Portland Daily Pr Ss
PORTLAND DAILY PR SS. VOLUME II I THURSDAY PORTLAND, ME., MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1863. WHOLE NO. 380. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, est point is at 197th street, where it is a few FOR SALE & TO LET. inches below tide water. The new LEGAL & OFFICIAL. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor. reservoir EDUCATIONAL. covers 100 acre*; is about 30 feet holds BUSINESS CARDS. Is at No. EXCHANGE deep, Counting Itooin to Let. published 82* STREET, 1,000,000,000 gallons of water, and cost U. S. USarslinrs $1,500,- ROOM over No. 90 Commercial St. Sale. FRENCH LANGUAGE. IN FOX 000. Around its rim is A CARD. BLOCK, by a walk tor pedestrians; COUNTINGThomas Block, to let. Apply to United Stater ok America, l MILLINERY. N. A. FOSTER A CO. outside of that is a bridle-path, and beyond N. J. MILLER. District of Maine, ss. j a DR. that is a beautiful Five mcli71 dtf Over92 Commercial Street. to Writ of Vend: Expo: to me di- S. C. again carriage-drive. rected from tlie PROFJR HENRI DUCOM FERNALD, miles of have been PURSUANT Hod. Aflhur Ware, .Judge of 'Forms : bridle-path completed; eight the United States District ('ourt, within and for the Has miles of To Lei On and after Monday, Sept. 14th, Kesumed IiIm I ,essnns. The Portland Daily Prk«b i* published every j carriage-road; 18 miles of foot-path. District of Maine, I shall expose ana sell at Public ttEIXTIST, at $0.00 per year in It is a live-mile drive from the or low- commodious Chamber in the northerly cor.
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