th European Heathland Workshop Bredene - Genk, België 9 13-17 september 2005 © Yves Adams Colofon De Blust Geert (ed.) 2005. Heathlands in a changing society. Abstracts and excursion guide. 9th European Heathland Workshop, Belgium, 13th – 17th September 2005. Institute of Nature Conservation, Brussels, IN.R.2005.07 Author: Geert De Blust (ed.) Verantwoordelijke uitgever: Eckhart Kuijken Algemeen directeur van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud design : Mariko Linssen ©2005, Instituut voor Natuurbehoud, Brussel Institute of Nature Conservation Kliniekstraat 25, B-1070 Brussels e-mail :
[email protected] tel : 02-528 88 11 fax : 02-558 18 05 Supported by 2 | 9th European Heathland Workshop | Belgium | 13-17.09.2005 th European Heathland Workshop 139th to 17th September 2005 Bredene and Genk, Belgium Organized by the Institute of Nature Conservation Heathlands in a changing society Abstracts and excursion guide Edited by Geert De Blust 9th European Heathland Workshop | Belgium | 13-17.09.2005 | 3 th th 9 EuropeanEuropean Heathland Workshop Hea programme Monday, 12 September Arrival of participants at workshop venue Hotel Europa, Bredene 9Tuesday, 13 September Lectures and posters 9:00 – 9:20 Welcome / Introduction Geert De Blust, Nigel Webb Theme 1: History of heath and heathland landscapes 9:20 – 9:40 Written in the Hills: an interdisciplinary approach to the historical role of Calluna vulgaris within Scotland’s uplands. A.H. Kirkpatrick, A. Davies, A. Hamilton, N. Hanley, A. Ross and F. Watson 9:40 – 10:00 Heath Landscapes in military zones: archaeological value and directions for future management. Inge Verdurmen Theme 2: Heathland communities: composition and structure in relation to environment and area 10:00 – 10:20 The “European” dwarf shrub heath in a global context.