BRIGHTON AND HOVE Moving On 2 A resource to support Year 6 and Year 7 students in developing social and emotional skills for transfer. Healthy Schools Team Hove Park Mansions Hove Park Villas Hove BN3 6HW Tel: 01273 293530 Fax: 01273 295392 E-mail:
[email protected] The Healthy Schools Team will provide updates to this resource online Published May 2009 Preface The transfer from primary school to secondary school is a significant event involving many complex emotions. The move ought to be successful for all pupils and we should try to ensure that the process is as smooth as possible. In Brighton & Hove schools there is already much good practice supporting pupils in managing this significant change. The CYPT welcomes wholeheartedly this new resource, Moving On 2. It will provide schools with additional materials for use within the curriculum, ensuring that pupils feel that their primary level achievements are valued and acknowledged, and enabling them to build on those achievements at secondary level. Preface ThisThe transfer resource, from primary school which to secondar yhas school isbeen a significant developed event by Brighton & Hove teachers working with consultants from involving many complex emotions. The move ought to be successf u l for all pupils and we should try to ensure that the process is as smooth as possible. theIn Brighton Advisory & Hove schools Service,there is already much replaces good practice supportingthe Moving On booklet and instead provides a Year 6 unit of work that pupils in managing this significant change. links effective literacy planning to the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) materials.