The Future of Prosody: It’s about Time Dafydd Gibbon Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany and Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
[email protected] Abstract not matter for a phonological description whether a syllable is 200 milliseconds or 200 minutes long, or, except for practical Prosody is usually defined in terms of the three distinct but reasons, 200 years. Clock time is not immediately relevant to interacting domains of pitch, intensity and duration patterning, the questions asked in phonology, morphology and syntax. or, more generally, as phonological and phonetic properties of It is convenient to distinguish four time concepts for ‘suprasegmentals’, speech segments which are larger than language and speech, with all four linked by an interpretative consonants and vowels. Rather than taking this approach, the or causal chain [2], [3]: categorial time (as in a paradigmatic concept of multiple time domains for prosody processing is feature such as [± long], rubber time, as in strong and weak taken up, and methods of time domain analysis are discussed: properties of nodes in a metrical tree signifying syntagmatic annotation mining with duration dispersion measures, time alternation relations between sibling nodes, clock time, as a tree induction, oscillator models in phonology and phonetics, sequence of points and intervals measured with reference to a and finally the use of the Amplitude Envelope Modulation calibrated clock, and cloud time, the everyday analog concept Spectrum (AEMS). While frequency demodulation (in the of time, and an essential concept in perceptual phonetics. form of pitch tracking) is a central issue in prosodic analysis, The terrain to be traversed in the present study covers the in the present context it is amplitude envelope demodulation physical-structural divide between clock time and the and frequency zones in the long time-domain spectra of the linguistic domains of rubber time and categorial time, demodulated envelope which are focused.