The Ukrainian Weekly 2000, No.21
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb INSIDE:• Jewish organizations, members of Congress host Yuschenko — page 3. • UUARC delivers aid to miners’ families in Krasnodon — page 9. • SUM holds world Internet conference — page 11. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXVIII HE KRAINIANNo. 21 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 21, 2000 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine House passes bill UYuschenko sees Washington visit as a success T by Roman Woronowycz W to combat trafficking Kyiv Press Bureau KYIV – Prime Minister Viktor of human beings Yuschenko said on May 17 that he had ful- filled all his objectives during his visit to by Chadwick R. Gore the United States and expressed satisfaction with the results of talks with U.S leaders WASHINGTON – The House of and world financial organization represen- Representatives on May 10 adopted the tatives. “Trafficking Victim’s Protection Act,” a The prime minister’s visit was seen as bill sponsored by Helsinki Commission critical to U.S.-Ukraine strategic relations Chairman Rep. Christopher H. Smith (R- with various high-level issues on the agen- N.J.), aimed at combating the buying and da, including Ukraine’s entry into the World selling of human beings into the com- Trade Organization, the closure of the dam- mercial sex industry, slavery, or slavery- aged Chornobyl nuclear facility and the like conditions. The bill had 37 co-spon- International Monetary Fund’s continuing sors, including Rep. Sam Gejdenson (D- financing for Ukraine, which came under Conn.) and Commissioner Reps. Frank attack after critical reports – chiefly issued R. Wolf (R-Va.), Joseph R. Pitts (R-Pa.), by the Western press but also by U.S. offi- and Louise McIntosh Slaughter (D-NY). cials – of financial improprieties and report- Last July, the Parliamentary Assembly ing irregularities within Ukraine’s central of the Organization for Security and Reps. Curt Weldon and Marcy Kaptur present Prime Minister Viktor Yuschenko bank. Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) unani- with photo memento of the Capitol Building as his interpreter looks on. The During a meeting with foreign business- mously adopted a resolution calling for presentation occurred during a reception hosted by the Congressional Ukrainian men in Kyiv a week after his return from the OSCE participating states to adopt or Caucus (see story on page 3). Washington Mr. Yuschenko said the visit strengthen legislation and enforcement had exceeded his expectations. directors of the IMF and the World Bank, that they “understand the principles and mechanisms that would punish those “We fulfilled all the goals that we put Mr. Yuschenko said the U.S. fully supports measures which the government is carrying who forcibly or fraudulently recruit and before ourselves and then some,” Prime Ukraine’s entry into the WTO and would transport individuals within or across out in keeping with its economic agenda for Minister Yushchenko stated. offer comprehensive consulting and techni- borders in order to force them into the the current year.” He said Washington also High on Ukraine’s economic agenda is cal assistance. He said he expected that commercial sex industry. supported his efforts to cuff corruption and the country’s inclusion in the WTO and the Kyiv would make a strong push for entry At a November 1999 summit meeting, reduce the shadow economy by putting trade benefits that would result. On his into the organization during the WTO’s the OSCE participating states also pressure on businesses to eliminate non- return from Washington on May 10 after June meeting in Geneva. pledged in the Charter for European monetary transactions and barter. two days of meetings, including talks with The prime minister said U.S. officials Security to “undertake measures to During discussions on the large-scale pri- President Bill Clinton, Secretary of State backed the measures Ukraine is taking in ...[end] all forms of trafficking in human Madeleine K. Albright, as well as with (Continued on page 18) beings” including “the adoption or moving forward on economic reforms and strengthening of legislation to hold accountable persons responsible for these acts and strengthen[ing] the protec- tion of victims.” Ukraine’s prime minister promises Tkachenko’s finances “Trafficking in human beings is a form of modern-day slavery,” said Rep. Smith. “The international community has improved climate for foreign investors under investigation by Roman Woronowycz eaten up their profits; some have suffered by Roman Woronowycz made it clear that lawmakers must Kyiv Press Bureau losses through unfair trade practices. Kyiv Press Bureau declare war on those who commit these Mr. Yuschenko said that a new era in crimes. The House of Representatives KYIV – While addressing foreign investor relations has begun, pointing to KYIV – A parliamentary ad hoc inves- today recognized that U.S. prosecutors businessmen on May 17 during a semi- how the economic climate in Ukraine is tigative committee on May 16 accused for- need greater tools to convict and nar on the investment climate in Ukraine, changing to make it more accommodat- mer Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada imprison criminals who traffic in human Prime Minister Viktor Yuschenko said ing to businesses. Oleksander Tkachenko of failing to proper- beings.” the government will protect the rights of He explained that the watershed was ly administer more than 50 million hrv “The central principle behind this leg- foreign investors in their economic activ- the passage of a balanced budget for ($9.3 million) in government funds and rec- islation,” he continued, “is that anyone ity in the country. 2000, which will release the country’s ommended that the procurator general who knowingly profits from the most “We want the foreign investor to feel financial resources – for years held review the matter to determine whether severe forms of trafficking should safe. We are ready to guarantee that there hostage by the government’s need to bor- criminal charges should be brought. receive punishment commensurate with will be no problems removing capital row to cover its budget deficits – to The committee charged that the that given to those who commit other from the country should a project fail,” investors. Parliament’s administrative bodies, which serious crimes, such as kidnapping or said Mr. Yuschenko. He said that inflation, although run- Mr. Tkachenko oversaw, had awarded con- rape. The Trafficking Victims Protection Ukraine has not attracted foreign capi- ning at about a 12 percent clip in the first tracts for capital renovation without seeking Act will strengthen U.S. laws and penal- tal in large numbers in the nearly nine quarter of the year, will remain low tenders and had failed to collect certifica- ties against trafficking so that the United years since its markets opened up to the because the government plans to adhere tions that the contracted work was actually States will become the last place that world mostly because of extensive to a tight fiscal policy. The prime minis- completed. It found that Mr. Tkachenko’s traffickers want to commit their crimes. bureaucratic red tape and corruption that ter underscored that in the first four office overspent freely, exceeding by Enactment of the Trafficking Victim’s have left foreign companies reluctant to months of 2000 his government has not 73,000 hrv its 105,000 hrv. budget. And, in Protection Act into law will represent a risk their capital. The country has borrowed a single “kopiyka” on either perhaps the most serious charge, it accused direct fulfillment of the OSCE human received merely $3.25 billion in foreign domestic or international currency mar- the former Parliament leader of spending rights commitment made last November investments – about a third of what has kets. almost 1 million hrv on purchases and reno- in Istanbul,” said Rep. Smith. flowed into neighboring Poland. “I believe we will continue to fight vations to his state-supplied vacation home. “This legislation ... will be helpful for Some of those who have taken the inflation successfully and will not go out- “As a result of irrational expenditures, those who are seeking a way out of situa- plunge have had to adjust to laws that the inflating of costs and the like, more than hinder their work and taxes that have (Continued on page 18) (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 8) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 21, 2000 No. 21 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS Newly inaugurated Russian President Putin Belarus, Ukraine discuss bilateral trade deposits through Ukraine to Poland. “Azerbaijan has always stood for diversify- MIENSK – Ukraine’s Prime Minister ing oil pipelines. This is in the interests of chooses repression by selective prosecution Viktor Yuschenko visited Miensk on May both Azerbaijan and Ukraine,” the by Paul Goble sure.” Another Media-Most leader, Igor 16, seeking ways to expand and liberalize Associated Press quoted Mr. Guliyev as RFE/RL Newsline Malashenko, said the action “contradicts bilateral trade, the Belapan and Interfax saying. Mr. Tarasyuk said the Ukrainian the norms of the Constitution of Russia news services reported. Trade turnover pipeline for the Baku-Supsa-Odesa-Brody- Newly inaugurated Russian President and is against freedom of speech.” plunged from $1.5 billion in 1997 to $700 Vladimir Putin appears to have embarked Gdansk oil transportation project is 70 per- Because of the nature of the Russian million last year, primarily because both cent completed. (RFE/RL Newsline) on a strategy long favored by authoritarian political and economic system over the Miensk and Kyiv lacked hard currency to leaders: the selective prosecution of his last decade, both the FSB and Mr. pay for imports. Mr. Yuschenko comment- Privatization of power supplies is decreed opponents for legal violations. Gusinskii are right in some sense. ed that his talks with Belarus’ Prime KYIV – President Leonid Kuchma That chilling conclusion, only four Given confusion over tax policies and Minister Uladzimir Yarmoshyn were “quite signed a decree on the privatization of more days into the new president’s term, is sug- the underlying corruption of Russian soci- productive.” Mr.