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Inside This Week Elections Close Colleges

What to Do 2 Photo Feature 7 Masquers 3 Poll Results 8 As Students Take To Polls Editorials 4 Organizations . . .9, 10, 11 Columns 4 & 5 Southern Woman 13 colleges to dismiss classes on an Forum Page 5 Sports 14, 15 By GEOFFREY S. BENNETT governor's chair in the general election day. This is supposed to Letters 5 Intramurals 15 G-A Staff Writer election today as classes in all of give students an opportunity to Pulse of the People 6 Football Contest 16 NEWS ANALYSIS Georgia's collegesare called off. Democrat and An obscure state law was vote in the election today. Republican Hal Suit vie for the discovered which requires all In the less publicized yet equally important lieutenant governor's race, current Governor is seeking the Suit Wins state's number two position. Maddox is expected to have little or no trouble in defeating his Mock Vote opponent, Republican nominee Frank Miller from DeKalb County. In the Secretary of State slot, By 3-1 Democrat Ben Fortson is favored Hal Suit, the Republican over Republican Bob Carney. candidate for governor, won by an Fortson has been in office for 25 overwhelming nearly three to one years. Carney hasn't been running margin in "Choice '70," a mock a serious campaign, and only election held last Wednesday. sought the nomination to beat Of the 1606 votes cast, Suit Hosea Williams. received 1147 (71.4 per cent) and Johnnie Caldwell and W. Lewis Jimmy Carter, the Democratic Johnson are in contention for the candidate, received 451 (28.1 per Comptroller General spot. Former cent). State Representative Caldwell, the The turnout of this election Democratic candidate, has won (28.1 per cent of the student much support from Georgia's body) was considered "good" by youth with his platform to abolish Student Association of Governing premium insurance discrimination Councils President Rod Meadows. based on age. Johnson's platform In Meadows' recent pledges to eliminate unscrupulous "President's Poll on Problems and insurance companies. Priorities," only 17.5 per cent of Democrat-turned-Republiean the students voted. "I predicted Jimmy Carter Hal Suit Jack Ray is running for re-election 30 per cent of the students would for State Treasurer. Ray first took vote," said Meadows, "and I came on the job when he was appointed close." by former Governor Ernest Georgia Southern is the third Vandiver in 1961. largest residential college in the Curfew Regulations, Parking Bill Burson, the Republican University of Georgia system. contestant, was the controversial According to Jim Hatfield, director of the Department of chairman of the Young Top SAGC 'Presidents Poll' Family and Children Services. He Republican Club, the college is in came under much fire for his liberal food stamp and birth the middle of "peanut country" got down to fine shades of gray, control plans. He advocates as well as being located in the Curfew regulations and parking anticipated to tabulate all the hometown of the wife of Carl facilities topped the list of returns. and we are having problems trying depositing of state funas only in Sanders, the man Carter defeated problems designated by students to catalogue all of this gray matter banks that make loans to college "With a poll like this," the into specific areas." students or sell food stamps on for the Democratic nomination. in the October 14 "President's SAGC President continued, "the A specific timetable will be request. "Suit's strategy was to visit as Poll on Problems and Priorities." questions could not be answered The results, announced at last placed on each of these Tommy Irvin has been many places as possible," Hatfield by students in yes-and-no, Thursday's Student Association of said, "and, apparently, this plan black-and-white terms. The poll See POLL, Page 8 See ELECTIONS, Page 13 paid off." Governing Councils (SAGC) Larry Lewis, president of the meeting, have given SAGC Young Democrats Club, could not President Rod Meadows a clear be reached for comment. indication of "what the students SAGC Constitution 'Inadequate' Hatfield attributed Suit's consider the most important victory to three factors: first, the issues on this campus." 20 members of the Young In the area of regulations (on Implications Unclear-Meadows Republican Club who worked the poll questionnaire) the top ranking issues were: curfew "day and night" to aid their presidents of the various classes, regulations, mandatory meal By BILL NEVILLE conflicts in student government candidate in his campaign. and the members of the executive tickets, mandatory dormitory Assistant Editor have arisen over the interpretation "The Young Democrats did council of the. SAGC. residence, and off-campus housing ANALYSIS & COMMENT of the constitution. not show the same enthusiasm in Meadow's solution to the regulations. "The Student Association of "Just who is to interpret the campaigning for Carter," Hatfield interpretation problem is just one Parking facilities,, overcrowded Governing Councils (SAGC) is constitution?" asked Meadows. stated. The SAGC is presently part of a package deal which "Second," Hatfield continued, cafeterias, the campus phone working under a basically system, and student center use inadequate constitution," said considering adopting measures would clearly define many of the "the endorsement of Suit in last now obscure inadequacies in the were designated as the top Rod Meadows, SAGC president. which would define exactly who week's GEORGE-ANNE was a constitution. priorities in the physical facilities "The constitution implies will interpret the constitution. great boost. The newspaper came Also included in this policy section of the poll. many things," continued Under these new policies, the out the day before the election package are measures to define The results from the rest of the Meadows, "but it is not specific President's Council would have and may have helped to sway exactly who can initiate poll have not yet been tabulated. on who interprets these "explicit responsibility" to quite a few of those undecided legislation on a specific issue and "It has been a big hassle," implications." interpret the constitution. votes." recording procedures to help Meadows said. "The questionnaire The SAGC is presently in a The President's Council is Hatfield said the final factor organize the SAGC's secretarial was very complicated, and it's constitutional dilemma. Over the composed of the presidents of the seven major councils, the See CONSTITUTION, Page 13 See SUIT WINS, Page 13 taking much longer than we past two years many of the Conclusion What To Do In Bulloch ? Take A Tour By JANE LIGHTCAP BROWN prayers, sayings, and mottos, all reflecting the lives and attitudes and hopes and fears Instructor of English of the people. Dairies Admittedly, this section might better be entitled "last resorts." But since I am an City Dairy at 52 West Main Street (4-6131) will guide you through their dairy optimist, I'll stick to "guided tours" as a name for a group of activities of possibly farm in the afternoons (around 3 p.m.) and around their bottling plant in the low individual interest, but high group appeal. mornings. Call Smith Banks. In other words, if you take a group of friends with you on one of these The Starland Dairies had a dairy farm in Nevils - call Sam Neville at 839-3535. excursions, you'll find a great deal to discuss/laugh at later. Manufacturing Plants It is entirely possible that, having already been exposed to similar tours in grade The Rockwell Manufacturing Company produces meters and electronic school, you now feel contempt for such experiences. accessories, is located two miles from the city on Highway 301 North, and can be However, may I remind you (gently, of course) that there is nothing like the glow reached at 4-5471. of maturity (or any other ego-developer) to reveal hitherto unknown facets of The J.P. Stevens Company spins carpet yarn, is located 10 miles north of the city practically any activity. Thus saith the professor. on Highway 301, and can be reached at 587-2291. Airport And the Blackstone Foundry, which has a huge, impressive apparatus for refining Yes, indeed, Statesboro does have an airport, Virginia, and a nice one at that. and casting steel, is located five miles north of Statesboro on Highway 301. Glynnaire Aviation is located on Highway 301 North and will provide flying In each case, call the plant managerandask for an appointment for a tour. lessons and chartered flights and hours of entertaining ***** beginnings-and-endings-of-flights. Call Roy Riser (4-4225) for prices and hours. 1 began this investigation in a tongue-in-cheek manner, suspecting I'd find little to Bottling Plants write about. As my research progressed, I grew foolishly hopeful that at last someone The "bottling days" at the Coca-Cola plant vary, so you should call between 4-5 could put the lie to the alleged cliche, "There's nothing to DO in Statesboro!" p.m. on weekdays (4-6504). Having completed the study, I realize that there is more to do here than most The tour takes you along the assembly line, from the bottle washer all the way to students would believe. For a town its size, Statesboro has a fairly respectable the full, crated finale-a matter of 15-20 minutes. amount of activity appealing in one way or another to college people. Nu-grape and Pepsi also have plants in the city; you might call to see if they'll But, considering the size of the college, Statesboro's recreational facilities are guide you around;- from washer to crate and back, or wherever else you may find woefully inadequate. I see with some regret that my initial feelings were the correct interesting in a bottling plant. ones, and that the cliche, far from being merely alleged, is so true that its Canning Company omnipresent, despairing wail may be possibly the most accurate summation to date of The A.M. Braswell Food Company (226 North Zetterower) provides guided tours the status quo - static quo - at Georgia Southern. by appointment. No wonder this is a suitcase college. Campus activities aside, there is little Their canning is seasonal, of course, and products vary from time to time, so you entertainment provided for 5000 college people who, could they be encouraged to could go five or six times to catch everything from pears to zucchini. Call Weldon remain in Bulloch County on weekends, could greatly enrich the local economy DuPree (4-6191) for details. (I have also in mind other mutual benefits, but the economic aspect is especially Cemeteries convincing to townfolk). Here you are your own guide in a search for the beautiful and the bizarre. There Perhaps it is not hoping too much to dream of future campus/town collaborations are many old cemeteries in the county where you will find interesting poems, in filling this deadly activity gap.

5 Students Selected For Danforth Grants Five Georgia Southern students have been nominated for Second Front Danforth Fellowships, according to Dr. Jack N. Averitt, dean Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1970 Page 2 of the Graduate School, and liaison officer for the Danforth Program. Those students nominated are Gerald Thomas Bowen, Library Acquires Rare Book; A.B.,chemistry; James Hazel Hatfield, A.B., political science; Vivian Jean Rogers, A.B., history; Marsha Idell Seay, A.B., history; and Mary Jane Thompson, B.S., mathematics. 1856 Edition Of Italian Bride' According to Averitt, the provide personal encouragement The Rosenwald Library has precedes only briefly the premiere Saturday Evening Gazette, but Danforth Graduate Fellowship and financial aid to outstanding acquired an unusual copy of a rare performance at the Boston says the author can yet do program was started in 1951 to college seniors and graduates who Georgia book published in Museum under the management something to win himself a intend to enter the college Savannah in 1856. of Smith, the producer who gave reputation." teaching profession. The book, The Italian Bride, is America one ot its most enduring Dr. Harwell concluded that The fellowships are open to a play published anonymously by plays in The Drunkard." Diane Reid Samuel Yates Levy for private Miss Logan was back in Savannah men and women who are seniors The Savannah Daily Morning distribution and printed in a small in the winter of 1858, playing the or recent graduates of accredited News of September 23, 1856, edition by John M. Cooper and Evadne, Lucretia Borgia, The colleges in the . noted that the play had been Wins 'Peach' Co. of Savannah. Lady of Lyons, and-probably as Those students must have serious performed in Boston. It a special gesture in Levy's interest in college teaching as a According to Dr. Richard commented: "The play is Harwell, head of libraries, Levy's honor-Venetia; or The Italian Zone Contest career and must plan to study for criticized severely in the Boston Bride. the Ph.D. five-act play was dedicated to Miss Diane Reid, who recently won Eliza Logan, a leading American the school competition for the The Danforth Foundation was actress of the ante-bellum period. Miss Peach Bowl Contest, went on created in 1927 by the late Mr. Georgia Southern's copy is one to win the zone contest held at and Mrs. William H. Danforth of given by Miss Logan to W.H. the Nic Nac Saturday night, St. Louis as a philanthropy Smith, manager of the Boston October 24. She was representing devoted to giving aid and Museum, where the play was first the Statesboro Lion's Club. encouragement to persons and to produced in 1856. The zone competition emphasizing the humane values It bears a fly-leaf inscription represented a six-county radius, that come from a religious and from Miss Logan to Smith dated but only two girls other than Miss democratic heritage. Boston, August 25, 1856, and is Reid competed, one from Metter signed on the title page by W.H. and one from Claxton. Sedley Smith, Sedley being The contest was held following Smith's name before he became a banquet. The contestants were Bloodmobile an actor and theatre manager. asked to model an evening gown Harwell went on to add that and a bathing suit. They were At Hanner Miss Logan was a frequent visitor judged on beauty of face, figure, to Savannah in the stock and personality. companies of the pre-war decade. Talent by each girl was strictly November 19 "In January, 1856," he for entertainment purposes. Miss The Bulloch County Red Cross continued, "she played at Reid did a dramatic monologue Bloodmobile will be the Hanner Savannah's Atheneum in the entitled "Creation." Gym on Thursday, November 19 Hunch-Back, the Stranger, and From here Miss Reid will go on from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Evadne. to the District Competition, to be All organizations, dorms, "Levy, a native of Charleston held in Vidalia on November 14. sororities, and fraternities are but by 1856 a prominent resident This contest will determine who urged to participate. A plaque will of Savannah, must have been will be on the Peach Bowl Court. be presented to the group giving charmed by her during that visit. Two women currently enrolled the most blood. He proceeded to write The Italian at Georgia Southern are already All persons 18 and over may Bride as a vehicle for her talents. on the court. They are Gail give blood without their parents' "Our copy of his book was Lahorn. representing northeast permission this year. This new probably given to Smith to help Dr. Richard Harwell, head of libraries, holds a copy of a rare book, Georgia, and Gaye Blackwell, policy will enable freshmen to persuade him to produce the play, recently acquired by the library. The book, The Italian Bride, was representing southwest Georgia. donate blood. as the date of the inscription in it published in Savannah in 1556. THE GEORGE-ANNE, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1970 Page 3 DATELINE Masquers Vie With 34 Groups Southern. . . In Southeast Drama Festival Special to the GEORGE—ANNE the nation and to stimulate high D.C. national festival in May. quality performance standards as Regional judges are Allen Bales Dial -News Tells Day's Happenings "Masquers," campus drama well as educational standards." of the University of Alabani- group, will compete with 34 other Four or five of the 35 play David Hardison of the Coas;.- Playhouse, "New Bern;" John college theatrical groups in the productions entered in the Now it is possible, by simply dialing extension 511 or 512, to hear a southeast will be selected for the Miller of the Raleigh Little recording of all the upcoming day's events at GSC. southeastern regional competition of the American College Theater regional festival to be held in the Theatre; Gerald Honaker of Dial-News Line enables you to phone in your pertinent news about Catawba College, Salisbury; Festival, according to Hazel Hill, recently restored Opera House in the time, place, and purpose of club meetings, lectures, movies, and Delmar Solem of Miami, Fla.; Hap director. Abbeville, S.C., January 13-17. other happenings on campus or in Statesboro. This is done so that Peralti of WRDU-TV, Durham; Last year "Masquers" captured Supervisors are George Settles of students as well as Statesboro residents can obtain correct information Terry Bennett of the University of top honors in the southeastern Abbeville Community Theatre about daily activities. South Carolina, Columbia; and festival with their production of and John Bittermar of the South To have your news recorded, phone Debbie Eskew at extension 473 George Spense of Johnson City, "J.B." Carolina Arts Commission. The between 10 a.m. and 12 noon, the day before you want your news to Tenn. "The Miracle Worker" is two groups are sponsors of the be heard. The judges have be^n at work "Masquers" entry in this years' regional festival. She will take down all the information from everyone who has since August, screening the competition. One or more of the regional phoned in that day and make a three-minute recorded summary for the participating colleges and Local performances of William festival productions will be invited listeners. GSC Dial-News Line has open lines all day, and invites you to to participate in the Washington, Continued on P. 6 call to find out what is really happening. Gibson's "The Miracle Worker" will begin Wednesday, November 18 and continue through Art Tour - Conclusion Saturday, November 21, at 8:15 University Committee Elects Broucek p.m. in McCroan Auditorium. Students will be admitted free Dr. Jack W. Broucek, head of the Department of Music, was recently upon presentation of a valid 14 On 'Grand Art Tour' elected Vice Chairman of the University System Academic Committee Georgia Southern College ID card. on the Fine Arts at the organizational meeting at the University of Admission for others will be $1. Found Both New & Old Georgia. The committee is chaired by Lamar Dodd, famous American The Southeastern region tops artist, and head of the Department of Art at the University of Georgia. the nation in number of play By on the Spanish steps in Rome, The committee will concern itself with the instructional problems of productions entered in the annual Beverly Bauer and at Tralfalgar Square in the discipline in the 27 units of the University System of Georgia. The American College Theatre and London. group will report to the University System Advisory Council concerning Festival, according to Mark R. Mary Eastwood The bus which carried the recommended changes and innovations in Fine Arts as now presented in Sumner, regional director of the group from Holland to Brindis, the various colleges and universities. nation wide event and director of The fourteen, on the "grand Italy, became a daytime Broucek is also the Georgia Southern representative on the the Institute of Outdoor Drama at tour of Europe" with Gaye home-on-wheels. The view of the state-wide committee. the University of Crannell, found that the countryside was one which at Chapel Hill. marvelous old cities of Europe, provided an insight into the true Thirty-five play productions with their native traditions and nature of Europe. Hackett Presents Industrial Paper from the 10 southeastern states excellent museums, were really Small villages dotting the are entered in the festival combinations of the old and the landscape in Holland, Germany, Nationally, 226 colleges and new. Switzerland, and Italy were in Dr. Donald F. Hackett, professor and chairman of the Division of universities are participating. Buildings known to Americans marked contrast to the busy Industrial Technology, presented a paper entitled "The Direction of The Southwestern Region is as historical landmarks were cities. They were composed of Industrial Arts in Georgia" at the October 30 meeting of the Georgia second with 28 productions bordered by new modern many buildings, primarily Industrial Arts Association in Macon. registered. This region includes structures. constructed of white stucco with In addition, Hackett is the author of an article published recently in Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana and Some of the places visited by bright orange tile roofs, tiny the 1970 edition of Man Society Technology, a publication of the Oklahoma. the group were Notre Dame, Paris; window gardens and wooden (pull American Industrial Arts Association in Washington, D.C. The article is The American College Theatre Stonehenge, England, the down) shades outside of the entitled "Man, Technology and Manufacturing." Festival selects top grade Acropolis, Athens; St. Peter's, windows. Hackett holds the B.S. degree from the University of Illinois, the collegiate productions for a series Rome; and Westminster Abbey in Out-of-door restaurants were M.E. degree from the University of Missouri, and the Ed.D. degree from of regional festivals, with 10 play London, where a chance meeting frequently seen and enjoyed. One the University of Missouri. productions from throughout the with Dr. Robert Mayer of the could purchase fresh fruits, ice nation chosen for presentation in G.S.C. Music Department cream, and Cokes from local Washington, D.C. next spring, occurred. vendors on the streets. Colvin Attends Academic Meet Sumner explained. Amsterdam, the city of It was really a treat to get a The festival is presented by the wooden shoes and tulips, was one slice of ice cold watermelon in the John F. Kennedy Center for the of the most fashionable clothing middle of a hot Italian day. Performing Arts in Washington, centers. The ladies wore midis and Each person enjoyed the way Dr. Clair I. Colvin, chairman of the Department of Chemistry, Smithsonian Institute, American the businessmen wore suits with the American dollar stretched. attended the Fall Meeting of the Academic Committee on Chemistry National Theatre and Academy in bell bottom pants. Comparing prices there (primarily for the University System Advisory Council in Americus last week. New York and American Cologne (Koln), Germany, was of clothing and gifts), with prices The committee discussed core curriculum requirements of the Educational Theatre Association the place where there are still "back home," was a favorite University System, system-wide evaluation of college juniors, and (AETA) in Washington. It is remains of bombed-out buildings. pastime. It was a challenge to department cooperation between units of the University System. sponsored by American Airlines. Rome, a city of many shops, Continued on Page 1 3 Dr. Colvin holds the B.S. degree from University, the M.S. "The purpose of the festival," provided ample shopping treats degree from the University of Miami, and the Ph.D. degree from the said Sumner, "is to focus public for those who enjoyed this type University of Miami. attention upon the tremendous of recreation. i: FAMILY DRIVE-IN !i service of college and university America's "freaks" were seen THEATRETHEATF theatres in keeping live theatre everywhere, hitch-hiking, rapping HWY.HVY. 301 So. Graham Publishes Music Article available to communities across at the Dam (plaza) in Amsterdam, Saturday DOUBLE FEATURE Dr. John P. Graham, professor of music, is the author of an article Battle, published recently in the Georgia Music News magazine, the official ofgntaii publication of the Georgia Music Educators Association. The article, entitled "Maintaining the Morale of the Choral GEORGIA THEATRE Ensemble," deals with the problems faced by a school choral director as he attempts to build and hold a high level of morale in his performing Four Big Days group. Graham holds the B.M. degree from North Texas State University, NOVEMBER 4-7 the M.M. degree from North Texas State University, and the Ed.D.' degree from the University of Oklahoma. The most electrifying ritual ever seen! Nov. 4-6 Winner of 6 Academy Awards!

RICHARD HARRIS as METRO GaOWYN MWER »,»..-,5 A CARtOPCtffl TOJCWN Delta Chi Participates In Carnival DAVID LEAN'S FILM OF BO« WSTEMWS "A HAH CALLED HORSE" ! DOCTOR ZHilAGO On October 29 and 30, Delta Chi Fraternity assisted the Nevils R\NAVISION"TECHNICOLOB" A NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES RELEASE ' ACINEMA CENTER FILMS PRESENTATION 'GERALDINE CHAPLIN JULIE CHRISTIE TOM COURIM Parents-Teachers Association in the preparation and operation of ALEC GUINNESS SDBHAN MM RAifti RICHARDSON Nevil's Elementary School's annual Halloween Carnival. , OMAR 9HARIFi*sftwo| ROD STEIGEMTA MSHINGtiAM DOUBLE FEATURE On Thursday and Friday afternoons, the brothers set up games, ;R0BERT BOLT [DAVID LEAN mPWMIM WOUEHOCOIO. booths, and concession stands. During the carnival, the fraternity operated many of the games and concessions. The group also furnished Starts Nov. 8-11 a clown and a fortune teller. Steve McQueen John D. Akins, principal of Nevils Elementary School, invited the nl*TP Illl'll'i fraternity to help in the project. Akins selected this particular group "The Reivers" because of its record of working with underprivileged children. A Cinema Center Minis Presentation In 1968, Delta Chi collected over 20,000 books to be distributed in A National General Pictures Release S'EB> orphanages and hospitals in Vietnam. Last year the fraternity worked with the Statesboro Junior Women's Club in an effort to help some of the underprivileged children in the Statesboro area. THE GEORGE-ANNE, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1970 Page 4 GEOFFERY BENNETT, Staff Writer

DARRYL YEARWOOD Editor BILL NEVILLE JON MIDDLETON Strange Bedfellows Assistant Editor News Editor

I have been meaning to write But everybody knows that imfamies as Open Dorms (gasp!). this article, but as a firm believer women do not have a mind of Everyone knows that Open Dorms Follow Suit in procrastination I somehow their own. That's why they must are just an excuse for such erotic Today the citizens of Georgia are deciding who will sit in never managed to get around to it. be told what to do, instead of adventures as hand-holding, their governor's chair for the next four years. The student allowing them to think for playing footsies,andeven (heaven But after getting kicked out of themselves. forbid!) stimulating caresses. newspapers of three of the state's four largest educational Anderson Hall the other night for They wouldn't know what to But isn't it time to bring the units (the University of Georgia's Red and Black, Georgia lying: on one of the tenant's bed, do without rules and regulations calendar up to date? Down here it State's Signal, and Georgia Southern's GEORGE-ANNE) have I feel it is time to speak up. to govern their lives. must still read 1954. Or does it endorsed Republican candidate Hal Suit. First, let me clear up the All progressive colleges and read 1984? Mock elections here and at the University of Georgia circumstances surrounding my universities across the nation have Progress moves slowly when expulsion from the dorm. more liberal rules than we do. minds are closed. While the resulted in overwhelming victories for Suit. Even West Georgia, a school of Puritans of this country continue Classes have been called off at schools all over the state to I was reclining there, staring up almost equal size, is less strict on with their love-affair with allow students to participate in this election. If you are at the ceiling, with my shoes off. with their students than our Satan, all we can do is to keep on registered to vote and can drive home before the polls close, The person I was visiting wasn't benighted administration sees fit. pushing. All we can do is try. do so. That's the primary reason classes were called off even in the room at the time. But it's common knowledge The pity of it all is that although four people were in the today. The dorm mother came in that these schools are influenced screaming words of trite trash and by the Communists. room, only one has to go see the Editorials and mock elections throughout the state have They have to allow such dean. indicated that Georgia students are "sold on Suit." The told me to leave. GEORGE-ANNE takes this final opportunity to urge you to As far as I can see it, I was put reason, honesty, and intelligence back into Georgia guilty of two unforgivable sins: LARRY ENGLAND, Staff Writer politics by electing Hal Suit our next governor. lying on a bed in which a member of the opposite sex sleeps (gasp!), and having my shoes off (oh, for AAini-Fest A Success shame!). On the surface, a bed Vould Vietnam — Rated X' Friday night's ;mini-festival/concert was the best musical seem just to be a mattress with the population, the farmer is experience this college has witnessed since last Spring Swing's sheets on it. But there is much Despite the coverage and publicity offered by the news uneducated and undernourished. dance featuring Backstreet, Wheatstone, Critical Mass, and more to it than that. Understandably, he is indifferent One must remember that there media, the American public Peace. knows very little about Vietnam. to any politics except his own Considering that the concert was held in a gymnasium, the is only a two-letter difference survival. between "mattress" and Today, news of the Vietnam sound was excellent. International Ventures made the conflict is buried on the third The farmer spends each day in "mistress." And down here in the the rice paddies with a primitive fieldhouse sound like it was constructed for rock music. The Bible-Belted, sin-crazed South, page of the daily newspaper, overshadowed by the Mid East plow and a water buffalo, working seating arrangement allowed people to move about freely. even the word "bed" is whispered. crisis or governors' campaigns. as his father did. He will never see As far as the other sin is Indeed, Vietnam, as a political a tractor, nor will he use modern SAGC President Rod Meadows was pleased with the concerned, I must admit that I am issue, appears dead. Rising crime, planting techniques. turnout. "I'm glad so many students (more than I personally guilty. How could I have been so 1 labor disputes, and student unrest The farmer's filthy hootch is expected) turned out for the concert and reacted in such an crude as to go around with just a are subjects guaranteed to filled with equally filthy children smattering of clothing covering enthusiastic manner. Their response will make us (student provoke discussion. who live on a diet of rice and my feet. government) try that much harder to bring top entertainment The Kent State tragedy seems a worm-infected fish. to campus." Any member of the American medics vainly administration will tell you that bad dream, rated X. But for Meadows also had praise for the College Union Board, the 380,000 Americans who are attempt to explain the use of soap the feet are one of the most to wrinkled women with rotting organization which sponsored the concert. "The CUB, and highly erogenous zones of the serving in Vietnam, the war is a grim reality. teeth. Middle-aged, but appearing especially Student Chairman Robert Hentz, did an excellent body. in their sixties, the women cannot That is why they don't allow Lieutenant Calley, the young job. It's great to have someone (Hentz) who knows what's officer accused of killing 102 comprehend cleanliness. girls to go barefoot. After all, going on in the entertainment business." civilians in the My Lai incident, The farmer, taxed by both the don't naked feet lead to naked Saigon government and the Viet The students attending the concert were in agreement thighs? And from there. . .who summed up the attitude of many with Meadows. No disgruntled Gary Puckett fans picketed returning GI's. Cong, wants only to live. He knows what? would like only one tax collector; the concert or hurled rotten pumpkins at the performers. I have always marveled at the Wondering if the Vietnamese farmer who wants only to till his the label attached to the Judging from the standing ovations each act received, the college administrators' ability to government means nothing. ruin anything potentially good. land would really suffer under students weren't too disappointed with Puckett's Communism, Calley said, "It Vietnam, overpopulated and Somehow they seem to think underdeveloped, would be tragic malfunctioning appendix. that anything that is fun is probably wouldn't hurt him a The quarter's first campus-wide concert was an damn bit—compared to a war, without a war. Perhaps synonymous with sin. After all, Americans, and students in overwhelming success, and the upcoming schedule is also isn't "evil "live" spelled Communism could be a god-send." particular, aren't interested in a bright. This month will bring a Friday the Thirteenth film backwards? Vietnamese farmer, but he can't They're afraid that some one To understand the attitude festival, complete with cartoons and horror movies, and reflected in Calley's statement, be completely ignored, for some Kenny Rogers and the First Edition (unless Rogers takes a will take advantage of their good, students occupied with beer clean, pure "daughters." And Americans should know some cue from Puckett and splits his spleen). things about the Vietnamese parties will certainly be they'll do anything to prevent participants in the Vietnam war as The GEORGE-ANNE commends the College Union Board this, even to the extent of locking farmer. Constituting the majority of it drags on. and its parent, the SAGC, for the new look in campus them in cages at nighty entertainment. There will, of course, be those who mourn the absence of the Lettermen and the Tarns, but such is the price ISHAQI SYED we must pay for progress.

The opinions expressed on these pages are those of the student writers and not necessarily those of the college faculty or administration. Observations Published weekly during four academic quarters by and for the students of Georgia Southern College. Entered as second-class matter at Georgia Southern College Post Office, Statesboro, Georgia, 30458, underact of 1 am an Indian student they will be awakened to the mud that you refuse to see. Congress. Offices located in Rooms 108 and 110, Frank I. Williams problems which she is describing: "Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it is Center, Georgia Southern College. Telephone 764-6611, extension transferred from Augusta this fall 246—Printed by Bulloch Herald Publishing Company, Statesboro, as a senior. My major is French, "You are too comfortable. I who am not seeing. But if I am Georgia. and I intend to teach high school You can't get up from the easy wrong, then why haven't you EDITORIAL STAFF upon completion of my degree. chair of your middle-class provided us with the guidance and existence. You can't feel the leadership to enable us to learn Carolyn Tinker Copy Editor After going to one college for Al Godfrey Production Manager three years, it is a good change for chains which are holding you into from your experience? Dean Hillegass Acting Associate Sports Editor me to be here at Georgia that existence. "Why do you force us to waste Jim Wilson Acting Associate Sports Editor time working out the tools of the Caren Wood Secretary Southern. "Outside of that existence, Conrad Vogel Photographer During my stay in Augusta I people are crying for you to come trade ourselves? Why do you pat had the opportunity to attend help them escape from the mud us on the head and smile at us BUSINESS STAFF Quaker meetings, and from time that is pulling them down. And all when we tell you there isn't much Andy Whitlock Business Manager time left? Why don't you teach us Anthony Kirkland Assistant Business Manager to time I receive literature from you can do is stand on the edge Dean Kirkland Assistant Business Manager the "Friends," as they are called. and intellectualize about how what you've learned? Jimmy Vining Ciruclation Manager "I love you, but I expect much Frank Wade Circulation Manager Just last week I read a very they can pull themselves out. Or interesting report in the you wait for one of them to tell of those whom I love. I expect Contributing this week: Geoffrey S. Bennett, Cile Davis, you to help me, not only with Mikie Emerson, Larry England, Mary Garth, David Lewis, Newsletter of the Southeastern you how to pull them out. Mary Martin, Mike McHugh, Gail Munz, Ishaqi Syed, Sharon Yearly Meeting, and I should like "But when he tells you, your your support, but with your Santmyer, Michael Segers, and Howard Thrower. to share with my fellow students very ears are so full of mud that Subscription Rate $1.00 per year some of the concerns expressed you can't hear him. Your own See OBSERVATIONS, Page 13 by the writer, in the hope that soul is completely covered with michael segers Letters to the Editor LETTERS POLICY

Letters to trie Editor and all Exagminations presented last year are examples other correspondence pertaining Hit SAGC's of student concern. to this publication should be addressed to: Editor, The GEORGE-ANNE, Landrum However, I believe that Center Box 8001, Georgia Poor Attendance students know that the SAGC is Southern College, Statesboro, Editor: not going to accomplish the Georgia 30458. A return address Of Sticks And Stones And. . . or telephone number should be changes that the students want. included with each letter. Letters From reading portions of So why try? to be published are subject to standard editing policies. Letters recent GEORGE-ANNE's one In the Devil's Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce included a bit of verse About two weeks ago, I should be typed and must be point seems always to be made by received by 3 p.m. on the stating that infants are dampened at baptisms so that their names will attempted to attend an SAGC Thursday prior to publication. either members of the SAGC or stick. meeting. The meeting was Letters should not exceed 400 other "responsible" student words. Letters MUST be signed; leaders. canceled because our elected however, the name of the writer If such is true, one wishes for an anti-baptism to wash away some representatives did not constitute will be withheld from publication of the names which are now being stuck about so thoughtlessly. That point: Students at GSC upon request if, in the opinion of a quorum. are not interested in the problems the GEORGE-ANNE Editorial Board, a valid reason is given. About this time last year, for example, we were being told by a or politics going on on campus. Why should students expect an multitude of posters and postermakers that those who dwell in either My opinion is not that students organization to accomplish Washington or Hanoi (depending on which posters were read) were are not interested; on the anything when it has done little, if murderers. contrary, when students believe anything, to satisfy the wants of they can accomplish something students concerning student Boondoggling Since that time, a politician has made himself dearly loved and they become active. regulations and when the dearly hated by a storm of harsh epithets wrapped in alliterations that Ecology Day, the spring members are not concerned Editor: would shrivel the ears of the scops who gave us Beowulf. demonstration, last year's open enough to attend their own German club meeting, and the meetings? I have been informed by Tutti The black (or whatever they are currently called) liberation multiple petitions signed and Marvin Stout and Bert that there are no movement has become a semantic garden grown rank and weedy with boondoggling facilities for the undergrowths and overgrowths of verbiage that leave the average MIKIE EMERSON, Staff Writer aesthetically-oriented spiffy Afro-American isolated and alienated by the cabalistic double-talk of dresser on campus. black and white leaders. Why? Ken Sheffield Women, in a sorely needed drive against sexual discrimination Sit In Judgement ("sexism," despite its popular use, is a bastardized grunt about which I have my lexicographical doubts), have labelled anyone not intelligent House Councils, the governing body of dormitories, meet enough to have been born Myron Breckenridge or a female (although weekly to sit in judgment on the "naughty" individuals Kate Millet gives Jean Genet credit for trying) a "male chauvinist." within their group. The crimes range from petty The true "chauvinist" (a perfectly good word, which is becoming as is faced with a crime over which obscenely overworked as "liberation" and the happily deceased things like loud talking, they have no authority, such as "groovy") responds by denouncing the women's movement as the inappropriate dress, and three bad the expiration of the absurd time product of a bunch of "queers" and "dykes." marks on the twice-weekly room bank. Atmp check to the more heinous crimes In this case, the criminal is "Rednecks" and "hippies" have at each other, while "freaks" and like curfew violations, turned over to the Dean or intervisitation, and failure to sign Judicial Council for punishment. "fascists" take their places, until their audiences wonder how Jefferson in or out. and Kennedy, Milton and Joyce, were ever able to struggle along with a As often as not, the House language which lacked these words. Major or minor call downs are Councils, Deans, and Judicial the standard measure used by the Council will follow the letter of Forum Examples, unfortunately, abound. It is sad that speakers of a tongue House Council to chastise guilty the law and mete out punishment in which some of the noblest thoughts of mankind (but I emphasize the parties, but sometimes the in exact accordance with the rule word "some," so that I may escape branding as a son of Chauvin) have punishment is the dreaded dorm book, instead or genuinely trying been voiced must reduce that language to a concentrated instrument of restriction. to understand the defendant's Page hatred and prejudice, a device for the creation of slogans, rather than a These mickey mouse penalties side. tool for the development of thought. serve only to irritate, amuse, or Laws and rules should be Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1970 alienate the dorm residents, who, designed to help students, not Page 5 "A rose by any other name," Shakespeare told us, "would smell as in the case of freshmen, are bound crush them. We need a new sweet." Gertrude Stein's stuttering affirmation of a rose's rosiness is too to forget some rules. evaluation of present rules to often quoted to be repeated here. Sometimes the House Council extract a more reasonable code. "Never, for the sake of peace and quiet, deny In the screaming of one television image at another, these two "still, your own experience or sad voices" might go unheard, but let us hope not, for when we hear convictions." the Agnews and the Hoffmans, and do not hear the Shakespeares and Dag Hammarskjold the Steins, we might be given a cabbage when we ask for a rose, a snake when we buy a fish, and a stone when we humbly beg a bit of bread.

HOWARD THROWER, Guest Columnist 'Environmental Violence'

Last spring on Earth Day, we have. space in the lot across from Foy were shown that environmental What are some of the effects of Fine Arts, you'd better get to pollution is ravaging this country. this mass of moving metal? The school before 10 a.m. To get a Ralph Nader calls it cars create a no man's land of the space behind Williams's Center or "environmental violence." crosswalks for the pedestrains. the circle, you'd better be on Environmental crimes are There are still more people trying campus before 9 a.m. committed by huge factory to cross the street than there are We had better get used to the complexes, the military, cars in motion. idea of walking, because the automobiles, etc., but it is problem will get worse in the next somewhere else, not here in this Giving the right of way to the few years as more construction is part of Georgia—or so we like to pedestrians might cause a small begun. think. There are plans for other ■; slowdown in the traffic pattern, Have you been to or but that's better than someone parking lots, but they will not be | Savannah lately? What about getting hit. any closer to campus than our | Statesboro? Have you noticed our present ones. i campus? Considering the number of I asked the President about There are several problems automobiles on campus, the speed building one or two decks above concerning our environment right limit of 20 miles per hour, even if the present lots so that in the next here on campus. Let's look at the it were to be enforced, is too few years, as the college grows, most obvious one—cars. high-at least during class hours. people will not be any farther Cars are driven everywhere In some areas, cars are parked from campus. He said that it all the time. The parking and on both sides of the street so that would be hard to get the money driving facilities are being used traffic coming from both for such a project because of the badly, and are being polluted just directions and people trying to 400-plus acres of our campus. by the number of cars. cross the street make the speed We are facing the fact that the There are too many people limit absurdly high. For many more cars that are on campus, the using their cars, more than is drivers, the traffic circle is nothing less each individual will be able to necessary, plus the fact that there but a race track and the main drive under the present are almost 1000 more students entrance a dragstrip. conditions. As of October 20 last going to school now than last Parking is a major problem for year, there were 12 accidents on spring. Too many people try to those who don't like to walk a campus; there have been 20 in the drive their cars to each class they few hundred yards. To get a good same time period this year. THE CEORGE-ANNE, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1970 Page 6 DATELINE Pulse of the People Copy and Photos By Geoffrey Bennett Southern. . "Would you favor more stringent control of Pornography?' Sherry Boatright-Freshman, Alma, home economics: " '■ -1 Parker Recieves Psychology Award No, I don't favor it. If there was more strict control it would take away from the people's personal rights. I think Dr. James Parker, associate professor of educational psychology, has that people should enjoy the right to decide what or what not been named the recipient of the Diploma in the Specialty of School to read. Psychology by the American Board of Examiners in Professional Kneef Richards—Freshman, Decatur, art: Psychology. This is the highest award one can receive in this The government or anyone else does not have the right to professional field. legislate morality for the public. Besides, what is pornography? Recipients for the Diploma are selected on the history of their Can anybody really define it?" contributions to this field, their academic background, and present Debe Chesson-Junior, Lake City, Fla. fashion merchandising engagement in professional work in the field of specialization. Boatright I think that there should be more strict control of Richards Parker holds the doctorate degree from the University of . pornography because it makes sex something dirty and perverted when it is supposed to be beautiful. Sharon Santmyer -Junior, McLean, Virginia, elementary ed.: Why should congress worry about legislating stricter laws Thomason Serves On State Council i concerning pornography when there are far more serious issues Phil Thomason, an undergraduate in the Program for Exceptional to consider. Take for instance the 1967 case of "Aardvark vs. Children, was elected to the office of secretary of the Georgia the State of Georgia." In this case the was Federation of the Student Council for Exceptional Children during a viciously attacked by a rampaging pack of aardvarks while recent conference in Savannah, October 15-17. riding his bicycle backwards in downtown Atlanta. This is Nominations for the other offices on the state level for SCEC were where the decline of our society lies, not in pornography. Mrs. Mildred Hall, governor-elect; Neal Tomlinson, president; Debra Chris Miller—Sophomore, Atlanta, business: Rawl, treasurer; and Joy Odum, newsletter editor. Yes, because it adversely affects young people that are in their formative years. The body is of itself not dirty; the mind is. "Sexiness" is all in the mind. Duke University, Durham, "The Chesson Santmyer Joy Webb—freshman, Macon, education: Masquers... Balcony," November 5-8; and North Carolina A & T University, It should be more strictly controlled. Because it's messing Greensboro, "Man of La up the little children. It tends to give an abnormal universities under the auspices of over-emphasis to sex. the Southeastern Theatre Mancha." ■ Associate producers are St. Bob Anthony—junior, Statesboro, history: Conference. This preliminary Andrews Presbyterian College, Rather than trying to control pornography, perhaps more screening will not be complete Laurinburg, and the North sex education would work. until mid-December. Carolina School of the Arts in Tommy Lewis—Union Point, political science The plays entered in the Winston Salem. Yes-although I do favor a more strict control of it, I do regional festival and the dates Participating colleges in think that it could be used for a helpful, educational purpose they will be presented at colleges Virginia are Radford College, when handled in the right way, such as a Sex Educational and universities throughout the Course. southeast follow: Radford, Va., "Killing of Sister George," November 5-8; Pete Thomas—Sophomore, Atlanta, political science: Georgia participants in Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, I'm not personally offended by any kind of Fornication, be addition to Georgia Southern College include Berry College, Mt. "Ethan Frome," already Miller it in the movies, in the street, or at your local playground. It's Webb Berry, "Black Comedy," already presented and Hampton Institute, just a moral judgement handed down from person to person, Hampton, "Hail, Scrawdyke," pro or con. presented; Gainesville Junior College, Flowery Branch, "J.B.," already presented; The College of November 19-21; and the William and Mary, Williamsburg, University of Georgia in Athens, and the University of Virginia, an associate producer Charlottesville, are associate producers who will announce North Carolina their productions later. participating institutions include South Carolina colleges which Shaw University, Raleigh, "The are participating include South Blacks," already presented; Carolina State College, Western Carolina University, Orangeburg, "Medea," already Cullowhee, "Spitting Image," presented; Lander College, Anthony Thomas already presented; the Carolina Lewis Greenwood, "Tea and Playmakers, University of North Sympathy," already presented; Carolina, "Woyzeck," December and Winthrop College. Rock Hill, 8-13; North Carolina Wesleyan "Death of a Salesman," November College, Rocky Mount, "A Man 16-20. Furman University m I for All Seasons," November 5-7; Greenville is entered as an Gardner Webb College, Boiling associate producer with Springs, "Summer and Smoke," "Rhinoceros," December 3-5, November 19-21; Greensboro 8-12. College, Greensboro, "The Tennessee schools participating Constant Wife," through October include Memphis State University, 24; N.C. State University, "Viet Memphis, "Man of La Mancha," Rock," December 4-6; 10-13; Continued on Page 13


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THE GEORGE-ANNE, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1970 Page 7 Mini-Festival In Photos

* i


THE GEORGE-ANNE, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1970 Page 8 DATELINE President's Poll Results Class breakdown of voting in the SAGC President's Poll on Problems and Priorities:

Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Totals SECTION 1 Southern Parking Facilities 916 609 433 329 2287 Overcrowded Cafeterias 808 671 588 449 2516 Campus Phone System 997 721 628 419 2765 Student Center Use 1219 1076 859 601 3755 College Bookstore 1510 916 891 518 3835 Meeting Facilities 1491 1135 997 638 4261 Recreational Facilities 1485 1149 1024 678 4336 (Intramural Fields) Campus Sidewalks 1776 1402 1149 817 5144 SECTION 2 Curfew Regulations 703 577 482 . 382 2144 Mandatory Meal Tickets 1179 680 574 367 2800 Mandatory Dorm Residence 3091 1183 753 650 505 Off-Campus 1440 971 726 571 3708 Housing Regulations Compulsory Class 1366 1059 886 585 3896 Attendance Regulations Parking Regulations 1501 1168 961 668 4298 Drinking Regulations 1462 1221 982 689 4354 Dress Regulations 1569 1208 959 750 4486 Number of students who voted:

Freshmen 326 Sophomores 327 Juniors 208 Seniors 154 TOTALS 925

These are the totals of the SAGC President's Poll on Problems and Priorities as considered second most important with a numeral officially presented to the Student Government two (2), and so on. Therefore the results of the Thursday, October 29, 1970. The reader might poll are listed with the one receiving the least note that the poll involved a ranking of topics in amount of total points as the one designated most the priority the voter decided was most important. important. The area which had the smallest For example, the most important topic would be number of total points is the area which the ranked with a numeral one (1), the item students considered most important.

atmosphere are due Wednesday, "To help alleviate the parking Poll January 27, 1971. situation on campus, we have Continued From Page 1 These deadlines were set by the already recommended to the Belmor Featured In Violin Recital problematic areas, Meadows SAGC President's Council.. The Traffic Committee the possibility added. President's Council is composed of designating certain areas for Victor Belmor, associate professor of music, artist, teacher, and The first deadline will be of the presidents of the seven parking motorcycles and bicycles. associate concert master of the Savannah Symphony Orchestra, will be Tuesday, November 17. "On this major councils, the presidents of This would hopefully go into featured in a faculty violin recital on Wednesday, November 4, at 8:15 date," said Meadows," we will the various classes, and the effect winter quarter. p.m. in the auditorium of the Foy Fine Arts Building. want a report on a short-range members of the SAGC executive "We want student center use to Assisting Belmor will be Dr. Jack Broucek, chairman of the solution to the curfew problems, committee. be the realm of the College Union Department of Music. The public is invited to attend. the campus phone system, the "We (the President's Council) Board," Meadows stated. Belmor, a native of Germany and now a citizen of the United States, food services, and academic brainstormed over the top four Housing will be taken up by the along with his successful international career in concert, is also a noted atmosphere." problems in each of the lists of SAGC Executive Committee, author. Meadows stated that these plant facility priorities and according to Meadows. His most recent work, "Detour on Cloud Nine," a philosophical short-range solutions will be regulation priorities," Meadows Meadows said that the student work with a humorous slant, has recently been translated from English submitted to the entire SAGC on said. governments of a number of into German and is now being distributed world wide. Thursday, November 19. "On the problems that we felt Georgia colleges have expressed In his concert, Belmor will use his genuine cremona violin which was The deadline for a report on a short-range solution would be interest in the idea of a made, certified, and dated 1 742 by Guiseppe Guarnerius. short-range solutions to the feasible, we assigned a certain President's Poll . Featured will be works by Schubert, Mozart, Tartini, Brahms, parking problem and use of the group to look into this," the "The president of the Kreisler, Poliakin, and an original composition by Belmor, transcribed two student centers has been set SAGC President continued. student government at Augusta for unaccompanied viola. for Tuesday, December 1. The The President's Council then College has expressed interest in report will be presented set up a deadline for each of the the concept of a campus-wide "officially" at the SAGC meeting areas discussed. student poll," Meadows said. on Thursday, December 3. "These problem areas were "Hopefully, next quarter we Reports on the long-range assigned to certain councils for will be able to have some sort of COLLEGE SENIOR solutions to the problems of further study, but this year we computerized poll so we can have curfew, the campus phone system, have attached a time limit for a the results tabulated quickly," This Symbolizes the Finest Deferred food services, and academic first report," said Meadows. Meadows concluded. Premium Life Insurance Plan Available to the GSC Senior Specializing in

Our only request is that you see for yourself THE COLLEGE DEFENDER before you begin your Life Insurance Program. Hours We call it a privilege to counsel with you regarding your, (Mon.-Thurs. present and future insurance needs and we welcome a personal visit to our office for complete information and benefits. . .we 10a.rn.-l 1p.m. do not require a $10.00 deposit nor do we charge a %5.00 year service fee. Fri.-Sat. 10a.m.-12p.m. THE COLLEGE DEFENDER - UNDERWRITTEN BY BILLY C. ROLAND AGENCY & ASSOCIATES Sunday Special: Wed.-Sunday 4 Windsor Village - Georgia Ave. 6 p.m.-12 p.m. GENERAL AGENT - AMERICAN DEFENDER LIFE INSURANCE Bring this ad by and you get a CO. ASSOCIATE AGENTS - BERYL WAGNER - BENNETT ANDREWS - JAMES CREWS free 16oz. drink with your pizza. THE GEORGE-ANNE, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1970 Page 9 THE (&?or$?-Axin? Organization News

chairmen and a new executive officer. Danny Johnson has been Zeta Tau Alpha named chairman of rush The fall pledge class elected committee, Jim Seamon has been officers at the last meeting. They apointed representative to the 1FC are Denise Johanson, president; housing committee, and Bob Beth McCauley, vice president; Gentile has been named vice Bonnie Host, secretary; and Lind president of Phi Nu chapter of Hitz, treasurer. Karen Miller, Tau Epsilon Phi. Krista Wren, Diane Hester, Susan Jones, and Karen Phillips pledged Zeta Tau Alpha October 29. The sorority congratulates several of its sisters and pledges. Recreation They are Becky Blackmon, Sweetheart of Sigma Nu; Cindy The first meeting of the Peterson, Sweetheart of Pi Kappa Student Recreation and Park Phi; B.A. McKinney, little sister of Society was held October 12, and Sigma Nu; Jennifer Monk, little members of the Executive Board sister of Pi Kappa Phi; and Pam were introduced. Huff, Sweetheart of Sigma Nu The board includes Hugh Deal, pledge class. president; Pam Kane, vice Patricia Godbee is on the president; Judy Dayton, secretary; sweetheart court of Kappa Sigma. Charlie Hersey, treasurer; and Kay Musselwhite, Denise Barbara Lester, historian. Johanson, Krista Wren, Pam Huff, Chairman of the committees Janet Barber, Paula Simmons, and are Jane Durr, program Nancy Arnold are Usherettes. committee; Linda Tacker, ways Alpha Tau Omega fraternity fall quarter pledges: Back row: L-R Tim Wallis, Jimmy Dodgen, and Richard Zeta took part in a social on and means committee; Jim Bailey, Coffield. Middle row: L—R Barney Brewer, Rick Marshall, Roy Wayne Ward, Reggie Veteto, Teddy Manis, Saturday with Sigma Nu. There membership committee; and Cheri and Harold Acker. Front row: L—R Bill Crook, Dickey Jones, Smith Mayo, Johnny Brooks, and Larry was a football game, and Graham,publicity committee. O'Neal. afterwards there was a cookout. All recreation majors and their Ricky Duffy, Tony Fair, dates are invited to a party greatness of the opportunity to help outside the classroom. Help contact a club member Brooks Pavek, Jimmy Deloach, Saturday, November 7, beginning study abroad, the insight into the sessions will immediately follow and Johnny McCarty were picked at 8 p.m. at Jones Lane Cabin, Spanish culture to be gained by meetings and may be set up with The next meeting of the as big brothers. straight out Lake view Road. living with and among Spanish tutors by special appointment. Spanish Club will be Wednesday, The sorority thanks everyone New majors on campus are people, and the fun that one can November 11, at 7:30 p.m. in involved in its carwash and urged to attend the party to get have in doing so. Students wanting or needing Hollis 120. A special program is corn-dog sale. acquainted with other majors and The Spanish Club is initiating a assistance with Spanish may planned. Everyone interested in The pledges of Zeta helped to get involved in the society. new student-tutoring program for inquire at Hollis 110 with Mr. Spanish culture, good food, and with the Halloween Carnival at Those not knowing the way, or Spanish students interested in Cornbleet or Dr. Britt, or may fun is invited to attend. Sallie Zetterower on October 29 not having a car, should meet in as their service project. front of the Hanner Gym at 7:30 the night of the party. Zeta opened its football season WILLIAMH. by romping over Alpha Delta Pi, If you have any questions "BING" 20-0. Johnny McCarty and David concerning the society or the PHILLIPS Lucky are the coaches. party, contact Hugh Deal, Box Your New York Life 11344 Landrum or 764-4047, or Agent on the 5 E. Vine St. Lane Cheri Graham, Box 9267 GSC Campus Statesboro Kappa Delta Landrum or 764-2721. Bus. 764-6007 Res. 7644405 Delta Lambda chapter of WilliamH. 'Bing' A brighter future Kappa Delta held a wildcat party Phillips can be yours on October 21. through a modest HAMLET The following 13 girls are new investment in life insurance now! pledges: Kay Attaway, Vicki Spanish Club Cason, Ann Dooley, Pam Haynes, Janet Haynes, Lee Jones, Jennifer The Spanish Club held a call Fmr Cltfi't ,, Keith, Karen Knight, Ginger meeting Wednesday night, Joseph E. Levme presenis An Avco Embassy Film starring Lingle, Kathy Nasworthy, Lynn i£'v**Z Notes ;»| October 28, to encourage and **N Reynolds, Beth Sumner, and enlist new members. JOE NAMATH Take on* Elaine Napier. President Elaine Smartt as CC. Ryder before I presided, and the club entertained ANN-MARGI S studyi*? H ideas for new membership, future as his girl Tau Epsilon Phi programs and entertainment, and in a tutoring service. The brothers of Tau Epsilon The evening's program was CX.JtMD .! • Phi would like to announce that presented by Debbie Landgrebe, COMPANY four of their members have been who told of her recent trip to named Big Brothers of Alpha Xi Spain through the University of Delta sorority. They are Mike Georgia Educational Program. She * * Angarone, Randy Ursery, Danny talked about the program study Cliff's Notes...always the right Johnson, and John Malatak. and the experiences she had there. prescription when you need TEP has some new committee help in understanding litera- Her program stressed the ture. Prepared by educators. Easy to use. Titles available now cover nearly 200 frequently FOR assigned plays With William Smith and novels. Executive Producer Joseph E. levme Screenplay by Roger Smith Produced by Allan Carr And Roger Smith Parties & Dances Directed by Seymour Robbie Color byMovielab AN AVCO EMBASSY RELEASE THY Look for the Cliff's Notes "First Aid'' Cypress Lake Starts Thursday <^B>[R] Station wherever books are sold. Only $1 each. t « Pavillion (UGIS * f» Weekends - $50 Weekdays - $30 P. O. Box 80728, STATESBORO Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 1 I Phone 4-6169 or 865-2639 THJE GEORGE-ANNE, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1970 Page 10 UCLA campus. It was founded by Dr. Bill Bright in 1951. College Life is now on 3,000 college campuses in the United States and in 45 major countries throughout the world. BSU "Make a joyful noise" is the spirit of the BSU Choir as plans are being prepared for November 11. Youth Night, sponsored by the Georgia Baptist Convention, will be held Wednesday night, November 11, at the Bell Auditorium in Augusta. The BSU choirs from Georgia Southern, West Georgia, and Tift will combine to present the following selections: "One World, One Lord, One Witness," "Just As I Am," and "Here Is My Life." Many colleges will be represented at this event. The Georgia Southern BSU choir will present three numbers: "He Is the Way," The Delta Tau Delta Fraternity for fall 1970 are (1-r): Dave Fiveash, St. Mary's; Mike Meadows, Adrian; "Christ Is Relevant," and "Tell Gary Harvey, Pacolet, South Carolina; John Harvey, Beaufort, South Carolina; Ardell Young, Camden, Man of God." South Carolina; Steve Owens, Laurens, South Carotin?.; Ben Lott, Alma; Sam Shifflett, Charleston, South The next choir rehearsal will be Carolina; Peter Kole, Middleton, New Jersey; Ken Tootle, Beaufort, South Carolina; Dick McGaughey, tomorrow at 8 p.m. Dr. Paul Atlanta; Kent Millican, Lindale; Tom Giddings, Moultrie; Charles Naggle, Claxton; Jody Summerford, St. McCommon, who will direct the Petersburg Beach, Florida; Jerry Coker, Manning, South Carolina. Not Pictured: Freddie Sandy, Camden, services on November 11, will be Cindy Peterson has been named South'Carolina, Chris Potter, Camden, South Carolina. . the guest director. Those who have not come to Rose of Pi Kappa Phi. These people are attending Student Mobilization Leader and any of the practices but would Cindy, the daughter of Mr. and College Life. organizes the weekly programs. Mrs. CO. Peterson of Stone College Life like to sing are invited to attend. College Life, sponsored by the The program begins with Mountain, is a member of the Every Sunday night at 9 p.m. Campus Crusade for Christ, has gospel singing, guitars, and GSC tennis team and Zeta Tau 200 to 400 people gather in Olliff been in existence here for three humorous skits. Later, several Phi Mu Alpha Alpha. Her title as "Rose" will Hall to sing and worship God. years. Wayne Sanders is the people tell of their experiences carry through 1971. with Christ. These individuals On October 22, the Zeta , ■~*' -^>-._. explain how Christ became Omicron Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha r ' involved in their lives and how Sinfonia inducted Miss Linda The new brothers are Larry 1 much he has done for them. Chapman as Sweetheart for the Horn, M.H. Allen, David Carper, Another speaker also explains 1970-71 school year. Jerry Jackson, Davis Hinson, JIM'S Walker Jackson, Bill Batastine, how Christ can help each person, Miss Chapman, the daughter of and how one can become part of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil W. Chapman of Bub Carter, Frank Fields, Ronnie House of Styles Christ and accept Christ as his Athens is a junior music education Cobb, Jimmy Ellis, Ric Savior. major. Tomlinson, and Chip Thompson. College Life originated on the Dr. Sterling Adams, Jimmy Barbara Thompkins has been Healthy Hair is Good Grooming Shumans, and Lowell Keene, chosen as the new Kappa Sigma Faculty Advisor, President, and Sweetheart, to reign throughout Alumni Secretary respectively, this school year. Conditioning, Trimming, Coloring, Wig Service attended the Province 36 Also representing the fraternity SPINET PIANO BARGAIN workshop of Phi Mu Alpha at are five new Star and Crescent Georgia State University in girls: Debbie Shaw, Robin Tedder, Wanted, responsible party to Gayle Grosvenor, Debbie Millican, take over low monthly Atlanta, October 26. payments on a spinet piano. and Anne Williamson. 210 South Main Street Can be seen locally. Kappa Sigma's fall quarter Write Credit Manager, P.O. Kappa Sigma pledge class elected its officers on Statesboro, Ga. 30458 Box 276, Shelbyville, Indiana 46176. On Saturday, October 17, 13 Tuesday, October 27. Phone: 764-2122 men were initiated into Kappa The new pledge officers are Randy Thomas, president; Bill \ . I Sigma. Gordon, vice president; David Harris, secretary; Joe Mercer, treasurer; and Mike Wilkins, social chairman. Sigma Nu Special Sale On Sunday, October 26, Theta Kappa chapter initiated 13 new pledges. These were Petesy Barnard, Bill Brent, Benny Carroll, Don Cioban, Ken Co wart, Ronnie Harrell, Steve McWilliams, Andy Moscrip, Pete Pearson, David Sammons, Frank Thomas, Darwin Williams, and Brian Wofford. On Wednesday, October 21, Sigma Nu held a hot dog sale. The fraternity thanks all those who I Capitol LP's helped in any way. Singles -Q A'pple OMEGA & THE FIRST WATCH ON THE MOON

AUTHORIZED Tapes SALES & SERVICE Look for the Pink Cards BO South Main St. The pledge class of TKE has THE GEORGE-ANNE, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1970 Page 11 Panhellinic A.H.E.A. placed the TEKE rock on campus The Home Economics Club as a pledge project to instill a treasurer; and Sam Shifflett, The sorority football league will meet tomorrow night at 7:30 competitive spirit among parliamentarian. Delta Zeta officially started its games p.m. in the Herty Building Living fraternities. As of yet no one has The fraternity congratulates Tuesday, October 27. Room. determined the correct weight of Kathy Hollan, who was initiated Delta Zeta held a ceremony to In the first game on Tuesday, A program on population the Rock. into Alpha Delta Pi, and Judy pledge two new girls Tuesday Zeta Tau Alpha defeated Alpha control will be presented by Dr. Waddell, who was initiated into night, October 27. They were Sue Delta Pi by a score of 20-0. On John A. Boole, Jr., chairman of The TEKES would like to Delta Zeta. Both are little sisters Womack and Karen Ruark. Wednesday, October 28, Phi Mu the Division of Science and extend their thanks to those who of Delta Tau Delta. Afterwards the sisters and defeated Delta Zeta by a score of Mathematics. demonstrated their appreciation The fraternity also thanks its pledges watched a film that was 6-0. for the Rock by devoting their taken during fall quarter rush. V- The Club continues its Sweetheart, Susan Reddick, and Panhellenic sponsored an membership drive as officers are time at 2 a.m. Wednesday to keep its little sisters for their help Delta Zeta congratulates the Rock clean and beautiful. intra-sorority cook-out on visiting home economics majors to during rush. Barbara Thompkins, who was Thursday, October 29, for the encourage them to join. chosen Sweetheart of Kappa sisters and pledges of each The deadline for joining has Sigma, and Debbie Millican and sorority. The cook-out was held been extended to November 4. All Gayle Grosvernor, who were so that different sorority members home economics majors are urged Geology Club selected Star and Crescent Girls. could get to know each other to take advantage of this Delta Zeta is proud of Diane better. opportunity. Delta Tau Delta Dr. O.J. Allard, professor of Reid, who was named winner of geology at the University of the Lions Club Zone Peach Bowl The members of Delta Tau Georgia, will speak on Pageant held in Statesboro on Marketing T.K.E. Delta extend congratulations to "Continental Drift" Thursday, October 24. She will represent the the new pledges for fall quarter. November 5, as part of the Lions Club in district competition The first meeting of the Last weekend Tau Kappa Pledge master Bobby Harmon Geology Club lecture series. in Vidalia on November 14. Marketing Club was held Tuesday, Epsilon held a retreat at Pine reports that the class officers are The program is scheduled for John Reeves of Phi Delta Theta October 26. It was tentatively Harbor. Members from the Ardell Young, president; Jody 7:30 p.m. in Herty 105. All is helping coach Delta Zeta's decided that the club would meet Georgia Tech chapter also Summerford, vice president; Dave interested persons are invited to football team for the 1970 the second Thursday of each attended. Fiveash, secretary; Steve Owens, attend. Powder Puff season. month in room 219 of the Hollis Building. This year's officers were elected. They are David Laks, president; Sylvia Culpepper, vice president; David Smithers, secretary; Ferris Wimberly, treasurer; and Larry Wright, publicity chairman. GULP! All interested marketing, general business, or fashion merchandising majors are urged to join. VJILAQER A half-zipped address book!


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Free Refreshments—'The Drifter"— FULL DETAIL PAGE NEXT WEEK The

South em


This week's Southern Woman is Michelle Patterson, a freshman secondary education major from Winder. Michelle is 5-1 with I blonde hair and blue eyes. Her interests are "twirling" and "watching football games."

Constitution had been drawn up and adopted We would be cheating the Campbell. He faces Republican by the administration. students. Continued From Page 1 W.A. "Shorty" Maddox in his race Masquers . . WSGA interpreted the "The inaction of some councils for re-election. staff in a more orderly fashion. constitution to mean that curfew in the past has tied the hands of For Commissioner of Labor, Continued from Page 6 These three items will be regulations (the subject of the the SAGC as a whole. The student presented to the entire SAGC on one-term incumbent Sam Caldwell Nov. 30-Dec. 12; and Tennessee petition) were something which government needs to be faces Ben Huit. Huit held the Thursday night in the Biology affected women only. They concerned about all the students State University, Nashville, "Earth Building. position for 28 years. Caldwell and Stars" or "Antigone," Nov. therefore felt no responsibility to at Georgia Southern rather than a advocates improvement in 9-11. According to Meadows, these return to the SAGC to present bunch of rather petty formulative policies came out of a unemployment insurance and Florida entries include Florida their findings on curfews. representatives from limited better job training for the series of meetings with Dr. Justine "The school has a clause or constituencies." Atlantic University, Bocca Raton, Mann and other members of the underprivileged. "Indians," November 13-15, policy on 'joint responsibility' Meadows evaded answering political science faculty. 19-21; University of Miami, Coral (number 7, page 50 of the Eagle questions directed at exactly ;Gables, "The Boys from "The Executive Council met Eye)," said Meadows. which council or councils were with Dr. Mann to discuss the Syracuse," through Nov. 7; and "This clause states that men the cause behind the SAGC's inadequacies of the constitution," the University of South Florida, can technically be punished if "tiedhands." Art Tour . . . said Meadows. Tampa, "Henry IV," November they 'aid or abet a breach of "I'm not going to say," said Continued from Page 3 "In last Thursday's SAGC 12-14, 19-21. The University of regulations by a woman student.' Meadows. "I think they know study the monetary systems of meeting, we presented this new West Florida's production of This means that men can be who they are." the various countries and pay for set of policies," continued the "Julius Caesar," October punished because of women's purchases without making SAGC President. "We want to regulations." mistakes. 27-November 1, is classed as an utilize these procedures as policy associate production. "Therefore it's stupid to say Of course, the main purpose this year, and if they prove Kentucky schools taking part that women's regulations affect or Suit Wins was to see the great art in the satisfactory, we want to submit in the festival are Kentucky pertain only to women," stated Continued From Page 1 museums and galleries, and that them, in referendum form, to the Wesleyan College, Owensboro, Meadows. was the enthusiasm Suit showed was done. It was done so well, student body in the regular spring "Brambles on the Sheepskin," However, some of the councils in his October 22 rally on campus, many of the group wondered why elections. This way we hope they November 18-21; and University feel that delineated powers with as compared to Carter's rally the anyone would even visit Europe if can be permanently added to the of Louisville, Louisville, "The 1 regard to constitutional following day. they did not intend to spend most constitution." Night Thoreau Spent in Jail," interpretation would limit the "This was shown by the larger of their time viewing art. Meadows continued, "Right November 18-22. individual council's power. turnout, the posters carried by the The group was saturated with now I think we have enough "What we want to impress on Young Republicans, and the art, but not unhappily so. Other schools participating in support to get these procedures these people," said Meadows," is better spirit of Suit's rally," the southeastern regional are Troy passed." that we are not trying to take Hatfield stated. State University, Troy, Alabama, For this proposed policy power into the committee of the Hatfield extended thanks to "A Sleep of Prisoners," already package to become SAGC policy whole as opposed to the power of everyone who helped to make the Observations presented; Wheeling College, requires a majority vote of the the individual councils. mock election a success: SAGC Wheeling, W. Va., "The Just SAGC committee of the whole. "Rather than this, we're trying President Rod Meadows, who Continued From Page 4 Assassin," November 5-8; and For these procedures to become to make the individual councils made it possible for voting tables hands and your experience as West Liberty State College, by-laws of the SAGC requires a take into consideration the entire to be placed in the classroom well. Wheeling, "We Bombed in New two-thirds vote. student body, rather than their buildings; the Political Science "You've gone through much of Haven," already presented. How does the interpretation of very limited constituency. We Department and Dr. Justine what I'm going through now. Why the SAGC constitution affect want these councils to take all of Mann; and the Political Science is there so little evidence that you students? the students into consideration, Club, the SAGC, the Young learned anything from it? Last year the regulations especially when they recommend Democrats Club, and the Young "What kind of world is this changes for women students were actions to be taken that the Republican Club, who jointly when the young have to lead their brought about after a student government feels could sponsored the election. parents, have to reprimand their THE GEORGE-ANNE campus-wide petition was ultimately affect the entire A similar election was held at parents, have to provide the circulated. The petition was then student body. the University of Georgia with conscience for their parents, have turned over to the SAGC. "I don't want to get bogged similar results. Suit received 77.6 to teach their parents? What kind The SAGC turned the petition down all year with trying to revise per cent of the votes cast (1741) of up-side-down world is this? Page 13 over to the Women's Student the constitution, although the with Carter receiving 16.8 per "I'm having enough problems Government Association, (WSGA) constitution badly needs it. cent (377). trying to get myself together which, according to last year's "Solving the problems on this without having to get you SAGC President Steve Joiner, was campus are much more important "Election together also. Must you color Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1970 to serve as a committee of the right now," Meadows said. "We everyone other than yourselves SAGC. Continued From Page 1 could become hopelessly lost in black? How many must lose their The SAGC never saw or heard the quagmire of constitutional commissioner of agriculture since strength talking to you before you about the petition again, until a revision. That could take all year, 1967 when Lestor Maddox remove the mud from your ears new set of women's regulations and it would be a cop-out at that. appointed him to replace Phil and your eyes and your soul?" THE GEORGE-ANNE, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1970 Page 14 s 1

0 ^gf 3?


Why Not Soccer? Globetrotters Set Monday

ByDEANHILLEGASS GSC. Look at the schools we play To Ramble Through Hanner in the minor sports if you think Decay is usually defined as the we play big time. When the Harlem Globetrotters step onto the tartan court of the Hanner Fieldhouse deterioration of a living organism; According to Harry Castillo, a Monday night, November 9, they will have more waiting for them than just the New Jersey sometimes the word can lose its Latin American student here, former biological meaning and can "There are enough qualified Reds and approximately 6000 fans. apply itself to certain conditions. players at this school right now to A group of fraternity men have formed a team and will challenge the tamed Trotters to a Take the present sports world compete with any other school in contest to precede their regularly scheduled game against the Reds. at Georgia Southern. Our Georgia and South Carolina." tradition is to hail basketball as One of the best teams in King - the insuppressible, "We expect this game will add enjoy seeing some of our local ticket prices when purchased in professional soccer in the United unremovable god of first place on tremendously to the show boys take on a team like the advance. No discount will be given States is the Atlanta Chiefs. Right at the door. the campus. planned by the Globetrotters," Trotters." now it is very feasible for Georgia stated athletic director J.I. The other sports are being Southern to have the best college Clements. "I know many of our The Globetrotters will stomped in the ground by the soccer team in Georgia. students and townspeople will probably be the better's favorite heavy foot of "I reign here" in the game since they have not tradition. But the crying echoes of lost a game since their 1961-62 the "also sports" are just pleading season when they won 287 games for a chance to be equal. JIM WILSON'S and lost only a single contest. There is another sport that In fact, the Globertrotters' many are familiar with, both here over-all won-lost record stands at and all over the world. Football a more-than-respectable 9,898 (or soccer as it is known in the games won and 322 lost. United States) is played by more SportScope people and seen by more They have been undefeated for spectators than any other sport in the last eight years. the world. Well, Georgia Southern has done it again. The shaft was In addition to the two games, the Trotters will also present their The question of having once more applied to the student body when some guy famed warm-up routine to the intercollegiate soccer has been named Gary Pickett or Puckett had an emergency operation. tune of "Sweet Georgia Brown." passed around by interested All of that is past history now, and if you are over the They recently presented this act students. This open letter to the broken heart of not seeing the Union Gap, then rejoice. on the Tonight Show. Athletic Department ask= the The Harlem Globetrotters are coming! The best types of question: "Why can't Georgia entertainment in the world are sports and comedy, and the Also on the program will be a Southern have a soccer team?" nationally-acclaimed table-tennis Trotters will present both in one of the funniest exhibitions act and a trampoline act that are Many colleges even smaller of basketball skill you'll ever see. than Southern field a team every regular features of a fall. Schools like Georgia State, A word about tickets. Georgia Southern is not paying for Globetrotters' presentation. the Trotters performance. The activities fee is not paying for Georgia College, both Emorys, The program, which begins at 8 Oglethorpe, and Erskine, just to the Globetrotters. Only the people who go to the game will p.m., will be the first of its kind name a few within a few hours be paying. here at Georgia Southern and the drive from here, have squads. The Globetrotters booking agency is paying for first appearance of the Trotters The only autumn sport to wear advertising, the use of the gym, the light bill, the tickets, and in this area in several years. the blue-and-white is our even the cleaning up after the game. They receive only a Advance tickets ($3, $ 3.50and dilapidated cross country team, percentage of the gate. $4) are on sale in Statesboro at the GSC Athletic Department, the which scheduled one home meet. The students get a one dollar reduction on all tickets up to Expenses for a soccer team would Bulloch County Bank, and the Sea consist of a coach, uniforms, and four o'clock before the game. Island Bank. a couple of balls. Anyone who has never seen Meadowlark Lemon or Leon Tickets may also be purchased Hillard perform wonders with a basketball will be doing in Millen at the Bank of Millen The only answer that the himself a great injustice by missing Monday night's and in Savannah at Thompson's Athletic department could Sporting Goods. possibly come up with is that they performance.! Let's fill the fieldhouse for once, because, after Georgia Southern students will want big-time athletics here at all, they'll even be playing a group of Southern Greeks. receive a $1 dollar discount on all ^^■^■^^■■H

THE GEORGE-ANNE, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1970 Page 15

DEAN HILLEGASS lead changed hands last square off at 5 p.m. s week, with the Thursday in the game that Hole-in-the-wall Gang may decide the regular defeating Phi Epsilon Kappa. season champ. Intramural Insights The "Holes" avenged an earlier loss to PEK when they The standings remain lost three weeks ago, 13 to 7. almost the same, with TKE looking for its first points. Delta Tau Delta took two Intramural action took a be more than a march for tournament last week with It was all "Holes" last more this week, bringing breather yesterday and Alpha Delta Pi, defeating the first round already week, though, defeating the them up to an even won-loss today, with a full slate of them 20-0. Phi Mu squeezed history. Games are being athletic fraternity six to record. action starting on past Delta Zeta six to played at night in the old nothing. Steve Collins, Wednesday. Sorority football nothing. The girls' games are gym. Starting times and Hole-in-the-wall's Pi Kappa Phi still is a big took the spotlight last week really something to see if annotated brackets for future quarterback, may be the best surprise, but they still have in intramurals. with two games starting the you've never seen a coed games can be checked in the big games with Chi Sigma powderpuffs off and running. cross-block or button-hook. main hallway of old Hanner. and Alpha Tau Omega to Zeta Tau Alpha proved to Men's volleyball started its The Independent football Against the previously unbeaten PEK, he completed play. wmmmmmmmsm" nine of fourteen for 101 yards. PEK throwing was less than desirable, completing Intram urc 3/Si and ings only four of thirteen.

INTRAMURAL STANDINGS Both teams had good Flag Football through Sunday, November 1 secondaries, intercepting The Intramural three times each. Total Department announced Won Lost Offen. Pts. Pet. that starting times for flag yardage in the football have been Alpha Tau Omega 6 0 119 12 1000 changed. The first games Kappa Sigma 6 0 103 15 1000 heavily-penalized contest was will start at 4 p.m ., with . Pi Kappa Phi 6 1 69 21 .857 identically 67 yards. the second games : Chi Sigma (Sigma Chi) 5 2 106 25 .714 following at 5 p.m. Sigma Phi Epsilon 3 3 28 39 .500 The "Holes" started the Delta Tau Delta 4 4 41 71 .500 second quarter with a strike Sigma Nu 3 4 41 89 .429 from Collins to Dean Phi Delta Theta 3 4 44 71 .429 Giradeau for 33 yards. On Kappa Alpha 2 5 15 73 .286 Sigma Pi 1 5 26 40 .167 the next play it was Collins Tau Epsilon Phi 1 5 25 49 .167 again, this time to David Tau Kappa Epsilon 0 8 0 114 .000 Wright for a twenty-yard touchdown pass. Independents FOR RENT: Hard-nosed defense kept One bedroom apartment just Central heating Hole-in-the-wall 4 1 46 19 .800 the game intact for the completed. Phi Epsilon Kappa 3 1 54 19 .750 and coo ling, carpeted "Gang." throughout. located in good Baptist Student Union 2 2 20 12 .500 neighbor hood. Married Delta Sigma Pi 1 3 6 42 .250 In the Greek league, couples or college faculty Card's 1 4 25 54 .200 members. Alpha Tau Omega and Kappa Mrs. Francis W. Allen Fraternity Scores Sigma remained undefeated, 764-5530 >r P.O. Box 478. but that will change by Sigma Nu 7-Kappa Alpha 0 Thursday. The two powers Pi Kappa Phi 1 3-Tau Kappa Epsilon 0 Kappa Tau Delta 7-Sigi na Pi 0 Alpha Tau Omega 21-Phi Delta Theta 6 Pi Kappa Phi 14-Kappa Alpha 2 CO MING. SOON! NOVEMBER 11-14 COUJMBIA PIC Km P.„,.III Kappa Sigma 18-Sigma Nu 0 A JOHN fRANKENHEIMER- Chi Sigma 18-Sigma Nu 0 EDWARD LEWIS Prod„, Na Chi Sigma 30-Tau Kappa Epsil on 0 GREGORYPECK Phi Delta Theta 13-Tau Epsilon Phi 6 Tt/ESDJBTWELD Delta Tau Delta 6-Sigma Phi Epsilon 0 EITELLEPARSONS

Independent Scores , WALK THE LIME

Hole-in-the-wall 6-Phi Epsilon Kappa 0 .PANAVISION* COEOt (GP|^£> BSU 7-Card's 0 Phi Epsilon Kappa vs. BSU (postponed due to darkness 6-6 third qua rter) (JUGIS STATGSBORO

The Fabulous HONDA.


Georgia Southern College HANNER FIELDHOUSE S2S Sales - Service - Parts - Accessories Monday, Nov. 9, 190-7:30 p.m.

764-2322 764-6289 Advance tickets on sale at GSC Athletic Dept, Sea Island Bank, and Bulloch County Bank beginning Oct. 23. HONDA Of STATESB0R0 $4.00, $3.50 and $3.00-$1.00 off for students Statesboro, Georgia 46 E. Main THE GEORGE-ANNE, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1970 Page 16 FOOTBALL CONTEST Ad?;;, or Pick the Winners ■««» Dormitory of Student ke City and State Will $10.00 CaSH!

ia Circle all the winners and receive $10 cash. If no one gets all the winners, the person naming the most winners will receive $5 in cash. In case contestants tie, the prize money will be equally divided. 1. In each ad on this page, you will find two teams scheduled to compete this week. Circle the teams you think will win or list them on a plain sheet of paper. Tie games will count against you unless indicated. 2. Mail or bring your entry to the GEORGE-ANNE office (Room 108 Williams Center). All entries must be submitted before 12 noon Thursday. All mailed entries must be postmarked before this time. 3. Members of the GEORGE-ANNE staff are not eligible to win. 4. Only currently enrolled students, faculy members, administrators, and staff are eligible to win. 5. Each contestant is limited to one entry.

»«*/*^»-*. r •7/U ir inSTATESB0R.0 »0

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UNIVERSITY PLAZA /' SouthsideOUUlllb Branch BANK^THIESBORO GEORui* MEMBER ' 0 I C f "The big difference is friendly people" \ STATESBORO. GEORGIA 30458 I Just offof the GSC Campus y/ra/ .WUiiie 6>* }£ad*et and ^eniC-fnctt J California vs Oregon St. I Purdue vs Michigan St. South Carolina vs Tennessee 1 - .—--v.^* r —1 r ~vr The Statesboro Kenan's Union 76 Mac's Standard Oil Service Center Telephone Co. I ( Front end alignment i S. Main St. "Serving Georgia Southern" Brake Service ♦ I

9 South Main St., Statesboro ■ Tires f Serving Student & Faculty 16 years Wrecker Service 764-4829 j Texas, El Paso vs Wyoming JL Tulane vs Miami BSU vs Delta Sigma Pi (Independent League) ■—i r r; Georgia Southern j j The College Defender Support Life Insurance Planning & Programing Service } The Best Deferred Premium Plan for the / College Bookstore ( ] College Senior & Graduate Student * -We do not require a $10.00 deposit nor charge a service fee \ I ) Majoring in Service j j G -A Billy G. Roland Agency & Assoc. - 4 Windsor Village Landrum Center Advertisers American Defender Life Insurance Company Army vs Syracuse Atlanta Falcons vs L.A. Rams (pro) Bates vs Colby IwNW^V. «~-—^ 11 ^»'- —» ■ L