New exhibition: Nero & Co Sport!

Until June 19th 2017 at the Marc Sleen Museum.

2016 is pre-eminently the year of sports! Besides the Tour De France , this is also the year in which the Olympic Games in Rio will take place as well as the European Championship of football and many other sport events. In light of these events the Marc Sleen Foundation had no other choice then to dedicate an exhibition to the many sports Marc Sleen has drawn during his career.

For 18 years, from 1947 until 1964, Marc Sleen, armed with his drawing board, followed the Tour De France. It was a daily report in which Marc Sleen would summarize the round in a playfull way in just one slip. The focus of the exhibition will naturally also be on the other sports that where practised by Nero. In the album ‘The White Pearl’ for example, where Nero drank a mush that was prepared with the locks of hair from famous soccer players and as a result he himself became a pro- footballer.

On Thursday the 23th of June, the preview of this exhibition will take place in the presence of football legende Paul van Himst, who is also the godfather of Nero & Co Sports!

Press information: Curator Yves Kerremans, [email protected]

Knight Marc Sleen.

Marc Sleen (born in 1922) is the pioneer of the Flemish comic strip story and the creator of an immense comic strip oeuvre. He can pride himself on an impressive array of comic strip characters: Nero, Piet Fluwijn & Bolleke, De Lustige Kapoentjes, Oktaaf Keunink, Doris Dobbel, Pollopof, Pen Contra Poen, Tour de France, Tom en Tony, Stropke en Flopke, Krollewietje, etc. In 1989, Marc Sleen received a mention in the Guinness Book of Records for Nero, for holding the world record for a comic strip written and drawn by one author.

Marc Sleen Museum Zandstraat 33-35, 1000 Open every day (except on Monday) 11am- 1pm and 2pm - 6pm.

Press information : Curator Yves Kerremans, [email protected]

The Marc Sleen Museum.

In the unique setting of what used to be a newspaper office, the Marc Sleen Foundation proposes a standing exhibit, a reading room and series of temporary exhibits in order to discover the many facets of an exceptional work by a superb storyteller, a master comic strip artist and a brilliant cartoonist: Marc Sleen.

The Museum has been set up by the Marc Sleen Foundation, which aims to protect the work and memory of Marc Sleen, and endeavours to make his work known to as vast an audience as possible.

Marc Sleen Museum Zandstraat 33-35, 1000 Brussel Open every day (except on Monday) 11am- 1pm and 2pm - 6pm.

Press information : Curator Yves Kerremans, [email protected]