Thanks to Referees
Aerospace Science and Technology 9 (2005) 1–4 Thanks to referees The Editors-in-Chief would like to thank all the referees who provided valuable comments throughout 2004. Those who assisted on papers which reached a conclusion in 2004 are listed below. Name of Referee Name of Institution R.K. Agarwal Washington University, St. Louis, USA St. Aitken University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom D. Alazard ONERA – Toulouse, France F. Alby CNES – Toulouse, France K.T. Alfriend Texas A&M University, College Station, USA Th. Alziary de Roquefort LEA – Poitiers, France A. Appriou ONERA – Châtillon, France P. Ardonceau ENSMA – Poitiers, France D. Arnal ONERA – Toulouse, France J.-Th. Audren SAGEM – Paris, France J. Axmann Volkswagen Wolfsburg, Germany Ch. Bailly Ecole Centrale of Lyon, France D. Bailly ONERA – Châtillon, France Th. Bak Aalborg University, Denmark D. Balageas ONERA – Châtillon, France G. Balmino CNES – Toulouse, France C. Barrouil ONERA – Toulouse, France U. Bast Siemens, München, Germany D. Bates University of Leicester, United Kingdom S. Baughcum Boeing Company, Seattle, USA J.-P. Belmont Dassault-Aviation – St Cloud, France R. Benney Natick Soldier Center, Natick, USA E. Bensana ONERA – Toulouse, France H. Bezard ONERA – Toulouse, France J.-P. Bonnet LEA Poitiers, France D. Braun ECD, Ottobrunn, Germany W. Bräunling University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany Chr. Breitsamter Technical University Munich, Germany X. Briottet ONERA – Toulouse, France H. Brooks NOAA Boulder, USA A. Bucharles ONERA – Toulouse, France V. Caccese University of Maine, Orono, USA J.-P. Catani CNES – Toulouse, France M. Cathonnet LCSR – Orléans, France F. Cazaurang University of Bordeaux 1, France P.
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