
November 4, 2019

First Continental When the British government issued the the colonists realized that even though they were British citizens the British government didn't see them that way. So, in September 1774 in , 56 delegates from each colony got together to talk about the future of the colonies. Some wanted to break away from Britain while others wanted to find away to get along with the British. They finally decided to send a petition to Parliament stating the rights of the colonists. The Congress also gave Parliament a deadline to respond and the colonist would not trade with Britain until a deal was made. Notes: * First Continental Congress (September 1774) * 56 delegates * Created a petition, stating rights of the colonists, that was sent to Parliament. November 4, 2019

After theL Firestx Conitninegnttaol Cnong r&ess had mCeto an grocuop orf cdolonists, from , took matters into their own hands. On April 19, 1775 in Lexington, Massachusetts a group of colonists shot at British soldiers. Several of the colonists were either killed or wounded. The British then marched to Concord where fighting resumed. 73 of the British soldiers were killed and another 174 wounded. Even though these battles were brief it marked the beginning of a bitter war with Britain.

Notes: * Battle of Lexington & Concord: April 19, 1775 * Start of the November 4, 2019

Te Declaration of Even though there was fighting going on some of the colonists believed their problems with Britain could be resolved. So representatives met on , 1776 to discuss what to do, this was known as the Second Continental Congress. After days of discussion they decided it was time to break away from Britain. The Second Continental Congress created a , made up of , , Robert Livingston, , and , to create a document explaining the colonies problems with Britain.

Notes: * Second Continental Congress (June 7, 1776) * Created a committee to write a declaration of independence -Important People: ~Benjamin Franklin ~John Adams ~Thomas Jefferson November 4, 2019

TThe meem beDrs oef tchle warirtinag tcoimomnitt eoe efa chI andddede thpeeir nidedase bnut ce Thomas Jefferson did most of the writing. Thomas Jefferson planned the Declaration into several parts. The first was the preamble, or the introduction, he stated why the Declaration was needed. The second part described the colonists ideas of government and the third listed all the complaints about the King and Parliament. Congress debated the document for days and there were a total of 86 changes. Finally, on July 4, 1776, the Congress voted to approve the Declaration of Independence. John Hancock was the first person to sign.

Notes: Click to learn more: * Written by Thomas Jefferson -Broken into 3 parts: ~Preamble ~Colonists ideas about government ~Complaints about the King and Parliament * Declaration of Independence was approved (July 4, 1776) * John Hancock was the 1st person to sign