Nationalism and Historicity

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Nationalism and Historicity Nations and Nationalism 3 (l), 1997, 3-23. 0 ASEN 1997 Nationalism and historicity PATRIK HALL Department of Political Science, Lund University, Box 52, S-221 00, Sweden ABSTRACT. In this article the nation is shown to be a historical subject. As such, it is constructed and constantly reconstructed by discursive practices of power and knowledge. The author argues that the symbiotic interlinkage between nationalism and the organising knowledge principle of historicity, is an example of a power practice in the modern state. Throughout the article, it is shown that this practice is produced by interaction between the institutionally represented, sovereign or objective state and intellectual knowledge and its institutionalisation within the state as an academy, which acquires sovereignty in the production of objective truth. This peculiar discursive representation of making what really is personal interactions and struggles into official institutions has managed to produce the subject of the historical nation. The empirical case of Sweden is briefly discussed. During the age of great power, an exclusivist discourse of noble genealogical distinction of the ‘Goths’ was established. In modem Sweden, this genealogical myth is transformed to a popular- national myth of exclusivity, a myth with great power potentials in the ‘national projects’ of modem politics. Introduction The aim of this article is to discuss nationalism and historicity as they are seen as having entered into a symbiotic relationship (which appears ‘natural’), in which they are simultaneously shaping and being shaped by different practices of power and knowledge. The article intends to show that the nation is not a historical subject, but instead a social relation of power and knowledge. However, this relation becomes represented as a discursive regime, where the nation appears to be the historical subject. This process of representing things and people as ‘national’ is quite possible to analyse by focusing attention, first of all upon the discursive development of nationalism and historicity, and second by taking into consideration the interpersonal projects and networks which create and sustain the nation. By this method of inquiry, nations and nationalism are seen as concrete practices of power and knowledge, in contrast to a common stream of thinking which regards nations and nationalism as definable concepts, the contents of which are ready to be found ‘out there’ if only we were to refine our methods and theories. The abstraction of the nation as a subject of history, standing above the individuals who together 4 Patrik Hall constitute the nation, is a correlation to the belief in an impersonal objective knowledge as well as an impersonal state power. Since this perspective is a complex one, it is necessary to give a brief clarification (if not exact definitions) of the key concepts involved here. The power/knowledge perspective is a historical theory outlined by Michel Foucault (1979, part I; 1980). Foucault holds interaction by a surveilling, disciplinary power and standardised techniques of knowledge to be the dominant mode of social organisation in modern time (a mode of organisation first reflected in the army reforms of the seventeenth century). To put it briefly, this implies a view of power as constructive of realities. It also implies a view of knowledge where ‘truths’ are mediated through new scientific disciplines which, in turn, is a central technique in the production of control over defined individual subjects. Knowledge operates through ‘discourses’, which I view as authorised systems of representation. For instance, the nation is a discourse which represents action as ‘national’. It establishes itself through the creation of authoritative knowledge disciplines such as history, economy and so forth. Apart from this it also makes its way into ‘common sense’ by practical definitions of reality. This implies that we may see discourse either in the structuralist version as all-embracing systems, or we may restrict discourses to denote ideas and institutions which are constructed in relation to other discourses, and where the discourses only may represent human action in an imperfect way. The latter view is employed here. Needless to say, there is more to the social world than discourses. Human beings exist, interacting in projects and networks, for which discourses are necessary, but not all-embracing. An important ‘mediator’ between discourses and concrete human interaction is institutionalisation. Through the formation of new institutions changes are reflected in the relationship between discourse and human practice. A number of discourses struggle to win influence over politics, and by establishing interdiscursive relations or coalitions they may create a kind of ‘hegemony’ over the sphere of politics. Nationalism in modern times is an expression of a discursive hegemony: it represents political action by a wide range of subtle institutional methods (Billig 1995), and establishes norms which are very difficult to argue against, given the authority, universality and apparent self-evidence of the national state. The factor of institutionalisation (far too often overseen in theories of nationalism) has led commentators to the mistaken belief that nationalism does not even exist in developed Western states. However, nationalism lies at the basis of the institutional formations in the modern state. Thus nationalism is here seen as a social relation of power and knowledge. Discourses interpellate subjects and thus define their appropriate relations by techniques of institutionalisation. Human beings (who, by the way, are not the same as ‘discursive subjects’) establish relations with each other through projects and networks, laden with discursive definitions. Nationalism and historicity 5 Nevertheless, human beings also shape the discourses themselves. The power/knowledge relation is a relation between predominant institutions such as the state and the academy, but these relations are shaped on a concrete level, where the interpersonal interactions look very different from the relational systems of representative discourses. A peculiar quality of the power/knowledge symbiosis between nationalism and historicity is the image of unity it brings to bear upon the inherently dubious relational quality of politics in a ‘post-religious’ era. Hence the Nation as Historical Individual may be seen as a ‘surrogate religion’ of modern society (Hayes 1960; Anderson 1983: ch. 2). Before going into detail of what is meant by the peculiar symbiosis between nationalism and historicity, let me give a short example. In 1740 Olof von Dalin, a historian and journalist, often called one of the first modern authors of Sweden, published his allegory Sagan om hlisten (‘The Tale of the Horse’). This short tale has been read by generations of Swedish school-children until this day. In the tale, the Swedish state is represented as a horse, Grdlle, subsequently ridden by different kings. It begins with the ‘father of the country’ Gustav Vasa who in 1521 takes possession of the horse from the Danish king (the union between the Nordic countries, 1397- 1521, was seen by Dalin, as all other Swedish commentators before modern times, as a Danish dictature). The highlights of the tale are when the warrior heroes Gustav I1 Adolf and Charles XI1 become horsemen. At last the bloody and torn great power horse returns to its old peaceful meadows. Dalin is not one of the great nationalist intellectuals of Sweden. But still his tale points towards future national constructions of the past. The tale has a secular tone (religion should not be confused with public affairs), and presumes a historical progress; elements which are both new inventions in Swedish historiography. The Swedish state is represented as a continuous historical object, filled by conscious national actions of various kinds. This image presupposes a unitary meaning of history, where specific subjects are attached to it in the direct fashion of interlinking ‘horse and rider’. The nation as an individual organism is foreshadowed quite some time before the invocation of the Volksgeist by the Romantics. In short, the formation of a unitary state, given consciousness by national history is an invention, within which we still live. Historicity History is ‘no longer merely a collection of examples but rather the sole path to the true knowledge of our own condition’ (Savigny 1815, quoted in Koselleck 1985: 38). According to the methodological principle of historicity everything has a history and is explainable according to its own singular emergence. History is a structure, which attributes moral and explanatory qualities to things, perceived as ‘developing’. Thus history ought to be seen 6 Patrik Hall as a structural potential inflicted upon the world of practice, a potential conceived as an individual development. On an aggregate level this principle leads to general stories of ‘development’ (for instance, national develop- ment) which define social and political relations as ‘natural’ or ‘necessary’ (in an era of Western self-adoration, there is even talk of an ‘end’ to this development since it is said to have reached its ‘final’ stage). It thus becomes apparent that historicity is an ordering principle with huge power potentials, which of course not only tells us stories about ‘national’ history, but also of the history of institutions, individuals and so on. Thus historicity is a practice of individualisation, of conceiving
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