§12. Lying-In-State; Lying in Honor
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DEATH Ch. 38 § 12 and all Members shall have leave for mittee on Memorials, under the pro- 30 legislative days to extend their re- visions of clause 40a of rule XI. The marks in the CONGRESSIONAL order of exercises and proceedings of RECORD on the life, character, and the service shall be printed in the public service of the deceased Mem- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, and all bers. At the conclusion of the pro- Members shall have leave for sixty ceedings, the Speaker shall call the legislative days to extend their re- House to order and then as a further marks in the CONGRESSIONAL mark of respect to the memories of RECORD, on the life, character, and the deceased he shall declare the public service of the deceased mem- House adjourned. The necessary ex- bers. At the conclusion of the pro- penses connected with such memo- ceedings, the Speaker shall call the rial services shall be paid out of the House to order and then as a further contingent fund of the House upon mark of respect to the memories of vouchers signed by the chairman of the deceased, he shall declare the the Committee on House Adminis- House adjourned: And be it further tration. Resolved, That the necessary ex- penses connected with the memorial The resolution was agreed to. services herein authorized shall be A motion to reconsider was laid on paid out of the contingent fund of the House upon vouchers signed by the table. the chairman of the Committee on Similarly, on Apr. 18, 1946,(2) Memorials and approved by the Committee on Accounts. the following proceedings took ( ) place in the House: The resolution was agreed to. 3 Mr. [John R.] MURDOCK [of Ari- zona]. Mr. Speaker, at the request of the gentleman from New Mexico [Mr. § 12. Lying-in-State; Lying FERNANDEZ], chairman of the com- in Honor mittee, and by direction of the Com- mittee on Memorials, I offer House The Rotunda of the Capitol has Resolution 604, relative to the holding been chosen as a place for the Na- of memorial exercises for our departed tion to pay their final respects to colleagues during the past year and its most eminent citizens. This fixing Tuesday, the 28th day of May, tribute takes the form of having for that purpose, and ask for its imme- their remains lie in state or in diate consideration. honor in the Rotunda with a pe- The Clerk read the resolution as fol- riod of public access. The author- lows: ity for such action is granted by Resolved, That on Tuesday, the 28th day of May, 1946, immediately 3. For additional examples of resolu- after the approval of the Journal, the tions providing for annual memorial House shall stand at recess for the services in the House for deceased purpose of holding the memorial Members, see 97 CONG. REC. 4281, services as arranged by the Com- 82d Cong. 1st Sess., Apr. 24, 1951 (H. Res. 205); 94 CONG. REC. 2846, 2. 92 CONG. REC. 3998, 79th Cong. 2d 80th Cong. 2d Sess., Mar. 15, 1948 Sess. (H. Res. 502). 707 VerDate 0ct 09 2002 14:45 Jan 25, 2011 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00719 Fmt 8875 Sfmt 8875 F:\PRECEDIT\VOL17\17COMP~1 27-2A Ch. 38 § 12 DESCHLER-BROWN-JOHNSON PRECEDENTS concurrent resolution or agree- the Capitol from January 24 to Janu- ment by House and Senate leader- ary 25, 1973, and the Architect of the ( ) Capitol, under the direction of the ship. 1 Speaker of the House of Representa- tives and the President pro tempore of f the Senate, shall take all necessary steps for the accomplishment of that Concurrent Resolution Author- purpose. izing The concurrent resolution was agreed to. § 12.1 By unanimous consent, A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. the House considered and agreed to a concurrent reso- Parliamentarian’s Note: The lution authorizing the re- House Journal correctly indicates that House Concurrent Resolution mains of former President 90 was called up by unanimous Lyndon B. Johnson to lie in consent (not having been reported state in the Rotunda of the by the Committee on Rules).(2) Capitol. § 12.2 A concurrent resolution On Jan. 23, 1973,(1) Speaker authorized the use of the Ro- Carl Albert, of Oklahoma, laid be- tunda of the Capitol for the fore the House a message from lying-in-state ceremonies for the President, announcing the the General of the Army. death of former President John- ( ) son. Immediately thereafter, Mr. On Apr. 6, 1964, 1 concurrent Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr., of Massa- resolutions authorizing the re- chusetts, offered the following res- mains of Douglas MacArthur, General of the Army of the United olution: States, to lie in state in the Ro- H. CON. RES. 90 tunda of the Capitol and author- izing the purchase of a floral Resolved by the House of Representa- wreath to be placed by the cata- tives (the Senate concurring), That in recognition of the long and distin- falque bearing his remains were guished service rendered to the Nation laid before the House. The pro- and to the world by Lyndon B. John- ceedings were as follows: son, Thirty-sixth President of the Mr. [Carl] ALBERT [of Oklahoma]. United States, his remains be per- Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent mitted to lie in state in the rotunda of 2. H. Jour. p. 128, 93d Cong. 1st Sess., 1. For a list of those who have lain in Jan. 23, 1973. state see Appendix, infra. 1. 110 CONG. REC. 6878, 88th Cong. 2d 1. 119 CONG. REC. 1838, 1839, 93d Sess. For Senate arrangements, see Cong. 1st Sess. Id. at pp. 7118, 7119, Apr. 7, 1964. 708 VerDate 0ct 09 2002 14:45 Jan 25, 2011 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00720 Fmt 8875 Sfmt 8875 F:\PRECEDIT\VOL17\17COMP~1 27-2A DEATH Ch. 38 § 12 for the immediate consideration of the the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate Senate concurrent resolution (S. Con. and the Sergeant at Arms of the Res. 74) authorizing the remains of House of Representatives are each Gen. Douglas MacArthur to lie in state hereby authorized and directed to in the rotunda of the Capitol from purchase a floral wreath to be placed April 8 to April 9, 1964. by the catafalque bearing the re- The Clerk read the Senate concur- mains of late General of the Army of rent resolution, as follows: the United States, Douglas Mac- Arthur, which are to lie in state in S. CON. RES. 74 the rotunda of the Capitol of the United States from April 8 to April Resolved by the Senate (the House 9, 1964, the expenses of which shall of Representatives concurring), That be paid from the contingent funds of in recognition of the long and distin- the Senate and the House of Rep- guished service rendered by Douglas resentatives, respectively. MacArthur, General of the Army of the United States, the remains be The Senate concurrent resolution permitted to lie in state in the ro- was agreed to. tunda of the Capitol from April 8 to April 9, 1964, and the Architect of A motion to reconsider was laid on the Capitol, under the direction and the table. supervision of the President pro tem- (2) pore of the Senate and the Speaker On Apr. 7, 1964, a resolution of the House of Representatives, was adopted authorizing the shall take all necessary steps for the Speaker to appoint the Majority accomplishment of that purpose. and Minority Leaders and all The Senate concurrent resolution members of the Committee on was agreed to. A motion to reconsider was laid on Armed Services to represent the the table. House at the lying-in-state cere- monies for General MacArthur. f The following proceedings oc- WREATH TO BE PLACED AT RE- curred: MAINS OF GEN. DOUGLAS MAC- ARTHUR IN THE CAPITOL RO- Mr. [Carl] ALBERT [of Oklahoma]. TUNDA Mr. Speaker, I offer a resolution. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask The Clerk read the resolution as fol- unanimous consent for the immediate lows: consideration of Senate concurrent res- olution (S. Con. Res. 75) authorizing H. Res. 671 the purchase of a floral wreath to be Resolved, That the House has placed by the catafalque bearing the heard with profound sorrow of the remains of Gen. Douglas MacArthur in death of the General of the Army, the Capitol rotunda. Douglas MacArthur, who has served The Clerk read the Senate concur- his country brilliantly for more than rent resolution, as follows: sixty-four years. Resolved, That the House tenders S. CON. RES. 75 its deep sympathy to the members of Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That 2. Id. at pp. 7182, 7183. 709 VerDate 0ct 09 2002 14:45 Jan 25, 2011 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00721 Fmt 8875 Sfmt 8875 F:\PRECEDIT\VOL17\17COMP~1 27-2A Ch. 38 § 12 DESCHLER-BROWN-JOHNSON PRECEDENTS the family of the late General of the Chamber. The Chair will then call the Army in their sad bereavement. House to order for further consider- Resolved, That the Speaker of the ation of business pending in the House. House shall appoint a committee In other words, there will be no 15- composed of the majority and minor- ity leaders, the chairman and mem- minute bell, but the House will be bers of the Committee on Armed called to order at that time. Services, to represent the House in (5) connection with the lying-in-state of On Apr. 9, 1964, the following the remains of the late General Mac- announcement was made by the Arthur in the rotunda of the Capitol.