Financial statements 2013 Important dates in 2014 Annual General Meeting Uponor Corporation’s Annual General Meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 19 March 2014 at 5 p.m. at the Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre, Messuaukio 1, Helsinki, Finland. Financial accounts bulletin for 2013 14 February 8 a.m. EET Financial Statements for 2013 14 February - Annual General Meeting 19 March 5 p.m. EET Record date for dividend payment 24 March* - Date for dividend payment 31 March* Interim report: January–March 28 April 8 a.m. EET Interim report: January–June 25 July 8 a.m. EET Interim report: January–September 29 October 8 a.m. EET * Proposal of the Board of Directors Uponor Investor Relations Questions and enquiries book-entry securities account of any The interim reports and corporate E-mail:
[email protected] changes in their mailing address. releases will be published in Finnish and English on the company website. Meeting requests Silent period You can order Uponor’s investor pub- Päivi Dahlqvist, Executive Assistant Uponor applies the principle of a lications conveniently via the compa- Tel. +358 (0)20 129 2823 silent period in its IR communications. ny website, at
[email protected] During a silent period, Uponor does > Investors > News & downloads not comment on market prospects or > Subscription services, where you Other IR contacts factors affecting business and perfor- can also modify your contact informa- Riitta Palomäki, CFO mance, nor does the company engage tion or cancel your subscription. Tel. +358 (0)20 129 2822 in discussion on events or trends
[email protected] related to the current or unreported You can also order publications fiscal period.