Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council

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Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council A Meeting was held on 18th January 2021 Virtual Meeting via Zoom at 7.30pm Present: PCllr M Perry, PCllr C Kew, PCllr S Bates, PCllr M Gossage, PCllr J Stone, PCllr L Barry, PCllr J Browning, BCllr Wootton, Mrs G Wiggs (Parish Clerk), and 13 members of the public. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None. 2. DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERS LOCAL & PECUNIARY INTERESTS IN THE BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTED HEREUNDER None. 3. TO VERIFY THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS PARISH COUNCIL MEETING These were approved. 4. MATTERS ARISING Play Equipment Quotes – PCllr Browning reported that these are on hold for the duration of the lockdown. Average Speed Cameras – BCllr Royden has confirmed that our application will be added to the list for consideration. He explained that they are still extremely rare across the country. The cameras are extremely effective but also very expensive at around £75,000 and the Borough Council receives no funding from the fines produced. He appreciated the offer of financial assistance and this demonstrates the commitment of the local community. However, he explained that the list is growing every year, & there are about 90 site requests across the Borough. This is at a time when the Council is seeking to find £27million cuts not least to cover the cost of the Covid crisis. He was therefore not sure when the next schemes will be affordable. Bereavement - condolences sent. School Nativity Project – grant application declined. SID Risk Assessment – circulated. SID data sharing with Pertenhall & Ravensden – Pertenhall have agreed, Ravensden yet to reply (meeting 19/1/21) 5. OPEN FORUM FOR MEMBERS AND THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK Fly tipping – PCllr Gossage reported that fly tipping on Church Rd has been reported. “Young at Heart” – PCllr Browning suggested that at a suitable point in the future the Parish Council could consider any play equipment for older “young at heart” residents. Councillors agreed this would be a good future project. War Memorial – Thanks were offered to Penny Heming for maintaining the War Memorial which is looking really lovely. Superfast Broadband – A resident asked if there was any news on achieving Superfast Broadband speeds in harder to reach areas of the Parish. The Chairman confirmed there was no news. BCllr Wootton suggested residents contact The Mayor & their MP to raise their concerns, as we are now at the stage where most households have Superfast Broadband, & we are left with the more challenging areas needing to be delivered. PCllr Gossage will also contact someone in Open Reach – Action PCllr Gossage Cannabis Factory – A resident reported that following the Police raid, 8 skips of rubbish were removed, but there is still some remaining yet to be taken away. Planning Applicant, land adjacent Rose Cottage, Hatch End – This resident introduced herself & offered to take any questions about her planning application. School Lane Flooding – The owners of the Old School House raised concern about the damage caused to the Old School House, in the Christmas floods. She was grateful to BCllr Wootton & Council Officers 1 Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council & staff who attended & helped as best they could, but it was to little effect regretfully. The flood damage is extensive, & is currently in the hands of insurers. Borough Council staff in attendance tried to clear the drain to the B660, but it was evident there was a significant blockage that caused the water to back up & hence flood. This area has never flooded before & there are no ditches to maintain. It is evident this drain blockage is the root cause of the issue. Residents purchased pumps in an effort to clear water & stop the flood recurring. This is a real danger, given that the drain blockage has not yet been cleared. Thanks were particularly offered to residents Jeremy Lucas, Harry Noble & Claudio Cuccurollo, who worked tirelessly to help. BCllr Wootton explained there has been significant flood devastation across the Borough. The team has been under enormous pressure as they have had so many incidents to attend to, and many houses have needed to be evacuated. He was really pleased that Highways managed to attend at Bolnhurst on Christmas Eve, & there is another storm warning on the way. He suggested emailing the Mayor and Borough Officers to push for the work to be done to clear the blocked drain as soon as possible. As the Old School is an important Community Building that hosts events such as Parish Council meetings, community events & is a Polling Station, the Parish Council will also contact The Mayor & Council Officers about this, & also thank the residents that helped – Action The Clerk Roadside Nature Reserves – A resident asked BCllr Wootton what the management plan is for these. They appear to have been cut, but the cuttings have been left which will inhibit wildflower growth. BCllr Wootton explained that there is limited funding for maintaining these & he understands they are only cut every few years. Refuse collection Timetable bin labels over Xmas – A resident asked BCllr Wootton why these were not provided. BCllr Wootton will enquire – Action BCllr Wootton 6. FORTHCOMING RESIGNATION OF CHAIRMAN PCllr Bates explained that as he has moved out of the area, he felt it appropriate to tender his resignation. He is happy to stay up to the AGM if needed. Given that we have had a resident enquire about joining the Parish Council recently it was decided it may be best to do this straight away, in case the opportunity is lost. PCllr Bates therefore tendered his resignation with immediate effect. PCllr Bates confirmed he is happy to be contacted at any time to help & advise. Thanks were offered to him for his many years as a Parish Councillor and as Chairman. His experience will be greatly missed. The Clerk also offered her personal thanks for his support over many years. The Clerk explained that the Borough Council will need to be advised & we will be issued with a notice of vacancy. If no one asks for an election after 2 weeks then we can proceed with a Co-option. – Action The Clerk 7. CORONA VIRUS PCllr Barry reported that the support group has received 4 requests for assistance recently, all of which have been fulfilled. She asked everyone to keep in touch with their neighbours – especially any that live alone. Penny Heming confirmed regular phone contact is continuing to be made to many residents. 8. PLANNING PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR COMMENT: 20/02734/LDE – Certificate of lawful dev (existing) for commercial use of stable & Carriage House, together with retention of original stables & attached open fronted barn - Carriage House, Temple Farm, Wybridge – no comments. 2 Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council 20/02989/FUL – two storey side extension, single story side extension, canopy roof to front door & associated alterations – The Winnat, Mill Hill – No objections. A comment would be made to ask for off road parking, as currently there is regular parking on the footpath. The applicant explained she had contractors on site & was not aware this was happening. She will deal with it straight away. 20/02954/FUL – Erection of 5 bedroomed residential dwelling & garage & ancillary works – land adjacent Rose Cottage, Hatch Lane – No objections. 20/03016/FUL – Two storey front extension to existing garage & conversion to residential annexe – Brook House, Kimbolton Rd, Bolnhurst – No objections. A comment would be made seeking consideration for neighbours during the construction phase, given the close proximity to The Plough PH. 21/00016/LBC Listed building application for conversion of existing outbuildings to a single dwelling house - Little Farm House, St Neots Road, Bolnhurst - No objections. A comment would be made seeking a condition to ensure the pond is retained unchanged. APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN: 20/01625/FUL Erection of an all-weather menage to support the use of stabling and paddocks as an established equestrian property- Turnpike Farm, St Neots Road, Bolnhurst 20/00979/FUL & 20/00983/LBC Demolition and replacement of link building with new roof configuration, addition of secondary glazing to ground floor windows in main dwelling, removal of section of wall, addition of photovoltaics to rear falling slope of roof and new glazed windows to first floor rear elevation - Glen Cottage, Keysoe Row West APPLICATIONS GONE TO APPEAL: Planning Appeal Hearing to take place 10/2/21 at 10am. Inspectorate no: APP/KO235/C/19/3220016 & APP/K035/C/3220017 Appeal against enforcement notice 15/00303/UNDEV to cease use of land for the storage of building materials - land opposite 1 – 5 Mill Hill Appeal following refusal for permission to erect a new dwelling 20/00746/FUL, Full Planning Inspectorate no: APP/K0235/W/20/3262808 Land at Old Mill House, Mill Lane Keysoe Local Plan Call for Sites - The Clerk explained that this has been updated, & there now appears to be 8 sites put forward by land owners in this Parish. These are available to view on the Bedford Borough Council website. The Borough Council usually receives several hundred site suggestions when they carry out a Call for Sites. They will assess all sites put forward, & once shortlisted, they will consult on them. 9. TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING PAYMENTS: Bank Account Reconciled 24/11/20 - £23,432.08 Accounts approved: Morelock Signs Ltd – SID (Pd 19/11/20) £3,159.60 P Heming – handyman £60.00 G Wiggs – Clerks account £572.37 Beds Pension Fund £167.14 HMRC – Income Tax £110.40 Grant for Newsletter £105.00 BATPC – subs £168.00 Worboys – grass cutting £1,092.00 3 Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council 10. BUDGET & PRECEPT 2021/22 Bedford Borough Council have pointed out that many tax bases have gone down, including ours. This is largely due to more households being in financial hardship & therefore eligible for reduced Council Tax.
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