Works by Herbert Butterfield, Unless Otherwise Stated
Notes Note: All references are to works by Herbert Butterfield, unless otherwise stated. Introduction 1. 'Paul Vellacott: Master of Peterhouse, 1939-1954', The Sex 114 Oune 1956), 1-4. For Vellacott's style, see his 'The Diary of a Country Gentleman in 1688', CHJ 2 (1926-28), 48-62. 2. 'George Peabody Gooch', The Contemporary Review 200 (1961), 501-5, esp. 502. Cf. Frank Eyck, G. P. Gooch: A Study in History and Politics (1982), esp. pp. 311-405; John D. Fair, Harold Temperley: A Scholar and Romantic in the Public Realm (1992), esp. pp. 167-215; SMH, pp. 4-6; and 'Harold Temperley and George Canning', in H. W. V. Temperley, The Foreign Policy of Canning 1822-1827 (1966), p. viii. 3. C. Thomas Mcintire, 'Introduction Herbert Butterfield on Christianity and History', WCH, pp. xxiv-xxv. 4. SM, pp. 40, 45, 71-2, review of Symondson, EHR 87 (1972), 644; and DHI I, p. 403. Cf. C. Thomas Mcintire, 'Introduction Herbert Butterfield on Christianity and History', WCH, pp. xxv-xxvi. 5. 'Early Youth', BP, 7. Cf. Adolf Harnack, Christianity and History (1898); What is Christianity? (1901). 6. John L. Clive, 'The Prying Yorkshireman', New Republic 186 (23 June 1982), 31. 7. EH, pp. 88-90; GNP, pp. 196-206; and GH, pp. 220-4. 8. ' History as the Organisation of Man's Memory', in Knowledge Among Men, ed. Paul H. Oehser, (1966), p. 31. 9. For Butterfield on his writings, see 'My Literary Productions', BP, 269/3. 10. Review of Carr, CR 83 (2 December 1961), 172. 11. CH, pp.
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