Trades. [Bedfordshire

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Trades. [Bedfordshire 23~ FAR TRADES. [BEDFORDSHIRE. ' 1 FARMERs-continued. 1Holdswck Albert, Hyde & Swpsley,Luton Juett Hermitage, Flitton, Ampthil Green Brothers, Puddlehill, Dunstable Holdstock E. Hyde, Luton Keat John, Wood End, Marston Morteyne• Green Arthur Simon, Bletsoe, Bedford Holland William, Totternhoe, Dunstable Ampthill Green Ernest,Keysoe rw.Keysoe,St.Neots Hollingsworth George, Woburn ·; Keech W. \Vood End, Bolnhurst, St.Xeots Green H. W. Cranfield, Woburn Sands Holmes David, Moor end, Eaton Bray. Keen A. H. Houghton Regis, Dunstable Green John Rudd, Great Barford, Sandy Dumtable Keep Jn. Stag~den barn, Stag!lden, Bedfrd Green \Villiam, Bolnhurst, St. Neots Holmes William, Tottcrnhoe, Dunstable Keep Mrs. Mary, Elstow Hardwick, Green William, Brook ho. Riseley, Bedford Halt Edmund, R!Wensden, Bedford Elstow, Bedford Green William R. Gt. Barford, Sandy Hopkins Thomas, Leighton Buzzard Kefiord Henry Robt.Henlow,Biggleswade Griffin Jn. Stanbridge, Leighton Buzzard Hopperton E. L. Lit. Staughton, SL~""eots Kendall Mrs. Anne, Millowbury, Dunton, Grimes Frank, Bourne end, Cranfield, Horley William Benjamin, Heath & Biggleswade \Voburn Sands Reach, Leighton Buzzard Kendall Arthur A. Roxton, St. Xeoh! Gudgin Frederick (exors. of), Mepper Horn Henry, Studham, Dunstable Kestell Brothers, Heath &, shall, Shefiord Horrell Edwd. Harry, Knotting,Sharnbrk Leighton Buzzard Gurney Edwd.C. Tilsworth,Leightn.Bzzrd · Horsford Chas. Keysoe row,Keysoe,St.Xts Kidman Mrs. F. Twinwoods, Clapham, Gyselynck :\Irn. Alice, Odell, Sharnbrook llorsfurd Hubert, Upper Dean,Huntngdn Bedford Rain James, \Vhipsnade, Dunstable Horsford J. A. Upper Dean, Huntingdon Kidman Hugh, Biggleswade Hale Daniel H. Clift<Jn, Biggleswade . Horton Fred, Totternhoe, Dunstable Kidman James ,Julian, Dunton, Biggleswd Hall Charles, Cop le, Bedford · Horton Thomas, Cranfield, · \Vharley, Kid man Percy, Biggleswade Hall John, Nether Dean, Huntingdon Xewport Pagnell Bucks) King Jn. & Sons, Southill, Biggleswade Hallliworth Phillip, The Dane, Hough- Houghton George, Colmworth, St. Neots King Arth. Seymour, Bolnhurst, St. Neots ton Conquest, Ampthill Howard Mrs. P. Riseley, Bedford King Charles, Grove & Baden farms, Hallworth George, Herring green, Cotton 1 Howard Walt.Woodhouse,Duloe,St.Neots Turvey, Bedford End, Bedford Howard William Henry, Duloe, St. Neots King Harry, Colmworth, St. ).Teats Hallworth Jonathan, \Vilshamstead,Bdfrd Howe Saml. )I. L. Cranfield,\Voburn Suds King Nathaniel, Colmworth, St. ~eots Hallworth Philip, Wilshamstead, Bedford Howe Wm. A. Cranfield, Woburn Sands King Wilfred Ernest, Berry farm, Brom- Handley Chas. Hugh,Hcnlow,Biggleswade Howes Charles Albert, Wootton, Bedford ham, Bedford . Handley Samuel Dickenson, West end, Howes Richard, Streatley, Dunstable Kinns Albert, Cranfield, Wharley, ~!cw- Kempston, Bedford · Howkins Benjamin, Mollivers farm, Brom- port Pagncll (Bucks) Handley Thomas, Oakley, Bedford ham, Bedford Kitchener G. \V. Astwiek, Stotfold (Herts} Harris Anrlrew & R. Silsoe, Ampthill Howkins Benjamin, Oakley, Bedford Knight John, Harrold, Sharnbrook Harris Anthony, Silsoe, Ampthill : Howkins Benjamin, West end, Stagsden, Labrum \V m. Billington, Leighton Buzzrd Harris G. Husborne Crawley, Aspley Gse Bedford Laird Albert, Lower Sundon, Dunstable Harris William, Leagrave marsh, Lut<Jn Howkins Frederick, Clapham, Bedford Lamb William, Campton, Shefford Harrison Samuel Charles, Salph End, Howkins J.Cold harbour,Clapham, Bedfrd Lancaster James, Cranfield, \Voburn Suds Renhold, Bedford Howkins William, Colmworth, St. Neots Lane Richd. Rads End, Eversholt, Wobrn Harrison Stephen, Wilden, Bedford Howkins William, \Vood End, Boln- L'1rkinson H. \Vrestlingworth, Sandy Hartop B. & \V. Limbury, Luton hurst, St. Neots Law Arthur, Ickwell, Rigglcswade Hartop Brothers, Keysoe, St. Neots ! Hur.klesby .J. Upper Sundon, Dunstable Lee Evan, Leagrave, Luton Harklp Arthur Edwin, Putnoe house, Hull & Folbigg, Colesden, Wyboston, St. Lee Evan William, Limbury, Luton Goldington, Bedford Neots Lee Henry Brown, Dunton, Biggleswade Hartop B. Brook end, Keysoe, St. Neots Hull Jamcs, Great Barford, Sandy Lilley Arthur, Upper Dean, Huntingdon Hartop Benjamin, StopE~ley, Luton Hull Moses, Great Rarford, Sandy Lilley Waiter, "Lpper Dean, Hnntingdon Hartop John B. Riseley, Bedford !Hull Williafll, Roxton, St. Neots Lincoln Alfred, Meppershall, Shefford HartopW.NetherCrawley,Stopsley, Luton Hull William James, \Vilden, Bedford Line Wm. H. Aspley Guise, Woburn Snds' Hartop W. Oakley, Bedford Hulme Samuel, Wilden, Bedford Lines A.Dyers hall, Harlington, Dunstabl(} Hartop William, Kcysoe row, Keysoc HumphrPys Francis, Lidlington, Ampthill Lines Arthur, Shillingkln, Hitchin ~ Backnoe End, Bolnhurst, St. ="!eots ! Humphreys Geo. Ridgmont, Aspley Guise Lines H. N. T~idlington, Ampthill Rattan George, Cranfield, \Vharley, New·'Humphreys Henry James, \Vater End, Linford Alfred, Riseley, Bedford port Pagn~ll (Bucks) Eversholt, Woburn Litehfield Edgar, Pavenham, Bedford FrawRes Cecil, Salford, Woburn Sands Hunt John, Toddington, Dllnstable Long Robert, Upper St<Jndon, Shefford Hawkes Chas.Stanbridge, Leightn. Buzzrd Hunt John, jun. Heme Poplars, Todding· Lovell Charles, Renhold, Bedford Hawkes George, Salford manor, Salford, ton, Dnnstable Lovcll H. Chas. Cranfield, \Voburn Sands Woburn Sands Hunter John, Henlow, Biggleswade Lovell Wm. Salph End, Renhold, Bedford Hawkey Thomas H. The Manor farm, Hyde Geo . .Marston Morteyne, Ampthill Low \Valdron Wells, Steppingley park, Yielden, Sharnbrook lbbott Charles, Kempston, Bedford & Ampthill Hawkins B. Keysoe row, Keysoc, St. Neots Stevington Lyon John, Copt hall, Hyde, Lnton Hawkins C.Hardwick hill,Elstow, Bedford Impey James, Whipsnade, .:\faddams John, Clophill, Ampthill Hawkins Frank, Campton, Shefford Ingle Christopher, Bletsoe park, Bedford .:\'Iann Mrs. S. A. Hocklifle Hawkins George, Campton, Shefiord Ingle Oscar, Eaton Socon, St.. Neots .:\fanning \Villiam, Biddenham, Bedford Hawkins Samuel, Lit. Staughton, St.Neots 1 Ingrey Robt. Stotfold, Baldock (Herts) .:\fanyweathers William,Millbrook,Ampthll Hawkins Thos. Little Staughton, St. N eats Ingrey William H. ( exors. of), Stotfold, Mardlin George, jun. Turvey, Bedford Hawkins William, Eaton Socon, St. Neots Baldock (Herts) :\fardlin George Wm. Turvey, Bedford Haws Mrs. Charlotte, Sharnbrook Inns Geo. Whits end, Eversholt, \Voburn ;\larlow George, Toddington, Dunstable Headland Jesse, Knotting, Sharnbrook Inskip Alfred, Clifton, Biggleswade ::\Iarshall Ebenezer, Manor farm, Sandy 8v Heady }'redk. Chas. Milton Bryan,Wobrnjinskip Charles Alfred, Haynes, Bedford South Mills farm, Blunham, Sandy Heathcote& Chandler,Bolnhurst,St. Neots 'Inskip Charles Herbcrt, Stanford, :\fartin Gcorgc, Barton, Ampthill Hebbes Charles, Wilshamstead, Bedford Sonthill, Biggleswade Masters Benjamin, Wilshamstead, Rcdfrd Hedges Charles J. Millbrook, Ampthill Inskip Mrs. Jane, Shcfiord Hardwicke, Matthews Albert, Caldecote, Biggleswade Hedges Henry, Millbrook, Ampthill Shefford i\Iatthcws James, Berry fields, Kcysoc, Hedges Robert, Pottesgrove, Woburn Inwards Mrs. James, Hockliffe St. Neots Heley T. Clipstonc, Lcighton Buzzard hherwood F. W. Langford, Bi~gleswade Matthcws James, Eversholt, Woburn Henley Mrs. A. Totternhoe, Dnnstable Ivory William Henry, The Hoo, l\Tepper- Matthews )irs. John, Haynes, Bedford Hensman John, The Manor, Fclmersham, shall, Shefford Matt.hews John, Keysoe, St. Neots Sharnbrook James Mrs. Namoia, Keysoe row, Keysoe, Matthews Thomas, Kevsoe, St. Ncots Rerbert Frank, Colmworth, St. Neots St. Neots Matthews Thomas M. Thurlcigh, Bedford Hickman Ebenzr. Kensworth, Dunstable Jarvis Harry, \Vildcn, Bedford 1\fatthews William,Wilshamstead, Bedford Higgins 1\Iiss S. Hulcote, Woburn Sands .Teeves Mark, St. Neots road, Sandy Maycock Cyril & Waiter, Turvey lo. Bdfrd Higgs William F. Harlington, Dun~table Jcfieries Benjamin, Ravensden, Bedford 1\Iayes George Lowthcr, Renhold, Bedford Hildred Henry, Arlesey Jefferson George E. Elstow, Bedford !\byes Mauriee, Cardington, Bedford Hill Joseph, Pottesgrove, Woburn Jellis 1\Irs. S. A. Steppingley, Ampthill ~Iayes William, Sevick end, Wilden, Bdfrd Hill William, Lower Stondon, Shefford Jennings Wm. Wres.tlingworth, Sandy ~faync Charles, Wrestlingworth, Sandy Hill William, Salford, Woburn Sands Jepps Albert, Shillington, Hitchin Mayne John, Eyworth, Sandy Hillier William. Studham, Dunstable 1 Jepps J. (exors. of), Shillingkln, Hitchin Measures Benj. jun. "Cp. Dean, Huntingdn Hillyard Amos, Harrowden, Bedford Johnson John Butler, Sutton, Sandy Measures Chas. Nether Dean, Huntingdon Hilson Samuel,Picts hill, Turvey, Bedford Jordan Chas.BlackBull,Thurleigh, Bedford Medlow Brothers, Chellington, Sharnbrk Hilton Fras. John, Kempston, Bedford Jordan Chas. Stanbridge, Lcighton Bzzrd 1\fchew Gcorgc, Nether Dean, Huntingdon Hinson Fras. 1\forley, Tebworth, Hockliffe J ordfl.n Harry, Col m worth, St. Neots 1\fillard A. T. Cranfield, Astwood, Newport Roar Richard, Studham, Dnnstable J oyee Charles, Lidlington, Ampthill Pagnell Hoare Arth. Fonrne Hill manor, Hockliffe Joyce Charles Albert, Renhold, Bedford Millard Mrs. Elizh. Milwn Bryan, Woburn Hobbs Frederick, 28 Stanbridge road, Joyce John, Cranfield, Woburn Sands )iillard John, Aspley Guise Lcighton Buzzard J oyce John Stanley, Renbold, Bedford )filler Misses S. A. & A. 1\L Lidlington, Hodge Joseph Cheshire, Radwell, }'elmer- Joyce Thomas, Cranfield, Woburn Sands Ampthill sham, Sharnbrook Joyce Thomas, Renhold, Bedford Mitchell William, Great Badord, Sandy Holben Harry, Hockliffe grounds, Hocklfie Joyce William Henry, Cardingwn, Bedfrd Mole William, sen. Carlton, Sharnbrook .
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