ACID Compliant Distributed Key-Value Store #1 #2 #3 Lakshmi Narasimhan Seshan , Rajesh Jalisatgi , Vijaeendra Simha G A # 1l
[email protected] # 2r
[email protected] #3v
[email protected] Abstract thought that would be easier to implement. All Built a fault-tolerant and strongly-consistent key/value storage components run http and grpc endpoints. Http endpoints service using the existing RAFT implementation. Add ACID are for debugging/configuration. Grpc Endpoints are transaction capability to the service using a 2PC variant. Build used for communication between components. on the raftexample[1] (available as part of etcd) to add atomic Replica Manager (RM): RM is the service discovery transactions. This supports sharding of keys and concurrent transactions on sharded KV Store. By Implementing a part of the system. RM is initiated with each of the transactional distributed KV store, we gain working knowledge Replica Servers available in the system. Users have to of different protocols and complexities to make it work together. instantiate the RM with the number of shards that the user wants the key to be split into. Currently we cannot Keywords— ACID, Key-Value, 2PC, sharding, 2PL Transaction dynamically change while RM is running. New Replica Servers cannot be added or removed from once RM is I. INTRODUCTION up and running. However Replica Servers can go down Distributed KV stores have become a norm with the and come back and RM can detect this. Each Shard advent of microservices architecture and the NoSql Leader updates the information to RM, while the DTM revolution. Initially KV Store discarded ACID properties leader updates its information to the RM.