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COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY, 15 DECEMBER 2016 Present: Councillors Athwal, Mrs Beardsley, Mrs Bilbie, Steve Bilbie, Birkin, Broughton, Mrs Brown, Mrs Clare, Corbett, Mrs Custance, Dawson, Doyle, Frudd, Green, H Griffiths, Margaret Griffiths, Harris, Mrs Hart, Garry Hickton, Mrs Gerri Hickton, Holbrook, Mrs Hopkinson (Deputy Mayor), Miss Hosker, Major, Mrs McGraw, Mrs Mellors, Miller, Parkinson, Pepios, A Phillips, F Phillips, Powell, Sewell, Shelton, Abey Stevenson (The Mayor), Summerfield, Miss Tatham, Treacy, Wallis, Walton and White In Attendance: Reverend Gill Turner-Callis, Mayor’s Chaplain Officers: Jeremy Jaroszek, Chief Executive Phillip Wright, Director of Operational Services Lorraine Poyser, Director of Community Services Brendan Morris, Head of Law and Corporate Governance David Watson, Head of Finance and Deputy Section 151 Officer Angelika Kaufhold, Committee, Scrutiny & Civic Affairs Manager Stewart Millar, Communications and Culture Manager Phil Chapman, Macebearer Sue Dunkley, Democratic and Civic Support Officer Lynne Ghent, Committee and Scrutiny Officer 303 PRAYERS The Mayor’s Chaplain led the meeting in prayers. 304 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Councillors Mrs Bonam, Mrs Harrison, McCandless, P Phillips, Mrs Wilson and Wright. 305 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Member Minute Subject Nature of Interest Number Councillor Mrs 308 Public questions Councillor Mrs McGraw declared an McGraw interest in minute number 308 as she lives within the parliamentary boundary of Mid-Derbyshire. Councillor F 312 Questions by Councillor F Phillips declared an Phillips members to the interest in minute number 312 as he Leader, Lead is a borough councillor for the Member or Larklands ward. Member Minute Subject Nature of Interest Number Chairman of a committee Councillor 313 Notices of Councillor Dawson declared an Dawson motion interest in minute number 313 because he is a member of the Safer & Stronger Communities Board.
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