The Steadily Growing Database Market Is Increasing Enterprises
For: Application The Steadily Growing Database Market Is Development & Delivery Increasing Enterprises’ Choices Professionals by Noel Yuhanna, June 7, 2013 KEY TAKEAWAYS Information Management Challenges Create New Database Market Opportunities Data volume, data velocity, mobility, cloud, globalization, and increased compliance requirements demand new features, functionality, and innovation. A recent Forrester survey found that performance, integration, security, unpredictable workloads, and high availability are companies’ top data management challenges. Look Beyond Traditional Database Solutions And Architectures The database market is transforming. Relational DBs are OK for established OLTP and decision support apps, but new business requirements, dynamic workloads, globalization, and cost-cutting mean that firms need a new database strategy. Devs facing issues with existing DB implementations or designing new web-scale apps should look beyond relational. Invest In New Database Technologies To Succeed Business data comprises an increasing share of the value of your systems. Past investments in relational DBs are a solid basis, but you need more to stay competitive amid the many innovative new ways to use information. Next-gen DB strategies require you to invest anew so you can deliver the speed, agility, and insights critical to business growth. Forrester Research, Inc., 60 Acorn Park Drive, Cambridge, MA 02140 USA Tel: +1 617.613.6000 | Fax: +1 617.613.5000 | FOR APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT & DELIVERY PROFESSIONALS JUNE 7, 2013 The Steadily Growing Database Market Is Increasing Enterprises’ Choices An Overview Of The Enterprise Database Management System Market In 2013 by Noel Yuhanna with Mike Gilpin and Vivian Brown WHY READ THIS REPort Business demand for more applications, larger databases, and new analytics initiatives is driving innovation and growth in the database market, with new options for cloud, in-memory, mobility, predictive analytics, and real-time data management.
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