Fits every style! BLESS Berlin BLESS Paris Ernst-Reudler-Siedlung 15 14, Rue Portefoin BLESS 13355 Berlin 75003 Paris VAT No. DE 812 145 596 +49-30-4401010-0 Fax -1 +33-148016743 Fax - 0054
[email protected] [email protected] Name BLESS Contact 1993, first meeting as students at the “Concours International des Jeunes Créateurs de la Mode” in Paris Collaboration as BLESS Summer 1995, BLESS Debut, presented on posters placed in the cities Vienna and Berlin Official product Autumn 1996, BLESS N° 00 Furwig, advertising in i-D magazine, Self Service, and Purple Fashion Date of foundation January 2, 1997, Berlin Owners Desiree Heiss, born 22.04.1971 in Freiburg / Germany, Austrian nationality, fashion graduation in June 1994, University of applied arts in Vienna, based in Paris Ines Kaag, born 03.02.1970 in Fürth / Germany, German nationality, fashion graduation in March 1995, University of arts and design in Hannover, based in Berlin Permanent Collaborators Elisa Bürkle, client relations, accounting, and general assistance in Berlin Jean-Christophe Ydier, client relations, accounting, and general assistance in Paris Verena Michels, production manager Studio Manuel Raeder, graphic design Amina Bamieh, shopmanagement Paris, in-house press Bert Houbrechts, BLESS Home Inhabitant Berlin Yasmine Gauster, initiator and owner of first blessshopberlin, friend and consultant Collaborating producers 110%ig, Susanne Zmudzinski Loops, Sigrid Henning Press contact Worldwide photo requests / BLESS Paris press: Amina Bamieh, +33 1 48 01 67 43,
[email protected] Japan: Diptrics, +81 33 40 90 089,
[email protected] Sales contacts abroad Japan: Diptrics, +81 33 40 90 089,
[email protected] BLESS is a visionary substitute to make the near future worth living for.