Bingo Carpet
V -A - PAGE TWENTY ■\ THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1969 AYwage Daily Net Press Run lEtiptttng ilf r a li Far The Week Ended June 28. 1666& The Weather les, Simsbury and Evelyn Rob R ockville erts. Prospect St,, Rockville.' Chance o4 scattered thunder Dlschagred Tuesday: Dale PJV.C. 15,459 showers toward evening, ’IV> Hospital Notes Schenk, Mt. Vernon Dr., Rock night cloudy, decreasing hu ville; Frank Mlffltt, Rockville; midity. Low 85 to TO. ’Tbtnor- Visltlniir hours are 12;S0 to 8 Thomas Lee, Franklin Park. MancheMer— 4 City of Village Charm row cloudy, idiowers likely. p.m. in all areas except mater Rockville; i Oliver Johnston, VOL, LXXXVm. MO, 2<5 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES-TWO SECTIONS) nity where they are 2 to 4 and Rockville; Katheryn Pippin, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1969 6:30 to 8 p.m . ''' (Claaslfled Advertlstiig on Page 20) Broad Brook; B arbara Olen- I ~ ~ ^ ------- ------------ ^-------- PRICE TEN CENTS der, Gehring Rd., Tolland; Admitted Tuesday: Patricia* BINGO Louis Lavltt, Hillsdale Dr., Fournier, Cook Rd., Tolland; EVERY MONDAY-E P.M. Rockville; BMlen Gunther, Rock A Donald Johnson, Rock^lle; ville; Robertha H a^s, Rock 26 VILLAGE STREET, ROCKVILLE Apollo TV Schedule George Allen, Rt. 2, Tolland; ville, and Kathleen Duval, Vil P. A. C. BALLROOM NEW YORK (AP)—F^low- Vernon ;n-ald lage St,, RockvHle. Scott Tetro, Broad Brook; Mar Honduras Charges ing are the television s^ed- jorie Nelson, Tankerhoosan ules of major networiu for A liquor company In Peoria. Apollo 11 coverage; Birth Control Advice Rd., Vernon; John Bemache, 111., produces up to 1,500,000 bot ThompsonvlUe; Josephine Rob Read Herald Advertisements BMday : Live color trans- tles of liquor a day.
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