Janna & Jahannam 05 September 2020

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Janna & Jahannam 05 September 2020 05 September 2020 Janna & Jahannam Objective: To know what Janna and Jahannam represent to Muslims. To explain how Allah decides where people go. Starter: Write all the bad things you’ve done today i.e. Not doing h/w; and all the good things you’ve done today i.e. holding a door open for someone. Tally them up- do you have more good/bad deeds? BWS God weighs our deeds • Muslims believe that God will Think back to weigh up our good and bad last lesson… deeds in life and this will What determine what happens to us constitutes a after death. good deed? • God judges our actions, but also our intentions (niyyah) BWS Munkar and Nakir • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yH5TGtGiHsM •Who are Munkar and Nakir? •What is their role? •What questions do they ask? BWS Barzakh •Barzakh: A place of waiting, after death until the day of judgement. •For those who die before the day of judgement, the angel of death Azrail, will take their souls to wait in the state of barzakh until the sound of the final trumpet. BWS Janna ‘In paradise, I prepare for the • What might this tell us about righteous believers Janna? what no eye has • A state of joy, happiness and peace. ever seen…’ • A reward for living a good life. (Hadith) • Everything one longs for on earth, you will find in paradise. BWS Jahannam • A place of terror. • Physical torment as well as being separated from God. • Disbelievers and sinners will go here. BWS Important questions •Read the 3 questions. •Decide which of the arguments are directed at which questions. BWS Question Argument ‘yes’ Argument ‘no’ Does hell last forever? Most Muslims believe that hell is forever. The Some Muslims today believe that for certain Qur’an seems to teach that after judgement, people hell may only be a temporary those sent to hell will stay there forever. experience. Bad Muslims may only be sent to ‘But whosoever returns to [dealing in interest hell for a short period and those who repent of usury]- those are the companions of the may be pardoned. fire; they will abide eternally therein.’ (Qur’an ‘So whoever has received an admonition from 2:275) his lord and desists may have what is past, and his affair rests with God.’ (Qur’an 2:275) Can a God of mercy condemn people to hell? Islam teaches that God has set fair rules to live Some Muslims find it hard to believe that a God by and the wicked have been given many of mercy would send people to an eternity of opportunities to repent. The Qur’an says that suffering. How can it be fair to give an infinite God punishes those who are disobedient punishment for a finite sin? according to what they have earnt. Only those most wicked and ruthless people will go to hell. ‘So I have warned you of a fire which is blazing. None will [enter to] burn therein except the most wretched one. Who had denied and turned away’ (Qur’an 92:14-16) Do Muslims only follow Shari’ah rules because Some might argue that some Muslims are only Faithful believers happily live according to the they are frightened of God’s judgement? obedient to God’s divine laws because they are Qur’an and the example set by Muhammad. fearful of the threat of hell-fire. Is suffering really a test for the next life? Many Muslims would argue that life is a test. If A person with a non-religious view would argue we pass the test we will have shown that we are that there is no evidence for the existence of an worthy of paradise, to live for eternity in afterlife. They might also say that it is unfair to unimaginable splendour and luxury. view this world as a test, because some are born better off than others. Some people have the privilege of health and wealth. They will suffer less than those who are born into poverty or who have a disability. BWS Plenary- exam style question c) Explain why janna is important to Muslims. (8 marks) Remember you need 3 well explained points! BWS.
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