Promotion of tourism, arts, design, cuisines key to UP’s progress, say acclaimed film-makers, artists

AGRA, 5 January 2016: Tourism enables the socio-economic emancipation of the state. Making this opening remark at a session titled ‘Uttar Pradesh the soft power – special focus on art, culture, lifestyle, design & tourism in Uttar Pradesh’ at the U.P. Pravasi Diwas being organised in Agra by the Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, NRI Department and FICCI, film-maker Mr Rajah said that through art, each region and sub-region is able to assert its own distinct identity. Art also plays a key role in globalising Uttar Pradesh, he observed.

Dr Satish Chand Rai, Producer, Director, Publisher, Raivision Academy of Film International Girmit Association, Australia, who is credited with making the first ever film on Girmitiyas, said that plans are afoot to make a major film on the story of Girmitiyas. Mr Ali added that Dr Rai’s works could trigger a movement for Girmitiya films.

Mr Roney Simon, Director, Via Michele Diverio and FICCI representatives in Italy, said that design plays a vital role in the progress of a country. He said that arts and crafts in Uttar Pradesh will flourish if international design capabilities are established in the state. Such institutions can help the artisans to make world class products.

To this, Mr Navneet Kumar Sehgal, Principal Secretary, Information Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, responded by saying that the Government has established a Design Centre under the leadership of Ms Zohra Chatterjee and that NRIs and PIOs may look to collaborate with this centre for the promotion of arts and crafts.

Mr Rahul Mitra, Producer & CEO, Wave Cinemas, said there is scope for promoting film- induced tourism in the state. He called for a single window mechanism for extending support to film making in the state.

Mr Anoop Jalota, renowned singer, said the state government should take up the sponsorship of films made on eminent artists like Sahiba and Sitara . He also urged the Government to provide suitable support to famed artists who have fallen into difficult personal circumstances. Mr Sehgal informed the gathering that the UP Government will provide pension to artists in need. He also welcomed the suggestion on state sponsorship on film projects centred on great artists of the state.

Mr Sudhir Mishra, Film Producer and Director, stated emphatically that the Government should only provide financial assistance and that film-makers should have the freedom to make their own movies. He also said that the Government should continue to respect freedom of expression and allow contrarian views to emerge through films. He urged the Government to set up a film institute in the state, perhaps with focus on screenplay and editing to begin with. Mr Sehgal responded to the suggestion by informing the gathering that plans are afoot to set up a film institute in the state.

Ms Alka Bhatnagar, Cultural Ambassador of UP in USA, spoke about how NRIs in the US maintain deep interest in Indian music. She spoke about holding shows in the state to support universities that promote art and culture.

Ms Meera Ali, Producer, Kotwara Studio, suggested that the Government should launch a Wajid Ali Shah Festival. She also called for a mechanism to extend design support to the weavers of .

Mr Neeraj Ghaywan , Film Director, said that subsidy may also be extended to projects wherein books on UP are adapted to films. He also said that a platform should be created to promote the folklore of Uttar Pradesh.

In the interactive session, the panel favourably received a suggestion on creating a writers workshop.