Table of Contents

This file contains, in order:

Time Savers

Experience Matrix



1 Time Savers

There are a number of things we can do to save everyone’s time. In addition to resume information there are a number of common questions that employers and recruiters have. Here is an FAQ that addresses these questions. (We may expand this FAQ over time.)

Frequently Asked Questions

1099 Multiple Interviewers Severance Pay Contract End Date Multiple Interviews Technical Exam Contract Job Need/Skill Assessment Interview Temporary Vs. Permanent Contract Rate Payment Due Dates U.S. Citizenship Drug Testing Permanent Job W2 Face-to-face Interview Phone Interview Word Resume Job Hunt Progress Salary

 Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes.  Do you have a Word resume? Yes, and I also have an Adobe PDF resume.  Do you prefer temporary (contract) or permanent employment? Neither, since, in the end, they are equivalent.  Will you take a drug test? 13 drug tests taken and passed.  Do you work 1099? Yes, but I give W2 payers preference.  Do you work W2? Yes, and I work 1099 as well but I give W2 payers preference.  How is your job search going? See 1.2 Job Hunt Progress.  What contract rate do you expect? $65 to $85/hr. W2 and see the 2.5 Quick Rates Guide.  What salary do you expect? 120k to 130k/yr. and see the 2.5 Quick Rates Guide.  When do you expect to be paid? Weekly or biweekly and weekly payers will be given preference.  Will you do a face-to-face interview? Yes, but I prefer a Skype or equivalent interview because gas is so expensive and time is so valuable.  Is a phone interview required? Yes.  Will you do multiple interviews? Yes, but no more than 2.  Will you do technical assessment interviews, which seek to determine if your skills will meet the client’s needs? Yes.  Will you interview with multiple people at a given company? Yes, but no more than 2.  Will you take a contract job? Yes.  Will you take a permanent job? Yes, but I look at contract jobs first since the hiring process is faster.  Will you take a technical exam? 85 tests taken and passed.  Do you require a contract end date in the contract? Yes.  Do you require severance pay? Yes. If the contract is terminated by you/your client before the contract end date, you, the paying agency, will pay me an amount equal to one week of salary in addition to my hourly wages and included in my last paycheck.

2 Experience Matrix

Subject Activity Time Spent .Net Framework Installation, Dumb Utilization Considerable (≥ 20 years) 4th Dimension Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Accounting Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Active Directory Dumb Utilization Considerable (≥ 20 years) Microsoft Access Generated Active Active Server Pages Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Server Pages ActiveX Installation, Utilization, Dumb Utilization Considerable (≥ 20 years) ADABAS Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Adabas D Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Ajax Dumb Utilization Considerable (≥ 20 years) Alerts Creation, Utilization Significant (≥ 10 years) Alpha Five Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Altibase Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Creation, Database Amazon Web Services Significant (≥ 10 years) Configuration Analysis Services (OLAP Services) Cube Creation Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Apache Cassandra Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Apache Derby Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Architecture (2Tier, 2½Tier, 3Tier & Understanding Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Other NTier) AS/SET Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Microsoft Access Generated Active ASP Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Server Pages Aster Data Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Attributes Table Development Considerable (≥ 20 years) Auditing SQL Server Auditing Configuration Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Database Creation, Database AWS Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Configuration Bachman Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Backends All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) Manual, Scheduled, Disk, Tape, CD, Backups DVD, External Hard Drive, Internet Considerable (≥ 20 years) Storage, SAN Banking Industry SQL Server DBA Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Banyan Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Batch Processing SQL Queries, DTS, SSIS Significant (≥ 10 years) BCP/Export/Import Queries, Ad Hoc Work In Query Analyzer Significant (≥ 10 years) Counter Selection & Programming, Benchmarks Considerable (≥ 20 years) Metrics Records & Graphs Bit Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) BlackRay Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Blocking Analysis, Activity Monitor, Kill Execution Significant (≥ 10 years) BMC Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year)

3 Experience Matrix

Subject Activity Time Spent Borland ++ Programming Adequate (≥ 2 years) Business Analysis Development, Understanding Considerable (≥ 20 years) Business Intelligence DTS/SSIS 25%, SSAS 5%, SSRS 70% Considerable (≥ 20 years) Business Objects Utilization Adequate (≥ 2 years) C Programming Significant (≥ 10 years) C# Programming Adequate (≥ 2 years) C++ Programming Considerable (≥ 20 years) Cache Hit Ratio Counters, Metrics, Graphs Considerable (≥ 20 years) CA-Datacom Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Capacity Planning Counters, Metrics, Graphs Considerable (≥ 20 years) Case Tools ERWin, Visio Considerable (≥ 20 years) CC:Mail Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) CGI Dumb Utilization Considerable (≥ 20 years) Change Data Capture - 2012 Automation Logical Design Adequate (≥ 2 years) Change Data Capture - Traditional Logical Design Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Checkdb Database Maintenance Considerable (≥ 20 years) CICS Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Clarion Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Classes Web Development Considerable (≥ 20 years) Clients Utilization Considerable (≥ 20 years) Clipper Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Clist Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Database Creation, Database Cloud Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Configuration Clustering Installation, Administration, Instructor Significant (≥ 10 years) Clustrix Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) CMS Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) COBOL Programming Adequate (≥ 2 years) Cognos Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Columns (Fields) Table Development Considerable (≥ 20 years) Command Line Multiple Skills Considerable (≥ 20 years) Communications Configuration Adequate (≥ 2 years) Compilation Programming Significant (≥ 10 years) Compliance Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPPA Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Configuration Options Database Development Considerable (≥ 20 years) Server Database Connection String Connectivity Considerable (≥ 20 years) Programming Constraints Database Development Significant (≥ 10 years) Constraints Database Development Significant (≥ 10 years) CRM Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Crystal Reports All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) CSQL Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) CUBRID Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Customer Relationship Management SQL Server Backend Significant (≥ 10 years) D & B Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Daffodil database Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years)

4 Experience Matrix

Subject Activity Time Spent Daily Maintenance All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) Data Dictionaries Creation, Utilization Significant (≥ 10 years) Data Flow Diagrams Creation, Utilization Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Data Warehouses Creation, Utilization Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Database Administration All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) Database Administrator All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) Database Architect Logical Design, Physical Design Considerable (≥ 20 years) Database Architecture Logical Design, Physical Design Considerable (≥ 20 years) Creation, Configuration, Scheduling, Database Maintenance Plans Considerable (≥ 20 years) Utilization Database Management Library Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Database Mirroring Programming Sufficient (≥ 5 years) All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) Datacenters Direct Server Access Significant (≥ 10 years) DataEase Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Datatype Conversion SQL Queries Significant (≥ 10 years) DB Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) DB2 Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) DB2/2 Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) DBA All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) Query Development, Dasbase dBase Considerable (≥ 20 years) Configuration Database Checking, Table Checking, DBCC (Database Consistency Checking) Automation Scripts, Nightly Batch Considerable (≥ 20 years) Processing DCL (Data Control Language) Security Significant (≥ 10 years) DDL (Data Definition Language) Logical Modelling, Queries Considerable (≥ 20 years) Deadlocks Resolution Significant (≥ 10 years) Debugging Programming Considerable (≥ 20 years) Defragmentation Database Maintenance Significant (≥ 10 years) Delphi Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Deployment Sourcesafe, Team Foundation Server Significant (≥ 10 years) Derby aka Java DB Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Designer 2000 Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Developer All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) Developer 2000 Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Development All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) Devices Creation Considerable (≥ 20 years) DFU Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) DG Dictionary Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Diagnostics SQL Server, sqldiag.exe Considerable (≥ 20 years) Dialog Manager Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Disaster Recovery Planning & Testing Significant (≥ 10 years) DML (Data Maniplation Language) Queries Considerable (≥ 20 years) Documentation Author Considerable (≥ 20 years)

5 Experience Matrix

Subject Activity Time Spent Documentation – Policies And Author Considerable (≥ 20 years) Procedures Domains Creation & Utilization Considerable (≥ 20 years) DOS Basic Programming Considerable (≥ 20 years) DTS (Data Transformation Services) Configuration Significant (≥ 10 years) Easel Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) EASYTRIEVE Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) EASYTRIEVE + Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Eclipsys Configuration Significant (≥ 10 years) Ecommerce Solutions Installation, Configuration Considerable (≥ 20 years) EDI Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Editors Utilization Considerable (≥ 20 years) Education Industry Databases, Websites Considerable (≥ 20 years) Embarcadero Utilization Adequate (≥ 2 years) Empress Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Enfin Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Enterprise Application Software Utilization Significant (≥ 10 years) Enterprise Management Studio SQL Server Considerable (≥ 20 years) Enterprise Manager SQL Server Considerable (≥ 20 years) Enterprise Resource Planning Programming, Configuration Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Entities Table Development Considerable (≥ 20 years) Entity Relationship Diagram Database Development Considerable (≥ 20 years) ERWin Database Development Considerable (≥ 20 years) ETL DTS, SSIS Significant (≥ 10 years) EXASolution Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Exchange Server SQL Mail Configuration Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Export/Import Multiple Technologies Considerable (≥ 20 years) eXtremeDB Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Feasibility Study Data Collection, Analysis, Author Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Fields Table Development Considerable (≥ 20 years) FileMaker Pro Programming Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Financial Industry SQL Server DBA Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Firebird Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) FOCUS Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Fortran Programming Adequate (≥ 2 years) Foxpro Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) FrontPage Dumb Utilization Considerable (≥ 20 years) FTP Utilization Considerable (≥ 20 years) Full SDLC Experience Done Considerable (≥ 20 years) Goldengate Replication Marginal (≥ 1 year) Personal Performance Tuning Graphical Spectroscopy Considerable (≥ 20 years) Application Graphics Expert Considerable (≥ 20 years) Graphs Expert Considerable (≥ 20 years) Greenplum Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) GroveSite Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years)

6 Experience Matrix

Subject Activity Time Spent GT.M Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) H2 Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Hadoop Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Hardware Multifaceted Experience Considerable (≥ 20 years) Hardware/Raid Selection For Database Systems Significant (≥ 10 years) Hospital, Hospital Vendor, American Healthcare Industry Significant (≥ 10 years) Academy Of Pediatrics Helix database Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Clustering, Log Shipping, Database High Availability Considerable (≥ 20 years) Mirroring, System Drive Architecture HIPAA Compliance Validation Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Hive Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Hosting Extensive cPanel Expertise Considerable (≥ 20 years) HOT JAVA Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) HPUX Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) HSQLDB Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) HTML Considerable (≥ 20 years) SQL Server Backend For DeVry's Human Resources Industry Considerable (≥ 20 years) Powerfaids Application Hyperion Report Development Sufficient (≥ 5 years) IBM DB2 Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) IBM DB2 Express-C Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) IBM Lotus Approach Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) IBM Tools/2 Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) IBM Utilities Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) ICCF Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) IDMS Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) IDMS/DC Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) IEF Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) IEW Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Image Mapping Creation Adequate (≥ 2 years) IMS Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) IMS/DC Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Index Optimization SQL Server Index Utility, SHOWPLAN Significant (≥ 10 years) Index Rebuilds Maintenance, Maintenance Plans Considerable (≥ 20 years) Index Statistics Updating Table Management Significant (≥ 10 years) Indexes Creation, Table Development Considerable (≥ 20 years) Infobright Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Informatica Configuration Adequate (≥ 2 years) Informix Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Ingress Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Installations Multiple - , Databases Considerable (≥ 20 years) InterBase Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Interfaces GUI Development Expert Considerable (≥ 20 years) Website Author, Wordpress Expert, Internet/Intranet Considerable (≥ 20 years) HTML, CSS

7 Experience Matrix

Subject Activity Time Spent InterSystems Caché Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) ISO Compliance Validation Sufficient (≥ 5 years) ISPF Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) J. D. Edwards Database Configuration/Mapping Adequate (≥ 2 years) J2EE Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) James Martin Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) JAVA Dumb Utilization Considerable (≥ 20 years) JavaScript Author Adequate (≥ 2 years) JVM Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) 90% Dumb Utilization, 10% System LAN Considerable (≥ 20 years) Administrator Languages Multiple Considerable (≥ 20 years) LEI (Lotus Enterprise Integrator) Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Libraries Software Development Considerable (≥ 20 years) Linked Servers Database Administration Significant (≥ 10 years) Linter Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Website Development Considerable (≥ 20 years) Load Balancing Observation Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Activity Monitor, Profiler, sp_who, Locks Considerable (≥ 20 years) sp_who2 Log Files Management Considerable (≥ 20 years) Log Shipping Programming Considerable (≥ 20 years) Logical Design Database Development Considerable (≥ 20 years) Lotus Domino Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Lotus Notes All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) LYNX Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Mainframe IBM 4341 Mainframe Considerable (≥ 20 years) Manufacturing Industry Assembly Line Data Collection Significant (≥ 10 years) MariaDB Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) MaxDB Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) MDA Error Diagnosis Marginal (≥ 1 year) Mdac Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) MDX SSAS Programming Language Adequate (≥ 2 years) Memory Bottlenecks Performance Tuning Considerable (≥ 20 years) MemSQL Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Method – 1 Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Metrics Performance Tuning Considerable (≥ 20 years) Microsoft Access All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) Microsoft Jet Database Engine (part of All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) Microsoft Access) Microsoft SQL Server All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) Microsoft SQL Server Express All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) Microsoft Visual FoxPro Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) MIDAS Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Migrations Multiple - Databases Considerable (≥ 20 years) MIME Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year)

8 Experience Matrix

Subject Activity Time Spent Mimer SQL Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Minicomputer Exposure Significant (≥ 10 years) mizanSQL Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) MonetDB Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) MongoDB Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) MS Mail Setup Sufficient (≥ 5 years) mSQL Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) MySQL Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) MySQL Workbench MySQL Interface Considerable (≥ 20 years) Natural Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Netezza Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Netware Utilization Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Network Systems Administration Adequate (≥ 2 years) Network Operating Systems Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Network/OS NT, Windows, Unix Utilization Considerable (≥ 20 years) NexusDB Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) NNTP Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) NonStop SQL Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Normalization Database Development Considerable (≥ 20 years) Novell Dumb Utilization Considerable (≥ 20 years) Utilization, Web Server Configuration NT Considerable (≥ 20 years) (Information Services) OLAP SSRS, Data Warehouses Considerable (≥ 20 years) OLTP SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle Considerable (≥ 20 years) Openbase Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) OpenLink Virtuoso (Open Source Edition) Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Base Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Operating Systems 90% Windows, 10% Unix Considerable (≥ 20 years) Oracle Logical Design, Query Development Significant (≥ 10 years) Oracle 11i Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Oracle 7.3 Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Oracle 8.0 Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Oracle 8i Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Oracle 9i Logical Design, Query Development Significant (≥ 10 years) Oracle Financials Utilization Adequate (≥ 2 years) OS/2 Utilization Adequate (≥ 2 years) OS/400 Utilization Adequate (≥ 2 years) OS/MVS Operations/Print Jobs, JCL Significant (≥ 10 years) OS/MVSXA/ESA Utilization Adequate (≥ 2 years) OS/VS1 Operations/Print Jobs, JCL Significant (≥ 10 years) Panorama Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) PANVALET Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Paradox Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Peoplesoft Database Configuration/Mapping Adequate (≥ 2 years)

9 Experience Matrix

Subject Activity Time Spent Counter Selection & Programming, Performance Baselines Considerable (≥ 20 years) Metrics Records & Graphs Performance Monitor Performance Tuning Considerable (≥ 20 years) Performance Tuning (Optimization) All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) PERL Author Adequate (≥ 2 years) Pervasive PSQL Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Physical Design Done Considerable (≥ 20 years) Pig Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) PL/SQL Broad Usage Considerable (≥ 20 years) Platinum Database Configuration/Mapping Adequate (≥ 2 years) Pmta Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Policies Author Considerable (≥ 20 years) Polyhedra Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Postgres Plus Advanced Server Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) PostgreSQL Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Powerbuilder Systems Administration Adequate (≥ 2 years) Powerpoint Author Considerable (≥ 20 years) Printer Setup Considerable (≥ 20 years) Production 75% Production DBA Considerable (≥ 20 years) Profiler Performance Tuning Significant (≥ 10 years) Programmer Multiple Languages Considerable (≥ 20 years) Progress Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Progress Software Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Project Deliverables Project Management Significant (≥ 10 years) Project Manager Project Management Significant (≥ 10 years) Project Phases Project Management Significant (≥ 10 years) Project Plan Project Management Significant (≥ 10 years) Project Roles Project Management Significant (≥ 10 years) Quattro Pro Query Development Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Queries Author, Performance Tuning Considerable (≥ 20 years) Query Optimization Production Databases Significant (≥ 10 years) Query/400 Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) RAID Database Development Significant (≥ 10 years) RDM Embedded Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) RDM Server Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) RDS AWS (Amazon Web Services) Significant (≥ 10 years) Manual, Scheduled, Disk, Tape, CD, Recovery DVD, External Hard Drive, Internet Significant (≥ 10 years) Storage, SAN Redgate Log Shipping Considerable (≥ 20 years) Redshift Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Clustering, Log Shipping, Database Redundancy Considerable (≥ 20 years) Mirroring, System Drive Architecture Replication SQL Server Adequate (≥ 2 years) Report Manager Oracle Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Reporting Services (SSRS) Installation, GUI, Queries Considerable (≥ 20 years)

10 Experience Matrix

Subject Activity Time Spent Manual, Scheduled, Disk, Tape, CD, Restore DVD, External Hard Drive, Internet Significant (≥ 10 years) Storage, SAN REXX Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Roscoe Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Sales/Marketing Industry Database Administration Significant (≥ 10 years) SAND CDBMS Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) SAP Database Configuration/Mapping Adequate (≥ 2 years) SAP HANA Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) SAP Sybase IQ Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance Validation Significant (≥ 10 years) Scheduling Alerts Database Administration Considerable (≥ 20 years) Schemas Logical Design Considerable (≥ 20 years) ScimoreDB Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Scripts T-SQL Considerable (≥ 20 years) SDA Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) SDD Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) SDesigner Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) SDM70 Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Granting, Revoking, SQL Server Security Considerable (≥ 20 years) Authentication: Windows, Mixed Server Performance Tuning Considerable (≥ 20 years) SEU Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Sharepoint SSRS, Databases Considerable (≥ 20 years) SHOWPLAN Performance Tuning Considerable (≥ 20 years) Shrinkfile Capacity Planning Considerable (≥ 20 years) SmallSQL Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) SMM Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) SMTP Email Configuration Considerable (≥ 20 years) SNA Gateway Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Snowflake Schema Data Warehouse Design Sufficient (≥ 5 years) solidDB Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Sourcesafe Version Control Software Considerable (≥ 20 years) SPF Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) SPRY Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) SQL Broad Usage Considerable (≥ 20 years) SQL Anywhere (formerly known as Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere and Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Watcom SQL) SQL Server All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) SQL Server 2000 All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) SQL Server 2005 All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) SQL Server 2008 All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) SQL Server 2008 R2 All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) SQL Server 2012 All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years)

11 Experience Matrix

Subject Activity Time Spent SQL Server 2014 All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) SQL Server 6.5 All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) SQL Server 7.0 All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) SQL Server Databases: Master, Model, Database Administration Considerable (≥ 20 years) MSDB, TempDB Sql Server End Of Architecture (2Tier, Understanding Sufficient (≥ 5 years) 2½Tier,3Tier & Other NTier) Sql Server End Of Ecommerce Solutions All Tasks Considerable (≥ 20 years) SQL Windows Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) SQLBase Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) SQLite Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) SSIS Programming Significant (≥ 10 years) SSIS Packages Creation, Editing Significant (≥ 10 years) Star Schema Data Warehouse Design Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Stored Procedures Database Administration Considerable (≥ 20 years) Summit Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Supplier Relationship Management Database Configuration/Mapping Adequate (≥ 2 years) Supply Chain Management Database Configuration/Mapping Adequate (≥ 2 years) Sybase Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Sybase Advantage Database Server Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Symmetrix Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) SYNON Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Tablespaces Creation, Configuration, Management Sufficient (≥ 5 years) TCP Remote Database Connectivity Considerable (≥ 20 years) Team Foundation Server Version Control Considerable (≥ 20 years) Team Lead Software Development Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Team Leader 20% Of Projects Significant (≥ 10 years) Technical Assessment Research, Assessment Considerable (≥ 20 years) Teradata Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) TimesTen Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Token Ring Networking Significant (≥ 10 years) Triggers Database Administration Considerable (≥ 20 years) T-SQL SQL Server SQL Considerable (≥ 20 years) txtSQL Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) UCC10 Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) UDB Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) UDB (DB2) Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) UniData Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Uniface Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Unisys RDMS 2200 Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) UniVerse Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Upgrades Multiple - Operating System, Databases Considerable (≥ 20 years) User Acceptance Software Development Significant (≥ 10 years) Granting, Revoking, SQL Server User Security Considerable (≥ 20 years) Authentication: Windows, Mixed

12 Experience Matrix

Subject Activity Time Spent VAX CCD Systems Administration Adequate (≥ 2 years) VAX/VMS Systems Administration Adequate (≥ 2 years) VBScript Programming Considerable (≥ 20 years) Vectorwise Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Vertica Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) Views Database Administration Considerable (≥ 20 years) VIOLA Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Virtual Server Dumb Utilization Significant (≥ 10 years) Visio Database Development Considerable (≥ 20 years) Visual Age C++ Programming Sufficient (≥ 5 years) Visual Basic Programming Significant (≥ 10 years) Visual C++ Programming Significant (≥ 10 years) Visual Studio Programming, Business Intelligence Considerable (≥ 20 years) VisualInterDev Programming Sufficient (≥ 5 years) VMDS Query Development Adequate (≥ 2 years) VMware Virtual Server Software, Dumb Utilization Significant (≥ 10 years) VSAM Dumb Utilization Sufficient (≥ 5 years) WAIS Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Walker Financials Database Configuration/Mapping Adequate (≥ 2 years) WAN Dumb Utilization Considerable (≥ 20 years) WarnerOrr Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Web Design HTML, CSS, Wordpress Considerable (≥ 20 years) WebMethods Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) 90% Dumb Utilization, 10% System Windows 2000 Considerable (≥ 20 years) Administration 90% Dumb Utilization, 10% System Windows 3.1 Considerable (≥ 20 years) Administration 90% Dumb Utilization, 10% System Windows 95 Considerable (≥ 20 years) Administration 90% Dumb Utilization, 10% System Windows 98 Considerable (≥ 20 years) Administration 90% Dumb Utilization, 10% System Windows CE Considerable (≥ 20 years) Administration 90% Dumb Utilization, 10% System Windows ME Considerable (≥ 20 years) Administration 90% Dumb Utilization, 10% System Windows NT Considerable (≥ 20 years) Administration 90% Dumb Utilization, 10% System Windows Server 2000 Considerable (≥ 20 years) Administration 90% Dumb Utilization, 10% System Windows Server 2003 Considerable (≥ 20 years) Administration 90% Dumb Utilization, 10% System Windows Server 2008 Considerable (≥ 20 years) Administration 90% Dumb Utilization, 10% System Windows Server 2008 R2 Considerable (≥ 20 years) Administration

13 Experience Matrix

Subject Activity Time Spent 90% Dumb Utilization, 10% System Windows XP Considerable (≥ 20 years) Administration Wordpress Website Content Management System Considerable (≥ 20 years) WYLBUR Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) XEDIT Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) XML Programming Adequate (≥ 2 years) Xpediter Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year) Yourdon Utilization Marginal (≥ 1 year)

14 Phone & Text: Dr. Michael Bisconti Email: (847) 452 – 4547 All Technologies Expert [email protected] Leave name & number.

Some Career Highlights Some Repeat Clients 40 years in IT American Academy of Pediatrics 35 years in Databases Aon Corporation 25 years in SQL Server Kraft Foods 32 years in Oracle National Safety Council


Relational Database Management Systems: DBA (database administrator), architect, developer, expert-level, all versions, all functionality, hands on work, management roles: Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, ADABAS, DB2, DB2/2, dBase, Foxpro, IDMS, IMS, Informix, Ingress, Paradox, Progress, Quattro Pro, Sybase, UDB, and all other relational database management systems (see next section).

Administrator, Architect, & Developer In These Relational Databases

4th Dimension, ADABAS, Adabas D, Alpha Five, Apache Cassandra, Apache Derby, Aster Data, Altibase, BlackRay, CA-Datacom, Clarion, Clustrix, CSQL, CUBRID, Daffodil database, DataEase, Database Management Library, Dataphor, DB2, DB2/2, dBase, Derby aka Java DB, Empress Embedded Database, EXASolution, EnterpriseDB, eXtremeDB, FileMaker Pro, Firebird, Foxpro, Greenplum, GroveSite, H2, Helix database, HSQLDB, IBM DB2, IBM Lotus Approach, IBM DB2 Express-C, IDMS, IMS, Infobright, Informix, Ingress, InterBase, InterSystems Caché, GT.M, Linter, MariaDB, MaxDB, MemSQL, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Jet Database Engine (part of Microsoft Access), Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Server Express, Microsoft Visual FoxPro, Mimer SQL, mizanSQL, MonetDB, MongoDB, mSQL, MySQL, Netezza, NexusDB, NonStop SQL, Openbase, OpenLink Virtuoso (Open Source Edition), OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server, Base, Oracle, Oracle Rdb for OpenVMS, Panorama, Paradox, Quattro Pro, Pervasive PSQL, Polyhedra, PostgreSQL, Postgres Plus Advanced Server, Progress, Progress Software, RDM Embedded, RDM Server, The SAS system, SAND CDBMS, SAP HANA, SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, SAP Sybase IQ, SQL Anywhere (formerly known as Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere and Watcom SQL), ScimoreDB, SmallSQL, solidDB, SQLBase, SQLite, Sybase, Sybase Advantage Database Server, Teradata, TimesTen, txtSQL, UDB, Unisys RDMS 2200, UniData, UniVerse, Vectorwise, Vertica, VMDS


 Download Dr. Bisconti’s Cybortel DBA AI, the world’s first DBA Artificial Intelligence.  See for a practical demonstration of technical expertise.  Expert in Relational Database Management Systems (database sizes: up to 10 terabytes): Microsoft SQL Server for over 22 years (all versions, including 2005, 2008, and 2008 R2), Oracle, Sybase, Informix, MySQL, DB2 (including UDB), and other RDBMs. Recent responsibility for over 1,000 SQL Server databases (total database size: 10+ Terabytes) and for over 200 ORACLE databases (total database size: 5+ Terabytes).  Enterprise Application Areas: (business analysis, etc. in the areas of) Business Intelligence, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Enterprise Resource Planning, Financials, Human Resources, Supplier Relationship Management, and Supply Chain Management  Enterprise Application Software: (business analysis, etc. using) BusinessObjects, J. D. Edwards, Oracle Financials, PeopleSoft, Platinum, SAP, and Walker Financials.  Environments & Languages: Microsoft operating systems, Active Directory, Unix/Linux operating systems, Microsoft Visual Studio/other languages, and .NET environment  Personnel Interaction: more than 25 years managing and interacting with end users in PC, client/server, minicomputer, and mainframe environments as team leader, project manager, and department head.  Experienced in several industries: grade/high school/college teacher, computer-based testing, communications, distribution, education, financial, food, insurance, manufacturing, marketing, medical, real estate, sales, safety, software, steel industry, television, web-hosting.  Inventor of “Footprint Technology”: Footprint technology allows you to check any number of performance/diagnostic metrics at a single glance using graphical spectroscopy. Metrics are converted into benchmark/daily spectra and compared. See “DEVRY” below.  Technology Website at  President of IADBA (a DBA organization) at  President of HIPAFI (a HIPAA organization) at  A technical assessment session (you present your needs, I present my relevant qualifications, and we assess whether I can meet your needs) is highly recommended.  President of WebPsyops, Inc. (web design and development) at  Some jobs/contracts listed below were coterminous.  Student (not anywhere near fluent) of several languages, including Hindi, Urdu, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Korean, and Chinese.


BISCONTI TECHNOLOGIES – Chicago, IL >1-YEAR PROJECT MySQL DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer 4/13 – 9/14

Created MySQL databases for several websites of Chicago Christian University’s “The L. F. Nexus Think Tanks.” In addition, designed and developed those websites, including the Nexus E-Store, using the Wordpress CMS. Finally, installed and administered SQL Server 2012.

FAITH CENTER – Rockford, IL 1-WEEK PROJECT SQL Server DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer 4/13 – 4/13

Server connectivity, TCP/IP configuration, domain configuration, administrator configuration, clients’ configuration, printer lab network configuration, and internet configuration.

ROUNDARCH-ISOBAR – Chicago, IL 3-MONTH PROJECT Lead Enterprise SQL Server DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer 12/12 – 3/13

This was a cloud-computing project that utilized multiple technologies, including AWS (Amazon Web Services), including RDS and EC2, Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Redshift, SQL Server, MySQL, MySQL Workbench, and SSIS. SQL Server and MySQL databases and SSIS were hosted in the AWS cloud and the following tasks were completed:

 Upgraded SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2008 R2 then applied SP3.  Created SQL Server and MySQL logical and physical models.  Created SQL Server and MySQL databases on both local and cloud servers.  Created SSIS packages to load SQL Server databases on both local and cloud servers.  Created and compiled SQL Server and MySQL digital, educational libraries.  Consulted on the advisability of upgrading to SQL Server 2012.  Designed SQL Server to SSIS to MySQL architecture.  Installed SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 on both local and cloud servers.  Installed MySQL and MySQL Workbench on both local and cloud servers.  Installed SSIS, SSAS, and SSRS.  Developed accelerated, table generation tools.  Performed troubleshooting of numerous system components, including SSIS packages.  Used Embarcadero to translate diverse RDBMS DDL database generation SQL scripts.  Used Visual Studio 2008 to create SSIS packages.

BISCONTI TECHNOLOGIES – Chicago, IL 1-YEAR PROJECT SQL Server DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer 2/11 – 11/12

Conducted 2005/2008 SQL Server migrations. Created/administered 2008/2008 R2 /backends.

17 CHESAPEAKE ENERGY – Oklahoma City, OK 6-MONTH PROJECT SQL Server/Oracle DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer 5/10 – 1/11

DBA/Developer/Architect in the natural gas/oil industry primarily for developing and upgrading reports (SSRS) in SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2 and Oracle 10g. Team Foundation Server used.

HALOCK SECURITY LABS – Schaumburg, IL 9-MONTH PROJECT SQL Server/Oracle DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer 7/09 – 5/10

Set up SQL Server 2008 & 2008 R2/Oracle 10g/Redgate backup, log shipping, database mirroring, and replication as team leader of group of five database personnel. Work included use of Business Intelligence tools (SSRS, SSIS, and SSAS (MDX). Team Foundation Server used.

BISCONTI TECHNOLOGIES – Chicago, IL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE SQL Server DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer 1/09 – 6/09

SQL Server/Oracle 10g system maintenance/monitoring/development, which included use of BI tools (SSRS, SSIS, SSAS [MDX]). Team leader of seven. Team Foundation Server employed.

SONUS NETWORKS – Westford, MA EMERGENCY CONTRACT SQL Server Reporting Services & Visual Studio 11/08 – 12/08

Developed reports (SSRS) and the reporting environment/interface, which included Sharepoint in a hands-on role and both as team leader of a group of three report experts and as project manager for an interdept. group of fifteen, which consisted of a mix of report experts and end users. Business Intelligence tools, including SSRS, SSIS, and SSAS (MDX). Team Foundation Server.

WISCONSIN HEART HOSPITAL – Wauwatosa, WI EMERGENCY CONTRACT SQL Server Reporting Services & Visual Studio 8/08 – 11/08

Developed SSRS reports involving SQL queries and XML. Programmed the Eclipsys reporting environment/interface in a hands-on role and as team leader of a group of three. Work included the use of Business Intelligence tools (SSIS and SSAS [MDX]). Team Foundation Server.

BISCONTI TECHNOLOGIES – New York, NY MULTIYEAR PROJECT SQL Server DBA/Production Support Hospital 12/06 – 11/08 Specialist/Developer Management

Migrated 10 instances of SQL Server 2000 to 64-bit SQL Server 2005, involving conversion of SQL Server 2000 DTS packages into SQL Server 2005 SSIS format. 523 DTS packages were migrated. 100 reports were prepared using SQL Server Reporting Services and Visual Studio 2003 and 2005. XML query development and AJAX. 100 databases were inspected for: HIPAA compliance in terms of providing correctness of health insurance information and ease of accessibility to both health insurance and general medical information. My role involved 75%

18 CONTINUE BISCONTI TECHNOLOGIES – New York, NY hands-on implementation and 25% activities of project manager. Use of Business Intelligence tools was involved, including SSIS and SSAS (MDX). Team Foundation Server employed.

IMS HEALTH – Philadelphia, PA 6-MONTH PROJECT SQL Server Systems Analyst & DBA/Production Support Specialist 12/07 – 5/08

Analyzed entire SQL Server installation consisting of about 200 “SQL Server” servers for the purposes of training newly hired SQL Server DBAs in the management of these systems. Critical areas included Data Flow, Data Protection, Data Warehousing (10 Enterprise Data Warehouses and 3 Financial Data Marts), Database Administration/Production Support, Database Development, Database Server Administration/Production Support (“SQL Server” Server Administration/Production Support), Database Server Development (“SQL Server” Server Development), Security, and System Administration/Production Support (Universal Processes). My role involved both hands-on implementation and the activities of project manager. Team Foundation Server employed.

CELTIC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY – Chicago, IL 8-MONTH PROJECT SQL Server DBA/Production Support 8/07 – 3/08 Specialist/Developer/Instructor

Upgraded (migrated) SQL Server 2000 databases to SQL Server 2005 in Vmware (virtualized) environment, assured high availability, established standards and wrote lengthy documentation in every area of Database Administration/Production Support for their Database Administration/Production Support Department, and instructed their DBAs in each of these areas. Business Intelligence requirements were met using SSIS and SSAS (MDX). Team Foundation Server employed.

SARA LEE, INC. – Downers Grove, IL 8-MONTH PROJECT SQL Server DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer – 10/06 – 5/08 Consultant

 Using Visio Pro with forward/reverse-engineering, modeled and designed Sara Lee’s new “Annual Operating Plan” application databases for a Windows 2003 and mixed 32-bit/64-bit SQL Server 2005 environment. Built and tested the actual databases. The SQL Server 2005 64-bit technology was critical to SSIS and SSAS (MDX) performance enhancement.  Configured Oracle/flat file integration with the AOP database using SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) and created reports using SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services).  Project manager over a team of ten personnel.  Team Foundation Server employed.

19 BISCONTI TECHNOLOGIES – Washington, DC MULTIYEAR PROJECT SQL Server DBA/Production Support United States Congress 4/06 – 10/06 Specialist/Developer

Roles included that of team leader and project manager. Responsible for:  Analysis Services (OLAP  Alerts Services)  Backup/Recovery, Batch processing  BCP/ETL/Export/Import  Best Practices (Microsoft Best Practices Analyzer)  Capacity planning  Clustering (2-&-3-node) and redundancy design  Constraints  Daily maintenance, including DBCC (Database  Database maintenance plans Consistency Checking)  Functions

DEVRY UNIVERSITY – Oakbrook Terrace, IL 8-MONTH PROJECT Systems-Level SQL Server DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer – 9/05 – 4/06 Consultant

 This position required system administrator, DBA/production support specialist, and developer skills.  Its focus was the upgrading, development, and administration of the SQL Server-supported PowerFAIDS financial services software that DeVry uses to disburse, monitor, and plan its student financial aid services. This included multiple upgrades to the SQL Server backend of the PowerFAIDS application as part of regular upgrades to the PowerFAIDS application.  Handled all responsibilities relating to Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, including auditor interviews and the development of a custom, audit information database application.  Significant work was done in SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services [“DTS”]).  Developed the “CYBORTEL SQL Server Management Console” at CYBORTEL, Inc. and, then, customized and licensed the management console for use at DeVry University. The Console contained access portals to SQL Server Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, and Profiler, access portals to the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer, the Microsoft SQL Server Best Practices Analyzer, and SQL Server Books Online, primary and secondary custom SQL DBA directory access portals, a variety of CYBORTEL, Inc. proprietary technologies, including DBCC CheckDB GT Test, DBCC CheckDB Summary Report, Daily Performance Footprint, Performance Benchmark, Performance Snapshot Report, Capacity Planning, Data File Size Daily Snapshot, Daily Diagnostic Footprint, Diagnostic Benchmark, and Server-Level Diagnostics, and access portals for the Benchmarks Library, Star Team, and the DBA Electronic Scratch Pad.  Updated the SQL Server testing environment. This included the duplication of multiple databases, along with their respective security accounts and logins.  Team leader for two groups – three personnel and five personnel, respectively.  Project manager for team of twenty-five during seasons of interdepartmental work.

20 BISCONTI TECHNOLOGIES – Los Angeles, CA MULTIYEAR PROJECT SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL DBA/Production Motion Picture Association 12/04 – 6/08 Support Specialist/Developer

Responsible for:  DCL/DDL/DML  Devices, databases and logs  Disaster Recovery – design, creation, and updating  Documentation – policies and procedures  DTS (Data Transformation Services)  Hardware/RAID  Indexing  Index statistics updating  SQL Server Reporting Services  Management of a MySQL database serving as the backend for an on-line application

A. M. CASTLE & CO. – Franklin Park, IL 1-YEAR PROJECT Oracle DBA/Production Support Specialist/System Architect & DBA/Production Support Specialist/System 12/04 – 12/05 Architect Instructor & MS SQL Server DBA/Production Support Specialist/System Architect & DBA/Production Support Specialist/System Architect Instructor – Consultant

 Upgraded their Oracle architecture from Oracle 8 to Oracle 8i, providing extensive, new functionality.  Optimized their Oracle NT Server production databases, emphasizing Oracle defragmentation/reorganization procedures.

BISCONTI TECHNOLOGIES – Seattle, WA MULTIYEAR PROJECT SQL Server DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer & Oracle DBA/Production Support 8/04 – 12/04 Specialist/Developer & MySQL DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer Microsoft Subsidiary

Responsible for:  Install/Configure/Support/Upgrade  Business Analysis  Logical/Physical/Data Modeling/Design (Schema)  Load balancing  Monitoring, including DBCC (Database  Migrations Consistency Checking)  NT 4.0, Windows 2000 & 2003  OLAP (Data Warehouses [Data Marts] Star/Snwfl)  OLTP  Query/Stored Procedure  Performance Tuning and Optimization Optimization

GALLAGHER BASSETT SERVICES, INC. – Itasca, IL 6-MONTH PROJECT SQL Server DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer & SQL Server DBA/Production Support 3/04 – 8/04 Specialist/Developer Instructor Consultant

Provided installation of new technologies (CYBORTEL technologies) and instruction in these new technologies. These included:

 Microsoft Best Practices Analyzer  Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer CYBORTEL Data Performance Monitor  CYBORTEL Advanced Analysis Services (Click here for slide show.)  CYBORTEL Integrated Data Control System


 The CYBORTEL Data Performance Monitor included all of the functionality of Windows NT Performance Monitor (Windows 2000 Performance Monitor, Windows XP Performance Monitor) and added additional, extensive, database-specific functionality.  The CYBORTEL Integrated Data Control System included all of the functionality of the Microsoft Best Practices Analyzer, the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer, and the CYBORTEL Data Performance Monitor.  Integrated legacy systems using Informatica.  Team leader of group of three – one DBA and two developers.

BISCONTI TECHNOLOGIES – Miami, FL MULTIYEAR PROJECT SQL Server DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer & Oracle DBA/Production Support 10/03 – 2/04 Specialist/Developer & MySQL DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer State of Florida

Provided database administration/production support/development/training and web development. Role involved project management. Responsible for:  Replication  Security (Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer)  RDBMS end of architecture (2-  RDBMS end of web-based systems, including tier, 2½-tier, 3-tier & other n-tier) ecommerce solutions  RDBMS vendor relations  SQL (T-SQL, PL/SQL, etc.)

AON CORPORATION – Chicago, IL 1-YEAR PROJECT MS SQL Server DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer – Consultant 10/03 – 10/04

Role involved project management. Responsible for:  Alerts  Backups  Database Maintenance Plans  DBCC (Database Consistency Checking)  Deadlocks  Disaster Recovery  Index Optimization/Index Tuning Wizard  Index Rebuild  Locks  Maintenance Plan History  Monitoring SQL Server Blocking  Nightly Batch File Validation Process  Performance Tuning and Optimization  Query Utilization Optimization  Scheduling  Shrinkfile

BISCONTI TECHNOLOGIES – Dallas, TX MULTIYEAR PROJECT SQL Server DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer & Oracle DBA/Production Support 4/03 – 10/03 Specialist/Developer & MySQL DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer Exxon Mobil Corporation

Provided instruction in SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, and Informix. Role involved project management. Responsible for:


 SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services [“DTS”])  Scheduling  Integration of SQL Server/Oracle instances using Informatica.  Stored procedures  Tables, fields (columns), records (rows) - creation and updating (Procedures)  Log Shipping  Triggers  Troubleshooting  Views

PROMISSOR, INC. – Evanston, IL 11-MONTH PROJECT SQL Server DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer/System Architect/System Administrator Consultant 6/02 – 4/03

Managed other IT professionals as a DBA/System Administrator. Guided the work of 10 application developers. Supervised 3 managers. These 3 managers supervised 50 employees. Managed multiple staffs, ranging in size from 1 to 10. These staffs comprised the Database Administration/Production Support and System Administration/Production Support departments.

 Project manager for group of fifty personnel.  Team leader of ten groups, ranging from three to twenty people.  Designed and implemented Performance Management Systems. These systems tracked performance of memory, permanent storage (including SAN and EMC Symmetrix), central processing, and network components.  Built PMTA (the Performance Metrics Tracking Application), deriving metrics from tables in SQL Server 2000 and Oracle databases, populated by stored procedures in these databases. The performance of web servers, OLTP Database servers, and DSS servers was monitored and tuned.  Integrated SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, and DB2 data sources using Informatica.  Built auto-generating, graph software. This software has the ability to present the same data in multiple, graph formats.  Designed and implemented QAI (quasi-artificial-intelligence) software applications. These applications are used principally for making projections in the areas of capacity planning and  resource planning and involved the development of innovative projection and forecast methodologies.  Designed and implemented new disaster recovery plans. This involved setting up three remote hosting locations. These locations were handled through WorldCom Digex.  Adhered to ISO certification standards in all endeavors. Designed and implemented three Veritas solutions, including backup, clustering, and disaster recovery. Implemented custom failover clustering solution.  Taught classes in database administration/production support, system administration/production support, and system architecture. These classes included SQL Server 2000 Windows 2000 Clustering and BMC Patrol Operations. PowerPoint  presentations were prepared by me that could be used by individuals to learn on their own and by other instructors.  Instituted SourceSafe version control system. This entailed setting up specialized directory structures.


 Built Operational Data Stores, Data Warehouses, and Data Marts (stock market, accounting, marketing, sales, performance tuning, etc.). Developed star, snowflake, and crystal schemas.  Installed Analysis Services on SQL Server 2000 Clusters on Windows 2000 Datacenter Servers.  Designed and implemented application deployment processes. This included the insertion of deployment tables in scores of databases.  Developed System Utilization methodologies. This incorporated system optimization and system saturation processes.  Obtained Cost Saver Application analyses via Cray computer at the University of Texas.  Improved production server performance through memory reallocation. The stored procedure cache was increased by a factor of eight.  Designed and implemented 100 DTS packages.  Performance tuned 2,000 stored procedures.  Designed and implemented new system architecture. One objective of the new architecture was to improve performance by a factor of 10.  Utilized MDAC, Microsoft Data Access Components.  Set up maintenance plans for the OLTP and DSS servers running SQL Server 2000, including backups, rebuilding of indexes, and other maintenance tasks.  Reviewed and optimized database configuration options.  Implemented logical/physical database models/designs.  Developed schemas in Visio and ERWin for databases and data warehouses (incl. data marts).  Utilized Microsoft Project to manage a score of team projects.


Earlier professional experience will be found in a resume appendix at Here is a partial list of the companies referenced there, many of which were fortune 500 companies and for which I worked either on a contractual or permanent basis. The experience gained over the years at these and other companies has established me as an Industry Leader in Database (1) Administration/Production Support, (2) Development, and (3) Architecture and, in particular, as a master DBA/Production Support Specialist/Developer/Architect in Microsoft SQL Server and a Developer/Architect in all other relational database management systems (note “OBJECTIVES” section above).

 A. M. Castle & Co.  Computax, Inc.  National Safety Council Franklin Park, IL Chicago, IL Itasca, IL  Am. Acad. Pediatrics  Daimler Chrysler Corp.  Océ Elk Grove, IL Belvidere, IL Chicago, IL  Amoco Corporation  General Electric Company  Rand McNally Chicago, IL Naperville, IL Skokie, IL  Aon Corporation  Kraft Foods  U.S. Office Products Chicago, IL Northfield, IL Des Plaines, IL  Chicago Board of Trade  MCI WorldCom, Inc.  U.S. Robotics Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Morton Grove, IL


 B.R.E., Education, Midwestern Baptist College  M.S., Computer Science, MicroTech Institute  Ph.D., Applied Computer Science, MicroTech Institute

To establish a degree's meritability of “full faith and credit” contact your educational authority. Every educational entity does not require recognition from CHEA (Council for Higher Education Accreditation) and/or the USDE (United States Department of Education). If you cannot find information through your educational authority and/or if you need additional information on recognition of educational entities, you can contact me at [email protected]. Any information obtained through internet search engines is not necessarily reliable because internet search engines may cache web pages out of context and may not provide signifying graphics.