Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif SEMARANG, 15 – 16 Oktober 2016 SITUASI DAN PERMASALAHAN PARKIR ON-STREET DI KAWASAN PUSAT KOTA MALANG Imma Widyawati Agustin1 1Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya Jalan Mayjen Haryono 167 Malang 65145 – Telp (0341) 567886 Email:
[email protected] Abstract There are some problems of on-street parking, such as the use of parking lot 90 in limited use of effective road width, limited parking spaces, and high-side constraints due to the activity of non-motorized vehicles. It encourages researcher to solve the parking problems in the study area. The main purpose of the research is to arrange a model of the needs of on-street parking spaces in the study area. The research used the analysis of land use, the performance analysis of on-street parking and the street performance analysis. Multiple linear regression analysis serves as a model determining the needs of motorcycle and car parking space. The results showed that independent variables that affect the models of the need parking spaces for motorcycles: the accumulation of parking (X5) and the turnover of parking (X7), while the independent variables that affect the models of the need parking space four-wheeled vehicle that is an index parking (X8) , accumulated parking (X5), and the turnover of parking (X7). These variables became one of the considerations on on-street parking is parking control for the study area is the parking progressive control of the parking area, parking time control, and provision of centralized parking. Keywords: on-street-parking, Malang-city, multiple-linear-regression, parking-space Abstrak Ada beberapa permasalahan parkir di badan jalan, seperti penggunaan lahan parkir 90 mengakibatkan keterbatasan penggunaan lebar jalan efektif, keterbatasan ruang parkir, dan terdapat hambatan samping tinggi akibat aktivitas kendaraan tidak bermotor.