Sequential Preference Revelation in Incomplete Information Settings”
Online Appendix for “Sequential preference revelation in incomplete information settings” † James Schummer∗ and Rodrigo A. Velez May 6, 2019 1 Proof of Theorem 2 Theorem 2 is implied by the following result. Theorem. Let f be a strategy-proof, non-bossy SCF, and fix a reporting order Λ ∆(Π). Suppose that at least one of the following conditions holds. 2 1. The prior has Cartesian support (µ Cartesian) and Λ is deterministic. 2 M 2. The prior has symmetric Cartesian support (µ symm Cartesian) and f is weakly anonymous. 2 M − Then equilibria are preserved under deviations to truthful behavior: for any N (σ,β) SE Γ (Λ, f ), ,µ , 2 h U i (i) for each i N, τi is sequentially rational for i with respect to σ i and βi ; 2 − (ii) for each S N , there is a belief system such that β 0 ⊆ N ((σ S ,τS ),β 0) SE β 0(Λ, f ), ,µ . − 2 h U i Proof. Let f be strategy-proof and non-bossy, Λ ∆(Π), and µ Cartesian. Since the conditions of the two theorems are the same,2 we refer to2 arguments M ∗Department of Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences, Kellogg School of Manage- ment, Northwestern University, Evanston IL 60208; †Department of Economics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843; 1 made in the proof of Theorem 1. In particular all numbered equations refer- enced below appear in the paper. N Fix an equilibrium (σ,β) SE Γ (Λ, f ), ,µ .
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