Informal Gathering

All course participants who already are in Esbjerg are welcome to come to the lobby of the CabInn, Skolegade 14, 6700 Esbjerg at 19.00, where we will meet and then go out to dinner together. Bowling-and-dinner has been moved to Monday evening. Phone and homepage for CabInn: (+45) 75 18 16 00. ______MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2009


FOR GENERALLY USEFUL INFORMATION ON BUS CONNECTIONS FROM THE CENTER OF ESBJERG TO SDU AND AALBORG UNIVERSITY IN ESBJERG (ACROSS THE STREET FROM EACH OTHER), AS WELL AS A MAP, PLEASE SEE PAGES 13-16. ______Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics: A Post-Millennial Program for the and Sound – Cynthia M. Grund Monday, March 30, 2009 from 09.00 to 11.00 Location: Syddansk Universitet (SDU), Lokale 1a&b, Niels Bohrs Vej 9, Esbjerg

Cynthia M. Grund (FT/fil.dr) is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy, and the Study of Religions, SDU; Director of the Cross-Disciplinary Network for Studies of Music and Meaning (NTSMB); Founder and Editor-in-Chief of JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning; Research Director for The Aesthetics of Music and Sound – Cross- Disciplinary Interplay between The Humanities, Technology and Musical Practice (of which several of the Danish participants in NNIMIPA are members); and Network Coordinator for NNIMPA. Grund is has worked on the relationships between metaphor, music and logic and is currently absorbed in studies of the ways in which the use of IT-technology to analyze and model music revitalizes traditional music aesthetics.

An action-packed introduction to the wonderful world of NNIMIPA.

. . . well, that's Søren R. Frimodt-Møller's version of the title of my talk, but I like it, so it stays!

Actually, there is a lot of action in the NNIMIPA world, and it IS a wonderful world. Organized in 2007. NNIMIPA is the result of a several-year-long odyssey of network-building starting with NTSMB, the Network for Cross-Disciplinary Studies of Music and Meaning, in 2001 - please see - continuing through the founding of The Journal of Music and Meaning in 2003 - please see - and onward through 2006, when the SDU research program The Aesthetics of Music and Sound – Cross- Disciplinary Interplay between The Humanities, Technology and Musical Practice, a joint effort involving SDU, Aalborg University in Esbjerg and The Academy of Music and Music Communication, Page 2 of 16 PROGRAM, SCHEDULE & PRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR NORDPLUS COURSE: MUSIC INFORMATICS, PERFORMANCE AND AESTHETICS. MARCH 29 – APRIL 4, 2009, ESBJERG, DENMARK. ______Esbjerg en_Cynthia.ashx was established.

1. For insight into the reasons for establishing networks concerned with Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics - and for the establishment of a platform for a post-millenial aesthetics of music and sound - please see:

(2007) Grund, Cynthia M “How Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval Interface with Music- And-Meaning Studies: Overview of Panelists’ Suggestions for Discussion Topics.”; Proceedings of the 2007 International Computer Music Conference, August 27-31, 2007. Copenhagen, Denmark. San Francisco and Copenhagen: The International Computer Music Association and Re:New - Digital Arts Forum, pp. 133-136. ISBN: 0-9713192-5- 1.

(2006b) Grund, Cynthia M. “A Philosophical Wish List for Research in Music Information Retrieval.” (Poster) ISMIR 2006: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. Roger Dannenberg, Kjell Lemström and Adam Tindale, eds. Victoria: University of Victoria, pp. 383-384. ISBN-13: 978-1-55058-349-6; ISBN-10:1-55058-349- 2.

(2006a) Grund, Cynthia M. “Interdisciplinarity and Computer Music Modeling and Information Retrieval: When Will the Humanities Get into the Act.” Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval, LNCS 3902. Richard Kronland-Martinet, Thierry Voinier and Sølvi Ystad, eds. Berlin-Heidelberg- New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 265-273. ISBN-10: 3-540-34027-0; ISBN-13: 978-3-540-34027-0. (Available at with institutional access)

(2005b) Grund, Cynthia M. “Double Jeopardy: The Interdisciplinary Study of Music and Meaning:” “Viewpoint” in Danish Yearbook of , Vol. 32, 2004 pp. 9-14. ISBN: 87-88328-23- 6;

(2005a) Grund, Cynthia M. “Music Information Retrieval, Memory and Culture: Some Philosophical Remarks.” Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. Joshua D. Reiss and Geraint A. Wiggins, eds. London: Queen Mary, University of London, pp. 8-12. ISBN: 0-9551179-0-9. (For ISMIR2005 online proceedings, please see

2. As a short introduction to the development of virtual venues for music performance attended by avatar audiences, a demonstration of SDU-SL, the campus of the University of Southern Denmark in Second Life, will be provided. (This also provides a nice prequel to David’s talk!)

If you would like to experience SDU-SL directly, just have your avatar visit

Should you prefer just to read about some of the - non-musical - goings on in SDU-SL, please see:

(2008b) Grund, Cynthia M. and Jesper Pilegaard. “Percipitopia: An Educational and Research Tool Utilizing Digital Content Creation and Textual Reappropriation in Second Life.” Paper accepted on the basis of a peer-reviewed abstract and presented by Grund and Pilegaard at Digital Content Creation: Creativity, Competence, Critique:The second international DREAM conference, Page 3 of 16 PROGRAM, SCHEDULE & PRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR NORDPLUS COURSE: MUSIC INFORMATICS, PERFORMANCE AND AESTHETICS. MARCH 29 – APRIL 4, 2009, ESBJERG, DENMARK. ______September 18-20, 2008 University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. Electronically published at

(2008a) Grund, Cynthia M., Rasmus Blok and Jesper Pilegaard. “Perception and Reality in - and out - of Second Life: Second Life as a Tool for Philosophical Reflection and Instruction at the University of Southern Denmark.” Paper accepted on the basis of a peer-reviewed abstract and presented by Blok at the European University Information Systems Organisation conference EUNIS2008: VISION IT - Vision for IT in , June 24 - 27, 2008, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Electronically published at ISBN for electronic publication: 978-87-91234-58-3; ISBN for printed publication: 978-87-91234-56-9. ______Music Perception - Kristoffer Jensen Monday, March 30, 2009 from 11.00 to 13.00 Location: Syddansk Universitet (SDU), Lokale 1a&b, Niels Bohrs Vej 9, 6700 Esbjerg

Kristoffer Jensen (MS, PhD) is an Associate Professor within the Medialogy Department at Aalborg University at Esbjerg and an expert on computer music modeling, Jensen is also interested in the challenges posed by the use of autonomous agents in music production. Jensen is a driving force behind re:new – Digital arts forum

The combined knowledge of sounds used in music and the capabilities of the hearing system is here presented in order to show the implications for music perception. Sounds, starting from a pure tone, is used to show models for loudness, pitch, dissonance/consonance, and timbre (2), among other things. Music examples is given together with measurements from auditory models to show how these auditory features react to music. Examples of how the understanding of the auditory features can be used in music creative processes is given. Finally, examples of music visualization (1) that can assist in solfege is given.






For the more technically inclined (1) Jensen, K., Multiple scale music segmentation using rhythm, timbre and harmony, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special issue on Music Information Retrieval Based on Signal Processing. 2006. Available online:

Page 4 of 16 PROGRAM, SCHEDULE & PRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR NORDPLUS COURSE: MUSIC INFORMATICS, PERFORMANCE AND AESTHETICS. MARCH 29 – APRIL 4, 2009, ESBJERG, DENMARK. ______(2) Jensen, K., The Timbre Model. In Workshop on current research directions in computer music, Barcelona, Spain, pages 174-186, 2001. Available online: ______Lunch Monday, March 30, 2009 from 13.00 to14.00 Location: Aalborg Universitet i Esbjerg (AAUE) Cafeteria, Niels Bohrs Vej 8, 6700 Esbjerg ______Lecture/Discussion and Workshop – David G. Hebert Monday, March 30, 2009 from 14.00 to 18.00 Location: Syddansk Universitet, Lokale 1a&b, Niels Bohrs Vej 9, Esbjerg

Lecture/Discussion and Workshop

David G. Hebert, PhD is a Professor with the Sibelius Academy Helsinki, Finland. Widely published in the fields of and , he has held academic positions with universities in the USA, Japan, Russia, New Zealand, and Finland [].

This 3.5 hour session (in 2-parts) will cover seven major themes:

1. Presentation on historical development of industry in Japan (Yamaha, Roland, Kawai, Korg), as well as current issues and trends (e.g. chaku uta, music video games). 2. Discussion of the widespread public effects and implications for music informatics of several recently popularized tools (GoogleDocs, Skype, Ning, Box, MySpace, Facebook, Blogspot, iTunes, Wikipedia, Second Life, etc.) 3, Discussion of several major projects: Smithsonian Global Sound, Music Genome Project and Pandora, RILM Online, Grove Online. 4. Discussion of issues and prospects in online music education. 5. Discussion of newly emerging online music research methodologies and related tools (e.g. Survey Monkey). 6. Discussion of new global trends in the digital music industry (IFPI Digital Music Report, 2009). 7. Group Skype to Alex Ruthmann in the USA regarding new music technologies in education.

PREPARATORY READINGS (all but one are free, open-access online):

[These may be accessed at]

Alex Ruthmann’s Blog []

Hebert, D. G. (2008a). “Forms of Graduate Music Education: A Response to Kenneth Phillips,” Research and Issues in Music Education, Vol. 6 [].

Hebert, D. G. (2008b). “Reflections on Teaching the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music Online,” International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, Vol. 39, No. 1 (pp. 93-103). [Not open-access, provided during the lecture/discussion]

Hebert, D. G. (2007). “Five Challenges and Solutions in Online Music ,” Research and Issues in Music Education, Vol. 5 []. Page 5 of 16 PROGRAM, SCHEDULE & PRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR NORDPLUS COURSE: MUSIC INFORMATICS, PERFORMANCE AND AESTHETICS. MARCH 29 – APRIL 4, 2009, ESBJERG, DENMARK. ______

International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (2009). IFPI Digital Music Report 2009. [].

John, Joyce (September, 2006), “Pandora and the Music Genome Project”, Scientific Computing, Vol. 23(10): 14, 40–41 [ project.aspx?terms=music%20genome].

Missingham, A. (2007, October 13). “Why Console Games are Bigger than Rock and Roll.” Youth Music [].

Phillips, K. H. (2008). “Graduate Music Education,” Research and Issues in Music Education, Vol. 6 [].

Smithsonian Global Sound (2007). Smithsonian Global Sound Story: Our Mission. []

Whoriskey, Peter (2008, 16 August). “Giant of Radio Nears Its ‘Last Stand’”, The Washington Post [ dyn/content/article/2008/08/15/AR2008081503367.html?hpid=topnews]. ______Bowling-and-Dinner Monday, March 30, 2009 from 19.00 to 22.00

We will have decided on how we assemble and get there during the first session on Monday. ______TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 2009

FOR INFORMATION ON BUS CONNECTIONS FROM THE CENTER OF ESBJERG TO SDU AND AALBORG UNIVERSITY IN ESBJERG (ACROSS THE STREET FROM EACH OTHER), AS WELL AS A MAP, PLEASE SEE PAGES 13-16. ______Deliberation in Ensemble Coordination - Pt.1 – Søren R. Frimodt-Møller Tuesday, March 31, 2009 from 09.00 to 11.00 Location: Syddansk Universitet, Lokale 1a&b, Niels Bohrs Vej 9, Esbjerg

Søren R. Frimodt-Møller, PhD fellow, Institute for Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions, University of Southern Denmark.

What happens when we interact in a group? How do we reach coordination? To which extent are such processes based on rational deliberation? How does being in a group affect the actions of the individual? These questions have been the attention of both logicians (within decision theory and dynamic epistemic logic), game theorists, sociologists and biologists to name a few. Discussing coordination problems in situations where communication is unreliable (compared to face-to-face verbal communication) helps highlight the many fascinating features of actions in a group. One, very complex, but nevertheless rich resource of coordination problems is the music (ensemble) Page 6 of 16 PROGRAM, SCHEDULE & PRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR NORDPLUS COURSE: MUSIC INFORMATICS, PERFORMANCE AND AESTHETICS. MARCH 29 – APRIL 4, 2009, ESBJERG, DENMARK. ______performance. An interesting aspect of the music ensemble is that its members are always very attentive to the norms for the music performance, whether these norms are general ones applicable to any performance or rules specific for the performance in question. An example of the latter is a composition or rather, the ’s interpretation of a composition. Discussing a few specific cases from the area of music performance, this lecture will give a general introduction to some of the traditions with respect to describing deliberations and actions in a group context.


Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses and Moshe Y. Vardi (1995/2003): Reasoning about Knowledge. MIT Press. pp.4-8 (mandatory), 15-31 (only for students familiar with symbolic logic, preferably with basic skills in modal logic), 190 (from 6.1)-192 (second paragraph), plus, for those want to dig deeper, pp.109-122

Michael Bacharach, edited by Natalie Gold and Robert Sugden (2006): Beyond Individual Choice: Teams and Frames in Game Theory. Princeton University Press. pp.1-34, 120-154.

James Surowiecki (2004): The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations. Doubleday. pp. 84- 107. Available online through E-brary. (Students at SDU have online access through the university library site, the same may hold for students at other institutions. Otherwise this is a widely distributed work that should be easy to get hold of in libraries.)

The following two articles will be relevant for the students not so much in connection with this double lecture but with the entire course:

Marilyn Fischer and Isaiah Jackson (1997): “Toward a Vision of Mutual Responsiveness: Remythologizing the Symphony ” in Harmony - Forum of the Symphony Orchestra Institute no.4, April 1997.

Peter Wiegold (2001): “But Who Will Make Their Tea?” followed by a short background article, “The Guysborough Experience” in Harmony - Forum of the Symphony Orchestra Institute, no.12, April 2001. ______Practice-Based Research in General & in Scandinavia – Tere Vadén Tuesday, March 31, 2009 from 11.00 to 13.00 Location: Syddansk Univerisitet, Lokale 1a&b, Niels Bohrs Vej 9, Esbjerg

Tere Vadén (FT/fil.dr) is Assistant Professor in the Hypermedia Dept of UTA as well as a Docent in Philosophy. He has published extensively on the topic of practice-based research and is an editor of the Finnish philosophy journal Niin & Näin. Page 7 of 16 PROGRAM, SCHEDULE & PRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR NORDPLUS COURSE: MUSIC INFORMATICS, PERFORMANCE AND AESTHETICS. MARCH 29 – APRIL 4, 2009, ESBJERG, DENMARK. ______

In practice-based research a practitioner (an artist, an architect, a craftsperson, etc.) reflects on his/her practice and skills with the double purpose of (a) producing intersubjective theoretical knowledge on the practice/skill and thereby (b) developing the practice/skill further. This presents a challenge to knowledge-formation (epistemology, philosophy of science, theories of truth), as the practitioner is both the object (or part of the object) and the subject of study. Another crucial challenge is the embodied and historical nature of skills in general.

Practice-based research (sometimes also called artistic research) has been practiced in academia in fields such as music, pictorial and fine arts, design, architecture, theatre studies, and so on. Some Scandinavian institues also reward academic credentials (BA, MA, PhD) for practice-based research.

In my presentation, I will discuss the nature of practice-based research and the challenges it presents as an academic pursuit by using some recent examples of practice-based/artistic research. The purpose is to familiarise ourselves with some of the nitty-gritty everyday details of these examples, as well as to develop an understanding of what kind of features (bringing-forth, verbalization, abstraction, conceptual innovations, relevance & validity) one should pay attention to while approaching the experience of a practitioner. The idea is that these features can be used as guidelines or clues during the rest of the week when we explore the topic of musical performance, meaning and modeling.

The presentation will be based on the framework of practice-based reseach developed in Hannula, Suoranta, Vadén; Artistic Research. Theories, Methods, Practices (University of Gothenburg, 2005), see the basic model in ______Lunch Tuesday, March 31, 2009 from 13.00 to 14.00 Location: Aalborg Universitet i Esbjerg (AAUE) Cafeteria, Niels Bohrs Vej 8, 6700 Esbjerg ______Musical Communication from a Scientific Perspective – Anders Friberg Tuesday, March 31, 2009 from 14.00 to 16.00 Location: Aalborg Universitet i Esbjerg (AAUE), A210, Niels Bohrs Vej 8, 6700 Esbjerg

Anders Friberg (MS, tekn.dr.) is an Associate Professor, Docent and researcher with the Music Acoustics Group at Den Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan in Stockholm, Sweden. Friberg is an expert within research on musical performance which utilizes tools it-technology, specifically computer music modeling. He has a background in physics and is a professional pianist.

The KTH rule system for musical performance. Basic principles of emotional communication in music including gestures - a review of past research. Models for synthesis and analysis of emotions. A few artistically-oriented applications.


______Page 8 of 16 PROGRAM, SCHEDULE & PRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR NORDPLUS COURSE: MUSIC INFORMATICS, PERFORMANCE AND AESTHETICS. MARCH 29 – APRIL 4, 2009, ESBJERG, DENMARK. ______Workshop Using Analysis and Synthesis of Expression - Anders Fribgerg & Kristoffer Jensen Tuesday, March 31, 2009 from 16.00 to 18.00 Location: Aalborg Universitet i Esbjerg (AAUE), A210, Niels Bohrs Vej 8, 6700 Esbjerg

This will be a lab using gestures captured by a webcam controlling musical expression. All the lab material can be downloaded at It includes some simple programming in pd (pure-data). If this is completely new to you consider going through some preparatory reading and/or exercises as described in the lab pdf. ______Dinner Tuesday, March 31, 2009 from 19.00 to 22:00

Dinner on Tuesday has not been planned in advance; this gives everyone a few hours of unstructured time during this busy week. ______WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 2009

It is a pleasant 5 -10 minute walk from the center of town to Vestjysk Musikkonservatorium/The Academy of Music and Music Communication, Kirkegade 61. The afternoon field trip will also leave from VMK (SEE MAP ON PP. 15-16) ______Soundmapping the Genes: Workshop – Claus Gahrn, Fredrik Søegaard & Cynthia M. Grund Wednesday, April 1, 2009 from 09.00 to 13.00 Location: Vestjysk Musikkonservatorium/The Academy of Music and Music Communication, Kirkegade 61

Fredrik Søegaard and Claus Gahrn:

Fredrik Søegaard is a Diploma Guitarist, Vice Chancellor and Assistant Professor The Academy of Music and Music Communication (VMK), Esbjerg. He is a musician and composer with extensive IT-expertise, who explores the ways in which computers can aid and inspire both with regard to performance and composition. Søegaard has extensive recording and performance experience. In addition, Fredrik is a specialist in music communication.

Claus Gahrn is a musician and composer who composes both modern and electroacoustic music – see Claus has wide-ranging experience in the integration of IT both in composition and performance.


SMTG is a project exploring the use of DNA code sequences in music. The project is unique in that it encompasses both artistic and scientific research at the same time.

The workshop will include the following issues from the artistic research areas:

THE DNA CODE TRANSLATION Historical translations of DNA coding sequences will be discussed and SMTGs translation into the MIDI gene map will be presented. Page 9 of 16 PROGRAM, SCHEDULE & PRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR NORDPLUS COURSE: MUSIC INFORMATICS, PERFORMANCE AND AESTHETICS. MARCH 29 – APRIL 4, 2009, ESBJERG, DENMARK. ______

THE DNA RHYTHMS The code for the protein synthesis is reminiscent of music's rhythm and this will be discussed and analysed using examples of rhythmic work in the music of J.S.Bach.

DNA LINGUISTICS Recent and historical research implies juxtapositions of linguistic structures in DNA and human language. This work will be presented and opened for discussion of future research strategies in this field.

All the above issues will include actual music demonstrations and playing.

For more information and examples of music created within the framework of the project, please see:


(For download)


(For download)

Cynthia M. Grund

. . . will present some of the philosophical issues which are raised by SOUNDMAPPING THE GENES with regard to music aesthetics and music information retrieval. ______Lunch Wednesday, April 1, 2009 from 13.00 to 14.00 OBS! We should try to be in the cafeteria close to 12:30! Location: Cafeteria at Vestjysk Musikkonservatorium/The Academy of Music and Music Communication, Kirkegade 61 ______FIELD TRIP IN AND AROUND ESBJERG- Jens Arnspang Wednesday, April 1, 2009 from 14.00 to 22.00 We depart from Vestjysk Musikkonservatorium/The Academy of Music and Music Communication, Kirkegade 61

Jens Arnspang (PhD, Dr. Scient) is Professor of Medialogy at AAUE and founder of the Medialogy Department. Arnspang has an extensive background in computer supported music research and was Page 10 of 16 PROGRAM, SCHEDULE & PRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR NORDPLUS COURSE: MUSIC INFORMATICS, PERFORMANCE AND AESTHETICS. MARCH 29 – APRIL 4, 2009, ESBJERG, DENMARK. ______principal applicant for the successful EU grant involving 13 countries for MOSART (Musical Orchestration Systems in Algorithmic Research and Technology) 2001-2003.

Jens shows us venues and sights in and around Esbjerg relevant to the course's topics and of general local cultural and natural interest. ______THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2009

It is a pleasant 5 -10 minute walk from the center of town to Vestjysk Musikkonservatorium/The Academy of Music and Music Communication, Kirkegade 61. (SEE MAP ON PP. 15-16)

Soundmapping the Genes (continued): Claus Gahrn & Fredrik Søegaard Thursday April 2, 2009 from 09.00 to 13.00 Location: Vestjysk Musikkonservatorium/The Academy of Music and Music Communication, Kirkegade 61 Please see the text and links for April 1. ______Lunch Thursday, April 2, 2009 from 13.00 to 14.00 OBS! We should try to be in the cafeteria close to 12:30! Location: Cafeteria at Vestjysk Musikkonservatorium/The Academy of Music and Music Communication, Kirkegade 61 ______Soundmapping the Genes: Conclusion Fredrik Søegaard & Claus Gahrn Thursday, April 2, 2009 from 14.00 to 18.00 Location: Vestjysk Musikkonservatorium/The Academy of Music and Music Communication, Kirkegade 61 Please see the text and links for April 1. Thursday Cafe Thursday, April 2, 2009 from 20.00 to 22.00 Location: Vestjysk Musikkonservatorium/The Academy of Music and Music Communication, Kirkegade 61

Jazz at VMK - The Academy of Music and Music Communication ______FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2009

FOR INFORMATION ON BUS CONNECTIONS FROM THE CENTER OF ESBJERG TO SDU AND AALBORG UNIVERSITY IN ESBJERG (ACROSS THE STREET FROM EACH OTHER), AS WELL AS A MAP, PLEASE SEE PAGES 15-16. ______Deliberation in Ensemble Coordination - Pt. 2 – Søren R. Frimodt-Møller Friday, April 3, 2009 from 09.00 to 11.00 Location: Aalborg Universitet i Esbjerg (AAUE), A210, Niels Bohrs Vej 8, 6700 Esbjerg

After the students have been confronted with various issues regarding music performance during the Soundmapping the Genes sessions on Tuesday and Wendesday (of course, some students may already have thought about some of these issues before these sessions), it will be natural to invite them to discuss their experiences in terms of the considerations introduced in part 1 of this lecture. Page 11 of 16 PROGRAM, SCHEDULE & PRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR NORDPLUS COURSE: MUSIC INFORMATICS, PERFORMANCE AND AESTHETICS. MARCH 29 – APRIL 4, 2009, ESBJERG, DENMARK. ______Further, since the performances on Tuesday and Wednesday involved the aid of computers, the lecture will try to outline how such electronic “filters” or “buffers” in the musical communication process can help us deconstruct what is happening in a “regular” performance setting. What role does vision for instance play in my coordination with other players? The lecture will also draw on other examples from the field of Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval that highlight common strategies in achieving coordination, such as trying to agree on a specific interpretation of a composition, the classification of “mistakes” as more or less important, and more.

Literature (same as for pt.1):

Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses and Moshe Y. Vardi (1995/2003): Reasoning about Knowledge. MIT Press. pp.4-8 (mandatory), 15-31 (only for students familiar with symbolic logic, preferably with basic skills in modal logic), 190 (from 6.1)-192 (second paragraph), plus, for those want to dig deeper, pp.109-122

Michael Bacharach, edited by Natalie Gold and Robert Sugden (2006): Beyond Individual Choice: Teams and Frames in Game Theory. Princeton University Press. pp.1-34, 120-154.

James Surowiecki (2004): The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations. Doubleday. pp.84- 107. Available online through E-brary. (Students at SDU have online access through the university library site, the same may hold for students at other institutions. Otherwise this is a widely distributed work that should be easy to get hold of in libraries.)

The following two articles will be relevant for the students not so much in connection with this double lecture but with the entire course:

Marilyn Fischer and Isaiah Jackson (1997): “Toward a Vision of Mutual Responsiveness: Remythologizing the Symphony Orchestra” in Harmony - Forum of the Symphony Orchestra Institute no.4, April 1997.

Peter Wiegold (2001): “But Who Will Make Their Tea?” followed by a short background article, “The Guysborough Experience” in Harmony - Forum of the Symphony Orchestra Institute, no.12, April 2001. ______Performance Analysis – Søren R. Frimodt-Møller, Anders Friberg & Kristoffer Jensen Friday, April 3, 2009 from 11.00 to 13.00 Location: Aalborg Universitet i Esbjerg (AAUE), A210, Niels Bohrs Vej 8, 6700 Esbjerg

This event will be a workshop during which the theoretical aspects of performance will be applied to and integrated with the practical demonstrations on Wednesday and Thursday. ______Page 12 of 16 PROGRAM, SCHEDULE & PRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR NORDPLUS COURSE: MUSIC INFORMATICS, PERFORMANCE AND AESTHETICS. MARCH 29 – APRIL 4, 2009, ESBJERG, DENMARK. ______Lunch Friday, April 3, 2009 from 13.00 to 14.00 Location: Aalborg Universitet i Esbjerg (AAUE), Cafeteria, Niels Bohrs Vej 8, 6700 Esbjerg ______Wrap-up & Round-table Friday, April 3, 2009 from 14.00 to 18.00 Location: Aalborg Universitet i Esbjerg (AAUE), A210, Niels Bohrs Vej 8, 6700 Esbjerg ______Variety Show/Club Evening & Farewell Party Friday, April 3, 2009 from 19.00 to 22.00 Location: TBA

A good possibility is We will ask course participants on Monday if this would be a good idea for our Club Evening & Farewell Party. Tickets cost 175 Danish crowns if we reserve in advance. Here is a description in Danish:

SKIPPER JUST FROST I ti år har SP JUST FROST, nu SKIPPER JUST FROST spillet landet tyndt med deres højenergiske, funky og rullende swamp rhythm 'n' , spredt kærlighed, magi og gode stunder for titusinde af mennesker, der med garanti vil skrive under på at vi her har med et af de bedste danske live bands at gøre. Det hele begyndte i New Orleans, som med sin soul/blues/funk/jazz/rumba musikhistorie har været trioens pejlemærke hele vejen igennem. 7 cd'er er det blevet til fra trio'en der i starten forsøgte sig med engelske tekster, men nu er endt med Esben Justs underfundige danske tekst univers, der givetvis også vil være at finde på det nye , der gerne skulle udkomme i starten af foråret, altså inden trioen træder op på Tobakken.


Page 13 of 16 PROGRAM, SCHEDULE & PRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR NORDPLUS COURSE: MUSIC INFORMATICS, PERFORMANCE AND AESTHETICS. MARCH 29 – APRIL 4, 2009, ESBJERG, DENMARK. ______FOR INFORMATION ON BUS CONNECTIONS FROM THE CENTER OF ESBJERG TO SDU AND AALBORG UNIVERSITY IN ESBJERG (ACROSS THE STREET FROM EACH OTHER), schedules for busses nr. 5 and 6 follow. Bus 6 runs from the center for town and stops right at SDU and AAUE, but only runs once an hour. Bus 5 runs three times an hour from the center of town to the end of Niels Bohrs Vej, on which both SDU and AAUE are located. Just ask the driver when to get off.

There is bus informaton on line What follows here is what you need to know: