
Reserva Natural Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro, PARAGUAY , Amphisbaenids and Blind of Laguna Blanca 1

Para La Tierra (Jean-Paul Brouard, Paul Smith)

Photos by: Jean-Paul Brouard (JPB) and Paul Smith (PS). (M) = Male, (J) = Juvenile. Produced by: Tyana.Wachter, R. B. Foster and J. Philipp, with the support from Connie Keller and Andrew Mellon Foundation © Para La Tierra [http://www.paralatierra.org], Jean-Paul Brouard [[email protected]], Paul Smith [[email protected]] © Science and Education, The Field Museum, Chicago, IL 60605 USA. [http:/fieldmusuem.org/IDtools/] [[email protected]] Rapid Color Guide # 567 version 1 04/2014

1 Norops meridionalis 2 Polychrus acutirostris 3 caducus 4 cf. xanthochilus (M) POLYCHRIDAE JPB POLYCHRIDAE JPB JPB TROPIDURIDAE JPB

5 Tropidurus cf. xanthochilus (J) 6 Hemidactylus mabouia 7 Manciola cf. guaporicola 8 Notomabuya frenata TROPIDURIDAE JPB PS SCINCIDAE JPB SCINCIDAE JPB

9 ocellata 10 Cercosaura schriebersii 11 modesta 12 (nuptial) JPB GYMNOPHTHALMIDAE JPB GYMNOPHTHALMIDAE JPB GYMNOPHTHALMIDAE JPB

13 Micrablepharus maximiliani 14 rubricauda 15 Ameiva ameiva 16 Ameivula abalosi (brown) GYMNOPHTHALMIDAE JPB GYMNOPHTHALMIDAE JPB PS TEIIDAE JPB

Reserva Natural Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro, PARAGUAY Lizards, Amphisbaenids and Blind Snakes of Laguna Blanca 2

Para La Tierra (Jean-Paul Brouard, Paul Smith)

Photos by: Jean-Paul Brouard (JPB) and Paul Smith (PS). (M) = Male, (J) = Juvenile. Produced by: Tyana.Wachter, R. B. Foster and J. Philipp, with the support from Connie Keller and Andrew Mellon Foundation © Para La Tierra [http://www.paralatierra.org], Jean-Paul Brouard [[email protected]], Paul Smith [[email protected]] © Science and Education, The Field Museum, Chicago, IL 60605 USA. [http:/fieldmusuem.org/IDtools/] [[email protected]] Rapid Color Guide # 567 version 1 04/2014

17 Ameivula abalosi (green) 18 Kentropyx viridistriga 19 Kentropyx viridistriga (J) 20 Teius teyou TEIIDAE JPB TEIIDAE JPB TEIIDAE JPB TEIIDAE PS

21 Teius teyou (J) 22 Salvator merianae 23 Salvator merianae (J) 24 Ophiodes intermedius TEIIDAE JPB TEIIDAE PS TEIIDAE JPB ANGUINIDAE JPB

25 26 Amphisbaena camura 27 Amphisbaena mertensii 28 Amphisbaena mertensii JPB AMPHISBAENIDAE JPB AMPHISBAENIDAE JPB AMPHISBAENIDAE JPB

29 Amphisbaena roberti 30 Amphisbaena roberti 31 Typhlops brongersmianus 32 Typhlops brongersmianus AMPHISBAENIDAE JPB AMPHISBAENIDAE JPB JPB TYPHLOPIDAE JPB