Hearing Before The
RETURN TO FILES CRIMINAL RULES COMUITTEE 207 United States- Supreme Court Copy for Mr. AlexArnder Holtzoff, Secretary. Tuesday, September 9, 1941. Hearing Before the ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT WASHINGTON, D. C. GEO. L.HART HART & DICE EDWIN DICE SHORTHAND REPORTERS TELEPHONES LLOYD L. HARKINS. 416 FIFTH ST. N. W. NATIONAL 0343 OFFICE MANAGER SUITE 301-307 COLUMBIAN BLDG. NATIONAL 0344 WASHINGTON. D. C. 239 CONTEXTS. Tuesday, September 9, 1941. Rule, 8 -240 Rule, 9 --------------------------------------------- Rule ,10 5338,355 Rule,20 -394 Rule,21 -405 Rule,2 - 457 Rule.29 ---------------------------------------------- 458 Rule,30 ---------------------------------------------- 458 Rule,34 --------------------------------------------- 465 -- oo0oo-- lbb 240 NJC ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT WASHINGTON, D. C. Tuesday, September 9, 1941. The Advisory Committee met at 10 otclock a.m., in room 147-B, Supreme Court Building, Washington, D. C., Arthur T. Vanderbilt presiding. Present: Arthur T. Vanderbilt, Chairman; James J.Robinson, Reporter; Alexander Holtzoff, Secretary; George James Burke, Frederick E. Crane, Gordon Dean, George H. Dession, Sheldon Glueck, George Z. Medalie, Lester B. Orfield, Murray Seasongood, J. 0. Seth, Herbert Wechsler, G. Aaron Youngquist, George F. Longsdorf, John B. Waite. The Chairman. All right, gentlemen. Let us proceed. I believe we are on Rule 8, page 3, sub-heading (b). Mr. Holtzoff. I have a question as to the phraseology of that. When you speak of filing one of the following notices, pleas, or motions, that seems to convey the impression, which probably was not intended, that there must be a written plea, because you cannot file an oral plea.
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