Christos Anesti ! VOL. 63 NO. 1143 APRIL 20, 1998 E-mail:
[email protected] Old Calendar Archbishops Leaders Reconciled Easter to Orthodox Church With a historic decision the Holy Synod Encyclical of the Ecumenical Patriarchate ended an Ecclesiastical division that for years existed in our Church in America, by accepting in PASCHA 1998 the bosom of the Mother Church the Mon- astery of St. Irene Chrysovalantou, in Astoria, To the Reverend Clergy, the Monks and NY, and its founders Paisios Loulourgas and Nuns, the Parish Councils of the Greek Or- Vikentios Malamatenios. thodox Communities, the Greek Day and As stipulated in the announcement of Afternoon Schools, the Philoptochos Sister- the Holy Synod which follows, the Monas- hoods, the Greek Organizations and Soci- tery as well as its dependencies (metochia) eties, the Youth, and all devout Christians were recognized, and their spiritual com- of the Holy Archdiocese of America munion with the Mother Church was re- stored, as a Patriarchal Stavropegion through Most Dear and Beloved Children a formal Patriarchal and Synodical Letter. On in the Lord, April 7, the Holy Synod elected unanimously Paisios Loulourgas as Titular Metropolitan Christ is Risen of Tyanon and appointed him abbot of the Monastery while Vikentios Malamatenios Let us chant unto the Lord for was elected Bishop of Apamia. gloriously has He been glorified! This reconciliation and restoration of Canonical Ecclesiastical Communion of the The Pascha of the Lord is by far the Monastery of St. Irene Chrysovalantou is the defining feast of joy and gladness in the life culmination of discussions that started about of our people.