PAGETWO I am writing this mesSage relationship is so gratify- • President's Message the tpoming after ply 20th ing and represents the true . Anniversary celebration rewards that can be PAGE FOUR and in a word it was fabu- attained by a Rabbi and • Sisterhood News lous. I was truly over- congregation. I have tried • Youth Group News whelmed by the outponr- to be there iri'your time of ing of frie,nds and affec- need and you have been • Contributions tion. The evening w;tS like there for me and my family the Bar Mitzvah party I as well. - INSERTS never had, and much more. Now after 20 years, I'm ready to • June Calendar It was just "electric" and I loved continue to share those special mo­ .FunFacts every,minute. From the photo collage,.. ments of joy,' as well as the difficult " capturing memorable ~ents sparining times that try and test ' us. I run in­ my 20 years at Temple Emanuel, to spired by the words of an anonymous the children's display, from being car: author, who wrote that, "the purpose ried high on a chair, to the humoro~ , of life is ... to be useful, responsible, Important Higb Holy touching and "spicy" speeches, the honorable, .compassionate - ahore evening will be one I will cherish and all ...:.. to matter, to count, to stand for Day Information remember al~ys . something, to make a difference.': You will soon be receiving your High Holy Ifa Rabbi is fortunate enough to be .These are words I try to live by. Now, Day Ticket Request Fonns. Please remember, with a congregation for 20 years; then , as I eater my 21st year, I reaffitm my the High Holidays· are early September this you get to grow up with f.unilies. I commitment to labor for a world in year. Please send back your request fonns by have been blessed to be a part of an ,which every life shall find its fulfill- August 15, 1994. entire generation growing up. Our ' ment. . A1brief memo from ourAdministrator ... HIGH HOLY DAYS 5755 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Jane Vortreflich • , Now is.the time to speak with your wiaffil­ ROSH HASHANAH EVENING YOM KIPPUR EVENING iated friends and neighbors apout joiniitg Tem­ Monday, September 5 Wednesday, September.14 I- ple Emanuel" We will be very happy.to send out information on our programs and services Early Service 6:15 p.m. Early Service 6:15 p.m. as well as meet with prospective members any Late Service 9:15 p.m. Late Service 9:15 p.m: time "during the summer months. Ifyou would like me to contact someone personally to let them know all that Temple Emanuel has to ROSH HASHANAH DAY YOM KIPPUR DAY offer, please don't hesitate to call me with Tuesday, September 6 Thursday, September .15 their. phone numt)er. Have'a wonderful, safe summer, but keep Early Service 9:00a.m. Early Service 9:00 a.m. us in mind when a simcha, or not so ~y Late Service 12 Noon Late Service 12 Noon time:; occurs. Please keep ".:as informed so that Family Servi':,e* 3:15 p.m. the Rabbis may share in your joys and help you Afternoon with Y9ur sorrows. As always, our Rabbis are Yizkor, Ne'ila Service 3:00 p.m. . available to make sick or hospital visits when ·Service signed for the deaf necessarY.

• TEMPLE EMANUEl NEWSLET.TE.R MazelTov& L ll¥thh' amm Best Wishes to for an Everlasting Memorial This Years College We record with love and dignity those ANDREW E. WEINER whose lives are forever remembered in our Graduates Temple. The following name of a loved one I write this m'Ont11's mesSage having has been added by a devoted family to be just left the C'Onfirmati'On and Shaw'Ot Neal Slotkin Rutgers University enshrined in our Memorial Chapel. Services. Pri'Ort'O the service, a f'Onner Jeff Silverman University of Maryland SAM NEIER President, wh'O will remain nameless Renee Vortretlich Rutgers University Father and Grandfather Laura, Steve,Jared & Brett Berman t'Old me (somewhat j'Okingly) that'this Robin Bloom Rutgers University was the one ¢iyand 'One service during EVELYN KAYE Eric Bassman Stanford University the year which made the 'Other 364 days Mother ofMarilyn Silverstein Alanl;1ield New York Law School bearable. Alth'Ough I w'Ould n'Ot g'O that REBA GREENBAUM far, I must tell y'Ou that it is the m'Ost RobynKohn University of Arizona Mother ofMarjorie Sobel beautiful service 'Of the year and 'One Karin Wasserman Syracuse University Grandmother ofMark A. Sobel, M.D. which y'Ou sh'Ould make every eff'Ort t'O Summa Cum Laude Great-grandmother of Megan t,lnd Rebecca Sobel attend if at all possible. . Alison Chorney Philadelphia College of As I attended the service and 'Ob-, Textiles and Science ROSE AND JACK 'DORTCH served 'Our C'Onfirmati'On Class, I c'Ould Grandmother and Grandfather Samuel Fineman Widener University Joyce and Steve Burnstein n'Ot help but think 'Of th'Ose 'Of 'Our stu- · School of Law dents wh'O d'O n'Ot g'O 'On t'O attend C'On­ HENRY HERBERT ODENHEIMER firmati'On. They d'O n'Ot grasp the The Family ofHenry Herbert Odenheimer 'Opportunity to learn further about their MazelTov FRED RIESENBACH religio~ and in doing so develop the Jana M\l1"l4y on receiving the Rabbi Edwin N. EDITH S. RIESENBACH strong ties to their teachers and Rabbis Soslow Achievement Award. Father and Mother ofMaroin Riesenbach which w'Ould help· them grow intellec­ Wayne and Rachelle Isaacson on the birth of ABRAHAM SMITH tuallyand emotionally. Since becOming their daughter, Mallory Rachel Father ofLorraine Riesenbach your President I have constantly been Joan Langer on the birth of her grandson, BENJAMIN TECKER thinking of additi'Onal ways in which we Jacob Terry Langer SARAH K TECKER Father and Mother oflroingJ Teeker can create a greater commitment and Betsy and Scott Kapulskey on the birth of their inter~st in Judaism in general and our daughter, Rachel Sarah synagogue in particular by our mem­ bers and especially by 'Our children: It is Volunteers Needed- for this reason, more than any other, RACHEL WECHT that I believe a trip to Israel by the Conduct Shabbat Grandmother ofMurray Savar C'Onfirmation Class, led by Rabbi David, Service~ at}ewish ADELE LEVIN will do more to ev'Oke a Jewish identity MotherofDr . Ronald Levin for our children than any other program Geriatric Home available. Volunteers are needed to conduct brief As I indicated to the C'Onfirmation Shabbat services on Saturday afternoons at the The Holocaust Class, only a very small portion 'Of Jew­ Jewish Geriatric Home in Cherry Hill. Temple By Joshua Katz, age 9 ish y'Outh in this country are Confirmed. Emanuel members of all ages, adults, teens ~d At Temple Emanuel we have a tradition children, are welcome to help present a sim­ It was a horrifying time where over 60% of our Bar and Bat ple, prepared service every 7 or 8 weeks. To be a Jew in 1939. Temple Emanuel is one of 7 area syna­ Mitzvah students continue to Confirma­ It was then 6,000,000 lives were lost gogues participating in this Shabbat program tion. It is my hope that thr'Ough the In the peace-breaking Holocaust. for the Geriatric residents. The service, which Israel 'trip and other programs still to is about 20 minutes, begins at 2:30 p.m.; after­ come we will one day have a tradition The Nazis made concentration camps wardS, interested volunteers can stay and serve in all the land where 100% of 'Our Bar and Bat Mitzvah tea and cookies to the congregants, The nurs­ And all Jews living there were to be banned. students are Confirmed. inghome islocataI on OlapelAvenue in Olerry Hill. Interested members can do a wonderful They could not have their business mitzvah for the residents, and derive much They could not have their home. • ssatisfaction from this meaningful volunteer NewMembers activity. They could not have each other For more information, please call Pamela They could not even roam. Wewannlywelcome you into our congre- Austin at 779-2672. Our next scheduled ser­ gational furnily. vice is Saturckly,july 9th. They only could travel on the road to death Hoping for freedom with their very last breath. Darlene and Mark Comroe Mrs. Carolyn Feinberg Carolyn and Lee Yasgur­ Andy and Randi Shull

• TEMPLE EMANUEl NEWSLETTER PAGE TWO we Gfaie]uuyAVkMwWage i buf CbhiHbMibM -" . , .' . ' , _. judie, Harry, 'Iris &jeffrey Morrow Rabbillon Kaplan's Rabbi Edwin N. Soslow Daureen, Garry, Ian & Sarah Guttennan Helen Grotsky graduation Alai! & Sharon Singer Murray 'Kobil Rabbi Musnitsky's new. position' Endowment Fund Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Fink Nathan Brilliant The Morrows Geoffrey Soffer becoming PAFIY Secretary Donor ' . In memory of' .Frank & tinda Drachman Anne Baranoff Judie, Harry &jeffrey -Morrow Iris Morrow becomfug Sharren & Dave Filan lfaqyBrown Marc &. Margery Tarshis Helen Weiner PAFIY Eastern VP Dorina & Stuart FQedman Harry Brown Dave & Sheila Goldberg jason jeileI Paula & Larry Ninerell Marriage of Debby Cohen Irene & Larry Kauffman Pearl Blake Beverly & Pauiltdemarr Jack Glaser Pre-SChool at Temple 'Emanuel Staff Debby Cohen~ s . marriage - Ceil & Sanford Keim Shelley Garrett; Harty Brown . Pearl, Bert; Jack &. Robyn Rosenbloom ' Gail Marshalls' Marshall & Myrna Fineman - Harry Brown , . graduation Sheila & Gerald Rosenfield Rose Cohen; Harry Rosenfield; Alice & Bernie Bronstein Max Saprin; Aarol) Spector Chaim tipschultz Bobbie.& Lee Boguslaw Jules Gordon Shelley Schoener Joan Grossberg's birthday Arlene Soslow Milton Soslow Nina Jaffe's Sunday School Classes Rabbi Edwin N. Soslow Paul & Lyn S10tkin & fl!lnily , Marriage of Debby .Cohen Dr. A ~rs . ~arles Vortreflich Morris' Axelrod Laura Hoffman's Sunday School Classes Rabbi Edwin N. Soslow Richard & Lucia Stanley & family , Rabbi Ron Kaplan's educational milestone Donor In honor of Donor In honor of Eliane &Joe Strip Midge Raich's Sis~ Award jack &1>byllis Bogdanoff' • Mr. & Mrs. L. Dworkin's new joyce, Matt, David, Brian &' Philfp Hoff Marriage' of _ Temple Emanuel Sisterhood Adult Bat Mitzyah Class . gi-mddaughter; Dr. & Me;. M. Silver's new granddaughter .' Debby.Cohen to Steven Cohen Shirley &.A1 Chess Rabbi Musnitsky's ~. position Dr. 8; Mrs. Steve titz & Family Bat Mitivah of Lauren Thurm Dolores Karpf Beth Silver'.s Bat Mitzvah Sybil Sigman Marriage of Debby Cohen to Steven Cohen PrayerbOok Fund Leslie & Peggy Sdiwartz Lenore Cooper's qUick recovery Ruth Goldberg ~t , Mi~ of jennifer Steinhoff Donor In memory of Roberta Silvennan Marriage of Debby Cohen Marc & Margery Tais~ 85th birthday of Polly Burnstein Eilene &- Bob Bassma(! . Barbara Kardon' sMother Barbara &. Roberta Silvennan . Rabbi Ron3Jd 'Kaplan's' Alison &Alan Schorr Marriage of Debby Cohen to Steven Mr. & Mrs. Milton Bell , Israel' Sklar . graduation Cohen; Bat Mitzvah of Robin Cogan Jill, Junmy; Stuart & Ricky Du~in . Louis Greenstein jane, Chuck, AlliSon & Renee Vortreflich R~bi Ron Kaplan's Ann & Fred.Strauss Louis Abromowitz's special birthday . graduation from Columbia University; Karen, Kimberlea &Jeffrey Karper Joseph Donnel Karin Wassennan s graduation "SulJlma Cum Laude" Phyllis &jerry Kasrel Geraldine Ro~; Roberta Blom; Louis.Yank Harold Ammond's qUick recovery Scholarship Fund Carol Kessler Donor ' In me~ry of Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kanner jacob Kessler Rhoda & Barry Abrams Morris Ehrlick ' Dr, & Mrs, Bruce, tipsius RobertIHorowitz Building.Fund . Bernard Bfl!WStein David Brewstein Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Primost Benjantin 'Schwartz Donor In memory of Dr. & Mrs. Alan Budman Leon Budman Stell3 Schaevitz Fannie AronoW Mr. &. Mrs. Albert Auslander Max Auslander Alvin Dworkin Lewis K. Dworkin jill &jimmy Dubin . Father ofTodd J:evitz Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Eisman Meyer Eisman Donor . " In honor of • jOn, Nancy, 1004 &jamie Fonnan Nancy Schiff s Father; Mr. &' Mrs. Harold Erfer Mary Meyerowitz Aunt SyI & Uncle Joe seth AIin Silver's Bat Mitzvah Dennis Taylor's Mother Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Friedman Joseph friedman Eilene 8{ Bob Bassman- 50th Anniversary of Richard & Ilene Freedman ldil Robbins; DOrothy Sny~ennan Mr, &. Mrs. Mark Gendelman john Gendelman Miriam &: Arthur Ross Mr. & Mis. Mark GomeJskj .' Blonya. Gut Ann H. Glassman Martin Portner Mr. & Mrs, Siegmund Halpern Geraldine Rosen; Dr. Laura . Mr. 8. Mrs. Martin Goldner Samuel Goldner UbraryFund Walters &' Berish Halpern Mr. & Mrs. Mlirk Gomelsky . Shiphra Giet Donor , In memory ~ Mr. & Mrs. Edward Heffemarr Harry Sternberg Mr. & Mrs. Walter Greenberg .Esther Yorke Mr. & Mrs. Paul Aplert ~ Matthew Edward Sattin Daniel Hutz Sarah Reisler Mr. & Mrs. Siegmund Halpern Shirley jaspan & David Seliger Mr. & Mrs, Robert Fritsch Rose Kaplan, Cynthia & Larry Levin Aunt Gussie jaspan Carol Goldenberg , Ellison Evelyn &jim tief Hennan "Fischer Mac Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Jacl>bson Abraham 'Keroes Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gomelsky . Boris Spivak . Sheila & Gerald Rosenfield Edythe Cohen; Albert COW Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Kane ·Nonnan Katz 'Dr. & Mrs. David Ross - - Hennan Ross; Fannie Ross Adele Oberlander Theresa Oberlander; David Oberlander . JuJi.a Kapel , RoseChassen Mr. & Mrs, jacob Rose joseph Aronson Art & Gerri Rudner Morris Cohen; Sylvia Beitcher's Joan Langer D~ . Terry Langer brother Harry Mr. & Mrs. Cat:I Lefevre Harold Oderman Donor . In honor of Dr. Scott R. Schaffer '. Adele Levin Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence tipkin Walter Rosenthal ; David Davidson Rena, Paul 8i MatJ Alpert Confinnation of jonathan Todd , Dr. &"Mrs. Waljer Schwarzschild ,Larry Rosenthal , Ross; Elizabeth Finch's Confirmation Mr. & Mrs. Robert Treuhaft CarfCohen Wilma Messler Sylvia Wolf tichtens,tein . George & Ully Field , Midge .Raid! Janet Richman , Albert Richman Donor . In honor of . Gloria & Marvin Fink Rochelle Sufias Bat Mitzvah _ Dr. '& Mrs. Julius Rosen Freida Sevransky Audrey titto Amanda Birnbaum's Bat Mitzvah The Berg Family Bat Mitzvah of Sbanna Etich Anita Rothstein Jonas C. Morris - The Etish Family . jeffrey Berg's --wing . • Nancy Schwartz . lliIian Wollman Fisher 'jon, Nancy, Todd &jamie Fonnan "WenlfY Raskas' college Mr, & Harold Shennan jennie Sheiman Torah Fund graduatiOl;I; Stephanie Cherkas' Confinnation; Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Spellman Frances Kramer Donor In memory of Michelle Rudner's cOnfirmation; Debbie 'Geller's Mr, & Mrs. Theodore Spivak RebaYoblick "'Dorothy Cohen Goldie Kartoz . Confirmation; Amy Shavelson's Confirmation; Lauren ' Carol & Mike Goldenberg Dennis Taylor' ~ ~other .... Daniels' Confirmation; Billy Wolffs college graduation Donor In honor of Rhonda titto & Family , Pearl Blake Margery Ann, David &jonathan Ross Miriam & Arthur Ross' Rhoda & Barry Abrams Rkhard Scott Abrams' Masters of . , 50th anniversary jewish Education from HUC; Donor , In bonorof Art & Gerri Rljdner Birth of son to Dr: & Mrs. Ken Freedman; , Lori Price Abrams' new professional position Mrs. Elaine Blicic . , Gloria Blick _ ' Gayle Weisberg's election to school board ,sUsan & ltobert Be.tIS Shelley Schoener's Bat Mitzvah Audrey & Ron Wto ' Chuck Cohen' s s~ recOvery Harriet & Stanley Schoeffler Birth of ja£ob Terry Langer Alexis & Michael6irnbaum & Family Marriage of Debby The tittos Birth of Lyle Rosner Maddie, Glenn, Ryari "Stacey SilVennan Rose Hilbronner's & Steve Cohen . spee4Y recovery Birnbaum Family Amanda BirnbalinJ' s Bat Mitzvah Mom-Mom & Pop-Pop Wolf MichaeLBaratz becoming The Bromberg Family jack Sattin' s birthday D orman-Raich Speakers Fund President of PAFIY Helene &.Steve Cohen & Fam. R:ibbi Ronald Kaplan's graduation Donor In memory of Mr. & Mrs. AI Wolf Iris Morrow becoming Eastern Sbarren & Dave FiIan Beth Silver's Bat Mitzvah Selina & Sor Gitomer Harry Gitome( Vice-President of PAFIY; Geoff Soffer Millie & St;m Fisher Marriage of Debby 8. Steve Cohen becoming Secretary of PAFIY Donna, Stuart &josh Friedman ' Beth Silver's Bat Mitzvah Donor In honor of Joan & Carl Grossberg Debby Cohen's marriage; Robie & Bob Bloom Midge Raich's Sisterhood Jewish ~ational Fund .' Birth of Madelyn Levin AchieyementAward < , Mr. & Mrs. Siegmund Halpern Harry Young's speedy-recovery; Selina & sOl Gitomer :, Lucia Stanley; Midge Raid! Donor . In memory of Mort Jacobs' speedy, recovery joyce & Matt Hoff Midge 'Raid! 'sSisterhood lifetime - Helene Cohen & Staff of Joyce & Matt Hoff Karin WassemWi's graduation Achievement Award. Ruth Mellman Temple Emanuel ReligiOUS School )ana, Rachel, Betsy & Dennis Karpf Karin W~nnan ' s Scott & Debbie Jeffreys ..Miaie Raich' s Sisterhood lifetime Ian Wadlstein,& Michele Zeldner .Hannah Oken; .graduation from Syracuse University , AchievelilentAward Bernard Rottenberg Lynn & How.lril Kohn & Fam. Marriage of ~ &. Steve ~ Elaine & Bob Kooperstein Midge Raich's Sisterhood Award Reba Greenbaum .Ken & Brenda Korach Sharon, Stuart, Todd &Johanna Lean Jon Forman s· AdeleO. O~rlan~r ~dge Raid!'s special Sisterhood Award Karl Krieger jean &Jules jay . sPeedY recovery Midge & Henry Raid! ~arriage of Debby & Steve Cohen Claire & Irv Teeker Harry Brov.:n Carl ~ Harriette Lefevre Bruce Odennan's engagement Pearl & ~rt Rosenbloom ' Midge Ifaich' s tife : Don & Doris Chorney Jennie Friedman to Michael Rachel Bergennan Achievement Award ' Marty &joyce .Glassman Alvin Marks Paula, Martin, Sam, Max & Sara Levine . Debby Cohen's Rid!ard & Lucia Stanley & Family Midge Raich's Sisterhood Penny & Barry Glassman Alvin Marks ~ ~ . lifetime Achievement Award Dr. ja,ime & Susan Levy Rochelle Suflas' Bat Mitzvah Jane Vortreflich Midge Raich's Sisterhood Achievement Award • TEMPLE EMANUEL NEWSLETTER PAGE FIVE :..

.' By Joyce Hoff, President By Sandy Umansky he Sisterhood is pleased to announce an cia Stanley, Nancy Oberlander, Sandy Gordon Achievement Award, for a graduating senior, and Robin Cogan. Without you and your com­ C an it really be June already? Has 'this has been established this year. Our first recip' mittee women I could not have had such a school year flown by so fast?? And yet, it must ient is Jonathan Armour, a senior at Cherry Hill wonderful year. be true - all of you have grown immeasur­ West. He will be attending Haverford College A special thank you to Stan & Ruth Levinthal ably, have experienced the richness of a won­ in the fall. Congratulations Jonathan. for a lovely paid-up membership dinner. Also derful year, and are ready for the excitement Even though our '93-'94 year is now com­ to the committee who put it all together. It of a new beginning. pleted, the Sisterhood board and committees­ was a wonderful night. Temple Emanuel will be here for all of)'ou, will be meeting throughout the summer to See you in September. here with the comfort and security of a loving ensure an even more exciting year ahead. There P. S. Don't forget to purchase scrip during nurturer, here with the thrill of new monthly are several items I'd like to bring to the atten­ the summer. All scrip sellers will have a supply events and here with the challenge of making tion of our congregation members. The Siste r­ of your favorite stores gift certificates. Also, you more aware of the world around you. hood will be billing membership dues the Temple Office sells scrip throughout the TEFIY anxiously awaits the incoming fresh­ separately this year. We hope to eliminate year during office hours. men high school class, knowing that Youth some of the confusion of billing on the syna­ Group can provide so much more than just gogue bill. Please help us by using the enve­ things to do. Friendships made here last and lope we will provide and responding promptly. Tzedakah grow. All new members of the synagogue (1994- SHOMRIM provides a chance for all junior 1995) are reminded that their Sisterhood mem­ Food Project high school boys and girls to have fun while bership is complimentary for your first year. By Pearl Braunstein they too participate in social action projects We hope you will join us and meet some I would like to thank all of the congregants and socialization. The opportunities are limit­ wonderful women. and students for their generous support of our less and their enthusiasm boundless as well. Some dates to jot down now are: food collection. Your contributions and ef­ Tween Canteen, our 5th and 6th graders October 6 Kick -off Meeting forts do make a diffenmce. Please continue meet monthly to socialize and enjoy one an­ November 20 Hanukkah Bazaar your efforts over the summer. Families that are other's company. Members constantly ask for April 7, 1995 Fashion Show. hungry do not get to go to camp or on vaca­ more events-a sure sign that we are doing You may purchase raftle tickets now for the tions. Remember, "Hunger knows no holiday." something right! November 20th drawing. Grand prize is two I would like to also thank those persons And so it is in June that we wrap up all of airline tickets to anywhere in the continental who donated money for us to purchase food, our Youth Group programming for a short United States, generously donated by Bonnie and those who contributed food for the casse­ summer "siesta"-knowing that in September Weiner of Columbia Travel, Second prize is roles. These contributions are greatly appreci­ all will begin again with the High Holiday two nights at the Omni &rkshire in NY City ated too. During the summer months, the Enrichment Program. Have a wonderful sum-' with Sunday brunch, donated by Amy Marks, Casserole Cooking Project will be held on mer and don't hesitate to contact me with and Third prize is a Sony Watchman donated Wednesday, July 6th and Wednesday, August questiOns, comments or suggestions or just a by the Ittlemans. Tickets are $5.00 each or 4 3rd, at 7:00 p.m. friendly hello! I can be reached at Camp Har­ for SI8.00. Call Pearl Rosenbloom at 795-4537. Over the summer months please give some lam, RR T, Box 1945, Kunkletown, Pennsylva­ To dose the year, I must thank all the thought to what you can do to make our nia 18058-9768. wonderful women who made my first year as community more caring. Perhaps we can make fYT • lease join us at the following events president so easy. Thanks to Alison Schorr, a "Jewish New Year's" resolution to reach out Glillday, June 5 Temple Emanuel Picnic at the Barbara Wasserman, Pearl Rosenbloom, Jessi­ and show others that sharing is caring. If you j.c.c. campground in Medford and Friday,June ca ~anelis , Irene Kauffman, Peggy Schwartz, have any ideas or suggestions don't hesitate to 17 at 8:00 p.m. at Youth Group Shabbat. Karen Borish, Gertrude Pastelnick, Midge call. Raich, Ruth Gubernick, Pearl Braunstein, Lu- Have a good summer. Shalom! Peace! SovietRese~e~ent we crhiejuuyAckhbwWage . By Betsy Karpf With this last issue of The light prior to Your Contributions summer vacation, I would like to review the efforts of our resettlement program. Since last O ur Temple Funds provide a beautiful Ruth Goldberg David E. Goldsmith fall 31 people have directly been assisted by Mildred & Harold Shennan Jay Lester way in which you may remember someone Robin Sherman RaeWecht our congregation upon their arrival to the special and at the same time help to maintain Dr. & Mrs. Herben Spellman Anna Spelkoman United States. Eight apartments were furnished several worthwhile synagogue projects. Ac­ primarily by goods donated by the members of knowledgement of your contribution is made Donor In honor of Temple Emanuel. Many of you continue to Birnbaum Family Services of Rabbi David, Rabbi Musnitsky in our monthly bulletin. The family of the & Cantor Shennan donate your time as host families, tutors and deceased, or the individual being honored, is Dr, & Mrs. Stanley Bodzin & Adam Adam Bodzin's Bar Mitzvah transportation and moving providers. My heart­ notified by the Temple of your generosity. Rob & Anne Cherkas & Family jon Fonilan's speedy recovery felt thanks to all of you for your help, support So many of our families find that in times of Aileen, AI, Alyssa & Michelle Cwanger Marriage of Debby and generosity this past year. & Steven Cohen joy as in times of sorrow, this is an appropriate Estelle & Stan Deitch Josie Rosenthal's speedy recovery Although I 40 not anticipate any new arriv­ means of sharing with others. The Heffernan Family Debby Cohen's marriage; als until this coming fall, please feel free to call Deadline for insertion in The Light is last Lucia Stanley's B'not Mitzvah me at 795-2183 with donations of household day of the previous month. Minimum contri­ Bob & Naomi Hilbrnnner 30 years of service to NJPMS by Irv & Claire Teeker items and furniture. I can often find "homes" bution is $5. Audrey & Ron [jtto Adult Bat Mitzvah Cl2ss for your items among the existing local Soviet Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Rosen Bar Mitzvah of Sean [jtz community. Alternatively, any items that you • The Schwerin Family Wedding of Debby & Steve Cohen can store until the fall will be greatly appreci­ Rabbi's Good Works Fund Debby Seliger Rabbi David's services Donor In memory of Dr. & Mrs. Herben Spellman Rabbi David's services ated as more Soviet families are scheduled to Richard & Lucia Stanley & Fam. Rabbi Musnitsky's new position arrive. Cheryl, Hal & Lana Bordy Alice David Miriam Burdette Morris Savage Temple Beth Sholom Kim Fendrick's visit to school Helen Trautenberg Midge Ralch's SisterhoodAWMd • TEMPLE EMANUEl NEWSLETTER PAGE FOUR JUne 199~ SUNDAr MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY

7:00p.m. 1 2 7:OO~ ' 3 ll:OOa.m. 4 Casserole TotS ~Mol'ning Service Cooking 'Bat Mitzvah of Abby~BIair Harvey - =m 7:15p.m. ~ Sendce and Bar Mitzvah of,Jake Ahin Brotherhood Candle-lighting! 6:00pm. Kiddush Class Shabbat T EM P lEE MAN U E-l HavdaIah Service A Reform Congregation Where Warmth and Tradition Meet, . . Bar Mitzvah of Dean Lee Abrams 1101 Springdale Road 4:00-4:45 p.m Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08003-2900 7:00-8:30 p.m <' Last Wednesday 9:00-9:45 a.m. , Hebrew Classes .~ , Last Saturday Classes

10:00 a.m. 5 8:00p.m. 6 7 8 9 ,. ~m 10 ll:OOa.m. Oloir Practice Executive Board , tEvening Sbabbat Morning Service Meeting Service 12:00 Noon Graduation , Bar Mitzvah ofJonatbao Katz Temple ' Shabbat Emanuel F.amily Picnic atJ.c.c. Camp 10:OO-ll:OOa.m. , (All classes) Last Sunday Classes

10:00 a.m. 12 '13 8:00 p.m. . 16 6:30p.m 17 ll:OOa.m 18 Oloir Practice Education Youth Group/ Shabbat Morning Serviee. Council . Senior Group Bat Mitzvah of}uUa Ale:undra . Meeting Dinner EIkoU88 and Bar Mitzv3h of}onlan DavIs Dekbayser 8:00p.m. SbabbatE . SerVice verung Youth Group Sbapbat

9:00a.m, 1'9 8:00p.m. 20 22 23 8:00p.m. 24 11:00 a.m. 25 Brotherhood TEBoardof Shabbat Evening Shabbat Morning Service Board Meeting Service - Trustees Bat Mitzvah ofJennifer Berger lO:OOa.m Meeting 'Choir Practice

10:00 a.m. 26 28 , 29 30 NOTE: PHONE NO.s Choir Practice Babysitting Service AclmiaistJ ation is available at Friday 489-0029 Evening Shabbat Services. Fax 489-0032 ~I EN:.:! Religious School on K~ (l060AM) 489-0035 638 The Pre-School at 2638 (Tues. & We




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• TEMPLE EMANUEl NEWSLETTER ADS ONE (Please display on your refrigerator for family education and discussion.) By Rabbi Randi Musnitsky Everything in life has aJewish dimension-even BasebaU

With the approach of summer comes the anticipation of family vacations, beach-time fun, day-camping and overnight camping for the kids, slow~r days, calmer nights, ice cream, original Italian water-ice and . .

Three TheJewish Sports Hall of Fame ThreeJews have won teams had three Jews on the (founded 1979) baseball's Most Valuable roster at the same time. BasebaUMembers Player Award.

+ In 1955, , Larry .. Barney Dreyfuss + Hank Greenberg-American Sherry, and Norm Sherry League, 1935 and 1940. • Hank Greenberg were all members of the Brooklyn Dodgers. . + AI Rosen-, + Sandy Koufax 1953. + In 1972, the +AlRosen featured Ken + Sandy Koufax- National Holtzman, first-baseman League, 1963. Mike Epstein, and Art Shamsky: - + Sports Magazine's Most Valuable Player in the World + The 1978 "~ '~l Series Award was won by had Ross Baumgarten, Steve ~~ Koufax of the Dodgers Stone, and Ron Blomberg , . in 1963 and 1965. on their roster. , also of the Dodgers, won the award in 1959. There have been four Jewish Major League umpires.

• Dolly Stark For more information -National League about Jews in sports read:

- • Stan Landis +GreatJews in Sports - National League by Robert Slater +AlForeman - National League . • TheJewfsb Book of Lists , by Ron Landau +AlanClark - American League (Clark is the onlyJewish urrpire who is currently Have a safe antI. enjoyable acqve.) Summer!


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-. TEMPLE, EMANUEL NEWSLETTER ADS TWO June Bar/Bat JoinARZA­ Mitzvahs The following excerpts are taken from the Support Reform minutes of the April Board of Trustees Saturday,June 4 meeting: Bat Mitzvah of ABBY BLAIR HARVEY Rights in Israel • The Preschool has asked for permanent Daughter of linda and Ian Harvey The Association ofReform Zionists ofAmer­ use of the Youth Lounge. In exchange, Bar Mitzvah ofJAKE ALTIN ica (ARZA) is the ReformJewish community's the youth group will "receive" Class­ Son of Aimee and Robert AItin, M.D. voice for expressing solidarity with the people room 1 and 2. The dividing wall will be Havdalah Seroice and the State of Israel. ARZA is especially con­ removed Bar Mitzvah of DEAN LEE ABRAMS cerned with fostering religious pluralism in • We will be able to offer Visa and mas­ Son of Eschella and Stuart Abrams Israel; acceptance"of differences, we believe,is terCard charges by the time our next a bedrock of democratic society. dues bills are mailed. saturdaY,June 11 To this end, we work to expand knowledge Bar Mitzvah ofJONATHAN KAlZ of Reform Judaism in Israel by sponsoring edu­ • A committee will be appointed to meet Son of Gayle and Joel Katz with Crescent Memorial Cemetery to cation and information programs' and estab­ discuss the possible sale of plots inan Saturday,June 18 lishing a growing network of Reform Jewish area of the cemetery designated for Tem­ Bar Mitzvah ofJORDAN DAVIS DEKHAYSER institutions. We subsidize Israeli kindergar­ ple Emanuel use only. Son of Arlene and Arthur Dekhayser tens and grade school clasSes, maintain a Jew­ ish study fund for Reform Kibbutzim and • The Nominating Committee consisting Bat Mitzvah ofJUllA ALEXANDRA ELKOUSS provide scholarships for children from the of Joyce Hoff, Harry Moqow, David Daughter of Guillermo and liliana Elkouss former Soviet Union to attend Reform move­ Oberlander, Janine Sobel and Denise ment schools. We~,~n,recommended Saturday,June 25 In the United States, ARZA. sponsors pro­ the following slate for the four open Bat Mitzvah ofJENNIFER BERGER granis about Israel and Israeli society in Re­ Board of Trustee positions: Jack Good­ Daughter of Debra and William Berger form congregations across the country. We man, Frank Hess, Paul Ittleman and Hen­ offer opportunities to travel in Israel and bring ryRaich. policy makers to the United States to learn • The Board unanimously approved the about the Reform movement and to see reli­ 1994-95 Temple Emanuel Budget. By Rene Batterman gious pluralism at work within the society at large and within the American Jewish commu­ Mercy of a Ru~ Stream: Volume 1 nity. A Star Shines Over Mt. Morris Park To protect the religious rights of all Israelis by Henry Roth and counter the forces of religious extreinism, The Pre-School Roth's new novel, first in a six-volume series, ARZA sponsors the Israel Religious Action.Cen­ appears sixty years after the publication of his ter in Jerusalem, Which undertakes legal ac­ .~.". At r".~. classic first novel, Call It Sleep. The novel chron­ tion to reverse discrimination, promote icles the adventures of Ira Stigman, and his minority rights and assure fairness and equity . Temple Emanuel extended immigrant fumily, from the out-break in the allocation of American philanthropic of World War One through the beginning of funds. By Audrey Litto the 1920's. The intricate fumily drama focuses A series of major court victories in key test 1993-94 was surely a total success on Ira, his maternal grandparents and their cases filed by the Israel Religious Action Cen­ With all that we have going for us it's nine children, and also tells of Ira's adventures ter have brought ReformJudaism closer to full no wonder we're really the best. in . The story is narrated by Ira acceptance as a recognized and legitimate reli­ as a young boy as well as an old man reflecting gious movement in Israel. Many thanks to our fubulous "Morahs" for on his search for meaning in life. every -creative endeavor • ARZA combats religious extremism and Learning in your classrooms is absolutely The Cutting Room: fights for religious rights of Reform Jews every child's pleasure. An Avram Cohen Mystery through its Jerusalem-based Israel Religious by Robert Rosenberg Action Center, which also addresses social Thanks to the fantastic parents of each of issues, minority affairs, and consumer rights. our hes or shes, In this new Avram Cohen mystery, Cohen finds himself in Hollywood investigating the appar­ • ARZA helps Reform institutions obtain fund­ It's very easy to realize the apples don't fall ing from the Jewish Agency and United Jewish far from the trees. ent suicide of his friend, filmmaker Max Brod­ er. Broder's film about his escape from Dachau Appeal for Reformpro;ects in Israel. Thanks a,million too, to our Rabbis and has been pulled from release. Cohen quizzes • ARZA represents the American Reform Cantor so great various figures) follows more clues about the movement in the World Zionist Congress and Your support, caring and time, we most film, and after more mysterious deaths and the American Zionist Movement. truly appreciate. much soul searching, is led to another ghostly • ARZA offers Israel tours and Israel pro­ gramming to strengthen understanding be­ But most of all thanks to each and every survivor of Dachau. tween Israel and Reform ~ongregations in the girl and boy New books in the Library- U.S. Having you at The Pre-School at We urge you to include with your congre­ Temple Emanuel has been a most Jewish Voices German Words - gational dues $25 for membership in ARZA for exhilarating joy! Growing up Jewish in Postwar Germany the coming year. If you are already a meniber, Have a wonderful safe summer, and Austria ... an anthology please renew at this time. You will not be See you in September. Edited by Elena Lappin billed by the ARZA office. That Year of Our War by Gloria Goldreicb Daybreak by Belva Plain

• TEMPLE EMANUEL NEWSLETTER PAGE THREE MaNibaF T .E M P L E Calendars-for. YOU'RS THSIR NEXT TARGET Upcoming Events Temple Emanuel Famlly Picnic EMANUEL -Sunday, June 5 - The Light Temple Staff Youth/Senior Dinner jane Vortreflich Rabbi' jerome P. David Friday,June 17, 6:30 p.rn. PLSASS JOIN us FOR AN Administrator, Editor Senior Rabbi INTSRACTIVB PROGRAM ON CULTS Rabbi Randi Musnitsky Shabbat Evening Service . Temple Qfficers Associate Rabbi Youth Group Sbabbat OPSN TO ALL 11TH AND 12TH Andrew E. Weiner Dr. Herbert Yarrish Friday, June 17 GRADSRS AND THSIR PARENTS _ 429-6163 President Rabbi Em.eritus At_ Rabbi Edwin N. Soslow JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Amy la,ndsman 710-9626 Senior Rabbi; 1975-1987 We Gratefully. Acknowledge. 2'l9S W. MARLTON PD

Thellght Non-Profit Organization Published by Temple Emanuel U.S. Postage PAID A Refonn Congregation Cherry Hill, NJ Permit NO. 1336 1101 Springdale Road Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08003-2900

Office: 489-0029 Religious School: 489-0035 Pre-School: 489-0034 Fax: 489-0032


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