A celebration to VENUE recognise the Sydney The Great Hall, The Quadrangle The Conservatorium of Music’s pre-1990 RECOGNITION CEREMONY alumni as part of 2pm the University of The academic procession enters the Great Hall, Sydney family. the assembly standing March from Ode for Saint Cecilia’s Day, GF Handel Introduction by Professor Kim Walker, Dean and Principal of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music The proceedings are opened by the Chancellor, Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO Presentation of alumni recognition certificates Address by Dr Michael Spence, Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Sydney Address by Lyndon Terracini, alumni guest speaker Closing remarks by Professor Kim Walker The academic procession retires, the assembly standing Final from the First Organ Symphony, Louis Vierne Refreshments served in the Quadrangle

Organ music performed by Amy Johansen, University of Sydney Organist and Carillonist Carillon recital prior to the ceremony by Hans Hielscher, guest carillonist (Wiesbaden) Carillon recital following the ceremony by Isaac Wong, Honorary Carillonist

Coaches to the Sydney Conservatorium of Music depart from the Clocktower between 4 and 4.30pm.

Miss Terry Greene, diva, Alumni Recognition Ceremony 2010 GUEST SPEAKER

LYNDON TERRACINI Diploma of Operatic Art 1973 Lyndon Terracini studied opera at the NSW State Conservatorium of Music, and made his debut as a professional singer in 1976 as Sid in Benjamin Britten’s Albert Herring with the Australian Opera at the . After moving to Italy – opera’s spiritual home – Terracini sang many of the great baritone roles in opera houses all over Europe. He enjoyed a great collaboration with , whose Montepulciano Arts Festival was both an inspiration to him and a model for the future. Terracini returned to in 1993 and founded Northern Rivers Performing Arts (NORPA), which became one of the most important organisations of its kind in regional Australia; it was awarded the Myer Foundation Group Award in 2002. In July 2000 Terracini became artistic director and CEO of the Music Festival and directed the 2001, 2003 and 2005 festivals. He holds honorary doctorates from Central Queensland University, Southern Cross University and Queensland University of Technology. In 2000 he was awarded a fellowship by the Music Fund of the Australia Council for the Arts. In 2005 he won the Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Cultural Leadership Award, presented by the Australian Business Arts Foundation. In the same year he was appointed adjunct professor at the . In 2006 Terracini wrote the acclaimed A Regional State of Mind, published by Currency House. In 2009 he was appointed to his current position as artistic director of . REUNION CONCERT & CHAMPAGNE RECEPTION

VENUE Sydney Conservatorium of Music Macquarie Street, Sydney

REUNION CONCERT 5 to 5.30pm Orava String Quartet: Daniel Kowalik (violin), Sylwia Waples (violin), Thomas Chawner (viola), Karol Kowalik (cello) Erwin Schulhoff String Quartet No. 1 I. Presto con fuoco II. Allegretto con moto e con malinconia grotesca III. Allegro giocoso alla Slovacca Harry Ward (violin), Hye Lim Lee (piano) Camille Saint Saëns Introduction and Rondo Capriccio Kevin Hunt and Mark Isaacs (piano) Duelling pianos jazz improvisation


Return coaches to the University of Sydney’s Camperdown Campus depart between 6.30 and 7pm, and will stop at Central Station on request. CERTIFICATE RECIPIENTS

Graham Abbott Christine Chen Eugenie Carmel Gazal Stephen James Abernethy Ka-May Chu (née Malouf) Cathy Aggett Gabrielle Claridge Carmel Maria Glanville Warwick Alder Susan Clarke Betty Elaine Gow Peter Alexander Anne Claxton Danielle Grant Marjorie Evelyn Allen Fiona M Clouston Andrew Greene Judith Allen Colin Clulow Veren Gregory Felicity Anne Andreasen Elizabeth H Colman Jennifer Joy Groom Marion Anstis Catherine Colvin Guy Gross Gregory Donald Archer Ian Cooper Maria Guthrie John Armitstead Joan Coorey Douglas Hale Linda G Armstrong Maxwell Hyman Croot Trisha Hamilton Rachel Atkinson Veronica Crowe Betty Joy Hanna Lynda Bacon Bernadette Cullen Bernadette Anne Harvey Robina Badger Audrey Dart Rosemary Hawkes Anthony Baldwin Gloria Eva Davey Jane Haydon Andrew Mackie Banks Deborah De Graaff Michael Heaney Michael Laurence Gordon Barkl Justin Dielo Keith Henderson Catherine Barzyk Richard Divall John Hibbard Janet Batt Catherine Dobbie Adrian Hooper Christine Belshaw Warrick Dobbie Julie Horne Deborah Berlin Anthony Jude Doheny Ann Hosking Perrin Cecilia Bersee Margaret Donnelly Susan Hovenden Margaret McFarlane Hay Betts Dianne Maree Dorich Wendy Jean Huddleston Vivienne Beatrice Birrell Margaret Robin Eakin Valerie Hughes Susan Blake Warwick Edman Brett Hunt Tim Blomfield Sally Jane Edwards Kevin Hunt Janice Mary Boyle Anne Ehsman Marjorie Hystek Lynne Bradley Pierre F Emery Mark Isaacs Margaret Brandman Sandy Evans Yana Issers Mary Bray Helen Evers Jennifer James Beth Brooks Lisa Farmer Dianne Johnstone Andrew Graeme Brown Jennifer Ellen Ferguson Olga Johnstone Dave Bryant Margaret Joan Ferguson Elena Kats-Chernin Leonard Burtenshaw (née Wait) Christopher Keane Joanne Callinan-Robertson Loreta Fin Adrian Keating Valmai Cameron Pamela Fisher Vlad Khusid Rosalind Carlson John Foreman Peter Kneeshaw David Rodney Carr Zandra Forrest (née Roderick) Agnes Rachel Kren John Cassim Olwyn Kennedy Fountain Yvonne Laki Geoffrey Chard Jacqueline Yu-Lin Fuller Myra Lambert Charmayne Gavin Suzanne Lamrock (née McKittrick) Albert Landa Trish O’Leary Kim Sutherland Lorna Lander John O’Neill Lloyd Swanton Louisanna Lee Heather Jane Pavel Lyndon Terracini Faith Ling Stuart Pavel Amanda Thane Thomas Ling Swee Chin Geoffrey Payne Anita Thomas Dave Loew Matthew Charles Perry Paul C Thomson Christine Therese Lonergan Colin Piper Noelene Rona Thomson Francis Peter Louran Gerard Patrick Plummer Lee Hwee Tio Roderick MacFarlane Juli Anne Poole Gavin Tipping Margaret Alexandra MacGregor Fran Poulton Richard Tognetti Robyn O’Hearn Maciejewski Margaret Powell Sussane Towers Rhonda Macken Pitsa Prineas Carol Tsai John Main Nancyleena Puglisi Kay Tucker (née Whatman) Belinda Manwaring Christine Elizabeth Pulley Elizabeth Myra Turner Marina Marsden Laurence Maxwell Pulley Rachel Valler Wendy Frances May Ralph Pyl Melda Vaughan Judith Maynard Helen Quach Robert Wagner Jon Mayne Rita Rabie Kim Waldock Lucy McAlary Phillipa Frances Rader (née Dorothy Jane Wallace Christine McCarthy (née Slattery) Conway) Leonie Walters Sharyn McConnell Silvio Rivier Kayleen Margaret Weatherspoon Warwick Raymond McEwan David Russell Peter Weiss Katherine McEwan Jane Rutter Maggie Wilde West Tania McGrath Clare Ryan (née McNamara) Dorothy Wilkinson Ada Josephine McInnes Gerard John Scelzi Lynne Williams Helen McIntyre Cheryl Scholfield Jennifer Williams Margot McLaughlin Karen Elizebeth Segal Stephen Williams Robin Adele Micheletti Lisa Selleck Leanne Maree Winfield Margaret Micos (née Samios) Eva Setton (née Katz) Glenn Winslade Anne Millar Reyna Sharwood Pamela Withnall Jocelyn Millard Vivian Shaw Patricia Wooldridge Elizabeth Moor (née Szekeres) Julie Simonds Anna Yerbury James Morrison Guy Simpson David Young William Motzing Margaret Skarratt (née Quarmby) Robyn Young (née Fairbairn) Marian Geraldine Murphy Ronald Smart Ross Young Beverley Nettle Che-Kit Kate So (née Fung) Laurie Yvonne Newman Alister Spence Susan Yule Elaine M Nicholas (née Gail Steigrad Edward Zavod McNamara) Kevin Arnold Stumbles Léone Elizabeth Ziegler Gloria Mary Noud Suzanne Su

Please note that due to printing deadlines and the late receipt of some RSVPs, not all certificate recipient names are included in this program. Furthermore, the names above include some recipients who are unfortunately unable to join us today. YOUR SYDNEY ALUMNI COMMUNITY Sydney Conservatorium of Music Friends of the Con Macquarie Street NSW 2000 Australia T +61 2 9351 1382 E [email protected]

Alumni and Events Office Room K6.06 The Quadrangle A14 The University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia T +61 2 9036 9222 E [email protected]

The Alumni and Events Office and the Sydney Conservatorium of Music would like to extend their thanks to the many volunteers who have given their time to assist with this event.


Produced by Marketing and Communications, the University of Sydney, March 2011. The University reserves the right to make alterations to any information contained within this publication without notice. 11/2495

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