\\jciprod01\productn\M\MIB\21-1\toc211.txt unknown Seq: 1 1-APR-13 14:31 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLES Politics and Legal Regulation in the International Business Environment: An FDI Case Study of Alstom, S.A., in Israel JEFFREY A. VAN DETTA ..................................... 1 “Package Deal”: The Curious Relationship Between Fiduciary Duties and the Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in Delaware Limited Liability Companies MONICA E. WHITE ......................................... 111 “Comply Or Explain”—A Flexible Mechanism to Countervail Behavioral Biases in M&A Transactions GERRIT M. BECKHAUS ..................................... 183 \\jciprod01\productn\M\MIB\21-1\ms211.txt unknown Seq: 2 1-APR-13 14:31 The UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI BUSINESS LAW REVIEW, (the “Review”) publishes submitted articles and student notes and com- ments on legal issues arising in any field related to business. These areas include, but are not limited to, corporation, tax, antitrust, banking, securities regulation, bankruptcy, environmental, sports, insurance, and labor law. Authors seeking publication can submit their articles electronically in Microsoft Word UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI format to the following email SCHOOL OF LAW address:
[email protected] 1311 MILLER DR. .edu or through the ExpressO ROOM D334 Submission Service. Alternatively, CORAL GABLES, FLA. 33124-8087 authors may submit printed manu- scripts to the address listed herein. Footnotes should conform to the (305) 284-6885 19th edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System to Citation, published by the Harvard Law Review Association. THE REVIEW, formerly the Business Law Journal, (ISSN 1047- 2819) is published two times annu- Publication Agreement ally by the students of the Univers- No.