Capital District Transportation Committee

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Capital District Transportation Committee SECTION IV - APPENDICIES 133 2016-21 TIP Appendix A - Transit Project Details APPENDIX A - TRANSIT PROJECT DETAILS Millions of Dollars (Values in Parentheses are Quantities) 2015-16 Project Description (Committed) 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 T6B STAR Buses: STAR Buses (#) .400(5) 0.400(5) 0.200(3) 0.400(5) 0.200(3) 0.400(5) T11 Passenger Facility Improvements: Bus Shelters .235 .114 .200 .190 .190 .200 Bus Signs .010 .010 Total .235 .114 .200 .200 .200 .200 T17 Transit Vehicles (Bus Replacement): Transit Buses (#) 3.390 (7) 5.290 (10) 5.488 (11) 5.438 (11) 5.787 (12) 5.732(11) T77 Capital Cost of Contracting for Commuter Service: Computer Service .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 Total .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 A-1 2016-21 TIP Appendix B - Glossary APPENDIX B - GLOSSARY Names and Titles ACAA Albany County Airport Authority ANCA Adirondack North Country Association ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ATMS Advanced Traffic Management System (a.k.a. ITS) BRT Bus Rapid Transit CDRPC Capital District Regional Planning Commission CDTA Capital District Transportation Authority CDTC Capital District Transportation Committee FAST Act Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act FHWA Federal Highway Administration FTA Federal Transit Administration HBRR Highway Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems IVHS Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (a.k.a. ITS) MAP-21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NHPP National Highway Performance Program NHS National Highway System NYSDOL New York State Department of Labor NYSDOT New York State Department of Transportation PMS Pavement Management System RABA Revenue Aligned Budget Authority SAFETEA-LU Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users SEQRA State Environmental Quality Review Act SIP State Implementation Plan Smart Bus Transit Bus Equipped with Transit ITS SPP Statewide Prioritization Program STBG Surface Transportation Block Grant STAR Special Transit Service Available by Request (Paratransit) STEP Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program TA Transportation Alternatives TEA-21 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century Thruway New York State Thruway Authority TIP Transportation Improvement Plan TMA Transportation Management Area TSM Transportation Systems Management B-1 Appendix B - Glossary 2016-21 TIP TIP Number Prefixes A Albany R Rensselaer RG Regional S Schenectady SA Saratoga T Transit Project Types Airport Airport Improvement Bike/Ped Bicycle or Pedestrian Project Br.Recon'n Bridge Reconstruction Br.Replace Bridge Replacement Bridg/TrOp Bridge Replacement and Capacity Improvement Bridge/Cap Bridge Replacement and Capacity Improvement (Subject to Federal Clean Air Act Analysis) BridgeDeck Bridge Deck Repair BridgeMisc Miscellaneous Bridge Work CapitalFac Capital Facilities Improvements (Transit) CapitalVeh Capital Vehicles Improvements (Transit) Landscape Landscaping Projects Miscellan Miscellaneous New Bridge New Bridge Construction (Subject to Federal Clean Air Act Analysis) New Cons'n New Construction Subject to Federal Clean Air Act Analysis) ProbAsses Problem Assessment R&P Rehabilitation & Preservation Recon/Cap Highway Reconstruction & Capacity Improvement (Subject to Federal Clean Air Act Analysis) Recon/TrOp Highway Reconstruction & Capacity Improvement Reconst'n Highway Reconstruction Resurface Highway Resurfacing Safety Safety Improvements Traff Op'n Traffic Operations Improvement Trans.Misc Miscellaneous Transit Project B-2 2016-21 TIP Appendix B - Glossary Phases C Construction, Inspection and Supervision of Construction and Contingencies D Detailed Design (Highway Projects) F Facility Construction, Repair or Purchase I Right-of-Way Incidentals P Preliminary Engineering (Highway Projects) S Professional Services (Transit Projects) R Right-of-Way Acquisition V Vehicles Purchase (Transit) Responsible Agencies Airport Airport Authority CDTA Capital District Transportation Authority CDTC Capital District Transportation Committee City City of Jurisdiction County County of Jurisdiction NYSDOT New York State Department of Transportation Port Albany Port District Commission Town Town of Jurisdiction Village Village of Jurisdiction Miscellaneous Abbreviations AVL Automatic Vehicle Location BRT Bus Rapid Transit EAP NYSDOT Environmental Action Plan EIS Environmental Impact Statement (NEPA) IS Intersection NA Not Applicable PIN Project Identification Number (used by NYSDOT) TMC Traffic Management Center Funding Sources 5307-ATI FTA Section 5307 Associated Transit Improvement 5307-Enh FTA Section 5307 Transit Enhancement 5307-OP FTA Section 5307 Operating Assistance B-3 Appendix B - Glossary 2016-21 TIP 5307-S FTA Section 5307 for Saratoga Springs 5316-Sar FTA Section 5316 for Saratoga Springs 5317-Sar FTA Section 5317 for Saratoga Springs AIP Airport Improvement Program Bond New York State 1988 Bond Issue Byways Scenic Byways Funds CHIPS Consolidated Highway Improvement Program CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program CMAQ-NY CMAQ funds from the NY allocation, rather than the Region Demo. Federal Demonstration (Discretionary or Earmarked) Demo.100 Demo. funds with no local or state match (100% federal) FA Miscellaneous Federal Aid GRT Gross Receipts Tax HBRR Highway Bridge Rehabilitation & Replacement HBRR-Dis Highway Bridge Rehabilitation & Replacement Discretionary HBRR-NY HBRR funds from the NY allocation, rather than the Region HBRR-100 HBRR funds with no local or state match (100% federal) HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Program IAP Industrial Access Program IM Interstate Maintenance IVHS Federal IVHS Discretionary Fund Source Local 100% Local (Above and beyond required match) NFA Miscellaneous Non-Federal Aid NHPP National Highway Performance Program NHS National Highway System OperAssis Operating Assistance PLH Public Lands & Highways Rail Rail crossing funds (a subset of HSIP) Safety HSIP at MPO discretion for highway use SALB State Aid for Local Bridges SDF State Dedicated Fund Sec 3037 FTA Section 3037 (Access to Jobs) Sec 5307 FTA Section 5307 Sec 5309 FTA Section 5309 Sec 5310 FTA Section 5310 Sec 5311 FTA Section 5311 Sec 5316 FTA Section 5316 Sec 5317 FTA Section 5317 SRTS Safe Routes to Schools State 100% State, including State Multimodal Program Stim Stimulus funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 StimNew Stimulus funds not replacing other funding StimRail Stimulus funds for rail StimT Stimulus funds for transit StimTNew Stimulus funds for transit not replacing other funding B-4 2016-21 TIP Appendix B - Glossary STP Surface Transportation Program STP-Enh. STP Enhancements STP-Flex STP Flexible STP-Rail STP Rail STP-Rur. STP Rural STP-Safe STP Safety STP-SMU STP Small Urban Area STP-Urb. STP Urban TCSP Transportation, Community & System Preservation Thruway New York State Thruway Authority TOA State Transit Operating Assistance Other Notes Func. Class. Functional Classification Ln-Mi Lane Miles Mi Mile(s) Plan Ref. Plan Reference Res. Agency Responsible Agency Soft Match In-Kind Services of Preliminary Engineering Provides Local Match Functional Classifications RI Rural Interstate RL Rural Local RmA Rural Minor Arterial RMC Rural Major Collector RmC Rural Minor Collector RPA Rural Principal Arterial UC Urban Collector UI Urban Interstate UL Urban Local UmA Urban Minor Arterial UPA Urban Principal Arterial (Other Street) UPE Urban Principal Arterial (Expressway) B-5 Appendix B - Glossary 2016-21 TIP Plan References 504 Section 504 Plan 9W Route 9W Corridor Study ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Alb CBD Albany Downtown Circulation Study Ball Balltown Road Study Beth Bethlehem Study Bike CDTC Regional Bicycle Transportation Plan Burdeck Burdeck Street Corridor Study (Rotterdam) CapAlb Capitalize Albany CMS Congestion Management System E&H Elderly and Handicapped Plan Recommendations Erie Erie Boulevard-Maxon Road Transportation Study Exit26 Thruway Exit 26 Study Exit3 Northway Exit 3 Study GEIS/Air Albany County Airport Generic Environmental Impact Study GEIS/Lisha Lisha Kill Generic Environmental Impact Study (Colonie) Goods Goods Movement Task Force Report GOP NYSDOT Goal Oriented Program HWCond Highway Condition Report Multim State Multimodal Program NV New Visions Regional Transportation Plan N'way Northway MIS Park&Ride CDTC's Park & Ride Recommendations Pine Pine Bush Study RASP Regional System Aviation Plan (CDRPC) RenAmtrak Rensselaer Amtrak Station Study Rt50 Route 50 Corridor Study Rt7 Route 7 Corridor Study RTP Regional Transportation Plan SarNeed Saratoga County Transit Needs Assessment Schen2000 Schenectady 2000 SCOTS Human Service Agency Transportation Coordination Study TSM2 Traffic Count/Transportation Systems Management UPWP Unified Planning Work Program B-6 2016-21 TIP Appendix C - Federal Funding Programs APPENDIX C - FEDERAL FUNDING PROGRAMS Title I (Federal-Aid Highways) National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) Surface Transportation Program (STP) Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP, shown as Safety in project listings) Railway-Highway Crossings (HSIP, shown as Rail in project listings) Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) Metropolitan Transportation Planning Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Program Tribal Transportation Program Federal Lands
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