Central African Republic Emergency Update #2
Central African Republic Emergency Update #2 Period Covered 18-24 December 2013 [1] Highlights There are currently some 639,000 internally displaced people in the Central African Republic (CAR), including more than 210,000 in Bangui in over 40 sites. UNHCR submitted a request to the Humanitarian Coordinator for the activation of the Camp Coordination and Camp Management Cluster. Since 14 December, UNHCR has deployed twelve additional staff to Bangui to support UNHCR’s response to the current IDP crisis. Some 1,200 families living at Mont Carmel, airport and FOMAC/Lazaristes Sites were provided with covers, sleeping mats, plastic sheeting, mosquito domes and jerrycans. About 50 tents were set up at the Archbishop/Saint Paul Site and Boy Rabe Monastery. From 19 December to 20 December, UNHCR together with its partners UNICEF and ICRC conducted a rapid multi- sectoral assessment in IDP sites in Bangui. Following the declaration of the L3 Emergency, UNHCR and its partners have started conducting a Multi- Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) in Bangui and the northwest region. [2] Overview of the Operation Population Displacement 2013 Funding for the Operation Funded (42%) Funding Gap (58%) Total 2013 Requirements: USD 23.6M Partners Government agencies, 22 NGOs, FAO, BINUCA, OCHA, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP and WHO. For further information, please contact: Laroze Barrit Sébastien, Phone: 0041-79 818 80 39, E-mail: larozes@unhcr.org Central African Republic Emergency Update #2 [2] Major Developments Timeline of the current
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