So Favy Texas Disaster Ku Klux Klan Is Halted GHO Washed Out Northern Ireland Notes Not as Bad as Expected Before Reaching Capitol Two Rounds To Be Played Ten Years of Violence Page 11 Page 16 Page 2 Page 4

iiaitrljfatfr Clear Tonight,, Sunny Tuesday Datallt on paqo 2

Travel Plans Vpl, XCVIII, No. 266 — Manohoater. Conn.. Monday.. Auauat 13.1979 • A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 • 20t Single Copy • ISO Home Delivered WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi­ dent Carter, still an unannounced candidate for re-election, will take the White House show on the road over the next several weeks to build support for his energy 5,000 Die as Dam Bursts program — and his presidency. tarter, taking advantage of the August congressional recess, 200 plans to embark Friday at St. CHINA re been cast Paul, Minn., on a week-long *s of "Mary Mississippi River journey aboard r India Toll May Climb A Story of the Delta Queen for a working PAKISTAN hour drama vacation with bis family. 1 for NBC. The colorful trip on the historic ■\ NEW DELHI, India (UPI) - A and from other nearby centers unof­ Former Morvi Mayor Mahanad ¥hich ciilml- paddlewfaeel, which will make dam swollen by two days of torren­ ficially put the death toll at 5,000,” Jewsani told the Indian news agency rth of Jesus stops in , Wisconsin, tial rains burst open across the Express said. 60 percent of the homes in the area northwestern India, washing out appeared to have been destroyed. ilehem, will Iowa and Missouri before winding Twenty Morvi policemen were residents of a town and nearby during the up in St. Louis, was expected to washed away from their homes and “ Bodies are lying everywhere on village and killing as many as 5,000 . It is being d n w crowds along the banks. On parents spoke of watching their both sides of the submerged town and people, reports from the region said tion in Isra- Saturday, there probably will be a children being carried off by the the nearby areas,” he said. today. celebraUoo aboard the boat to floods, their cries for help k e r h a s mark Rosalynn Carter’s S2nd Ahmodabad Fifty bodies were spotted in one The Indian news agency, reporting overwhelmed by the noise of the tur­ iro upcoming birthday. Hindu temple in a densely populated ★ from the state capital of Ahmedabad bulent waters. enator” and Carter has made several moves area of Morvi and witnesses said it 300 miles north of Bombay, said the a r d s .” Blast in the last few weeks, purging his Reporters who searched the area appeared more victims were trapped essional act- Cabinet and reshuffling top aides town Morvi and a nearby village Sunday evening said that with 12 feet in the building. were engulfed by flood waters of water still in Morvi, more than the musical at the White House and on the The agency said 250 bodies had “ within minutes” after the dam half the houses have collapsed or ffuckleberry Carter-Mondale committee, been taken to morgues by Sunday cracked Saturday. been severely damaged. readying his staff for the expected night and many more casualties were late-fall announcement of his “ At least 500 to 1,000 people are expected. decision to seek re-election. I M D I A The Press Trust of India, reporting feared to have died in Morvi town But in the meantime, he will from the Gujarat state, capital of Water behind the dam was 15 feet and a village situated downstream take a number of ‘‘presidential” • Arabian Saa Ahmedabad, said the town of Morvi above normal when it cracked in from the Manchu dam,” a Gujarat trips with twin purposes: to urge was engulf^ by the flood waters several places from pressure built up state minister was quoted as saying. the American people to pressure “within minutes” after the dam over two days of heavy rainfall, the liggest roles A flood unleased by a dam break in the west Indian state of Congress on b ^ lf of his energy cracked. The surging waters swept news agency said. ter’s daugb- package, and to give his populari­ Gujarat killed an estimated 1,000 persons and buried a town But the Indian Express newspaper over some two-story homes as it It .said Uu'ee senior officials in itte D avis in ty polls a shot in the arm. under more than 14-feet of water, the Press Trust of India put the casualty toll much higher. rushed through Morvi and flattened Morvi were washed away by the wall :ret of Hai^ reported Sunday. (UPI map) “ Reports from our correspondent the village downstream. of water that engulfed the town. A rquette milieu of the Beirut Ambush improvisa- BEIRUT, Ubanon (UPI) - The comples in Iraqi ambassador to Lebanon, -e b w par- Dents Move to Accept State Pacts Abdel Hussein Muslem, was wounded today when gunmen raked his car with machinegun By MARK A. DUPUIS Qjnnecticut.;’ ever agreement with the state. expected the contract settlements tracts expired June 30 but were fire as he drove up to his embassy HARTFORD (UPI) - The Robertson said an expected down­ “ Our membership ratified it and for the more than 40,000 state extended indefinitely by the on Beirut's seaside highway. Democratic-controlled Legislature turn in the economy would make the we expect the governor to have the employees to cost $18 million more Legislature. Beirut's stateowned radio said today moved toward quick accep­ pacts too expensive while the state Legislature ratify It," he said. than budgeted. 'Die 12 bargaining units represen-. Muslem, bis driver and his tance of the first batch of state will face hefty cost increases Meanwhile, a private watchdog l i e CPEC said those costs will es­ ting more than 20,000 remaining state bodyguard were wounded in the employee contracts despite charges because of the pacts but less money group predicted the cost of the con­ calate to 3128 million next year while workers have not yet reached con­ ambush 100 yards from the em­ by some Republicans that the pacts with which to pay for the hikes. tracts could mean major tax in­ revenues from the sales and gasoline tract agreements. H ose pacts will bassy. were too expensive. Rep. Gardner Wright, DBristoI, creases for Connecticut residents taxes will be less and the state will be taken up by the Legislature later. Muslem was shot in‘ the back By a voice vote the House approved chairman of the Appropriations Com­ next year. have to boost taxes to pay for the con­ Lawmakers had planned to take up and legs. “ Thank God his injuries the first of the .10 contracts before a mittee, said that a recession may be The Connecticut Public Expen­ tract settlements. the pacts when they met in special are not serious,” an embassy of­ special session of the Legislature in the offing and present problems, ditures Council said that while Gov. The agreements taken up today session two weeks ago, however, put ficial said. ” ^ t he is in the with a resounding “ yea” vote from “ but that doesn't mean you can un­ Ella Grasso’s administration has in­ covered 18,771 of the state’s 44,000 off action because none of the hospital.” the Democratic side drowning out derpay your state employees.” dicated surplus funds in this year’s employees including college agreements had been ratified by the Bielnit Radio said unidentified the "nays' from the GOP side of the Union leaders also expected quick budget' will cover the higher-than- professors, clerks, social workers, unions. gunmen fired a rocket-propelled aisle. ratification of the pacts. expected cost of the pacts, no men­ parking lot police and hospital The contracts include a 7 percent grenade at Muslem’s car as it ap­ "I would agree with everyone here Jerome Brown, director of District tion has been made of how the state employees. pay increase, additional pay raises proached the Iraqi Embassy that state employees deserve an in­ 1199 of the New Eingland Hospital and will pay the even-higher costs of pay The contracts retroactive to July 1 for those who haven’t had increases POTI building at 8:30 a.m. (2:30 a.m. crease,” said Rep. Philip Robertson, Health Care Workers Union, waited increases and benefits next year. are expected to cost 393.7 million in in two years, improved dental and EDT). Then they riddled the car R-Cheshire. “ But our major outside the House for the vote on the Mrs. Grasso’s budget chief, higher pay and fringe benefits over a health insurance benefits, and an ad­ with machinegun fire, the radio responsbility is to the people of pact negotiated by his union, its first- Anthony Milano, has said the state two-year period. State employee con­ ditional two days of vacation for said. employees hired after July 1,1977 Viet Attacks U N G SON, Vietnam (UPI) - Idaho Firefighters Vietnamese border officials ad­ mit they were surprised by the size of the Chinese invasion of Vietnam last winter, but say they Get Weather Break will be ready for what many view as the inevitable next attack. BOISE, Idaho (UPI) — The army fire inside the perimeter so we’ll still The weather had been hot and dry Vi Gia Le, a member of the of firefighters battling the vast have to go in and mop it up.” since the start of the blaze. governing council of Lang Son Morter Creek blaze for three weeks Leicht declined to predict a control Two other major central Idaho 9PEN province, 120 miles northeast of in Idaho’s primitive area finally got a Hanoi, said Vietnamese military date, “ a day on which we can pack up forest fires — one at Ship Island and break from the weather and is forces on the border have been and go home. This is not one of those the other at East Fork Kennally JNDAY hopeful it can get a handle on the strengthened to face a (Chinese at­ fires you want to get hasty on.” Creek — were expected to be con­ flames by next weekend. The Morter Creek fire was the tained tonight. And officials said the tack he feels inevitable. Scattered showers accompanied by Vietnamese army regulars largest burning in the west, having 36,700-acre Gallagher Peak fire on cooler temperatures fell on the fire consumed m ore than 65,000 acres of southeastern Idaho grass and timber strolled through town, heavily zone Sunday, and more rain was timber and brush. Some 150,000 acres lands was controlled Sunday night. damaged in the February war, as forecast for today. Firemen said they of Idaho forest and range lands have Two southern Idaho grass fires, evidence of the Vietnamese build­ could declare containment of the 100- up. been blackened this year in one of the which consumed 14,000 acres during squre-mile blaze by Sunday. But Le refused to show visiting worst fire seasons on record. the weekend, also were controlled Dick Leicht, a fire boss in the newsmen any of the newly Leicht said “ some 28 to 30 miles” Sunday. And three weekend fires in three-pronged attack against the strengthened defenses because of of fire line must still be built before Montana were classified as con­ flames in the rugged a roadless cen­ military security. Mortar Creek can be contained. But, tained and two others controlled. tral Idaho mountains. Said his men with good fire fighting weather, his "The provincial council was not estimate the 70-mile plus perimeter A bumed-out wheel baearing on a crews hope to build a major portion surprised at the Chinese attack,” would be lined “ by early Aug. 19.” railroad freight train kicked off a 3- • - ' j t of the line today along the east and Le said, “ But we were surprise “ That doesn’t mean the fire will be mile-long grass fire near Libby, at the size of the attack. Next southeast edges of the fire’s “ head.” out,” he said. “It means we've Mont., late Saturday. By Sunday time we won't be surprised." As 1ialf of inch of rain fell on stopped the fire’s spread. But it night it had expaned to 920 acres in Most officials who talked to Morter Creek — a welcome release commercial timber. But the Forest won’t be secure. There’s a lot of hot to the 2,000 firefighters on the line. newsmen said they expected Service “ was getting a handle on it” another Chinese “ lesson," and predicted control by Tuesday, a although they would not predict spokesman said. when. ^ J awboning^ F ails Forest Service Chief Max Peterson “ We are having a temporary estimated last week the cost of While foreman Butch Ivey, left, clears trap for water pump, peace,” Le said, and the flimsy battling the Western blazes could run Laura DeWald, right, Ann A ^ r , Mich., watches to see if the shacks and lean-tos set up to serve as high as 36 million. But he declined water reaches hose line 100 yards away Saturday. Ivey’s crew soup, tea and noodles to the To Halt Inflation to estimate the resource and timber was working the Kennally Creek fire. (UPI photo) armed forces emphasized the loss. fragile nature of peace along the THUKMUNI, Md. (UPI) - Presi­ last week food price increases have bonder. dent Carter and his top economic slowed from an 18 percent annual aides have forsworn the practice of rate during the first quarter of the “Jawboning” to halt inflationary year to just over 7 percent in the se­ Stadium Falls in Illinois forces. cond three months. But during that second quarter, departments in Chicago and seven Inside Today But the chief executive, returning ROSEMONT, ni. (UPI) - Tbe roof was “ led to believe more than 50 per­ farm prices actually declined at a to the White House today from his of the Rosemont Horizon Stadium un­ suburbs were sending men and equip­ sons were trapped.” a a s s ifie d ...... 16-18 17.3 percent annual rate. 54th weekend at the Camp David der construction northwest of ment to the scene. Nicholas Kouracos, whose office is C om ics...... 19 "Consumers have so far not presidential retreat, planned to use Chicago collapsed early today, At. least three persons were taken within sight of the stadium, could see Editorial ...... enjoyed the full benefits of those personal persuasion on food killing at least five workers and trap­ in wheelchairs to the emergency “many ambulances at the scene.” Entertainment ...... 14 lower prices at the grocery counter,” processors in pursuit of a solution to ping and injuring nnany others inside, room at Resurrection Hospital in The stadium is less than a half-mile F a m ily ...... , ...... 8 Kahn said. “ Food prices at retail the mystery of why lower prices for Authorities said. Chicago, a hospital spokesman said. north of O'Hare International Air­ O bituaries...... ,...... 10 have continued to rise because farm products are convert^ to ever- A spokesman at Resurrection “ They probably were the first ones port. P eopletalk...... 2 margins have continued to Increase. hlgher prices for food at the grocery Hospital in Chicago said hospital of­ who weren’t trapped,” he said. The “ They were carting them (the in­ S ports...... 11-13 It is time for the American con­ store. ficials were told to expect five dead injuries “didn’t appear to be too jured) away like crazy,” Kouracos Television ...... 14 sumers to begin to realize the full said. Chairman Alfred Kahn of the Coun­ persons. No fire or explosion was serious at the moment.” -W e a th e r ...... 2 benefit of decreased prices at the cil on Wage and Price Stability said reported, authorities said. Fire The hospital spokesman said he farm level.” EVENING HERALD. Mon.. August 13, 1979- PAGE THREE Cloak and Dagger PAGE TWO - EVENING HERALD, Mon.. Auwst 13, 1979 Book Tells of Intrigue in Mideast complete assortment The Weather So Far, Texas Disaster fighters were attacked by Soviet-piloted \ Peopletalk WASHINGTON (UPI) ~ A new book the intrigue behind the hits and misses of the time. But Gen. Eli Zeira, chief of Israel’s MiGs on July 25, 1979, and the Israelis set ^ For period ending 7 a m. 8/14/79. During Monday night, describing cloak-and-dagger intrrigues in intelligence agencies in Middle Blast: the military intelligence, insisted war was a trap: ^ showers and or rain will be expected over the northern the Middle East says there are strong in- American CIA, Soviet KGB, Israeli Cop Not Ashamed “remote” right up to the day of the at- “Five days later, two (FYench-made) Rockies and portionst of the Plains while v mostly fair Not as Bad as Expected dications the Soviet Union was responsible Massad, Egyptian and Fi/ench in­ Mirage jets took off in the direction of the \ tack. weather Is ^n_Ucipated elsewhere. fer the mysterious 1968 disappearance of telligence, Britain’s MI-6 and and 0“*®''*- canal, seemingly on a routine recon- ^ o f Changing Sex The biggest embarrassment of the The CIA which had thought war possible threat of the oilslick because of up­ drift northward. an Israeli submarine with 64 people naissance mission. ... Above the Gulf of'*4' canning Jars • rubbei’s til? A veteran Bridgeport police officer who has un­ SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, Texas Israeli intelligence network, the book 10 days earlier, meanwhile had reversed coming meetings between Picesldent Julius Collins, representative ol aboard. Zuez, they suddenly banked in the dlrec- A dergone transsexual surgery says she isn’t ashamed (UPI) — Scientists, politicians and says, was the failure to predict the 1973 its opinion and asserted any attempt cross Carter and Mexico’s Jose Lopez Por­ the Brownsville-Port Isabel Shrimp If so, it says, the Israelis got revenge tion of the exact spot where the tw o\ - P lids • Jelly Jars ^ of it and sees ‘‘no reason” why she can’t return to reporters drawn to the Texas coast the Suez Canal was “well beyond the tillo on the purchase of Mexican Association, said he welcomed two years later when eight of their U.S.- “Yom Kippur” war. Skyhawks had been intercepted. ... ’Their N her job even though she now is a woman. by Doomsday predictions are still stepped-up inspections of catches by The book says Prime Minister Egyptians’ capacity,” the authors said. • caps • books petroleum. supplied Phantom jets shot down five Rus­ pilots sighted 12 Mig-21s rushing headlong ; Chester Collins, 37, said this weekend she has waiting for a black tide to lay waste the Food and Drug Administration, sian M1G-21S In a dogfight over the Suez Menachem Begin, then a member of the The authors connected the dis­ “I don’t think so,” Tower said. “As appearance of the 1,200-ton Israeli sub­ at them. At that precise moment, the trap N assumed the name Mary Collins, and will be to an ecological wonderland. But so far as I can tell, all of the govern­ scheduled to begin today to assure no Canal. Knesset, was one of the few Israelis who marine Dakar (Swordfish), on Jan. 26, — closed. Eight Phantom jet fighters -^ assigned to a clerical job in the central records far, it is just talk. ment agencies are cooperating petroleum-tainted fish get to market. The Israeli victory was due to an in- doubted intelligence reports that main- 1968, in the Eastern Mediterranean, to the suddenly nosedived into the fray.” divison In about two weeks. Early last week, tar balls from a well.” He also recom mend^ the FDA in­ timiate knowledge of the MiG-21 gained Uined an atUck was only a “remote tetlMiMi blown-out offshore oil well began then-secret Soviet base at Marsa- Five MiGs were downed, all Israeli ”I have to expect some flak,” Collins said. “This Fishing industry representatives spect shrimp imported from Mexico through study and flights in planes flown possibility.” washing up on Texas beaches, for­ Matrough. planes returned to base. A week later, is a medical problem. I am not ashamed of what I told Tower the spill had not yet and another shrim w r told Tower he to them by defecting pilots, the book said. “Rab logic is not the same as ours. You cing the Coast Guard to pull floating They also described the Israeli revenge, Russian pilots were withdrawn from the V have done. I feel I will be capable of serving as a damaged fish or shrimp, but they had seen some Mexican shrimp The English-language edition of '"rhe can never know why they will suddenly police officer, and I see no reason why I cannot go barriers across the entrances of the which began when two Israeli Skyhawk jet Canal Zone. expressed concern it could cause arrive “that looked like they had Untold History of Israel” by Jacques deride to set off war,” Begin insisted at Laguna Madre — a 113-mile-long un­ back on the job,” she said. economic losses as it continues to been dipp^ in tar.” Derogy and Hesi Carmel is permeated by Collins, a 13-year veteran patrolman, said she ique wildlife waterway between talked with Police Superintendent Joseph A. Walsh South Paore Island and the mainland. \2 3 " Environmentalists fear that if Minority *1 nMiiio roncut • last week and hopes to return to duty later this Standout month. floating pancakes of crude reach Transit Connecticut Forecast Fever fragile spawning area:, the preserve Styles could be destroyed for years. So far, in Misses’ Rain ending then becoming partly sunny. High American child star Brooke Shields and members rare Ridley turtles that hatchew Needed temperatures 65 to 70. Clear tonight. Lows 55 to 60. Partly of the Australian film crew shooting “Biue Lagoon” successfully have been airlifted away & Jrs.’ Skirts sunny Tuesday. Highs 75 to 80. Probability of precipita­ are having a hot time of it — but it’s no fun. from the oil. HARTFORD (UPI) - tion decreasing to 20 percent this afternoon 10 percent Miss Shields, 14, was running a 101-degree fever The,Coast Guard said Sunday, Federal authorities are tonight and Tuesday. Winds north 10 to 20 mph decreasing ’ during the weekend and was sent to a Sydney however, despite its efforts tight par­ again telling the state to 12.76 to around 10 mph this afternoon. Light and variable hospital for a brief stay. Doctors think she may ticles of oil suspended about 4 feet provide more buses for Our Rtg. 15.99 to 17.99 tonight. Southwest 10 to 20 mph Tuesday. have contracted Dengue fever after being bitten by below the surface had drifted past Hartford minorities who Skirts have definitely mosquitos on film location in Fiji. Some film-crew the booms and into the waterway. want to work in the sub­ established themselves as a Extended Forecast members have been stricken and ordered to bed. A charter boat captain, Marvin urbs. fashion must. Choose from Miss Shields has arrived in Sydney Friday to Biggs, said globs of tar had wasned The U.S. Department of I an array of plaids, solids, flares, up on the western shore of the ’Transportation charged a slits, or wraps. Interesting Extended outlook for New Wednesday through promote another of her films, “Tilt,” which is about belt treatments and Friday. to be released in Australia. Laguna Madre at least nine miles in­ year ago that the state-run pocket detail. 5)^15/16. Mass., R.l. & Conn.: Fair Wednesday. A chance of side the containment boom. Biggs bus system discriminates showers’Thursday and Friday. High temperatures in the Newest Ford said he had seen oil atop the water at against minorities and now least four miles inside one 2-foot- says little has been done to 70s and low temperatures in the 50s, Former President Gerald .R. Ford finally has Maine and New Hampshire: Unsettled with a chance of deep boom curtain set up to protect correct the situation. gotten around to seeing his granddaughter. Ford showers through much of the period. Highs in the 70s and the lagoon. The agency’s new war­ 3 joined his wife Betty in Pittsburgh during the Since oil from Mexico’s Ixtoc 1 ning come in response to lows in the uppoer 40s to mid 50s. weekend to visit son Michael — who is on assign­ Vermont : Partly cloudy through the period. Chance of well, which bubbled out of control complaints by city officials ment in Pittsburgh while studying for the a few showers mainly in the northern mountains. Con­ June 3 in the Bay of Campeche, ap­ who have been trying for Presbyterian ministry — daughter-in-law Gayle, proached the Texas coast, the Cioast more than two years to tinued cool. Highs 65 to 75. Lows 45 to 55. and only grandchild, Sarah Joyce. Guard has been monitoring oil It was the former president’s first glimpse of force changes in the way 4 patches on the Gulf surface. Soft, Flattering Sarah, born April 22. Sarah’s grandfather took a buses are run by the state Long Island Sound The heaviest concentrations were Department of ’Transporta­ few minutes to talk politics. He said he believes any Fashion Knit Tops spotted in Sunday’s fly over as the oil tion. Long Island Sound to Watch Hill, R.I., and Montauk of the current major Republican presidential can­ moved about halfway up Padre The federal agency’s Men’s PVC Girls’ Woven Point, N.Y.: Low pressure off the New Jersey coast will didates could defeat President Carter next year, ad­ Boys’ Fall Island, about 30 miles off the coast. director of civil rights. Onra«e.7XI LsatharLook move northeastward today as high pressure moves ding the Carter presidency is “very vulnerabie.” 5.44 Knit Shirts Tunics or “Lots of sheen was seen from the Ellen Feingold, last August across the region from the west. Winds north to Asked whether he’d like to be the nation’s chief New small collars and Eyo-Catching Fall Jackets Knit Tops Port Mansfield Cut to Brownsville lull placket deuiling 3 . 3 3 northwest 15 to 25 knots today, decreasing to 10 to 15 executive again. Ford said, “I haven’t given it that issued a discrimination fin­ Rag. laae 1 2 . 8 8 about 30 miles offshore with about an ding in connection with the highlight these cozy T-Shirt 'rr<* HIcrew and knots tonight. Tuesday west to southwest winds 10 to 20 much thought.” 100% acrylic tops. Some long sisave 80 to 90 percent sheen cover south bus service. Drassas Fully pile lined In Embroldarad knots. Visibility better than 5 miles through Tuesday, with contrast trim and CPO or Bomber Johnny collar tunics In t00% Motherly Advice and east of the Port Mansfield jet­ “Express bus service pockets. Sizes S,M,L length. S,M,L,XL. styles In new cotton. Knits Fair this afternoon, tonight and Tuesday. Average wave fall colors. 8-16. heights 1 to 3 feet this morning, decreasing to 1 to 2 feet ties,” the report said. from Hartford to suburban 7.77 In sollda or Liilian Carter, the president’s mother, had simpie owa.a.iiJi Stripes. Sizes 7-14. this afternoon and tonight with little change on Tuesday. As late as Friday the heaviest con­ job opportunities is poor or Rag ltS ...Z 9 7 centrations were 10 to 15 percent. Slwperalalnlng advice for reporters: non-existent, in contrast to an potyestarwnh Sen. John Tower, R-Texas, toured Man’s Fine “Just listen to Jimmy the service available to amah snt txtttoms. Knit Shirts National Forecast and do what he says.” the coast Sunday with an entourage suburban residents who Important naw Boys’ Girls’ Plaid “ Miss Lillian,’’ ^of reporters. Beach Inspection nackknas. Taal, Reg SM 7 7 f t or Solid commute to work in the Bany.andBkie atOJi r*rO StMSdlsh Knit City Fcst Hi Lo celebrating her 81st “It’s not too bad now,” Tower told U.S. Senator John Tower, R-Texas, spots a few small tar city,” she said in the fin­ SiaaSie. Belter quality Dress Slacks Jumpers Albuquerque ts 91 69 Oklahoma City f 84 66 birthday Sunday in the reporters. “But it could get bad. So ding. knits In an aasort- balls that the beach sweeper had missed during a tour of South ment ot atyles. Anchorage r 67 57 Omaha pc 78 63 sleepy hamlet of Cali- far, the problem is under control. In response, the state- 6 .6 6 Si; .a. , ^ l U t 6 . 6 6 sy 61 58 Padre Island Sunday. The beach has been kept relatively TarrHIc Teas In Sizes S,M,UXL Asheville sy 76 56 Philadelphia c o o n , N . Y ., to ld How long it will stay that way, I don’t owned Connecticut Transit PiMtod front, four Perky plaids sy 81 65 Phoenix pc 82 71 Naw4^or-Fall Colors with piping a Atlanta reporters her son could know.” clean, but officials are concerned about history’s largest oil Co. promised to improve pockets, latest Billings sh 79 60 Pittsburgh sy 70 51 embroidered be re-elected if he chose Tower also dismissed allegations slick that has resumed a northerly movement. (UPI photo) colors. &1B Reg. Birmingham sy 79 56 Portland Me. r 60 52 city service. But the com­ Men’s 8-16 Slim. solids. Sizes 7-14. Boston cy 62 54 Portland Ore. cy 85 60 to run again. Asked if the government was minimizing the pany has added just two 3 . 8 8 owsae 4M that meant the president new outbound routes since Corduroy Brownsville Tx pc 97 77 Providence sy 59 54 Autumn tones enrich the Flare Jeans Buffalo pc 69 46 Richmond sy 71 57 was considering turning then. detailing of these easy New Fall Fashion Shots Charlston S.C pc 86 64 St. Louis sy 77 62 down a chance at wear, easy care cotton/ Rag te a t 7 . 7 6 Ladles’ Sling-Bsck Shoes Charlotte N.C. sy 77 57 Salt Lake Cty sh 87 61 another term, she PLO Won’t Compromise WATES'Meel ' poly shirts. Styled with Crepe end vinyl bottoms. 5e44 For women end teens In 7 .4 0 Cushioned Interior. 5-10. OMrRse.tJI latest mid-high heel. 5-10. OurNa^lOJI Chicago sh 73 63 San Antonio pc 89 76 answered quickly, MANCHESTER -The vee and crew necks. Cleveland pc 74 49 San Diego pc 72 68 “ Well, he hasn’t an­ Sizes S,M,L Draaay and Casual Handbags I Manchester WATES will Columbus pc 74 53 San Francisco pc 64 56 nounced yet has he?” Smart cainvu and vinyl 6 .6 6 Dallas sy 86 65 San Juan f 90 80 On a Separate Homeland meet Tuesday at the ihoulder bags or pouches. OwlMgVSt Mrs. Carter then Denver cy 90 60 Seattle f 81 54 Italian-American Club. declined to answer any . .. 4-*^ t dliinlr H tvniiM hi Des Moines cy 78 64 Spokane f 70 the Palestinian determination to nian state. 1 don’t think it would be Weighing in will be from 7 other political questions. She came to the rural By United Press International Detroit cy 76 49 Tampa ts 83 73 “continue the struggle for recovery good for the Palestinians. I don’t to 8 p.m. Duluth cy 69 58 Washington sy 88 59 Sullivan County community for the ground-breaking The Palestine Liberation Organiza­ think it would be good for Israel. I CON AIR 1200-Watt of the Hoiy Cross Church at One invitation of the tion has pledged it will not amend its of the national rights of its people, El Paso cy 90 65 Wichita pc 87 63 foremost among them is the right to don’t think it would be good for the ‘PruGtyle’ Pistol Dryer sy 61 53 c-clear; cl-clearing; cy- Rev. Anthony Moore, who knew Mrs. Carter when national charter, which calls for the Emanuel Lutheran Hartford return and the right of self- Arab neighbors of such as state.” Honolulu sy 89 74 cloudy; f-fair; hz-haze; m- he was in Plains, Ga. She was greeted by a 16-piece elimination of Israel, and will press MANCHESTER -The CaMorReg-Pilce...... 24.99 determination and the establishment Fahoum singled out the United Houston pc 91 81 missing; pc-partly cloudy; r- band and hundreds of well-wishers and curiosity for a separate sovereign state—a de­ (Tiristian education com­ Caldor Sale Price...... 17.70 of an independent state.” States for special mention. ConairMilMn Rebels...... 5 .00* Indianapolis cy 76 51 rain; sh-showers; sm-smoke; seekers at a surprise party in her honor. mand specifically rejected by Presi­ “The council warns against mittee of Emanuel 25% OFF sy 80 62 sn-snow; sy-sunny; ts- He said the Palestinians will "con­ Jackson Miss dent Carter. attempts by the to split Lutheran Church will meet Prices ’ YOUR Jacksonville pc 83 71 thunderstomrs; w-windy. The statement Sunday came after tinue rejecting anything which tonight at 7:30 at the 0“^ Bog. FINAL COST. Kansas City pc 80 61 Royalty in Columbus violates, ignores or contradicts these the unified Arab rank and opposition 12.70 the United States had acknowledged church. Used by thousands of prctesslonal Las Vegas pc 82 68 to the Camp David agreemenU and High and Low Even at the age of 86, tracking down her “boys” is it was trying to work out a com­ unrefutable Palestinian rights.” 14K QoM Nackchalns, hair stylistsi 4 heat settings, 2 air Little Rock pc 78 62 On Saturday Carter told newspaper liquidate the Arab and Palestinian s p ^ s . Balanced handle. W66I085 Los Angeles pc 72 66 NEW YORK (UPI - The still very important for Romanian-born Princess promise U.N. resolution that would Imported from Italy editors in Washington, “I am against rights,” Fahoum said. South Methodist Magicflash YORK 8-Track AM/FM ■SM cNdifordtlallt. sy 77 57 highest temperature reported Catherine Caradja. So far she has contacted 900 of recognize the right of Palestinians to nn Louisville any creation of a separate Palesti­ MANCHESTER -The Stereo Cassette Recorder Memphis pc 81 64 Sunday to the National them, all American POWs held in Romania during participate in determining their own Our Reg. Telephoto Pocket Camera Miami Beach ts 88 82 Weather Service, excluding World War II. future but not a separate state. The missions fair committee of 4 IJ 7 ...... 37.40 Milwaukee cy 73 62 Alaska and Hawaii, was 100 South United Methodist Adorn your neck with any ol the Princess Caradja, who escaped from the Soviet United States has also set PLO Our Reg. 3 9.94...... Our Reg. 139.99... ‘107 WEAREVER3VII Qt. Minneapolis cy 75 63 degrees at La Junta, Colo., Church will meet tonight at 3popul r links... herrinngbone, 28e70 satellite in the ‘50s, explains organizing the POWs is recognition of Israel as a precondi­ Italy’s Crisis Ends, Tapes cassettes direct from radio, ‘Pokey Pol’ Slow Cooker and Alice, Texas. Today’s low cobra cor box. Made by lulian Take pictures at normal and tele­ Nashville sy 80 56 a “ hobby” of hers she started in the 60s. She began tion for direct talks. 8 in the education wing of 8-track cartrlitaes or with condenser New Orleans pc 88 73 was 37 degrees at Bradford, maater craftsmen. photo settings with a flick ol the with Removable Crock after the Pentagon gave her names, but no ad­ The hard-line PLO statement came the church. switch (enlarges image percent). microphone. Twin 3V4’’ spoakere. New York f 63 57 Pa. 180 dresses of the prisoners. at the end of a nine-hour meeting in Government Seated Accepts both ASA 100 and ASA 400 film. AC/DC operation. Batteries optional. “There 'were no addresses, but I’m pig-headed, Damascus Sunday of the 57-member Second Church Special Group 14K Gold OurRsg.13S9.. ’The votes put an end to a govern­ 8.88 ano so far, we’ve found 900 of the possible 1,400. The Palestine Central Council, the PLO’s ROME (UP! - Italy’s longest Charms and Amulsts Ceramic crock liner lifts out easily ment crisis that began Jan. 31 when MANCHESTER - A Bi­ STOCK-UP SAVINGS FOR ALL YOUR SUMMER FILM NEEDS! boys are getting older, but then so am I.” main policy-making body. government crisis has ended with for convenient serving and The Almanac the Communists withdrew their sup­ ble study is scheduled for She came to Columbus, Ohio, during the weekend The session was attended by both houses of parliament approving thorough cleaning. #038033 port from a minority Christian Tuesday at 9 ;30 a.m. at Se­ Our Reg. 19.97... *1 4 •Kodaeolof Clio or 0125-20 Exp. . .. 1 . 4 4 Fullcolor 11^20 Exp...... 1 . 2 7 to contact three men who were prisoners during the representatives from the various a minority coalition government Jut112 pvr •tors. No nkichMki. By United Press International Democratic cabinet headed by cond Congregational 1 . 4 6 war — Bob Dean, Richard Brannon and William T. Palestinian guerrilla groups and was headed by Christian Democrat •Kodw»lorC135-24Exp.... 1 .6 6 Fulleolor 135-24 Exp...... Today is Monday, Aug. 13, the 225th day of 1979 with 140 former Premier Giulio Andreotti. Church, 385 N. Main St. Our Reg. 27.97... *19 Schirner. All were POWs at the same time but did chaired by Khaled A1 Fahoum, chair­ Francesco Cossiga. 1 . 9 7 Fu)lchrome RD-100 135-24 E x p ... 1 . 7 7 to follow. ’They also allowed the nation’s law­ •Kodacolor KISS-OO Exp.... not know one another. man of the Palestine National Coun­ The final confidence vote of 153-118 Our Reg. 34.97... The moon is approaching its last quarter. for Cossiga’s government of Chris­ makers to begin their August *24 TOASTMASTER The morning stars are Mercury, Venus, Mars and cil, the Palestinian Parliament-in- ‘The Panama Canal treaty Hang ’em from your nackchaln.. . " Flip-Over’ Oven Broiler exile. PLO chairman ano A1 Fatah tian Democrats, Social Democrats vacations, postponed a week because of 1903 technically did not Jupiter. Glimpses wear ‘am on your bracaletl Over guerrilla leader Yasser Arafat and Liberals came Sunday night in of the marathon political crisis. grant the U.S. perpetual sov­ 40 lovely stylaa to choose from. UNISONIC 5” diagonal The evening star is Saturn, ereignty over the Canal Oscar Johnson and Effie Lauritsen had a shared the podium with Fahoum. the Senate. Cossiga was the fifth man called on B&WPortableTVSet Those bom on this date are under the sign of Leo. by msidenc Sandro Pertlni to form Zone. It only granted the 18.70 whirlwind romance and were engaged only five “The central council stressed that Not taking part in the Senate vote UJS. such rights, powers and OurReg.2SJ0 Pioneer social reformer Lucy Stone was born Aug, 13 a govmment following the June 3-4 14K Gold Collection of with AM/FM Radio 1818. Alfred Hitchcock, master of mystery movies, was days before they got married in Seattle during the all future discussions (about the were members of the third-ranking authority as it would ex­ and 3-Way Power Option Socialist and smaller Republican parliamentary elections. ercise “if it were sover­ PlerPad Earrings Broils and bakes, bom on Aug. 13, 1899. weekend. One possible reason for the haste — Oscar Palestinian issue) should take into featuring an is 94 and Effie, 80 ... Barbara Streisand is designing strict account previous Palestinian parties, who abstained in the He succeeded where the others eign.” automatic thermo­ On this date in history: Chamber of Deputies’ vote of con­ failed by convincing the Socialists, In 1923, the-No. 1 song in the United States was ‘‘Yes two California homes, one in art-deco, the other resolutions and our national OurReg.12J7.. 8.88 Our Reg. 149.97... ‘127 stat lor exact Victorian. charter,” a statement read by fidence Saturday. who hold 62 crucial seats in the temperaturea. We Have No Bananas.” Select from a glittering group Akxninbadlntadar. Fahoum said. The national charter The powerful Communist party Chamber of Deputies, to abstain even of genuine gold styles, many In 1930, Captain Frank Hawkes set a speed record by though they have no seats In the $1750 “Dish” #5230 flying from Los Angeles to New York in 12 hours and 25 calls for the elimination of Israel as a voted against the government and sat with handsome stones. Cossiga’s cabinet would not have sur­ cabinet. Nat as alylaa ki ai alana. minutes. political state. H id ir in Lottery Numbers Fahoum said the council reiterated vived without the abstentions. In 1961, the communists began building the Berlin Wall, Your o m e J ONE-WEEK SALE OF HIT LP’S! dividing East and West Germany. It still stands. 3 In 1972, prominent leader George Weiss died Winning daily lottery numbers drawn Saturday in New NILES, 111. —A major art CRYSTAL GAYLE] exchange here reports that at the age of 78. England: mSiimaBtT ' ffffjf^LOWBUDGl] Connecticut: 199. a man who found several Massachusetts: 7690. "dishes" in his attic was A thought for the day: British novelist John Galsworthy amazed to learn (bat one said. ‘‘If you do not think of the future, you cannot have New Hampshire: 9162. Rhode Island: 3591. was valued at $1750.00. one." The exchange says that, 242 BROAD STREET while this price is unusu­ ______^_i—______- ______ally high, exceptional col­ Manchester To Advertise To Report News INvhiCouidMrlAtlSUflin East Hartford — Glastonbury lector's plates have been -----^IMIWlVlC For a classified advertisement, call To report a news item or story idea: appreciating quickly. IMOTKn • KC iiSMMixiip'DoYouWannaQoPartyr 643-2711 and ask for Classified. Office M anchester___Alex Girelli, 643-2711. To aid investors, the ex­ •THE KNACK‘Get the Knack' Evening Herald KINKS‘Low Budget’ •SOUTHSIDE JOHNNY ‘Jukes’ hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday East Hartford .. Chris Blake, 643-2711. QIVEAWAYiMIN FREE FOOD change offers a free report • AMERICA‘Silent Lettef aTHE •JOHNSTEW M tT’OomhaAiray.DraamBWttar USPS 327-500 through Friday When the office is Glastonbury .. Dave Lavallee, 643-2711 on what to look for, when • A TASTE OF HONEY ‘Another Taste’ closed, classified ads may be placed by •SUN ‘Destination Sun' Published daily except Sunday and A ndover...... Donna Holland, 643-2711 llJt u m 2 FJL to buy, what to pay and • RAINBOW ‘Down to Earth’ calling 643-2718. FREE GIFT • LITTLE RIVER BAND ‘FIret Under the Wire’ certain holidays by the Manchester B olton...... Donna Holland, 643-2711 m much more, including op­ •CRYSTAL GAYLE ‘We Should BaTogather* For information about display adver­ m TO 7M PA OAT Publishing Co.. Herald Square. P.O. Coventry ___Guy DeSimone, 649-9856 2B0 COUPOM CERTIFICATE portunities in promising tising. call Thomas Hooper, advertising Ea. Box 591. Manchester. Conn. 06040. Hebron ... Patricia Mulligan. 228-0269 TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF plates still at low prices. LP Series H89B. LP Series G798. 4.66 director, at 643-2711. South Windsor. Judy Kuchnei, 644-1364 To get your free report LPSariesG798. 4.66 e. 5.19. Have a Complaint? Vernon . rBarbara Richmond, 643-2711 YOUR NEXT ROYAL TREAT with no obligation, just To Subscribe BELL RIN6S YOU WILL WIN ONE OF OUR N*W« — If you have a question or To report or inquire about special WITH A $1 PURCHASE send your name, address, complaint about news coverage, call To subscribe, call Customer Service news: FOODS. COME IN AND BE A WINNER; and zip code before Satur­ SENIOR CITIZENS’ DAY Frank Burbank, managing editor. 643- at 647-9946. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to B usiness...... Alex Girelli. 643-2711 day of next week to: The EVERY TUESDAY t WEDNESDAY tE W M I 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 AT BROAD ST. 0. 2711 * Church Notices . Alice Evans, 643-2711 Bradford Exchange, Dept. <4 no/ ^ C C ON EVERYTHING MANCHESTER to 10 a.m. Saturday. Circulation ~ If you have a problem Opinion...... Frank Burbank, 643-2711 TUE8.'A WED. On S t ^ ^ BE A BELL RINGER WINNER 21333. 9301 Vfilwaukee lU/0 u r r m OURSTOCK Suggested carrier rates are 90 cents regarding service or delivery, call F a m ily ...... Betty Ryder, 643-2711 Avenue, Niles, Illinois Enopt Mm. tobMcs praducU and ktim a kudr on m N. weekly, $3.90 for-one month, $11.70 lor ...... ------Customer Service. 647-9946 Delivery S p o rts...... Earl.Yost, 643-2711 60648. A postcard will do. nSCOUNT IN E FFEa EVERYDAY ON PRESCRIPTIONS three months. $23.40 for six months, and should be made by D p.m. Monday $46.80 for one year. Mail rates are Office hours are 8:30 a m. to 5 p.m. DON’T FORGET FANirLY through Friday and by 7:30 a.m. Satur­ Monday through Friday. day available on request., Soli.. TOES.. WED~. EVENING HERALD, Mon., Augut 13, 1979- PAGE FIVE PAGE FOUR - EVENING HERALD, Mon.. August 13, 1979 Rail Crews Continue Man Charged Vernon Seeks New Talks Minority Women Derailment Cleanup In Laetrile WESTFIELD, Mass. (UPI) - Crews today continued Victims of Rape to clean up 25 cars of a 40-car Conrail freight train which Treatment On State Lease of Court derailed while enroute from Albany, N.Y., to New Haven, WASHINGTON (UPI) - Young minority women The mayor said that in assessing walking alone at night are the most likeiy victims of a Conn., damaging about 1,200 feet of track, authorities VERNON —The town has informed the building, is valued at some $2,- MIDDLETOWN, (UPI) -- A 6(X); maintenance of the parking lot, the actual cost to the town and in an­ rapist - often a member of their own race, a federal sur­ said. California man who told someone she tbe state that it wishes to renegotiate ticipating a rise in heating fuel and vey revealed today. No injuries were reported as a result of the derailment. the lease for the town-owned building $500; building maintenance and Ernest Cross, a Conrail division superintendent, said a had cancer, and he could cure her supplies, $2,800; beat (actual for the other utility costs, the town is asking A Law Enforcement Assistance Administration study with laetrile and megavitamins for on West Main Street which is used by that the lease agreement be amended of rape in 26 American cities in 1974 and 1975 found black broken wheel on one of the cars caused the derailment, the state for a court house. calendar year of 1978), $2,116 and for $5,578, has been arrested after a water for the same year, $90 and to reflect an annual rental of $34,944. and other minority women were more than 1.7 times as one of the largest ever in Westfield, at about 3:30 a.m. The original lease was signed on based on a $6.50 per square foot month-long investigation. July 29,1976. It is due to be renewed electtriclty, $2,698. likely to be raped as white women. Sunday. Harvey E. Howard, 66, was charge. “I believe that this figure is "Rape is highly intra-racial for black and other minori­ The train was carrying paper, lumber, peat moss, fer­ on Jan. 1, 1980. Also: General maintenance of the arrested at a Middletown hotel Sun­ interior and exterior of the building, fair and equitable for both the state ty victims; only a small proportion of these women tilizer and canned goods. In a letter to Donald R. Hooper, and the town,” the mayor said. reported that their attacker was white. Rape is also day and charged with attempted first leasing agent for the state. Mayor ^,000; annual carpet cleaning, $960; degree larceny and unlicensed prac- In turn, the state said if this is the highly intra-racial if the attacker is white: the data con­ Frank McCoy said that it was liability insurance, $154; and rental Uce of medicine. Chief SUte’s at­ of refuse collection dumpster and case then the state will have to tain few instances of white offenders choosing nonwhite torney Hustin . McGuigan said. brought to his attention, by the cancel the existing lease and re-open women as victims," the study said. assessor, that the rental amount of collection, $1,560, a total of $%,564. Howard, of Costa Mesa. Calif, and "As you can see from the list of negotiations and in that case the At the same time, the study found white women Las Vegas, allegedly used a test $18,816 a year is not defraying the state would be required to advertise between the ages of 12 and 19 had a higher incidence of town’s actual cost for maintaining known costs, the present rental similar to a pregnancy test to amount is grossly lower than the for proposals for competitive space attempted rape then minority women in the same age SHOPPING the building. He said be also noted in the general area to house court diagnose the woman as having expenditure presently incurred by group that the present agreement amount facilities. The state feels that the cancer, said Steven Solomson, an reflects a $3.42 per square foot the town for proper maintenance of Biack and other minority women were more often in­ charge shouldn’t be more than $5.02 assistant state’s attorney. charge, based on the building’s 5,376 the building,” the mayor said. volved in attacks in which a weapon was used by the Solomson said Howard was con­ per square foot and the mayor said rapist. But white victims reported rape incidents to the square feet of court and office space. A fire in the building on Jan. 23 of victed of unlicensed practice of this might be acceptable but added police less often, according to the survey, because they The mayor said that salary and this year, made it necessary for the BAG medicine in California in 1973, fined town to relocate the offices of the that he feels any competitive bid felt it was "personal." $2,000 and sentenced to four years fringe benefits for a full-time custo­ should be waived but the state said it The survey found the incidence of rape decreased Train Crash dian assigned to the building, total court clerks on a temporary basis. probation. The prosecutor said there can’t do this under state statutes. among older women and those with higher incomes. And $14,793 and uniforms and shoes for The cost to the town to rent the space A Conrail freight train derailed Sunday in no reported injuries. Photo shows crews is a warrant for Howard’s arrest in ’The matter will be discussed at the rape victims were most often single — never married, the custodian, required by union con­ in a church-owned building, was $890 Westfield, Mass., on its way to New Haven. beginning to clear away wreckage. (UPI W. lUIN STREET a month. This didn’t include Town Council meeting scheduled for divorced or separated. California. tract, amount to $291 a year. Twenty-five cars left the tracks. There were photo) The woman, whose name was not janitorial service nor the use of the tomorrow night following a public Women walking alone between 6 p.m. and midnight in The town estimates that the time hearing and special town meeting set open public areas were more likely to face a rape attack, released, had cancer many years ago the director of public works and a courtroom and two offices in the but all evidence showed she was for 7:30 p.m. the study said. ROCKVILLE Added Help foreman, spent on matters related to Memorial Building. "A young woman, alone in an open public area at night, cured of the disease, said Solomson. The woman said Howard told her is in a potentially dangerous situation," it said. "Because Ku Klux Klan Is Halted Georgia State Trooper C.L. Haines, left, gives directions to few rape victimizations involve more than one victim, she had the disease again, and could Karen Pacer, center, and Debbie Huwe, who are visiting one suggestion (perhaps unrealistic in many cir­ ULtMBMIR be cured in seven to nine months with Atlanta, Ga„ from Michigan. State Troopers have been called cumstances) is that young women shouid avoid being out his treatment program, Solomson Accord to Save Railroad to duty in the city to relieve Atlanta Police from traffic tudy, so at night alone." said. Before Reaching Capitol nnr' NEUT. He said Howard, who allegedly The study also found that women who tried to protect that they can spend more time fighting the soaring major crime themselves by screaming, running away or fighting back, FREEH finds one person to locate recruits for rate in the downtown area. (UPI photo) MONTGOMERYN Ala. (UPI) - pending a Sept. 5 appearance in City would file against Montgomery of- R sa his treatment, arrived in Connecticut greatly increased their chances of being injured. Rape The Ku Klux Klan ended a four-day WonH Please Everybody Court, the head of the Louisiana- ficials, charging illegal searches and 5 ox. Friday and met with eight to 10 peo­ patterns were surveyed in Atlanta; Baltimore; Boston; Selmadto-Montgomery march Sun­ - . . , I____ — aT XyTi1t< ro iil/ a based invisible Empire Knights of denial of rights, REQ ple Saturday. Ogilvie’s plan was abandonment of might buy segments of Milwaukee. Buffaio, N.Y.; Chicago; Cincinnati; Cleveland; Dallas; day, facing a wall of police who the Ku Klux Klan said he still When Wilkinson’s group arrived at CHICAGO (UPI) - It will Uke 2.12 There is evidence Howard had been much of the railroad’s service area. Steve Garst, who operates a grain Denver; Detroit; Houston; Los Angeles; Miami; hustled 189 Klansmen downtown and planned to march to the state the Police blockade Sunday, he State Troopers agreement by a federal judge, the elevator in Coon Rapids, Iowa, which Milwaukee; Minneapolis; New Orleans; Newark, N.J.; booked them for parading without a treating people in California, Nevada Interstate Commerce Commission, a Ogilvie and his predecessor, Stanley Capitol buy may not try to restage marched up to Swindall and Polmar. and other states, Solomson said. uses Milwaukee Road service, said New York; Oakland, Calif., Philadelphia; Pittsburgh; permit. lot of creditors, a few labor unions— E.G. Hillman, had suggested the derAonstration for six months. ^ “Chief may I say one word? he Part of his alleged treatment is he thinks Iowa will be better off .San Diego; San Francisco; St. Louis; Portland, Ore., and The KKK wanted to march to the The Klansmen camped out three began. “We are marching for our and the abandonment of two-thirds of wholesale abandonment in the past Laetrile, an apricot pit deriviative and the Department of Transporta­ without the Milwaukee Road. Washington, D.C. steps of the state Capitol for a rally nights — the last in mud created by civil rights. ...” For ^ Help in Atlanta its track — to save the bankrupt 2 3.64 ’"rhe Milwaukee is saying they banned by the federal government. tion recently endorsed the proposal. to end their “white power march” heavy rains. They marched silently “You cannot make a speech, Milwaukee Road. Gillette Howard was held on $1,000 in Hart­ problem also was given prominent If the court and the ICC do not ap­ want to be out of the rail business and that retraced the Rev. Martin Luther Sunday, red clay spattered on the Swindall retorted. Turning to OLD ATLANTA (UPI) - State troopers Even if all those parties give their T R A C n ford Correctional Center pending his attention by a segment of the NBC prove, Ogilvie said, “we’ll be the we probably will be better off. They Area Police Report J King’s 1965 Selma-To-Montgomery hems of their white robes, until they reporters crowding the scene, he have joined the city’s undermanned consent and the 9,800-mile railroad is SPKE arraignment in Middletown Superior police force on street patrol, hoping “Today” show and complained that stewards of a dying railroad about don’t want to work at it. We would be civil rights march. sighted the police and broke into a added: “You either move back or I allowed to pare down to 3,400 miles of better off to strengthen the (rail) But a force of 270 state troopers, Court today. to halt a soaring homicide rate that Northern news media were zealous the first of next year.” "white Power” chant. will arrest you with the marchers.” SHAVE track, not everyone will be happy system that we’ve got in the state, ’ city police and county sheriff's has given rebirth to the ’’murder about giving Atlanta "a black eye.” Ogilvie said he is concerned that Vernon They were solemn and quiet as The Klan demonstrators, including with the situation. Garst said. Michael W Doyle, 23, of Hartford, was charged Friday deputies lined the highway, moving CREAM capital” title the South’s major city Jackson accepted the offer ^tur- Least happy will be officials and shippers currently using the police quickly photographed them, some women and juveniles, were LIME PriesVs Case day in the wake of a 12-hour period in South Dakota shippers generally night with assault on a police officer, second-degree in on the Klansmen as Mayor Emory ordered them to shed their robes and hustled into three buses, two vans has sought to outlive. shippers in the states the affected Milwaukee Road continue to have MINT, REQ. With to d ay ’s signing of an which four people were killed, freight service. He said negotiations are unhappy about the planned aban­ burglary, first-degree criminal trespassing and third- Polmar and Police Chief Charles frisked them. f®"'’ squad cars and taken down- track is located - principally Iowa, donment. “There’s no more serious TMCII Sees Setback executive order by Gov. George raising the city’s homicide count to already are under way with other degree criminal mischief. Swindall blocked their path, Swindall Police said no weapons were found town for processing. the Dakotas, Montana and and pressing transportation issue Busbee, the Georgia State Patrol will 146 - three more than during all of lines interested in purchasing some Doyle allegedly broke into a home on Dobson Avenue barking over a bullhorn; "You are Sunday. But when the Klansmen first The Klansmen started the march Washington. ’The shippers produce facing our state than the bankruptcy but police said it didn’t appear that anything was taken. violating the law. 1 arrest you for n.39 WILMINGTON, Del. (UPI) - be able to assist in routine traffic 1978. primarily coal, paper, steel, autos, of the segments the Milwaukee wants stopped at the city limits Saturday, 50 strong in Selma Thursday, of the Milwaukee Road,” Rep. James oz. *3.31 Defense attorneys for a Catholic duty and Georgia Bureau of Tom P erdue, B usbee’s ad- to sell. He then allegedly went to a house next door where people that violation.” knives, brass knuckles, Mace con­ 11 foods and beverages. Hednor said bst week in a hearing on who he new lived. He was refused admittance but forced Imperial Wizard Bill Wilkinson, REQ 1.M 14’9 REQ priest accused of armed robbery suf­ Investigation agents will work with minstrative assistant, said Col. Hugh The Milwaukee Road is bankrupt In some cases, he said, a deal is tainers and clubs clattered to the the question. his way in, police said. Police were call^ and after who had predicted thousands would fered a pair of potentially damaging city narcotics detectives. M. Hardison, commander of the and being run under a court- nearly complete. And if all the pavement when Swindall order^ setbacks in the first week of the trial. A limited number of state troopers State Patrol, and GBI Director prospective purchases are com­ The Montana Congressional Doyle was brought to the police station he allegeoiy participate in the 50-mile march, JOHNSON’S CLEARASH. appointed trusteeship. As part of iU delegation has introduced legislation demonstrators to drop their Twice during the first two days of began familiarization patrols of high Beverly Ponder would meet with pleted, even after the cutback about started to fight with Officer William Yetz and Yetz suf­ said Polmar would regret his action. DENTAL FLOSS reorganization process, the trustee is to prohibit abandonment for a year weapons. ^ j Now You Know tesimony in the trial of the Rev. Ber­ Atlanta Public Safety Commissioner 94 percent of the shippers now using fered injuries that required treatment at Rockville “The time is coming when Klan women passed a plate around crime areas Sunday night. required to develop and submit to the and to set up a loan program tor the WAXED nard T. Pagano, Superior Court "These patrols are to familiarize Lee Brown and Police Clhief George the Milwaukee will continue to have General Hospital. Montgomery is going to suffer the Saturday night during a campsite ral- Pennies are not legal tender in 1 OX. court a plan for reviving the railroad. Milwaukee Road. ’The planned aban­ Doyle was to be presented in court today. wrath of the Klan,” he said. ly seeking donations to fund dozens amounts over 25, unless the recipient UNWAXED Judge Andrew Christie denied themselves with downtown streets, Napper to settle coverage areas and ’Trustee Richard B. Ogilvie, the service. defense motions to dismiss donment,. Sen. Max Baucus said, Glendon C. Bickford, 17, of 323 Taylor St., Vernon, was After he was released on $500 bond of’ suits Wilkinson said the KKK agrees to accept them. X nNE but — more than anything else — to manpower details. former governor of Illinois, an­ Officials in many of the states testimony linking the 53-year-old create a presence, to be seen,” a Jackson has requested 20 minutes slated for track abandonment said shows “a total disregard for Western charged Sunday with disorderly conducted in connection 200 YD. nounced a plan last week. It came as transportation problems.” with the investigation of a disturbance on Elm Street. priest to a series of holdups in the Patrol spokesman said Sunday night. of air time from Atlanta television no surprise the key element in they are optimistic other railroads He was released on his promise to appear in court in Wilmington-area last winter. Busbee offered the assistance to stations Thursday night for a speech Doris Clough and Robin Bush Rockville on Aug. 21. 2.69 Mayor Maynard Jackson Thursday on the crime problem. testifed that Pagano was the one who after a front page Wall Street Jour­ The mayor had requested state Andover robbed their stores. Police say the nal article described downtown help in a carefully worded telegram State Police are investigating an accident that caused robberies were all committed by a Atlanta as "aw ar zone.” The gover­ to Busbee, citing previous injuries to two persons Saturday night on Route 6. *2.26 well-dressed manerly robber they agreements he had discussed with The World Almanac” Melonie A. Guiles of Andover was treated for a leg id- nor said the entire state depends on have dubbed the "Gentleman Ban­ Atlanta as its business hub and com­ state officials during the week. jury and Erwin Sayet of Norwich was treated for facial GOmECTOl dit." peting cities would circulate the Jackson emphasized that his ad­ cuts at Windham Community Memorial Hospital. The alleged crime spree netted Journal article among corporate of­ ministration would remain in control Police said Sayet was eastbound on Route 6 and Guiles more than $1,000. Pagano is also ac­ fices and convention groups to dis­ of the city, with troopers and GBI appeared to have been westbound, lost control of her car cused of one count of attempted courage relocation to Atlanta. agents working under his police com­ and it spun into the path of Sayet. armed robbery. Busbee said the city’s crime manders. South Windsor Uwoat paXn Kenneth R. Dunbar III, 24, of 39 Locust St., South Wind­ sor, was charged Sunday with failure to obey a stop sign i s s - > Can you match these t a m ^ after-being involved in a two-car accident at Graham and ASPER8UM American authors with W e’d like CHEfINY-ORANQI UAW Uses New Tactics his/her work? Hayes roads. 1. John O’Hara The driver of the other car was Daniel W. Rezende Jr., Corp., giving bettors an even chance the automaker, the UAW’s Chrysler 2. Kathryn Forbes DETROIT (UPI) - The economic (Council has given the union’s Inter­ 18, of 385 Graham Road. No injuries were reported. Dun­ crisis is playing the biggest role in of guessing whether the target would 3. Betty Smith bar has a court answer date of Aug. 24 in East Hartford. 10’6 REQ 1.08 be Ford Motor Co. or General Motors national Bargaining Committee 4. John Steinbeck this year’s auto talks, as the authority to tailor a settlement to 5. Edgar Rice Burroughs Guy Tylutki, 18, of 127 Robert Drive, South Windsor, to make baths automakers and the United Auto Ctorp. (a) “Of Mice and Men” was charged Sunday with driving at an unreasonable The auto companies are appealing Chrysler’s problems. (b) “Tarzan of the Apes’ SPECIAL Workers Union discard old tactics for UAW President Douglas Fraser’s speed. He was involved in a one-car accident on Oakland new ones the Ulks have never seen for moderate union demands this (c) “Ten North Frederick year and have taken as their own the remark that the union will "take into (d ) “ Mama’s Bank Road. mYmomPHom' before. Police said he was eastbound, lost control of his car, government’s call for a 7 percent consideration whatever is needed for Account” , „ . Economic conditions and forecasts the survival of Chrysler” appears to ( e ) ”A Tree Growa In Brook­ spun around and landed against a tree. No injuries were a thing have spurred rank-and-file opposition wage hike guideline. In a precedent­ lyn” foreshadow a rare breaking of the reported . His court date is Aug. 23. /wfMfClearcKll to a strike, perhap softening the setting move, wavering Chrysler has asked for special exemptions for Big Three pattern this year. answers Coventry UAW threats. And the mystery and Traditionally, all three auto com­ Mark Jones, 18, of 589 Burnside Avenue, East Hartford, speculation surrounding which firm itself. But perhaps even more unusual is panies fall into line with key con­ q S B •» a •£ P ’13 I and William Greene, 16, of Dale Road, Manchester, were would be the target should a walkout $1.87 the union's concession to help cessions won by the union from its charged Saturday with tampering with a motor vehicle. o f the past. 4 OZ. occur also has been diminished this target firm. Jones was also charged with carrying a weapon in a 76c year. Chrysler. motor vehicle. 3.250Z. The UAW has granted strike im­ Although it has made no mention of Police said the pair were allegedly caught removing t lo-EtOft d(Ep4cy lor dwtifiE 1 02. munity to financially-ailing Gin[slw the type of contract break it will give parts from a car at a garage on South Street. Jones was also involved in an accident on Daly Road B & L MEXSANA and suffered minor injuries. Both are scheduled to POWDER appear in court in Rockville on Aug. 28. SAUNE

Tibet Exiles Visit China SOLUTION 0.28 ox. HONG KONG (UPI) — Responding to Peking’s peace gesture, high-ranking officials of the dalai lama’s n.07 In parts of France it was con* now tholes o _ government-in-exile flew to China early this month for *1.12 tidared good luck to dress talks with Chinese officials, a Hong Kong magazine said up a cat in ribbons and ears todav. of corn during harvesting. CREDIT CARO ! KETAMUaL FM. The largest and most REAL ESTATE PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES Like keeping your refrigerator and frccrcr full, Those leisuidy hours your femily speiids in the DEODORANT POWDER spacious cruiseship with James Murphy ]n Manchester because food retains cold better than air. Not pre- bath could be costing you a bucket. SPRAY sailing from Miami Monday avaninga from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Because one big energy gulper in your home is the hearing your oven. Switching from incandescent lo for 12 weaka beginning Sept. 17, 1979 to The Bahamas hot water heater. It alone can account for up to 15% of fluorescent lighting when conwnient; REQ. UN8C. with John Charters In Manchester your home fuel bilk Northeast Utilities wants you to leam aK mi even HERBAL Wadnaaday avaninga from 6:30-9:30 p.m. So if you really want to keep your money from more energy-saving rips, including our Controlled lor 12 waaka beginning Sapt. 19, 1979 gcang down the drain, try taking a shower instead of a Wfeter Hearing program. So write; Ralph Mamme, with James Murphy In Rockville bath. YauH end up using only a ^ t half the hot water Northeast Utilities. RO. Box 1953. Hartford. * Ragittry PanEmi Connecticut 06144. Wadnaaday avaninga from 6:30-9:30 p.m. you notmallY use in a mb. 3 NIGHT NASSAU CRUISE for 12 waaka beginning Sapl. 26, 1979 Showers are just one step you can take to cut down When it comes to home' fiiel bills, w e di mt want 1.8 ox. REQ 2.10 on your home fuel b ilk T h w are lots of others. you to be the one who gets burned. 4 NIGHT NASSAU & with Gardner Dogherty In East Hartford JU. tt's a class entry card given __ FREEPORT CRUISE to every student attending classes at the University Tuaaday avaninga from 7-10 p.m. 8ERUTAN Silling ivinr Fri. & Mon. lor 12 weaka beginning Sapt. 11, 1979 POWDER UAVE of Hartford, ft's a “Credit Card ’ that can help prepare your way N O im iEIU n' UTILITIES LAND/SEA TOURS Into the future. You can take this card and open a world of possibilities for yoursed For Information call 203-486-3234 Doing everything in our power to serve jou. BABY 8 DRIVE ’N CRUISE TOURS with day or evening classes, part-time or full schedules, and undergraduate or UNWERSTTY ir * availabli graduate courses. Call us— al 243-4371— lor additional information. Or stop by our HONEYEUCKLI Division ol Adult Educational Services, room 228, Auerbach Hall, and talk with a Sklplffsar i H AR TFO R D Non-Credit Programs, U-56RE HYACINTH career advisor. Our office hours are 8:30 am-8:30 pm, Ulikin Sct,«t N»Iwi G«XMn, ktulilltiNwir. FROTIIN Monday through Fitday and 9:00 am-12:00 pm, Saturday. Extended & Continuing Education $297 S m your Travel Agent or BALSAM The University of Connecticut write for colorfulllterat^e Master Charge and Visa cards accepted. Storrt, Connecticut 08260 tllld II,IV ‘ Il l ’ll r EKrmSnM^lKSm *1 I Ii’i i 'ii U . l V '‘l I GsmtiI M i l Aganti nd Opiratori i I P.O.Box010882, Mlimi.Fli.33101 i This course meets the mlnlrnuno educational i au»...... ' Register now. Classes begin Septa S requirements for the salespersons license as set forth by • A M n ii...... • The Connecticut Real Estate Commission, • anititttw,...... j PAGE SH( - EVENING HERALD. Mon., August 13, 1979 Meeting Planned EVENING HERALD, Mon,, August 13, 1979- PAGE SEVEN [ ManchMter | Moslem Militants On Fafnir Strike IPubllc Records J

Warranty Deeds Pick The Best Produce Rampaging in Iran ^ Joseph Saimond and Elda Almond to Joseph TEHRAN, Iran (UPl) - Several thou­ providing jail terms of up to three years Hector Zeppa and Karen for journalists convicted of publishing in­ M. Zeppa, property at 72 WALDBAUM'S Pick The Best Meats sand Moslem militants armed with clubs sults against the leaders of Iran's official sA esn ia n for Rep. Toby Moffett, f |?' Campfield Road, $45,500. and knives stormed and seized the The strike affecU about 3,500 employes at the com headquarters of a Marxist guerrilla group religions — Islam, Christianity, Judiasm Dorothy M. Bunce, Bar­ pany’s New Britain and Newington facilities. today In the second consecutive day of and the Zoroastrian faith. bara B. Joyner and Louise In a separate development, Moffett had urged Horvite two weeks ago to B. Saucier to Linda I. Pick The Best Groceries political violence In Tehran. in the strike. But he later asked the federal agency to The militants overpowered and dis­ revolutionary guards firing automatic Gray, property at 225-227 Food M art armed members of the Fedayan Khalq rifles from jeeps seized the U.S. Embassy defer a decision when state Labor ' Center St., $52,500. Joseph Peraro announced he would personally involve guerrilla group at their headquarters in from Moslem guerrillas who had held it Maurice Phillip Snyder central Tehran after a brief scuffle. since February. The ousted guerrillas, himself in the negotiations. -n,..r«iav and Lillian Snyder to Pick The Best Bargains A bargaining session in Peraro s office last Thursday Several persons were taken away by members of a fringe group, had not Joseph J. Parzyeh and harmed any Americans, but controlled failed to move the two sides closer to an agreeniMt, Susan Parla, property on Prices Effective Sunday, Aug. 12 ambulance to be treated for knife wounds prompting Peraro to withdraw. Moffett then renewed his “PICKY - PICKY - PICKY!” FOOD MART - THE FOOD EXPERTS! and other injuries. access to and from the embassy grounds. Milford Road, $51,900. Through Saturday, Aug. 18 The seizure of the Fedayan It was unclear why the revolutionary plea to Horvitz. William E. Belfiore and About 3,300 Fafnir production workers walked off their headquarters followed clashes at Tehran guards had waited until Sunday to oust the Jam es K. DeRocco to factory jobs April 23 after rejecting company University Sunday in which 300 persons guerrillas, although Western sources Thomas J. Robbins and offers. Two days later, 187 Fafnir tradesmen joined the were injured, some critically, when privately admitted the militiamen were Terri L. Robbins, property Moslem rightists attacked demonstrators suspected of stealing liquor from the em­ strike. at Walnut and Cedar protesting press censorship. bassy and selling it on the black market. streets, $52,500. Ocean Spray U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BEEF Keebler Zesta In today's attack on the Fedayan Guards firing their rifles and riding in Vernon Street Corp. to H. headquarters, several thousand militants jeeps and Mercedes cars swept through State Jail Pact Lawrence Hose and blockaded roads and turned away traffic the tree-ringed compound shortly before Martha J. Hose, property Cranberry Juice BOTTOM Saltines from the central Tehran area. Then they the embassy opened for the day. An em­ at Knollwood subdivision SALTED AND UNSALTED marched into the guerrilla headquarters bassy spokesman said none of the In Fact-Finding off Vernon Street, ^,000. and disarmed an unspecified number of Americans in the compound was “taken Marcel L. Sirois and Cocktail ROUND 16 OUNCE PACKAGE the fedayan. hostage or maltreated.” Aline T, Sirois to James E. HALF GALLON BOTTLE Thousands of leftists and moderates, Before Sunday's anti-censorship march Jones and Lynne who gathered at Tenran University Sun­ got under way, the rightist militants MacFarlane Jones, proper­ ’’^Union leaters Sold the raiA and Me betore the Sure day to protest against the closure of the parked trucks near the university filled Home Is the Sailor ty at 224 Kennedy Road, Ayendegan newspaper, clashed with a with stones for use as weapons. dav that they have reached an impasse with the stale $77,500, ROAST Gerry Spiess is all smiles as he steps to address about 1,500 residents ovCT a new contract and further talks would prove smaller crowd of rightists armed with “Suddenly, there were stones flying all of his home town of White Bear Lake, Minn., who turned out to honor Forest Condominium 2 knives, rocks and bottles. over,” one witness said, “The sky was full fruitless Corp, to Barbara G. The rightists infiltrated the march from of them,” the record-making sailor Sunday. Spiess crossed the Atlantic Ocean "We’ve squeezed every ounce of blood from the state Hopkins, property at 125F the university campus to Prime Minister A western woman journalist was beaten last month in a 10-foot boat, the smallest ever to make the trip, doing we can.” said Dominick Badolato, executive director of Cliffside Drive, $71.50 con­ USDA and her audio equipment taken by a group Council 4, American Federation of State, County and veyance tax. HOSTESS Mehwi Bazargan's office shouting, “Down so in 54 days, to England. (UPI photo) CHOICE^ 13 OZ. with communism” They were answered of men who chased her shouting “you Municipal Employees. ■.i, , a.oii fnr a strike R obert W. Finn and FOOD CLUB MULTI PACK But some members answered with a call for a stoike. TWINKIES with cries of “death to fascism” and filthy imperialist journalists,” Agnes L. Finn to Stanislaw 1.63 3 “ A fact-finder isn’t going to do a thing for us except MAYONNAISE “death to reaction.” National Guidance Minister Nasser Michala): and Krystyna C. Iranian newspapers today said 300 peo­ Minachi told a gathering of Iranian and Feds Sue Philadelphia stall for time. I don’t want to walk a picket line in tae Michalak property on PLUME DE VEAU ple were treated for cuts, broken limbs foreign journalists the new press law that middle of the winter, so we might as well go on strike (Nutmeg Drive, $71,000. and bruises. The Bamdad newspaper said took effect Sunday was designed to "en­ now,” one union member said. Fiduciary Deed sure freedom for the committed and The prison guards held an illegal 3-day walkout in Shoulder Veal Chops Cottonelle some of the injured were in critical condi­ Over Poliee Brutality Estate of Mary D. Prince ♦ 2 . 0 9 tion. responsible writers and publications and before ratifying a contract they had previously reject^. Haueisen to Robert F. The mobs were broken up by not for those who want to damage the WASHINGTON (UPI) - The U.S. Thrasher, the Justice Department’s Others at the meeting at Central tonecticut State Blanchard and Paul J. (Islamic) revolution.” College warned a strike would be “crushed by the state, Bath Tissue revolutionary guards with tear gas and Justice Department has decided to file a special litigation counsel, ensued. Rossetto, property at 118 U.S.D.A. CHOICE and union workers would lose more than they would gam. U.S. GOVERNMENT shots into the air. police brutality suit against Philadelphia, Thrasher was investigating the possibility Pine St. and 27 High St., Thin Spaghetti ASSORTED and WHITE Several hours before the clashes sources say. of filing a suit alleging that the brutality $52,000. INSPECTED - GRADE A' 1600 SHEET PKG. erupted, a new press law went into effect The unprecedented civil suit was incidents stemmed from the police- 3 POUND BONUS PACK BEEF expected to charge Philadelphia’s police department’s failure to take disciplinary Kennedy Youth Injured Perdue Fresh department with systematically con­ ManchesieT action against officers involved In miscon­ WATERVILLE VALLEY, N.H. (UPI) - Joseph doning brutality and other civil rights duct. Kennedy III, eldest son of the late Sen, Robert Kennedy, Playground Notas| TOP New Boards’ Status abuses by not punishing offending of­ No such suit has ever before been filed, was injured over the weekend while hiking on 4,000-foot OVEN ficers, sources said Sunday night. but sources told UPI the department also Mt. Osceola with four companions. B u rk ip y ' Justice Department spokesman was reviewing the possibility of filing Kennedy, 27, was taken to Sceve Speare Hospital in Pet Show: Most unusual. ROUND Terrance Adamson confirmed that a STUFFER Aired by Selectmen similar suits against the cities of Plymouth Saturday where he was treated for an ankle in­ Eric Fetting 16 OUNCE - NO RETURN BOTTLES request for an injunction will be filed in Memphis, Tenn,, and Houston. jury and released. (Salamander). Most U.S. D istrict Court in Philadelphia, 32 OUNCE BOTTLE No firm decision has been reached, but Amusing. Mitchell Reid, ROASTERS STEAK Coke, Tab, R$139 HEBRON —The status of three com­ tion. Mrs, Wilson volunteered to represent culminating eight months of study. lawsuits in those two cases are less likely Dynamo Liquid the board on the committee. Other “Papers will be filed in Philadelphia (Toad). 19 p^ k mittees, which were approved during a to materialize, officials said. Dog Show: Best in Show, Fresca or Sprite I ■ members of the committee are: Edward I Manchester Fire Calls I special town meeting on July 30, was dis­ tomorrow morning,” Adamson told UPI. Kaya Fettig. Best Trained, Laundry Detergent Williams, representing the Board of Many observers consider the police s 4 3 3 cussed by the Board of Selectmen at the Lady Reid. board's meeting Thursday night. Finance and Donald Robinson and Joseph brutality problem in Philadelphia the ■ • LB. Krist were also named by the town Escapee Holds Saturday, 8:35 a m.—False Saturday, 3:53 p.m.-Car Nathan Hale The special meeting approved the set­ worst of any city in the country. fire at Manchester Motel meeting to serve on this committee. alarm at 301 Adams St. Knock Hockey: 1. Mike Food Club ting up of an Historic District Study Com­ Sources said Attorney General Griffin (Town). Johnson & Johnson In other business the selectmen voted, Four Hostages (Eighth District) Merrill. 2. Zippy mittee, Water Pollution Control Authori­ Bell personally approved the lawsuit that Saturday. 10 p.m —Smoke EXCELLENT FOR ty, and a Town Ofefice Building Addition at the request of the tax collector, to abate will attempt to force changes in the prac­ Saturday, 11:43 Forostowski. 3. Fran GARDINER, N.Y. (UPI) - Police ear­ a m.—Security alarms at Investigation at 28 Church St. Item of BEEF BARBECUE!------$ Study Committee. an $11 tax due on a property deed to the tices and procedures of Philadephia's ly today surrounded a private home in (Town) Sumislaski. TODDLER U.S.D.A „ MUSHROOMS town to provide sufficient right-of-way for Martin and South schools Of the three, only the Historical District police department and other agencies. Gardiner and negotiated with a convicted Sunday, 3:28 p.m.-Stove \$ e » l S id e the week! SHORT RIBS CHOICE “-B. Hoadley Road. (Town). STEMS & PIECES Study Committee has scheduled an In Philadelphia, Deputy Mayor Tony rapist and robber who was holding four Saturday, 12:44 p.m.—Car fire at 182 Bissell St. (Town) Pet Contest: 1. Michelle The board is still accepting resumes for Today, 1:26 a m .—False DIAPERS organizational meeting on Aug. 22 at 8 Zecca quoted Mayor Frank Rizzo as people hostage. radiator hit by lightning, exit Quey. 2. Jennifer 4 OUNCE CAN the position of full-time building official, alarms at Robertson School p.m. at the Town Office Building. The saying of the suit, “We welcome it.” ’The convict, Richard Gantz, 28, of New 92, 1-88 (Town). Gauruder. 3. Danny Roggi. 12 COUNT BOX members of the committee are: Len through Aug. 31. Anyone interested is Zecca declined comment for himself, Saturday, 12:56 p.m—Car and Economy Electric. York City, escaped over the weekend (Eighth District). 4. (Tie) Laura Morency St Wooten, Craig Rowley, Alice Osborn, asked to apply to Reid as soon as possible. other than to call the suit “ludicrous.” from the maximum-security Downstate fire at exit 92 (Town). rwaldbaum’s N.Y.Style DELIfl Reid also told the board that he un­ Doug Morency. 5. CTie) Edward Foote and Frederick J, Wythe. Rizzo was not available for direct com­ Correctional Facility in Fishkill. • SALE STARTS TODAY Christine Krause St Frank The Water Pollution Control Authority, derstands that the old railroad right-of- ment. COLONIAL Hebrew National Kosher Beef While they would not release the Krause. way will be taken over by the Department A number of violent incidents last to date, has one member, Selectman Ray­ hostages’ identities, Ulster County Dog Show: Biggest, - 1.50 of Environmental Protection, He said that SUPER •SALAMI YOUR CHOICE mond J. Burt. Representatives from the summer, including shootings of in­ sheriffs deputies said the house was oc­ Patrick Comins (Amy). WIDE PlanninR and Zoning Commission, as well the department plans to send someone out dividuals by police officers, provoked cupied by Gantz and “three males and one DRUGS •BOLOGNA OQ to determine what use of the area is (GENOVESE Smallest, Mara Walwrath 10* OFF LABEL - 49 OZ. PKG. a ^ o f t as the Conservation Commisstion, are Bell's personal interest in the problem. female.” A REAL DRUG STORE (Tifiny). Best Behaved, BOLOGNA •FRANKS V J expected to be appointed during desired by local groups. Bell met with citizens’ groups from Deputies said Gantz, 28, was armed SLICED TO ORDER Cheer Powdered $ ^ 3 9 Before the receipt of this information Tommy Clifford (Lucky). •KNOCKWURST t o a 12 oz. September meetings. Philadelphia and later with a delegation of with a shotgun, which lie obtained at the Rx TRANSFER SERVICE: Tricks, Patrick Comins GAYLORD Burt said that David Marnicki, who the town had received a request from the poliee officers from the city. Bell in­ M youVon™ jW cnption on (,(. .(w«l..... ju.t t.K yon. 28 OZ Laundry Detergent I ■> house on rural Phillies Bridge Road in H. ( . .he) «;((cM you- « (Amy). Cutest, Mara chaired the sewer authority when it was Department of Transportation concerning 0 CAN structed Peter Vaira, U.S, attorney for Gardiner. you can obtlin your m-nlication ot G«-ov«l« Dnivi ((V^e Walwrath (Tifiny). TOMATOES an appointed study committee, and Mrs. its wish to have the Town of Hebron Philadelphia, to assess the problem and proud to f-ovki. tliil w-yiM md (hero il, you n«.l ,_b * 1 . 8 9 A state police spokesman said the house Dog Show: Best of Show. Long John Franks Frost T. Krist, who served as secretary, accept responsibility for its use. At that make recommendations. IMPORTED AUSTRIAN was surrounded by about “20 to 25” state PRE-PAID PRESCRIPTION PLANS: Tommy Gifford (Lucky). MOSEYS . ' have indicated an interest in serving on time both the Recreation Commission and Six months of research by Louis M. police and corrections officers, including the Board of Selectmeli, asked for further Qooovou p a ititip ttw (n Id pub(ic »id pmCTipdoo Best groomed, Jen Owren Swiss Cheese Lean Pastrami TO ORDER l b . *2.39 Top Frost. the permanent committee. "upper-echelon troop personnel.” p.ymw1 p^r«nu. W. «•('«• ""(«'<«’« ■>' >"'« r-o (Little Bit). Prettiest, Florida Citrus LUNDY GOURMET At this time the Board of Selectmen is information. giami w d prootu iM Uw pw :«w o-k involyed Patrick Comins (Amy). seeking names from residents to fill the Reid said that work on the Grayville m DO fTA U fOH YOU AT GENOVeSBI ♦s TO ORDER lb Loudest Bark, Jeanette LB Cooked Ham *2.49 four appointments of members-at-large. Road Bridge is scheduled to start in the ICE CREAM Lifebure (Ginger). Any resident interested should contact middle of this week. Notice will be posted Orange Juice ALL FLAVORS First Selectman Aaron Reid at the Town in advance so residents will be aware of Compafe Our fHescription Prices: Basket Champs Office Building as soon as possible. detours. Square Village HALF GALLON CARTON The Town Office Building Addition A joint meeting of the selectmen and the Ozzie Williams 100% Pure - % Gal. Carton We’re the Picky, Picky, Picky Study Committee is expected to meet Board of Finance is scheduled for Aug. 29 ZE UP Brian Callaghan after Cynthia G. Wilson, a member of the to review applications for the position of Louis Tucker Fresh Produce Experts! Board of Selectmen, returns from vaca­ part-time assessor. , A m o m C IH 2S0mg.CAPS ...20 1.79 Tim Wright HE iTetracydine HCLI 1 .1 0 Scott Carone Percy Atmore FRESH NEW CROP 1 AURALGAH OTIC SOLUTION . IScc 2.19 OUART S TUATION ■Second Place — Container Joe Maher Sewer Meeting Tuesday 3 m O RDIAZEPO Xm HCl lomg .mo 4.54 Blueberry BANQUET John Perira IConifiarei to Lihniini' I 1 LB. PKG. VERNON — The Town Council will con­ Meadowlark Road, Inland Drive, Sean Gerich COOKIN' . DOHHATOl TABS...... TOO 2.29 John Buccino BLUE BONNET 5 oz. duct a public hearing and special town Glenstone Drive, Hill Crest Drive, Sunny Festival BAGS varIetiIs PKQS. meeting tomorrow night at 7:30 in the View Drive, West Street, Temple Street, Pat Carroll SOFT MARGARINE Memorial Building on a request for an ap­ Tumblebrook Drive, Trout Stream Drive, Kids, s HYDB0CHL0B0THIA2IDE SBmg.TABS ■ Sean Gerich (Coniparei to HydrodninI 1 100...... Z.99 John Hedlund fo r Jams, Pies, or With Your Morning { S f l U l T propriation of $1.5 million for extension of Deerfield Drive, Hamilton Drive, Cereal, You Can't Find a Belter Buy! r l I M . l . ;Mike Rkoy. sewer lines to various areas of town. Pinewood Drive, Taylor Street, Elm Hill i LANOXIN B.2Smg. TABS ....100 1.39 Coifiaifier A previous ordinance which was passed Road, Hartl and Allison drives, Welles, make extra (Digoxin) Q-TIPS appropriated $3.5 million and that amount Acorn, Talcottville and Lorraine roads Waldbaum's 10 POUND was insufficient to pay the costs of the and required future crossings of I NIEPBOBAMATE 400mg. TABS . 100 1-79 proposed sewer line extensions. Interstate 84. money this Carden BULK BOX The town anticipates it will receive The additional appropriation will be Cotton Swabs paid from federal and state grants and StOD in or cill your OtnovOM Drug Storo P hirm «ill for •.act PIES grants in the amount of at least $1.5 SWEET funds from the issuance of temporary uwngi on rtwM and m»nv mort G«o«ric»l L««Mr quwititm Club Apple • Lemon • Pineapple LUSCIOUS YELLOW . SWEET million for the project. summer. ■V bti^^ijjjhtjjrijlgj^ Drlc«d iMghtlY highir. Pnow «n«ciiv« till 8/19(79. rtAI IP H R N IA aininY 170 COUNT PACKAGE notes previously approved will be used to VINE RIPENED RIPEI The project includes the extension of 22 Ounce Package N e w J e rs e y lines to Hartford Turnpike (Route 30), defray the appropriation until the grant C a lifo rn ia Chlquita or Dole S e e d le s s 3 Vernon Avenue, Evergreen Drive, funds are received. To Meet B a n a n a s G ra p e s P e a c h e s Have your own the Cantaloupes iv/f/j this coupon ♦1 OFF purchase o f COVENTRY - The Coventry Garden Club will Paper Route ! i ANY NEW PRESCRIPTION meet Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the Meadowbrixtk Shopping 4” LBS. ■ ■ 8 9 f . 3 9 t Center for a visit to the DUE TO OUR FRESHNESS POLICY SOME ITEMS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TIL TUES. A LoheiigriifRiiig garden of Arthur McKay at SA VE NO W ON PA TIENT AIDS! 215 Highland St. to mark Members are requested the moment Call Future CURITY to bring their lunch. ? ^ Vl.U. ^ jF*ILU. you want to UNDERPADS The business meeting To*'off" “1 Fi"a*""off 647-9946 SITZBATH will be conducted at the ” 25* off j“20* off 15* off ON ANY SIZE PKG. remember - , COMPLETE PERSONAL ■ ON A 40 COUNT PKG. ON THREE 6 OZ. PKGS. ON A 36 OZ. PKG. 20'»-23”x38" home of Mrs. Fred ON A 29.2 OZ. CAN for a lifetime ask lor HYGIENE, ON ANY SIZE CAN UPTON 4Z'i-17)4"x24" Kingsbury, Bread and Milk Hl-C Powdered I SCOTT ROYAL TOP FROST Street at about noon. SHELL ICED TEA Tom I BABY FRESH TWIN POPS NOW ONLY: YOUR CHOICE: DRINK MIXES GELATINS MIX or At Conference INSECTICIDES ALL FLAVORS . . 12 COUNT _ ALL FLAVORS _ I WIPES WITH THIS COUPON AT T(»-o ftom our extensive collecUon Exclusively Ours WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD MANCHESTER - The WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD I WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD MART, 0 0 0 0 THRU SAT,. A U O .^ “ * “ Joanno MART GOOD THRU SAT.. AUQ-t MART. GOOD THRO SAT., AUQ ^^“ * “ J l S LIMIT THREE PKQS. ■ O N E l 18. LIM IT ONE PKG. • ONEl staff of Tres Chic Salon 1 18. LIMIT ONE CAN • ONEI |C O U P O N PER FAMILY.' 3 ^ 3 .9 9 ^C O U P O N PER FAMILY. gC O U P O N PER FAMILY. 3^ 958 MAIN ST. 5 .9 9 attended the 17th Annual ■ DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER Advanced Cosmetology HWITMaOMIW GENOVESE DRUG Conference offered at The e J iic h d ^ University of Connecticut, In lo ouf cuH o m ira. w t rtM iv* lfi« fiQM 10 limil ,«l*t 10 3 oLgi ol mv Hem o.copl whoro oltiorwiio noloo Item, ollofeO lor tole not availiblo in caaa loll or lo oinaf ralail dealari or wholaialara Not laaponi ypoS w - l n—t a w w •(NnMMMU Jewelers & Silversmiths Since 1900 25 MAIN ST. E. HTFD, Aug. 59. Classes were M A N C H E s 1 Amencan Express / Master Charge/ V&a / Michaels Charge presented by Teresa 410 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE ' Pupillo of Chicago, on perm techniques, hair cut­ ting, design and fashion. EVENINQ HERALD. Men.. Auaist 13. llff» - PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT - EVENING HERALD. Mon., August 13, 1979 Jack Anderson St. Onge-Rook Van Vogelpoel-LeBlanc Private Eye Kathleen F. Rook of Manchester and Paul L. St. Onge Lori D. LeBlanc of Manchester and Robert Michael We Fire Big Oil’s Ire: One of West Hartford were married Aug. 11 at St. Van Vogelpoel of Monroe were married Aug. 11 at First sources claimed that the oil panles, taking their cue from Saudi Bartholomew Church in Manchester. Congregational Church of Vernon. The Washington Post confirmed that here are the facts in support of our WASHINGTON - There may be a teaching and to give the oil industry payments were “substantial” and Arabia, refused to make the The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William M. ’The bride is the daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard N. the department "relied entirely on charge; Rook of 125 Coleman Road, Manchester. The bridegroom few who still remember the last one last rawhiding. deliveries. TTie U.S. armed forces LeBlanc of 286 Bldwell St., Manchester. ’The bride-groom data supplied by the industry and In­ First Example— On the eve of that the Viet Cong., in return, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. Onge of West Hart­ stand of the late Sen. Paul Douglas, We collaborated with Douglas in allowed oil trucks to travel un­ were cut back 260,000 barrels a day, is the son of Mr .and htos. frans Van Vogelpoel of Monroe. those days to expose the profiteering cluded no independent audits.” World War II, Standard Oil of New ford. ’The Rev. Lacy officiated. D-III. He went down to defeat in 1966 Jersey renewed an agreement with hindered in South Vietnam. which amounted to one-third of their The Rev. Martin J. Sholsky of St. Bartholomew Church and politicking of the oil barons. No surprisingly, our reporting has M i after 18 years of lonely battles in the the Nazi cartel, I.G. Farben, to Exxon officials mournfully in­ daily consumption. A Pentagon performed the double-ring ceremony. Over the years, we continued to aroused the ire of the oil companies. spokesman assured us, however, that Robin Mullins of East Hartford was maid of honor. Senate. withhold from the United States the formed the late Sen. George Aiken, I J Teh bride was given in marriage by her father. Bridesmaids were Donna Mayer of Willimantic, the report on their collaboration with the Standard Oil of California hired a the safety of U.S. personnel was Teh event caused celebrations in technology for developing critically R-Vt., that the Viet Cong had Mrs. Patricia Wehr of South Windsor was her sister’s bride’s sister; Rose Deschenes of East Hartford; Jill the paneled boardrooms of the oil Arab oil sheiks, their refusal to mysteridus detective agency to in­ h needed synthetic rubber. It took a destroyed 40 percent of their Viet­ never In jeopardy. matron of honor. Miss Cynthia St. Onge of West Hartford, Leighton of Talcottville; and Nancy Volkert of Vernon. companies. ’The trade paper, Oil and develop oil substitutes and their vestigate us. A private eye, who If Sen. Paul Doublas were alive, massive Justice Department in­ nam shipments. The senator pursued the bridegroom’s sister, was maid of honor. Miss Allison Gas Journal, Washington wire-pulling. called himself Joe Smith, began fi Fred Given of Hamden served as best man. Ushers this point with thenDefense the old curmudgeon would be on the Wehr and Miss Megan Wehr, both of South Windsor and Not long after the Energy Depart­ snooping into our affairs. We traced vestigation to force Standard Oil to nieces of the bride, were flower girls. were Bruce LaVoie of Bristol, Bruce Lassman of South crowed: “OIL Secretary Robert McNamara at a floor of the Senate giving the oil com­ ment was formed, we exposed its him to the J.H.F. agency which, we release the process. Steven St. Onge of West Hartford, was his brother’s Windsor, Rich Westerfleld of Stamford, and Daniel Van WINS BIG IN closed-door hearing. How much oil, panies what-for. sweetheart relationship with the learned, was headed by a former “WE believe that the Standard V** best man. Ushers were James Rook and John Rook, both Vogelpoel of Monroe, the bridegroom’s brother. OFF-YEAR cartel arrangements with Ger­ asked Aiken, had been lost in South Footnote; We will respond to American Petroleum Institute. We British intelligence officer named of Manchester, and brothers of the bride. ELECTIONS.” many,” testified Attorney General Vietnam? Before McNamara could Exxon’s specific complaints in a A reception was held at the Elks Lodge in Rockville, reported last May 28 that the Energy John H. Fanner. \ A reception at St. Clements Estate in The sto ry Thurmond Arnold in April 1942, reply, Gen. Earle Wheeler, then the future column. Portland, alter which the couple left for Martha’s after which the couple left for Bermuda. ’They will reside Department not only was swallowing Mobil Oil castigated us in adver­ proclaimed “...are the principal cause of the pre­ Joint (Tiiefs chairman, broke in. White House Pipeline; Vineyard. They will reside in South Windsor. in Vernon. joyously that the the oil industry’s alibis for the recent tisements published in leading i “Only a traction of one percent,” he President Carter’s top aides have Mrs. St. Onge is employed as a teacher in the fuel shortage but was blocking other newspapers across the country. Now sent (rubber)shortage.” Mrs. Van Vogelpoel is a student at the University of Senate’s “most said. developed a touch of paranoia. Take Wethersfield School System. Mr. St. Onge is employed in articulate critic” of the oil industry government agencies from gathering we are in receipt of a letter from Second Example — During the Connecticut and will graduate in December. Mr. Van Vietnam War, the oil companies paid TTiird Example — During the 1973 the case of the pink elelphant. It the Real Estate Department at T&M Building Co. had been defeated. any contradictory facts. George T. Piercy, senior vice presi­ (Burian-Moss photo) Vogelpoel is employed at Pratt & Whitney Division of dent of Exxon, disputing our charge protection money to the Viet Cong. Arab-Israeli war, the Defense began with a remark two months ago United Technologies Corp. (Gerrick photo) Mrs. Robert M. Van Vogelpoel At the end, Douglas stood before a Sure enough, the Energy Depart­ Department south oil for its that the oil industry has put profits ITie money was used to purchase by then-Health, Education and press conference, his white head held ment issued a report on Aug. 6 operations in the crucial Mediterra­ ahead of patriotism. "Wrong,” he arms, with which the conununists Welfare Secretary Joseph Califano. t ■? high, his craggy Indian-chief face un­ clearing the oil industry of hoarding nean area. The American oil com- He cracked that there was no more wrote indignantly. He asked for it; killed American GIs. Intelligence flinching, to announce his return to gasoline during the fuel shortage. chance of getting Sen. Ted Kennedy’s Mrs. Paul Births INFLATION GETTING To VOU? G A S WOES? TNENTr Y 0( ^ health insurance bill through Congress “than putting an elephant through a keyhole.” Not long Wedding Wilmot, Kara Ann, daughter of Delany, Daniel Nicholas, son of grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. iBanrlirstrr Emniimj HrralJi SUMHERWSW afterward, Kennedy sent Califano an Leyton and Sharon Zisk Wilmot of 61 David and Donna Olsen Delany of 19 ’Thomas Azzara of East Hartford and Manchester — A City of Village Charm oversized cardboard keyhole with a Charles Drive, Manchester. She was Diane Drive, Vernon. He was born Mrs. Esther Rogerson of St. YOU CAN AFFORD______fuzzy pink elephant easily slipping Wassmer-Nelson born July 21 at Manchester Memorial July 23 at Manchester Memorial 1 a Founded Oct. 1. 1881 Petersburg, Fla. NEKaHBORHOOO through. A note from Kennedy the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hospital. Her maternal grandmother Hospital. His maternal grandparents Published by the Manchester Publishing Co . Herald Square. kidded: “Joe, it looks to me like it Gail J. Nelson of Tyson, Vt., and is Mrs. Raymond Zisk of New Bri­ WALKING TOUR Wassmer of Waterford. are Mr. and Mrs. Victor Olsen of Manchester. Conn 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711 fits. Ted.” The gag gift was cited Lenny Wassmer, also of Tyson, tain. Her paternal grandparents are Fairfield. His paternal grandparents formerly of Manchester, were Oren Bates of Killington, Vt., of­ darkly by White House aides as Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilmot of Wood- are Mr. and'Mrh. Franklin Delany of Michael Joseph, MemDef Aud'i BuTCdu of C<'Cuiai on Vember ut'led iruftnauouai 3 married Aug 11 at Colby Pond in ficiated at the double-ring ceremony. Girard, son of bridge Road, Coventry. She has a 95 Cider Mill Road, Bolton. His Ronald J. and Debbie Waite Girard evidence that Califano was too close Tyson. The bride was given in marriage by William Staples, of Nashville, Tenn. half brother, Jason, 9; and a half great-grandmother is Mrs. Michael of 43 Riverside Drive. Vernon. He Cuelomer Service — 647-9946 Harold E Turkmoton, Executive Editor to Kennedy and no longer loyal to The bride is the daughter of Mr. sister, Jessica, 4. Stygar of Willimantic. Raymond F Robinaon. Editor-Publiaher Frank A BurbanK. Managing Editor Carter. and Mrs. Richard Nelson of A reception was held at the home was born Aug. 3 at Manchester of the bridegroom in ’Tyson. Memorial Hospital. His maternal President Carter promised to cut Waukesha, Wise. The bridegroom is the White House staff by 30 percent, Banning, Jamie Lynne, daughter Peila, Brain Michael, son of John grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. of Scott and Loretta Roraback Ban­ Jr. and Michele Bigos Peila of 369 Richard Waite of Plattsburgh, N.Y. Other Editors Say and he has done it — with mirrors. ning ot 140 Silver Lane, East Hart­ Bidwell St., Manchester. He was His paternal grandparents are Mr. TTie 485 persons Jerry Ford listed on and Mrs. Albert Girard of Dayville. Catholic Women Set ford. She was born July 5 at St. Fran­ bom July 31 at Manchester Memorial TTie soggy, steamy summer is adjusted, the Carter limits are by no CAMPING IN YOURYARP his staff have been trimmed to 351 by His maternal grandparents are Mrs. Lynn Ann K ra m e r cis Hospital, Hartford. Her maternal Hospital. His paternal grandparents producing a new kind of grumbling — means unliveable or even uncomfor­ TRAVEL AGENCY EXCURSION the special assistant for administra­ grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bigos of Ann Sweet of London, England and tion, Hugh Carter, the president’s Mr. and Mrs. James DePaolo of this time from people who work in table; they just take getting used to. James Roranback of 256 Silver Lane, Litchfield. His paternal grand­ 3 ec,&>h , if cousin. But “(Cousin Cheap” has ad­ One Day Conference Kramer-Sobol BelleVemon, Pa. His paternal great­ (of all places) air-conditioned Tlie regulation stipulates only room , » jeast Hartford. Her paternal grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Peila Tbu gTANp cloje) mitted that a number of people were The engagement of Miss Lynn Ann parents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles grandmother is Mrs. Antionette buildings. Some people are uncom­ temperature; it does not specify any tM0U6«, IT’b noon on the day ot the conference. of Manchester. He has two brothers, transferred technically from the The Diocesan Councils of Catholic Kramer of Coventry to Michael J. Banning of 36 Bradley St., East Hart- Benoit of Manchester. fortable with the 78-degree cooling particular thermostat setting. AUTO^T like Keynote speaker will be Monsignor John, 6, and Martin, 5; and a sister. Being TaCRE. Women of Connecticut comprising Sobol of Bolton has been announced limit that President Carter ordered Moreover, any scheme to permit White House staff to the Office of Ad­ the Bridegport, Hartford and W. Louis Quinn of St, Matthew's ford. Sarah, 3. ministration. Yet there are still Cathedral, Washington, D.C., who by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August last month for public and commer­ waivers for alternate energy savings Norwich Dioceses, will conduct a Kramer 73 Twin Hills Drive, Coven­ would require a huge bureaucracy of doing the same jobs they did before. day-long conference dedicateci to served as chairman of the Beck, Christopher Lyman, son of Jones, Amanda Leigh, daughter cial buildings, and they have per­ moderators of the NCCW. A try. Louis A. and Dorothy Kuntzelman of Trevor E. and Carolyn F. Zigmond Cooley, Shawn Mallhew, son of suaded the House to approve an ab­ checkers, engineers and analysts to The total staff, it turns out, now memory of the late Mary H.:i i i Mr. Sobol is the son of Mr. and memorial program will be held at 11 Beck of Voluntown. He was bom July Jones of 20 Llynwood Drive, Bolton. Larry and Karen Cramer Cooley of surd weakening of the President's study each building. F’uially, the § I e jn number 488. Mahoney, Ph.D., on Saturday, St,n. o Mrs. Anthony Sobol of 43 Watrous a.m., followed by the litugry at noon. 28 at Backus Hospital in Norwich, She was born July 31 at Manchester 18 Oak St.. Rockville. He was bom savings in energy among the five in Bree Auditorium, Albertus Road, Bolton. Aug. 5 at Manchester Memorial order. Magnus College, New Haven. Luncheon will follow. The post- His maternal grandparents are Mr. Memorial Hospital. Her maternal If this is leadership in the fight for million U.S. buildings affected by the HOME FISHING luncheon program will feature the Miss Kramer graduated from and Mrs. Nathaniel Kuntzelman of grandmother is Mrs. Marian Zig­ Hospital. His maternal grandmother Mil Mrs. Mahoney, the wife of Dr. Coventry High School in 1976. She is is Mrs, Mary Cramer of 470 Wood- energy conservation, we’ll take order are going to be significant, and Robert H. Mahoney of Norwich, Rev. Canice Cartmell, who recently 140 Bryan Drive, Manchester. His mond of Tolland. Her paternal grand­ cannot be shrugged off. The kinds of returned from Guam and is returning parents are Mr. and Mrs. Trevor W. bridge St., Manchester. His paternal vanilla. With the Carter order retired assistant superintendent of S o T e 'r S ettee a f c L r t s In P^t^rnal grandpamnts are Mr’, and scarcely two weeks old, the con- alternative energy savings (turning schools of Hartford, served as there this fall. M ^ Mrs. Clarence Wilbur of Ledyard. Jones of Llynwood Drive, Bolton. She grandfather is Mrs. Shirley (jooley of Washington Window 248 Wetherell St., Manchester. He gresspersons rolled over and voted to off lights and so on) are precisely the national president of the National Reservations for the luncheon o u i' 1 in« A I „f His great-grandmother is Ann has a brother, Trevor Francis, 3. must be made by Aug. 20, by calling Mr. Sobol, also a 1976 graduate of Mathewson of Mvstic has a brother, Scott, 2. coddle the nation’s customarily sort of thing that every building Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) Bolton High School, is employed in “ at^ewson oi Mystic. manager should be doing anyway, as from 1956-1958, after having served the local presidents of the Councils of Franeis, Chrialopher William, super-cooled white-collar sissies. Catholic Women or by calling or the Quality Assurance Department The House voted to exempt from the a matter of course. Permitting air- as president of the Connecticut Coun­ Axiak, Maureen Rose, son of William F. Jr. and Marsha White House Sees SALT Approval Near writing the reservations chairman, at Pratt & Whitney Division of daughter conditioning-as-usual would negate cil from 1947-1954. of Frank and Lynne-Marie Burgess Kulick Francis of 27V4 Center St., 78-degree minimum any building that Mrs. John Dziubinski, 47 Greenhill United Technologies Corp. in East Rockville. He was bom Aug. 2 at Maida, Chriali Ann, daughter of The Most Rev. Philip M. Hannan, Axiak of 15 Anderson St., can show an equivalent energy most or all of the savings that other In addition. Sen. Frank Church, D- Road, Orange, Conn. 06477, All in­ Hartford. Manchester Memorial Hospital. His Anthony C. and Carol Peila Maida of colleagues to hold the treaty hostage Kissinger repeatedly rejected any archbishop of New Orleans, and Manchester. She was bom July 23 at saving by other means. ’Thus, if you steps should produce. By HELEN THOMAS Idaho, chairman of the Senate terested persons are invited. A 1980 wedding is planned. (Sobol maternal grandparents are Mr. and Norwalk. She was bom Aug. 5 at St. to increased defense spending. suggestion that there should be, or in brother of Mrs. Mahoney, will be the Mt. Sinai Hospial in Hartford. Her turn off lights at night, it’s supposed­ After House members indulge WASHINGIDN (UPI) President photo) Mrs. George Kulick of 6 Regan St., Joseph's Hospital in Stamford. Her ’The signers called it an “unaccep­ fact was, any “linkage” in his Foreign Relations Committee, and principal celebrant of the Liturgy at maternal grandparents are Mr, and ly okay to chill the office backdown themselves in a month’s vacation, Carter’s strategists now say the Rockville. His paternal grandparents maternal grandparents are Mr. and table price to pay,’’preferring to see dealings with Russia when he was Sen. Jacob Javits, D-N.Y., the Mrs. E ld r^ Burgess of Windsor. Her to 68 or 70 degrees. perhaps they will have cooled down chances for Senate ratification of the are Mr. and Mrs. William Francis Sr. Mrs. Peter Peila of 375 Bidwell St., more money spent on social running the diplomatic show. ranking Republican on the panel, paternal grandparents are Mr, and If thermostates are properly enough to leave 78 degrees alone. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty want to attach a series of reser­ Mrs. Carmel Axiak of Daly City, of Somers. His maternal great­ Manchester, Her paternal grand­ programs. Kissinger, the foreign policy men­ Energy-Saving Examples Set parents are Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale (SALT II) are good. The pact vations to the pact. One would Calif. Her maternal great­ grandmother is Mrs, Nellie Wdowiak Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., a strong ad­ tor for presidents Richard Nixon and Maida of Hartford. appears to be surviving the tough declare legally binding the pledge by grandmother is Mrs. Virginia Moore of Rockville. His paternal great- vocate of bigger Pentagon spending Gerald Ford, is singing a different Thoughts scrutiny of the opposition. Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev to of Hartford. Many who questioned the accord bas conditioned his vote for SALT on tune from the days when he was a substantial increase in the defense struggling to win ratification of restrict production of the Backfire Some Government Officials We n e ^ in this day and age the Jesus but we don’t believe what we now appear to be satisfied on the budget. ’The military services have SALT I without tying it to Soviet im­ bomber to 30 planes per year. spiritual strength and stamina the must about the Bible, we put our im­ verification issue. But the SALT Another would be an understanding all indicated they would like to have migration policies. By JEAN.xE LESEiVl they've got enough time to which is a large increase the daytime, turns off the In the Service Bible gives to us. ITiere is an old mortal souls in danger. critics have adopted a fallback posi­ that the United States retain the recreate during the day,” the money for new bombers, new ’Those who want to condition accep­ over past years.” Joseph air conditioning at night hymn that goes like this: “In ’Times God is the producer of the Bible. tion. right to give its allies nuclear and I'I’l Funiily l■■.