Congressional Record-House. 323
• 1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 323 Mr. McCOMAS introduced a bill (S. 1379) for repayment of HARBOR OF ST. PETERSBURG, FLA.. duty on anthracite coal, and for other purposes; which was read Mr. MALLORY submitted the following concurrent resolution; twice by its title, and refe1Ted to the Committee on Finance, which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. · He also introduced a bill (S. 1380) to provide for a site for a de Re~;olved by the Senate (the House of Rep1·esentatives concurl''ing), That the pot for the Revenue-Cutter Service; which was read twice by its Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause a survey to be made of the harbor of St. Petersburg, on Tampa Bay, in Florida, title, and referred to the Committee on Commerce. with a view to securing an adequate basin at said point for loading and unload He also introduced a bill (S. 1381) for the relief of the heu·s of ing ocean-going vessels, with a channel roo feet in width and 24 feet in depth, John D. Clemson; which was read twice by its title, and referred from said basin to the main ship channel in Tampa Bay. to the Committee on Claims. TRE.!.TY OF 18i8 WITH NEW GRAN ADA. He also introduced a bill (S. 1382) to provide for the sale of lot :Mr. SPOONER submitted the following resolution; which was 4, square 1113. in the city of Washington, D. C.; which was read considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on the District Resolved, That the b·eaty of peace, amity, navigation, and commerce en of Columbia.
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