EUCLID (Pôle Universitaire Euclide - Euclid University) is an international intergovernmental or- ganization with an educational mandate, serving 11 Participating States as of 2012. It is also one of the world's 5 regional / international institutions of higher learning listed by the UNESCO- based International Association of Universities which publishes the authoritative International Handbook of Universities and the World Higher Education Database. In this group, EUCLID's fel- low institutions are the United Nations University, the European University Institute, the World Maritime University and the IMO International Maritime Law Institute.

EUCLID delivers best-of-class distance education and capacity-building services to its Participat- ing States’ officials as well as to the general public. Our primary mission is to engage with the global community and foster sustainable development through education, global engagement, and international dialogue.

EUCLID’s 11 Participating States with the National Points of Contact:

(MOU only) | Paulin Djakpo (Public Administrator) ♦ | Amb Balthazar Habonimana (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) ♦ | Apollinaire Molaye (Prime Minister’s Office / EUCLID HQ) ♦ | El-Marouf Mohamed (Permanent Mission to the UN) ♦ | Amb Hanna Simon (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) ♦ Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Luis de Shong (Ministry of Transport and Works) ♦ | Minister Abdoulaye Faye (Presidency) with Djibril Sylla (City of Dakar) ♦ | Victoria Sulimani (Permanent Mission to the UN) ♦ Timor Leste | Dr Edmundo Viegas (Ministry of Education) ♦ (MOU only) | Amb Juliet Kalema (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) ♦ (MOU only) | Amos Tatangis Sheyrild (Ministry of Education)


“Mission Accomplished” - What Now? A note from EUCLID’s High Steward Mohamed Toihiri: EUCLID High Steward

For EUCLID and its stakeholders, especially government-sponsored stu- His Excellency Mohamed Toihiri became dents and Participating States, 2011 was a remarkable year, which ex- EUCLID’s High Steward on April 1, 2011, plains the image on the cover page; a major construction such as the Millau following the sad and untimely passing Viaduc (in France), now fully operational. away of our dear friend and colleague, In 2011, EUCLID completed its institutional processes with two remarkable Ambassador Banny de Brum, who had achievements for which the support of EUCLID’s Participating States must generously served as EUCLID’s High Stew- be noted: firstly, the two intergovernmental agreements defining the organi- ard and Chairman of the Board of Advi- zation’s mandate were registered and published by the United Nations Trea- sors since 2009. ty Section, and can now be easily and universally accessed at http:// (see our feature article page 10). Secondly, following the finalization of the Headquarters Agreement with the government of the Cen- tral African Republic (which we congratulate), the formal registration of EU- CLID with the UNESCO-based International Association of Universities was accomplished, and EUCLID was included in the “regional / international category,” a small group of 5 institutions which includes the UN’s own uni- versity. These are not simply abstract achievements for EUCLID itself—they are practical achievements for all the Participating States, the developing world as a whole, and mostly for EUCLID’s students, many of which are officials of our governments.

EUCLID is also more than just outstanding educational programs for our ABOVE: Ambassador Mohamed Toihiri presenting his government staff—offered at zero cost by a dedicated international team. credential to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as Permanent Representative of the Union of the Comoros EUCLID also offers technical support services, such as free Internet hosting, to the United Nations (2007). web design and maintenance, which it currently does for several of the pub- lic institutions of the Participating States. I recently had the delightful expe- Ambassador Toihiri is the Permanent Rep- rience of being greeted at the UN headquarters by a very senior UNGA offi- resentative of the Union of the Comoros cial who shared his enthusiasm for his EUCLID studies—a rewarding mo- (Indian Ocean / East Africa) to the United ment indeed. Nations, as well as the country’s ambassa- I hope that as you read through this Annual Report, you will share my sense dor to the United States, Canada, and Cu- of honor of succeeding the late Ambassador de Brum as EUCLID’s High ba. He was appointed to this post in 2007 Steward as well as the pride we can all feel at the achievements we have by President Sambi. made together during the past year. I look forward to building an even more Dr Mohamed Toihiri has a rich academic productive future together with you in 2012. background and holds (among others) a doctorate in literature from the University of Bordeaux in France. He is also a ‘Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur’ (the high- est decoration of the French Republic). Mohamed Toihiri, PhD Ambassador, High Steward


Remembering our first High Steward Ambassador Banny De Brum

On March 16, 2011, His Excellency Banny de Brum, Ambassa- dor of the to the United States and EUCLID’s first High Steward, passed away at Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, after a battle with cancer. The communiqué issued by the Marshallese Ministry of Foreign Affairs evokes the remarkable life and personality of this be- loved and respected diplomat. United States Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo also issued the following statement on the passing of EUCLID’s High Stew- ard: “Ambassador de Brum was a tireless advocate for the peo- ple of the Republic of the Marshall Islands,” said Congresswoman Bordallo. “He worked to build regional relationships with the RMI’s neighbors in the Pacific and was an effective representative of his govern-

ment. I join the people of the Marshall Islands in mourning his loss and I extend my sincere condo- EUCLID SG writes to lences to his family, friends, and loved ones.” US Secretary of State Ambassador de Brum had been willing to travel with the EUCLID team to Asmara, Eritrea, to launch Prior to the publication the LOT3 project funded by the European Commis- of this Annual Report, sion. In order to honor his memory, the class of Secretary-General Syed almost 60 graduates from the Eritrean Ministry of Zahid Ali wrote a letter Education will be named after our late High Stew- dated 17 January 2012 ard. to the Honorable Hillary After a time of mourning, EUCLID Assistant Secre- R. Clinton, Secretary of tary-General Chad D’Amore met with Ambassador State of the United Mohamed Toihiri (photo below) who kindly accept- States of America, to ed to become EUCLID’s second High Steward. provide updated infor- mation regarding EUCLID and to ensure proper dissemination of information to all 50 US states in order to ensure proper classification of EUCLID’s as an intergovernmental organization and “an ac-

Building a bridge to development Building a bridge to development credited university” (as formally expressed in Prime Minister Touadéra’s Note Verbale of October 2011). The Permanent Representatives of the EU- CLID Headquarters State and Comoros (as high Stewards) also sent a letter to the US government for the same purpose.


Omari Williams: Celebrating students

Omari Williams is a diplomat of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines currently serving as Minister Counselor—Deputy Chief of Mission (and Alternate Representative to the Or- ganization of the American States) at the SVG Embassy in Washington DC. Mr Williams is—as all diplomats are—incredibly busy and yet equally committed to pursuing EU- CLID’s educational program. Omari recently completed his Post-Graduate Certificate in Diplomacy and is pushing forward with the full MDIA.

EUCLID welcomes Timor-Leste as 11th Participating State

On May 17, 2011, His Excellency Dr João Câncio Freitas, Minister of Education of Ti- mor, signed on behalf of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste the instrument of approval formalizing Timor-Leste’s participating in EUCLID. The Min- ister of Education also appointed a panel to review EUCLID’s programs prior to issuing a formal protocol of approval and validation. This procedure was completed on August 3 ,2011 by means of a Note Verbale issued by His Excellency João Mendes Gonçalves, Minister of Economy and Development. Already, EUCLID is delivering a distance Master’s degree program in Sustainable Development to Ms Eliana Silva Pereira, the Legal Advisor to Minister Goncalves. The entire EUCLID team is looking forward to a long and fruitful relationship with the government of Timor-Leste.

Above: Timor-Leste became the first new sovereign state of the 21st century on May 20, 2002, and is now a candidate to ASEAN membership.

Apollinaire Molaye (photo on the left) is the “EUCLID Focal Point” for the institutions of the Central African Republic, duly appointed by the Prime Minister’s office by decision 565 of July 6, 2010.

M. Molaye is also the manager of the Digital Campus of Bangui and until recently served as Director of the Center for Multimedia Resources at the University of Bangui.

M. Molaye is well known by the governmental and academic authorities of the country and plays a key role in the development of EUCLID projects both locally and globally.


Uganda: Celebrating students

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uganda has been actively training its senior offi- cials using EUCLID’s MDIA and DDIA programs since 2008. Ambassador Juliet Kale- ma (photo, left) is the country’s National Point of Contact and Ambassador Alexie Sepuya Kyeyune is one of EUCLID’ students. EUCLID is looking forward to the gradu- ation of Uganda’s first official completing the MDIA program, Ms Eunice Kigenyi.

UNESCO / IAU registration completed

On March 11, 2011, EUCLID finalized its Headquarters Agreement with the government of the Central African Republic with the University of Bangui (photo below) as “visiting campus.” In April and May, Ms Sophie Gbadin, the country’s Deputy Permanent Delegate to UNESCO, acting in concert with the National UNESCO Commission at the Ministry of Education and the Permanent Mission to the United Nations filed the required documents to ensure the inclusion of EUCLID (Pôle Universitaire Euclide) in the official listing of Institutions of Higher Education / International Handbook of Universities 2012. This step was extremely important to ensure the international validation of EUCLID’s degree programs because the IAU/UNESCO Handbook is used as the main instrument of reference by other governments and universities.

Above: the administrative office (« rectorat ») of the University de Bangui. Left: the cover of the UNESCO-IAU international handbook of universities. EUCLID is scheduled for inclusion in the printed edition to be released in August 2012.

It is important to note that because EUCLID is properly categorized as an “international / regional” institution of higher learning, it is not included in the so-called WHED (World Higher Education) database which only lists national institutions.

Internationally, about 10 institutions have intergovernmental status like EUCLID, although the IAU/UNESCO Handbook includes only 5 in its “international / regional” category:

 EUCLIDE (Pôle Universitaire Euclide), Bangui (Africa)  European University Institute, Florence (Europe)  IMO International Maritime Institute, Malta (Europe)  United Nations University, Tokyo (Asia)  World Maritime University, Malmo (Europe).


Burundi: Celebrating students

When Ms Nelly Gicho-Niyonzima began her EUCLID studies in 2007 through the joint Building a bridge to development extension program offered by the Euclid Consortium, she had no idea that her future husband Herménégilde Niyonzima would one day become the Permanent Representa- tive of Burundi to the United Nations (photo). And yet, this is exactly what happened! She now resides in New York and is scheduled to complete her MDIA in March 2012.

EUCLID’s 2012 New Programs in 2012: luncheon for UN- “Full Operations” related partners Historically, EUCLID has built on two core competen- cies: diplomacy and sustainable development, adapt- ing and applying these themes into an array of closely EUCLID Secretary-General Syed Zahid Ali is eager to related programs, such as international organizations come to New York in person, hopefully on the occasion (MBAIO) or inter-religious dialogue (MIRD). Following of EUCLID’s accession to the status of intergovernmen- the signature of an agreement with World-Mediation- tal observer on a continuing basis on the United Na- Centre (based in Berlin), EUCLID developed and is tions Economic and Social Council. In order to better now offering a Master’s and Doctoral program in Me- inform the Permanent Missions about the importance diation and Conflict Resolution. Two other major pro- of this procedure, discuss EUCLID services, and facili- grams of global interest announced for full availability tate an encounter between EUCLID staff, faculty mem- in 2012 are the LLM in International Law and Treaty bers, diplomats of the Permanent Missions, as well as Law, as well as the Master’s in Energy Studies. The UN-related students, a meeting / luncheon is being LLM will be administered with EUCLID’s new Institute organized at the Delegates’ Dining for the Study of International Law and Treaty Law to Room at UN Headquarters. The be headed by Ms Tina Loddenkemper, LLM. tentative date is Thursday May Finally, EUCLID is still in the process of fully translat- 17, 2012, but please be on ing its two flagship programs into French with a self- stand-by for a formal confirma- assigned deadline of July 2012. tion and RSVP invitation. To accomplish all this, EUCLID has been expanding its Right: Mr Robin van Puyenbroeck, faculty group and reallocating tasks to properly man- Special Representative of the EUCLID age the “full operations” of the organization. Secretary-General in New York.


In September 2011, Minister of State and PDS Administrator (PDS is the ruling party) Mr Abdoulaye Faye personally presented to Senegal’s President His Excellency Abdoulaye Wade, the new EUCLID textbooks prepared in honor of the President’s participation in the G20 summit in France. The Minis- ter of State also presented a brief report of EUCLID’s activities and institutional processes.


Organization of Islamic Cooperation Journal features EUCLID

In August 2011, the official Journal of the Organiza- tion of Islamic Cooperation (the new name of the Or- ganization of the Islamic Conference, a 57 Member State intergovernmental organization), published a remarkable article on EUCLID which featured the or- ganization’s history, cooperation with ICCI, and com- mitment to inter-religious dialogue and education. As the Journal notes: “IOSD and EUCLID are examples of what can happen when Islam and the West are able to cooperate in the spirit of ‘A Common Word’ to serve humanity” ex- plains Mr Zahid Ali. “It is my sincere hope that our organization will be able to make a contribution to the vision of OIC, especially by fostering a better under- standing of how sustainable economic development relates to our religious values.”

On June 11, 2011, EUCLID’s Assistant Secretary General Imara Johnpullé had the privilege of meeting with His Excellency Faustin Archange Touadéra, Prime Minister of the Central African Republic and signatory of the EUCLID convention for the Central African Republic on May 24, 2010.

The Prime Minister was Building a bridge to development Building a bridge to development presented with a comprehensive report and expressed his appreciation for the work accomplished since 2005.


Hanna Simon: Celebrating students

Ambassador Hanna Simon (photo with King Albert of Belgium) is a senior diplomat of Eritrea who served as her country’s ambassador to France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the European Institutions until 2006. She completed her EUCLID MDIA in 2011 and also serves as EUCLID National Point of Contact for Eritrea. Ambassador Hanna has tremendous first-hand experience with diplomatic protocol and became EUCLID’s in- structor for DIP-607 upon completion of her program.

Meet two new EUCLID Meet EUCLID’s Director faculty members of Admissions and

Our esteemed Faculty Coordinator, Laurent Cleenew- Operations erck, was pleased to report for inclusion in this report that Mr Collen Kelapile (Chairman of the Advisory Com- Mr Rodrigo Agüero (photo to mittee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions at the right) is EUCLID’s Director the United Nations General Assembly, photo below with of Admissions and Operations, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon) has joined EUCLID based in Buenos Aires, Argenti- as our faculty for DIP-801. Additionally, the newly re- na. Reporting directly to the tired Executive Officer of the Treaties Secretariat of the Secretary-General he is re- Australian government’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs sponsible for all admissions (Professor Mark Scully) has joined us as distinguished and financial operations. instructor LAW-INT (International Law and Treaty Law). Their outstanding service, which is often offered on a He is assisted by Mr Habte Ogbazion who is based in volunteer basis for our government trainees, is to be Arlington, Virginia. noted and celebrated. Rodrigo brings a wealth of experience to this position, having previously served as Admissions Officer and supported the completion of the LOT3 project.

Mark Scully (photo to the right) is EU- CLID’s instructor for LAW-INT and the co-author of “Binding and Non- Binding Instruments in Intergovern- mental Relations: Legal Foundations and Practical Recommendations”

published by EUCLID.


♦ In October 2011, the Office of the Prime Minister of the Headquarters State issued a diplomatic communiqué (Note Verbale) in support of EUCLID’s application to join the Association Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and the Association of African Universities (AAU).


E-Services: Contact us to use EUCLID services

What does EUCLID do for its Participating States apart from its educational mandate? We place interns, we provide personal assistance (executive sec- retarial services) to senior officials, we assist with public diplomacy, for in- stance by creating brochures and web sites for the public agencies of our Participating States. In 2011, we launched the web site of the Permanent Mission of Sierra Leone… Contact us to discuss EUCLID e-Services.

United Nations publishes EUCLID conventions

As depositary of the two EUCLID intergovernmental agreements defining and constituting EUCLID’s legal mandate, Secretary-General Syed Zahid Ali was determined to conclude his first term in office having completed what he de- scribes as “the most important, complex and difficult procedure” in the organization’s history. Acting in accordance with Article V of the Open Memorandum of Understanding and Updated Framework Agree- ment, the Secretary-General, together with Assistant Secretary-General Imara Johnpullé, worked closely with sever- al Permanent Missions in New York to complete the necessary procedures. According to Article 102 of the UN Char- ter, “all treaties and intergovernmental agreements” are to be registered and published by the UN Secretariat Gen- eral to ensure public access and transparency. This covers all intergovernmental agreements ‘under any designa- tion’ if governed by international law, which is obviously the case of both EUCLID conventions. To assist with the steps of this procedure, Ambassador Toihiri of the Comoros attended a meeting at the UN Office of Legal Affairs and hosted a gathering of several Permanent Missions in May 2010. The Joint Letter and registra- tion file were finally submitted in December 2010, leading to the finalization of the process with the competent and prompt assistance of the new Treaty Section Chief, Ms Gabriele Goettsche-Wanli. Following the signature of the headquarters agreement with the Central African Republic, Ambassador and Perma- nent Representative Fernand Poukre-Kono also transmitted the agreement to the UN Secretariat for registration and publication. Both EUCLID con- ventions were included in the UN’s 10/2011 Monthly Database and are viewable online, at

Central African Republic, Ambassador and Permanent Representative Fernand Poukre-Kono seen here with the United Nations’ Treaty Section Chief, Ms Gabriele Goettsche-Wanli, April 6, 2011.



This page may be detached from this Annual Report so as to be filled out and faxed to the EUCLID Service Coordi- nation Center (+1 202 478 1690 and +1 202 466 0502). The same form—in electronic format—is found online at under Government Services. Please fill out all the fields if possible:

Name: ______Position: ______Ministry: ______Government: ______Phone: ______Fax: ______Email: ______Language(s):  English  French

I would like to receive more information about benefiting from the following zero-cost services:

 Full Scholarships for distance-learning programs  MDIA  MSDD  MBAIO  MIRD  DDIA  PGC

 Textbooks on Demand

 Teacher Professional Development program based on LOT3 (B.Ed and M.Ed)

 “Foreign Affairs” on Demand

 Web Hosting / Internet Domains / Internet Services

 “Send us an Intern”

 Millennium Challenge Corporation consulting

 Maximization and Optimization of European Union funding

 (Write here any other area of interest) ______

EUCLID’s Faculty Group in 2012

Dr Gariba Abdul Korah International Cultural Studies Eric Asare Database Systems, MIT Nicolas Badaoui International Affairs Tamer Bahloul Economics, ESL Dr Emil Berendt Economics Pr Brigitte Bouzigues Economics, Marketing, IT Dr Charles Yassin Chan Islamic Finance, Global Communications Pr Laurent Cleenewerck Theology and International Administration Dr James Day Theology Daniel Erdmann Mediation, Conflict Resolution Pr Colin Evans Diplomacy, Management Darren Evans International Affairs Dr Jennifer Foley Law, Inter-Religious Studies Dr Mounir Ghibri Sustainable Development Dr Russ Hobbs Theology, Academic Methods Collen Kelapile United Nations Ediho Lokanga Physics, Computer Science, Engineering Pr David Lusk International Administration Tural Mammadov Islamic Finance, Energy Pr Michael Massa Mediation, Law, Communication Tim Ntouba Mboule International Affairs Dr Balasz Mezei Philosophy, Theology Austin Mwange Economic Policy Dr Martin Oluba Business Administration Pr Roberto Rodriguez International Affairs, Education Pr Mark Scully International Law, Treaties Amb Hanna Simon Diplomacy, International Affairs Building a bridge to development Building a bridge to development Dr Stefan Szalachy Mediation, Communication Joao Tavares MBA studies, International Organizations Isaac Tettey Energy Studies

This is a partial list as of January 2012. For updated information, visit


EUCLID Organizational Chart

Participating States: Headquarters State(s): Saint Vincent, Sierra Leo- EUCLID (Pôle Universitaire Central African Republic ne, Uganda, Eritrea, Benin, Euclide / Euclid University) Vanuatu, Senegal, Como- and affiliated Institutes Partner Organizations: ros, Burundi, Central Afri- CAFRAD, ICCI, ECOWAS, can Republic; Timor-Leste WMC

Executive Board Board of Advisors Governing Board Oversight Council Secretary-General High Steward National Points of Contact: (5 Member Body) Syed Zahid Ali Ambassador Mohamed Toihiri - Paulin Djakpo - Syed Zahid Ali - Balthazar Habonimana - Brigitte Bouzigues - Apollinaire Molaye - Francois Lespes - Mohammed El Marouf - Vacant, TBF - Hanna Simon Assistant Secretary- - Juliet Kalema - Laurent Cleenewerck General - Luis de Shong Faculty Coordinator BOA Members - Djibril Sylla

Imara Johnpullé - Victoria Sulimani - The High Steward - Edmundo Viegas - The SG, SRSG and ASGs - Amos Tatangis - The OC Chair Assistant Secretary- - Colin Evans General - Roberto Rodriguez - Darren Evans Chad D’Amore - Berhane Demoz - Daniel Erdmann Faculty Group

Assistant Secretary- See faculty roster on oppo- General site page. Affiliated Institutes and Structures: Nausheen Wasi EUCLID, IOSD, EUROSTATE University Institute, International Institute for Inter-Religious Diplo- macy, CEDR --- Euclid Consortium = EUCLID + Special Representative of University of Bangui + ULI Brussels / UL Burkina the SG + University of N'Djamena + University of the Comoros Robin van Puyenbroeck

Director of Admis- sions and Operations Assistant DAO

Rodrigo Aguero Habte Ogbazion


Key indicators...

223 completed student applications received in 2011 59 active students (general public)

44 students currently being trained for the Par- ticipating governments (and ECOWAS) 58 + 7 students trained for the ministries of Eritrea between 2008 and 2011


Documents cited... Building a bridge to development Right:

The Protocol of validation of the EUCLID pro- grams for the Ministry of Education of the Demo- cratic Republic of Timor-Leste



The Certificate of registration of the initial intergovernmental agreement regarding EUCLID, as published by the United Nations



The Certificate of registration of the updated intergovernmental agreement regarding EUCLID, as published by the United Nations




Official Headquarters and Visiting Campus EUCLIDE: Pôle Universitaire Euclide CRM Université de Bangui BP 157 Avenue des Martyrs Bangui, Central African Republic Tel.: +236 21 61 20 05

EU / Brussels Statutory Office EUCLIDE / Euclid Consortium MC-Square Building - Lambroekstraat 5A 1831 Diegem-Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32 2 706-5660

EUCLID: Liaison to the US-based Permanent Missions EUCLID Liaison Executive Office 1250 24th St. NW #300 Washington, DC 20037, USA Tel.: +1 202 263-3628 | Fax: +1 202 466-0502

Personal Office of the Secretary-General (Syed Zahid Ali) EUCLID / IOSD 55, First Floor, Four Square Mall, 21-A Block-2, PECHS Karachi, Pakistan Tel.: +92 21 452-8194 | Fax : +92 21 452-8195

Office of the High Steward (Mohamed Toihiri) Permanent Mission of the Comoros to the United Nations 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 418 New York, N.Y. 10017 Tel.: +1 212 750-1637