understood disadvantages ofdoingso. should beadaptedtotherealpossibilitiesandadvantages/ we should stop talking when we think it’s needed but this necessary. GoingtoChechnyacertainlydoesnotmeanthat them. Thisshallnotpreventusfrommakingstatementsif staff andthepatients[this]couldbeveryriskyfor will beverydifficulttogetinformationfromthemedical their position,whichisdoubtful.RegardingChechnya,it shall becomemoreclearlyatargetexceptiftheychange the assistanceprovidedtothem.Inthisregard,UN their willingness[toreturn]andonaclosemonitoringof we candescribethemeansusedtopressurerefugees, will bethereturnofrefugees.Thisshallbasedonhow The mainfocusforourcommunication,inthecomingtime Communication: Extract: as badlythe others,forfearofbeingisolated. Theylook buildings orclusters ofhousesthathavenot beendestroyed surrounded by no man’s land. People gather together in is now made up of several islands of populations that are situation thereremainsextremely tense.TheChechencapital “The cityofGroznyisnearly completely destroyedandthe Nazran (Ingushetia). By GabrielTrujillo,MSFHeadofMissioninMoscowand Chechnya: WhentheAbsurdhasStoppedBeingShocking. Extract: Putin asanally.” innocent life,”Bushsaid.“AndthereforeIviewPresident there won’tbepeaceifterroristsareallowedtokillandtake and pretending.“HeunderstandswhatIunderstand,that into theClintonroleheoncecriticized:excusing,enabling, And inlargepart,it’sbecauseBushhasslippedeffortlessly (Putin canexportalotmoregasandoilthanArielSharon.) much givenuponchampioninghumanrightsinChechnya. though stillterriblyconcernedforPalestinians,havepretty and sofewdarego;inpartbecauseEuropeangovernments, Chechnya have been attacked and kidnappedbybothsides, especially thebroadcastmedia;in part becausereportersin part because Putin has muzzled much of his domestic media, […]The war nowgets less attention than before. That’s in seven miles fromthesupposedlypacifiedcapitalofGrozny. tion, inMeskerYurt,aChechenvillageofabout2,000only LaFraniere, whodescribedazachistka,orcleansing-opera sian terror came in a dispatch Saturday by The Post’s Sharon pretending itisnolongertrue.ThelatestreminderofRus this once;thequestioniswhathethinkstobegainedby English). Update Caucasus,MSFFrance,4June2002(in (in French). Daily Violence,’ is ParticularlyTense:theExtremeMiseryand ‘ A MSF Team Travelled to Grozny where the Situation A MSFTeamTravelledtoGroznywheretheSituation MSF Francewebsite,July2002

- - afraid togetclose toit,becauseit’spossibly mined. the question? A massgravehastobedug, butpeopleare found, andnooneknowsif there aremore.Isthatreally operation. InMeskerYurt,25 dismemberedbodieswere months ago. They had been ‘exploded’ during a cleansing from the village of Alkhan Kala at a press conference four organisation, Memorial,showed theremainsoffourmen ‘exploded.’ TheRussianhumanrightsnon-governmental wanted to know if they had been burned, electrocuted, or numbers of deaths, men, and women included. No, they cleansing operationinMeskerYurtwerenotaboutthe In thedisplacedpersonscamps,discussionson are twoyounggirlswhohaveneverreturnedsincethen.’ tried toask them nottotakehim. They rapedher. There that thesoldierswantedtotakeherbrother-in-lawandshe and torturedthemwithelectricity.Apregnantwomansaw us: ‘Itwashorror there. Theytookthe men intothemosque even theRussiancolonelcouldn’tenter.Thewomentold was underway.Thevillagesohermeticallysealedthat ‘Zatchiska’ (a cleansing operation by the Russian military) The villageofMeskerYurtwasclosedoffforonemonth.A were kidnappedthatday.Twoofthemneverreappeared.” or leavethecampuntil10a.m.nextday.people saying a word, without explaining why. No-one could enter the camp.Itwas10p.m.Theytookallmentheysawwithout “On Thursday6thJune,localandRussiansoldierscameinto Zatchiskas: theChechens’DailyLot patients whoarerottingalive.Itisthemostextrememisery. of them. There isn’t much to say, among the dank and the practically theonlyonesavailable,andtherearen’tenough medicines supplied by MSF to these two institutions are painkillers available and the infection rate is 100%. The like that under terror and fear. There are no antibiotics or it’s extremely difficult. You have to be very devoted to fight best. Theyarecontinuingtoworkwithveryfewmeans,but sterilisation methodavailable.Thedoctorsaredoingtheir and a bucket to fetch water from the garden are the only without mattresses,blankets,orsheets.Agascampstove water orelectricity.Theinjuredarelaidoutonspringbeds, up to it is too narrow to allow a stretcher up it. There is no severe burns unit on the third floor. The staircase leading transferred itintoablockofflatscloseby.Wevisitedthe The hospital(number4)hadbeendestroyed,sothedoctors were nexttoitwaitingtheirturn,wrappedupinblankets. only oneincubatorwithaprematurebabyinit.Fiveothers the childrenwerepackedintotubsfornewborns.Therewas devoid ofallequipmentandmedicine.Whenwewerethere, catastrophic. Thematernitywardinthecentralhospitalis under total impunity. The situation in Grozny’s hospitals is and purchase of people or bodies. And all this happens male andfemalerape,executions,pillaging,thesale operations, arrests,torture,disappearances,denunciations, The population is victim to extreme violence: cleansing Republic duringwhichciviliansaredirectlyaffected. there are still daily incidents in several regions in the Although theconventionalarmedclasheshavestopped, and murdersarepartofdailylife. on yourownbecauseinChechnya,kidnappings,beatings like zombiesandmovearoundingroups.It’stoodangerous 201 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

When Ziazikov arrived, we had to deal with the famous The campaign of diplomacy towards states and inter- 20-step plan and we had difficulties putting in place national organisms that were likely to put pressure on shelters and even toilets. There was pressure not to Russia continued: members of the Council of Europe who build any additional infrastructure for the displaced contested the policy towards Russia adopted by their persons. Initially, the field team was not supposed to make assembly and the Foreign Affairs Minister from Denmark, any communication. It was up to headquarters to do it, but which took on the presidency of the European Union. at the General Assembly Meeting, the programme manager put me in contact with a journalist from the French Figaro newspaper, for me to give an interview. That’s when I spoke about Ingushetia. The article was also published much later ‘ Ingushetia Com and Lobby,’ Email from the MSF in Washington. It was translated in full into Russian and deputy legal advisor to MSF France and MSF USA published with my photo... There was also the National North Caucasus Network, Philippe Couturier, MSF Geographic documentary in Ingushetia. They followed us day International UN Liaison, 5 June 2002 (in and night, for three or four days. We visited camps. The English). authorities didn’t like this documentary either. I went to see them while the camera behind me was filming soldiers in a Extract: camp who were preparing forced displacement operations. As you know, MSF France (with the help of MSF UN liaisons officer in NY and Geneva) has been particularly active since Gabriel Trujillo, MSF France Coordinator for North January in terms of lobby and public communication on Caucasus, January 2002 to July 2003, (in French) Chechnya: interviewed in 2008. - press release during Putin visit in France; - hearing before the refugee and migration committee of the APCE [PACE]; - publication (under a heavy media coverage in France) of our report during a joint press conference with Kovalev; - 2 press releases to denounce the policy of the Council of The authorities were encouraging people to return to Europe on Chechnya; Chechnya by saying that things were improving there, - press release during the visit of Ivanov in France; that living conditions and housing there were much - preparation and negotiation of an official declaration from better than in Ingushetia. However, the people who returned the French National Consultative Commission for Human to Chechnya were saying, was that in Grozny, there wasn’t rights on Chechnya asking to the French government a any water or electricity, you had to buy them, while in series of concrete actions vis a vis the Russian Federation, Ingushetia they were free because the NGOs guaranteed supply. just before the session of the UN Human rights Commission; In Chechnya, in the TACs [accommodation provided by the - joint hearing with MDM, Amnesty, HRW, Memorial and pro-Russian Chechen administration], supply was irregular FIDH before the UN human rights Commission (very rare and insufficient, because there were no NGOs present, and for MSF, the latest one was for Rwanda); the people were complaining about the lack of aid from - Press release to denounce the position of the European Emercom [Russia’s Emergency Control Ministry]. Parliament on Chechnya; - Press release to warn on the risk of forced return There were no schools nearby, nor doctors or free medical -several meetings with the European Commission, European checkups. So the people who returned to Ingushetia said that presidency and Solana cabinet, UNHCR in Geneva, State there was nothing there; that they were made to return just to Department and NSC [National Security Council] in show others that people were returning and that the situation Washington, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs. was becoming stabilised. This was all just about image. The -information transmitted to UN in NY, Special Rapporteurs federal administration paid for trucks to move people. At the for Human Rights (UN human rights protection System), start, they were giving out kinds of compensation to those UNHCHR... who agreed to move back, and conditions were better. After that, things got worse and they stopped giving anything to Sorry for this long list but this is just to mention that this the people who moved. MSF said: ‘If we take part in this aggressive strategy combining public communication and operation, it means that we support the return. Therefore, we lobby is a deliberate choice. This action is linked to the don’t get involved in the politics; we just stand by, neutral specificity and gravity of the conflict in Chechnya. Since and wait. We can’t tell people not to go back because things January, our public message was based on the following are bad, people have the choice, and so we wait. If people core elements: prefer to move, they will move and it’s government policy.’ -among the conflicts currently taking place in the world, the war in Chechnya has a specific dimension, if looking D, MSF North Caucasus staff since 2001 (in French) at the level and nature of the violence perpetrated against interviewed in 2008 the civilian population; -the lack of assistance for the IDPs in Ingushetia is the direct result of a deliberate strategy set up by the Russian 202 authorities to push back the people in Chechnya; Hi Friends, working withthem.I’llkeep you informed. understand theirmotivesand goals toseeifwecanenvisage monitoring mechanisms.First ofall,weneedtotryand and whoquestiontheindependence ofitshumanrights Council ofEuropewhocontest theCoE’spolicyonChechnya the group of Members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Just toremindyou:Loïckhasgivenhisgo-aheadcontact humanitarian organisationattheheartofmatter. still thinkthatMSFisthemostseriousandcommitted tion inChechnyaandIngushetiaoffutureactions.They to beseeingtheIFHRthisweektakestockofsitua people maintainingthepressureonthisissue.I’msupposed at thesametimeweagreethattherecanneverbetoomany organisations inquestionknowmuchaboutChechnya,but reservations. Broadlyspeaking,theydon’tthinkthatthe it onFriday.They’vebeenapproachedtoo,buttheyhave Federation forHumanRights)gotintouchwithmeabout action attheCouncilofEurope.TheIFHR(International by manyhumanrightsorganisationsofarenewedlobbying seen thatpeoplearedeliberatingoverthesuggestionmade I’m re-sending you the message I sent last week because I’ve -Francis Deng,SpecialRepresentativeofUSSGonIDPs. -Mary RobinsonattheHCHRinGeneva; and Nicolas; Washington tobeidentifiedbyAntoine,Patrice,Catherine -US StatedepartmentandotherrelevantactorsinNYor I wouldadd: of forcedreturn. presidency andtheAPCEtounderlinerisk of taking rapid contacts with UNHCR in Geneva, European impossible toevaluate).IfullysustaintheideasofMichiel MSF positioninghasasmallandconcreteimpactthatis than efficiency-driven(evenisofcourse,weallhopethat this action isfor us, responsibility- and moral-driven rather we should maintain targeted contacts, keeping in mind that decision makershavehadarealimpact. Nonetheless, Ithink -I seriouslydoubtwhetherourmeetingswithofficialsand meaning thatanonly-lobby-basedstrategyisuseless; -it iscrucialtomaintainahighlevelofpublicpressure, -it iscrucialtomaintainthisaggressivestrategy; 6 comingmonths: lobby, Ipersonallydrawthefollowingconclusionsfor From this 6 months experience of communication and since thepastmonths. force themtogobackChechnyahavebeenincreasing -the pressuresfromtheRussianauthoritiesonIDPSto 17 June2002(inFrench). and AurélieGrémaud,CommunicationsOfficer, programme managers, Director of Communications the MSF deputylegal advisor toMSFFrance ‘ Chech/CoE [CouncilofEurope],’ Emails from

- homes arecurrently toofewandofinadequate quality. the provisions in GroznyfortheIDPswho have losttheir Furthermore, evenforthose whodowishtoreturn voluntarily, up ofavoluntaryrepatriation processwouldbeessential. Chechnya, a properindependent monitoring and follow Given the repeated reportsof human rights abusesin ground isnotavailable. means thatreliableinformationaboutconditionsonthe virtually noaccesstoChechnyaduringthelastyear,which of civil war. International humanitarian agencies have had taking placetoaterritorywhichisstilleffectivelyinstate MSF isalsoextremelyconcernedthatthisrepatriation alternative relocationforthosewhodonotwishtoreturn. the tentedcampscompletely, without provisionsforan the campstoreturn.Inaddition,thereareplansclose in thisareamightbeputtingpressureonthepopulation from thesecamps. Weareconcerned thatmilitary operations as wellstrongrumoursofthe‘disappearance’others has coincidedwithanincreasednumberofarrestsIDPs, and Alina tented camps in Sleptovskaya, eastern Ingushetia) military postofTroitskayaaboutfivekmfromtheSputnik the directvicinityofcamps(e.g.newlyinstalled For example,therecentpositioningofmilitaryforcesin ongoing conflict. from andwithinChechnyawasoriginallyprovokedbythe untary returnonbehalfoftheChechenIDPs,whoseflight MSF is concerned that this repatriation will not be a vol- the campshasalreadybeenremoved. weeks. Theirtentedaccommodationandinfrastructurein already started,with300peoplerelocatedinthepasttwo the IDP camps in Znamenskoye, northern Chechnya, has the newly-electedIngushgovernment.Repatriationfrom at themeeting,aplanagreedbybothChechenand of statecommitteeonIDPsdescribedthereturnprogram Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The Chechen government head revealed at a meeting ofthe UNOffice for the Coordination of Chechen refugeesfromIngushetiatotheirhomelandwas On Tuesday(June4)plansfortherepatriationof rights violationstakingplaceinChechnya. continuous reportsofindiscriminateviolenceandhuman it safeenoughtodoso.Theirviewpointissupportedby return toChechnya,butforthemomentdonotconsider contacts withthesepeopleareawarethatmanywishto assistance tothesepeoplesince1999,andthroughour Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been providing industrial buildings)andinprivateaccommodation. in tentedcamps,‘collectivecenters’(usuallydisused Dagestan. Thispopulationisscatteredovertheseterritories refuge intheneighbouringterritoriesofIngushetiaand Chechnya since1999,some180,000Chechenshavesought As aconsequenceofthelatestoutbreakconflictin Extract: June 2002(inEnglish). Repatriation ofChechenIDP’sinIngushetia,’10 ’ Letter to DanishForeignMinisteronthe 203 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Denmark takes over the EU Presidency in a few weeks time. and international institutions involved in the region As the Danish Foreign Minister you will also be representing again and to ask for the assistance and support to the the combined foreign policy of the European Union. I displaced to be reinforced. therefore urge you, as the representative of both the Danish government and EU, to take all steps in your power to ensure that any repatriation of IDPs to Chechnya is carried out voluntarily, without any form of coercion, and that this is ‘July 4th, Paris, Chechnya: Michiel’s View’ Email followed closely by independent international monitors. I from Michiel Hofman, MSF Holland North Caucasus also request the opportunity to have a meeting with you HoM, 4 July 2002 (in English). on this issue at the earliest convenient date. Extract: Dear All, As I unfortunately cannot be present in Paris, I would like to briefly expose my viewpoints on the topics under discussion. The Belgian Section announced in a press release on 27 Following Loick’s agenda: (Update on programmes was sent June that it was distributing basic supplies and medicines yesterday) […] to the victims of the floods, which had hit the Stavropol 4. Communications/Témoignage region in Russia, in the northern Caucasus. Ingushetia: The most pressing issue for which the burden will be largely on organisations like MSF, is the encouraged return of IDPs. Lukewarm reactions from UN and donors in the last months do not suggest any strong reactions unless ‘MSF’s Reaction to the Floods which have Struck visible deportations are underway. From our side we have the South of Russia,’ Press Release, MSF Belgium, spoken directly to many of the international actors with 27 June 2002 (in French). limited results, other than that, none of them can say now they were not aware, a few of them have spoken out a bit Extract: more strongly than they would otherwise have done and The MSF team travelled to the Stavropol region in the some international media attention was generated. But if northern Caucasus on the 25th June, to evaluate the MSF is one of the few who will speak out more strongly, we emergency needs of people hit by the floods. The MSF team need to make sure we stand on firm ground as we do so. began by visiting several towns and villages in the region For this we need to agree on an approach which enables us to gather more information enabling them to evaluate the to react fast and accurately. situation. Their initial information suggests that the regions In the past month on several occasions it has proven useful worst hit are Kochubeyevski, Georgiyevski and Nevinnomysk. to do on-the-spot, expatriate verifications of rumoured Following visits to Barsukovskoye (population: 4000) and changes/events in Ingushetia, which so far we can do Nadzornoye (population: 3,000), the MSF doctors observed a whilst we enjoy uninhibited access anywhere in Ingushetia. slight increase in cases of respiratory infections and health Rumours we become aware of, including those from our problems linked to stress. national staff, have a tendency to be exaggerated, so cannot As soon as MSF has more information on these illnesses and be taken of face-value for immediate lobby/communication. has evaluated the capability of the local health centres to Actual population movements, always exaggerated to the deal with them, the organisation will commit to supplying extreme by local authorities, can be better monitored by more any necessary medicines to the local doctors. Currently direct links to the DRC database [Danish Refugee Council], MSF plans to distribute medical/surgical and hygiene kits which so far has proven reliable as people, regardless of which should benefit at least 2,500 people. In light of MSF’s the voluntariness of their return, will always ensure DRC is experience in similar emergency situations, especially the informed to make sure the food-parcels will be waiting for support given by MSF to the victims during the floods in them on return. So far DRC reports as many returnees as Lensk in Yakoutia (May 2001), the most urgent needs would new arrivals in Ingushetia. seem to be in terms of disinfection equipment, as very few stocks are available. MSF plans to supply local doctors with Chechnya: A strategy of communication to speak on behalf medicines and chlorine tables to disinfect water, and to of IDPs wishing to stay, cannot work without continued distribute hygiene kits. In the near future, and if weather communication about the situation in Chechnya, which is conditions allow it - strong rains are expected again, which the reason they do not want to return. With three sections could cause new flooding - MSF will remain on site and will present, and a fourth on its way, we should be able to continue its evaluation of the situation in the region. maintain a strong communication on Chechnya with first- hand information. I still firmly believe a more systematic medicalised approach would enhance the strength and audience of the message. On 4 July, the Caucasus programme managers in the different sections established a joint reaction strategy I would propose to focus on war-trauma and patient to the 20-step plan for the repatriation of the displaced protection, which will be regarded as legitimate for MSF 204 Chechens. They decided to alert the regional, national to raise, as well as contain a strong enough message the MSFTBcentreinIngushetia. tents, andrecentlyapossible WHOinvolvementinblocking of UNHCRadvisingagainst donor fundingforadditional in thosecaseswhereUNactively blocksassistance:Thecase continue to be exposed, but more fierce reaction is necessary any formal coordination agreements. Inaction by UN can proper representationoftheissues,butnotenterinto participate inthevariouscoordinationmeetingstoensure MSF separately with the authorities. […] Otherwise MSF can is partoftheoverallUNsystem,italsocrucialtoprofile who alsomaintainalwaysandindependentrepresentation) To countertheimpressionthatMSF(orICRCformatter, the UNdecidesinthosemeetings. it willbeassumedthatMSFisinagreementwithwhatever of MSFpresenttomaintainanindependentvoice,otherwise freedom ofoperationsitiscrucialtohavearepresentative This means any kind of high level negotiations on access or or outofconvenienceonlytalkingtoareceptivepartner. out of lack of understanding of the humanitarian system, representing thewholehumanitariancommunity,either is unacceptable.TheUNregardedbyallauthoritiesas therefore anykindofimplementingpartneragreement we haveadoptedsofar:UNisNOTpoliticallyindependent; perhaps it’sgoodtoremindourselveswhat,ifany,policy Policy totheUN:Hasnotchangeddramatically,but demand theOSCEreportstobepublicallyavailable.[…] states, whichincludesmorethanhalfthemembers,to action inwhichallMSFofficespresentOSCEmember currently. OnthisIwouldsuggestahigh-profile,public western stateslikePortugalwhoholdtheOSCEpresidency self-censorship isnotimposedonlybyRussia,butalso information fromOSCE,butarenotatlibertytoshare.This The embassiesofOSCEcountriesconfirmtheyreceivestrong situation on behalf of the international community. […] with a direct mandate inside Chechnya to monitor the OSCE isespeciallydisappointingastheyaretheonlyones etc. inChechnya. mandates tomonitorandreportonhumanrights,protection these however,arepublicallyfundedbodieswithalleged and theUNwasneveringametobeginwith.Allof Union hascompletelysoldout,OSCEbeenmadeuseless, of trade,war-on-terrorism,newalliancesetc.TheEuropean powers-that-be seemed to have sold out to larger interests in Chechnya,beitwatereddownandreluctantly,nowall bodies werestillwillingtopublicallydenouncethesituation Before 9/11,someofthegovernmentsandinternational public pressurefromMSFnexttotheRussianauthorities. Secondly westerngovernmentsneedtobeincludedinstrong, but afewareasinChechnya. inside thehospitals,betweenallsectionswouldcover as wellasystemofrecordingcasespatient-protection violence relatedtrauma(warwounded,mines,beatingsetc.) effectiveness tremendously.Onesystemofdatacollectionon stronger coherencebetweenthesectionswouldimprove in itself,evenasjustdata.Tomakethiswork,amuch OSCE reportsto bemadepublic Include aclear message/demand Use WHOandUNHCRexamples member statesbypublishing themonthewebsite(s) letters wewillsendtointernational institutionsandOSCE Danish, andasmanyothers as possible).makepublicthe members. InvolvementofMSF partnersections(US,UK, protection actors (OSCE, UN, EU) andSecurity Council Foreign AffairsMinister)withexamplestointernational - sendformalletter(liketheonePhilsenttoDanish - needtostartpreparingnow - lobbyingshouldbegoingon the region) between allsectionspresentconsideringtheinsecurityin and/or forcedrepatriationoccur(however,concertation - communicatewhenevergraveviolationsofhumanrights Caucasus andtohelpwiththepressliaisonwork. information officerinMoscowtobemoreinvolvedthe to bemadepublic.Therewasaclear wish fortheregional clear demands,ex:UNprotectionofficersorOSCEreports We need to think about the message and whether to include Communication Japan, HongKong).[…] offices arelocatedinOSCEmemberstates(not:Australia, disseminate thisletterfrommid-Julyonwards.15ofthe18 international website). We want all partner sections’ help to messages inhislettertotheDanishForeignMinister(see Clarke hasproposedtoprepareadraftinlinewiththe OSCE memberstates(signedbyMSFsectiondirector).Phil international institutions (signed by MortenRostrup) and concerns andrecommendations/demandstobesent This iswhywewillbepreparingalettermentioningour uncensored form. considers urgingthesereportstobemadeavailableinan their direct observations, but nothing is made public. MSF places in Chechnya and say that they do report about community. Thefieldstaff seemstohaveaccessmost to monitor the situation on behalf of the international only organisationwithadirectmandateinsideChechnya The MSFteamsfinditverydisappointingasOSCEisthe Regarding theOSCEhowever,wefeelMSFshouldbetougher. (Philippe-Geneva, Patrice-NY,Phil-Denmark). whether they represent interesting lobbying opportunities end ofAugust,EUtroika,summitmeeting…tosee more about planned visits to the region: Oshima (OCHA) voluntary repatriationofIDPs.[…]Wewillhavetofindout precise inourdemandsandquestioning,ex:guaranteesfor agencies withaspecificmandatelikeUNHCRwewillbemore Russia’s influencewithintheUN.However,regardingUN principle, butshouldnotexpectanyoutcomeconsidering We knowwehavetoaddresstheUNbureaucratsoutof lobbying ismore responsibility-driven thanresults-oriented. (field, Moscow,Geneva,NY,DanishEUpresidency).Our MSF’s lobbyingisanon-goingactivityondifferentlevels Lobbying: Extract: Chechnya/ Dagestan,4July2002(inEnglish). Minutes of IntersectionMeeting,Ingushetia/ 205 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

UN protection officers more appropriately to the Chechen crisis than it has been Inform whole movement of communication strategy doing until now.] Formalize communications to UN The international community must stop turning a blind eye to the situation in Ingushetia and Chechnya, and must do significantly more to ensure that the basic rights and needs of the Chechen people are being met, whether in Ingushetia or Chechnya. I therefore urge you, in your capacity as “title” In mid July, a letter was sent to the United Nations, to of the “organization,” to take all steps in your power to: the signatories of the repatriation agreement, including - Ensure the delivery of adequate and continued assistance to Vladimir Putin, and to the OSCE, as well as to western the Chechen IDPs in Ingushetia in proportion to their needs. foreign affairs ministers, including the French minister - Defend the fundamental right of Chechen population to on the eve of a Franco-Russian summit. seek refuge and to remain in Ingushetia. - Prevent any forced displacement of population to Chechnya, in conformity with international with humanitarian law. - Make sure that OSCE reports on Chechnya and Ingushetia Draft ‘The Overall “Combined” letter: Concerns are made public in an uncensored form. Medecins Sans about Forced Displacements of the Chechen Frontieres requests that you ask your representative at the Population, MSF, 18 July 2002 (in English). permanent council of OSCE for the publication of all of these reports.] *OSCE and Foreign Ministers only Dear “name,” […] For UNHCR only : For United Nations Agencies Only: - [Reinforce protection through the provision of an adequate The United Nations, which is mandated to provide number of international protection officers in Ingushetia] humanitarian assistance to the Chechen IDPs in Ingushetia, *UNHCR only are becoming increasingly slow and ineffective in the implementation of this assistance. The lack of reactivity of UNHCR to concretely assist and protect the displaced Chechen population in Ingushetia and in Chechnya itself adds yet ‘Draft Letter from MSF to Vladimir Putin, President more pressure on the Chechen IDPs to leave Ingushetia for of the Russian Federation and 4 signatories of Chechnya. the 20-Step Plan,’ Email from Michiel Hofman, The original flight of the Chechen IDPs to Ingushetia and MSF Holland North Caucasus HoM, to Jose-Antonio Dagestan was prompted by both civil war and widespread Bastos, MSF Holland programme manager, 25 July abuses of human rights. Chechnya is effectively still in a 2002 (in English). state of civil war, and there are repeated reports of human rights abuses still taking place in the territory. Conditions Your Excellency President Vladimir Putin, in Chechnya are therefore still inadequate for these IDPs Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is deeply concerned for the to return home. future of approximately 180,000 Chechen civilians displaced For OSCE and Ministers of Foreign Affairs Only : by the ongoing war in Chechnya and living in Ingushetia and Reliable information detailing these conditions is not Dagestan. MSF is assisting most of the medical structures in however available, as international humanitarian agencies Chechnya and all of the medical structures in Ingushetia. have had very limited access to Chechnya during the last year, MSF is providing medical care and trying to improve the and the OSCE has refused to publically report the information most basic living conditions of the IDPs in Ingushetia and they have on the situation in Chechnya. A recent example Chechnya. is the closure and dismantling of two tented IDP camps We have been informed of a 20-point plan to move all in Znamenskoye in Chechnya on the 7th July 2002, which displaced Chechens in Ingushetia back to Chechnya by left the displaced with no other option but to move onto October 2002. It was on the 29th May 2002 by Federal Minister Grozny. Medecins Sans Frontieres is aware that the OSCE is Yelagin, Presidential Plenipotentiary Kazantsev, President in possession of detailed information on the circumstances Zyazikov of Ingushetia, and Head of Administration Kadyrov of surrounding this closure, but are concerned about OSCE’s Chechnya. This plan includes the complete return of all IDPs refusal to make this information public. living in Ingushetia, without provisions for an alternative As the OSCE has been mandated by the international relocation for those who do not wish to return. This measure community to monitor the situation in Chechnya and has was confirmed in a press conference on the 11th July 2002 good access to all parts of the territory, Medecins Sans by Stanislav Ilyasov, Head of the Chechen administration Frontieres is concerned by OSCE’s lack of transparency. It is citing your order to close these camps before the autumn. crucial that the information at the disposal of the OSCE is We acknowledge your assurances that the displaced persons published, to demonstrate that conditions in Chechnya are in the Republic of Ingushetia are to return only voluntarily, not yet adequate for the displaced to return, and to prevent and those who wish to stay are welcome to do so and as you the ongoing abuses against the Chechen people from being declared on 18/07 that people ought to return to their homes masked in secrecy. The availability of this information is not under administrative pressure, but thanks to conditions 206 a pre-requisite for the international community to react allowing them to deliberately do so. However, it is not all officiallevelsofcommunication)as9 facilities andinfrastructurewereliquidated(usedinhereat Accommodation CentersinGrozny,theaccommodation all 2,200 persons were forcedly moved to Temporary other choicethanreturningtoChechnya.InZnemonskoye, announcing theclosureoftentcampsandnotofferingany possible toensureavoluntaryreturn,whilesimultaneously and thattheserightsaretoberespected. people havetheserightsasdefinedbyRussianlawitself Russian authorities,beitlocalorfederal,thattheChechen to theirneeds.Weaskyoumakeitclearalllevelof assistance totheChechenIDP’sinIngushetiaproportion law, andtoensurethedeliveryofadequatecontinued to Chechnya,inconformitywithinternationalhumanitarian your powertopreventanyforceddisplacementofpopulation federation wheretheyfeelissafe.Weaskyoutodoallin in Ingushetia,Dagestan,oranywhereelsetheRussian right of the Chechen population to seek refuge and to remain be provided to them. We ask you to defend the fundamental discrimination orcrueltreatment,andthathumanitarianaid citizens oftheRussianfederation,thattheynotbesubjectto Chechnya. We ask you that their full rights be respected as turning ablindeyetothesituationinIngushetiaand MSF has called upon the international community to stop threats, andextortionbyRussianFederalforces. torture, rape,summaryexecutions,disappearance,pillage, by the militants. Civilians are subject to arbitrary arrests, authorities are assassinated, kidnapped, and threatened suspected orworkingwiththeChechenand/orRussian by theRussianforces,aswellmilitantgroups.Civilians On thecontrary,civilianshavebeendeliberatelytargeted Chechnya fromwhich,theyarenotprotectedinanyway. people choosetostaybecauseoftheongoingviolencein them inIngushetia,buttheinsecurityChechnya.The decided tostaybecauseitisnottheaidwhichkeeps Ingushetia areterrible.Inspiteofthisthepeoplehave We recognizethatthelivingconditions for manyIDPsin security conditionsmet. that thesepromiseshavenotbeenfulfilled.Neitherarethe there isnosufficientinfrastructure tosupportareturnand the Temporary AccomodationCentres in Chechnya show that material forreconstructionandmoney.However,visitsto receiving promisesofbenefitsintheformhousing, by membersof the Chechenadministration. They are also eviction aswellofcuttinggas,waterandelectricity, and thattheyshouldreturn.Theyarereceiving threats of a choice. They have been told that the camps will close, on return.Theoptiontostayisnotpresentedthemas been subjecttoconstantharassmentandmisinformation sanitation assistance.TherealityisthattheIDPshave MSF worksproviding medical care, shelter, and water and are takingplaceinAkiYurtcamp.Inbothoftheseplaces Presently the same procedures that were used in Znemonskoye th of July. ofJuly. Chechen population.[…] in the numbers of arrests and ‘disappearances’ amongst the of Sleptovskayahasbeenaccompaniedbyasharpincrease recent militarydeploymentclosetothedisplacementcamps displaced personstoforce them toreturnChechnya. The a significantincreaseinthepressurebeingplacedon Ingush Republic,ourfieldteamshavebeeninformingusof Since MuratZiazikovhastakenpowerasPresidentofthe committed inChechnyafornearlythreeyears. war crimesandtheagainsthumanity,whichhavebeen 180,000 peoplehavetakenrefugeinIngushetia,fleeingthe taken refugeinIngushetiaface.Asyouknow,approximately threats offorcedreturnthattheChechenpeoplewhohave and 20July,wewouldliketodrawyourattentionthereal On theeveofFranco-Russiansummittobeheldon19 Extract: Northern Chechnya. violent closure of thetent camp in Znamenskoye, in by the field teams, MSF condemned the coercive and In themeantime,on9July, inapressreleaseinitiated (1998-2000), President(May2000-May2008)(inFrench) ”necessary...” Wewereallveryshocked. on Chechnya.Thehumanpriceisterriblebutpoliticallyit He toldus:‘Togetbackonhisfeet,Putinisleaningstick him, ordermustbeestablished,whichiswhatPutindoing. as theriskofchaosinformerSovietUnion.Accordingto policy tous.Hedidn’temphasiseeconomicinterestsasmuch granted ustime,tookseriously,andexplainedthenew international refugeelawandhumanitarianlaw. with of refugethatIngushetiarepresents,inaccordance voluntary natureofrepatriationandtodefendthezone avoid theseforceddisplacementsofpeople,toensurethe measure youjudgeuseful,bilaterallyandmultilaterally,to and 20 July. We are also asking you to urgently take any issue withtheRussianauthoritiesduringsummiton19 We areaskingyouandPresidentChiractobringupthis Communications (1996-1998),DirectorofOperations Villepin, thenewForeignAffairsMinister,metus, Affairs, thingschangedcompletely.Dominiquede When Hubert Védrine left the Ministry of Foreign French). Minister forForeignAffairs,16July2002(in MSF France to Dominiquede Villepin, French Letter fromKarimLaouabdia,DirectorGeneralof Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof interviewed in2009. 207 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

’MSF Condemns Relocation of Displaced Chechens,’  ‘Displaced Chechens Under Pressure,’ MSF Belgium Press Release, MSF Moscow, 9 July (in English). website, 26 July 2002 (in French).

Extract: Not long ago, three medical organisations were The international relief organization Médecins Sans Frontières still working in Aki-Yurt, in a camp of tents that was home (MSF) condemns the forced relocation of displaced Chechens to about 1,600 displaced Chechens, just over the border and Russians to temporary locations in Grozny, where violence in Ingushetia. Now MSF is alone in supplying the medical and insecurity are a common feature of life. The closure on care needed in this camp (another organisation is giving Sunday of a camp in Znamenskoye, in northern Chechnya, care in a neighbouring village). The reservoir that supplied was accomplished by an organized campaign of harassment drinking water to the camp has deteriorated due to lack of and coercion by the authorities, which left people with no maintenance and has been put out of use. Furthermore, two option but to move out. weeks ago, the displaced persons were again registered by MSF condemns the Russian authorities for this action Emerson, the Russian government service responsible for and condemns the inaction of the OSCE, the UN and the emergency situations. When the people asked the staff about international community in the light of clear evidence of the reasons for being re-registered, they replied that it was widespread coercion and harassment. A UN fact-finding for their imminent return to Chechnya. mission to Znamenskoye today is urged by MSF to put an The displaced Chechens are undergoing a lot of pressure end to the forcible relocation of displaced people. aimed at speeding up their repatriation. Some of the “It is obvious that this is not a voluntary movement,” said pressure appears to be deliberate. For example in the camps Jose A. Bastos, an Operational Director for MSF. “Mothers in Znamenskoye, in Chechnya, the pressure was particularly in Znamenskoye told us they dread returning to Grozny as palpable in the first few weeks in July. The authorities had they fear for their lives, and particularly for the lives of their warned the families who were settled in the camps that basic sons.” The actions in Znamenskoye lead MSF to believe that supplies such as water, gas and electricity, were going to this pattern of so-called ‘voluntary’ return will repeat itself be turned off. Tents and latrines were taken down, and the elsewhere in the Caucasus region, where another estimated families were recommended to go to the temporary hostels 180,000 displaced have moved to, escaping the violence in the outskirts of Grozny before they were full. They had in Chechnya, where bombings, shootings, arbitrary arrests no choice but to go there. and torture are routine. During this time in Ingushetia, the Chechens were Znamenskoye, which used to be home to 2,200 displaced continuing to be registered. Some registrations were done people, had tents torn down and latrines shut during the by humanitarian organisations in the aim of supplying the final weeks. The remaining occupants were encouraged to aid needed. But others were carried out by the government. leave by being told that gas, water, and electricity was to These latter registrations were problematic as the official be cut off. Additional psychological pressure was applied by numbers of registered displaced persons steadily decreased. telling people that they would lose entitlement to benefits In fact, if you were not present when the procedure was and grants if they did not punctually relocate to Grozny. taking place, you lost all chance of being registered one Western Governments have been informed by the OSCE about day. Anyone situated in the north of the Republic was the coercion used in Znamenskoye and other camps. In spite obliged to travel at their own costs to Malgobek, to have of this, no action is being taken to prevent such measures. photographs taken (40 roubles) and to register (another 40 The UN fact-finding mission to Znamenskoye today is too roubles). Most of the time, they were asked to come back the late to help the 2,200 Chechens and Russians who have following day, or even the next week. Without any resources been relocated to Grozny. For the sake of the remaining or goods to sell, many displaced persons did not have the displaced people, MSF demands that the UN put an end to means to register and therefore could not benefit from any forcible relocation. A ’20-point plan’ for the resettlement of government aid. Furthermore, those who were not able to up to 180,000 displaced people over the next twelve weeks register were often considered terrorists. was recently put into action by the authorities who assured So, as the pressure on Chechens to return home increases that it will be conducted on a voluntary basis. MSF considers and as the authorities organise the dismantling of all the that any campaign of voluntary return includes the option canvas camps between now and the winter, many displaced of staying behind. This implies that essential services and persons are falling into anonymity. The temporary hostels facilities remain in place for those who want to stay. in Grozny are already full. Furthermore, without water or The UN guiding principles state that internally displaced sewage, and with the torrid heat of the Caucasus summer, persons have the right to be protected against forcible the risk of contracting illness increases. Grozny, along with return to or resettlement in any place where their life, safely, most regions in Chechnya, is far from being safe: the war liberty, and/or health would be at risk. MSF insists that the between the Russian army and the rebels is still raging. internally displaced Chechens receive the full protection Officially, the authorities have confirmed that any return to from the responsible agencies such as UNHCR and the UN Chechnya would be on a voluntary basis. However, it seems Commissioner for Human Rights. that displaced persons are being forced to leave where they are to go elsewhere. The MSF teams in Ingushetia are however determined to respect their commitment to the displaced persons and are continuing to work for these people.. 208 refugees didn’twanttogobackatall joint pressreleaseforthethreesections.TheZnamenskoïe up. When Znamenskoïe camp was broken up, we prepared a bother comingtoseeus.”Theyweren’tscaredofspeaking to spell out loud and clear what’s happening here, then don’t we hadn’tspokenupenough.Theysaid“Ifyoudon’twant we weresurroundedbyrefugeeswhohadagoatusbecause once, inKaraboulakcampwhereMSFBelgiumwasworking, chat withpeopleintheIngushetiarefugeecamps.Iremember who had some very firm ideas. It waseasy to sit downand talk. Ihelddiscussionswithagroupofmothers,baboutchkas, Coordinator, permissiontotakephotos.Peoplewereready and gas. I looked into everything. I’d asked Michiel, the by theRussianauthorities,whowerecuttingoffwater about thisforcedclosureofthesecamps. There weresomepublicstatementsinthepressatthattime were broken down, and people were forced out of these houses. reach, youhadwitnessesofthisprocessonhowthesecamps assistance. Itwasoneofthefewplacesyoucouldalways vulnerable populationthere,thatactuallyneededmedical of Chechnya,veryclosetotheRussianborderwithaparticularly because there was these two rather large camps, in the north zone. Butinthiscasethereweregoodreasonstoworkthere, of reports circulateconcerning threats tion inChechnya.An increasingnumber announce a‘normalisation’ ofthesitua- violence, theRussian federalauthorities While observersreport anescalationofthe Operations inchargeofprogrammesNorthCaucasus, coordinator fromMay2001toJuly2003(inEnglish) A SUMMERFULLOFDANGER about theirrepatriationandnotethepressureapplied broke itup.Iwantedtohearhowtherefugeesfelt wenttoZnamenskoe camp amonthbeforethey I it outabitthatweshouldnotonlyworkintherebel by the rebels. Iargued that it is always good to balance were supportinginthesouth,areahold When I started the program, all of the clinics that we Dr José-AntonioBastos,MSFHollandDirectorof 2001 to2003(inFrench)interviewedin2009 Michiel Hofman,MSFHollandNorthCaucasus interviewed in2009.

Caucasus. to kidnapforeignnationalsintheNorth at anopening,yetthefightingcontinues.OnMonday24 On the eve of the G8 meeting, the Russian president hints Extract: artillery fightingand‘cleansing’continued. to open negotiations. Meanwhile, on the ground, heavy called onthemembersofG8toputpressureRussia Maskhadov, theseparatistChechenPresident,vainly power inayear’stimebypro-RussianChechens.Aslan announced a“normalisation”thankstothetake-overof Putin describedthewarinChechnyaasa“tragedy”and On 26June,ontheeveofG8summit,Vladimir Republic’s “adoption ofaConstitution”.[…] of thesituation inChechnya“withinone year” withthe president maintained there would be a “normalisation” official Russian Ministry of Defence figures). The Russian to theCommitteeofSoldiers’ Mothers(4,700accordingto of 15,000thesesoldiersin the lastthreeyears,according region. Theconflictisestimated tohavecausedthedeath Today almost100,000Russiansoldiersaredeployedinthis to pro-RussianChechenmilitaryformations. enforcement intheCaucasianrepublicshouldbeentrusted Mr Putin,explainingthathemeantresponsibilityforlaw the Russianarmy.“TheChechensmusttakecontrol,”declared of civilians, of which human rights defenders regularly accuse either ofthewarcrimes,torture,anddisappearance the year,”butgavenofurtherdetail.Hemademention that these“cleansingoperationsshouldstopbytheendof Russian troopsinthevillagesofChechnya,MrPutinreplied Questioned aboutthedailyroundupsbeingcarriedoutby Editor’s note)havetakenadvantageofthesituation.” itself incapableofdefendingthem.Theextremists(Islamists, have abandoned the Chechen people. The State has shown the RussianpresidentonMonday.“Thefederalauthorities coming topower.“TheChechenpeoplearenotguilty,”said the launchofRussianmilitaryoperationsaccompaniedhis actively helpedcultivatesincetheautumnof1999when enemy,” hecontinued,althoughthisisanotionthathas Putin. Weneedtoputanendthe“mythofChechnya, The war in Chechnya is “atragedy today,” according to Mr Aslan Maskhadov. troops orofnegotiationswiththeelectedChechenpresident, the Kremlinmadenospecificmentionofwithdrawal The situation was left unclear, however, as the leader of where theconflict hasbeen underway foralmost three years. withdrawal ofRussiantroopsfromtheChechenRepublic, giving theimpressionthathemightbeseekingagradual his rhetoriconthewarinChechnyaforfirsttime, June, theRussianpresident,VladimirPutin,toneddown (France), 26June2002(inFrench). War inChechnyaasa“Tragedy,” ‘For theFirstTime,VladimirPutinDescribes Le Monde th

209 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

In a rare interview with a British journalist made public this the Russian authorities, and attending informal forums of month, the Chechen President, Aslan Maskhadov, repeated representatives of humanitarian organisations and the FSB that he was ready to negotiate and consider a special (ex-KGB). status for his republic. If the Russians “cease all armed This arrangement of exchanging certain information aggression against Chechnya,” stated Mr Maskhadov, “then looks likely to come to an end. The Russian human rights we are ready to discuss any issues with the Russian side.” organisation, Memorial, for example, has suspended all He has received no reply to his proposal. On the ground the cooperation with the Russian authorities. “We have come fighting continues. Heavy artillery and Russian helicopters to the conclusion that nothing will change,” confirmed are currently bombarding the region of Argoun. Every week, Tatiana Kassatkina, one of Memorial’s top people. “We do the human rights organisation, Memorial, gathers fresh not wish to endorse such a situation, [she said]. Like many reports from civilians of pillaging, torture, and the summary other Russian and international organisations, Memorial has execution of detained persons. been taking part, for almost a year now, in regular meetings between the local Chechen authorities, the public prosecutor, the security services and the Russian army. Last March, in the wake of these meetings, the Russian army’s high command issued a directive supposedly intended to On 20 July, Abdoulkhakim Soultygov, the Russian regulate the army’s sinister “sweep” operations. Memorial’s president’s new Representative for Human Rights in findings several months later were unequivocal: “The order Chechnya, qualified the situation as “unacceptable.” The has never been followed and no soldiers have been punished. Russian human rights organisation, Memorial, maintained Hence our decision to put an end to cooperation that was dialogue with the authorities as best it could, in order beginning to bring discredit to our organisation,” continued to be allowed to continue its work. However, Memorial Memorial’s representative. decided to cease all collaboration so as not to support […] Médecins sans Frontières (MSF), which has paid a heavy the situation. price in the war in Chechnya, is increasingly concerned by the extremely ‘proactive’ policy in place for making refugees return to Chechnya. By cutting off the water and electricity supplies in the camps and repeatedly threatening and ‘The Situation in Chechnya is “Unacceptable” pressurising the destitute, the authorities hope to make According to Mr Soultygov,’ Le Monde (France), 300 families return every week. “The refugees return of Moscow, 20th July 2002 (in French). their own free will,” assured Stanislas Illiassov, the Chechen Prime Minister. “It would be senseless and criminal to force Extract: people to leave the camps’ [he furthered]. Untrue, reply the On 18 July, Abdoulkhakim Soultygov, the Russian president’s NGOs, openly implying that the policy being carried out is new Special Representative for human rights in Chechnya, ‘senseless and criminal.’ qualified the human rights situation in the separatist republic as “unacceptable.” “At the moment, it’s chaos. Nobody knows who is arresting people, or where these people are being taken,” he declared, adding that one of his priorities would be to enact new rules on “sweep” operations to prevent On 12 July, the Ingush Health Minister informed abuses by the Russian army. Mr Soultygov stressed the MSF Holland’s Coordinator that he is reneging on the importance of cooperation between the Russian authorities agreement, signed just ten days earlier, authorising the or pro-Russian Chechens and human rights organisations if opening of a hospital to treat refugees suffering from the situation is to improve. tuberculosis, on the basis that they can now get care in Chechnya. On 26 July, the director of the federal migration service announced that the camps, which he called a disgrace, will be closed by the end of the year. ‘NGOs Denounce the Army in Chechnya,’ Patrick de Saint Exupéry, Le Figaro (France) 25 July 2002  (in French). Letter from Ministry of Health of Ingushetia to Extract: Michiel Hofman, MSF Holland Coordinator, 12 There are signs of a tougher stance being taken on Chechnya, July 2002 (in English). with relations between humanitarian organisations and Russian officials on the verge of being severed. Since the Extract: war started up again in 1999, humanitarian and human Ministry of Health of Ingushetya and Medecins Sans Frontieres rights organisations had managed to establish a sort of - Netherlands on July 2, 2002 concluded a Memorandum of modus operandi with the authorities. In exchange for Understanding about the opening of a tuberculosis hospital authorisation to pursue their work and surveys, they had on the territory of the Republic Ingushetia for treatment agreed, without renouncing their integrity, to keep a low of the population from Chechnya. But at the present time 210 profile, providing advance communication of reports to an Agreement has been concluded between leadership of international stafftoChechnyahadbesuspended. Federation, thatduetothreatsofkidnapping,visitsby the United Nations Security Coordinator in the Russian On 10July,theFSBinformedUNSECOORD,Officeof so farrefusedtoreturn Chechnya. said thatonly30,000refugees,mostlyethnicIngush,had conflict morethan200,000peoplefled Chechnya.Yunash 25,000 ofthemintentcamps.Attheheightthree-year 90,000 ChechenrefugeeswerecurrentlyinIngushetia, instead,” InterfaxquotedYunashassaying.Hesaidsome We should provide people with decent accommodation people aresufferingadisgraceandmustceasetoexist. where thetentcitiesarebased.“Thesecamps in that therefugeeswouldbegivenchoiceofanapartment of theFederalMigrationService,toldanewsconference yet safeenoughforamassreturn.IgorYunash,DeputyHead despite rightsgroups’fearsthattherebelrepublicwasnot tens of thousands of refugees from Russia saidonFridayitwouldclose‘tentcities’housing Extract: of the other aid organisations, including MSF, condemned was kidnapped in Chechnya. The United Nations and most humanitarian organisationDrujba workingwithUNICEF, On 23July,NinaDavidovitch, anemployeeofthe review isdone. involving expatsshouldbeundertakeninChechnya,till a because ofimminentkidnappingthreats,nomissions On July 10, 2002 the FSB advised the UNSECOORD that Extract: 02.04.2002. of HealthIngushetiaandMedecinsSansFrontieresfrom cancels theMemorandumofUnderstandingbetweenMinistry services. MinistryofHealthIngushetia,foritspart, territory oftheChechenRepublictorenderspecialized this year.Themedicalfacilitieshavebeenopenedonthe Chechen IDPstotheplacesofpermanentresidenceduring republics of Ingushetia and Chechnya about the returning of Chechnya, or the neighbouring province of Ingushetia English). 2002,’ ‘Russia toCloseChechnyaRefugeeCampsbyEnd December 2002(inEnglish). Camp inNorthernIngushetiaMSFBelgiummid- ‘Document ontheClosureofAkiYurtTented Reuters (Moscow),26July2002(in Chechnya by year’s end, operations inChechnya. the kidnappingandannouncedsuspensionoftheir occur regularly withoutanyseriousrepercussions. MSF might createa dangerousprecedentinwhich kidnapscan incident occured.Bypartially ignoringthisincident,we contributed tothefactthat for ayearandhalfnosuch suspension ofeverybodyafter Kenny’skidnap,couldhave Kenny. Althoughitcannever beproved,theonemonth This isthefirstkidnapof ahumanitarianworkersince MAIN ARGUMENTS: MSF needstomakeitspositionclearonthismatter. operates independentlyfromtheUnitedNations.Therefore kidnaps inChechnya.AlsowellknownisthefactthatMSF as amajorhumanitarianactor,andspecificallyinrelationto awkward positionofbeingwell-known,bothinternationally partly acknowledged,andcanbeaddressedlater.MSFisinan the decisionsandcommunicationsonsuspension.Thisis security incidentitself,andlaterwiththeirmanagementof The UNhasmessedup,firstwiththeirmanagementofthe plan) (No disagreementonthisbyanyone,inlightofthe20-point - AllactivitiesinIngushetiahaveresumedasnormal. Chechnya, again,forsecurityreasons. August werenotissued.Noneworkwithexpatriatestaffin have notworkedasthesecurityisbad,andpassesfor - IndependentNGOsdividedontheissue,althoughmost - LocalNGOs,includingDruzbha,continue. ‘UN toldusso’ - UNpartnerssuspendedforChechnya,butreasonsof a suspensionframework. - ICRCcontinues,butiswillingtoputthiscontinuationin This leavesuswith: ad-hoc positionsthereandthen. nature oftheChechnyasuspension,andforcedtoformulate Council. Allthreewerecaughtunawareoftheindefinite main knownorganisations:ICRC,MSFandDanishRefugee and international,latchedontothisstartedcallingthe donors, partners,andindependentNGOs.Thepress,local in Chechnya)wasmadewithoutanyconsultationswith in Chechnya.Thisannouncement(theindefinitesuspension two daysinIngushetia,butalsoanINDEFINITEsuspension release in which they announced the agreed suspension for “Monday morningUN(29July)madeahighprofilepress this isONLYFORINTERNALUSE). from amessageMSF-HHoMMichielHofman(ofcourse this pressrelease,I’vecopied&pastedthefollowingbits In orderforyoutounderstandthe‘why’and‘whynow’of Extract: English). Communications Departments, 6 August 2002 (in Communications CoordinatortoMSF Email from Anouk Delafortrie, MSF International from MichielHofman,coordinatorMSFHolland,’ ‘ Press Release Chechnya – for Issue Today - Message 211 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

might have benefitted from the consolidated response by expect problems or that problems are already going on in the humanitarian community to speed up the unharmed Novolak region. This is information from a newspaper, but release of Kenny last year. This gives some moral pressure we cannot get it confirmed and also [did] not see it in the to replicate this action for a fellow humanitarian worker. newspaper. MSF-Holland thinks it will not be quiet until a big fish is kidnapped. They also think, after consulting info sources that because no one was travelling to Chechnya any more that Khasavyurt was easier for bandits to access ‘ MSF Strongly Condemns Kidnapping of Head of than Nazran and that might be a reason that MSF Swiss or Drujba - Operations inside Chechnya Continue to expats in Khasavyurt became a target. be Suspended,’ Press release, MSF Moscow 6 August 2002 (in English). Yesterday evening I met with the colonel for kidnap affairs also head of directorate of law and order bodies in Dagestan. The international medical humanitarian organization He himself was very friendly and gave us enough time to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) will continue the suspension explain the situation and give his opinion. Main conclusions of its relief programme in Chechnya for another period of two are that for him, Makhachkala is safer than Khasavyurt due weeks on account of the kidnapping of Ms. Nina Davidovich, to the border of Chechnya, which is easier to access for Head of the Russian non-governmental organization Druzhba. bandits. […] He sees reasons to be extra careful due to MSF strongly condemns the kidnapping of Ms. Davidovich the celebration of 6 August but, for him he did not see any and urges all parties to ensure her immediate release. increased activity of bandit involvement. MSF stopped its operations in Chechnya on July 29th, It would be good for MSF to liaise with him every now and following the news of the abduction of Ms. Davidovich. MSF then he said, because then the bandits will know that we supplies health facilities with drugs and medical materials are in good contact with this department and will hesitate and runs a mental health project in Chechnya. MSF will to harm us. […] FSB was also friendly and worried. For them review the situation on August 20th and decide whether it is more related to celebration of the 6 of August or 23 of or not to continue with the suspension. However, MSF will February (memorial of Diaspora). […] After discussion with continue to provide direct life-saving assistance in case Geneva and with the team, it was decided to make some of emergencies, which include cooperation with surgical sort of assessment in Khans on Friday to meet the head of facilities in Chechnya. All operations in both Ingushetia admin, etc. Bruno you know what we discussed. and Dagestan will continue to function as normal. This kidnapping unveils once again the continuous life- threatening risks civilians, including humanitarian workers, are subjected to in Chechnya, where war still rages on. To this day, MSF is extremely preoccupied with the fate of On 8 August, an ICRC team was kidnapped in the Pankisi hundreds of thousands of Chechen civilians living in war- valley in Georgia. The French section announced the ridden Chechnya and in neighbouring republics. suspension of its operations in this region. Rumours of kidnapping threats were rife.

At the beginning of August, the Dagestan authorities ‘ MSF Suspends its Activities in the Pankisi Valley warned the Swiss section that serious threats of (Georgia),’ Press release, MSF France, 8th August kidnapping had been made against foreigners in the 2002 (in French). North Caucasus. Expatriates were no longer going into Chechnya but nobody believed the threat was aimed at Extract: the neighbouring republics. In spite of the warning, MSF is suspending its activities in the Pankisi Valley in the the Swiss section therefore maintained a skeleton team wake of the kidnapping on Friday of an ICRC team in this made up of three expatriates and a few national staff in northeastern region of Georgia, close to the border with the Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan, in order to keep Russian Federation, (Chechnya). Under the circumstances, abreast of the situation. MSF considers that the security of the four volunteers working and living in the valley is no longer assured. They therefore returned to Tbilisi, the Georgian capital, on Saturday 5 August. ‘Dagestan Update,’ Email from Arjan Erkel, MSF Since October 1999, MSF had been providing assistance to Switzerland Coordinator, to Bruno Lab, MSF the 7,000 refugees who had managed to flee the Russian  Switzerland programme manager, 7 August 2002 army’s bombing of Chechnya before the borders were closed (in English). by the Georgian authorities in December 1999. These refugees have found shelter with the inhabitants of the valley, the Extract: Kistines, and in schools and factories. Over the last ten ICRC called to ask us what is going on here and also to inform months, MSF’s medical assistance to this population had 212 us that they have information from the local staff that they evolved from emergency relief to more targeted aid. The Makhachkala to getinformationandstayup tospeedwith most oftheteam toMoscow.Butwekepta smallteamin from Khasaviourt[ontheChechen border].Weevacuated we were particularly at risk. So we withdraw all the expatriates something wasbeinghatched againstaforeignerandthat The Dagestanadministration toldustobecareful,that across ArjanErkel,whoalready knewsomethingofDagestan. desperately tryingtofindanotherCoordinator,andwecame came toanend-therewastoomuchtension.Wewere was juststartingwhenthetourfortwoheadsofmission press things.Itwasn’teasyworkinglikethat.Theprogramme fine astheywerewiththeirlittleprogrammeandweshouldn’t all mafia,thatweneededtoremaincautious,theywere security reasonsweshouldn’tgoin,thattheChechenswere that therewereneeds;andtheotherwassayingfor working with. could feelthepressureinbehaviourofpeoplewewere expatriates. Theauthoritieswerenotallowingusvisits;we in themarketplacesaboutpricesonheadsof could feelthehostilityalltime.Rumoursstartedcirculating and theyhadtheirflatscarssearched.Sameforus.We colleagues ofNina,andtheyhadreceivedanumbervisits close andrealeveryday.Iwaslivinginthesamebuildingas children agedbetween6and12. opened apsychologicalsupportprogrammecaringfor125 with apopulationhighlytraumatisedbythewar,team this servicetothevalley’swholepopulation.Finally,faced the region’shospitals(Akhmeta,TelaviorTbilisi),offering a systemforreferringpatientswithseriouspathologiesto team beganbyvaccinating4,500people,andthensetup ings unattended. ings unattended. elling, We,the MSF Hollandteam, never leftanyofthese warn- in. One was saying we needed to go in, to be onsite, views ofthesituationinChechnya,needtogo The twoheadsofmissionhaddiametricallyopposed Nina. Wecouldfeelit.thehostilityvery for something bad tohappen.Therehadalready been All thewarninglightswereflashing.Wewaiting tions hadproblemswhilecrossingcheckpointsandtrav- services duringthetripstoChechnyaandorganiza- There were certain signals and warnings from special There werecertainsignalsandwarningsfromspecial Caucasus, January2002toJuly2003,(inFrench) Gabriel Trujillo,MSFFranceCoordinatorforNorth B, MSFNorthCaucasusstaff,interviewedin2008 (in Russian, translatedintoEnglishbyMSF). interviewed in2008. that wetrusted. logistician, andanurse,Ithink,stayedwithsomelocalstaff me toleaveacoupleofpeopleonsite.TheCoordinator, after talking it through, the programme manager convinced leave andsaidweshouldn’ttakeanyrisks.Butintheend, what washappening. Initially, I hadasked that everyone Makhachkala on theeveningofAugust12.MSF isextremely Head ofMission forDagestan,intheregional capitalof strongly condemnstheabduction ofArjanErkel,MSF’s Doctors WithoutBorders/Médecins SansFrontières(MSF) Extract: demands the immediaterelease of Arjan in good condition. car. MSF isextremely concerned about this incident and armed -andArjanwasabductedpushedintoanother local vehicle with threemenon board -twoofthem being 10 pm.Onhiswayhome,theMSFcarwasinterceptedbya evening. ThekidnappingoccurredinMakhachkalaataround the Russian Republic of Dagestan, was abducted yesterday for theorganizationsinceFebruary2002inMakhachkala, Arjan Erkel,aDutchnationalworkingasHeadofMission Borders/Médecins SansFrontières(MSF)confirmstodaythat The internationalhumanitarianorganizationDoctorsWithout Extract: North Caucasus. kidnapping andthesuspensionofMSF’sactivitiesin releases, relayedbytheothersections,announcing the capital of Dagestan. MSF Switzerland issued two press Switzerland’s Coordinator,waskidnappedinMakhachkala, In theeveningof12August2002,ArjanErkel,MSF Emergency thenDirectorofOperations2000-2004,(in ARJAN ERKELKIDNAPPED 2002 (inEnglish). are Suspended,’ Operations inChechnya,DagestanandIngushetia ‘ ’ 13 August2002(inEnglish). its StaffMember,’ Médecins SansFrontièresConfirmsKidnappingof MSF CondemnsKidnappingofReliefWorker- Dr ThomasNierle,MSFSwitzerland,Headof IN DAGESTAN Press release MSF, 14 August , MSF Switzerland, Press release,MSFSwitzerland, French) interviewedin2009. 213 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

concerned about Erkel’s fate and urges whoever is holding ‘ Note for the log - 26 August 2002,’ Michiel Hofman, him to respect his physical and mental integrity and to 3 September 2002 (in English). release him unharmed. Following this incident, MSF has decided to also suspend its operations in Dagestan and Extract: Ingushetia for the time being. MSF had already stopped Q: How was contact established between US Embassy & its operations in Chechnya on July 29 in response to the MSF Switzerland? kidnapping of Ms. Nina Davydovich, Head of the Russian A: S […] C […]: When the mission of 2 defense attachés non-governmental organization Druzhba. These consecutive was discussed in the Embassy, Major Meyer inquired if kidnappings demonstrate the risks civilians and relief workers anybody in Dagestan was present from international agencies run in this conflict-ridden region. Because the position of whom they could contact to discuss an outsiders view on ordinary people, particularly Chechens, is so precarious and the security situation. S[…] suggested Arjan Erkel, Head the medical needs are great, MSF will continuously review of MSF Switzerland, whom he had met one month earlier the situation to decide whether to maintain the suspension. at the Embassy, and provided the telephone number of the Throughout the region, MSF runs mobile clinics and supports MSF Swiss office in Moscow. Major M[…]: I contacted the hospitals and dispensaries, providing them with medical office and spoke to a lady called Aida. She informed me supplies and rehabilitating surgical facilities, maternity Arjan was in Moscow and gave his mobile phone number. I and medical wards. called him and introduced myself as Major Meyer from the MSF is an international medical humanitarian organization US Embassy. Arjan was very receptive and suggested to that provides medical and humanitarian assistance to victims contact him on arrival in Dagestan and provided his local of war, conflict, and disasters. This assistance is given telephone numbers. without political, religious or ethnic discrimination. MSF is independent and is mainly funded by public donations from Q: What was the nature of the discussions in Dagestan with the 18 countries where it has representative offices. Further Arjan Erkel. information on this incident is not available at present. For A: Major M […]: On arrival in Makhachkala we contacted Arjan any inquiries, contact MSF in Geneva: Michel Clerc +41 22 Erkel in his office. We agreed to have dinner that evening. 849 84 92. Please do NOT contact our field missions in the He picked us up from our hotel in the Lobby at 7 pm. We region for security reasons. went with him to a pizzeria downtown in Makhachkala. Only Arjan was present for MSF Switzerland. We had dinner for Biographical­­­­ Information on Arjan Erkel two hours until 9 PM, when we went back to our hotel. The Peter-Arjan Erkel is 32 years old and a Dutch national. Since first hour we discussed his views on security for foreigners April 2002, he has been the Head of Mission for the Swiss in Dagestan, and what kind of security arrangements MSF branch of the humanitarian organization Médecins Sans was using inside Dagestan. The second hour was spent on Frontières (MSF) in Makhachkala, the capital of the Russian general social talk about himself, how he ended up in this Republic of Dagestan. Erkel studied management training in job in Dagestan, about his partner in Makhachkala and how Logistics (Transport Academia) and later attended Nijmegen he had met her in Tajikistan. University, graduating with a M.Sc. in Cultural Anthropology. At the end of the dinner he suggested we visit Khasavyurt He started working with MSF in 1994 as a logistician in the next morning (we were flying back the next afternoon) Uganda. Since then, he worked as logistical and country to see the situation with the IDPs, so we could give some coordinator for MSF in Tajikistan, and as project coordinator firsthand impressions to S[…] back in Moscow. We agreed to in Uzbekistan, Russia, and Sierra Leone. have contact about this trip the next morning to see if from our side and his side this would be possible, as originally this trip was not planned. The next morning 9 AM, Arjan came to our hotel again to tell us that the trip to Khasavyurt was cancelled for security reasons. He informed us that they had In the days following the kidnapping, a crisis cell was received a warning from FSB regarding security of expatriates set up at MSF Switzerland to handle the Erkel case. It in Khasavyurt, and they had withdrawn their team back to was coordinated by Thomas Nierle, MSF Switzerland’s Makhachkala. He also informed us that Americans specifically Operations Director, who leaves immediately for might be in danger. After that morning we did not see Arjan Dagestan. Once on site, he discovers that a few days again, that afternoon we flew back to Moscow. […] before his kidnapping, Arjan had dinner with two Q: Was the trip to Khasavyurt initiated by the US Embassy? American military attachés, against the advice of his General R […]: No, this was an initiative of Mr. Erkel. team, and that of MSF Holland’s Coordinator in Moscow, S […] C […]: I wanted to visit Dagestan, but that has from whom he had also sought advice. not been approved by the Embassy as UNSECOORD is not operational there. However, I did not ask the military attachés to visit the IDPs on my behalf. […] S […] C […] apologized for suggesting MSF Switzerland and Arjan Erkel to his colleagues of the military department. He said he realized in retrospect this was a mistake, and it was now obvious to him MSF cannot afford to be associated with military of 214 any kind. S[…] also informed me that the actual nature the cards. that in this game, it’s the people with the power who hold that thistypeofexactionhadtobeauthorisedsomewhere, local one,buttherewasstillthisideainthebackofmymind to workinconditionslikethat.Themessagewasapretty of theteam.Hesaiditwaschaosandthatimpossible in Chechnya,butalsoandmainlyagainstcertainmembers against MSFSwitzerland,aboutourprojectsforopeningup what he could. He came back with a whole load of accusations get toChechnyaviaDagestan,ifhewouldtryandfindout asked ablokefromMDM,whosecontactswerehelpinghim set himstraightandwarnoff,buthehadn’tlistened.I reassuring bondbetweenthem.Hetoldmehehadtriedto Hofmann, wasafriendofArjan’s,andtherequite that heshouldn’tdoit.MSFHolland’sCoordinator,Michiel young blokewithhisheadscrewedon,toldhimhewasmad, triggered quiteadebateamongtheteam.Thelogistician, pretty quickly.WhenArjanmettheAmericanadvisers,this than justanorganisedcrimesituation:Igotthisimpression and mademewonderwhetherthiskidnappingwasn’tmore helped metounderstandafewthingsaboutArjan’spersonality straight aboutthewholeAmericansoldiersstory.Italso and Dagestan afterthekidnappinghelpedmeget a few things there wasnorisk.ThetwoweeksIspentbetweenMoscow team to leave Dagestan, but the programme managersaid a fewthingsmoving.Afterthewarning,Ihadwanted longer hadone.Itneededsomeonewithenoughclouttoget reasons IwentwastotakeoverasCoordinator,weno or thedayafter,justtimetogetavisa.Oneof contact ourteamtocheckthefacts.AndIleftnextday, Christopher. Straightaway,thatsamenight,wemanagedto Coordinator inMoscow,whopassedthemessageonto had managedtogetholdofNicolas[Cantau],their MSF contactedhim. not pro-activelyapproachMSFforthetimebeing,unless He furthermoreemphasizedheunderstoodthatwould presence ofAmericanobserversduringthesejointexercises. with EmercomafterIranobjectedatthelastmomentto Azerbaijan, andIran.Themissionwasreducedtoliaison joint exercisesontheCaspianSeabyNaviesofRussia, of themissionwasoriginally to bemilitaryobservers on Dr ThomasNierle,MSFSwitzerland,HeadofEmergency was thecomplete ignoranceofsecurityregulations. My opinion isthatthefirst reason for this kidnapping Belgium’s OperationsDirector.Our team in Dagestan o’clock, I think, from Christopher Stokes, MSF I gotacallthenightofkidnapping,about11 then DirectorofOperations2000-2004, interviewed in2009(inFrench).

no clearsecurityregulations. Arjan, theydidnothavethiscommunication.Andtherewere place betterthanIdo.haveafeelingtheydidnottell expat maynotpossiblyknowthesituationofcurrent authoritarian managementinemergencysituations.The listening andspeaking.Thereshouldnotbeastructureof In otherwords,allmembersoftheteamshoulddoboth is toldandtheotheroneactuallysayingwhatheexpected. listening. In other words, when one is listening to what he staff, itiswhenyouhavepeoplewhoarespeakingand no team.Theteamisnotwhenyouhaveex-patsandlocal I thinkoneofthereasonsbeyondthatisbecausetherewas the Swissteamatsomepoint. at leastinmyteamwasexpectingsomeonetobetaken taken inDagestanratherthaninsideChechnya,buteveryone, when Arjanwastaken.Itmaybeasurprisethathe that was,Ithink,predictable.Soitdidn’tcomeasasurprise quite openlythattheSwisswouldbenexttakencaptive.And expanded andbecamemoreadventurous.Wewouldalljoke area inIngushetia.AndthenitwasthetimeSwiss pressure ontheir Russiancounterparts. military attachésandsobe more cooperativeinputting about the meeting between Arjan and the American of theUSadministration,hoping theymightfeelguilty in exileNewYork.Italso metwithvariousmembers the rebelChechen government’s foreign affairs minister, At MSF France’s request, the MSF USA team contacted for supportinfindingArjanErkel. and MSF Switzerland approached the Russian authorities Gluck in2001andknewtheregionwell.MSFInternational for MSFFrancewhoalsotookpartinthesearchKenny Russian FederationtoSteveCornish,aformerCoordinator MSF Switzerlandentrusteditsrepresentationinthe release. them totakeactionsecureArjanErkel’s international leaderscapableofpersuading stakeholders intheCaucasusaswellany MSF contactedthedifferentpolitical Austen Davies,MSFHollandExecutiveDirector,1999 conscious andverymuchmorelocatedinourbase and Francebeforethem,becamemuchmorerisk- After Kenny’sabduction,MSFHolland,likeBelgium C, MSFNorthCaucasusstaff,interviewedin 2008 (in Russian, translatedintoEnglishbyMSF). to 2004,interviewedin2009(inEnglish). 215 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Letter from Thomas Linde, Director General, in our case, in a non-accusatory way, something like ‘are Médecins Sans Frontières, Dr Morten Rostrup, you exploring/working on the possibility of a political President of the International Council of Médecins component as a motive for the abduction, are you exploring/ Sans Frontières to the Ambassador of Russia working on the possibility of some rogue elements within in Switzerland, 23 August 2002 (in English). you administration which can be involve in the kidnapping?’ […] Then, a serious discussion when we raise the ‘incident’ Extract: involving Cheevers and the two military attaches. […] Médecins sans Frontières - an international humanitarian Conclusions from the meeting: organization that has been working over the past 10 years in • We are uncertain whether US authorities have directly the Russian Federation - would like to inform your Excellency raised Arjan’s case with their Russian counterparts above of the abduction of one of our international staff in Dagestan, the level of Sarge Cheevers (and our feeling is that it was and solicit your support in our efforts to obtain a rapid probably not done). and unconditional release of our colleague. […] Médecins • It was important to involve the NSC to get more relevant sans Frontières is aware that relentless and patient efforts action from the US side at higher level in Moscow (the US are required. This implies also that initiatives that could ambassador or his deputies with the Russian counterparts). put the life of our colleague at risk should by all means be The State Department […] was possibly not active on the avoided. While the competent authorities - at federal and case because of the incident for which they feel some national level - have already been most helpful and active, responsibility and embarrassed […]. We must underline here we certainly will have to count on their continued support. that since the kidnapping, it is the first time that MSF in In particular, Médecins sans Frontières has requested national the US is meeting with a political appointee within the US and federal authorities to provide us with any information administration as all other meetings were with staffers at the or any contact that may lead to a solution of the problem. Department of State (D of S) […] and this is an important We have assured them that we will, of course, keep strict fact considering the current mood in Washington (increased confidentiality on any support we obtain from them. tension between the D of S and the Bush administration). Furthermore, Médecins sans Frontières has assured them that Therefore and if needed by MSF-CH, potential future action we will not make any statement on the background of this here can be to get meetings with political appointees at abduction, neither during the crisis nor after its resolution. the D of S (…). Only the release of our colleague is important to us. It was important and very relevant to openly and directly raise the issue of the incident with the 2 military attaches. G’s reaction was encouraging after having heard about the incident, he became more interested in getting the US ‘ Chris in New York,’ Email from MSF USA Advocacy involved. He repeatedly mentioned the possibility of “rogue Programme Department to Kenny Gluck, Director Russian elements” being connected to Arjan’s abduction. of Operations, MSF Holland, 13 August 2002 Earlier, there was some reluctance from MSF to ‘play the (in English). US card’ because of the potential impact on Arjan arising from the incident with the military attaches. We are in a Hello Kenny, different situation now since the ‘abcès a été crevé’ (the Hope this finds you well. As you may already be aware, Loick absess was opened) with the US administration and since has asked me to be in contact with Ilias Akmadov here in we have now raised the issue to the level of an influential the US in the hopes that they could have direct contact political appointee within the US administration which with him. Patrice has met with Akmadov once before in the promised us to take concrete action with Moscow based recent months. MSF France wanted to renew contact with on our request. Therefore, Geneva will have to coordinate him especially to discuss recent developments that led to tightly between Moscow and New York to utilize efficiently our partial suspension of activities in Chechnya. I was told the contacts and influence of the US towards the Russian that you have ties to his personal translator. […] Can you administration. provide me with another number that could eventually lead me to Akmadov? Thanks

I was Head of Mission, and the mission was to get ’ Meeting at the National Security Council, Erkel out. Washington DC, 18 October 2002,’ Minutes, Patrice Page MSF USA Programme Officer, Nicolas de Steve Cornish, Coordinator MSF France in Georgia Torrente MSF USA Executive Director, MSF USA, (January to April 2000) then in Ingushetia (September 21 October 2002 (in English). 2000 to January 2001), MSF Switzerland Officer in the Russian Federation (August 2002 to April 2004), Extract: (in French) interviewed in 2008. He suggested that we (in Moscow) raise openly and directly 216 with the Russians, the hypothesis of a political component they’d neverheardanythingaboutit. Council. The people they met there played dumb, acting like General Director of MSF USA) went to the National Security discussing it with us. Then Patrice and Nicolas [de Torrente, [Page, ProgrammesDepartment,MSFUSA],theydeniedever subject. However,whenwewentbackagainwithPatrice their armintohelpingusfindasolution.Sowebroachedthe without really pointing the finger butwe did wantto twist first timewewenttoseethemtalkedthingsoveropenly Gluck’s kidnapping,andwearrangedtomeetwiththem.The contacts attheStateDepartmentwhowentbacktoKenny mistake ofbeingseenwiththesepeopleinpublic.Ihad may wellhavebeenabductedasaresult.Erkelhadmadethe to destroytheverydelicatenetworkIhadbuiltupthere. that myselfasIdidn’twantanybodybumblingintoGrozny something aboutit.Thatwasafacetomeeting.Idid either involvedorhadtheconnectionstobeabledo man inChechnya.Sowealsohadtodealwithhimashewas side. AtthattimeAkhmadKadirovhadbecomethestrongest discussions withtheothersideinChechnya,pro-Russian I wasalsointheprocesswhenthereweredirectfaceto working forme,IwasinvolvedinthecontactsChechnya. make use of these people and obviously, because they were So straight on arrival, the Swiss requested that they would if yes,‘canyoupleaseletthemgo.’Yousayitverysimple. commanders. Theywouldcheckout:‘did you kidnap them,’ the mostdirectandstrongestlinkstonecessaryrebel were those peopleworkingfor MSF-Holland. They just have and themostwell-connectedpeoplethatMSFhadinChechnya possible. Everybodyrecognizedfromthestartthatstrongest know ifitwasaDagestaniorChechenaffair.Bothwere stayed involvedafterthat,becauseatthatpointwedidnot visa togetherandtheycouldsendtheirpeoplein.ThenI dealt withthepressandallthat,untilSwitzerlandhadtheir foreigners as a means of putting pressure on international foreigners asa meansofputtingpressureon international The European pressinterpretedthekidnapping of coordinator fromMay2001toJuly2003,(inEnglish) (1995), MSFUSAProgrammeDepartment2001-2002, [...], ProjectCoordinator,MSFBelgiuminChechnya, It was becoming increasingly obvious that the American It wasbecomingincreasinglyobviousthattheAmerican that theyhadspokentoErkelopenly,andhe representatives hadbeeninthefieldDagestan, 48 hours. I got in contact with the Russian authorities, anymore, so someone had to takecharge of the first and MSF SwitzerlanddidnothaveaCoordinator I wastheonlyCoordinatorinMoscowatthatmoment Michiel Hofman,MSFHollandNorthCaucasus (in French) interviewedin2008. interviewed in2009.

surrounding republics as the refugees begin returning home. surrounding republicsastherefugeesbeginreturninghome. kidnappings wastomakeNGOsleaveChechnyaandthe in Moscowstatedyesterdaythatthepurposeofthese of anonymity,theheadshumanitarianorganisations Arjan Erkel,wasabductedonhiswayhome.Undercover sans Frontières’SwissmissioninDagestan,theDutchman head ofaRussianNGO.Aweekago,theMédecins since thekidnappingon23rdJuly,ofNinaDavidovitch, project andalmostallofthemhavesuspendedtheiractivities organisations (NGOs)haveunanimouslydenouncedthis ago issoontobegin.Humanitariannon-governmental tens ofthousandsrefugeesannouncedseveralmonths solve therefugeeproblem.ThereturntoChechnyaof This rebeloffensivecomesasRussiaisseekingwaysto Extract: journalists and workersofrelieforganizations withthe the Umarov’sband planskidnappingsofRussian andforeign local lawenforcementbodies. Accordingtoourinformation, physical harmandareafraid toapplythefederaland The majorityofrobbedvictims areunderthethreatof towns. The banditstake money, gold jewelry, and vehicles. robberies oftheChechenpopulation inGroznyandother Northern OssetiaandIngushetia)armedattacks particular, kidnappingof6localoilmenattheborder Doku Umarovandhisbanditsarekidnappingofpeople(in district ofChechnya.[…].Thesourcesfinancingfor Security Council,ismainlystationedinAchkhoy-Martan is headed by Doku Umarov, Maskhadov’s secretary of the In particular,oneofthebiggestbanditgroups,which terms offinancing. to Maskhadov, Basaev or Gelaev, are fully independent in shortages. […]Themajorityofbanditgroups,subordinate without anyexceptions,areexperiencingseverefinancial present momentalltheillegalmilitaryunitsinChechnya, by illegalmilitaryunits,stationedinChechnya.Atthe Dutch missioner. The first version is – he was kidnapped There arethreemainversionsabouttheabductionof Extract: Arjan’s abduction. the Russianinternalsecurityservicesasresponsiblefor army officerandaspecialist inkidnappings, pointed to Novaïa Gazeta, Vyatcheslav Izmaïlov, a former Russian forcing themtoreturnChechnya.Ajournalistwiththe depriving displacedpersonsofhumanitarian aid and organisations toleavetheNorthCaucasus,thereby French). Talbi, ‘Resurgence ofActivitybyChechenRebels,’Karim MSF). 2002 (translatedfromRussianintoEnglishby Ismaïlov, ‘ Who Abducted Peter-Arjan Erkel?’ Vyacheslav Le Figaro(France)21August2002(in Novaïa Gazeta(Russia),29August 217 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

objective of ransom. There are reasons to surmise that aid was rendered increasingly difficult Nina Davydovich, the Head of non-governmental ‘Druzhba’ and pressure mounted on the refugees to organization, who was kidnapped 23 July of this year, is return home. being kept by Umarov’s bandit group. The probability that Peter-Arjan Erkel was kidnapped by the band connected to Doku Umarov is also very high. He is likely not to be kept in Chechnya but in Dagestan, where On 14 August, the United Nations condemned the despite strict measures undertaken by the Interior Ministry, kidnapping of Arjan Erkel. On 15 August, the ICRC there are vast opportunities for holding a hostage, especially evacuated its personnel from the Caucasus. On 9 in the mountainous areas of the republic. Yet the severe September, the UN agencies restarted their activities in prevention measures undertaken by the Interior Ministry Chechnya, while calling for the release of Nina Davydovich after the terrorist attack in Kaspiysk in May, refer mainly and Arjan Erkel. to Makhachkala and some other cities of the republic. For example, Peter-Arjan Erkel could be easily taken from the suburban site of the kidnapping, escaping the police checkpoints […]. Such a possibility is not excluded, even ‘ The United Nations Condemns the Abduction of by Dagestani law enforcement bodies (the Sixth Department an MSF Representative,’ Press release UN Office of Dagestani Interior Ministry) themselves, which directly for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs execute investigation of this case. (OCHA), Moscow, 14 August 2002 (in English).

The second version is a political one. Let’s recall several most Extract: significant provocations arranged by the special services – a The United Nations joins Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) ‘false’ exchange in January 2000 of Andrey Babitskiy, a Radio in strongly condemning the abduction of MSF’s Head of Liberty correspondent, for Russian soldiers and passing him Mission for Dagestan, Mr Arjan Erkel, in Makhachkala, the to the hands of allegedly Chechen bandits but in fact, to G capital of the Republic of Dagestan, on 12 August. The D, connected to the special services. The same picture was UN also remains extremely concerned about the fate of seen with the kidnapping of Kenneth Gluck, a manager of Mrs. Nina Davydovich, the humanitarian worker from the MSF (Holland) in Chechnya and Ingushetia, arranged by NGO Druzhba who was abducted in Chechnya on 23 July. the special services in January 2001, which happened after Actions of this kind compromise the effective provision of a report on the situation in Chechnya was published and humanitarian assistance to the many people who are in need disclosed in the European Council in November 2000. We knew in the Northern Caucasus. The UN also wishes to reiterate the Chechen people who kept him (they were working for the its solidarity with the hundreds of civilians who have been Russian special services) and we also knew the place where abducted in Chechnya in recent years, and calls on those he was kept. Truth to be told, we don’t have any information responsible to ensure the safe return of their victims. UN regarding whether Peter-Arjan Erkel or Nina Davydovich activities in Chechnya remain suspended until further notice. were of a certain interest for the Russian special services. The UN is keeping the situation under continued review. Anyway, some details of Erkel’s kidnapping, familiar to us and to the 6th Department of Interior Ministry of Dagestan can indirectly witness against the Russian special services. ‘UN Returns to Chechnya,’ AFP (France), 9 The third version is that Erkel was kidnapped by some other September 2002 (in French). bandit group from Dagestan, pursuing the same objective, as in the first version – a ransom. This version however, Extract: has less probability compared to the first ones. During the “The decision to restart activities (In Chechnya) was taken last two years the problem of kidnapping, having been very after numerous consultations with the Russian government, typical for Dagestan in 1996-1999, became less popular. In the medical community, non-governmental organisations mid 2000, a special department responsible for prevention and the population on needs in the Caucasian republic,” kidnappings stopped their activities here. And currently only according to a communiqué issued by the UN’s office in several people from the 6th Department of IM in Dagestan Russia on Monday. The UN had suspended its humanitarian work on this problem. activities in Chechnya on 29th July for an undetermined period after the kidnapping of Nina Davydovitch, the Director of the Russian NGO, Drujba, which had been working for UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund). “The growing From September, humanitarian activity in need for humanitarian aid among the civilian population in the North Caucasus which was suspended Chechnya is the main reason for the return (of the UN) to the region,” explains the communiqué. The United Nations since the kidnapping gradually started are “extremely concerned about the situation in the North up again in response to the population’s Caucasus and the risks taken by humanitarian workers,” it humanitarian needs. However, delivering continues. 218 The Judd report is clear on the fact that “mop-up” operations The Juddreport isclearonthefactthat“mop-up” operations On thehuman rights situation - Thehumanitariansituation. […] - Thehumanrightssituation; - Perspectivesforapolitical solution totheconflict; The PACEreporthastwoparts toitandlooksat: forced returnofrefugees. Russian authoritiesfromseveralsidesontheissueof until thebeginningofAugust,therewaspressureon (PC + major lobbying), but it does seem that from mid-July stance bytheEUhadanythingtodowithourmobilisation repatriation issuelastJuly.Idon’tknowwhetherthis Union] putdiscreetbutrealpressureonRussiathe Solana, SecretaryGeneraloftheCouncilEuropean the EuropeanUnion’sExecutive,viaSolana’scabinet[Javier repatriation. Onthissubject,andforinfo,itappearsthat part oftheformalalertissuedinJulyonrisksforced All theseactorshavealreadybeencontactedbyMSFas Refugees. on HumanRightsandLegalAffairstheCommission members ofthePoliticalAffairsCommission,Commission September) byaCouncilofEuropedelegationmadeup which ispublic, is theproductof two visits(inJuly and joint workinggroup,chairedbyLordJudd.Thisdocument, report by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly’s A quicknotetotellyouaboutthecontentsoflatest Extract: comment onthereport. the MSFsectionsunanimouslydecidetomakenopublic repatriation. Because of the kidnapping of Arjan Erkel, thus indirectlysupportingMoscow’spolicyofforced also calledonNGOstoincreasetheiraidChechnya, and demandedsystematicinvestigations.However,it that “mop-up” operations in Chechnya are continuing July andSeptemberpublisheditsreport.Itnoted Assembly’s delegationthatvisitedtheCaucasusin In October, the Council ofEurope Parliamentary yet beenfound. is returningwhenneitherMsDavydovitchnorMrErkelhave in theseparatistrepublicareaskingwhyorganisation United Nations’decision.However,humanrightsactivists […] The Russian authorities have not yet commented on the demands theimmediatereleaseofthesetwoaidworkers. Chechnya. TheUnitedNationscondemnstheseactsand Frontières, kidnappedinDagestan,arepublicbordering and withArjanErkel, Head ofMissionwithMédecinssans The UN also expresses its solidarity with MsDavydovitch, French). MSF deputylegaladvisor,14October2002(in ‘Council ofEuropeandChechnya,’ Email from the KEEP INTERNAL: Pressure by Russian authorities is still being family. […] one week, due to operational reasons linked with Arjan’s of Arjan’sdetention.It’sput onholdfornow,atleast A pressreleasehadbeenforeseen forthesecondmonth Extract: give uphopecompletely… something toclingonto,howeversmall,ifwearenot the freehandgiventoRussiaafter11thSeptember,weneed matter. All this could of course be much tougher, but with Committee ofMinisters),whichistotallysilentonthe on RussiadependtheCouncilofEurope’sExecutive(the not enough,that’sforsure,butanysanctionstobeimposed the scarcelycrediblesolutionimposedbyKremlin.Itis and thatisseeking an alternative political settlement to has takenapublicstanceagainsthumanrightsviolations only organisationtobedebatingtheChechenconflict,that situation on theground, but at the endof the day this is the There youare.It’snotmuch.likelytochangethe over thelast18months… 350,000 peoplearesupposedtohavereturnedChechnya between 30,000and40,000peopleleftinIngushetia government (Ilyasov),accordingtowhichthereareonly quotes theofficialfiguresgivenbyheadofChechen increase humanitarianaidinChechnya.Thereportnotably on theinternationalcommunityandNGOstosubstantially encourage themtoleavethecamps.Unfortunately,itcalls to Grozny,andthefalsepromisesofaidmadeIDPs TACS, the feeling of insecurity among people forced to return on 29thMay.Italsodescribesthelivingconditionsin place bywayofthe20-pointrepatriationagreementsigned and indicatesthatnon-voluntarydisplacementscouldtake The reportmentionsforceddisplacementsfromZnamenskoye The humanitariansituation makes itdifficulttopreservethecomplaintsfiles...).[...] telephone, waterseepage,andhumidity(whichofcourse material conditionsstopitfromoperating:noelectricity, after thedisplacedpersonscampswereclosed…),butthat Znamenskoye toGroznyinMay(howstrange–thatwasjust representative forhumanrights(Soltygov)wasmovedfrom Judd reportalsostatesthattheofficeofPutin’snewspecial condemned thefactthatthisorderisnotbeing observed. The military operations.RussianhumanrightsNGOshaveoften as wellauthorisationforthemediatocoverthese military commander, head of thelocal administration…), operation by the authorities involved (prosecuting bodies, 80,” requiringdetailedreports to be written after every systematic investigationsandtheapplicationof“order Chechnya, particularlyfortheRussianforces.Hedemands and pillaging,stressestheimpunitythatreignsin are continuing,aswellextra-judicialexecutions,torture English). MSF Communicationnetwork14October2002(in Joly, MSFSwitzerlandCommunicationOfficerto ‘Update Arjan(06-13.10.02),’EmailfromMarc 219 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

put on Chechen refugees in Ingushetia to be displaced ‘ MSF Strongly Condemns Kidnapping of ICRC to new locations inside Ingushetia. NO PROACTIVE MSF Employees and Expresses its Solidarity with the communication or comments should be made regarding ICRC and the Abductees’ Families,’ Press release, these pressures. If asked, just say that MSF teams are fully MSF, 15 November 2002 (in English). concentrating on delivering assistance to IDPs (for more details on the assistance, please go back to September Extract: 10th press release), given the new security conditions and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) strongly condemns the instability in Ingushetia. abduction of two employees of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) by unidentified armed men Wednesday afternoon near Grozny. MSF is deeply shocked by this unacceptable act and would like to express its solidarity with the ICRC and its sympathy with the families of the On 21 October, the operations directors of the different abductees Alexander Panov and Moussa Satushiev. MSF sections again discussed the suspension of operations MSF denounces the consecutive kidnappings that have in Chechnya and the extent to which there might be a taken place in the region over the last couple of months. real link between Erkel’s kidnapping and operations. Nina Davydovich, Head of the Russian non-governmental organization Druzhba, and Arjan Erkel, MSF’s Head of Mission for Dagestan, who were also kidnapped by unidentified gunmen this summer, have still not been released. This Minutes Coordinators Meeting, 21 October 2002 latest kidnapping demonstrates yet again how insecure this (in English). conflict-ridden region continues to be and the permanent life-threatening risks civilians and relief workers run. MSF 1. Review of suspension in Chechnya is deeply concerned about the fate of the abductees and During the last Dirops meeting four weeks ago it was decided urges those responsible to respect their physical and mental to continue the MSF suspension in Chechnya as long as integrity and to release them without any further delay. the motives behind the kidnapping were not clear and as long as more details about possible Chechnya links in the kidnapping case are not known. No timeframe was set to review this decision during the last dirops meeting. MSFH will now propose to the Dirops to discuss the decision again on In the camps in Ingushetia, an administrative the suspension in Chechnya for the following two reasons: re-registration operation deprived more than 40,000 1. To obtain a more detailed argumentation in case of a people of legal status. On 2 December, the Aki Yourt yes/no decision on MSF resumption in Chechnya camp was forcibly emptied. In spite of threats from 2. To understand to which extent the MSF operations in the authorities, the team from MSF Belgium, which had Chechnya might be linked with the kidnapping of Arjan. […] been documenting security incidents for several months, 5. Shelter: moratorium on tent replacements by authorities continued providing medical care to those IDPs still in the district. Within MSF, opinions were still divided One year after the MSF campaign to draw the attention on on whether it was appropriate to communicate on this the difficult living conditions of the IDPs in Ingushetia, subject and the consequences this could have on the the humanitarian situation in the tented camps and the fate of Arjan Erkel. collective centres only worsened. The same problems remain: overcrowding and water/sanitation conditions well below internationally accepted standards and on top of that a new problem occurred for the IDPs in the tented camps: Document on the Closure of Aki Yurt Tented Camp attempts to force people back from Ingushetia to a war zone in Northern Ingushetia through the Lens of the in Chechnya. The fact that some NGOs who want to replace MSFB Operations in Ingushetia,’ MSF Belgium, worn out tents throughout the tented camps of Ingushetia mid-December 2002 (in English). did not receive (after their request) a confirmation to implement this plan, shows that the situation with the Extract: IDPs remain highly politicised in the tented camps. For the - Visit of a member of the MSFB HQ communications moment hundreds of tents remain in warehouses. department to Ingushetia between July 8-12 2002. Training of all layers of staff in Nazran on MSF witnessing role, IDPs rights, etc... This visit was concluded by the set up of an information gathering system. It was decided that the MSFB network of 26 community health workers (CHW) On 14 November, MSF condemned the kidnapping by in the Malgobek district would be an integral part of the armed men of two ICRC employees on the road between information-gathering network. After this visit, it was our Grozny and Malgobeck. The movements of humanitarian impression that forced return would also start to take place organisations in this district were severely restricted as in Ingushetia. Incident forms were now regularly sent to 220 a consequence. Moscow. Following the first incidents forms from the field for the moment, in tented camps throughout Ingushetia Ingushetia. 5,000 oftheseinvisibleIDPswere stilllocated, discrepancy signified that40,000 IDPsremained‘invisible’ in January 2001to116,000inAugust 2002.[…].Howeverthis humanitarian registrationofDRC decreasedfrom153,000in 2002. Thenumberofregistered IDPsinIngushetiathe there remainedonly70,000IDPs inIngushetiaOctober in Ingushetia in October 2002. According to their numbers, - Federalmigrationservicesconcludedtheirre-registration to transportIDPsChechnya. occasions EmercomandMigrationservicesprovidedtrucks pressure. IDPswereentitledtotaketentswiththem.Ontwo Yurt campduringOctoberfollowingmountingpsychological - October2002.Approximatelyover30householdsleftAki tent camp.[…] had torentaroominsmallshackthevicinityof a tent stood. Having been left without a roof, this family the tentandleaverefugees’propertyatplacewhere migration services,[…]orderedtheirsubordinatestoremove head in Malgobek […] and the deputy head of the Ingush refused toleavethecamp.Howevermigrationservice conditions werenotbetterthanthoseinthecamp,they when thefamily arrived atthesite and saw that theoffered settlement inMalgobekasaresultofpropaganda.However of the dismantled tents, agreed to go to a spontaneous that accordingtotherefugees,afamilywholivedinone camp locatedinAki-Yurtvillage.Incidentformsreported Ministry representativesdismantledtwotentsinthetent representative oftheMigrationServicesandEmergency pressured toleavethecamp.OnSeptember22-23,2002a camp ofAkiYurt.MoreandmoreIDPswerepsychologically - InSeptember2002IDPsstartedtoleavethetented all movementsinandoutthetentedcamps.[…] and reinforcedalreadyestablishedscreeningmethodsof also further sped up the effortsto close the tent camps were posingasecuritythreattoitssurroundingareas.It migration servicesandthemilitarythattentedcamps incident further fueled arguments of the Ingush and Federal seven Russiansoldiersandseveralrebelswerekilled.This Ingushetia. During thefighting,which eruptedafterwards, several crewmembers,nearthevillageofGalashkiinSouthern rebels shotdownaRussianMi-24militaryhelicopter,killing Ingushetia. OnWednesdaySeptember25,theseChechen - IncursionofagrouparmedChechenfightersinto hours. […] on ThursdaySeptember 19 and only released after several to theIngushMVD[MinistryofInterior]forquestioning of the IDPs whopetitioned for non-relocation were taken Two femalerepresentativesandonemalerepresentative of thecamp,toChechnya,orotherlocationsinIngushetia. Ingushetia claimingthattheydidnotwanttobemovedout and the peopleofIngushetia,towards IDPs inothercamps countries, theUN,OSCEandPace,towardsPresident issued variouspetitionstowardsambassadorsofEuropean - DuringearlySeptemberIDPsofAkiYurttentedcamphad Znamenskoe. […] in Ingushetiaalongthesamepatternaswhathappened might bethefirsttentedcampinIngushetiatoclosed UNOCHA andUNHCRinMoscowJuly2002thatAkiYurt sent to Moscow from July, we voiced our concerns to the in Groznywere alreadyoccupied. sector inChechnya asalltemporaryaccommodation centres were offeredfinancialincentives toresettleintheprivate the 700IDPsregisteredwith the federalmigrationservices the tentsofthoserefugeeswho hadrefusedtoleave.Only policemen andanOMONdetachment, begantodismantle campaign culminatedSunday December1stwhenIngush Migration ServicesinthelastdaysofNovember2002.The in Chechnyabytrucks and busesprovided by Emercom and were transportedintothewildernessofprivatesector and psychological pressures during several months. People IDPs hadbeensubjectedtointimidations,legalpressures, and only700 according to the Migration services database. accommodated 1,700refugeesaccordingtotheDRCdatabase - AuthoritiesclosedtheImancampinAki-Yurt,which a dailybasis. continue theprojectactivitiesandtoentercampon MSFB medicalteamsremainedoperationalandmanagedto ICRC wereoftenbarredfromenteringAkiYurttentcamp. Malgobek areaintheendofNovember2002,UNand - After UNSECOORD lifted its travel restrictions for the daily basis. now shared with theUN and ECHOinMoscow on analmost Aki Yurt camp. Information on the situation in Aki Yurt was of the camp. More and more households started to leave a schoolbelongingtoanAustrianNGOinthedirectvicinity Russian police]detachmentwasinstalledinthepremisesof will beclosedbyDecember1.AnOMON[SpecialUnitsof people toleaveandrepeatedallthetimethatcamp ranking Chechenandfederalauthoritieswerepressuring cut by December 1 in Aki Yurt tented camp. Several high health workers] reported that gas and electricity would be During thisperiodourmedicalteamsandCHW[community bounds for the UN network and its implementing partners. Malgobek district,whenthedistrictwasoutof teams keptworkingaccordingtothenormalplanin were suspendedforabout10daysbutallmobilemedical incidents startingfromNovember17.Alllogisticactivities - MSFBreducedactivitiesintheMalgobekdistrictafter administration ontheterritoryofMalgobekdistrict.[…] the presenceofarmedofficersbelongingtoproChechen Ingushetia includingintheMalgobekdistrictandreportsof reports ofabductionsanddisappearancesIDPsallover the district.Atsametime,thiscoincidedwithseveral and thatthereforespecialoperationswereunderwayin in the Galashki fighting found shelter in the Malgobek district agencies reportedthatareminderofanarmedgroupinvolved about 10 days starting from November 15. Law enforcement by UNSECOORD[OfficeoftheUnitedNationsCoordinator]for was declaredoutofboundsforthehumanitariancommunity situation intheMalgobeckdistrict.Thedistrict in IngushetiabyDecember20.Deteriorationthesecurity informs UNHCRinMoscowthatalltentcampswillbeclosed - November2002.Theheadofthefederalmigrationservices the endofOctober2002. to DRC,1,700IDPsremainedinAkiYurttentedcampby from Chechnya for food assistance in Ingushetia. According the removalfromDRCdistributionlistofpeoplecommuting the IDPfiguresincourseof2002ismainlyaresult without anyprotection.DRCstatedthatthedecreasein 221 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

- Closure of Aki Yurt tented camp by December 2, 2002. will take place around 24/25 December. This will be also Memorial described the events as a deportation in Stalinist the moment that the action will be communicated by letter tradition of IPDs being forced into the wilderness of war torn to the authorities. Chechnya. MSFB reported to the IDPs that it will continue to support the IDPs who will remain in the private sector or in Version 2: spontaneous settlements around Aki Yurt. UN reported that - If I understand well, the Crisis Cell would like to take a bit according to their initial figures around 40% of the former more of an ad hoc approach, in other words, Ops (never mind Aki Yurt residents found shelter in spontaneous settlements which section) should/would put forward the issues they would or the private sector in Ingushetia. like to communicate externally, be it on different activities - On December 3, the Federal Representative of Migration undertaken or to be undertake-on the one hand-or issues of Services, Rostovtsev threatened that the MSFB field team témoignage. On the issue of Ingushetia specifically, since the should dismantle our own medical point. On December 10 Swiss section has never been operational in Ingushetia, so no the MSFB medical point is still standing. position a priori?? In my eyes, if this is the case, then this is a major shift in the approach re: external communication as far as MSF is concerned. And in that sense I would like to know what our approach could or should be: ‘Re: Ingushetia Comm., Please cc to Mark Walsh - do we communicate on our activities only?? [MSF Regional Information Officer in Russia],’ - can we communicate on the IDP situation to a certain Email from Marc Joolen, 17 December 2002 (in extent??? (Ex: people that have stayed in the direct vicinity English). are currently very heavily pressured to leave the area...is this communicable or not??) I think some confusion is creeping in gradually about what we - Though the pressure on the other camps seems to have been communicate, could communicate, or should communicate. reduced lately (following a discussion Putin-Moscow Helsinki In the latest days I seem to be hearing 2 versions on the Group), no apparent action has been taken to withdraw matter. Mind you, this is not in any way a note to ventilate the prekaz on having the camps empty by December 20. frustration, rather a little discussion pièce to see if we’re Vigilance therefore is still needed, and what do we do when all still in the same line of thinking. these places are indeed emptied all at once??? Build only??? Communicate??? Denounce??? Cash for Shelter even more?? First, what I feel are the two versions: Voila, this is a little bit with what I mean with getting Version 1: things clarified. I think we’ve basically followed version - Due to the abduction of Arjan it would be highly dangerous nr one. No need to say, that of course Aki Yurt as such to communicate in a témoignage sort of way about the has been experienced by MSFB as highly frustrating, but situation of the IDPs, be it in Ingushetia or Chechnya. The comprehensible given the situation on Arjan. […] Given fact that we officially still don’t know ‘who’s behind it all’ the current situation, by the way, I am indeed in favour of determines this to a great extent; any sort of témoignage coming out on our activities, including our interventions could easily lead to endangering Arjan’s situation even more. to those that have had to leave Aki Yurt. In connection to this, any type of communication is to be determined by the Crisis Cell. Whether or not to communicate Loick Barriquand: certain issues directly via MSF therefore is in the hands of I discussed with José Antonio and Marc regarding the closure the Cell. I think over the past months most have complied to of the camps. We think that we should communicate about this by refraining from any external communication directly. it. But we are a bit out of the timing now (too late after Aki I think from the Ops side it has generally been regarded Yurt). So I propose instead that we get ready now for the as: ‘the crisis cell determines what can be communicated’ next time, as if we agree and prepare now, we will save a lot (rightly or wrongly interpreted, I leave untouched here). of time. The reason would be of course to speak about what As a result, some indirect communication has continued to is going on for the refugees but also to “re-position” […] take place over the past months, basically by, say, putting us as MSF/humanitarian organization and as well to use this attention on certain incidents taking place (Aki Yurt via occasion that will open some space in the media, to speak HRW etc.). One exception was clearly discussed in August, about Arjan. Please confirm (inform?) your agreement. For in case of a ‘real disaster”,’ we would look into our external the last point, regarding Arjan, what do you think Thomas? communication again. The closing down of Aki Yurt was clearly such an occasion. In a meeting in Moscow, attended by MSFB Ops and HoMs then present in Moscow, decision was clear: no direct communication. Instead MSFB opted, upon suggestion of the meeting to start its’ ‘Cash for Shelter Programme,’ in an effort to indeed make a statement. It was also decided that this move was to be communicated with the appropriate authorities. Until now, this has not yet been done. The reason is a purely operational one: we want to be absolutely sure that the system worked out 222 (avoiding security obstacles) will work. The first payments the 18countries whereithasrepresentative offices. organisation and is mainly funded by public donations from MSF isanindependent,international non-governmental given withoutpolitical,religious, orethnicdiscrimination. victims of war, conflict, and disasters. This assistance is that providesmedicaland humanitarian assistanceto MSF isaninternationalmedicalhumanitarianorganization aid tothehostages. we arereadytotreatinjuredorsickpeopleandprovide developments shouldhaveconsequencesofthatnature, of expertisewhichismedical,humanitarianaid.Iffurther where andwhennecessarytoassistthehostagesinourfield medical or humanitarian needs. We are willing to intervene this iswhyweremainavailabletohelpshouldtherebeany very worriedaboutthefateofcivilianstakenhostage: but sofarhavenotbeenrequestedtointervene.MSFis representatives ofMSFarecurrentlypresentatthescene, the hostagetakingastherewasarequesttoassist.Two been askedbytheRussianauthorities to thesceneof Yesterday, 24Oct.,MédecinsSansFrontières(MSF)has Extract: worse. that thesituationinChechnyawasgettingsteadily gave aninterviewtoaFrenchnewsmagazine,stressing on thescene.ThePresidentofFrenchsectionalso communiqué explainingtheconditionsofitspresence asked MSFtomediate.On25October,issueda The Russianpressclaimedthatthehostage-takershad scene couldbeausefulopportunityformakingcontacts. business. EverybodyfeltthathavinganMSFteamonthe compromise any chances of anopening on the Erkel that actingasanintermediaryinthenegotiationcould MSF couldnotrefusetohelpthehostages.Othersfeared was therightattitudetotake.Somepeoplefeltthat movement, opinionsweredividedaboutwhether this with anymedicalorhumanitarianneeds.WithintheMSF mandate tomediate,repliedthatitisonstandbydeal MSF team,consideringthatitdidnothavethesame successfully negotiatedthereleaseofthreehostages. into thetheatre.TheICRCteamenteredtheatreand Chechnya, askedtheICRCandMSFtotakemedicines Lastrajembsky, Vladimir Putin’s Special adviser on On themorningof24October,servicesSergei Moscow, taking700membersoftheaudiencehostage. fighters launchedanassaultontheDubrovkatheatrein On the evening of 23 October, a group of Chechen TAKING INDUBROVKATHEATRE V25, 26 MSF ANDTHEHOSTAGE English). MSF ‘MSF Statement regarding Hostage Taking Moscow,’ Press release,Moscow,25October2002(in likely todomoreharmtheir causethangood. is goingtohelp.It’scausingabigstir,ofcourse,butit’s want todrawattentiontheconflict,butIdon’tthinkthis why thehostage-takershavedonewhatthey’vedone.They even talkaboutChechnyaanymore.Thisisprobablypartly now thatthebigwaragainstterrorismisunderway,wecan’t cover thesurroundingareas,IngushetiaandDagestan.And vulnerable. In fact, we don’t go into Chechnya any more. We in Dagestanon12thAugust,wearefeelingincreasingly the war,andsincekidnappingofMSF’sheadmission The atmospherehasbeenverydifficultsincethebeginning of What kindofdifficultiesareyouencountering? their complacencytowardsRussia. too thattheycondemntheinternationalcommunityfor in themudandhavenothingtoeat.It’sforthesereasons two wintersanditlookslikeit’sgoingtobethree.Theylive from anybody.They’vebeensleepingintentsforthelast are lackingineverythingandnolongerhopeforanything in other places, are turning back populations. The Chechens organising forcedrepatriationinappallingconditionsand such ashumanbodytrafficking.TheRussianauthoritiesare rences, withalltheadditionalhorrorsthatresultfromthis, sweep operations,andkidnappingsareday-to-dayoccur- last threeyears.Torture,massacres,rapes,neighbourhood concerned, the situation has been getting worse over the As farastheviolencecommittedagainstChechensis What arethelivingconditionslikeinChechnya? no ambitiontobe. of discussinganything else; wearenotdiplomatsand have theatre to try and clarify these issues. There is no question our representatives,includingonedoctor,areinsidethe of foreignhostagesandmedicines.Atthemoment,four angle. Wewillinterveneonmattersconcerningtherelease only takepartinthenegotiationsfromapurelymedical mediation byMSF,theICRC,andforeigndiplomats.Wewill the Russian authorities that there has been a request for taking is humanitarian. We have received confirmation from we don’twanttoknow.[…]Ouronlyroleinthishostage- We don’tknowanythingmuchaboutthehostage-takers,and What isthecurrentsituationinMoscow? Extract: far tomediate,soitisnotanissueatpresent. and Russianauthorities?>Wehavenotbeenrequestedso Does MSFruleoutmediatingbetweenthehostagetakers Q&A: 25 October2002(inFrench). by LaureGnabé,LeNouvelObservateur(France) Three QuestionstoJean-HervéBradol,’interviewed ‘The ChechensHopefor Nothing from No One - 223 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

From what I could gather, for some reason, one of Chechens than it would be for them, that they’d have better the rebels/terrorists who was inside the theatre didn’t access. It might even have been the Chechens who asked for a ask for the usual thing, which was mediation by ICRC. mediator. I don’t know. In theory, that was the ICRC’s role. They asked for MSF as well. Then you have a wild And in the end, they preferred to use the ICRC. And then they scramble from the FSB, who was involved at the start. They behaved as if they’d never asked anything of us. We discussed tried to reach someone from MSF at 7 a.m. And because the it within the movement. My point of view at the time was that Swiss were so high on the agenda at this moment, their it wasn’t MSF’s role to act as a mediator. But if they wanted us, number was highest on the: that’s who they called. Later we perhaps we could make the gesture and that might help us with found out they had also called Holland and the French. Its the Arjan business. I wouldn’t say I was convinced of it, but not that they wanted the Swiss. They’d have taken anyone there was no point refusing if we had the people to do it. It as there was a guy in a theatre with 20 bombs in the place then depended on what MSF staff we could mobilise on site. saying that if they didn’t get someone from MSF there in 20 Obviously, it wasn’t MSF’s usual role, but we were in such an minutes they’d blow the place up. By the time, I heard about unusual and terrible situation. Even the ICRC had never been it when I came into the office at 9 a.m. – ‘FSB were looking faced with a situation like it, with hundreds of hostages who for you’ – and I thought: ‘oh that’s nice to know.’ Then when might explode at any time. I’m not sure it was the Chechens I saw the news about the theatre, the connection was made. who asked for us to be there. I’m not sure either that it did us That was about 9.30 a.m. or 10 O’Clock. a disservice. I think it was very strange situation, difficult to handle for everyone, and everyone saw it differently. Michiel Hofman, MSF Holland North Caucasus coordinator from May 2001 to July 2003, (in English) Dr Thomas Nierle, MSF Switzerland, Head of Emergency interviewed in 2009. then Director of Operations 2000-2004, (in French) interviewed in 2009.

The hostage-takers had asked the ICRC and MSF to come. I think the request came through the Russian One very difficult moment was the theatre siege in Interior Minister, who called us. We sent Manana Moscow. We chose a strategy that wasn’t necessarily [Anjaparidze, doctor of Georgian origin and MSF’s Medical consensual with differences of opinion between those Coordinator in the Russian Federation], with Steve [Cornish, who wanted to go and those who didn’t. MSF Holland’s MSF Switzerland’ Representative in Moscow] into the security Coordinator called me to say Russian radio had reported that perimeter. They spent the night there. Then we asked Jean- the hostage-takers wanted MSF and the ICRC to act as Hervé [Bradol, doctor, and President of MSF France] and mediators. Jean-Hervé also rang to say the Embassy of the Morten [Rostrup, doctor, President de MSF International] to Russian Federation in France had also called asking us to go come. We took Jean-Hervé straight to the theatre with André over there. I organised a conference call with Jean-Hervé [Slavuckijl, MSF doctor of Lithuanian origin]. The idea was [Bradol, President of MSF France], Kenny [Gluck, Operations that they’d be called in if they were needed. But the police Director for MSF Holland], and a few other people. I advised had evacuated all the civilians from the surrounding area. So Morten [Rostrop, President of MSF’s International Council] they spent the night without ever going into the theatre. A to leave for Moscow. There were 700 people involved, and Russian paediatrician and a journalist managed to go in twice. even if the issue was not a medical one, if someone told us At that time, we still didn’t know who had asked for MSF. At we could do something for the lives of those people, I thought international level, we were stupefied by the idea that it might we should do it. Others were saying we were doctors not have been the hostage-takers. Steve Cornish was worried we conflict mediators. They were completely opposed to us being were going to be associated with the terrorists but in fact, at the theatre. They thought we shouldn’t do anything to the request had come through the Ministry of the Interior. upset the Russian government.There was a clash between We took no action inside the theatre. We weren’t visible. Kenny [Gluck, Operations Director for MSF Holland] who didn’t want Jean-Hervé to go, and Jean-Hervé who did. There was Gabriel Trujillo, MSF France Coordinator for North a very tense discussion to establish where the responsibility Caucasus, January 2002 to July 2003, (in French) lay in all this. interviewed in 2008. Rafa Vila San Juan, MSF International Secretary General, (January 2001 to January 2004), (in French) interviewed in 2009

It was Yastrzhembsky [the Kremlin’s Special Adviser on Chechnya] who asked for MSF to be there. I think the Russians were taken a bit off guard. They thought it In the night of 25 October, Russian special forces 224 would be easier for certain organisations to discuss with the launched an assault on the theatre. Before going in food andclothingitems, individualhygienicitems. were closetothepatientshelping themwithmedicaldrugs, to our hospital. Throughout those days of hard times, you were amongthosefirstwhohaveextended ahelpinghand of terroractinthenortheastDubrovkaTheaterCenter.You you haverenderedtothepatientswhosufferedinresult hereby expressingdeepgratitudeforassistanceandsupport Administration and staff of the City Clinic Hospital No. 13 is Extract: the establishedcommsline. will notgetintoanyappreciationorspeculationotherthan ‘role’ of MSF during this crisis from the beginning but they briefing for tomorrow in order to clarify, if need be, the Moscow, MarkandMortenareorganizinganotherpress are notinfavorofMSFgoingpublicabouttheirwork.In further thehospitalstaffmembers,atleastmostofthem, in the media, noneedfor MSF to have asay on that and consequences on the hostages. All this is being portrayed on the obvious lack of preparedness in terms of the possible scène beforetheassaulttookplaceanyway.Nocomment storming ofthebuilding.MSFhadbeenremovedfrom from MSF.Nocommentonthetechniqueusedfor Nothing morethanlastFriday.Nopro-activecommunication 3- Whatwesay?...Basicallynothingforthetimebeing. of thecrisis. assistance tohospital3inthemanagementofaftermath patients admittedfollowingtheatercrisisandcontinued personal hygienetohospitalnumber13inMoscowfor Donations ofmedicalmaterial,drugs,food,anditemsfor Operations carriedoutbyMSFinMoscowsincelastSaturday. 1- Whatwedid detrimental toArjanErkel. of themovement’sleaderswhofearedthismightbe in spiteoftheextremereluctanceonpartcertain did whattheycantohelpoutinoneofthetwohospitals, suffering fromthistypeofpathology.TwoMSFdoctors totally overwhelmedandunpreparedtoreceivepatients The survivorsweretakentothehospitals,which and morethanahundredpeoplediedofgaspoisoning. hostage-takers, exceptfortwowomen,wereshotdead, they pumped gas through the ventilation system. All the ‘ Borders, 30October2002(inEnglish). the InternationalOrganizationDoctorsWithout Hospital n°13toMortenRostrup,Presidentof Letter from the Chief Doctor of the City Clinic network, 29October2002(inEnglish). Director ofCommunicationtoMSF Moscow,’ from Michel Clerc, MSF Switzerland Email fromMichelClerc,MSFSwitzerland V27

‘institution’ to becomeinvolvedinsuchemergencies. taken weredominated byfear–for MSFasan In thiscase,wefeltthatmany decisions/non-decisions on ouractioninpossiblefuture crisisofthesamekind. intervention inthiscrisisraises aseriesofquestions with foodandhygienekits etc.Ourintervention/non- hostages mainlythroughmedical donations,butalso supported thetwohospitals,whichreceivedmostof Following theraidbyRussiansecurityforces,we to contactICRCcomeanddothistask. on thebasisthatitwasnotourmandate.Laterwemanaged at thatmoment),theMSFreppresenttimerefused no embassyrepresentativespresent(ICRCwasnot could goinandbringoutsomeforeignhostageswhohad scene atthetime.Whenaskedbyofficialswhetherwe agreed decision,butmadebythepersonpresentat ‘hostage releasers’wechosenottogo.Thiswasan theatre. Asdoctors,wewerenotallowedinside,butas or circumstancesarose.Finally,wedidnotgotointothe was dispute over how far we should go if the opportunity to helpinanywaywecould.However,internally,there that wewereamedicalhumanitarianorganisationready be duringthecrisis.Externally,messagewegavewas between thedifferentsectionsonwhatourroleshould Yastrazhemsky’s office.Thereweremanydiverseopinions MSF wascalledtothescenebyhostagetakersthrough The UnionofRightForcesiscarryingoutitsowninquiry. parliamentary commissionstoinvestigatewhathappened. quickly clampeddownon.TheDumarefusedtoaccepttwo media questionedwhathadhappened.However,thiswas the firstplace?Etc,etc.Afewdaysfollowingraid, hospital? Howdidthe hostage takingcometohappenin weren’t familymembersallowedtoseethepatientsin takers killed?Whydidn’tthewomenblowplaceup? come somehostages‘disappeared?’Whywerethehostage secret? Whywasn’tmedicinepreparedforgaseffects?How with? Whyweren’thospitalsprepared?wasthegaskept happened duringtheraid.Howmanyhostagestobegin versions andunansweredquestionsonwhatactually was an aerosol version of fentanyl. There are many unclear a weeklater,theHealthMinisterrevealedthatgasused were re-admitted to hospital several days/weeks later. About There arestillabout71hostagesmissing.About35people either duetothegas,orbybeingshotatwhiletheyslept. media reports.ThehostagetakerswereallkilledbytheRF, to thegas,amounts128,butreaches136according sleep… Thelatestofficialnumbersofhostageskilled,due a gasthroughtheventilationsystemsendingeveryoneto for 3 days. Russianforces stormed the theatre after spreading Barayev took a theatreandheldabout700peoplehostage On the 25 of October, 30 – 40 armed Chechens under Movsar Moscow HostageCrisis Extract: MSF France,November2002(inEnglish). Sitrep Moscowmid-October–mid-November2002 225 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

There was nothing but soldiers, snipers everywhere. I ‘ The Aftermath in Moscow: Investigation,’ by could feel how tense the atmosphere was. I was careful Michael Wines and Steven Lee Myers, The New where I walked so as not to trip up and trigger a York Times (USA), 30 October 2002 (in English). reaction from the armed men. The night passed and we helped evacuate the hostages by bus, etc. Manana and Extract: Andrei, our two doctors, went to the hospitals and witnessed The American Ambassador to Russia said today that Russian the scale of the disaster. Several of the Russian doctors had secrecy about the use of a powerful anasthetic gas may have fallen into comas: there weren’t any respirators, so they had needlessly raised the toll in Saturday’s raid on Chechen had to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and had poisoned terrorists in a Moscow theater. At least 116 hostages died themselves. People had arrived more or less unclothed, and during the raid; another was shot dead in the hours before there were no sheets, no blankets, no toilet paper, water, or it. The Ambassador, Alexander R. Vershbow, said the United soap…not to mention medicine. It was a bit apocalyptic. We States would not second-guess the Russian decision to use were lucky to get Manana and Andrei into the hospital to lend the gas, the decisive factor in ending the three-day siege, a hand. After that, the administration was quick to close all which trapped 763 hostages inside. But he suggested that doors. There were people in the sections who were against officials were mistaken not to tell physicians about the gas our MSF doctors being involved in the theatre siege business, and an effective antidote until minutes before the theater because of Arjan. They said it had nothing to do with us, that was stormed. ‘’We regret that the lack of information we shouldn’t get involved. Manana and Andrei went ahead contributed to the confusion after the immediate operation anyway. And perhaps we could have done more. to free the hostages was over,’’ he said. ‘’It’s clear that with perhaps a little more information, at least a few more of Gabriel Trujillo, MSF France Coordinator for North the hostages may have survived.’’ Caucasus, January 2002 to July 2003, (in French) interviewed in 2008.

MSF chose not to make a public statement about what its team had seen: the serious condition of the hospitalised victims, or about certain doctors, poisoned in treating them.

I think it was good that MSF was there. We tried to help the hospitals that didn’t have much in the way of resources. But I think we could have done more. Before the evacuation we had two doctors available, but they MSF Switzerland’s Coordinator wanted to hold a press weren’t used. As we couldn’t help the people inside, I think conference. Kate [de Riveiro, MSF France’s we could have been looking after the ones outside. We could Coordination Team] heard about it by chance when have distributed blankets to the people waiting outside who she visited the Swiss office. They had already invited all the stayed there for three days, and given them food. The problem journalists, but it was mistake. All we had to say was that was that the two coordinators we had on site were on the we hadn’t done much. front line, inside the security perimeter, and they couldn’t necessarily see what was going on outside. They were there Gabriel Trujillo, MSF France Coordinator for North as medical personnel on standby, but they weren’t used. In Caucasus, January 2002 to July 2003, (in French) truth, it might have been better to get them out of there and interviewed in 2008. concentrate them on what could actually be achieved. As for the evacuation, having two doctors there wouldn’t have made a big difference... Morten and Jean-Hervé saw people die in the bus, completely unconscious, without any protection of the airways. There was a problem. We had information about I don’t remember the details, but I think we deliberately the poor quality of the treatment. decided not to talk about it at the time. I think it was to do with Arjan, but also we were involved in Dr Thomas Nierle, MSF Switzerland, Head of Emergency such a major incident… In the end, we decided that talking then Director of Operations 2000-2004, (in French) about the poor treatment people had received would go down interviewed in 2009. really badly with the Russian population. I think that was the main argument. It wasn’t what people wanted to hear. It was about terrorists who had taken innocent people hostage and the Special Forces who had heroically rescued them… The last thing the Russians wanted to hear was that a number The United States ambassador in Moscow raised questions of deaths could have been avoided. about the conditions in which the raid on the theatre was carried out by the Russian forces, and especially Dr Thomas Nierle, MSF Switzerland, Head of Emergency about the supposed harmlessness of the gas used. The then Director of Operations 2000-2004, (in French) 226 international press echoed these doubts. interviewed in 2009. been poisoned.Thehospitalthankedus. with them.Wewerealsoworriedforthedoctorswhohad material, orbeforcedtoputanendourcollaboration the nationalstaffthathadtakenrisksindelivering the endwestayedsilent.Ithinkdidn’twanttoendanger We knewwhatwashappening;wewantedtotalk,butin to thehospitals.Weranagoodoperationandsaidnothing. was Arjan.Wewere able todeliver two tonnesofmaterial there wereproblemswithinMSF. stated thatinfo fromM[…](SpecialTerrorist divisionFSB in giving them information, which FSB requested. […] He with UNHCR.StatedthatDutch Embassyhadnotcooperated He chastisedMSF,fornon-cooperation withServicesand Extract: that causetrouble. the kindofthingthatcouldhappentoaidorganisations accounts, hemadeitcleartohisvisitorsthatthiswas was onlyfoundthreeyearslater…Accordingtoother body ofFredCuny,anaid worker kidnapped in1996, asked foraransom.However,heremindedthemthatthe He saidhethoughtitstrangethatthekidnappershadn’t responsible forhiskidnappingwasa‘localcommander.’ told them that Arjan Erkel was alive and that the person a high-ranking FSB official. AccordingtoSteveCornish,he of MSF International, managed to get an appointment with Representative inMoscow,andMortenRostrup,President On 29October,SteveCornish,MSFSwitzerland’s (January toApril2000)theninIngushetia(September General, January2001to2004),(inFrench) the RussianFederation(August2002toApril2004), Russians weretakingit,butontheotherhand,there but itwasdouble-edged!Weknewhowseriouslythe We had Andrei’s and Manana’s eye-witness accounts, community asignofourpresence.Thisshowsthat take careofthevictimsandalsosendRussian communication, andotherslikeme,thoughtweshould Some peopledidn’tsubscribetothistypeof 2000 toJanuary2001),MSFSwitzerlandOfficerin Steve Cornish,CoordinatorMSFFranceinGeorgia (in English). MSF CHrepresentativeinRussia,29October2002 Minutes ofMeetingwithFSB,bySteveCornish, Rafa VilaSanJuan,MSFInternationalSecretary interviewed in2008(inFrench). interviewed in2009. up inthebuses. taken atthetime.Attheatre,Isawthem,deadpiled that whathappenedwaspartofthetougheningstancebeing carefully enough,theFSBitselfwastellingus.Wethough us ofwhoisguilty.Whenitcomesdowntoit,ifwelistened From thenon,it’sourbeliefthatanFSBGeneralhasinformed that happenedtopeoplewhopissedthemoff,likeus. FSB officialhadmadeitclearthatthiswasthekindofthing misunderstanding… Mortentoldmethatthishigh-ranking [General Director of MSF USA] to be sure there was no heard, alone,andtheninthepresenceofNicolasdeTorrente debriefed himseveraltimes,Imaderepeatwhathehad FSB dignitary at central level. Morten went to see him. I the theatre business, we finally got anappointment with an hadn’t managedtoseeanyonehigh-rankingandthanks humanitarians arethesame. FSB’s part,oritmayinfactbesimplythattoKuzura,all *** It should be noted that this may have been a tactic on of us,andthatwewillcooperatewithFSB. I madeitknownthatwehaveprovidedinformationrequested 3)In ordertoarrangeaprisonerexchange actions inTT. 2)To putpressureonfederalauthoritiestostoptheir 1)To obtainransome He putforththreescenarios. release, thatitwasnotastandardsituation. hostage takershadnotputforthransomorconditionsfor purely financialcase.Thatitwasnotunderstandablethat also statedthatitwasveryraretohavesuchasilencein also opentohearingbadnews,iftherewasnews.Kuzura This, hesaid,wasinresponsetomyquestionthatMSF because ittookthreeyearstofindthebody. information. ThenKuzurastatedthathereferredthecase, speaking likeCunywasMSF****.Istronglydenouncedthis an MSF.Hisassistanttriedtocorrecthim,buthecontinued cases togetherinthepast.HementionedFredCunyasbeing killed. Kutzuraatonepointstatedthatwehadvarious name) andthattheyhadnoinformationArjanbeen case withafieldcommander(didnotspecifylocationor Mahatchkala) fromOct27thplacedresponsibilityforArjan’s Communications (1996-1998), DirectorofOperations asked ustobethere.Sowewent.Untilthen, site ofthehostagetaking.Theywereoneswho The Russianswereinterestedinourpresenceonthe (1998-2000), President(May 2000-May2008), Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof interviewed in2009(inFrench). 227 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

During the same time, the MSF France President met a ‘ MSF Demands Unconditional Release of Arjan Erkel diplomat, who after getting posted to Moscow, remained - MSF Offices In Dagestan Remain Open, Operations in contact with the Permanent representative of the Continue To Be Suspended,’ Press release, Russian Federation to the United Nations. This diplomat MSF Switzerland, 19 August 2002 (in English). advised him to remain extremely firm with the Russian political authorities. Extract: Geneva, August 19, 2002 - Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is very concerned about the fate of Arjan Erkel and demands his unconditional release. MSF continues to suspend relief operations in Dagestan, but its offices in Makhachkala and Khazaviurt remain open. Around same time, in New York, I had a talk with an MSF demands the unconditional release of Arjan Erkel, a ambassador to the United Nations who was a personal Dutch national and Head of Mission of the Swiss section friend of Lavrov [Permanent representative of the of MSF, who was abducted last Monday, August 12th, in Russian Federation to the UN ]. He told me that, even if he Makhachkala. Since then, the organization has received no was a personal friend, the only advice he could give me was news from Arjan and is extremely concerned about his fate. to have a go at him in public. He told me, word for word: ‘If MSF offices in Makhachkala and Khazaviurt remain open, you want a result, you shouldn’t be here in my office; you however, all field operations in Khazaviurt and Tsumada should be in the offices of the New York Times, because the region are suspended. Russians only react to pressure. It is not the intermediaries MSF had been providing health care to thousands of we usually talk to who will put pressure on a file.’ I said I displaced persons in this area and had also been assisting agreed with him to a large extent, but asked him to let Mr with housing and sanitation. More than 50,000 Dagestani Lavrov know anyway that MSF was willing to sort this business people were benefiting from improved access to health care out as adults. What was worrying us was the time it was through MSF’s mobile clinics and the provision of drugs taking and the state of Arjan’s health. and medical equipment to several medical structures in the Tsumada, Botlikh, Novolak and Khazaviurt districts. Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director of The recent kidnapping of Arjan as well as that of Ms. Nina Communications (1996-1998), Director of Operations Davydovich demonstrate the risks civilians and relief workers (1998-2000), President (May 2000-May 2008), run in this conflict-ridden region. (in French) interviewed in 2009.

 ‘MSF Maintains Suspension of Activities in North Caucasus,’ Press release, MSF Switzerland, 22 MORE THAN PUTTING OUT August 2002 (in English). A “MISSING PERSONS” ALERT Extract: Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has decided to maintain the suspension of its activities in Ingushetia, Chechnya, and Dagestan. The decision to suspend had been taken by MSF following the abduction For six months MSF did a minimum of of Arjan Erkel, MSF’s Head of Mission in Dagestan, as well as of Nina Davidovich, Head of Druzhba, a Russian NGO in communication on Erkels’ kidnapping, then Chechnya. MSF still has no information regarding Arjan Erkel, with no sign of life, it decided to increase Head of Mission in Dagestan, abducted on August 12th in the pressure on the Russian authorities. Makhachkala. MSF remains extremely concerned about Arjan’s fate and asks for his immediate and unconditional release. MSF operations in Ingushetia, Dagestan, and Chechnya are thus put on hold until further notice. In order to keep contact On 19 August 2002, MSF Switzerland, echoed by the with the population and follow closely the evolution of the other sections, once more appealed for the release of its situation, all MSF offices in Makhachkala, Khazaviurt and Coordinator. On 22 August, it announced the continuing Nazran remain open. MSF provides health care to thousands suspension of its activities in the Caucasus. of persons through mobile clinics in Ingushetia, Chechnya, and Dagestan, with special attention given to mother and child care. Some programmes are as well dedicated to their improvement of shelter, water and sanitation conditions in the area. Furthermore, MSF provides drugs and medical material to various health structures in Chechnya.

228 and demanded his release and that of Nina Davydovitch. news ofArjanErkelahundred daysafterhiskidnapping, On 20November,MSFdeplored thefactthatitstillhadno on August12,2002. his abduction by three gunmen in Makhachkala, Dagestan, Arjan Erkel,32,aDutchnational,whoisstillmissingafter actively seek the immediate and unconditional release of Khazaviurt, andGroznyremainopen.MSFwillcontinueto order tomonitordevelopments,MSFofficesinMakhachkala, that includecooperationwithsurgicalandmaternityunits.In provide directlife-savingassistanceincaseofemergencies suspended. InChechnya,however,MSFwillcontinueto Activities inDagestanandChechnyacontinuetobe of MissioninDagestan. suspended afterthekidnappingofArjanErkel,MSF’sHead All ofMSF’soperationsintheNorthernCaucasuswere Head ofDruzhba,aRussiannon-governmentalorganization. in ChechnyafollowingthekidnappingofNinaDavidovich, IDPs andthecivilianpopulation.Activitiesweresuspended attending tothehumanitarianandmedicalneedsof activities inIngushetiaordertocontinueitspolicyof distributes reliefitems.MSFhasdecidedtorestartits activities inIDPcommunities,rehabilitatesshelters,and in Ingushetiaaswellcarriesoutwaterandsanitation and mobileclinics.MSFalsorunspediatricconsultations persons (IDPs)andthelocalpopulationthroughclinics and prenatalconsultationsaregiventointernallydisplaced hospitals andclinicsinIngushetia.General,gynecological, distributes essentialdrugsandmedicalmaterialtooverthirty MSF operations in Ingushetia begin again today.MSF of asuspensionactivities. republic who are in need of assistance after nearly a month been taken for the sake of the thousands of civilians in the to resumeitsactivitiesinIngushetia.Thisdecisionhas workers intheNorthernCaucasus.However,MSFhasdecided MSF onceagaincondemnsthekidnappingofhumanitarian Dagestan, abductedonAugust12,2002,inMakhachkala. unconditional releaseofArjanErkel,HeadMissionin strongly reiteratesitsdemandfortheimmediateand Doctors WithoutBorders/MédecinsSansFrontières(MSF) Extract: starting upagaininIngushetia. of thehostage,butannouncedthatitsactivitieswere Arjan Erkel,MSFrepeatedthatitwasstillwithoutnews On 11September,onemonthafterthekidnappingof English). Press release,MSF,10September2002(in Missing -Relief Operations Resume in Ingushetia, ’ ‘ Doctors Without Borders Coordinator Remains physical andmentalintegrityreleasethemunharmed. from Arjan’sandNina’sabductorsthattheyrespecttheir the 100thdayofArjan’scaptivity,MSFonceagaindemands Makhachkala, KhazaviurtandGroznyremainopen.Today,on units. Inordertomonitordevelopments,MSFofficesin which includescooperationwithsurgicalandmaternity provide directlifesavingassistanceincaseofemergencies, to besuspended.InChechnya,however,MSFcontinues activities. Activities in Dagestan andChechnya continued need ofassistanceafternearlyamonthsuspension persons andIngushciviliansintherepublicwhowere taken forthesakeofthousandsChechendisplaced to resumeitsactivitiesinIngushetia.Thisdecisionwas several medicalstructures.OnSeptember12th,MSFdecided clinics, andtheprovisionof drugs andmedicalequipmentto from improved access to health care through MSF’s mobile and morethan50,000Dagestanipeoplewerebenefiting providing healthcaretothousandsofdisplacedChechens on August12thafterArjan’skidnapping.MSFhadbeen July 27thofNinaDavydovich,andintheNorthernCaucasus MSF suspendedoperations inChechnyaafter theabductionon safe releaseofArjanErkel.” Russian authoritiestomaximizetheireffortssecurethe resolve thesemattersquickly.Inthislight,MSFurgesthe release isapositiveexampleofhowpoliticalpressurecan of thetwoICRCworkersonSunday.Hesaid:“theirspeedy the InternationalPresidentofMSFwelcomedrelease obstacles tothedelivery of assistance.MortenRostrup, not forgettheplightofdetainedworkersasthiscauses them thatwhenplanninghumanitarianaidtheyshould Committee oftheRedCross(ICRC)workers,andreminded well astherecentbriefkidnappingoftwoInternational Nina Davydovich,theHeadofDruzhba,aRussianNGO,as Northern CaucasusofitsconcernforArjanandthat MSF has informed international donor countries to the to bedeeplyconcernedabouthisfate. to solvethecasehaveyieldednoresultssofar,leadingMSF whom hewaskidnapped.EffortsbytheRussianauthorities no informationastohiswhereaboutsorwhyandby of ArjanErkelonAugust12th,MSFandhisfamilystillhave missing. Although100dayshavepassedsincetheabduction the Russian authorities to securehisrelease, Arjan remains unidentified gunmeninMakhachkala.Despiteeffortsby republic neighbouring Chechnya, was abducted by of MédecinsSansFrontières(MSF)inDagestan,aRussian 100 dayshavepassedsinceArjanErkel,HeadofMission Extract: we shouldn’tbe communicatingonthis.Ithink we in Dagestan. I didn’t occur to me for a minute that This firstthingIdidwasto hold apressconference ‘ November 2002(inEnglish). to SecureRelease,’ Missing after100days-EffortsbyAuthoritiesFail Head ofMissionMSFinDagestanRemains Press releaseMSF,20 229 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

had to protest noisily at first. We tried giving interviews and my opinion, I think we took too long to react. We didn’t really issuing press releases, making very basic statements. We talked know what action to take. about immediate release, we asked the authorities to do what they could. We had no idea how things worked. Then, once Rafa Vila San Juan, MSF International I’d got it into my head, after my first visit to Dagestan, that General Secretary (January 2001 to January 2004), the kidnapping was perhaps not a simple act of criminality, in French, interviewed in 2009 I became more hesitant about communication. I wanted to get a clearer idea of what was happening before launching into attacks or demands. So we continued with basic communications. In the field, the heads of mission from the different MSF Thomas Nierle, Head of Emergencies, then Operations sections and the international movement’s information Director for MSF Switzerland (2000-2004), (in French) officer were frustrated by what they considered to be a interviewed in 2009. lack of dynamism on the part of MSF Switzerland. They tried to gather information on Arjan Erkel’s situation.

We started by issuing a statement on Arjan’s disappearance which consisted of saying next to We were extremely frustrated from the outset. By ‘we,’ nothing. MSF France’s communication director summed I mean the heads of mission of MSF France, MSF it up; he said it was like putting up a little ‘missing’ poster Holland and MSF Belgium, plus the RIO29 at the time in the street saying, ‘MSF has lost its cat.’ So for a very long [Marc]. We set up a sort of alternative cell to discuss how to time, our communication strategy consisted of ‘looking for handle the Arjan business and see whether we could suggest our cat.’ There was a nice photo of Arjan with a caption: anything to the Swiss that they hadn’t thought of themselves. ‘we’ve lost the poor dear.’ It was all very feeble. We bypassed procedures. We needed certain meetings, so we organised them. We were uncomfortable with the way MSF Anne Fouchard, Deputy Communication Director, Switzerland was doing things. MSF France, (July 2000-July 2004), (in French) interviewed in 2009. Gabriel Trujillo, MSF France Coordinator for North Caucasus, January 2002 to July 2003, (in French) interviewed in 2008.

For three months we were paralysed. Then, I think because there had been no sign of life, people began In the middle of November, an informal international imagining Arjan was dead. At first we were really group of MSF managers was set up to provide support frightened of saying anything at all, but that faded after a and advice to the Swiss section, where internal tensions while. The realisation came when everyone agreed there was weighed heavily on the crisis cell. This ‘international no other option. monitoring committee’ was made up of the presidents of MSF International and MSF France, the General Secretary Steve Cornish, Coordinator MSF France in Georgia of the International Office, the general directors of MSF (January to April 2000) then in Ingushetia (September Switzerland, MSF Belgium, MSF Holland and MSF USA, 2000 to January 2001), MSF Switzerland Officer in the and MSF Holland’s operations director. Russian Federation (August 2002 to April 2004), (in French) interviewed in 2008.

There was already tension within MSF Switzerland: the team from the first few months had burnt out. For six months, we just did what I call ‘marketing Thomas Linde, the General Director, didn’t agree with communication.’ We couldn’t say anything. There was Thomas Nierle, the Operations Director. The movement decided an operational veto as the trails to Arjan could have that because of these internal tensions, we couldn’t leave gone cold once we started speaking about it in public. But during these first six months, we didn’t receive the slightest

hint of his whereabouts. We knew things, but we didn’t want 29. Regional Information Officer in Moscow: in charge of regional information for 230 to use them. Why? At operational level, they were afraid. In the MSF international movement. to adviseandoffer support.[…]Thereemerged agroupof ours, that’sfine. SoIguessyoucouldsay our strategywas to be very clear about what their approach was. If it wasn’t trying tomanagedifferentstrategies andthattheyneeded different wayandthatthebiggest dangerthattheyhadwas acknowledged thatothersections mightdealwithitina them support,intermsof people andcapacitywe our modeofoperationswouldbeinsuchacase,weoffered contacted the Swiss immediately, we briefed them onwhat among theparticipants. be takenthere.Thereweretoomanydifferencesofopinion it wasn’tadecision-makingbody,becausethedecisionscouldn’t a steeringcommittee,sortofstrategicreflectiongroup.But of MSF Switzerland’s general manager and president, it became everybody else’s ideas. And increasingly, because ofthe absence following. Thisgaveusachancetoshareinformationandhear that theyunderstoodourthinkingandthestrategywewere to makesureallthesectionswereonsamewavelength, over thephoneorbyemail.Therewerediscussionmeetings at theendof2002toshareinformationthatwecouldn’t work with. The international monitoring committee was created including me. So weneededtoidentify some people we could arrived orwereabouttoleave.Everythingstartedgiveway, involved, eitherforpersonalreasonsorbecausethey’djust for movingforwardtogether,butcertaindirectorsdidn’tget had beenanypowersharing.Wedidhaveasysteminplace post ofGeneralDirector,thiswasreallythefirsttimethere undermines the organisation. When Thomas Linde took up the especially ifthecrisisgoesonforanylengthoftime,this power isgiventooneperson.Andinmomentsofcrisis, very muchcentralisedatoperationsdirectorlevel.Too or solidarity.AtMSFSwitzerland, everything hasalways been a committee. on communication,butthatstrategyshouldbymanaged responsibilities. SowesaidthatMSFshouldtaketheinitiative things entirelyuptoMSFSwitzerland;wehadassumeour Emergency thenDirectorofOperations2000-2004,(in General Secretary (January2001toJanuary2004), crisis management,particularlyforChechnya.We thing. Butbasicallywehadaspecificstrategyaround MSF Hollanddoesn’thaveapolicyforeverysingle at MSFSwitzerland,wenolongerhadeithersolidity internally tobeablecommunicateexternally.But Given thesubject,weneededsolidarityandsolidity Dr ThomasNierle,MSFSwitzerland,Headof Rafa VilaSanJuan,MSFInternational in French, interviewed2009 French) interviewedin2009. and thenfollowthecollectivedecision. and ourstrategywastostronglyarguepositioninthat, together. And I think we were a very active part of that group, and totryagree,keepthewholething were calledonaregularbasistoestablishinternationalpolicy international leaders or managers of the MSF sections that accept thefactthatweareworkingwithex-spies.’ gathering andtraining,buthegotangrysaid:‘Ican’t to doanything, justtocometheofficein Holland andtalk very good. They had been hired during my kidnapping, not do, kindoftrainingintheoffice. Intheend,theyweren’t trends andsoon.AndMSFHolland hadalsoaskedthemto MSF hadjustaskedforapaper, ananalysisaboutkidnapping dangerous, forArjan,theteams,ourselves. Arjan Erkel’sfamily. context analysis,trainingand,aboveall,toreassure replied thattheywereonlyusingthefirm’sservicesfor the services of a British security firm tofind Arjan. They criticised hiscolleaguesfromtheDutchsectionforusing meeting, thepresidentofFrenchsectionstrongly At theinternationalmonitoringcommittee’sfirst (1998-2000), President(May2000-May2008)(inFrench) Communications (1996-1998),DirectorofOperations Austen Davies,MSFHollandExecutiveDirector,1999 General Secretary (January2001toJanuary2004), didn’t goanyfurtherthanabitofinformation employed byMSFHolland.Holland’sintentions Jean-Hervé askedaquestionaboutprivatecompany analysis. Theyhandledhundreds ofkidnappings.So American. MSFHollandhad hired themforsome It’s agroupofex-securitypeople,mostlyBritish,and get mixedupwiththesecretservices.Wefeltitwas approach. We told them to stop, not to do it, not to They [MSFHolland]hadstartedtousethiskindof Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof to 2004,(inEnglish)interviewedin2009. Rafa VilaSanJuan,MSFInternational in French, interviewed2009 interviewed in2009. 231 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

about the strategy and to meet my family. Wouter [Kok, Head take steps to ensure Arjan’s release. In the weeks that of MSF Holland Emergency Unit in charge of the relationships followed, it decided to stress the responsibility of the with the Erkel family] said that it was good, because it Russian authorities in helping to secure Arjan’s release. reassured him that they weren’t missing anything on the strategy. That was also reassuring for my family. They wanted to know that MSF is not going to put its own interests above the interests of the kidnapping. Because my family’s attitude ‘Arjan’s Solidarity Ad campaign Plan.’ Email from is, ‘if you don’t hire them, we’ll hire them.’ And it’s much Pere-Joan Pons, and Michel Clerc, Erkel Crisis Cell better to keep it centralized. to MSF communication departments, 10 December We didn’t ever want them involved in an operational role, but 2002 (in English). sometimes they were useful in a training role, or a review of strategy, or for the family. And that’s what our policy says, Extract: we don’t use them in an operational sense, but if we need Hi all, to use them for information or so on it’s ok. I don’t know Following Arjan’s family final approval last Friday, here is why, generally they got very angry at this. It was here in the COM plan (December 2002-February 2003) we came up Barcelona, Rafa took me back to the café and we had a big with that aims at maintaining ongoing pressure on Russian meeting at a round table. It was actually an ex-com and I Authorities to resolve the case in a positive way and to had come for the Arjan things. Jean-Hervé said, ‘I want you provide supportive messages that can hopefully reach Arjan. to guarantee you will never use this company,’ and we said, This plan is in connection with and in support of Crisis cell ‘This is our policy, we don’t use them operationally, but if we operational action plan for this period. Besides, it’s subject think they’re useful, we’re going to use them.’ And he said, to constant review and revision in accordance with changes ‘No, I want a guarantee you’re not going to use them.’ We in ongoing situation.[…] The plan consists of 3 phases which said, ‘no.’ And he said, ‘If you use them, I will declare war aim at gradually increasing the pressure on the Russian on MSF Holland.’ We started laughing: ‘What does it mean? authorities. We will address only the first phase for now. To declare war one section on another?’ Jean-Hervé had good points on some of the things, he just 1. The publication of a short personal letter (with photo) doesn’t know how to project the points. Actually, in many from Arjan’s family to Arjan. We plan to publish in three ways, we agreed with him. That’s why we never used the of the most popular Dagestani newspapers and in a couple guys from CRG in the field, because of the risk of the image. of Russian papers/regional edition. The letter was sent to We only used them as background, because they might have Mark Walsh, RIO in Moscow, for translation. Mark is now information. In the end, if they would have information on purchasing space in the Media. The letter will be published a critical thing, we would have used it. We would not put during several days in the course of next week (likely 16 and the principle above the utility. And we wanted to show the 18 Dec). This action aims at sending a supportive message family that we would not put our principles above the utility to Arjan (hoping his abductors will give him the article) and of saving a life. And that was very important for the family. I also to give Arjan a human face to the public opinion in told the Swiss, ‘The family does not trust you, you should do Dagestan. Not for publication elsewhere than in Dagestan. something. They want an external expert like this firm offers, hire them.’ Just so that they will go to the family and say, 2. Before Christmas, we will also launch a ‘Solidarity Ad ‘We have reviewed the MSF strategy and we think it’s good.’ Campaign’ in some newspapers/magazines internationally The family will feel better. They will stop attacking you a little with the support of MSF section countries. It will be a short bit. It’ll be good for their mental health it’ll be good for your message with photo to remind the public opinion that Arjan mental health. And there’s no risk. It’ll be a consultancy in is still being held hostage and to contribute, indirectly, Holland. In Geneva, there’s no image risk.’ But because of to the diplomatic pressure that MSF currently applies on this pressure from Jean-Hervé they wouldn’t do it. The Swiss Russian authorities through donor countries. The scope of were always worried about being criticized in the movement. the action is to increase pressure on the main donor actors We said, ‘Who cares what the Dutch and the French think, following the recent contacts MSF has established in several that’s not your problem, your problem is running a kidnapping. countries and institutions. To implement all at the same Your problem is not your image in the movement.’ time the ‘Solidarity Ad Campaign,’ we ask you from today to Friday to purchase Media space in a national daily newspaper Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland General Coordinator and (the most significant one + odd page if possible + 1/4 page Regional Advisor in North Caucasus, (November 1999- maximum, on the International/Politics pages if possible) in January 2001), Director of Operations (2001-2005), order to publish the AD by the 17th or 18th December. […] (in English) interviewed in 2009. 3. We want to reinforce our press contact with journalists who understand the need not to speculate on Arjan’s case but rather be supportive at the time when reporting will be needed. On 10 December, the ‘Erkel’ crisis cell drew up a com- 4. Mark in Moscow will enhance more institutional munication plan in several stages designed to maintain communication on MSF in Russia based on our presence and 232 the pressure on the Russian authorities and made them projects in other places than in North Caucasus. authorities soasnottomake Arjan’ssituationworse. asked thatnopubliccriticism bemadeoftheRussian with theDutchforeignministerandMSF,Erkelfamily Arjan’s release.However,on29January,inameeting Russian authoritieswerecapableofhelpingsecure other things,todrawattentionthefactthat phase initscommunicationstrategy,intended,among On 13January,theErkelCrisisCelllaunchedsecond in Ingushetia. continues toprovideassistancetheInternallyDisplaced cooperation withsurgical andmaternity units. MSF saving assistance in case of emergencies, which include Chechnya, however,MSFcontinuestoprovidedirectlife in DagestanandChechnyacontinuetobesuspended.In him unharmed. Since Arjan’skidnapping, MSF’s activities they respecthisphysicalandmentalintegrityrelease safe release.MSFdemandsfromArjan’sabductorsthat the authoritiesdoeverythingintheirpowertoobtainhis Arjan may also be released soon. In this light, MSF insists Nina’s releasegivesMSFandArjan’s family thehopethat information astoArjan’swhereaboutsorhisstateofhealth. efforts bytheauthoritiestosolvecasehaveyieldedno working inDagestanApril2002.Afternearlyfivemonths, a volunteer with MSF for morethan 6 years. He started gunmen in Makhachkala. Arjan is 32 years old and has been Mission forMSFinDagestanwasabductedbyunidentified Nina waskidnappedonJuly23rd,ArjanErkel,theHeadof her friendsandfamilyassoonpossible.Shortlyafter from herordealandhopesthatshewillbereunitedwith MSF wishesherthestrengthtomakeaspeedyrecovery of Druzhba,aRussianNGO,after168dayscaptivity. MSF welcomesthereleaseofNinaDavydovich,head Extract: its demandfortheimmediatereleaseofArjanErkel. In apressrelease,MSFexpressesitsdelightandrepeats who waskidnappedafewdaysbeforeArjan,freed. On 10January,NinaDavydovitch,theDirectorofDrujba Putin.­­­ 5. Arjan’s family is writing and sending a private letter to release, 10January2003(inEnglish). – MSFDemandshisImmediateRelease,’Press Head of MSF Mission in Dagestan Remains Missing ‘MSF WelcomestheReleaseofNinaDavydovitch- To Russianauthorities: 3- Messageforphase2: International publicopinion Public opinioninRussia,Holland(andSwitzerland…) International media pressure onRussianauthorities(UN,UE,NL,CH,F,D,UK,US) org. thatwehavebeen/stillarelobbyinginordertoput Donor community,infactmajorcountriesorinternational where MSFhasanoffice) Russian representationsworldwide(oratleastincountries political, judiciaryandinvestigationbodies Russian authorities(inMoscowandinMakhachkala): 2- Targets: Extract: by RussianauthoritiesinordertosetArjanfreeimmediately. requests that(more)appropriatemeansbeindeedcommitted latter haveproducednoconcreteresults.ConsequentlyMSF after 6(?) monthsofinvestigations by Russian authorities, the authorities toresolvesuchacase.MSFdoesnotacceptthat is theproofthatittakesastronginvolvementofRussian work towardsArjan’sliberation.NinaDavydovichrelease MSF believesthatRussianauthoritieshavethecapacityto 4-at UNplaces 3-in countries with anMSFsection 2-in Holland 1-in Russia, Where: countries whereMSFsection and atUN demonstration in front of Russian embassies at least in 17 to RussianAuthorities from solidarity ad campaign (more than 5,000) addressed petition bymsfstaffatlarge(10,000??)andsupporters press conference,release editorial workinworldwidepapersandmedia Actions : General public Family Erkel MSF network By : 4-Implementation : is absolutelyunacceptable. situation prevailinginthisregionoftheRussianFederation (and otherhum.workers??)befreedimmediately.The countries mustrequestfromrelevantauthoritiesthatArjan delivering theaidberespected(andnottargeted).Donor from Russianauthoritiesthathumanitarianworkerswhoare countries, whenchannellingaidtotheregion,mustrequest be properly deliveredand reaching the most needy. Donor worker wasabducted.Asaconsequence,assistancecannot countries. Arjan’scaseisnottheonlyonewhereahum. region isanobstacletodistributionofaidfromdonor Lack of security for humanitarian workers in North Caucasus To Donorcountries: 13 January2003(inEnglish). Pere JoanPons,MSFSwitzerlandErkelCrisisCell, ‘ ,’ Michel Clerc, Implementing Phase2-Roughdraft,’MichelClerc, 233 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Minutes of Arjan Erkel meeting, BUZA (Ministry with the Arjan problem. So we took this as a clear sign that of Foreign Affairs) Office, The Hague we would have to do battle with the Dutch government, but (The Netherlands), 29 January 2003 (in English). without making it obvious. We decided we’d have to slant our communications in such a way as to show the kidnapping Extract: was political. If it had been criminal, we’d have seen it. We Till that moment, the family wants to state explicitly the found it totally unacceptable that the Dutch foreign affairs following points: minister didn’t question the Russian foreign affairs minister -1. No other press contacts then the ones accompanying about what he intended to do. the diplomatic and other efforts, without prior consultation. -2. No accusatory tone versus Russian Authorities; in family’s Rafa Vila San Juan, MSF International opinion, this could work against the case. General Secretary (January 2001 to January 2004), -3. Family claims the right to initiate its own press contacts in French, interviewed in 2009 if so desired, without prior consultation. -4. MSF is invited to initiate, in cooperation with other NGO’s, a worldwide public debate on the safety and security of humanitarian workers in general. On 19 January, in a letter to Morten Rostrup, President of MSF International, the Dutch foreign affairs minister expressed surprise at remarks allegedly made by the president of MSF France to the French foreign affairs minister, suggesting that Russian intelligence services After a meeting at the Dutch embassy in Moscow, MSF were involved in the abduction of Arjan Erkel and Holland’s Coordinator expressed doubts about the Dutch deploring the Dutch authorities’ lack of commitment government’s commitment to demanding that the Russian to resolving the situation. government do its utmost to help secure the release of On 5 February, Morten replied that what the president Arjan Erkel. of MSF France had meant by his remarks was that MSF needed assurance that all competent parties were actively involved in trying to find Arjan, including the Russian security services. He repeated MSF’s desire to collaborate ‘ Discussion with Michiel, MSF-H,’ Email from Marc effectively with the Dutch authorities. Joly, Communications Director, MSF Switzerland to Thomas Nierle, Operations Director, MSF Switzerland and the Dagestan crisis cell, 27th January 2003 (in French). Letter from Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Ref. cocktail at D[utch] embassy: Michiel’s analysis is clear. to Dr Morten Rostrup, President of MSF The D. are not even willing to breach protocol for Arjan International, 29 January 2002 (in English). (someone from MSF wanted to speak to the queen’s sister). What’s more, the ambassador made a speech for the occasion Extract: in which he announced that 2002 had been a very good I understand that the President of MSF France recently year for Dutch-Russian relations, and didn’t even mention went to see my French colleague, Dominique de Villepin, Arjan’s abduction! Michiel is very critical of the Dutch gvt to enlist the help of the French authorities in the search and thinks it doesn’t want to jeopardise its trade relations, for the Dutch national, Arjan Erkel, who was abducted in not for Arjan, not for the OSCE, and not for Chechnya. For Dagestan in August 2002. It goes without saying that any him, there’s no doubt that we need to keep up the pressure assistance in solving this complicated and painful abduction on the D. as it’s the only way of getting them to move their case is most welcome. I would have preferred, however, for a…. He also thinks that the elections were a missed occasion MSF to have coordinated with my ministry before submitting for influencing the D. political parties via the media/public its request to the French authorities, since a joint approach opinion. But as the government is to be formed in the coming might have proved more effective. During the meeting with months there’s still time to put pressure on people directly Mr de Villepin, MSF apparently expressed the belief that (i.e. Foreign Affairs minister) if they want to keep their post. the Russian intelligence services were involved in Arjan Erkel’s abduction. We, for our part, have no firm or specific information that points unambiguously in this direction. Irrespective of whether this is the case; we feel that it is unhelpful to make such explicit allegations. By making direct accusations against the Russian authorities, we run The Dutch had economic interests in the Caucasus the serious risk that they will refuse to cooperate any further (BP, Shell, etc.) and were defending them at the time. in the search for Arjan. It is our strong belief that, without Austen [Davies, General Director of MSF Holland] came the active support of the Russian authorities, it will be far back from his first meeting with the Dutch foreign minister more difficult to trace Arjan and bring him back safely and 234 convinced they would never confuse Dutch economic interests in good health. authorities have persistentlyusedtheirbilateral channels the liberation of ArjanErkel,Iamwellaware thatDutch As regards the action of the Dutch Government to secure suggested. beyond asimplecriminalorconsular affairaswassometimes the highest levelmust be seized upon, for this case goes of obtainingArjanErkel’srelease. Russianauthoritiesat the Russiansecurityapparatus,areactiveinseekingways We needtomakesurethatallcompetentparties,including of Médecins sans Frontières France talked to Mr. de Villepin: positively. Itis,ofcourse,inthissensethatthePresident in Moscowhavetakenupthesigns,andareresponding indications that, in the meantime, the higher authorities additional meanstobringaboutasolution.Therearefirst authorities oftheRussianFederationneedtomobilize Consistently werequestedsupportinremindingthe Representative totheUNinNewYork. level, andatadiplomaticlevelsuchaswiththeRussian with theRussianauthorities,bothatafederalandregional without sayingthatweconcurrentlymaintainedcontacts Germany, Switzerland,Italy,theUKandUS.Itgoes level foreign affairs officials in - amongst others - France, and theUNHighCommissionerforRefugees,aswellhigh on ForeignPolicyandSecurity,theUNSecretaryGeneral Our international-contactsincludedtheEUCommissioner Permanent RepresentativeinNewYork. Hague aswellthroughyourembassyinMoscowand informed yourMinistryaboutthisinitiative,directlyinThe fact thatthecaseofArjanErkelremainsunresolved.We organisations andgovernmentsinordertohighlightthe on, wehaveintensifiedourcontactswithinternational As you have noticed, from the end of last November should therebeanyproblems. to explorewithyouhowourrelationscouldbeimproved be gladtomeetyou,atyourearliestconvenience,inorder Erkel. Iappreciatethefranknessofyourletter,andwould with yourMinistryonthedifficultandpainfulcaseofArjan Frontières values,andgiveshighprioritytothecooperation all myattention.LetmeassureyouthatMédecinssans Thank you for your letter of 19 January which has retained Extract: that weremadeonthematterinSeptember2002. Our twoorganizationsshouldtheresticktothearrangements best wayofbringingabouttherapidliberationArjanErkel. cooperation betweentheDutchauthoritiesandMSFis central and regional level. In my view, close and constructive brought up the matter with the Russian authorities, at both Ambassador inMoscowandmanyothershavepersistently Arjan Erkel. I disagree. The Dutch Prime Minister, myself, our appear to be taking much action to secure the liberation of Dominique deVillepinthattheDutchauthoritiesdonot I amalsoconcernedthatthePresidentofMSFFrancetold Netherlands, 5February2002(inEnglish). of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdomof International to JaapdeHoopScheffer, Minister Letter fromDrMortenRostrup,PresidentofMSF

satisfaction intwopressreleases. to securethereleaseofArjanErkel.MSFexpressed its on theRussianauthorities to doeverything in their power afterwards, thePresidentofEuropeanUnion,called On 16 and31January, the European Parliament and objective. strengthen ouractionandenableustoreachcommon received duringthelastweeksinamultilateralcontextwill confident thattheadditionalattentionwhichmatter to bring up the matter with the Russian authorities. I am physical and mental well-being and release him unharmed. MSF urgesArjan’s captors to show consideration for his “Holding anaidworkercaptiveisabsolutelyscandalous.” French memberoftheEuropeanParliament, declared that, to investigate why he is still being held captive.” Fodé Sylla, necessary todiscoverwhathashappenedArjanErkeland support myaction.WeasktheCommissiontodowhateveris subject. Colleagues from other parties fully agree with and put questionstotheCommissionandCouncilonthis is holdinghim.Therehasbeennoransomdemand.Ihave in Dagestan,isstillbeingheldcaptive.Wedonotknowwho declared that,“MrErkel,whowasHeadofMissionforMSF Oostlander, aDutchmemberoftheEuropeanParliament, health. Duringthedebatethatprecededresolution,Arie produced anyinformationonhiswhereaboutsorstateof the authorities investigating the incident have still not Dagestan, byunidentifiedgunmenandfivemonthslater, Arjan ErkelwasabductedinMakhachkala,thecapitalof captive intheregion”. the rapidreleaseofArjanErkel,anMSFaidworkerstillheld “the Russiangovernmenttakeallactionnecessarytoensure European Parliamentpassedaresolutiondemandingthat, Arjan’s release.Initsplenarysessionof16thJanuary,the Russian government to make all possible efforts to secure Europeans membersofparliamenthavealsourgedthe Dagestan, aRussianrepublicontheborderwithChechnya. Erkel, theMSFvolunteer abducted on12thJune2002in The EuropeanparliamenthasraisedthequestionofArjan declaration by theEuropeanUnion(EU) calling forthe Medecins SansFrontières (MSF) welcomed the recent Moscow, February5,2003 - DoctorsWithoutBorders/ Press release,MSF,26January2003(inFrench).  Everything initsPowerforArjan’sSafeReturn,’ ‘ February 2003(inEnglish). Kidnapped Aid Worker,’ ‘MSF WelcomesEuropeanUnion CallforReleaseof The EuropeanParliamentUrgesRussiatodo Press release,MSF,5

235 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

release of Arjan Erkel, head of mission for MSF’s medical provided medical and social assistance to over 70,000 people. relief programs in Dagestan, who remains missing after A quarter of Moscow’s homeless are in fact former convicts nearly six months. MSF welcomes the public statement and the Russian authorities do very little to help them find made on January 31 in Brussels by the Presidency of the EU their way back into society. calling for the “immediate and safe release” of Arjan Erkel kidnapped in Dagestan, a republic of the Russian Federation bordering Chechnya. In its public statement, the EU and its acceding and associated countries along with the European Free Trade On 10 February, Vladimir Putin was received by the Association (EFTA) declared that, “the kidnapping of aid President of the French Republic and the French daily, workers can only aggravate the situation in the Northern Le Figaro, published an interview with the president of Caucasus and worsen the humanitarian conditions.” In light MSF’s French section describing the Russian Caucasus of this, MSF once again urges the Russian and Dagestani as a “Bermuda triangle” in which people disappear. authorities to do everything in their power to bring about While admitting he had no tangible evidence of who Arjan’s safe release and reunification with his family. was responsible for the abduction of Arjan Erkel, he Arjan Erkel was abducted by gunmen in Makhachkala, the denounced the lack of results on the part of the Russian capital of Dagestan on August 12, 2002. Arjan is 32 years investigators. old and has been a volunteer with MSF for more than 6 years. Since Arjan’s kidnapping, MSF’s activities in Dagestan have been suspended. MSF continues to provide emergency life saving surgical and maternity assistance in Chechnya, and ‘ Putin’s Russia is a Bermuda Triangle,’ Interview delivers humanitarian assistance to internally displaced by Laure Mandeville, Le Figaro (France), 10 persons in Ingushetia. February 2003 (in French).

Extract: The president of Médecins sans Frontières describes the difficulties encountered by aid organisations working in At the beginning of February, MSF Belgium issued a press Chechnya. release about the information campaign launched by the Le Figaro: Your organisation is still on the front line in the Duma (Russian parliament) aimed at Moscow’s homeless. Caucasus. What do you think of the fact that Chechnya is no longer a diplomatic priority in the West? Jean-Hervé Bradol: It’s worrying, but we’re used to it. Since the conflict started up again three years ago, there has ‘The Duma Launches an Information Campaign for never been any strong international pressure to control Moscow’s Homeless,’ Press release, MSF Belgium, the violence inflicted on the civilian population. And the 3 February 2003 (in French). uncontrolled nature of the violence is particularly dangerous for international aid organisations. For Médecins sans The Duma has ordered the production and distribution Frontières, it has resulted in four abductions since 1996 of posters aimed at the 100,000 homeless people living and there has been a series of attacks on our offices. We in the streets of Moscow. The city of Moscow hopes this have no news of our Dutch Head of Mission to Dagestan, action will encourage them to prepare themselves for Arjan Erkel, who disappeared without trace on 12th August the harsh winter weather. MSF, which is campaigning for in Makhachkala. We don’t even know if he’s still alive. The better medical and social assistance for the homeless, has investigators have come up with nothing. It is clear that welcomed this initiative. “These measures prove that the the Russian government is not assuming its responsibility Russian authorities have not turned a deaf ear to our pleas as a constituted state with an obligation to ensure security and have in fact decided to help those Muscovites living on within its borders. The fact that nationals and foreigners the fringes of society in the streets of the capital,” declared can disappear in such large numbers and so mysteriously in Alexey Nikiforov, Coordinator of MSF’s programme in Moscow. a member state of the Security Council is totally aberrant! The posters being put up in the capital’s streets, squares and The Russian Caucasus has become a Bermuda Triangle and underground stations by the social protection services give its President is President Vladimir Putin. That this causes the address of eight reception centres where the homeless so little upset in diplomatic relations can be interpreted can find shelter, food, and medical care. Given the large as a form of passivity. We are waiting to see a diplomatic number of victims, urgent action was needed. Every winter, upsurge, an upsurge in collective dignity four people a day freeze to death in the streets of Moscow. Le Figaro: In whose interest is it to discourage aid This year, the harsh conditions have already killed more organisations from working in the Caucasus? than 330 people. MSF had previously addressed a letter to Jean-Hervé Bradol: We’ve got all kinds of ideas on Arjan’s Moscow Town Hall urging it to show more concern for the abduction, ranging from an interpersonal conflict to a city’s homeless. Since this initiative, night shelters have crime for financial gain to a politically motivated act. In been opened for anyone seeking shelter and protection. the eight years we’ve been working in the Caucasus, we’ve 236 In the ten years MSF has been running this project, it has been hit by purely criminal groups, groups of separatist unconscious toaffect problemsintheconscious. autosuggestions and routinerepetitionasameansofaltering statesofthe 30. EmileCouéwasaFrenchpsychotherapist whobelievedinthepowersof authorities. TheRussianpress echoesthesestatements. and alackofresultsonthepartRussianDagestani MSF, ontheotherhand,highlightpoliticaldimension kidnapping as a purely criminal act. The representatives of the representativesofDutchembassypresent a jointpressconferenceinMoscow.Arjan’sfamilyand Arjan Erkel,andtheDutchambassadortoRussiagave movement, togetherwiththefatherandbrotherof Morten Rostrup,PresidentoftheMSFInternational On 12February,sixmonthsaftertheabduction, that I’vebeentellingyouabout?It’stheCoué reconcile thiswiththeclimateoftotalinsecurityandwar about democraticelectionsintherepublic,buthowcanyou of Chechencivilians.TheRussiansareeventalkingseriously interlocutors tojustifydoingnothingabouttherepression stabilisation argumentasanexcuseusedbyallourwestern Jean-Hervé Bradol:I’mnoexpert,butIseethispolitical is stabilising... Dubrovka, westerndiplomatsaresayingthatPutin’sRussia Le Figaro:Inspiteofthehostage-takingincidentat everybody isfrightened. and order. Journalists, relief workers, diplomats, civilians, the Russiansecurityforces,supposedlytheretomaintainlaw violence againstthosewhospeakupcanevencomefrom journalist AndreiBabitskiin2000justwenttoshowthat journalists saysothemselves,andtheabductionof speech onRussianpoliticsoverrecentyears!The can’t saythere’sbeenmuchprogressintermsoffreedom word canbefatalwhenthere’sateam-matemissing.We conflict asthebelligerentsareultraviolentandawrong and getabducted.Frightenedtosayanythingaboutthe increasingly frightened.Frightenedtoworkinthefield Chechnya hasneverbeenastrollinthepark,butweare Jean-Hervé Bradol:It’sduetofear.Doingaidworkin this situation.Whyisthat? Le Figaro:MSFhasn’tcommunicatedasmuchusualon French MinistryofForeignAffairs. United Nations and the European Union, as well as to the here inParis.Thematterhasalreadybeenreferredtothe is whyweareappealingtoMrPutin,currentlyonavisit – there’snothingtoindicatewhoisreallybehindit.This secret service.InthecaseofArjan,there’stotalconfusion resistance fighters, but also by groups from the Russian applied topolitics! PRESS CONFERENCEANDPETITION FOR ARJANERKEL’SRELEASE 30 method the ChairmanofDagestaniStateCouncil,MrMagomedov. petition toaddressourmessagePresidentPutinand months after Arjan was abducted, MSF launches a worldwide on whyandbywhomArjanwasabducted.Today,exactlysix services havesofarnotprovidedMSFwithanyinformation the ProsecutorofRepublicDagestanandsecurity results. TheProsecutorGeneraloftheRussianFederation, sion of the Federal authorities, have yielded no significant The investigations carried out in Dagestan, under the supervi- successfully solvesuchcases,”saidDrRostrup. authorities haveprovenintherecentpastthattheycan means treating it with the gravity it deserves. The Russian live up to theirobviousresponsibility to solve this case:That is imperativethattheRussianandDagestanigovernments not treatArjan’sinvestigationasjustanycriminalcase.“It Chairman oftheDagestaniStateCouncil,MrMagomedov,do of Dagestan.MSFdemandsthatPresidentPutinandthe 12, 2002,inMakhachkala,capitaloftheFederalRepublic was abductedbythreeunidentifiedgunmenonAugust Arjan Erkel, Head of Mission of MSF in the Northern Caucasus, MSF doesn’tevenknowifheisalive. agencies overthepastsixmonths,Arjanisstillmissingand the effortsofRussianandDagestanilawenforcement this kidnappingmayhaveapoliticaldimension.Despite abduction, leadsMSFtobelievethatthenon-resolutionof contact from Arjan Erkel’s abductors, six months after his a pressconferencetoday in Moscowthattheabsenceof International President,DrMortenRostrup,announcedat Doctors WithoutBorders/MédecinsSansFrontières(MSF) Extract: abducted sixmonths ago.Weareamedical humanitarian the situation.Arjan isourcolleague,friend. Anhewas an unbearablesituation.Itis difficultforustounderstand MSF showsdeepestsympathyfor familyandexpressesthatis B. Transcriptionofmessagedelivered fromMortenRostrup: secure asafereleaseofArjan. Putin: Do whatever isin your powerto resolve the case and 2. MSFtakestheopportunitytoappealdirectlypresident case ofArjanErkel. Russian Federationisresponsibleoftheresolution Federation, inthecapitalofDagestan.Therefore, 1. TheabductiontookplaceinaRepublicoftheRussian conference: A. Main messages delivered from MSF to Media during press [programme managerMSFSwitzerland],EmbassyofHolland Participants: Erkelfamily,MortenRostrup,BrunoLab Extract: Geneva, 12February2003(inEnglish). Priority totheCase.’ Dagestani GovernmentstoGiveHighPolitical Still Missing:MSFCallsontheRussiansand ‘Arjan Erkel,AbductedSixMonthsagoinDagestan, English). ’Press conferenceArjan,’12February2003(in Press release,MSFMoscow/ 237 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

organization. We are totally focused on the situation of Journalist to Erkel family: You said that you kept a low Arjan to influence his release. profile on Arjan’s case. When did the investigations started We are receiving support from other organizations. Tomorrow and when did you address the case? the humanitarian agencies working in the region, in the (Family): Right after the kidnapping we asked MSF and BUZA Caucasus, will celebrate a day of action in solidarity to Arjan. to start investigations. But today, after six months of abduction, the only fact is (MSF): We were told that 3 months intensive investigation that we do not have any facts, despite the investigation. We started the same night of the kidnapping. MSF suspended do not even know whether Arjan is alive. After six months, the activities but kept the team in MAK to continue contacts MSF is led to believe that the resolution of the case has a with authorities. political dimension. And investigators have also told this Same journalist to MSF: When you started the program in to MSF. The case of Arjan is not just a simple criminal case. Dagestan, were you aware of the risks for your workers? It goes beyond that. […] (MSF): After many years working in NC, MSF is aware of the Moreover, we strongly believe that more political engagement security condition. MSF works in many countries in which is needed and other kidnapping have been solved with there are confronted to security problems. Those areas are political engagement. Today, MSF launches a worldwide places where civilians suffer a lot and where MSF is very petition appeal addressed to the highest political authorities needed. In Dagestan, we thought the risks were not so high to do all within their power to resolve the case of Arjan. And in comparison to the needs of the people. I take this opportunity to do a direct appeal to President Journalist to MSF: Are the Russian authorities themselves Putin to do all within his power to resolve the case and behind the kidnapping. Your political mention is very secure the safe release of Arjan Erkel. vague…. Thank you. (MSF): It a strange way to put the question. Answer to it would be very speculative. What we mean that other C. Questions from journalists during press conference: elements, not just criminal, should be taken into account. Russian Radio to MSF: Who is behind that case? Russian journalist Interfax Dagestan to MSF/Family: Do you (MSF): Political element to be addressed, but it is impossible insist for immediate release or are you ready to negotiate to speculate. ransom? (Same journalist) Did you define the ransom for the liberation (Family): We are a simple family with four children. We have of Arjan? not the money to pay any ransom. I can send my other son… No contacts, no facts, means no information. (MSF): Our policy is not to pay ransom. In previous (Russian journalist to all, but especially to Dutch embassy) kidnappings cases, we never paid ransom. Besides, we find Concerning Human Rights… When will OSCE be in Chechnya unacceptable to ask for a ransom after kidnapping of an again? aid worker who gives his life to help people. (Embassy): Dutch Ministers met with Ivanov and must likely a fact finding mission will take place, but let’s focus on the US Embassy in Moscow to MSF: Did you see any negative safe release of Arjan. attention from officials as a result of MSF activities? Is the Radio Freedom to MSF: Other cases of kidnapping. We were situation worsening in the Northern Caucasus? talking about other cases. What is the fate of these cases? (MSF): Non specific pressure has been put on us, but the (MSF): We refer to recent cases of kidnapping, the two ICRC situation for humanitarian workers in the region is pretty guys and Nina Davydovich. It shows that when there is a difficult. There is a comment feeling of fear and obviously it sufficient political will, there is a possible release. In the is not possible to operate in a normal way. It is frightening case of ND, it took time. that people can disappear just like it happened to Arjan. Same journalist: What kind of investigation you refer to? Dutch journalist from NRC/Andelsblat to MSF: Is MSF ready (MSF): We met with many officials including Prosecutor to offer some kind of reward for information? It has not Office, in Dagestan and in Russia, at Federal level. Clearly, been discussed so far, but any alternative will be considered. no results today. But it is clear to us that the Russian authorities have to Reuters to MSF/Talking about political will, can you elaborate? resolve the case. (MSF): Until now only criminal investigation took place. It Final statement from father to journalists: has yielded no results. We have asked to meet with high Stay with us for the next time. We cannot do this alone to political officials but not yet took place. Responsibility of get him back alive. the resolution of the case is within the Federal government Foreign journalist to MSF/Elaborate more on the political aspect? (MSF): To enter into details maybe only speculations. To ‘ Doctors Ask President Putin to Find their Colleague,’ resolve the case it is needed to be looked from a political by Yuliya Govorun, Stolichnaya Vecherniaya point of view. This was confirmed by the investigators Gazeta (Russia), 13 February 2003 (translated themselves in our meeting. from Russian into English by MSF). From Dutch (NRC/Andelsblad): Political aspect means that Russian authorities are willing to put pressure on MSF Extract: (MSF): The response of MSF is that this is too speculative President of Medecins Sans Frontières, Morten Rostrup, is 238 and specific. of the opinion that Arjan Erkel was kidnapped, [as part of] Over thepast half ayeartheinvestigation didnotyield by thephone. why Fransanndidnotcometo Russia,someonehastostay the BelgiumandFrance.What ifthesignalcomes?That’s in theSouthofcountry, notfarfromtheborderwith their telephoneathome-ina smallDutchvillageVestdorp and night,eitherhismotheror hisfatherareonstandbyat parents, Dick and Fransann, turned into a hell. 24 hours, day 12 August2002inMakhachakala.Sincethen,thelifeofhis Arjan Erkel, [the] MSF-Swiss coordinator, went missing on have meetingswiththeofficialsinvolvedintothistragedy. Moscow together with Arjan’s 28-year old junior brother to at last,-saidDickErkel,fatherofArjan,whoarrivedin hope thatourarrivalisasignalforthemto[get]intouch nothing aboutwhereArjanisandwhokidnappedhim.We the kidnappers,nor from theauthorities. We know absolutely a sound [has been] heard about him since then. Neither from Dagestan, was kidnapped in Makhachkala half a year ago. Not humanitarian organizationDoctorswithoutBordersin A 32-yearoldDutchmanArjanErkel,astaffofthe Extract: his secondsonisreadytogoinexchangeforbrother. [to his]secondsonDiderick,brotherofArjan,hesaidthat progress. Atthepressconferenceyesterday,whilelooking in Dagestanonaregularbasistomonitorinvestigation Erkel’s fatheriscommunicatingwith[the]Prosecutionoffice And inDagestantheywilldefinitelyhandlethecase.”Arjan sort havetobehandledfromMoscow.Theyarenumerous. life isconcerned,butthatdoesnotmeanallcasesofthe not handlethatcase,saying“Itisalwayssadwhenhuman Vishnyakova, reportedthatGeneralProsecutionofficewill [The] GeneralProsecutorPressOfficeDeputyHead,Natalya he wasinterviewedbyStolochnayanewspaper.[…] for solong?Icannotmakethatout,”[he]askedhimselfas criminals. “Whyarekidnapperskeepingthatsustainedsilence hampered bythefactnodemandsareforwarded According toMrMirzabalaev,[the]investigationisbeing Arjan Erkel’scase“wouldnotturnintoanendlessone.” Unit of[the]MakhachkalaProsecutionOffice,hopesthat ruled out.”MirzabalaMirzabalaev,theHeadofInvestigation information on the investigation process, but nothing can be bring anytangibleresults.Wewereprovidedwiththe officials atdifferentlevels,“but[these]meetingsdidnot meetings with many prosecution offices and governmental announced thatMédecinsSansFrontièresorganizationheld Bruno Lab, who had been investigating this kidnapping, is behindit.” criminal case in question, howeverI cannot announce who seems tousthatthereiscertainpoliticalcontextunderlying light onthematterbecameknownduringpast6months,it depends onRussianauthorities.Asnotasinglefactcasting is no doubt that possibility of the release of Arjan Erkel a politicalcase,notcriminalaswasthoughtbefore.“There (translated fromRussianintoEnglishbyMSF). Novaïa Gazeta(Russia),13-16February2003 ‘ ,’ by Anna Politkovskaïa, The ProsecutorsKeepSilent,’byAnnaPolitkovskaïa, makes peoplefaceuptotheirresponsibilities. occurred. Myopinionisthatcommunicationdoesn’tkill.It big divide between MSF Holland and the rest of the movement so that’swhereweshouldapplypressure.Thisisthe and moretothepoint,abilitygethimreleased, pers [were],theRussiangovernmenthadaresponsibility, Russian government,andtheideathat,whoeverkidnap- idea thatweshouldcontinuebeingverydiplomaticwiththe the communicationstrategysplit.Twoideasemerged.The by this kidnapping. We couldn’t carry on like that. That’s when understand that the Russian government wasn’t at all put out tion. Aftersixmonthswithoutnews,wewerebeginningto (1998-2000), President (May 2000-May 2008),(in French) to drawthesameconclusionasmajorityofus. reasons, MSFHollandcouldn’tadoptthisposition.Theyrefused Kenny Gluckthoughtthesamewaywedid.Butforinstitutional counterparts, Idon’tknowwhateachofthemthoughtpersonally. pretty muchconvinceditwastheRussians.AsforourDutch and ThomasLinde[MSFSwitzerland’sGeneralDirector]were side, Thomas Nierle [Operations Director for MSF Switzerland] Dutch, theSwiss,us,andinternationaloffice.OnSwiss their distance.Therealintersectiondiscussionwasbetweenthe guarantee forfuturekidnappings. in ‘hotspots’anddon’tpayransom,regardingthisasa tradition withMSFisthattheydon’temployarmedguards is the informationon whether Arjan is alive or not...” A Geneva, specifies,“concreteresultsintheirunderstanding in TheHague[…].AsBrunoLab,HeadofMSFCrisisCell to PresidentPutin last Decembervia the Russian Embassy results [surfaced],evenafterErkel’sparentssentaletter who isalsoinMoscowthesedaysduetoArjan’scase.No General President of this famous international organization, results wereobtainedwhatsoever…”saysMortenRostrup, Prosecutor General’sOffice.“Ican’tunderstandit,thatno Dagestani Prosecutor’s Office underthe control ofthe any concreteresulttheinvestigationconductedby Communications (1996-1998), DirectorofOperations General Secretary (January2001toJanuary2004), and causedconsiderabletensioninsidetheorganisa- more politicalphaseinourcommunicationstrategy, Morten’s pressconferencemarked the start of amuch so did New York. At that time, the Belgians were keeping so didNewYork.Atthattime,theBelgianswerekeeping from thebeginning.RafaandMortenthoughtso, At MSFFrance,we’dthoughtitwastheRussiansright Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFrance Directorof Rafa VilaSanJuan,MSFInternational in French, interviewed2009 interviewed in2009. 239 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

At the beginning of March, the MSF Switzerland team in North Caucasus region was busy closing the file. That really Moscow received Arjan’s mobile phone bill. The numbers made us angry. called since the date of his abduction were followed up by the official investigators. At the end of April, MSF Dr Thomas Nierle, MSF Switzerland, Head Switzerland’s representative in Moscow, Steve Cornish, of Emergencies, then Director of Operations 2000-2004, learned from the deputy prosecutor of the Russian (in French) interviewed in 2009. Federation that at the time of his abduction, Arjan was being tailed by FSB agents who were eye-witnesses to his kidnapping. At the end of May, he discovered that the investigation into Arjan’s abduction had been closed in November 2002. Although Steve had been in On 7 March, on Arjan Erkel’s birthday, MSF launched an regular contact with the Dagestani authorities, they international petition demanding that Vladimir Putin and had neglected to inform him. Mr Magomedov, the President of the Dagestani Council of State, do everything in their power to secure the hostage’s release. At the request of the Dutch Foreign Affairs minister, the launch of this petition, originally Narrative Chronology AE Case Period 2002 - April scheduled for the joint press conference on 12 February, 2004, MSF Switzerland Cell Crisis, 2004 (in was postponed for fear that it might be perceived as English). being overly aggressive towards the Russian authorities.

Extract: Early March: MSF-CH office in Moscow receives the telephone [bill] of AE’s cell phone. It shows that the telephone had Letter from Willem Andrae, Director Consular been used during the first two weeks of February. After some Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The searches, […] in Makhachkala it appears that some of the Netherlands to Austen Davies and Thomas Linde numbers belong to: MSF Holland and MSF Switzerland Executive -The FSB Major General K […] from the B […] garrison Directors, Steve Cornish Representative MSF -An MVD [Ministry of Interior] officer in Moscow, 10 February 2003 (in English). -The son of the Prime Minister of Dagestan […], -I, a former hostage, now working as Deputy Director of Extract: Education of Makhachkala University As clearly explained during the aforementioned meeting, the -D […] an oil company controlled by G (Dagestani Ministry does not support the launching of a petition on 12 parliamentarian at the State Duma in Moscow) February during the family’s press conference in Moscow. The -AE’s neighbor from the MSF flat in Makhachkala launch would distract attention from the human message of -Some phone calls were also made from Rostov on Don? to the distress of the family. I wish to underline as well that Chechen people. during the meeting on 7 February, the representatives of the Ministry explicitly stated disagreement with the petition’s text as included in the MSF-Communications Plan Phase II, because of its partial and accusatory tone, which may prove counterproductive.

We received Arjan’s mobile phone bill in the post. This didn’t fill us with confidence. We felt the authorities didn’t give a damn about our affair. What’s more, at ‘ Birthday of Arjan, a MSF Volunteer who has been about the same time, at the beginning of 2003, we discovered Held Hostage for Seven Months in the Caucasus, that Arjan was being followed by local FSB agents at the time Marked by an International Appeal for his Release: of his kidnapping, who told us, “We were following him, we Russian Authorities not Facing up to their saw what happened, but our agents couldn’t intervene when Responsibilities.’ MSF press release, 7 March 2003 he was kidnapped... Steve got in touch with the prosecutor (in French). and discovered the file was being closed. The region’s prosecutor had dropped it at the end of 2002 because he didn’t see any One month after MSF’s press conference in Moscow calling point in keeping it open. on the Russian and Dagestani authorities to do everything in their power to secure Arjan Erkel’s release, the evidence We thought something wasn’t right, and started changing our is that these authorities are not showing the slightest minds about what might be behind all this. Locally in Dagestan, willingness to resolve this matter. Seven months after Arjan’s we had really frequent contacts with the administration. Steve kidnapping, the Russian federal authorities in charge of the went to see them once a month. We’d set up quite a system investigation in Dagestan are still unable to provide the for getting information and making sure the authorities were slightest piece of information about the reasons for his doing what they should. Locally, they were reassuring us that abduction, or who the perpetrators might be, or on how to 240 they were, whereas in fact the general prosecutor for the make any progress in this affair. Moreover, MSF’s requests the Chechens, an Islamicminority.“TheIraq warcanhelp country, hasincreased itschancesofreconciliation with Russia’s condemnationofthe warinIraq,anIslamic According totheKremlinspokesperson, SergueïLastrjemski, Presidency overthepastthree years. towards ’Chechenterrorists’that hascharacterisedthePutin when onerecallsthemilitaristic andwar-mongeringattitude of thepacifist.Thereisnolackironyinthissituation, referendum, theKremlinisseekingtotakeonmantle in Chechnya,assupposedlyillustratedbythecontested and boastingabouta‘processofpoliticalsettlement’ Iraq either…’Bycondemningmilitaryoperationsin but on the other hand, Bush has not told the truth about reaction is:‘soourleadershaveliedtousonceagain… by independentobserversontheground,Muscovite’s participation figure(89.5%)nothingliketherealityseen March referenduminChechnyawasrigged,withanofficial If youexplaintoaMuscovitetheextentwhich23 On Monday10March,ontheoccasionofArjan’s33 Rostrup, MSF’sInternationalPresident. humanitarian workers on their territory,” said Dr Morten responsibility forguaranteeingthesecurityofciviliansand them tosecureArjan’simmediaterelease and toaccepttheir will required to resolve this matter. We therefore call on date, theRussianauthoritieshavenotshownpolitical lack of any progress whatsoever amounts to obstruction. To capital ofDagestan,arepublicborderingChechnya.“The men on 12 August last in the streets of Makhashkala, the the North Caucasus, was kidnapped by three unidentified Arjan Erkel,MédecinsSansFrontières’HeadofMissionin been rejected. for ameetingwiththeofficeofPresidenthavesofar was under way in Chechnya. was underwayinChechnya. pacifists andtoclaimthataprocessofpoliticalsettlement authorities usedthereferendumtoportraythemselvesas recently launchedUnitedStatesoffensiveinIraq,Russian observers, thereferendumhadbeenrigged.Pointingto the foldofRussianFederation.Inopinionmany adopt anewconstitutionbringingtheircountrybackinto 80% of Chechens had participated in the referendum to In late March the federal authorities announced that over the comingdays. handed overtotheRussianandDagestaniauthoritiesin throughout theworldhavesignedthispetition.Itwillbe release. Todate,over150,000peopleinSwitzerlandand to doeverythingintheirpowersecureArjan’simmediate Magomedov, thePresident ofthe DagestaniCouncil ofState, people tosignapetitioncallingonPresidentPutinandMr birthday, theMSFmovementthroughoutworldinvites 2003 (originalinFrench). Natalie Nougayrède,LeMonde(France),29March ‘Vladimir Putin, Chechnya and the War in Iraq,’

rd let itbeknown thattheymightbebuyers. ThatiswhatI people who,out ofself-protectionandtohelpthe investigation, them forseveralmillionEuros. ItwasprobablyBassaiev’s because thekidnappershadproposed sellingthehostageto us that they knew the starting price for the ransom negotiation that these persons worked for the Russian services. They told back theytoldusthatitwas so-and-so andso-and-so, the investigationforus.Theyaccepted,andwhentheycame Federation,’ MrPutindeclared. problem concerningtheterritorialintegrityofRussian power intherepublic.Thereferendumhas‘resolvedlast issue byusingelectionstolegitimisepro-Russiancivilian reduce thepredominanceofmilitaryonChechen According tosomesources,hemightalsobeseeking to be unpopular – was ‘over,’ in this Russian election year. as ameansforhimtoclaimthatthewar–whichheknows he said.[…]VladimirPutinapparentlysawthereferendum between MuslimsandRussiaopposesmilitaryoperations,” consolidate Chechen society, because thereissolidarity sell thehostagetothemforseveralmillionEuros. worked fortheRussianservicesandhadattemptedto his kidnappers.Accordingtothereport,kidnappers request, onthefateofArjanErkelandidentities investigation, whichtheyhadcarriedoutatMSF’s mander ShamilBassaiev,deliveredtheresultsofan Persons closetothepro-independenceChechencom- letter forthefamily-writtenbyAE). life (2pictures(…)plus2letters-1letterforMSFand (T-Linde) inTheHague:DutchMoFAshowsproofsof (W-Palthe amongstthem),theErkelfamilyandMSF-CH 31/03: MeetingwiththeDutchMoFArepresentatives Extract: well asaletterforhisfamilyandanotherMSF. of photosthehostageholdingarecentnewspaper,as was alivetotheErkelfamilyandMSF.Thisconsisted passed proof,whichtheyhadrecentlyreceived,thatArjan In lateMarch,representativesoftheDutchForeignMinistry in Parisandaskedhisgroup,asaservicetous,do Kenny’s kidnapping.So we wentto see his representative We consideredthatBassayevowedus,eversince Cell Crisis,2004(inEnglish). AE Case Period 2002 - April 2004, MSF Switzerland ‘Narrative Chronology:TheDutchGovernment,’ 241 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

understood. They were not interested in buying, but wanted but MSF-statements, charging Russian authorities with to know who was selling. And to do this they passed themselves obstruction in solving the case (Rostrup in MSF press release off as potential buyers. of 7 March: “The lack of progress whatsoever points to the obstruction of Arjan’s release”) seriously affects MoFA-efforts Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director of in favor of Arjan through diplomatic and political channels. Communications (1996-1998), Director of Operations Russian authorities are responsible for tracing Arjan and (1998-2000), President (May 2000- May 2008),(in French) investigating his case. No information whatsoever exists, interviewed in 2009. suggesting that Russian authorities would be involved or would be working against a solution of the case. Diderik Erkel says the family asks not to raise the pressure above its actual level and not to increase irritation on the Russian side. The family wants to be thoroughly consulted In mid-March, during a meeting with the Erkel family and if and before MSF plans to increase pressure. the Dutch authorities, MSF reaffirmed its aim of keeping pressure on the Russian authorities. The Dutch govern- ment representatives, on the contrary, reiterated that in their view it would be counterproductive to publicly implicate the Russian authorities. Arjan Erkel’s family, On 2 April, representatives from MSF sections handed over while expressing satisfaction with the petition campaign, the signed petitions to Russian embassies throughout nevertheless requested that pressure not be increased. the world, and issued a press release. Dick and Diderick Erkel and Rafa Vila San Juan, the Secretary General of MSF International, submitted the full 339,000 signatures to the Kremlin. In the presence of Nina Davydovich, who had ‘Report of Meeting on Arjan Erkel at Ministry been kidnapped several days before Arjan and recently of Foreign Affairs,’ 12 March 2003 (in English). released, Dick Erkel made a further appeal for his son to be released. In public, Arjan’s father praised the “good Extract: coordination between MSF and the Dutch Minister for MSF reiterates its aim to pressure and irritate the Russian Foreign Affairs.” In private, he criticised MSF’s Secretary authorities at the highest level in order to assure that at General for stressing the Russian authorities’ lack of working level relevant authorities remain vigilant and active commitment to the investigation. and to assure that MSF is received at high level. The refusal of Yastrzhembski, Presidential spokesman and advisor for Chechnya, to receive MSF, confirms unwillingness of Russian authorities to co-operate. These facts warrant higher levels ‘ Doctors without Borders Demands Putin Help Obtain of pressure and crossing the irritation threshold. MSF sees Release of Kidnapped Aid Worker,’ Press release, references made by Russian Embassy in The Hague in MSF, 2 April 2003 (in English). contacts with MoFA [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] to petition and publicity as a good sign that Moscow begins to feel Extract: the pressure. Based on specific examples (e.g. meetings Two hundred and thirty-three days after the kidnapping of denied to MSF in October/November when the public profile Arjan Erkel, head of mission for Doctors Without Borders/ of the case was low on purpose), MSF is convinced that the Medecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Dagestan, MSF and over unwillingness of RF authorities should be addressed now 300,00 people worldwide call on President Vladimir Putin by public appeal. of Russia to do everything in his power to secure Arjan’s In reaction to this, MoFA repeats once more its position release. Today, the first 300,000 signatures of a petition that politicized, public declarations by MSF in which the will be delivered to his office. After almost eight months, Russian authorities are accused indirectly or explicitly of MSF believes that local investigators have come up against non-co-operation or obstruction in solving the case, or even insurmountable obstacles that have hampered their efforts complicity in it can only be counterproductive. MoFA reminds to free Arjan. MSF concludes that the higher-level authori- those present that this fear was one of the main reasons ties responsible for this case are either unable or unwilling why it could not support the petition on Arian’s behalf. Our to solve it. common goal is to assure a safe release of Arjan and such “It is totally unacceptable that all requests for meetings statements could undermine our joint efforts in achieving with the presidential administration have until now been this aim. MoFA warns that MSF is reducing its chances of rejected. The lack of political will to resolve this case has being listened to by the Russian authorities, not to mention left us with no choice but to address our demands directly to of being received at high level. President Putin. MSF along with over 300,000 people believe that he has the power to bring about the safe release of our Division of labor between MSF (informal contacts, diplomatic colleague. We sincerely hope that he will use this power.” contacts with different roles compared to BUZA’s one, said Rafael Vilasanjuan, MSF Secretary General. non-diplomatic channels) and MoFA (political, diplomatic Arjan Erkel is a humanitarian volunteer whose work consists 242 channels) is useful and was agreed upon at earlier stage, entirely in helping alleviate the suffering of civilian did notunderstand whywetargettheRussian authorities do morebutwould keeponworkingthe case,thathe authorities dideverythingthey could,thattheycouldnot peppered speech[…],andSinystsyn repliedthattheRussian Frederic Royce,MSF-CHHoM forSomaliaheldapretty we were received by First-Secretary Mr. Edward Sinytsyn. Russian embassytodothehandover ofthepetition.There ones fromEurope), photos, balloons, etc. walked to the 70 MSFworkers,allinshirtsandwithposters(incl.thebig Hereby alittledebriefingfromtheeventsinNairobi:around MSF Nairobi: at fournationalradiostationsinColombia.[…] has his own internal kidnapping affairs... we were received attention: very good reaction despite the fact that Colombia lt wasaccordedtoaskforafollowupnextweek.Media agreed thatRIOwouldbeintouchformorefeedbacklater. letter ofinquiryaboutthestatussituation.Itwas the matter with the ministry of Foreign Affairs and send a (?). Hisreactionwasverysupportive.Hepromisedtoraise communicated that he had no knowledge of the situation In COLOMBIA:[…]Theanswer:Representative Peru (RPP). ITW aboutthisActionDayinthemostimportantradioof the HoMwillsendthempetitionandweplannedan and inLima,theRussiansrefusedtoreceiveMSFB.However, Russian embassy in Buenos Aires (waiting for their news) Mexico DF(…).MSFEwastryingtohaveandITWwiththe - MeetingswiththeRussianembassyinBogota(…)and Here isalittledebriefingfromtheeventsinLatinAmerica: MSF LatinAmerica: we areonlybeingtold.[…] the federalsecuritybureau(FSB).Thisisunconfirmedinfo, public prosecutorgeneral,thedepartmentofinterior,and being formed(orisgoingtobesoon)bytheRussian a specialinvestigativejointtaskforceforArjan’scaseis obtained theinformationfromsecretarySukhanovthat the embassyonday.[…]Atmeetingtoday,we and theletterpressreleasetoreceptiondeskof […] Wediddeliverthetwocartonboxesfullofnames not takeplaceduetosometechnicalmisunderstanding. full ofpetitionnames.However,thepromisedmeetingdid Russian embassyinTokyoforthehandoveroftwoboxes On April2nd,weMSF-Japanhadanappointmentwiththe MSF Japan: Extract: they live up to their responsibilities and secure his release. for thepetition,todemandfromRussianauthoritiesthat Until Arjanisfreed,MSFwillcontinuetogathersignatures of threats, violence andabductions in the Northern Caucasus. For months,thehumanitariancommunityhasbeentarget populations. Unfortunately,hiscaseisnotanisolatedone. April 2003(inEnglish). in LatinAmerica,Mexico,Nairobi,&Armenia, Mémos from MSF Japan, MSF Australia, MSF teams as well.Thanks,andsorryfortheconfusion. tomorrow! Attachedisacorrectedversionoftherelease So ifyouwanttoissuethisreleaseaswell,don’tdoit does notgetmixedwiththemessageonArjanoftomorrow. Grozny beforeThursday.Itisimportantthatthismessage Please donotsendoutthepressreleaseonmurdersin Hello everyone, Extract: the sufferingof civilianpopulationswithout anypolitical worker. His aims and those of our organization are to alleviate Let meremindyouofonething, Arjanisahumanitarian Putin toprovidethepolitical supporttosecurehisrelease. We arethereforeheretovoice ourconcerntoPresident evidence ofwhereheis. To putitsimply,neitherArjaniswithusnordowehave and the family remain in a state of unbearable ignorance. way, whatistheresult?Information is inconsistent and MSF we havebeentoldthatthecriminalinvestigationison petition. Almosteightmonthshavepastandeventhough over the next few days. You may ask why did we launch this the signaturesisstillcomingtoMoscowandwillcontinue President PutintosecurethereleaseofArjanErkel.Part the world and in Russia and the Caucasus to demand to to handoverpartofthe339,069signaturescollectedaround weather conditions for a public demonstration. We are here Thanks forcoming,particularlybecauseoftheseunpleasant Extract: on thenewsfirstArmenianTVchannel. release was sent out to local news agencies and was already Moscow andsaidhehopesforthereleaseofArjan.Apress Arjan petition.Hepromisedtosendthepetitionforward of the Russian Embassy in Armenia and handed over the We (MSF-F and MSF-B) met today with the first counselor MSF Armenia: is dominatingmostjournalists’effortsrightnow. although a number of other outlets were sympathetic, Iraq by him!Wedidacoupleofinterviewswiththemedia– visit theRussianEmbassy–butwerenotabletobereceived Giuseppe Scollo (Executive Director) and I flew to Canberra to We had a low key petition presentation in Australia yesterday. MSF Australia: hand itovertothe‘highestauthorities.’[…] or Nairobi. […] He accepted the petition and said he would Communication Network,April2003(inEnglish).  Susanne Staals,MSFHollandPressOfficerto ‘Press releaseGroznyforThursday,’ April 2003(inEnglish). General Secretary,PressconferenceMoscow2 Speech RafaelVilaSanJuan,MSFInternational Email from

243 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

agenda. And this is as good and pertinent in the Caucasus it was shocked by the assassination of two cardiologists as it is in Baghdad where MSF is working around the clock from hospital no. 9 in Grozny, noting that its local team with Iraqi doctors. It is in this sense that we consider this was still working in that facility. kidnapping a hostile act towards independent humanitarian action. We cannot separate this kidnapping from the environment he was working in. Permanent insecurity in the Caucasus is a political problem, which does not only ‘Médecins Sans Frontières Shocked by Brutal Murders affect civilians but also extends to humanitarian workers. in Grozny,’ MSF Moscow/Amsterdam, Press That is why we cannot accept that this case is simply left release, 3 April 2003 (in English). in the hands of investigators. Is it that the President does not want to use his power to address the security in the Extract: area? Is it that the international humanitarian presence is Medecins Sans Frontières is shocked by the news of two not appreciated or not even wanted? brutal murders of doctors working in Grozny, the capital of Chechnya. The doctors both worked in the cardiology So far, we have only silence to these questions from the department in Hospital # 9 in Grozny. MSF has supported federal authorities. In particularly from the president’s office. the hospital for many years and at this time there is a team We consider this attitude not only obstructs the possibilities of 5 national staff working there. Last Thursday, the bodies of his release, it also raises doubts. It is in that sense that of the two doctors were found in their car. The motive of we urge to President Putin to show clear commitment and the murders is not yet known. MSF sympathizes with the support. The release of Arjan can only be possible if a strong family, colleagues and friends of the victims. MSF is very political will is shown. So far it is non-existent. concerned about the increase of violence in the region. The organisation had already suspended its non-lifesaving activities in Chechnya and all activities in the neighbouring Republic of Dagestan. In Ingushetia, MSF is providing help to displaced Chechens.

I went to Moscow with Arjan’s father to hand over the petition signatures and to hold a press conference. He had gone back to Holland the previous day to consult the Dutch Government, at its request, and had then On 3 April, the Dutch Foreign Ministry asked MSF to returned to Moscow. He asked me what I was going to say. stop distributing the petition, so as to attract as little My feeling was that we needed to be strong and stand up press attention as possible. MSF refused and kept to its to the Russians. He told me that I would not leave the room communication strategy, this time with the agreement with my document if that was the attitude I was going to of the Erkel family. adopt. And there, in the space of an hour, I understood what MSF Holland was experiencing – they were under pressure from Dutch public opinion, which was dominated by the family and the Government. The family wanted to Re: FYI,’ Email from Stella Ronner, Ministry of remain on satisfactory terms with the Russian Government, Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands to Pere-Joan whereas our view was that the best way forward was to make Pons, MSF Erkel Crisis Cell, 4 April 2003 (in the Russian Government accept responsibility. I told Arjan’s English). father that I was defending not only his son but also the other 3,000 persons that MSF had in the field, and that I Extract: needed to speak in these terms because I was responsible As I already indicated to you, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the entire MSF movement. But the family did not want has its doubts about the possible effect of continuing the to hear this. I had received calls from people in MSF Somalia petition under the current circumstances. In fact, we would and MSF Colombia asking me what we were doing, because prefer to see that activity ended, and consider this moment they were afraid of being kidnapped... They were afraid appropriate to do so, since the delivery of the signatures because if we paid a ransom, even without saying anything, took place in Moscow on 2 April. Our position is based on then the same thing would happen in Somalia or elsewhere. the belief that it would be preferable in the coming period to attract as little attention from the press as possible. This Rafa Vila San Juan, MSF International Secretary would help to avoid or to reduce speculations from the media General, January 2001 to January 2004, (in French) about the course that events are taking in Arjan’s case. interviewed in 2009 Having said that, I appreciate your comment that the amount of TV spots drawing attention to Arjan’s case is likely to be reduced. Furthermore, I have also taken note of the fact that the family is particularly attached to continuing this petition On 3 April, in a press release that deliberately did not until Arjan has returned safely. Also, the family (Dick Erkel) 244 mention the fate of Arjan Erkel, MSF Holland said that has assured me that they are not now actively looking for land owners,and withtheheadofSunjzensky District. agreements withthegasand electricityservices,withthe of theMVDandwithitswritten agreement.Wesignedother is conductedinfullcooperation withtheMigrationService insalubrious kompaknikis.More areinprocess.Thisactivity most vulnerablefamiliesoccupying wornouttentsand have constructedbasicchipboardroomstargetedtothe Chechen civilianslivinginsubstandardconditions.We to oureffortsconstructrooms,housedisplaced In themeetingwehadinJanuary,yougaveverbalapproval Mr President, Extract: Chechnya. to thefatebeingsufferedbyciviliansinIngushetiaand that ofallhumanitarianaidworkers)asanextension MSF FrancedecidedtopresentArjan’skidnapping(and destruction ordersasaninfringementofrefugeerights. A supportingpressreleasewasissued,condemningthe Western officials,sotheycouldreinforcetherequest. movement asawhole,sentcopiesofthislettertovarious since theendof2002.Infollowingweeks,MSF building, withtheagreementoflocaladministration, refugees tooccupyaccommodationitsteamhadbeen President, MuratzZiazikov,askinghimtoallowChechen On 12 March the French section sent aletter to the Ingush Chechen refugeesinIngushetia forced repatriationandcontinuedtoassist MSF maintainedpublicoppositionto this withyourcolleaguesinAmsterdam,asyoudeemfit. put it‘inwriting.’Asdiscussed,Itakethatyouwillshare it wisetodrawyourattentionthisconcernofoursand being put to a stop (simply because wecannot), I thought Therefore, whilewewillnotinsistonseeingthisactivity media coverage(suchasinterviewsonDutchradio,TV). CHECHENS FORCEDTORETURN ‘LEFT WITHOUTACHOICE- of Ingushetia,12March2003(inEnglish). MSF HollandHoMtoMuratZiazikov,President Gabriel Trujillo,MSFFranceHoM,MichielHofman Letter fromNicolasCantau,MSFBelgiumHoM, TO CHECHNYA’

you in order to discuss MSF future programmes in Ingushetia. you inordertodiscussMSFfutureprogrammes Ingushetia. will prevail.Wewouldalsoliketorequestameetingwith make surethattheinternationalhumanitarianconvention to takeupthenecessarymeasureswithprosecutorand want toreturnChechnya.Therefore,wealsorequestyou solutions wouldbeproposedtotherefugeeswhodonot contradiction to your public statement that alternative completely inadequateanddangeroussquats?Thisisin a largeproportionofthedisplacedpopulationislivingin town planningcodebeappliedtooursimpleroomswhen How canthefederallawonarchitecturalactivityand harassment. and futureconstructionactivitiesnotbesubjecttosuch completed rooms,andtogive clear orderssothatongoing immediately, thatistoallowtherefugeesmovein unacceptable and we request you to solve these problems advised ustoaddresstheproblemyou.Thissituationis of theirdeputies,thesituationremainsblockedandthey with PrimeMinisterAleksentev,MrMakhauriandseveral our attemptstoclarifythesituation,throughmeetings us to destroy these rooms by the end of the month. Despite Moreover, theprosecutorofSunjenskydistrictisordering any refugeeandthreatenedtoexpelMSFfromtheRepublic. government willpreventtheoccupationofroomsby Mr Makhauri,Vice-PrimeMinisterinformedusthatthe allow vulnerablefamiliestooccupythecompletedrooms. approval, authoritiesinyouradministrationhaverefusedto In thelastsixweeks,andincontradictionwithyour this complicates our relations with the other MSF sections. this complicates ourrelationswiththeother MSFsections. to engagethe authorities muchmoreaggressively, evenif our currentcommunicationstrategy: itseemsessentialtous situations inIngushetiaandChechnya. Wecannotcontinue In thissense,theArjancase needs to belinkedthe to thisviolence. today, is to work on an operational plan that seeks to react we arelessandpresentinIngushetia.Ourintention we haveonlybeentoChechnyaoncesincelastsummer,and of increasingharassmentandpressuretoreturn.Inpractice, there, althoughsomearegivinginbecausetheyvictims want toreturnChechnyaforobviousreasonsofinsecurity in Chechnya and Ingushetiaareincreasing. Peopledon’t of what is being inflicted on civilians. Arrests of civilians What wearesufferingisanextensiontohumanitarianworkers - workspacereduction. - warnings,threats, - kidnappings, of differentforms: of violenceagainstindividualsandNGOstakinganumber has steadily worsened sincelastsummer,withacampaign The current context is extremely worrying. The situation CHECHNYA/INGUSHETIA -Loïck Extract: MSF France(inFrench). Minutes ofOperationsMeeting,’25March2003, 245 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Letters have been despatched seeking meetings with the has no news of his whereabouts. It is the responsibility of United Nations, Echos and governments with an interest in the Russian authorities to do everything in their power to the question of the destruction of Chechen refugee houses. obtain the immediate release of Arjan. MSF is demanding A copy of the letter to the Ingush President has been that the Ingush and federal Russian authorities provide included. A press release will be issued on Wednesday 26 humanitarian organizations with the guarantees necessary March. More later. to provide displaced persons with proper assistance, as well as assurances that these same persons will not be forced to return to Chechnya. MSF also urges United Nations agencies and the donor community to defend the right to refuge for ‘Order to Destroy Shelters for Displaced Chechens war-affected Chechen populations. Constitutes New Obstruction of Rights,’ Press  release, MSF 26 March 2003 (in English). MSF has been present in the North Caucasus since 1999 providing assistance to civilians in Chechnya, Ingushetia, as Extract: well as Dagestan, where programs are currently suspended The Ingush authorities have given the international medical due to the kidnapping of Arjan Erkel. humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) until March 26, 2003, to destroy 180 shelters constructed by MSF for the most vulnerable displaced Chechens in neighboring Ingushetia. Letter from Nicolas de Torrente, MSF USA General This order represents an additional obstacle preventing Director to Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary humanitarian organizations from aiding a population for Global Affairs Department of State USA, 1 increasingly threatened by forced repatriation. These shelters April 2003 (in English). are constructed of plywood on concrete foundations and are equipped with a gas stove and electricity. Showers and Extract: toilets have been constructed outside. In addition to the Dear Secretary Dobriansky, 180 shelters that have already been built, 1,020 additional I am writing to share with you our deep concern for the such shelters are currently under construction or planned to plight of the Chechen civilians who have sought refuge be built by the end of 2003 by MSF in Ingushetia. from ongoing fighting and insecurity in Chechnya in the neighboring Russian Republic of Ingushetia. […] Since MSF The work in progress was interrupted by this new order. MSF, resumed its work in Ingushetia in 1999, the authorities however, had previously received verbal guarantees from have repeatedly obstructed the provision of humanitarian the president of Ingushetia, as well as all the necessary assistance to Chechen displaced in Ingushetia. Such written authorization, to carry out this shelter construction unacceptable obstructions reached a critical point this project at a cost of approximately one million US dollars. month when the Ingush authorities issued MSF an ultimatum By suddenly claiming that these shelters do not conform to to destroy 180 shelters that the organization had recently urban building codes, the local judicial and administrative constructed for the most vulnerable Chechen displaced in authorities have imposed a new obstacle to providing Ingushetia by March 26, 2003. much-needed assistance to war-affected Chechen civilians. MSF built these shelters as part of a plan to erect a total of These shelters are destined for displaced Chechen families 1,200 such shelters for Chechen families who are currently who do not want to return to Chechnya and are currently living in deplorable conditions in weather-beaten tents or living in deplorable conditions in weather-beaten tents and abandoned buildings in Ingushetia. The work in progress was abandoned buildings in Ingushetia. At the end of January, interrupted by this ultimatum despite the fact that MSF had MSF met with all of the families living in the tented camps previously received verbal guarantees from the president of in Ingushetia to determine their housing needs. Of 3,191 Ingushetia, as well as all the necessary written authorization families (16,426 individuals) surveyed, 98% did not want from the relevant departments of the Ingush Administration, to return to Chechnya and 92% gave insecurity as the main to carry out this shelter construction project. reason for this reluctance. The claim by local judicial and administrative authorities that the MSF shelters do not conform to urban building codes is Displaced Chechens risk their lives by returning to Chechnya, just the latest in a litany of administrative measures taken to where insecurity and violence continues. Yet the pressures block the provision of much-needed assistance in Ingushetia to return have been since the spring of 2002, especially and to exert pressure on Chechen displaced to leave the for those living in the tented camps. Military detachments safety of Ingushetia and return to Chechnya. Additionally, near the camps and the deletion of names from lists of such measures have included the establishment of Russian beneficiaries of humanitarian assistance compound military military detachments near camps for the displaced and the closures of certain camps. The Aki Yurt camp was emptied deletion of names from lists of beneficiaries of humanitarian in such a manner in December 2002. assistance. […] Therefore, MSF urges you to take the necessary means in The insecurity in the region extends to aid workers. Arjan your power to ensure that the Russian and Ingush authorities Erkel, MSF head of mission in neighboring Dagestan, was will protect the rights of Chechens civilians seeking refuge 246 kidnapped in Makhachkala on August 12, 2002, and MSF still in Ingushetia, and more specifically that: authorities kept puttingobstaclesinour way-telling to movepeople intothisaccommodation becausethe for displacedpersonsfromChechnya. Butwewereunable In Sleptsov[Ingushetia],MSF Francehadbuilt80shelters them. providing were these. Samethingasconcerns bathroomfacilities;NGOs was better.Therenogas or water:NGOsweresupplying they respectedeachotherandkepttheirownproperty–it camp was. If people were more or less from the same village not universallybad,however;itdependedonhowsmallthe poor andeveryonewasdoingwhatevertheycould.It organisations workingintheregion;livingconditionswere were problemsdespitethepresenceof100-200humanitarian journalists alsovisited,andwrotearticlesonthesubject. urgent issues. be happyto address any questions you may have on these information as to Erkel’s fate or whereabouts. We would of theRussianFederationhasfailedtoyieldanysignificant date, theinvestigationofthiscaseledbyauthorities Dagestan. Wereiterateourconcernoverthefactthat,to Erkel, 32-yearoldHeadofMissionforMSFinMakhachkala, suspended sincetheabductiononAugust12,2002ofArjan assistance tothecivilianpopulationinDagestanhasbeen assistance and protection. As anexample, our medical aid workers is harming civilian victims of war in need of Caucasus, apatternofviolencedirectedathumanitarian of thehostcountry.Inconflictareassuchasnorthern humanitarian personnel restsprimarilywiththe authorities provides thattheresponsibilityforsafetyandsecurityof to thecivilianpopulations.Internationalhumanitarianlaw imperative forhumanitarianaidworkerstohavesafeaccess In relationtotheseissues,wewouldlikereaffirmthe repatriation ofwar-affectedcivilianswillnottakeplace. • Inconformitywithinternationalhumanitarianlaw,forced will berespectedbytheauthorities; • ThebasicrightofChechenstotakerefugeinIngushetia not impededbytheauthorities; displaced ChechensinIngushetiawillbefacilitatedand • Thedeliveryofefficientandsustainableassistanceto were alsosquattinginbuildings,farms,etc.There not good;peoplewerelivingonlyintentsbut The situation in the tent camps in Ingushetia was something for diplomats to visit in Ingushetia. Russian communication activity.Thesehouseshadbecome We usedthehousingthemequiteextensivelyinour Caucasus, January2002toJuly2003,(inFrench) Gabriel Trujillo,MSFFranceCoordinatorforNorth ­­­ interviewed in2008. would take time, etc. would taketime,etc. accommodation, thatitneededtobeimprovedandthis in tents.TheIngushofficialssaidthatitwas sub-standard better forrefugeestoliveinthehouseswehadbuiltthan President. Weexplainedthat,ifthecampclosed,itwas finally managedtogetajointMSF/UNcalltheIngush done, butnoonehadanyideasonhowtogoaboutit.We United Nations,whichagreedthatsomethingneededtobe many discussionsinMoscow,includingmeetingswiththe ones onwhomeverythingdepended.HeadsofMissionhad to getintoadialoguewiththerelevantauthorities, time todoso.Wewerestymiedbecauseweunable President. Herefusedtoseeusbecausehedidnothave changed, andwewereunabletoarrangeacallthenew Furthermore, thiswasthetimewhenPresidenthadjust convince theauthoritiesthatwehaddonesonoeffect. building regulations.Ourrepresentationsandattemptsto humanitarian organisation,fornothavingrespectedtheir conditions werebad,etc.Theycriticisedus,asaforeign us thatthehouseswerenotfittolivein, The firstquestion askedbyaChechenrefugee was‘when told therefugees theycouldaskanyquestions theyliked. attempt toshowthey had nothing to hide, the authorities to goabouttheirwork.They visitedonecampand,inan whom theRussianswantedto convincethatNGOswereable a delegation visited from Moscow, including Ambassadors you cannot let people live inthem, etc.’ On one occasion would beapityifyourfacilitiesweretoburndown.So have certificationthatfirestandardsbeenmet. It hassles, includingthreatsalongthelinesthat:‘youdon’t ‘stop,’ followingwhich,therewereallsortsofadministrative The housesbegantobeveryvisibleandtheRussianssaid the Russianswantedtopulldownwhattheyhadpaidfor. when therewereproblems-wecouldgotothemandsaythat type offundingbecauseitobligedtheEuropeanstoreact fund theproject.Wewere,foronce,happytoreceivethis These hadbeentakenonboardbyECHO,whichagreedto such ashot-watershowers,bricktoilets,etc. nearby andelectricity.Wehadinsistedoncertainstandards heating, four solid walls, a proper roof, bathroom facilities The placeswerenotverybigforafamily,buttherewas suitable whencomparedwithaveragehousinginthearea. of projectstobuildsheltersonourmodel,whichwas quite building shelters. For a time there was a significant number result, otherMSFsectionsandalsoNGOssetabout had aresponsibilitytoadoptdifferentapproach.As repatriation andthatthereforetheotheraidorganisations quality, thatitwascontributingtoapolicyofforced other aidplayersthatcurrentassistancewasofmediocre Russians wanted to expel the refugees –and also to convince what wasgoingoninIngushetia–notablythatthe nothing. Ouraimwastwofold:bothtoexposepublicly We weresickandtiredofdoingthingsbutsaying D, MSFNorthCaucasusstaff(inFrench) interviewed in 2008.

247 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

can we move into the MSF accommodation?’ Of course, the After Arjan disappeared we suspended many operations. official did not give any reply… And we keep quiet.” An example Hofman says that after the hostage tragedy Loïck Barriquand, MSF France programme manager, in Moscow last October, MSF was providing large-scale September 2000 to 2005 (in French) interviewed in 2009 assistance in Moscow hospitals: “The Chechens demanded on the first day that we come to the theatre. The Kremlin rang us. There was an MSF medical team among the crisis staff.” Then the tragedy unfolded. “That morning our people saw hundreds of hostages being carried outside, either On 5 April, in an article published in the Dutch daily NRC unconscious or dead.” MSF rang its contacts in the Moscow Handelsblad, the journalist Coen Van Zwol, who had been hospitals and learned that it was absolute chaos. Hofman: investigating the Erkel affair using hypotheses raised “And that two FSB agents were standing beside each victim by Vyatcheslav Izmaïlov from Novaya Gazeta, reported and sometimes blocking medical treatment [is] totally remarks by MSF’s information officer in Moscow and insane.” The situation was especially urgent at Hospital 13: MSF Holland’s Coordinator in the Russian Federation. hundreds of unconscious and dying hostages and only 50 These two suggested a link between Arjan’s kidnapping members of staff. MSF organised lorries carrying medicine, and the Russian authorities’ reluctance to accept the food packages, clothing, and toiletries. Later Hospital 13 presence of humanitarian organisations in the Caucasus. wanted to thank them. Hofman: “We asked them not to. They spoke about what the MSF team had seen after the It would be painful for the authorities if it emerged that Dubrovka theatre attack in October 2002, explaining the we had delivered emergency aid amid the freezing Moscow organisation’s silence at the time by its concern not to cold and that the relief services were such a shambles. So cause any harm to Arjan Erkel. we hushed it up. Definitely didn’t voice any criticism. And it’s all to help Arjan.” The staff at Hospital 13 confirmed Hofman’s story.

‘A Young Fair-haired Man is Worth Millions in Dagestan,’ Fenneken Veldkamp, Coen Van Zwol, NRC Handelsblad (The Netherlands) 5 April 2003 (translated from Dutch into English by MSF). On the same day the French daily Le Monde reported on Extract: problems that relief organisations were experiencing 233 days have passed and still no news of Arjan Erkel since in getting EU-funded aid into Chechnya, and mentioned his abduction in Dagestan. Who’s behind it? The Chechen the threats to destroy the accommodation MSF had built rebels? The Dagestan mafia? Or a Russian secret service? for displaced persons. On 10 April, the Coordinator and This week Arjan’s family were on their way to Dagestan but MSFF’s programme managers called on Ingush President got no farther than Moscow. About pragmatic idealism and Ziazikov and asked him to have these threats withdrawn. compromises between Médecins sans Frontières and the However, this was to no avail. Under the pressure being Foreign Office, ‘publicity could prove damaging.’ […] exerted, increasing numbers of displaced persons were Arjan Erkel is a newcomer to the Caucasus, says Izmailov. returning to Chechnya. But there could still be political motives at play. Russia is trying to cut Chechnya off from the outside world: journalists may only travel there with Russian minders. At the time of the abduction, the government was trying to push back ’Moscow Putting Further Obstacles in the Way of the refugees in the neighbouring republics to Chechnya. Humanitarian Assistance,’ Le Monde, (France),  MSF protested against the force and intimidation and drew Natalie Nougayrède, 5 April 2003 (in French). attention to the useless reception in Chechnya. Izmailov: “There was and is good reason to intimidate MSF.” Extract: MSF is aware of this, but cannot say so aloud. Spokesperson It is very quiet discontent, and is making its way through Mark Walsh comes close: “The climate of threats and violence diplomatic channels. The letters to Vladimir Putin are against aid workers in the Caucasus raises the question of almost never made public, as if to avoid making waves. whether President Putin wants us there at all.” Michiel However, the evidence is there, and many representatives Hofman is more frank: “I believe in this organisation and of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) vouch for it: our critical approach. Others can drive to hospitals with humanitarian assistance, funded by the European Union and boxes of pills but we want to be sure that they haven’t intended for Chechnya, is in grave danger. Bureaucratic been stolen right away and that the patient hasn’t been obstacles raised by Moscow and an apparent desire to bring shot dead after he has swallowed them. If that is what humanitarian assistance under political control “mean happens then we say so.” Hofman realises that this kind of that, on the ground in Chechnya, we no longer have any approach makes MSF vulnerable: “It is possible that Arjan means of checking whether our aid is actually reaching has been kidnapped by the security services or by someone its destination and being properly distributed,” says one 248 else and that the authorities are happy to let it happen. European representative. […] The Russian authorities are view, there is no objective reason to believe that the situation view, there isno objective reason to believe that thesituation increasing on displaced persons.Fromasecurity pointof the Ingush authorities on NGOs has intensified, it is also to estimatehowmanyareinvolved. Justaspressurefrom leave. Theyareleavingindribs anddrabs,soitisdifficult pressure toreturnhome,andsome ofthemarebeginningto Currently, displaced persons are giving way under the has beendone. weeks sincethemeetingwithPresident,andnothing but noresponsehasbeenreceived.Itnowtwo Following this meeting, Gabriel wrote to the Prime Minister, of day-tohelpusresolveouradministrativeproblems. creation ofacommission–whichhasnotseenthelight displaced personswishedtoreturnhome!Heorderedthe insinuated thattheyservednopurposebecauseallofthe talk fromthePresident,whosupportedouractivitiesbut who donotwishtoreturnChechnyacanremain.Double These shelters have been built so that displaced persons shelters. - obtainconcreteguaranteesfortheconstructionofnew - removethethreatstodestroyhouseswehavebuilt;and and torequestthathe: called onPresidentZiazikovtoremindhimofhiscommitment situation there. Together with Gabriel [MSF France HoM), he just returned from a visit to Nazran and informed us of the Loïck [Barriquand,MSFFrance programme manager] has NAZRAN- Extract: source whoknowsthesituationwell. would ‘settlethesepeopleinIngushetia,’accordingtoone no access.Moscowisdoingallitcantoblockanyaidthat refugees back to Chechnya, where foreigners have practically officials istoconcealtherefugeedramaandthussend alternative familyaccommodation.“ThepriorityforRussian the destructionof600smallbrickhousesbuiltbyMSFas local authorities – under FSB control – recently ordered are spendingtheirfourthwinterundercanvasstents,the […] InIngushetia,wherethousandsofChechenrefugees MSF’s spokespersoninMoscow,MarkWalsh. – Putin’sentourageisrefusingtomeetwithus,”notes 12 August2002.“TheRussianpresidentialadministration kidnapped byarmedmeninMakhatchkala(Dagestan)on the releaseofoneitsstaffmembers,ArjanErkel,whowas Frontières (MSF). The association is struggling to secure kidnappers,” saysoneindignantmemberofMédecinsSans identities. “Thisvirtuallyamountstogivingnotice date, times,andintendeditineraryaswellpassengers’ issued bytheRussiansecretservice,FSB,settingout must be‘authorised’beforehandbymeansofadocument Any trip by a humanitarian assistance vehicle inside Chechnya humanitarian organisations cannot beallowed towork freely. return, butthe‘security’situationisapparentlysuchthat said tobeinthepipeline,makingitpossibleforrefugees using doubletalk:“apoliticalsettlement”oftheconflictis Meeting, 29April2003(inFrench). Minutes ofMSFFranceOperationsDepartment was notadopted. Human Rights condemning Russiafortheseatrocities a draftresolutionputtovoteintheUNCommissionon by Russian forces against civilians. However, on 16April published areportdescribingtheatrocitiesperpetrated On 11 April the pro-Russian ChechenGovernment that in93%ofcasesthisisbecausesecurityconcerns. that 98%offamiliesdonotwanttoreturnChechnya,and This covered16,400peoplelivinginthecampsandshowed announce theresultsofsurveycarriedoutlastFebruary. is improving.Apressconferenceschedulednextweekto be wellbelowtherealfigure. whole country.Thus,thehumanrightsdefendersseemto is incompletebecauseitlackstheresourcestocover of atrocitiesinChechnyabutacknowledgesthatitsdata the RussianMemorialAssociation,whichkeepsa‘chronicle’ killed everymonth.Thisisdoubletheassessmentprovidedby document, thatmeansonaverage109Chechenswere to victimsofsummaryexecutions.According to thisofficial fire, bombing, orremote mine explosion. The figure relates deaths thatoccurredoutsideofanyarmedconflict,artillery ‘among the civilian population’ for 2002 alone. These are 2002,’ puts at 1,314 the official count of assassinations on ChechenTerritorybetween1Januaryand31December Part ofthereport,headed‘InformationonAssassinations official estimateofcrimesagainstciviliansinChechnya. thirty pageslong,representsafirstattempttodrawupan it didnotpassthroughthisoffice.”Thedocument,some may exist. It may have been submitted to the President, but knowledge. “Wecanneitherconfirmnordeny.Thisreport the specialKremlinspokespersonforChechnya,deniedall questioned onthispoint,theofficeofSergueïLastrjembski, federal level’inlate March. ThatmeansVladimirPutin.When has obtainedacopy,wassubmittedtoRussia’s‘highest According tooursources,thisreport,ofwhichLeMonde Extract: Extract: against, 15 in favour and 17 abstentions. This resolution the EuropeanUnion, wasrejectedbyamajority of21votes by itsforcesinChechnya.The draftresolution,presentedby Commission onHumanRights(CHR) overatrocitiescommitted Russia escapedcondemnation intheUnitedNations On Wednesday16April,for the secondconsecutiveyear, Le Monde(France)12April2003(inFrench). Damning fortheRussianArmy,’NatalieNougayrède, ‘Massacres inChechnya:anOfficialDocumentis Le Monde(France),18April2003(inFrench). ’Russia EscapesUNCondemnationoverChechnya,’ 249 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

was put to vote after the failure of negotiations between A petition was launched on 12 February 2003, calling on the European Union and Russia, undertaken in the hope of President Putin to do everything in his power to secure the drafting a text that could have been adopted by consensus release of our colleague. This petition has obtained over among the 53 members. Russia described the European draft 300,000 signatures and on 2 April was officially handed as ‘regrettable’ and as ‘running counter to’ a political solution, over in Moscow as well as in numerous Russian embassies at a time when there was ‘a very clear positive movement’ in throughout the world. We are convinced that only strong this direction, as evidenced by the approval of the 23 March political will on the part of the highest Russian authorities constitutional referendum in the rebel republic. can help, finally, to make progress in resolving this crisis. Arjan Erkel is a humanitarian assistance worker. In this The United States voted in favour of the text, but did not regard, his only commitment is to contribute to easing the co-sponsor it. They underlined that the text condemned very suffering of civilian populations. His case is unfortunately energetically terrorist acts committed by Chechen groups, not an isolated one in the North Caucasus region. accusing three of these groups of having links with the Since 1995, 56 humanitarian workers have been kidnapped Taliban and the Al-Qaida network. China and India voted in the North Caucasus. In recent months the humanitarian against the European draft, invoking the rights of countries community has been the target of repeated threats and to settle their problems without interference and to tackle kidnappings. This intimidating behaviour is unacceptable. It international terrorism. Apart from the Europeans, countries is clear that it deprives the civilian population of considerable that voted in favour of the draft resolution included Australia, quantities of vital aid, and the question that needs to be Canada and Mexico. Japan and South Korea abstained.[…] asked is who profits from these criminal acts. The respect Human Rights Watch (HRW) regretted that the text had for and integrity of humanitarian volunteers and legal been rejected. “This decision reflects the CHR’s composition, entities should be a constant concern for the authorities. which includes many countries that cannot say they respect The responsibility for the security of humanitarian workers human rights,” noted Anna Neïstat, who represents HRW in lies principally with the authorities in the host country. It Moscow. However, “if the UN is not ready to call on Russia is up to the Government of the Russian Federation to take to face up to its responsibilities over Chechnya, we hope all necessary measures to put an end to the illegal detention that Europe will do so,” she added, recalling that the Council of humanitarian workers in the North Caucasus. It is also its of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly had recently spoken out responsibility to guarantee access by humanitarian agencies in favour of the creation of an international criminal court to displaced persons and to any civilian who requires aid to judge “war crimes” in Chechnya. and protection. Ladies and gentlemen, on the occasion of this 59th session of the Commission on Human Rights we ask you to join with us in calling on the competent authorities in the Russian ‘Statement by Médecins Sans Frontières to the Federation to accord political priority to securing the release 59 Session of the UN Commission on Human of Arjan Erkel. Rights,’ 7 April 2003 (in French).

Extract: Madame President I should like first of all to thank the Working Group on On 6 May the French section, in the name of the MSF Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances for providing movement, held a press conference in Moscow during this opportunity for Médecins Sans Frontières to make a which it released a report on the fate of refugees in statement. Arjan Erkel, aged 33, Médecins Sans Frontières Ingushetia, based on a survey carried out by the teams (MSF) Head of Mission in the North Caucasus, was abducted over the preceding weeks. It showed that over 98% of by three armed men on the night of 12 August 2002 in displaced families did not wish to return to Chechnya. Makhashkala, the capital of the federal republic of Dagestan. This report, which had been strategically leaked to the Seven months later, we still have no concrete information press a few days before the press conference, was sub- either on the reasons for his kidnapping or on where he is mitted to the High Commissioner for Refugees, among being detained. others, asking that he intervene to help put an end to enforced repatriations. We believe, today, that local investigators are encountering obstacles that are hampering efforts being made to release Arjan. In our view, the senior authorities in charge of this matter have not yet shown the will required for its ‘ Re: Report Ingushetia Urgent,’ Email from Aurélie resolution. In its efforts to secure Arjan’s release, MSF’s Grémaud, MSF France Press Officer to Kurt Tonini, policy is to bring his case to the attention of governments, MSF Switzerland Press Officer, 2 May 2003 (in authorities, international agencies, and individuals who are English). in a position to help bring about a successful resolution. In addition to diplomatic approaches, we have carried out Extract: numerous public activities in order to keep Arjan’s case on Hi Kurt, yes Gabriel HOM and Mark Walsh ‘leaked’ a small 250 the political agenda. part of the results a week before to Reuters. They leaked Ingushetia continuestobeblocked. shelter. Tothisday,theprovisionofalternativeshelterin Chechnya, withoutpriorknowledgeofpossiblealternative visible in the camps that families have been returning to people, inneedofimmediateshelter.Inspitethis,itis represents 2,827familiesoutof3,151families,or14,443 alternative shelterwheretheycanstayinIngushetia.This back toChechnya,90%repliedthattheydidnotknowofan a floor. Outofthe98% families whodonot planto go leak, are not insulated against the cold, or are even without poor conditions,with54%offamilieslivingintentsthat to Chechnya. Most families interviewed continue to live in talk aboutaidatallasareasonforthemnottogoback Chechnya ortostayinIngushetia.88%offamiliesdidnot was notadecisiveelementinpeople’schoicetogoback Chechnya asareasonfornotgoingback.Humanitarianaid to Chechnya.74%offamiliesstatedhavingnohomein given astowhydisplacedChechensdonotwantgoback Lack ofhousinginChechnyawasthesecondmainreason Chechnya expressedfearfortheirfamily’ssafety. 93% ofthosewhodeclaredtheydonotwanttogoback Chechen familiesdidnotwanttogobackChechnya. the nearfuture.Insecurityismainreasonwhydisplaced interviewed peopledidnotwanttoreturnChechnya in were not found after repeated visits. More than 98% of the Uchkhoz). Only39familieswerenotinterviewed,asthey in eight tent camps (including Logovaz, Rassviet, and covering almostallthedisplacedChechenpopulationliving Chechen) and3,209familieswereinterviewedforthesurvey, monitors (outofthe19,035peoplereporteddisplaced A total of 16,499 persons were seen and counted by MSF housing inadvanceoftheplannedclosuretentedcamps. vulnerable familiesinordertoprovidethemwithalternative The mainpurposeofthissurveywastoidentifythemost Extract: an MSFsurvey showsthatmorethan98% ofChechen As thetentcamps areabouttobeclosed inIngushetia, Extract: May 6 which isverypositiveforthepressconferenceonTuesday quite afewjournalistsarecallingtogetmoreinformation, and the93%whosayitbecauseofinsecurity.Sincethen, out basically2results:the98%whodonotwanttoreturn th whichisabitofslowweekinRussia. April 2003(inEnglish). Without Borders/MédecinsSansFrontières(MSF), to Chechnya,’ ‘Left WithoutaChoice-ChechensForcedtoReturn (in English).  to Chechnya,’ ‘Left WithoutaChoice-Chechens ForcedtoReturn Press releaseMSFUSA,6May2003 Survey carriedoutbyDoctors return. and totakeaclearpositionon thecurrentpolicyofforced give realprotectiontothedisplaced familiesfromChechnya the choiceofpeoplewhowanttostayisbeingrespected, calls onUNagencieswhicharemandatedtoguaranteethat organizations tryingtoprovideassistancerefugees.Italso stop administrativeharassmentagainsthumanitarian to Chechnya.MSFdemandsthattheIngushauthorities to respectpeople’sbasicrightnotbeforcedback MSF callsuponPresidentZyazikovandfederalauthorities humanitarian workers. as athreatbyChechenciviliansisalsomajorhazardfor completely inadequate,largelybecausetheviolenceseen It ishoweververyclearthataidinChechnyaitself return, only 12% gaveassistanceasareasonforstaying. Of thefamilieswhotoldMSFthattheydidnotwantto in IngushetiakeepspeoplefromgoingbacktoChechnya. The surveycontradictsofficialstatementsthataidprovision for constructionhavebeenstalled. already completed.Theadditional1,200sheltersplanned not beenallowedtomoveinthe180sheltersthatare vulnerable families,identifiedthroughthissurvey,have is stillcompletelyblockedbytheauthorities.Themost our lastmeetingwiththepresident,shelterconstruction given hisapprovaltothisprogram.Yet,amonthafter MSF as illegal. Mr Zyazikov, the Ingush President, has twice declared the improved temporary shelters being built by At theendofJanuary2003,Ingushauthoritiessuddenly organizations continuestobeblocked. time the provision of alternative shelter by humanitarian statements thatnoonewillbeforcedbackbutatthesame and sitinitwithmychildren.”Therehavebeenofficial put it,“Iftheyareclosed,Iwilldigapitintheground any alternativeshelterifthecampsclose.Asonemother of thosewhowanttostayinIngushetiadonotknow insulation againstthefierceclimate.Atsametime,90% tents thateitherleakorlackafloordonothaveany to betotallyunacceptable,with52%offamilieslivingin the factthatlivingconditionsintentcampscontinue The surveyshowsthatpeopleareafraidtoreturndespite still averythreateningenvironmentinChechnyaitself. families toleavethecampsandreturnwhatisclearly of the persistentpressure from the authorities on Chechen fear for their lives. MSF is particularly concerned because do notwanttoreturnChechnya,mainlybecausethey questioned andtheresultsshowthat98%ofthosepeople Chechens inIngushetia.Overthreethousandfamilieswere survey carriedoutintheeighttentcampsusedbydisplaced Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) today reveals the results of a medical humanitarianorganizationDoctorsWithoutBorders/ back toChechnya.Moscow,May6,2003-Theinternational displaced familieslivinginthecampsdonotwanttogo 16 unknown. on August12,2002 inMakhachkala.Hiswhereabouts remain Arjan Erkel,MSFheadofmission inDagestan,waskidnapped th ofFebruary2003with3,209 families. The MSFsurveywasconducted betweenthe3 rd and 251 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

‘Refugees Barred from a MSF Village,’ by Simon suggested that refugees are being coddled in the camps and Ostrovsky, The Moscow Times (Russia) 6 May 2003 need to start fending for themselves. “The problem with the (in English). refugees staying in Ingushetia is that they are becoming more and more accustomed to getting everything they need Extract: for free,” he said in an interview. “They are becoming lazier “We never had any problems until we started building the longer they stay in the camps.” His assessment was permanent-looking structures, like toilets out of brick echoed by other pro-Moscow Chechen officials and soldiers with metal doors instead of the wooden structures that in Ingush camps. De Rivero said widespread beliefs like look temporary but fall apart quickly,” said Kate De Rivero, this make it easier to justify moving entire families into a MSF volunteer. A representative of Ingush President an unstable region - even when there is brand-new housing Murat Zyazikov, Islam Merzhoyev, denied that the Ingush available where it is safe. “They are leaving these people government was trying to prevent refugees from settling with no options,” she said. down in the republic but declined to comment specifically about the MSF houses. “Only the president, who is unavailable, can talk about that,” he said. […] The refugees badly want to be allowed to move into the houses. “They are 10, 20, 100 times better than going back to Chechnya now,” said Muradov, who sleeps in an abandoned garage in the camp. His windowless room is covered with carpets and a When discussing with the other sections, we had found solitary light bulb hangs from the ceiling. A few steps away it necessary to start saying something again about stands the tent where one of his sons and his family live. Chechnya. There was a change in Ingushetia that was aimed at trying to get all the Chechens back to Chechnya. So Russian officials for months have been saying that peace the whole politics changed in Ingushetia, and now there was has returned to Chechnya and that it is time for refugees all these limitations put in place: reduction of the water to return home. Zyazikov said earlier this year that supply and gas supply to the camps, all kinds of harassment. 136,000 people have gone back voluntarily. But a survey Then the worst blow was the illegal settlements. The figures taken by MSF in February and March, paints a drastically were something like 150,000 IDPs, and then 50,000 of those different picture. The survey of 16,499 refugees from were not in the official settlements. It was really small eight official and unofficial camps in Ingushetia found settlements in old schools; in old factories; with 100 people that 98 percent of them would refuse to voluntarily there, 150 people there, that were never officially recognized return to Chechnya. Ninety-three percent of those polled as IDP settlements. And, so that’s when we decided to have cited security concerns as their primary reason for not this quick and dirty survey of living conditions, looking at wanting to go back. The Kremlin’s human rights envoy space per person, and at the food that they received, and at on Chechnya, Abdul-Khakim Sultygov, called the survey the water, with the aim of highlighting the difficulties of the a “provocation,” saying “the figures presented by the IDPs in Ingushetia, when all these policies about what organization are pure lies,” Ekho Moskvy31 radio reported. assistance they could get were changed. It was an intersectional […] In the meantime, Ingush authorities have banned the decision. I don’t know who started the discussion, but it was construction of new refugee camps, and two have been very quickly agreed on and implemented. shut down in recent months. Some 28,000 of the official 64,000 refugees in Ingushetia have been forced to settle in Michiel Hofman, MSF Holland North Caucasus caves, abandoned farms, and garages, MSF said. […] MSF Coordinator from May 2001 to July 2003, (in English) officials said many refugees feel that they have no choice interviewed in 2009. but to leave. “Officials from the Chechen Internally Displaced Persons Committee tell them that if they don’t go now, they won’t get accommodation in the temporary accommodation centers inside Chechnya,” [Kate] De Rivero [MSF France coordination team in Moscow] said. “That’s why many people are leaving now, because they don’t want to be forced out With regards to speaking out around the Ingushetia and get nothing later.” De Rivero said the authorities are resettlement, there became increasing tension as the taking a more low-key approach than in December, when Arjan case dragged on, that our operations were sort of they shut off electricity and gas at the Aki-Yurt refugee dead in the water. And everyone was just waiting for this. Yet, camp, sparking international outrage. “They have learned real events were happening, and real programs were happen- that forcing people onto trucks at gunpoint is not considered ing. It was the French section that had a significant interven- voluntary,” she said. “They understand now that switching tion in the IDP camps, who had invested in building a large off the gas to make them go is not acceptable. That’s why number of better-quality housing, and who had done a house- they are being more subtle now.” to-house survey regarding the desire to repatriate, which indi- Dudayev, the head of the Chechen Security Council, cated that what the Russian government was saying about volunteer repatriation was entirely false. That report was released. We were very concerned with the IDP situation and 252 31. Independent and influent radio station. about the duress that the IDPs were put under, and the way into Michiel’s house and stole his computer’s hard disk and a into Michiel’shouse andstolehiscomputer’s hard diskanda should come and discuss this with him – two individuals broke he was not at all receptive and seemed rather annoyed that we – senior HCR official on the situation of the displaced persons [Hofman, MSFHollandCoordinator] andIwerebriefingthe able termswithofficials,but nothingmoved.WhileMichiel assistance tothem. of theChechens,ratherthatweshouldtrytoprovide was that,henceforthweshouldnottalkaboutthefate statement –andindeedofanypublicstance.Theirview of thenationalstaffwerehesitantaboutthispublic mentioning ArjanErkelwasabandoned.Somemembers The proposaltohaveMSFteammembersweartee-shirts press conferencewasdiscussedindetailbeforehand. had only got what he deserved. MSF’s statement at the director intheFSBwhotoldthem,essentially,thatArjan Dutch Ambassador,heldameetingwithanassistant warnings. MSFrepresentatives,accompaniedbythe been victims of incidents that they considered to be from humanitarian organisations, including MSF, had context. Over the preceding weeksanumber of officials This publicstatementtookplaceinatensesecurity happen. should and theeffortbyFrenchBelgians.Wefeltthatit out aboutthatissue.Wesupportedthereleaseofreport, Arjan’s safetywasthatcloseanditworthspeaking we didn’t feelthat the connection between speaking outand or not,andbythetimeitcamealong,wehadarguedthat the collective argument about whether we should stay quiet experience orcontactwiththosepeople.Wewereinvolvedin of allthisexperience.Wedidnothavethesamedegree we acknowledgedtheirresponsibilitytosaysomethingbecause experience thattheyhadindeterminingwhattosay.Therefore of theirparticularsophisticationandevidence,thatfirst-hand and both in terms of what they were doing, but also in terms So werecognizedtheleadershipofothersectionsinthat, movers onthatgoodjobwereFranceandBelgiumnotus. We thoughtMSFwasdoingagoodjobandthattheprime were beingabused. that theinternationalagencieswhichweresupportingIDPs TENSIONS ANDTHREATSAGAINST Austen Davies,MSFHollandExecutiveDirector,1999 HUMANITARIAN WORKERS This survey mobilised a great many people. The Ingush This surveymobilisedagreatmanypeople.TheIngush not hesitatetoletusknowit.We remainedonreason- authorities andtheRussianstookitverybadly,did to 2004,(inEnglish)interviewedin2009. where wecouldalmosthearSolzhenitsyn Then someonecametofetchus;wepassedalongacorridor should provide equipment to hospitals. should provideequipmenttohospitals. wanted was that we should be present inthe field, and that we nothing todowithitandthatservednopurpose.Whatthey public communication. They considered that we should have In general, the Chechens had significant reservations about when theauthoritieshadcutoffgas,becauseshewasafraid. was againstillegalactionssuchasdistributingwoodtorefugees out, and she was opposed to the survey we had carried out. She other. Inprincipleshewasnotverymuchinfavourofspeaking trying to balance MSF onone side, and her personal life onthe contact than wedidwith the authorities, for example. Shewas aware of, but she knew other things – as a result of having better sented MSFonthe spot. Therewere some thingsshe was not collect ourbelongings.Weneverreturned.OurFieldOfficerrepre- moved out that night, and subsequently sent back drivers to at allillegalaboutmystatus!That’sasfarthingswent.We show my passport to the police, even though there was nothing was anillegalresident.Ihadjustbeenattackedandto I police werecalled;theywenttofindhimandhethenclaimed bour, whoIknewonlybysight.Hehitmeandthentookoff.The when Iopenedupwassmashedovertheheadbymyneigh- And thenIwasbeatenup.Someoneknockedatthedoorand once a week or fortnight for a discussion and exchange ofviews. refugee transfers.Wegottogetherwiththeotherorganisations Nations, iftheydidnotkeepquietontheaccountsofenforced against senior figures in theUnited threats death containing an officialfromanotherorganisationwashandedadiskette had beenafterinformationThen,duringameetinginpark, and somecashonthepremiseshadnotbeentouched…They place andabottleofwhiskyhadbeenopened,buthispassport number ofdocuments.Everythingwasstrewnaboutalloverthe We aired all our concerns about the incompetence of the local We airedallour concerns about the incompetenceof the local and theDutchambassador,who hadarrangedthemeeting. sitting infrontofthesegentlemen togetherwithSteveCornish The onlyreasonforhispresencewastostareatme.I word but continued to stare at me in a threatening manner. meeting hehadanunderlingbyhisside,whodidnotsaya assistant directors,withtherankofgeneral.Throughout were doing this onpurpose. We were received by one of the light… Webegantowonderifwewouldevergetout…They small pencilwith‘FSB’stampedonit.Therewasnoelectric intimidating. Weenteredameetingroomandweregiven cellar… Butnothingwassaid–theatmosphereextremely regime andwhosework describestheregime’sconcentration camp system. 32. AleksandrSolzhenitsyn, theRussianwriter,whowaspersecuted bytheSoviet lugubrious! We entered, and there was no one around. lugubrious! Weentered,andtherewasnoonearound. [the Lubyanka]inthemiddleofMoscow,andisquite We wentalongtotheFSB.Theirofficeisa‘chateau’ Caucasus, January 2002 to July 2003, (in French) Caucasus, January2002toJuly2003,(inFrench) Gabriel Trujillo, MSF France Coordinator for North Gabriel Trujillo,MSFFranceCoordinatorforNorth 32 interviewed in 2008. interviewed in2008. crying out from the cryingoutfromthe

253 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

investigators. The response was that ‘Arian Erkel got what he staff – were not in favour of this public statement because we deserved…’ Of course, they did not say this in so many words. were afraid of the consequences. The press release was prepared They also said that he would get through it one day. The in Moscow. We read it, and already had problems with the general tone was that ‘we are going to teach him a lesson.’ It expression ‘enforced return’ in the heading. We said: ‘we should was very intimidating. The FSB couldn’t care less about MSF. tell the truth, but we should do so discreetly.’ I fought for this, and was really aggressive with Gabriel. I said: ‘we can’t do it Dr Thomas Nierle, MSF Switzerland, Head of this way – it’s impossible – we need at least to change the Emergencies, then Director of Operations 2000-2004, heading.’ In the end, they did change it. Our reasoning was (in French) interviewed in 2009. that: ‘when you speak out, something serious ends up happen- ing afterwards.’ We had seen Kenny on television and we thought that it was perhaps for this reason that he had been kidnapped. We did not know Arjan at all; he had not worked directly with us in Chechnya. I do not know why he had been kidnapped. During visits by Loïck [Barriquand, MSF France I was sent to Moscow to hold this press conference for programme manager] I always told him that I was not in the Russian and international press. I had already favour of press releases speaking about human rights. We are met a series of journalists before this. The coordination not an organisation for the defence of human rights. There are team was there, including the medical coordinator who had other organisations for doing that. If we, as Médecins Sans come along to answer medical questions. The field coordinator, Frontières, want to speak out then we should talk about what who was in the room, was ill at ease because she was afraid. we see by ourselves. We agree with describing what we see MSF Holland’s communication officer came to see me the night every day as we go about our activities in the countries where before the press conference to ask if I could read my statement we work, but we should do it discreetly. If a careless word or to her. She did it very politely, but in such a way that I would sentence can create problems, is it worth coming out with it? understand she was placing me ‘under her control.’ I had no The pros and cons need to be weighed: we can have all our wish to get out of step – that would have made for an impossible activities brought to a halt because we speak out or else we can scenario. We had already put pressure on the Dutch. They had wait, or comment in a different way. Our concern was that if we accepted this in relatively good faith, it must be admitted. As said anything against the authorities, it could have conse- concerns not only witness statements but everything else as quences not only in terms of a kidnapping but also by causing well, she refrained from making comments. She had only one problems for the performance of our activities. obsession, which was what I was going to say about Erkel. In everything else, MSF Holland had already given way. Kenny D, Member MSF North Caucasus staff since 2001, [Gluck] was Operations Director at that time. I always felt (in French) interviewed in 2008. that he had gone along. In any case, he never prevented any statement. And when I read out my statement again, at 9 in the evening in the Moscow apartment, our Coordinator in fact, had more comments to make than the MSF Holland communication officer on the statement’s content and the We did not undertake to refrain from putting out toughness of some of the remarks. Over the previous two days information in the future, but said that for ‘hard- there had been regular discussions about whether or not we hitting’ public statements we would use an official could wear ‘Arjan has disappeared’ T-shirts. It seemed self- from headquarters rather than from the field. We were keen evident to our team that we could, but in the end we were that people who had exercised responsibilities in the field not authorised to do it. It was said that we should not talk should be able to return there without having problems, and about Arjan. My response to this was that we could not hold we also wanted to avoid pressure on the ground. So we needed a press conference without saying that someone from MSF had to keep the two separate. National staff members did not been kidnapped. So each word of the statement that I made agree, because they were afraid for their safety and for their was carefully weighed. I nevertheless succeeded in saying that jobs. Before this we had sat down with them and if they said someone had been kidnapped in Chechnya, but it was couched ‘no’ to something, we did not do it. Now we still consulted in extremely cautious terms. with them, but their advice was no longer taken into account. During the summer I learned through various embassies that Anne Fouchard, Deputy Director of communication, during this public session, some declarations had been made MSF France, July 2000-July 2004, (in French) that went well beyond what had been said in the report, and interviewed in 2009 that had not helped the situation. Perhaps they had got a little carried away by the emotion of the moment. In any case, the national staffs were not happy.

Steve Cornish, Coordinator MSF France in Georgia (January to April 2000) then in Ingushetia (September MSF decided to make this statement because the 2000 to January 2001), MSF Switzerland officer in the authorities were closing camps without proposing any Russian Federation (August 2002 to April 2004), 254 alternatives to the people concerned. We – the national (in French) interviewed in 2008. it claimedthattheyhavenever seenthevictimbefore. and almostneverbeathim.On thefirstsittingofcourt, media thattheabductorstreatedhimnice,fedwell, because hesaidmanytimesinhisinterviewstotheforeign that the accused are interested in the presence of Mr Gluck The publicprosecutor,VyacheslavDmitrienkocommented and “theyhavethelegalexemptionfrombeingquestioned.” those peoplearethemembersofinternationalorganizations examination oftheforeigncitizensisverydifficult,because Gluck tothecourt.Accordinghim,procedureof the prosecutorofficewoulddotheirbesttogetKenneth Sergueï Fridninskydeclaredonthepressconferencethat However, yesterdaythedeputyprosecutorgeneralofRF of MSFtoldthem‘itwasnotpossible.’ best togetthevictimincourt,butrepresentatives concerned wereinformedthatthecourtauthoritiesdidtheir to goonwiththetrialwithoutvictim.Thepersons he wasstillinIraq.Afterthat,thejudgetookdecision answered thatMrGluckcouldnotcometoRussiabecause Yury Minenko,onthesecondrequesttoAmsterdamitwas person. But he’s never showed up. According to the judge, Rostov Courtsayingthathewantedtoattendatthetrialin time. Especiallythattwomonthsearlierhesentafaxto expectation thattheAmericancouldcometoRostovby the casewaspostponedtill19thofMaywith mission andcouldnotassistatthetrial.Thehearingof that MrGluckwasatthemomentinIraqwithhumanitarian However, the MSF HQ in Amsterdam informed the court present atthecourt. the victim–41year-oldAmericanKennethGluck-tobe the defendants,theirattorney,andprosecutorwanted the beginningofApril2003,butitwassoonsuspended: commander Anzor Mukaev. The trial on this case started at Kataev had been the members of the detachment of the field without him.AccordingtotheinvestigativeleadGakaevand the courthasdecidedtocontinuehearingofcase The victim of the crime has never showed up in Russia, so head ofMSFmissionintheNorthernCaucasus2001. have beenchargedwiththeabductionofKennyGluck, and Kataev(32years)resumedinRostov-on-Don.They Yesterday thetrialontwoChechens-Gakaev(26years) Extract: would beaharshone. not toappearbesupportingaverdictthathefeared Kenny declinedaninvitationtoappearincourt,soas kidnapping inJanuary2001tookplaceRostov-on-Don. In May,thetrialoftwomenaccusedKennyGluck’s testimony, we didn’t refuse.Wesortofsaid asthe It wasactually adebate.WhenRussiarequested our ‘ into EnglishbyMSF). Gluck,’ 20May2003,(translationfromRussian Trial oftheTwoSupposedAbductors of Kenny Article fromKommersant(Russia)Regardingthe

Pretty much,‘wedon’tneedyourinformation.’ it infrontofaDutchjudge.Buttheydidn’tdoit:‘forgetit.’ prosecutor wouldhavetotravelHollandandwedo then theevidenceishandedovertoRussians.SoaRussian and athirdcountrycanprovideevidenceinDutchcourt There isaninternationaltreatyabouthandlingofevidence process. WewillgiveyoutestimonyinfrontofaDutchjudge.’ the judge,was: ‘wewillcooperate,butinakindofcontrolled message. WhatwetoldtheRussians,inanofficialletterto process]. WethoughtitwouldsendtheChechenswrong torture andviolencetocoercewecouldn’tcontrol[the an illegitimateprocessbecausetheRussiansnormallyuse extremely corrupt.Wefeltwedidnotwanttoparticipatein We didn’t,becausetheRussiansystemofjusticewouldbe Spanish would say: ‘manana, manana’ [tomorrow, tomorrow]. correspondent was taken hostage in Avtury village of 2002, AndreyBabitsky, [the]RadioSvoboda(Radio Freedom) Some similarabduction cases arewellknown. In January, are actuallyinvolvedinArjan’s abduction. kidnapping. Weassume,some ofthesecurityservicepeople security service did not take any measures to prevent [his] the regionalsecurityservicedepartment. However,regional sources, Arjansharedconcernsonhispossibleabductionwith representatives donotusuallyusethem.Accordingtoour guard. ArjanrefusedtoemployanarmedguardasMSF Colonel KulievsuggestedthatArjanshoulduseanarmed- abduction, ArjanvisitedRUBOPalongwithhisinterpreter. on Arjan’scaseinclosecooperation.Tendaysbeforehis regional FederalSecurityServicedepartmentareworking Organized Crime),headedbyColonelKuliyevand[the] showed up…Dagestan’sRUBOP(RegionalDepartmenton Arjan’s cellphonerangaboutamonthago,andmediator However, accordingtotheDagestansecurityservices, Up tillnownoinformationonArjan’scasewas available. Extract: redoubled effortstobringabouthisrelease. alive andexpresseddelightatthisnewscallingfor saying that according to Russian investigators, Arjan was protection. On 12 May, MSF issued a press release while atthesametimedeclininganofferofarmed had made his concerns known to the security services, Erkel could be alive and that prior to his kidnapping, he Novaya Gazeta,VyatcheslavIzmailovclaimedthatArjan In the8MayeditionofindependentRussianweekly Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus,(November1999- January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005), Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand from RussianintoEnglishbyMSF). Novaya Gazeta(Russia),8-11May2003(translated ErkelMightStillBeAlive,’VyachaslavIzmaylov, ‘Arjan (in English)interviewedin2009.

255 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Shalinsky district, by a Federal Security Service man GMD for months, the humanitarian community has been the target […]. In January, 2001, Kenneth Gluck, [a] MSF-Holland of threats and repeated kidnappings. In 2002 alone, there representative, was kidnapped in Stariye Atagi village. He were at least four instances of aid workers having been taken spent some time in Chishki district. A month later, FSB hostage. «Kidnappings of civilians, including abducting (Federal Security Service) staged his release. FSB’s actions aid workers, are heinous crimes. In the later case - apart can be explained by the fact that security services do not from endangering the physical and mental integrity of an like humanitarian missions’ presence on the North Caucasus individual who intended to help victims of armed conflict - as they inform European Council on the human rights the fear of further aggressions paralyzes the aid community violations in the region. to a considerable extent. Again, the civilian population has After the trip to Dagestan and informal meetings with to pay the price. As long as a climate of terror is reigning in security services’ representatives, I tend to believe that the Caucasus, it is, indeed, an illusion to believe that human Arjan Erkel is still alive. Magomedali Magomedov, [the] suffering can be effectively countered,” adds Dr. Rostrup. Head of the Republic, thinks the same. I guess, he has Until Arjan is freed, MSF will continue to gather petition reasons to think that. signatures to demand from the Russian authorities that they live up to their responsibilities and secure his release.

‘Russian Investigators Assure that Kidnapped Aid Worker is Alive. MSF Welcomes News, Demands More On 14 May a press release from MSF France announced to be Done to Secure his Release,’ MSF Press that its medical teams had provided assistance to victims release, New York/Geneva, 12 May 2003 (in of an attack on an FSB building in Znamenskoye in English). Chechnya, which had resulted 57 dead and 300 injured.

Extract: Nine months after the kidnapping of Arjan Erkel, Head of Mission in Northern Caucasus, Russian investigators have ‘ MSF Sends Medical Teams to Help Civilians Wounded assured the international humanitarian organization Doctors in Znamenskoye and Ilaskhan Yurt Blasts,’ Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) that MSF Press release, 14 May 2003 (in English). Arjan Erkel is alive. However, where he is being kept, who abducted him and for what reason remains a mystery which Extract: is an unbearable situation for Arjan’s family and MSF alike. Following the explosion in Znamenskoe on May the 12th, “Recently, we have had several meetings with Dagestani and an MSF medical team provided assistance to the wounded Russian officials working on the case of Arjan. They have as well as medicine and medical material. A dressing kit for confirmed to MSF, that according to their investigations, 300 wounded, infusion sets, and antibiotics were given to Arjan is alive. However, since they do not know where he the hospitals, which received 103 wounded in Znamenskoe is, clearly, they are in no position to give any guarantees and 46 wounded in Mozdok. Three other hospitals had for his security. For the sake of Arjan, decisive progress in already been provided with medical material the previous this case has to be made rapidly. For this reason, we once week. After the explosion today 14th of May in Ilaskhan again call upon President Putin to use all his powers to help Yurt next to Gudermes, an MSF medical team composed of secure a positive resolution to this case,” states Morten two surgeons is providing assistance to the injured as well Rostrup, MD, MSF International President. as medical material and medicine to Gudermes Hospital. Arjan Erkel, 33, was abducted by three gunmen on August Dressing, infusions, and medical kits for wounded have 12, 2002, in Makhachkala, capital of the Federal Republic of been donated. Dagestan. Until now, investigators have failed to establish Since the kidnapping of MSF Head of mission, Arjan Erkel, in Arjan’s whereabouts or the reasons for his detention. MSF Makhachkala, MSF has suspended all operations in Chechnya, believes that strong political will from the highest Russian except for emergency support. MSF continues to provide authorities is crucial in bringing about the safe release of hospitals with vital medicine and medical equipment. The Arjan. However, MSF’s repeated requests for a meeting with latest explosions in Znamenskoe and Gudermes region, the presidential administration to discuss this matter have, resulting in a high number of casualties and wounded, until now, been denied. “President Vladimir Putin should be show once again that the situation in Chechnya is far from doing everything in his power to help secure Arjan’s release. normal contrary to declarations made by the authorities. Until Arjan is released, it will remain difficult to believe that there is a real commitment in the Kremlin to humanitarian values and the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the Northern Caucasus,” says Dr. Rostrup. Arjan Erkel is today the only foreign humanitarian worker On 17 May, during MSF France’s General Assembly,33 in remaining kidnapped in the Caucasus. As long as he is response to a question on his policy report, the President abducted, a part of the humanitarian ideal in the Russian Federation also remains in captivity. Unfortunately, Arjan’s 256 case has not been the only one in the North Caucasus region: 33. Open to the public. was dealingwith. Vladimir Putindeclaredthat thisquestionwasonehe publicly raised the question of Arjan Erkel’s fate and During thissummit,Dutch Prime MinisterBalkenende need forapoliticalresolution oftheChechenquestion. Federation summitinStPetersburgmentionedthe In lateMay,thefinaldeclarationofEU/Russian have takenonsignificantresponsibility. continue tocarryoutnow,becauseourChechenfieldstaffs one; we have been able to carry it out in the past, and we The missiontoassisttheChechenpeopleisadifficult State anditssecurityservices. convinced that we are facing hostility from the Russian case onadailybasis,whohaveledtheinvestigations,are clear onthematter.PersonswhoareworkingArjan issue, butinreportingtotheGeneralMeetingIneedbe issue. Iwon’tgointodetailsbecausethisisasensitive Directors, isabsenttoday;heinMoscowworkingonthis why ThomasNierle,oneofthemembersourBoard release. Theworktoattemptsecurehisreleaseexplains We aredelightedbythis,butwestillwaitingforhis released. ThegoodnewsisthatweknowArjanalive. kidnapped on12August2002andwhohasstillnotbeen Head ofMissiontheSwisssectioninDagestan,whowas callous attacks.IhaveinmindourcolleagueArjanErkel, other aid agencies, have been the victims of particularly Why have we needed to dig in? Because we ourselves, like in thespiritofGenevaConventions. doctors whostillagreetotreatpeoplewithoutdistinction, by supportingeitherfunctioninghospitalsinChechnyaor injured inthisconflict,includingpro-independencefighters, particularly difficultissue,namelyourattempttocareforthe living inadjacentareasofChechnya.Wehavedugonone for womenandchildrenrefugeesinIngushetiaorwhoare refuge inIngushetia.Weareprovidingmedicalassistance the winters are very cold) for Chechens who have taken systems (which are very important in this region, where showers, laundries, water supply points, and heating have foughttoconstructdecentsheltersaswelllatrines, ourselves to inactioninthefaceofintenserepression.We also againstaidagencies.Wehavenotsimplyresigned on thegrounddespiteviolenceagainstpopulationand This is another example of total war, where we remain present Chechnya Extract: in theErkelaffair. drew attention to the Russian authorities’ responsibilities 2003 (inFrench). Jean-Hervé Bradol,President,MSFFrance,17May ‘Moral ReporttoMSFFranceGeneralMeeting,’ Russian authorities. of newsonArjan,notwithstandingassurancesfromthe issued apressreleaseemphasisingonceagaintheabsence On 12 June, ten months after Arjan’s abduction, MSF Dutch doctorisalive,buthavenoideaofhiswhereabouts. efforts,” Putinsaid.Russianofficialshavesaidtheyknowthe also threatensother countries. We will continue oursearch case ofArjanErkelisamanifestationtheterrorismthat in thesouthernrepublic,whichneighboursChechnya.“The aid groupMedecinsSansFrontières(DoctorWithoutBorders) doctor kidnapped in Dagestan in August while working with Balkenende thatthesearchwouldcontinueforaDutch it said.[…]PutinassuredhisDutchcounterpartJanPeter human rightsandfinallyarealreconciliationinChechnya,” bring back a state based on law that favours the protection of process, aswellsocialandeconomicdevelopment,will and express the hope that the recently launched political Moscow. Russia and the EU “note the recent referendum the contentiousChechenissuedespiteinitialoppositionfrom The finaldeclarationissuedafterthesummit’sendmentioned Extract: kidnappers toreleasehimimmediately. not givingupandonceagainurgentlyappealstoArjan’s establishing contactwiththekidnappers.However,MSFis Unfortunately, theseeffortshavealsobeenfruitlessin and national political contacts to informal local networks. Contacts havebeenmadeatalllevels-frominternational involved viacrisisteamsinMoscow,Geneva,andAmsterdam. Since dayoneofthekidnapping,MSFhasbeenconstantly have stillnotbeenabletosaywhereArjanisbeingheld. that investigationswerecontinuing.Todate,investigators Minister-President Balkenende,theDutchPrimeMinister European summitinStPetersburg,PresidentPutininformed increasing distressforArjan’sfamilyandMSF.Duringthe him or why he was kidnapped. This uncertainty is causing However, westilldonotknowwhereheis,whoisholding Russian investigatorsassuredusthatArjanwasstillalive. was kidnappedinDagestan,Russia.Severalweeksago Arjan Erkel,anMSFHeadofMissionandaDutchcitizen, Today, Thursday12June,marksexactly10monthssince Extract: territory. In hisstead Nicolas de Torrente, the Director- Federation was arbitrarilypreventedfromleaving Russian The Coordinator of MSF’s French section in the Russian Chechnya,’ ‘EU PledgesSupportforRussia’sPeacePlanin release, 12June2003(inFrench). ‘Arjan Erkel, Kidnapped 10 Months Ago,’ MSF AFP (France),31May2003(inEnglish). Press 257 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

General of MSF United States, made a statement on MSF’s or public to urgently press Russian, Ingush, and Chechen position on the forced return of refugees in Chechnya before authorities to immediately cease all official and unofficial the Caucasus Commission of the US Congress Commission measures currently forcing displaced Chechens to return to on Security and Cooperation in Europe34. This statement war-torn Chechnya, particularly from Ingushetia. was accompanied by the publication of a press release. We also urge the United States to press Russia to respect displaced persons’ physical integrity and their basic rights to be adequately assisted and protected in a safe region in Ingushetia and elsewhere in the Russian Federation. To press Russia to respect its obligations according to international ‘ Internally Displaced Persons in the Caucasus Region humanitarian law, to allow humanitarian organizations to and Southeastern Anatolia,’ Speech by Gabriel fully exercise their rights to assist Chechens in the northern Trujillo, MSF Coordinator in Russia, delivered by Caucasus, especially by lifting administration measures Nicolas de Torrente, MSF USA Executive Director, blocking the provision of the alternative shelters for displaced 10 June 2003 (in English). Chechens in Ingushetia. Press Russia to take all necessary steps to bring an end to the illegal detentions and other forms Extract: of violence affecting humanitarian workers in the northern Gabriel Trujillo, our Head of Mission in Russia would have Caucasus and assume their basic responsibilities, according very much liked to be here today and to share with you his to the international humanitarian law, is to provide safety, first-hand experience of working with this population. I security and freedom of movement for humanitarian personnel. regret that administrative delays have prevented him from Also, to urgently raise the case of kidnapped MSF volunteer testifying today. […] To conclude, I would like to turn to Arjan Erkel to President Putin and other high-ranking Russian the role of the international community in what we feel has officials, particularly by asking them to give the highest been a failure to uphold the rights of Chechen civilians, and political commitment and priority to assure the immediate, in fact abandoning them to their fate. With the exception unconditional and safe release of our colleague and ask of making obligatory statements at summit meetings, them to accept meetings with MSF representatives to discuss press conferences, and public forums, the international the investigation of the case. Arjan Erkel has been missing community, including the United States, have failed to now for 10 months. We have been informed by authorities alleviate the suffering of Chechen civilians. For years, the that they have knowledge that he is still alive, but they United States has made general statements that there must have failed to provide us with any verifiable information be accountability for human rights abuses in Chechnya, that on where he’s being kept, who has abducted him, for what humanitarian organizations must have unlimited access to reason, guarantees for his current safety, and the way to people in need and that displaced Chechens should not be move forward to secure his safe release. After 10 months, forcefully sent home. the lack of significant progress in this investigation points, I believe this administration has also stated that it raises in our view, to an obstruction of Arjan’s release, and raises these points with their Russian counterparts at every possible concerns about the willingness of Russian authorities to occasion. Yet, the results are that the strategy has not had really solve this case. As of today, our repeated requests for any positive impact on the lives of civilians in Chechnya a meeting with the presidential administration in Russia to and displaced Chechens in Ingushetia. On January 2003, discuss the case have been denied, even as we brought over after the closure of the Aki Yurt camp, the State Department 300,000 signatures from concerned citizens from around the spokesperson welcomed Russia’s repeated assurances that world requesting this meeting. persons displaced in Chechnya would not be forced to return against their will. These so-called assurances did not prevent the campaign of pressure on displaced Chechens to return. It seems clear that it is not enough for the United States ’Displaced Chechens Forced Back to War zone,’ and the international community to repeat the same empty Press release MSF USA, 10 June 2003 (in English). diplomatic statements on their worries about the situation in the region. Extract: The US-led war on terror also should not be used as a pretext In testimony delivered to the Helsinki Commission, the House for Russia to continue violating fundamental rights. By and Senate’s Joint Commission on Security and Cooperation in linking incidents in Chechnya with the global war on terror, Europe, the independent medical humanitarian organization the Russian Government has written itself a blank check Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to continue its repressive campaign with impunity. […] urged the United States government today to press Russian To conclude, the recommendations that we’d like to make, authorities to immediately stop all official and unofficial MSF would urge the US Government and the US Congress, to measures forcing thousands of displaced Chechens to return take all appropriate measures, whether political, diplomatic, to war-torn Chechnya. For months, authorities in Ingushetia have diminished assistance, shut-off electricity and water, threatened to close tent camps, and blocked independent 34. This is an agency composed of Senators and Congressmen. It is independent organizations from providing aid to the thousands of of the US Government and is responsible for overseeing and encouraging a coherent approach in the application of the Helsinki Accords and undertakings displaced people. MSF built 180 alternative shelters, which 258 made in the context of the OSCE. stand empty because people are not allowed to move in. Embassy without our passports and could not move. The British for. Thisprocesscantakemonths,andmeanwhilewewere the copiesofpolicerecordsthatauthoritieswereasking decided togobackhome,andbegantheprocessofobtaining It wasimpossibletodiscussthematterwithanyone.Sowe not travel without my family, they confiscated all three tickets. of this,Icouldstilltravel.Whenrespondedthatwould I didnothaveanexitvisaeither.Theyrepliedthat,regardless travel becausetheydidnothaveexitvisas.Itoldthemthat immigration officials declared that my wife and son could not and son. As we were going through airport controls, on displaced persons. I went to Moscow airport with my wife General ofMSFUnitedStates]onthepressure being exerted to doajointpresentationwithNicolasdeTorrente[Director- Nicolas wastheonewhomadepresentation. out allbyourselves,andlostonlyaweek.Meanwhile,however, things happenfromtimetotime…Intheendweworkedit 35. Gabriel’swifeandson areBritishcitizens. for hisimmediateandsaferelease. Makhachkala onAugust12,2002,andMSFcontinuestocall Head ofMissioninDagestan,waskidnappedthecapital due tothekidnappingofArjanErkel. Arjan Erkel,MSF well as Dagestan, where programs are currently suspended providing assistance to civilians in Chechnya, Ingushetia, as MSF hasbeenpresentintheNorthCaucasussince1999 public, tohelpstopthisabuse.” all appropriatemeasures,whetherpolitical,diplomatic,or have toreturnawar-zone.TheUnitedStatesmustuse war, thesefamilieshavebeenleftwithoutachoiceand authorities actwithimpunitytowardciviliansdisplacedby said. “WhileRussian,Ingush,andChechenadministration the groundandsittherewithhischildren,”deTorrente if thecampswereclosed,hewouldsimplydigapitin “These peoplearedesperate.Onemantoldourstaffthat their safetyinChechnya[…]. to Chechnya,withmorethan90%sayingtheyfearedfor would ratherstayintheseappallingconditionsthanreturn displaced peopleMSFinterviewed this February said they Even inthefaceofthesepressures,nearlyall16,499 Yurt campinDecember2002. camps, muchasthey did shortly before emptyingtheAki Military detachmentshavetakenuppositionsnearmany be badlyreceived.IwastogotheUnitedStates fact thatthecontentofourmessageswasliableto We werecareful,butthatdidnotdetractfromthe 35 Gabriel Trujillo,MSFFranceCoordinator forNorth wasreluctanttodoanything.Theysaidthatthese Caucasus, January2002toJuly 2003, (in French)interviewedin2008. etc.). Theywere alittlebitsurprisedthateven ifcampsare alternative shelter issue,otheradministrative constraints, responsible fortheHR abuses, response from Ziazykov onthe and thesecuritysituationin Ingushetia (whompreciselyis on Chechnya (housing capabilities, space of work for us) employed, by which authorities), the humanitarian situation the repatriationprocess(statistics, typesofmeasures a nestofimpunity,etc.Theyaskedprecisequestions on They are even talking about an immoral repatriation process, human rights)andtheresponsibilitiesofauthorities. agree aboutourassessmentofthesituation(humanitarian, don’t contradictouranalysisofthesituation,notatall.They On thesituationinChechnyaandneighboringrepublics,they of displacedChechens.Theyarebasicallydroppingtheball. made betweenotherinternationalprioritiesandthefate any leverageanymore,etc.’).Soobviously,choiceswere they areverysensitive,moveslowly,wedon’thave (‘it ismoredifficulttoworkwiththisgovernmentnow, the USG to convince Russian authorities about these issues that weshallnothavegreathopesonthecapabilitiesof doing evenafewmonthsago.Finally,theyaretellingus whole issue of terrorism, something that they were not are alsomixingHRabusescommittedbyRussiawiththe of a solution or a start of a real political process...’). They a smooth approach towards Russia (‘it might be the start and clearly,theyarestickingtothereferendumjustify are talking with them, at all levels’) without any conviction, the subject(‘weareraisingissuesateveryoccasionwe these issues,etc.Now,theyarepitchingtheusuallineson raise theissues,onpotentialtomakethemmove positive reactionsatthattimeaboutthepossibilitiesto the roundonformerreportofMSFF,thereweremore If wecomparewithlastyear(February2002)whendid also towardsus,becauseoftheembarrassingcaseArjan. two presidentsthebestway[possible]tomoveforwardbut they needtodefendthepersonalrelationshipbetween still alive...Sensitive/nervousaboutthesubjectbecause good thingtoprovethatthe“evil/sovietmonster”was always raisedsomeattentionandreactionsinceitwasa been ataboo,whileinthepastWashington,Chechnya It isstaringtobelikeattheUNwhereChechnyahasalways hear and they don’t want to hear anymore about Chechnya. about theirownpoliciestowardsRussia.They don’t liketo situation inChechnyaandneighboringrepublicsbutalso, It isclearthattheyareallembarrassed/nervousaboutthe Extract: the CaucasusandfateofArjanErkel. US press, covering the situation of displaced persons in with variousUNbodies,theUSadministrationand organised forhimtoundertakeaseriesofbriefings trative” problemssolved,theMSFUnitedStatesteam Once theMSFFHOMinRussianFederation’s“adminis- USA Advocacy Officer, 25 June 2003 (in English). 16-18, 2003,’ Situation intheNorthernCaucasusRegionJune ‘ Meetings inWashingtonontheHumanitarian Memo fromPatricePage,MSF

259 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

not closing down anymore, the process is ongoing. they did not want to know about anything else. Even the fermés, le processus continue. Germans said nothing. Everyone was totally indifferent. .

Gabriel Trujillo, MSF France Coordinator for North Caucasus, January 2002 to July 2003, ‘ Forced to Return,’ editorial page, The Washington (in French) interviewed in 2008 Post (USA), 28 June 2003 (in English).

Extract: From time to time it suits Mr. Putin’s purpose to announce that the war is over. Tens of thousands of homeless On 3 July the European Parliament adopted a resolution Chechens in neighboring provinces, afraid to return, are an describing violations of human rights by Russian forces embarrassingly visible refutation of this fiction. So, Russian in Chechnya as ‘war crimes and crimes against humanity.’ forces have begun pressuring these displaced people to return It also adopted a resolution once again calling on the against their will to refugee-style camps in Chechnya. This Russian authorities to intensify their efforts to find pressure is accomplished by various means, according to Arjan Erkel. The next day Akhmad Kadyrov, the Head of employees of the nonprofit Doctors Without Borders, who the pro-Russian Chechen administration, declared that have investigated: destroying the tents they live in, cutting all displaced persons must have returned to Chechnya by off water or electricity, menacing Chechen men with arrest September, prior to the Presidential elections. or worse.

This forced return is only one small part of the misery that has been visited on the Chechen people, but -- unlike the ‘ Chechnya: the European Parliament Condemns fighting, which at this stage no one seems to know how Russia,’ Le Monde (France), 5 July 2003 (in to stop -- it is easily preventable. In past years, the State French). Department has objected to overt Russian return programs, with some effect. This year, the Russian pressure is more In a resolution adopted on 3 July, the European Parliament oblique, and the U.S. government seems to have no desire to (EP) considered that the “persistent and recurring violations” trouble “my good friend Vladimir Putin,” as President Bush of human rights “by Russian forces” in Chechnya constituted recently called him. The Russian president was honored last “war crimes and crimes against humanity.” The EP “reiterates week with the first state visit for a Russian ruler in London its concern at, and firm condemnation of, the persistent in 129 years, banqueting with Her Majesty and riding in the and recurring violations of humanitarian law and human royal carriage. Meanwhile, no one speaks for the Chechen rights committed against the civilian population by Russian civilians being herded back to a war and kidnap zone. forces,” according to the terms of an amendment proposed by the Greens and adopted by 242 votes in favour, 200 against and with three abstentions. The MEPs also call on the 15 to “raise the issue of Chechnya at their meetings with the Russian Federation in order to make sure that this theme does not escape the (USA) international community’s Following that, we organised meetings with people attention and care. who were following Russian affairs in the administration and the American press and at the United Nations, both in Washington and in New York. One morning I gave an interview to the Washington Post and, a little later, a fairly ‘Chechen Leader Says All Refugees to Return Home tough press conference. I asked Kris [Torgeson, Communictaions by September,’ AP (USA), 4 July 2003 (in English). Director, MSF USA] if I had been sufficiently clear, and her look was enough to convince me that I had been. After the Extract: press conference the representative from the Russian All Chechen refugees from camps in neighboring Ingushetia Federation Embassy came to see us and asked if I considered will return home by September ahead of presidential that the airport problem had been just a small administrative elections in the province, Chechnya’s Kremlin-appointed hiccup, or something else… This sent a shiver down my spine. acting president said Friday. “There will not be a single tent During the meetings, we raised the Erkel question. We thought in Ingushetia in September,” Akhraad Kadyrov told Russian that the Americans also bore some responsibility in this affair, President Vladimir Putin at a Kremlin meeting with Chechen and would feel concerned by it. In reality, we had the leaders. Kadyrov said Chechens now living in tents will move impression that they realised that what they thought we knew, to newly built houses in Chechnya, the Interfax news agency we did not in fact know. When I began speaking about reported. Russia has been at pains to encourage the tens of displaced persons, one of our interlocutors sat back in his thousands of refugees living in camps in the neighboring chair, put his feet on his programme manager, yawned, closed region of Ingushetia to return home as part of broader efforts his eyes … and that was that. In any case, US policy towards to show peace is returning to Chechnya. But humanitarian 260 Russia was clear. There had been a change of direction and organizations say the refugees don’t want to return, fearing of reachRussia. Azerbaijan and GeorgiatotheTurkishport of Ceyhan-out consortium iscurrentlybuilding asecondpipelinebywayof and RussiatotheBlackSea port ofNovorosiisk.Another consortium openedasecond pipelinethroughKazakhstan Chechen conflictforthisreason. Recently,aninternational traditionally suspecttheAmericans wanttoprolongthe through Chechnyaisvirtuallyoutoforder.Russianhawks of thefirstChechenwar,in1994,Russianoilpipeline on thetransitofCaspianoilandgas.Butsincestart in the Caspian. Russia likes to maintain it semi-monopoly apparatus israthersuspiciousaboutAmericanintentions of thecoastalwaters,however.TheRussiansecurity gas. ThefiveCaspian statescan’tagree onthedemarcation […] Dagestan borders on the , rich in oil and disappeared. the 8thand15thofAugust.Beforeitwasover,Erkel exercise intheCaspianSea.Thedrilltookplacebetween of EmergencySituationstoobserveabigRussianfleet were visitingDagestanoninvitationoftheRussianministry section oftheAmericanembassyinMoscow.Thediplomats at leastoneofthediplomatswasamembermilitary Dagestan capital,twoAmericandiplomatscontactedErkel; worker incaptivitytotheDagestanauthorities.[…]In His kidnappershavesentatleasttwopicturesoftheaid Dagestan. ErkelsupposedlyisinChechnyaatthismoment. a dinnerearlierthatweekinMakhachkala,thecapitalof Erkel afterhetreatedtwoAmericanmilitaryobserversto didn’t interfere.TheFSBofDagestantookaninterestin pushed theaidworkerinacar.TheRussiansecretagents was onthespotwhileunidentifiedmenwithKalashnikovs followed by the Russian Secret Service, FSB. A car of the FSB disappeared onthe12thofAugustlastyear,wasbeing without BordersintheRussianRepublicofDagestan,who Arjan Erkel(33),theDutchChiefofMissionDoctors was newtoMSF,hadnotbeenmadepublic. some days prior tohis abduction. This information, which of thetwoAmericanattachéswithwhomhehaddined ping andthatErkelhadnotbeenawareoftheidentities secret serviceagentshadbeenpresentduringthekidnap- blad, On 16 July, in an article in the Dutch daily camps didn’twanttoreturnChechnya.. 98 percent of the more than 3,200 families living in tent by MédecinsSansFrontières,orDoctorsWithoutBorders, convince peopletoreturn.AccordingaFebruarysurvey refugee campsandareusingintimidationblackmailto rights organizationssayofficialshavethreatenedtoclose for theirsafetyinthewartornrepublic. Refugees andhuman the journalistCoenVanZwolreportedthatRussian 2003 (inDutchtranslatedintoEnglishbyMSF). Coen VanZwol,NRC(TheNetherlands),16July ‘Identity oftheUSAttachéswasUnknowntoErkel,’ NRC Handels-

without Borders, home to the suburb of Sputnik the 12 girlfriend Aminat Gunasheva (25), interpreterwith Doctor when ArjanErkelwaskidnappedafterhedrovehisDagestan For sureacaroftheFSBwasonspotlaterthatweek, permanently bytheRussianSecretServiceofDagestan. into great peril. After dinner, Erkel was supposedly shadowed this fun-filledeveninginMakhachkalabroughtArjanErkel Of course,theAmericansfeelguilty.Theyknowbynowthat says spokespersonTom‘OLeary. the dinnerwithArjanErkel.“Thisisaverysensitiveissue,” who visitedDagestanlastAugust. It willnotcommenton Moscow refusestogivethenamesofmilitaryobserves celebrity KennyGluckinChechnya.TheAmericanembassy the shortabductionofDoctorswithoutBorders’American the RussianNewspaperRossikayaGazetain2001,during without Borders’and‘DoctorsMedicines’,wrote services, DoctorswithoutBorderscarrythenicknames‘CIA right abusesinChechnya.IntheRussianarmyandsecret authorities becauseoftheirunrelentingcriticismhuman Borders enjoysaghastlyreputationwiththeRussian The dinnerwasevenworsebecauseDoctorswithout been trainingforalltheirlife:Americanspies.” FSB-guys,’’ asourcetellsus.“Afterall,thisiswhatthey’ve are militaryguys,allthesignsonredwithourlocal risky step.WhenAmericansareintown,anespeciallyifthey to adinnerthatnightinrestaurantMakhachkala.A Dagestan. Erkelobliged;moreover,heinvitedtheAmericans before, theRussiannavalexercisestogetinformationon American observers contacted Arjan Erkel during, or just western aidworkerwasnotthebestofplans.Still, a meetingbetween American military observers and a local cleaning upoil-spills.[…]Inthishigh-octaneenvironment oil-rigs andtankersagainstattacks,aswelltheirsavvyin forces abundantlyshowedtheirabilitytoprotectRussian drugs tradeandorganizedcrime.InAugust,theRussian the preparednessagainstecologicaldisasters,terrorism, Russian authoritiesstressedthepurposewastosharpen to disconnect from this ‘Great Game’ for Caspian oil. The The Russian fleet exercise of August last year was hard politician wasgranted an audienceinRomewiththepope. was rightafterthefatherof Arjan Erkel,aCatholicDutch Italian officeofhisGlasnost Foundationalertedhim.This Soviet-leader. Gorbachov is interested in the casesince the this yearontherequestofMikhail Gorbachov,theformer former nativeofDagestan,investigatedtheErkel-caseearlier the Moscow-friendlyChechenadministration.Izmailov,a by agangsupportingAkhmedKadyrov,thecurrentHeadof will writetomorrowinNovoyaGazetathatErkelisbeingkept Vyateslav Izmailov,whoparticipatedinthisinvestigation, sources, Arjan Erkel is in Chechnya right now. Journalist one. Afterall,they’reourboystoo.”[…]Accordingto our sourcesremembers.“Wedidn’tlingertomuchonthis so theycouldn’tinterfere,that’swhattoldus,”oneof least followthekidnappers.“TheFSB-menwereunarmed asked theFSB-colleagueswhytheydidn’tinterfere,orat The Dagestanpolicelatercheckedthelicenseplateand down the number of the licence-plate. The car disappeared. of August.Aneye-witnessnoticedtheFSB-carandwrote th

261 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

On 29 July a representative of the Dutch Foreign Ministry the 12th, the rest was unusable. On Wednesday, […] one spoke to journalists to inform them they received a video of the three journalists broke the agreement, which started from the FSB which showed Arjan alive, two weeks after the panic. This is the same woman that rang me on Tuesday Putin’s speech in St Petersburg. He also told them that in demanding an interview the next day. She has just returned his view, MSF was acting irresponsibly in the management from maternity leave and her job is on the line and is under of the Erkel affair. The journalists published only the great pressure to get a good story. She has just pissed of a information about the video and not the representative’s lot of Dutch journalists as she broke her word. comments on MSF. Finally MOFA admitted to sabotaging the planned trip to MKLA in April, as they did not want the Erkel family travelling to there and saying that they had no contact with the abductors. And very finally, an Internet poll published last week in Holland showed that 60% of the Dutch public do ‘ The ‘Unofficial’ Meeting between MoFA and Dutch not think that MoFA is doing a good job for Arjan. Journalists,’ Source of Information: Anonymous, Memo, Mark Walsh, MSF Information Officer in Moscow, 29 July 2003 (in English).

Extract: On 11 August, a press release from MSF condemned the Note: The briefing was at times contradictory and emotional expulsion of Chechen refugees from the Bella camp in giving the impression that it was badly prepared. The Ingushetia, in an atmosphere of general indifference. following is a comprehensive summary of what was shared.

Meeting took place on Tuesday 29th July at request of Peter Van W de P. (claims to be main interlocutor of Thomas Linde) ‘ One of the Three Largest Camps in Ingushetia, Claims to be on top of the case. However, he was visibly Bella, is being Emptied Under the Indifferent Watch nervous, had sweaty hands and insisted that the meeting of the International Community, Press release, never took place. MSF, New York/ Paris, 11 August 2003 (in English). Three journalists invited, two press and one television for the off the record meeting. Extract: Peter informed the journalists that MoFA had received a Chechen civilians continue to face increasing pressure to video of Arjan from the FSB two weeks after the speech of leave Bella camp, a displaced persons tented settlement that Putin in St. Petersburg. FSB claimed they received the video is gradually being emptied in Sleptovskaia, Ingushetia, a from their ‘mole’ in the criminal group that had abducted Republic of the Russian Federation. Doctors Without Borders/ Arjan. When MoFA asked them to negotiate they refused Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) witnessed today that only as MSF has also done. 930 people remain in the camp. Statistics from the United In fact, MSF’s role in this affaire has been relatively Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) showed irresponsible so far. They have not made any attempt to that 3,200 people were living there in January and 1,430 at cooperate with the investigation or to further the cause the end of July. More than 200 people were pressured out of of Arjan other than their stupid internet campaigns and the camps without prior notice in the last 3 days, and are other public manifestations which they have been told time now living in 45 of the 180 shelters built by MSF to give to and time again are counterproductive. Indeed, they are people who chose to stay in Ingushetia an alternative to hanging posters around Holland with Arjan’s picture with a returning to Chechnya. This is only the most recent alarming bank account under it which gives the impression they are example of the constant psychological pressure exerted on collecting money for a ransom but are in fact using Arjan’s displaced civilians to go back to war-torn Chechnya. Even to collect money for other purposes. though these circumstances are unacceptable for the people MSF’s relationship with the family, the Russian authorities, pressured to leave Bella camp, MSF logisticians will ensure the FSB and the Dutch foreign ministry is extremely bad. that the newly occupied shelters will be connected to the They are a very difficult crowd to work with. gas and electricity networks. They do not accept responsibility for Arjan’s fate and as a consequence are not prepared to enter into negotiations In March 2003, Ingush authorities said that the 180 to pay a ransom. They also claim that they do not have alternative shelters built by MSF, as well as 1,020 MSF planned the money. to build by the end of 2003, were illegal even though MSF […] MoFA then proceed to repeat that all the information had obtained all necessary official authorizations. As a result, could not be attributed. The journalists then said that the most vulnerable families were not allowed to live in they could not run with the story as they had no source the new shelters, and construction on the additional 1,020 and not even a decent smokescreen. MOFA then claimed was stalled. As of today, 135 of the pre-existing shelters that MSF leaked the photographs and the journalists had remain empty. A February 2003 survey conducted by MSF no problem making a smokescreen for that. The journalists showed that more than 90% of the Chechen people living left and made a deal. They would only run with the story in such tent camps in Ingushetia did not want to return 262 of the existence of the video and its content and only on to Chechnya because they feared for their lives. Even so, Dagestan. MSF expresses its indignation about Arjan’s in Makhatchkala, thecapitalofRussian Republicof Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), was abducted humanitarian medicalaidorganization DoctorsWithout It hasbeenoneyearsinceArjan Erkel,avolunteerforthe Extract: Holland representedthepositionofMSFmovement. efforts, butaddedthatitwastimeto“domore.”MSF and thankedtheDutchRussiangovernmentsfortheir Arjan’s father,attendedthedemonstrationinMoscow widely reportedintheinternationalpress.DickErkel, in Makhachkala,Moscow,GenevaandAmsterdam,was This campaign,whichwassupportedbydemonstrations pressure onitsRussiancounterparts the partofDutchGovernmenttoput Arjan Erkelandthelackofwillingnesson of Russianinvestigatorsinthesearchfor campaign criticisedtheineffectiveness A year afterthe kidnapping, an MSF media planned constructionofadditionalshelters. and thattheyliftadministrativerestrictionsblockingthe in tentedcampsortheunoccupiedalternativeshelters, in Ingushetiabeadequatelyassistedandprotectedeither displaced personswhochoosetoexercise their righttostay authorities liveuptotheirresponsibilitiesassurethat forced back to war-torn Chechnya. MSF also insist that the authorities respectdisplacedpeoples’basicrightnottobe of alltentedcampsinIngushetia,MSFdemandsthat authorities inthepastmonthsaboutimminentclosure several statementsmadebyRussian,Ingush,andChechen Confronted bytheemptyingofBellacampaswell of forcedrepatriation. range ofmeansinthepastmonthstoimplementapolicy Russian, IngushandChechenauthoritieshaveusedawide IN CAPTIVITY:MSFDENOUNCES THE RUSSIANANDDUTCH ARJAN ERKEL,ONEYEAR GOVERNMENTS’ INERTIA 2003 (inEnglish). Resolve theCase,’MSFPressrelease,12August Calls formoreActionbytheRussianAuthoritiesto Considers theInvestigationtobeaFailureand ‘ One YearafterArjanErkel’sKidnapping,MSF friends andcolleagues. to multiply their efforts to bring Arjan back to his family, on Russian authorities andthe international community and insecurityprevailingintheregion.MSFtodaycalls community has becomeahostagetotheclimateofviolence risk” intheNorthernCaucasus.Thewholehumanitarian To MSF,ArjanErkelisasymbolof“humanitarianism at lack ofcommitmentinresolvingthiscase,”Rostrupsaid. past yeartoholdtheRussianauthoritiesaccountablefortheir understand why governments have been so reluctant over the Western governments,haslackedintensity.“Itisdifficultto provided bytheinternationalcommunity,inparticularkey Russian politicalauthorities.Moregenerally,thesupport by the reserved attitude of the Dutch government towards Arjan’s immediateandsaferelease.MSFisalsodisappointed again beremindedoftheirlegalresponsibilitytosecure forthcoming. MSFbelievesthatRussianauthoritiesmust deployed toresolvethecase,butnoresultshavebeen the DutchPrimeministerthatRussianserviceswouldbe in May2003,PresidentPutinmadepublicassurancesto During theEuropeanUnionsummitSt.Petersburg,Russia were doingeverythingtosecureArjan’srelease.” not toldofthisbutinsteadauthoritieskeptassuringusthey November 2002 andonlyreopenedinMay2003.Wewere However, toourdismay,theinvestigationwashaltedin should surelyincreasetheirmotivationtoresolvethiscase. and thefactthattheystoodbywhileArjanwaskidnapped, of twointelligenceagentsatthesceneabduction, lack ofcommitmentbyRussianauthorities.Thepresence attributed tothemishandlingofinvestigationanda Rostrup, InternationalPresidentofMSF.“Thiscanonlybe our colleagueArjanErkelisstilldetained,”saidDr.Morten continued captivity.“Itisascandalthatafteroneyear, and dangersin thefield,fewjournalists darereporton […] Because of pressuresfromMr.Putin’s government aid workers. and civilianselsewherewhodepend onthefreepassageof long-suffering civilianvictims ofRussia’swarinChechnya this neglect,inadditiontoMr. Erkelandhisfamily,arethe in effortstowinMr.Erkel’srelease.Theultimatevictimsof for hisownreasonsseemstohavebeenlessthanzealous all butalsoonU.S.andEuropeanleaders,eachofwhom reflects poorlyonRussianPresidentVladimirPutinmost of where theabductiontookplace.Hiscontinueddetention breakaway region of Chechnya or in neighboring Dagestan, is aliveandstillbeingheldagainsthiswill,eitherinthe Erkel, 33,aregionaldirectorofDoctorsWithoutBorders, officers lookedon. Recentvideotapes suggest that Mr. Russia, reportedlywhiletwoRussianlawenforcement Erkel, was forcibly abducted in the Caucasus region of One yearagotodayaDutchhumanitarianworker,Arjan Extract: Post (USA),13August2003(InEnglish). ‘Kidnapped inRussia,’EditorialTheWashington 263 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

the war, and Doctors Without Borders (often known by its It was clear that progress needed to be made, that French name, Medecins Sans Frontiers) is one of the last we needed to start speaking about what was not humanitarian organizations to assist Chechen civilians and working and about Russian incompetence, that we bear witness to their suffering. That suggests one possible needed to ask if there was not some special interest motivation for the reported complicity of parts of Russia’s in getting rid of witnesses from Chechnya. We had proof that security bureaucracy in the kidnapping. It also may explain they were not doing enough and that, if one thought about why the government has not been more active in seeking it, this was serving their own interests. But we needed not to Mr. Erkel’s release: As long as the region is so dangerous point the finger directly at them. Even then, we were far from to outsiders, none can testify to the rapes, torture and being prepared to say whether it was the Russians, the FSB disappearances that Chechens continue to suffer at the etc. hands of Russian forces. Just recently, Russian officials have been pressuring displaced civilians to return from Dr Thomas Nierle, MSF Switzerland, Head of refugee camps to unsafe zones of Chechnya, a violation of Emergencies then Director of Operations 2000-2004, international law but a way of hiding what has become an (in French) interviewed in 2009. embarrassment for Mr. Putin.

‘ US-EU Urge Putin to Act in Aid Worker Kidnap Case,’ Reuters (UK), 12 August 2003 (in English). Our only motivation in making these public statements was to help improve Arjan’s situation. We would have Extract: preferred to avoid public polemics, but since no The United States and European Union urged Russian progress was being made… It was in the spring of 2003 that President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday to do more to help we first ventured somewhat gingerly into this area. As soon secure the release of a kidnapped Dutch aid worker while as we began this sort of agitation there were concrete results his family and colleagues accused Moscow of inaction. […] – the first proof of life appeared. We then calmed down, and MSF joined Erkel’s father and sister in a picket near the started over again in the summer. We achieved a sort of Kremlin, denouncing Russia’s failure to win the release of negotiation, via intermediaries. the 33-year-old, who is the only foreign aid worker still held in captivity in the turbulent region. “Today all our thoughts Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director are drawn to Arjan. All actors that had a role to play in of Communications (1996-1998), Director of Operations resolution of this case have failed,” said Morten Rostrup, (1998-2000), President (May 2000- May 2008), international president of MSF. (in French) interviewed in 2009.

The Dutch ambassador to Moscow handed over to the Kremlin a letter signed by EU an U.S. representatives in which they asked for Putin’s help to get Erkel freed, the embassy said. In the French daily Libération Thomas Nierle, MSF Ambassadors from Greece, Italy and Ireland - representing Switzerland’s Operations Director, criticised the negligence the EU’s rotating presidency from 2003 through mid-2004 - of the Russian services, in particular their lack of follow-up joined their Dutch, Swiss and U.S. counterparts and a United in the investigation into the numbers called from Arjan’s Nations representative in signing the letter, the Dutch mobile phone since his abduction. He raised the question government said. “The letter writers, all representatives of of whether Erkel’s kidnapping was not playing into countries and organisations which provide humanitarian Moscow’s hands by keeping international humanitarian aid in the North Caucasus, renewed their calls on Vladimir organisations away from a region presented as having Putin to do all in his power for the quick release of Arjan been ‘normalised.’ In an article gathering together all Erkel unharmed,” the Dutch foreign ministry said. available information on the affair, the French daily Le Monde compared this kidnapping with those of André The silent protest under falling rain outside the central Babitsky in 2000 and Kenny Gluck in 2001; in these Moscow headquarters of Russia’s FSB security service drew latter two cases, according to the newspaper, links had about 20 people. They wore white T-shirts with Erkel’s been brought to light between the Russian services and pictures and held slogans reading “President Putin, help a number of local criminal groups. V28 to release Arjan”. […] “Arjan has become a symbol of humanitarian aid workers at risk. Resolution of his fate will have very positive consequences for assistance for the civilian population in the Caucasus,” Rostrup said. MSF has ’Moscow’s Murky Role in an Abduction in Dagestan,’ also criticised the Dutch government, saying it had been Pierre Haski, Libération (France), 12 August 2003 excessively cautious in its handling of the case, while other (in French). key Western governments had been reluctant to press Russia too hard over the issue. Extract: 264 A year to the day since the kidnapping of Arjan Erkel, occasions MSF has accusedtheauthorities in Moscowofa about therole oftheRussiansecretservices. Onseveral in themedia,isbeginning to raisenumerousquestions This affair,whichhaslong received subduedtreatment Extract: which isnotas“normalised”Putinclaims?” since itdoesnotwantembarrassingwitnessesinaregion Caucasus, Erkel’skidnappingplays into Moscow’shands, humanitarian organisationsfrombeingpresenttheNorth Russian authoritiesineffective?Oristhat,bydissuading of theauthoritiestosecureaconcreteresult.Are to understandtheabsenceofdeterminationonpart as fromlateNovember.“Wecanonlyspeculateintrying normally,” infactithadbeensuspendedforseveralmonths statements that,“theinvestigationwasproceeding learned, with astonishment, that notwithstanding official released. Butnothinghashappened.Theorganisation President Putinstatedhisdeterminationtoseethehostage During theRussian-EUsummitinStPetersburgon30May, Amazement. with thekidnappers,”saysadumbfoundedNierle. phone, therebyperhapsdestroyingtheonlyindirectlink the contrary,theydecidedtosuspendservicethat exploit this incredibly lucky lead. Not at all however. “On to the FSB, believing that the intelligence services would to saytheleast–localpersonalities.MSFpassedinvoice been registered!Somenumberscanbelinkedtosomeshady– received anitemisedbillinFebruary, with 50callshaving had hismobilephonewithhimwhenhewasabducted.MSF bizarre event some six months after the kidnapping. Arjan ever been sought?” asks Thomas Nierle. There was another if gangstersweretoblame,howisitthatnoransomhas The Russianauthoritiesfavourthecriminalscenario.“But increasingly suspicious.”[…] authorities, particularlytheFSB(ex-KGB),whichappears MSF’s concernisheightenedbytheattitudeofRussian been abletohavearealdiscussionwiththekidnappers.” had some contacts with intermediaries, but we have never There arenonegotiationscurrentlytakingplace.Wehave no sign that Arjan Erkel will be released any time soon. Today, heismakingnosecretofhisconcern.“There notes ThomasNierle,MSFSwitzerland’sOperationsDirector. have neverputanypressureontheRussianauthorities,” particular the Netherlands (Erkel is aDutch citizen), they progress inthisaffair.Asforwesterngovernments, There has never been any political will in Moscow to make enable our colleague to be released. That was a mistake. Geneva office.“Wehadthoughtthatquietdiplomacywould Chechnya), theatmosphereisheavyinorganisation’s Head ofMissioninDagestan(theneighbouringrepublicto aged 33,MédecinsSansFrontières(MSF)Switzerland’s ’ Le Monde(France),12August2003(in French). Member ofMSFinDagestan,’NatalieNougayrède, Russian Services Accused in the Abduction of a Kidnappings are notrareintheCaucasus,which arehome authorities after onlythreemonths,wasfinally reopened. into the kidnapping, which had been closed by the Russian But itwasnotuntil25May 2003thattheinvestigation the PresidentofMSFSwitzerland, ThomasLinde,inMoscow. July Russia’stopdiplomat,Igor Ivanov,didhoweverreceive representatives from MSF, or with the Erkel family. On 30 presidential administrationhasagreedtomeetwith Despite repeated requests, no official from the Russian holding acopyofMoscownewspaperdated26February. In oneofthemthehaggard-lookingyoungDutchmanwas In the spring, two photos of Arjan Erkel reached his family. organised crimeandterrorism,”MrPutinadded. Minister. “Likeothercountries,wearefacingproblemsof he saidwhenquestionedonthematterbyDutchPrime public referencetoArjanErkel:“thesearchwillcontinue,” 31 May.Forthefirsttime,PresidentVladimirPutinmade a increased duringtheRussia-EUsummitinStPetersburgon Arjan Erkel’sabduction.DiplomaticpressureonMoscow groups,” then“Chechenterrorists”ofbeingresponsiblefor various timesoverthemonthsaccused“Dagestanicriminal Moscow denies any involvement by its services and has at enable themtosaveface,”saysonesourceclosetheaffair. […] “TheRussiansarelookingforawayoutthatwould hostage’s quickrelease. are reportedlyputtingpressureonMoscowtoensurethe Dutchman’s kidnapping. Today, however, the UnitedStates to maketheslightestlinkbetweenthatmeetingand its officialshadcontactedArjanErkel,althoughtheyrefused Moscow, theAmericanEmbassyhasconfirmedthattwoof geopolitically fractiouszoneborderingonCentralAsia.In Sea, aimedatreassertingitsweightinthisoil-richand military manoeuvresoffshorefromDagestanintheCaspian in Moscow.InAugust2002,Russiawascarryingoutlarge office oftheMilitaryAttachéinUnitedStatesEmbassy Makhatchkala restaurantwithtworepresentativesfromthe days prior to the kidnapping, Arjan Erkel had dined in a A particular circumstance adds weight to this version. Several is hardlyindoubt. Chechnya, theFSB’sinvolvementinArjanErkel’skidnapping years hasbeenactiveinoperationstoreleaseprisoners Russian militaryofficerViatcheslavIsmaïlov,whoforsome and hadnomeansofintervening.”Accordingtotheformer the FSBagentswhowere indeed present,“werenotarmed confirmed bya Dagestanipoliceofficial, whoadded that published intheDutchnewspaperHandelsblad,hasbeen abduction but did not intervene. This information, which was present atthescene.Itsoccupantsreportedlywitnessed local branchoftheFSB–Russiansecretservicewas the nightArjanErkelwaskidnapped,avehiclefrom […] SeveralsourcesinDagestanhaveconfirmedthat,on population isbeingsubjected. from speakingoutontheatrocitiestowhichcivilian control theiraidwhileatthesametimepreventingthem organisations activeinandaroundChechnyaasitseeksto is placingconsiderablepressureonforeignhumanitarian and investigationsinto the Arjan Erkel case. […] Moscow lack ofzeal,indeedbeing“obstructive”intheirsearches 265 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

to armed groups who specialise in ransom requests. But kidnapping, there is still a lack of will on the part of states, persons close to the Arjan Erkel affair see a parallel with and in particular the Russian state, to act clearly and force- two other cases that occurred in Chechnya and where fully to end this type of abuse against aid workers and other the involvement of Russian services had been strongly civilians. They can start now with doing everything possible suspected. These episodes shined a harsh light on links to free Arjan. between Russian services and various local criminal groups, who were used to remove embarrassing witnesses from the Kenny Gluck, Director of Operations, Medecins Sans Fron- region. These cases were the abduction in 2000 of Radio tières, Amsterdam Liberty journalist Andreï Babitski, and the kidnapping in Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR, Geneva 2001 of the American Kenny Gluck, who was also an MSF The writers are aid workers who have themselves been representative in the region. The American Department of abducted and held hostage in the northern Caucasus. State had sought an explanation from Moscow following Gluck’s release (after a three-week detention), which had occurred in strange circumstances described by the Kremlin as a “special operation by the security services.” This media campaign was, however, called into question by the representative of MSF Switzerland in Moscow. He was on leave when it took place and considered that it jeopardised the trail of a hostage release he had been In an open letter published by the British daily The working on for several weeks. Independent, Kenny Gluck, former Coordinator of MSF Holland kidnapped for three weeks in January 2001, and Vincent Cochetel former representative of the UNHCR kidnapped for 12 months in 1998, call on Russia to protect humanitarian workers in the Caucasus. What shocked me the most was that we had just had the first official evidence that he was still alive and we had started to follow a lead. After a year, it was very impor- ‘ Letter Russia Must Act to Protect Aid Workers in tant to get proof that he was alive, and yet we were behaving as the Caucasus,’ Kenny Gluck, Director of Operations, if it wasn’t much. […] I believe that it was not a good idea to Médecins Sans Frontières, Amsterdam, Vincent speak out, but we couldn’t stop it. It was the anniversary of Cochetel, UNHCR, Geneva, The Independent (UK), Arjan’s kidnapping and the pressure was too much I imagine that 13 August 2003 (In English). it was the fact of speaking out that ratcheted it up a notch and got us into a situation where we could no longer hope for a Extract: friendly solution. We tried to continue chasing up the lead, but it Sir: It has now been a full year since unknown gunmen in seemed that every time something happened which stopped it all. Dagestan abducted Arjan Erkel, the head of mission for Mede- It was too late. Was it just because we had spoken out? One way cins Sans Frontières (MSF). Arjan had come to the Caucasus or another, if something were to change at that point in time, with the aim of providing assistance to people affected by would it have been by following that lead? It’s still questionable the conflict in Chechnya and Dagestan. His continued absence as we weren’t able to follow it up right to the end. It was not a is an affront to the both to the rights of civilians in crisis strategic choice, but a response to our frustration. In fact, it was and the ability to provide assistance to them. Aid workers like probably our frustration that blinded us to the importance of the Arjan are largely defenceless against these abuses. We don’t evidence we had just got. They were so fed up that they needed to use weapons. We don’t travel in armour. When we seek to aid lash out, yet it was speaking out that collectively trapped us. people in need, our only true defence is the acceptance of the There were some people, the Dutch for instance, who didn’t want idea that people in crisis have a right to assistance. We survive to speak out, but it was so strong that we couldn’t stop it. Our on the trust that the powerful of the world - those with armies need to speak out overcame us. and guns - will leave us out of their equations of violence. We survive on the trust that they will observe the laws that Steve Cornish, Coordinator MSF France in Georgia provide some space for humanity in the midst of war. (January to April 2000) then in Ingushetia (September Arjan’s kidnapping is part of a long chain of abuses against 2000 to January 2001), MSF Switzerland officer in the aid workers in the Caucasus. There have been more than 27 Russian Federation (August 2002 to April 2004), aid workers kidnapped in the region over the last seven years (in French) interviewed in 2008. of tragedy. Neither the Russian government nor the Chechen rebels have shown much will to stop the kidnapping and violence against aid workers. What has happened to Arjan is an insult to the guarantees of safety for civilians in war and for aid workers. It should be an affront to all of the states and societies that claim to stand by them. It pains Steve was always ready to use his veto to speaking 266 us to see that despite killing after killing, kidnapping after out. He believed he could find a solution through could closeoffatrail. committees, wehavenevertakentheviewthatcommunication up bythecommunication.Inourinternationalfollow-up reservations. Infact,I think thereare leads whichwereopened I thinkthattheleadwasalreadydead.Butsaywith which hadclosedthetrail.I don’t rememberthedetails,but was thecase.Wecouldneversaythatitcommunication the searchforArjan.However,weneverhadanyproofthat referring tothe publiccriticismonthe12 has donefartoo littletoputpressureonthe Russiansetc. pressure, theperceptionwehave thattheDutchgovernment emphasis on the political aspects, the need for political Morten briefed the PM about MSF analysis of the case with Extract: off allcontactwiththeorganisationforseveralweeks. political pressure,theDutchForeignAffairsMinistrybroke by MSF,andmoregenerallyitschoiceofusingpublic In profounddisagreementwiththecampaignundertaken shocking. and thattheauthoritieshadnothingatall,whichwasquite questions werepermitted,giventhatitwasmorethanayear negotiating. ButIbelievewewereinasituationwhich communication isnecessarilyveryproductivewhenyou’re and hesaidthatintheendwespoileditall.Obviously, now. Hewasfollowingaleadandhesurehe’dgetthere being doneontheground.Hestillholdsthisagainstus,even more aggressively.Wetooktheriskofinfluencewhatwas We usedthefactthathewasonholidaytocommunicate exposed. Hetookalotofrisks,forhimselfandhiscontacts. to findasolution.Wehaveunderstandthathewasmore he thoughtcoulddevelopcontactsthat would enablehim Because ofthewayhewasandacquaintanceshad, negotiation. It wasoneoftheaspectshiscommitment. Emergency thenDirectorofOperations2000-2004,(in General, January2001to2004)(inFrench) kidnapping, the communication had perhaps jeopardised kidnapping, thecommunicationhadperhapsjeopardised at thetimeofanniversary,ayearafter I spoke with Steve Cornish. He has always said that Belkenende, September23 Meeting inNYwithDutchPrimeMinister,Mr International, September2003(inEnglish). Rafa VilaSanJuan,MSFInternationalSecretary Dr ThomasNierle,MSFSwitzerland,Headof French) interviewedin2009. interviewed in2009 rd ,’ th ofAugust.The Minutes, MSF

longer knewwhatwasgoingon. off. Theycontinuedtheirapproachwithoutusandsoweno That angeredtheembassyofNetherlands,whichcutus silent diplomacywasthebestinsuchcases. also stated that they were recommended by specialists that doing more but that they could not discuss the details. They and friendlywiththeRussians...)statedthattheywere were workingonit,withtheirownmethod(diplomaticone advisor, Mr.SwartbolsaidthattheircolleaguesinMoscow question about political pressure, the Prime Minister’s Putin duringtheirsummitinCampDavid.ToMorten’sspecific with Bushand the needforBush to raiseArjan’s case with these meetings, we make referenceof his owndiscussion upcoming meetingsinWashington,hesuggestedthat, info wehadonourside.Followingmentioningof Furthermore, thePrimeMinisteraskedMortenforlatest to worktogether. his governmentand our organization. It would bebetter Arjan’s interest to haveacrisisandpublicdisputebetween issue isveryimportantforallDutchpeople.It’snotin 3/ hewasverydisappointedthatMSFsocritical.This also saying‘youknow,wearefromthesamepoliticalparty.’ quite someemphasisontherelationshipwithfamily with thatissue,includingthefamilyofArjan.Heput and theForeignMinistryhasbeen‘verybusyallthistime’ times (withPutininStPetersburg,withBushaswell,etc) 2/ hehaspersonallyraisedtheissueofArjananumber President earlierthesameday. especially after receivingappreciationfromMSF’s Dutch after learningofMorten’sandMSFcriticismlastAugust, -1/ theDutchgovernmentfounditselfina‘strange’situation him, Mr.Balkenendestatedthat: actually were doing in the field. […] After Morten briefed and St.Petersburg,butdidnotwanttoexplainwhatthey They saidtheyhadtheirownchannelsfrombothMoscow They clearlywantedtoavoidfurtherpublicdisputewithMSF. the Russians,andsaidtheyhadtobe‘friendly’withthem. pressure. Obviouslytheyhavebeenreluctantto‘offend’ don’t fullyshareouranalysisoftheimportancepolitical to work together in a complimentary way. However, they stated thatwesharethesameobjective,andhave a policygroupincludingMSFandForeignMinistry.They the relationship with MSF. They mentioned to put [together] clear willingnessfromtheDutchgovernmenttoreestablish meeting wentwell,therewasanopenandfranktone,a (January toApril2000)then inIngushetia(September the RussianFederation (August2002toApril 2004), speak. Theyusedwordsthattheyshouldnothave. and thatweshouldnotspeakaboutit.Andtheydid It was obvious that what we were doing was secret 2000 toJanuary2001),MSF Switzerland Officerin Steve Cornish,CoordinatorMSF FranceinGeorgia interviewed in 2008 (inFrench). 267 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

On 26 August, following the attack on the UN in Bagdad, intolerable situation involving one of the Council’s permanent the UN Secretary General announced the adoption of a members to go on for far too long. Every state in the UN resolution on the protection of humanitarian workers must raise Arjan’s case with President Putin. It’s not enough in conflict zones. On 28 August, MSF published a press to make a statement. The resolution requires President Putin release highlighting the fact that this resolution had to demonstrate clear results to immediately bring Arjan’s been adopted by the Russian Federation and calling on captivity to a safe end. Now is the time for action.” the latter to secure the release of Arjan Erkel.

‘Now the Time to Act - After the UN Security On 18 August, Morten Rostrup, President of MSF Resolution on the Safety of Aid Workers, MSF International wrote to George W Bush asking him to raise Presses Russia to Secure Arjan Erkel’s Release,’ MSF the issue of Arjan Erkel’s release with Vladimir Putin Press release, New York, 27 August 2003 (in at their forthcoming summit meeting at Camp David. English). In particular, he mentioned the limits of the American diplomatic approach and the political context of the Extract: kidnapping, noting that Arjan had been kidnapped the Following the unanimous adoption of a resolution on the day after a dinner with American military attachés. protection of humanitarian aid workers by the UN Security Council, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) presses Russia to take decisive action in implementing the resolution by securing Arjan Erkel’s immediate and safe Letter from Morten Rostrup, President of MSF release. Arjan Erkel, a volunteer for the international medical International to Georges W. Bush, President of humanitarian aid organization, has been held hostage in the the United States, 18 August 2003 (in English). North Caucasus since his abduction in Dagestan on August 12, 2002. Extract: “While it is important that the Security Council has sent a Since the resumption of the war in Chechnya in 1999, MSF strong political signal that attacks against humanitarian has been providing direct medical assistance to war-affected aid workers will not be tolerated,” said Dr. Morten Rostrup, people in Chechnya and in the neighboring Republics of President of MSF’s International Council, “all member states Ingushetia and Dagestan. As we do whenever we witness must hold President Putin accountable for allowing Arjan’s abuses committed against civilians we are assisting, MSF has intolerable captivity to go on for more than a year.” Aid workers also regularly spoken out about the plight of victims of the have increasingly become targets of violence in many conflicts ongoing brutal war in Chechnya. MSF’s public testimonies where attackers aim to make a political point by preventing have often been met with the disapproval of, and even them from providing assistance and raising awareness about threats from, Russian authorities. the plight of civilians in distress. The UN Security Council and member states need to urgently respect the neutral and It is well known that Russian security services (FSB) keep a independent character of humanitarian action and clearly close watch on foreigners in the Northern Caucasus. Since MSF distinguish it from their political activities. Concrete actions is the only international humanitarian organization based must be taken to uphold the fundamental principle that all in Dagestan, it is no surprise that the security services were civilians in need, whoever and wherever they are, are entitled closely monitoring Arjan Erkel. Their surveillance of Arjan’s to protection and assistance. Humanitarian organizations movements clearly intensified after he met with two military must also maintain an independent, impartial and neutral attachés from the United States government on August 4, character in their aid activities. 2002, in Makhachkala. This meeting heightened existing “Attacks on humanitarian aid workers are of critical baseless suspicions among the Russian security services that international importance. Such violence is devastating for Arjan’s activities went beyond humanitarian action and it civilians in need of assistance because the ability to deliver thus directly contributed to his kidnapping nine days later. aid is dramatically curtailed,” Dr. Rostrup continued. “But aid workers will not be safe unless warring parties and the UN’s Senior officials and investigators from the government of member states stop misusing humanitarian aid to advance Dagestan have confirmed to MSF that two officers from their political interests. The growing insistence on making the FSB were present during Arjan’s abduction, but did aid a tool in responding to crises endangers the lives of not intervene to prevent or stop it. These officials also humanitarian aid workers.” More important than adopting confirmed that Arjan had been suspected by the same the resolution is for all UN members to hold every state services of working for the United States government. Under accountable for acting in accordance with the Resolution’s international humanitarian law, authorities of a host country terms. “Russia adopted this resolution,” said Dr. Rostrup, “and bear the primary responsibility for ensuring the safety of yet it continues to evade its responsibility to secure Arjan humanitarian aid workers on their territory. This includes Erkel’s immediate and safe release. Two Russian officials were an obligation to take all necessary measures to vigorously even present when Arjan was kidnapped and they did nothing investigate and solve cases of abduction. But not only were 268 to prevent or stop it. The UN Security Council has allowed this Russian officials present during the kidnapping and did during thesummit’spreparatorysessions. US officialstodothesamewiththeirRussiancounterparts Because oftheurgencymatter,Iamalsourgingsenior President Putin during the upcoming summit at Camp David. to raisetheissueofArjan’simmediateandsafereleasewith and theUnitedStates’specialresponsibilities,Iurgeyou Because of the political circumstances of the abduction its limitasithasfailedtoleadArjan’srelease.[…] similar concerns.Unfortunately,thisapproachhasreached Officials fromseveralEuropeangovernmentshaveexpressed developments. the UnitedStates’concernforArjan.MSFwelcomethese made demarchestowardsRussianseniorofficialstoexpress Embassy inMoscowandotherseniorofficialshaverecently and theUSEmbassyinMoscow.Weunderstandthat with theNationalSecurityCouncil,DepartmentofState, with USofficialssincetheabductionofArjanErkel,especially Representatives ofMSFhavebeenpermanentlyincontact concrete stepsonwaysandmeanstoensurehisrelease. especially thesecurityservices,arenotyettakingclearand that Arjanwasstillalive.Evenso,Russianauthorities, the FSBprovidedfurtherevidencetoDutchgovernment indirect contactwiththegroupdetainingArjan.OnMy30, Moscow toldtheDutchgovernmentthattheyestablished publicly his concerns about the case. Mid-June, the FSB in 2003, President Putin for the first time acknowledged more interestinArjan’scontinueddetention.OnMay31, in the past weeks, Russian authoritieshave finally shown As aresultofdiplomaticeffortsfromnumbergovernments Russian counterparts.[…] of stateshasbeenreluctanttoraisetheissuewiththeir something that hasn’t happened so far as the community failure of the investigation in resolving this worrying case, so long.PresidentPutinshouldbeheldaccountableforthe member oftheUnitedNationsSecurityCounciltolastfor States, hasallowedsuchasituationinvolvingpermanent that theinternationalcommunity,includingUnited priority oneyearafterhisabduction.Itisalsounacceptable have notgivenArjan’sreleaseamatterofhighpolitical Mr. President,itisunacceptablethatRussianauthorities beyond that. a simplepolicemattereventhoughitclearlyextendsfar not intervene,theyhavealsotreatedArjan’sabductionas Russians areundermining theirowncredibility intheface release. “Byallowing Arjan’scasetoremain unresolved, the urgently mobilizeallnecessary resourcestosecureArjan’s of Resolution 1502 by ensuringthat President Putin will states oftheUnitedNations toliveuptheprinciples to secure Arjan’s release. MSF also urges the other member commitment toimplementthe Resolution1502andtherefore UN AssemblyonThursday,September25toreaffirmhis strongly urgesPresidentPutintousehisspeechbeforethe Morten Rostrup,MSFInternationalCouncilPresident. to reach those in need in the Northern Caucasus,” said Dr. law tofindandfreeArjanallowhumanitarianassistance Putin mustliveuptohisresponsibilityunderinternational security ofaidworkersistohaveanymeaning,President “If thenewlyadoptedUNresolutiononsafetyand Ingushetia, hometo80,000displacedChechens. kidnappings broughthumanitarianaidtoastandstillin have increased.OnSeptember12,ageneralwarningabout humanitarian workersinRussia’sNorthernCaucasusregion however, isstillincaptivity,andthreatsviolenceto reiterating theresponsibilitiesofhostcountries.ArjanErkel, on thesafetyandsecurityofhumanitarianaidworkers, UN SecurityCouncilunanimouslyadoptedResolution1502 the RussianstofindandfreeArjan.InAugust2003, there hasbeennosubstantialevidenceofactiontakenby that they were working on Erkel’s case. In spite of this, For morethanayear, Russian officialshaveassured MSF Russian leaderaccountablefortheresolutionofcase. Dagestan. MSFalsourgesallUNmemberstatestoholdthe abducted onAugust12,2002intheRussianrepublicof to ensurethereleaseofArjanErkel,MSFvolunteer calls uponPresidentVladimirPutintoliveuphisobligation Doctors WithoutBorders/MédecinsSansFrontières(MSF) this week, the independent humanitarianorganization As worldleadersmeetattheUnitedNationsGeneralAssembly to lobbyAmericanandEuropeanleaders. Arjan Erkel.AtthesametimeMSFmemberscontinued UN building. The NewYorkTimesdevoteditseditorialto a demonstrationoncruiseboattheHudsonby the RussianPresidentwasvisiting.MSFthenorganised conference attheUnitedNations’headquarters,which On 25September,theMSFUSAteamgaveapress THE UNITEDSTATESANDUN A BOATONTHEHUDSON: THE ERKELCAMPAIGNIN 2003 (inEnglish). Press Release,MSFNew,York,24September President Accountable for Resolution of the Case,’ Arjan Erkel–UNMembersUrgedtoHoldRussian Ensure theReleaseofAbductedMSFAidWorker ‘President PutinCalledontoFulfilObligation

269 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

of the international community. So far, international efforts Memo on the meetings with French Foreign to hold Russia accountable have been insufficient. World Minister De Villepin (Sept 25 03), with Deputy leaders must send a strong message to Russia that Arjan’s National Security Advisor of the US (Sept 24 03), release must be secured immediately,” stated Dr. Rostrup. with Congressman Weldon and Shays, Morten Rostrup, Patrice Page, Catherine Harper, Nicolas de Torrente, MSF (in English).

‘MSF Holds ‘Free Arjan’ Rally at the United Nations,’ Extract: Press Release, MSF USA, 24 September 2003 (in Meeting with French Foreign Minister De Villepin (Sept.  English). 25, ’03) […] From him, it must be a mix of criminal and politically Extract: driven motives and people, and the Russian government As Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the United must have some leverage/control on this case but for sure, Nations General Assembly in today, seventy not the total control to resolve the case. […] Through the Doctors Without Borders’/Medecins Sans Frontières’ (MSF) diplomatic efforts, you will maybe help to create a climate to staff members, volunteers, and supporters rallied in front facilitate the evolution of these negotiations, but that’s it. of the UN headquarters to call for the release of kidnapped The release of Erkel will only come with direct negotiations MSF aid worker Arjan Erkel. Erkel, the head of mission for between the abductors and a neutral and respected group MSF’s programs in Dagestan, has been held captive since that we have to find. […] Furthermore, they might not be August 12, 2002. His whereabouts and condition remain able to deliver Erkel, as it will increase the current suspicions unknown. “We are here today to demand that President that the case is political, or it will show that the FSB is weak Putin does everything in his power to secure the safe and or not totally controllable; that’s why you must bring in a immediate release of Arjan Erkel and that UN member states neutral, independent, credible, and well known third party hold the Russian leader accountable for failing to resolve to negotiate for us with the abductors. The Russians must Arjan’s case,” stated Dr. Morten Rostrup, MSF International also be very worried about the ‘day after the release.’ What Council President, at the start of the rally. would Erkel say about all this? On that point, we made it “If the newly adopted UN resolution on the safety and clear that the message after the release will be factual, no security of aid workers is to have any meaning, President political polemic, very much controlled, and that he must Putin must live up to his responsibility under international pass this message to Ivanov. law to find and free Arjan and allow humanitarian assistance to reach those in need in the Northern Caucasus,” continued Meeting with Deputy National Security Advisor of the US Dr. Rostrup. Actor Patrick Stewart read a letter to Arjan (Sept. 24 ’03) written by Vincent Cochetel, an aid worker who was […] The striking thing here is that they don’t deny at all the kidnapped in Chechnya for 11 months. The letter begins, “It responsibilities or the leverage of the Russian government is such a strange thing to feel so close to someone without to make progress on the case; the deputy national security knowing the person. I have known like you the unbearable advisor is not even trying to balance the whole thing by depths of loneliness, too much time to think, too much saying stuff like “it must more complicated than that, it time to look back.” Daniel Gluck, a New York attorney and is difficult for the Russians, etc.” So of course they have environmentalist, whose own brother Kenny Gluck, an MSF their own intelligence on the case (more than 500 people aid worker, was kidnapped in Chechnya in 2001 and held for in the US embassy in Russia…) and if they agree for Bush almost a month, spoke passionately about what Arjan’s family to raise the case of a Dutch national while there are so must be going through. “Although the world is large and the many other sensitive issues between the two governments, wounds too easily overlooked by those preoccupied by more it is maybe perhaps because they understand that at least, mundane concerns, Arjan is never forgotten,” Gluck said. Russia is not doing the maximum and that progress can be Co-sponsored by Amnesty International and emceed by made. Also for sure, the fact that the Dutch PM made an actor Kathleen Chalfant, the rally also drew attention to the appeal played a role and finally, the damage control link to plight of Chechen civilians suffering from years of war and the issue/ responsibilities about to the story of the military displacement. At present in Ingushetia, 80,000 displaced attaches, as the attitude about their own capability to raise Chechens living in tent camps and makeshift shelters are this issue with Russia at a high level drastically changed being increasingly pressured by the Russian authorities to since we brought up the story at the NSC some months ago. return to war-torn Chechnya where little or no humanitarian aid is available. The rally concluded with the reading of the names of ten aid workers kidnapped in the Caucasus since 1999. Rally-goers then made their way to the East River to board the ‘Free Arjan Boat’ which cruised in front of the UN building for two hours, sending a strong message to the The only initiative to make a public statement that I General Assembly that Arjan must be freed. blocked was when it was proposed that we confront Putin publicly during a lecture he was giving at Columbia University as part of United Nations meeting in New 270 York. The MSF USA team had displayed a banner on the Hudson in hispowerto secureArjan’srelease.Members oftheUS signed apetition callingonPresidentPutinto doeverything To date,morethan400,000 people aroundtheworldhave against anaidworker.” hold PresidentPutinaccountable forresolvingthiscrime It isuptoallheadsofstate, includingPresidentBush,to statements to secure Arjan’s immediate and safe release. “President Putin must live up to his obligations and his own Dr. Morten Rostrup, MSFInternational Council President. bound toobservethenormsofinternationallaw,”said President Putintoldtheworldthatcountriesmustbeduty- speech thisweektotheUnitedNationsGeneralAssembly, steps toensureaidworkers’safetyandsecurity.“Duringhis Resolution 1502,ailmemberstatesmusttakeappropriate and security of humanitarian aid workers. According to adopted UN Security Council Resolution 1502 on the safety In August2003,Russiavotedinfavoroftheunanimously authorities tofindandfreeArjan. been nosubstantialevidenceofactionstakenbyRussian that theywereworkingonArjan’scase,andyettherehas officials haveassuredMSFformorethanthirteenmonths condition andhiswhereaboutsremainunknown.Russian Since theendofJuly,therehasbeennoinformationonhis on August12,2002intheRussianrepublicofDagestan. Erkel istheDutchvolunteerforMSFwhowasabducted aid workerArjanErkel’simmediateandsaferelease. President VladimirPutinatCampDavidtoensurekidnapped today calleduponU.S.PresidentGeorgeBushtopressRussian Doctors WithoutBorders/MédecinsSansFrontières(MSF) The independenthumanitarianmedicalaidorganization Extract: personally onthisissue. to methatwewouldmovethingsforwardbyattackingPutin It wasgoingfarenoughtoattackaState,sodidnotseem it personal. In myview, that wouldhavebeenatactical error. do that.ItwastheonlytimeIsaidno.Weshouldnotmake publicly. Itoldhimthatundernocircumstancesshouldhe Columbia, andwouldthereforebeabletoconfrontPutin called metosaythathehadaccessthemeetingroomat River. Morten[Rostrup,BoardPresident of MSFInternational] responsibility tohaveArjanErkelreleased. public appealtoVladimirPutincallingonhimassume the RussianandAmericanpresidents,MSFlauncheda On 26September,ontheoccasionofameeting Communications (1996-1998),DirectorofOperations (1998-2000), President(May2000-May2008),(in ’ York, 26September2003(inEnglish). Aid Worker’sFreedom,’Pressrelease,MSF,New President BushUrgedtoPressPutinfor Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof French) interviewedin2009. necessary resourcestosecureArjan’srelease.” Bush mustinsistthatPresidentPutinurgentlymobilizeall even thoughtheneedsareenormous.ThisiswhyPresident aid agencieshavealmostnoaccesstopeopleintheregion, “Because of threats and violenceinthe Northern Causus, captive isaninternationalissue.”Dr.Rostrupcontinued. discuss itdirectlywithPresidentPutin.“Anaidworkerheld summit’s agenda.ItwillbecriticalforPresidentBushto Arjan’s case was ofgreatconcernandthatit was onthe officials intheBush Administration haveassured MSFthat matter directly with President Putin. In the past week, about Arjan,andhaveurgedPresidentBushtoraisethe Senate andUSCongresshavealsowrittentobothleaders Siberia andpublicisedthisinapressrelease. Belgium intervenedtohelpearthquakevictimsinla in Siberianprisons.AtthebeginningofOctober,MSF running foroversevenyearstuberculosissufferers WHO, MSFBelgiumclosedtheprogrammesithadbeen resistant tuberculosis,whichhadbeenapprovedbythe Russian authoritiesofitsprogrammetotreatmulti-drug At theendofSeptember,following the rejectionbythe which theyareresponsible. the protection of humanitarian workers in the regions for Presidents Bush and Putin to affirm their commitment to needed. Thisweek’ssummit meeting isaperfecttimefor profound. More,notless,humanitarianaidisdesperately and thesufferingofinnocentciviliansinbothplacesis Chechnya and,toalesserextent,Iraqaredisasterareas, Mr. Erkelisalive. then videotapeshavereportedlysurfacedindicatingthat for thePutingovernment.ItwasreopenedinMay.Since not succeededinturningthecaseintoanembarrassment remained closedifDoctorsWithoutBordersandothershad investigation wasclosedinNovemberandwouldhave the manwasabducted.Theinitial(andextremelytepid) consider thatgovernmentagentswatchedpassivelyas the Erkelkidnapping,whichishardlysurprisingwhenyou Russia hasshownnoeagernesstovigorouslyinvestigate Extract: After seven years of groundbreaking treatment of tuberculosis After sevenyears ofgroundbreakingtreatment oftuberculosis Extract: (in English). The NewYorkTimes(USA)26September2003 ‘Kindness’s CruelReward,’BobHerbert,Editorial, September 2003(inFrench). Region, Russia ,’ ‘ MSF EndsTuberculosisTreatment inKemerovo Press release, MSF Belgium, 30 271 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

in prison colonies and communities in the Kemerovo region left crevasses 6 metres wide and 400 metres long. Twelve of Siberia, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has decided villages have been struck by the series of earthquakes of a to stop its involvement in TB control. MSF saw no option force greater than seven on the Richter scale. The authorities but to discontinue its work after the Russian Ministry of estimated that six hospitals have been destroyed and twelve Health rejected the organisation’s project for fighting other at least partially damaged. drug-resistant TB. The MSF project was in accordance with Charles Goethals, MSF emergency coordinator, considers that the WHO guidelines for treatment of the disease. In the “The region’s inaccessibility is one of our major challenges, spring of 2003, the Ministry of Health informed MSF that not only because the distances are so great, but also because the treatment schemes proposed in the project contradicted the debris generated by the shocks have blocked the road regulations of the Russian Pharmaceutical Committee. MSF for more than 100 kilometres. However, in the last few reviewed the project document, with support of leading and days we have been able to send two teams from Moscow recognised Russian authorities in the field of TB treatment. and Kemerovo, with medicines, medical equipment and The new project proposal was approved by the Central blankets.” Although initially the casualty count was low, Tuberculosis Research Institute (CTRI), the Russian prison in the days following the earthquakes there was a marked authority GUIN and the TB Institute which is increase in the number of traumas, post-traumatic stress responsible for monitoring TB activities in the Kemerovo syndromes, and respiratory problems. MSF took action by region. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Health rejected the distributing the necessary medicines to the health centres project for the second time in September 2003. and hospitals that were still operating. Charles Goethals “After years of efforts, we are back at square one,” says concluded: “One of our greatest concerns is the cold weather Nicolas Cantau, Head of Mission for MSF in the Russian which could prove to be as dangerous for the population Federation. “We are forced to quit, as the only alternative as the earthquake itself. This is because so many houses would be to provide incomplete, inadequate treatment to have been destroyed and the temperature drops to below the patients. We have no options left, but given the scale -15° C at night.” In addition to distributing medicines, the of the problem with TB in Siberia and our investment over seven-member MSF team is also currently distributing clothes seven years in trying to tackle it with the Russian authorities, bought locally, 1,500 blankets, and 1,500 hygiene kits. our decision to leave feels like a very painful defeat.” The reasons given by the Ministry of Health for this second rejection refer to Russian legislation that prohibits the extended use of certain second line anti-TB drugs, crucial On 1 October, the Ingush authorities definitively closed for the fight against drug-resistant TB. In order to comply the Bella camp for displaced persons. In the preceding with existing legislation, MSF is asked to implement a weeks, hundreds of displaced people were pressured to treatment strategy that is in complete contradiction with leave the camp and the humanitarian organisations had the one proposed by WHO. problems gaining access. MSF denounced this situation High-level representation in Moscow earlier this month failed in a press release. A month later, Ivan Pomeshchenko, to change the position of the Ministry of Health. Since the head of the migration service in Ingushetia would declare beginning of 1996, upon invitation of GUIN Kemerovo, MSF that the humanitarian organisations working in the has been involved in tuberculosis control activities in the displaced persons’ camps, were openly using propaganda penitentiary system of Kemerovo region. Since 2001, MSF to dissuade people from returning to Chechnya and that has also been active in the civil sector. By June 2003, over their activities were being closely studied by the Russian 10,000 TB patients had received treatment based on WHO Federation’s security services. strategy through cooperation between MSF and regional structures. Apart from supplying TB drugs and side-effect drugs to these patients, MSF has also assisted the region with providing supplementary food to the patients, rehabilitating ‘Camps Closed, People Expelled: Displaced Chechens health structures, and providing materials for laboratories. Must Have Option to be Re-located in Ingushetia,’  MSF fully renovated and equipped the laboratory of the TB MSF Press release, Nazran/Moscow 3 October colony 33 in Mariinsk which is the referral laboratory for 2003 (in English). the whole prison system in the region. Extract: On Wednesday, October 1, authorities in Ingushetia closed Bela Camp, which housed up to 3,500 displaced ‘MSF Intervenes in Siberia Following the Earthquake,’ Chechens, according to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Press release, MSF Belgium, 8 October 2003 (in Sans Frontières (MSF). This is only the most recent step French). authorities have taken in implementing a strategy of closing down camps for displaced people in Ingushetia, a Extract: Russian Republic neighboring Chechnya. Most of the final MSF has sent an emergency team to Siberia (Russia) following 168 families living in the camp in the Russian Republic the various earthquakes which have struck the area. The were relocated over the past week to tents provided by the Kosh-Agach region, which has nearly 17,000 inhabitants, has United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in 272 been the worst affected by the tremors, which in places have Satsita Camp. The displaced families are able to stay in the respondents refuse to return to Chechnya. In October, public pollofthe migrantsshowthatonly two percentof voluntary basis.”Accordingto him,theresultsoflatest underscored that“theprocess istakingplaceonamerely migrants fromIngushetiato Chechnya,Pomeshchenko Russian Federation.”Speaking aboutthereturnofChechen analyzed bythebodiesof Federal SecurityCouncilofthe “the activityofsuchorganisationsisnowbeingthoroughly Ingushetia,” IvanPomeshchenkosaid.Accordingtohim, against thestabilizationofsituationin-Chechnyaand in openpropagandathecampsformigrants,aimed international humanitarianorganisationsareengaged Refugees in the Russian Federation.“The missions of some the aegis of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for are makingatourofNorthOssetiaandIngushetiaunder the meetingwithagroupofRussianjournalists,who Department chiefIvanPomeshchenkospokeaboutitat humanitarian organisationsinthecampsofforcedmigrants. intends tostudytheactivityofsomeinternational of Ingushetia (a republic in the Southern Federal District) With thebeginningof2004MigrationServiceDepartment Extract: authorizations aregiven. construction oftemporarysheltersassoonpromised offers ofhousing in Ingushetia. MSF isreadytoresume Chechnya, and each expelled family should receive concrete alternative housingtopeoplewhochoosenotreturn from BelaCampclearlyshowsitispossibletorapidlyprovide war-ravaged Chechnya.Therelocationofdisplacedfamilies done inallinstanceswhenpeopledonotwanttoreturn of displaced-personsettlementsinIngushetia should be Providing alternativeshelterstopeoplewhoareforcedout and warningsofkidnappingfortherestrictions. without specialauthorization,andofficialsciteinsecurity aid workershasbeenseverelylimited.Entryisprohibited During thesameperiod,accesstocampsforhumanitarian in theneighborhoodsoutsideIngushetia’scapitalNazran. man. Suchoperations are becoming everyday occurrences thirty maskedmenreturnedtothecampandarrestedanother and detaineduntilthatnight.Thefollowingmorning,nearly surrounded thecampto‘checkpapers.’Twomenwerearrested operation intheMTF-Karabulakcamp.Onehundredsoldiers That sameday,themilitaryconductedanew“cleansing” kompakniki inRussian,werethreatenedwithexpulsion. in LogovazandOushkoz,spontaneoussettlementscalled The nightbeforeBelaCampwasclosed,familiessquatting able tosaypreciselywherethesefamilieshavegone. no alternativeexcepttoreturnChechnya,andoneis under constantpressurefromauthorities.Theyweregiven equal numberoffamiliesleftthecampbeforeSeptember “cleansing” operationspersist.Unfortunately,atleastan extreme violence,abductions,assassination,torture,and Ingushetia andnotreturntoChechnya,whereaclimateof ‘FSB of RussiaAnalysesActivitySome Interna RIA Novosti (Russia) 5 November 2003 (in English). tional HumanitarianOrganisationsinIngushetia,’ - the detailsofour passportsandthey’dalready votedforus.” candidate forthat party.Ididn’tgotovote, buttheyhave our bossaseatintheMoscow parliamentifhestoodas Russian People’sParty[pro-Kremlin], asMoscowpromised “We wereforcedatgunpoint tobecomemembersofthe waits for her boss to leave the room before whispering ministry officeadornedwith apictureofAkhmedKadyrov, threats. Forinstance,onewomancalledAminat,inher describe aterrorisedsociety,worldofcondemnationand When theyspeakfreely,farfromeavesdroppers,theChechens to witnessthestagingofthiselectoralPotemkinvillage. were givenaguidedtourunderheavilyarmedprotection Dozens offoreigncorrespondentsinvitedbytheKremlin people weretakenfromonepollingstationtoanother. for show.[…]Togiveanimpressionofactiveparticipation, and attacks,wereconvincedthattheelectionwasjust is credible.Peoplestayedhome,fearingarmedconfrontation of more than 80%.’Nobody inGrozny believes that this figure Putin. Thatevening,theauthoritiesannounced‘participation 5 October,AkhmedKadyrov,shakinghandswithVladimir shows thedesignatedvictorofpresidential‘election’on “Pure intentions, strong power”, proclaims the poster which asked togoandvote. arrival oftheRussianarmyfouryearsago,Chechensare torture, aftertheviolencethatwasunleashedfollowing absurdity. Afterthemassacres,summaryexecutions, misery, thesamefear,andfeelingofindescribable in 1994, 1995, 1999, 2000. Everywhere there is the same ripped offbythebombswhichraineddownoncity what theycall‘homes’–apartmentblockswiththefacades deserted, themarketsempty,inhabitantsholedupin On thisElectionDay,Groznyisaghosttown.Theroadsare Extract: of otherhostages. who, he said, had already been involved in the release be the first international taskof thenewpresident, Izmaïlov suggestedthatthereleaseofArjanErkelwould independent Russian weekly Novaya Gazeta, Vyacheslav and openlymanipulated. In the8Octoberissueof According toobservers,theelectionwasextensively administration, waselectedpresidentofChechnya. been interiorministerofthepro-RussianChechen On 5October,AkhmadKadirov,whohad until then the problemsofChechenmigrants.” High CommissionerforRefugees[hadaided]inresolving pointed out“thegreatassistanceoftheOfficeUN The chiefoftheMigrationServiceDepartmentIngushetia more than1,200migrantsvoluntarilyreturnedtoChechnya. (in French). Nougayrède, LeMonde(France)7October2003 Chechnya FollowingaRiggedElection,’Natalie ‘ The Kremlin’s Candidate becomes President of 273 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

The vote-rigging takes place in broad daylight. Officially, Arjan, who was abducted more than 14 months ago, was ‘561,000 electors’ were ‘registered’ for the election which still alive and that Russia was doing all it could to have took place without European observers. This figure alone him released. Since May 2003, the Russian authorities have would account for more than the total current population been saying that Arjan is still alive. Evidence of this has of Chechnya. Furthermore, according the authorities ‘30,000 been shown to MSF. The first piece of evidence was sent at Russian soldiers’ voted on Sunday, but the true figure could the end of March to the Dutch authorities, more than seven be two or three times higher. The three or four candidates months after Arjan’s kidnapping. It includes two photos who might have overshadowed Mr Kadyrov have thrown in and two letters handwritten by Arjan. At the end of July, a the towel under pressure from the Kremlin. second piece of evidence was received.

‘ Vladimir Putin, Release of Arjan Erkel is in Your Hands,’ Vyacheslav Izmaïlov, Novaya Gazeta At the end of October, the Director General of MSF (Russia) 8 October 2003 (translated from Russian Switzerland moderated the MSF movement’s proposals into in English by MSF). for communications support and lobbying. His intention was to avoid situations which could provoke accusations Extract: that might compromise progress being made with some After President of Russia was appealed [to] for aid in the leads. However, on 1 November a poster campaign with release of Erkel by the prime ministers of the Netherlands portraits of Arjan and information about his plight were and Greece during the jubilee festivities in Saint-Petersburg displayed by MSF in strategic places in Moscow’s airports. in May this year, Vladimir Putin stated that his was aware of the case and the work on release of the abducted was underway…True, the president gave instructions to the leadership of FSB and MVD and these two establishments ‘ Arjan,’ Email exchange between Thomas Linde, combined their efforts on release of Arjan Erkel. […] “I MSF Switzerland Executive Director and Ulrike can witness that I have personally and repeatedly met with Pilar, MSF Germany Executive Director, 30 October the Head of administration of Chechen Republic Akhmed 2003 (in English). Kadirov in 2000-2001 on the issue of liberation of the Samara journalist Biktor Petrov and an activist of the female Extract: movement Svetlana Kuzmina who had spent more than two Ulrike […]: years in captivity of the bandits in Chechnya.” Hi Jana - any news about next steps regarding Arjan? We were thinking of organizing a background discussion with Long negotiations gave a result: the people of Akhmed some selected journalists - if Thomas Nierle would come? Kadirov helped indeed although we had to resort to this for What do you think? […] the leaders of the illegal bandit units – Russian Gelaev and Doku Umarov. […] This issue of the newspaper will appear Thomas: when the results of the presidential elections in Chechnya a) Our focus in public communications today is somewhat are known already. Their results cause no doubt. Kadirov will different than before. Intermediaries in the field appear be made president. So let Arjan Erkel’s release become his to [be] making progress, and we have seen during the last first international mission. Provided of course, the president 6 weeks that too much rhetorical noise at this stage may of Russia charges him with such a task. confuse the guys - both those who must finally let Arjan free, and those who need to give green lights for this. Therefore, we should do our best to maintain awareness on the predicament of Arjan but avoid situations that could force us to repeat accusations that we do not want to put In mid-October, on an official visit to Switzerland, forward at this stage. It therefore, might not be the right the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs told his Swiss moment for a background briefing with journalists (if you counterpart that Arjan Erkel was alive and that Russia do this you need to give some juicy info, but then you can’t was doing all it could to release him. control how it will get out). […]

’The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs States that ‘ Narrative chronology, Arjan Erkel Case,’ MSF Arjan is Alive,’ Press release, MSF Switzerland, Switzerland Cell Crisis, April 2004 (in English). 19 October 2003 (in French). Extract: Extract: 01/11: In Moscow, beginning of the billposting campaign According to the ITAR-TASS press agency, Igor Ivanov told with AE’s pictures. The idea is to have billboards informing 274 Micheline Calmy-Rey [Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs] that on AE’s situation. In both of Moscow’s biggest airports, the current activitiesornegotiations.Itwaswell-respected. deemed themdangerousorcounter-productivewithregardto veto, whichmeantthatwecouldvetocommunicationsif ourselves individually,andfortheteams. We measuredhowfaritcouldbedangerousforArjan, was whatmotivatedus;otherwisewewouldn’thavedoneit. very worriedaboutwhetherArjanwasaliveorunwell.This we stopped. me ‘wait, wemustn’tgoaheadwiththis’andonbothoccasions I canremembertwooccasionswhenThomasLindesaidto counterproductive comingupthroughthisaction. planned togoontillAE’srelease,unlessthereissomething the attention of politicians flying to Moscow. The campaign is billboards aresituatedinstrategic places inordertoattract also heldthePresidency oftheEuropeanUnion, toapply President ofthe ItalianCouncil,SilvioBerlusconi, who MSF gaveapressconference inwhichitcalledonthe visit toRomeforasummit withtheEuropeanUnion, On 5November2003,onthe occasionofVladimirPutin’s Communications (1996-1998),DirectorofOperations Emergencies thenDirectorofOperations2000-2004, General, January2001to2004)(inFrench) at internationallevelthatoursectionhadarightof discussions amongthesections.Ithadbeendecided together. Everytimeweadoptedaposition,were international office,andourselves,wedidthings Things workedprettywellbetweentheSwiss, Switzerland] calledtotellusstopcommunicating. [Director ofOperationsandDirectorGeneralMSF There weredayswhenThomasNierleorLinde For eachcommunicationoperationtherewere Rafa VilaSanJuan,MSFInternationalSecretary (1998-2000), President(May2000-May2008), Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFranceDirectorof Dr ThomasNierle,MSFSwitzerland,Headof (in French)interviewedin2009. (in French)interviewedin2009. interviewed in2009

the Caucasus.This isaregionthathasbeen inconflictfor a clear expression of the reduced humanitarian space in remains incaptivitytheCaucasus. Hiscasehasbecome Arjan Erkelistheonlyforeign humanitarianworkerwho their efforts to secure Arjan’s safe release,” added Rostrup. Russian authoritiesatalllevels tosubstantiallyincrease to followtheEuropeanParliament’s resolutionsandcallon Union Presidency,ledbyItalyuntiltheendofyear, MSF takestheopportunitytodaytoappealEuropean MSF missioninDagestan.”“AsArjanisaEuropeancitizen, their effortstofindandfreeArjanErkel,theheadof Parliament calledupon“theRussianauthoritiestostepup and againinaplenarysessiononJuly3.TheEuropean Arjan’s saferelease,firstinaresolutionadoptedJanuary has twicecalledonRussianofficialstofindandensure Since thedayofkidnapping,EuropeanParliament President ofMSF’sInternationalCouncil. securing ArjanErkel’ssaferelease,”saidDr.MortenRostrup, hold theRussianPresidentVladimirPutinaccountablefor Union andespeciallyitspresident,SilvioBerlusconi,to colleague, we urgently ask all members of the European “After morethan14months of unbearablecaptivity for our of the case clearly indicates that much more must be done. reassuring toArjan’sfamilyandMSF,thelackofresolution to secureArjan’srelease.Eventhoughsuchstatementsare Mr. Ivanov said that Russia was doing everything possible during an official visit to Switzerland. In addition to this, Foreign AffairsMinister,alsoconfirmedthatArjanwasalive was alive.OnOctober13,IgorIvanov,Russia’sMinisterof At theendofJuly,MSFwasshownproofconfirmingthatArjan Republic ofDagestan. volunteer abductedonAugust12,2002intheRussian Vladimir PutintosecurethereleaseofArjanErkel,MSF president oftheEuropeanUniontopressRussianPresident Borders/Médecins SansFrontières(MSF)callsuponthe humanitarian medicalaidorganizationDoctorsWithout summit meetinginRomethisweek,theinternational As EuropeanUnion(EU)andRussianleadersconvenea Extract: violations inChechnya. Rights publishedadamningreportabouthumanrights policies. On 9 November, the UN Commission on Human Berlusconi’s unconditionalsupportforVladimirPutin’s The EuropeanUnionwasdividedaboutPresident call forthereleaseofArjanErkel. to denounce the situation of displaced Chechens and to organised a demonstration near the presidential palace Jacques Chirac,toraisetheissueofArjan’splight and Paris. MSFaskedthePresidentofFrenchRepublic, Erkel’s release.On7November,VladimirPutinwasin pressure on his Russian counterpart to secure Arjan 2003 (inEnglish). 2002,’ Worker inCaptivitytheCaucasussinceAugust Putin toSecuretheReleaseofArjanErkel,MSFAid ‘ EU President Berlusconi Called on to Press President EU PresidentBerlusconiCalledontoPress Press release,MSFRome,5November 275 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

more than ten years and where independent humanitarian ‘MSF Demonstration in Paris for Arjan Erkel,’ Le organizations today are unable to deliver effective assistance Monde (France), 7 November 2003 (in French). to thousands because of enormous insecurity and instability. In August 2003, the UN Security Council unanimously Extract: adopted Resolution 1502 on the safety and security of Members of Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) have demonstrated humanitarian aid workers, reiterating the responsibilities near the Elysée, on Friday 7 November, to demand the release of host countries. Arjan Erkel, however, is still in captivity, of their colleague Arjan Erkel. […] “Arjan’s life is in Vladimir and humanitarian workers in Russia’s Northern Caucasus Putin’s hands. We have asked President Chirac to raise the region continue to be threatened. matter”, explained Rafael Vilasanjuan, Secretary General of MSF-International. On 31 July, the Dutch government (Arjan Erkel is a Dutch citizen) received a photo of Arjan. Recently MSF-Switzerland published a report bringing to light Freedom, Human Rights, and Chechnya: “strange coincidences, inconsistencies, and dissimulations” “Uncomfortable Themes” Behind the Scenes,’ La by the Russian side during the enquiry into his abduction. Republica (Italia) 5 November 2003 (translated According to this report, Arjan Erkel “was under surveillance from Italian by MSF). by FSB agents (former KGB) when he disappeared”.

Extract: The Yukos36 question does not appear in the official agenda, just as there lacks another theme the Italian president ‘ Europe in Complete Disarray Facing Vladimir Putin’s has promised to raise: the kidnapping of Arjan Erkel, the Russia,’ Laurent Zecchini, Le Monde (France), 9 Doctors Without Borders (MSF) volunteer kidnapped 12 November 2003 (in French). August 2002 in the Soviet Republic of Dagestan, where he assisted refugees fleeing the war in Chechnya. Since that Extract: day, all traces have been lost of Erkel: two pictures, one The Commission has strongly criticised Mr Berlusconi’s dating back a year ago and one from last summer, and some unconditional support for the Russian President. Jacques informal communications to his family and MSF via Russian Chirac is increasingly considerate towards Moscow. Berlin channels show that he is still alive. “Russians have contact and London are keeping quiet, whereas Denmark, Sweden, with the kidnappers,” explains Morten Rostrup, international and the President of the European Parliament reiterate their president of MSF, “We don’t know what kind of contact, but criticisms about Chechnya. Silvio Berlusconi again provoked we believe they can do more so that Arjan will be released.” deep tensions in Europe by giving his unconditional support Arjan’s father, Dik Erkel, has arrived in Rome to put pressure to Vladimir Putin on Thursday in Rome. On Friday, the on Europe and push it to demand Putin take control of the European Commission strongly criticised the statement made situation. “Tomorrow (today for readers, editor’s note), 450 the day before by the President in office of the European days will have passed since the kidnapping,” he says, “Since Union, considering that he had not defended the positions of then my family’s life has become a nightmare: I know my son the Fifteen. Nevertheless, at the same time, Jacques Chirac is alive, but I don’t know where he is. He appears very worn in Paris showed his friendship towards Vladimir Putin by out in the pictures I’ve been sent: I don’t think he could accompanying him to the airport. Most European leaders survive another winter in the Caucasus.” For this reason Erkel have decided to support the Kremlin in spite of the massive and MSF are asking the EU to push Putin, who has shown violations of human rights in Chechnya, which have again interest in the issue only after much international pressure been condemned in a UN report. In Moscow, one month – from Kofi Annan, the Pope, the UN High Commissioner ahead of a general election, traditionally divided democratic for Refugees, Ruud Lubbers and the many EU governments movements, are beginning to rally. which have taken on the case. Chechnya must be one of the priorities of the talks, sustains Amnesty International, which will present a document in three points today to urge the EU to demand answers from the Russians regarding ‘Damning UN Report on Chechnya,’ Afsane Bassir human rights in the area, where, according to the words of Pour, Le Monde (France), 9 November 2003 (in Ilyas Akhmadov, exiled Foreign Secretary of the nationalist French). government, “genocide” is occurring. Akhamadov has asked the Pope and participants in the summit to call upon Putin Extract: to start a “political dialogue” with Chechen opposition. In a damning report published on Friday 7 November in Geneva, the UN Commission on Human Rights says it is “profoundly preoccupied” by human rights violations in Chechnya, the Russian Federation’s pro-independence republic. According to one of its experts, “executions, torture, crimes, and rapes seem to have been committed with a large dose of impunity.” At a press conference,

36. In October 2003, the Russian Oligarch Mikhaïl Khodorkovsky, Yukos’s owner, the Rapporteur, Mr Nigel Rodley, also indicated that the 276 was arrested and jailed. explanations given by Moscow “had done nothing to dispel political pressure. to theUnitedNations,butnotPutin.Sotherewasnoreal Erkel toIvanov,theRussianForeignAffairsMinister,atavisit [Dominique de,FrenchForeignAffairsMinister]mentioned want to mentionArjan in order not to anger Putin. Villepin he wasn’ttheoneresponsibleanddidnothing.Aznardidn’t instance, asolutiontotheErkelproblem.Putinrepliedthat Europe, hewouldneedtosendastrongsignalbyfinding,for he toldPutinthatifwantedtoimproverelationswith that wasinprivatecontext.DuringavisittoSardinia, for SilvioBerlusconi[PresidentoftheItalianCouncil]but Europe. None ofthe presidents had done anything, except Putin had said that he would never accept interference from that SolanahadtriedtoraisetheissueofChechnya,but Europe andRussia.Solana’sheadofprivateofficetoldme Arjan’s caseontheagendaofallthosemeetingsbetween to playwiththatandwestartedplayingEuropeget much powerfromenergy,butitwasbeginning.Putinwanted number two,allthosepeople.Russiadidnotthenhaveas Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs], Berlusconi’s and PoliticalRights. the requirements of the International Covenant on Civil presidential election,heldon5October,didnotrespect The 18authorsofthereportalsostressthatChechen parties “shouldbeprosecutedandthevictimscompensated.” rape” should be subject to an enquiry and that the guilty matters, enforced disappearances, and cases of torture and gravity of the acts.” They added that “all the extrajudicial note thatthe“chargesandsentencesdonotseemtofit prosecuted forcrimesagainstciviliansinChechnya,but indicate that 54 police officers and soldiers have been rights violationsintheChechenRepublic.Therapporteurs “persistent andevidence-supported”informationonhuman the Commission’sconcerns.”Theexpertsareworriedby General, January2001to2004)(inFrench) [the Spanish Prime Minister], Javier Solana [European [the SpanishPrimeMinister],JavierSolana[European governments ofEurope.IwenttoseeJose-MariaAznar MSF Hollandadvocatedsilentdiplomacywithallthe Rafa VilaSanJuan,MSFInternationalSecretary interviewed in2009. and formerfellow-fighter oftheChechen leaderDudaiev cousin, Ibrahim, wholivedinBaku(Azerbaijan). Thisdentist opening apoisonedletterwhich he had received via Imam’s Chechnya andhadcloseties withAl-Qaeda.Hediedafter Khattab. Khattabwastheleader oftheArabvolunteersin triumphantly thattheyhadmurdered theJordanianwarlord really begins earlier. On 23 April 2002 the FSB announced service, theFSB,lookedonanddidnothing.Butstory capital Makhachkala, while two agents of the Russian secret Arjan Erkelwas abducted byImam’sgang intheDagestan is alsoknowntoNRCHandelsblad.AccordingIzmailov, in Dagestanknowsimmediatelywhohemeans.Thename the falsenameofImam,butinsuchawaythateveryone In hisnewspaper,NovayaGazetahecallsthekidnapperby Dagestan andmediatedinmanykidnappingsthe1990s. South Russian federal state of Dagestan. Izmailov comes from retired MajorVyatcheslavIzmailov,whorecentlyvisitedthe These aretheresultsofaninvestigationbyjournalistand in Dagestan,theregionofShamilski. investigators. AtthemomentArjanErkelissaidtobeback the personbehindabductionisknowntoRussian to bringinaransomoffivemilliondollars.Theidentity rumour hasbeencirculatinginDagestanthatErkelwillhave that they would soon be issuing their demands. Since then, a businessman. In the spring, his kidnappers made it known last yearontheordersofaDagestanparliamentarian and Dutch aidworkerArjanErkelwasabductedon12August Extract: wherefores’ ofArjanErkel’skidnapping. his informationtobuilditsanalysisofthe‘whysand particularly goodsourcebyMSF,whichextensivelyused to hisDutchcolleague,Ismailovwasalsoconsidereda been followingthisleadforalongtime.Inaddition as wellDagestaniandRussianinvestigators,had Erkel’s kidnapping.ThearticlemaintainedthatMSF, Wahhabite groups, as thepersonwhohad ordered Arjan member oftheDagestaniParliament,andclosetosome Gazeta. Thisdesignatedacriminalbusinessman, postulated a few days earlierby Ismailov in Novaya November, CoenVanZwolreturnedtothehypothesis In theDutchdailyNRC’seditionsof5andthen16 JOURNALISTS POINTTOPEOPLE ‘Identity of Arjan Erkel’s Kidnapper is Known,’ English byMSF). 5 November2003(translatedfromDutchinto Coen vanZwol,NRC WHO MAYBEBEHIND THE KIDNAPPING (The Netherlands),Moscow,

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dealt in gold in Baku. Ibrahim was a member of Imam’s since May.” Christophe says that there have only been criminal network, which survived mainly by doing odd jobs three signs that Arjan is still alive: two photos and letters for Chattab’s Arab legion. Some members of Imam’s gang and later a video tape: “As the video looked like a kind of were FSB ‘moles.’ It was they who sent Chattab the poisoned ultimatum we asked for another sign that he was alive. They letter via Ibrahim – possibly without his knowledge. The gave us one.” According to Izmailov, the Dagestan police Chechen rebels saw Ibrahim as a collaborator. are running out of patience with Imam and there are plans On 14 May 2002 the Arab network Al Jazeera reported that to kill him. “The only thing that’s stopping them is that a Chechen court had sentenced the man to death. According they might endanger Arjan. But, at any rate, Imam knows to Izmailov, he was murdered in September 2002, apparently for sure that he will die if Arjan dies.” Christophe admits on the orders of Imam. Imam had every reason to be furious. that he knows this as well. “The Dagestan police spoke to After the death of Khattab he lost the lucrative contact with us about storm tactics but we are very wary. If they kill the Khattab’s Arab paymasters. His gang decided to concentrate leader, we’re scared that his men will kill Arjan.” again on an older speciality: kidnapping. Imam wanted a Is it the endgame for the Erkel case? Izmailov knows that foreigner because foreigners raised a lot of cash. In early his report will bring things to a head. He also has to think August, Erkel, who was in CKhasavyurt near the Chechen about his own safety: “Imam knows that I have a lot of border, was warned of danger by the FSB. He evacuated information. I consider it now very dangerous to keep this to the foreign MSF workers – a doctor and a logistician – to myself. I’ve let him know through my Dagestan sources that the Dagestan capital Makhachkala. In Makhachkala Erkel all the information, including the names of the kidnappers, then made a serious error by having dinner with two US is stored in a safe place and will be published if anything military observers who were in Dagestan to watch Russian happens to me.” Izmailov is still giving nothing away about naval exercises. This and other ‘suspicious’ behaviour on the the location where Arjan Erkel is being held. But if the part of Arjan Erkel led the local police and secret service to report in his newspaper, Novaya Gazeta does not lead to believe that he was a western spy. Arjan’s release, he might reveal more details in two weeks. All of Izmailov’s sources still share this opinion. They say: The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said that it does one thing is certain, Arjan Erkel had secrets. They also find it not comment on operational matters. dubious that an aid worker refuses an armed bodyguard when, around the same time, the police warn him of danger. In their opinion, the aid worker did not want anyone snooping around. Imam’s gang had informants among Dagestan’s ‘ Death for the Living,’ Coen van Zwol, NRC (The corrupt police force and the FSB. It is not inconceivable Netherlands) 16 November 2003 (translated from that the suspicions surrounding Arjan made him even more Dutch into English by MSF). attractive as a kidnap candidate: the story has also filtered through to Dagestan that the CIA has huge resources and Extract: always pays up to get its people back. Izamilov’s sources This week, the local newspaper Noveye Delo ran an article have no answer to the question of why the Dagestan FSB, by retired Major Vyacheslav Izmailov about Arjan Erkel who was shadowing Erkel, did not intervene on 12 August (33), the Dutch humanitarian aid worker who disappeared and then scarcely put any pressure on Imam. “Ask Vladimir on 12 August 2002 in this southern Russian republic. The Suratov,” (the local head of the FSB), said the Dagestan perpetrator, it is claimed, is a ‘businessman’ and a member police. of the Dagestani parliament. Izmailov uses the pseudonym Izmailov’s report is based on fourteen sources: ten policemen, ‘Imam’ but peppers his story with so many details that we two FSB agents in Dagestan and Moscow, and two brokers in came up with the real name after a day and a half’s digging. kidnapping cases. The team in charge of the Erkel case on Let us use a first name: K. […] MSF considers it ‘a plausible behalf of MSF, says that it is a “highly plausible account” theory’ that this Kazimagomed is the perpetrator but not and a “very good analysis” but not necessarily “the one true necessarily ‘the only correct theory.’ It appears that his version because you never know who is manipulating who”. name has been known to the aid workers for at least eight Jean-Christophe of MSF: “The fact that the authorities in months already. The Dagestani policeman, Temirbulatov, Dagestan are now suddenly talking freely to a journalist who is in charge of the investigation, says: “As a policeman, tells me that something is going on. It’s like a move to put I make no comment. As a private citizen, I say: he’s the further pressure on the kidnappers. That’s good, I hope.” one.” A Dutch diplomat says: “It’s a good story. It explains In the meantime, the situation in Dagestan has acquired a the kidnappers’ curious behaviour.” whole new dynamism. In June, after talks between Prime- Major Izmailov is an insider. He comes from Dagestan, where Minister Balkenende and President Putin, the Moscow FSB Erkel disappeared fifteen months ago. As a major in the sent an independent team of agents to the south to solve Russian army, he built up a good relationship with the rebels the Erkel case. They are coming down hard on the ‘locals’. in the first Chechen war (1994-1996). During the Russian Christophe, MSF: “It’s no longer a question of ransom money. withdrawal, he left the service and became a mediator in Everybody wants to see this business come to an end, but kidnappings, which were a true epidemic in the Caucasus the kidnappers want guaranteed immunity. They don’t want at the time. A ‘normal’ Russian person brings in 5,000 – to be punished later.” 10,000 US dollars, a foreigner often millions. Izmailov is MSF denies that it is in touch with the kidnappers. Demands now a reporter for the Novoya Gazeta newspaper. We spoke 278 for five million dollars “have only reached us as rumours to Izmailov when he had just published his article. In the in aBMW750. paths around G[…] in a black Mercedes 600 and sometimes died. K[…]sometimesdrivesalongthedustymountain July, hiscarcameunderfireand33year-oldchauffeur ordinary people.’ But he is not an angel without enemies: in ‘an angel.’‘Becausehecomesfromapoorfamily,helps This week,thenewspaperDagestanidescribedK[…]as the money seems to have disappeared is a local scandal. That factthatthefactoryhasstillnotbeenopenedand top bureaucratinMoscow,thepresentprime-minister[…]. subsidy oftenmilliondollarsin1999fromathen-unknown factory beingbuiltinM[…],acompanythatreceivedhefty Formally, K[…]isthesub-managerof[a]smallelectronics big advantage:immunityfromprosecution. for thedistrictofUntsukul.Suchapositionprovidesone this yearhasbeenamemberoftheDagestaniparliament family in the mountain village of G[…] and since March of the biggestethnicgroupinDagestan.Hecomesfromapoor He isa32year-oldbusinessmanbelongingtotheAvars, […] WhoisK[…],thesuspectedkidnapperofArjanErkel? Izmailov think he can achieve by making all of this public? authorities notarrestKazimagomed?AndwhatdoesMajor negotiation withK[…]aboutErkel’srelease?Whydothelocal insiders, itgivesrisetothreequestions.Whyisthereno If thisisalltrueandapparentlycommonknowledgeamong independent sources from the police, FSB, and the‘milieu’. warlords. Hecansubstantiatethiswithfourteenpartially ‘businessman’ whoworkscloselywithChechenWahhabite in acompletelydifferentdirection:thekidnapperis Now, afterafreshvisittoDagestan,Izmailovislooking Square inMoscow,neartheheadquartersofFSB. year sinceArjandisappeared,MSFprotestedontheLubyanka FSB refused to mediate any further. On 12 August 2003, a pictures ofErkeltotheDutchembassyinMoscow,but kidnappers. InJune, a secretagentbroughtvideowith in Chechnya.AndtheFSBiscertainlycontactwith to itssharpcriticismofthebrutalRussianintervention service FSBthathadtraditionallybeenhostiletoMSFowing [of clues] pointed to an active role by the Russian secret an hour,allthefactswereconfirmed.Atthatmoment,alot in the week withtwo American military observers. Within when hewaskidnapped–theaidworkerhaddinedearlier Russian secretserviceFSBhadbeenfollowingArjanErkel In Julywecheckedatiptogether:carbelongingtothe still alive. We kept in contact and exchanged information. Dagestan. This yielded little, except evidence that Erkel was then askedIzmailovtoinvestigatethekidnappingin Mikhail Gorbachov,patronofthenewspaperNovoyaGazeta, broke thesilencesurroundingArjanErkel.Ex-president Our pathscrossedagaininFebruaryofthisyearwhenMSF balding majoronjustsucha‘fooddrop.’ near thetownofTver.Lastyear,Iaccompaniedportly, food aidforaChechenrefugeecampthathehasadopted rice, andcannedmeatfromthebootofablackMercedes: courtyard oftheNovoyaGazeta,hewasbusyunloadingflour, and askedthemostquestionsinRussianpress. and hewascertainlytheonewhowrotemostaboutArjan be verycarefulwithhim.Hewasindependent,that’sforsure, that be to say that there was freedom of speech. We had to beyond certainlimitsand,intheend,wasusedbypowers the authorities.Hewasacceptedaslonghedidnotgo his reputationwasbasedentirelyontheattackshemade not besurehowreliablehisinformationwas.I thought that him was that he had made his name on thisandso we could somewhere inthemedia. times whenitwasclearthattheyhadjustreadsomething followed themediamuchasourcontactsdid.Iremember positive messagesinthepress.Itwasclearthatministries a journalist at Novaya Gazeta, Izmailov, who we used to place of it.Wedo,however,knowthatArjanisstillalive. the endofthisincomingweeks,butwearenotcertain possibilities havebeenexhausted.[…]Wehopetoget and bodiesimplicatedinhiskidnapping.Alldiplomatic MSF nowhasverypreciseinformationaboutthepeople Arjan’s kidnapping displaced Chechens. hindering humanitarian intervention in the campsfor the CoordinatorofMSFFrance describedtheobstacles sent backtoChechnya.Inthe BritishdailyTheGuardian, in Ingushetiawasdefinitively closedanditsinhabitants On 10December,thecampfor displacedpersonsatAlina (January toApril2000)theninIngushetia(September 2000 toJanuary2001),MSFSwitzerlandOfficerinthe Emergencies thenDirectorofOperations2000-2004, the alleged involvement of the FSB. The problem with the allegedinvolvementofFSB.Theproblemwith met two or three times. He was one of our sources on I rememberthisfamousjournalist,Ismailov,who humanitarian worker doing such and such.’ There was spy whowasdoingsoandso’tothatof‘the We weretryingtochangeArjan’s narrative from‘the Steve Cornish,CoordinatorMSFFranceinGeorgia Russian Federation(August2002toApril2004), Extract: 2003 (inFrench). MSF FranceBoardMeetingminutes,28November Dr ThomasNierle,MSFSwitzerland,Headof (in French)interviewedin2009. (in French)interviewedin2008

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‘Doctors Acting at Long Distance Across the attention to Grozny’s central hospital, helping to restore Caucasian Frontiers,’ (UK) 20 its operating theatre. The hospital managed to perform 395 December 2003 (in English). operations last month.

Extract: Perhaps nowhere else in the world does MSF go so far beyond its original medical brief as in its work in Ingushetia with refugees from the two recent wars in the neighbouring At the beginning of December, a lead for Arjan’s release, republic of Chechnya. About 90% of the 70,000 Chechen through a Veterans’ Association of the Russian Secret refugees no longer live in tents. To escape the winter cold, Services, which was recruited by MSF in agreement with they moved into kompaktniki, a vague term which covers the Dutch authorities, seemed to be on the verge of a variety of disused garages, pig farms, chicken factories, succeeding. However, following condemnations prompted bakeries and workshops. Besides arranging the installation by internal rivalries in the Dagestani police, the arrest of of floors and ceilings, MSF has supervised repairs and even Imamutdin Temirbulatov on 10 December, the Dagestani built new housing. MSF’s work in the northern Caucasus is police officer in charge of the Arjan Erkel investigation, unique for other reasons. It faces a huge security problem threw the region into confusion. This temporarily blocked and very difficult relations with the authorities. the various trails and leads, including the one followed by Although there is no fighting in Ingushetia or Dagestan, the Veterans’ Association. In Novaya Gazeta, Vyatcheslav the two republics which border Chechnya, the danger of Izmailov took Temirbulatov’s defence and published kidnapping is ever present. In August last year, Arjan Erkel, the information that MSF was still investigating. On 16 its head of mission in northern Caucasus, was abducted in December, an article in the Chechen Times mistakenly Dagestan and he has not been seen since. MSF suspended all announced that Chechen Special Forces had freed Arjan its operations in Dagestan, and forbids its international staff Erkel. to enter Chechnya. Although it resumed work in Ingushetia a few months later, their foreign staffs no longer sleep in the republic. To add to the security problems, the Russian government prohibits radio communications. This is not a ‘Narrative Chronology: The Dutch Government” place for the familiar sight of white Toyota Land cruisers AE Case - Period 2002 - April 2004, MSF Switzerland with large antennae and the red MSF logo on the side. “In Cell Crisis, 2004 (in English). virtually every other country the government either supports or is neutral to MSF,” says Duccio Staderini, Head of MSF Extract: Mission in Russia. “Here officials often create deliberate • 01/12: Two operational tracks are opened, one with the difficulties.” He served in western Afghanistan before going Veterans and one with the Dutch lawyer Rammelt, T-Linde to Moscow and says even the Taliban were easier to work with. (MSF-CH General Director) is doubtful about the fact to keep two tracks opened. […] “The latest restriction is that we have to get passes to go • around 07/12: An opportunity to release AE is on the way into the tented camps in Ingushetia. In another case, we to become a reality. The Veterans are part of the plan, were given permission to build 140 houses for refugees and maybe not initiating it but being accepted to play the then told to destroy them.” The authorities’ policy is not role of intermediaries with the kidnappers. The release is to make life too comfortable for Chechens. To prove that, planned in around the 11th of December. It is supposed the war is almost over and Chechnya is “normalising,” they to occur in Dagestan. […] have been putting pressure on the refugees to go home. • 10/12: Arrest of the Colonel Temirbulatov, (Deputy the The crudest method is to close the tented camps. One shut Head of the Directorate for Organized Crime UBOP-MVD in December last year after the authorities gave a deadline in Dagestan) suspected to be corrupted in the release of for cutting off its gas and power supply. Another closed in Dzhamal Gamidov, [the] eight-year old boy kidnapped October, and early this month refugees in the Alina camp more than three years ago. The arrest makes such a mess were told to pack and find somewhere else to live because in the region that the chances of release for AE failed. the tents were to be pulled down. It was the last stage in The Veterans moved back to Moscow and expects more a slow squeeze, which has reduced Alina’s numbers from for the end of the month. 3,944 in early January to 818 by the beginning of December. About 30,000 refugees have returned to Chechnya this year, lured partly by supplies of flour and other food from the World Food Programme and partly by promises of ‘Sensation or Fabrication,’ Viatcheslav Izmailov, compensation for damaged homes made by the pro-Moscow Novaya Gazeta (Russia) 15 December 2003 (in Chechen administration, although so far, fewer than 100 English). families have got it. Once there, they still benefit from MSF programmes. Although no international staffs go there, Extract: MSF uses a network of Chechen staff to take medicines and Last week national media broke sensational news. equipment to 25 Chechen hospitals, clinics and pharmacies Head of Dagestani kidnapping police unit Lieutenant- 280 in six regions of the war-torn republic. It has paid special colonel Imamutdin Temirbulatov was detained as one of affairs! intelligence services]wereright uptotheirnecksinthese involved inthekidnappingshimself.They[theRussian Arjan ErkelwasliberatedfromRussiancaptivityasaresult. Chechen Timesdoesn’thaveanyavailableinformationif near theborderwithChechnya.Theeditorial staff ofThe guise ofa‘kidnapping’inthemountainareaDagestan, FSK more than a year ago and kept in captivity under the preliminary information,wasseizedbymembersoftheRF citizen oftheNetherlandsArjanErkel,who,accordingto the memberoforganization“DoctorsWithoutBorders,” operation inthe Tsuntitinsky district of Dagestan; to liberate Chechen SpecialForceonDecember13carriedoutaspecial The editorialstaffofChechenTimeshaslearntthata Arjan Erkel “Special operation” by Chechen Special Forces to liberate News for thetimebeing,Ihavenomoreinformationtoshare. Times. Ourlineisverysimple: “No Comment.” Take care, to deregardingtheinformationpublishedbyTheChechen If youreceiveanyMediarequests,MSFhasnocomments external COMLINE: Erkel. Don’tforgetthatthisisonlyanewarticle....Our Please readthearticlebelowregardingcaseofArjan Extract: corrupted and[an]accomplicetocriminals. Temirbulatov hasrepeatedlyaccusedhischefsofbeing He hadthemoststrainedrelationswithhisdirectauthorities. case thathadinternationalrepercussions. Interior MinisterregardingtheabductionofArjanErkel, […]Temirbulatov made a personal report to the Dagestan troublesome person for both militants and his own bosses. and compromiseTemirbulatov.ImamutdinTemirbulatov’s a “case” wassetup.Therewereseveralattemptsmadetofire I havereasontosupposethatImamutdinTemirbulatov’s policeman activelyinvolvedinresolvingkidnappingcases. Gamidov. IknowImamutdinTemirbulatovpersonallyasa the suspectsinkidnappingof11-year-oldDzhamal Communications (1996-1998), DirectorofOperations arrested duringhissearchesandwasaccusedofbeing investigations, andtherefore,forfindingArjan,was Later on,theDagestaniChiefofPoliceresponsiblefor December 2003 (in English). December 2003(inEnglish). Crisis CellandMSFCommunicationsNetwork,16 Email exchangebetweenPereJoanPons,MSFErkel Liberate Arjan Erkel: Our Line is No Comment Please,’ ‘ ,’ by Chechen Special Forces to Special Operation,’byChechenForcesto (1998-2000), President (May2000-May2008), Dr Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFrance Directorof (in French)interviewed in2009.

release andheldacandle-litvigilinAmsterdam. kidnapping, MSFissuedapressreleasecallingforhis Northern Caucasus. foreign humanitarianworkerremainingincaptivitythe who hasbeenworkingwithMSFsince1994,isstilltheonly the fateofArjanErkel.Despitealltheseefforts,Erkel, to thePresidentofRussiaexpressingtheirdismayabout Over 380,000individualsworldwidehavesignedapetition Erkel. Worldleadershavepersonallyintervenedonhisbehalf. repeatedly expressed their concern about the fate of Arjan European ParliamentandtheCommissionhave organizations suchastheUnitedNations,well doing everythingpossibletosecurehisrelease.International visit toSwitzerland.IgorIvanovalsosaidthatRussiawas Minister IgorIvanovonOctober13,2003,duringanofficial Arjan is alive. This was confirmed by Russian Foreign Affairs then, MSFhasalsocontinuallybeentoldbysourcesthat 2003, whenMSFwasshownapictureofArjanErkel.Since that Arjan Erkel is alive. The latest dates to the end of July Since the day of the kidnapping, MSF has received proof says ThomasNierle,MSFSwitzerland’sOperationsDirector. once again upon all parties of good will to release Arjan now,” his prisonaliveonedayisanunimaginableordeal.Wecall happen thenextday,withoutbeingsurethathewillleave Chechnya. “500daysindetentionwithoutknowingwhatwill the capital of Dagestan, a Russian republic neighbouring man, was abducted by threearmedgunmen in Makhachkala, in theRussianFederation.ArjanErkel,a33-year-oldDutch since hewaskidnappedonthenightofAugust12,2002 in theNorthernCaucasus,hasspent500dayscaptivity Arjan Erkel,MédecinsSansFrontières(MSF)HeadofMission On 25 December 2003, the 500 B, MSFNorthCaucasusstaff,(inRussian,translated without some sort of participation of secret services. convinced thatthereispracticallynokidnappingcase How tosaythat?Judgingfrommyexperience,Iam 25 December2003(inEnglish). days inCaptivity,StillMissing,’MSFPressrelease, ‘August 12-December25,2003ArjanErkel,500 into EnglishbyMSF)interviewedin2008. th day since Arjan Erkel’s

281 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

”MSF ACCUSES” Minutes of the Board Meeting, MSF Switzerland, 6 February 2004 (in French).

Extract: Information about Arjan from Jean-Christophe Azé of the crisis Against the wishes of his family and the unit. The lead of former FSB agents had not produced anything for the time being, after the release of a child kidnapped by Dutch authorities, MSF publicly accused the same group who had kidnapped Arjan and following the Russian and Dagestani politicians of being arrest of an investigator who was also working for us. For responsible for Arjan Erkel’s kidnapping the intermediary groups, work was becoming difficult and they were feeling more exposed. The man responsible for kidnapping Arjan, who was the one with decision-making power, had faded into the background and was reticent about On 28 January 2004, the Erkel family urged representatives making contact again. […] In consultation with Holland and of MSF and of the Dutch government to maintain the the international movement, we gave ourselves until mid- strictest confidentiality around the leads followed in February to see how we would start communicating publicly efforts to secure Arjan’s release, so that they would again. We had remained silent for four months, yet we did not be compromised by leaks to the press. However, in not think that this had helped us move forward. Arjan had February, after several weeks of near complete silence, been in captivity for a year and a half, so we thought that we the failure of several leads and the worrying rumours that could not remain silent and we started working again on an were circulating about Arjan’s health, the Erkel crisis unit action plan and scheduled a timetable for diplomatic actions. and the international follow-up committee37 re-launched We decided to change our messages, as we had seen that an action plan for diplomacy and public communication. having contacted Bush and Berlusconi, we had reached the There were differences of opinion in the international limits of what they were prepared to do. We considered that follow-up committee, as to whether it was a good the only solution was to be more vocal, to push them to time or not to apply pressure publicly on the Russian take a stand and to be more dynamic. The crisis unit was to authorities. These gave rise to very strong tension, in change in mid-February, posts were being cut here in Geneva particular between the President of MSF France and the and in Moscow, one person was to replace Jana and Père, MSF Holland Director of Operations. In the end, the and if there was going to be more communication, we could follow-up committee decided to accuse the Russian always use the communication department for back-up. […] authorities publicly. This decision would be approved on 19 February by the Excom, the platform of General Thomas Nierle: […] Psychologically and morally it was very Directors of the operational sections. A press release was hard work, which required a lot of energy. By launching a published on that day, marking Arjan Erkel’s eighteen new phase with new people, we wanted to create a new months in captivity. impetus. […] Jean-Christophe Azé: […] The Dutch government and the family were finding it difficult to sit by and wait. The sensitive issue was how to start communicating. We had a very passive ‘ Meeting between the Erkel Family, BUZA and MSF,’ position and a lot of pressure from the family; we had always Confidential -Minutes 28 January 2004 (in to be ready for a clash with the family. English).

Extract: 6. Confidentiality of operational information: The family ‘Crisis Cell Communication Plan’ – February 2004 presented two specific situations where operational details - May 2004 (in English). of negotiations in process were known publicly and made the point that it is not a good negotiation strategy for others to Extract: know what MSF is willing to do. It is agreed that operational details are to be strictly confidential. Ability to maintain PHASE 1 – FEBRUARY-MARCH strict confidentiality is limited as services and journalists Primary focus for Crisis Cell will be on the relaunch of sometimes independently obtain and use information. […] operational diplomatic meetings (Dutch government, 9. Political attention: Agreed that the current diplomatic EU officials, Russian authorities, international donor & demarche will not be accusative, but questioning, reminding diplomatic community, UN) with aim of keeping pres- and exerting pressure. The family believes that the new Int’l sure on Russian authorities & international community President of MSF, Dr. Rowan Gillies, may be a new start in to reactivate the resolution of the case. Communications the political effort and Dick [Erkel] would like to meet him will remain in a secondary position and act primarily to as soon as possible - agreed. support diplomatic meetings. However, during this period Communications will aim at reactivating the public pres- sure over the main actors: Dutch government, EU institu- 282 37. No minutes of these meetings were found in MSF archives. tions, and Russian authorities. previous years. Camilla Carr(journalist) hadbeenabductedanddetainedin Caucasus, inthe 38. KennyGluck(MSFH),ChristopheAndré(MSFF), VincentCochetel(UNHCR), this case(andthenwedetail ourthestoryof case). Council. TheRussiansecret services areunabletosolve which is unworthy of a country member of the UN Security they havenotundertakenenoughmeasurestosolveit, case. Butwhatismoredangerous,inthan18months a failure.TheRussianauthoritiesarenotabletosolvethis presidency andthe European Commission in the past, are not enough.WeconsiderthattheeffortsmadebyEU the effortsmadebyEuropeanParliament,butthisis profile towardstheRussianinthiscase.Wethankyourall ity inthisaffair.TheEUofficialshavealwayskeptalow citizen, theDutchgovernmenthasaclearresponsibil level tosolvethiscase.AsaEuropeancitizenandDutch they neverhavepushedtheRussiansenoughat diplomatic that theyarenotdoingenough.Theyguiltybecause are notcommittedtosolvethecase.Wehaveevidence opments, attacksbluntlytheDutchgovernment: MSF, ifthereisnoprogressintermsofoperationaldevel Message: ‘J’accuse’ [I Accuse]strategy… PHASE 3–APRIL-MAY - AdCampaign on EconomicPress EU Council meeting - PressconferenceduringEuropeanParliamentsessionor family of Arjan) - KennyGluck’s+CochetelC.AndréCarrs(Theother - Arjan’s birthday onMarch 10, 2004(34years old) Possible Communications Actions goes publicwith last images of ArjanErkel. tion toacceleratetheliberation.Duringthisperiod,MSF demands morecommitmentfromtheRussianadministra- investigation and the secret services to solve the case and hand, MSF evidences the total lack of progress of the Dutch governmenttosolvethecaseofArjan.Onother focused indenouncingthelackofcommitmentfrom cal willtosolvecase.OntheMedia,Communicationsis secret services-bypointingouttheirtotallackofpoliti- and ChechenAdministration,Dutchgovernment,Russian over threekeyactorstoresolvecase–Russianofficials Increase pressureviaMediaanddiplomaticchannels PHASE 2–MARCH-APRIL pressure and setupnewcampaign - Pressconferenceafteroneyearandahalfmark:relaunch kidnappers: THE FAMILY IN DAGESTAN[…] - MSFAppealinDagestan:Publicappealaddressedtothe Possible Communications Actions Presidential elections: we don’t giveup. -Send aclearmessagetoRussianauthoritiesbeforethe encourage authorities to press for safe resolution of case. case. KeepArjan’sprofileininternationalmediato Encourage Dutch officials topursuetheir efforts toresolve open messagesto the abductors via the Dagestani press. Main goals of communications plan for Phase 1: Send 38 - - support usonthe Arjancase.Wehadtoget thisguyoutso in securityforhumanitarianworkerstheregion. that thereleaseofArjanErkelwouldincreaseconfidence Undersecretary forHumanitarianAffairs,haveindicated and statements,inparticular,byJanEgeland,theUN as theUnitedNationsandEuropeanParliament, by international and humanitarian organizations, such made thatwouldleadtoArjan’srelease.Recentstatements there hasbeennoindicationthatanyprogress during anofficialvisittoSwitzerland.However,sincethen gave themostrecentconfirmationonOctober13,2003, alive. TheRussianMinisterofForeignAffairs,IgorIvanov, months, MSFhasrepeatedlyreceivedreportsthatArjanis of Dagestan,aRussianrepublic.Overthelasteighteen 12, 2002,bythreearmedmeninMakhachkala,thecapital working withMSFsince1994,wasabductedonAugust Arjan Erkel,a33-year-oldDutchnationalwhohadbeen International CouncilPresident. and secureArjan’ssaferelease,”saidDr.RowanGillies,MSF urge theRussianauthoritiestoliveuptheircommitment erodes MSF’sconfidenceintheinvestigation.Therefore,we the investigatorinchargeofArjan’scaseonlyfurther this hasyieldednoconcreteresults.Therecentarrestof expressed theircommitmenttosolvethiscase,butsofar release ofArjan.“TheRussianauthoritieshaverepeatedly the RussianFederalandlocalauthoritiestoensuresafe indication thatafirmerpoliticalcommitmentisneededby that theabsenceofanyprogressincaseisaclear bring aboutapositiveresolutionofhiscase.MSFbelieves deeply concernedbythefailure of theRussianauthorities to Doctors WithoutBorders/MédecinsSansFrontières(MSF)is One-and-a-half years after the abduction of Arjan Erkel, ing DutchEuropean presidency 5.Lobbying over journalists in charge of EU issues preced- 4.Humanitarian press conference in Geneva to putpressure on keypolitical actors 3.Key economicjournalistbriefingstokeepcasealiveand on key political actors Dutch Journaliststokeepcasealiveandputpressure 2.Off the record meetings with EU + Swiss + German + dential elections 1.Arjan videotapereleaseonthedayofRussianpresi- Possible Communications Actions so Ifinallyturned topeoplewhoseemed willing to I foundmyselfdealingwiththe wholesituationalone, In viewoftheinternalsituation atMSFSwitzerland, English). MSF, Moscou,NewYork,12February2004(in Thousands ofDisplacedPeople,’ Missing - Ongoing Violence Limits Relief Efforts to ‘After 18 Months of Captivity, Arjan Erkel Still Press release,

283 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

that MSF could regain some peace of mind. […] In the end, mind that my Dutch colleagues might be right, that maybe we followed the broad outlines suggested by MSF France, it was better to remain silent than to say things that might whose ideas had gradually taken hold anyways, as did the have deadly consequences for Arjan. I was convinced that I ideas of our strategic think tank, which had to be adapted a had made the right choice, but I also thought arguments little to the Swiss situation. Some people had said they saw could be made to support the other point of view. We had a video of Arjan looking unwell and being abused. It’s clear too few demonstrable demands to be able to choose between that this type of information had upset us quite a bit. We the various positions in a more informed and solid manner. were trying to get this video, which we had never received. The various positions could be, ‘I defend this position because At that point, supported mainly by Jean-Hervé [Bradol, Arjan is in danger;’ [or] ‘I’m silent because talking could put President of MSF France] and Rafa [Vila San Juan, Secretary his life in danger;’ or ‘I’m talking because if I don’t, he could General of MSF International], some of us started to say that end up at the bottom of a ditch.’ we needed to be more aggressive, that it wasn’t enough to just ask questions. There was a lot of resistance among all Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director of the other players. We first managed to convince Thomas Linde Communications (1996-1998), Director of Operations [Executive Director of MSF Switzerland], then gradually the (1998-2000), President (May 2000- May 2008), others. Some pretty stormy meetings took place at international (in French), interviewed in 2009 level, including a major discussion with all the executive directors and the international office to determine our communications strategy. Jean-Hervé and Kenny [Gluck, Operations Director of MSF Netherlands] got into a big shouting match. They almost ended up insulting each other. But finally the decision was made to proceed. […] We decided to blame MSF Holland believes that during a kidnapping you the FSB without naming any names. have a single objective, which is releasing the hostage. All of your other humanitarian objectives are Dr Thomas Nierle, MSF Switzerland, Head of secondary, and can be sacrificed. The humanitarian image of Emergencies then Director of Operations 2000-2004, MSF [is secondary], you are ready to sacrifice it in order to (in French) interviewed in 2009. save the life of the hostage. That becomes your single priority. And that is why MSF Holland believes in segregating kidnapping management from program management. You never have the programme manager or the OD of that area manage the kidnapping. You always have a separate unit to do it, which is very different from how MSF France would manage things. The committee was working very well at the beginning, Secondly, the saying is, “You only know what you know.” So, but relations had already been deteriorating for six you don’t make assumptions about things. Kidnappings end months. And there was tension that went beyond the when the kidnappers want to end them. So we were not Chechnya issue – a personal conflict as well. I remember how convinced that it was really the Russian government that was difficult it was. Jean-Hervé only came to what turned out to key to the kidnapping. Partly because all of the indications be our last meeting because I had convinced him to come. were - which turned out to be true - [that an] isolated Islamist When he walked in, the room went silent. At the end, he said group in the mountains [was responsible]. They had probably to Austen and Kenny that he didn’t want to continue working much deeper relations with the Chechen rebels that they do with Russian spies. Austen and Kenny no longer wanted to with the Russian government. They might have relations - hear anything about him. So try to build a relationship in weapons, information, and criminality—with the Russian that situation! From that point on, Jean-Hervé decided to go government. his own way. I think it was necessary after everything we had But the idea that MSF France became more insistent about that experienced. I don’t know whether he wanted a war between it was ‘the Russians the Russians the Russians, pressure the sections, but maybe [he wanted one] against the FSB! And Russians, hit the Russian, that’s the only way to do this,’ we the Dutch didn’t want him to take a position. What an incredible couldn’t find the logic in that. If the Russians did do it, pissing battle. them off is not necessarily going to make them interested in releasing the hostage. It might make them interested in just Rafa Vila San Juan, MSF International Secretary executing the hostage. And, we said, ‘Show us your evidence. General, January 2001 to January 2004, in French, There is no evidence that the Russians are so involved.’ They interviewed in 2009 would point to facts like that the Dagestani FSB was involved. But what’s the extent of control of Moscow FSB over the Dagestan FSB? Dagestan FSB is much more run by Dagestani clan politics, which are much more similar to Chechen clan politics than they are from the Kremlin. The relationship between Moscow and Dagestan, even within the KGB in the I held nothing against the people who were playing 90s, is something you would call negotiated authority. It’s it safe. Nobody has a monopoly on truth in these not implicit authority. When the French government orders 284 situations. Each time we communicated, I kept in a unit in a region to do something, they just do it, because on TVandsaidhalfthesethings. as othergroups,butweevenled thecommunications.Iwent we deliveredsomeofthosepublic messageswasn’tashigh of theformaldecisions.Andmaybe theenthusiasmwithwhich feeling againstitinAmsterdam,wefinallyagreedwithmost in this international group, and despite considerable emotional the formalcommunicationthatwasdone,hammeredout we wereveryagainstanumberofthoseactions,butmost emotional, andnotbasedonanyevidenceorexperience.So, said abouttheRussianauthoritieswasjustabsurd, authorities. Wethoughtsomeofthethingsthatwerebeing or anycredibilityinpointingthefingeratRussian think weagreedwith that. Wedidn’tthinkwehadanyevidence I don’tthinkitwasevernegotiatedinternationallyand to pushit.’Thatwasapositionthattaken,certainly,but responsible, andbecauseofthelackmovementwe’regoing but I don’tremember any decisionto say: ‘The Russians are fully supportthemourselves.Andwediddothecommunication, the internationaldecisions,eventhoughwedidn’talways down thewholeofourofficestaff,andwetriedtoexplain And wedidthatwhenfaceddownourboards,and board andtoplayourroleincommunicatingDutchsociety. hard jobofgoingbackandtryingtoswaytheoffice and whentheywerecollectivelyagreedon,wethenhadthe there wereanumberofpositionsthatMSFHollandwasagainst, or anycredibleevidence.Idosortofvaguelyrememberthat consensus onthat.Idon’tbelieveeverseeinganyevidence the Russians,theycanresolvethisintenminutes.’ what Jean-Hervéoftensaid,‘Ifyouputenoughpressureon Russians couldsnaptheirfingersandresolvethis,’whichis evidence ofthepastkidnappings,youcannotjustsay at least,Bassaïevgroups,andsoon.So,wesaid,‘Giventhe and actuallythere’sevidencethatitwastheChechens,’or it wastheRussians.’Wewouldsay,’Youhavenoevidence, back tomykidnapping.Jean-Hervéwouldoftensay,‘Yeah, That waswherewewouldargue,anditoftencome information youhave.Wethink[this]wasmuchmorenuanced. have tolookatitfromthegroundup,whichis logic, tonecessarilyjustcondemntheRussians,youactually And, sotheDutchapproachisthatifthere’snoevidenceor line management. orders?’ Or‘Whatareyougoingtogiveus?’Soit’snotdirect more like, ‘How much are you going to pay us to fulfil these the officer’sboss.BetweenMoscowandDagestan,it’s Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus,(November1999- Austen Davies, MSFHollandExecutiveDirector, 1999 January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005) I don’tbelieve that therewaseveraninternational evidence that the Russian authorities were involved. I don’trememberweeveragreedthattherewas Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand (in English) interviewedin2009English). to 2004,(inFrench) interviewedin2009. in Chechnya. Arjan Erkelanddiscussedwhethertoexpanditsactivities reviewed thedifficultieshinderingeffortstoliberate On 27February,theMSFFranceboardofdirectors to saveaSwissmissionary,butalsothemselves. a chance for G […] and his deputy […] and all their team the existing status quo, which we have today, it’s not only is inhispowerandauthority.However,Ibelieve,that help in the release of Arjan Erkel. I am convinced that this got hischancetobecomefamous.Tothisend,hemust Diploma oftheSan-MarinUniversity.AndnowG[…]has the Untsukulskyregion.Apartfromit,G[…]receiveda Deputy oftheNationalAssemblyDagestanelectedby increased hisofficialstatus.Sincelastspring,heis a in spring2002.[…]MeanwhileGhassignificantly by FSB(mostlikelyblindly)toeliminateterroristKhattab was kidnappedbythepeople,whoserelativeswereused ‘From the life of double agents.’ I concluded that Arjan Erkel Novaya Gazeta from 27 October 2003. The article was called Detailed investigationofthisabductionwaspublishedin was kidnappedbeforeFSBofficers’eyes. should takebodyguards.Erkelrefused.Soonafterthathe Police DepartmentofOrganizedCrime,[…]suggestedArjan warned byFSBonthepossibleabduction.TheDagestani were followingErkelaswell.AfterthatArjanwasofficially activities. Soon,securitypeoplenoticedthatsomecriminals Security Service(FSB)ofDagestansetupcontroloverErkel’s leaders, wasinterestedinmilitaryobjects,andfinallyFederal so. Erkelwasfreeinsettingcontacts.Hemetwithopposition something todowiththekidnapping.Ihadreasonsthink investigation, suspectingRussiansecurityforceshad From the first days of his abduction, I launched my own Extract: this request.The levelofviolence,however, remainsvery team […]recently visitedtheParisheadquarters toconvey operations inChechnyaatthe presenttime.Membersofthe the forcedpopulationtransfer arguesforexpandingour Jean-Hervé Bradol:[…] Extract: Arjan Erkel. of parliamentandbusinessman,fortheabduction Izmailov again accused an influential Dagestani member On 16February,inanarticleNovayaGazeta,Vyatcheslav ‘ from RussianintoEnglishbyMSF). Gazeta (Moscow), 16February2004(translated 27 February2004(inFrench). Minutes, MSFFranceBoardofDirectorsMeeting, Khattab’s Financier, ’ Vyatcheslav Izmailov, Novaïa Novaïa 285 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

high even though it’s not as conspicuous and we still haven’t currently provide. Our team is increasingly going to Grozny made any progress on the Arjan kidnapping. In addition, the because the roads are less dangerous than before and half negatives are adding up because the intermediaries have the population has access to this city. There’s no longer a withdrawn; Arjan is supposedly ill and the kidnappers are total war or a ‘dirty war’ – it’s now a ‘dirty peace.’ allegedly planning to execute him. Furthermore, the Russian media wants to revive the idea that separatists are responsible We have learned from our conversations with MSF Switzerland for the abduction, while we’re certain the opposite is true that the Dutch government is making little effort; the Swiss (FSB and Dagestani groups). The only positive information section and all MSF members were expecting more direct came from a meeting with Kadirov, an ally of Putin’s, who involvement from this government, although other sections offered to help us with this matter in a declaration of intent. were more doubtful. Diplomats are advising us not to put We’re thinking about doing another public campaign, like the too much pressure on Moscow, but it is only by acting more one we did in August, but Arjan’s family is opposed (out of forcefully that we’ve received any responses and opened any fear of negative repercussions). […] Should we expand our negotiation channels. As a result, we’ve concluded that there’s operations in Chechnya and thus further expose our teams to nothing to be gained from being calm and passive; that, at a risk that we have a hard time managing, as demonstrated least, is the firm belief of the two people following Arjan’s by the Arjan affair? That is why the board is discussing this case in Geneva. Other MSF staffs do not share this opinion. mission’s situation – because of the danger faced by our teams. We would be willing to go further, especially in breaking the taboo on discussing the kidnappings carried out by the Xavier Trompette: We’re not currently present in Chechnya Russian intelligence services. and expatriates go to Ingushetia once every seven months. I think we should now monitor the beneficiaries who are Sylvie Lemmet: Should we partially withdraw our teams? starting to return to Chechnya. [Focusing on] the work of Jean-Hervé Bradol: The team is Chechen so it’s not going local personnel remains a good idea and it’s completely to ‘withdraw’ and we mustn’t forget that withdrawing could foreseeable that expanding our operations could depend on leave them unprotected or at least make them more visible. Arjan’s case, so we still have to consider various scenarios. The ICRC is experiencing the same problems with its national Jean-Hervé Bradol: The Belgian MSF made a different choice staff, and while it’s working under military escort and making by expanding their activities in Grozny with local personnel more compromises, it continues to be threatened (accused (which also carries a risk of exposure). A member of the Duma of being spies, etc.). Personnel from such organisations have [parliament], FSB operatives, etc., are directly involved in the also disappeared, proving that no one is immune. abduction of our colleagues. We conveyed this clear message to Kofi Annan and Dominique de Villepin in early 2003. Now Sylvie Lemmet: And Dagestan? it seems as if over the past few years, the authorities have Jean-Hervé Bradol: The situation there is very unstable and grown accustomed to purchasing hostages from the Russian under the control of organised criminal gangs, and one of intelligence services and that seems normal (a Russian Dagestan’s officials is likely involved in Arjan’s kidnapping. military leader just received a Legion of Honour award at Thierry Durand: Can we act without the family’s blessing? the French embassy). Jean-Hervé Bradol: We think so because doing nothing doesn’t seem the most appropriate thing for either Arjan or Philippe Houdart: I don’t think it would be logical to expand the safety of our teams. our activities! […] Michel Janssens: Is there any possibility of returning Denis Lemasson: What does the future hold for our operations to Chechnya? once Arjan’s case is resolved? Jean-Hervé Bradol: We need to be vigilant about reducing the Michel Janssens: The main issue remains our staff’s exposure risks. In 1999, when the war broke out again, we accurately to risks! assessed the kidnapping risks – had declined, and then Xavier Trompette: Arjan was kidnapped in Dagestan and now there was only Kenny’s abduction in 2001, which we were we’re part of a process that’s ‘punishing’ Chechnya? able to easily resolve. But then a campaign of assaults and Philippe Houdart: I don’t agree; we’re not punishing the kidnappings resumed in spring 2002, which means that Chechen population! authorisation had again been granted to kidnap international Thierry Durand: No, not being able to help a population aid workers. At the time Arjan was abducted, the staff wanted doesn’t mean we’re punishing it. us to provide more personnel, but we refused. At present, Pierre Salignon: The situation is appalling because we’re doing sending more staff would mean making them continually little to meet the population’s needs while the Russians are vulnerable to kidnapping. But we’ve always said that we continuing their provocations. wouldn’t withdraw without getting more specific information Xavier Trompette: We’re going to reduce our activities in about Arjan’s situation, and certain staff members in Chechnya Ingushetia and we have to decide what to provide to our are key players in his case. local teams. Milton Tectonidis: We’re buying drugs at a steep price in Russia, then transporting them, and that costs a considerable amount. Maybe we shouldn’t expand our activities but change our strategy by offering services in Grozny (hospital/ On 1 March, MSF circulated a summary report to the 286 maternity care) instead of the long-distance support we politicians concerned as well as to targeted international terms ofengagement bythestateapparatus, andintermsof worth theresources –intermsofpoliticaldetermination, in and whatwillbedoneinthe future. Arjanseemsnottobe account ofwhathasbeendone fortheliberationofArjan, provided to any party directly concerned, a clear and detailed other, and played for time. At no point have the authorities from action, shifted responsibilities from one instance to the Arjan’s liberation.Instead,theyhaverepeatedlywithdrawn Yet, after18months,theyhavenotsucceededinobtaining Arjan’s detentionandwhatpowergameheiscaughtin. politics. Inallevidence,they must know whoisbehind forces. They arewell-connected with the circuits of local Caucasus. Theyaredeeplyinvolvedintheregionalplayof powers haveafirmandfar-reachinggraspontheNorthern they knowthatArjanisaliveandwell.Russianfederal Russian officialsareeveninthepositiontopubliclyaffirm […] ThefactssurroundingArjan’skidnappingareknown. 4. 3. 2. 1. demand concerted action, and cry out for Arjan’s freedom. scandal of international complacency around this case, We mustdothecontrary:Breaksilence,denounce order topreservetheinvestigativeeffortsofauthorities. MSF wasoftentoldnottocommunicateonthefateofArjanin Extract: the kidnappersidentities. and Dutchauthorities,despitethefactthattheyknew media. Thereporthighlighted the inertia of theRussian on thenextstepstheywillundertake. Russian governmentmustprovideconcreteinformation 18 monthstoobtainArjanErkel’srelease.Moreover,the accountable fortheactionundertakenduringpast of partnergovernments,mustholdtheRussiangovernment quiet diplomacy:TheDutchgovernment,withthesupport Arjan Erkel’skidnappingmustbemore than aconcernof be seizedontheissueofkidnappingArjanErkel. Human Rightsandotherforumsofinternationallawmust mechanisms andinstancesattheUNCommissionon and Dagestaniofficials underformal scrutiny: Competent Put the involvement of and lack of action by Russian the levelofUNSecurityCouncil. This includesforthecasetoberaisedindiscussionsat obstacle tohumanitarianactionintheRussianFederation. The UN must take up Arjan Erkel’s kidnapping as a concrete humanitarian organizationsintheNorthernCaucasus. the ongoingintimidationandthreatsweighingon action onthecaseofArjanErkel,inconnectionwith must beorganizedbyEUmemberstatestoplanjoint concertation atthehighestlevelEU.Ameeting Arjan Erkel’splight must beanissueofconsultationsand 2004 (inEnglish). August 12,2002,’ ‘ Arjan Erkel Hostage in the Russian Federation since Press DossierMSF,1March MSF wouldissueinthefollowingdays. but hedidnotmakeclearthenatureofstatements everything theypossiblycouldtosecurehisson’srelease; that theRussianandDutchauthoritieswerenotdoing it intendedtostepup pressure tohighlightthe fact stating that although MSF understood his reservations, Switzerland GeneralDirector,sentalettertoDickErkel hampering Arjan’srelease.On4March,ThomasLinde,MSF campaign. Theyfeltthatthemediaactivitywas with legalactionifitdidnothaltitscommunications In late February, the Erkel family’s lawyer threatened MSF other governments,itmustuseonbehalfofArjan. and politicalleverage in Russia,and conjunction with the Dutchgovernmentthatithasconsiderableeconomical resources tobringArjanfreedomandsafety.MSFreminds the Russiangovernmentdevotesnecessaryauthorityand key governmentsandinternationalbodiesininsistingthat government hasthemeanstomobilizesupportofother the EuropeanUnionandofWesternworld.TheDutch The Netherlandsisarespectedandinfluentialmemberof the RussianauthoritiesinviewofresolvingArjan’scase. full transparencyonthestrategyandconcreteplansof Moreover, the Dutch government can and must demand action intheiroperationstoobtainArjan’srelease. of Arjan,andtheinconsistencieslackdetermined accountable fortheinvolvementofofficialsinkidnapping government candomoretoholdtheRussianauthorities moral andlegalresponsibility,ofhumanity.TheDutch gas, petroleum,andcommerce,mustgivewaytothoseof considerations ofdiplomaticformandthepolitics citizen taken hostage is underthreat, theDutchgovernment’s Arjan’s continueddetention.[…]WhenthelifeofaDutch de factoconnivanceofRussianandDagestaniauthoritiesin international bodies, join MSF in refusing to condone the partner governmentsofRussia,Europeaninstitutions,and MSF willnotacceptthisstateofaffairs,anddemandsthat to beahigherprioritythanArjan’slife. The localandregionalequilibriumofpowerprofitseem means andmeasuresthatarerequiredtoreachasolution. legal grounds for stopping our communications do not exist. main reasonwhy Arjanisstilldetained.In ouropinion, legal action.Intheirlogic, MSF’s communicationisthe block anycommunicationon ArjanissuedbyMSFthrough representing Arjan’sfamily.Basically, they[are]tryingto This afternoonwereceived a phonecallfromlawfirm Extract: on Erkel’sCase,26February2004(inEnglish). Operations toMSF’sInternationalReflectionCell Switzerland GeneralDirectorandof from ThomasLindeandNierle,MSF ‘Embargo onCommunicationsCampaign,’ V29


287 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

However, statements from the family that MSF is - because draft of the letter to notify the family and gave it to Thomas of repeated communication activities - co-responsible for Nierle. And it never occurred to me, once I had written the the prolonged detention of their son would have damaging draft, that the letter would be so bad and that the only condition effects on all our efforts to free Arjan. In order to make a I stipulated would not be respected. When I saw the contents last effort to find a solution with the family, we will try to of the letter that was finally sent, I was furious. I understood meet them tomorrow or on Monday. The press conference why the family was so indignant. The letter gave them no idea in Amsterdam or elsewhere - and, thus, the start of the of the type of public statements that were to follow. In trying comms campaign - has been postponed to Wednesday. It to keep the Dutch happy, we created confusion. Kenny Gluck has to be underlined that we do not intend to give in to the [MSF Holland Director of Operations] was not working for MSF pressure of the family. We will just try to avoid open and during the first war. But we got on well with him, as a committed public hostility against MSF with all the negative effects and well-connected journalist working in Chechen territory. I for our public message while being aware that we are losing talked to him before making a statement to Le Monde. I put precious time. him in somewhat of a tight spot by asking him ‘What are your Russian friends advising you to do? Speak up and confront the Russian authorities over their responsibilities, or keep quiet?’ He told me that they advised him to confront the authorities Letter from Thomas Linde, MSF Switzerland publicly. I asked him why then did he not support our actions? General Director to Dick Erkel, 4 March 2004 (in His answer was: ‘Because the Erkel family doesn’t want me to.’ English). So we could see that the Dutch had more than one point of view. But they all united behind that position: the family. This Extract: made me furious, because the first thing I was asked to do in After careful re-evaluation of all elements of the dossier, this kidnapping affair was to go to Geneva and brief the Swiss our conclusion - which is shared by a number of other team dealing with the case. At the time, most of my briefing organisations and analysts - remains that a marked change of was about how to manage a family in these sorts of strategy is required. MSF must aim at mobilizing additional circumstances. I told them to deal with the family directly, or energies and investments by the Russian and Dagestani even include them in the arrangements. The next day, the authorities in arranging a solution to Arjan’s case. In fact, decision was taken to entrust the family to MSF Holland… they are in the best position to establish contact with the kidnapper and to secure Arjan’s release, even if MSF and Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director of the Dutch government must provide energies and resources Communications (1996-1998), Director of Operations of their own. In other words, new pressure must be built (1998-2000), President (May 2000- May 2008), up now. MSF insists that, in this, the leadership of the (in French) interviewed in 2009. Dutch government is indispensable. The economic and political leverage of the Netherlands on Russia should not be underestimated, particularly if the Dutch government acts in alliance with other European governments.

For quite some time, other European countries have declared We had a major problem with the family. I’m not their readiness to support the Dutch government if it talking about the first four weeks, but the period that signals the need for increased, multilateral support. This followed, which lasted throughout Arjan’s captivity. is why representatives of MSF will step up efforts to brief They were dead set against all forms of communications. They government officials, parliamentarians, selected journalists, were influenced by the Dutch government, which wanted to and opinion leaders on Arjan’s situation, and convey to use diplomatic channels and was hostile to all communication. them our sense of urgency. They will agree that the Russian When we dared speak up a little, Arjan’s father threatened to capacities are greater than anybody else’s in the northern take us to court if his son died. It was a very visceral matter Caucasus, and that the Dutch and other western governments for him. For us, it was an important factor to be taken into must demand that these capacities be used to their fullest consideration. We could not go against the family’s wishes extent, and without any further delay. Please accept the and say anything and everything. From the outset, people expression of my sincere hope for a continued dialogue with with experience in managing kidnappings told us that it was you and your family on further ways and means to bring crucial to have the family on our side, but we never managed Arjan’s predicament to a good end as soon as possible. it.

Dr Thomas Nierle, MSF Switzerland, Head of Emergencies, then Director of Operations 2000-2004, interviewed in 2009 (in French). Everyone agreed, and we just needed to let the family know. I was not very comfortable because I didn’t know the family or Arjan Erkel. I therefore agreed to take this public stand on one condition: that the family be truthfully If my kidnapping had gone on for a year and a half, 288 informed beforehand of what we intended to do. I wrote a my family would have lost faith in MSF and they would ended uplosingthefamilymorequicklythatway. just followit,’andIdon’tthinkthatwaswise.we insistent, saying,‘No,wehaveourstrategyandyouto Swiss onhowtomanagethefamily.Butwerevery Director] tomeetwiththefamilyinorderjustadvise go togetherwithThomasLinde[MSFSwitzerlandGeneral demanded direct contact with the Swiss. Occasionally I would want totalkyourpsychologistandsoon.’Sotheygradually talk to the people who are managing the kidnapping, we don’t became untenablebecausethefamilysaid:‘no,wewantto we werenotoperationallyincharge.However,graduallythat the firstfewweeksitwasoktoleavewithDutchbecause But anyfamilydemandsmoreseniorcontactveryquickly.So manager tobetooinfluencedbythatpressureofthefamily. family isverydemandingandyoudon’twanttheoperations between thefamilyandoperationsmanagement.The the family.WerecommendedtoSwiss,createabuffer, a lotofenergyintodevelopingtrustingrelationshipwith Swiss, IthinkwithalittlebitofFrenchinfluence,didn’tinvest would have,alsocreatedlotsofproblems.That’swherethe very suspiciousofthegovernment.Butafterayear,myfamily because they didn’tlikethe American government, they were U.S. government to back off,’ that made sense for my parents, we thinkMSFhastomanagethis,andyouhavetellthe with theErkelfamily.Withmyfamily,whenMSFsaid,‘Look, Russian andtowardstheDutchgovernmentdidn’tresonate trusting of the government. So MSF’s attitude towards the wing, ChristianUnionDutchpeople,sotheycomeupvery grew upsuspiciousofgovernment.TheErkelfamilywasright In myfamily,itwasex-communists,‘red-diaper’babies.They not good work; they thought that MSF was not professional. like thefactthatArjanwaswithMSF,theythoughtit before the kidnapping. The Erkel family didn’t. They didn’t difference is,myfamilythinksthatMSFiswonderful,from have becomeverydemanding.LiketheErkelfamilywas.The accused theRussian authoritiesofdoingnothing tohelp and Jean-Christophe Azé, Head ofthe Erkel Crisis Cell, Thomas Nierle, MSF SwitzerlandDirectorofOperations, On 11MarchintheSwiss daily newspaperLeTemps, daily newspaper. made similarstatementsto LeFigaro,anotherFrench accused themofholdingErkel hostage.On12March,he members ofparliament,aRussianandDagestani, in theFrenchdailynewspaperLeMonde,asnamingtwo Arjan Erkel’skidnapping.On10March,hewasquoted Dagestani andfederalRussianofficialswereinvolvedin 9 March,MSFFrance’sPresidentdeclaredtoAFPthat region seemedtotake priorityover Arjan’s life.On balance ofpowerandprofitmotivesintheCaucasus CNN, theMSFUSAGeneralDirectordeclaredthat On 8March,inaninterviewwiththetelevisionnetwork Regional AdvisorinNorthCaucasus,(November1999- January 2001),DirectorofOperations(2001-2005) Kenny Gluck,MSFHollandGeneralCoordinatorand (in English)interviewedin2009.

Really topress them,topushthem.Weknow theissuehas international community toholdthemaccountable forthis. well, andthatthey’redoingtheir best.Nowit’stimeforthe for monthsnowthattheyknow he’salive,theyknow demand much more from the Russians. They’ve been saying but it’salsoontheinternational communitytostepupand really theproblemrightnow. TheonusisontheRussians, not enough that’s being done to release him. And that’s longest detaineeinthisregion.Andfrankly,there’sreally workers abducted.ButArjan’scasestandsout.He’sthe for aidworkers.Therehavebeenover56international before. TheNorthernCaucusesisaverydangerousplace DE TORRENTE:Yes,thishashappenedindifferentplaces had kidnappings? the world,routinely.Hasthishappenedbefore?Haveyou SAVIDGE: Youdealandworkinsuchdangerousplacesaround to bepoliticalwill,basically,andresourcesdevotedthis. their involvement.Sowethink they candoit-- there needs It’s acomplexplace,butnothinghappenstherewithout have averybigmilitaryandsecuritypresenceinthisarea. how they should resolve thiscase, butthey have means. They DE TORRENTE:We’renotdictatingtotheRussianauthorities SAVIDGE: Whatisityouwouldliketoseethemdo? more. Andreallytheycanandmustdo photos fromthecaptors.Weknowthattheycoulddoalot past. They’veobtainedproofoflifefromhim,video,and and havebeenabletocommunicatewiththecaptorsin release. Whatweknowisthatthey’reabletocommunicate their territory.Andtheyhaveresponsibilitiestoensurehis aid workersontheirterritory.AndDagestanisclearly as yousay.Theyhavetheresponsibilityforsafetyof DE TORRENTE:Theyhaveclearobligationsandresponsibilities, him? Wherearetheyfallingdown? you wantsomesortofmilitary action launchedtorescue to aidthissituation.Whatisittheyshouldbedoing?Do SAVIDGE: YoubelievetheRussiansaren’tdoingenoughhere Extract: the kidnapping. MSF ofwantingtopoliticisethesituationsurrounding the RussianPresident’sadvisoronChechnya,accused which heclaimedweregroundless.SerguéïIastrjembski, Caucasus asked MSF to provide proof of its accusations, The RussianPresident’sdeputyrepresentativeinthe in theindependentRussianweeklyNovaïaGazeta. Viatcheslav Izmailov published a few weeks previously France PresidentinLeMondecamefromanarticleby Gazeta.ru, thattheinformationprovidedbyMSF the RussianFederation,declaredonwebsite 12 March,MarcWalsh,MSFInformationCoordinator in of any proof, he was merely expressing assumptions. On MSF France’s President, they indicated that in the absence Arjan’s release. When questioned about the claim made by English). Executive Director, CNN, 8 March 2004 (in Interview withNicolasdeTorrente, MSF USA 289 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

been raised by U.S. officials by European Union officials. But “Dutch. French, European, United Nations diplomats,” it now it’s time to really ask for answers, and ask for results. has rot enabled progress toward the liberation of Arjan Erkel. “Diplomats recognise this established fact in their conversations with us but there is a public taboo. “One cannot upset Russia”, ‘You will end up putting your colleague’s life ‘ MSF: Officials Implicated in the Kidnapping of the in danger if you keep on making noise,’ is what we are being MSF Representative in Dagestan,’ AFP (France), told in the embassies,” comments Doctor Bradol. Although Paris, 9 March 2004 (in French). silent until now, the humanitarian organisation has decided to lift the taboo. The investigation on the kidnapping of Extract: Arjan Erkel is officially at standstill. The main investigator On Tuesday, Médecins sans Frontières’ (MSF) President Jean- has been arrested and the Russian authorities in charge of Hervé Bradol denounced the “involvement of Dagestani this case — the Russian Ministry of Interior and the FSB — and federal Russian officials in the kidnapping of the MSF say they have no information on the kidnappers. Meanwhile, Head of Mission in Dagestan, Arjan Erkel, abducted in the heads of MSF have been approached by “two or three August 2002. He also condemned “international leniency.” intermediaries, all recommended by the local or federal “Following 19 months of pragmatism, we have decided to administration, who have offered to exchange Arjan against break the silence,” Mr Bradol told AFP, stating that he is ransom money.” The first ransom requests appeared nine “very worried about Arjan’s survival,” since he is ill — he months alter the kidnapping, and MSF claims that came in suffers from a lung infection — and is in danger of execution, rather late for supposedly isolated criminals. A certain sum according to MSF sources. He stated that the last sign of was decided on but “all vanished at the end of December.” life from the Dutch humanitarian worker, now 35, came in October. “Until December, negotiations were underway The level of uncertainty is total and the concern is great through intermediaries. But the intermediaries all suddenly within MSF. “We are alarmed by recent information on the withdrew in late December and all contact has been cut state of health and threats of execution that hang on the off,” he explained. “We don’t know who is handling the life” of the young man, explains his president. The kidnappers investigation. And our chief contact, the Dagestani Chief talk of ‘clearing up the field before the Russian presidential Investigator Imamudin Temirbulatov, was arrested in late elections.’ The case of the kidnapping of the young Dutch December,” continued Mr Bradol. volunteer, that came to bring his help to local populations “Dagestani and federal officials are involved in kidnappings,” who have endured nine years of war, has, involved Russian he claimed, according to “the results of an MSF investigation.” or Dagestani officials since the beginning. At the time “We are not saying these things lightly. Very powerful people of his kidnapping, on August 12th, 2001 a couple of days are involved, members of parliament. It’s an open secret”, he after he had met up with two American military attachés said. Mr Bradol feels that Arjan Erkel’s kidnapping is “part of passing through the regions, Arjan Erkel was under the tight a campaign of pressure and intimidation intended to silence surveillance of two FSB agents who witnessed the kidnapping people who are still talking about Chechnya, where crimes without reacting. They later explained to the investigators on an extraordinary scale have been occurring for the last that they could not intervene due to their lack of weapons. decade,” he said, condemning “international leniency.” The number plate of the car used for the kidnapping was “Kidnapping is practised on a huge scale in this region. taken by a visual witness, but wasn’t followed up. European governments have known about these practices In February 2003, MSF received the bill for Arjan Erkel’s for years.” “We want the EU and UN to wake up,” he said. mobile phone, the mobile phone line he was holding at the time of the kidnapping. According to this bill, more than fifty phone calls were placed alter the kidnapping. The numbers called are indicated on the bill. MSF transmitted this ‘MSF Accuses Russian Officials of Keeping One of information to the Russian authorities for their investigation. Their Volunteers Hostage,’ Marie Jégo, Le Monde “Some unidentified people have called different subscribers (France), 10 March 2004 (in French). from Arjan Erkel’s mobile phone. But the study of this data brought out no information deemed worthwhile. The phone Who kidnapped Arjan Erkel, 33 years old, volunteer for line of the hostage has since been cut off,” the first Vice- Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in the Caucasus; taken minister of Interior, Mr Demidov, answered in writing. hostage 19 months ago in Dagestan, a republic neighbouring What can a structure like MSF do - although renowned for Chechnya where important military and police means are its humanitarian action which was crowned in 1999 by the deployed? The humanitarian organisation knows. “The Nobel Peace Prize - it is entirely helpless in the face of such head of the group that detains Arjan is a member of the manoeuvres. Its President is revolted: “Hostage-taking is Dagestan Duma Parliament. And his ‘boss’ is a member of something we know in MSF. But in this present case, we the federal Duma in Moscow,” assures Jean-Hervé Bradol. are not facing an isolated group of kidnapers hiding in the The President of MSF says he holds this information “from forest. This is not FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of various sources, including from members of the forces: Colombia)! We affirm that local and federal members of the military, FSB (ex-KGB), police — local and federal,” and Russian administration are involved in the negotiations and has done so for some months already. are taking advantage of it. Since when is human trafficking 290 Although this information has been transmitted to seen as a regular, recognised, political practice? Is this the we have obtained information, it has been through semi- in thisdirection, even ifwe don’t have anyproof. Each time member oftheMSFcrisiscell, explains:“Allthesignspoint the DagestaniDuma(parliament).” Jean-ChristopheAzé, the groupholdingArjanprisoner of“beingamember an interview with Le Monde, he accused the leader of MSF France President Jean-Hervé Bradol is adamant. In contacts inMoscow,”explainsThomasNierle. different clansoftheNorthernCaucasus,allwithexcellent Erkel hashimselfbecomeapawninthebattlebetween interested insecuringhisrelease.NodoubtbecauseArjan dimension. “Forreasonsthatescapeus,Moscowisnot MSF’s view,itisclearthatErkel’skidnappinghasapolitical and theintermediarieshavemysteriouslydisappeared.In attempts tomakecontacthavecollapsedatthelastminute atmosphere oftheutmostsecrecy.Buteachtime,patient through variousintermediariesonseveraloccasions,inan to theabductors.Negotiationshavebeenestablished The humanitarianorganisationispreparedtopayaransom humanitarian workerintheCaucasus. be behindthisunprecedentedlongdetentionofawestern Thomas Nierle.AccordingtoMSF,themafiaalonecannot government is readyto put pressure on Moscow,” protests the Netherlands,ArjanErkel’shomeland,noranyother interests and anti-terrorist imperatives mean that neither “Arjan Erkel is being sacrificed for reasons of state. Oil for MSFisthefearfulattitudeofwesterngovernments: to,” asserts Thomas Nierle. A further infuriating factor Russian authorities could secure his release if they wanted Arjan toreappearasifbymagic.ButIamsayingthatthe “I’m notsayingthatPutinonlyneedstoclickhisfingersfor Indeed, MSF is now pointing an accusing finger at Moscow: behaviour oftheRussianauthorities. reacting. Thiswasthefirstsignofambiguous,atbest, FSB (formerKGB)agentswitnessedtheabductionwithout into awhiteLadacar.Monthslater,MSFlearntthattwo masked men overpowered his driver and bundled Arjan in asuburbofMakhatchkala,theDagestanicapital.Three when hewastakinghisinterpreterhome.Hekidnapped abductors.” ArjanErkel’sordealbeganon12August2002 and thatheisinimminentdangerofbeingexecutedbyhis learnt: “Wehavefoundoutthathishealthisdeteriorating Thomas Nierle,MSFDirectorofOperationsinGeneva,has well be hanging by a thread. This is the alarming news that Head ofMission,heldhostageintheNorthernCaucasus,may the life of the Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) Switzerland’s Arjan Erkel’snightmarebeganeighteenmonthsago.Andnow Extract: touch thousandsofpeopleinChechnya? trafficking, trafficking of corpses, that rape, torture, and Union? Howmuchlongercanweignorethathuman norm oftherelationshipbetweenRussiaandEuropean French). Hazan, Coordinator, CurrentlyBeingHeldHostage,’Pierre ’MSF AccusesMoscowofDoingNothingtoFreeits Le Temps(Geneva),11March2004(in are alsoinvolved. Iwon’tgiveanynames, but I’mtalking have followed since made it clear to us that local officials (former KGB)officers.Theydid nothing.Thediscussionsthat the highest level. His abduction was witnessed by two FSB is becauseadecisionnotto intervenehasbeentakenat has beenkidnapped,heldprisoner andstillnotbeenreleased clear to us throughout the negotiations. The fact that Arjan playing aroleintheaffair.Thedegreeofinvolvementwas Jean-Hervé Bradol.Theauthoritiesareinvolved;they the Russianauthorities? Le Figaro.Howdoyouexplainthisattitudeonthepartof at allwiththeabductorssincelateDecember. it whatsoever.I’llsayagain:therehasbeennocontact dealing with the affair. And it’s not true, there’s no truth in Arjan wasdoingwellandthattheRussianauthorities were Sergueï Lastrjembsky,daredtostateonFrenchradiothat ago, VladimirPutin’spersonalrepresentativeinChechnya, to maintaintheillusion.WhenhewasinParistwoweeks his abductorssincelateDecember;buttheRussianscontinue are terriblyworriedforhislife.Wehavehadnocontactwith now nineteenmonthssinceArjanErkelwaskidnapped.We Jean-Hervé Bradol.Notasinglepromisehasbeenkept.It’s authorities ofinvolvementinArjanErkel’skidnapping? Le Figaro.WhyareyoucurrentlyaccusingtoplevelRussian nothing isdone. only thingMSFissureofthatArjanErkelfacesdeathif been replaced?Weknowdamnall!”saysThomasNierle.The Does ithaveanylinktoArjanErkel’skidnapping?Hashe He is apparently still in prison. “What was behind his arrest? in Dagestan,ImamutdinTemirbulatov,washimselfarrested. occurred on 9 December 2003 when the investigation head break, which led to the abductors. Another puzzling event figures. Inexplicably,theFSBmadenouseofthislucky 2003. SomenumbersbelongedtoprominentDagestani telephone bill,withalistof50numberscalledinFebruary role. A few months earlier, MSF had received Erkel’s mobile photo. Then,mysteriously,theFSBstoppedplayinganactive A monthlater,anintermediaryclosetotheFSBobtaineda sent the Dutch government avideo showing Arjan Erkel alive. suspended. InJune2003,theRussianintelligenceservices surrounding an investigation that has even occasionally been To backtheirclaims,MSFstaffscitecountlessstrangeevents to secureErkel’sfreedom.” internal struggles,theyhaveneverputanythinginplace problem is. For reasons that escape us, no doubt related to group abductedhim,why,andwhatthekeytosolving information about Erkel. We believe that they know which certain people,bothinMoscowandDagestan,havelotsof linked totheintelligenceservices.Itisalsoobviousthat who areclosetothespheresofpower,eitherpoliticalor official Dagestanichannels,inotherwords,frompeople March 2003(inFrench). by PatrickdeStExupéry,LeFigaro(France),12 Kidnapping,’ ‘The DeliberateandSystematicPracticeof Interview with MSF France President with MSFFrancePresident 291 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

about the local Dagestani deputy and his boss in Moscow, Bradol said that two legislators -- one in the regional also a deputy, in the Russian Duma. As for the top Russian parliament in Dagestan, the other in the federal parliament authorities, I could mention the FSB and Vladimir Putin, in Moscow -- were involved in the abduction. He declined who in May 2003 undertook to secure Arjan’s release, and to name them or elaborate on their role. “But at least we his former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Igor Ivanov, who are sure they can act quickly and efficiently to attain the made the same promise. liberation of our colleague. We’re sure of that,” Bradol Le Figaro. Why did you decide to suddenly go public? said. He said it was difficult for his organization to decide Jean-Hervé Bradol. We are exhausted. We’ve been playing to come forward with such accusations, but that it had the game for months now. We have listened to the received information in December that Erkel was ill and at recommendations and wanted to believe in the promises we risk of execution. That also appears to be the time when have been made. But the situation is intolerable. European negotiations with the abductors, through intermediaries, diplomats have all got used to the idea that it is normal and broke down; Bradol said MSF had had assurances Erkel would reasonable to buy people. They are fully aware of the federal be released in mid-December, in exchange for a ransom, Russian authorities’ involvement, and they also know what but the month came and went. MSF’s Moscow spokesman, is happening in Chechnya, but they have decided to live Mark Walsh, said that Erkel was said to be suffering from with these practices, to close their eyes, and accept them. pneumonia or a serious lung ailment. […] Bradol attributed They thereby legitimise the behaviour of a state that is a the kidnapping to what he called a Russian government permanent member of the Security Council. It is a moral campaign against humanitarian workers, local journalists, and political offence. and human rights organizations working in Chechnya. “They’re openly declaring for years that we are spies, acting Le Figaro. Can you explain what you mean? as the enemy of Russia,” Bradol said. “They have to be held Jean-Hervé Bradol. We are not negotiating with a rebel accountable for such attitudes.” group like FARC in Colombia, but with a ruling power, a state. And we are meant to find it normal to buy a man as though he were cattle! This is what European diplomats have been trying to beat into our heads for many months. ‘Internet Interview with Mark Walsh, MSF Without ever having managed to get us a meeting with International Information Officer in Moscow, to the Presidential administration in the Kremlin, a meeting Maria Tsvetkova, Gazeta.ru (Russia) 12 March they’ve been promising for a year. Of course, you need to 2004 (translated from Russian into English by be aware, as the European leaders are, that in Chechnya MSF). we are dealing with the deliberate and systematic practice of kidnapping. These kidnappings are part of a campaign. Extract: Money is not the prime purpose. The ransoms we have Mark Walsh : Bradol was referring to a newspaper article been asked to pay on several occasions are only there to written by Vyatcheslav Izmailov, published several weeks cover costs. These are political kidnappings. And this is a ago in Novaya Gazeta. In particular, he mentions a deputy policy on a vast scale. And Europe tolerates it. This is not of the Dagestani parliament and the authorities did not a judgement. It’s a statement of fact. contest those accusations. In mid-February the Russian Novaya Gazeta weekly blamed Arjan Erkel’s kidnapping on Russian special services, claiming, in particular, that Gazi- Magomed Magomedov, a deputy of the Dagestani legislature, ‘ Médecins Sans Frontières Accuses Russian the People’s Assembly, was involved in the operation. Authorities of Complicity in Abduction of Aid Worker,’ by Judith Ingram, Associated Press But the main point is that there has been no information (USA), Moscow, 11 March 2004 (in English). about Arjan in six months, no sign that he is still alive. All the same, in the past weeks Russian officials have twice Extract: said that he is alive. Sergei Yastrzhembsk said so last week, Bradol said in a telephone interview Thursday with The and Igor Ivanov (the outgoing foreign minister) has also Associated Press, “They themselves publicly acknowledge said as much. And we would very much like to know how do that they have a degree of direct involvement with the they know that he is alive? And why don’t they share that kidnapping itself, with the detention of our colleague. It’s information with us? We have been told many times by law clear in their attitude in meetings with us ... that they enforcement authorities that they know who is holding Arjan acknowledge it already.” Ali Temirbekov, a spokesman for and where he is, and to us it is absolutely incomprehensible Dagestani prosecutors, denied the allegations and said MSF why they still have not liberated him. was acting “unprofessionally.” A Kremlin representative also denied the accusations. “These allegations are totally Surely, you have addressed those questions to the security unfounded. If Doctors Without Borders has any evidence that officials or to the police. What do they say?: can help the investigation, why don’t they come forward with MW: Officially they say they are doing everything they can, it?” Sayed-Selim Peshkhoyev, the deputy presidential envoy but never elaborate. Mr Bradol also mentioned that talks in southern Russia, was quoted as saying by the Interfax on Arjan Erkel’s liberation had been held in December of 292 news agency. last year. Who acted as intermediaries in those talks? Most Russia sponsored aUNresolutionobliging thecountries wake of the bombing of the Red Cross mission in Baghdad, as well.Ithinkitisveryimportant torememberthatinthe remind theinternationalcommunity oftheirresponsibilities, responsibility. Weareworking atvariousdiplomaticlevelsto international community so thatthey remind Russia of its putting pressureontheEuropean Union,theUN,and of the Netherlandsto put pressureon Russia. Now we are MW: Fromtheverybeginningwetriedtogetauthorities respond toyouraccusations?: What areyougoingtodoiftheRussianauthoritiesfail results. Thephonewastakenoutofservicethefollowingday. check everything,butthensaidthechecksproducedno and thosepeoplewerejustassurprisedpromisedto imagine oursurprise.Wetookthebilltoinvestigators, calls fromhisphonenumber were being monitored. Youcan months aftertheabduction.Honestly,webelievedthat MW: Wewereabsolutelyastoundedtoreceivethatbillseven Did theinvestigatorsfollowthatup?: with callsregisteredasbeingmadetounknownnumbers. abduction, MSFreceivedhisitemizedmobilephonebill Media reports said that several months after Erkel’s thousands oftheminDagestan. to identifythem.HesawonlyaLadacar,butthereare released. Buttheabductorsworemasks,sohewasunable MW: Thedriverwasdetainedbriefly,andthenhe investigators managetolearnanythingfromhim?: Erkel’s driverwasarrestedsoonafterhisabduction.Didthe contemplating executinghim. good sourcesthatthepeoplewhohaveabductedhimare infection orpneumonia.Andwehavealsobeentoldby good sourcesheisnowsufferingfromaveryseriouslung beaten. Butwehaveverystronginformationfromtwo health isdeteriorating.Therenoevidencethathewas MW: Judgingbythevideosandphotos,Arjan’sstateof What kindofconditionsishebeingheldin?: held. special servicesthattheyknowexactlywhereheisbeing he hasleftDagestan,butwehavebeentoldunofficiallyby MW: No,wedonotknowwhereheis.Weif those materials?: Is itpossibletoestablishhiswhereaboutswiththehelpof that Arjanwasalive. to October2003wereceivedfivedifferentkindsofproof were abletodeliverevidence.IntheperiodfromFebruary Special serviceswereabletointroduceuspeoplewho the formofphotos,orvideos,answerstoourquestions. to deliver proof to us that Arjan was still alive: either in them isthatearlierthoseintermediariessomehowmanaged MW: officials?: Who werethey?FSBofficers,Chechensor,maybe,Dagestani federal structures. of theso-calledintermediarieswereintroducedtousby I cannotelaborateonthat.Allthatcansayabout Ministry of Interior spokesman Abdulmanap Musayev told us. Ministry ofInteriorspokesmanAbdulmanapMusayevtoldus. Ministry isfollowingupontheinvestigation,”Dagestani stopped foraday,thiscaseremainstoppriorityus.[The] far-fetched.” “InvestigationoftheArjan’scasehasnot they consideredalltheaccusationstobe“unfoundedand organizations.” AsfortheDagestaniMinistryofInterior, to Securityforcesbeingcriticized,especiallybyinternational involvement intheabduction.Theyalsosaid,theyare“used neither Bradol’sstatementnoraboutDagestaniauthorities’ the DagestaniSecurityService.Theysaidtheyhadheard developments of Arjan’s case. We got the same reaction from refused tocommentonBradol’sstatementaswellthe Communications Centre ofFederal Security Service (FSB) being madedaily we cannotreacttoall of them.”The about Bradol’saccusations.“Therearealotofstatements the Russian Interior Ministry stated they knew nothing unfounded. […][The]CommunicationsDepartmentof to givecommentsorsaidthatBradol’saccusationswere Spokesmen ofdifferentsecurityagencieseitherrefused the investigators.” be ofanyhelptotheinvestigation,letthemshareitwith quoted himassaying.“IfMSFhasanyinformationthatcan agency. “Whatunfoundedaccusations!”Thenewsagency Southern districtSaid-SelimPeshkhoyevtoInterfaxnews was astatementmadebyDeputyPresidential Envoy inthe only reactionfromtheRussiansidetoMSFdemarches, Bradol had to support those scandalous accusations. The Yesterday, itwasnotclearyetwhatkindofevidenceMr and federalofficialsareimplicatedinkidnappingcase.” Arjan Erkel.Bradol[was]quotedbyBBCassaying,“Dagestani authorities ofcomplicityinkidnapping[the]MSFvolunteer where heopenlyaccusedfederalRussianandDagestani statement madeby[the]headofMSFJean-HerveBradol, authorities. Internationalnewsagenciesdisseminateda abroad. Unprecedentedaccusations were madeto Russian became cloudedbysomestatementscomingfrom Recent RussiansuccessesinfightingChechenseparatists Extract: accusations”, describing themas“anattempt topoliticise Lastrjembski, has “deeplyregrettedMrBradol’s unfounded The Russian President’s advisor for Chechnya, Sergueï Extract: safety ofaidworkers. where humanitarian missions operate to ensure the personal Russian intoEnglish). (Russia), 11March2004(translatedbyMSFfrom Blinova and Roman Ukolov, Nezavisimaya Gazeta Makes UnpleasantStatements,’byEkaterina ‘Russia OfficiallyAccusedoverKidnappings–MSF 2004 (inFrench). of MSF Worker,’ ‘Russia DeniesbeingInvolvedintheKidnapping AFP (France),Moscow,11March

293 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

the situation concerning the kidnapping of the MSF the affair. I couldn’t imagine him coming in at the last representative” in a declaration cited by Interfax. “We are minute to make a statement… So we did something doing everything we can to secure Mr Erkel’s release,” added different. But the decision, which was actually an order, Mr Lastrjembski, affirming that the affair was receiving was taken by MSF Switzerland. “constant attention from the Russian bodies concerned.” […] “There is no information indicating Dagestani and Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director of Russian authorities’ involvement in Arjan Erkel’s kidnapping,” Communications (1996-1998), Director of Operations declared a spokesperson for the public prosecutor’s office, (1998-2000), President (May 2000-May 2008), cited by Interfax. “The Dagestani law enforcement forces (in French) interviewed in 2009. are doing everything they can to throw light on this crime, seeking to free Arjan Erkel and to find those responsible for his abduction,” he added.

Jean-Hervé decided that enough was enough and that we were going to take a more hardliner approach. I was leaving for Brazzaville in the We were all in agreement. Jean-Hervé’s interview with afternoon, and he came to see me in the morning saying Le Monde was not an isolated initiative. In early that he was ready to give an interview and tell the whole January, we decided to step up pressure in the media, story. I called Marie Jego at Le Monde and told her that no longer restricting ourselves to press releases but writing I’d give her a story if she headlined it because we had to and giving interviews to journalists which would have an make a real impact. She agreed to the front page, and he impact on the various Russian and European papers. The Le did the interview while I was on the plane. At the end of Monde interview was part of this increasing public activity. the day, his strategy towards Chechnya was “To hell with We did not delude ourselves: if we wanted to talk about everyone and I’ll say what I have to say”. He piled on the Chechnya, it had to be in France, because at least there would pressure whenever he intended to defend what we were be a small audience due to the presence of a fairly large doing because he thought it was right. This all happened Chechen community. But it has been forgotten everywhere in an atmosphere of permanent drama. There was at least else in Europe. In Holland, you could still talk about it a little one drama per week during a whole year. I think that when because the victim was Dutch. No one in Switzerland was I left, I must have had a thousand documents on the affair. interested. It was almost impossible to place articles. I had We spent our time rearranging texts and arguing over two a contact with a journalist who writes for Le Temps in Lausanne words, when it wasn’t the two words that were the problem, and for Libération. We tried in Germany, but MSF’s German but what lay behind the words, our respective visions of it section was linked to the Dutch section. And Amsterdam all. did not want to communicate. Anne Fouchard, MSF France Deputy Director Dr Thomas Nierle, MSF Switzerland, Head of of Communications, (July 2000-July 2004), (in French) Emergencies then Director of Operations 2000-2004, interviewed in 2009. (in French) interviewed in 2009.

INTERNAL TENSIONS, The person who actually carried the risks in the EXTERNAL CRITISISMS political and institutional sense for this affair was Thomas Nierle [MSF Switzerland Director of Operations]. In terms of issuing statements, I feel that, as I was carrying out orders, I basically had subsidiary responsibility after Thomas Nierle and Jean-Christophe Azé The declarations were criticised within the MSF movement [MSF Switzerland]. It was very nice working with them for by those who felt that it could put the lives of field teams that reason: they assumed their responsibilities. We offered at risk. On 11 March, the MSF International President and support and advice, but the roles were never reversed. They Secretary General and MSF Switzerland General Director felt that it would be more visible in Le Monde than in the officially reaffirmed that the movement stood behind Tribune de Genève. It had to be visible in Moscow. In fact, the decisions taken by the crisis cell. I remember that they thought about asking Rony [Brauman, former MSF France President] so that our position would receive the highest possible profile, etc. They were right to think that Rony would attract greater coverage than I would, 294 but it was not very realistic, because he was not following repair thisdamage? this game“we”areplayingisandhowwegoingto its aidworker”),andaskingusifwerealizehowdangerous headlines is: “MSF accuses Russian authorities of kidnapping up, stunnedby the statements by MSF (FYI, In Russia the Just toillustrate,Moscowcorrespondentsarephoningme is beinggivenbytheRussianinvestigationauthorities.” however, veryworrying,whileatthesametimenoclarity cannot confirmthisoranyotherscenario.Thereportsare were already published in various media months ago. MSF previously expressedspeculationsbyotheranalysts,which is holding him. What was written in Le Monde [reflect] are direct contact with the kidnappers - we do not know who can andwillnotaccuseanyone.Therestillhasn’tbeenany have comeouttoostronginLeMonde.MSFregretsthis. is doing?“ThecommentsofthepresidentMSF-France This could be a possible Q & A: Isn’t it dangerous what MSF to pointoutthatwewanttoneJ-Hstatementsdown. team gotrestrictionsontravelingtoday).We-againwant risky for our Operations in the field and Arjan’s case. (Our MSF-Holland agreeswithMSF-BthatJ-Hstatementsarevery Extract: would notbementionedpublicly. by thecoordinatorofCrisisteamthatDeputyM.[…] and thelinknotprovenbetweenbothofthem.Itwasagreed Dagestani parliamentarians,(…)mentionedinthearticle the article.Thefirstpointconcernsinsinuationof MSF teamsonthefieldinRussiaconcerningcontentsof There arecontroversialopinionswithintheCrisisteamand from MSF-CH headquarters to disclose confidential information. Bradol (PresidentofMSF-F)afterhereceivedthegreenlight Volunteers Hostage’inaninterviewLeMondegivenbyJ-H 10/03: ‘MSFAccusesRussianOfficialsofHoldingOneIts Extract: Officer (inEnglish). Switzerland ErkelCellCrisis,MSFMoscowPress Director ofCommunications,PereJoanPons,MSF of Communications,MartynBroughton,MSFUK cations, MichelClerc,MSFSwitzerlandDirector Peter Caesar, MSF Belgium Director of Communi- Torgeson MSF USA Director of Communications, International CommunicationsCoordinator,Kris Officer, 10March2004toAnoukDelafortrie,MSF Marieke VanZalk,MSFHollandCommunications ‘Re: AnyFeedbackfromYourSide,’Email Crisis, 2004(inEnglish). April 2004,DavidCremoux,MSFSwitzerlandCell ’Narrative Chronology,’AECase-Period2002 EXCOM Just toremindyouthatthestrategy discussed duringthe 1. Decisionmakingprocess: Dear friends, Extract: sections aswellthe GeneralSecretaryoftheMSFMovement. 39. TheExecutiveCommittee consistsoftheGeneralDirectors the 5operational in thecourseoflastweeks’consultations. Please. are countingontheMSFnetwork tofollowthelinedefined position byprinciple…).The strategyisstillthesame.We and thestrategy(remainingsilent,followingfamily that someseemtowantchangecompletelythemessage you and take over if needed. What I do not understand is general message,weatthecrisisteamareheretosupport any difficultieswithspecificjournalistsorregardthe the indicationtogiveappropriateanswers.Ifyouhave in this article. However, the com departments have received you havetoanswerquestionsregardingthefirstparagraph case. Thisiswhatwewanted.Icanunderstandthestress has beenawakened,andthemediaarenowfollowing that ourstrategicmessagehasclearlybeenpassed,interest commentary tothecontentsofReport.Butyouwillagree about theinterviewinLeMonde.Itisstrongandaddssome on BBC radio. I can understand the fears of some of you interview byJHBinLeMondeandanofTomNierle the firstround:Aneditorial inanAmericannewspaper, of theReportwouldfollow.Threepieceswerechosenfor this firstround,otherinterviewsbasedonthecontents in order to raise Arjan’s case. According to the impact of Dep level,wedecidedtoapproach36importantmedia crisis cellafterconsultationswiththeExCom.AtCom The decisiontochoosethisstrategyhasbeentakenbythe his stateofhealth. of more action for Arjan given the alarming information on the Russian and other governments, and about the urgency about ourevaluationofthesituation,responsibilities parliamentarians, selectedjournalists,opinionleaders” our lobbyingcampaignandbrief“politicians,diplomats, their concernbutthat,neverthelesswewouldmaintain was informedbyletterthatweunderstandandrespect and [theDtuch]MoFAonSunday29,February).The family (meeting betweenThomasLinde,KennyGluck,thefamily, after the familyobjected to any communications by MSF press conferenceandanypublicmediaeventwerecancelled We alsoplannedpressconferencesforMondayMarch1.The articulated, weeditedtheReportyoureceivedlastweek. and diplomaticlobbying.Asthebasisforthisstrategywas To launchastrongpubliccommunicationtobackthispolitical responsibilities inthecaseofArjan in holdingRussianauthoritiesaccountablefortheir To pushthemtoactinastrongerandmoreunitedmanner and UNkeymemberstates. To reinforceourlobbyingactiontowardstheEUmembers 39 onthe19 March 2004 (in English). March 2004(inEnglish). Crisis TeamtoMSFCommunicationsNetwork,10 Christophe AzeandPereJoanPons,ArjanErkel ”Decision makingprocess’MessagefromJean- th ofFebruarywas: 295 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Communications Email from Pierre Salignon, MSF France General The crisis team in Geneva would like to restate our position Director to MSF General directors, 11 March 2004 if media requests on the case of Arjan Erkel. […] (in English). 3. Article in Le Monde: We do not correct the position of Jean-Hervé Bradol in Le Extract: Monde’s newspaper. His article was part of the decision to Dear Friends and excom members, brief major Media on the content of the report. J-H went Thank you Thomas, Marine, Rowane, Jean-Xtophe and Pere for obviously quite far and was very strong, but his message your last message and clarifications. I just want to come back totally reflects our line: “everybody knows who is behind the on some of the mails sent around in the movement during the case please it is time for the international community and last days about the Arjan’s campaign. I’m really upset to see European institutions to act.” I gave you yesterday the line individuals and specifically communication representatives to follow for the tricky questions of the second paragraph not doing what was decided at Excom level or by the crisis of the article. Please stick to the line. cell dealing with this terrible affair. I find unacceptable the If you have questions on Le Monde’s first paragraph, “Are you mails/attitude explaining that we should change the current accusing the Russians of being behind the kidnapping?” We strategy decided by Geneva (and - if I’m right - supported are not accusing the Russians of being responsible for the by Excom), that the statement of one MSF President is not kidnapping of Arjan Erkel. We are simply pointing out that a MSF position, and that journalists - in a pro-active way - Russian officials know Arjan’s whereabouts and, by being should be requested to stop communicating on Arjan case. aware of the situation of Arjan, of lack of action to solve this case. (Everybody knows in Russia, even Yastrazemski said People acting this way are committing a serious professional last week that Arjan is safe and sound, but what we want misdemeanor and should assume the consequences. We need is to have Arjan safe and sound). It is of public knowledge some clarifications with them on, who is deciding what, that names have been published in the Russian and Dutch and, who is responsible for what. They are not the ones to Press: Russian journalists have published that important decide in such a crisis. It should be clear for everybody and people were involved in this case. MSF cannot verify this at Excom level. I hope these persons are just expressing then it cannot confirm it. It is for us a plausible scenario. their individual point of view... However it’s not acceptable. However, no one came to us to tell whether this information The management of Arjan’s case is difficult and painful. has been verified or not. Decisions are not easy to take in such an affair. I trust the people dealing daily with it for months. They are the best to decide what to do and when. We are ready in Paris to provide them with more support in the future as Arjan’s case Email from Thomas Linde, MSF Switzerland General is for MSF the top priority. We must continue to be public Director, Marine Buissonnière, General Secretary and active. If there’re disagreements between sections, we MSF International, Rowan Gillies, President MSF have to confront them openly, transparently. I hope in this International to MSF General Directors, Directors specific case, we must keep a common position and reaffirm of Communication, Presidents 11 March 2004 (in our full support to the crisis cell members. English).

Extract: There have been heated discussions in the past 24 hours On 12 March, in an interview with the Dutch radio about the strengthened communications campaign station Radio 1, Dick Erkel, Arjan’s father, criticised concerning Arjan’s case. We understand that everyone has the MSF campaign. MSF Holland was having difficulty in mind the safety of Arjan and his release. Whatever worries publicly supporting the MSF stance when Arjan’s family and questions there might be, we must at this stage, work and Dutch civil society rallied to the government’s view, together as a movement for this release. We cannot act in a which recommended silent diplomacy. According to the divided manner. It is essential that we reaffirm our complete people concerned, this difficulty was increased by the support to the crisis cell and the line that they have chosen fact that the main members of the management team to follow. Since the beginning, the crisis team has been did not speak Dutch, knew little about Dutch society and and remains in charge of defining and putting in place the had trouble representing the organisation there. operational and communication strategy regarding Arjan. The current strategy was agreed as recently as February 19th, at the level of the Excom. As explained and re-affirmed by Jean-Christophe and the crisis cell in the attached document, ‘Dick Erkel in Radio 1 Journaal,’ 12 March 2004 the strategy has not changed. We ask that you support the (translated by MSF from Dutch into English). crisis cell in their efforts to secure Arjan’s release and in the communications line that they have defined. Extract: MSF claims that the abductors of Erkel threaten to take his life. The Head of MSF France said this week that the kidnappers are considering ‘clearing the field’ before the 296 Russian presidential elections. MSF breaks the silence, a caseissolved?Wedon’t. Do youreallythinkthatbyatremendous publicitycampaign attention tothecase.WhatelsecanIdo? from thepoliticalworld.Renownedworldleadershavepaid seriously. Weareverycontentwiththesupportwereceive beyond me.[…]WeassumethattheservicesinRussiawork this guy,theydon’teventrytogetmedicationhim.Thatis the firstimages:“IsthatourArjan?IsArjan?”For starts trembling]andwhenitwasplayed,mywifesaidafter to summerlastyear,whenwereceivedthevideotape[voice bewildering. AsIreadthatintheNRC,mythoughtswentback do theycallit‘usuallyreliablesources’tomyson.Thatis but theyevenhaven’ttriedtosendmedicationthroughhow “No, thathasnotbeentried.Wehaveconsideredit,”[…] that wasfoundedtohelppeopleinneed.WhatdoesAzésay: guy? Thenthereisabewilderinganswerfromanorganisation “Did youtry,nowthatArjanissoill,togetmedicationthis says, accordingtoAzé.Then,apparently,VanZwolasksMSF: quoting, onArjan’scondition;wecannolongerbesilent,it that happen?[…]Nowwehavethealarminginformation,I’m some kind of plan with Arjanbeforetheelections. Why would I don’tassumethatthereissomuchreasoninRussiatohave Why not? No. something hastohappen”doesthatmakeyounervous? Sunday inRussia,andifyoureadtheremark“before The backgroundofthereportisthatthereareelectionsnext further, butIdon’tthinkthisiswise. then IwillbereproachedthatI’mspreadingthestoryeven speaking aboutwhatseemstohavebeenagreed,since in thefieldthatkindofinformationisshared.I’mnot I do wonder whether it contributes to the safety of people Do youthinkthatisdangerous? it isgoodtomakethatpublic. of lifewhentheyaretangibleandrecent.[…]Idoubtif been answers,butweregardedanswersonlythenasproof have beenansweredinwriting.Thatisnottrue.There this. Then, accordingtothe article, two personal questions sources. I don’tknowwhatthis is allabout.Ican’t verify his lifeisthreatened.Theyknowthisfromusuallyreliable MSF starts by saying that Arjan has pneumonia and that another reasonwhywearespeakingnow.[…] I nowwanttoaddressthearticleinNRC,whichis is copiedjustlikethat.Thatpuzzlesus.[…] in touchwithus.Itisaone-sidedreportfromMSF,which an answertothat.Thisreportwasissuedwithoutgetting calls inourdirection,like:whatisgoingon?Idon’thave and thathewasseriouslyill.Thatledtocountlesstelephone was reported on Teletext that Arjan’s life was threatened I’m breakingitbecauseonWednesdayeveningsuddenly Why areyounowbreakingthesilenceyourselfalso?[…] ‘Good morning.’ the family.OnphoneisArjan’sfather,Goodmorning, which wasagreed,bytheMinistryofForeignAffairsand so painfullyclear thatitwouldhavebeen so muchbetter all knowithas beenextremelydifficultfor MSF.[…]Itis courage to solveArjan’s case. With regards to the family we We maintainthelineofdemanding actionandpolitical Moving forward: involved withonlyonefocus: Arjan’srelease. the movementandrespectfor theintentionsofallpeople creating aconflict,Icallonyoursenseofresponsibilityfor well intendedeffortstosolveadifficultdilemma.Instead of would bevery disappointed ifyoucannot considerthese as agreed uponbythecrisisteamandmovement.That’sall. I voice andalwaysadheredtothesamemessagesthatwere was notfollowed.MSFHnevercommunicatedadissenting a distance from the message in Le Monde. The suggestion answers. Suggestions! These suggestions included: to take MSFH’s communicationteampreparedsuggestionsfor how toproceed.Whilebeingunderthehardestofpressures, reach acommonground,tosharedunderstandingon these asfirstreactions,quitevalidinmyviewandmeantto shock andconsiderationsforrectification.Youshouldexplain half aday.ThefirstreactioncomingfromGenevawasoneof to thefamily’srequestforsilence.Thatwasnotmorethen which meant that initially we did not comment and referred the family’swishandnotunderminingMSF’spublicefforts, Immediately MSFHtriedtofindawayinbetween:respecting different inmyview. been the aim, MSF should have done something completely does nothelp to mobilise the Dutch politicians. If this has call and tocancel their funding commitments. It definitely have toexplainyouthatimmediatelydonorsstarted they believe,whichcomesfromouraccusations.Idonot to ignore the family’s request for silence and the danger, to sendmedicinesArjan.Thisontopoftheaccusation and familyirresponsiblyexploitdetailsas:MSFnotprepared between Arjan’s family and MSF.Asituation where media respond tothepublicstoryofatroubledrelationship Responding tothemedia:DorealisethatMSFHhas adds toit.Theywerepainfullydevastated. call’s fromthefamily.Theyareloosingallhopeandthis Answering the immediate angry but, above all, desperate we inAmsterdambasicallydidnotanticipate: family, and this is what MSF did. With this letter in mind, In myview,itisdisgustingtogiveafalsecomfortthe family? Ijustcannotbelievethat MSF takesthisattitude. did MSFnothavethegutstobeclearaboutthiswith I wouldagreewithyou.But,inthatcaseask:whythen to get into the public eye we take the maximum out of it. on thepublic’spressureandsupport.Andoncewechoose MSF’s bloodisboiling’...Nowayweeverchoosenottorely You maysay:‘Lisette,youareutterlynaïve,knowonce to thefamilyofArjan,supportedbybriefingsmyteam. intended in our view. I base myself on the communications Monde hadjusttheeffect,whichMSFnotintended.Not MSF-H wastakenbysurprise,asthespinoffofarticleinLe Extract: March 2004(inEnglish). to Jean-HervéBradol,MSFFrancePresident,14 Letter from Lisette Luykx, MSF Holland President 297 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

if the family Erkel would have shared Arjan’s ambitions to people with different opinions, they didn’t spend days of every make a difference for the people in Dagestan. We could at month in international meetings going over and over, trying to least have taken the situation in support of the plea we generate a position. So, not all of the positions were simple, have for that region. This is unfortunately not the case. Can or straightforwardly adopted by everyone. It took a lot of work we repair the relationship with the family? Hard challenge. to try and explain the decisions and why we should support But we can demonstrate decency and compassion. We can and implement them. We stuck to the international formal at least demand from ourselves to stay in touch with them, agreements as much as possible, even if we disagreed with to inform them on a regular basis and be transparent about them, and I don’t remember the board ever actually ending our actions. MSFH is committed to invest more vigorously in up overruling us. In the end, they were always supporting us. demanding action from the Dutch government. It has always It was just a lot of work. been the crisis team coordinating the relationship with the There was such sense of despair between the different sections, government in The Hague, next to the family Erkel who a genuine concern that this could actually cause long-term have their network as well. We will take an additional role. damage to the MSF movement, even that this could destroy MSF. Seriously we just could not believe the resources we put into that, both in terms of generating public appeal for Arjan at one point and getting a million signatures, but also just the number of top officials, and the amount of board time and executive time and staff time used on that issue around What was maybe specific to us was that a Dutch citizen the world and the percentage of it working for his release. had been taken, and the Dutch government was involved, and the Dutch public was involved. That placed Austen Davies, MSF Holland Executive Director, 1999 an undue amount of stress on us, more than if it had been a to 2004, (in English) interviewed in 2009. French person, or a Belgian person, or a Swede or a Ugandan. This was a domestic story, not an international story. And we were trying to turn it back into an international humanitarian story about what was happening in Chechnya and that’s not what the Dutch media were there for. In our section, there was a high degree of often, stereotypical mistrust by members of Neither of us speaks Dutch. We can’t read the Dutch our section towards other sections and an interpretation of press, we can’t watch the Dutch news, so it created what and why people were doing things. There were moments up a slightly difficult dynamic because Austin and I, of real differences of average opinion between Dutch members in a way, became the defenders of the movement, saying, of the head office and non-Dutch members. You had non-Dutch ‘no the movement is legitimate in taking this position.’ But, members standing up and saying: ‘We should fight the Dutch we also did not have the same level of pressure because we government. We’re MSF, you guys, you just want to support had no idea what was going on in the press. We would be everything the Dutch government does.’ told by the communications department who would bring the There were tensions between my management team and some morning newspaper, and say it says this and this, but that’s of the members of the board, and some of the members of not the same as being able to read it yourself. So, internally the organization who didn’t consider me particularly Dutch. in the office we were accused of being insensitive to the Dutch [Austen is British] It was a real constraint to the organization public. Because we were the foreigners, we don’t listen to the to have someone as incompetent in Dutch public life as me. I news and we care much more about the place of MSF in the don’t think it’s illegitimate for people to be concerned about world than the place of MSF in Holland. Had this been in these issues. If you’re going to lead an organization like that, France, MSF France would be extremely conscious about MSF then, if it’s a civil society organization, if you don’t want to France’s place in French society. And in the end, they just be donor-driven, you have to be driven by something, and couldn’t give a damn about MSF Holland, and that’s why I that’s public opinion to a certain extent. And you need to felt they were very unfair to Lisette [Lukyx, President MSF appeal to your public, to be in contact with their mores and Holland] and to Austen [Davies, Executive Director MSF their graces and their passions. And it wasn’t just that it Holland] in the accusations they made against them. was me as the Executive Director, but it was that really the three ODs, Kenny, Marylin, and Jose-Antonio weren’t Dutch. Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland General Coordinator and So, the opinion formers at the time, the people that were Regional Advisor in North Caucasus, (November 1999- structuring our strategies and policies, and persuading people January 2001), Director of Operations (2001-2005), of positions, none of them were Dutch. So, we would have (in English) interviewed in 2009 to go back with international decisions and explain them to a largely Dutch board and a largely Dutch office, who were very emotional and very much part of Dutch society, and were getting their information through the same channels as most of Dutch society, and couldn’t understand and didn’t intuitively support most of the positions that we took. The board members MSF Holland had a clearly defined procedure to follow were not as deeply availed of all the information, they didn’t if an expatriate was kidnapped. The team managing 298 spend hours of every day discussing it with a lot of different the kidnapping could not be the line management what weweredoing.SoIhadtofindabalance. Austen’s, whenhesaidthatDutchsocietycouldnotunderstand some ways,IacceptedJean-Hervé’sapproachas actions weweretakingforArjanaffectedeveryoneelse.In group following the kidnapping and the rest of headquarters. which cutoffallcontactsbetweenthesmall,specialised to structuralissues:thewayMSFHollandorganiseditself, logger headswiththeirgovernments.Buttheywerealsodue members ofheadquartersstaff,weren’tusedtobeingat reasons, astheDutch,andinthisparticularcase,Dutch So thetensionswithinsectionwerepartlyduetocultural conservative approach,minimisingrisks. relations withthefamily, protecting itbyadoptingavery what washappening.MSFHolland’scrisiscellmanaged affair. Only Boardand Management Team members followed left them to it, and didn’t stage any internal discussions on the And onceMSFSwitzerland’scrisiscelltookover,Holland special team,notbyme. kidnapping’s management, so it was also managed by a External communicationwasseenasapotentialriskforthe knowledge wasn’tusedenough. separation wasabittoodrasticinthiscase.Thefieldteams’ it wasaverygoodideatohavetwodifferentteams,buttheir managing Arjan’s kidnapping was taken off me. In my opinion, moment thecrisiscellwassetup,allresponsibilityfor director, inchargeoftheCaucasusprogramme,butfrom the firstdayofArjanErkel’skidnapping.Iwasoperations Everything hadtobekeptapart.Thisprocedurekickedinfrom the programme’sexistence,relationswithauthorities,etc. team runningtheprogrammesincountry,soastoprotect Romano Prodi wasreceivingtheEuropean Council’s release. On9March, whileEuropeanCommission President Russian relationstodoeverything possibletosecurehis Commission andEuropean Parliament’s CouncilonEU/ federal authorities,Dagestani authorities,theEuropean Arjan Erkel’skidnapping and calledontheRussian expressed itsconcernoverthe lackofprogressinresolving Erkel’s release. On26 February, the European Parliament positioned to bring pressure to bear and help towards Arjan MSF alsocontinuedtoinformthevariouspoliticalleaders Director inchargeofprogrammesNorthCaucasus, General, January2001to2004)(inEnglish) and it is a movement, all MSF organisations. And the but anentiremovement. Arjan isArjan,MSFMSF, Our responsibilitydidnotconcernjustoneperson, Dr José-AntonioBastos,MSFHollandOperations Rafa VilaSanJuan,MSFInternationalSecretary 2001 to2003(inFrench)interviewedin2009 interviewed in2009 Médecins SansFrontièresInternational. his family,”saysMarineBuissonnière,Secretary-Generalof Arjan Erkel’sordeal,tosavehislife,andreunitehimwith do everything that is humanly possible to put an end to Heads ofStateattendingtheEuropeanCouncilmeetingto the safereleaseofMr.Erkel.[…]“Wewanttoremind and localauthorities,theCommissionCounciltoensure firm politicalcommitmentonthepartofRussianFederal lack ofanyprogressinresolvingthiscaseandcalledfora of ArjanErkel’scase.TheParliamentdeeplyregrettedthe concern aboutthefailuretobringapositiveresolution report onEU-Russianrelationsinwhichitexpresseditsgrave On February 26, 2004, the European Parliament adopted a Extract: Thomas gavea longbrieftotheambassador andespecially Extract: US department,whichcouldcomefromUSAIDinitiative. -She alsosuggestedhavingapublicstatementfromthe department, throughjournalists’questionsatpressbriefings. -She suggestedraisingthecasetocommunication public opinion. -She advisedMSFtobenoisierandalertinternational Extract: launched asimilarappeal. release. On17March,theDutchForeignAffairsMinister High CommissionerlaunchedanappealforArjanErkel’s UN HumanRightsCommission’sannualsession,the the strategy.On12March,duringopeningof authorities continuedtocontesttheeffectivenessof the publiccampaigningonErkel’scase,whilstDutch US leadersencouragedMSFrepresentativestostepup the EuropeanCounciltakeactiontosaveArjanErkel’slife. representatives, apressreleasewascirculateddemanding (in English).  MSF International ‘European CouncilMustActtoSaveArjanErkel,’ 2004 (inEnglish). Director GeneralandErkelCrisis Cell,10March Thomas Linde and Laure Delcros, MSF Switzerland of theDutchMissionto UN inGenevaand Minutes of MeetingBetweenAmbassadorDeJong English). General and Erkel Crisis Cell, 10 March 2004 (in Linde andLaureDelcros,MSFSwitzerlandDirector Nancy Kyloh,RepresentativeofUSAID,Thomas Deputy AmbassadorattheUSMissioninGeneva, Points of theMeeting Between, Linn Cassel, Main Press release,9March 2004 299 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

on our ‘constructive dialectic’ with the Dutch Ministry of and President and the Presidents of MSF Switzerland, Foreign Affairs. He explained our current disagreement on Holland, and France, which restated the involvement of the need to put public pressure on the Russian authorities, representatives of the Russian and Dagestani authorities and the MSF choice to do so. Also, the need of a multilateral in Arjan Erkel’s kidnapping. approach with other European countries, and at a higher level than the ambassador’s one in Moscow. Ambassador de Jong: “MSF public communication is in a way making silent diplomacy more difficult.” They are trying Arjan Erkel Operational Update + Communications,’ to make sure that pressures on the Russian authorities MSF Switzerland Erkel Crisis Cell, 14 March 2004 are constructive. Regarding the coming Human Rights (in English). Commission, no decision has been taken yet to include the mention of Arjan in the resolution against Russia or in a Extract: general statement. There will probably be no resolution, The past week, the Media have expressed a clear interest on and it is perhaps a good thing as we need to keep channels the case, although some difficulties. To obtain the interest of communication with Russia opened. NL concerns of not of the Media was our main objective. […] Political and undermining the Russian wish to move towards a democratic diplomatic steps were taken at the same time. During the country. Mr. de Jong raised the disagreement with Dirk Erkel. meetings with political and diplomatic officials, the report Thomas explained the situation, and denounced the united was handed out, briefings were done, and they were asked to front between NL and the family which is not fruitful. take up some action. […] Even if it is not obvious to evaluate the results of those public actions for Arjan’s security and the impact it may have on Russian authorities, we can still say that we did obtain more confidential information during ‘ Acting High Commissioner for Human Rights this same period. Appeals for Release of MSF Worker Arjan Erkel,’ Press release, United Nations High Commissioner 1/ The ‘Ex’ [Association of FSB Veterans hired by MSF] for Human Rights, 12 March 2004 (in English). Confirmed Arjan was in a bad health state and that they should hurry (info given the 10/03/04). They are trying to put Extract: forward a new intermediary in order to recover the contact. Acting United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights 2/ Kadirov confirmed Arjan is alive. They are in contact Bertrand Ramcharan is appealing to all those who are in a with the group and should soon be able to take up concrete position to assist to act expediently to obtain the release negotiations. of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF, Doctors without Borders) 3/ New ‘Expert’ Ex-service confirmed Arjan is alive. Confirmed worker Arjan M. Erkel. […] The acting High Commissioner that his ex-colleagues were furious after our campaign but made his call following a meeting today with Thomas Linde, things are now moving. Director-General of MSF-Switzerland, and Laure Delcros, MSF 4/ Other confidential but sure source. President Putin wants Delegate to the United Nations, who asked for his good a positive resolution of the case. Mechanisms are starting offices to help obtain Mr. Erkel’s release. Mr. Ramcharan to be put into place. Instructions were given for official recalled that in August 2003, the United Nations Security reactions to be cool and minor. Council adopted unanimously Resolution 1502 on the safety and security of humanitarian aid workers, reiterating the What we have to do now is to prove that our past week responsibilities of host countries. actions was not just a ‘show,’ without any strategy for the future. We have to confirm our position as well as to justify the arguments (and elements) we have put forward. We also have to put forward the coherence of the MSF movement with regard to our public statements and our political lobbying. In response to the coverage generated by the media This week, a press conference will be held in Moscow on campaign and the reaction of the authorities concerned, Thursday, March 18. This press conference will be preceded the MSF Switzerland Erkel Crisis Cell decided to step up by a press release. The meetings with government officials pressure, organise a press conference in Moscow, and and the handing out of the report both continue. invite the Erkel family to participate. In the 14 March issue of the French weekly newspaper Le Journal du The objectives are still the same: Dimanche, the MSF France President expressed concern Maintain Arjan Erkel alive and secure his release over the threat of execution that hung over Arjan’s head Put pressure on key actors able to contribute to the liberation and asserted that members of the Russian administration of Arjan Erkel were involved in, and benefiting from, the negotiations. The same day, the French daily newspaper Libération also ran a story on the death threats. In its 17 March editorial, the Washington Post speculated on Arjan Erkel’s whereabouts. On 16 March, MSF publicly released 300 a statement by the MSF International Secretary General colleague alive,”murmursJean-HervéBradol. Russian presidentialelection.’“Iwouldjustliketoseemy the abductorstalkingof‘clearinggroundpriorto few days.Recentinformationmentionsdeaththreats,with office inParishasbecomeevenmoreworriedoverthelast in thenegotiationsandarebenefitingfromthem.”TheMSF the localandfederalRussianadministrationareinvolved of Colombia);inthiscase,wearesayingthatmembers are notpeopleliketheFARC(Revolutionaryarmedforces isolated groupofkidnappershidingoutintheforest.These protests theMSFPresident,“wearenotdealingwithan sadly familiarwithsuchabductions.“Inthepresentcase,” in thepastduringotherkidnappingsregion.”MSFis talk to himonthetelephone, as hasalready been thecase not sufferingfrommalnutrition?Wewouldliketobeable they gaveusconcretefacts:isArjaningoodhealth?Ishe continues Jean-HervéBradol.“Wewouldbereassuredif no one except those that make them. We are pragmatic,” received with caution: “These verbal declarations involve that ArjanErkelwasdoingwell.AdeclarationMSF and Europe.”TheRussiangovernmentrecentlydeclared involved, notjusttheKremlinbutalsoUnitedNations Jean-Hervé Bradol.“Wereallyneedtoseethepoliticiansget any way,”notesthehumanitarianorganisation’sPresident, recommended bythediplomats,havehelpedArjan’scasein “There isnothingtoshowthattheselastmonthsofsilence, Extract: of westerngovernments: “ArjanErkelisbeing sacrificedfor A furtherinfuriating factorforMSFisthe fearful attitude release iftheywantedto,”asserts ThomasNierle. I amsayingthattheRussian authoritiescouldsecurehis click hisfingersforArjanto reappearasifbymagic.But finger atMoscow:“I’mnotsaying thatPutinonlyneedsto Russian authorities.Indeed,MSF is now pointing an accusing the firstsignofambiguous,atbest,behaviour agents witnessedtheabductionwithoutreacting.Thiswas car. Monthslater,MSFlearntthattwoFSB(formerKGB) overpowered hisdriverandbundledArjanintoawhiteLada Makhatchkala, theDagestanicapital.Threemaskedmen his interpreterhome.Hewaskidnappedinasuburbof his abductors.”On12August2002,ArjanErkelwastaking and thatheisinimminentdangerofbeingexecutedby learnt: “Wehavefoundoutthathishealthisdeteriorating Thomas Nierle,MSFDirectorofOperationsinGeneva,has well be hanging by a thread. This is the alarming news that Head ofMission,heldhostageintheNorthernCaucasus,may the lifeofMédecinssansFrontières(MSF)Switzerland Arjan Erkel’snightmarebeganeighteenmonthsago.Andnow Extract: 2004 (inFrench). Lajon, ’An MSFMemberUnderThreatofDeath,’Karen  Hazan ’An MSFMemberUnderThreatofDeath,’Pierre French). (France) 14 March Le Journaldudimanche(France)14March Libération (France), 16 March 2004(in sources given through solidarity or in exchange of money; - Information gathered fromseveralpublic andprivate of kidnappingEUcitizens during thepasttenyears; the implicationofpublicinstitution representativesincases - Declarations made by European Union diplomats confirming camera level-bymilitaryandcivil administrationmembers); kidnappings, intimidationsand threats-atpublicandin main police investigator inaccused ofparticipating to of thejudicialinquiryduringsixmonths,arrest kidnapping of FSB agents on place, unexplained interruption administration representatives(presenceduringthe - ActsanddeclarationsofRussianDagestanifederal communications list); - Material evidence (vehicle number plate, phone call personnel isbasedupon: Russian and Dagestani administrative members and political been found.Ourcertaintywithrespecttotheimplicationof an agreementastoexchangeproceduresthathadrecently intermediaries, havebeenunilaterallyterminatedinspiteof discussions heldwiththekidnappers,throughuseof threat ofanimminentexecution.InDecember2003,all indicating thatourcolleagueisillandlivingunderthe 2003. Since December we have been receiving information Makhatchkala onAugust12,2002,datesbacktoOctober The lastproofoflifeArjanErkel,kidnappedin Extract: in Dagestan, Imamutdin Temirbulatov, was himself arrested. in Dagestan,ImamutdinTemirbulatov,washimselfarrested. occurred on 9 December 2003 when the investigation head surrounding theinvestigation.Anotherpuzzlingevent back up their hypothesis with countless strange events contacts inMoscow,”explainsThomasNierle.MSFstaff different clansoftheNorthernCaucasus,allwithexcellent Erkel hashimselfbecomeapawninthebattlebetween interested insecuringhisrelease.NodoubtbecauseArjan dimension. “Forreasonsthatescapeus,Moscowisnot In MSF’sview,itisclearthatErkel’skidnappinghasapolitical have collapsedatthelastminute. occasions, buteachtimepatientattemptstomakecontact established throughvariousintermediariesonseveral to payaransomtheabductors.Negotiationshavebeen is notviable.Thehumanitarianorganisationprepared humanitarian worker in the Caucasus: the mafia explanation analysed thisunprecedentedlongdetentionofawestern Moscow,” protestsThomasNierle.TheMSFcrisiscellhas nor any other government is ready to put pressure on mean that neither the Netherlands, Arjan Erkel’s homeland, reasons ofstate.Oilinterestsandanti-terroristimperatives President, 16 March 2004 (in English, in French). President, Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Switzerland President, Lysette Luykx, MSF Holland President and Secretary General, Eric Linder MSF and Marine Buissonière,MSFInternational Immediate Release,’Statement in KidnappingofArjanErkelandDemandshis Russian and Dagestani Authorities ‘Médecins Sans Frontières Confirms Implication of ’ Representatives ’ Representatives of RowanGillies

301 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

- Experience acquired during the past ten years through ‘ Where is Arjan Erkel?’ Editorial Washington Post the various acts of violence suffered by our teams in the (USA), 17 March 2004 (in English). Caucasus, a number of which have seen the implication of Chechen nationalist and criminal groups. Extract: In the flush of his re-election victory, Russian President For more than a year, this information has been transmitted Vladimir Putin promised that he would work to build by Médecins sans Frontières to the Erkel family, the Dutch democracy, civil society, and the rule of law in Russia during government, the Russian and Dagestani authorities, the the next four years. Few in the outside world are likely to European Union and to the United Nations. Moreover, put much faith in such a pledge, because Mr. Putin has most of this information is public, and has been already spent the past four years dismantling what there was of distributed by different press agencies in the past months. civil society and democracy in his country. But if he’d like The CIS President Vladimir Putin, following the request made to bolster his flagging credibility in the West, there is one by the European Union and the United Nations, committed step Mr. Putin can take quickly. He can free Arjan Erkel. himself towards the release of Arjan Erkel without however […] To this day the humanitarian group, renowned for its managing to fulfill this promise in the past ten months. The work in troubled areas around the world, is not sure who presidential administration has not even made the effort abducted Mr. Erkel or why. to agree to a meeting with Médecins sans Frontières even But it does know that he was being shadowed by Russian though many European diplomats had pushed for this to security forces in the days before his disappearance; that happen. The Netherlands has been assigned the NATO General two officers of the Russian FSB agency, successor to the Secretariat, the Council of Europe presidency, and in a few KGB, were at the scene of his abduction; and that the months the European Presidency. Important commercial FSB has since shown, by producing videos and photos of contracts have been signed between the Russians and the Mr. Erkel, that it knows who is holding him, and probably Dutch. However, no progress has been made for the liberation where. This is also widely known: Doctors Without Borders of Arjan Erkel. During these last weeks Dutch diplomats has been helping refugees from Mr. Putin’s war in Chechnya advised Médecins sans Frontières to be patient, to prepare in neighboring Russian republics, including Dagestan, and the Erkel family for the worst scenario and to keep silent. has spoken out against efforts by his government to force those refugees to return home. Mr. Erkel’s disappearance The case of Arjan Erkel’s kidnapping cannot be understood was convenient for the FSB: It led Doctors Without Borders outside of the extremely violent context of the war in to suspend operations in Dagestan. Chechnya and in the neighbouring republics. Since August For many months the international agency worked quietly to 2002 - date of Arjan’s kidnapping - thousands of civilians free Mr. Erkel. But it has learned that his health has taken a have been victims of extreme violence. In spring 2002, a life-threatening turn for the worse -- he reportedly suffers campaign characterized by intimidation and violence was from a pulmonary infection -- and it has also been warned triggered against aid organizations, human rights defense that Mr. Erkel’s captors may have decided to kill him. Appeals organizations, and journalists. This repression campaign to Russian authorities by the group and its many Western has been translated into dozens of violent acts and supporters, including Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, several kidnappings. Foreign diplomats and international have met with the same stonewall answer: We are doing our organizations such as the United Nations have always meekly best. That hardly seems likely. In fact, Mr. Erkel is a prime accepted to silently pay for the release of their citizens or example of how Mr. Putin and his fellow KGB alumni have employees. These actions certainly do not contribute to declined to apply the rule of law in Russia. If they really stopping this large-scale traffic of which thousands of human intend to do so now, his case is the right place to start. beings, in majority Chechens, have been and are still victims.

Médecins sans Frontières demands that: - The Russian authorities guarantee the liberation of Arjan Erkel in total security and in the shortest of delays; On 17 March, after having asked MSF in vain to cancel the - The Dutch government, the European Union and the United press conference, the Erkel family’s lawyer announced Nations apply the international conventions and resolutions that the family held MSF responsible for anything that of the United Nations Security Council on the protection might happen to Arjan or any other volunteer in the field, of humanitarian workers and accept to put on top of their and asked it to hand over the strategic, operational, agenda the Arjan Erkel case; and media management of the affair to professionals. - Cease all attacks against civilians, humanitarian organisms, On 18 March, the MSF Switzerland General Director human rights defense organizations, and journalists in the acknowledged receipt of the letter and stated that MSF Caucasus on the entirety of the CIS territory. wished to maintain its contact with the family and Dutch government.

302 not handletheDutchauthoritieswithconsideration. messages fromtheinternationalmovement,whichdid other. TheMSFHollandteamhadtroubleinconveying the familyandgovernmentononesideMSF but concentratedprimarilyonthedisagreementbetween Dutch media coverage of the Erkel affair was extensive, Ministry ofForeignAffairs. as wellwithotherrelevantparties,includingtheDutch MSF willpursuethecontactswithMrErkelandhisfamily, meantime, andasIhaveexplainedtoyoubyphoneyesterday, come backtoyou,asnecessaryandappropriate.Inthe taken goodnoteofthecontentyourletterandwewill Thank youforyourletterdatedMarch17,2004.Wehave Extract: Extract: experts, respectedbyallpartiesinvolved communicative managementinthiscasetoindependent of myclientstohandoverthestrategic,operational,and to thatIwantputforwardandrepeatthestrongwish those involvedinsolving the kidnapping of ArjanErkel. Next or hisfamily,andothers,suchasotherfieldworkers and haveoccurred(inpastpresent)toArjanErkeland/ civil andacriminalsense)foralldamagesthatmayoccur family of Arjan Erkel, I hereby hold MSF fully liable (in a The familystronglydisapprovesofthis.Onbehalfthe to seek publicity, has neverthelesschosen to seek publicity. Affairs andkidnappingexpertsthewishoffamilynot recommendations ofboththeDutchMinistryForeign Erkel, IwishtostressthatMSF,inspiteofthecontinuous for tomorrowinMoscow.OnbehalfofthefamilyArjan will notcancelorpostponethepressconferencescheduled In ourtelephoneconversationyouinformedmethatMSF I hereby confirm our telephone conversation of this morning. Extract: posed ‘censure’ onArjannewsinDutchmedia, whichmight One commentfrom theAmsterdamofficerelated tothesup 18 March2004(inEnglish). Executive Director to theErkel’sfamily Lawyer, Letter fromThomasLinde,MSFSwitzerland March 2004(inEnglish). Linde, MSFSwitzerlandExecutiveDirector,17 Letter English). Communications Network, 29 March 2004 (in Pons, MSFSwitzerlandErkel Crisis CellandMSF Zalk, MSF Holland Communications to Pere Joan Modulating Message,’EmailfromMariekeVan ‘Re: ArjanErkelShortOperationalUpdate+ from theErkelfamily’slawyer,toThomas

- Arjan uptothisweekend.Thingis,thatDutchmediaisfocus media. Wehadabigcoverageoverthelast3weeksabout give awrongpicture.Infact,ArjanisverypresentinDutch movement. Itwasallveryprecarious. could seehoweveryonewasonedgethroughouttheMSF last sixmonths;thesituationwasboundtoblowup.You campaigning inordertomakeprogress.Weweren’tgoing opposite wastrue,thatweweretryingtoincreasepublic in allthefuzzaboutrelationswithfamily. community) issecondarynewsforDutchmediaandgetslost actual messageofMSF(re:Russianauthorities,international the Dutchgovernment(supportingfamily)andMSF.The And sincethisweekend,focusingonthedifferencesbetween ing primarilyonthedifferencesbetweenMSFandfamily. [former MSF Holland President for ten years]. He would literally [former MSFHolland Presidentfortenyears].He wouldliterally of MSFHolland inthemediawasunderJacques DeMiliano they’ve becomecompletelymedia-unfriendly. Thegoldenera so desperatetocontrolitand havequalitypositionsthat readily understandableoreasy to communicateonthem.We’re that everyonecanaccept,itwas soelaboratethatitwasn’t and soincoherentpeculiar. Oncewe’dcreateaposition The international MSF position was often so manufactured that that was at least in part a crisis of MSF’s own making. to whotookhimandthepowerplayinChechnya.SoIthink Dutch government,ratherthanparticularlycontextuallyrelated MSF and difficulties in determining the relationship with the that halfthereasonitwassohardinternalfightingwithin out ofspeculativeopinionpiecescomingRussia.Ithink from everywalkofDutchlife,andloadsinterviewscoming of ForeignAffairs,fromtheDutchgovernment,statements opinion pieces;itwasinterviewswithmembersoftheMinistry issue andpublishingonadailybasis.Someofitwasjust more seniorinternationaljournalistsworkinghardonthis Dutch press.Everysingleseriousnewspaperhadoneofits MSF’s position. There was a tremendous competition in the who theSwissdecidednottoeventalkto.Sohehadnoneof who wastryingtowriteabookaboutit,basedinMoscow, Dutch journalistwhowaspublishingweeklyinthepressand papers ofwhatthefamilywasgoingthrough.Therea just human-intereststories,threepageslongintheSunday from theirperspective,andthat’snotinformation-based.It’s like that in Holland. There were interviews withthe family, Emergencies thenDirectorofOperations2000-2004, intellectual connectionorbridgeinFrance.Nothing the Dutchmedia,likeyouhadaverystrongsortof public pronouncements.ButIalmostfeltthatthe killing Arjan and was trying to stop us from making At that point, the familywas saying that we were Chech nya wasn’tanareathatgotalotofcoveragein Dr ThomasNierle,MSFSwitzerland,Headof (in French), interviewedin2009 - 303 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

step off the plane from wherever he’d been and just speak his Arjan’s abduction he was followed by two FSB operatives who mind. And usually quite often say incendiary things, which themselves admit that they stood by as he was kidnapped. then the press department would hate him because then they The prosecutor’s investigation was halted for six months would have to clean up. But it drew attention and that gave without the knowledge of MSF. Arjan’s mobile phone, which MSF a space to then be much more specific when they had to was meant to be monitored, was used to make over 50 phone justify what he’d said or qualify what he’d said. What’s very calls early last year. This fact only became known when MSF difficult is to go to the media when broadly, you have a received the bill. Despite MSF having given the investigators national sense of mistrust and to deliver extremely convoluted an itemized phone list, they failed to follow up on this lead. messages. And, not to have any leeway for, you know, just Finally, the officer in charge of the investigation was arrested interpretation or flashes or metaphors or anything. Because without any official explanation in December 2003. “Very few everything has been nailed down to the last bloody sentence. aspects of the investigation give us reason to believe that So you’ve got no room for putting someone who’s good in the Russian authorities are really taking this seriously. In front of the media to go and be reactive. fact, it is clear that the investigation has been hampered every step of the way. It appears they are more interested in Austen Davies, MSF Holland Executive Director, 1999 a cover-up than solving the case”, says Dr. Nierle.­­­ to 2004 (in English) interviewed in 2009. MSF has not received a proof of life since last October and all discussions held with the kidnappers though intermediaries came to a halt in December. The various proofs of life as well as the introduction of intermediaries had been provided by On 18 March, Thomas Nierle and Kenny Gluck, Directors of the Russian security services. “It is unacceptable that after Operations at MSF Switzerland and MSF Holland respectively, 19 months of captivity, all the authorities can do is say that held a press conference in Moscow, at the offices of the Arjan is alive,” says Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland Director of radio station Echo of Moscow. They related MSF’s strong Operations referring to recent statements made by Russian suspicions concerning Russian officials’ involvement in officials. “MSF demands that the Russian authorities live Arjan Erkel’s prolonged captivity and talked of ‘inaction and up to their responsibilities and immediately secure the safe indifference.’ Within half an hour, the Dagestani Minister release of Arjan,” concluded Kenny Gluck, who was himself of Interior told the Russian press agency Itar Tass that he kidnapped in Chechnya in 2001. In addition, MSF urges was monitoring the Erkel affair on a daily basis. the international community and, in particular, the Dutch government to demand concrete results from the Russian authorities and make them accountable for their lack of commitment. ‘ Arjan Erkel, Nineteen Months in Captivity - MSF Denounces Inaction and Indifference of Russian Authorities,’ Press release, MSF Moscow, Geneva, 18 March 2004 (in English). Interview Kenny Gluck and Thomas Nierle, MSF Holland and MSF Switzerland Directors of Extract: Operations, by Alexeï Vorobyov, Radio Ekho Nineteen months after the abduction of Arjan Erkel, the Moskvy, (Echo of Moscow) (Russia) 18 March international medical humanitarian organization Médecins 2004 (in English). Sans Frontières (MSF) denounces the failure of the Russian authorities to secure his release. President Putin pledged to Kenny Gluck (speaking in English): give the case the highest priority in May of last year. The Yes, I think we confirm that Arjan Erkel who has been Russian government has failed to live up to this promise. As abducted more than 19 month ago is still missing and that a result, MSF holds the Russian authorities responsible for we have very strong suspicions that the Russian authorities Arjan’s prolonged detention and demands his immediate and at least are co-responsible for the prolonged detention of safe release. Russian and Dagestani authorities claim to know Arjan Erkel. who is behind the abduction, where Arjan is being held and A.V.: What are these suspicions based on? how to secure his release. Federal authorities have demon- Kenny Gluck (speaking in English): Our suspicions are based strated that they have direct access to the kidnappers. “It is on various facts. First of all, there are immense irregularities clear that the Russian authorities hold the keys to solving in the investigation. Russian authorities proved perfectly this case and securing the safe release of Arjan. By not doing capable in coming into contact with the kidnappers providing so, they demonstrate their lack of interest in its resolution. very-very serious proofs of life already in May 2003. But, all The names of those involved have been widely published in these tracks were not followed-up. Furthermore, all our own the Russian and international media. The Russian authorities initiatives in order to get in contact with the kidnappers have neither explained nor denied these accusations,” says and negotiate the release of Arjan Erkel came suddenly to Dr. Thomas Nierle, MSF Switzerland’s Director of Operations. a halt in December 2003. It is obviously suspicious that at the same moment the chief investigator […] of the Arjan The abduction of Arjan and the subsequent investigation has Erkel case was arrested in Dagestan. Last but not the least, 304 been characterized by extreme irregularities. On the night of and we have this confirmed from persons working in the these occasions showsusthattheyareina capacity toget authorities brought usintocontactwithintermediaries at more than9monthsnow.Additionally, justthefactthat but itis also inthepossession of the Russian authoritiesfor telephone bill,andthesenumbers areinourpossession, Thomas Nierle(speakinginEnglish): Yes,westillhavethe A.V.: Doyouknowitforsureor havereasonstobelieve? in thesecurityserviceandwithDagestaniauthorities. of thenumbersleddirectlytopersonsinofficialpositions However, there were indications and information that some and said: “Thereis no result and this doesn’t help us.” As aresponse,theauthoritiesjustshuttelephonedown telephone numberswhichwassharedwiththeauthorities. We receivedanitemizedtelephonebillwithnames, 2003, 6 months after the kidnapping, there were 50 calls. Arjan’s telephone. This telephone was used in February indication isthefactthatMSFreceivedphonebillsfrom been onthespotwhenArjanErkel was kidnapped. Another well addthatmembersoftheFederalsecurity Bureau have in November2002,foratotalofsixmonths.Icouldas fact thattheofficialinvestigationhasbeeninterrupted Thomas Nierle (speaking in English): I could start with the of securityservicecomplicityinthekidnapping?Inbrief? A.V.: […]Socanyouprovideuswith detailed evidence Russian governmenttofollowthisup.[…] from theRussianandinternationalpress.Wewant received fromtheRussianlaw-enforcementagenciesand not madeuptheseaccusations.Itisinformationthatwe all thisinformationthattheypresentedtous.Wehave territory. WewanttheRussiangovernmenttofollowup employees of humanitarian organizations working on its Russian governmenthasadutytoensurethesecurityof Russian government hasn’t resolved this issue yet. The humanitarian organization.Wedon’tunderstandwhythe We are notaninvestigative body; we are amedical of thatkindshouldbeputtotheRussiangovernment. Kenny Gluck(speakinginRussian):IfIcanadd,questions been withustoday. not resolvingthiscaseotherwiseArjanwouldhavealready that wecansay,thereseemtobesufficientreasonsfor of course,thesearehypothesisaswell.Theonlything society. Theymaybelinkedtoquestionsofimmunity,but may belinkedtosomepoliticalreasonsintheDagestani So, thestakesarenotonlylinkedtomoney.But has not been taken place purely out of commercial reasons. you myownopinion.Whatwethinkonlyisthatkidnapping a delicatequestion.Ican’tgiveanexactreason;can Thomas Nierle (speaking in English):I think, of course, it is be interestedinabducting,holdingArjanErkel? A.V.: security services. this istheworkinghypothesisofRussianandDagestani any otherexplanationaboutthishypothesissowethinkthat these accusationshaveneverbeendenied,norwegot international andnationalmediainNovember2003.And level. Theseaccusationshavealreadybeenpublishedin in theDagestanistateapparatus,aswellonfederal has beenkidnappedinvolvingpersonsinofficialpositions put forwardahypothesesonthereasonswhyArjanErkel security service in Dagestanand Russia, these persons have Why, do you think, FSB (Federal Security Service) might A.V.: When did you receive information about Arjan’s health? to ensurehisrelease. Isn’titstrange? is behindit,knowingwhereArjan is,thatitwasimpossible make mebelievethatwithallthis information,knowingwho books andthatheiswell-fed. Andoneyearafteryouwant is held,aboutfactslikethat he hasaccesstojournalsand through theinvestigatorsabout theconditioninwhichArjan especially April-May, we have very-very precise information Thomas Nierle: Just to sustain this argument – since last year, and returntohisfamily. us beingabletoseeanyconcreteresults:Erkel’sliberation he isaliveandthattheyknowwhathappeningwithout about his health. It is not acceptable to constantly say that months laterErkelisstillnotfree.Weareveryconcerned agents wereatthesceneofkidnapping.However,19 know whokidnappedhimandhow.Theyadmitthattheir have saidforalongtimethatErkelisaliveandthey Kenny Gluck(speakinginRussian):TheRussianauthorities suspects. Searchforthemisinprogress. were established. Investigators know the names of the undertaken asaresultandsuspectsinthekidnappingcase in theendofFebruary.Operationalsearchactionswere A.V.: Look at the statements made by the Russian authorities to liveupthispromise. Up tillnow,weseethattheRussiangovernmenthasfailed the caseofArjanandtogivehighestpriority. European leaderslastyearinMay,promisedtofollowup The Russian President Putin, during the meetings with quality investigation,itindicatesinactionandindifference. don’t thenfollowthisup.Thisdoesn’tjustindicateapoor information liketelephonelistsandtheRussianauthorities prison andthereisnoreplacement.WhenMSFhastoprovide carry outtheinvestigationwhenchiefinvestigatorisin the investigation,itisabsenceofpoliticalwillto important tostressthatitisnotjustthepoorqualityof Kenny Gluck (speaking in Russian): complicity intheabduction? quality ofinvestigationratherthanaboutsecurityservice’ A.V.: As far as I understand, you are talking about low with us,hisfamilyassoonpossible. don’t caretoomuch,whatweisthatArjanErkelback And infact,Ihavetosay,maybeitisevenshocking,we kind of information proof, who organized the kidnapping. on. Aswesaidbefore,areunabletosustain,withany suspicious. Thisiswhatwenowbaseourcommunication what weseeisthattheinvestigationleadmorethan speculate onwhoabductedArjanErkel.Whatweknowand Thomas Nierle (speaking in English):Again, we don’t taken inconsideration? separatists. Don’tyouthinkthisversionshouldalsobe kidnappings usedtobegoodbusinessfortheChechen state ArjanwaskidnappedbyMaskhadov’speople.Infact, from securityservices, coming inthelast3-4weeks.They A.V.: Ilookedthroughseveralreports,includingthose impressions andoursuspicionswithyou. at ourdisposition,andthat’swhyweareheretoshare medical organization,wejustdiagnosethefactsthatare what Kennysaid,wearenotaninvestigativebody, withdraw theirsupportandthetrackrunsdry.Tounderline into contactwiththegroupholdingArjan.But,thenthey Ithink that it is 305 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

There were reports he had kind of lung infection. How, Before the press conference, MSF had been warned that through which channels were you able to get evidence of any of its executives who took a public stand could his state of health? suffer reprisals. A number of security incidents during Thomas Nierle: We got from two very-very separate sources the Moscow visits seemed to confirm this scenario. On - one of these sources is linked to the official investigation 24 March, the MSF Switzerland Director of Operations - that Arjan indeed is in ill health. This information dates cancelled a trip to Moscow, after having been informed from end of January – beginning of February. And of course that MSF representatives were subject to threats of we are extremely preoccupied and worried about how long ‘provocation’ by the ‘services.’ he will be able to cope and to resist to his disease. A.V.: Tell me please. Given the circumstances, are you planning to actively cut back your activities in the North Caucasus? Or your position is going to be different? ‘ Russia Secu,’ Email from Thomas Nierle, MSF Thomas Nierle: I’ll leave the response to the question to Switzerland, Director of Operations, to MSF Erkel Kenny Gluck; I’ll just say that MSF-Switzerland has suspended Crisis Cell, and MSF International Reflection Cell all activities in Dagestan, which is extremely sad for the on Erkel’s Case, 24 March 2004 (in English). people we assisted on Dagestani and Chechen soil. Kenny Gluck (speaking in Russian): The Abduction of Erkel As you may know I was supposed to go to Russia today. is not an isolated incident. There have been 56 cases of However, a guy, with whom we are in contact since recently, humanitarian workers being kidnapped in the North Caucasus. strongly recommended not to go now. According to his This is unacceptable and, of course, has a negative effect information services have decided to respond to the public on the provision of humanitarian and medical assistance to ‘insult’ with a ‘provocation’ against MSF. He in particular, the population of the North Caucasus. We hope that Russian referred to persons who have been active in the media society will call on its authorities to support the principle recently (myself, JHB, Kenny). Those persons may be victim of protecting humanitarian workers. of an ‘incident’ when in Russia. On my question on the risks A.V.: Thank you very much. I just want to add that about a for MSF international staff in general, he replied that their month ago, the UN stated that it would suspend delivering risk level hasn’t increased. Steve is informed and he will humanitarian aid to Chechnya until Arjan Erkel is released. also share this information with the other HoM’s. The guy The situation is still the same. Thank you very much for will need some days to get some more information; he will your position. Thank you. keep me updated. I don’t want to enter into this paranoia thing...but I can’t disregard this information either (so, I cancelled my trip). The quality and validity of information is still doubtful and I’m waiting for precisions, which won’t come before next week.

We held a massive press conference in Moscow. I went to it along with Kenny Gluck. I talked about the Russians’ responsibility and wondered aloud in front of the press, if the authorities (I never specified the FSB) were behind the whole thing. So the pressure was mounting. The veterans group [former FSB members, a group I had almost no support left in Geneva, and I think that any appointed by MSF to look for Arjan Erkel] told Steve support I got in this difficult phase was from Kenny, Jean- [Cornish, MSF Switzerland Coordinator in the Russian Hervé, and Rafa. Kenny was always there. He never let go. Federation] that reprisals would not target MSF globally, but He had other fish to fry, but he was always available, even the executives who were taking a stance. Then, in late March for the difficult tasks like taking part in a press conference. 2004, when Thomas Nierle [MSF Switzerland Director of The press conference was a major occasion, the television was Operations] and Kenny Gluck [MSF Holland Director of there, thirty or so journalists, it was a pretty professional Operations] went to Moscow for a press conference, I advised event. The journalists asked us what our arguments were and Thomas not to go, not to expose himself personally. For my I listed them. A number of the arguments created an impact, part, I wouldn’t have done it. And since there had already particularly the fact that the FSB, the world’s largest security been the warning by the veterans…and then Patrouchev, organisation, had tried to persuade us that its agents had Director of the FSB, had talked about his disappointment over lost sight of someone they were shadowing. The Russian Dr Bradol’s statement following the Le Monde article… When journalists told us that was impossible, that it was hard to the boss of the FSB mentions you by name, there is no way believe. They were open to that sort of argument. I did not you set foot in Moscow under those conditions. I thought come away with a bad impression, but felt that our arguments Kenny and Thomas were very brave to go and do the press had won over the press. conference.

Dr Thomas Nierle, MSF Switzerland, Head of Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Director of Emergencies then Director of Operations 2000-2004, Communications (1996-1998), Director of Operations (in French) interviewed in 2009. (1998-2000), President (May 2000-May 2008) 306 (in French), interviewed in 2009. and vanRij(advisortoSolana)onthe24 European officials].AmeetingtookplacebetweenMarine conference andwillprobablybeaskingquestionsto[the Several correspondents raise theissueofArjanatpress • EUSummittookplaceThursdayandFridayinBrussels. EU Extract: I couldfeelthatourteamsandwereincreasinglyunsafe. difficult topointthefingeratFSB.Wehadnoproof,and it wasbecomingseriouslyunpleasantandgetting of the Arjan problem, it felt like we were under pressure and Coordinator who had come to get me from the airport. On top away fromit.InthecarwithmewasMSFHolland handed outleafletsattheentrance. MSF Movement. 40. MarineBuissonnière replaced RafaVilaSanJuanasSecretary General ofthe took placeonthe23 was discussed; met withthesameChizovin on March23andArjan’scase Arjan. Shealsoconfirmedthat theEUtroikareps,inBrxls Chizhov (DeputyForeignMinister)andraisedtheissueof - On12/03,theIrishambassadorinMoscowmetwithMr. • IrishPresidency[…] working onthis. officials butcannotseeanothermoremultilateralway of will keeponraisingtheissuewhenevermeetingRussian if theyknewwhohadArjanhe’dbefreebynow[...].EU: energy wasentirelydevotedtosolvingthiscaseandthat multi-lateral political issueoutofit.Also addedthat their in regardstothiscasebutalsourgedthemnotmakea ensured theEuropeanpartiesofRussia’shighestconcern the meeting.TheRussianvice-ministerofForeignAffairs General Marine Buissonnière,thenewMSFInternationalSecretary Union Summit, when Arjan Erkel’s case wasbrought up, was visiting Moscow. On 25 and 26 March at the European members, including Secretary General KofiAnnan, who MSF multiplied its appeals to UN Security Council Emergencies thenDirectorofOperations2000-2004, driver endedupdrivingintotheundergrowthtoget in frontofus,movedbehindandbumpedus.Our us offthemotorway.Itwaslikeafilm,itsloweddown During oneofmytripstoMoscow,acartrieddrive 40 , briefedthepressandmembersofMSFBelgium English). 2004,’ MSF Erkel Crisis Cell, 23 March 2004 (in ‘Update Dr ThomasNierle,MSFSwitzerland,Headof Political & Diplomacy -Week 13-23 rd andtheissueofArjanwasraisedat (in French)interviewedin2009. th : ATroikameeting rd March March

relations withourinterlocutors. both BushandKofiAnnan(seeaboveHolland).Rather tense meeting betweenBalkenende(theDutchPM)with them. The MoFAdidn’t give any feedback concerning the on the case and according to the Dutch, this is annoying that MSFisalwaysrequestingthemsupportandassistance UK &JapanesegovtcontactedtheDutchtoexplain and positioninthelastweeks.TheymentionedthatUS, expressed thattheywereannoyedwithMSF-CHstatements 25/03 meetingbetweenDutchMoFA[…].The Switzerland Presidency. […] official agenda;fullpressureshouldbemadeonEUIrish at theendofweek,Belgiumcan’taddArjanon will jointly deliver the message. […] Concerning EU summit about Arjan’scaseexclusively.InMoscow,the3ambassadors foreign affairsministerstotheirRussianhomologueLavrov The 3Beneluxcountrieswillsendalettersignedbytheir Belgium 23/03 April 1stforafullbriefingonArjan.[…] Three OCHAmemberswillbecomingtotheMSFofficeon • OCHA put ArjanontheSecurityCouncilagenda. is also being sent to Kofi Annan with the same request to to raisetheissueofArjanatSecurityCouncil.Aletter the PresidentofMSFInternational,witharequestforthem letter willbesenttothe15SecurityCouncilmembersby Kofi Annan is on his way to Russia, departing Friday. A • SecGen UN politicians. especially ifoneofthesignatoriesisyournational attached to this update. Do not hesitate to use this letter Commissioner PattenandProdi.Acopyoftheletteris heads ofpoliticalpartiesto:theIrishPresidency,Solana, his promiseandsentaletter,signedbyalltheEuropean - Pat Cox (President of the European Parliament) has kept • EuropeanParliament be includedintheEUstatementtopresentresolution. general resolutiononChechnya,butareferencetoArjancan unlikely thatanindividualcasewillbementionedina of thehumanrightscommission,butshesaidthatitis Chechnya tobepresentedbytheEUatannualsession inclusion ofArjan’scaseinthedraftresolutionon - ShewillasktheirdelegationsinBrxls.andGVAaboutan to pursuealowprofile. impossible tocomeoutpubliclyforIrishasDutchwants - Sheassumedthatevenwiththepresidencyitwillbe The Dutchgovernment isveryupsetbyourrecent campaign. Extract: MSF Erkel Crisis Cell, 29 March 2004 (in English). ‘ Arjan Erkel: General and Operational Update, ’

307 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

Unfriendly meeting took place in Geneva between Dutch confirmed this on Friday. Two weeks ago the family of DG of consular affairs and MSFCH (DG and president) in an Erkel spoke out that they are worried about the publicity attempt to frighten and silence MSF. Following the meeting, that the organization is raising in the media. The father the DG of consular affairs mentioned to a Dutch journalist of Arjan said he is, “disconcerted” about the MSF way of that MSF needed to remain silent. working. The dissatisfaction with the way the organization is acting is also because of the criticism of MSF against Family: Relations with the family remain very tense. After the Russian authorities. MSF’s message is that the Russian Thomas Nierle and Kenny Gluck’s press conference in Moscow, authorities completely failed to find Arjan. According to a law firm on behalf of the Erkel family sent a letter to MSF BUZA, such pronouncements will be contra-productive. threatening of legal action and requesting MSF to give up Erkel was kidnapped in Dagestan in August 2002. At that its coordination role in Arjan’s crisis. Legal consultation time, he was working for MSF-Switzerland. According to the in Geneva was done: at first sight there is little risk that a spokesman, they don’t yet know what MSF is going to do legal action can be taken currently against MSF. However, with the appeal of the Foreign Affairs Department. all efforts are done to keep the link with the family. A new meeting btw MSF and the family should take place early April.

Even though it’s difficult to evaluate the outcome of our Minutes of the MSF France Board of Directors recent public and diplomatic actions, we feel we have Meeting, 26 March 2004 (in French). been successful in bringing back Arjan to the media and international diplomatic agenda and that the pressure led Extract: to concrete results: Thomas Nierle: Position to take vis-à-vis the kidnapping - Public reaction of Dag and Russian authorities mentioning of Arjan Erkel that Arjan is alive (confirmed our point that they know more Jean-Hervé Bradol: […] Our primary public position (along about the case) with our opposition to the tuberculosis policy presented by - New perspectives in operational tracks, the WHO). Not to beat about the bush, we should understand - Strong reactions from the Dutch gov.... that the positions relating to this campaign, that were - Negative point is the tense relationship with the family established collectively, have been undermined by certain and the ‘censure’ of all information regarding Arjan in the elements within our movement; this is something that we Dutch press. need to consider! Thomas Nierle: To sum up the background to the positions we have taken, you need to remember that our decision to accuse the Russians more explicitly (and the governments that back On 25 March, relations broke down between MSF them) was taken in January 2004. It was a strategy that was Switzerland and the Dutch government, which declared reaffirmed when we were required to handle some sensitive that the organisation’s public statements had upset information […] in February 2004. The campaign launch was the Russian authorities and brought all the efforts fairly difficult as it was opposed by the family as well as the undertaken to secure Erkel’s freedom to a standstill. Dutch government (a position that we respected by avoiding Its representatives stated that they would not give MSF holding any press conferences in the Netherlands). Our any more information on the investigation’s progress. unambiguous position was reported by the media, the idea On 26 March, the Dutch government publicly stated its being to reveal what we felt to be the truth behind Arjan’s disagreement with MSF’s communications policy. The kidnapping, i.e. resulting from connivance between officials Erkel family’s lawyer sent a new letter to MSF Switzerland, from Dagestan and members of the FSB. Our briefing was threatening legal action and asking MSF to renounce its distributed primarily to diplomats (no wider, out of respect role coordinating the crisis resolution process. for the family’s wishes). However, we quickly realized that ‘discrepancies’ in the interpretation had altered the nuances of the message we wanted to put across. This resulted in further voices being heard, expanding on, or contradicting ’ MSF Must Stop the Media Campaign Erkel,’ ANP41, what had been agreed by the movement at the international The Hague, 26 March 2004 (in English). level. I will not disguise the fact that all this went down very Extract: badly with the crisis cell in charge of this case (I myself The media campaign by MSF regarding the kidnapped Arjan considered quitting the MSF movement as I felt that all Erkel clashes with silent diplomacy. The Dutch Ministry the energy going into solving internal squabbles was so of Foreign Affairs brought this message to MSF during a terribly out of place given the fact that Arjan’s very life meeting in Geneva between a special delegation and MSF- was under threat). MSF Holland tried to have it both ways Switzerland. The Netherlands asked, with emphasis, to (the government appears as inactive as ever, as Dutch PM stop the media campaign, a spokesman from the Ministry Balkenende was in the USA but failed to bring the case up with Bush or Kofi Annan); MSF Belgium has kept its distance; MSF Italy intervened with some type of Christian message 308 41. Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau, main Dutch press agency. to the effect that the family’s views should be respected. Françoise Saulnier: Howcanwebe surethatthefamilyand the mobilisation isinadequate.[…] events; suchinaction feeds ourdespair,andwefeelthat to be involved, to demand explanations for the troubling to holdanybodyaccount, toquestionthosepresumed reply: ‘we’re dealing with this,bepatient.’ But, nobody dares only made cursory official mention. The Russians invariably Minister appearsnotwanttogettooinvolved,andhas affair tobebroughtaconclusion.TheDutchForeign which hasreiterateditsdemandstotheRussiansforthis formally). PressureisrisingwithintheEuropeanParliament notably byalltheEuropeanrepresentatives(moreorless Thomas Nierle:Yes;severaltimesoverthepast19months, mentioned Arjan’splight? Christian Losson: Do we know if any head of state has and theRussians. expense oftherelationshipbetweenDutchgovernment stress therelationshipbetweenfamilyandMSFat and thefamily;infact,wehadtoconvincepressnot strategy. ThisappliesequallytotherisksrunbyMSFHolland on therelevanceofouranalysisandaccuracy statements carryanelementofrisktoArjan,depending well aware that inasensitivecase such asthis,anypublic campaign phasetobefairlypositive.Thecrisiscellisalltoo [Arjan]. Forthesereasonswefeeltheresultsofthisfirst respond, buttostepuptheinvestigationseekinglocate out bytheauthoritieswasnottomakeuseofpress out with defamatory public statements. The advice put the affair,’etc.We’veknownthemtobefartougher,coming Russians werefairlymeasured:‘regretattemptstopoliticise Thomas Nierle:Tooursurprise,thenoisescomingfrom known? to backyou?HowdidtheRussiansmaketheirirritation Bénédicte Jeannerod:Whatweretheirargumentsforrefusing Debate note thatthesamecannotbesaidofallsections. French section(forwhichIthankthem)andamsorryto proof). Thecrisiscellenjoystheunwaveringsupportof reassurances aboutArjan’sstateofhealth(butnotangible line beingfollowedbytheDutchgovernmenthasprovided as go-betweeninnegotiations.Theother,moreofficial, the groupholdingArjan,andappearstobewillingact family oftheChechenPresidentclaimstohaveidentified diplomat andMSFisgood,whichanimportantfactor.The glad to report thatcooperationinMoscowbetweentheDutch able to‘recover’itfromMSFfunds!Onapositivenote,I’m so farasclaimingthatifaransomisdemanded,theywillbe accusation thatwelevelagainstthem.They’veevengone they accuse us of being irresponsible, whereas it’s an fact thattheirgovernment’sstatementsareunacceptable: the press) as we will be lobbying MPs directly to highlight the more aggressivetowardstheDutchgovernment(bypassing to continuewiththeagreedstrategy.Thenextstageswillbe (internal andexternal), butweareclearinourdetermination All ofthismeansthatweareunderpressurefromallsides (and theDutchgovernment,asithappens) irritation that we’d hoped for on the part of the Russians again inRussia,where it didatleast manage toprovokethe After aweekofinternaltensions,thecampaigntookoff are makingstatements totacklethecaseof a‘Dutchman’ Christian Losson: OnlyMSFSwitzerland andMSFFrance when youneed concrete demonstrationstoconvincepeople. have strongassumptions,which makesourtaskdifficult the culprit.Journalistsareasking usforfacts,butweonly to drawon,buttheydonot allow ustoclearlydesignate Thomas Nierle:Wehavefurtherelementsthat weintend message hassunkin. Philippe Houdart:Everythingishappeningasthoughthe convey. Thomas Nierle:Themessageisconfusedanddifficultto saying that we are being attacked by the administration. […] Jean-Hervé Bradol:IthinkthatMSFisnotstandingupand up systematicallyenough. the messageisunclearandargumentsarenotbacked still controllingtheFSB,evenifitisprovocative.Ifeelthat without following them through.Wecould askifPutinis kidnapping, notamafiaaffair.Weareaskinghardquestions clear enoughinsayingthatwearefacingapolitical Christian Losson:lgetthefeelingthatwehavenotbeen felt thispessimisticaboutinternationalrelations. major securityissues.IthasbeenalongwhilesinceIhave we cannolongerhaveconfidenceintheDutchsectionon commemoration oftheRwandangenocide.Itmeansthan case, sincewesawthesameattitudeconcerningnon- ten yearsago.TheyapplytoquestionsotherthanArjan’s moments ofinternationalrelationswithinthemovement These dishonestargumentsarereminiscentoftheworst in-depth discussionswiththecrisiscelloveractionplan. be informed,whentheyhadreceivedthereportand family, butitisintolerablethatMSFHollandclaimsnotto clear enoughandthatitwascauseofcomplaintforthe can appreciatethatthelettersenttofamilywasnot thought wewouldfallinwiththefamily’sdecisions!I that theyhadnotbeeninformedofourstrategy, your own viewpoint — but their dishonesty. By insisting is not their disagreement — it’s always possible to have by whom!WhatshocksmedeeplyinMSFHolland’sattitude even capableofnoticingthatwearebeingattackedand see howwecouldtryanddefendourselveswhenarenot can trytodenythatweareunderattack,butthenIdon’t human rightsorganisations.Underthesecircumstances,we repression ofthepopulation,independentjournalists,and and morecases.Itgoeshandinwiththeon-going to workinChechnyahasintensified:therehavebeenmore humanitarian NGOsandindependentmediathatstilltry Jean-Hervé Bradol:Sincespring2002,therepressionof more energytiltingattheseDutchwindmills! in Dutchcivilsociety.Personally,Idon’twanttospendany policy thathasstillnotgivenArjan’skidnappinganyvisibility department hasbeenprotective,maskingthelow-profile will askagain.[…]TheHollandsection’scommunications the ambassador knows everything; it’s a question that we not shareourdoubtsinthisregard.Sure,wedon’tknowif Cornish inMoscow,whoisveryclosetheambassador,does and onethat’sextremelyhardtoanswer.However,Steve Thomas Nierle:That’saquestionthatwedoaskourselves, be abletoverifywhatweknow? not partyto?Dowehaveenoughcontactsincommonto the Dutchgovernmentdonothaveinformationthatweare 309 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

(who went out with MSF Switzerland): it is impossible to when I’ll see him. We know that the people who abducted understand why MSF Holland does not take a more active him are very cruel. But we have reasons to consider him alive. role in the affair, and it makes the situation even less clear. Jean-Hervé Bradol: We are taking half-hearted measures in every area. Thomas Nierle: Despite all the pressure, I still feel that our message has got through and created the irritation we Since April, Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General, Jacques expected. Now we need to keep it up and feed in tangible Chirac, President of France, and Jaap de hoop Schaeffer, facts that will back up the accusation of the authorities’ Dutch Foreign Affairs Minister, had visited Vladimir Putin, involvement. […] newly re-elected as President of the Russian Federation, Françoise Saulnier: Do you think that holding back and pleaded Arjan Erkel’s cause. information opens them up to the possibility of thinking that they should secure Arjan’s release? Jean-Hervé Bradol: That’s what we anticipated in April when we went through intermediaries to propose a payoff and a Letter from Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the guarantee of silence as to the real authors of the kidnapping, UN Security Council to Rowan Gillies, President so as not to add fuel to the flames. And afterwards, they of MSF International, 2 April 2004 (in English). regularly showed concern for what we were going to say publicly to accompany Arjan’s release (I took this approach Extract: at some personal cost, but it seemed to hold out the best I should recall at the outset, that I have already raised the chances for Arjan). case of Mr. Erkel with the Russian Foreign Minister, Mr. Sergey Thomas Nierle: We should not forget that if we want to keep V. Lavrov, who undertook to provide me with an update on the media’s attention, we need to keep elements over the efforts currently undertaken by the Russian authorities. It is long term that will maintain the tension, publicity, and also my intention to raise the matter again with President pressure. Putin and other Russian-Officials during my upcoming visit to the Russian Federation, and request that no effort be spared to secure the release of Mr. Erkel and bring to justice those responsible for his abduction. Bringing the matter to On 29 March, in an interview given to Vyatcheslav the attention of the Security Council, however, as suggested Izmaïlov, published in Novaya Gazeta, the Dagestani in your letter, would raise serious legal difficulties. By Home Affairs Minister stated that he had good reason paragraph 5(b) of resolution 1502 (2003) the Security Council to think that Arjan Erkel was alive. He also confirmed encourages the Secretary-General “in accordance with his that the results of the journalist’s investigation were prerogatives under the Charter of the United Nations, to very close to reality. bring to the attention of the Security Council situations in which humanitarian assistance is denied as a consequence of violence directed against humanitarian personnel and United Nations and its associated personnel.” The reference ‘ Suspects in Kidnapping of Arjan Erkel Detained,’ to the Secretary-General’s prerogatives under the Charter Vyacheslav Izmaïlov, Novaya Gazeta (Russia) 29 is, in fact, a reference to Article 99 of the United Nations March 2004 (translated from Russian into English Charter, which empowers the Secretary-General “to bring to by MSF). the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international Extract: peace and security.” Leaders of European countries, [and] workers of humanitarian organizations repeatedly addressed the president of Russia In encouraging the Secretary-General to invoke his “Article- Vladimir Putin with this question. But there were no results 99-powers” with respect to humanitarian situations, the – Erkel remains hostage. At the same time, the abductors Security Council envisaged that he brings to its attention of Erkel, as far as I can see, are free and they are prospering. situations where humanitarian assistance is denied as a I’ve read your publications about the destiny of Arjan Erkel result of violence against United Nations and associated very attentively. They are written as if you yourself were personnel, including humanitarian personnel. It was also present at this. You are close to the truth in your journalist envisaged that such situations be brought to its attention investigation. But, believe us that the destiny of Arjan Erkel at the time of their occurrence, or soon thereafter, for the worries us not less than the others. We are investigating his Security Council to take measures to address the situations. kidnapping together with FSB and the Prosecutor’s office of In the circumstances, I doubt that paragraph 5(b) of Security Dagestan. People interested in his destiny [may] contact Council resolution 1502 could be invoked to bring the case us. Our main priority is to save the Erkel’s life. And suspects of Mr. Erkel before the Security Council. Given the imminent in his kidnapping are already detained. We’ve got guilty- threat on his life, however, it is my hope that my direct pleading testimonies. Are you sure that Arjan Erkel is alive? intervention with President Putin would bring about the Several months [have] passed already since the contacts with hoped for result. 310 intermediaries stopped. I’ll be fully confident in that only operational movestogoon. believes that it’s awayto keep thecasealive and the will continuelobbyingonpoliticians,astheorganization they canusetocontributesolvethecase.Therefore,MSF - MSFthinksthattheDutchgovernmenthasmoretools the developmentsofoperationalactivities. the organizationispermanentlyreassessed according to (linked totheoperationalinformation)butpositionof - There is no communication campaign planned at the time Arjan is still alive & operational activities were reactivated. is afactbuttheobjectivesofcampaignwereachieved: Dutch. HeaddedthatirritationattheRussianauthorities campaign (inMarch)wasnotthesameasonefrom - TLindecommentedthatMSFperceptionofthepublic 2-strategy update: the organization.[…] in kidnappingcouldbetheonlywaytorenewcontactswith this kindofmeeting.Heconcludedthatcontractingexperts feedback fromMSFonpapertobesentbymailinsteadof as theonefromDutchgovernment.Herequestedmore Mr Erkelmentionedthatthefamily adopts thesameposition AE family reiterated parts of this statementduring the whole meeting. paper about that Russian irritation. Mrs Annemiek Ruigrok irritated bythis.”TheDutchgovernmenthasproofon the contactswithRussianauthorities,whichwasvery government noticedthatthepubliccampaigndamaged at TheHaguelevelandMoscowaswell.”“TheDutch neither withtheorganization.Thispositionisapplicable cooperate withMSFandwillnotshareanyoperationaldetails As long as the public action will go on the ministry will not decided thatcooperatingonthecasewithMSFisimpossible. MSF publiccampaignlaunchedinMarch2004,theministry concerning theDutchgovernmentposition:“Regarding The meetingbeganwithreferencebyAnnemiekRuigrok MoFA Extract: its stance. life. The family was of the same opinion. MSF maintained a campaigntheyconsidered as posing a threat to Arjan’s with MSF whilst the public campaign was still running, reiterated their refusaltoexchange any information MSF, representativesoftheDutchForeignAffairsMinistry On 7April,duringameetingwiththeErkelfamilyand April 2004(inEnglish). Foreign Affairs],MSFatTheHague(MoFA),7 Meeting betweenAEFamily,MoFA[Ministryof tactical reasonsrelatedtooperationsunderway. cation departmentstostaysilentontheErkelaffairfor responsibility fortheoperation. Foreign Affairs Ministry at the same time, both claiming by theDagestaniMinistryofInteriorandDutch The announcement of his release was made to the media a shortpressconferenceoutsidetheDutchembassy. for himattheairport.Latertheyagreedtoholding press, althoughalotofjournalistswerealreadywaiting and SteveCornishdecidedheshouldavoidtalkingtothe the Dutch government. Initially, the Dutch ambassador Arjan wasflownbacktoMoscowinaplanecharteredby FSB calledtoannouncedthatArjanisfree. Dutch ambassador.Anhourlater,arepresentativeofthe at twoo’clockinthemorningaphonecallfrom Switzerland’s RepresentativeinMoscowheardthenews months tohelpfindErkel, appeared.SteveCornish,MSF of intelligenceveteransthatMSFemployedforsome in Makhachkala. A few hours later, the head of a group released and left in a room at the FSB’s headquarters the bootofacarforseveralhours,ArjanErkelwas In thenightof10April,afterbeingtransportedin please bearwithus. to circumstances,butlatestonFridayApril16.Untilthen, You willreceiveanupdateassoonpossibleandaccording concerns ofcoursealsothecontentspresentmessage! on ‘SILENTMODE’concerningthecaseofArjanErkel.This operational developments,wekindlyrequestyoutoswitch In other words: In order not to disturb new and imminent of ArjanErkel from now,April 8, untilApril162004latest. tactical suspension of all MSF communications on thecase We just received information that warrants a temporary, i.e. Hello everybody,pleasetakegoodnoteofthefollowing: Extract: On 8 th April,theErkelCrisisCellaskedallMSFcommuni- ARJAN ERKEL’SRELEASE English). Communication Network,8April2004(in MSF Switzerland ErkelCrisis Cell toMSF ‘ from Important: CommunicationsonArjan,’Emailfrom V30 311 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

‘Arjan Erkel is Free,’ Press release, MSF, 11 April one who had informed us and that our main priority was to 2004 (in French). reunite Arjan as quickly as possible with his family.

Extract: When Arjan arrived in Moscow, it was decided, in consultation MSF can confirm the release of Arjan Erkel, kidnapped on with him, to hold a press conference whereby he would read 12th August in Dagestan while working as MSF’s Head of out a statement, MSF [would] give some background and the Mission. First indications are that he is in good health, Veteran’s organization would go into details.The conference under the circumstances. MSF is delighted to see Arjan’s began around six thirty. Around forty journalists, including ordeal come to an end, after 20 months in captivity. An MSF radio and television attended. After a short introduction, representative is currently with Arjan and is cooperating Arjan began by thanking MSF, the Dutch government, the with the Dutch government to ensure he can return home media, his family and his supporters. He then thanked the to the Netherlands as quickly as possible. After such a long Veterans’ association and proceeded to shake the hand and period of uncertainty and anguish, MSF sincerely hopes that hug the leader of the group who was attending. Arjan then Arjan and his family are reunited without delay. told the journalists that he knew they were wondering how he felt and he continued to say he felt fantastic. He thanked the Lord for resurrecting him on this Easter Sunday and said that if he were in Rotterdam he would kiss the ground. ‘ Arjan Erkel, Coordinator of the Médecins Sans He wrapped up with a joke about the Easter Bunny being Frontières,’ has been Released in Dagestan,’ RIA somehow complicit in his release. The Dutch Ambassador Novosti, Makhachkala (Dagestan), 11 April 2004 then led Arjan back inside while explaining to the Media that (Translated from Russian into English by MSF). Arjan was very tired. Steve Cornish then told the journalists that the task of finding Arjan and liberating him had been Extract: a long and difficult one. He added that we had been in Arjan Erkel, Head of a Mission of the Médecines Sans Frontiers contact with various groups in our attempts to free Arjan has been released in Dagestan, reported Abdominal Musayev, and that one of them had been the Veterans’ organization. Head of the press-service of Dagestan’s Interior Ministry. He then introduced the head of the organization whose A joint operation was carried out by the republic’s Interior name is Valeri (full name to follow later). Ministry and the FSB department for Dagestan at three in the morning, said Musayev. He did not give details of the The main points that Valeri made were: special operation to release the official of the international - His organization is made up of 4,000 professionals who humanitarian mission, explaining it in the interests of the formally worked in Russian Foreign Intelligence. They have investigation. […] The kidnappers could not be detained strong ties to political and commercial structures around right away. Dagestan’s prosecutor’s office opened a criminal the country. case on facts of the abduction. - Nine months ago they were familiarized with Arjan’s case on account of some speed skating contacts in Holland, close to the family, that were in contact with similar sportsmen in Russia. ‘Arjan Erkel: History,’ Email from Pere Joan Pons, - When asked if a ransom was paid, Valeri replied: There are MSF Switzerland Erkel Crisis Cell, to MSF Switzerland two reasons for kidnapping someone: the first is financial Missions, 12 April 2004 (in English). gain. The second is political gain. The more important the person is that is kidnapped, the more important political Dear all, negotiations can take place or compromises can be made. […] MSF received a phone call from an organization called No ransom was paid. ‘The Veterans of Foreign Intelligence’ at five this morning - Arjan has no idea as to the identity of his kidnappers. (GMT+3) to say that Arjan was free. Arjan’s family was immediately informed. Steve Cornish (Acting Head of Mission of MSF Swiss - Arjan is still the HOM) together with an MSF doctor from MSF Belgium in Moscow and the In the days that followed, the press reported all known second secretary of the Dutch Embassy immediately flew information about Arjan’s abduction and liberation. to Makhashkala in Dagestan to meet Arjan. They flew there However, it was only on 15 April, after discussions around nine on Sunday morning and arrived around twelve between the directors about the need to extend the thirty. It was immediately assessed that there was not a message to the humanitarian situation in the Caucasus, need to medically evacuate Arjan. Indeed he had lost a lot that MSF issued an official statement setting Arjan Erkel’s of weight and will undergo detailed medical examination abduction in the broader context of the violence reigning in the coming days, however, he was walking and talking in the North Caucasus. and happy as hell to be free. Shortly before Arjan departed for Moscow, the Interior Ministry of Dagestan made a statement claiming that Arjan had been freed in a Special Forces operation. We took the line that we confirmed that 312 Arjan was free and the above named organization was the Security Service operation,butanFSB spokeswoman had been freed bya joint Interior Ministry and Federal On Sunday, the Dagestani Interior Ministry said that Erkel MSF’s MissionHeadinDagestan, Cornishsaid. enforcement bodiesprevented anearlierreleaseforErkel, of desiretosolvethecase,and competitionbetweenlaw the partofRussiansecurityservices.Corruption,alack frustrated atwhattheysawas‘inactionandindifference’on officials turnedtotheveteransafterbecomingincreasingly who headsthemedicalcharity’sMoscowcrisisteam.MSF hired tohelpsecurehisfreedom,saidStephenCornish, an associationofformerRussiansecurityserviceagents largely totheeffortsofVeteransForeignIntelligence, of Erkelafter 20 monthsincaptivity was secured thanks Sans FrontièressaidWednesday.ThereleaseearlySunday colleagues thanwiththeRussianauthorities,Medecins more todowitharetiredSoviet-eraspyandhisformer The freeingofkidnappedDutchaidworkerArjanErkelhad Extract: Extract: exactions committedinthewarringRepublic. over theactivitiesoftheseNGOsthatsendoutreports The FSBisthoughttobetryingmaintaintightcontrol all foreign NGOs providing relief to displaced Chechens. are convinced that the abduction was intended to intimidate governmental organisations(NGOs)workingintheregion programmes inDagestan.Theheadsofmanythenon- Arjan Erkel’skidnappinghadledtothesuspensionofMSF’s any ransomwaspaid.[…] while denying-asdidtherepresentativesofMSFthat kind ofact:aransomandpoliticaladvantage,”hesaid, the run-uptolocalelections.Therearetwomotivesforthis context inDagestan,whereabattlehasbeengoingon the abductionwasmainlytodowith“internalpolitical I think,Chechens,”addedMrVelitchko.But,inhisopinion, “criminals, a mixed group of several nationalities, including, its eveningnewsprogrammes.[…]Thekidnapperswere silence onthisliberation,makingnomentionofitin his release.Russianstatetelevisionhasmaintainedtotal affirming that this organisation played akey role in securing the RussianAssociationofVeteransForeignIntelligence, chubby, white-hairedman,ValentinVelitchko,Presidentof kidnappers. Beforethe cameras, he twice embraceda short, given no details about his detention or the identity of his He says he has been ‘freed from a nightmare.’ He has ’ 2004 (inEnglish). Ostrovsky, ‘ (France) 13April2004(inFrench). Intimidate Them,’NatalieNougayrède,LeMonde Convinced hisAbductionwasIntendedto been Freed–NGOsAidingDisplacedChechensare Arjan Erkel, MSF Representative to Dagestan has Light isShedonErkel’sRelease,’bySimon The MoscowTimes(Russia),15April to helptheaid organization.“Theyhada human interest about thecontract,” Cornishsaid,ofwhyVelichko wasready veterans mightbeabletocrack thecase.“Itwasnotonly in Moscow,Cornishhadconvincing informationthatthe After several meetings in the veterans’ offices and cafes signed aninformation-gathering contractwiththegroup. of ForeignIntelligence.After meetingwithVelichko,MSF whose next-door neighbor was a member of the Veterans Dick intouchwithRussianspeedskaterVadimSayutin, of theErkelfamily,askatingcoach,putErkel’sfather MSF’s luck first began to change in July 2003, when a friend we don’tunderstandtothisday.” Dagestan. ”Wewereshocked,”Cornishsaid.“It’ssomething priority andhandedovertothelocalInteriorMinistryin November that the FSB investigation had beengiven a lower never materialized.Theyweredismayedtofindoutlast Arjan’s release.” But MSF officials maintain that the promises reassuring us that everything was being done to secure they mostlytooktheinformationwehadcollectedwhile offices onLubyanka,”Cornishsaid.“Duringthemeetings cordial, meetings with very high-ranking FSB officials in their only fromthenonthatwebegantohaveregular,but audiences withFSBofficialsinMoscow,”hesaid.“Itwas was onlyinspring2003thatMSFgrantedhigh-level in meetingtheauthoritiesgeneral,”Cornishsaid.“It to theirrequestsforaction.“Initiallywehaddifficulty said ittookalongtimeforthesecurityservicestorespond to MoscowonSundayandthenRotterdam.MSFofficials Netherlands, onMonday,afterbeingflownfromDagestan Erkel wasreunitedwithhisfamilyinZeeland,the forehead, DutchnewsagencyAMPreported. die, herequestedthatbekilledwithonebullettothe of Iraq.Atonepoint,hetoldhiscaptorsthatifhadto was informedofworldeventssuchastheUS-ledinvasion demands, Cornish said. He was occasionally given books and with hiscaptors,butneversympathizedthemortheir the drawn-outordealErkelbuiltupareasonablerapport toilet, NOSDutchpublicradioreportedthisweek.During rarely allowedoutsideandforcedtouseabucketas kept inasuccessionofbasements,movedfivetimes,was August 2002ontheoutskirtsofMakhachkala,Erkelwas just thatErkelbefreedunharmed.Sincehisabductionin not interestedinwhowasresponsibleforthekidnapping, simply, “Bandits.”MSFofficialssaidlastmonththeywere Asked whohadcarriedouttheabduction,Velichkoreplied no knowledgeofanybeingpaid. been paidforhisrelease,andMSFofficialssaidtheyhad in Moscow on Sunday, Velichko said that no ransom had authorities. StandingnexttoErkelatanewsconference supporters internationallytoputpressureontheRussian also cameafterahigh-profilecampaignbyMSFandits from where he was being held by the kidnappers. The release Dagestani capitalMakhachkala,ataplaceanhour’sdrive association, ValentinVelichko,ontheoutskirtsof maintain Erkelwashandedovertotheheadofveterans’ special servicesplayedintheErkelcase.MSFofficials contacted Wednesdaywouldnotcommentontherole 313 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

toward Holland, they wanted to do the best by us because earlier. Nierle said MSF had “very, very strong suspicions they were ashamed that this kidnapping happened in their that the Russian authorities are at least co-responsible for own country to a person who had come to help.” Velichko’s the prolonged detention of Erkel,” and Gluck accused the connections to the Netherlands date back to the communist authorities of “inaction and indifference.” Erkel’s release period, when he worked as a Soviet trade representative. came less than a month after the radio interview, during The post was actually a cover for his real job, which was to which time his case had been raised with President Vladimir spy on the movements of NATO ships in Dutch waters. He Putin by various organizations and statesmen, including was eventually declared persona non grata and expelled in French President Jacques Chirac and UN Secretary-General 1989, the Dutch daily Telegraaf reported Tuesday. Kofi Annan.

Many of the details of Velichko’s investigation were never given to MSF, said Mark Walsh, a spokesman for the organization in Moscow, “in order to protect us. Clearly ‘ Arjan: Line for Immediate Comm,’ Email exchange some aspects of the investigation may be too dangerous between Nicolas de Torrente, MSF USA Executive for us to know. We probably don’t want to know.” The Director, Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France veterans showed throughout, that they knew where Erkel President, MSF Belgium, France, Holland, was and had the situation under control, while information Switzerland, International Presidents, Executive available to law enforcement agencies was not being acted Directors, Communication Directors, 13 April upon, MSF officials said. “We were informed that there 2004 (in English). were corrupt officials and servicemen involved who were preventing the situation from being resolved,” Cornish Extract: said. Last December, MSF and the veterans had high hopes Nicolas: of securing a release when the mission to free Erkel was After reflection and experience here today, we feel dealt a further blow. A Dagestani Interior Ministry official uncomfortable about the ‘reactive’ communication line in charge of the investigation, Timur Bulatov, was arrested that was decided during your teleconf Monday. We already in connection with another kidnapping case. ”In October, received many questions today from different interlocutors the FSB began telling us that Arjan’s release was a matter (USG, UN, some journalists) and this will No doubt happen of immunity from prosecution, not money,” Cornish said. on Tuesday in Europe as people come back from the Easter He suggested that Bulatov’s arrest might have made Erkel’s holiday. The best way to have a clear MSF message (across kidnappers think immunity was not a possibility and further the network...) is to have a good press statement ASAP with delayed his release. some general perspective about the case without waiting to have all the details. In addition, statements were already It took a further four months before MSF officials received made by some officials about the resolution of the case a phone call from Velichko early on the morning of Easter (Annan, Dutch gvnmt, Dagestan MVD). These statements Sunday, telling them Erkel was freed. Erkel was driven were very positive about the role of the Russian, Dutch, blindfolded to the outskirts of Makhachkala and handed and Dagestani authorities on the resolution of the case. over to Velichko and his men, according to Velichko. “A More statements will probably be made in the coming days. window of opportunity had opened,” Walsh said. But Without contradicting these authorities (who of course want questions remained this week about what had led to to claim credit), if we don’t have a pro-active communication the breakthrough in efforts to free the aid worker. MSF’s approach about our perspective and concerns now, this will version of events was at variance with statements made by be what remains about the case in the public, and we will Russian law enforcement agencies - and also by the Dutch appear not only reactive, but also passive, with a possibility government, which took credit for helping organizing Erkel’s of divergent messages in different interviews in different release. “We did not like the fact that MSF, all of a sudden, countries etc […]. without notifying us, changed to loud diplomacy,” Dutch Foreign Minister Bernard Bot told Dutch radio Tuesday, after The general message of our public statement should be: yes thanking the Russian government for its help in freeing we are happy that Arjan was released, he is in good health, Erkel. “We said then that we preferred to continue with our etc, but we should also be able to say that the liberation came own strategy, and I think that strategy eventually gave a with a very heavy price (19 months of captivity for Arjan better result.” and his family, governments not taking their responsibilities for months, MSF having to hire these ex-FSB and pay them Last month MSF stepped up their media campaign for Erkel’s money to negotiate the release, etc., see below), because release, accusing the Russian authorities of complicity in of that price we are very concerned about the future of the case and calling on the international community to put humanitarian assistance in the region, that we are still pressure on them to resolve it. Thomas Nierle, the Head raising questions about the real commitment of the Russian of MSF’s Swiss section, and Kenneth Gluck, the Head of its Federation and the international community to ensure the Dutch section, who was himself kidnapped in Chechnya in security and safety of humanitarian aid workers (of course January 2001 and freed 25 days later, told Ekho Moskvy radio we should also thank all individuals (people who signed on March 18, how security services had failed repeatedly the petition) as well as officials who supported the efforts 314 to follow up leads that could have seen Erkel freed much in the past months of raising the profile of this case and if wewillnot always knowwhyandhowit works.Thanks in diplomacy:Let’s keeptalking!Itisagood strategyeven diplomats gosilent,whileMSF stickstorulenumberone and share information with you! - Funny to see these fine our side,willcontinueto talk to you, even if with criticism, and other governments. We answered: so be it but we, on communications hadtoomuch irritatedtheRussian,Dutch, coordinate withMSFonthecaseofArjan.MSF’saggressive MSF thattheywillnolongerexchangeinformationand Just aweekago,someDutchgovernmentofficialstold movement keptactingtogetherevenwhendesperate. what isimportantthat,atnopoint,wesplitapart.The cruel inourcriticismsanddoubtswitheachanother.But while, wewereattheendofournerves.Wesometimes behind Arjan.Themovementkeptgoingtogether.Onceina One thingweknowhowever,isthatthroughout,wereall and what finally worked - we may never know with certainty. scenarios forasolution.Buthowalltheseeffortsaddedup, contracting partners,openingupnewtracks,negotiating undertaking diplomatic initiatives,organizingbriefings, strategies, formulatingourconcernandindignation, job of maintaining contacts, working on communications the 20months,crisisteamwasdoinganadmirable Arjan’s releasewasnotcompletelyunexpected.Throughout who wasbehindthekidnappinganditsend.Ofcourse, as inearlierkidnappingcases,weneverwillknowexactly happen. Wewilldoourbesttoknow.Butmostprobably, establish someconsistenttheoriesonwhatfinallymadeit […] Itwilltakesometimetoputtogetherthefactsand Thomas: Extract: Friendly, JH for civiliansbeingforciblysentbackhome... we hadregularlycommunicatedonrepatriation,insecurity and humanitarianaidwhileArjanwasdetained.Forinstance MSF remainedsilentaboutotherissuesrelatedtocivilians I agreewithyourproposalbutoneremark.Itisn’ttruethat Hi Nico, Jean-Hervé: but ofputtingArjan’sreleaseintoperspective. are happyandgratefulforeveryone’seffortsofcourse…) for us today. It is not a question of ‘settling accounts’ (we so everything is Ok, right???’) and the most important one is the key question people are asking today (‘he’s released, capture/release isreallymissinginthefactsheetsofar,it aid andMSF’spresenceintheregionlightofArjan’s fate oftheChechenciviliansandfuturehumanitarian generating pressuretowardstheRussianauthorities).The ‘Arjan CrisisEnded–ThankstoAll,’ 2004 (inEnglish). Directors, Communication Directors, 13April USA, InternationalPresidents,Executive to MSFBelgium,France,Holland,Switzerland, Thomas Linde,MSFSwitzerlandExecutiveDirector Email from Geneva, AmsterdamandMoscow! to allofyoufromMSF-Switzerlandandthecrisisteamin officials whohaveshowntheirsupport.” of nationalandinternationalorganizationsgovernment world whosignedourpetition,tothemanyrepresentatives thousands ofpeopleinRussia,Dagestan,andaroundthe who hasshownsolidaritywithArjan,fromthehundredsof around Arjan’scase.“MSFisextremelygratefultoeveryone Dr. Gillies expressed MSF’s appreciation for the mobilization country toredressthissituationnow,”saidDr.Gillies. drag onanylonger.Itistheresponsibilityofhost and humanitarianassistanceremainscrippled.“Thiscannot workers havebeenabducted.Today,theviolencecontinues Since 1995,morethan50internationalhumanitarianaid ongoing phenomenonintheregionoverpastdecade. directed againsthumanitarianorganisationshavebeenan of violenceintheregion.Actsandthreats Federation aswellitsalliesandpartners,ofaclimate continued acceptance,bythegovernmentofRussia security companytoarrangeforhisrelease,highlightthe months, andtheneedforMSFtohireaprivateRussian The factthatErkelwaskeptinprolongeddetentionfor20 for years.” It reinforcedtheclimateofintimidationthathasexisted displaced andwaraffectedpeoplethroughouttheregion. kidnapping ledtodrasticreductionsofaidprograms paid not only by Arjan but countless others as well. Arjan’s Council, “Butitmustberememberedthatahugepricewas said Dr.RowanGillies,PresidentofMSF’sInternational “MSF is extremely happy that Arjan is finally back home,” affected bytheconflictinChechnya. alleviating thesufferingofcivilianChechensandDagestanis managing oneofMSF’smedicalreliefprogramsaimedat in theRepublicofDagestan(RussianFederation)while of inDagestan,wasabductedthereonAugust12,2002, war-affected civiliansintheregion.Erkel,HeadofMission prolonged detention exacted onthe ability to provide aid to At thesametime,MSFemphasizedheavytollthatArjan’s 2004, after20monthsasahostageintheNorthernCaucasus. release ofMSFaidworkerArjanErkelonSunday,April11, Médecins SansFrontières(MSF)expressedgreatreliefatthe The internationalmedicalhumanitarianorganization Extract: pressure began toincrease.TheRussiansbegan to Both publicpressure inRussiaandinternational release, 15April2004(inEnglish). Worker ArjanErkel,’MSFSwitzerlandPress ‘MSF ExpressesReliefatReleaseofKidnappedAid

315 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

feel uneasy; they had to make some sort of gesture. That’s and ten persons, based in Russia, Dagestan, and Europe. how I saw the end resolution of this affair. For me, it was The team has consistently followed any lead brought to not the success of communication activities, rather it was an the team from a variety of sources. There were a number of opportune moment for the Russians to let go. This moment groups hired by MSF to assist in Arjan’s release. was when the public was putting a certain amount of pressure on them and we had received information on their position. Arjan’s case has been raised both publicly and behind the scenes on political levels within the international community. Dr Thomas Nierle, MSF Switzerland, Head of At the base strategic level, MSF has considered that keeping Emergencies then Director of Operations 2000-2004, Arjan’s case visible has been essential in advancing the (in French) interviewed in 2009 . case with the Russian Government and bringing about his rescue. There are clear risks in any strategy. Understanding when to go public and when to remain silent, in order to permit authorities to advance the case, was a constant concern. Public campaigns were taken on only when it was On 20 April 2004, MSF posted a report describing the considered helpful, and always with a consideration of the steps of Arjan’s release on the international website. risks involved. There is no indication as to which strategy or event has brought about Arjan’s release and this may never be known. Regardless, the organization is very happy with the end result. It has been a terrible 20 months with ‘Arjan Erkel Kidnapping: How the Puzzle was Solved,’ enormous fears, pressures and stresses, especially for the Posted on MSF International Website on 20 April Erkel family. 2004 (in English). Recently there have been some visible strains between the Extract: family, the Dutch Government, and the MSF organisation. In the early hours of Sunday April 11, MSF received word This is not unusual for a stressful event that has lasted so of Arjan’s release via a telephone call from the Russian long and with such possible consequences. The sole concern organization, Veterans of Foreign Intelligence (VFA) telling for all parties has always been how to bring about Arjan’s safe us that Arjan was free. The VFA is one of the groups that MSF return. We believe we did everything possible to bring about had hired to assist in the search for Arjan and so the contact his release. To date, MSF does not know the identity of the was from someone whose relationship to MSF was already kidnappers and Arjan is unaware of who was responsible. The established. The VFA have been assisting MSF for the past matter now rests with Dagestani authorities and MSF shall nine months, and were hired following recommendations by await the outcome of the ongoing investigation. At that the Erkel family and the information was correct and true. time, MSF shall analyze the information and, if necessary, Arjan was found in Dagestan where he would wait for the speak out at that time. It is clear that the Russian authorities MSF team to arrive. We understand that, at least for the were instrumental in resolving this case and MSF considers past few months, Arjan has been held in Dagestan. it unfortunate that external security agencies had to be The family was immediately contacted and told the good involved in order to bring about advances in the case. news. Arjan Erkel is a humanitarian volunteer whose work consists The VFA has worked in close coordination with MSF, the Dutch entirely in helping alleviate the suffering of civilian Government - particularly its representatives in Moscow. The populations. Unfortunately, his kidnapping was not an coordination has constantly been done in close coordination isolated event. For months, the humanitarian community with the authorities. The involvement of outside security has been the target of threats, violence, and abductions in agencies was a direct reflection on the lack of movement in the Northern Caucasus making our work all but impossible. the case by Russian and Dagestani authorities. The costs of However, there has been immense public support for Arjan, the outside agency were paid by MSF. As far as MSF knows, for which, the movement is grateful. The United Nations, there has been no ransom paid. The organisation believes European Parliament, and the humanitarian community have the release has come from the contacts the VFA has with all offered their public and constant support. In addition, law enforcemen agencies in Dagestan. over 450,000 people worldwide signed a petition calling for Arjan’s release. MSF would like to thank all of the groups Three people made up the team assembled to go to Dagestan and individuals who have cared about Arjan over these and get Arjan. Representing MSF was Steve Cornish the acting long 20 months. Head of Mission and an MSF doctor from Moscow were en route, along with the Second Secretary for the Dutch Embassy in Moscow. They flew to Dagestan at approximately 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning and arrived just around 12:30 p.m. Meanwhile, the Dutch military had dispatched a flight to I don’t think there’s any evidence of any link between bring Arjan back to Holland. Arjan’s father, Dick Erkel, our public statements and the kidnappings we was on this flight to be with his son. […] The MSF team experienced. It’s a very different question. It doesn’t 316 responsible for Arjan’s release has numbered between five mean that before speaking out, we didn’t believe that there take intoaccount pasteventsaswellfuture trends.The previous reports. Thecurrentsituationofthe IDPsneedsto a snapshotoflong-standing situationasindicatedby part ofalongerchainevents. Thisassessmentismerely Accommodation Centres.However, therecenteventsare and sendingtheIDPsback totheChechenTemporary rapidly closingthespontaneous settlementsinIngushetia situation surveyed in early 2004, with the authorities Recent developmentsintheCaucasushaveovertaken Epilogue been largelyignoredforthelastdecade.[…] from the international community to thisconflict thathas this displacedpopulation.Thiswillrequiregreaterattention ensure protectionandappropriatelivingcircumstancesfor plight ofthisvulnerablepopulation.Theauthoritiesmust are unacceptableandthiswilldonothingtoimprovethe Ingushetia toChechnya,butconditionsinbothlocations a policyofmovingpeople,againsttheirwill,from best problematic.Theauthoritiesarecurrentlyundertaking were significant,butaccesstoappropriateservicesisat and infearoftheirsafety.Physicalmentalhealthneeds living inunacceptableconditions,traumatizedbyconflict, displaced foratleastfiveyears.Wefoundapopulation presented inthetablebelow).Peopleinterviewedhadbeen conditions and health status. (The main findings are Ingushetia andChechnyatogaininformationonliving conducted byMSFamongthedisplacedpopulationsin This reportpresentsthefindingsoftwoquantitativesurveys Executive summary Extract: reaction wouldhappen,butwefeltthattherewassomerisk. the reactionwouldbe,andwecouldn’tpredictwhetherany it doesn’tmeanthatAleadstoB.Wecouldn’tpredictwhat was someriskinvolved.Theisaprobabilitystatement; of medicaldataandpersonalaccounts. fate reservedforthesedisplacedpersons,onthebasis were emptied. MSF continued to publicly condemn the continued untilthemajorityofcampsinIngushetia Ingushetia wasmaintainedandtheforcedrepatriations Meanwhile, thepressureondisplacedChechensin Austen Davies,MSFHollandExecutiveDirector,1999 MSF Holland,August2004(inEnglish). Cunningham, Gerry Boots, and Elodie Andrault, Sally Hargreaves,RichardvanOosten,Debbie Kaz de Jong, Saskia van der Kam, Nathan Ford, among WarDisplacedinChechnyaandIngushetia,’ and Psychosocial andGeneral Health Status Quantitative AssessmentofLivingConditions, ‘ ,’ The TraumaofOngoingWarinChechnya,’ to 2004,(inEnglish)interviewedin2009. making. and opportunity commingle in the process of decision- opportunities toregainaviablelife.And,ofcoursesecurity Housing issuesrelatetowhathasbeenlostandperceived the contemporarysecuritysituationbackinChechnya. of trauma already suffered as well as uncertainty about security andhousingissues.Securityrelatestomemories decision to return or not, typically have revolved around to end before returning. Factors influencing an IDPs’ matter ofonegroupdisplacedwaitingfortheconflict Therefore, thehistoryofdisplacementisnotasimple where they have been displaced to while outside of Chechnya. times theyhavefledandreturned,howmany return. Eachfamilyhasitsownstorytotellofhowmany resulted inacycleofdisplacement,return, connected topoliticalconsiderations.Thissituationhas obviously connectedtotheprogressofwar,butisalso so doesthecycleofdisplacement.Thereturnprocessis beginning of the ‘second’ war. As the conflict continues, ‘first’ war-;thesecondwaveof1999wasconnectedto resulted fromthebeginningofconflictin1994- of theconflictinChechnya.Thefirstwavedisplacement waves of displacement correlate directly with the history situation, and we have to have something to cling on to, the onlyinternational bodytobedebating theChechnya from theCouncilofEurope,for example).However,PACEis referral to the Europeancourt of humanrightsorsuspension Caucasus; andhasconstantly refusedtosanctionit(bya Russia since the beginning of the second conflict in the North has shownthemostincredible spiritofappeasementtowards Council ofEurope’sexecutive(CouncilMinisters)which on Russiain2004.Thatsaid,therealproblemlieswith of thelastopportunitiestoapplyofficialpublicpressure reaction… EspeciallyasthisPACEsessionisprobablyone rights, Gil Robles, we have reason to hope for some (slight) statements by the European Commissioner for human are puttothevoteinplenary,butwhenaddedrecent We’ll seewhathappenswhentheresolutions/recommendations for Russia. rights situationisuncompromising,accurateanddamning against civiliansinIngushetia).Thereportonthehuman persons, absence of humanitarian space, increasing violence situation, closure of camps, all kinds of pressure on displaced situation ofdisplacedpersonsisquitefull(poorhumanitarian published fortheoccasion.Thereportonhumanitarian and HumanRightsCommissions have beenwrittenand afternoon. Three reports by the Political Affairs, Refugees session and is debating the Chechnya situation this Parliamentary Assemblyiscurrentlyholdingitsplenary As IinformedyoulastJuly,theCouncilofEurope’s Extract: (in French). France’s CommunicationDirector,7October2004 North CaucasusprogrammemanagerandMSF Email from theMSFdeputylegaladvisor,to 317 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004 MSF Speaks Out

given the absence of international diplomatic pressure on rights than humanitarian law, far more about individual Russia from elsewhere. disappearances and torture than tanks bombing a village. It was much harder to identify occasions to speak out. But we still made a lot of noise to denounce the “normalisation” message that Moscow insisted upon. We often said “no, things ‘Putin: The War in Chechnya Was Over Three Years aren’t normalised at all”. And then, the Russians “provided” Ago,’ AFP (France), Schleswig (Germany) 21 us with other occasions, such as forced displacements. We December 2004 (in French). said to ourselves: “OK, generally speaking, it’s a lost cause. The Russians are going to crush the Chechens. But there’s still Extract: the odd battle we should be fighting by speaking out. To start The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, affirmed in Schleswig with, there’s hanging on to international NGO presence and (north of Germany) on Tuesday that “the war in Chechnya space in this context, and continuing assistance to the was over three years ago.” Questioned about the Chechen Chechens.”I also think that if we’d wanted to speak out more, conflict at a press conference with the German chancellor, we’d have needed more expatriate presence. Without Gerhard Schroeder, the Russian President replied: “there’s expatriates in the field, it wasn’t just a lack of first hand no longer a war in Chechnya. You can enjoy a peaceful information that posed a problem. It was also the lack of Christmas,” added Vladimir Putin drily. “first hand indignation”. Yet this emotion drives MSF’s communications. It’s implicit in MSF’s culture that if we don’t have someone who’s seen things for himself, and then talks about it once he’s back at the capital office or headquarters, nothing happens.

I think the Russian strategy was to de-stabilize the Dr. Jose-Antonio Bastos, MSF Holland Director of country... Creating this chaos, was a very effective Operations in charge of programmes in North Caucasus, way of doing it. It wasn’t about stopping us from 2001 to 2003 (in French), interviews in 2009 speaking out. They weren’t worried about what we were going to say, they wanted to create an unmanageable situation. And it worked. In ’97, the Chechens were not worried about the kidnapping of foreigners. That was not top on their minds. The hospitals didn’t work, the electricity stopped working, the phones stopped working, the buses stopped working, and they During the first war as well as in the end of 1999, in were kidnapped-- a crime for Chechens. I think it was a much 2000 and 2001, how the population perceived the cruder strategy. But the rebels also were ideologically out of international organisations has to do with how control, some of them flirting with extreme Islam, some of Europeans and Europe was perceived in general. If there was them just going into business, kidnapping, robbery, smuggling, a surrounding of a settlement or a village and it shelled and big drug business coming in. I don’t think the Russians planned bombed, people had this feeling that if an international it, but I think they saw the chaos, and they probably organisation was to appear somewhere around, that they were encouraged it. The difficulty is to find out when they were somehow protected: ‘This will be known in Europe and this encouraging it as a strategy coming from the State, and when impunity, the arbitrariness, and such will be stopped.’ Up to it was an out-of-control colonel saying ‘Oh, they’re making then, they were putting a lot of hope in these organizations. money, why don’t I make some money?’ And I think that’s In 2004 and 2005, this illusion has gone away. And now the extremely hard, to discern the difference. attitude of the population towards the international humanitarian organisations is different. Still, to my view this Kenny Gluck, MSF Holland General Coordinator and advocacy is necessary. Regional Advisor in North Caucasus, (November 1999- January 2001), Director of Operations (2001-2005), B, MSF North Caucasus staff (in Russian, translated (in English) interviewed in 2009. into English by MSF) interviewed in 2008.

We all had images of the first Chechen war in mind, I believe Chechnya is a real example of ‘responsibility- i.e. wide-scale bombing, brutal activity conducted by driven’ political communication and lobbying. In other an ultra-violent army that violated the Geneva words, we always hoped that by communicating and conventions. In 2000 – 2001, military operations dropped doing advocacy work we were going to influence certain things, off significantly, and things changed from a military situation such as the violence and violations of IHL, the behaviour of to selective political repression conducted by a puppet justice ministries, and the international community, or things government, with the secret services, etc. They replaced the at operations level, by defending a working space on the 318 SS with the Gestapo. It was more about violations of human ground. But what we did was really done out of a sense of responsibility totry. be abletochangeallthat,butweconsidereditour that didn’tmakeusgiveup.Wewerewellawarewewouldn’t proportion oftheChechenpopulationoffintooblivion.But to quashtheChechen rebellion and send a significant Russia has,nothingwouldchange,thatithadcarteblanche responsibility. Weknewperfectlywellthat,withthepower [...] MSFdeputylegaladvisor,1995-2005,(in French) interviewed in2008. 319 War Crimes and Politics of Terror in Chechnya 1994-2004