Final Report Extra-Regional Relations Regional Meeting on Latin American and Caribbean economic relations with emerging countries (BRICS) Brasilia, Brazil 18 November 2013 SP/RRRE-ALC-BRICS/IF-13 Copyright © SELA, November 2013. All rights reserved. Printed in the Permanent Secretariat of SELA, Caracas, Venezuela. The Press and Publications Department of the Permanent Secretariat of SELA must authorize reproduction of this document, whether totally or partially, through
[email protected]. The Member States and their government institutions may reproduce this document without prior authorization, provided that the source is mentioned and the Secretariat is aware of said reproduction. Final Report SP/RRRE-ALC-BRICS/IF-13 C O N T E N T S RAPPORTEUR’S REPORT 3 A. DEVELOPMENT OF WORKS 4 B. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 9 C. CLOSING SESSION 11 ANNEXES: I. AGENDA 13 II. SPEECH BY MR. TELASCO PULGAR, COORDINATOR OF RELATIONS WITH REGIONAL AND EXTRA-REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN ECONOMIC SYSTEM (SELA) 21 III. SPEECH BY MR. RENATO BAUMANN, DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT ON INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF APPLIED ECONOMIC RESEARCH (IPEA) 25 IV. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 29 V. LIST OF DOCUMENTS 37 Final Report SP/RRRE-ALC-BRICS/IF-13 3 RAPPORTEUR’S REPORT 1. The “Regional Meeting on Latin American and Caribbean economic relations with emerging countries (BRICS)” was organized by the Permanent Secretariat of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA), in collaboration with the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), and held in the headquarters of the latter institute in Brasilia on 18 November 2013.