Et Mail Front Mexico Hints a T Icmocket Total
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■ v'., : • ':■■ I* ^AOE rOURTEEN TUESDAY* KOVEBfBER 17,1989 Average Dally Net Ptcm Ron ifiatirlrf^pr lEofnhtg F ar Om Weak IM ae Tilt Weather N*4r. M. lese ! «r V. A waeaam . Center' Church Motheri'- Club plana calling for :only bna upatatra of 232 Spring SL which 'would be than regulations allow. The prop AboiilTciwii tl-iu mpet In the Federation room ^ B A D enies apartmant inauad of the formarly Closer to the street line than reg erty Li located east of 1768 Tol-. 13,041 'I tomoh-ow at 8 p'.m. Miaa M argaret propoaed two-in the building, were ulation* allow. Former Police land 'Tpke. T f l L f . Laar lAW . Parker M Children'* Service* udll submitted last-night. Atty. John D. Chief Herman ; O, Schendel and Tabled'sfas ,* request lor ah ex M anbar ^ WfiT AM H ' XI Ounm» dhapter of Beta SiR- hfe guest speaker. Refreshments Ware Bid to LsBelle repraschted the appllcsnt.. Atty^ Donald Richter qtoke In op tension of permiasidn eought by meftiu B m m irw f Otrewhrtiaa. Kc Wil will meet !> o’clock to- will be 'servrt, ^ In other action, tha toners ap position. Atty. LaBelle represent Samuel Lombkrdo to maintain a ManchmttBr"^A City of ViUoge Charm iam- mgk iHMMe to wnwr Ms. n llk t a t tka Tiome ot^Mra. Jamer '* , * ■ i proved a variance -request from ed the applicant. building, for storage and shelter FUchmend. ^4T Btimmlt St. , St. Anne's Mothers' Circle’ wilt Pack Chutes Dr. Robert. C. Walden Jr., 102 The board dented a request froth for a watchman on the east side : Find It At. : z meet'tomorrowat 8:16 ,p.m. at the Princeton St., to erect, an addition R. N. Archibald to erect two, 2- of Hlllstowit Rd. south of Bush VOL. tX X IX , NO. 42 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGE8-^*|WO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1959 . Mr. and lirnTTr-'F. Cuilef. 45 home' of Mrs. JBwlh. McAdam. 52 to the rear of the house which will fam.ily hotiaes on separate lots, Hilt pd. The applicant did pot ap (OlpadMIee A4hwrtMmg\qe tk « a -W k PRI^>-^VE C lO f^ Btgelaw 8t, left Saturday plane Weaver Rd. 'Co-hostesses will The Zoning Board pf ,6ppeals have 'apportion of the addition clos each having less frontal and area pear at the hearing. : FAIitWAY for Dallaa. Tex., to vlait their Mrs, William Golden and approved flve applications^, denied er to the sideline than allowed by dauahlar, Mrik R. i. ESmlach and Leonard Delaney, three and tabled one laat nlglft af regulations. •••••••p ee p* Brr-r-r! fan^.'She la the former Barbara ter a public hearing in the Mu Also approved was a variance Gold Wave Jane Ojeter. ^ Tlie' Queen of Peace p o th e rs ' nicipal Building. request froni -Curtis G. Mellen, 35 et Circle wdll meet tomorrow at 8:15 Denied was an sppllcation for a Falknor Dr„ to erSet an attached Butte, Mont., Nov. 18 {Jp>— Our Lady of Victory Mother*' p.m'>at. the home ofjMrs. Arthur variance aought by Frederick D. garage which will be closer t6 the 5STLAWS Two passengers debarking Cirde will meet tomorrow after Jacobson'. 5S7 .. Ha^matack St Ware of 285 Green Rd., who want aideltne than regulationa allow. Stabs East, from a plane war* overheard # p.m.. following; the benefit film Co-hostess wilt' pe Mrs. 'Leon ed permission fo psek and service An extension, of perrttlwion was i^ O P E S N H ot RotuHMdl talking alMut Montana's 40- granted for two years to Peter below zero temperatures. dwwlnR'of "Miracle of Marcelina" Rivard, 'parschutes in his garage which is >. A a t the home of Mrs.- C>or(te IVtl- located .in a Residence Zone A. Ponticelli, 12 McKee St., to'usk a Piano , First passenger: "Brr-rrl ■Win I be glad to gat home!" lart, 46 Steep Hollow Lane. Oo- Manchestey%odge of Elks will The ZBA approved a request garage for the storage of,majso'nr^ Deep South V, hoeteai will be Mr*. F tank Rob from Dr. Jean-Louis Hebert for a equipment. Also granted was a Teaching Second passenger: "You meet at 8 o^ock tomorrow night. must be from Cslifomia." erta. , The mee^hg was scheduled for variance which would allow him to variance Sought by Peter T, Fe- Mail front Mexico By TH E ASBOCKATBD PWEM next Wffdneeday but. because of ierect a professional building on an trone, 163 Spring St., to erect an Teara of Experience . .X - ' . First passenger: " addition to the house Which would ,x' .................. A pre-winter cold wave that I'm from Fairt>anks, Alaska." Thanl^irpving, it will be held to- underaieed lot at the southwest m a m h e s te r carpet center Reeaonable Rates moi ^Messiah’ Soloist comer of Summit St. and B. Mid be closer to the sldAlne than al San Juan, Puerto Rico, Nov.fwho era pert o i tna world aon- numbed the rockies and the Ah! To be In Fairbanks, ■where the high temperature Bass-baritone John Kerr of West dle Tpke. lowed by regulations. V 27 GRANT RD. ^IS (ff)—A eubtonu official •piracy to destroy frssdom.” mid-continent earlier this 'he Leather Poimders, a 4-H Simsbury has been chosen to sing The. ZBA had turned down a The ZBA denied an application 3 1 1 M A IN S T S e e r — M l f- 1 3 4 3 The Congreasmen, who arrived yesterday was 30 degrees Td. Ml 9-7851 told a -U.S. House un-Ameri- week stuiig the East and the above sero, the low 10 de .'tding club, recently elected offi with the Manchester Messiah almilar request by Dr. Hebert a for a variance sought by. Frank here last night from) New York heart of Dixie today with the cers as follows: Barbara Cook, Chorus ' Dec.. 13 ' in Manchester short time ago. However, revised Gambolstl to.erect a houad weal f t I ■ ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■'! ean activities subcommittee City Where they began hearings, grees. High School. He haa aung with season’s coldest weather. - . C/uitf4:F/a4i president; Jane Howeson, vice t^ a y that about one tbouaaml were greeted by about 150 pickets. It was colder in many parts of president; Penny -Biickland, secre- the Hartford Symphony Orches pieces of Ck>mmunist propa One sign sajd; “The only thing lar>-; Carol Jacobs, treasurer; tra, with choral clubs In Hartford the South — below freesing — i ganda are mailed monthly to subversive here Is Yankee govern- than in the snow-covered sec-1 Barbara Ladabouche, reporter; and New Britain, and at the Hart-- meht." London^ Bonn F lem m in g Pegg>' Jacobs, recreation and fun ford Art FeatlvaJ. San Juan, mainly from Mex tioiM of the northland, which made : One picket told a ' reporter a quick recovery after two days i leader. ■' Kerr ha* played several leading ico. 'X , Cuba’s 36th of July revolutionary PINE LEI I ■ ___ ■ ■ role* with the Slmabury Light Irring Ftehinen drouty euatoma of sub-zero blasts. j Chiefs Sidestep party backed his colleagues. Freesing weather penetrated to I The past'* matrons of Temple Opera Co,, and is now the gololst cdUactor from New York, told the All police leaves were canceled T o S p e e ^ PHARJ at the First Qongregatlonanst eonunlttaa inVaatigating (3oihmu- the Gulf regloi). Pensacola, Fla., I Chapter, pElS. will meet at the after an announcement by the Na had a low of 31. ' 2 f 9 E. I home of Mrs. -Charles Swords. 120 Chureh In New firitalm. ■ yiiist aoUvltieB among Puerto tionalist Independence party that Talk on Arni^ He is a native of Belfast, North- Ricana that most of the propagan Connecticut got its first preview ML S: Main St., tomorrow at 8 p.m. It will set up picket lines emtside Hpatesses wdll be MrS. James Lew Ireland, and 6r*l sang in oratorio da was mailed through New"<^- the f^eral district court building, of winter as temperatures dipped D e c i s i is and Mrs. Rachel Tllden. ■ as a boy soprano In the Elpiscopal leaha and violated U.S. laws by not to below the freezing mark across ' scene of the hearings, the state. - - — . f. Csthedral in Belfast. Later, he bein^dentifled as'propaganda. i Minister Macmillan and .West The Clerkeltos will meet lonior- studied ai‘ the New England Con X n attorney for aoma sub- aiistoma^attemDran*unrisi^^ The'uR. Weather Bureau at | German Chancellor Konrad Wfishing^. Nov. 18 morrow at 7:30 p.m^ a t the home servatory and sang in Boston in poanaad witnaaaaa filed a state protest the heartnas ^ | Windsor ^ k e said the tempera-1 Adenauer have decided to The jfrmileiTsr iadoitrir ln- of Mrs. Kenneth Phillips, 15 Trum several leading churches. He has ment 'With the committee challeng '’T cL m ltte“ mXber. Rep. Gor-i‘’1;;“ the controversial topic bull St. Members are asked to also been the soloist in cathedrals ing Its jurisdietiQn on grounds tha atitoflLmday that the berries- at St. Louis and Detroit. don H. Scherer (R-Ohio) •»'<« th* to mo ”e de*re« th« limiting arms in (ientral Eu eiut-betry im>ducts now on the bring grUests to the toy party. eongraaaional Xct creating it did committee expects to find more “ 20 degrees near tha frope in their friendship-mend FUNERAL HOME The Messiah Chorus has already not include P u ^ o Rico. evidence of "a Caribbean-wide pat-. o _ , __ 'ket ere dear of.