Public Document Pack ROCHDALE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL CABINET Monday, 3 February 2014 at 6.15 pm SUPPLEMENTARY PAPERS 4a Rochdale Borough Transport Strategy Refresh – Appendices 4b Rochdale Borough Local Flood Risk Management Strategy - Appendices ROCHDALE BOROUGH TRANSPORT STRATEGY 2014 REFRESH Mark Widdup Director of Economy and Environment Enquiries: please contact :- Strategic Planning Service Email:
[email protected] Tel: (01706) – 924361 February 2014 Page 1 Vision By 2026 Rochdale Borough will have an affordable, sustainable, reliable, accessible and integrated transport network that offers travel choice for all, serves its communities, tackles air quality and climate change, enhances social inclusion, public health and supports economic growth and regeneration of the local area. Underlying Principles Support the Borough’s environment, sustainability and public health agenda, tackling climate change through reducing emissions from transport, influencing travel choice, reducing natural resource use and carbon emissions and improving air quality by offering more opportunities / choice for people to travel actively, and by sustainable means. Support the Borough’s strategic land use objectives which will better integrate with transport provision and support economic growth, access to employment opportunities, housing and other development in accessible locations where there is network capacity and connectivity is good. Address concerns from the public who experience increasing delays and congestion, reducing