DNA-Based Environmental Monitoring for the Invasive Myxozoan Parasite, Myxobolus Cerebralis, in Alberta, Canada

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DNA-Based Environmental Monitoring for the Invasive Myxozoan Parasite, Myxobolus Cerebralis, in Alberta, Canada ! ! ! ! "#$%&'()*!+,-./0,1),2'3!40,.20/.,5!60/!27)!!8,-'(.-)!49:0;0',!<'/'(.2)=!!"#$%$&'() *+,+%,-&.(=!.,!$3>)/2'=!?','*'! ! >9! ! "',.)33)!+/.,!&'//9! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $!27)(.(!(@>1.22)*!.,!A'/2.'[email protected]),2!06!27)!/)B@./)1),2(!60/!27)!*)5/))!06! ! ! 4'(2)/!06!CD.),D)! ! .,! ! +,-./0,1),2'3!E)'327!CD.),D)(! ! ! ! ! ! CD7003!06!<@>3.D!E)'327! F,.-)/(.29!06!$3>)/2'! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! G!"',.)33)!+/.,!&'//9=!HIHI! !! ! ! ! ! ! !"#$%&'$( ! 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    Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 112 (2017) 244–257 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ympev Multi-locus phylogenetic analysis of the genus Limnodrilus (Annelida: Clitellata: Naididae) ⇑ Yingkui Liu a, Steven V. Fend b, Svante Martinsson a, Xu Luo a, Akifumi Ohtaka c, Christer Erséus a, a Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Box 463, SE-405 30 Göteborg, Sweden b 17650 Kilkenny Rd., Los Gatos, CA 95030, USA c Department of Natural Science, Faculty of Education, Hirosaki University, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8560, Japan article info abstract Article history: Limnodrilus species are annelid worms distributed worldwide in various freshwater sediments. The sys- Received 22 December 2016 tematics of Limnodrilus has chiefly been based on morphology, but the genus has not been subject to any Revised 24 March 2017 closer phylogenetic studies over the past two decades. To reconstruct the evolutionary history of Accepted 20 April 2017 Limnodrilus, and to assess the monophyly of this genus and its systematic position within the subfamily Available online 27 April 2017 Tubificinae (Annelida: Clitellata: Naididae), 45 Limnodrilus specimens, representing 19 species, and 35 other naidid species (representing 24 genera) were sampled. The data consisted of sequences of three Keywords: mitochondrial genes (COI, 12S and 16S rDNA) and four nuclear markers (18S and 28S rDNA, Histone 3, Oligochaetes and ITS). The phylogeny was estimated, using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analyses of concate- Clitellates Limnodrilus nated data of seven DNA loci, as well as a multi-locus coalescent-based approach. All analyses strongly Phylogeny suggest that Limnodrilus is monophyletic, but only if the morphospecies L.
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