MESA COLLEGE MAVERICKS TEAM STATISTICS Assistant Football Coach During Coaches: Snow Mesa Mesa College ______0-0-0-0-0 the Current Gridiron Season
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Mesa Enrollment Shatters All Previous Records Classes Bul!Jing; Final 1961 Tally Will Exceed 1100 Vol. XXIX Grand Junction, Colo., Thursday, Sept. 28, 1961 No. 1 Mesa College's fall enrollment has shattered all previous rec ords-as expected-a1nd has re · Associated Student Body Officers sulted in some of the largest Marilyn Felt, Tom Pyle classes in the histoiry of the school. The standing-room-only sign was out in a. number of class Will Edit Publications rooms the first few days, but shifts in several class locations Marilyn Felt, sophomore from High School, where he took part have made it possible to accom Grand Junction, has been named in athletics, student government and other activities. He gained modate all of the nearly 1100 stu editor of the 1961-62 MAVER considerable experience in the dents who registered the first ICK, Mesa College yearbook, anq week. newspaper field while working Official registration as the Tom Pyle, sophomore from Boul part-time with the Boulder Daily CRITERION went to press was der, has been designated as editor Camera all through school. actually 1098, but two practical of the CRITERION, campus After a brief stint at the Uni nursing students were still in the newspaper. versity, and a year of full-time process of registering. work, Tom transferred to Mesa The total included 1087 regular Both editors conducted organ College last fall. He doubled as day students and the class of 13 izational meetings Tuesday and sports editor and make-up editor practical nurses. expect to have staff appointments of the CRITERION last year. completed within the next few This figure may dimb even days. HANK HINTON TED BRUMBAUGH higher, since late· registrations president vice president will be permitted through Oct. 4. Marilyn graduated in 1959 Last year's fall quarter enroll from G r a n d Junction High Informal Hop ment was 884, including 15 prac School, where she served as year tical nurses. book editor. As business manager Mesa's population boom came of the CRITERION during her Slated Friday just a few months before com freshman year (1959-1960) , she "Shaggy Shag" is the theme pletion of new build!ings which directed a volume of advertising for an informal, very informal, will help accommodatte an enroll sales which put the campus publi dance to be held in the gym Fri ment nearly twice the present cation "in the black" for perhaps day night. size. the first time in its history. Live music by the Tempo Trio Contractors are rushing toward The following year the bright plus Two will be on tap for the completion the new Horace Wub- lights lured Marilyn to New York stomp which will be free and be (Continued on page 2) City, where she worked seven of the "Sadie Hawkins" type. months as a secretary. She re Girls are urged to ask a guy, turned to Grand Junction last that's right, to this major social spring in time to resume her event of the season. It is per Homecomiing summer work at Lincoln Park missible for boy to ask girl-if swimming pool. he feels he won't get a date She is continuing her studies otherwise. Committee~ as a business major at Mesa this The dance is scheduled to last LUTHERA BARCUS SAM RAMSEY fall. -from 8:30 to 11:00 p.m. and is Pyle is a graduate of Boulder again, informal. secretary treasurer Picks The1me 1 1 During one of s1everal pre Shrew Tryouts school meetings held during the past summer by 1961.-62 student leaders of Mesa College, the Driveway Parking Banned; Set Next Week Homecoming committ1~e chose the Mr. William Robinson,. dir theme for the annu1,,l event, to ector of drama, has announced be held this year October 28. that cast tryouts for the fall The theme will be "Greek! New Areas quarter play, "Taming of the Week," and in addi1lion to the to Open Soon Shrew," will be conducted dance there will be a parade and Monday and Tuesday. the football game with Trinidad. Suggestions by college officials 20-odd places not reserved for 300 cars and should be completed to ban general student parking The Monday tryout sessions Other activities will be announced faculty, staff, and visitors. ·in three weeks. are scheduled from 2:30 to as the week draws nearer. and traffic through the driveway These lots combined with the 4:30 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. behind the school were accepted In another meeting held This year's homecoming com earlier in the day, the Mesa lot on the east side of the Annex The Tuesday session will be mittee is made up of Leah Kelly, by the student body leaders in a which accommodates 45 cars, and meeting held Tuesday afternoon, College Board voted to speed held from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Carolyn Wells, Luthera Burcus, up construction of two paved nearby street parking, should The location of the tryouts Max Stites and John Stout, all September 19. easily handle all student parking The decision to restrict parking parking lots on either side of will be posted on the bulletin appointed by SBA president the new College Center build- . in the near future. board. Hank Hinton last spring. was based on estimates of up to ing, The combined student body 500 student cars for the -upcoming leaders and faculty · decision is school year all trying for the The lots will hold a total of not meant to take away student parking rights but is basically to ASB President Appoints reduce the heavy flow of traffic between the two halves of the 1 campus. '61-'62 Committee Heads Kangaroo Courf With the building of the men's Hank Hinton, Student Body student council) befoire they are dorms to the north, the increase Association president, has named final. in pedestrians has ris.en sharply temporary committee heads for Th-e committee system lessens above the normal number cross the 1961-62 Mesa student council. the work load of the ASB presi TO Try Freshmen ing between the womens' dorm, Those named were: Dan Bedell, dent, and the chairmen are under the cafeteria, and the school. social chairman, with John Stout his supervision. Kangaroo Court, the hour of customs or who have called down It was felt by all concerned as his assistant; Jack Bays, pub decision for freshmen who have one of the almighty sophomores that auto traffic must be reduced licity chairman; · Bonnie Ratko failed in their calling as green might also be up for "punish for the safety of the students. vich, entertainment chairman; beanie wearers, will be held dur ment." With the removal of parking Gary Rickard, poster chairman. 5 Cheerleaders ing the 10:45 assembly Friday in The entertaining assembly is privileges in the driveway stu The post of parliamentarian is To Be Electied the auditorium. required of all frosh, which dents will no longer make the yet to be filled. Frosh who have exhibited a means the defendants will cer twice-a-day drive to find that one The appointments must be ap lack of respect for other college tainly outnumber the judge and (Continued on page 2) proved by Block B (the entire In Monday Vote jury. Mesa students wlill have a Special attire has been ordered chance to vote on t1iteir choices for the day. Men students will for cheerleaders Mon1day, Frosh Vote wear their shirts backward and Council Endorses Cha_nge Tryouts for this year's group will not be allowed to shave. will be held during tlb.e assembly at 10:45 a.m. Friday. Slated Today Freshman girls will be de In Student Announcements A table will be seit up in the prived of makeup 'for the day. main hall and studeillts will de Election of freshman officers They must wear one bobby-sock A change in manner of an social and athletic events and for the 1961-62 school year was cide the four girls l1rho will at and one nylon, rolled down. nouncing coming events and other items of interest to the tempt to organize YEilllng at all scheduled in the main hall Thurs All freshmen will be expected other notices to students has been students of Mesa College. athletic events. day. · to wear their beanies. endorsed by A.S.B. officers. The offices of president and The change in _policy is the Last year's cheerfoaders were vice-president of the freshman All general announcements, result of a student council de Sylvia Anderson, Vel'a Jean Gil class were to be filled. last year read over the loud cision two years ago declaring breath, Pat Johnson Stelter, Bev The elected officers will take College Protestant speaker system, will be posted on that the speaker system should McPeek and Rose Alon Hasse. their places in student council a special student bulletin board be dropped at the beginning of along with student body officers Groups Organize in the main hall. These announce the school year in which the elected last year and club repre ments pertain to club meetings, science building is completed, ex Optometrist Gives sentatives. The United Campus Christian cept in the case of emergency. The frosh president-elect will Fellowship, a club made up of This decision goes in line with New Sch.ol'a,rship be allowed a vote in Block A protestant Mesa students, held an · SBA Leaders Urge the Science building contract, A well-known Grand Junction the section of council which is organizational meeting last Sun which does not call for a com optometrist, who pr,~fers to re concerned mainly with money day.